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I.Choose the best to complete the following statements

1.“O Wind/If winter comes,can spring be far behind?” The two lines are from _______.

A. “To Autumn”

B. “To a Nightingale”

C. “Ode to the West Wind”

D. “To a Skylark”

2. “To be or not to be----that is the question” is taken from_______.


B.Romeo and Juliet

C.The Merchant of theVenice


3. _______ is romantic love tragedy.

A. Romeo and Juliet

B. Macbeth

C.The Merchant of the Venice

D. Hamlet

4. Beowulf. is considered as _______.

A. the best epic in English literature

B. the national epic of the Anglo-Saxons

C. the best narrative poem in English literature

D.the best romance

5. In_____,Chaucer created a comprehensive realistic picture of the English society and a whole gallery of vivid characters.

A.The Canterbury Tales

B.The Romaunt of the Rose

C.The Legend of Good Women

D.Troilus and Criseyde

6. ___ marks a transition from the medieval to the modern world.

A. Enlightenment Movement

B. The Glorious Revolution

C. The Renaissance

D. Reformation

7. _____is not a writer in the Renaissance.

A .Francis Bacon

B .William Shakespeare C. John Milton D .Jonathan Swift

8. __ is NOT the style of Bacon’s essays.

A. brevity

B. compactness C .powerfulness D .high-flowness

9 ______ is generally accepted as an English epic besides Beowulf.

A.Samson Agonistes

B.Paradise Lost

C.Paradise Regained

D. “Lycidas”

10.The Neo-classicism is markedly characterized by the emphisis of__________.


B.didactic function

C.elegant style

D. lyricism

11.____________ is not a picaresque novel.

A. Great Expectations B Gulliver’s Travels

C. Robinson Crosue

D. The Pilgrim’s Progress

12. “Death, Be not Proud” is an Italian sonnet by____.


B.John Milton

C.John Donne

D. Drydon

13. In Paradise Lost, Milton doesn’t refers God to____.




D. Friend

14._________ is not a Lake poet?





15. ____is a typical Byronic heroe.

A.Don Juan


C. Beowulf

D. Iliad

16.He was the 1st important Romantic poet,showing a contempt for rationalism and bringing

something fresh to British poetry.He is __.

A .Wordsworth B.Blake C.Keats D.Coleridge

17. “Did he smile his work to see? /Did he who made the Lamb make thee?”, the 2 lines are from___.

A. “the Lamb”

B. “The Tyger”

C. “The Cheminey Sweeper”

D. “The Sick Roes”

18. In the above quoted lines, “the Lamb” refers to____.

A .Nature B.Jesus Christ C.God D.Uncertain

19. “The waves beside them danced; but they /Outdid the sparking waves in glee; ” here, “they ”refer to____.

A. roses




20.The pleasure dome is described in ____.

A. “Kubla Khan”

B. “Christabel”

C. “Frost at Midnight”

D. “Dejection:An Ode”

21.“Ode to the West Wind” is in____.

A.abb bbc

B.terza rima

C.aab bcb

D.free verse

22.In“Ode to the West Wind”, west wind is the biggest symbol; it symbolizes______.

A. destroyer and preserver

B.boundless freedom

C.a lyre

D.both A and B

23. “Heard melodies are sweet, but those unheard /Are sweeter;therefore,ye soft pipes,play on;”the 2 lines are from“Ode on a Grecian Urn”by _____.

A. John Keats

B.William Wordsworth



24.The striking characteristic of the Victorian fiction lies in___.

A.critical realism

B.a return to rationalism


D.an overall negation of society

25.____is not a character created by Charles Dickens.

A.Oliver Twist

B.David Copperfield


D. Ishmael

26. Tess is sandwiched between and murdered by two so-called gentlemen: one is Alec, and the other is ______.

A. Angel Clare

B. Alec’s brother

C. Louis

D. Babalou

27.Linguist Higgins appears in____.

A.Widower’s Houses

B. Mrs. Warren’s Profession

C. St. Joan

D. Pygmalion

28.In “Auld Lang Syne”, the poet is singing for ______.




D.his mother

29.In “The Rocking Horse Winner”, Lawrence attacks____.





30. “My Last Duchess” is a famous ______ by ______.

A. love lyric; Wordsworth

B.dramatic monologue;Tennyson

C.dramatic monologue; Browning

D.tragedy; Shaw

II.Please explain the following terms briefly

1. Neo-classicism:

2.The Waste Land

3. blank verse
