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Our Intensive English Language Summer Course runs from the 15th - 26th August, 2012 inclusive and applicants may register for a 5-day or 12-day course. Arrival date for 12 day course is Sunday 14th August; arrival date for the 5 day course is Sunday 14th or Sunday 21st August.

About the Course

●For boys and girls from 12 to 16 years of age wishing to improve their English language skill

●Ideal for foreign students who are enrolling at a UK secondary school.

●The course may be attended on a residential (with accommodation) or day basis (without accommodation).

●Students registered for Lincoln Minister School for September 2012 are particularly recommended to attend the 2-week course.

Programme outline

Week 1: 30 hours of lessons + 2 afternoon outings to supplement learning. Friday afternoon sports;

Weekend: Day trip to theme parks and a relaxing day on Sunday;

Week 2: 30 hours of lessons + cinema visits;

On the final Friday afternoon, there will be a barbecue lunch with games and presentation of certificates.

What's included in the fee

●30 hours tuition per week by qualified teachers and EFL specialists

●All meals and accommodation (bedding provided)

●Outings and entrance fees, resources, completion certificate

(Accommodation, breakfast or evening meals do not apply to day students.) Accommodation

If your child attends the residential course, they will stay in one of our 4 beautiful boarding houses. They will be looked after by our trained boarding staff in a safe and happy environment, with lots of opportunities to socialize and use the language skills they have learnt.

How to Enroll

To enroll in our Intensive English Language Summer Course, you will initially need to do the following:

●Fill in a booking form.

●Pay a deposit of 50% of the chosen course fees, which will ensure your child's place on the course.

Course fees

A.thirty hours tuition per week

B.outing and course entrance

C.breakfast, supper and accommodation

D.resources and completion certificate

2. A student who chooses the residential course has no chance to __________.

A.enjoy a barbecue lunch with games

B.socialize and practise English

C.have lessons every day during the 12 days

D.enjoy all meals through the course

3. How much should Mr. Johnson pay beforehand to guarantee a five-day residential course for his three kids? __________.

A. £ 900.

B.£ 1,800.


D. £495.


During the outbreak of 2009-2010 H1N1 or "swine flu", the same virus that caused mild coughing and sneezing in some patients proved deadly for others. It highlighted a medical mystery: why are some people more fit to handle the flu than others?

British and American researchers think they have a clue. Reporting on Sunday in the journal Nature, researchers say they've found a gene that influences our ability to fight against flu illness. The gene, called IFITM3, is the "important first line of defense" against the flu, researcher Paul Kellam of Britain's Sanger Institute told Reuters.

The IFITM3 protein(蛋白) prevents flu viruses from reproducing in cells. So, if you have a high amount of IFITM3, you're in luck, since it weakens the spread of the virus; a low amount can lead to more rapid viral reproduction, causing severe flu symptoms, according to Kellam.

Scientists first found in gene studies that IFITM3 played a role in resistance to flu and other viruses. In experiments in mice, they showed that when mice were raised to lack the IFITM3 gene and then infected with influenza, the animals developed more severe lung infection from flu, compared with mice that had the gene.

To figure out the role of IFTTM3 in humans, researchers then studied the IFITM3 genes of 53 patients with the flu in 2009-2010. They found that these patients were more likely to have a variant of the IFITM3 gene — which makes people more vulnerable to flu —compared with the general population. According to evidence from large genetic databases, about 1 in 400 people carries this IFITM3 variant, the BBC reports.

"Our research is important for people who have this variant as we predict their immune defenses could be weakened to some virus infections," said Kellam.

The Findings also suggest that a drug that functions as IFITM3 could help increase resistance to flu and other viruses, including deadly ones like H5N1 flu.

4. What does the underlined word 'vulnerable' mean in the fifth paragraph? __________.

A. resistant

B. accessible

C. adjustable

D. defenseless
