最新上海市重点高中自主招生英语试题学生版 -

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Part1 Grammar

1. He had hoped to go to the U.S. by plane, but last week he came to China for __________ visit in _____________European ship.

A. the…/

B. a…a

C. /…a

D. a…an

2. There are two ways to operate the machines, but ____________ is easy to learn.

A. all

B. both

C. either

D. neither

3. Other students didn’t pass the exam ______________ Bob.

A. beside

B. besides

C. except

D. except for

4. There’s only ____________time left. Let’s hurry.

A. little

B. a little

C. few

D. a few

5. There is no more money with him, which makes ___________ for him to travel to many places.

A. it impossible

B. him possible

C. it unable

D. him stop

6. ---Is Jane twenty?

---Not yet. She will turn _________next month.

A. twenties

B. twentieth

C. twenty

D. the twentieth

7. The school is nothing like ______________ I thought.

A. what

B. that

C. which

D. as

8. We were driving along _____________a speed of about 25 mph in the snow.

A. at

B. on

C. for

D. in

9. Help yourselves to the fish. It tastes _______________.

A. wonderful

B. wonderfully

C. well

D. pleasantly

10. __________ carefully before you buy a new house.

A. Thinking

B. To think

C. Thinks

D. Think

11. The street won’t grow ____________ until midnight.

A. quiet

B. silently

C. silence

D. quietly

12. The two boys __________ us with the luggage yesterday.

A. help

B. do help

C. helped

D. did helped

13. ___________ we have today!

A. What a lovely weather

B. How lovely weather

C. What lovely weather

D. How a lovely weather

14. The pair of trousers ____________ too short. Will you show me _______________.

A. are…another pair

B. is…another pair

C. are…others


15. In Shanghai, the first ____________ of a school year usually begins in September.

A. example

B. rule

C. term

D. team

16. ---I forgot to bring my notebook.

---____________. You can borrow some paper from me.

A. Help yourself

B. I’m sorry

C. No problem

D. So careless

17. He works in ___________ university and is considered as _______________ honest man.

A. an…a

B. a…an

C. a…a

D. an…an

18. Though small, the grapes sell____________, because they taste ______________.

A. well…nice

B. good…will

C. nicely…well

D. nice…good
