
2010年天津市高考英语试题听力原文-答案试卷AText 1M: I thought you are working in the large company. W: I did for a few months then I went to a law firm, but I am working in the bank now.Text 2M: I’m looking for some living room furniture for my new house.W: We have many different styles here. Which one do you like?M: It really doesn't matter. I need something comfortable.Text 3M: I'm going to Christie's to do some food shopping. Would you come with me?W: Christie's? Are you kidding? They have the highest prices in town.Text 4W: Edward, do me a favour, OK?M: Sure, what is it?W: On your way to the science building drop off these two books at the library.M: No problem.Text 5M: That's the last time I drive to the airport.W: What happened? Did you get hold off it at the traffic jam?M: Not only was there a huge traffic jam, but when I got to the airport the parking lots of full.第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)Text 6 听下面一段对话,回答第6至第8三个小题。

2019年3 月天津卷英语听力试卷 A第一节(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)听下面五段对话。
每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。
例: How much is the shirt?A.£ 19.15.B. £9.15.C. £9.18.答案为B。
1. What will the man do first?A. Visit the artists.B. Finish his reading.C. Go to the museum.2. When did the man begin to work in Beijing?A. Two years ago.B. Eight years ago.C. Ten years ago.3. What was the woman doing when the man called last night?A. She was on her way home.B. She was calling the man.C. She was on the phone.4. How does the woman feel about the novel?A. Enjoyable.B. Thrilling.C. Difficult.5. Where does the conversation most probably take place?A. On a bus.B. At a store.C. In a hospital.第二节(共10小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分15 分)听下面几段材料。
每段材料后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。
听每段材料前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。

绝密★启用前2017年3月普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(天津卷)英语听力注意事项:1.英ift听力测试由试卷A和试卷B两套试卷组成•每套试卷各15小题.满分各为20分.考生可依次作答两套试卷.试卷A第1至第3页.试卷B第4至第6 页.2.作答前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考号览写在答題卡上•并在规定位汽粘姑考试用条形码.3.作答过程中,可先将答案标在试卷上.毎套试卷试题录幵播放结束后,考生均有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。
考试结束后.将本试卷和答题卡一并交回•祝乞位考生考试厳i利!试卷A第一节(共5小题;每小题1分.满分5分)听下面五段对话.每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出加佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位腔・听完毎段对话后,你将冇10秒钟的时间來回答冇关小題和阅读下一小题•每段对话仅读一遍.例:How much is the shirt?A・ £ 19.15・ B. £9.15・C・ £9.18・答案为B・1 ・ What kind of food does the the woman like?A.Fast fdcxLB* Fried food・C* Healthy food.2 ・ What are the speakers discussing?A.An old house.B. A new writer*C* A recent book・3. Where does the conversation most probably lake place'?A- At a cafe・B* At home.C- At a hospiial.4T H OW docs the man probably feel?A ・ Sad *B.Happy*C,Angry,5 ・ What does the 乂 nman mean?A.Peter gets home late.B* Call Peter another time*C* Peter is away from home*第二节(共10小題:毎小題"分.满分15分)听下面几段材料.毎段材料后有几个小题*从题中所给的A. B, C三亍选项中选岀加佳选项.并标在试徑的相应位置。


2018年普通高等学校全国统一考试(天津卷)听力录音文字材料A卷(Text 1)W: Can I help you?M: Yes, I’m looking for a sweater, medium size.W: Let’s see… here’s a nice white one and also a red one. What do you think?M: I think I’d rather have it in blue.(Text 2)W: Could you have my car ready at 5:00, please?M: Sure, the damage is slight.(Text 3)M: Is it still raining outside?W: No, but the wind is still blowing.(Text 4)M: Paul says he doesn’t like television.W: Yes, but he spends a lot of time watching it, doesn’t he?(Text 5)M: Hi, I haven’t seen you around here before. Have you worked here long?W: No, I’ve only been here a few months. I work in the HR Department.M: Oh I’m in Sales.(Text 6)M: Good morning. I wonder if you could help me. I’d like some information about holidays in Florida.W: Yes, certainly. It’s a very popular place. When are you considering going?M: The first two weeks in July. Do you happen to have any information about the beaches, towns, and restaurants?W: Yes, is all contained in this guidebook. It lists all the tours we offer and gives details about hotels, food, and entertainments. Perhaps you’d like to think it over, and then contact us again. M: Right. That seems the best idea. Oh, could you also tell me what the sports facilities are like in Florida? My wife and I are both keen on sports, and we want to make sure we can keep active during the holiday.W: Yes, sure. There are opportunities for swimming, water-skiing and sailing. There are also tennis court and golf courses. Do you have other sports in mind?M: No, that’s fine. We wanted to know mainly about water sports. Right, thank you. I’ll get in touch with you in a few days.Text 7W: Hi, Jeff. Have you been to the art room today?M: No. Why?W: Well, Mr. Jennings hung up a notice about a big project that’s going on downtown. They’re going to make a painting on the entire wall of a buildingM: Where?W: It’s that big wall on the side of the public library. And students from this school are going to do the whole thing… create a design, and paint it, and everything. I wish I could be a part of it, but I’m too busy.M: Cool! I’d love to help. Imagine everyone in town walking past that wall and seeing my artwork, every day.W: I thought you’d be interested. They want it to be about nature.M: This could be so much fun.W: Well, maybe you should go to the art room first to get more information from Mr. Jennings. M: Oh, yeah. Good idea. Thanks for letting me know, Lisa. I’ll go there right away.Text 8Hello, everyone. Welcome to the campus. This morning, there will be a short tour of the university before we head to the administration building to register. I’ve been selected to be your tour guide because I’ve been a student on this campus for three years, and I know it well.The first stop of our tour is the library. As you can see, it’s a large library, with over 100, 000 books, journals, newspapers and magazines from around the world. The library is open seven days a week from 8:00 am to midnight.From the library we’ll move on to the Student Center, where you can find a bookstore, a post office, a bank, a theater, a coffee shop and a travel agency. The Student Center is to provide services and entertainments for students.The final stop on our tour is the administration building. In this area, you will find the lecture hall where you can register. Well, the next item on your agenda is to register. Good luck!试卷BText 1W: Ah, this bus seems to be running late. How long have you been waiting?M: I’ve been here for at least fifteen minutes now.Text 2W: I’ve been reading a fascinating book about life in the Old West.M: I wonder if it’s the same one I read last month.Text 3M: It’s almost midnight. Why don’t we leave these dishes until tomorrow?W: Good idea. I’m worn out.Text 4W: Can you lend me some money for lunch? I left my purse in the car.M: You bought me lunch last weeks. It’s my turn to treat you.Text 5W: I just love this new CD. Have you heard it?M: I really don’t listen to pop music. I prefer classical.Text 6W: Good afternoon. Melrose Apartments. May I help you?M: Yes. I’m interested in renting a one-bedroom apartment. Do you have any available?W: No, I’m sorry. None are available at this time, but I expect a vacancy in about three weeks.Could I interest you in a two-bedroom?M: Well, I’m a student, and I have to be careful with money. How much more would a two-bedroom apartment cost me?W: The one-bedroom rents for $150 a month and the two-bedroom is only thirty-five dollars more.M: Is the two-bedroom a great deal larger than the one bedroom?W: Yes, it is. Also, I might tell you that the one-bedroom doesn’t have a dishwasher. All of our two-bedroom apartments do.M: When could I see an apartment?W: How about later this afternoon? Let’s see. I have an appointment at three-thirty and another one at four. How about five o’clock this afternoon?M: That would be fine.W: I’ll be looking forward to seeing you then.Text 7M: Come in. What can I do for you?W: Professor Donner, are you giving your Advanced Geography course again next semester?M: Yes, I’m planning on it.W: I wonder if I could register for it. I know it’s a graduate course and I’m only a junior. But… M: Aren’t you a bit young? I’ve allowed qualified seniors to take the course. And they usually have a hard time keeping up.W: I know. But the geography of the American West is my favorite interest and I’ve done a lot of reading in the field. Last semester I took Professor Burman’s course and I didn’t find it nearly challenging enough.M: I see. You certainly aren’t one of those students who are out for easy grades.W: I should say not. I really want to learn something.M: Well, I’ll speak to Professor Berman. If he thinks you’re ready, I’ll let you register.W: Oh, thanks. Professor Donner, that’s really very nice of you.Text 8Good afternoon, everyone. Today I am going to talk about a man who is kind of a hero of mine. How many of you have heard about Lewis Pugh? I can see only a few of you have raised your hands. Well, hadn’t heard of him either, until 2007, when I read that he completed a one-kilometer swim in the Arctic Ocean. In a TV interview, he said that when he jumped into the water, the pain was so alarming and so strong that he considered quitting. However, he finished that swim because he wanted to raise awareness about the climate change crisis. Pretty impressive, right? So in this presentation I’m going to talk about his background, his amazing swims, and his work as an environmentalist. Ok, so Lewis Pugh was born on December 5, 1969 in England. When Lewis was a child, his family lived both in England and in South Africa. When he was in South Africa, his father took him to a lot of nature reserves and wild animal parks. Some people believe these tripsexcited his interest in animals and the environment. As an environmentalist...参考答案A卷:1-5 AABCB 6-10 ACCAA 11-15 ACCBBB卷:1-5 BAABB 6-10 CCBAA 11-15 ABCCB。

英语高考听力录音原文(一)第一节Text1M:Billyneedssomebeansforhisscienceprojectatschool. Maybewecanstopbyastoreonour wayhome.W:Let’sgotoGreens. It’sjustaroundthecorner.M: Okay.Text2W: Hi, Stephen, guesswhoIsawatthecitylibrary? AndyClarkestheleadingactorinTheGoodLawyer— thefamousTVseries.M:Whatwashedoingthere? Hispopularityhasslippedsincethefinalseasonoftheshow.Text3W:ItseemsasifeverybodyistalkingaboutJason’sretirement.M:Yes, hisofficeisfilledwithgifts. IgavehimaT-shirtwithabaseballpatternonit.W:That’snice. I’llgethimsomethingthisafternoon. Hopeit’snotlate.Text4W: DidyougotoCooper’slastnight?M:No, wasthereanythingspecial?W:Yes, theemployeesdressedupasmoviecharacters, andeverycustomerreceivedadiscount card.M:Thatwasinteresting.Text5W:Oh, theroadisjammedwithtrafficagain. Wearegoingtobelateforwork.M:Let’smakeaU-turnatthenextcrossroadsandtryanotherway.第二节:Text6W:DoyouthinkJanetcouldmakeit?M:I’msureshecan. Haveyoutriedcallingher?W: Yes, ofcourse. ButIcan’tgetthrough. Theflighthasalreadybeencalledtwice. Whatarewe goingtodo? Boardwithouther Ishouldhaveremindedherattheofficeyesterday. Shemay havetotallyforgottenit.M:Takeiteasy, Sarah. Letmecallherhomenumber. Oh, theresheis.Text7M:Welcometoourprogram, MissJohnson. CongratulationsonwinningtheTeacheroftheYear award.W:Thankyou, Peter. I’mmorethanhappytobehere.M:Whatinspiredyoutobeateacher, MissJohnson?W:Well, I’vealwayslovedtolearn, butI’veenjoyedteachingothersevenmore. It’sinthefamily.M:Couldyoutelluswhatthebestpartaboutyourjobis?W:Gettingtokno wallofthedifferentkidsandcommunicatingwiththem. Ihavealwaysloved kids. So, Iwillalwaysenjoythatpartofmyjob.M:Then, whatdoyouhopetoachievebybeingateacher?W:Mygoalistohelpmystudentsdevelopawarenessoftheirstrengths, weaknesses, andlearning needs, andtoenablethemtolearnthroughouttheirlives.M:Thatsoundsgreat.Text8W:Ethan, haveyouthoughtaboutgettingyourownhouse?M:Yeah. ButI’mconvincedmyparentslovehavingmeback. Whataboutyou?W:Um... Notsureyet. Rightnow,Ienjoygettingmymealscookedformeeveryday.M: Doyoupayacontributiontothehouse?W:Ofcourse, Ido. Butit’sstillmuchlessthanIwouldpaytoliveinmyownflat. Right?M:Obviously.W:TheonlythingIdon’tlikeisthatmymomwantstoknoweverypartofmylife. Becky, what areyoudoingtomorrow? Where? Withwhom? Thesamequestionseveryday.M:Momsarelikethat. Theyaskbecausetheycare. You’vegottobepatientwiththem. My parentsaskthosequestionstoo, butImaynotmoveoutsoon. Thethoughtofleavingthemfills mewithfear. Whatifoneofthemfallsover? Whatiftheybothhaveafalltogether?W:Thatwouldbeterrible.Text9W:It’saprettygoodconference, huh?M:Yeah. Allspeakersarewell-knownandknowledgeableinthesubjectmatter. Didyoulistento JohnMiller’sspeechonhowtoavoidbusinessrisksthismorning?W:No, Imissedthatone. IwenttoaspeechatAlanBrownHall. ThespeakerwasDavid Thompson.M:Oh, thatshouldbeagoodone, too. Iattendedhislecturelastyear. Bytheway, therewillbea workshopthisafternoononhowtomotivateemployees. Areyouinterested?W:Sure. Iwaspromotedtothepositionofmanagerafewmonthsago. AndIhavetomanagea staffof12 people. Itcanbequiteadifficultsituationsometimes. That’swhyIamheretoday.M: Samehere. Ionlyhavesevenpeoplereportingtome. Yet, sometimesIfeellikepullingmyhair out.Ineedtofindawaytocreateharmonywithinmydepartment.Text10W:WelcometoStarFitnessClub. I’mTinaHarrison. Beforeyoustart, I’dliketoofferyou sometips. Weallknowthatregularexerciseisimportant, butfewofusknowhowtoexercise properly. I’veseenmanypeoplemakethesameworkoutmistakesinthisplace. Onemistake peopleoftenmakeisstickingtothesameroutine. Itisnotgoodforbuildingupyourmuscles. I’d liketosuggestthatyouchangeyourroutineeveryothermonth. What’smore, youcantrydifferent kindsofworkouts, suchasjogging, biking, orswimming. Thiscanhelpkeepyourwholebodyinshape.Anothermistakemostpeoplemakeistoworkoutintenselyalmosteveryday. Youneedto giveyourbodyabreak, andallowtimeforthemusclestogrow. Itisnottheharderthebetter. Two hardworkoutdayseveryweekisenough. Ifyoureallyhatetoskipaday, youcanplaneasy exercisesonotherdays. However, experts’suggestionisthatyoutakeonedayoffcompletelyeachweek.。

例:How much is the shirt ?A. £19.15.B. £9.15.C. £9.18.答案是B。
1. What do we learn about the man?A. He slept well on the plane.B. He had a long trip.C. He had a meeting.2. Why will the woman stay home in the evening?A. To wait for a call.B. To watch a ball game on TV.C. To have dinner with a friend.3. What gift will the woman probably get for Mary?A. A school bag.B. A record.C. A theatre ticket.4. What does the man mainly do in his spare time?A. Learn a language.B. Do some sports.C. Play the piano.5. What did the woman like doing when she was young?A. Riding a bicycle with friends.B. Travelling the country.C. Reading alone.第二节(共15小题,每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话。

2021 年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试〔天津卷〕试卷A第一节〔共5 小题;每题1 分,总分值5 分〕1. What does the woman want to do?A. See a machine.B. Help the man.C. Buy a drink.2. What is most probably the woman?A. A teacher.B. A writer.C. An actress.3. What is the possible relationship between the speakers?A. Interviewer and applicant.B. Teacher and student.C. Doctor and patient.4. What does the woman mean?A. She wants to have some cake.B. She doesn't like chocolate.C. She likes to make cake.5. What do we learn about the man?A. He lost his jacket.B. He didn't know it would be cold.C. He misunderstood the weather report.第二节〔共10 小题;每题1.5 分,总分值15 分〕听下面一段对话,答复第6 至第8 小题。
6. Where do the speakers sit?A. By the window.B. Near the door.C. In the corner.7. What does the woman want to order?A. Beef and salad.B. Cheese and black tea.C. Sandwich and coffee.8. How much is the black tea?A. $1.5.B. $2.5.C. $5.听下面一段对话,答复第9 至第11 小题。

)高考有听力的:1、全国I(河南、河北、山西、安徽)、福建、江苏、江西、辽宁、山东、海南、宁夏2、北京3、广东4、湖北5、湖南6、上海7、重庆8、天津高考无听力的:全国II(黑龙江、吉林、广西)、全国III(四川、云南、陕西)、浙江1、全国I(河南、河北、山西、安徽)、福建、江苏、江西、辽宁、山东Text 1W: Very nice skirts. How much are they?M: $ 10 each and $ 1 off if people buy two. They're on sale.Text 2M: I know you want to talk about this report. But I'd like to talk about my new computer. W: Let's keep to the point. We can talk about that later. All right?M: OK.Text 3W: Bill, that is a lovely painting in your living-room.M: I' m glad you like it. It’s a Christmas gift from my son.W: Well, it's beautiful. Your son has very good taste.Text 4M: So how is your new roommate?W: She really makes me angry.M: What happened?W: She's always making loud noises at midnight. When I remind her, she's always rude. Text 5W: Excuse me, I'm looking for Mr Tang.M: Oh, he is not on this floor. He is on the fourth floor. Go down the stairs and turn left. Text 6M: Did you finish typing that report?W: Yes, I did, but I worked late.M: But it must be a long report, I guess.W: Exactly. Twelve pages. I spent three hours on it.M: By the way, what time did you go home?W: I left the office at nine o'clock. I got home at ten.M: What did have for dinner?W: I sent out for a sandwich and ate at my desk.Text 7M: Fikky, what's going on? Freggis just told me that you're going to be leaving us.W: Yes, I really feel bad out of it. But B. N. D. came up with really good offer.M: Well, I didn't know you were going to look for a new job.W: Well, just between you and me. I think we have some real problems in this department. Don't get me wrong. It has nothing to do with you, Frank. Everybody says you are an excellent manager. M: Problems, what problems? Do we have time to talk about it?Text 8W: You know I just finished some very interesting research for the newspaper about things people do in their spare time.M: Really? What did you learn?W: Well, I talked to 20 people and 19 of them watch TV.M: That's interesting. I never watch it, do you?W: Not much. Anyway, about half of them, 9 people, play some kind of sport.M: I'm not surprised. People are getting more exercise these days.W: Yes, a few of them go to movies.M: Mm, I do, too.W: But here is the most interesting result: only one of them reads.M: That's terrible.Text 9M: Excuse me, do you mind if I sit here?W: No, not at all. Go ahead.M: Thank you.W: Are you going somewhere or meeting someone?M:I am on my way to Washington. And you?W:I am on my way to San Francisco.M: Really? I think San Francisco is probably the most exciting city in the U-S.W: So do I. No other city has as many good restaurants or as much good music.M: Is San Francisco your hometown?W:I am from a very small town in Pennsylvania. I wouldn't want to live there again, either.I don't like to live in a small town very much.M: Neither do I. But small towns have their advantages: less traffic —W: And friendlier people. You know, I'm beginning to feel homesick. By the way, where are your from?M: China.W: China? But you speak English like a native speaker. I didn't have any idea.M: Oh, excuse me. It's time for my flight. Well, it's been nice talking with you.W: You, too. Bye!Text 10M: Could you suggest some ways to bring family members closer together?W: Well, I feel it is very important for families to have regular meals together. One of my good childhood memories was dinner with my parents and two sisters. Because my husband and I both worked and our three children were busy with their studies, we seldom had a chance to get together as a family. But we thought it would be possible for us to sit down and enjoy meals together every week. First we tried setting fixed days: Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. But almost everyone was unhappy. Then my son had the idea that everyone told his or her most convenient days and I would choose the two best days. For a while the children were still unhappy with the idea. They said they would rather spend the time with their friends playing sports. Gradually, though, they began to see the evenings together as interesting and helpful. We loved a lot. We made plans for trips. We discussed each other’s problems. After a couple of months anyone who had to miss a family meal felt regretful. And now we all feel than we have been able to build stronger relationships within the family that we had before.2、北京Text 1W: Would you like to go to the cinema tonight?M: I'd rather stay at home and watch TV. I have to get up early to attend the meeting tomorrow. Text 2W: Hello, can I help you?M: No, it's OK, thanks. I'm just looking. W:OK, Ask me if you need any help.Text 3W: Excuse me, what time is it?M-.It's almost 11:00.W: What time do we arrive in Beijing?M: We'll arrive there at 12:30.W: That's good. My friend plans to meet me at the airport at 12:45.Text 4W: We are having a little party at the weekend. Can you and Mary come?M: That sounds nice. Thank you. But I'll have to check with Mary first.Text 5W: Hi, Jeff, it's Marina. I'm sorry but my computer is not working. Could you get someone to check it?M: Don't worry. I'll ask an engineer to check it for you, is that OK?Text 6W: So you are leaving for the U. S. tonight?M: Don't ask. I am not going.W: Why?M: Because I have to stay here for a meeting with my boss.W: Oh, well, never mind. Now you can come to Helen's party tonight.Text 7W: Well, it was not what I'd planed to do. In fact, I was never particularly interested in kids. When I was little, I quite like the idea of being a doctor. You know, walking around in the white coat, looking important, and of course, my parents wanted me to go into the bank like them. But then, after school I worked abroad for a year and I discovered I actually enjoyed working with the little ones and helping them to learn. So I trained, and here I am.Text 8W: Welcome to the Rover Bank Cinema Line. To hear showing times or to book tickets, please stay on the line. If you don't need film or ticket information, please phone the cinema directly on 7946001. For film or ticket information, press the start button now. Please select one of the following choices. To listen to film showing times, press 1 ;To make an advanced booking , press 2; To listen to direction to the cinema, press 3; adults ticket, $ 6.50; Students tickets, $5. 50; Tickets for children under 15years of age, $4. 50. A family ticket is available for two adults and two children, or one adult and three children, for $ 17. If you would like to hear the choices again, please press 0.Text 9W: Do you know what time you will be back this evening, Arek?M: I'm not sure. It depends on how long the interview lasts. Oh dear, I hope things go OK.I know I can do the job. It's just getting that across to them.W: Just relax. Every one has his first time. Don't get yourself worked up. Remember, you've got to make them believe that they need you and you are not going to do that if you ruin stays. Have some more bread, it will make you feel much better. And pass me the milk, will you? What time is your appointment?M: 2:30.W: Make sure you have a proper lunch, more coffee. And don't get there too early, or you have to hang around. You'll manage. OK? I'm sure.Text 10W: Please, please, can you help me? Someone just stole my camera.M: Calm down, Madam. Now you said your camera was stolen.W: Yes. It was a petards, DF, Super.M: Color?W: Black.M: And how much was it worth?W: I only bought it last month. It costs 380 pounds.M: Right. Where was it stolen?W: In the city center, outside McDonalds, on Hope Avenue.M: What time was this?W: About 2:30.M: And did you get a look at who ever stole it?W: It was a young man, maybe 18 with short dark hair, and glasses. He was wearing a green T-shirt. M: And were there any other people?W: Lots of people was there but…,oh, the ice cream seller, he was stand ing on the corner. M: OK, an ice cream seller. Now what's your name?W: Mary Smith.M: OK, well Ms Smith, that's all we can do for now, we'll phone you if we have any news. W: OK, then, thank you very much.Text 11W: Welcome, everyone. Welcome to Language International. My name is Ema Waston. And I am the center manager. I hope you will all have a wonderful stay here with us. This is Mr. Brone, our social organizer.M: Thank you, Ema. Hello, everyone. I'm Jone Brone, And it's my job to make sure you have some fun while you are here. Now this afternoon we'll go together on the walking tour of the city. And then on Wednesday after^ noon, we are off to the legal sports center where you can play volleyball or football, use the gym, or go swimming to keep yourselves fit And on Friday afternoon, we have a film club. This week's film is Spider Man. On Saturday, we are going on a day trip to Oxford, leaving here at 8:30 in the morning. Please don't be late, or we'll go without you. And finally on Sunday, we are off to London, leaving at the same time. If there are any other things you'd like to do while you are here, just ask me. And I will see if I can help.3、广东第一节:听独白或对话Text 1M: Have you studied for tomorrow’s math test yet?W: I sure have. I spent all weekend studying.M: Well, I haven’t opened a book yet.W: Well, you better start studying.You know you can’t pass Professor Johnston’s tests without studying.M: But I want to go to the football game tonight.W: I’m telling you the test will be difficult.M: I guess it’s too late to start studying anyway.W: If I were you, I’d really work hard tonight.M: I’d sure hate to miss that game tonight, but...W: Listen. Go to the game and I know you’ll be sorry.M: I guess you’re right. Let’s eat something first and then I’ll go to the library. W: OK. Let’s go.Text 2W: Can you get someone to bring my luggage down?M: I’m afraid there is no one another at the moment. Could you possibly manage them on your own?W: On my own?! Are you serious? They’re very heavy. I thought this was a three-star hotel. There must be somebody there who can help. What about you?M: Me? Oh, I can’t leave the desk, madam. The only other person here is the manager, and he’s busy with a problem.W: Tell him he’ll have a real problem on his hands if I miss my train because of your poor service.M: I’ll see what I can do.Text 3My friend from Canada was in town last week and I showed him around, and, uh, it was really fun. I thought it was going to be, you know, a bit boring, you know, taking him here and there, but it, uh, I ended up seeing a part of my town I’d never seen before. Uh, we went to the zoo. Uh, we went to museums that I’d never seen before. Uh, and we also went to the opera one night. Oh, my gosh, it was just beautiful. And I had never been to the opera before. You know, when someone from out of town comes to visit, you end up doing things in your own city that you’d never thought of doing before. It was really great. The only thing is, uh, if Ihad it all to do all over again, I probably would work out our schedule for exactly what we’ll do on what day because some days we spent, you know, a couple of hours just trying to decide what to do.Text 4W: OK, Mr. Wilson. Can you go over the events as you remember them?M: Um, I, I was on my way home from the chemist. It was about twenty-five to six. I’d just bought some medicine for my little boy and…W: How can you be sure about the time?M: Well, I’d just been to the chemist, as I say, and I remember saying to the girl, “Well, I suppose you must be glad the day’s over,” and she said, “Oh, no, not today, we do usually shut at 5:30, but it’s our late night tonight, unfortunately. We don’t shut until a quarter to eight, so another two and a quarter hours to go.”W: So, it was 5:35.M: Yes, and just as I was going to cross the road, I saw two men run out of the pub opposite, jump into a red car, and drive off at top speed. There was a driver already in the car waiting for them, of course, so there were three of them altogether.W: Yes, and we found out that one of the servicemen in the pub was the one who organized it all. He handed the money over to the two men who went into the pub.M: Oh! So you’ve arrested them all now, have you?W: All but one, sir, so what you said could be very important.Text 5W: And when did you begin this sort of work?M: Let’s see now…Uh, yes, six years ago, this March.W: And you enjoy it?M: O h yes, very much. It’s very tiring, with long hours on the job, sometimes, uh, as much as twelve hours. Well, uh, but it’s exciting to meet people from all over the world, it really is.W: What exactly do you do?M: Well, I take tourists to the famous places in the city, tell them the history of the places, talk about why they’re famous, but, uh, then there’s the other side.W: What do you mean?M: Well, you know, when foreigners come to this country, things are very different, so, um, it is my job to give them advice, uh, help them with problems, and, well, make them feel comfortable.W: And what are necessary for the job?M: Well, uh, they have to enjoy meeting new people, and they, well, they must take special courses in the history of the city and things like that.W: And do they have to know foreign languages?M: Yes, yes, that’s a must. Otherwise, a tour company can use only you for the groups that speak English and most of the tourists come from South America.W: South America? I see. So they speak Spanish.M: That’s right, Spanish. But my company will hire only people who speak at least two foreign languages.W: And you? How many languages do you speak?M: Me? I speak three: Spanish, French, and Italian.W: Three languages. Then I can see why your work is so easy for you.第二节:听取信息Text 6Before we begin the first program of the day, which is chemistry for the Open University at three o’clock in just two minutes time, let’s take a look at a few of the programs later in the day. First of all, for those lucky ones who don’t have to go out to work there is afternooncinema. This is your chance to catch up some of those old movies which you always meant to see but never got around to. Today at 4:30 we have a great film by Charlie Chaplin. After this, at 6:15, there is the popul ar program ‘Spot the Mistake,’ where you are invited to compete with a team of experts. This is followed at seven o’clock by ‘The World Around Us.’ This week, we’ll be taking a look at life in the Sonora Desert in southern Arizona where daytime temperature s can reach 45 degrees. At 8:50 we have ‘100 Great Sporting Moments,’ in which we’ll enjoy yesterday’s FA Cup at Wimbley between Manchester United and Brighton. This will be followed by the news at ten o’clock.. Then, at 10:15, we have ‘The Art Show.’ A g roup of painters came together in 1965 and called themselves the Artists of America. That’s ‘The Art Show’ at 10:15.4、湖北(Text 1)A: Hey! What's the matter?B: I was hurrying out of the office when someone pushed the door open and ran straight into it.(Text 2)A: Are you looking to your trip to Hainan?B: Not really. If I had my way, I'd stay and get some sleep, but everyone else in my family wants to go.A: Oh, I'm sure you won't regret it when you get there.(Text 3)A: Hi, Mark, how is everything?B: I'm a bit busy right now. We've got guests coming for the weekend, and the house's so untidy. Maggie, you know, I hate housework.(Text 4)A: How was the party, Nancy?B: Ah, do you like loud music, a lot of cigarette smoke, a small crowded room, and not enough food?(Text 5)A: How about playing some of the records you bought this afternoon?B: Impossible.A: Well, what happened?B: I put them on my bed, where 1 could see them, then left to have a drink. And when I came back,I sat on them.(Text 6)A: Police Station.B: We need your help. Someone has broken into our house.A: Are you sure?B: Yes, I heard a window break, and I hear footsteps downstairs now.A: All right. Lock your bedroom door and keep quiet. Police cars will be right over.(Text 7)A: This is Youth's Club. May I help you?B: Yes. I've heard that you have a lunch meeting this Friday. Could you give me some more information about that?A: Yes, of course. The guest speaker is Professor John Smith from University of Kansas, and he'll be talking about the changes brought about by the internet.B: Hmm, that sounds very interesting, and when does the meeting begin?A: Lunch will be served at 12:30, and Professor Smith will speak at 1:15.B: And do you have any idea when it will end?A: Oh, Professor Smith will speak for about one and a half hours.B: Very well. Thank you very much.A: You're welcome.(Text 8)A: Marcia, what do you think of yesterday's speech competition?B: Well, to be honest, I was quite disappointed.A: You didn't like the speeches?B: Yes, I did. In fact, I enjoyed listening to most of the speeches, but I just couldn't accept theresult, you know.A: Hmm, you mean the judges?B; I mean, most listeners including me didn't understand why the judges didn't like Cherry. Itwas such a shock when they announced the winner was Cart. We all thought that Cherry's pronunciation was the best.A: You're probably right. But don't you think the speech itself is more important? As I see it. Cart's speech was more meaningful than Cherry's. I was deeply moved by the story Cart told us.B: That I don’t know now. In my opinion, we also learned something very i mportant from Cherry's speech.A: That's right. Cherry and Cart were indeed very close. I guess it was difficult for the judges. B: Well, I wish I could agree with you. But I do think Cherry was the best.(Text 9)A: Excuse me sir. This bus goes to Sunday Spare?B: Yes, it does.A: Oh, dear me. It's you, Martin, I'm Jane.B: Oh, Jane! I didn't expect to meet you here. Where are you going?A: Sunday Department Store.B: Oh, really?A: You know, we're leaving for Europe tomorrow for a trip. So I'm doing some shopping.B: Good for you! Have a good time!A: We will. Thank you.B: Remind you, Jane. Take care. My wife got her purse picked at the airport once.A: Really? How?B: A woman dropped a 100-dollar bill in front of my wife. She picked it up, called the woman, and handed it to her.A: The women thanked my wife, while her partner took my wife's handbag and ran away.B: That's too bad.A: We lost not only some of our money, but half the fun of traveling.B: I'm sorry to hear that. Oh! Look! Here comes the bus. Thank you for reminding me. (Text 10)Hello, everyone. First let me introduce myself. My name is Jenny Barker, and I work at St. James Hospital. As most of you know, I'm here today to talk about blood transfusion. The idea of a blood transfusion is very simple, but that idea has saved many thousands of lives over the past century. Often, if a person is in an accident, or has an operation, he will lose a lot of blood. And these are the times when the blood transfusion is needed. This simply means taking blood from another person and putting it into the body of the patient. Doctors have been carrying out blood transfusions for hundreds of years. At first, they used blood from sheep. But that wasn't very successful. It wasn't until the last century that doctors realized there are several types of blood, and that the correct type must always be used. Once they knew that, blood transfusions had become almost a hundred percent successful. So, you might be thinking, what does this have to do with me? Well, it has something to do with all of us. Hospitals need to keep banks of blood ready for transfusions. The only way they can get that blood is from ordinary people like you. Every human body has 5 liters of blood, and we take 0.5 liters from each person. This is completely safe. In fact, your body will make enough blood to replace it after a round day. Giving blood only takes a short while, and it doesn't hurt. It costs you nothing, and it could save a life. So please give blood.5、湖南Text 1M: What are you doing tonight, Rosy? Are you going to the concert with me?W: I don’t really know. I was supposed to meet Jack at the cinema, but I don’t feel like going now. I think I’ll go shopping instead.Text 2W: Front desk. Can I help you?M: This is Mr. Black in the Room 806. Can I get a wake—up call at 5 am please?W: No problem, we’ll be happy to do that.Text 3W: Have you got the right time? I think my watch is wrong.M: Hmm, it’s half past two.W: 3. Ah, my watch says twenty past.M: Well, it’s ten minutes slow th en.Text 4W: Hi, Jam. You are looking well. New shirt?M: No, I’ve had this shirt for a long time. But I’ve bought these shoes yesterday. Do you like them?W: Yes, very nice. They look good with those trousers.Text 5W: My mother said that I can’t go to Tom’s birthday party on Wednesday night.M: How come?W: Because it’s a school night, and exams are next week. She wants me to stay home and study.I really want to go. I don’t know what to do.M: Why don’t you promise to come back early?Text 6M: Excuse me, there is a problem with my room.W: And what is the problem?M: I asked for a non-smoking room, but I don’t have one. My room smells like a cigarette smoke.Could you change my room please?W: Let me see. I’m sorry, but we don’t have any more non-smoki ng rooms. We won’t charge you for tonight.Text 7W: Hmm, sleeping on the job, Alex? You must have a busy social life.M: Ah, oh! No! My motorbike is in the shop being fixed. So I have to get up at 5 am, walk to the station and then take a train downtown. Next, I take the bus; finally I have to walk again for about 15 minutes. It takes about 2 hours all together.W: So when will your motorbike be fixed?M: In one week.Text 8W: Hello, Queen Sports Center, Helen speaking.M: Hello, my name is Albert Swift, and I’d like some information please. Are you open in the weekend?W: Yes, all day Saturday and Sunday. But we’re closed on Monday.M: Can I swim in the afternoon?W: Between 3 and 5 o’clock. A school uses the pool from 1 until 3, and then at 5, there’sa beginners’ class.M: OK, I’d like to play tennis too. Is that possible?W: Yes! We also have basketball and football. And after your swim, try the café upstairs; it’s near the changing room.Text 9M: Excuse me, are you waiting to buy concert tickets?W: Y es, I am. So are all these people in front of me. And I’ve been here about 45 minutes.I’ve moved forward a total of about 3 feet in that time. There was a couple ahead of me who got so angry that they finally gave up and left. They said they had been waiting for more than an hour.M: I just hope there are still tickets left when I get up there.W: That really would be disappointing, wouldn’t it? In fact, before I came, I tried calling to order my tickets over the phone, but they are not taking phone orders. You have to come in person.M: Well, there are two more hours before the ticket office closes. Tickets for a good concert are worth waiting for.Text 10Welcome to the historic and beautiful City of Brighton. Thank you for calling the Brighton Touris t Information Office. I’m afraid the office is closed at the moment. Our normal working hours are from Monday to Friday from 9 o’clock in the morning to 6 o’clock in the evening. On Saturday and Sunday, we open at the later time of 10:30 and closed at the earlier time at 3:30. From our office, you can get information about hotels, restaurants, and museums in the city. Why not take a bus tour? There’re bus tours of the city everyday which start at 10 o’clock. They start from Churchill Square. Tours take about 2 hours, and go around historic city center. The cost of the ticket is 5 pounds. Tickets can be bought from the bus driver. You can get off the bus at six places of interest, and continue your journey later. Thank you for calling. We hope you enjoy your stay.6、上海(本人在网上搜不到免费的。

试卷A第一节1.Text One:M: What kind of food do you like?W: I like healthy food. I don’t like fast food or fried food.2.Text Two:M: H ave you see the author’s latest bestseller?W: i’ve just finished reading it. I really recommend it.3.Text Three:M: Where’s Lucy? She usually comes for coffee with you.W: Not today. She’s got a headache and she’s feeling a bit sick.4.Text Four:M: Did you get the role you tried out for in the play?W: That role was given to someone else, but I got a better one.5.Text Five:M: I thought I’d give Peter a call now.W: I’m afraid it’s too late at night.第二节6.M: You must be pretty excited about your trip to Europe.rented apartment while I’m away.M: You are not going to give it up, are you?W: Certainly not. I’ll never find another apartment around here. But I don’t like the idea of paying three months’ rent on an empty apartment, either.M: Perhaps you could let it to someone else.W: Yes, but to whom?M:Let me see. Oh, I know just the person. An old friend of mine,Jim Thomas, is coming here to do some research this summer, from June to Augest.W: That’s exactly when I’ll be away. It sounds ideal.M: Tell you what, I’ll be calling Jim late this week anyway, and I’ll mention it to him then.W: Well, thanks,Bill. Let me know what happens.7.Text SevenM: Hi, What can I do for you?W: I haven’t received my grade report bfrom last semester, and my friends all say they got theirs already.M: They were all posted at the same time. So, you say you haven’t received yours yet?W: No, I haven’t.M: Hmm?Did you have any problem last time you got your grades?W: Well, actually, I’m a first-year student. This is the first set of grades. My email address hasn’t changed or anything, so.......M: Wait, are you talking about your personal email account?W: Yeah. The school sends us our grades by email,right?M: No, we just post them on the university website.W: Are you kidding? I thought they were sent to us by email. Ok, now I feel stupid.M: Don’t worry about it. Starting college can be pre tty confusing;there are a lot of new things you have to get used to.8.Text EightOk, everybody. Can we start the meeting now? I’m Mike Johnson, chairman of the Graduation Committee for this year. You’ve all been selected as representatives to plan the graduation ceremonies. I am sending around a sheet of paper. Please write down your names and telephone numbers on it. We have many different things to do for the ceremonies. So, please also write down what part of the ceremonies you’d like to work on. Remember, as a representative, you’ll have a lot of responsibilities. So only sign up if you feel you have the time to participate. When everyone has finished writing down the information, please return the paper to me. It’s Tuesday. One week from today,at our n ext meeting, we will start to discuss the details of the ceremonies. Is everything clear?试卷B1.Text OneM: Mary will you be readyn to leave at eight?W: No way. I’ll need one more hour.2.Text TwoW: Do you want the same hairstyle as last time?M: The sma e on top, but I’d like it a little longer in the back.3.Text ThreeW: What are you going to do tonight?M: I’m going to do some jogging---if the weather ‘s OK. What about you?W: I’m going to visit my friends.4.Text Four:W: What are you planning to do after you finish university?M: I’m taking a year out to travel,and when I come back, I’m going to look for a job.M: Are you going camping this weekend?W:It depends on the weather. If it’s sunny we’ll go.M: I heard it’s going to rain.第二节6.Text SixM: Hi,Kate. Have you plans for the weekend?W: Yah, I’m really excited. I’m going up to New York City for a couple of days.M: That’s a coincidence. My roommate’s going to New York, too. Are you driving? Maybe you two could ride together.W: No, I’m going there by train. I’ve ready got my ticket.M: So what are you going to do in New York?W: I’m visiting a friend I met last summer at the music camp. Remember I went to a music camp in Michigan? I shared a room wi th Laura and she’s just moved to New York. So I’m going up to see her new place.M: Wow, you two probably have a lot to talk about.W: Yes. Guess what we are going to do Saturday night.M: Something to do with music, I bet.W: Right. We are going to a concert at Lincoln Center.7.Text SevenW: Good morning, can I help you?M: I’d like to make a compliant about my holiday in Italy last week.W: I’m sorry to hear that.What exactly was th problem?M: First of all, the bus taking us to the hotel broke down and we had to wait for over two hours in the hot sun. Then when we got to the hotel we found our room hadn’t been cleaned.W: Oh,dear, did you complain to the hotel staff?M: Of course, but we were told all the housekeepers ere off duty. Anyway, that’s not all. The people in the room above sounde d like they were having all-night parties, every night. I demanded another room but they told me the hotel was full.W: Oh, I see.M: And worst of all, the ffod in the hotel restaurant was terrible. It was so bad that we had to eat out all the time. But we had already paid for meals in the price of our holiday.W: I do apologise.M:I want to see the manager.8.Text EightNow I’d like to talk to you,at the end of today’s lecture, about the final exam. The exam will be held next Thursday, the last day of the exam week. Unlike the misterm exam, this test will not include multiple-chice questions. It’ll consist entirely of essays questions. The exam will be quite thorough, which means you’ll be responsible for all of the subject matter we’ve covered in class. I would sugg est you review your midterm papers as well as the textbooks and your class notes. The final exam will take up 50% of your grade in the course. The research project will take up 20%, and the mid-term exam 30%. I’ll be in my office almost all day on Tuesday next week. If you run into any problems, please feel free to drop in. Good luck with your st udying, and I’ll see you all on Thursday.。

高考英语听力试听原文原文:Section A1. M: Can you help me with my math homework? I really don't understand this question.W: Sure, I'd be happy to help. What's the problem?2. M: The weather forecast says it's going to rain tomorrow. I guess we'll have to cancel our picnic.W: That's a shame. Maybe we can reschedule for next weekend.3. M: Did you hear about the new movie that just came out? It's supposed to be really good.W: Yeah, I heard about it. I'm planning to see it this weekend.4. W: I can't find my keys anywhere. I've looked in all the usual places.M: Have you checked your coat pocket? You often forget that's where you put them.5. W: I'm thinking of taking a trip to Spain this summer. Have you ever been there?M: Yes, I went last year. It's a beautiful country with so much to see and do.Section BPassage OneThe speaker is talking about the benefits of exercise.He explains that regular exercise can help improve your physical health, boost your mood, and increase your energy levels. He also mentions that exercise can help you sleep better and reduce stress.Passage TwoThe speaker is discussing the importance of time management for students. He suggests creating a study schedule, setting goals, and prioritizing tasks. He emphasizes the importance of balancing academics with other activities to avoid burnout.Passage ThreeThe speaker is giving tips on how to improve yourlistening skills. He recommends practicing active listening,taking notes, and asking questions for clarification. He also suggests listening to a variety of sources to improve comprehension.---Answer:1. The woman is willing to help the man with his math homework because she understands the question. She offers her assistance and asks the man to explain the problem to her.中文:这位女士愿意帮助这位男士做数学作业,因为她理解这个问题。

以下是 2023年全国卷英语听力原文示例:Woman: Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the train station?Man: Sure, it's not far from here. You can walk or take the bus.Woman: Which is easier?Man: I think taking the bus is easier. You can just wait at the bus stop on the main road.Woman: Thank you. How long does the bus take?Man: About 15 minutes. You can also walk if you like. It takes about 30 minutes.Woman: OK, I'll take the bus. Is there a timetable?Man: Yes, there's a timetable at the bus stop. You can check there.Woman: Thank you very much. Is there a map of the city?Man: Yes, there's a map at the bus stop too. You can check there.问题:1.How can the woman get to the train station?A. By busB. By carC. On footD. By train。

高考英语听力中文试音原文find outcertainlya sort ofBritishget-togethersexceptTuesdayThursdayform-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hello. International Friends Club. Can I help you?Oh, hello. I read about your club in the paper today and I thought I'd phone to find out a bit more.Yes, certainly. Well, we're a sort of social club for people from different countries.It's quite a new club—we have about 50 members at the moment but we are growing all the time.That sounds interesting.I'm British actually, and I came to Washington about three months ago.I'm looking for ways to meet people.Er, what kinds of events do you organize?Well, we have social get-togethers, and sports events, and we also have language evenings.Could you tell me something about the language evenings?Yes. Every day except Thursday we have a language evening.People can e and practise their languages—you know, over a drink or something.We have different languages on different evenings.Monday—Spanish; Tuesday—Italian; Wednesday—German; and Friday—French.On Thursday we usually have a meal in a restaurant for anyone who wants to e.Well, that sounds great. I really need to practise my French.OK. Well, if you can just give me your name and address, I'll send you the form and some more information.If you join now, you can have the first month free.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------你好。

W: Michael, I heard your jazz band is goingto be playing at the Student Center and I’m justcalling to let you know I’ll be there.M: Oh, thanks, but I’m not in the band any more. In fact, I’m not in a group at al l right now.W: That’s too bad—you’re such a talented musician. Why did you leave thegroup?M: I just couldn’t be a full-time student and still practice with the band every night. I alsomissed a couple of performances during my midterm exams, and I thoug ht I’d better quitbefore the bandleader fired me.W: Hey, you know my friend Charlie, don’t you? He plays the piano. He and some of hisfriends are getting a band together and they need a good singer.M: I wouldn’t have time for that, either.W: Oh, I don’t think they’ll practice very often. Charlie and his friends are all students, too.I’ll give you his number, and you can get in touch with him.试音到此结束。

天津市高考英语历年听力试题原文2011年天津市高考英语试题听力原文试卷AText 1M: Should we go to the concert tonight?W: Sorry, I can’t do anything like that. I feel terrible. My head aches.M: You must be sick. You should see a doctor.Text 2W: If we hurry, we can take the express train and save an hour, can’t we?M: Yes, the express takes only two hours to get to New York.Text 3W: I have finally finished my experiment. Shall I lock the lab now before I go home?M: Don’t bother! I’ll check it myself later.Text 4W: Waiter! Waiter!M: Yes, madam?W: I can’t quite understand. How you could have got 82 dollars, plus 24 dollars, to add to 108 dollars?M: I’m terribly sorry, madam. I do apologies for some mistakes.Text 5W: Do you want to see the baseball game tomorrow? Joe has an extra ticket.M: You must be kidding! Just before the final exams, when everybody is studying day and night?Text 6W: You live in Washington D. C., don’t you?M: No, I work in Washington, but I live in Maryland.W: How far is it from Washington?M: It’s not very far, just about 15 miles.W: So you drive from home to work?M: Yes.W: How do you like the journey?M: It’s not bad. I’m used to it now. How about you?W: I come to work by bus. By the way, how long does it take you to drive?M: It depends on the traffic. It takes 45 minutes in the morning, because the traffic is very bad then.W: I suppose the traffic is bad at the end of the day too when people are living in the city.M: Yes. The worst time is between five and six. It sometimes takes me 55 minutes to drive home.Text 7M: Jackie, could I talk to you about something?W: Sure. What’s on your mind?M: There’s an opportunity to work part-time at a TV station. I was thinking of a play for it.W: Sounds good. But I’m afraid that would affect your study.M: Don’t worry. I only work part time on weekends.W: Does it pay well?M: Actually no. But I want this experience. The chance is to work at the television, and you know, my dream job is to be a play writer at the TV station.W: OK, and go in for it.M: But I’m heard many students are losing their interests in it. There would be an interview for those who apply for it, and I guess the competition will be very fierce.W: Well, I can help you to prepare this interview as I had some successful experience.M: Wonderful! Thank you so much.Text 8Welcome to college of higher education. Today I’ll talk about some services offered by the college. All student services are to be found in the north building. Social life is run by the student union. All students are automatically members of it. After registration take your receipt to the student union. And they will give you a student card. With the card you will be a member of the student club. The student union will give you a handbook which gives more details on all the services offered, plus more information on the health services, accommodation, and so on.Let’s talk about medical services first. The college has the student health centre. The centre is open from 9:30 a.m. to 8:45 p.m. Monday to Thursday, and from 9:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. on Fridays. The college doctor, Dr Smith works in the centre three days a week. On other days Dr Smith can’t be found at her office. Next, we’ll....2011年天津市高考英语试题听力原文试卷BText 1M: This is the last year of our college life. Mary, are your classes difficult?W: No, not really. I’m just taking two classes this term.M: You’re lucky. My classes are difficult.Text 2M: Why isn’t Alice here yet? We agree to meet at 10:30. It’s almost 11. Should we call her? Or go, look for her?W: Maybe there’s a traffic jam. Let’s give her a few minutes.Text 3M: Where’s Tony?W: Oh, he is home at his computer. He can’t come with us because his research paper is due tomorrow.Text 4M: Good afternoon. I’m phoning about the position advertised in this morning’s paper.W: Oh, yes. I’ll put you through to the manager.Text 5W: What are you doing here? I thought you were on the trip?M: I didn’t go, because I had second thought about spending all that money.Text 6W: I’m writing an article about college life. Would you mind if I ask you a few questions about your life in this university?M: Not at all.W: Good. Are you a second-year student?M: No, I’ve just studied my third year.W: Do you live on campus?M: No, not any more. But I lived on campus for the first two years. I lived in the student halls.W: Are you a part of any clubs or society this year?M: Yes, I’ve been at the basketball club since I came here. We practice every week and have matches on Wednesdays. And I’m in the French Club too.W: What does the French Club do?M: Well, we meet talking in French, watching French movies, and things like that.W: Sounds interesting. Thanks for your time.Text 7W: Hey, Joe! I’ve been looking for you. Are you free tonight?M: Yeah, I’ve guessed so. Why?W: My mother and my little brother are in town. And my mom bought these theater tickets months ago. And…M: What show?W: It’s a play by Shakespeare.M: Don’t say another word. I’d love to go.W: Err, I don’t know how to tell you this, but I’m actually going with my mother. And I was wondering if you couldlook after my little brother while we’re away.M: Ah, how embarrassing! Oh, sure, no problem! What time should I show up?W: Seven o’clock at my place. He won’t be any trouble. You can just watch a video with him or something. Err, Joe, I’m very sorry about misunderstanding.M: Don’t worry. Actually I think it’s kind of funny. See you at seven.Text 8Hi, I’m Sophie. Do you want to know what we are doing these days? Well, we’re college students. And we’re volunteering at the primary school. We are working hard collecting supplies for an emergency drill. We’ve decided that I should be the boss because I’m the oldest. That’s fine with me because I kind of like telling everyone what to do. Anyway, you can see that this is a lot of work. But that’s okay. Three of us are doing the work. So they’ll probably be finished in a day or two. When we start it we had no idea about what supplies to get. But we looked it on the internet and found a website with a lot of information about what to do before, during and after, and an emergency. Yesterday, two of us went shopping for canned food, bottles of water, flashlights, batteries and blankets at a discount store. It was so crowded; it made me crazy, because I don’t have a lot of free time. But we got almost everything we needed. And the teachers and parents are happy to have our help.。

2016 高考天津卷听力试题试卷A1.What did the woman buy for her husband?A。
A phone. B。
A watch C。
A camera2.What does the woman tell the man to do?A. Wait a short time. B。
Come back at four。
Change the appointment.3。
What does the woman say about the report?A。
She hasn’t finished it yet. B. She will type it next week。
C. She spent a week typing it.4。
What is the possible relationship between the speakers?A。
Policeman and driver. B。
Boss and employee. C. Officer and soldier。
Where does the conversation most probably take place?A。
At a bus stop。
B. In a shop。
C. In a car。
What is the man’s father?A. A lawy er. B。
A doctor C。
A dentist7。
What did the man major in at college?A. Engineering.B. Mathematics。
C. Computer technology。
8.Where does the conversation most probably take place?A。
At home. B. In an office。

由于不同地区的高考英语听力试音部分可能有所不同,以下是我为您提供的一个可能的示例:试音时间:X分钟(播放一段音乐或提示音,让考场内的音响系统进入准备状态)Hello, this is the language laboratory. We are going to conduct an English listening test in a few minutes. Please turn off all electronic devices and keep quiet to allow the system to reach its optimal condition.(短暂的等待时间,播放一段空白音乐或提示音)We are now going to play a short recording of the test environment. Please listen carefully and adjust your hearing device accordingly. This will help ensure that you are comfortable and confident during the actual test.(播放一段模拟考试环境的录音,学生可以听到考场内的环境声音,如其他学生的声音、监考员的声音等)(短暂的等待时间,播放一段空白音乐或提示音)Next, we will be playing a recording of the language laboratory instructions. Please listen carefully and familiarize yourself with the test instructions and procedures. This will help ensure that you are familiar with the format and timing of the test, as well as the correct use of the hearing device.(播放一段关于考试流程和设备使用的录音,包括考试时间、答题方式、设备操作等)(短暂的等待时间,播放一段结束音乐)Thank you for your cooperation. We wish you all the best for the test! Please be on time and bring your identification card when you arrive at the testing area. Good luck!以上是一个简单的示例,实际的试音部分可能还会包括其他内容,例如考场布局介绍、考试流程提醒等。

2023年3月高考英语{天津卷)听力试题The following is a transcript of the 2023 March Tianjin High School English Listening Test.Section A。
1. M: I can't find my wallet anywhere. I'm sure I had it with me when I left home this morning.W: Did you check your bag? Maybe you put it in there by mistake.2. M: I'm thinking of taking a gap year before going to university.W: That's a great idea! You can use the time to travel and gain some valuable life experiences.3. W: I can't believe how expensive textbooks are. I spent over 500 yuan on just two books.M: I know, it's ridiculous. I always try to buy used books to save money.4. W: Have you heard about the new movie theater that just opened downtown?M: Yes, I have. They have the latest technology and the biggest screens. I can't wait to go there.5. M: I'm really tired of eating the same thing for lunch every day. I need some variety.W: Why don't we try that new restaurant that just opened? I heard they have a great selection of dishes.6. W: I'm having trouble understanding this math problem. Can you help me?M: Sure, let me take a look. Oh, I see what you're doing wrong. Let me explain it to you.7. M: I can't believe how much traffic there is today. We're going to be late for the concert.W: I know, it's terrible. Maybe we should have left earlier.8. W: Did you hear that John got accepted into Harvard?M: No way! That's amazing. He must be really smart.9. M: I'm thinking of getting a part-time job to earn some extra money.W: That's a good idea. It will teach you responsibility and give you some work experience.10. W: I can't decide which dress to wear to the party tonight.M: Why don't you try them both on and see which one you like better?Section B。
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试卷A第一节1.Text One:M: What kind of food do you likeW: I like healthy food. I don’t like fast food or fried food.2.Text Two:M: Have you see the author’s latest bestsellerW: i’ve just finished reading it. I really recommend it.3.Text Three:M: Where’s Lucy She usually comes for coffee with you.W: Not today. She’s got a headache and she’s feeling a bit sick.4.Text Four:M: Did you get the role you tried out for in the playW: That role was given to someone else, but I got a better one.5.Text Five:M: I thought I’d give Peter a call now.W: I’m afraid it’s too late at night.第二节6.M: You must be pretty excited about your trip to Europe.W: Yes. I’ll leave in three weeks. But there are still a few thingsI need to do, like buying my plane ticket and figuring out what to dowith my rented apartment while I’m away.M: You are not going to give it up, are youW: Certainly not. I’ll never find another apartment around here. ButI don’t like the idea of paying three months’ rent on an emptyapartment, either.M: Perhaps you could let it to someone else.W: Yes, but to whomM:Let me see. Oh, I know just the person. An old friend of mine,Jim Thomas, is coming here to do some research this summer, from June to Augest.W: That’s exactly when I’ll be away. It sounds ideal.M: Tell you what, I’ll be calling Jim late this week anyway, and I’ll mention it to him then.W: Well, thanks,Bill. Let me know what happens.7.Text SevenM: Hi, What can I do for youW: I haven’t received my grade report bfrom last semester, and my friends all say they got theirs already.M: They were all posted at the same time. So, you say you haven’t received yours yetW: No, I haven’t.M: HmmDid you have any problem last time you got your gradesW: Well, actually, I’m a first-year student. This is the first setof grades. My email address hasn’t changed or anything, so.......M: Wait, are you talking about your personal email accountW: Yeah. The school sends us our grades by email,rightM: No, we just post them on the university website.W: Are you kidding I thought they were sent to us by email. Ok, nowI feel stupid.M: Don’t worry about it. Starting college can be pretty confusing;there are a lot of new things you have to get used to.8.Text EightOk, everybody. Can we start the meeting now I’m Mike Johnson, chairman of the Graduation Committee for this year. You’ve all been selected as representatives to plan the graduation ceremonies. I am sending around a sheet of paper. Please write down your names and telephone numbers on it. We have many different things to do for the ceremonies.So, please also write down what part of the ceremonies you’d like to work on. Remember, as a representative, you’ll have a lot of responsibilities. So only sign up if you feel you have the time to participate. When everyone has finished writing down the information, please return the paper to me. It’s Tuesday. One week from today,at our next meeting, we will start to discuss the details of the ceremonies.Is everything clear试卷B1.Text OneM: Mary will you be readyn to leave at eightW: No way. I’ll need one more hour.2.Text TwoW: Do you want the same hairstyle as last timeM: The smae on top, but I’d like it a little longer in the back.3.Text ThreeW: What are you going to do tonightM: I’m going to do some jogging---if the weather ‘s OK. What about youW: I’m going to visit my friends.4.Text Four:W: What are you planning to do after you finish universityM: I’m taking a year out to travel,and when I come back, I’m going to look for a job.5.Text FiveM: Are you going camping this weekendW:It depends on the weather. If it’s sunny we’ll go.M: I heard it’s going to rain.第二节6.Text SixM: Hi,Kate. Have you plans for the weekendW: Yah, I’m really excited. I’m going up to New York City for a couple of days.M: That’s a coincidence. My roommate’s going to New York, too. Are you driving Maybe you two could ride together.W: No, I’m going there by train. I’ve ready got my ticket.M: So what are you going to do in New YorkW: I’m visiting a friend I met last summer at the music camp. RememberI went to a music camp in Michigan I shared a room with Laura andshe’s just moved to New York. So I’m going up to see her new place. M: Wow, you two probably have a lot to talk about.W: Yes. Guess what we are going to do Saturday night.M: Something to do with music, I bet.W: Right. We are going to a concert at Lincoln Center.7.Text SevenW: Good morning, can I help youM: I’d like to make a compliant about my holiday in Italy last week. W: I’m sorry to hear exactly was th problemM: First of all, the bus taking us to the hotel broke down and we had to wait for over two hours in the hot sun. Then when we got to the hotel we found our room hadn’t been cleaned.W: Oh,dear, did you complain to the hotel staffM: Of course, but we were told all the housekeepers ere off duty. Anyway, that’s not all. The people in the room above sounded like they were having all-night parties, every night. I demanded another room but they told me the hotel was full.W: Oh, I see.M: And worst of all, the ffod in the hotel restaurant was terrible.It was so bad that we had to eat out all the time. But we had already paid for meals in the price of our holiday.W: I do apologise.M:I want to see the manager.8.Text EightNow I’d like to talk to you, at the end of today’s lecture, about the final exam. The exam will be held next Thursday, the last day of the exam week. Unlike the misterm exam, this test will not include multiple-chice questions. It’ll consist entirely of essays questions. The exam will be quite thorough, which means you’ll be responsible for all of the subject matter we’ve covered in class. I would suggest you review your midterm papers as well as the textbooks and your class notes. The final exam will take up 50% of your grade in the course. The research project will take up 20%, and the mid-term exam 30%. I’llbe in my office almost all day on Tuesday next week. If you run into any problems, please feel free to drop in. Good luck with your studying, and I’ll see you all on Thursday.。