
Children may swim here provided that they are accompanied by adults.2.这位美国记者因其关于中国的言论而大出洋相,因为他对三十年来中国发生的一切真的是孤陋寡闻了。
This American journalist made a fool of himself over his remarks a bout China, because he’s been out of touch with what’s been happening in the country in the past three decades.3. 任何人,不论家庭出身、性别和年龄,都有受教育的权利。
Every person has the right to education, regardless of his or her family background, sex, and age.4. 因特网的发明尽管造成了一些问题,但是却极大地方便了我们生活中几乎所有方面,包括教育、医疗和贸易等。
]The invention of the Internet, despite the fact that it has given rise to some problems, has greatly facilitated almost every aspect of our life, including education, medicine, and business.5.您计划出国度假的时候,造成不要忽视购买旅行保险;否则万一发生什么意外,您也许会有很大的麻烦。
Never overlook your travel insurance when you are planning to spend your holiday abroad; otherwise you might find yourself in great trouble if any accident should occur.6. 在那部电影里,那个亿万富翁面临着两难选择——和妻子离婚,让她分走他半个金融帝国,或者冒着被警方发现的危险把她谋杀掉。

2) Natural fiber is said to be superior to synthetic fiber.
我很快意识到,这件小事与我们在中国要做的工作直接相关:考察儿童早期教育 (尤其是艺术教育)的方式,揭示中国人对创造性活动的态度。因此,不久我就在与中国教育工作者讨论时谈起了钥匙槽口一事。
我的中国同行,除了少数几个人外,对此事的态度与金陵饭店工作人员一样。”既然大人知道怎么把钥匙塞进槽口——这是处理槽口一事的最终目的, 既然孩子还很年幼,还没有灵巧到可以独自完成要做的动作,让他自己瞎折腾会有什么好处呢?他很有可能会灰心丧气发脾气——这当然不是所希望的结果。为什么不教他怎么做呢?他会高兴,他还能早些学会做这件事,进而去学做更复杂的事,如开门,或索要钥匙——这两件事到时候同样可以 (也应该)示范给他看。
3) The city’s importance as a financial center has evolved slowly.
4) His nationality is not relevant to whether he is a good lawyer.
5) The poems by a little-known sixteenth-century Italian poet have found their way into some English magazines.
全新版大学英语2 Unit4课后翻译

(laughter)Research shows that laughter can bring a lot of health benefits.2)互联网连接速度慢的真让人心烦。
(connection, annoy)A slow Internet connection speed is really annoying.3)法律规定,帮助他人自杀是犯罪。
(suicide, crime)As the law stands, helping someone commit suicide is a crime.4)玛丽在她的报告中试图从一个完全不同的角度来解释这一额数据。
(interpret,angel, data)In her report, Mary tries to interpret the data from a completely different angle.5)苏是一个很有天分的女孩。
(of great talent, set apart)Sue is a girl of great talent. Her amazing memory sets her apart from her classmates. 也许你羡慕我,因为我可以借助计算机在家里工作。
(click, cue, data, edit, Internet, interpret, at times, but then, on line, via)Perhaps you envy me for being able to work from home on the computer. I agree that the Internet has made my job a lot easier. I can write, submit and edit articles via email, chat with my colleagues on line and discuss work with my boss. With a click of the mouse, I can get all the data I need and keep up with the latest news. But then, communicating through the Net can be frustrating at times. The system may crash. Worse still, without the emotional cues of face-to-face communication, the typed words sometimes seem difficult to interpret.。

Language in use
这样做对美国职业篮球联赛和大学双方都有好处:大学留住了 可能转向职业篮球赛的学生,而美国职业篮球联赛无需花钱组 建一个小职业篮球联盟。大学篮球在全国的普遍推广以及美国 大学体育协会对“疯狂三月”(即美国大学体育协会甲级联赛 男篮锦标赛)的市场推广,使得这项大学体育赛事一直在蓬勃 发展。
Language in use
5 Translate the paragraph into English.
现在中国大学生参加志愿活动已成为常态。他们到社区为老年 人服务,到山区助学,举办爱心捐赠活动,或到世博会 (World Expo)或奥运会等重要国际活动担任志愿者。参加志 愿活动有助于学生获取专业技能,丰富社会经验,提高道德水 平。多数大学生都认为参与志愿服务是自己应尽的社会责任和 义务,希望能做一些有意义的事情来回报社会,积极推动社会 和谐发展。
Language in use
This was a mutually beneficial relationship for the NBA and colleges — the colleges held onto players who would otherwise go professional, and the NBA did not have to fund a minor league. The pervasiveness of college basketball throughout the nation and the NCAA’ s (美国大 学体育协会) marketing of “March Madness” (officially the NCAA Division I Men’ s Basketball Championship), have kept the college game alive and well.

新标准大学英语综合教程2课后题翻译答案(英译汉,汉译英)题目答案新标准大学英语综合教程2课后翻译答案 Unit 11 政府采取的一系列措施不但没有化解矛盾,反倒激起更多的暴力冲突。
( give rise to; form an alliance with; launch; bring about)Instead of resolving contradictions, the series of measures taken by the government gave rise to more violent clashes. The Opposition formed analliance with the trade unions and launched a general strike, which ultimately brought about the downfall of the government.2 如今,大学与现实世界的距离越来越小,学生也变得越来越实际。
( shrink; gone are the days; a means to an end)Nowadays, the gap between the university and the real world is shrinking and the students are becoming more and more practical. Gone are the days when the university was an ivory tower in which scholars pursued knowledge as anend rather than a means to an end.3 我从未指望靠上课来学好这门课。

一、1. 他的工作与动物有关。
(have something to do with)His work has something to do with animals.2. 为了在天黑前到达,我们早早动了身。
(in order to)We started early in order to arrive before dark.3. 从她的口音判断,她一定是一个北方人。
(judge by)Judging by her accent, she must be from the North.4. 如果你们要她来,就是先通知她。
(in advance)If you need her to come, inform her in advance.5. 我不清楚他为什么改变了主意。
(change one’s mind)I don’t know why he changed his mind.6. 多数人一旦学会游泳,就会喜欢上它的。
(once)Most people like to swim once they have learned how (to swim).7. 你现在准备得越充分,考试时就越有信心。
(confidence)The more preparations you make now, the more confidence you’ll have in the exam.8. 英语学好了,你就会经常用它。
(frequent use)If you learn English well, you will use it often. The frequent use, in turn, will make you learn better.二、1. 我正在照料附近工厂的一位工人。
(take care of)I am taking care of a worker from a neighboring factory.2. 我昨天晚上上床以后对这个问题反复进行了思考,但仍然找不到解决办法。

全新版大学英语综合教程2课文翻译及课后答案(全)全新版大学英语综合教程2课文翻译及课后答案(全)课文翻译Lesson 1 FriendshipFriendship is one of life's most important treasures. Friends bring us joy, support, and understanding. They are there for us in good times and bad, and they help us grow and become better individuals.In this lesson, we are introduced to the concept of friendship through the story of Damon and Pythias. Damon and Pythias were two loyal friends who lived in ancient Greece. When Pythias was accused of plotting against the tyrant Dionysius, he was sentenced to death. However, Damon offered himself as a hostage so that Pythias could go home and say goodbye to his family. Dionysius was skeptical of Damon's loyalty and gave him a deadline. If Pythias did not return by the appointed time, Damon would be executed in his place. Despite the risk, Pythias returned just in time to save his friend's life. The tyrant was so moved by their friendship that he released Pythias and allowed the two friends to continue their bond.The story of Damon and Pythias teaches us about the importance of loyalty and sacrifice in friendships. True friends are willing to go to great lengths to help and support each other. They are selfless and put the well-being of their friends above their own.Friendship is not only based on loyalty and sacrifice but also on trust and understanding. Friends should be able to confide in each other and know that their secrets are safe. They should also be able to communicate openly and honestly, even when it's difficult. When trust and understanding exist within a friendship, it becomes a safe haven where individuals can be themselves without fear of judgment.Lesson 2 SuccessSuccess means different things to different people. For some, success is measured by wealth and material possessions. For others, success is achieving personal goals and finding fulfillment in life.This lesson introduces us to the story of Jack and the Beanstalk. Jack, a poor boy, was given magic beans in exchange for his family's cow. These beans grew into a giant beanstalk that reached the sky. Jack bravely climbed the beanstalk and discovered a giant's castle where he found treasures and riches beyond imagination. Jack's journey represents the pursuit of success and the willingness to take risks.Success requires determination, hard work, and a positive mindset. It involves setting goals and working tirelessly to achieve them. Along the way, there may be obstacles and setbacks, but successful individuals persevere and stay focused on their objectives.Success is not solely measured by material wealth but also by personal growth and self-fulfillment. It's about finding happiness and contentment in one's achievements and embracing the journey rather than just the destination.课后答案Lesson 1 Friendship1. What is one of life's most important treasures?- Friendship.2. What do friends bring us?- Joy, support, and understanding.3. Who were Damon and Pythias?- They were two loyal friends who lived in ancient Greece.4. What happened to Pythias?- He was accused of plotting against the tyrant Dionysius and was sentenced to death.5. What did Damon do to help Pythias?- Damon offered himself as a hostage so that Pythias could go home and say goodbye to his family.6. What did Dionysius do to test Damon's loyalty?- He gave Damon a deadline. If Pythias did not return by the appointed time, Damon would be executed in his place.7. Did Pythias return in time?- Yes, Pythias returned just in time to save his friend's life.8. How did the tyrant react to Damon and Pythias' friendship?- The tyrant was moved by their friendship and released Pythias, allowing the two friends to continue their bond.Lesson 2 Success1. How do different people define success?- Different people define success in different ways. For some, it's measured by wealth and material possessions. For others, it's about achieving personal goals and finding fulfillment in life.2. What did Jack receive in exchange for his family's cow?- Jack received magic beans.3. What did the magic beans grow into?- The magic beans grew into a giant beanstalk that reached the sky.4. What did Jack find in the giant's castle?- Jack found treasures and riches beyond imagination in the giant's castle.5. What qualities are required for success?- Determination, hard work, and a positive mindset are required for success.6. What should individuals do when facing obstacles and setbacks?- Successful individuals should persevere and stay focused on their objectives when facing obstacles and setbacks.7. How should success be measured?- Success should not only be measured by material wealth but also by personal growth and self-fulfillment. It's about finding happiness and contentment in one's achievements and embracing the journey.注意:以上仅为翻译示例及课后答案,具体课文内容请参照教材。

Unit 2 Myths and LegendsIn-Class Reading Why the Tortoise’s Shell Is Not Smooth为什么乌龟的背壳凹凸不平1 从远处他妻子们的那些小木屋里传来的低声细语,时不时地被歌声打断,但是奥康瓦还是听到了,这是妻子们同各自的孩子在讲民间故事。
2 “很久以前”,她开始讲道,“所有的鸟儿都被邀请到天上赴宴。
3 “乌龟看到了所有这些准备活动,并很快了解了事情的来龙去脉。
”4 “但是他没有翅膀呀,”爱金玛说。
5 “别性急,”她母亲回答道,“故事(的关键)就在这里。
”6 “‘我们太了解你了,’鸟儿们听了他的请求后说道。
’7 “‘你们不了解我,’乌龟说。
’8 “乌龟巧舌如簧,没过多久,所有的鸟儿都一致认为,他确实已经脱胎换骨了,于是每只鸟儿都给了他一根羽毛,用这些羽毛,乌龟做了两只色彩绚丽的翅膀。
9 “最后,这盛大的日子终于来到了,乌龟第一个到达了集合地点。

大学英语综合教程2课后翻译University English Comprehensive Tutorial 2: Translation of Exercises without Using the Same Words as the Headings1. Translate the following sentences into English.a) 我们应该致力于保护环境。
We should dedicate ourselves to protecting the environment.b) 我们需要改变生活方式以减少垃圾产生。
We need to change our lifestyle to reduce waste generation.c) 这个项目的目的是提高学生的创造力和创新能力。
The goal of this project is to enhance students' creativity and innovation.d) 这个国家已经取得了很大的经济发展。
This country has achieved significant economic development.e) 这个新产品将在明天发布。
This new product will be launched tomorrow.2. Translate the following paragraph into English.自从我上大学以来,我经历了许多挑战和困难。
Since I entered university, I have experienced many challenges and difficulties. One of the biggest challenges I faced was adapting to a new learning environment. After entering university, I had to deal with academic issues and personal affairs by myself. I needed to learn how to think independently and solve problems. Another challenge was time management. University courses were demanding, and I had to schedule my time efficiently in order to complete assignments and study. Despite the numerous difficulties, I believe that through hard work and perseverance, I can overcome these challenges and achieve good results.。

1. reveal the shape of that strange basin 来揭示那个奇怪盆地的形状2. vibrant space exploration program 生动鲜活的太空探索项目3. a violent restless nature 狂暴的、躁动的自然4. cited the benefits of cloning at the conference 在大会上提到了克隆技术的好处5. what counted most was their motherland’s advance and prosperity 最重要的是祖国的发展和繁荣6. had ceased fire in order to watch the World Cup soccer matches 为了看世界杯一停火7. The essence of his argument 他论点的核心8. signing off 即将播完gained a deeper perception about earth’s fragility 对地球的脆弱有了更深刻的理解9. read a retired astronaut’s autobiography in awe 满心敬畏的读了一位前宇航员的自传fired my curiosity about space 点燃了我对太空的好奇心made me a space enthusiast 使我成为太空发烧友10. were feasible 是可行的unpredictable dangers 无法预测的危险none of them was willing to be left out 他们中没有一个愿意被排除在外orbit the Earth 环绕地球enjoy the landscape on the moon 在月球上欣赏风景P481. various household appliances 各种家用电器2. as it produces no pollutants 因为它不会产生污染物3. Consumption of wood for fuel 消耗木材用作燃料4. withstand the recent rise in oil 抵制最近的油价上涨5. are operating reliably and efficiently 正在可靠、高效地运行6. a fixed capacitor is usually installed 通常安装固定电容器7. The causes of the war lie in 战争的起因在于8. a modest decrease in house prices 房价略有下降9. cut down (on) their energy usage 减少能源的消耗10. pose a serious threat 造成严重的威胁P731. prone to all kinds of infections 容易受到各种各样的感染2. Overwhelming evidence indicates 众多证据表明3. make them vulnerable 让他们易受伤害的4. was shown to be defective 被证明有缺陷5. at a disadvantage in longevity 在寿命尚处于劣势6. the downfall of the ancient Roman Empire 古罗马帝国的覆灭7. Common anxiety dreams that plague both genders 通常困扰两性的焦虑梦境8. in light of local conditions 根据当地情况9. ideals and struggle are an intimate couple 理想与奋斗是亲密伴侣10. recall them more readily when they awaken 当她们清醒的时候更容易回忆起来P99-1001. undergo medical treatment 接受医学治疗2. akin to the mainstream Microsoft Office suite 与主流的微软办公软件相识3. undermine computer security and stability 破会计算机的安全与稳定性4. make the best use of Internet technology 充分利用互联网技术5. The new version of the software这个软件的新版本6. took apart his webcam 把他的网络摄像头拆开7. factors in the Gross National Income per capita 把人均国民总收入计算在内8. disclosing classified information 揭露机密信息9. in languages that are foreign to them用他们不熟悉的语言10. more likely to neglect information security 更有可能忽视信息安全P1271. the necessary calculations take so long that they are impractical 所需的计算要花费的时间太长,以至于这变得不切实际2. whether an alteration of diet in individuals has any effect on 个体饮食的习惯是否影响到3. China’s heavy-duty trucking industry has seen rapid development 中国重型卡车工业已取得了迅猛的发展4. ranging in age from seven to thirteen 年龄从7岁到13岁5. While the superconducting cable can carry very high currents 虽然超导电缆能够传导强大电流6. It is hardly credible 几乎使人难以相信7. shields the earth from the sun’s ultraviolet rays 保护地球不受太阳紫外线的辐射8. a railway system or railway line is electrified 一个铁路系统或者一条电气化铁路线9. will become more reliant on it 将会更加依赖技术10. to compress video into digital flow 将视频压缩成数字流1.hit upon the idea of transplanting animal organs偶然想到移植动物器官这个想法2.should be familiar with the normal behavior of the species应当熟悉该群体的一般行为3.integrated into the new colony融入到新的动物群体之中4.adapted for surviving long periods in desert regions适于在沙漠地区长时间生存5.recruit other honeybees to observe the newly found food source 动员其它蜜蜂去观察新近发现的食物源6.Recent studies have indicated that 最近的研究业已表明7.confirmed cases of H1N1 infection感染H1N1的确诊病例8.manipulate animals serve their own purposes利用动物为他们服务9.failed to return their former habitat 未能回到先前的栖息地10.in the absence of light and oxygen在没有光和氧气的情况下Task2一、1、The US newscaster Walter Cronkite wiped away his tears; people gathered around televisions from China to Brazil; pavements outside TV shops crammed as people watched in awe.2、Aldrin said, “Neil, we missed the whole thing.”Because Aldrin thought that they were the only ones who never had the chance to see themselves carrying out the moon-landing mission.3、Their real wonder was at the vibrant blue earth in the distance, not at the dead gray planet beneath them4、To be human means to be restless. Curiosity is never satisfied. It merely finds new targets.5、Al Bean would simply marvel at the variety of human life.6、They felt deeply that the Earth is both beautiful and fragile. The earth needs more care and protection7、The Apollo missions gave a big boost to Green movement. The Apollo missions had deep and lasting effect on many environmentalists. An organization called “Friends of the Earth”was founded after the astronauts first walked on the moon. The inaugural Earth Day happened a year later.8、The greatest reason to celebrate the 40th anniversary of moon landing is personal, because the celebration is a good opportunity for everyone on the earth to think more about his responsibility in protecting and prospering this planet.二1、They are of great help to cut down the amount of toxins, which are by-products of the consumption of energy.2、Solar energy, wind energy, geothermal energy, hydroelectricity, and biofuels.3、Solar energy, wind energy and hydroelectricity.4、It never has a constant speed or direction.5、The advantages of biofuels are that they contain no petroleum, and they are nontoxic and biodegradable.三1、Problems simply arise when we expect or assume the opposite sex should think, feel or act the way we do.2、Men and women shall first understand the ways they are different, then accept their differences, and live their lives fully and as skillfully as possible. They must avoid trying to change others to suit their needs.3、Women are usually more concerned about how problems are solved than merely solving the problem itself. The process of solving a problem can strengthen or weaken a relationship. For men, how the problem is solved is not nearly as important as solving it effectively and in the best possible manner. They are often distracted and do not attend well to the quality of the relationship while solving problems.4、While women take a broad or “collective”perspective, and view elements in a task as interconnected and interdependent, men tend to focus on one problem at a time or a limited number of problems at a time, and view elements in a task as less interconnected and more independent.5、While women have an enhanced ability to recall memories that have strong emotional components, men tend to recall events using strategies that rely on reconstructing the experience in terms of elements, tasks or activities that took place.6、Men feel closer and validated through shared activities. Women, on the other hand, feel closer and validated through communication, dialogue and intimate sharing of experience, emotional content and personal perspectives.四1、A hacker usually breaks into other people’s computers and makes a computer do what heWants whether the computer wants to or not.2、The two senses of “hack”, whether it is a compliment or an offence, have something in common: they both break the rules3、No, they don’t. It is because the motive of hackers—intellectual curiosity—is totally different from the usual criminal motives.4、Outsiders, including hackers, make great contributions to the development of the next generation of computer technology5、It is because they will strangle the innovative and creative spirit of Americans and eventually will do harm to the whole nation.6、It means people’s behavior and thinking pattern are confined to rules in those countries五1、It is a car powered by compressed air.2、Hybrids are only marginally less polluting than the most efficient combustion engines.Hydrogen power is expensive and impractical. Fuel cells are expensive and unproven. Besides, electric cars are reliant on expensive, unreliable battery technology.3、Compared to electric cars, air-powered cars cost a fraction of the price to buy, they don’t need expensive batteries to be replaced every five years or so and crucially they take only a fraction of the time to recharge.4、Air power has a real chance of putting a rocket up the $200 million-a-year global auto industry, radically improving the quality of urban life and making a serious dent in global carbon emissions in the process.5、The cars are made of fiberglass, which is lighter and 10 times stronger than steel.6、The technique of air-powered cars will be licensed for use in many countries, and Negre wants it to be used to power aircraft.七1、Social animals make two sorts of choices: consensus decisions in which the group makes a single collective choice, as when house-hunting rock ants decide where to settle; and combined decisions, such as the allocation of jobs among worker bees.2、Consensus decisions are described in Condorcet’s “jury theorem”as follows. If each member of a jury has only partial information, the majority decision is more likely to be correct than a decision arrived at by an individual juror. Moreover, the probability of a correct decision increases with the size of the jury.3、Before a colony of honeybees migrates, scouts are sent out to search for new nest sites and report back using a waggle dance to advertise suitable locations. The longer the dance lasts, the better the site is. After a while, other scouts start to visit the sites advertised by their compatriots and, on their return, also perform more waggle dances. The process eventually leads to a consensus on the best site and the swarm migrates.4、The major factor contributing to bees’ability to identify quickly the best site lies in the interplay of bees’interdependence in communicating the whereabouts of the best site and their independence in confirming this information.5、The reason that honeybees can prevent such group-thinking that affects good decision-making as investors do in the stock market is that the swarm not only share the collection of information but also independently confirm it. Conversely, there might be an inbuilt bias among people to copy one another when they come together to consider a problem.6、The experiment on ant migration shows that the dynamics of collective decision-making are closely entwined with the implementation of these decisions. It indicates that it is important to recruit active leaders to a cause so as to get others to follow.。

1.Gases such as carbon monoxide, emitted by factories and automobiles, have seriously polluted the atmosphere.工厂和汽车发出的一氧化碳一类的气体严重污染了大气2.The industrial engineer’s letter indicates that he doubts the feasibility of the plan.那为工业管理工程师来的信表明,他对改项计划是否可行有怀疑3.Many parents in the United States set aside a fund for their children’s education before they are born.美国许多父母在孩子出生之前就为他们的教育留出一笔专款4.I have made sure that her conclusion is based on facts.我已了解清楚,她的结论是以事实为根据的5.The medical team, composed of three doctors and two nurses, set off for the mountain(ous) area a few days ago.几天前,由三位医生和两名护士组成的医疗队出发到山区去了6.The village is named after the high mountain that stands in front of it.这个村庄是以树立在它前面的那座高山命名的7.He was ill for about a week, which has really set him back in his studies.他病了一个月左右,这使他在学习上耽误了很多8.The war that broke out between the North and the South in 1861 is known in history as the American Civil War.南方和北方之间于一八六一年爆发的那场战争在历史上称为“美国内战”英语翻译第二章1.Their argument ended when she slammed the door and left without a word.她砰地关上门,一声不吭地走了,他们间那场争执就此结束2.The guest at the dinner party were slightly surprised at the commanding tone of the American.出席晚宴的客人对那个美国人威严的语气感到有点以外3.Johnny has outgrown the fear of staying at home alone.约翰尼已长大成熟,不再害怕独自呆在家里了4.While all the other passengers made for the exit, he alone remained in his seat as if unwilling to leave the plane.当全部乘客都向出口处走去时,他却独自留在座位上,好象不愿意离开这架飞机似的5.The letter is to be handed to Dr. Wilson himself.这封信必须交给威尔逊博士本人6.While she felt like joining in the argument, Nancy was too shy to open her mouth.南希虽然很想参加辩论,但腼腆得不敢开口7.What do you think is the likeliest time to find him at home?你觉得什么时候最有可能在家里找到他8.The hunter’s face (was) lit up with excitement as soon as he saw a fox emerge from among the bushes and run in the direction of/ make for the trap he had laid.猎人一看见有只狐狸从树丛中出现并向他设下的陷阱方向跑去,脸上顿时闪出了兴奋的表情英语翻译第三章1.It was suggested at the meeting that a committee of 11 be appointed to make a new constitution.会上有人建议任命一个十一人委员会来制定新章程2.By making on-the-spot observation, the young scientist obtained first-hand information they needed in their research work.这些青年科学家通过现场观察,获得了研究工作所需的第一手资料3.It is very likely that he will be rejected by the army because of his bad eyesight.他很可能会因视力不好而被拒收入伍4.The committee members have conflicting opinions as to the best location of the new airport.委员会成员在新机场最佳选址这一问题上持有不同意见5. Henry’s works of art are superior in many respects to those of his brother’s.亨利创作的艺术品在许多方面比他兄弟的要好6. The steady rise in the quality of our products owes much to the improvement of our equipment.我们产品质量的稳步提高在很大程度上是由于设备有所改进7. Jim would have preferred to act on his own judgment, but he didn’t because as a soldier he had to obey the order.吉姆本想按照自己的判断行事,但他没有这样做,因为作为军人他得服从命令8. Were it left to me to decide whether we should have a city without bikes or one without cars. I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter.如果让我来决定我们是要一个没有自行车的城市呢,还是要一个没有汽车的城市,我会毫不犹豫地选择后者英语翻译第四章1. She got a post as a cashier at a local bank. But she was soon fired because she proved to be incompetent.她在当地一家银行找到一份出纳员的工作,但不久因不称职而被解雇了。

全新版大学英语综合教程2-课后翻译试题答案Unit 1XXX1.背离传统需要很大的勇气。
It XXX.2.XXX过去很腼腆,但这次却非常勇敢的能在大庭广众面前表演了。
Tom used to be very shy。
but this time he was bold enough to give a performance in front of a large audience.3.很多教育家认为从小培养孩子的创新精神是很可取的。
Many educators think it XXX in children at an early age.4.假设那幅画的确是名作,你觉得值得购买吗?Assuming that this painting is indeed a masterpiece。
do you think it is XXX purchase it?5.如果这些数据在统计上是站得住脚的,那么它们将有助于我们认识正在调查的问题。
If the data is statistically valid。
it will provide clues to the problem we are XXX.XXX skills。
it is crucial to engage in more reading。
it is important to memorize as many well-written essays as possible。
Without a vast knowledge of good English writing。
XXX difficult。
It is also XXX which learning methods are most effective and produce desirable results。
With hard work and n。

Unit One1.她砰地关上门,一声不吭地走了,他们之间那场争执就此结束。
Their argument ended when she slammed the door and left without a word.2. 出席晚宴的客人对那个美国人威严的语气感到有点意外。
The guests at the dinner party were slightly surprised at the commanding tone of the American.3. 约翰尼已长大成熟,不再害怕独自呆在家里了。
Johnny has outgrown the fear of staying at home alone.4. 当全部乘客都向出口处 (exit) 走去时,他却独自留在座位上,好像不愿意离开这架飞机似的。
While all the other passengers made for the exit, he alone remained in his seat as if unwilling to leave the plane.5. 这封信必须交给威尔逊博士本人。
The letter is to be handed to Dr. Wilson himself.6. 南希虽然很想参加辩论,但腼腆得不敢开口。
While she felt like joining in the argument, Nancy was too shy to open her mouth.7. 你觉得什么时候最有可能在家里找到他?What do you think is the likeliest time to find him at home?8. 猎人一看见有只狐狸从树丛中出现并向他设下 (lay) 的陷阱 (trap) 方向跑去,脸上顿时闪出了兴奋的表情。
The hunter’s face lit up with excitement as soon as he saw a fox emerge from among the bushes and run in the direction of / make for the trap he had laid.English to Chinese:1. It was an early September day, cool and bright and just right for running, and I was in the first few miles of a 10-mile race over a course through steep, exhausting hills.那是九月初的一天,天气凉爽而又晴朗,正是赛跑的好日子。

1. 他走得慢是因为他腿有毛病。
1. He walks slowly because of his bad leg.2. 他尽管病得很重,但还是来参加会议了。
2. He came to the meeting despite his serious illness.3. 他确保同样得错误今后不再发生了。
3. He saw to it that the same mistake didn't happen again.4. 现在他们之间的了解多了一些,他们相处得就好些了。
4. Now that they've got to know each other a little better they get along just fine.5. 此时我发现自己被五六个男孩子围住了。
5. Then I found myself surrounded by half a dozen boys.6. 在这幸福的时刻,我向你致以最美好的祝愿。
6. I send you my best wishes on this happy occasion.7. 昨天我去牙科医生那儿将我的一颗蛀牙拔掉了。
7. I went to the dentist yesterday to have a bad/decayed tooth pulled out.8. 事物的发展从根本上讲是由内因决定了。
8. The development of things depends fundamentally on internal causes.9. 条条道路通罗马。
9. All roads lead to Rome.10. 我本来打算今天给你这本书的,可是我忘记把书带来了。
10. I meant to give you that book today but I forgot to bring it with me.11. 我差点儿接受他的建议。

Unit 11.我们像在暖房里种花那样养孩子是错误的。
It's wrong to hear our children the way we grow flowers in the greenhouse. We must expose them to all social problems because they will approach them as citizens very soon.2.随着时间的推移,我们不可避免地会越来越多地卷入国际商务。
With the passage of time we are inevitably increasing involved in international affairs. And conflicts are sure to occur because there always exist different views and interests among nations.3.我们为我们的成就而骄傲,我们有理由感到骄傲。
We are proud of our accomplishments, and we have reason to be so. But we must never become arrogant. Otherwise we will lose our friends.4.信息现在唾手可得。
Information is now immediately available. An average computer can store as much information as a small library dose.5.那家建筑公司没有资格操作这个项目。

大学英语第二册课后翻译题答案初学者在摄影构图中常犯的错误及禁忌!光圈优先自动技巧2010-06-28 21:36:20|分类:默认新世纪大学英语综合教程2 课后翻译题(Translation)答案分类|标签:|字号大中小订阅Unit11. 在生活中,我们最愚蠢的行为就是太执着于自己的东西,不愿意放弃。
In life our stupidest course of action is to cling too much to what we have and refuse to let go.2.我愿意在IT 行业工作,但我不知道如何着手。
I'm willing to work in the IT industry, but have no idea how to go about it.3.许多人都已意识到与大自然和谐相处的重要性。
Many people are aware of the importance of living in harmony with nature.4.像“代沟”这样的问题是不可以被掩盖起来的。
Problems like the generation gap cannot be swept under the carpet.5.我始终不懂什么事在使她心烦。
I never did understand what was eating away at her.6.他一生都与世无争。
He has been at peace with the world all his life.7. 他没有说出自己的想法。
He did not speak out/say what he thought. For one thing, she might not understand. For another, he was afraid that she might not forgive him.8.随着岁月流逝,他对中国文化越来越感兴趣。

Unit 6 section A1.After two days of questioning by the police, the criminal finally confessed (承认;供认).警方经过两天质疑,罪犯终于供认不讳。
2.It is a very popular play, and it would be wise to reserve (预定;保留) seats in advance.这是一个非常受欢迎的表演,明智的做法是提前预订座位。
3.He was an enthusiastic amateur writer for many years before he turned professional (职业的,专业的).在他转为专业的作家之前,他曾是一名业余作家多年。
impressive (使人映像深刻的).4.The actor’s performance in Hamlet has been在“哈姆雷特”表演中的演员表现令人印象深刻。
5.Where unemployment and crime rates are high, it can be assumed that the latter (后者) isdue to the former.如果失业率和犯罪率都很高,那么可以推断,后者归咎于前者。
6. A good photograph can often convey (传达,表达) far more than words.一张很好的照片往往能比言语传达的多。
7.Although you have graduated from university, a bachelor’s degree in English does not qualify(取得资格) you not to teach English.虽然你已经大学毕业,但学士的英语程度没有取得资格你就不能教英语。
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their argument ended when she slammed the door and left without a word.2. 出席晚宴的客人对那个美国人威严的语气感到有点意外。
the guests at the dinner party were slightly surprised at the commanding tone of the american.3. 约翰尼已长大成熟,不再害怕独自呆在家里了。
johnny has outgrown the fear of staying at home alone.4. 当全部乘客都向出口处(exit) 走去时,他却独自留在座位上,好像不愿意离开这架飞机似的。
while all the other passengers made for the exit, he alone remained in his seat as if unwilling to leave the plane.5. 这封信必须交给威尔逊博士本人。
the letter is to be handed to dr. wilson himself.6. 南希虽然很想参加辩论,但腼腆得不敢开口。
while she felt like joining in the argument, nancy was too shy to open her mouth.7. 你觉得什么时候最有可能在家里找到他?what do you think is the likeliest time to find him at home?8. 猎人一看见有只狐狸从树丛中出现并向他设下(lay) 的陷阱(trap) 方向跑去,脸上顿时闪出了兴奋的表情。
the hunter’s face lit up with excitement as soon as he saw a fox emerge from among the bushes and run in the direction of / make for the trap he had laid.1) 如果富有的国家多花些钱搞绿色工业,而不是去建立军事机器和制造核武器,当今许多广泛存在的污染问题将会逐渐消失。
if the rich countries spent more money on green industries, instead of on building up military machines and nuclear weapons, many of todays widespread pollution problems would gradually disappear.2) 烧煤的时候,不仅消耗房子里面的氧气,而且还散发出有毒的气体。
the burning of coal not only consumes the oxygen in the house but also gives out poisonous gases.3) 显然,找到替代能源对我们经济的稳定发展是至关重要的。
apparently, finding alternative energy sources is essential to the steady development of our economy.4) 太阳能电池(solar cell)能吸收阳光并把它变成电。
solar cells can absorb sunlight and convert it into electricity.5) 如果地球上的温度继续年复一年地上升,极地的冰帽将会开始融化,沿海城市中一半的建筑物很可能会消失在劈啪飞溅的海浪下面。
if the temperature on the earth continues to go up from year to year, the polar ice caps will begin to melt and, in all likelihood, half of the buildings in coastal cities will disappear beneath splashing sea waves.6) 因为这些生物很小并且常常躲在叶子茂密的植物下面,肉眼并不都可以看见。
because these creatures are small and tend to hide beneath leafy plants, they are not always visible to the naked eye.7) 由于受到原子辐射,他最终在工作时倒下了。
as a result of exposure to atomic radiation, he finally collapsed at work.book2 unit8 翻译1) 巨额投资(investment)使这一地区的经济得以迅速发展。
vast amounts of investment have enabled the economy of the area to grow rapidly.2) 他们为新建一所医院开展了一场筹款运动。
they launched a campaign to raise money for a new hospital.3) 成功在于勤奋(diligence),诺兰医生就是一个很好的例证。
success lies in diligence. dr. nolen is a case in point.4) 他们都具有很高的道德标准,决不会受诱惑接受如此贵重的礼品。
men of high moral standards, they are never to be tempted into taking such expensive gifts.5) 有迹象表明,不少工厂正面临着十分困难的局面。
there are indications that numerous factories are faced with a very difficult situation.6) 警方找到谁是罪犯的重要线索后,在几小时内就以武装抢劫罪拘捕了他。
the police arrested the criminal on a charge of armed robbery several hours after they found an important clue to his identity.7) 调查显示,对某些人来说,退休往往会造成心理上的病痛。
investigation has revealed that retirement tends to cause psychological troubles for some people.8) 医疗队并没有一味抱怨当地医院较差的工作条件。
the medical team did more than complain about the relatively poor working conditions at the local hospital. for instance, several doctors bought simple medical instruments with their own money.book2 unit10 翻译1) 作者想通过这篇文章向读者传达她对赞扬与批评的看法。
through the article the author wants to convey to the readers her views on praise and criticism.2) 作为父母我们应该知道,对于孩子们来说,一句赞扬抵得上十句责骂。
as parents we should know that for children an ounce of praise is worth a pound of scolding.3) 这位教师并不是一个了不起的学者,但他的确懂得怎样把一门课教得活泼而有趣。
(in a ... manner)the teacher isnt much of a scholar, but he does know how to teach a course in a lively and interesting manner.4) 我们常常发现运用一个规律比懂得它要难得多。
we often find it much more difficult to apply a rule than to know it.5) 她从不因为孩子们争吵而责骂他们,而是在他们安安静静地玩耍时赞扬几句。
she never scolds her children for squabbling. instead, she gives them a few words of praise when they play quietly.6) 格林先生老是挑他女儿写作的刺儿,但不知怎的,对她那首写得很差的诗歌却给予好评。
mr. green was always critical of his daughters writings, but somehow he commented favorably on that poorly written poem of hers.7) 我们班上有不少学生因为没有按时交作文而受到教师的当众批评。
quite a few students in our class were publicly criticized by the teacher for failing to hand in their compositions on time.8) 一位好的教师应对学生取得的进步非常敏感。
a good teacher should be very alert to the progress his students make / are making. if their progress is ignored / goes unnoticed, the students will feel discouraged.【篇二:新编大学英语2课后翻译答案】1.他走得慢是因为腿有毛病。
( because of )he walks slowly because of his bad leg.2. 他尽管病得很重,但还是来参加会议了。