
检验科标示、标牌制作一、检验科(大标牌)注:中英文Clinical Laboratory二(小标牌) 注: 中英文1 检验科学习室Study Room2 检验科主任办公室Director’s Office3 血液病学实验室Haematology Laboratory4 体液检验室Body Fluid Testing Laboratory5 临床生物化学实验室Clinical Biochemistry Laboratory6 生化标本处理间Biochemistry Specimen Handing Room7 免疫、HIV初筛实验室Immunology and HIV Prescreening Laboratory8 值班室On-duty Room9 化学发光免疫室Chemiluminescence Immunoassay Laboratory10 微量元素检测室Trace Elements Detection Room11 PCT检测室PCT Detection Room12 血液学检验室(2块)Hematology Laboratory13 库房Storeroom14 标本储存室Specimen Storage Room三标示注:中文1 中夜班急诊采血窗口2 门诊采血窗口①3 门诊采血窗口②4 门诊采血窗口③5 门诊检验报告发放窗口④原子发射光谱仪-—Atomic Emission Spectrometer(AES)电感偶合等离子体发射光谱仪Inductive Coupled Plasma Emission Spectrometer(ICP)直流等离子体发射光谱仪--Direct Current Plasma Emission Spectrometer(DCP)紫外—可见光分光光度计——UV—Visible Spectrophotometer(UV-Vis)微波等离子体光谱仪——Microwave Inductive Plasma Emission Spectrometer(MIP)原子吸收光谱仪——Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy(AAS)原子荧光光谱仪--Atomic Fluorescence Spectroscopy(AFS)傅里叶变换红外光谱仪--FT-IR Spectrometer(FTIR)傅里叶变换拉曼光谱仪--FT—Raman Spectrometer(FTIR-Raman)气相色谱仪——Gas Chromatograph(GC)高压/效液相色谱仪High Pressure/Performance Liquid Chromatography(HPLC)离子色谱仪--Ion Chromatograph凝胶渗透色谱仪--Gel Permeation Chromatograph(GPC)体积排阻色谱--Size Exclusion Chromatograph(SEC)X射线荧光光谱仪——X—Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer(XRF)X射线衍射仪—-X—Ray Diffractomer(XRD)同位素X荧光光谱仪——Isotope X—Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer电子能谱仪--Electron Energy Disperse Spectroscopy能谱仪--Energy Disperse Spectroscopy(EDS)质谱仪——Mass Spectrometer(MS)ICP—质谱联用仪--ICP—MS气相色谱-质谱联用仪--GC—MS液相色谱—质谱联用仪-—LC—MS核磁共振波谱仪——Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometer(NMR)电子顺磁共振波谱仪——Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectrometer(ESR)极谱仪-—Polarograph伏安仪--Voltammerter自动滴定仪-—Automatic Titrator电导仪-—Conductivity Meter pH计--pH Meter水质分析仪—-Water Test Kits电泳仪-—Electrophoresis System表面科学——Surface Science电子显微镜—-Electro Microscopy光学显微镜—-Optical Microscopy金相显微镜——Metallurgical Microscopy扫描探针显微镜-Scanning Probe Microscopy表面分析仪—-Surface Analyzer无损检测仪——Instrument for Nondestructive Testing物性分析-—Physical Property Analysis热分析仪-—Thermal Analyzer粘度计—-Viscometer流变仪-—Rheometer粒度分析仪--Particle Size Analyzer热物理性能测定仪-—Thermal Physical Property Tester电性能测定仪——Electrical Property Tester光学性能测定仪—-Optical Property Tester机械性能测定仪-—Mechanical Property Tester燃烧性能测定仪--Combustion Property Tester老化性能测定仪——Aging Property Tester生物技术分析——Biochemical analysisPCR仪--Instrument for Polymerase Chain ReactionDNA及蛋白质的测序和合成仪——Sequencers and Synthesizers for DNA and Protein传感器--Sensors其他—-Other/Miscellaneous流动分析与过程分析--Flow Analytical and Process Analytical Chemistry气体分析—-Gas Analysis基本物理量测定--Basic Physics样品处理--Sample Handling金属/材料元素分析仪-—Metal/material elemental analysis环境成分分析仪--CHN Analysis发酵罐-—Fermenter生物反应器-—Bio-reactor摇床——Shaker离心机--Centrifuge超声破碎仪—-Ultrasonic Cell Disruptor超低温冰箱-—Ultra-low Temperature Freezer恒温循环泵-—Constant Temperature Circulator超滤器--Ultrahigh Purity Filter冻干机--Freeze Drying Equipment部分收集器——Fraction Collector氨基酸测序仪—-Protein Sequencer氨基酸组成分析仪-—Amino Acid Analyzer多肽合成仪--Peptide synthesizer DNA测序仪--DNA Sequencers DNA合成仪--DNA synthesizer紫外观察灯-—Ultraviolet Lamp分子杂交仪——Hybridization Oven PCR仪--PCR Amplifier化学发光仪-—Chemiluminescence Apparatus紫外检测仪——Ultraviolet Detector电泳-—Electrophoresis酶标仪--ELIASACO2培养箱——CO2Incubators倒置显微镜-—Inverted Microscope超净工作台—-Bechtop流式细胞仪—-Flow Cytometer微生物自动分析系统—-Automatic Analyzer for Microbes生化分析仪——Biochemical Analyzer血气分析仪—-Blood-gas Analyzer电解质分析仪--Electrolytic Analyzer尿液分析仪-—Urine Analyzer临床药物浓度仪—-Analyzer for Clinic Medicine Concentration血球计数器--Hematocyte Counter CO2培养箱CO2Incubators DNA测序仪DNA Sequencers DNA合成仪DNA synthesizerDNA及蛋白质的测序和合成仪Sequencers and Synthesizers for DNA and Protein ICP-质谱联用仪ICP—MS ICP—MSPCR仪Instrument for Polymerase Chain Reaction PCR PCR仪PCR Amplifier pH 计pH MeterX射线衍射仪X—Ray Diffractomer XRDX射线荧光光谱仪X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer XRF氨基酸测序仪Protein Sequencer氨基酸组成分析仪Amino Acid Analyzer表面分析仪Surface Analyzer表面科学Surface Science部分收集器Fraction Collector超低温冰箱Ultra-low Temperature Freezer超净工作台Bechtop超滤器Ultrahigh Purity Filter超声破碎仪Ultrasonic Cell Disruptor传感器Sensors倒置显微镜Inverted Microscope电导仪Conductivity Meter电感偶合等离子体发射光谱仪Inductive Coupled Plasma Emission Spectrometer ICP电解质分析仪Electrolytic Analyzer电性能测定仪Electrical Property Tester电泳Electrophoresis电泳仪Electrophoresis System电子能谱仪Electron Energy Disperse Spectroscopy电子顺磁共振波谱仪Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectrometer ESR电子显微镜Electro Microscopy冻干机Freeze drier/Lyophilizer多肽合成仪Peptide synthesizer发酵罐Fermenter分子杂交仪Hybridization Oven伏安仪Voltammerter傅里叶变换红外光谱仪FT—IR Spectrometer FTIR傅里叶变换拉曼光谱仪FT-Raman Spectrometer FTIR—Raman高压/效液相色谱仪High Pressure/Performance Liquid Chromatography HPLC光学显微镜Optical Microscopy光学性能测定仪Optical Property Tester核磁共振波谱仪Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometer NMR恒温循环泵Constant Temperature Circulator化学发光仪Chemiluminescence Apparatus环境成分分析仪CHN Analysis激光共聚焦扫描显微镜Laser scanning confocal microscope机械性能测定仪Mechanical Property Tester基本物理量测定Basic Physics极谱仪Polarograph金相显微镜Metallurgical Microscopy金属/材料元素分析仪Metal/material elemental analysis老化性能测定仪Aging Property Tester离心机Centrifuge离子色谱仪Ion Chromatograph粒度分析仪Particle Size Analyzer临床药物浓度仪Analyzer for Clinic Medicine Concentration流变仪Rheometer流动分析与过程分析Flow Analytical and Process Analytical Chemistry流式细胞仪Flow Cytometer酶标仪ELIASA能谱仪Energy Disperse Spectroscopy EDS尿液分析仪Urine Analyzer凝胶渗透色谱仪Gel Permeation Chromatograph GPC其他Other/Miscellaneous气体分析Gas Analysis气相色谱仪Gas Chromatograph GC气相色谱—质谱联用仪GC-MS GC-MS燃烧性能测定仪Combustion Property Tester热分析仪Thermal Analyzer热物理性能测定仪Thermal Physical Property Tester扫描探针显微镜Scanning Probe Microscopy生化分析仪Biochemical Analyzer生物反应器Bio—reactor生物技术分析Biochemical analysis水质分析仪Water Test Kits体积排阻色谱Size Exclusion Chromatograph SEC同位素X荧光光谱仪Isotope X—Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer微波等离子体光谱仪Microwave Inductive Plasma Emission Spectrometer MIP微生物自动分析系统Automatic Analyzer for Microbes无损检测仪Instrument for Nondestructive Testing物性分析Physical Property Analysis血气分析仪Blood—gas Analyzer血球计数器Hematocyte Counter样品处理Sample handling摇床Shaker液相色谱—质谱联用仪LC—MS原子力显微镜atomic force microscope原子发射光谱仪Atomic Emission Spectrometer AES原子吸收光谱仪Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy AAS原子荧光光谱仪Atomic Fluorescence Spectroscopy AFS粘度计Viscometer直流等离子体发射光谱仪Direct Current Plasma Emission Spectrometer DCP质谱仪Mass Spectrometer MS紫外观察灯Ultraviolet Lamp紫外检测仪Ultraviolet Detector紫外-可见光分光光度计UV-Visible Spectrophotometer UV-Vis自动滴定仪Automatic Titrator层流净化罩/柜Laminar flow hood排风罩/柜Exhaust hood。

为方便标识牌设计与终端客户,唯美标识学院特整理关于医院科室牌〔标识牌〕中英文对照供大家参考!产房Delivery Room产房办公室Office for Delivery Room产房值班室On-Duty Room for Delivery待产室Predelivery Room隔离室Isolation Room盥洗室Rest Room配餐间Diet Room配液室/药物配置室Pharmacy Preparation清洁室Cleaning Room洗涤室Washing Room储物室Store工作人员洗手间Rest Room for Staff Only领衣帽处Clothing Center房间号Room Number住院病人一览表In-patient List请放病历Please Put Your Medical Record便盆放置处Bedpan Here病人一览表Patient General Table医疗查房时间请勿打搅Please Don't Disturb During Ward Round保障部门总务办公室Office of Dispatch Service Center水泵机房Water Pump Control Room水处理室Water Treatment Room消防控制室Fire Control Room空调机房Air-Conditioner Controlling Room气瓶间Gas Bottle Room冷冻机房Refrigerator Room配电房Power Room配电值班室On-Duty Room for Electricity太平间Mortuary洗衣房Laundry总机室Telephone Exchange Room停车场Park传达室Janitor Room修理间Repair Room机修室Machinery Maintenance排污机房Sewage Disposalr设备层Equipment Floor地下室Basement电梯Elevator楼梯通道Stair Passageway行政管理院长办公室Director of the Hospital院部办公区Administration Office Area副院长办公室Vice Director of the Hospital办公室Office医务处Medical Affairs Dept.护理处Nursing Dept.质量控制办公室Quality Controlling Office综合治理办公室General Management Office信息中心Information Center电子计算机机房Computer Machinery Room档案室Archives Room图书阅览室Reading Room会议室Meeting Room多功能厅Multi-function Hall财务处Financial Dept.管理室Management Room科普宣传栏Popular Science Propaganda Column院内生活职工之家Recreation for the Staff餐厅Dining Hall值班公寓On-Duty Apartment教学用房学术报告厅Academic Hall教学区Teaching Area教学一览表Teaching Schedule学习室Study Room科研用房化学实验室Chemistry Laboratory疼痛门诊Painful Disease Clinic疼痛门诊观察室Observation Room for Painful Disease Clinic疼痛门诊治疗室Treatment Room for Painful Disease Clinic病理科Pathology Dept.标本前处理室Sample Preparation Room标本室Specimen Station标本收集处Specimen Reception标化室Specimen Laboratory病理技术室Pathological Technology Room 病理切片室Section Room影像诊断中心Radiodiagnosis Center放射科Radiology Dept.放射治疗中心Radiation Oncology Center核医学科Nuclear Medicine Department X光室X-Ray RoomCT室CT Scan RoomCT准备室Preparation Room for CT核磁共振MRI读片室Radiodiagnosis Center暗房Darkroom照相机室Camera Room摄影室Photography Room平安门ExitPT室PT RoomOT室OT Room图像工作站PACS Room放疗科Radiation Oncology Dept.放免室Radiological Immunology Room放射化学室Radiochemistry & Radiopharmaceuticals 放射检疫生化室Radioimmunochemistry & Biochemistry直线加速器1室Linear Accelerator Room 1后装治疗机室Therapeutic Room模拟室位机室Simulative Localizer Room模拟机室Simulator Room模型室Model Room心电图室ECG Lab动态血压室IBP心功能室Cardiac Function Room心脏多普勒超声检查室Colour Echo or UCG平板运动心电图室Stress Test超声科Doppler Ultrasonic Department肺功能室Pulmonary Function Room肺功能检查室Pulmonary Function Test Room肺通气室Pulmonary Ventilation内镜中心Endoscopy Center内镜中心办公室Endoscopy Center's Office内窥镜检查室Endoscopic Examination内窥镜室Endoscopy Room气管镜室Bronchoscopy Room食道镜室Esophagoscopy Room食道心房调博Transesophageal Atrial Pacing 食管功能室Esophageal Function Room食管镜室Esophagoscopy Room胃镜室Gastroscopy Lab纤支镜室Fiberbronchoscope Lab电测听室Audiometry Room听力检查室Audiometry Room助听器验配室Acousticon Fitting Room结肠镜室Enteroscopy lab动态喉镜室Dynamic Laryngoscope Room 眼肌检查室Ophthalmomyositis Lab功能分析室Functional Lab功能诊断中心Functional Test Center激光室Laser Room中心供给Centre Supplies无菌物品发放间Sterilized Distribution无菌物品存放间Storage Room For Steriled Goods 敷料打包间Linen Inspecting & Packsging Room 低温灭菌间Low Temperature Sterilization消毒供给中心Sterilized Supplying Center清洗间Cleaning Room清毒间Disinfected Room清毒器械室Disinfected Apparatus Room灭菌间Sterilized Room无菌用品室Storage Room For Sterilized Goods 住院处In-patient Admission入院接待处In-patient Admission出入院处Discharge & Admission Service手术中心Operating Centre洁静手术区Operating Area无菌区Sterilized Area清洁区Cleaning Area污染区Polluted Area无菌手术室Sterilized Operating Room麻醉复苏室Recovery Room for Anesthesia麻醉医师办公室Office for Anesthesiologist手术室Operating Room清创手术室Operating Room for Debridement器械室Apparatus Room病人术后休息室Rest Room for Postoperative Patient 手术医师休息室Rest Room for Doctor监护病房CCUICU室ICU RoomNICU室NICU Room换鞋间Shoes Changing家属等候区Operation Waiting Area高压氧舱室High Pressure Oxygen Store光疗室Phototherapy Room核素治疗室Radionuclide Therapeutics冷冻微波治疗室Freezing & Microwave Therapy Room 理疗科Physiotherapy物理室Physicial Room血管、肿瘤介入治疗中心Interventional Radiology血管造影室Angio碎石室Eswl Room治疗药物监测室TDM物理治疗室Physical Therapy作业治疗室Occupational Therapy语言治疗室Speech Therapy高频电疗Higy Frequency Electrotherapy功能评定室Functional Assessment Room假肢与支具Prothesis and Orthosis灌肠室Enema Room污洗间Filth Cleaning Room备餐室Diet Preparation石膏室Plaster Room病人活动室Recreation for Patient主任办公室Director's Office医、护值班室On-Duty Room for Doctor & Nurse 医生办公室Doctor's Office护士办公室Nurse Office护士站Nurse Station资料室Data Room治疗室Treatment Room治疗方案室TPS Room标准病房Standard Ward皮肤科Dermatology皮肤科治疗室 Treatment Room for Dermatology皮肤性病科 Dermatology & STD康复科Rehabilitation Dept.康复诊疗室Consultation Room脑瘫痪康复门诊Rehabilitation Clinic for Encephalic Paralysis功能康复室Function Rehabilitation Room安康资料放置处Health Data肠道门诊Gastroenterology Clinic肠道病诊室Consulting Room for Intestinal Diseases 肠道隔离诊查室Isolation Room for Intestinal Disease 肠道治疗室Therapy Room for Enterology肠道传染病门诊Intesti Infectious Disease Clinic隔离室Isolation Room肝炎专科Division of Hepatitis结核门诊Tuberculosis Clinic老年病科Gerontology Dept.内分泌科Endocrinology血液专科Division of Hematology疼痛门诊Painful Disease Clinic疼痛门诊观察室Observation Room for Painful Disease Clinic 疼痛门诊治疗室Treatment Room for Painful Disease Clinic 其他心理咨询Psychology Consulting佝偻病专科Rachitis Dept.神经、脊柱Neurolohy Rachitis神经科Neurology贵宾〔特需〕门诊VIP Clinic体检中心Physical Examination Center风湿专科Rheumatism挂号须知Notes for Registration请便后冲水Please Flush After Use请勿吸烟Please No Smoking未经批准不得进入No Admittance严禁吸烟No smoking医患沟通园地Patient-Doctor Communication Grounds在此候诊Waiting Aera暂停效劳Service Suspended急诊部急救分中心办公室Office of Branch Emergency Center 急救中心Emergency Center抢救室Emergency Treatment Room急诊诊疗室Emergency Room急诊化验室Emergency Laboratory急诊收费Emergency Cashier急诊药房Emergency Pharmacy输液室Infusion Room抢救监护室First-aid Care Room急诊仪器室Emergency Instrument Room医师办公室Physician's Office观察区Observation Ward医技科室药剂科Pharmacy Dept.药剂科办公室Pharmacy Office药剂科会议室Meeting Room of Pharmacy制剂研究室Preparation Research Room西药调剂室Prescription Room of Medicine中药调剂室Prescription Room of TCM普通制剂室General Preparation Room中药制剂室Preparation Room for TCM西药库 Medicine Store中药库 TCM Store一次性物品库DisposabLe Storage Room无菌室 Asepsis Room无菌制剂室Aseptic Preparation Room口服液灌封间Filling & Enveloping Room for Orally Liquid灌封间Filling & Enveloping Room灯检包装间Packing Room of Light Examination配制间Confecting Room工作人员休息室Staff's Rest Room中药制剂前处理TCM Preparation Processing片剂调剂室Dispensary Room for Tablet针剂调剂室Dispensary Room for Injection 输液库 Infusion Store临床检验中心The Center Laboratory Medicine 化验室 Clinical Laboratory生化室 Biochemistry Lab生化贫析室 Clinic Chemistry Lab细菌室Bacteriology Room微生物室Moicrobiology Lab分子生物学室 Molecular Biology临床化学室 Clinical Chemistry化学试剂室 Chemistry Reagent Room临检室Clinical Examination Room 静脉采血处Blood Collection Room采血室Blood-taking Room大小便、体液标本收集处Specimen Collection Room常规检验室Routine Examination留样观察室 Observation Room for Sample 免疫病理室 Immunopathology Room分子病理实验室Molecuar Pathology Lab仪器室 Apparatus Room天平室Balance Room电泳室Electrophoresis Laboratory血库 Blood Bank血液标本放置处Blood Sample Collection门诊部行政办公室administratve office院长办公室President's Office导向咨询Enquiry挂号处Registration专科门诊一览表Schedule for Special Out-patient 门诊病案室Outpaient Medical Records西药房Pharmacy中药房Pharmacy of Traditional Medicine中西药取药处Pharmacy Dispenser登记划价处Account of Medicine收费处Cashier门诊检验Clinical Laboratory标本承受处Specimen-Reception门诊输液中心Out-Patient Infusion Center注射室Injection Room取报告单处Iaboratory Report换药室/治疗室Bandage Change/Treatment Room 污洗室Cleaning Room洗手间Toilet茶水间Drinking Room男更衣Men's Dressing Room女更衣Women's Dressing Room门诊接待室Reception Room候诊厅Waiting Lobby中西医结合门诊Clinic of Integrated Traditional & Western Medicine内科Dept.of Internal Medicine神经内科Neurology心血管内科Cardiovasology呼吸内科Respiratory Medicine呼吸隔离诊查室Examination for Respiratory消化内科Gastroenterology肾内科Nephrological Dept.泌尿内科Urologic Dept.关节内科Arthrology肿瘤内科Medical Oncology口腔内科Oral Medicine外科Surgery外科诊室Surgical Clinic头颈外科Head & Neck Surgery心胸外科Cardiothoracic Surgery胸外科Thoracic Surgery创伤外科Traumatic Surgery泌尿外科Urology Surgery显微外科Micro Surgery口腔颌面外科Dental Restoration Technician Room 骨科Orthopaedics骨伤科Orthopedic Surgery手法复位室Manipulation of Bone-Setting Room妇产科Gynecology & Obstetrics妇科检查室Examination for Gynecology产科门诊Obstetrics Clinic方案生育门诊Family Planning Clinic生殖中心Reproductive Center儿科Pediatrics儿童娱乐室Amusement Room for Children儿童保健部Child Hygiene儿童生长资料室Data Room of Children Development 新生儿疾病专科Newborns Disease Dept.中医科Traditional Chinese Medicine中医门诊Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic中医正骨O.P.D of Bone Setting针灸科Acupuncture & Moxibustion针推理疗科Acupuncture Massage & Physical Therapy 针灸按摩室Acupuncture & Massage Room保健科Health Care地段保健室Vaccinoprophylaxis Community预防保健医疗中心Medical Center for Health Prevention and Care家庭医疗效劳部Health Services for Family社区医疗效劳中心办公室Office for Community Medical Service Center眼科Ophthalmology眼科门诊Ophthalmology Clinic眼肌治疗室Ophthalmology Therapy Room弱视治疗室Amblyopia Therapy Room角膜地形图Corneal Topography视野检查室Computerized Automated Perimetry Testing Room配镜处Lens Fitting隐形眼镜室Contact Lenses Room压平眼压Applanation Tonometry耳鼻喉科ENT Dept.耳鼻喉科专家诊室Specialist of ENT耳鼻咽喉Otorhinolaryngology嗓音疾诊疗室Voice Disease Diagnosis & Therapy Room 口腔科Stomatology口腔诊室Dental Consulting Room口腔修复室Prosthodontics口腔技工修复Artifice Room口腔X光室Dental X-ray Room口腔正畸室Orthoclontics口腔种植室Dental Implantation技工室Artifice Room心理咨询Psychology Consulting佝偻病专科Rachitis Dept.神经、脊柱Neurology Rachitis神经科Neurology贵宾〔特需〕门诊VIP Clinic体检中心Physical Examination Center风湿专科Rheumatism挂号须知Notes for Registration请便后冲水Please Flush After Use请勿吸烟Please No Smoking未经批准不得进入No Admittance严禁吸烟No Smoking医患沟通园地Patient-Doctor Communication Grounds在此候诊Waiting Aera暂停效劳Service Suspended急诊部急救分中心办公室Office of Branch Emergency Center 急救中心Emergency Center抢救室Emergency Treatment Room急诊诊疗室Emergency Room急诊化验室Emergency Laboratory急诊收费Emergency Cashier急诊药房Emergency Pharmacy输液室Infusion Room抢救监护室First-aid Care Room急诊仪器室Emergency Instrument Room医师办公室Physician's Office观察区Observation Ward医技科室药剂科Pharmacy Dept.药剂科办公室Pharmacy Office药剂科会议室Meeting Room of Pharmacy制剂研究室Preparation Research Room西药调剂室Prescription Room of Medicine中药调剂室Prescription Room of TCM普通制剂室General Preparation Room中药制剂室Preparation Room for TCM西药库Medicine Store中药库TCM Store一次性物品库DisposabLe Storage Room无菌室Asepsis Room无菌制剂室Aseptic Preparation Room口服液灌封间Filling & Enveloping Room for Orally Liquid 灌封间Filling & Enveloping Room灯检包装间Packing Room of Light Examination配制间Confecting Room工作人员休息室Staff's Rest Room中药制剂产前处理TCM Preparation Processing片剂调剂室Dispensary Room for Tablet针剂调剂室Dispensary Room for Injection输液库Infusion Store小型仪器室small- scale instrument room 大型仪器室large -scale instrument room 纯水制备室pure water preparation room 无菌操作室asepsis operation room药品储藏室physic storeroom玻璃器械室glass appliance room更衣室locker room中心化验室laboratory center room总经理室general manager room副总经理室vice general manager room会议室meeting room接待室reception room楼层牌floor厕所toilet董事长室president room效劳台information desk急诊室emergency room抢救室rescue room换药室re-dressing room观察室observation room输液室1 observation room (1)检验中心lab center传染病检验室epidemiology laboratory room 病理检验室pathology laboratory room细菌室bacteriology room心电图室ECG roomb超室〔一〕B-ultrasonic room〔1〕供给室provide room接收室receive room发放处extend locate粗洗间ordinarily washing room精洗间earnest washing room清洁间cleaning room消毒间disinfected room综合门诊out-patient integrate内科中心mdeicine center外科中心surgery center肝病中心liverish center呼吸内科respiratory medicine神经内科neurology心血管内科cardiovasology消化内科gastroenterology胃镜室gastroscopy lab room内分泌室endocrinology room免疫科immunology儿科pediatrics Dept.普外科general surgery伤骨科orthopedic surgery伤骨科治疗室treatment room for orthopedic 肛肠科colorecta dept.肛肠科治疗室treatment room for colorecta皮肤科〔一〕dermatology(1)中医科traditional chinese medicine肿瘤科medical oncology肝病科(一〕liverish dept.(1)门诊部办公室out-patient office医学美容中心medicine for hairdressing center 咨询处consult医生办公室doctor's office手术室operating room妇科中心gynecology center妇科〔一〕gynecology dept.(1)妇科治疗区treatment area for gynecology冲洗室〔一〕washing room(1)微波室〔一〕microwave room(1)激光室(一〕laser room(1)方案生育室Spcoialist Clinic检查室examination room泌尿科中心urology center泌尿外科(一〕urology surgery眼耳鼻喉科中心ophthalmology&ENT center 口腔科(一〕stomatology 〔1〕耳鼻喉科〔一〕ENT dept. 1眼科ophthalmology准备室preparation room内儿科病区pediatrics medicine area外科病区surgery area妇科病区gynecology area院长室affair AD院办公室director of the hospital医务科clinic AD护理部nursing dept.经营部manage dept.企划部layout dept.总务科general affair dept.文印室printing room财务科financial dept.卫生间toilet男卫生间men toilet女卫生间women toilet饮水间drinking room程控室procedure control room护士站nurse station导医台enquiryct线诊断室ct scan test roomx线诊断室x-ray test room餐厅dining hall警卫室gatehouse泌尿科治疗区treatment area for urologyb超、心电图、生化、消毒b-ultrasonic、ECG、biochemistry lab、disinfected放射科radiology dept.+++【关于唯美——郑州唯美标识设计制作是一家国内知名、专业从事医疗与教育、办公楼宇、商业区域、房地产工程、城市公共环境、大型工业园区、旅游景区标识、灯光工程发光字等标识系统整体规划、设计、制作、安装、售后效劳及产品研发于一体大型标识公司。

医院科室牌标牌中英文对照表病房楼楼层总索引Layout of Inpatient Building大厅 Lobby卫事中心 Patient-aid center小卖部 Buffet出院病人领取费用清单 List of expenses for discharged patients普通病人出院结帐 Check-out for common discharged patients住院登记收费 Check-in for inpatients医保社保出院结帐 Check-out for patients with medical / social insurance 病区药房 Ward dispensary输血科 Transfusion section急诊化验 Emergency lab急诊手术室 Emergency operating theatre门诊手术室 Clinic operating theatre出入院病人接待处 Reception of inpatients(二病区)重症监护 ICU ( Area 2 )外科示教室 Surgery demo room妇科示教室 Gynecology demo room仓库 Warehouse特殊感染病室 Special infection diseases主任办公室 Director office治疗室 Therapeutic room护士长办公室 Head nurse office医生办公室 Doctor office护士站 Nurse station(三病区)儿科Pediatrics Dept (Area 3)电脑中心 Computer center更衣室 Change room儿科教研室 Pediatrics teaching & research section婴儿洗澡间 Infant bathroom新生婴儿监护室 Neonatus wardship新生婴儿室 Neonatus room重症室 ICU诊疗室 Consulting room(四病区)产科Obstetrical Dept (Area 4)机房 Machine room婴儿抚触中心 Infant-stroking center(五病区)产房 Obstetrical Ward (Area 5)分娩室 Delivery room隔离分娩室 Isolation delivery room陪伴分娩室(一)Delivery room with companion (1)陪伴分娩室(二)Delivery room with companion (2)护士值班室 Nurse on duty医生值班室 Doctor on duty单床间 Single-bed room(六病区)妇科 Gynecology ( Area 6)妇科教研室 Gynecology teaching and research section换药室 Dressing room(七病区)骨科 Orthopedics Dept ( Area 7)(八病区)普外(肝、胆、胰、肛肠)科General Surgical Dept (Liver, Gallbladder, Pancreas, Anorectum (Area 8) 外科教研室 Surgery teaching & research section(九病区)心胸(肿瘤)外科Cardiothoracic Surgery (Tumor) ( Area 9)(十病区)普外(泌尿)科General Surgical Dept (Urinary system) (Area 10)(十一病区)耳鼻咽喉科、眼科、口腔科 ( Area 11)E.N.T. Dept, Ophthalmology Dept, Stomatology Dept眼科暗房 Ophthalmological dark room(十二病区)神经外科Surgical Dept of Neurology (Area 12)麻醉科 Anesthesiology dept示教室 Demo room麻醉医生办公室 Office of anesthesia doctor医生休息室 Doctor rest room女更衣室 Change room (F)男更衣室 Change room (M)有菌手术室 Non aseptic operating theatre手术取材室 Operation material room麻醉器械储藏室 Storeroom of anesthesia instrument非限制区 Unrestricted area半限制区 Semi-restricted area换鞋处 Shoe-changing配电室 Distribution room手术室 Operating theatre石膏房 Gypsum room手术准备室 Operation preparation清洗间 Cleaning room麻醉准备室 Anesthesia preparation麻醉器械室 Anesthesia instrument room限制区 Restricted area精密仪器室 Precision instrument room无菌室 Asepsis room护士登记室 Nurse registration room复苏室 Anabiosis room麻醉清洗消毒室 Anesthesia cleaning and sterilizing room等候室 Waiting room存放间 Storage room后勤楼楼层分布 Layout of Logistic Building病案统计室 Medical record statistics room图书室 Library后勤服务管理中心 Logistic service and management center设备科 Equipment section工程维修部 Engineering maintenance dept基建科 Capital construction section供应服务部 Supply service dept实习生值班室(1)Probationer night shift room (1)门诊楼楼层总索引 Layout of Outpatient Building本层科室分布 Layout of sections开水间 Boiled water检验科Laboratory section抽血化验 Blood test门诊药房 Clinic dispensary大小便、白带化验 Test of stool, urine, leukorrhea药房 Dispensary体液实验室 Humoral lab放射影像科 Radio & Image dept放射科登记处 X-ray registration放射科X-ray dept摄片 2 (X-ray 2)挂号收费 Registration charging内科(二)Internal medicine dept ( 2 )门诊办公室 Outpatient office老干部门诊 Veteran carder clinic老年专科 Special section of geriatric diseases糖尿病专科 Diabets special section内科专家门诊1 Expert clinic of internal medicine ( 1 )专家门诊 Expert clinic专科门诊 Clinic of special section高血压专科 Hypertension special sectionC T 室 CT room换药室 Dressing room肛肠科 Anorectum section肝胆专科专家门诊 Expert clinic of liver and gallbladder section 骨科 Orthopedics dept腰腿痛专科 Lumbago & Skelalgia special section脑外科Cerebral surgery疼痛专科 Special section of pains普外科 General surgical dept皮肤科 Dermatology dept性病专科 Special section of VD儿科专家门诊 Expert clinic of pediatrics儿科Pediatrics dept中药房 TCM dispensary耳鼻咽喉专家门诊 Expert clinic of E.N.T耳鼻咽喉科 E.N.T. dept中医科 TCM dept眼科检查室(眼电生理) Ophthalmology check room (EOG)眼科专家门诊 Ophthalmologic expert clinic煎药室 Herb decocting room眼科治疗室 Therapeutic room of ophthalmology眼科检查室(眼压验光视野)Examination room of ophthalmology (intraocular tension, optometry, visual field) 声阻抗室 Acoustic impedance room电测听室 Electrometric hearing test助听器选配室 Hearing aid selection眼科诊室(常规诊室) Ophthalmology clinic (Routine clinic)宣教室 Publicizing and education胸外肿瘤专科 Special section of thoracic tumor皮肤性病科专家门诊 Expert clinic of dermatosis and VD人流室 Induced Abortion Room介入门诊 Intervention clinic妇产科专家门诊 Expert clinic of gynecology & obstetrics高危妊娠门诊 High-danger pregnancy clinic妇产科 Gynecology & obstetrics dept仓库 Warehouse心室晚电位 Ventricle late potential动态血压 Dynamic blood pressure动态心电图室 Dynamic ECG心向量 Vectorcardiogram心电图室 ECG room心电图科ECG section超声科 Ultrasonographic section彩色B超 Color B-Ultrasonography理疗推拿科 Physical therapy & manipulation section儿科示教室 Demo room of pediatrics盆腔炎治疗室 Therapeutic room of PID儿童生长发育门诊 Children growth clinic急诊B超 Emergency B-Ultrasonography胃镜肠镜预约窗口 Reservation of gastroscope and enteroscope examination脑电图 Electroemcephalogram (缩写EEG)脑地形图 Emcepholo topography红外线乳腺诊断室Infrared light diagnosis of glandula mammaria 颅脑超声 Craniocerebral Ultrasonographic examination消化科 Digestion section心理测验室 Psychological test room专家门诊 Expert clinic心理咨询科 Psychological consult section中西医结合 Combination of TCM and Western medicine病理科 Pathologic section细胞学室 Cytology room技术室 Technical room 免疫组化室 Immunohistochemistry room档案室 Archives room巨检室 Gross examination room诊断室 Diagnosis room口腔科 Stomatology dept胃镜肠镜检查室Gastroscope and enteroscope examination康复科 Rehabilitation section碎石科 Lithotriptic section输液室 Infusion room化液室 Infusion preparation泌尿外科 Urologic surgery dept肌注皮试 Intracutaneous test of intramuscular injection小儿输液室 Children's infusion room成人输液室 Adults' infusion room针灸推拿 Acupuncture & manipulation生活皮肤美容 Skin beauty腰突症 Protrasion of the lumbar intervertebral disci保健按摩 Healthcare massage针炙减肥 Acupuncture weight-reducing医保办 Medical insurance office放免实验室 Radioimmunoassay room防保科 Prophylactic section院感科 Section of inner infection prevention医学美容 Medical cosmetology微生物实验室 Microbioloy Laboratory room检验医学中心 Clinical laboratory medicine centerHIV实验室 HIV Laboratory room血液学实验室 Haematology Laboratory room主任办公室 The office director免疫学实验室 Lmmunology Laboratory room生物化学实验室 Biochemistry Laboratory room档案库房 Archives storeroom信息科 Information section综合档案室 Comprehensive archives room临床系办公室 Clinic dept office文印室 typing and printing room护理部 Nursing department科教科 Scientific education section院办公室 Hospital office书记室 Secretary office人事科 Personnel section院长室 President office副院长室 Vice president office会议室 Meeting room医务科 Section of medical affairs保安部 Security dept顾问室 Consultant office医疗服务质量监控办公室 Medical service supervision office教室 Class room出纳室 Paybox会计室 Accounting house核算办 Accounting office工会 Trade union医疗纠纷接侍室 Reception of medical disputes财务科长室 Finance section chief外科病房楼楼层总索引 Layout of Inpatient Building of Internal Medicine Dept 发热呼吸道门诊 Fever and Respiratory tract clinic体检中心 Physical examination center跟车医师 Ambulance doctor肝炎门诊 Hepatitis clinic值班室(内科) Night shift room (Dept of internal medicine)值班室(外科)Night shift room (Surgical dept)急诊外科 Emergency surgical dept急诊内科 Emergency internal medicine dept值班室(驾驶员) Night shift room (Driver)急诊输液室 Emergency infusion room肠道门诊 Intestinal tract clinic急诊分诊台 Guide to emergency急诊儿科 Emergency pediatrics污物间 Feculence room清创室 Trauma cleaning room输液台 Infusion table急诊挂号收费 Emergency registration charging肠道门诊观察室 Observation ward of intestinal tract clinic急诊指挥中心 Emergency command center夜间药房 Night dispensary主任办公室 Director office监护室 ICU治疗室 Therapeutic room护士办公室 Nurse office观察室 2 Observation ward 2抢救室 Salvaging room观察室 1 Observation ward 1肝炎门诊观察室 Observation ward of Hepatitis clinic干部病房 Cardre Ward心内科 Cardiac internal medicine dept医生办公室 Doctor office诊疗室 Consulting room心血管 Cardiovascular (怎么没有科或室?)呼吸内科 Respiration internal medicine心脏介入中心 Cardio intervention center内分泌内科 Incretion internal medicine血液 Blood (怎么没有科或室?)消化 Digestion (怎么没有科或室?)肾内科 Kidney internal medicine血液层流病房 Aseptic ward介入治疗中心 Intervention therapy center水处理间 Water treatment room手术室 Operating theatre准备室 Preparation room仓库更衣室 Warehouse change room病人更衣室 Patient change room家属接待室 Reception room of patients' relative内科示教室 Demo room of internal medicine操作室 Operating theatre透析室( 1) Dialysis room (1)透析室 (2) Dialysis room (2)药剂科 Medicament Section腰突症专科 Special section of protrasion of the lumbar intervertebral disci 保健按摩专科 Special section of healthcare massage针灸推拿专科 Special section of acupuncture and manipulation老年病专科 Special section of geriatric diseases针灸(中医)减肥专科 Special section of acupuncture weight-reducing (TCM) 生活皮肤护理美容室 Skin care and cosmetology心电图检查室 ECG examination脑电图检查室 EEG examination脑地形图检查室 Encephalo topography examination颅脑超声检查室 Craniocerebral Ultrasonographic examination红外线检查室 Infrared ray examination精神、心理咨询科 Mental and psychological consultation彩色B超检查室Color B- Ultrasonographic examination肝病专家门诊 Expert clinic of hepatitis diseases中西医结合专科 Special section in combination of TCM and western medicine 理疗推拿专科 Special section of physical therapy & manipulation皮肤、性病科 Skin and VD section肝胆外科专家门诊 Expert clinic of liver and gallbladder surgery放射介入治疗专科 Special section of X-ray intervention therapy高血压专科 Hypertension special section碎石治疗中心 Lithotriptic therapy center肾病专家门诊 Expert clinic of kidney diseases糖尿病专科 Diabetes special section康复、理疗科 Rehabilitation and physical therapy section医学美容专科 Special section of medical cosmetology医学影像中心 Medical image center放射介入治疗室 X-ray intervention therapeutic room心血管专科急诊 Cardiovascular emergency肝炎门诊 Hepatitis clinic肌电图检查室 Electromyogram examination呼吸道感染门诊 Respiratory tract infection clinic血透室 Blood dialysis胫镜中心 Anticnemion endoscope center中内科 TCM internal medicine西内科 Western internal medicine乳房外科 Breast surgery手外科 Hand surgery骨伤科 Bone injuries中医妇科 TCM gynecology dept.中西药库 Drug storeroom血库 Blood bank骨髓室 Marrow room留观室 Observation room临床药学室 Clinical pharmacy room社区卫生服务工作办公室 Community Health Service Office信息资料室 Information Archives计划生育技术指导室 Family Planning Technique Consultation Office全科门诊 General Clinic肿瘤科 Tumor dept母婴健康中心 Mother & Baby health center婴儿游泳抚触 Baby swimming-stroking生活用品代办处 Service for daily-use articles待产室 Delivery waiting room配奶间 Milk preparation room驾驶班 Driver team住院部药房 Inpatient dispensary医疗质量管理科 Medical Quality Management Department病理贮片室 Pathological Section Storeroom颈肩腰腿痛专科 Department for Neck, Shoulder, Waist and Leg Pains 儿童活动室 Children's Playing Room电透室 TV Examination Room谈话间 Conversation Room衣帽发放处Coats and Caps Issuing Office器械打包间 Medical Devices Packing Room小孩洗涤室Children’s Washing Room样品接收 Sample Receipt结核菌 Tubercle Bacillus发放厅 Issuing Hall敷料打包间 Dressing-Packing Room污染区 Polluted Area灭菌区 Sterilized Area切洗室 Cutting and Washing Room人工肝室 Artificial Liver Room消控中心 Control Center for Fire Prevention冷冻机房 Freezing Machine Room物流传输机房 Logistical Transmission Machine Room职工自行车库 Employees' Bicycle Storeroom高低配电室 High/Low Voltage Switchouse服务台 Information Desk导医导诊 A Guide to Clinic方便门诊 Simple Clinic健康宣教 Health Education便民服务 Service for the Public取报告单 Examination Report预约审批 Appointment Approval行政后勤区 Administrative Logistic Area预防保健区 Prevention and Healthcare Area医疗康复区 Medical Rehabilitation Area祝您健康 May you a good health后勤保障部 Logistics Guarantee Dept社区卫生服务科 Community Health Service Section全科(24小时门诊)General Clinic (Around the Clock)高电位治疗室 High Potential Therapeutic Room健康教育室 Health Education Room探视制度 Visit Rules挂号须知 Notes for Registration农村合作医疗住院报销窗口Reimbursement for Inpatients of Rural Cooperative Medical Service医保投诉咨询接待室Complaint & Consultation of Medical Insurance腰腿疼痛科 Lumbago and Skelalgia Clinic心理咨询室Psychological Consultation高危门诊 Hazard-Disease Clinic严禁胎儿性别鉴定Fetus sex identifying strictly prohibited卡介苗专室 BCG Vaccine Room合作医疗门诊报销窗口Reimbursement for outpatients of cooperative medical service 医务人员通道Passage for Medical Personnel小儿体检 Infant Physical Examination电透析Electrodialyzing Room电透照镜检查Electrodiaphanoscopy中草药配方 Prescription of Chinese herb medicine西药、中成药配方 Prescription of Western medicine and Chinese patent drugs麻醉药品专用窗口 Special window for anaesthetic药事咨询窗口 Consultation of medicine administration老、弱、病重专区 Special area for the old and weaker, and severely sick persons. 请保持室内清洁 Keep Clean病理贮片室 Pathologic film store room细胞室 Cell Puncture Room牵引室 Traction Room腰、腿、疼痛科Lumbago, Skelalgia and Pains Clinic配餐室 Assorted Meal Preparation陪客休息室 Rest Room for Guests医疗固体处置室 Medical Solid Waste Disposal麻醉恢复室Anaesthesia Recovery Room材料室Material Room引产清宫室Induced Labor Room大厅 Lobby卫事中心 Patient-aid center小卖部 Buffet出院病人领取费用清单 List of expenses for discharged patients普通病人出院结帐 Check-out for common discharged patients住院登记收费 Check-in for inpatients医保社保出院结帐 Check-out for patients with medical / social insurance病区药房 Ward dispensary输血科 Transfusion section急诊化验 Emergency lab急诊手术室 Emergency operating theatre门诊手术室 Clinic operating theatre出入院病人接待处 Reception of inpatients(二病区)重症监护 ICU ( Area 2 )外科示教室 Surgery demo room妇科示教室 Gynecology demo room仓库 Warehouse特殊感染病室 Special infection diseases主任办公室 Director office治疗室 Therapeutic room护士长办公室 Head nurse office医生办公室 Doctor office护士站 Nurse station(三病区)儿科Pediatrics Dept (Area 3)电脑中心 Computer center更衣室 Change room儿科教研室 Pediatrics teaching & research section婴儿洗澡间 Infant bathroom新生婴儿监护室 Neonatus wardship新生婴儿室 Neonatus room重症室 ICU诊疗室 Consulting room(四病区)产科Obstetrical Dept (Area 4)机房 Machine room婴儿抚触中心 Infant-stroking center(五病区)产房 Obstetrical Ward (Area 5)分娩室 Delivery room隔离分娩室 Isolation delivery room陪伴分娩室(一)Delivery room with companion (1)陪伴分娩室(二)Delivery room with companion (2)护士值班室 Nurse on duty医生值班室 Doctor on duty单床间 Single-bed room(六病区)妇科 Gynecology ( Area 6)妇科教研室 Gynecology teaching and research section换药室 Dressing room(七病区)骨科 Orthopedics Dept ( Area 7)(八病区)普外(肝、胆、胰、肛肠)科General Surgical Dept (Liver, Gallbladder, Pancreas, Anorectum (Area 8)外科教研室 Surgery teaching & research section(九病区)心胸(肿瘤)外科Cardiothoracic Surgery (Tumor) ( Area 9)(十病区)普外(泌尿)科General Surgical Dept (Urinary system) (Area 10)(十一病区)耳鼻咽喉科、眼科、口腔科 (Area 11)E.N.T. Dept, Ophthalmology Dept, Stomatology Dept眼科暗房 Ophthalmological dark room(十二病区)神经外科Surgical Dept of Neurology (Area 12) 麻醉科 Anesthesiology dept示教室 Demo room麻醉医生办公室 Office of anesthesia doctor医生休息室 Doctor rest room女更衣室 Change room (F)男更衣室 Change room (M)有菌手术室 Non aseptic operating theatre手术取材室 Operation material room麻醉器械储藏室 Storeroom of anesthesia instrument非限制区 Unrestricted area半限制区 Semi-restricted area换鞋处 Shoe-changing配电室 Distribution room手术室 Operating theatre石膏房 Gypsum room手术准备室 Operation preparation清洗间 Cleaning room麻醉准备室 Anesthesia preparation麻醉器械室 Anesthesia instrument room限制区 Restricted area精密仪器室 Precision instrument room无菌室 Asepsis room护士登记室 Nurse registration room复苏室 Anabiosis room麻醉清洗消毒室 Anesthesia cleaning and sterilizing room 等候室 Waiting room存放间 Storage room后勤楼楼层分布 Layout of Logistic Building病案统计室 Medical record statistics room图书室 Library后勤服务管理中心 Logistic service and management center 设备科 Equipment section工程维修部 Engineering maintenance dept基建科 Capital construction section供应服务部 Supply service dept实习生值班室(1)Probationer night shift room (1)门诊楼楼层总索引 Layout of Outpatient Building本层科室分布 Layout of sections开水间 Boiled water检验科Laboratory section抽血化验 Blood test门诊药房 Clinic dispensary大小便、白带化验 Test of stool, urine, leukorrhea药房 Dispensary体液实验室 Humoral lab放射影像科 Radio & Image dept放射科登记处 X-ray registration放射科X-ray dept摄片 2 (X-ray 2)挂号收费 Registration charging内科(二)Internal medicine dept ( 2 )门诊办公室 Outpatient office老干部门诊 Veteran carder clinic老年专科 Special section of geriatric diseases糖尿病专科 Diabets special section内科专家门诊1 Expert clinic of internal medicine ( 1 )专家门诊 Expert clinic专科门诊 Clinic of special section高血压专科 Hypertension special sectionC T 室 CT room换药室 Dressing room肛肠科 Anorectum section肝胆专科专家门诊 Expert clinic of liver and gallbladder section骨科 Orthopedics dept腰腿痛专科 Lumbago & Skelalgia special section脑外科Cerebral surgery疼痛专科 Special section of pains普外科 General surgical dept皮肤科 Dermatology dept性病专科 Special section of VD儿科专家门诊 Expert clinic of pediatrics儿科Pediatrics dept中药房 TCM dispensary耳鼻咽喉专家门诊 Expert clinic of E.N.T耳鼻咽喉科 E.N.T. dept中医科 TCM dept眼科检查室(眼电生理) Ophthalmology check room (EOG)眼科专家门诊 Ophthalmologic expert clinic煎药室 Herb decocting room眼科治疗室 Therapeutic room of ophthalmology眼科检查室(眼压验光视野)Examination room of ophthalmology (intraocular tension, optometry, visual field)声阻抗室 Acoustic impedance room电测听室 Electrometric hearing test助听器选配室 Hearing aid selection眼科诊室(常规诊室) Ophthalmology clinic (Routine clinic)宣教室 Publicizing and education胸外肿瘤专科 Special section of thoracic tumor皮肤性病科专家门诊 Expert clinic of dermatosis and VD人流室 Induced Abortion Room介入门诊 Intervention clinic妇产科专家门诊 Expert clinic of gynecology & obstetrics高危妊娠门诊 High-danger pregnancy clinic妇产科 Gynecology & obstetrics dept仓库 Warehouse心室晚电位 Ventricle late potential动态血压 Dynamic blood pressure动态心电图室 Dynamic ECG心向量 Vectorcardiogram心电图室 ECG room心电图科ECG section超声科 Ultrasonographic section彩色B超 Color B-Ultrasonography理疗推拿科 Physical therapy & manipulation section儿科示教室 Demo room of pediatrics盆腔炎治疗室 Therapeutic room of PID儿童生长发育门诊 Children growth clinic急诊B超 Emergency B-Ultrasonography胃镜肠镜预约窗口 Reservation of gastroscope and enteroscope examination 脑电图 Electroemcephalogram (缩写EEG)脑地形图 Emcepholo topography红外线乳腺诊断室Infrared light diagnosis of glandula mammaria颅脑超声 Craniocerebral Ultrasonographic examination消化科 Digestion section心理测验室 Psychological test room专家门诊 Expert clinic心理咨询科 Psychological consult section中西医结合 Combination of TCM and Western medicine病理科 Pathologic section细胞学室 Cytology room技术室 Technical room免疫组化室 Immunohistochemistry room档案室 Archives room巨检室 Gross examination room诊断室 Diagnosis room口腔科 Stomatology dept胃镜肠镜检查室Gastroscope and enteroscope examination康复科 Rehabilitation section碎石科 Lithotriptic section输液室 Infusion room化液室 Infusion preparation泌尿外科 Urologic surgery dept肌注皮试 Intracutaneous test of intramuscular injection 小儿输液室 Children's infusion room成人输液室 Adults' infusion room针灸推拿 Acupuncture & manipulation生活皮肤美容 Skin beauty腰突症 Protrasion of the lumbar intervertebral disci保健按摩 Healthcare massage针炙减肥 Acupuncture weight-reducing医保办 Medical insurance office放免实验室 Radioimmunoassay room防保科 Prophylactic section院感科 Section of inner infection prevention医学美容 Medical cosmetology微生物实验室 Microbioloy Laboratory room检验医学中心 Clinical laboratory medicine centerHIV实验室 HIV Laboratory room血液学实验室 Haematology Laboratory room主任办公室 The office director免疫学实验室 Lmmunology Laboratory room生物化学实验室 Biochemistry Laboratory room档案库房 Archives storeroom信息科 Information section综合档案室 Comprehensive archives room临床系办公室 Clinic dept office文印室 typing and printing room护理部 Nursing department科教科 Scientific education section院办公室 Hospital office书记室 Secretary office人事科 Personnel section院长室 President office副院长室 Vice president office会议室 Meeting room医务科 Section of medical affairs保安部 Security dept顾问室 Consultant office医疗服务质量监控办公室 Medical service supervision office 教室 Class room出纳室 Paybox会计室 Accounting house行风办 Trade Service Normalization office核算办 Accounting office工会 Trade union医疗纠纷接侍室 Reception of medical disputes财务科长室 Finance section chief外科病房楼楼层总索引 Layout of Inpatient Building of Internal Medicine Dept 发热呼吸道门诊 Fever and Respiratory tract clinic体检中心 Physical examination center跟车医师 Ambulance doctor肝炎门诊 Hepatitis clinic值班室(内科) Night shift room (Dept of internal medicine)值班室(外科)Night shift room (Surgical dept)急诊外科 Emergency surgical dept急诊内科 Emergency internal medicine dept值班室(驾驶员) Night shift room (Driver)急诊输液室 Emergency infusion room肠道门诊 Intestinal tract clinic急诊分诊台 Guide to emergency急诊儿科 Emergency pediatrics污物间 Feculence room清创室 Trauma cleaning room输液台 Infusion table急诊挂号收费 Emergency registration charging肠道门诊观察室 Observation ward of intestinal tract clinic急诊指挥中心 Emergency command center夜间药房 Night dispensary主任办公室 Director office监护室 ICU治疗室 Therapeutic room护士办公室 Nurse office观察室 2 Observation ward 2抢救室 Salvaging room观察室 1 Observation ward 1肝炎门诊观察室 Observation ward of Hepatitis clinic干部病房Cardre Ward心内科 Cardiac internal medicine dept医生办公室 Doctor office诊疗室 Consulting room呼吸内科 Respiration internal medicine心脏介入中心 Cardio intervention center内分泌内科 Incretion internal medicine肾内科 Kidney internal medicine血液层流病房 Aseptic ward介入治疗中心 Intervention therapy center水处理间 Water treatment room手术室 Operating theatre准备室 Preparation room仓库更衣室 Warehouse change room病人更衣室 Patient change room家属接待室 Reception room of patients' relative内科示教室 Demo room of internal medicine操作室 Operating theatre透析室( 1) Dialysis room (1)透析室 (2) Dialysis room (2)药剂科 Medicament Section腰突症专科 Special section of protrasion of the lumbar intervertebral disci 保健按摩专科 Special section of healthcare massage针灸推拿专科 Special section of acupuncture and manipulation老年病专科 Special section of geriatric diseases针灸(中医)减肥专科 Special section of acupuncture weight-reducing (TCM) 生活皮肤护理美容室 Skin care and cosmetology心电图检查室 ECG examination脑电图检查室 EEG examination脑地形图检查室 Encephalo topography examination颅脑超声检查室 Craniocerebral Ultrasonographic examination红外线检查室 Infrared ray examination精神、心理咨询科 Mental and psychological consultation彩色B超检查室Color B- Ultrasonographic examination肝病专家门诊 Expert clinic of hepatitis diseases中西医结合专科 Special section in combination of TCM and western medicine 理疗推拿专科 Special section of physical therapy & manipulation皮肤、性病科 Skin and VD section肝胆外科专家门诊 Expert clinic of liver and gallbladder surgery放射介入治疗专科 Special section of X-ray intervention therapy高血压专科 Hypertension special section碎石治疗中心 Lithotriptic therapy center肾病专家门诊 Expert clinic of kidney diseases糖尿病专科 Diabetes special section康复、理疗科 Rehabilitation and physical therapy section医学美容专科 Special section of medical cosmetology医学影像中心 Medical image center放射介入治疗室 X-ray intervention therapeutic room心血管专科急诊 Cardiovascular emergency肝炎门诊 Hepatitis clinic肌电图检查室 Electromyogram examination呼吸道感染门诊 Respiratory tract infection clinic血透室 Blood dialysis胫镜中心 Anticnemion endoscope center中内科 TCM internal medicine西内科 Western internal medicine乳房外科 Breast surgery手外科 Hand surgery骨伤科 Bone injuries中医妇科 TCM gynecology dept.中西药库 Drug storeroom血库 Blood bank骨髓室 Marrow room留观室 Observation room临床药学室 Clinical pharmacy room社区卫生服务工作办公室 Community Health Service Office信息资料室 Information Archives计划生育技术指导室 Family Planning Technique Consultation Office 全科门诊 General Clinic肿瘤科 Tumor dept母婴健康中心 Mother & Baby health center婴儿游泳抚触 Baby swimming-stroking生活用品代办处 Service for daily-use articles待产室 Delivery waiting room配奶间 Milk preparation room驾驶班 Driver team住院部药房 Inpatient dispensary医疗质量管理科 Medical Quality Management Department病理贮片室 Pathological Section Storeroom颈肩腰腿痛专科 Department for Neck, Shoulder, Waist and Leg Pains 儿童活动室 Children's Playing Room电透室 TV Examination Room谈话间 Conversation Room衣帽发放处Coats and Caps Issuing Office器械打包间 Medical Devices Packing Room小孩洗涤室Children’s Washing Room样品接收 Sample Receipt结核菌 Tubercle Bacillus发放厅 Issuing Hall敷料打包间 Dressing-Packing Room污染区 Polluted Area灭菌区 Sterilized Area切洗室 Cutting and Washing Room人工肝室 Artificial Liver Room消控中心 Control Center for Fire Prevention冷冻机房 Freezing Machine Room物流传输机房 Logistical Transmission Machine Room职工自行车库 Employees' Bicycle Storeroom高低配电室 High/Low Voltage Switchouse服务台 Information Desk导医导诊 A Guide to Clinic方便门诊 Simple Clinic健康宣教 Health Education便民服务 Service for the Public取报告单 Examination Report预约审批 Appointment Approval行政后勤区 Administrative Logistic Area预防保健区 Prevention and Healthcare Area医疗康复区 Medical Rehabilitation Area祝您健康 May you a good health后勤保障部 Logistics Guarantee Dept社区卫生服务科 Community Health Service Section全科(24小时门诊)General Clinic (Around the Clock)高电位治疗室 High Potential Therapeutic Room健康教育室 Health Education Room探视制度 Visit Rules挂号须知 Notes for Registration农村合作医疗住院报销窗口Reimbursement for Inpatients of Rural Cooperative Medical Service医保投诉咨询接待室Complaint & Consultation of Medical Insurance腰腿疼痛科 Lumbago and Skelalgia Clinic心理咨询室Psychological Consultation高危门诊 Hazard-Disease Clinic严禁胎儿性别鉴定Fetus sex identifying strictly prohibited卡介苗专室 BCG Vaccine Room合作医疗门诊报销窗口Reimbursement for outpatients of cooperative medical service 医务人员通道Passage for Medical Personnel小儿体检 Infant Physical Examination电透析Electrodialyzing Room电透照镜检查Electrodiaphanoscopy中草药配方 Prescription of Chinese herb medicine西药、中成药配方 Prescription of Western medicine and Chinese patent drugs麻醉药品专用窗口 Special window for anaesthetic药事咨询窗口 Consultation of medicine administration老、弱、病重专区 Special area for the old and weaker, and severely sick persons. 请保持室内清洁 Keep Clean病理贮片室 Pathologic film store room细胞室 Cell Puncture Room牵引室 Traction Room腰、腿、疼痛科Lumbago, Skelalgia and Pains Clinic 配餐室 Assorted Meal Preparation陪客休息室 Rest Room for Guests医疗固体处置室 Medical Solid Waste Disposal麻醉恢复室Anaesthesia Recovery Room材料室Material Room引产清宫室Induced Labor Room。

1.检验科laboratory department2.主任办公室Director's Office3.血液学实验室hematology laboratory4.临床生物化学实验室5.血库Blood Bank会议室Conference RoomHIV初筛实验室:HIV screen lab急诊化验室:emergency laboratory洗涤室:washing room主任办公室:director's office免疫室:laboratory of immunology生化室:biochemical laboratory标本接手区:specimen area储藏室:store room女/男更衣室:female/male changing room出凝血室:thrombus&hemostasia room6.HIV初筛实验室:HIV screening lab免疫学化验室:Immunology laboratory (We are used to say in this way。
g.Haematology Lab, Biochemistry Lab or Microbiology Lab)标本接手区:specimen reception area医院科室中英文对照门诊护士办公室:outpatient nurse’s office门诊办公室:outpatient office儿科厕所:Child ren’s toilet儿科候诊:waiting room for pediatrics儿科门诊:outpatient department of pediatrics输液室:transfusion room小儿注射:injection room for Children男厕所/女厕所/残疾人专用厕所:toilet for man/ toilet for woman/ handicapped used only饮水间:drinking room急诊化验室:emergency laboratory急诊X光室:emergency X-ray room急诊治疗室:emergency therapeutic room抢救室:resuscitation room外科治疗室:surgery therapeutic room急诊妇产科:emergency obstetrics and gynecology department急诊内科:emergency internal medicine急诊外科:emergency surgery急诊儿科:emergency pediatrics急诊候诊:emergency waiting room急诊收费挂号:emergency registration &cashier office急诊药房:emergency pharmacy急诊手术室:emergency operation room主任办公室:director's office急诊值班室:emergency duty room洗手间(男/女):toilet for man/ woman洗涤室:washing room药库主任办公室:pharmacy store director's office血透室:hemodialysis room药库:pharmacy store急诊观察室:emergency observation room出入院处:out/in-patient department医学整形科:department of plastic surgery整形室:plastic surgery room中医科:department of traditional Chinese medicine 内科:department of internal medicine脑外科:department of cerebral surgery神经外科:department of neurosurgery胸外科:department of thoracic surgery普外科:department of general surgery伤科:department of traumatology骨科:department of orthopedics肛肠外科:department of anus &intestine surgery 泌尿外科:department of urology膀胱镜室:cystoscopy room石膏室:plaster room换药室:dressing room拍片室:X—ray room碎石室:stone manipulation roomDSA:digital subtraction angiographyICU:intensive care unit主任办公室:director’s office护士站:nursing station家属等候室:waiting room for relations肝胆外科:department of hepatobiliary surgery皮肤科:department of dermatology激光冷冻室:laser &cryotherapy room皮外手术室:operation room for dermatology surgery 检查治疗室:consulting &therapeutic room性病专科:department of venereology诊室:consulting room口腔科:department of stomatology口腔诊室:consulting room for stomatology耳鼻喉科:department of ENT治疗室:therapeutic room听觉诱发电位室:department of auditory evoked potentials测听室:audiometric room诊室:consulting room小手术室:outpatient operation room眼科:department of ophthalmology治疗室:therapeutic room诊室:consulting room弱视治疗室:amblyopia therapeutic room小手术室:outpatient operation room门诊妇产科:outpatient department of obstetrics and gynecology 诊室:consulting room检查室:examination room人工流产室:induced abortion room产前检查室:Pre-natal Care room人流休息室:rest room for induced abortion化验室:laboratory实验区:experimentation area免疫室:laboratory of immunology质控室:quality control room细菌检验室:bacteriological laboratory生化室:biochemical laboratory血液室:blood laboratory洗涤室:washing room标本接手区:specimen area产科病区:department of obstetrics产房:delivery room储藏室:store room厕所:toilet女更衣室:female changing room洗婴室:baby bathing room配置室:collocation room护士值班室:nurse’s duty room妇检室:gynaecological examination room胎心监护室:fetal monitor room待产室:labour room抢救室:resuscitation room医生办公室:doctor's office贵宾候诊室:VIP waiting room诊室:consulting room内镜区:department of endoscope纤维镜室:fibrescope room胃镜办公室:doctor’s office仪器室:instrument room肠镜室:enteroscopy room彩超区:department of Color Doppler Ultrasonic彩超室:color ultrasonic room动态心电图室、血压室:dynamic electrocardiogram &ambulatory blood pressure monitoring 心电图室:electrocardiogram room乳房仪室:breast-screening unitTCD:transcranial color Doppler肌电图室:electromyogram roomB超室:B ultrasonic room脑电图室:electroencephalogram room国际学术报告厅:international academic report hall病理区:department of pathology档案室:record room主任办公室:director’s office诊断室:diagnosis room制片室:slide making room细胞室:cell room技术室:technical room手术室:operation room洗涤室:washing room手术动态显示房:dynamic operating room服务台:information desk示教办公室:teaching office麻醉办公室:doctor's office护士办公室:nurse’s office护士长办公室:head nurse’s office男值班室/女值班室:duty room for man/ woman病人交谈室:patient communication room护士站:nursing station手术室:operation room仪器室;instrument room无菌室:asepsis room产科病区:department of obstetrics妇科病区:department of gynaecology外科病区:department of surgery内科病区:department of internal medicine心内科:department of cardiology内分泌科:department of endocrinology呼吸科:department of respiration风湿科:department of rheumatism血液科:department of hematology 肾病科:department of nephropathy。

为方便标识牌设计和终端客户,唯美标识学院特整理关于医院科室牌(标识牌)的中英文对照供大家参考!产房 Delivery Room产房办公室 Office for Delivery Room产房值班室 On-Duty Room for Delivery待产室 Predelivery Room隔离室 Isolation Room盥洗室 Rest Room配餐间 Diet Room配液室/药物配置室 Pharmacy Preparation清洁室 Cleaning Room洗涤室 Washing Room储物室 Store工作人员洗手间 Rest Room for Staff Only领衣帽处 Clothing Center房间号 Room Number住院病人一览表 In-patient List请放病历 Please Put Your Medical Record 便盆放置处 Bedpan Here病人一览表 Patient General Table医疗查房时间请勿打扰 Please Don't Disturb During Ward Round保障部门总务办公室 Office of Dispatch Service Center水泵机房 Water Pump Control Room水处理室 Water Treatment Room消防控制室 Fire Control Room空调机房 Air-Conditioner Controlling Room气瓶间 Gas Bottle Room冷冻机房 Refrigerator Room配电房 Power Room配电值班室 On-Duty Room for Electricity 太平间 Mortuary洗衣房 Laundry总机室 Telephone Exchange Room停车场 Park传达室 Janitor Room修理间 Repair Room机修室 Machinery Maintenance排污机房 Sewage Disposalr设备层 Equipment Floor地下室 Basement电梯 Elevator楼梯通道 Stair Passageway行政管理院长办公室 Director of the Hospital院部办公区 Administration Office Area副院长办公室 Vice Director of the Hospital 办公室 Office医务处 Medical Affairs Dept.护理处 Nursing Dept.质量控制办公室 Quality Controlling Office综合治理办公室 General Management Office信息中心 Information Center电子计算机机房 Computer Machinery Room档案室 Archives Room图书阅览室 Reading Room会议室 Meeting Room多功能厅 Multi-function Hall财务处 Financial Dept.管理室 Management Room科普宣传栏 Popular Science Propaganda Column院内生活职工之家 Recreation for the Staff餐厅 Dining Hall值班公寓 On-Duty Apartment教学用房学术报告厅 Academic Hall教学区 Teaching Area教学一览表 Teaching Schedule学习室 Study Room科研用房化学实验室 Chemistry Laboratory疼痛门诊 Painful Disease Clinic疼痛门诊观察室 Observation Room for Painful Disease Clinic疼痛门诊治疗室 Treatment Room for Painful Disease Clinic病理科 Pathology Dept.标本前处理室 Sample Preparation Room标本室 Specimen Station标本收集处 Specimen Reception标化室 Specimen Laboratory病理技术室 Pathological Technology Room 病理切片室 Section Room影像诊断中心 Radiodiagnosis Center放射科 Radiology Dept.放射治疗中心 Radiation Oncology Center核医学科 Nuclear Medicine Department X光室 X-Ray RoomCT室 CT Scan RoomCT准备室 Preparation Room for CT核磁共振 MRI读片室 Radiodiagnosis Center暗房 Darkroom照相机室 Camera Room摄影室 Photography Room安全门 ExitPT室 PT RoomOT室 OT Room图像工作站 PACS Room放疗科 Radiation Oncology Dept.放免室 Radiological Immunology Room 放射化学室 Radiochemistry & Radiopharmaceuticals放射检疫生化室 Radioimmunochemistry & Biochemistry直线加速器1室 Linear Accelerator Room 1后装治疗机室 Therapeutic Room模拟室位机室 Simulative Localizer Room模拟机室 Simulator Room模型室 Model Room心电图室 ECG Lab动态血压室 IBP心功能室 Cardiac Function Room心脏多普勒超声检查室 Colour Echo or UCG平板运动心电图室 Stress Test超声科 Doppler Ultrasonic Department肺功能室 Pulmonary Function Room肺功能检查室 Pulmonary Function Test Room 肺通气室 Pulmonary Ventilation内镜中心 Endoscopy Center内镜中心办公室 Endoscopy Center's Office内窥镜检查室 Endoscopic Examination内窥镜室 Endoscopy Room气管镜室 Bronchoscopy Room食道镜室 Esophagoscopy Room食道心房调博 Transesophageal Atrial Pacing 食管功能室 Esophageal Function Room食管镜室 Esophagoscopy Room胃镜室 Gastroscopy Lab纤支镜室 Fiberbronchoscope Lab电测听室 Audiometry Room听力检查室 Audiometry Room助听器验配室 Acousticon Fitting Room结肠镜室 Enteroscopy lab动态喉镜室 Dynamic Laryngoscope Room眼肌检查室 Ophthalmomyositis Lab功能分析室 Functional Lab功能诊断中心 Functional Test Center激光室 Laser Room中心供应 Centre Supplies无菌物品发放间 Sterilized Distribution无菌物品存放间 Storage Room For Steriled Goods 敷料打包间 Linen Inspecting & Packsging Room低温灭菌间 Low Temperature Sterilization 消毒供应中心 Sterilized Supplying Center清洗间 Cleaning Room清毒间 Disinfected Room清毒器械室 Disinfected Apparatus Room灭菌间 Sterilized Room无菌用品室 Storage Room For Sterilized Goods住院处 In-patient Admission入院接待处 In-patient Admission出入院处 Discharge & Admission Service 手术中心 Operating Centre洁静手术区 Operating Area无菌区 Sterilized Area清洁区 Cleaning Area污染区 Polluted Area无菌手术室 Sterilized Operating Room麻醉复苏室 Recovery Room for Anesthesia 麻醉医师办公室 Office for Anesthesiologist手术室 Operating Room清创手术室 Operating Room for Debridement 器械室 Apparatus Room病人术后休息室 Rest Room for Postoperative Patient手术医师休息室 Rest Room for Doctor监护病房 CCUICU室 ICU RoomNICU室 NICU Room换鞋间 Shoes Changing家属等候区 Operation Waiting Area高压氧舱室 High Pressure Oxygen Store光疗室 Phototherapy Room核素治疗室 Radionuclide Therapeutics冷冻微波治疗室 Freezing & Microwave TherapyRoom理疗科 Physiotherapy物理室 Physicial Room血管、肿瘤介入治疗中心 Interventional Radiology血管造影室 Angio碎石室 Eswl Room治疗药物监测室 TDM物理治疗室 Physical Therapy作业治疗室 Occupational Therapy语言治疗室 Speech Therapy高频电疗 Higy Frequency Electrotherapy 功能评定室 Functional Assessment Room假肢与支具 Prothesis and Orthosis灌肠室 Enema Room污洗间 Filth Cleaning Room备餐室 Diet Preparation石膏室 Plaster Room病人活动室 Recreation for Patient主任办公室 Director's Office医、护值班室 On-Duty Room for Doctor & Nurse 医生办公室 Doctor's Office护士办公室 Nurse Office护士站 Nurse Station资料室 Data Room治疗室 Treatment Room治疗计划室 TPS Room标准病房 Standard Ward皮肤科 Dermatology皮肤科治疗室 Treatment Room for Dermatology皮肤性病科 Dermatology & STD康复科 Rehabilitation Dept.康复诊疗室 Consultation Room脑瘫痪康复门诊 Rehabilitation Clinic for Encephalic Paralysis功能康复室 Function Rehabilitation Room健康资料放置处 Health Data肠道门诊 Gastroenterology Clinic肠道病诊室 Consulting Room for Intestinal Diseases肠道隔离诊查室 Isolation Room for Intestinal Disease 肠道治疗室 Therapy Room for Enterology肠道传染病门诊 Intesti Infectious Disease Clinic隔离室 Isolation Room肝炎专科 Division of Hepatitis结核门诊 Tuberculosis Clinic老年病科 Gerontology Dept.内分泌科 Endocrinology血液专科 Division of Hematology疼痛门诊 Painful Disease Clinic疼痛门诊观察室 Observation Room for Painful Disease Clinic疼痛门诊治疗室 Treatment Room for Painful Disease Clinic其他心理咨询 Psychology Consulting佝偻病专科 Rachitis Dept.神经、脊柱 Neurolohy Rachitis神经科 Neurology贵宾(特需)门诊 VIP Clinic体检中心 Physical Examination Center风湿专科 Rheumatism挂号须知 Notes for Registration请便后冲水 Please Flush After Use请勿吸烟 Please No Smoking未经批准不得进入 No Admittance严禁吸烟 No smoking医患沟通园地 Patient-Doctor Communication Grounds 在此候诊 Waiting Aera暂停服务 Service Suspended急诊部急救分中心办公室 Office of Branch Emergency Center急救中心 Emergency Center抢救室 Emergency Treatment Room急诊诊疗室 Emergency Room急诊化验室 Emergency Laboratory急诊收费 Emergency Cashier急诊药房 Emergency Pharmacy输液室 Infusion Room抢救监护室 First-aid Care Room急诊仪器室 Emergency Instrument Room 医师办公室 Physician's Office观察区 Observation Ward医技科室药剂科 Pharmacy Dept.药剂科办公室 Pharmacy Office药剂科会议室 Meeting Room of Pharmacy制剂研究室 Preparation Research Room西药调剂室 Prescription Room of Medicine 中药调剂室 Prescription Room of TCM普通制剂室 General Preparation Room中药制剂室 Preparation Room for TCM西药库 Medicine Store中药库 TCM Store一次性物品库 DisposabLe Storage Room无菌室 Asepsis Room无菌制剂室 Aseptic Preparation Room口服液灌封间 Filling & Enveloping Room for Orally Liquid灌封间 Filling & Enveloping Room灯检包装间 Packing Room of Light Examination配制间 Confecting Room工作人员休息室 Staff's Rest Room中药制剂前处理 TCM Preparation Processing 片剂调剂室 Dispensary Room for Tablet针剂调剂室 Dispensary Room for Injection输液库 Infusion Store临床检验中心 The Center Laboratory Medicine化验室 Clinical Laboratory生化室 Biochemistry Lab 生化贫析室 Clinic Chemistry Lab 细菌室 Bacteriology Room微生物室 Moicrobiology Lab分子生物学室 Molecular Biology临床化学室 Clinical Chemistry 化学试剂室 Chemistry Reagent Room临检室 Clinical Examination Room静脉采血处 Blood Collection Room采血室 Blood-taking Room大小便、体液标本收集处 Specimen Collection Room常规检验室 Routine Examination留样观察室 Observation Room for Sample免疫病理室 Immunopathology Room分子病理实验室 Molecuar Pathology Lab仪器室 Apparatus Room天平室 Balance Room电泳室 Electrophoresis Laboratory血库 Blood Bank血液标本放置处 Blood Sample Collection门诊部行政办公室 administratve office院长办公室President's Office导向咨询 Enquiry挂号处 Registration专科门诊一览表 Schedule for Special Out-patient 门诊病案室 Outpaient Medical Records西药房 Pharmacy中药房 Pharmacy of Traditional Medicine 中西药取药处 Pharmacy Dispenser登记划价处 Account of Medicine收费处 Cashier门诊检验 Clinical Laboratory标本接受处 Specimen-Reception门诊输液中心 Out-Patient Infusion Center注射室 Injection Room取报告单处 Iaboratory Report换药室/治疗室 Bandage Change/Treatment Room污洗室 Cleaning Room洗手间 Toilet茶水间 Drinking Room男更衣 Men's Dressing Room女更衣 Women's Dressing Room门诊接待室 Reception Room候诊厅 Waiting Lobby中西医结合门诊 Clinic of Integrated Traditional & Western Medicine内科 Dept.of Internal Medicine神经内科 Neurology心血管内科 Cardiovasology呼吸内科 Respiratory Medicine呼吸隔离诊查室 Examination for Respiratory消化内科 Gastroenterology肾内科 Nephrological Dept.泌尿内科 Urologic Dept.关节内科 Arthrology肿瘤内科 Medical Oncology口腔内科 Oral Medicine外科 Surgery外科诊室 Surgical Clinic头颈外科 Head & Neck Surgery心胸外科 Cardiothoracic Surgery胸外科 Thoracic Surgery创伤外科 Traumatic Surgery泌尿外科 Urology Surgery显微外科 Micro Surgery口腔颌面外科 Dental Restoration Technician Room 骨科 Orthopaedics骨伤科 Orthopedic Surgery手法复位室 Manipulation of Bone-Setting Room 妇产科 Gynecology & Obstetrics妇科检查室 Examination for Gynecology产科门诊 Obstetrics Clinic计划生育门诊 Family Planning Clinic生殖中心 Reproductive Center儿科 Pediatrics儿童娱乐室 Amusement Room for Children儿童保健部 Child Hygiene儿童生长资料室 Data Room of Children Development 新生儿疾病专科 Newborns Disease Dept.中医科 Traditional Chinese Medicine中医门诊 Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic中医正骨 O.P.D of Bone Setting针灸科 Acupuncture & Moxibustion针推理疗科 Acupuncture Massage & Physical Therapy 针灸按摩室 Acupuncture & Massage Room保健科 Health Care地段保健室 Vaccinoprophylaxis Community预防保健医疗中心 Medical Center for Health Prevention and Care家庭医疗服务部 Health Services for Family社区医疗服务中心办公室 Office for Community Medical Service Center眼科 Ophthalmology眼科门诊 Ophthalmology Clinic眼肌治疗室 Ophthalmology Therapy Room弱视治疗室 Amblyopia Therapy Room角膜地形图 Corneal Topography视野检查室 Computerized Automated Perimetry Testing Room配镜处 Lens Fitting隐形眼镜室 Contact Lenses Room压平眼压 Applanation Tonometry耳鼻喉科 ENT Dept.耳鼻喉科专家诊室 Specialist of ENT耳鼻咽喉 Otorhinolaryngology嗓音疾诊疗室 Voice Disease Diagnosis & Therapy Room 口腔科 Stomatology口腔诊室 Dental Consulting Room口腔修复室 Prosthodontics口腔技工修复 Artifice Room口腔X光室 Dental X-ray Room口腔正畸室 Orthoclontics口腔种植室 Dental Implantation技工室 Artifice Room心理咨询 Psychology Consulting佝偻病专科 Rachitis Dept.神经、脊柱 Neurology Rachitis神经科 Neurology贵宾(特需)门诊 VIP Clinic体检中心 Physical Examination Center风湿专科 Rheumatism挂号须知 Notes for Registration请便后冲水 Please Flush After Use请勿吸烟 Please No Smoking未经批准不得进入 No Admittance严禁吸烟 No Smoking医患沟通园地 Patient-Doctor Communication Grounds在此候诊 Waiting Aera暂停服务 Service Suspended急诊部急救分中心办公室 Office of Branch Emergency Center急救中心 Emergency Center抢救室 Emergency Treatment Room急诊诊疗室 Emergency Room急诊化验室 Emergency Laboratory急诊收费 Emergency Cashier急诊药房 Emergency Pharmacy输液室 Infusion Room抢救监护室 First-aid Care Room急诊仪器室 Emergency Instrument Room医师办公室 Physician's Office观察区 Observation Ward医技科室药剂科 Pharmacy Dept.药剂科办公室 Pharmacy Office药剂科会议室 Meeting Room of Pharmacy制剂研究室 Preparation Research Room西药调剂室 Prescription Room of Medicine 中药调剂室 Prescription Room of TCM普通制剂室 General Preparation Room中药制剂室 Preparation Room for TCM西药库 Medicine Store中药库 TCM Store一次性物品库 DisposabLe Storage Room无菌室 Asepsis Room无菌制剂室 Aseptic Preparation Room口服液灌封间 Filling & Enveloping Room for Orally Liquid灌封间 Filling & Enveloping Room灯检包装间 Packing Room of Light Examination配制间 Confecting Room工作人员休息室 Staff's Rest Room中药制剂产前处理 TCM Preparation Processing 片剂调剂室 Dispensary Room for Tablet针剂调剂室 Dispensary Room for Injection 输液库 Infusion Store小型仪器室 small- scale instrument room大型仪器室 large -scale instrument room 纯水制备室 pure water preparation room无菌操作室 asepsis operation room药品储藏室 physic storeroom玻璃器械室 glass appliance room更衣室 locker room中心化验室 laboratory center room总经理室 general manager room副总经理室 vice general manager room会议室 meeting room接待室 reception room楼层牌 floor厕所 toilet董事长室 president room服务台 information desk急诊室 emergency room抢救室 rescue room换药室re-dressing room观察室observation room输液室1 observation room (1)检验中心lab center传染病检验室 epidemiology laboratory room 病理检验室pathology laboratory room细菌室bacteriology room心电图室ECG roomb超室(一)B-ultrasonic room(1)供应室provide room接收室receive room发放处extend locate粗洗间ordinarily washing room精洗间earnest washing room清洁间cleaning room消毒间disinfected room综合门诊 out-patient integrate内科中心mdeicine center外科中心surgery center肝病中心liverish center呼吸内科respiratory medicine神经内科neurology心血管内科cardiovasology消化内科gastroenterology胃镜室gastroscopy lab room内分泌室endocrinology room免疫科immunology儿科pediatrics Dept.普外科general surgery伤骨科orthopedic surgery伤骨科治疗室treatment room for orthopedic肛肠科colorecta dept.肛肠科治疗室treatment room for colorecta皮肤科(一)dermatology(1)中医科traditional chinese medicine肿瘤科medical oncology肝病科(一)liverish dept.(1)门诊部办公室out-patient office医学美容中心medicine for hairdressing center 咨询处consult医生办公室doctor's office手术室operating room妇科中心gynecology center妇科(一)gynecology dept.(1)妇科治疗区treatment area for gynecology 冲洗室(一)washing room(1)微波室(一)microwave room(1)激光室(一)laser room(1)计划生育室Spcoialist Clinic检查室examination room泌尿科中心urology center泌尿外科(一)urology surgery眼耳鼻喉科中心ophthalmology&ENT center 口腔科(一)stomatology (1)耳鼻喉科(一)ENT dept. 1眼科ophthalmology准备室preparation room内儿科病区pediatrics medicine area外科病区surgery area妇科病区gynecology area院长室 affair AD院办公室director of the hospital医务科clinic AD护理部nursing dept.经营部manage dept.企划部layout dept.总务科general affair dept.文印室printing room财务科financial dept.卫生间toilet男卫生间men toilet女卫生间women toilet饮水间drinking room程控室procedure control room护士站nurse station导医台enquiryct线诊断室 ct scan test roomx线诊断室 x-ray test room餐厅 dining hall警卫室gatehouse泌尿科治疗区treatment area for urologyb超、心电图、生化、消毒b-ultrasonic、ECG、biochemistry lab、disinfected放射科radiology dept.+++【关于唯美——郑州唯美标识设计制作有限公司是一家国内知名的、专业从事医疗和教育、办公楼宇、商业区域、房地产项目、城市公共环境、大型工业园区、旅游景区标识、灯光工程发光字等标识系统的整体规划、设计、制作、安装、售后服务及产品研发于一体的大型标识公司。

为方便标识牌设计和终端客户,唯美标识学院特整理关于医院科室牌(标识牌)的中英文对照供大家参考!产房 Delivery Room产房办公室 Office for Delivery Room产房值班室 On—Duty Room for Delivery待产室 Predelivery Room隔离室 Isolation Room 盥洗室 Rest Room配餐间 Diet Room配液室/药物配置室 Pharmacy Preparation清洁室 Cleaning Room 洗涤室 Washing Room储物室 Store工作人员洗手间 Rest Room for Staff Only 领衣帽处 Clothing Center 房间号 Room Number住院病人一览表 In—patient List请放病历 Please Put Your Medical Record便盆放置处 Bedpan Here病人一览表 Patient General Table医疗查房时间请勿打扰 Please Don't Disturb During Ward Round保障部门总务办公室 Office of Dispatch Service Center水泵机房 Water Pump Control Room水处理室 Water Treatment Room消防控制室 Fire Control Room 空调机房 Air-Conditioner Controlling Room气瓶间 Gas Bottle Room 冷冻机房 Refrigerator Room配电房 Power Room配电值班室 On—Duty Room for Electricity太平间 Mortuary洗衣房 Laundry总机室 Telephone Exchange Room停车场 Park传达室 Janitor Room 修理间 Repair Room机修室 Machinery Maintenance排污机房 Sewage Disposalr 设备层 Equipment Floor地下室 Basement电梯 Elevator楼梯通道 Stair Passageway 行政管理院长办公室 Director of the Hospital院部办公区 AdministrationOffice Area副院长办公室 Vice Director of the Hospital办公室 Office医务处 MedicalAffairs Dept.护理处 Nursing Dept. 质量控制办公室 Quality Controlling Office综合治理办公室 General Management Office信息中心 Information Center电子计算机机房 Computer Machinery Room 档案室 Archives Room 图书阅览室 Reading Room会议室 Meeting Room多功能厅 Multi—function Hall财务处 Financial Dept。

为方便标识牌设计和终端客户,唯美标识学院特整理关于医院科室牌〔标识牌〕中英文对照供大家参考!产房 Delivery Room产房办公室 Office for Delivery Room产房值班室 On-Duty Room for Delivery待产室 Predelivery Room隔离室 Isolation Room 盥洗室 Rest Room配餐间 Diet Room配液室/药物配置室 Pharmacy Preparation清洁室 Cleaning Room 洗涤室 Washing Room储物室 Store工作人员洗手间 Rest Room for Staff Only 领衣帽处 Clothing Center 房间号 Room Number住院病人一览表 In-patient List请放病历 Please Put Your Medical Record便盆放置处 Bedpan Here病人一览表 Patient General Table医疗查房时间请勿打搅 Please Don't Disturb During Ward Round保障部门总务办公室 Office of Dispatch Service Center水泵机房 Water Pump Control Room水处理室 Water Treatment Room消防控制室 Fire Control Room 空调机房 Air-Conditioner Controlling Room气瓶间 Gas Bottle Room 冷冻机房 Refrigerator Room配电房 Power Room配电值班室 On-Duty Room for Electricity太平间 Mortuary洗衣房 Laundry总机室 Telephone Exchange Room停车场 Park传达室 Janitor Room 修理间 Repair Room机修室 Machinery Maintenance排污机房 Sewage Disposalr 设备层 Equipment Floor地下室 Basement电梯 Elevator楼梯通道 Stair Passageway 行政管理院长办公室 Director of the Hospital院部办公区 AdministrationOffice Area副院长办公室 Vice Director of the Hospital办公室 Office医务处 MedicalAffairs Dept.护理处 Nursing Dept.质量控制办公室 Quality Controlling Office综合治理办公室 General Management Office信息中心 Information Center电子计算机机房 Computer Machinery Room 档案室 Archives Room图书阅览室 Reading Room会议室 Meeting Room多功能厅 Multi-function Hall财务处 Financial Dept. 管理室 Management Room科普宣传栏 Popular Science Propaganda Column院内生活职工之家 Recreation for the Staff餐厅 Dining Hall 值班公寓 On-Duty Apartment教学用房学术报告厅 Academic Hall 教学区 Teaching Area教学一览表 Teaching Schedule学习室 Study Room 科研用房化学实验室 Chemistry Laboratory疼痛门诊 Painful Disease Clinic疼痛门诊观察室 Observation Room for Painful Disease Clinic疼痛门诊治疗室 Treatment Room for Painful Disease Clinic病理科 Pathology Dept.标本前处理室 Sample Preparation Room标本室 Specimen Station标本收集处 Specimen Reception 标化室 Specimen Laboratory病理技术室 Pathological Technology Room病理切片室 Section Room影像诊断中心 RadiodiagnosisCenter放射科 Radiology Dept. 放射治疗中心 Radiation Oncology Center核医学科 Nuclear Medicine DepartmentX光室 X-Ray RoomCT室 CT Scan Room CT准备室 Preparation Room for CT核磁共振 MRI读片室 Radiodiagnosis Center暗房 Darkroom照相机室 Camera Room摄影室 Photography Room平安门 ExitPT室 PT RoomOT室 OT Room图像工作站 PACS Room放疗科 Radiation Oncology Dept.放免室 Radiological Immunology Room放射化学室 Radiochemistry & Radiopharmaceuticals放射检疫生化室 Radioimmunochemistry & Biochemistry直线加速器1室 Linear Accelerator Room 1后装治疗机室 Therapeutic Room模拟室位机室 Simulative Localizer Room模拟机室 Simulator Room 模型室 Model Room心电图室 ECG Lab动态血压室 IBP心功能室 Cardiac Function Room心脏多普勒超声检查室 Colour Echo or UCG平板运动心电图室 Stress Test超声科 DopplerUltrasonic Department肺功能室 Pulmonary Function Room肺功能检查室 Pulmonary Function Test Room肺通气室 Pulmonary Ventilation内镜中心 Endoscopy Center 内镜中心办公室 Endoscopy Center's Office内窥镜检查室 Endoscopic Examination内窥镜室 Endoscopy Room 气管镜室 Bronchoscopy Room食道镜室 Esophagoscopy Room食道心房调博 Transesophageal Atrial Pacing食管功能室 Esophageal Function Room食管镜室 Esophagoscopy Room胃镜室 Gastroscopy Lab纤支镜室 Fiberbronchoscope Lab 电测听室 Audiometry Room 听力检查室 Audiometry Room 助听器验配室 Acousticon Fitting Room结肠镜室 Enteroscopy lab 动态喉镜室 Dynamic Laryngoscope Room眼肌检查室 Ophthalmomyositis Lab功能分析室 Functional Lab功能诊断中心 Functional Test Center激光室 Laser Room中心供给 Centre Supplies无菌物品发放间 SterilizedDistribution无菌物品存放间 Storage Room For Steriled Goods敷料打包间 Linen Inspecting & Packsging Room低温灭菌间 Low Temperature Sterilization消毒供给中心 Sterilized Supplying Center清洗间 Cleaning Room 清毒间 Disinfected Room清毒器械室 Disinfected Apparatus Room灭菌间 Sterilized Room无菌用品室 Storage Room For Sterilized Goods住院处 In-patient Admission入院接待处 In-patient Admission出入院处 Discharge & Admission Service手术中心 Operating Centre 洁静手术区 Operating Area无菌区 Sterilized Area清洁区 Cleaning Area 污染区 Polluted Area 无菌手术室 Sterilized Operating Room麻醉复苏室 Recovery Room for Anesthesia麻醉医师办公室 Office for Anesthesiologist手术室 Operating Room 清创手术室 Operating Room for Debridement器械室 Apparatus Room 病人术后休息室 Rest Room forPostoperative Patient手术医师休息室 Rest Room for Doctor 监护病房 CCUICU室 ICU Room NICU室 NICU Room换鞋间 Shoes Changing 家属等候区 Operation Waiting Area高压氧舱室 High Pressure Oxygen Store光疗室 Phototherapy Room核素治疗室 Radionuclide Therapeutics冷冻微波治疗室 Freezing & Microwave Therapy Room理疗科 Physiotherapy 物理室 Physicial Room 血管、肿瘤介入治疗中心 Interventional Radiology血管造影室 Angio碎石室 Eswl Room治疗药物监测室 TDM物理治疗室 Physical Therapy 作业治疗室 Occupational Therapy语言治疗室 Speech Therapy高频电疗 Higy Frequency Electrotherapy功能评定室 Functional Assessment Room假肢与支具 Prothesis and Orthosis灌肠室 Enema Room污洗间 Filth Cleaning Room备餐室 Diet Preparation石膏室 Plaster Room 病人活动室 Recreation for Patient主任办公室 Director's Office 医、护值班室 On-Duty Room for Doctor & Nurse医生办公室 Doctor's Office护士办公室 Nurse Office护士站 Nurse Station 资料室 Data Room治疗室 Treatment Room 治疗方案室 TPS Room标准病房 Standard Ward皮肤科 Dermatology皮肤科治疗室Treatment Room for Dermatology皮肤性病科Dermatology & STD康复科 Rehabilitation Dept.康复诊疗室 Consultation Room脑瘫痪康复门诊 Rehabilitation Clinic for Encephalic Paralysis功能康复室 Function Rehabilitation Room安康资料放置处 Health Data肠道门诊 Gastroenterology Clinic肠道病诊室 Consulting Room for Intestinal Diseases肠道隔离诊查室 Isolation Room for Intestinal Disease 肠道治疗室 Therapy Room for Enterology肠道传染病门诊 Intesti Infectious Disease Clinic隔离室 Isolation Room肝炎专科 Division of Hepatitis结核门诊 Tuberculosis Clinic老年病科 Gerontology Dept.内分泌科 Endocrinology血液专科 Division of Hematology疼痛门诊 Painful Disease Clinic疼痛门诊观察室 Observation Room for Painful Disease Clinic疼痛门诊治疗室 Treatment Room for Painful Disease Clinic其他心理咨询 Psychology Consulting佝偻病专科 Rachitis Dept.神经、脊柱 Neurolohy Rachitis神经科 Neurology贵宾〔特需〕门诊 VIP Clinic体检中心 Physical Examination Center风湿专科 Rheumatism挂号须知 Notes for Registration请便后冲水 Please Flush After Use请勿吸烟 Please No Smoking未经批准不得进入 No Admittance严禁吸烟 No smoking医患沟通园地 Patient-Doctor Communication Grounds在此候诊 Waiting Aera暂停效劳 Service Suspended急诊部急救分中心办公室 Office of Branch Emergency Center急救中心 Emergency Center 抢救室 Emergency Treatment Room急诊诊疗室 Emergency Room急诊化验室 Emergency Laboratory急诊收费 Emergency Cashier急诊药房 EmergencyPharmacy输液室 Infusion Room 抢救监护室 First-aid Care Room 急诊仪器室 Emergency Instrument Room医师办公室 Physician's Office 观察区 Observation Ward医技科室药剂科 Pharmacy Dept. 药剂科办公室 Pharmacy Office药剂科会议室 Meeting Room of Pharmacy制剂研究室 Preparation Research Room西药调剂室 Prescription Room of Medicine中药调剂室 Prescription Room of TCM普通制剂室 General Preparation Room中药制剂室 Preparation Room for TCM西药库Medicine Store中药库TCM Store一次性物品库 DisposabLe Storage Room无菌室Asepsis Room无菌制剂室 Aseptic Preparation Room口服液灌封间 Filling & Enveloping Room for Orally Liquid灌封间Filling & Enveloping Room灯检包装间 Packing Room of Light Examination配制间Confecting Room工作人员休息室 Staff's Rest Room中药制剂前处理 TCM Preparation Processing片剂调剂室 Dispensa ry Room for Tablet针剂调剂室 Dispensar y Room for Injection输液库Infusion Store临床检验中心 The Center Laboratory Medicine化验室Clinical Laboratory生化室Biochemistry Lab生化贫析室Clin ic Chemistry Lab细菌室Bacteriology Room微生物室Moicrobiology Lab分子生物学室Molecular Biology临床化学室Clin ical Chemistry化学试剂室Chem istry Reagent Room临检室Clinical Examination Room静脉采血处 Bl ood Collection Room采血室Blood-taking Room大小便、体液标本收集处 Specimen Collection Room常规检验室 Routine Examination留样观察室Observation Room for Sample免疫病理室Immunopatholog y Room分子病理实验室 Molecuar PathologyLab仪器室Apparatus Room天平室Balance Room电泳室Electrophoresis Laboratory血库Blood Bank血液标本放置处 Blood Sample Collection门诊部行政办公室 administratve office院长办公室President's Office导向咨询 Enquiry挂号处 Registration专科门诊一览表 Schedule for Special Out-patient 门诊病案室 Outpaient Medical Records西药房 Pharmacy中药房 Pharmacy of Traditional Medicine中西药取药处 Pharmacy Dispenser登记划价处 Account of Medicine收费处 Cashier门诊检验 Clinical Laboratory标本承受处 Specimen-Reception门诊输液中心 Out-Patient Infusion Center 注射室 Injection Room取报告单处 Iaboratory Report换药室/治疗室 Bandage Change/Treatment Room 污洗室 Cleaning Room洗手间 Toilet茶水间 Drinking Room男更衣 Men's Dressing Room女更衣 Women's Dressing Room 门诊接待室 Reception Room候诊厅 Waiting Lobby中西医结合门诊 Clinic of Integrated Traditional & Western Medicine内科 Dept.of Internal Medicine 神经内科 Neurology心血管内科 Cardiovasology呼吸内科 Respiratory Medicine呼吸隔离诊查室 Examination for Respiratory消化内科 Gastroenterology肾内科 Nephrological Dept.泌尿内科 Urologic Dept.关节内科 Arthrology肿瘤内科 Medical Oncology口腔内科 Oral Medicine外科 Surgery外科诊室 Surgical Clinic头颈外科 Head & Neck Surgery心胸外科 Cardiothoracic Surgery胸外科 Thoracic Surgery创伤外科 Traumatic Surgery泌尿外科 Urology Surgery显微外科 Micro Surgery口腔颌面外科 Dental Restoration Technician Room 骨科 Orthopaedics骨伤科 Orthopedic Surgery手法复位室 Manipulation of Bone-Setting Room 妇产科 Gynecology & Obstetrics妇科检查室 Examination for Gynecology产科门诊 Obstetrics Clinic方案生育门诊 Family Planning Clinic生殖中心 Reproductive Center儿科 Pediatrics儿童娱乐室 Amusement Room for Children儿童保健部 Child Hygiene儿童生长资料室 Data Room of Children Development新生儿疾病专科 Newborns Disease Dept.中医科 Traditional Chinese Medicine 中医门诊 Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic中医正骨 O.P.D of Bone Setting针灸科 Acupuncture & Moxibustion针推理疗科 Acupuncture Massage & Physical Therapy针灸按摩室 Acupuncture & Massage Room保健科 Health Care地段保健室 Vaccinoprophylaxis Community预防保健医疗中心 Medical Center for Health Prevention and Care家庭医疗效劳部 Health Services for Family社区医疗效劳中心办公室 Office for Community Medical Service Center眼科 Ophthalmology眼科门诊 Ophthalmology Clinic眼肌治疗室 Ophthalmology Therapy Room弱视治疗室 Amblyopia Therapy Room角膜地形图 Corneal Topography视野检查室 Computerized Automated Perimetry Testing Room配镜处 Lens Fitting隐形眼镜室 Contact Lenses Room压平眼压 Applanation Tonometry耳鼻喉科 ENT Dept.耳鼻喉科专家诊室 Specialist of ENT耳鼻咽喉 Otorhinolaryngology嗓音疾诊疗室 Voice Disease Diagnosis & Therapy Room口腔科 Stomatology口腔诊室 Dental Consulting Room口腔修复室 Prosthodontics口腔技工修复 Artifice Room口腔X光室 Dental X-ray Room口腔正畸室 Orthoclontics口腔种植室 Dental Implantation技工室 Artifice Room心理咨询 Psychology Consulting佝偻病专科 Rachitis Dept.神经、脊柱 Neurology Rachitis 神经科 Neurology贵宾〔特需〕门诊 VIP Clinic体检中心 Physical Examination Center风湿专科 Rheumatism挂号须知 Notes for Registration请便后冲水 Please Flush After Use请勿吸烟 Please No Smoking 未经批准不得进入 No Admittance严禁吸烟 No Smoking医患沟通园地 Patient-Doctor Communication Grounds在此候诊 Waiting Aera暂停效劳 Service Suspended急诊部急救分中心办公室 Office of Branch Emergency Center急救中心 Emergency Center 抢救室 EmergencyTreatment Room急诊诊疗室 Emergency Room急诊化验室 Emergency Laboratory急诊收费 Emergency Cashier急诊药房 Emergency Pharmacy输液室 Infusion Room 抢救监护室 First-aid Care Room 急诊仪器室 Emergency Instrument Room医师办公室 Physician's Office 观察区 Observation Ward医技科室药剂科 Pharmacy Dept. 药剂科办公室 Pharmacy Office药剂科会议室 Meeting Room of Pharmacy制剂研究室 PreparationResearch Room西药调剂室 Prescription Room of Medicine中药调剂室 Prescription Room of TCM普通制剂室 General Preparation Room中药制剂室 Preparation Room for TCM西药库 Medicine Store中药库 TCM Store一次性物品库 DisposabLe Storage Room无菌室 Asepsis Room无菌制剂室 Aseptic Preparation Room口服液灌封间 Filling & Enveloping Room for Orally Liquid 灌封间 Filling & Enveloping Room灯检包装间 Packing Room of Light Examination配制间 Confecting Room工作人员休息室 Staff's Rest Room中药制剂产前处理 TCM Preparation Processing片剂调剂室 Dispensary Room for Tablet针剂调剂室 Dispensary Room for Injection 输液库 Infusion Store小型仪器室 small- scale instrument room 大型仪器室 large -scale instrument room 纯水制备室 pure water preparation room无菌操作室 asepsis operation room药品储藏室 physic storeroom玻璃器械室 glass appliance room更衣室 locker room中心化验室 laboratory center room总经理室 general manager room副总经理室 vice general manager room会议室 meeting room接待室 reception room楼层牌 floor厕所 toilet董事长室 president room效劳台 information desk急诊室 emergency room抢救室 rescue room换药室re-dressing room观察室observation room输液室1 observation room (1)检验中心lab center传染病检验室 epidemiology laboratory room 病理检验室pathology laboratory room细菌室bacteriology room心电图室ECG roomb超室〔一〕B-ultrasonic room〔1〕供给室provide room接收室receive room发放处extend locate粗洗间ordinarily washing room精洗间earnest washing room清洁间cleaning room消毒间disinfected room综合门诊 out-patient integrate内科中心mdeicine center外科中心surgery center肝病中心liverish center呼吸内科respiratory medicine神经内科neurology心血管内科cardiovasology消化内科gastroenterology胃镜室gastroscopy lab room内分泌室endocrinology room免疫科immunology儿科pediatrics Dept.普外科general surgery伤骨科orthopedic surgery伤骨科治疗室treatment room for orthopedic肛肠科colorecta dept.肛肠科治疗室treatment room for colorecta皮肤科〔一〕dermatology(1)中医科traditional chinese medicine肿瘤科medical oncology肝病科(一〕liverish dept.(1)门诊部办公室out-patient office医学美容中心medicine for hairdressing center 咨询处consult医生办公室doctor's office手术室operating room妇科中心gynecology center妇科〔一〕gynecology dept.(1)妇科治疗区treatment area for gynecology 冲洗室〔一〕washing room(1)微波室〔一〕microwave room(1)激光室(一〕laser room(1)方案生育室Spcoialist Clinic检查室examination room泌尿科中心urology center泌尿外科(一〕urology surgery眼耳鼻喉科中心ophthalmology&ENT center 口腔科(一〕stomatology 〔1〕耳鼻喉科〔一〕ENT dept. 1眼科ophthalmology准备室preparation room内儿科病区pediatrics medicine area外科病区surgery area妇科病区gynecology area院长室 affair AD院办公室director of the hospital医务科clinic AD护理部nursing dept.经营部manage dept.企划部layout dept.总务科general affair dept.文印室printing room财务科financial dept.卫生间toilet男卫生间men toilet女卫生间women toilet饮水间drinking room程控室procedure control room护士站nurse station导医台enquiryct线诊断室 ct scan test roomx线诊断室 x-ray test room餐厅 dining hall警卫室gatehouse泌尿科治疗区treatment area for urologyb超、心电图、生化、消毒b-ultrasonic、ECG、biochemistry lab、disinfected放射科radiology dept.+++【关于唯美——郑州唯美标识设计制作是一家国内知名、专业从事医疗和教育、办公楼宇、商业区域、房地产工程、城市公共环境、大型工业园区、旅游景区标识、灯光工程发光字等标识系统整体规划、设计、制作、安装、售后效劳及产品研发于一体大型标识公司。

中文 综合管理室 所长办公室 化测生测室 制剂室 无菌室 会议室(1) 更衣室(男) 更衣室(女) 稳定性试验室 数据处理室 提取室 称量室 发酵室 合成小试室 合成中试室 会议室(2) 仪器分析室 纯化室 冷库 离心室 物料储存1 物料储存2 合成仪室 数据处理室 洗手间 洗手间
英文 Management Office Director Office Physico- & Bio- Analysis Lab Fomulation Lab Sterile Room Meeting Room Loker Room(Men) Loker Room(Women) Stability Testing Lab Data Processing Room Bio-process Lab Weighing Room Fermentation Lab Synthesis Lab Pilot Batch Lab Meeting Room Instrumental Analysis Lab Purification Lab Cold Room Centrifuge Room Storage Room 1 Storage Room 2 Synthesizer Room Data Processing Room Restroom Restroom
书 书 三角烧瓶 三角烧瓶 三角烧瓶 人 衣架 衣架 三角烧瓶 书 三角烧瓶 三角烧瓶 三角烧瓶 三角烧瓶 三角烧瓶 人 三角烧瓶 三角烧瓶 雪花 三角烧瓶 三角烧瓶 三角烧瓶 三角烧瓶 三角烧瓶 男头像 女头像


医院科室牌标牌中英文对照表-CAL-FENGHAI-(2020YEAR-YICAI)_JINGBIAN医院科室牌标牌中英文对照表病房楼楼层总索引Layout of Inpatient Building大厅 Lobby卫事中心 Patient-aid center小卖部 Buffet出院病人领取费用清单 List of expenses for discharged patients普通病人出院结帐 Check-out for common discharged patients住院登记收费 Check-in for inpatients医保社保出院结帐 Check-out for patients with medical / social insurance 病区药房 Ward dispensary输血科 Transfusion section急诊化验 Emergency lab急诊手术室 Emergency operating theatre门诊手术室 Clinic operating theatre出入院病人接待处 Reception of inpatients(二病区)重症监护 ICU ( Area 2 )外科示教室 Surgery demo room妇科示教室 Gynecology demo room仓库 Warehouse特殊感染病室 Special infection diseases主任办公室 Director office治疗室 Therapeutic room护士长办公室 Head nurse office医生办公室 Doctor office护士站 Nurse station(三病区)儿科Pediatrics Dept (Area 3)电脑中心 Computer center更衣室 Change room儿科教研室 Pediatrics teaching & research section 婴儿洗澡间 Infant bathroom新生婴儿监护室 Neonatus wardship新生婴儿室 Neonatus room重症室 ICU诊疗室 Consulting room(四病区)产科Obstetrical Dept (Area 4)机房 Machine room婴儿抚触中心 Infant-stroking center(五病区)产房 Obstetrical Ward (Area 5)分娩室 Delivery room隔离分娩室 Isolation delivery room陪伴分娩室(一)Delivery room with companion (1)陪伴分娩室(二)Delivery room with companion (2)护士值班室 Nurse on duty医生值班室 Doctor on duty单床间 Single-bed room(六病区)妇科 Gynecology ( Area 6)妇科教研室 Gynecology teaching and research section换药室 Dressing room(七病区)骨科 Orthopedics Dept ( Area 7)(八病区)普外(肝、胆、胰、肛肠)科General Surgical Dept (Liver, Gallbladder, Pancreas, Anorectum (Area 8) 外科教研室 Surgery teaching & research section(九病区)心胸(肿瘤)外科Cardiothoracic Surgery (Tumor) ( Area 9)(十病区)普外(泌尿)科General Surgical Dept (Urinary system) (Area 10)(十一病区)耳鼻咽喉科、眼科、口腔科 ( Area 11)E.N.T. Dept, Ophthalmology Dept, Stomatology Dept眼科暗房 Ophthalmological dark room(十二病区)神经外科Surgical Dept of Neurology (Area 12) 麻醉科 Anesthesiology dept示教室 Demo room麻醉医生办公室 Office of anesthesia doctor医生休息室 Doctor rest room女更衣室 Change room (F)男更衣室 Change room (M)有菌手术室 Non aseptic operating theatre手术取材室 Operation material room麻醉器械储藏室 Storeroom of anesthesia instrument非限制区 Unrestricted area半限制区 Semi-restricted area换鞋处 Shoe-changing配电室 Distribution room手术室 Operating theatre石膏房 Gypsum room手术准备室 Operation preparation清洗间 Cleaning room麻醉准备室 Anesthesia preparation麻醉器械室 Anesthesia instrument room 限制区 Restricted area精密仪器室 Precision instrument room 无菌室 Asepsis room护士登记室 Nurse registration room复苏室 Anabiosis room麻醉清洗消毒室 Anesthesia cleaning and sterilizing room 等候室 Waiting room存放间 Storage room后勤楼楼层分布 Layout of Logistic Building病案统计室 Medical record statistics room图书室 Library后勤服务管理中心 Logistic service and management center 设备科 Equipment section工程维修部 Engineering maintenance dept基建科 Capital construction section供应服务部 Supply service dept实习生值班室(1)Probationer night shift room (1)门诊楼楼层总索引 Layout of Outpatient Building本层科室分布 Layout of sections开水间 Boiled water检验科Laboratory section抽血化验 Blood test门诊药房 Clinic dispensary大小便、白带化验 Test of stool, urine, leukorrhea药房 Dispensary体液实验室 Humoral lab放射影像科 Radio & Image dept放射科登记处 X-ray registration放射科X-ray dept摄片 2 (X-ray 2)挂号收费 Registration charging内科(二)Internal medicine dept ( 2 )门诊办公室 Outpatient office老干部门诊 Veteran carder clinic老年专科 Special section of geriatric diseases糖尿病专科 Diabets special section内科专家门诊1 Expert clinic of internal medicine ( 1 ) 专家门诊 Expert clinic专科门诊 Clinic of special section高血压专科 Hypertension special sectionC T 室 CT room换药室 Dressing room肛肠科 Anorectum section肝胆专科专家门诊 Expert clinic of liver and gallbladder section 骨科 Orthopedics dept腰腿痛专科 Lumbago & Skelalgia special section脑外科Cerebral surgery疼痛专科 Special section of pains普外科 General surgical dept皮肤科 Dermatology dept性病专科 Special section of VD儿科专家门诊 Expert clinic of pediatrics儿科Pediatrics dept中药房 TCM dispensary耳鼻咽喉专家门诊 Expert clinic of E.N.T耳鼻咽喉科 E.N.T. dept中医科 TCM dept眼科检查室(眼电生理) Ophthalmology check room (EOG)眼科专家门诊 Ophthalmologic expert clinic煎药室 Herb decocting room眼科治疗室 Therapeutic room of ophthalmology眼科检查室(眼压验光视野)Examination room of ophthalmology (intraocular tension, optometry, visual field)声阻抗室 Acoustic impedance room电测听室 Electrometric hearing test助听器选配室 Hearing aid selection眼科诊室(常规诊室) Ophthalmology clinic (Routine clinic) 宣教室 Publicizing and education胸外肿瘤专科 Special section of thoracic tumor皮肤性病科专家门诊 Expert clinic of dermatosis and VD人流室 Induced Abortion Room介入门诊 Intervention clinic妇产科专家门诊 Expert clinic of gynecology & obstetrics 高危妊娠门诊 High-danger pregnancy clinic妇产科 Gynecology & obstetrics dept仓库 Warehouse心室晚电位 Ventricle late potential动态血压 Dynamic blood pressure动态心电图室 Dynamic ECG心向量 Vectorcardiogram心电图室 ECG room心电图科ECG section超声科 Ultrasonographic section彩色B超 Color B-Ultrasonography理疗推拿科 Physical therapy & manipulation section儿科示教室 Demo room of pediatrics盆腔炎治疗室 Therapeutic room of PID儿童生长发育门诊 Children growth clinic急诊B超 Emergency B-Ultrasonography胃镜肠镜预约窗口 Reservation of gastroscope and enteroscope examination 脑电图 Electroemcephalogram (缩写EEG)脑地形图 Emcepholo topography红外线乳腺诊断室Infrared light diagnosis of glandula mammaria 颅脑超声 Craniocerebral Ultrasonographic examination消化科 Digestion section心理测验室 Psychological test room专家门诊 Expert clinic心理咨询科 Psychological consult section中西医结合 Combination of TCM and Western medicine病理科 Pathologic section细胞学室 Cytology room技术室 Technical room 免疫组化室 Immunohistochemistry room档案室 Archives room巨检室 Gross examination room诊断室 Diagnosis room口腔科 Stomatology dept胃镜肠镜检查室Gastroscope and enteroscope examination康复科 Rehabilitation section碎石科 Lithotriptic section输液室 Infusion room化液室 Infusion preparation泌尿外科 Urologic surgery dept肌注皮试 Intracutaneous test of intramuscular injection 小儿输液室 Children's infusion room成人输液室 Adults' infusion room针灸推拿 Acupuncture & manipulation生活皮肤美容 Skin beauty腰突症 Protrasion of the lumbar intervertebral disci保健按摩 Healthcare massage针炙减肥 Acupuncture weight-reducing医保办 Medical insurance office放免实验室 Radioimmunoassay room防保科 Prophylactic section院感科 Section of inner infection prevention医学美容 Medical cosmetology微生物实验室 Microbioloy Laboratory room检验医学中心 Clinical laboratory medicine centerHIV实验室 HIV Laboratory room血液学实验室 Haematology Laboratory room主任办公室 The office director免疫学实验室 Lmmunology Laboratory room 生物化学实验室 Biochemistry Laboratory room 档案库房 Archives storeroom信息科 Information section综合档案室 Comprehensive archives room临床系办公室 Clinic dept office文印室 typing and printing room护理部 Nursing department科教科 Scientific education section院办公室 Hospital office书记室 Secretary office人事科 Personnel section院长室 President office副院长室 Vice president office会议室 Meeting room医务科 Section of medical affairs保安部 Security dept顾问室 Consultant office医疗服务质量监控办公室 Medical service supervision office 教室 Class room出纳室 Paybox会计室 Accounting house核算办 Accounting office工会 Trade union医疗纠纷接侍室 Reception of medical disputes财务科长室 Finance section chief外科病房楼楼层总索引 Layout of Inpatient Building of Internal Medicine Dept发热呼吸道门诊 Fever and Respiratory tract clinic体检中心 Physical examination center跟车医师 Ambulance doctor肝炎门诊 Hepatitis clinic值班室(内科) Night shift room (Dept of internal medicine)值班室(外科)Night shift room (Surgical dept)急诊外科 Emergency surgical dept急诊内科 Emergency internal medicine dept值班室(驾驶员) Night shift room (Driver)急诊输液室 Emergency infusion room肠道门诊 Intestinal tract clinic急诊分诊台 Guide to emergency急诊儿科 Emergency pediatrics污物间 Feculence room清创室 Trauma cleaning room输液台 Infusion table急诊挂号收费 Emergency registration charging肠道门诊观察室 Observation ward of intestinal tract clinic 急诊指挥中心 Emergency command center夜间药房 Night dispensary主任办公室 Director office监护室 ICU治疗室 Therapeutic room护士办公室 Nurse office观察室 2 Observation ward 2抢救室 Salvaging room观察室 1 Observation ward 1肝炎门诊观察室 Observation ward of Hepatitis clinic 干部病房 Cardre Ward心内科 Cardiac internal medicine dept医生办公室 Doctor office诊疗室 Consulting room心血管 Cardiovascular (怎么没有科或室)呼吸内科 Respiration internal medicine心脏介入中心 Cardio intervention center内分泌内科 Incretion internal medicine血液 Blood (怎么没有科或室)消化 Digestion (怎么没有科或室)肾内科 Kidney internal medicine血液层流病房 Aseptic ward介入治疗中心 Intervention therapy center水处理间 Water treatment room手术室 Operating theatre准备室 Preparation room仓库更衣室 Warehouse change room病人更衣室 Patient change room家属接待室 Reception room of patients' relative 内科示教室 Demo room of internal medicine操作室 Operating theatre透析室( 1) Dialysis room (1)透析室 (2) Dialysis room (2)药剂科 Medicament Section腰突症专科Special section of protrasion of the lumbar intervertebral disci保健按摩专科 Special section of healthcare massage针灸推拿专科 Special section of acupuncture and manipulation老年病专科 Special section of geriatric diseases针灸(中医)减肥专科 Special section of acupuncture weight-reducing (TCM) 生活皮肤护理美容室 Skin care and cosmetology心电图检查室 ECG examination脑电图检查室 EEG examination脑地形图检查室 Encephalo topography examination颅脑超声检查室 Craniocerebral Ultrasonographic examination红外线检查室 Infrared ray examination精神、心理咨询科 Mental and psychological consultation彩色B超检查室Color B- Ultrasonographic examination肝病专家门诊 Expert clinic of hepatitis diseases中西医结合专科 Special section in combination of TCM and western medicine 理疗推拿专科 Special section of physical therapy & manipulation皮肤、性病科 Skin and VD section肝胆外科专家门诊 Expert clinic of liver and gallbladder surgery放射介入治疗专科 Special section of X-ray intervention therapy高血压专科 Hypertension special section碎石治疗中心 Lithotriptic therapy center肾病专家门诊 Expert clinic of kidney diseases糖尿病专科 Diabetes special section康复、理疗科 Rehabilitation and physical therapy section医学美容专科 Special section of medical cosmetology医学影像中心 Medical image center放射介入治疗室 X-ray intervention therapeutic room心血管专科急诊 Cardiovascular emergency肝炎门诊 Hepatitis clinic肌电图检查室 Electromyogram examination呼吸道感染门诊 Respiratory tract infection clinic血透室 Blood dialysis胫镜中心 Anticnemion endoscope center中内科 TCM internal medicine西内科 Western internal medicine乳房外科 Breast surgery手外科 Hand surgery骨伤科 Bone injuries中医妇科 TCM gynecology dept.中西药库 Drug storeroom血库 Blood bank骨髓室 Marrow room留观室 Observation room临床药学室 Clinical pharmacy room社区卫生服务工作办公室 Community Health Service Office信息资料室 Information Archives计划生育技术指导室 Family Planning Technique Consultation Office 全科门诊 General Clinic肿瘤科 Tumor dept母婴健康中心 Mother & Baby health center婴儿游泳抚触 Baby swimming-stroking生活用品代办处 Service for daily-use articles待产室 Delivery waiting room配奶间 Milk preparation room驾驶班 Driver team住院部药房 Inpatient dispensary医疗质量管理科 Medical Quality Management Department病理贮片室 Pathological Section Storeroom颈肩腰腿痛专科 Department for Neck, Shoulder, Waist and Leg Pains 儿童活动室 Children's Playing Room电透室 TV Examination Room谈话间 Conversation Room衣帽发放处Coats and Caps Issuing Office器械打包间 Medical Devices Packing Room小孩洗涤室Children’s Washing Room样品接收 Sample Receipt结核菌 Tubercle Bacillus发放厅 Issuing Hall敷料打包间 Dressing-Packing Room污染区 Polluted Area灭菌区 Sterilized Area切洗室 Cutting and Washing Room人工肝室 Artificial Liver Room消控中心 Control Center for Fire Prevention冷冻机房 Freezing Machine Room物流传输机房 Logistical Transmission Machine Room 职工自行车库 Employees' Bicycle Storeroom高低配电室 High/Low Voltage Switchouse服务台 Information Desk导医导诊 A Guide to Clinic方便门诊 Simple Clinic健康宣教 Health Education便民服务 Service for the Public取报告单 Examination Report预约审批 Appointment Approval行政后勤区 Administrative Logistic Area预防保健区 Prevention and Healthcare Area医疗康复区 Medical Rehabilitation Area祝您健康 May you a good health后勤保障部 Logistics Guarantee Dept社区卫生服务科 Community Health Service Section全科(24小时门诊)General Clinic (Around the Clock) 高电位治疗室 High Potential Therapeutic Room健康教育室 Health Education Room探视制度 Visit Rules挂号须知 Notes for Registration农村合作医疗住院报销窗口Reimbursement for Inpatients of Rural Cooperative Medical Service医保投诉咨询接待室Complaint & Consultation of Medical Insurance腰腿疼痛科 Lumbago and Skelalgia Clinic心理咨询室Psychological Consultation高危门诊 Hazard-Disease Clinic严禁胎儿性别鉴定Fetus sex identifying strictly prohibited卡介苗专室 BCG Vaccine Room合作医疗门诊报销窗口Reimbursement for outpatients of cooperative medical service医务人员通道Passage for Medical Personnel小儿体检 Infant Physical Examination电透析Electrodialyzing Room电透照镜检查Electrodiaphanoscopy中草药配方 Prescription of Chinese herb medicine西药、中成药配方Prescription of Western medicine and Chinese patent drugs麻醉药品专用窗口 Special window for anaesthetic药事咨询窗口 Consultation of medicine administration老、弱、病重专区 Special area for the old and weaker, and severely sick persons.请保持室内清洁 Keep Clean病理贮片室 Pathologic film store room细胞室 Cell Puncture Room牵引室 Traction Room腰、腿、疼痛科Lumbago, Skelalgia and Pains Clinic配餐室 Assorted Meal Preparation陪客休息室 Rest Room for Guests医疗固体处置室 Medical Solid Waste Disposal麻醉恢复室Anaesthesia Recovery Room材料室Material Room引产清宫室Induced Labor Room大厅 Lobby卫事中心 Patient-aid center小卖部 Buffet出院病人领取费用清单 List of expenses for discharged patients普通病人出院结帐 Check-out for common discharged patients住院登记收费 Check-in for inpatients医保社保出院结帐 Check-out for patients with medical / social insurance 病区药房 Ward dispensary输血科 Transfusion section急诊化验 Emergency lab急诊手术室 Emergency operating theatre门诊手术室 Clinic operating theatre出入院病人接待处 Reception of inpatients(二病区)重症监护 ICU ( Area 2 )外科示教室 Surgery demo room妇科示教室 Gynecology demo room仓库 Warehouse特殊感染病室 Special infection diseases主任办公室 Director office治疗室 Therapeutic room护士长办公室 Head nurse office医生办公室 Doctor office护士站 Nurse station(三病区)儿科Pediatrics Dept (Area 3)电脑中心 Computer center更衣室 Change room儿科教研室 Pediatrics teaching & research section 婴儿洗澡间 Infant bathroom新生婴儿监护室 Neonatus wardship新生婴儿室 Neonatus room重症室 ICU诊疗室 Consulting room(四病区)产科Obstetrical Dept (Area 4)机房 Machine room婴儿抚触中心 Infant-stroking center(五病区)产房 Obstetrical Ward (Area 5)分娩室 Delivery room隔离分娩室 Isolation delivery room陪伴分娩室(一)Delivery room with companion (1)陪伴分娩室(二)Delivery room with companion (2)护士值班室 Nurse on duty医生值班室 Doctor on duty单床间 Single-bed room(六病区)妇科 Gynecology ( Area 6)妇科教研室 Gynecology teaching and research section换药室 Dressing room(七病区)骨科 Orthopedics Dept ( Area 7)(八病区)普外(肝、胆、胰、肛肠)科General Surgical Dept (Liver, Gallbladder, Pancreas, Anorectum (Area 8)外科教研室 Surgery teaching & research section(九病区)心胸(肿瘤)外科Cardiothoracic Surgery (Tumor) ( Area 9)(十病区)普外(泌尿)科General Surgical Dept (Urinary system) (Area 10)(十一病区)耳鼻咽喉科、眼科、口腔科 (Area 11)E.N.T. Dept, Ophthalmology Dept, Stomatology Dept眼科暗房 Ophthalmological dark room(十二病区)神经外科Surgical Dept of Neurology (Area 12) 麻醉科 Anesthesiology dept示教室 Demo room麻醉医生办公室 Office of anesthesia doctor医生休息室 Doctor rest room女更衣室 Change room (F)男更衣室 Change room (M)有菌手术室 Non aseptic operating theatre手术取材室 Operation material room麻醉器械储藏室 Storeroom of anesthesia instrument非限制区 Unrestricted area半限制区 Semi-restricted area换鞋处 Shoe-changing配电室 Distribution room手术室 Operating theatre石膏房 Gypsum room手术准备室 Operation preparation清洗间 Cleaning room麻醉准备室 Anesthesia preparation麻醉器械室 Anesthesia instrument room限制区 Restricted area精密仪器室 Precision instrument room无菌室 Asepsis room护士登记室 Nurse registration room复苏室 Anabiosis room麻醉清洗消毒室 Anesthesia cleaning and sterilizing room 等候室 Waiting room存放间 Storage room后勤楼楼层分布 Layout of Logistic Building病案统计室 Medical record statistics room图书室 Library后勤服务管理中心 Logistic service and management center 设备科 Equipment section工程维修部 Engineering maintenance dept基建科 Capital construction section供应服务部 Supply service dept实习生值班室(1)Probationer night shift room (1) 门诊楼楼层总索引 Layout of Outpatient Building本层科室分布 Layout of sections开水间 Boiled water检验科Laboratory section抽血化验 Blood test门诊药房 Clinic dispensary大小便、白带化验 Test of stool, urine, leukorrhea药房 Dispensary体液实验室 Humoral lab放射影像科 Radio & Image dept放射科登记处 X-ray registration放射科X-ray dept摄片 2 (X-ray 2)挂号收费 Registration charging内科(二)Internal medicine dept ( 2 )门诊办公室 Outpatient office老干部门诊 Veteran carder clinic老年专科 Special section of geriatric diseases糖尿病专科 Diabets special section内科专家门诊1 Expert clinic of internal medicine ( 1 ) 专家门诊 Expert clinic专科门诊 Clinic of special section高血压专科 Hypertension special sectionC T 室 CT room换药室 Dressing room肛肠科 Anorectum section肝胆专科专家门诊 Expert clinic of liver and gallbladder section 骨科 Orthopedics dept腰腿痛专科 Lumbago & Skelalgia special section脑外科Cerebral surgery疼痛专科 Special section of pains普外科 General surgical dept皮肤科 Dermatology dept性病专科 Special section of VD儿科专家门诊 Expert clinic of pediatrics儿科Pediatrics dept中药房 TCM dispensary耳鼻咽喉专家门诊 Expert clinic of E.N.T耳鼻咽喉科 E.N.T. dept中医科 TCM dept眼科检查室(眼电生理) Ophthalmology check room (EOG)眼科专家门诊 Ophthalmologic expert clinic煎药室 Herb decocting room眼科治疗室 Therapeutic room of ophthalmology眼科检查室(眼压验光视野)Examination room of ophthalmology (intraocular tension, optometry, visual field)声阻抗室 Acoustic impedance room电测听室 Electrometric hearing test助听器选配室 Hearing aid selection眼科诊室(常规诊室) Ophthalmology clinic (Routine clinic) 宣教室 Publicizing and education胸外肿瘤专科 Special section of thoracic tumor皮肤性病科专家门诊 Expert clinic of dermatosis and VD人流室 Induced Abortion Room介入门诊 Intervention clinic妇产科专家门诊 Expert clinic of gynecology & obstetrics 高危妊娠门诊 High-danger pregnancy clinic妇产科 Gynecology & obstetrics dept仓库 Warehouse心室晚电位 Ventricle late potential动态血压 Dynamic blood pressure动态心电图室 Dynamic ECG心向量 Vectorcardiogram心电图室 ECG room心电图科ECG section超声科 Ultrasonographic section彩色B超 Color B-Ultrasonography理疗推拿科 Physical therapy & manipulation section儿科示教室 Demo room of pediatrics盆腔炎治疗室 Therapeutic room of PID儿童生长发育门诊 Children growth clinic急诊B超 Emergency B-Ultrasonography胃镜肠镜预约窗口 Reservation of gastroscope and enteroscope examination 脑电图 Electroemcephalogram (缩写EEG)脑地形图 Emcepholo topography红外线乳腺诊断室Infrared light diagnosis of glandula mammaria颅脑超声 Craniocerebral Ultrasonographic examination消化科 Digestion section心理测验室 Psychological test room专家门诊 Expert clinic心理咨询科 Psychological consult section中西医结合 Combination of TCM and Western medicine病理科 Pathologic section细胞学室 Cytology room技术室 Technical room免疫组化室 Immunohistochemistry room档案室 Archives room巨检室 Gross examination room诊断室 Diagnosis room口腔科 Stomatology dept胃镜肠镜检查室Gastroscope and enteroscope examination 康复科 Rehabilitation section碎石科 Lithotriptic section输液室 Infusion room化液室 Infusion preparation泌尿外科 Urologic surgery dept肌注皮试 Intracutaneous test of intramuscular injection 小儿输液室 Children's infusion room成人输液室 Adults' infusion room针灸推拿 Acupuncture & manipulation生活皮肤美容 Skin beauty腰突症 Protrasion of the lumbar intervertebral disci保健按摩 Healthcare massage针炙减肥 Acupuncture weight-reducing医保办 Medical insurance office放免实验室 Radioimmunoassay room防保科 Prophylactic section院感科 Section of inner infection prevention医学美容 Medical cosmetology微生物实验室 Microbioloy Laboratory room检验医学中心 Clinical laboratory medicine center HIV实验室 HIV Laboratory room血液学实验室 Haematology Laboratory room主任办公室 The office director免疫学实验室 Lmmunology Laboratory room生物化学实验室 Biochemistry Laboratory room档案库房 Archives storeroom信息科 Information section综合档案室 Comprehensive archives room临床系办公室 Clinic dept office文印室 typing and printing room护理部 Nursing department科教科 Scientific education section院办公室 Hospital office书记室 Secretary office人事科 Personnel section院长室 President office副院长室 Vice president office会议室 Meeting room医务科 Section of medical affairs保安部 Security dept顾问室 Consultant office医疗服务质量监控办公室 Medical service supervision office 教室 Class room出纳室 Paybox会计室 Accounting house行风办 Trade Service Normalization office核算办 Accounting office工会 Trade union医疗纠纷接侍室 Reception of medical disputes财务科长室 Finance section chief外科病房楼楼层总索引 Layout of Inpatient Building of Internal Medicine Dept发热呼吸道门诊 Fever and Respiratory tract clinic体检中心 Physical examination center跟车医师 Ambulance doctor肝炎门诊 Hepatitis clinic值班室(内科) Night shift room (Dept of internal medicine)值班室(外科)Night shift room (Surgical dept)急诊外科 Emergency surgical dept急诊内科 Emergency internal medicine dept值班室(驾驶员) Night shift room (Driver)急诊输液室 Emergency infusion room肠道门诊 Intestinal tract clinic急诊分诊台 Guide to emergency急诊儿科 Emergency pediatrics污物间 Feculence room清创室 Trauma cleaning room输液台 Infusion table急诊挂号收费 Emergency registration charging肠道门诊观察室 Observation ward of intestinal tract clinic 急诊指挥中心 Emergency command center夜间药房 Night dispensary主任办公室 Director office监护室 ICU治疗室 Therapeutic room护士办公室 Nurse office观察室 2 Observation ward 2抢救室 Salvaging room观察室 1 Observation ward 1肝炎门诊观察室 Observation ward of Hepatitis clinic干部病房Cardre Ward心内科 Cardiac internal medicine dept 医生办公室 Doctor office诊疗室 Consulting room呼吸内科 Respiration internal medicine 心脏介入中心 Cardio intervention center 内分泌内科 Incretion internal medicine 肾内科 Kidney internal medicine血液层流病房 Aseptic ward介入治疗中心 Intervention therapy center水处理间 Water treatment room手术室 Operating theatre准备室 Preparation room仓库更衣室 Warehouse change room病人更衣室 Patient change room家属接待室 Reception room of patients' relative内科示教室 Demo room of internal medicine操作室 Operating theatre透析室( 1) Dialysis room (1)透析室 (2) Dialysis room (2)药剂科 Medicament Section腰突症专科Special section of protrasion of the lumbar intervertebral disci保健按摩专科 Special section of healthcare massage针灸推拿专科 Special section of acupuncture and manipulation老年病专科 Special section of geriatric diseases针灸(中医)减肥专科 Special section of acupuncture weight-reducing (TCM) 生活皮肤护理美容室 Skin care and cosmetology心电图检查室 ECG examination脑电图检查室 EEG examination脑地形图检查室 Encephalo topography examination颅脑超声检查室 Craniocerebral Ultrasonographic examination红外线检查室 Infrared ray examination精神、心理咨询科 Mental and psychological consultation彩色B超检查室Color B- Ultrasonographic examination肝病专家门诊 Expert clinic of hepatitis diseases中西医结合专科 Special section in combination of TCM and western medicine 理疗推拿专科 Special section of physical therapy & manipulation皮肤、性病科 Skin and VD section肝胆外科专家门诊 Expert clinic of liver and gallbladder surgery放射介入治疗专科 Special section of X-ray intervention therapy高血压专科 Hypertension special section碎石治疗中心 Lithotriptic therapy center肾病专家门诊 Expert clinic of kidney diseases。

为方便标识牌设计和终端客户,唯美标识学院特整理关于医院科室牌(标识牌)的中英文对照供大家参考!产房 Delivery Room产房办公室 Office for Delivery Room产房值班室 On-Duty Room for Delivery待产室 Predelivery Room隔离室 Isolation Room 盥洗室 Rest Room配餐间 Diet Room配液室/药物配置室 Pharmacy Preparation清洁室 Cleaning Room 洗涤室 Washing Room储物室 Store工作人员洗手间 Rest Room for Staff Only 领衣帽处 Clothing Center 房间号 Room Number住院病人一览表 In-patient List请放病历 Please Put Your Medical Record便盆放置处 Bedpan Here病人一览表 Patient General Table医疗查房时间请勿打扰 Please Don't Disturb During Ward Round保障部门总务办公室 Office of Dispatch Service Center水泵机房 Water Pump Control Room水处理室 Water Treatment Room消防控制室 Fire Control Room 空调机房 Air-Conditioner Controlling Room气瓶间 Gas Bottle Room 冷冻机房 Refrigerator Room配电房 Power Room配电值班室 On-Duty Room for Electricity太平间 Mortuary洗衣房 Laundry总机室 Telephone Exchange Room停车场 Park传达室 Janitor Room 修理间 Repair Room机修室 Machinery Maintenance排污机房 Sewage Disposalr 设备层 Equipment Floor地下室 Basement电梯 Elevator楼梯通道 Stair Passageway 行政管理院长办公室 Director of the Hospital院部办公区 AdministrationOffice Area副院长办公室 Vice Director of the Hospital办公室 Office医务处 MedicalAffairs Dept.护理处 Nursing Dept.质量控制办公室 Quality Controlling Office综合治理办公室 General Management Office信息中心 Information Center电子计算机机房 Computer Machinery Room 档案室 Archives Room图书阅览室 Reading Room会议室 Meeting Room多功能厅 Multi-function Hall财务处 Financial Dept. 管理室 Management Room科普宣传栏 Popular Science Propaganda Column院内生活职工之家 Recreation for the Staff餐厅 Dining Hall 值班公寓 On-Duty Apartment教学用房学术报告厅 Academic Hall 教学区 Teaching Area教学一览表 Teaching Schedule学习室 Study Room 科研用房化学实验室 Chemistry Laboratory疼痛门诊 Painful Disease Clinic疼痛门诊观察室 Observation Room for Painful Disease Clinic疼痛门诊治疗室 Treatment Room for Painful Disease Clinic病理科 Pathology Dept.标本前处理室 Sample Preparation Room标本室 Specimen Station标本收集处 Specimen Reception 标化室 Specimen Laboratory病理技术室 Pathological Technology Room病理切片室 Section Room影像诊断中心 RadiodiagnosisCenter放射科 Radiology Dept. 放射治疗中心 Radiation Oncology Center核医学科 Nuclear Medicine DepartmentX光室 X-Ray RoomCT室 CT Scan Room CT准备室 Preparation Room for CT核磁共振 MRI读片室 Radiodiagnosis Center暗房 Darkroom照相机室 Camera Room摄影室 Photography Room安全门 ExitPT室 PT RoomOT室 OT Room图像工作站 PACS Room放疗科 Radiation Oncology Dept.放免室 Radiological Immunology Room放射化学室 Radiochemistry & Radiopharmaceuticals放射检疫生化室 Radioimmunochemistry & Biochemistry直线加速器1室 Linear Accelerator Room 1后装治疗机室 Therapeutic Room模拟室位机室 Simulative Localizer Room模拟机室 Simulator Room 模型室 Model Room心电图室 ECG Lab动态血压室 IBP心功能室 Cardiac Function Room心脏多普勒超声检查室 Colour Echo or UCG平板运动心电图室 Stress Test超声科 DopplerUltrasonic Department肺功能室 Pulmonary Function Room肺功能检查室 Pulmonary Function Test Room肺通气室 Pulmonary Ventilation内镜中心 Endoscopy Center 内镜中心办公室 Endoscopy Center's Office内窥镜检查室 Endoscopic Examination内窥镜室 Endoscopy Room 气管镜室 Bronchoscopy Room食道镜室 Esophagoscopy Room食道心房调博 Transesophageal Atrial Pacing食管功能室 Esophageal Function Room食管镜室 Esophagoscopy Room胃镜室 Gastroscopy Lab纤支镜室 Fiberbronchoscope Lab 电测听室 Audiometry Room 听力检查室 Audiometry Room 助听器验配室 Acousticon Fitting Room结肠镜室 Enteroscopy lab 动态喉镜室 Dynamic Laryngoscope Room眼肌检查室 Ophthalmomyositis Lab功能分析室 Functional Lab功能诊断中心 Functional Test Center激光室 Laser Room中心供应 Centre Supplies无菌物品发放间 SterilizedDistribution无菌物品存放间 Storage Room For Steriled Goods敷料打包间 Linen Inspecting & Packsging Room低温灭菌间 Low Temperature Sterilization消毒供应中心 Sterilized Supplying Center清洗间 Cleaning Room 清毒间 Disinfected Room清毒器械室 Disinfected Apparatus Room灭菌间 Sterilized Room无菌用品室 Storage Room For Sterilized Goods住院处 In-patient Admission入院接待处 In-patient Admission出入院处 Discharge & Admission Service手术中心 Operating Centre 洁静手术区 Operating Area无菌区 Sterilized Area清洁区 Cleaning Area 污染区 Polluted Area 无菌手术室 Sterilized Operating Room麻醉复苏室 Recovery Room for Anesthesia麻醉医师办公室 Office for Anesthesiologist手术室 Operating Room 清创手术室 Operating Room for Debridement器械室 Apparatus Room 病人术后休息室 Rest Room forPostoperative Patient手术医师休息室 Rest Room for Doctor 监护病房 CCUICU室 ICU Room NICU室 NICU Room换鞋间 Shoes Changing 家属等候区 Operation Waiting Area高压氧舱室 High Pressure Oxygen Store光疗室 Phototherapy Room核素治疗室 Radionuclide Therapeutics冷冻微波治疗室 Freezing & Microwave Therapy Room理疗科 Physiotherapy 物理室 Physicial Room 血管、肿瘤介入治疗中心 Interventional Radiology血管造影室 Angio碎石室 Eswl Room治疗药物监测室 TDM物理治疗室 Physical Therapy 作业治疗室 Occupational Therapy语言治疗室 Speech Therapy高频电疗 Higy Frequency Electrotherapy功能评定室 Functional Assessment Room假肢与支具 Prothesis and Orthosis灌肠室 Enema Room污洗间 Filth Cleaning Room备餐室 Diet Preparation石膏室 Plaster Room 病人活动室 Recreation for Patient主任办公室 Director's Office 医、护值班室 On-Duty Room for Doctor & Nurse医生办公室 Doctor's Office护士办公室 Nurse Office护士站 Nurse Station 资料室 Data Room治疗室 Treatment Room 治疗计划室 TPS Room标准病房 Standard Ward皮肤科 Dermatology皮肤科治疗室Treatment Room for Dermatology皮肤性病科Dermatology & STD康复科 Rehabilitation Dept.康复诊疗室 Consultation Room脑瘫痪康复门诊 Rehabilitation Clinic for Encephalic Paralysis功能康复室 Function Rehabilitation Room健康资料放置处 Health Data肠道门诊 Gastroenterology Clinic肠道病诊室 Consulting Room for Intestinal Diseases肠道隔离诊查室 Isolation Room for Intestinal Disease 肠道治疗室 Therapy Room for Enterology肠道传染病门诊 Intesti Infectious Disease Clinic隔离室 Isolation Room肝炎专科 Division of Hepatitis结核门诊 Tuberculosis Clinic老年病科 Gerontology Dept.内分泌科 Endocrinology血液专科 Division of Hematology疼痛门诊 Painful Disease Clinic疼痛门诊观察室 Observation Room for Painful Disease Clinic疼痛门诊治疗室 Treatment Room for Painful Disease Clinic其他心理咨询 Psychology Consulting佝偻病专科 Rachitis Dept.神经、脊柱 Neurolohy Rachitis神经科 Neurology贵宾(特需)门诊 VIP Clinic体检中心 Physical Examination Center风湿专科 Rheumatism挂号须知 Notes for Registration请便后冲水 Please Flush After Use请勿吸烟 Please No Smoking未经批准不得进入 No Admittance严禁吸烟 No smoking医患沟通园地 Patient-Doctor Communication Grounds在此候诊 Waiting Aera暂停服务 Service Suspended急诊部急救分中心办公室 Office of Branch Emergency Center急救中心 Emergency Center 抢救室 Emergency Treatment Room急诊诊疗室 Emergency Room急诊化验室 Emergency Laboratory急诊收费 Emergency Cashier急诊药房 EmergencyPharmacy输液室 Infusion Room 抢救监护室 First-aid Care Room 急诊仪器室 Emergency Instrument Room医师办公室 Physician's Office 观察区 Observation Ward医技科室药剂科 Pharmacy Dept. 药剂科办公室 Pharmacy Office药剂科会议室 Meeting Room of Pharmacy制剂研究室 Preparation Research Room西药调剂室 Prescription Room of Medicine中药调剂室 Prescription Room of TCM普通制剂室 General Preparation Room中药制剂室 Preparation Room for TCM西药库Medicine Store中药库TCM Store一次性物品库 DisposabLe Storage Room无菌室Asepsis Room无菌制剂室 Aseptic Preparation Room口服液灌封间 Filling & Enveloping Room for Orally Liquid灌封间Filling & Enveloping Room灯检包装间 Packing Room of Light Examination配制间Confecting Room工作人员休息室 Staff's Rest Room中药制剂前处理 TCM Preparation Processing片剂调剂室 Dispensa ry Room for Tablet针剂调剂室 Dispensar y Room for Injection输液库Infusion Store临床检验中心 The Center Laboratory Medicine化验室Clinical Laboratory生化室Biochemistry Lab生化贫析室Clin ic Chemistry Lab细菌室Bacteriology Room微生物室Moicrobiology Lab分子生物学室Molecular Biology临床化学室Clin ical Chemistry化学试剂室Chem istry Reagent Room临检室Clinical Examination Room静脉采血处 Bl ood Collection Room采血室Blood-taking Room大小便、体液标本收集处 Specimen Collection Room常规检验室 Routine Examination留样观察室Observation Room for Sample免疫病理室Immunopatholog y Room分子病理实验室 Molecuar PathologyLab仪器室Apparatus Room天平室Balance Room电泳室Electrophoresis Laboratory血库Blood Bank血液标本放置处 Blood Sample Collection门诊部行政办公室 administratve office院长办公室President's Office导向咨询 Enquiry挂号处 Registration专科门诊一览表 Schedule for Special Out-patient 门诊病案室 Outpaient Medical Records西药房 Pharmacy中药房 Pharmacy of Traditional Medicine中西药取药处 Pharmacy Dispenser登记划价处 Account of Medicine收费处 Cashier门诊检验 Clinical Laboratory标本接受处 Specimen-Reception门诊输液中心 Out-Patient Infusion Center 注射室 Injection Room取报告单处 Iaboratory Report换药室/治疗室 Bandage Change/Treatment Room 污洗室 Cleaning Room洗手间 Toilet茶水间 Drinking Room男更衣 Men's Dressing Room女更衣 Women's Dressing Room 门诊接待室 Reception Room候诊厅 Waiting Lobby中西医结合门诊 Clinic of Integrated Traditional & Western Medicine内科 Dept.of Internal Medicine 神经内科 Neurology心血管内科 Cardiovasology呼吸内科 Respiratory Medicine呼吸隔离诊查室 Examination for Respiratory消化内科 Gastroenterology肾内科 Nephrological Dept.泌尿内科 Urologic Dept.关节内科 Arthrology肿瘤内科 Medical Oncology口腔内科 Oral Medicine外科 Surgery外科诊室 Surgical Clinic头颈外科 Head & Neck Surgery心胸外科 Cardiothoracic Surgery胸外科 Thoracic Surgery创伤外科 Traumatic Surgery泌尿外科 Urology Surgery显微外科 Micro Surgery口腔颌面外科 Dental Restoration Technician Room 骨科 Orthopaedics骨伤科 Orthopedic Surgery手法复位室 Manipulation of Bone-Setting Room 妇产科 Gynecology & Obstetrics妇科检查室 Examination for Gynecology产科门诊 Obstetrics Clinic计划生育门诊 Family Planning Clinic生殖中心 Reproductive Center儿科 Pediatrics儿童娱乐室 Amusement Room for Children儿童保健部 Child Hygiene儿童生长资料室 Data Room of Children Development新生儿疾病专科 Newborns Disease Dept.中医科 Traditional Chinese Medicine 中医门诊 Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic中医正骨 O.P.D of Bone Setting针灸科 Acupuncture & Moxibustion针推理疗科 Acupuncture Massage & Physical Therapy针灸按摩室 Acupuncture & Massage Room保健科 Health Care地段保健室 Vaccinoprophylaxis Community预防保健医疗中心 Medical Center for Health Prevention and Care家庭医疗服务部 Health Services for Family社区医疗服务中心办公室 Office for Community Medical Service Center眼科 Ophthalmology眼科门诊 Ophthalmology Clinic眼肌治疗室 Ophthalmology Therapy Room弱视治疗室 Amblyopia Therapy Room角膜地形图 Corneal Topography视野检查室 Computerized Automated Perimetry Testing Room配镜处 Lens Fitting隐形眼镜室 Contact Lenses Room压平眼压 Applanation Tonometry耳鼻喉科 ENT Dept.耳鼻喉科专家诊室 Specialist of ENT耳鼻咽喉 Otorhinolaryngology嗓音疾诊疗室 Voice Disease Diagnosis & Therapy Room口腔科 Stomatology口腔诊室 Dental Consulting Room口腔修复室 Prosthodontics口腔技工修复 Artifice Room口腔X光室 Dental X-ray Room口腔正畸室 Orthoclontics口腔种植室 Dental Implantation技工室 Artifice Room心理咨询 Psychology Consulting佝偻病专科 Rachitis Dept.神经、脊柱 Neurology Rachitis 神经科 Neurology贵宾(特需)门诊 VIP Clinic体检中心 Physical Examination Center风湿专科 Rheumatism挂号须知 Notes for Registration请便后冲水 Please Flush After Use请勿吸烟 Please No Smoking 未经批准不得进入 No Admittance严禁吸烟 No Smoking医患沟通园地 Patient-Doctor Communication Grounds在此候诊 Waiting Aera暂停服务 Service Suspended急诊部急救分中心办公室 Office of Branch Emergency Center急救中心 Emergency Center 抢救室 EmergencyTreatment Room急诊诊疗室 Emergency Room急诊化验室 Emergency Laboratory急诊收费 Emergency Cashier急诊药房 Emergency Pharmacy输液室 Infusion Room 抢救监护室 First-aid Care Room 急诊仪器室 Emergency Instrument Room医师办公室 Physician's Office 观察区 Observation Ward医技科室药剂科 Pharmacy Dept. 药剂科办公室 Pharmacy Office药剂科会议室 Meeting Room of Pharmacy制剂研究室 PreparationResearch Room西药调剂室 Prescription Room of Medicine中药调剂室 Prescription Room of TCM普通制剂室 General Preparation Room中药制剂室 Preparation Room for TCM西药库 Medicine Store中药库 TCM Store一次性物品库 DisposabLe Storage Room无菌室 Asepsis Room无菌制剂室 Aseptic Preparation Room口服液灌封间 Filling & Enveloping Room for Orally Liquid 灌封间 Filling & Enveloping Room灯检包装间 Packing Room of Light Examination配制间 Confecting Room工作人员休息室 Staff's Rest Room中药制剂产前处理 TCM Preparation Processing片剂调剂室 Dispensary Room for Tablet针剂调剂室 Dispensary Room for Injection 输液库 Infusion Store小型仪器室 small- scale instrument room 大型仪器室 large -scale instrument room 纯水制备室 pure water preparation room无菌操作室 asepsis operation room药品储藏室 physic storeroom玻璃器械室 glass appliance room更衣室 locker room中心化验室 laboratory center room总经理室 general manager room副总经理室 vice general manager room会议室 meeting room接待室 reception room楼层牌 floor厕所 toilet董事长室 president room服务台 information desk急诊室 emergency room抢救室 rescue room换药室re-dressing room观察室observation room输液室1 observation room (1)检验中心lab center传染病检验室 epidemiology laboratory room 病理检验室pathology laboratory room细菌室bacteriology room心电图室ECG roomb超室(一)B-ultrasonic room(1)供应室provide room接收室receive room发放处extend locate粗洗间ordinarily washing room精洗间earnest washing room清洁间cleaning room消毒间disinfected room综合门诊 out-patient integrate内科中心mdeicine center外科中心surgery center肝病中心liverish center呼吸内科respiratory medicine神经内科neurology心血管内科cardiovasology消化内科gastroenterology胃镜室gastroscopy lab room内分泌室endocrinology room免疫科immunology儿科pediatrics Dept.普外科general surgery伤骨科orthopedic surgery伤骨科治疗室treatment room for orthopedic肛肠科colorecta dept.肛肠科治疗室treatment room for colorecta皮肤科(一)dermatology(1)中医科traditional chinese medicine肿瘤科medical oncology肝病科(一)liverish dept.(1)门诊部办公室out-patient office医学美容中心medicine for hairdressing center 咨询处consult医生办公室doctor's office手术室operating room妇科中心gynecology center妇科(一)gynecology dept.(1)妇科治疗区treatment area for gynecology 冲洗室(一)washing room(1)微波室(一)microwave room(1)激光室(一)laser room(1)计划生育室Spcoialist Clinic检查室examination room泌尿科中心urology center泌尿外科(一)urology surgery眼耳鼻喉科中心ophthalmology&ENT center 口腔科(一)stomatology (1)耳鼻喉科(一)ENT dept. 1眼科ophthalmology准备室preparation room内儿科病区pediatrics medicine area外科病区surgery area妇科病区gynecology area院长室 affair AD院办公室director of the hospital医务科clinic AD护理部nursing dept.经营部manage dept.企划部layout dept.总务科general affair dept.文印室printing room财务科financial dept.卫生间toilet男卫生间men toilet女卫生间women toilet饮水间drinking room程控室procedure control room护士站nurse station导医台enquiryct线诊断室 ct scan test roomx线诊断室 x-ray test room餐厅 dining hall警卫室gatehouse泌尿科治疗区treatment area for urologyb超、心电图、生化、消毒b-ultrasonic、ECG、biochemistry lab、disinfected放射科radiology dept.+++【关于唯美——郑州唯美标识设计制作有限公司是一家国内知名的、专业从事医疗和教育、办公楼宇、商业区域、房地产项目、城市公共环境、大型工业园区、旅游景区标识、灯光工程发光字等标识系统的整体规划、设计、制作、安装、售后服务及产品研发于一体的大型标识公司。

25 人防设备间(横版)
Air Defence Equipment Room
Fire Emergency Exit Force Electricity Room Weak Current Room
Guest Elevator Room Fire Elevator Room
Pipem Blower Room Exhaust Fan Room Power Distribution Office Power Distribution Staff Only Force Electricity Duct Weak Current Duct Oil Separator Room Fire Equipment Room Air Defence Room Power Distribution Room Engineering Equipment Room Engineering Duty Room Engineering Warehuose

Primary Packaging MaterialRoom
Outsourcing materialRoom
Sampling Room
56内包取样间Fra bibliotekThe Inner Package MaterialSampling Room
Goods Ladder
General Instrument Room
Balance Room
Reagent StorageRoom
Standard SolutionConfigurationRoom
Central Laboratory
Cultivating Room
Positive Control Room
Potency Tested
Shady Depository
Defective ProductsDepository
Precise Instrument Room 1

为方便标识牌设计和终端客户,唯美标识学院特整理关于医院科室牌(标识牌)的中英文对照供大家参考!产房 Delivery Room产房办公室 Office for Delivery Room产房值班室 On-Duty Room for Delivery待产室 Predelivery Room隔离室 Isolation Room 盥洗室 Rest Room配餐间 Diet Room配液室/药物配置室 Pharmacy Preparation清洁室 Cleaning Room 洗涤室 Washing Room储物室 Store工作人员洗手间 Rest Room for Staff Only 领衣帽处 Clothing Center 房间号 Room Number住院病人一览表 In-patient List请放病历 Please Put Your Medical Record便盆放置处 Bedpan Here病人一览表 Patient General Table医疗查房时间请勿打扰 Please Don't Disturb During Ward Round保障部门总务办公室 Office of Dispatch Service Center水泵机房 Water Pump Control Room水处理室 Water Treatment Room消防控制室 Fire Control Room 空调机房 Air—Conditioner Controlling Room气瓶间 Gas Bottle Room 冷冻机房 Refrigerator Room配电房 Power Room配电值班室 On-Duty Room for Electricity太平间 Mortuary洗衣房 Laundry总机室 Telephone Exchange Room停车场 Park传达室 Janitor Room 修理间 Repair Room机修室 Machinery Maintenance排污机房 Sewage Disposalr 设备层 Equipment Floor地下室 Basement电梯 Elevator楼梯通道 Stair Passageway 行政管理院长办公室 Director of the Hospital院部办公区 AdministrationOffice Area副院长办公室 Vice Director of the Hospital办公室 Office医务处 MedicalAffairs Dept。

为方便标识牌设计和终端客户,唯美标识学院特整理关于医院科室牌(标识牌)的中英文对照供大家参考!产房 Delivery Room产房办公室 Office for Delivery Room产房值班室 On-Duty Room for Delivery待产室 Predelivery Room隔离室 Isolation Room 盥洗室 Rest Room配餐间 Diet Room配液室/药物配置室 Pharmacy Preparation清洁室 Cleaning Room 洗涤室 Washing Room储物室 Store工作人员洗手间 Rest Room for Staff Only 领衣帽处 Clothing Center 房间号 Room Number住院病人一览表 In-patient List请放病历 Please Put Your Medical Record便盆放置处 Bedpan Here病人一览表 Patient General Table医疗查房时间请勿打扰 Please Don't Disturb During Ward Round保障部门总务办公室 Office of Dispatch Service Center水泵机房 Water Pump Control Room水处理室 Water Treatment Room消防控制室 Fire Control Room 空调机房 Air-Conditioner Controlling Room气瓶间 Gas Bottle Room 冷冻机房 Refrigerator Room配电房 Power Room配电值班室 On-Duty Room for Electricity太平间 Mortuary洗衣房 Laundry总机室 Telephone Exchange Room停车场 Park传达室 Janitor Room 修理间 Repair Room机修室 Machinery Maintenance排污机房 Sewage Disposalr 设备层 Equipment Floor地下室 Basement电梯 Elevator楼梯通道 Stair Passageway 行政管理院长办公室 Director of the Hospital院部办公区 AdministrationOffice Area副院长办公室 Vice Director of the Hospital办公室 Office医务处 MedicalAffairs Dept.护理处 Nursing Dept.质量控制办公室 Quality Controlling Office综合治理办公室 General Management Office信息中心 Information Center电子计算机机房 Computer Machinery Room 档案室 Archives Room图书阅览室 Reading Room会议室 Meeting Room多功能厅 Multi-function Hall财务处 Financial Dept. 管理室 Management Room科普宣传栏 Popular Science Propaganda Column院内生活职工之家 Recreation for the Staff餐厅 Dining Hall 值班公寓 On-Duty Apartment教学用房学术报告厅 Academic Hall 教学区 Teaching Area教学一览表 Teaching Schedule学习室 Study Room 科研用房化学实验室 Chemistry Laboratory疼痛门诊 Painful Disease Clinic疼痛门诊观察室 Observation Room for Painful Disease Clinic疼痛门诊治疗室 Treatment Room for Painful Disease Clinic病理科 Pathology Dept.标本前处理室 Sample Preparation Room标本室 Specimen Station标本收集处 Specimen Reception 标化室 Specimen Laboratory病理技术室 Pathological Technology Room病理切片室 Section Room影像诊断中心 RadiodiagnosisCenter放射科 Radiology Dept. 放射治疗中心 Radiation Oncology Center核医学科 Nuclear Medicine DepartmentX光室 X-Ray RoomCT室 CT Scan Room CT准备室 Preparation Room for CT核磁共振 MRI读片室 Radiodiagnosis Center暗房 Darkroom照相机室 Camera Room摄影室 Photography Room安全门 ExitPT室 PT RoomOT室 OT Room图像工作站 PACS Room放疗科 Radiation Oncology Dept.放免室 Radiological Immunology Room放射化学室 Radiochemistry & Radiopharmaceuticals放射检疫生化室 Radioimmunochemistry & Biochemistry直线加速器1室 Linear Accelerator Room 1后装治疗机室 Therapeutic Room模拟室位机室 Simulative Localizer Room模拟机室 Simulator Room 模型室 Model Room心电图室 ECG Lab动态血压室 IBP心功能室 Cardiac Function Room心脏多普勒超声检查室 Colour Echo or UCG平板运动心电图室 Stress Test超声科 DopplerUltrasonic Department肺功能室 Pulmonary Function Room肺功能检查室 Pulmonary Function Test Room肺通气室 Pulmonary Ventilation内镜中心 Endoscopy Center 内镜中心办公室 Endoscopy Center's Office内窥镜检查室 Endoscopic Examination内窥镜室 Endoscopy Room 气管镜室 Bronchoscopy Room食道镜室 Esophagoscopy Room食道心房调博 Transesophageal Atrial Pacing食管功能室 Esophageal Function Room食管镜室 Esophagoscopy Room胃镜室 Gastroscopy Lab纤支镜室 Fiberbronchoscope Lab 电测听室 Audiometry Room 听力检查室 Audiometry Room 助听器验配室 Acousticon Fitting Room结肠镜室 Enteroscopy lab 动态喉镜室 Dynamic Laryngoscope Room眼肌检查室 Ophthalmomyositis Lab功能分析室 Functional Lab功能诊断中心 Functional Test Center激光室 Laser Room中心供应 Centre Supplies无菌物品发放间 SterilizedDistribution无菌物品存放间 Storage Room For Steriled Goods敷料打包间 Linen Inspecting & Packsging Room低温灭菌间 Low Temperature Sterilization消毒供应中心 Sterilized Supplying Center清洗间 Cleaning Room 清毒间 Disinfected Room清毒器械室 Disinfected Apparatus Room灭菌间 Sterilized Room无菌用品室 Storage Room For Sterilized Goods住院处 In-patient Admission入院接待处 In-patient Admission出入院处 Discharge & Admission Service手术中心 Operating Centre 洁静手术区 Operating Area无菌区 Sterilized Area清洁区 Cleaning Area 污染区 Polluted Area 无菌手术室 Sterilized Operating Room麻醉复苏室 Recovery Room for Anesthesia麻醉医师办公室 Office for Anesthesiologist手术室 Operating Room 清创手术室 Operating Room for Debridement器械室 Apparatus Room 病人术后休息室 Rest Room forPostoperative Patient手术医师休息室 Rest Room for Doctor 监护病房 CCUICU室 ICU Room NICU室 NICU Room换鞋间 Shoes Changing 家属等候区 Operation Waiting Area高压氧舱室 High Pressure Oxygen Store光疗室 Phototherapy Room核素治疗室 Radionuclide Therapeutics冷冻微波治疗室 Freezing & Microwave Therapy Room理疗科 Physiotherapy 物理室 Physicial Room 血管、肿瘤介入治疗中心 Interventional Radiology血管造影室 Angio碎石室 Eswl Room治疗药物监测室 TDM物理治疗室 Physical Therapy 作业治疗室 Occupational Therapy语言治疗室 Speech Therapy高频电疗 Higy Frequency Electrotherapy功能评定室 Functional Assessment Room假肢与支具 Prothesis and Orthosis灌肠室 Enema Room污洗间 Filth Cleaning Room备餐室 Diet Preparation石膏室 Plaster Room 病人活动室 Recreation for Patient主任办公室 Director's Office 医、护值班室 On-Duty Room for Doctor & Nurse医生办公室 Doctor's Office护士办公室 Nurse Office护士站 Nurse Station 资料室 Data Room治疗室 Treatment Room 治疗计划室 TPS Room标准病房 Standard Ward皮肤科 Dermatology皮肤科治疗室Treatment Room for Dermatology皮肤性病科Dermatology & STD康复科 Rehabilitation Dept.康复诊疗室 Consultation Room脑瘫痪康复门诊 Rehabilitation Clinic for Encephalic Paralysis功能康复室 Function Rehabilitation Room健康资料放置处 Health Data肠道门诊 Gastroenterology Clinic肠道病诊室 Consulting Room for Intestinal Diseases肠道隔离诊查室 Isolation Room for Intestinal Disease 肠道治疗室 Therapy Room for Enterology肠道传染病门诊 Intesti Infectious Disease Clinic隔离室 Isolation Room肝炎专科 Division of Hepatitis结核门诊 Tuberculosis Clinic老年病科 Gerontology Dept.内分泌科 Endocrinology血液专科 Division of Hematology疼痛门诊 Painful Disease Clinic疼痛门诊观察室 Observation Room for Painful Disease Clinic疼痛门诊治疗室 Treatment Room for Painful Disease Clinic其他心理咨询 Psychology Consulting佝偻病专科 Rachitis Dept.神经、脊柱 Neurolohy Rachitis神经科 Neurology贵宾(特需)门诊 VIP Clinic体检中心 Physical Examination Center风湿专科 Rheumatism挂号须知 Notes for Registration请便后冲水 Please Flush After Use请勿吸烟 Please No Smoking未经批准不得进入 No Admittance严禁吸烟 No smoking医患沟通园地 Patient-Doctor Communication Grounds在此候诊 Waiting Aera暂停服务 Service Suspended急诊部急救分中心办公室 Office of Branch Emergency Center急救中心 Emergency Center 抢救室 Emergency Treatment Room急诊诊疗室 Emergency Room急诊化验室 Emergency Laboratory急诊收费 Emergency Cashier急诊药房 EmergencyPharmacy输液室 Infusion Room 抢救监护室 First-aid Care Room 急诊仪器室 Emergency Instrument Room医师办公室 Physician's Office 观察区 Observation Ward医技科室药剂科 Pharmacy Dept. 药剂科办公室 Pharmacy Office药剂科会议室 Meeting Room of Pharmacy制剂研究室 Preparation Research Room西药调剂室 Prescription Room of Medicine中药调剂室 Prescription Room of TCM普通制剂室 General Preparation Room中药制剂室 Preparation Room for TCM西药库Medicine Store中药库TCM Store一次性物品库 DisposabLe Storage Room无菌室Asepsis Room无菌制剂室 Aseptic Preparation Room口服液灌封间 Filling & Enveloping Room for Orally Liquid灌封间Filling & Enveloping Room灯检包装间 Packing Room of Light Examination配制间Confecting Room工作人员休息室 Staff's Rest Room中药制剂前处理 TCM Preparation Processing片剂调剂室 Dispensa ry Room for Tablet针剂调剂室 Dispensar y Room for Injection输液库Infusion Store临床检验中心 The Center Laboratory Medicine化验室Clinical Laboratory生化室Biochemistry Lab生化贫析室Clin ic Chemistry Lab细菌室Bacteriology Room微生物室Moicrobiology Lab分子生物学室Molecular Biology临床化学室Clin ical Chemistry化学试剂室Chem istry Reagent Room临检室Clinical Examination Room静脉采血处 Bl ood Collection Room采血室Blood-taking Room大小便、体液标本收集处 Specimen Collection Room常规检验室 Routine Examination留样观察室Observation Room for Sample免疫病理室Immunopatholog y Room分子病理实验室 Molecuar PathologyLab仪器室Apparatus Room天平室Balance Room电泳室Electrophoresis Laboratory血库Blood Bank血液标本放置处 Blood Sample Collection门诊部行政办公室 administratve office院长办公室President's Office导向咨询 Enquiry挂号处 Registration专科门诊一览表 Schedule for Special Out-patient 门诊病案室 Outpaient Medical Records西药房 Pharmacy中药房 Pharmacy of Traditional Medicine中西药取药处 Pharmacy Dispenser登记划价处 Account of Medicine收费处 Cashier门诊检验 Clinical Laboratory标本接受处 Specimen-Reception门诊输液中心 Out-Patient Infusion Center 注射室 Injection Room取报告单处 Iaboratory Report换药室/治疗室 Bandage Change/Treatment Room 污洗室 Cleaning Room洗手间 Toilet茶水间 Drinking Room男更衣 Men's Dressing Room女更衣 Women's Dressing Room 门诊接待室 Reception Room候诊厅 Waiting Lobby中西医结合门诊 Clinic of Integrated Traditional & Western Medicine内科 Dept.of Internal Medicine 神经内科 Neurology心血管内科 Cardiovasology呼吸内科 Respiratory Medicine呼吸隔离诊查室 Examination for Respiratory消化内科 Gastroenterology肾内科 Nephrological Dept.泌尿内科 Urologic Dept.关节内科 Arthrology肿瘤内科 Medical Oncology口腔内科 Oral Medicine外科 Surgery外科诊室 Surgical Clinic头颈外科 Head & Neck Surgery心胸外科 Cardiothoracic Surgery胸外科 Thoracic Surgery创伤外科 Traumatic Surgery泌尿外科 Urology Surgery显微外科 Micro Surgery口腔颌面外科 Dental Restoration Technician Room 骨科 Orthopaedics骨伤科 Orthopedic Surgery手法复位室 Manipulation of Bone-Setting Room 妇产科 Gynecology & Obstetrics妇科检查室 Examination for Gynecology产科门诊 Obstetrics Clinic计划生育门诊 Family Planning Clinic生殖中心 Reproductive Center儿科 Pediatrics儿童娱乐室 Amusement Room for Children儿童保健部 Child Hygiene儿童生长资料室 Data Room of Children Development新生儿疾病专科 Newborns Disease Dept.中医科 Traditional Chinese Medicine 中医门诊 Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic中医正骨 O.P.D of Bone Setting针灸科 Acupuncture & Moxibustion针推理疗科 Acupuncture Massage & Physical Therapy针灸按摩室 Acupuncture & Massage Room保健科 Health Care地段保健室 Vaccinoprophylaxis Community预防保健医疗中心 Medical Center for Health Prevention and Care家庭医疗服务部 Health Services for Family社区医疗服务中心办公室 Office for Community Medical Service Center眼科 Ophthalmology眼科门诊 Ophthalmology Clinic眼肌治疗室 Ophthalmology Therapy Room弱视治疗室 Amblyopia Therapy Room角膜地形图 Corneal Topography视野检查室 Computerized Automated Perimetry Testing Room配镜处 Lens Fitting隐形眼镜室 Contact Lenses Room压平眼压 Applanation Tonometry耳鼻喉科 ENT Dept.耳鼻喉科专家诊室 Specialist of ENT耳鼻咽喉 Otorhinolaryngology嗓音疾诊疗室 Voice Disease Diagnosis & Therapy Room口腔科 Stomatology口腔诊室 Dental Consulting Room口腔修复室 Prosthodontics口腔技工修复 Artifice Room口腔X光室 Dental X-ray Room口腔正畸室 Orthoclontics口腔种植室 Dental Implantation技工室 Artifice Room心理咨询 Psychology Consulting佝偻病专科 Rachitis Dept.神经、脊柱 Neurology Rachitis 神经科 Neurology贵宾(特需)门诊 VIP Clinic体检中心 Physical Examination Center风湿专科 Rheumatism挂号须知 Notes for Registration请便后冲水 Please Flush After Use请勿吸烟 Please No Smoking 未经批准不得进入 No Admittance严禁吸烟 No Smoking医患沟通园地 Patient-Doctor Communication Grounds在此候诊 Waiting Aera暂停服务 Service Suspended急诊部急救分中心办公室 Office of Branch Emergency Center急救中心 Emergency Center 抢救室 EmergencyTreatment Room急诊诊疗室 Emergency Room急诊化验室 Emergency Laboratory急诊收费 Emergency Cashier急诊药房 Emergency Pharmacy输液室 Infusion Room 抢救监护室 First-aid Care Room 急诊仪器室 Emergency Instrument Room医师办公室 Physician's Office 观察区 Observation Ward医技科室药剂科 Pharmacy Dept. 药剂科办公室 Pharmacy Office药剂科会议室 Meeting Room of Pharmacy制剂研究室 PreparationResearch Room西药调剂室 Prescription Room of Medicine中药调剂室 Prescription Room of TCM普通制剂室 General Preparation Room中药制剂室 Preparation Room for TCM西药库 Medicine Store中药库 TCM Store一次性物品库 DisposabLe Storage Room无菌室 Asepsis Room无菌制剂室 Aseptic Preparation Room口服液灌封间 Filling & Enveloping Room for Orally Liquid 灌封间 Filling & Enveloping Room灯检包装间 Packing Room of Light Examination配制间 Confecting Room工作人员休息室 Staff's Rest Room中药制剂产前处理 TCM Preparation Processing片剂调剂室 Dispensary Room for Tablet。

各类标志牌中英对照(中文字体为黑体,英文字体为Times New Roman ,英文首字母大写,其余小写)处长室、主任室Divisio n Chief Office综合科Comprehensive Section会议室Meeting room档案室一File Room 1申报科Declaration Section副处长室、副主任室Deputy Divisio n Chief Office样品室Specimen chamber宿舍Dorm卫生间Toilet证单库一Docume nt Room 1主任室Chief Office档案室Archive Room/File Room办公室Ge neral Office综合科Comprehensive Section秘书科Secretary Section财务处Finance Division事业科Development Section中国检验检疫CHINA INSPECTION AND QUARANTINE计费Calculate收费Charge制证Certificate Printing放行Release归档File出境业务Export Bus in ess入境业务Import Busin ess申报Declaratio n产地证业务Certificate of Origin注册备案Registratio n绿色通道Green Cha nnel咨询Consultation审核Verification签证Vise业务科Vocatio nal Section查验科Check Section储藏室Store Room值班室Janitor's Room检验检疫查验区INSPECTIING AND QUARANTINING AREA查验平台INSPECTING PLATFORM鲜活冷冻品堆场FRESH AND FROZEN GOODS DEPOT 废旧物品堆场JUNKYARD检验检疫监管仓库SUPERVISING WAREHOUSE OF INSPECTION AND QUARANTINE检验检疫处理区PROCESSING AREA OF INSPECTION AND QUARANTINE检疫处理作业危险,请勿靠近DANGER WARNING: QUARANTINE PROCESSING AREA 、KEEP AWAY PLEASE !。