
商务英语BEC高级写作部分综合指导(一)写作部分BEC HIGHER写作部分主要涉及商业信函和图表写作两部分的内容,现具体介绍如下:商业信函第一章格式问题1. 格式问题:请同学们在BEC的写作中采用平头式的写法。
收信人的姓名和地址置于信纸的左上方地址、称呼和结束礼词后没有标点符号日期在右上方段落从定格开始,段落之间的行距为两行(但在考试中由于受答题卡限制,请同学们酌情考虑)写信人的名字和头衔在签名下方2. 称呼和结束礼词的注意事项:称呼的写法遵循下列原则:Dear Sir or Madam 写信给某一公司,不确定具体的收信人Dear Sir 对男士,但是你不知道他的具体姓名Dear Madam 对女士,但是你不知道他的具体姓名Dear Mr Smith 对男士Dear Ms Smith 对已婚或未婚的女士Dear Mrs Smith 对已婚女士Dear Miss Smith 对未婚女士Dear John (此处John 为英语中常用男名) 对朋友或你比较熟悉的人(通常为多年生意伙伴)称呼与结束礼词存在对应的关系,请同学们特别注意:Dear Mr/Ms/Mrs/Miss Smith Yours sincerelyDear John Best wishes以下均为错误用法:Dear Mr JohnDear Mr John Smith3. 日期:在英国英语中,天在前,但是在美国英语中,月份在前。
例如:12 06 2003在英国指的是:6月21日在美国指的是:12月6日因此日期要写成:12 June 2003商务英语BEC高级写作部分综合指导(二)要记住月份使用大些字母开头。

Begin at the same level~~~~下降到最低点:波折变化: fluctuate around fluctuation of幅度:slightly sharply significantly dramaticallya is in direct proportion to bmerely roughly一、BEC高级(Higher)Part Ⅰ——图表作文图表作文的文章结构1)引言部分2)主体段落3)结论部分4)例文分析:The bar chart below shows the number of complaints made by consumers about different products and services in the years 1994 and 1997.Write a short report for a university lecturer describing the information in the graph. You should write at least 140 words.The bar chart displays the changes in the number of complaints made by consumers about five kinds of products and services between 1994 and 1997. According to the diagram, there was an increase in the complaints about most of the products and services.The number of complaints about package holidays abroad and financial services increased over the period. The complaints made about the package holidays abroad rose by 12.7% from 15,000 in 1994 to about 18,000 in 1997. And there were about 52,000 complaints about the financial services in 1997, 5.2% up on 1994.There were also more complaints about electric goods and second-hand cars in 1997 than in 1994. The complaints about the two products rose by 9.2% and 6.7% respectively. The former increased from 66,000 in 1994 to about 70,000 in 1997 and the latter went up from 80,000 to 86,000. And clothing is the only sector where the number of complaints dropped over the period. In 1994, there were around 45,000 complaints while the figure decreased by 4% to around 43,000 in 1997.In conclusion we can see there were more complaints about the products and services in 1997 than in 1994 with the only exception of clothing.●图表作文常用的语言手段1)作文的开头——表示“出处”的句子结构。

CAMBRIDGE BUSINESS ENGLISH CERTIFICATEHIGHERBEC高级写作讲义目录一.BEC考试概述二.BEC高级写作概述三.Part One写作(概述与方式)四.Part Two写作(概述)五.Part Two (Report写作方式)六.Part Two (Proposal写作方式)七.Part Two (Letter 写作方式)八.总结一.BEC考试概述剑桥商务英语(Cambridge Business English Certificate):简称为BEC考试,是英国剑桥大学考试委员会专门为非英语母语国家的人员进行国际商务活动需要而设计的。
3.BEC考试分为三级,BEC1为初级语言水平考试,难度相当于我国大学英语四级,就剑桥英语考试系列来说,它介于入门英语考试(Key English Test)和初级英语考试(Preliminary English Test)之间;BEC2介于我国大学英语四、六级之间,相当于剑桥第一证书英语考试(First Certificate in English);BEC3介于我国大学英语六级和英语专业八级之间,相当于剑桥熟练英语证书考试(Certificate of Proficiency in English)。

bec高级作文英文回答:In the intricate tapestry of human experience, morality is a thread that weaves a labyrinth of ethical dilemmas and moral quandaries. Its complexities have inspired profound introspection and countless philosophical treatises throughout history, shaping the very fabric of human consciousness.One of the most enduring moral dilemmas is the tension between the individual and society. On the one hand, we recognize the importance of personal freedom and autonomy. We value the ability to make choices, pursue our own interests, and express our individuality. On the other hand, we also recognize our obligations to the communities in which we live. We are bound to respect the rights of others, contribute to the common good, and uphold the laws and norms that govern our society.Striking a balance between these competing interests is no easy task. It requires careful consideration of the potential consequences of our actions, both for ourselves and for others. It also requires a willingness to compromise and cooperate, even when our own desiresconflict with the expectations of society.Another fundamental moral dilemma is the question of justice. What constitutes a just society? How do we ensure that all members of society have fair access to opportunities, resources, and protection? These questions have plagued philosophers and policymakers for centuries.Theories of justice typically fall into two broad categories: distributive justice and retributive justice. Distributive justice focuses on the fair distribution of resources, while retributive justice focuses on punishing those who have wronged others. Both of these approaches have their own strengths and weaknesses, and the debate over which is more just continues to this day.In addition to these broad moral dilemmas, there arecountless other ethical issues that we face on a daily basis. Should we tell the truth, even when it is difficult? Should we help those in need, even when it is inconvenient? Should we protect the environment, even if it means sacrificing some of our own comforts?These are just a few of the many moral dilemmas that we confront as human beings. There are no easy answers, and the path to moral decision-making is often fraught with uncertainty and conflict. However, by engaging inthoughtful reflection and open-minded dialogue, we can strive to make choices that are guided by our values and that contribute to a more just and equitable world.中文回答:在人类经历的错综复杂的织锦中,道德是一条编织着伦理困境和道德疑虑的迷宫。

bec商务英语高级作文As the world becomes more interconnected, the importance of effective communication in business cannot be overstated. In today’s global economy, the ability to communicate in English has become a necessity for successin international business. As such, the BEC (Business English Certificate) has become a popular qualification for professionals looking to improve their English language skills and advance their careers.The BEC exam is designed to test a candidate’s ability to use English in a business context. The exam consists of three levels: BEC Preliminary, BEC Vantage, and BEC Higher. Each level assesses the candidate’s ability to communicate effectively in a range of business situations, such as meetings, negotiations, presentations, and report writing.To prepare for the BEC exam, candidates must have a strong command of English grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation. They must also be able to understand and usebusiness-related idioms and expressions. In addition, candidates must be familiar with the conventions of business communication, such as formal and informal language, tone, and style.One of the benefits of taking the BEC exam is that it provides candidates with a recognized qualification that demonstrates their proficiency in English for business purposes. This can be a valuable asset when seeking employment or advancing one’s career. In addition, the BEC exam can help candidates identify areas where they need to improve their language skills, allowing them to focus their efforts on specific areas of weakness.Another benefit of the BEC exam is that it provides candidates with a clear indication of their level of English proficiency. This can be helpful when setting goals for language improvement and tracking progress over time. In addition, the BEC exam can be used as a benchmark for measuring the language skills of employees in a business setting.In conclusion, the BEC exam is an important qualification for professionals looking to improve their English language skills and advance their careers in today’s global business environment. By demonstrating proficiency in English for business purposes, candidates can increase their employability and gain a competitive advantage in the job market.。

二、BEC中级(Vantage)Part Ⅰ文体——Memo, Note, Email, Message写作范例:(答案见BEC Samples p18)例一(三段式):Y ou are the Head of Research for an international car manufacturer. Y ou have to make an urgent trip tomorrow to visit Pierre Blanco, a colleague who works for a subsidiary.Write a memo of 40-50 words to your secretary:✓Telling her who you are going to see and when✓Asking her to book flight tickets and accommodation✓Telling her what work you would like her to do in your absence.Write on your answer sheet.例二(5分钟快速练习,一段式):Y ou are a manager in a company which manufactures office furniture. Next month, you are going to London to discuss an important contract.Write a note of 40-50 words to your assistant:✓Saying when you want to leave and return✓Asking him to book flights✓Telling him which hotel to book.Write on your answer sheet.例三(10分钟常规练习,三段/一段式):Y our company has just opened a new office in the United States. Y ou have agreed to go and work there for six months. Write a memo of 40-50 words to all your colleagues:✓Explaining why you will be absent✓Saying when you are leaving the office✓Expressing your wish to keep in touchWrite on your answer sheet——请假、缺席●典型的开头部分写作●典型的正文部分写作●典型的结尾部分写作●真题写作范例:例一:Y ou would like to go to a seminar on presentation skills.Write an email of 40-50 words to your line manager:✓Requesting time off work to go to the seminar✓Saying when the seminar is✓Explaining why you want to goWrite on your answer sheet例二(10分钟常规练习):Y ou are a regional sales manager for an international company. Y ou have been asked to go to a meeting at your company’s head office. Y ou cannot go, so somebody else will go in your place.Write an email of 40-50 words to Erica Y oung, who is organizing the meeting:✓Apologizing for not being able to go to the meeting✓Explaining why you cannot go✓Saying who will goWrite on your answer sheet2) 告知重大事件发生●典型的文章结构●典型的开头部分写作●典型的结尾部分写作●写作范例:例一:Y ou are a Project Team Leader. Y ou have had to cancel your next project meeting because some of the members of your team will be abroad.Write a memo of 40-50 words to your project team:✓Informing them of the cancellation and giving the reason✓Stating a new date and time for the meeting✓Requesting suggestions for the agendaWrite on your answer sheet.例二(5分钟快速拓展练习):Y ou are the Research and Development Director of an engineering company, which is a subsidiary of a large corporation. The Chairman of the corporation is visiting your company next week.Write a memo of 40-50 words to all your staff:✓Informing them of the visit✓Telling them why the visitors is coming✓Telling them when he will arrive and asking them to be at the welcome reception for himWrite on your answer sheet.例三(5分钟快速拓展练习):Y ou are the managing director of a company whose profits have recently increased and you would like to reward staff for this.Write a memo of 40-50 words to all staff:✓Thanking them for their contribution✓Explaining why profits increased✓Telling them what their reward will be.Write on the answer sheet例四(10分钟常规练习):Y ou need to inform your marketing team about a radio advertising campaign for one of your company’s new products. Write an email of 40-50 words to your team:✓Reminding them which new product is✓Explaining why you’ve chosen to advertise on radio✓Saying what you expect, the advertising campaign to achieveWrite on your answer sheet3) 组织培训活动●典型结构●典型的开头部分写作●写作范例:例一(课堂带写):Y ou are the training manager of a company which has won a large export order. Y ou have been asked to organize foreign language training for some of your staff.Write a memo of 40-50 words to staff:✓Explaining why the course are necessary✓Saying which members of staff should attend✓Announcing when the course will startWrite on the answer sheet例二(10分钟常规练习):Y ou have been asked to organize your company’s staff training program. Before the program starts you would like to identify training areas that staff are interested in.Write a memo of 40-50 words to all staff:✓Saying when the training program will start✓Asking for suggestions for what to include in the program✓Giving a deadline for suggestions.Write on your answer sheet4) 询问类及其他●典型结构●典型的开头部分写作●写作范例:例(5分钟快速练习):Y ou are the factory manager of a car company. Y ou are waiting for urgently needed components from your purchasing department.Write a note of 40-50 words to Mr. Grayson, the Assistant Purchasing Manager:✓Enquiring about the reason for the delay✓Stating when the components are needed✓Suggesting a meeting to discuss future deliveries.Write on your answer sheet.三、BEC中级(Vantage)Part Ⅱ& BEC高级(Higher)Part Ⅱ1.文体——Correspondence / Report / Proposal2.写作者的口吻3.语言的整合4.按照文体讲解:1)Business Correspondence●5种内容类型(补充求职信和简历)●基本格式:1)Make Change●写作范例:例一:Your Managing Director has asked you to reply to the letter below which is about a proposed educational visit to your company by a local school. He has written his comments on the letter.SUNDSTORM TECHNICAL COLLEGERe: Educational VisitDear Mr. Takahashi,Thank you for your recent letter accepting our request for an educational visit to your company.aged between 17 and 18, and will be taking part in the visit as part of their careers development program.thI understand the training officer is willing to give a talk to the students about the company’s training program. This will be‘question and answer’ session?I would be grateful if you could inform me as to whether these proposals are suitable and would like to thank you once again for your cooperation with the scheme for ‘School and Business Links’.Y ours sincerely,Mr. Y amaguchi,HeadteacherWrite a letter of 100-120 words to the head teacher explaining the changes the Managing Director would like to make to the visit.Write on your answer sheet.The company where you work is organizing a sales conference. Your Sales Manager has asked you to reply to the letterbelow, from a transport hire company called A1 Coaches, concerning arrangements for the conference. He has written his comments on the letter .Write a letter of 100-120 words to Mr . Otley of A1 Coaches, to make sure that the arrangements are changed. Do not include address.Write on your answer sheet.Dear Conference Organizer,Transport arrangements-Sales Conference 9/10 DecemberFollowing your telephone call yesterday, I am writing to confirm the coach and car hire details for your Sales Conference in December.8:15 amTransfer passengers to Whitestone Conference Centre by 9 am48 passengers-1 coach8:45 am Collect Chairman and guests from your Head Office (Silver Street) to arrive at Conference Centre by 9 am. 10 passengers-2 car6:00 pm Collect all delegates from Conference Centre. Take to Grand Hotel, for overnight stay.48 passengers-1 coach10 car passengers-2 cars9:00 am Transfer delegates from Grand Hotel to Conference Centre.10:30 am1:00 pmPlease confirm that these arrangements are correct.Y ours sincerely,PJ OtleyA1 Coaches Ltd.You are responsible for planning the magazine advertising of your company’s new product, which is a polish for cars.You have just received the letter below from the magazine that you are going to advertise with. You have also receiveda memo from your Marketing Manager about the advertising campaign.Write a letter of 100-120 words to Mr. Ellwood at the magazine, telling him about the changes to the advertisement booking, and asking him or any other information that you require.Do not include addressesWrite on your answer sheetDear Ms. Beddington,Thank you for your advertisement booking, the details of which I confirm below.Name of Company: Autocare ProductsName of Product: SuperglossDetails of Advert: 1/2-page, black and whiteAdvert will appear in: July and August issues of the magazineCost of Advert: $350 per issue (3 issues=$1050)Discount: 5% for early bookingT otal Cost: $997.50We trust that this is satisfactory.Y ours sincerely,MemoTo: Cathy BeddingtonFrom: John HumphreyRe: New Product AdvertisingThe Managing Director has approved an increase of budget on this campaign, so we can gofor: color advert, six issues.Could you contact the magazine and get them to change this? Please check the price and thepossibility of a bigger discount.Also tell them to get the product name right——Supagloss.Thanks2) 推荐信●推荐信的分类——自荐与推荐●推荐信的原则——开门见山●推荐信的典型开头部分写作——开门见山例一(自荐):You work for RCT, a company which sells business stationery. RCT is interested in becoming an agent for Novestat, acompany which manufactures paper products.Read Novestat ’s advertisement below, on which you have made some notes.Then, using all your notes, write a letter of 100-120 words to James Dowling at Novestat.Do not include addresses.Write on your answer sheet.NOVESTATAGENTS REQUIREDFOR A NEW PAPER PRODUCTNovestat, a leading manufacturer of business stationery, is delighted to announce its exciting new range of designer paper products. This range allows customers to create their own business stationery to the highest professional standards, using their own computer printers.We are looking for companies world-wide to distribute the NOVESTA T DESIGNER PAPER range.Then, please write to James Dowling, Novestat, Unit 3, Basing EASTA T, Hampton, Middlesex, TW13 5SA, UK.例二(20分钟快速拓展练习——推荐信):The international organization you work for makes an award every month to a person in each department based thefollowing criteria:✓ Productivity✓ Relations with customers✓ Contribution to the teamY our line manager has asked you to recommend someone from your department for this month ’s award.Write your recommendation, stating who the person is and the reason for your choice. Describe how this person meetseach of the three criteria for receiving the award.Write 200-250 words on your answer sheet.专题:求职信与简历(Covering Letter / Letter of Application and Resume ):● 求职关键词介绍● 求职信与个人简历以及个人履历的关系●求职信的基本格式、注意事项及范例 ●简历的基本格式、注意事项及范例例一:求职信Y ou have seen a job with a multi-national company advertised in a newspaper.Write a letter to the company applying for the job. Refer to relevant factors such as the nature of the job and why you are interested in it, your qualification and experience, what you are doing now and what you could contribute to the position.Write 200-250 words on your answer sheet.Letter of ApplicationRoom 320, Building 3, Lane 5130 Nanjing RoadHuangpu DistrictShanghai, 200000P. R. China22 June, 2005Mr. Julian ProctorDirector of Sales & MarketingFortune Travel Agency4490 Emmett A venueLondon, WC1 AC1UKDear Mr. Proctor,I wish to apply for the position of Regional Sales Manager, as advertised in today’s Toronto Star. As the attached resume suggests, my experience in the travel industry has prepared me for this challenging position and I would welcome the opportunity to work for a prestigious and well respected employer such as Fortune Travel.My academic background includes a degree in Business Administration from Queen’s University, where I completed all of my marketing courses with honors. I also have two years of experience in advertising and public relations, when I designed and implemented a marketing plan for Interprovincial Business Systems. My communication skills have always been a major asset to me and I take pride in my ability to work well with others in a managerial and supervisory capacity. These skills will allow me to contribute to your sales and marketing effort from the start.I would really appreciate an opportunity of interview to further discuss my qualification and fitment to the position. I’m available anytime in the following 3 months and I’m looking forward to your favorable reply!Y ours sincerely,John StevenJohn StevenEncl: Resume3)解释信/报告●中高级考试对于“解释信/报告”要求的异同点 ●典型的开头部分写作 ●典型的结尾部分写作 ● 真题范例:例一:You are the manager of a TV and radio repair workshop. One of your employees has received the letter below about afaulty cassette player which he inspected. He has his comments on the customer ’s letter and asked you to write a reply. Write a letter of 100-120 words to the customer , using the employee ’s comments and explaining why your companycannot repair the cassette player .Do not include addressWrite on your answer sheet35 Dorset RoadLondon W612 September 1997Mr. D. MasonRadio World6 Adelaide ParkLondon W6Dear Mr. Mason,Re: Repair of Tashita Cassette PlayerY ou returned our cassette player to us on 5th September, after having it in your shop for over a month, saying that you couldnot repair the following faults:1. A2.I wasvery surprised to hearthis, because the I would be grateful if you could explaining in writing why the equipment is, in your can discuss this matter with the manufacturers.Y ours sincerely,Paul Johnson例二(20分钟快速拓展练习):Y ou have received the following email from a customer:I was surprised to hear a rumor recently that your company is suffering financial difficulties and is likely to go out of business. I’d be very sorry if this were true.Colin SandersWrite a letter of 200-250 words to the customer, and include the following points:✓A denial of the rumor✓A possible reason for the rumor✓Y our company’s plans for future growth✓Y our hope for Mr. Sander’s continued customWrite on your answer sheet.例三(报告):Y our company or organization is becoming more successful. In order for this success to continue, you want to expand and increase the budget of your department. The Directors have asked you to write a report saying why your department needs extra money.Write a report of 200-250 words, explaining why your department needs more money, and include the following points:✓Whether extra staff are needed (and if so, why?)✓Whether changes to the office space and equipment should be made✓What plans you have for future development✓How the investment would generate extra business.Write on your answer sheet.例四(10分钟快速拓展练习):Y our company is considering appointing someone as your assistant. Y our boss has asked you to write a short report on whether an assistant would be useful for you.Write a report of 200-250 words for your manager, describing:✓The advantages to you of having an assistant✓What difficulties might arise if an assistant is appointed✓What qualifications and experience would be desirable in an assistant✓What personal qualities would be desirable in an assistantWrite on your answer sheet4) 多选一●真题写作范例:例一:Your company exports to a number of countries around the world and is looking for a new agent for international freight. The Export Sales Manager has asked you to write a proposal saying which agent you recommend.Read the two advertisements below, on which you have already made some notes.Then, using all your handwritten notes, write your proposal of 120-140 words for the Export Sales Manager.Write on your answer sheet.例二(20分钟快速拓展练习):Y our company has planned three training courses:✓Foreign Language Development✓Changes in Technology✓Management SkillsY ou have been asked to write a report, recommending the course you think would be most useful for people who do the same kind of job as you.Write a report of 200-250 words, saying which course you have chosen. Explain why you feel it would be the most useful and why the others are not suitable.Write on your answer sheet四、BEC高级(Higher)Part Ⅰ——图表作文●图表作文的文章结构1)引言部分2)主体段落3)结论部分4)例文分析:The bar chart below shows the number of complaints made by consumers about different products and services in the years 1994 and 1997.图四图一Write a short report for a university lecturer describing the information in the graph. Y ou should write at least 140 words.The bar chart displays the changes in the number of complaints made by consumers about five kinds of products and services between 1994 and 1997. According to the diagram, there was an increase in the complaints about most of the products and services.The number of complaints about package holidays abroad and financial services increased over the period. The complaints made about the package holidays abroad rose by 12.7% from 15,000 in 1994 to about 18,000 in 1997. And there were about 52,000 complaints about the financial services in 1997, 5.2% up on 1994.There were also more complaints about electric goods and second-hand cars in 1997 than in 1994. The complaints about the two products rose by 9.2% and 6.7% respectively. The former increased from 66,000 in 1994 to about 70,000 in 1997 and the latter went up from 80,000 to 86,000. And clothing is the only sector where the number of complaints dropped over the period. In 1994, there were around 45,000 complaints while the figure decreased by 4% to around 43,000 in 1997.In conclusion we can see there were more complaints about the products and services in 1997 than in 1994 w ith the only exception of clothing.●图表作文常用的语言手段1)作文的开头——表示“出处”的句子结构。

点评的是《新编剑桥商务英语(中级)(第二版)》学生用书第118页的作文题(红色部分为修改部分)网友作文一:Dear Mr. Chandler,In reply to your letter of June 28, 2001, I am writing to apologize for the inconvenience we have caused to you.Due to a fire in our factory, we were unable to deliver your order on time. However, as the accident has been settled, our factory has put back on production.Regarding the damaged desks you mentioned, we will send you two new ones for replacement next week.As for the invoice, you are absolutely right about the 10% discount. I enclose a correct invoice for your reference. I and trust that you will accept a further 3% discount for the inconvenience you have experienced. and I enclose a correct invoice for your reference.Finally, we can assure you that we will deal with any of your future orders in a more careful manner.If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to let me know.Yours sincerely,Dillen MayerManagerBand 4Well done!网友作文二:Dear Mr ChandlerI am writing to apologise for our unpleasant handling of your OrderNo.B13/4620.On 20 April ,two sets of our machines got out of action.Unfortunetely,these machines were just making the goods you ordered.Because of this unforeseeable event,Therefore, we have been unbale to deliver your order timely.As our production line has been wholly renewed ,I am sure that this kind of problem will not happen again.According to our contract,we will replace the two damaged desks mentioned in your letter of 28 June 2001.As for special discount, because of your good cooperation,we will provide you a discount of 10 percent just as you were told.Additionally,in order to compensate for the inconvenience which we have brought to you ,an extra discount of 2percent will be offered and the correct invoice will be sent to you next week as well.你给的这个折扣象是施舍。

XX年BEC商务英语高级写作范文Dear Mr JacobsI am writing to apply to the position of Sales Adviser for the North East Region which was advertised in Herald International yesterday.Although I am currently working in the Marketing Department of a large multinational, I would appreciate to work for a rapidly expanding young pany such as yours.As you can see from my enclosed CV, I obtained an honours degree in Sales and Marketing from Nottingham University in 1994. I thoroughly enjoyed the six months I spent in working in Boots plc as pert of the course. During this time I gained invaluable insights into the nature of sales. After leaving university I initially spent time working for a small local firm before finding my current job and I feel that I am more suited to the dynamics and varied demands of a smaller firm.Not only has my experience familiarised me with the challenges faced by the industry today but, having been brought up in the north east, I know the region, its problems and its undoubted potential. As a result, I feel that I would be able to relate to your customers on both a professional and a personal level.I am available for interview from 15 September and would be pleased to discuss my CV in more detail then,I look forward to hearing from you. Yours sincerelyXXX。

BEC 高级写作部分综合指导(3 This isowing to …due to …a result of …because of …注:owing to 通常用于不好的消息。
如果想在原因中使用动词,请加上the fact that 的从句。
环境:increase prices --- fall of the dollarWe have been force to increase our prices. This is owing to the fall of the dollar.Delay the delivery of the goods --- strike by airline pilotsWe have been forced to delay the delivery of the goods. This is owing to the strike by airline pilots.Increase all salaries by 10% --- rise in salesWe are able to increase all salaries by 10%. This is the resultof a big rise in sales.Cut all salaries by 10% --- fall in salesWe have been forced to cut all salaries by 10%. This is due to the fact that there has been a fall in sales in the past ten months.Cannot deliver your new order --- we have not received your payment fro the last orderWe regret that we are unable to deliver your new order immediately. This is owing to the fact that we have not received your payment for the last order.Cancel the meeting --- a lot of staff have been illWe have been forced to cancel the meeting. This is because some members of our staff have been ill.2. 请求采取行动:Please could you …We would be grateful if you could …We would be appreciate it if you could … as soon as possible.without delay.immediately.注:please could you … 是最直接的方式。


总增长:典型数据/区间:there are some fluctuations to this general trend;Within this general trend, there are some fluctuations, forexample…(2)注意分水岭的描写,即把整个图表的变化趋势分成两个或三个变化阶段来整体描写。
图表作文句型总结:1. 基本功: 叙述表格/图表组成:consist of.., be made up of.., be composed of..,比例:account for%, represent%, make/take up %.., 或者直接说% of….上升,增加,提高:a. 普通:increase, grow, rise, expandb. 渐渐上升:climb, edge up, ascend, trend up.c. 猛增,激增:jump, surge, soar, proliferate , leap, shot upd. 词组:achieve an increase in….by…to…Continue its upwards trend; trend upOn the rise, on the increase.On consecutive rise: 保持连续增长n. 名词:increase, rise, growth, expansion,ascendance渐渐增加,slight increase, rise, growth in..bump-up, proliferation,jump, leap, surge, boom减少,下降,减缓a. 普通:decrease, fall, drop, reduce, shrink,b. 逐渐变少:slide, dwindle, decline, edge downc. 骤减:collapse, slump, plummet, plunged. 经济衰退,停顿:slump, collapse, stagnate, stagnant, stagnation,sluggish, sluggishness, slack,crisis, recession, slowdown, downturn,e. 词组:fall off, drop off, go down, continue its downward trend, trend down, on the decline, on the downturn.保持平稳,不变:Remain stable,/steady,/unchangedLevel off vi 上升,或减退至平稳水平Subside vi 减退至平稳水平standstill n/adj 停滞不前起伏波动:Rise and fall,fluctuate slightly/dramatically,fluctuate between….and…, a minor fluctuation,small rises and falls/fluctuations.形容趋势程度a. 剧烈,显著,明显Dramatically, sharply, considerably, rapidly, suddenly, greatly, alarmingly,significantly, enormously, steeply, massively, incredibly, hugely, amazingly, substantially; at an alarming rate; by a wide margin.b. 缓慢/逐渐Gradually, steadily, slightly, gently, marginally, slowly, moderately, in amoderate way, by the least amount.表示倍数:a. 增几倍于:double, triple, quadruple’kw?drupl,b. 几倍的,几倍地:fivefold, sixfold, sevenfold….c. ad. 几倍:twice, three/four/five times….e. 几分之几:2/3:two-thirds, etc.比较数据as…as…a. three/four times as many. 做主语或定语成分Eg. % more people preferred the diet cherry version and nearly threetimes as many preferred the diet strawberry version.b.―A + be + XX times + as +adj + as + B‖。

讲义“mini-presentation”部分的sample answersT ASK CARD 10A. There are many factors to consider when planning presentation. The most important thing is to find out about the audience. We need to get the information about the number of audience, where they are from and they reason why they attend the presentation. These kinds of information will help to tailor the presentation to their needs. Another important aspect to consider is to research the topic. For example, what topic interests them most, what are the latest news about the topic, what are the best examples about the topic and so on. Therefore, we can make the presentation very useful and very interesting.B. XXX Training is the best way to get more knowledge of products, master more practical skills and understand more about service. Therefore, training helps staff to do a better a job and makes customers happier. XX is important because we need to know how the customers feel about our service. We need to listen to their opinions, get feedback from them about the standard of our service, and ask them what they need. Customer Satisfaction SurveyC. the most important things is encouraging teamwork. Most projects can not be completed by a single person, the success of a project relies on the close cooperation between team members. Teamwork guarantees high efficiency and good communication. Another important aspect is to keep to schedule. Every team member should finish his task before the deadline according to the schedule, so that the whole project can be finished on time. Consequences of delay can be too great: a heavy fine, client refusing to accept the goods, losing profit, or even losing clients.T ASK CARD 11A. The most important thing is to offer financial benefits to the staff. Needless to say, money is important because it helps to pay the bills. The best way to motivate staff is to offer financial incentives according to the results of their work. Better performance, better paid. Another important aspect is offering staff career development opport unities. Besides salary it’s important that a staff knows his or her job is leading somewhere, that he or she has a bright future in this company. If a staff can see a good career path in this company, he is willing to stay and work hard to achieve the goal.B.略C. The most important thing is to choose right topics. Health and safety training inc ludes lots of topics and it’s just impossib le for us to cover all of them at one time. Therefore, we must choose the most needed topics for us to make the training highly effective. Another important aspect is to select the right staff to attend. Staff from different departments have different needs, and we must put those who have common interests and needs in one group to make the training efficient, cost-effective and time-effective.T ASK CARD 12A. The most important thing is price and discounts. Every penny we spend on office equipment ultimately goes into cost of the product or service. Therefore we should try to get the lowest possible price. And, don’t forget every brand offers discounts from time to time. Another important aspect is brands names. Big brands are usually associated with high quality and reliable after-sales services. It’s wise to list several big brands and then choose one from them which offer s a lower price or a special discount.B. The most important thing is to consider the venue of entertainment. Every client has his own expectations when coming to a foreign country, for example, some clients may be interested in a city tour and some others may be more interested in a traditional Chinese meal. What we should do is to ask them about their expectations and take them to the places they desire. Another important thing is to be aware of the cultural differences. Foreign clients may have different cultural backgrounds and religious beliefs from us, and the foods or gestures we take for granted may be very offensive to them. For example it’s very offensive to offer a Muslim pork and an Indian beef. Understanding these cultural differences will make the clients feel valued.C. 略。
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名师指导BEC中高级写作名师指导BEC中高级写作商务英语证书(BUSINESS ENGLISH CERTIFICATE)是教育部考试中心和英国剑桥大学考试委员会合作,于1993年起举办的考试。
BEC 中级写作45分钟、;BEC 高级写作70分钟……考试答题卡由教育部考试中心海外考试处汇集后寄英国剑桥大学考试委员会评卷。
评出成绩后BEC 中级分A、B、C、 D、E五等;BEC 高级分A、B、C 、 D、E五等,),打印成绩通知单(包括不及格的D、E、Fail)和成绩证书,寄至教育部考试中心后寄发各考点向考生颁发。
在我们看来很简单的错误,如,we are student.这仅仅是单复数问题,在考官看来却能证明考试缺乏基本的英文修养。
(例一:《剑桥BEC真题集第3辑高级》,剑桥大学考试委员会,人民邮电出版社,2006年9月第一版;例二:《剑桥BEC真题集第3辑中级》,剑桥大学考试委员会,人民邮电出版社,2006年9月第一版)例一 QuestionThe Chief Executive of your company is concerned that staff morale seems to have deteriorated and has invited suggestions for making improvements.Write a proposal to the Chief Executive:suggestion why morale is lowoutlining the effects of low moraleproposing some ways of improving moraleindicating any disadvantages of your proposal.Sample A (4分)Introduction: This proposal aims at showing why staff morale has deteriorated and suggests ways of improving the current situation.Findings: Apart from most superiors… opinion that their subordinates are not happy with their job and have developed a low moral towards it due to unsatisfactory salaries and not enough fringe benefits, a survey among the workforce has shown that the real reasons for this problem are tobe found elsewhere. Many of the employees mentioned their fixed working hours and yet constantly changing amounts of incoming orders,which - as they claim - leads to boredom at work on some days and pure stress on others. But even more staff members have complaint aboutconstant organizational changes without ever getting the information of what exactly will changed beforehand.The effects can be noticed in every department of the company. Superiors and department directors say that their subordinates are not willing to do any extra work and are absolutely not open for any changes.Recommendations: It is suggested that the first step towards abetter work atmosphere be the introduction of flexi time. That way the employees can leave earlier when there isn?t much work to do andstay longer when the amount of work rises.The problem of organizational changes should be tackled in three different ways. First of all superiors are to be encouraged to pass more information on to the workforce, secondly the employees should become more involved in the decision making process and at last there should be annual feed backs by the employees about their superiors. Thedownside of these actions is that they are quite time consuming and this of course leads to more costs but on the other hand there will be less fluctuation.文章结构清晰,语言自然。
Sample B (2 分)The employe…s moral is at a very low level and get deteriorated over the last year.There are some reasons for that:--- First of all, the market is not growing which means that nobody is seeing how things could go better and nothing is moving forward.--- There are more and more cost?s controls and in an other hand,employees can see other depart ments spending money for “useless”furnitures.--- Customers are requesting more and more and employes have the feeling they have to do more relationship, politic tan real technical work..Because of those, people are spending time by shouting around against customers, company and colleagues. They are criticizing others,sometimes to times they answer “badly” to customer and their job…s quality is falling down.The proposals to fight against these and to go back to the high quality with motivated employes are:--- Management should handle the political part out of the employe?s hob. Employes have to stay focused on their core competency, the technical things.--- By implementing web based training employes could spent their “shouting” time to train the mselves from their desk to improve their knowledge and to make their job better. By this, company avoid anyextra costs for accommodations, travel and time spend in training classes.These measure bring more workload on Management and more time spent with employes and customers. Web based training means less time spent on “real” work because of the tie needed to learn and assimil the course… contents.该文用了足够词汇来回答问题,做到提纲要求的延伸。