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Effect of rare earth elements on the consolidation behavior and microstructure of tungsten alloysMingyue Zhao a ,Zhangjian Zhou a ,⁎,Qingming Ding a ,Ming Zhong a ,Kameel Arshad ba School of Materials Science and Engineering,University of Science and Technology Beijing,Beijing 100083,China bSchool of Physics and Nuclear Energy Engineering,Beihang University,Beijing 100191,Chinaa b s t r a c ta r t i c l e i n f o Article history:Received 11February 2014Available online 23July 2014Keywords:Rare earth element Tungsten alloyConsolidation behavior MicrostructureThe effects of rare earth elements (Y 2O 3,Y and La)on the consolidation behavior,microstructure and mechanical properties of tungsten alloys were investigated in this work.The starting powders were mechanical alloyed (MA)and then consolidated by spark plasma sintering (SPS).It was found that Y doping was bene ficial to obtain fully dense tungsten alloys with more re fined grains as compared to any other rare earth elements.The maximum values of Vickers microhardness and bending strength obtained from W –0.5wt.%Y alloy reached up to 614.4HV 0.2and 701.0MPa,respectively.©2014Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.IntroductionTungsten is a promising candidate material for high temperature applications due to its attractive properties,such as high melting point,high conductivity,low thermal expansion coef ficients and low sputtering yield [1].However,a major limitation of its use is the inherently high ductile –brittle transition temperature (DBTT)and low recrystallization temperature.Fine grained tungsten materials have shown improved properties in terms of reduced brittleness and improved toughness and strength [1,2].However,the improved mechanical properties will be deteriorated when exposed to high temperatures for long time and when the service temperature is higher than the recrystallization temperature of pure tungsten.Recent studies suggested that the dispersion of high temperature oxide nanoparticles,such as La 2O 3and Y 2O 3,will not only inhibit the grain growth of W during the consolidation but also stabilize the microstructure when exposed to higher temperature [3,4].It is well known that,the impurities,especially for oxygen,have det-rimental in fluence on the sinterability of tungsten powders and make tungsten materials embrittlement.Thus adding rare earth elements in the metallic state instead of the oxidic state should be better for fabrica-tion of high performance tungsten alloys,due to the high af finity of rare earth elements with oxygen.A recent research conducted by L.Veleva et al.[5]found that the relative density of W –(0.3–2)wt.%Y appeared higher than that of W –(0.3–2)wt.%Y 2O 3,however,the microhardnessappeared always lower than that of W –(0.3–2)wt.%Y 2O 3.From the viewpoint of oxygen absorption,it is suggested that La will be better than Y when used as alloying element for fabrication of W [6].However there are almost no reports on W –La alloy and their comparison with W –Y alloy.It will be interesting and important to investigate the effects of different rare earth elements on the densi fication of W and their mechanical properties.This is the motivation of this work.In this study the effect of rare earth elements,including Y 2O 3,Y and La on the consolidation behavior of W under the same sintering condi-tion was investigated.The microstructural evolution and mechanical properties of different rare earth tungsten materials were examined and compared.Experimental proceduresPowders of commercial pure W (with an average particle size of 2.0μm and a purity of 99.9%),rare earth element of Y or La (with an av-erage particle size of 48μm and a purity of 99.9%),and rare earth oxide of Y 2O 3(with an average particle size of 30nm and a purity of 99.9%)were used as starting materials.The mixture powders of W –0.5wt.%Y 2O 3(named as WYO),W –0.5wt.%Y (named as WY)or W –0.5wt.%La (named as WL)were mechanical alloyed (MA)in a planetary ball mill,respectively.The MA parameters can be found in our previous work [7,8].Then,the MA treated powders were placed into graphite tool in glove box and sintered by spark plasma sintering (SPS)in vacuum.Fig.1shows the temperature and pressure pro file of SPS as a function of time.In order to get fully dense bulk materials by suppress-ing the pore-boundary separation,the samples were first sintered at 1373K for 2min and then sintered at 1873K according to [9].Int.Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials 48(2015)19–23⁎Corresponding author at:Laboratory of Special Ceramics and Powder Metallurgy,School of Materials Science and Engineering,University of Science &Technology Beijing,Beijing 100083,PR China.Tel./fax:+861062334951.E-mail address:zhouzhj@ (Z.Zhou)./10.1016/j.ijrmhm.2014.07.0140263-4368/©2014Elsevier Ltd.All rightsreserved.Contents lists available at ScienceDirectInt.Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materialsj o u r n a l h o m e p a g e :w w w.e l s e v i e r.c o m/l o c a t e /I J R M H MThe shrinkage of the specimens was continuously monitored by the displacement of the punch rod.The density of the compacts was measured by Archimedes method.A field emission scanning electron microscope (FE-SEM)equipped with Energy-dispersive X-ray Spectros-copy (EDS)and Scanning electron microscope (SEM)were employed to investigate the microstructural features,i.e.,the element distribution,and the size and morphology of the grains and the pores of the samples.Moreover,XRD was used to determine the phase and X-ray diffraction analysis was made by the Rietveld method using the Full prof program [10].The average crystallite size as well as the internal stress of the MA treated powders were determined from the diffraction peak widths taking into account the diffractometer resolution function.Vickers mi-crohardness was measured at room temperature by applying a load of 1.96N for 15s.Three point bending tests were conducted on specimens with dimensions of 2mm ×3mm ×18mm with a span of 13.1mm and a crosshead speed of 0.5mm/min.The thermal behavior of the MA treated powders in the range 373–1723K was investigated by differen-tial scanning calorimetry (DSC)at a heating rate of 10K/min in flowing pure Ar.Results and discussion Consolidation behaviorFig.2compares the consolidation behavior of all tungsten alloys as a function of temperature.It can be clearly seen that the displacement of WY alloy is similar with that of WL alloy,and shows quite different ten-dency from that of WYO alloy,especially at the sintering temperature of 1373K.For WY and WL alloys,the displacement decreased by 0.6mm between 993K and 1373K due to the thermal expansion of graphite punch rods and the matrix overweighing the contribution of pre-compaction,and continued to decrease at the sintering temperature of 1373K.For WYO alloy,the displacement experiences a slower down-ward trend between 993K and 1373K and a weak upward trend at 1373K.After that,the displacement of WY sees a similar trend with that of WYO.It was found that the WY alloy experienced a substantial decrease in the displacement while the WYO alloy experienced a slight increase at the temperature of 1373K.This result is likely to arise from the formation of a higher volume of Y 2O 3due to the oxidation of Y ele-ment in the WY system.Chemical analysis of the consolidated compacts was performed by the HORIBA EMIA-820V and LECO TCH600devices to measure the C and O contents,respectively.It shows that the C contents were about 240ppm for various tungsten materials fabricated under the same conditions.The amount of oxygen content which existed in MA treated WY powders was 0.4808wt.%,which is enough for the reactionwith added Y particles to form Y 2O 3.Fig.3shows the DSC curve of the MA treated WY powders in the range 373–1723K.A weak exothermic peak at 1500K with an onset temperature of 1400K is found.It probably corresponds to the oxidation of the metallic Y with the residual oxygen in a hermetically sealed pan,which also illustrates that the remaining Y particles are likely to start to react with oxygen around 1373K during SPS.Moreover,a sharp strong and a small exothermic peak can be clear-ly seen at 1003K and 1173K,respectively.According to [11,12],these peaks indicate that the strain relief took place during the heating of MA treated powders.Similar results on the oxygen analysis and the thermal behavior are also found for MA treated WL powders.Fig.4shows the milling and sintering effect on the XRD patterns of the investigated samples.It is obvious that the diffraction peaks are broadened after milling,which was caused by the re finement of powder particles and a high level of internal strain in the W grains fabricated by the MA process.After sintering,the diffraction peaks become narrow again due to the grain growth and strain relief.The quantitative data on such grain growth and strain relief can be obtained by the compari-son of lattice parameters after each stage of the powder processing (Table 1).It should be noted that the XRD patterns for all samples after milling exhibit a single BCC phase,suggesting that the rare earth elements were dissolved into the W lattice.This solid solutionduringFig.1.The temperature and pressure pro file as a function of time for the sintering experiments of rare earth tungstenalloys.Fig.2.The real time sintering curves of all samples without removing the contribution of the thermal expansion of the graphite tool andmatrix.Fig.3.DSC curve of the MA treated WY powder.The peak temperatures of thermally induced transformation of the powders are indicated by arrows.20M.Zhao et al./Int.Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials 48(2015)19–23the MA process can be further demonstrated by the lattice parameter increase of the MA treated powders compared with that of the starting pure tungsten powder (Table 1).Microstructure observationMicrostructure of the fracture surfacesThe fracture surfaces of WY,WYO and WL samples are presented in Fig.5.It can be clearly seen that the rare earth elements in fluence the grain re finement signi ficantly.Fig.6shows the grain size distribution which was determined from the SEM micrographs of fracture surfaces.For each image,about 130grains were chosen randomly to eliminate the bias of grain counting.The grain size distributions of WL and WYO alloys are in the range from 1.6to 8.0μm and from 0.8to 4.4μm,respec-tively,and their average grain sizes are 2.46μm and 4.62μm,respective-ly;while,the average grain size of WY alloy is only 1.10μm,which is much smaller than that of WL and WYO alloys.The grain size distribu-tion of WY alloy is in the range from 0.3to 2.0μm,which is much nar-row as compared with that of WL and WYO alloys.Moreover,it is worth noting that the average grain size acquired from the SEM images of fracture surfaces has a remarkable consistency with those calculated by the Rietveld method using the Full prof program,as shown in Table 1.More careful analysis of Fig.6reveals that the WY alloy is denser than WYO and WL alloys.Many big worm-like pores (indicated by yel-low arrows)and small pores (indicated by white dot circles)can be found for WYO and WL alloys on the surface of individual tungstengrains and in the triple junctions.It is easy to learn that the tungsten grains with different additions grew up in a different speed (WL N WYO N WY)according to the average grain size of each stage of powder processing.Besides,the grain growth of pure tungsten or ODS W-based materials sintered by SPS starts between 1373K and 1773K according to literature [9,13].Under a certain pressure between 1773K and 1873K in our present work,the smaller the grain size,the easier the re-arrangement and plastic deformation,and thus higher shrinkage can be achieved.During the holding time at sintering temperature (1873K),grain growth took place simultaneously with further densi fication,which was achieved dominantly by more homogeneous interfacial atomic diffusion but with minimized involvement of surface diffusion according to [9].Meanwhile,the worm-like pores could be formed if the holding time at sintering temperature of 1873K was not enough for W –0.5La alloy having a large grain size.The microstructure of chemically etched surfacesThe microstructures of chemically etched surface are illustrated in Fig.7.EDS analysis indicated that the black phases which existed in WYO,WY and WL alloys are rare earth oxides (indicated by blue ar-rows)and the dark gray phases are pores (indicated by red arrows).For WY alloy (Fig.7b),pores can hardly be found,which is consistent with the microstructure observation of the fracture surface.Besides,fine Y 2O 3particles are distributed uniformly along grain boundaries of WY alloy;while for WYO and WL alloys (Fig.7a and c),many micro-scale pores are found in triple junctions and tungsten grain boundaries,especially for WL alloy.Moreover,the FESEM images shown in Fig.7a and c reveal that the oxide particles are irregular and not distributed uniformly.In the XRD measurements performed on the WL alloy (Fig.4and Table 1),a weak diffraction peak of La 2O 3phase and lattice parameter decrease of sintered WL alloy are observed,which also suggest that the La particles separate from tungsten grains and become micro-scale La 2O 3during sintering.The densi fication analysisTable 2shows the relative density of the rare earth tungsten alloys.The relative density of WY reaches 99.4%,which is much higherthanFig.4.Effect of milling and SPS sintering on the XRD patterns of rare earth tungsten alloys.(a)MA treated powders,and (b)sintered compacts.Table 1Lattice parameters after each stage of the powder processing and the average grain size ac-quired from the SEM images of fracture surfaces.SamplePowder Sintered compact Crystallite size (nm)lattice strain (%)a (W:nm)Grain size (nm)Lattice strain (%)Grain size (nm)—SEM WY 8050.3510.31646215220.0701100WL 4100.3010.31659956650.0414620WYO 6200.3860.31653424820.0342460W11740.0450.31604021M.Zhao et al./Int.Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials 48(2015)19–23the WYO (92.1%)and WL (88.3%).This result is agreeable with the mi-crostructure observation.Owing to the grain boundary cleaning effect and sintering enhancing effect of Y particles during SPS,Y doping is ben-e ficial to achieve fully dense tungsten alloys than Y 2O 3doping.On the other hand,the well-distributed fine Y 2O 3dispersions which existed in WY alloy play a prominent role in the re finement of tungsten grains,thus dense fine grained sample can be obtained under the present sintering process.Kim et al.[14]reported that the second phases can act as obstacles in inhibiting the grain growth only in solid phase sintering.Owing to the formation of metallic La liquid phase at 1193Kaccording to the phase diagram Mo –La and then the formation of micro-scale and non-uniformly distributed La 2O 3dispersions as a result of oxidation,the grain growth speed of WL alloy is much higher than that of WYO and WY alloys.Thereby,the relative density of WL alloy is lower than that of WYO alloy and WY alloy even though La particles can exert cleaning effect on the tungsten grain boundaries.Besides,in accordance with literatures [4,15,16],the internal energy originating from the signi ficant strain of the particles could serve as a part of sintering driving force.As shown in Table 1,the lattice strain of WL alloy is 0.301%,lower than that of WYO (0.386%)and WY (0.351%),which is another reason for the lower relative density of WL alloy.The basic mechanical propertiesVickers microhardness and bending strength of the rare earth tung-sten alloys were also listed in Table 2.Of all the three kinds of tungsten materials,the hardness of WY sample is 614.4HV 0.2,much higher than that of WYO (445.2HV 0.2)and WL (303HV 0.2).The lower hardness of WYO and WL alloys originates from the lower relative density and coarse grain size,as shown in Figs.5and 6.Moreover,WY exhibits the highest bending strength (701MPa)among these tungsten alloys,which is 11%and 88%higher than that of WYO and WL alloys.As shown in Fig.5,the remaining pores,including worm-like pores and small pores,reduce the contact area of tungsten grains,thus the bending strength of WYO and WL to some extent decreases.Besides,the coarse grain size (Fig.6)and inhomogeneous dispersions of oxide particles (Fig.7)of WYO and WL alloys are also the reason for their low bending strength.ConclusionsTungsten alloys were successfully fabricated by adding different rare earth elements to W matrix.The effect of dispersing rare earthelementsFig.5.SEM micrographs of fracture surfaces for:(a)WYO,(b)WY,and (c)WL;the yellow arrows denote worm-like pores existed on the surface of individual grains,and the white dot circles denote pores located in the triplejunctions.Fig.6.Histograms of the grain size distributions for WYO,WY and WL alloys.22M.Zhao et al./Int.Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials 48(2015)19–23on the microstructure evolution and mechanical properties of the tung-sten alloys can be concluded as follows:(1).The relative density of WY,WYO and WL alloy reached 99.4%,92.1%and 88.3%,respectively.The Y doping was bene ficial toobtain fully dense tungsten alloys as compared with Y 2O 3doping and La doping because the finely distributed second phase parti-cles suppressed the tungsten grain growth and thus ensured the suf ficient grain boundary volume available for densi fication by grain boundary diffusion.The analysis of consolidation behavior and thermal behavior of MA treated WY or WL powders revealed that the added Y or La particles were likely to start to react with oxygen around 1373K during SPS.(2).The average grain sizes of WY,WYO and WL alloys were 1.10μm,2.46μm and 4.62μm,respectively.The Y doping was bene ficial to obtain tungsten alloys with more re fined tungsten grains as com-pared with Y 2O 3doping and La doping.(3).Of all the three kinds of rare earth tungsten alloys,WY alloy ex-hibited the highest mechanical properties at room temperature.The maximum values of Vickers microhardness and bending strength reached up to 614.4HV 0.2and 701.0MPa,respectively.AcknowledgmentsThe authors would like to express their thanks for the financial support of the National Natural Science Foundation of China under grant No.50634060.References[1]Zhang Y,Ganeev AV,Wang JT,Liu JQ,Alexandrov IV.Observations on the ductile-to-brittle transition in ultra fine-grained tungsten of commercial purity.Mater Sci Eng A 2009;503:37–40.[2]Kitsunai Y,Kurishita H,Kayano H,Hiraoka Y,Igarashi T,Takida T.Microstructure andimpact properties of ultra-fine grained tungsten alloys dispersed with TiC.J Nucl Mater 1999;271–272:423–8.[3]Kim Y,Lee KH,Kim E,Cheong D,Hong SH.Fabrication of high temperature oxidesdispersion strengthened tungsten composites by spark plasma sintering process.J Refract Met Hard Mater 2009;5:842–6.[4]Wang HT,Fang ZZ,Hwang KS,Zhang HB,Siddle 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Analysis of cleaner technologies based on waxes and surfactant additives in road constructionMiguel Pérez-Martínez a,Fernando Moreno-Navarro a,Jesús Martín-Marín a,Carolina Ríos-Losada b,M a Carmen Rubio-Gámez a,*a Laboratorio de Ingeniería de la Construcción,University of Granada(LabIC.UGR),E.T.S.Ingenieros de Caminos,Canales y Puertos,Ed.Politécnico,Avda. Severo Ochoa,s/n,C.P.18071Granada,Spainb ServiàCantó,Spaina r t i c l e i n f oArticle history:Received11April2013 Received in revised form4September2013Accepted10September2013 Available online7October2013Keywords:Warm mix asphaltCleaner productionTriaxial testFour point bending testControl emissionsFuel consumption a b s t r a c tThe manufacture of hot mix asphalt for road construction is associated with a high consumption of fossil fuels and a high level of emissions.The use of temperature reduction technologies in the manufacture of warm mix asphalts favors a cleaner production of such materials,and therefore its use has become a major objective in thefield of road engineering.Thus,during the last few years different types of techniques are appearing in order to achieve this objective.This article presents the comparison established in terms of mechanical performance of three processes of temperature reduction technol-ogies in order to select one of them for its manufacture in plant,where control of emissions and fuel consumption have been collected.The results showed that the use of warm mix asphalt technologies with waxes or surfactant additives may not incur in a detrimental effect on the mechanical properties of the pavement.The use of surfactant bitumen in plant is possible to produce warm mix asphalts,reducing the consumption of fuel in the process.Ó2013Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionRoad construction is one of the principal works in thefield of civil engineering,and in turn is a major consumer of fossil fuels for the production of asphalt mixtures.The need to adapt this type of production to cleaner processes leads to a search for reducing manufacturing temperature,trying to make it more sustainable and healthy,reducing at the same time the greenhouse gases emissions rates(Rubio et al.,2012)that are so harmful to the environment.Traditionally the asphalt mixtures used in road construction are manufactured at170 C(HMA)(D’Angelo et al.,2008),and are characterized by developing the mechanical properties that guar-antee an appropriate behavior during its life of service(General Management of Roads,2008).On the contrary,during its produc-tion process,the emissions of gases generated,and the fuel con-sumption required are important(Kristjansdottir,2006).As an alternative to HMA’s,during the last few years new processes have been appearing in order to reduce the manufacture temperature.Within these temperature reduction technologies,three types of mixtures can be distinguished by the temperature range of manufacture,warm mix asphalt WMA(100 C e140 C),half warm mix asphalt HWMA(60 C e100 C)and cold mixtures(0 C e40 C) (EAPA,2010).Discarding cold mixtures due to their lack of use out of surface patches rehabilitation,the reduction is achieved by the application of different processes and technologies,mainly dis-tinguishing between three for the WMA,the foaming process and the use of organic or chemical additives(Zaumanis,2010),and two for the production of HWMA,the use of emulsions and eventually foamed bitumens(Rubio et al.,2013).In the case of HWMA’s,not only has been proved that the reduction of emissions and fuel consumption is a fact(Rubio et al., 2013),but also that the mechanical performance achieved by this type of mixtures is not as satisfactory as it was desired(Punith et al., 2013).On the other hand,WMA’s have shown a better mechanical performance than HWMA and comparable to HMA(Reyes-Ortiz et al.,2009),reducing at the same time the consumption of fuel and greenhouse emissions in the manufacturing process(Hamzah et al.,2010).*Corresponding author.E-mail addresses:fmoreno@ugr.es(F.Moreno-Navarro),crioslo@fcc.es(C.Ríos-Losada),mcrubio@ugr.es(M a C.Rubio-Gámez).Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Journal of Cleaner Productionjournal homep age:www.elsevi/locate/jclepro0959-6526/$e see front matterÓ2013Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved./10.1016/j.jclepro.2013.09.012Journal of Cleaner Production65(2014)374e379Based on the number of advantages associated to WMA mix-tures(D’Angelo et al.,2008),which result in environmental(lower emissions),economical(cost savings and lower energy consump-tion)and constructional benefits(better workability and larger compaction window,greater hauling distances and less opening time to traffic)this research compare three WMA technologies for reducing the manufacture temperature of conventional hot mix asphalts.Thefirst is one of the most common additives used for this purpose,the organic waxes,which are aliphatic hydrocarbons of long-chain produced by the Fischer e Tropsch process(Wax,2005). Meanwhile as growing alternative,surfactant additives are an en-ergetic reducing agent allowing the manufacture of WMA to a reduced temperature while maintaining their mechanical proper-ties,the addition was considered in two different ways,mixing the bitumen and the surfactant in plant before adding to the mixture (dry process),and a surfactant modified bitumen(wet process) blended in refinery to compare their influence.This paper shows a laboratory level characterization of an asphalt concrete AC16S mixture for the surface course(EN13108-1,2008)under three temperature reduction technologies.Based on the results obtained,one of the mixtures was chosen to adapt a HMA plant for the production of WMA mixtures and measure the emissions and fuel consumption during the manufacturing boratory works on the mixtures was based on Marshall test,water sensitivity test,triaxial test and four point bending test established the parameters to select the most appropriate mixture for being produced at bigger scale.During the manufacturing process in plant measurement of the emis-sions and fuel consumption of a HMA and the WMA were taken. Finally,the main the conclusions obtained from the analysis of results are exposed.2.Materials and methods2.1.Materials2.1.1.AggregatesAn AC16S(EN13108-1)mixture,which is found in roads and highways all over the world,was used to carry out the study.The aggregates were porphyry for the coarse fraction(12/18and6/12),and a combination of porphyry(0/6)and limestone(0/4)for the fine fraction.Moreover,thefiller employed was calcium carbonate. Table1lists the aggregate properties.The aggregates combination by percentage is shown in Table2, where the gradation of the mixture(Fig.1)was kept constant for all the mixtures developed at lower temperature and with different additives.2.1.2.BitumensFour different binders have been used for the attainment of the objectives of the investigation.Thefirst binder used was conven-tional50/70,and besides being used alone,it was the base for the other three bitumens.50/70bitumen,modified with an organic surfactant additive was used as second binder in order to improve its workability at lower temperatures.The bitumen modification was made in labo-ratory and the percentage of additive used was chosen following the manufacturer recommendations(1%over bitumen weight).The third one was modified50/70bitumen with surfactant products to improve the wettability of the binder as an alterna-tive to the conventional for the reduction of temperature.The last binder used was50/70bitumen modified with microcrys-talline waxes produced by the Fischer e Tropsch process as addi-tive.In both cases,the bitumen was modified in refinery.Table3 describes all the mixtures designed and the additives used,as well as the temperature reduction applied on their manufacture process.2.2.MethodologyThe methodology followed is composed of two phases,labora-tory works and the manufacturing industrial process in plant,being thefirst one divided in three steps and focused on the analysis of the working formula for its adaptation to the manufacture process under different temperature reduction technologies.And the sec-ond one based on the adaptation of a hot mix asphalt plant for the production of a warm asphalt mixture.In laboratory,firstly the optimum bitumen content needs to be determined for the conventional mixture of reference without additives.Based on the values of air voids(%),deformation(mm) and stability(kN)of the Marshall test(NLT-159,2000)the optimumTable1Reference values of the aggregates and mineral dust.Test/aggregate type Coarse aggregate Fine aggregate FillerGrain size(EN933-1)/(EN933-10)Sieves(mm)12/18Porphyry6/12Porphyry0/6Porphyry0/4Limestone Carbonate(CaCO3)24.4100100100100e1684100100100e8162100100e4158792e21160681000.51129301000.251121201000.125e e e e970.0630.50.911.81187Sand equivalent(EN933-8)(>50)4554Bulk density(EN-1097-3)(0.5e0.8Mg/m3)0.7Percentage of fractured face(EN933-5)(100%)100100Flakiness index(EN933-3)(25)1625Resistance to fragmentation(EN1097-2)(20)1515Cleaning(organic impurity content)(UNE146130,Annex C)(0.5%)0.50.5Particle density andabsorption(EN1097-6)r a(Mg/m3) 2.73 2.73 2.77 2.71r SSD*(Mg/m3) 2.70 2.71 2.72 2.67r RD(Mg/m3)2.69 2.70 2.70 2.65Water absorption after immersion(%)0.600.400.910.77M.Pérez-Martínez et al./Journal of Cleaner Production65(2014)374e379375content of binder was set,using the same in all the WMA ’s mix-tures.Furthermore,several test were carried out to assess the mechanical behavior of the conventional mix:water sensitivity test (EN 12697-12,2009),cyclic triaxial compression test (EN 12697-25,2006,method B)in order to study the plastic deformations,and the four point bending fatigue cracking test (EN 12697-24,2013,annex D)to assess the long term response of the mixture.In the second stage the Marshall test,with the optimum bitumen content determined,is undertaken for the three mixtures with temperature reduction technology at 140 C to study their Marshall stability (kN),voids content (%)and deformation (mm).The mechanical performance was also evaluated in the WMA mixtures applying the same test procedures and conditions as in the first stage for the Reference Mix.Finally,a comparative analysis of the four mixtures is developed.With this purpose their stability (kN),retained strength against water (%),creep modulus (MPa)and fatigue life parameters are compared.Based on this analysis,the warm mix asphalt technology with the best overall performance will be selected for its adaptation to the plant production and to construct a road section test.In plant works are centered on the adaptation of a HMA plant for the manufacture of a WMA mixture.For this purpose a HMA and WMA mixtures are produced,measuring during the process the emission of pollutants,as well as the consumption of fuel required.In the case of the control of emissions,the methodology was similar to the one followed by Rubio et al.in (2013).In-point source emissions were measured (Fig.2);humidity,wind,and temperature data were also collected to assure the spreading in similar atmospheric conditions for HMA and WMA gases to compare the results.The parameters evaluated were the Combustion Gases (CO,NO x ,O 2,CO 2)measured by a multi-parameter analyzer (TESTO MXL),the Total Organic Carbon (TOC)through a flame ionization detector (FID,M&A PT)and the emission of Particles (collected in a 47mm filter and subsequently calculated in the laboratory by gravimetry).To complete the investigation,the consumption of fuel used is also measured.3.Analysis of results 3.1.Marshall testThe Marshall test results in regards to the optimum bitumen content is shown in Table 4.As can be seen,the values of me-chanical resistance developed by the mixtures in terms of stability and deformation are slightly lower in the case of warm mix as-phalts produced at lower temperature.Furthermore,in the case of surfactants additives (both dry and wet process)a decrease in terms of density is attained by the mixtures as well as an increased in the air voids content.This is due to this type of additives,which produce an improvement in the adhesiveness aggregate/binder and a better wetting of the aggregate,but no change in the viscosity of the bitumen,and therefore it may have certain dif ficulties associ-ated to perform the compaction of the mixture at lower tempera-ture.In the case of wax bitumen,this fact does not occur as waxes modi fied binder viscosity and consequently the values of density and air voids are not affected by reducing the temperature of manufacture and compaction.3.2.Water sensitivity testA new set of 6specimens per mixture using the optimum bitumen content were produced to perform the water sensitivityTable 3Studied mixtures and bitumens used.DenominationBitumenAdditive natureAddition processMixturemanufacture temperature ( C)Reference Mix 50/70Nonee 160Dry Surfactant Mix50/70þ1%additive Surfactant Dry 140Wet Surfactant MixSurfactantmodi fied 50/70Surfactant Wet 140Wet Wax MixWax modi fied 50/70Microcrystalline waxesWet140Fig.1.Aggregate gradation for asphalt mix type AC-16S.Table 2Aggregates combination by percentage.Aggregate fraction PercentagePorphyry 12/1815Porphyry 6/1244Porphyry 0/620Limestone 0/415Calcium carbonate filler6Fig.2.Simpli fied HMA plant distribution and in-point source.Table 4Marshall results and optimum bitumen content.ParameterReference Mix Drysurfactant Mix WetSurfactant Mix Wet Wax Mix Optimum bitumen content (%) 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8Bulk density (kg/m 3)2423236423772437Marshall stability (kN)10.7079.4788.2049.053Marshall def.(mm) 2.3 2.9 3.5 3.7Vm (%) 4.0 5.1 4.6 3.1VMA (%)15.316.115.614.5M.Pérez-Martínez et al./Journal of Cleaner Production 65(2014)374e 379376test(EN12697-12,2009).Table5resumes the values of strength obtained in the test.Once again the resistance values,in this case indirect tensile strength,shown by warm mix asphalts are slightly lower than those of the Reference Mix,perhaps indicating that may be inter-esting to increase the energy of compaction when using this type of mixtures,but higher than the ones obtained by Oliveira et al.(2013) with and without rubber.However,the retained strength(ITSR) shown by warm mix asphalts is higher,and therefore can be considered that such materials will be less affected by the action of water.This is because,in the case of surfactant additived mixtures to the improvement of adhesiveness that they generate(not only improving the coating of the aggregate,but also acting as its stimulator).Meanwhile,in the Wet Wax Mix may be related to its compaction improvement and its lower void content.3.3.Cyclic triaxial compression testPlastic deformations were evaluated by the cyclic triaxial compression test(EN12697-25,2006,method B),taking at the same time the service stresses and strains into account by means of a confining load.The conditions selected involved the com-bined application at a constant temperature of40 C of a confining load of120kPa and another cyclic sinusoidal out-of-phase axial loading of300kPa at a frequency of3Hz during12,000load cycles.The creep modulus and permanent deformation parame-ters for each mix were calculated.Table6shows the triaxial test results.The values obtained for the creep modulus indicate that the most resistant mix against plastic deformations is the Wet Wax Mix.The Wet Surfactant Mix behaves similar to the Reference Mix, even manufactured at lower temperature and the permanent deformation experienced only varies in0.03%.In the case of the Dry Surfactant Mix,results showed an increase in plastic deformation, probably due to a lack of mix compaction(as it is showed in its void content).3.4.Four point bending testTo perform the test,specimens of408Â50Â50mm with sawn faces were manufactured,and a sinusoidal waveform load was applied.The tests were carried out at20 C,in strain control mode and at a frequency of10Hz.The mixtures were tested in six different strain amplitude levels,250m m/m;200m m/m;175m m/m; 150m m/m;125m m/m and100m m/m Fig.3shows the potential fatigue laws derived from the four-point bending test performed in the4types of mixtures tested.As can be observed,independently of the warm mix technology used,the fatigue behavior of the mixtures evaluated is very similar, which coincides with thefindings of other researchers(Jones et al., 2010).On the other hand,the correlation coefficients of the fatigue laws obtained are high,indicating a uniform mechanical behavior of the warm mix asphalts.This aspect agrees with the results ob-tained by Johnston et al.(2006),which showed that additive did not affect the homogeneity of its long-term mechanical behavior.Moreover,the fatigue behavior of the Dry and Wet Surfactant Mixes is very similar,regardless of the method used to add the additive.Meanwhile,it should be noted that the fatigue behavior of the Wet Wax Mix is slightly different.At higher strain amplitudes fatigue life is smaller,while for lower strain amplitudes it increases in relation to the other mixtures evaluated.This behavior is typical of more rigid materials,aspect which is supported by the results obtained in the triaxial test,where the Wet Wax Mix showed a low rate of permanent deformation(which means that is a more rigid material).Table6Triaxial test results.Parameter ReferenceMix DrySurfactantMixWetSurfactantMixWet WaxMixCreep modulus(MPa)178.57153.45175.95202.70Permanentdeformation(%)1.68 1.96 1.71 1.48Table5Water sensitivity test results.Parameter ReferenceMix Dry SurfactantMixWet SurfactantMixWet Wax MixITSR(kPa)dry group2030.01469.01749.71464.3ITSR(kPa)wet group1741.71281.01575.71357.3ITSR(%)85.587.290.192.7Fig.3.Fatigue behavior of the studied mixtures at strain controlled test(T¼20 C,f¼10Hz).M.Pérez-Martínez et al./Journal of Cleaner Production65(2014)374e3793773.5.Control of emissionsData collection for controlling emissions took place during the process of manufacturing the conventional HMA at 176 C and the mixture Wet Surfactant Mix selected as WMA at 140 C.Table 7resumes the results obtained.Fig.4shows the emissions results obtained from the manufacturing of WMA and HMA mixtures.They have been compared with the HMA and HWMA results from Rubio et al.(2013).In terms of CO 2and NO x WMA slightly reduces the emis-sions,while in TOC and CO the values obtained have been increased,which was not expected.It can be appreciated how HMWA reduce the emissions in comparison with the hot asphalt mix while no reduction is appreciated between the WMA and the hot asphalt mix.3.6.Fuel consumptionTable 8indicates the results from the measure of the fuel needed for the manufacture of HMA and WMA mixtures.According to the values obtained in plant,the consumption of fuel for the manufacture of WMA is 35%lower.Decreasing the flame modulator by 60%would save fuel.The increase of the time of mixing by 5s is to guarantee the good cover of the aggregates;it induces to a decrease in production but the savings on fuel consumption balances it.4.ConclusionsIn this paper,mechanical performance testing on three asphalts mixtures modi fied under different temperature reduction tech-nologies was conducted.The aim of the research was to select one of the processes to adapt a HMA plant into the manufacture of WMA mixes,and measure the emissions and consumption of fuel during the process.The results obtained during the investigation led to the following conclusions:e The use of both,surfactants and waxes,as additives can reduce the manufacture temperature of asphalt mixtures to 140 C,providing materials with similar mechanical behavior than the hot mix asphalt.e In the case of surfactant additived mixtures,its incorporation into the mixture directly through the bitumen modi fied intheFig.4.Gases emissions of HMA,WMA and HWMA (Rubio et al.,2013).Table 7Emissions data collected.ParameterHMA WMA Manufacture temperature 176 C 140 C CO (ppm)616.8635.5NO x (NO 2)(ppm)55.653.2TOC (mgC/Nm 3)33.553.2Oxygen (%)16.516.5CO 2(%)2.5 2.6Speed (m/s)15.414.6Humidity (%)5.85.7Table 8Fuel consumption.ParameterHMA WMA Manufacture temperature 176 C 140 C Flame modulator 95%33%Time of mixing (s)3540Production (tn/h)200180Fuel consume (l/tn)5.83.8M.Pérez-Martínez et al./Journal of Cleaner Production 65(2014)374e 379378refinery plant(wet process),seems to offer further guarantee of success than incorporating it directly on the mixture(dry pro-cess).Although not offering an improvement in the compaction process of the mixture,the improvement of adhesiveness in the mixing offered by this additive allows manufacturing such materials at lower temperatures while maintaining their me-chanical properties.Thus,retained resistance values are pre-served against the action of water,plastic deformation,and fatigue behavior,showing how the use of this type of additived bitumens may offer bituminous mixtures with similar charac-teristics to HMA,assuming an environmentally cleaner alter-native to road construction.e In turn,wax modified bitumens let ensure acceptable compac-tion of the mixes at lower temperatures,offering a good response to the action of water and plastic deformation,as well as good fatigue life.Based on the results obtained in this research,this technology presents itself as an interesting alter-native for the environmental improvement in the production of asphalt mixtures.e Among the temperature reduction technologies studied,thebest results provided,in terms of mechanical performance is the Wet Wax Mix.Nevertheless,the Wet Surfactant Mix has also shown good overall mechanical response.So,when deciding which technology could be used for the next phase of the investigation,surfactant modified bitumen in refinery could be considered if it results economically and more competitive than using waxes.e In relation to the pollutant emissions,data collected do notshow a decrease as expected.On the other hand,other studies where a higher decrease of temperature takes places(as HWMA manufacturing process)provide a more significant reduction of emissions.In this sense,to achieve a better knowledge and significant conclusion more research needs to be develop about emissions during the manufacturing process of asphalt mixes with reduction of temperature(evaluating other asphalt plants and WMA technologies).e Fuel consumption can be decreased by35%respect to the pro-duction of HMA due to the reduction of theflame to dry the aggregates.When reducing this temperature of drying the time of mixing may be increased,but the savings in fuel can be considerable.AcknowledgmentsAuthors would like to acknowledge the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad for its assistance in the project:INMBERS:Investigación de nuevas mezclas de baja energía para rehabilitación superficial.IPT-420000-2010-12.ReferencesD’Angelo,J.,Harm, E.,Bartoszek,J.,Baumgardner,G.,Corrigan,M.,Cowsert,J., Harman,T.,Jamshidi,M.,Jones,W.,Newcomb, D.,Prowell, B.,Sines,R., Yeaton,B.,2008.Warm-mix Asphalt:European Practice.Report FHWA-PL-08e 007.Office of International Programs,U.S.Department of Transportation, Washington DC,USA.EAPA,European Asphalt Pavement Association,January2010.The Use of Warm Mix Asphalt.EAPA position paper (accessed09.10.12.).EN12697e12,2009.Bituminous Mixtures.Test Methods for Hot Mix Asphalt.Part 12:Determination of Water Sensitivity of Bituminous Specimens.European Committee for Standardization,Bruxelles,Belgium.EN12697e24,2013.Bituminous Mixtures.Test Methods for Hot Mix Asphalt.Part 24:Resistance to Fatigue;Annex 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作者简介道格拉斯.德龙(Douglas De Long)灵性⁄个⼈谘商师、前世治疗师、医疗灵通与脉轮专家。
另着有《古代神秘学院进阶篇》(Ancient Healing Techniques:A Course in Psychic and Spiritual Development)。
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奥秘 全攻略
![奥秘 全攻略](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/016043dfaa00b52acfc7cacd.png)
刚站起身,僧侣Vigil迎上来,坚信你是Panarli教神的化身Living One,自愿跟随你闯荡,并告知可去隐丘镇找长者Joachim询问戒指的来历。
如果选择发展科技技能,就需要多收集物品以便进行合成,比如healing Salve就是将Ginka根与Kadura茎合成为疗伤药的;如果准备发展魔法技能,则大部分东西都没必要捡。
在西北角发现一架袭击飞艇的飞机残骸,机身上刻着“Maxim Machinery,Caladon”。
北面有一小洞穴,尽头床边Charles Brehgo的魂魄告知生前曾遭牧师Arbalah的诅咒,令他无法安息。
先去Arbalah的家(点右边的绿色大圆按钮),他的说法与Charles Brehgo相反:是Brehgo及其同伴Fahricus恩将仇报,趁他不在时杀害了他的家人,偷走了一件宝物,也正是贪婪导致了他们的相互暗算。
术士 T6 凶星 .additemset 670
盗贼 T6 刺杀者 .additemset 668
德鲁伊 T6 雷霆之心(野性) .additemset 676
T6 雷霆之心(平衡) .additemset 677
.npc add 15688 泰瑞斯提安,疫蹄
.npc add 16524 艾兰之影
.npc add 15689 尼德斯
.npc add 15690 玛克萨王子
地狱火壁垒(Hellfire Ramparts)
.npc add 17537 维斯路登
.npc add 17308 无疤者欧玛尔
.gobject near
这里是.gobject delete 20625
格式 .gobject delete XXXX
.learn 39811 伤害免疫:火焰、冰霜、暗影、自然、秘法
.learn 39804 伤害免疫:魔法
.npc add 23418 苦难之源
.npc add 22947 沙赫拉祖母
.npc add 22952 薇尔莱丝,深影
.npc add 22950 高等虚空术士札瑞佛
.npc add 22083 伊利丹王暴风狂怒者
.npc add 22917 伊利丹.怒风
.npc add 21212 瓦丝其
.npc add 17767 瑞奇.寒冬
.npc add 17808 安纳斯隆
.npc add 17888 卡兹洛加
.npc add 17842 埃加洛尔
一,古埃及文明在欧洲的文化传统中,北非的古埃及一直被视为一个遥远而古老的神秘文明,在法国学者商博良(Jean Francois Champollion, 1790-1832)重新解读古埃及文字之前,大部分的资料都来自于希腊旅行者的记述。
rohs1.0标准ROHS(Restriction of Hazardous Substances)是欧盟制定的一项环保指令,旨在限制电子电气设备中使用的有害物质。
ROHS 1.0标准限制了电子电气设备中六种有害物质的含量,包括铅(Pb)、汞(Hg)、镉(Cd)、六价铬(Cr6+)、多溴联苯(PBB)和多溴二苯醚(PBDE)。
根据ROHS 1.0标准,这些物质的含量不能超过特定限制值。
ROHS 1.0标准的实施对电子电气设备制造商、供应商和进口商有一定的影响。
他们需要确保其产品符合ROHS 1.0标准的要求,并提供符合要求的技术文件和声明。
此外,ROHS 1.0标准还要求设备上应标明符合ROHS指令的标志。
ROHS 1.0标准的制定是为了保护环境和人类健康,减少有害物质对环境的污染和对人体健康的潜在风险。
通过限制有害物质的使用,ROHS 1.0标准促进了电子电气设备的可持续发展和环境友好性。
然而,需要注意的是,ROHS 1.0标准只是ROHS指令的第一版,后续还有ROHS 2.0和ROHS 3.0标准相继发布。
总结而言,ROHS 1.0标准是欧盟制定的限制电子电气设备中有害物质的含量的环保指令的第一版。
Noulds EthoVision 8.0软件快速入门中文版
![Noulds EthoVision 8.0软件快速入门中文版](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/fe94f72ce2bd960590c6777f.png)
创建新实验或打开已有实验 ................................................. 8 指定实验设置 ....................................................................... 9 定义独立变量 ..................................................................... 10 定义要手动记录的行为 (可选) ........................................ 11 定义观察区和区块 .............................................................. 11
8 使数据可视化 ............................................................ 25
9 计算统计结果 ............................................................ 27
10 导出数据和结果 ........................................................ 28
在 EthoVision XT 中,从 Help (帮助)菜单中选择 Video Tutorial (视频教程)。观看此教程,以了解如何在 EthoVision XT 8 中建立视频 跟踪研究项目。 在该程序的多个部分中还有一些简短视频教程可供观看。 可单击工具栏上的图标来观看这些教程。
A Beginners’ Guide to Transfiguration 《初学变形指南》埃默瑞斯威奇著Curses and Countercurse 《诅咒与反诅咒》温迪克教授著Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them 《怪兽及其产地》纽特斯卡曼著Magical Drafts and Potions 《魔法药剂与药水》阿森尼斯波尔著Magical Theory 《魔法理论》阿德贝沃夫林著One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi 《一千种神奇药草与菌类》The Dark Forces :A Guide to Self-Protection 《黑暗力量:自卫指南》昆丁特林布著The History of Magic 《魔法史》巴希达巴沙特著The Standard Book of Spells(Grade1.2.3.4)《标准咒语,初.二.三.四级》米兰达戈沙克著Encyclopedia of Toadstools 《毒菌大全》The Dark Forced—A Guide to Protection 《黑暗力量:自卫指南》昆丁特林布著Monster Book of Monsters 《妖怪们的妖怪书》有关龙的:Dragon-Breeding for Pleasure and Profit 《养龙指南》Dragon Species of Great Britain and Ireland 《大不列颠和爱尔兰的龙的种类》From Egg to Inferno ,A Dragon Keeper’s Guide 《从孵蛋到涅磐》魁地奇:Quidditch Through the Ages 《魁地奇溯源》Flying with the Cannons 《和火炮队一起飞翔》Handbook of Do-it Yourself Broomcare 《飞天扫帚护理手册》洛哈特的书:Gadding with Ghouls 《与食尸鬼同游》Holidays with Hags 《与母夜叉一起度假》Magical me 《会魔法的我》Travels with Troll 《与山怪共游》V oyages With Vampires 《与吸血鬼同船旅行》Wanderings With Werewolves 《与狼人一起流浪》Year With The Yeti 《与西藏雪人在一起的一年》Break with a banshee 《与食尸鬼同游》烹饪:Charm Your Own Cheese 《给你的奶酪施上魔法》Enchantment in Baking 《烤面包的魔法》One Minute Feasts——It's Magic 《变出一桌成盛宴!》占卜:Unfogging the Future 《拨开迷雾看未来》卡桑德拉瓦布拉斯基著其他:Great Wizarding Events of the Twentieth Century 《二十世纪重要魔法事件》Great Wizards of the Twentieth Century 《二十世纪的大巫师》Hogwarts ,A History 《霍格沃茨一段校史》Important Modern Magical Discoveries 《现代魔法的重大发现》Modern Magical History 《现代魔法史》Notable Magical Names of Our Time 《当代著名魔法家名录》Study of Recent Developments in Wizardry 《近代巫术发展研究》The Rise and Fall of the Dark Arts 《黑魔法的兴衰》Adventures of Martin Miggs,the Mad Muggle 《疯麻瓜马丁@米格历险记》Gilderoy Lockhart's Guide to household Pets 《家禽还是怪兽?》Moste Potente Potions 《强力药剂》Prefects Who Gained Power 《级长怎样获得权力》Invisible Book of Invisibility 《隐形术的隐形书》Old and Forgotten Bewitchment and Charms 《被遗忘的古老魔法和咒语》Death Omens: What to Do When You Know the Worst is coming 《死亡预兆:当你知道最坏的事即将到来时你该怎办》Sites of Historical Sorcery 《中世纪巫术指南》。
COC 7th 快速开始规则 (DB无插图修正版)
![COC 7th 快速开始规则 (DB无插图修正版)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/b2064df0172ded630b1cb6d8.png)
COC 7th 快速开始规则“人类最古老而强大的情绪就是恐惧”By H. P. Lovecraft (1890-1937)7th Edition AuthorsSandy Petersen, Mike Mason, Paul Pricker, Lynn WillisInteriro IllustrationsAlberto Bontempi, Rachel KahnEditingScott DorwardLayoutZachary T. Irwin, Charlie KrankCristoforo fonts created by Thomas Phinney翻译DB感谢Kcirtap凉凉。
SO介绍欢迎来到COC ,这个充满神秘、神话和恐怖的游戏世界。
COC 是以恐怖为主题的TRPG 游戏,根据已故伟大作家Howard Phillips Lovecraft (又称H. P . Lovecraft ,以下简称为爱手艺大人)的著作改编。
爱手艺大人所写的从1920s 到1930s 年代的著作中蕴含了从人类世界内与到远超所能感知到的彼端中的恐怖。
你现在所持(阅读)的小册子中包含了所有你需要的信息,来创造一个COC 游戏中的调查员,并简单介绍了游戏的大体规则。
更多详细的规则都包含在Call ofCthulhu Keeper Rulebook 中。
游戏概述COC TRPG 的目的是与朋友们在爱手艺式的故事中获得乐趣。
以下是几种常用的预测工具和技术:1. 占卜:占卜是一种通过解读符号和象征物来预测未来的方法。
2. 星象学:星象学是通过研究星体的位置和运动来预测人类生活和事件的发展。
3. 数字学:数字学认为数字有其特定的含义和能量。
4. 气象学:气象学是一门研究天气和气象现象的科学。
以下是解盘的基本要素:1. 符号解读:解盘的核心在于对符号和象征物的解读。
2. 上下文分析:解盘需要考虑事件或现象发生的背景和环境。
3. 相关知识:解盘还需要基于相关的知识和理论进行分析。
以下是其中的一些要素:1. 符号和象征:神秘学术语中的符号和象征往往承载着特定的意义和象征。
2. 意义和解释:神秘学术语中的意义和解释是理解预测的关键。
3. 数据和模式:解盘者必须收集和分析大量的数据和模式,以便进行准确的预测。
4. 直觉和灵感:解盘者常常依赖于直觉和灵感来做出预测。
注意事项进行神秘学预测时,需要注意以下事项:1. 没有绝对准确性:神秘学预测不能保证绝对的准确性,它们只是一种可能性的探求。
2. 多因素综合考虑:解盘者应该综合考虑多个因素进行预测,而不是仅仅依赖于某一个神秘学术语或要素。
一、企业背景 .........................................................................................................................................................5 1.1 工商信息 ......................................................................................................................................................5 1.2 分支机构 ......................................................................................................................................................5 1.3 变更记录 ......................................................................................................................................................5 1.4 主要人员 ......................................................................................................................................................5 1.5 联系方式 ......................................................................................................................................................6
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——我是一个研究者,希望以学术的角度研究神秘学西方神秘学近些年来,在一众杰出学者如Frances Yates、Antoine Faivre和Wouter J. Hanegraaff等人的贡献下,已经成为了一个独立的、受承认的学术领域,并且在一些大学中也设立了专论这一领域的学科。
塔罗的中文资源已经非常丰富,起码新人在学习时,并不需要在一开始就去啃英文资料,由于塔罗我了解不多,所以就不进行我自己的推荐,建议读者参考Hono Yoku(翅膀)的一篇书评文章,文章地址为:https:///s/e6iX7WRjdRiJTji2yZei3g卜卦占星是西方占星的主要分支之一,主要用来解决具体的问题,国内与之相关的资源不算很多,但也有一些。
推荐真乾坤翻译的The Horary Textbook,目前应该已经到了3.0版本,这是一本优秀的卜卦占星教科书。
我在这里推荐Aaron Leitch的作品Secrets of Magickal Grimoires作为古典魔法的入门书。
另外,现代的一些炼金术的操作可能也满足你的要求,对此国内没有什么太好的入门读物,推荐The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Alchemy 这本书,不过这一现代炼金体系尚在发展,存在一定的问题,更加建议从魔法的途径着手。