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• succeed 成功 succeed in doing sth. 成功做某事。 success n. 成功,成就(U),成功的人 或事(C) a big success 非常成功 make a success 取得成功 successful adj. 成功的,有成就的 It was a successful experiment. 那是一次 成功的实验。 successfully adv. 成功地 He finished his task successfully.
Sentence patterns
• What skills do you have? 你有什么技能? • What are your future goals? 你的未来目标是什么? • We’ll get in touch with you in a week. 一周后我们与你联系 • How is your new job going? 你的新工作怎么样?
10. to need or make necessary
• require 需要,要求 requirement meet one’s requirement 满足某人的要求,需要 Your major and experiences can’t meet our requirements. 你的专业和经验符合我 们的要求。
3.get in touch with 与....取得联系 keep in touch with 与......保持联系 lose(be out of) touch with 与......失去联系
4.manner 方式,举止,态度 pl. manners 礼貌 good/bad manners 有(无)礼貌
goal n. 目标。Pl. goals future goals 未来目标 词汇扩展 goal n. 球门 kick a goal 踢进一个 球
translate • 你有哪些未来目标? What are your future goals?
3. Something that is made to be sold
6. the activity of buying and selling, between people or countries
trade n. 贸易 世界贸易组织(WTO) the world Trade Organization 国际贸易 international trade trade v. trade in sth. with sb.
Read and substitute
• • • •
Lily: What skills do you have? Zhao Shan: Well, I can fix buses and trucks. Lily: What ate your future goals? Zhao Shan: I want to be a mechanic. a bus driver
Spell the words according to the meaning.
1.ability to do sth.
skill n. 技能,技巧 pl. skills have skill in doing sth 有...的技能 show skill at sth. /doing sth 显示...技能 skillful adj.聪明,做事灵巧 skilled adj.有技能的 受过专门的实践,有丰富的经验而掌握某 项专门技术。a skilled worker
You cannot improve your past, but you can improve your future. Once time is wasted, life is wasted. 你不能改变你的过去,但你可以让你的未 来变得更美好。一旦时间浪费了,生命就浪 费了。 Proper preparation solves 80 percent of life's problems. 适当的准备能解决生活中80%的问题。
require require+名词/代词 This work requires care. require sb to do sth 要求某人做某 事 We required him to keep it a secret.
require doing 需要被...(主动形式表被动 意义) = require to be done The child requires looking after. =The child requires to be looked after. 还有:want, need ④ require that + 从句 需要,要求 在require引导的宾语从句中,谓语动词用 “should +动词原形”,should可省略。
⑤prefer to do sth. rather than do sth.“宁 愿做...而不做...” =prefer to do sth. instead of doing sth. 我宁愿呆在家里也不出去。 ⑥prefer sb. to do sth ⑦prefer that 从句 I prefer that you won't come tomorrow. preference n. 偏爱;喜爱的东西 prefer-preferred-preferred
verb move relax act introduce
suffix -ment -ation -ion -tion
noun movement relaxation action introduction
improve, require, consider, suggest, create
9. to (cause sth. to ) get better
• improve 改善 I must work hard to improve my English. improvement n. 改进,改善,进展 He was satisfied with his improvement in his work. 他对他在工 作中的进展满意。
• 你有什么技能? What skills do you have? • 他显示出驾驶和讲故事的高超技巧。 (show skill at…) He shows great skill at driving and telling stories.
2. Object of one’s efforts; target
7. to reach a desired goal
8. to like, choose or want one thing rather than another
• prefer 较喜欢,宁可。 prefer to do sth. 宁愿做某事(具体的某一 次动作) I prefer to stay at home.我宁愿呆在家中。 prefer doing sth.(经常性、习惯性动作) prefer sth1 to sth2. ④prefer doing sth1 to doing2 I preferred playing football to watching it.
sb.be familiar with sb./sth. 某人熟悉某人/某物 sth. be familiar to sb. 某物对某人来说是熟悉的
• interview
questions student1 S2 S3 S4
What sills do you have?
What are your future goals? Do you have any work experience?
product n. 产品(天然的或人造的) pl.products productive adj. 多产的 produce v. 生产, 出产; 创作; 制造; 生育; 生产; 创作
4. a job or profession
career 职业,事业。 教育事业
education career
She choose an education career.
Unit 8 Skills and Experience
1.What kind of job will you have?单词和句型
2.How is your new job going?谈论工作情况,定语从句
3.What skills do you have? 用定语从句描述不同的职业 4. An experienced secretary 写作:个人爱好,兼职工作。
drive a bus create websites software deal with visitors and send faxes
a computer programmer a secretary
Sarah 去应聘销售员 • Lily: Please have a seat. Thanks for coming. Did you bring your resume? • Sarah : Here you are. • Lily: Great. We are looking for someone to sell our new products internationally. The job requires a pleasant manner with customers. • Sarah: I’ve worked in a sales department for years and I am familiar with the job. • Lily: What are your future goals? • Sarah: I want to be a great salesperson. • Lily: That’s great. We’ll probably get in touch with you in a week. • Sarah: thank you very much.
Lesson 1 What kind of job will you have?
你想有份什么样的工作? • Pronounce and spell the new words correctly. 正确的读出并拼写单词。 • Answer questions in interview properly。 对面试中常见的问题做出恰当的应答
create v. creation n.创造,创作 creativity 创造力,创造性 creator n.创造者,创作者 creative adj. 有创造力的,创造性 的
2. deal with (1)对待;对付;处理 I don’t know how to deal with the problem. (2)与……做生意。 I’ve dealt with this store for 20 years. (3)论述;涉及 He made a speech at the conference, dealing with gas
an idea that is offered for consideration
• suggestion 建议 suggest +n./doing sth./that 从句 (should) do I suggested that he should come for the weekend. suggest 暗示,表明 What he said suggested that he was a cheat.