2018仁爱英语八年级下 全册重点短语复习

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1.看起来激动look excited

2.去看电影go to the movies/see a movie

3.什么电影what movie

4. 邀请某人做某事invite sb. to do sth.

5.我父母最爱的电影之一one of my parents’favorite movies

6.在我家度过傍晚spend the evening at my house 8.向某人道谢say thanks to sb

10.感到失望feel disappointed

11. 买到一张这部电影的票buy a ticket to the movie

12.似乎有点不开心seem a little unhappy

13.得重感冒have a bad cold

14.和我一起待在家stay at home with me

15.得到这张票一定很激动must be excited to get the ticket

16. 这个令人激动的消息the exciting news

17.对他感到抱歉feel sorry for him

18.(句子)你好吗?How are you doing?/How are you?

19. (句子)多么遗憾啊!What a pity!

20. (句子)这音乐听起来怎么样?How does the music sound?

21.最受欢迎的the most popular

22. 一个住着奥地利的年轻女子a young woman living in Austria

23. 照顾(三种)look after/take care of/care for 24. 对他发怒(两种)get/be angry with him

25.因为吵闹的孩子们because of noisy children

26. 教孩子们唱活泼的歌曲teach children to sing lively songs

27.表演一部短剧put on/perform a short play

28. 使他们振作起来cheer them up

29.一张笑脸a smiling face

30.产生,出现come into being

31. 有超过200年的历史have a history of over 200 years

32.四个主要角色four main roles

33.充满了(三种)be full of/be filled with/fill with

34.脸谱facial paintings

35. 优美的身段姿势wonderful gestures

36.找到一种互相和解的方式find a way to make peace with each other

37. 最后(三种)in the end/at last/finally

38. 中国文化Chinese culture

39.。。。的一个重要部分an important part of

40.过去常受老年人的欢迎used to be popular with old people

41.对它开始感到兴趣become interested in it

42.全世界(三种)all over the world/around the world/in the world

43.特殊的唱腔special singing

44. 在每部歌剧的结尾at the end of each opera

45. 学习关于。。。learn about


1.look worried 看起来担忧look

2.What seems to be the problem? 问题是什么?

3.have problems with 在某方面有问题

4.fail /do badly in the English exam 英语考试不及格

5.be strict with herself 对她自己严格

6.have no friends to talk with 没有可交谈的朋友

7.Thank you for telling me. 谢谢你告诉我

8.have a talk with her 和她谈一谈

9.be worried about her=worry about her 担心她

10.lose the way=be lost=get lost 迷路

11.cheer sb. up 使某人振作

12.send this card to you 寄这张贺卡给你

13.work harder 努力学习

14.Don’t worry=Take it easy 别担心

15.talk with others=have a talk with others 和其他人交谈16.be your friend=become your friend 成为你的朋友

17.find it difficult to learn English well 发现学好英语难

18.after talking with her 和她交谈后

19.at your age 在你这个年纪

20.know little about Chinese 对中文几乎不了解

21.tell me jokes 给我讲笑话

22.make me laugh 让我大笑

23.seem to like me 似乎喜欢我

24.have a good rest 好好休息一下

25.be friends with me=make friends with me 和我交朋友

26.How time flies! 时光飞逝!

27.wish to visit you 希望拜访你

28.a few months ago 几个月前

29.sleep as well as usual 睡得和往常一样好

30.be used to anything here 习惯这里的任何事情
