最新人教版高中英语必修四第五单元阅读课教学设计Unit 5 Theme Parks
高中人教版英语人教版高中必修4【教学设计】Unit 5(英语人教必修四)

Unit 5 Theme parks教材分析本单元以Theme parks 为话题,旨在通过本单元的教学,使学生了解分散于世界各地的各种各样的主题公园,学会向别人介绍某个景点的大体情况,以及计划各项活动,同时培养学生对世界及生活的热爱。
Period 1 Warming Up & Reading教学目标1. 通过对国外一些主题公园文化的了解而拓展视野,增强跨文化意识。
2. 通过热身活动了解传统意义上的公园和主题公园之间的区别。
3. 通过阅读材料了解夏威夷的一个著名娱乐文化公园。
重点难点【教学重点】1. 学习并掌握本单元重点单词和短语。
2. 阅读并理解课文和掌握文章大意。
【教学难点】阅读并理解课文Theme parks—fun and more than fun教学准备Tape recorder, Multimedia, PPT等。
教学过程Step I 新生词汇初识Ⅰ. 匹配下列单词的词性及汉语意思1.theme A.vt. 保存;保留n.保护区2.tourism B.n. 消遣;娱乐(活动)3.unique C.adj. 不同的;各种各样的4.engine D.n. 长度;长5.attraction E.n. 秋千;摇摆vt. & vi. 摇摆6.amusement F.n. 引擎;发动机7.length G.n. 题目;主题(曲)8.various H.adj. 独一无二的;仅有的9.preserve I.n. 有吸引力的事物;吸引10.swing J.n. 旅游业【答案】1-5GJHFI6-10BDCAEⅠ. 选择下列句中相对应词组的汉语意思A.非常B.根据……模仿C.熟悉D.以……而闻名E.实现F.难怪1.This restaurant is famous for its delicious dishes.2.I am familiar with the computer software they use.3.Her dream to enter the famous university came true.4.The two buildings are modelled after the same pattern.5.No wonder you can't find anybody here;they're all away at a meeting.6.I was more than happy when I heard the news.【答案】1-6DCEBFAStep II 教材语篇细研第一步速读——了解文章主题和段落大意速读P34教材课文,匹配段落大意1.Para.1A.To introduce Disneyland.2.Para.2B.To introduce theme parks.3.Para.3 C.To introduce Camelot Park.4.Para.4D.To introduce Dollywood.【答案】1-4BADC第二步细读——把控文章关键信息细读P34教材课文,选择最佳答案1.According to the passage,tourists can find Snow White and Mickey Mouse in .A.World Waterpark B.DisneylandC.Central Park D.Camelot Park2.What's the Dollywood's main attraction?A.Its culture.B.Its country music.C.Its candy shops.D.Its wooden roller coaster.3.It can be inferred from the third paragraph that the main purpose of Dollywood is to .A.entertain B.make profitsC.show cartoons D.educate people4.Which of the following can follow the last paragraph?A.An introduction of some other theme parks.B.Mickey Mouse in Disneyland.C.Dollywood's old wooden roller coaster.D.Something about a traditional park.【答案】1-4BADA第三步精读——能力升华接轨高考精读P34教材课文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
人教新课标高中英语必修四Unit 5 Theme parks教案(5)

新人教版高一英语必修四Unit 5 Themeparks 教案Unit 5 Theme parks1. 教材分析本单元以Theme parks 为话题,旨在通过本单元的教学,使学生了解分散于世界各地的各种各样的主题公园,学会向别人介绍某个景点的大体情况,以及计划各项活动,同时培养学生对世界及生活的热爱。
Warming up通过向学生呈现四个风格各异的世界著名主题公园,激发学生学习本单元的兴趣。
Pre-reading 通过学生对主题公园里活动的想象,交流了解主题公园的有关知识。
Reading 通过介绍世界各地形式各异的主题公园概况,使学生了解风格迥异的各国主题公园。
Comprehending 让学生从文章的标题及各段大意来整体理解课文。
Learning about Language 分词汇和语法两部分。
Discovering useful words and expressions 中的练习1是以给出意思写出相对应词汇的形式考查对文章中重要词汇及短语的理解。
练习2 是以短文填词完型的形式考查对练习1中词汇的运用。
练习4则以完成句子的形式考查学生对get/ be closer to这一短语不同意义及用法的准确运用。
Discovering useful structures 是通过填表格的练习方式向学生呈现英语词汇不同的构词法(合成及派生)。
Using Language 分为四个部分练习听、说、读、写。
1) Listening练习听力可配合Listening on P69 in Workbook及Listening Task on P73 进行。
2)Reading and speaking这是一篇泛读文章,介绍更新奇的主题公园(观察未来)。
人教版高中一年级必修4 Unit 5 Theme Park阅读课教学设计

本堂课是根据人教版高一新教材必修 4 第 五 读 , 并 对文 章进 行分 段及 概括段 落 大意 。
单元 T h e m e P a r k中 的 Wa r mi n g . u p和 R e a d i n g扩 材是 为 了适应 新形 势发 展 的需要 , 根 据教 育部 制定 展而 来 的一节 课 。高一 新教 材使 用 已快一 年 , 该教 节进行 掌握 。
( 一) Wa r mi n g u p
用 一 系列 图片和 问题 对学 生进 行课 前 热 身 , 让
指导 , 笔者 设 计 小 组合 作 活 动 , 培 养学 生 之 间 的英 学 生通 过对 主题 公 园和一 般公 园的对 比 , 得 出主题 语 交 流 合 作 能力 , 加 强其 团队合 作 精 神 , 从 而 全 面 公 园的概念 。
提 高 他们对 英语 的掌握 及运用 能力 。
( 二 ) Re a d i n g
阅读分为两块 , 第一块是听 录音跟读 , 然后设
二、 教 材 分析
计 T R UE和 F AL S E 问题 ;第 二 块 是 学 生 自己精 通 过这 两 个 活 动 让 学生 熟 悉 课 文 内容 , 对 细
兴趣 , 是 一套 相 当好 的教材 。本 文 所选 的这 节课 , 以探讨 主 题公 园为主 线 , 更加 符合 高
中学生的特 点 , 在 引起 学生兴趣 方 面 , 更具优 势 。
【 关键词 】 英语运用能力 ; 主题公 园; 一般公园
设计 思 想
题 中来 ; 然后 通 过 “ 读前 ” 的一 个 问题 , 把学 生 引入
高中英语必修四:《Unit5 Theme Parks》优质教学设计及教学反思

Unit 5 Theme ParksLesson1 Fun and More Than Fun教学设计课后教学反思本节课是必修4 Unit5 Theme Parks 中Lesson1 Fun and more than fun. 介绍了主题公园的含义和世界上三大著名主题公园,让我们知道在主题公园中人们不仅身心得到放松,而且也能受到教育和获得知识。
现对本节课的反思如下:二.本堂课教学中的亮点:1. 课堂结构设计完整,针对阅读课采用的Pre-reading, While-reading, Post-reading 模式;设计题目由易到难,练习和培养了学生的听,说,读,写能力。
4. 选题符合学生的兴趣出发点,使学生对该课表现出极大地热情。
5. 学生能够用心思考主题公园的含义,且能用英语将其流利正确地表达出来,说明学生平常注重英语学习的实际应用。
2. 提问时本节课是学生自愿站起来回答,其实必要时应提问学生。
【范文】人教新课标英语必修4全册教案(Unit 5 Theme parks)

人教新课标英语必修4全册教案(Unit 5Theme parks)www.5ykj.comUnit5Themeparks Partone:TeachingDesignTeachinggoals1.Targetlanguage a.重点词汇和短语themepark,provide...with...,amuseoneself,various,av arietyof,shuttle,charge...for,admission,makeaprofit,souvenir,baseon,involve...in,athletic,b.重点句子1)Intheseparks,peoplesitchatting,playgames,listento birds’singing,orjustrelaxabit.2)Theyaresuchhugeplacesthat visitorsoftenuseshuttlestogetaround.3)Thebigcompani esthatownthemeparksexpecttomakeaprofitnotjustbythec hargesforadmission,butalsobysellingsouvenirsintheir shopsandadvertisingthemontelevision.2.AbilitygoalsE nablethestudentstoknowsomethingaboutthevarioustheme parksallovertheworld,tounderstandthedifferencebetwe enathemeparkandatraditionalparkandtrytofinishthecom prehendingexercises.LearningabilitygoalsLearnhowtogeneralizeandcomparethesimilaritiesanddifferences.Te achingimportantpointsTosolvethequestionsincomprehen ding,andletthestudentsfindoutthemainideaofeachparag raph,giveasummaryofthetext.TeachingdifficultpointsH owtogiveageneralinstruction/descriptionofaplace.Tea chingmethodsListening;Skimming;Scanning;Task-based. TeachingaidsArecorderandacomputer.ThefirstperiodreadingStepIRevisionT:Goodmorning/afternoon,boysand girls!Firstlet’shaveadictationaboutthewordsandphrasesinUnit4.Takeo utapieceofpaper,please.major,local,represent,columb ia,introduce,approach,touch,strange,express,belikel yto,general,avoidspoken,misunderstand,punish,atease T:Now,handinyourpaperplease;I’llcheckyourworkafterclass.StepIIwarmingupT:Let’slookatthepicturesonP33.Thesearefourpicturesofdifferentparks —AgardeninSuzhou,HydeParkinLondon,worldwaterparkinca nada,Disneyland.whatkindofparksarethey?T:Verygood.Sowhataboutworldwaterparkincanada?T:whichoneofthesep arkswouldyouliketovisitmostifyouhavethechance?Sa:of courseIwouldgotoDisneyland.Ihavewatchedsomuchabouti tonTVandI’vebeendreamingaboutshakinghandswiththoselovelycarto oncharactersandtakingpictureswiththem.Sb:Iwouldlike togotowaterpark,becauseIlikeswimmingandIliketotakep artintheactivitiesinwaterinthispark.Sc:IwouldgotoHy dePark.Iwanttogohorse-riding,andaboveall,havetheexp erienceofmakingaspeechinfrontofacrowdofpeoplelikeap resident.That’llbereallyexciting.…StepIIIReadingSkimmingT:It’sinterestingtolistentoyourideas.Todaywearegoingtost udyapassageaboutthemeparks.ThetitleisTHEmEPARkS—FUNANDmoRETHANFUN.Iwouldlikeyoutoreadthepassagequic klyforthefirsttimetogetageneralideaofthepassage.Att hesametime,pleasefindoutthetopicsentenceofeachparag raph.T:Haveyougotthemainideaofthepassage?whocantell methetopicsentencesofsixparagraphs?TopicsentencesPa ragraph1.Parksprovidepeoplewithaplacetoamusethemsel vesandtoescapetheirbusylivesforawhile.Paragraph2.In recentdecades,however,manyparkshavebeendesignedtoprovideentertainment.Paragraph3.Themeparkshaveacertai nidea—acertaintheme—thatthewholeparkisbasedon.Paragraph4.Somearehistoryorculturethemeparks.Paragraph5.Theoldestt hemeparkintheworldisDisneyland,builtnearLosAngeles, californiain1955.Paragraph6.otherthemeparksincludin gmarineoroceanparks,sciencethemeparks,andfuturethem eparks.ScanningT:Afterthefirstreading,wehaveallgota generalideaofthepassage.SoIwouldlikeyoutoreaditcare fullyagainandtrytofindtheanswerstothesedetailedques tions.Teachershowsthequestionsonthescreen.1.whatist hebasicpurposeofthemeparks?whatdopeopledothere?2.Do theseparkschargepeopleforadmission?3.whatisthepurpo seofathemepark?4.whatisthedifferencesbetweenathemep arkandanordinarypark?DifferencesordinaryparksThemeparksActivitiesSizeFacilitieschargesSouvenirs5.whatactivitieswillb eofferedtovisitorsinasportsthemepark?6.cantheydosho ppingthere?whatcantheybuy?7.whatcanvisitorsseeanddoinhistoryorculturethemeparks?8.whatisDisneylandlike ?whatcanvisitorsdothere?9.whatcanpeopledoinmarineor oceanthemeparks,sciencethemeparksandfuturethemepark s?T:Haveyougottheanswers?Iwouldlikesomeofyoutoanswerthequestions.Let’slistenandcheckwhethertheyhavegotthemcorrectly.Teac herschecksomestudentsfortheanswers.suggestedanswers 1.Thebasicpurposeofaparkistoprovidepeoplewithaplace toamusethemselvesandtoescapetheirbusylivesforawhile .Intheseparks,peoplesitchatting,playgames,listentob irds’singing,orjustrelaxabit.Andfamiliesgotheretohavepic nicsorhavefuntogetherinotherways.2.Theseparkscharge peoplelittleornomoneyforadmission.3.Thepurposeofath emeparkistoprovideentertainment.4.Seethefollowingta ble.DifferencesordinaryparksThemeparksActivitiesridessuchasaFerriswheel,merry-g o-roundofarollercoaster.avarietyofthingstoseeanddoS izeusuallynotverylargehugeplacesthatvisitorsoftenuseshuttlestogetaroundFacilitiesnorestaurantsorhotelsrestaurants,hotelsands hopschargeschargelittleornonechargeforadmissionSouv enirssellnosouvenirssellsouvenirsintheirshops5.Aspo rtsthemeparkwilloffervisitorssportstoplayorwatch.6. yes.Theycanbuysportsequipmentorclothing,suchasbaske tballs,footballs,sneakersandsoon.7.Visitorscanseeho wourancestorsdressed,workedandlived;andhowspecialgr oupsofpeopledresstoday,whattheyeatandwhattheirhomes looklike.Theymightgoforridesonanimals,helpcookcultu ralfoodsorhavetheirpicturestakenintheclothingofempe rorsorofminoritypeople.8.Disneylandissodifferentfro motherparksthatitseemedlikeaplaceoffantasy.Visitors canenjoyseeingthecharactersfromDisneyfilms,goonexci tingrides,visitstocastlesandgetclosetolife-sizecart oonfigures.Theycanalsoseemodelvillagesoflifeinthepa stwhichshowhowtheearlysettlersinAmericalived.9.Peop lecanseeandswimwithdolphinsandlearnaboutoceanlifein anoceanpark;Theycantakeanactivepartinexperimentsina sciencethemepark;Theycangoonimaginarytripstospacean duseadvancedcomputertechniquestoexperiencelifeinthe futurepark.StepIVcomprehendingPart1T:Let’slookbackatthetitleofthepassage.THEmEPARkS—FUNANDmoRETHANFUN.whydoesthewriterthinkthatthemepar ksareplacesfunandmorethanfun?Iwouldlikeyoutothinkab outthisquestionandtellmeyouropinions.S:Inmyopinion, itmeansthatthemeparksaremorethanamusementparkswithr ides,suchasaFerriswheel,merry-go-roundorarollercoas ter,theyaresuchhugeplacesthatvisitorsoftenuseshuttl estogetaround,andtheyhavealotofthingstoseeanddo.Sot heyareplacesfunandmorethanfun.Part2T:wehavereadabou tsomeofthedifferentthemeparksintheworld.Haveyouever thoughtofthisquestion:whydopeoplebuildsomanydiffere ntthemeparks?Iwouldlikeyoutohaveaclassdiscussionand tellme3purposesforpeoplebuildingthemeparksaccording tothispassage.T:Pleaseexpressyourideas.Suggestedans wersPurpose1:toprovideentertainment.Explanation1:be causetheyhaveavarietyofthingstoseeanddo.Purpose2:to makeaprofitbychargingforadmissionandsellingsouvenir s.Explanation2:becausetheyallchargemoneyforadmissio nofthehotels,restaurants,andfortheridesandshowsinth eparksaswell,andtheysellalotofsouvenirs.Purpose3:to providepeoplewithsomeunusualexperiences.Explanation3:becausethereareparksforpeopletoexperiencethelifei nthepast,inthefuture,intheoceanandsoon.Part3T:Let’ssumupthemainideaofeachparagraph.SuggestedanswersPa ragraph1:Parksprovidepeoplewithaplacetoamusethemsel vesandtoescapetheirbusylivesforawhile.Paragraph2:Th emeparkshavebeendesignedtoprovideentertainmentwitha varietyofthingstoseeanddo.Paragraph3:Themeparkshave acertainidea/themethatthewholeparkisbasedon.Paragra ph4:Thehistoryandculturethemeparks.Paragraph5:TheDi sneyland.Paragraph6:Theoceanparksandthesciencetheme parks.Themeofthepassage:ThemeparksStepVDiscussionT:Ifyouhaveenoughtimeandmoney,wouldyoulik etogotravelingtoseethenaturalbeautyofthecountryorgo thethemeparkstoenjoytheexcitingexperiences?Givereas onsforyourchoice.a)Teacherdividestheclassintogroups offour.Eachgrouptriestoreachanagreementandtocollect asmanyreasonsaspossiblefromthegroupmembers.b)Aftert hediscussion,theteacherasksastudentfromeachofthegro upstoreportthedecisionoftheirgroupandtogivetheirrea sonsforthedecision.StepVIHomeworkRememberallthenewwordsandphrasesinthereadin gpassage.writeasummaryofthereadingpassageusingthene wwords.ThesecondperiodLearningaboutLanguageAimsTohelpstudentslearnaboutwo rdformation.Tohelpstudentsdiscoverandlearntousesome usefulwordsandexpressions.Tohelpstudentsdiscoverand learntousesomeusefulstructures.ProceduresI.warmingu pwarmingupbydiscoveringusefulwordsandexpressionsTur ntopage35anddoexercisesNo.1,2,3and4first.checkyoura nswersagainstyourclassmates’.II.Learningaboutwordf ormationThebasicpartofanywordistheroot;toit,youcana ddaprefixatthebeginningand/orasuffixattheendtochang ethemeaning.Forexample,intheword"unflattering,"ther ootissimply"flatter,"whiletheprefix"un-"makesthewor dnegative,andthesuffix"-ing"changesitfromaverbintoa nadjective.Englishitselfdoesnotuseprefixesasheavily asitoncedid,butmanyEnglishwordscomefromLatin,whichu sesprefixesandsuffixesquiteextensively.Forexample,t hewords"prefix,""suffix,"and"affix"themselvesareall formedfrom"fix"bytheusedofprefixes:·"ad"+"fix"="af fix"·"pre"+"fix"="prefix"·"sub"+"fix"="suffix"Notethatboththe"-d"of"ad"andthe"-b"of"sub"changethelas tletter.HerearesomeofthemostcommonLatinprefixes:aba brupt,absent,absolveadadverb,advertisment,afflictin incapable,indecisive,intolerableinterintercept,inte rdependent,interprovincialintraintramural,intrapers onal,intraprovincialpreprefabricate,prefacepreferpo stpostpone,postscript,postwarsubsubmarine,subscript ion,suspecttranstransfer,transit,translateIII.Ready usedmaterialsforwordformation词根(base,boot):指同根词共有的可以辨认的部分。

Unit 5 Theme ParksDate:_______________Teaching aims:1.Get the students to learn the new words and expressions in this unit.2.Let the students to get some information about parks and theme parks.3.Develop students’ ability in reading and speaking English.4.Get some knowledge about word-formation.Teaching difficult points:1.Learn to use the new words and expressions correctly.2.Retell the passage .3.Learn to guess the meaning of a new word by using the knowledge ofword-formation.Teaching important points:1.Remember the new words and expressions as many as possible.2.Get the general idea and try to retell the passage.3.Learn to use the new words and expressions correctly.4.Learn to use the knowledge of word-formation to remember new words. Teaching methods:1.Task-based teaching and learning.2.Cooperative learning.Ability aims:1.Learn to retell the passage according to their own notes.2.Get some knowledge about word-formation , try to use it to guess the meaning ofa new word.Emotion aims:1.Get some knowledge about parks and theme parks, and get to know that themeparks can offer us not only amusement, but also kinds of knowledge and exciting experiences.2.Develop students’ sense of cooperative learning.Teaching procedures:Step One: Leading-inHave a free talk about their experiences of parks.1.Have you ever been to any parks? What impressed you deeply in the park?2.Have you ever heard about Disneyland?Step Two: Warming upSB Book 4 Page 33.Step Three: Pre-readingWhat do you think a theme park is?Skim the passage on page 34 and try to check your ideas.Step Four: Reading1.Fast reading2.Intensive reading and notes-making.3.Retell the passage according to their own notes.Step Five: Homework.Try to finish the exercises of the unit in the students’ book.Postscript:_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________Date:_______________Words and expressions:Teaching aims:1. Teach the new words and expressions.2. Let the students recite these new words.Teaching important point:To make the students have a full understanding of the words.Teaching difficult points:1. To improve the students’ ability.2. To enable the students to master the words.1. theme n(谈话、写作或乐曲的)主题,题目,主旋律theme park主题公园theme song主题歌The theme of our discussion today is “Asia in the1990s”.今天我们讨论的主题是二十世纪九十年代的亚洲。
人教新课标高中英语必修四Unit 5 Theme Parks全章教案

人教新课标高中英语必修四Unit 5 Theme Parks全章教案I 教学内容分析本单元的中心话题是“主题公园”——以某种特定的主题为中心的公园。
Warming Up 部分通过提问的方式,帮助学生激活有关公园的背景知识,如修建公园的目的、公园的种类、公园提供的活动等。
Reading部分分四段介绍了主题公园: 1. 什么是主题公园;2. 迪斯尼乐园;3. 多莱坞公园;4. 卡默洛特公园。
Comprehending部分通过释读题目THEME PARKS、填充信息、判断句子正误以及就文章内容进行讨论等形式帮助学生理解课文主旨,掌握细节,加深对本单元主题的理解。
Learning about Language 包括词汇和语法两部分。
Using Language 部分介绍了深圳的锦绣中华民俗村和法国的“观测未来”科技主题公园,让学生在情景中运用语言,同时了解不同文化背景、不同类型的主题公园,拓宽视野。
Learning Tip 提醒学生重视有关构词法知识的学习,让学生理解构词法知识对于英语词汇学习的重要意义,而且此部分对构词法中的转化法又做了补充说明。

(完整)人教版高中英语必修四第五单元阅读课教学设计Unit5ThemeParksUnit 5 Theme parksPeriod 2 reading课型长春市实验中学高一年级外语组新授课主备人:授课教师Help the students to achieve a clear idea about theme parks.知识与技能目标Help the students use scanning and skimming methods to improve教their reading skills and speed up their reading.学过程与方法目标目Enable the students to talk about theme parks. Fast reading to get the main idea of the passage. Group work to make the students involved in class actively.Most of the students may have experienced visiting parks in their标childhood.So this unit may serve as an extension of what they have情感态度价值观目标known.Through the study of this period the students are sure to learn moreabout theme parks.教学重点教学难点Help the students to gain a good understanding of the reading passage and use efficient reading methods to improve their reading ability.How to enable the students to talk about theme parks freely.Central topics of this unit is "theme park". By learning, students will understand the differences教材 and similarities of theme parks and parks, as well as the development of the theme park. Let students 分析 know theme parks are more than entertainment, because they bring and all sorts of knowledge andnew exciting experiences.Students in Grade 2 are expected to understand a passage independently and be able to use some学情 reading skills.they scan to get the general idea of the text, skim to understand the passage better. And 分析 discussion to h elp the students understand better what they’ve learned and to use the knowledge they’ve learned in this period.课前准备Find some information about common parks and theme parks.Words review: Give the students words’ explanations or show them pictures, to review情景 vocabulary and introduce the topic导入Suggested answers: preserve, advance, roller coaster, knightStep 1Warming up Picture showing: Show the students several theme parks. Interaction with students: What parks do you know? What do you do in a pa rk? What’s the differencebetween theme parks and common parks? Possible answers: nanhu park, children’s park, shengli park, etc. Play games and walk for health. Toenter a common park, there is no need to buy a ticket. While in a theme park, we can have more fun. Step 2 Pre-reading Let the students guess the content according to the title and pictures. While-reading Reading task 1:Work out the meaning of the title. And get main ideas of each paragraph. The students read to understand the title and get the main idea of each paragraph. The title means that heme parks are not only interesting but also educational. Para.1.Different kinds of theme parks. Para.2.Disneyland Para.3.Dollywood. Para.4.England's Camelot Park.[来源:学#科#网Z#X#X#K] Reading task 2:Getting detailed information 教 The students read the text carefully and complete the table on the handouts.Park Name 学ThemeExample of Activities 1.travelling through _________2. visiting a _________ ship流Disneyland3.meeting your favorite ________ or Disney ________ ____________ character4.riding in a _________ ship程5. going on a free-fall drop1. listening to famous __________ music2. seeing _________ and other craftsman make thingsin the ___________ wayDollywood____________ 3. visiting the _________ shop 4. riding on an old ___________ train5. seeing bald eagles in the _________6. riding Thunderhead which is famous for having themost _________in the _________space1. watching _________ showsCamelot_____________ 2. seeing fighting with _________ or on horseback3. visiting an ________ English farm Step 3 Post-reading 1. Let students discuss the advantages and disadvantages of theme parks. 2. Let students work in groups to create a theme park and introduce it.板书设计Unit 5 Period 2 Reading Theme parks--fun and more than fun (Disneyland, Dollywood, Camelot) (fun, educational, cultural) ThemeActivity作业 Write a 120-word passage to introduce their theme park. 布置教学反思备课组长签字:门亮。
人教版高二英语必修四《Unit 5 Theme parks》教案

人教版高二英语必修四《Unit 5 Theme parks》教案【导语】高二一年,强人将浮出水面,鸟人将沉入海底。
为了帮助你的学习更上一层楼,无忧考网高二频道为你准备了《人教版高二英语必修四《Unit 5 Theme parks》教案》希望可以帮到你!教案【一】教学准备教学目标(1)阅读文章后,大部分学生能够归纳出三大主题公园的主题并列出园内的主要活动。
教学过程Step 1 Warming-up and lead-in (5 mins)(1)导入教师提问学生“Have you been to a themepark?”与“What can you do in a themepark?”,以此导入到本课的课题。
T: Hello, class. Today we are going to talk abouttheme parks. First, Iwould like to ask you:①Is our West Lake Park atheme park? What about Jingqi Water Park?②Have you been to a theme park?③ What can you do in a theme park?S1: West lake is not a theme park. Jingqi Water Park is a theme park.S2: I have been to Hongkong Disneyland. In a themepark we can do a lot of activities.T: Exactly, in the theme park we can take roller-coaster,free-fall drop,swinging ship, Ferris wheel, merry-go-round and so on. In a word,there are various rides we can take in a theme park. Well, what does “ride”mean?S3: 游乐设施T: Yes. Here it is a noun, meaning “供乘骑的游乐设施”.(2)揭题教师引导学生对课文题目进行预测。

必修4UNIT5:THEME PARKS—FUN AND MORE THAN FUNReading 教学设计教材分析:本课的话题是“主题公园”, 主题公园作为人类文明的一大体现,作为当今社会人们主要休闲、娱乐方式之一,是一个非常贴近生活、具有时代性、可深度挖掘的教学主题。
Reading 是一篇介绍主题公园的说明文内容有趣、易于理解。
Theme Parks –fun and more than fun这篇主题公园指出了人们不仅可以在主题公园中使自己身心放松并得到娱乐,同时还可以从娱乐中获得知识和必要的体验。
4、增强世界意识,培养学生积极的生活态度,形成健康的人生观.教学重点和难点:1、调动学生的学习积极性,让他们主动参与学习活动;2、掌握阅读技巧和方法,能筛选和提取文章的一些重要信息;3、提高阅读能力,根据文章的结构能理清文章的重要细节.教学过程:Step 1: Lead-inT: Enjoy a video of Disneyland,.pleaseT: Do you know what's the video about?S:T: Have you been there?S:T: Then, what kinds of parks have you been?S: (Slide show some pictures about kinds of parks)T: What do you suppose a theme park is ?S:T: What can you enjoy there?S:T: Skim the passage to check your ideas, please!【设计说明】:展示一段迪斯尼乐园视频资料。
新人教版高中英语必修四《Unit 5 Theme parks》(Reading)精品教案

1. Skimmi________________________
Paragraph 2: ___________________________
Paragraph 3: ___________________________
Paragraph 4: ___________________________
1. The understanding of the text;
2. The use of reading skills.
1. What do you think you can see in a park?
2. What do you think a theme park is?
2)As you wander around the fantasy amusement park, you may see Snow White or Mickey Mouse in a parade or on the street.
2. Paraphrase the following sentences:
新人教版高中英语必修四《Unit 5 Theme parks》(Reading)精品教案
1. To learn about different types of theme parks;
2. To improve the students’ reading ability.
1) With all these interesting places to go, you are not surprised that tourism is increasing on matter where there is aDisneyland.
人教版高中必修四Unit 5 Theme parks 阅读课 教学设计

3.Ask Ss to read Paragraph3carefully and finishquestion 4 to 6 on page 35, true or false. Then check the answer (randomly).
IX. Detailed task contents
2.Answer the questionsindividually.
To warm up atmosphere of this class andactivatestudents so that the class can go through smoothly and naturally.
②Understand the differences between ordinary parks and theme parks.
nguage skills
①Use reading skills such as skimming and scanning to get the main idea and supportive information quickly and correctly.
Step 4 (6mins) Post-reading
1.Group work. Ask Ss to discuss the 4 questions on the bottom of page 35 with their group numbers. Then ask 4 groups share their answers (randomly).

高中英语必修四UNIT5教案篇一:人教版高中英语必修4精品教案Unit 5 Theme parksUnit 5 Theme parksWarming Up, Pre-reading and ReadingTeaching goals1. Target languagea. 重点词汇和短语theme park, provide ... with ... , amuse oneself, various, a variety of, shuttle, charge ... for, admission, make a profit, souvenir, base on,involve ... in, athletic, b.重点句子1) In these parks, people sit chatting, play games, listen to birds’ singing, or just relax a bit.2) They are such huge places that visitors often use shuttles to get around.3) The big panies that own theme parks expect to makea profit not just by the charges for admission, but also by selling souvenirs in their shops and advertising them on television.2. Ability goalsEnable the students to know something about the various theme parks all over the world, to understandthe difference between a theme park and a traditional park and try to finish the prehending exercises.1. Learning ability goals2. Learn how to generalize and pare the similarities and differences.Teaching important pointsTo solve the questions in Comprehending, and let the students find out the main idea of each paragraph, give a summary of the text.Teaching difficult pointsHow to give a general instruction/ description of a place.Teaching methodsListening;Skimming;Scanning;Task-based.Teaching aidsA recorder and a puter.The first period readingStep I RevisionT: Good morning/ afternoon, boys and girls! Firstlet’s have a dictation about the words and phrases in Unit 4. Take out a piece of paper, please.major, local, represent, Columbia, introduce, approach, touch, strange, express, be likely to, general, avoid spoken, misunderstand, punish, at easeT: Now, hand in your paper please; I’ll check your work after class.Step II Warming upT: Let’s look at the pictures on P33. These are four pictures of different parks — A garden in Suzhou, Hyde Park in London, World Waterpark in Canada, Disneyland. What kind of parks are they?T: Very good. So what about World Waterpark in Canada?T: Which one of these parks would you like to visit most if you have the chance?Sa: Of course I would go to Disneyland. I have watched so much about it on TV and I’ve been dreaming about shaking hands with those lovely cartoon characters and taking pictures with them. Sb: I would like to go to Waterpark, because I like swimming and I like to take part in theactivities in water in this park.Sc: I would go to Hyde Park. I want to go horse-riding, and above all, have the experience of making a speechin front of a crowd of people like a president.That’ll be really exciting. …Step III ReadingT: It’s interesting to listen to your ideas. Today we are going to study a passage about theme parks. The title is THEME PARKS—FUN AND MORE THAN FUN. I would like you to read the passage quickly for the first time to get a general idea of the passage. At the same time, please find out the topic sentence of each paragraph.(3 minutes later)T: Have you got the main idea of the passage? Who can tell me the topic sentences of six paragraphs?Topic sentencesParagraph 1. Parks provide people witha place to amuse themselves and to escape their busy lives for a while.Paragraph 2. In recent decades, however, many parks have been designed to provide entertainment.Paragraph 3. Theme parks have a certain idea—acertain theme—that the whole park is based on. Paragraph 4. Some are history or culture theme parks.Paragraph 5. The oldest theme park in the world is Disneyland, built near Los Angeles, California in 1955.Paragraph 6. Other theme parks including marine or ocean parks, science theme parks, and future theme parks.T: After the first reading, we have all got a general idea of the passage. So I would like you to read it carefully again and try to find the answers to these detailed questions.Teacher shows the questions on the screen.1. What is the basic purpose of theme parks? What do people do there?2. Do these parks charge people for admission?3. What is the purpose of a theme park?5. What activities will be offered to visitors in a sports theme park?6. Can they do shopping there? What can they buy?7. What can visitors see and do in history or culture theme parks?8. What is Disneyland like? What can visitors do there?9. What can people do in marine or ocean theme parks, science theme parks and future theme parks?(10 minutes later)T: Have you got the answers? I would like some of you to answer the questions. Let’s listen and check whether they have got them correctly.Teachers check some students for the answers.suggested answers1. The basic purpose of a park is to provide people with a place to amuse themselves and to escape their busy lives for a while. In these parks, people sit chatting, play games, listen to birds’ singing, or just relax a bit. And families go there to have picnics or have fun together in other ways.2. These parks charge people little or no money for admission.3. The purpose of a theme park is to provide entertainment.6. Yes. They can buy sports equipment or clothing, such as basketballs, footballs, sneakers and so on.7. Visitors can see how our ancestors dressed, worked and lived; and how special groups of people dress today, what they eat and what their homes look like. They might go for rides on animals, help cook cultural foods or have their pictures taken in the clothing of emperors or of minority people.8. Disneyland is so different from other parks that it seemed like a place of fantasy. Visitors can enjoy seeing the characters from Disney films, go onexciting rides, visits to castles and get close tolife-size cartoon figures. They can also see model villages of life in the past which show how the early settlers in America lived.9. People can see and swim with dolphins and learn about ocean life in an ocean park; They can take an active part in experiments in a science theme park; They can go on imaginary trips to space and use advanced puter techniques to experience life in the future park.Step IV Comprehending (P34)Part 1T: Let’s look back at the title of the passage. THEME PARKS— FUN AND MORE THAN FUN. Why does the writer think that theme parks are places fun and more than fun? I would like you to think about this question and tell me your opinions.S: In my opinion, it means that theme parks are more than amusement parks with rides, such as a Ferris wheel, merry-go-round or a roller coaster, they are such huge places that visitors often use shuttles to get around, and they have a lot of things to see and do. So they are places fun and more than fun.Part 2T: We have read about some of the different theme parks in the world. Have you ever thought of this question: Why do people build so many different theme parks? I would like you to have a class discussion and tell me 3 purposes for people building theme parks according to this passage. (Some time later)T: Please express your ideas.Suggested answersPurpose 1 : to provide entertainment.Explanation 1: because they have a variety of things to see and do.Purpose 2: to make a profit by charging for admission and selling souvenirs.Explanation 2: because they all charge money for admission of the hotels, restaurants, and for the rides and shows in the parks as well, and they sell a lot of souvenirs.Purpose 3: to provide people with some unusual experiences.Explanation 3: because there are parks for people to experience the life in the past, in the future, in the ocean and so on.Part 3T: Let’s sum up the main idea of each paragraph.Suggested answersParagraph 1: Parks provide people with a place to amuse themselves and to escape their busy lives for a while.Paragraph 2: Theme parks have been designed to provide entertainment with a variety of things to see and do.Paragraph 3: Theme parks have a certain idea/ theme that the whole park is based on.Paragraph 4: The history and culture theme parks.Paragraph 5: The Disneyland.Paragraph 6: The ocean parks and the science theme parks.Theme of the passage: Theme parksStep VDiscussionT: If you have enough time and money, would you like to go traveling to see the natural beauty of the country or go the theme parks to enjoy the exciting experiences? Give reasons for your choice. a) Teacher divides the class into groups of four. Each grouptries to reach an agreement and to collect as many reasons as possible from the group members.b) After the discussion, the teacher asks a student from each of the groups to report the decision oftheir group and to give their reasons for the decision.Step VI HomeworkRemember all the new words and phrases in the reading passage.Write a summary of the reading passage using the new words.Unit 5 Theme parksVocabulary and Useful Expressions重点难点1.Parks provide people with a place to amuse themselves and escape their busy lives ofr a while. amuse oneself 自我娱乐,消遣escape v.“逃脱”,液体等“漏出”,“逃避”,被…遗忘escape death 死里逃生2.Though parks share this basic purpose, they find various ways to meet this need.meet可与need, requirement等名词连用,表示“满足…需要,要求”等。
Unit5ThemeParksReading教学设计- 高中英语人教新课标必修四

人教版必修四Unit 5 Theme ParksReading: Fun And More Than Fun教学设计一、教学材料及教学对象1.Teaching material: This passage is mainly about the Theme Parks and it will introduce 3 famous theme parks in the world. At the same time, it contains a number of proper nouns. Thus, the information is unfamiliar to students.2. Students: Students have learned the vocabulary and they can almost read the words. So they need learn to use.二、教学目标1. Knowledge goals:1)Learn to read new words and passage2)Get to know some basic information about theme parks.2. Ability goals:1) Develop the ability of group working2) Learn to build up a theme park properly.3. Emotion goals:1)Arouse the awareness of treasuring theme parks2)Set the attitude of living with learning.三、教学设备Blackboard, Multiple Medium四、教学过程1.Lead-in(4mins.)1)Greeting(Arouse students’ enthusiasm)2)Watch a video and focus on theme park.What is a theme park?A theme park is a park which is based on a certain .3)Enjoy some pictures and see whether they are theme parks or not.(Help Students to understand the concept of theme park.)2. SkimmingTask1 Read the passage as quickly as possible and find out the answers to the following questions.(2+3mins.)1. How many theme parks are mentioned in the passage? What are they?Keys Mentioned theme parks:Disneyland, Dollywood, Camelot Park2. What’s the main idea of each paragraph?(topic sentence )Keys para.1 There are various kinds of theme parks.Para.2 If you want to have fun and more than fun, come to Disneyland.Para.3 Come to Dollywood to have fun learning all about America’s historical southeastern culture.Para.4 To enter a world of fantasy about ancient England, come to Camelot.Scanning(4+3mins.)Task2 Read para.2 to para.4 carefully and finish the exercises on your handouts Para.2 Disneyland Fill the blanksPara.3 Dollywood T or F exercises Why?1.Dollywood is in the mountains in the southwestern USA. F2.Country music singers perform in Dollywood throughout the whole year. T3. Dollywood has the only electric train still working on the USA. FPara. 4 Camelot Park Multiple choiceWhich of following activities is not mentioned in Camelot Park?A. Watch magic show with Merlin the Wizard.B. See carpenters and other craftsmen make old fashioned objects.C. Visit the farm area and take care of the animals.D. Fight in the big jousting tournament. Key DTask3Taking a chance on getting some tips, use your own words to introduce the chosen theme parks. (5+2mins.)Post-readingTask4 Working in groups, choose a place in Chongqing to build up your own theme park. Design it with following questions. (10min.)1.what’s the name of your theme park?2. What’s the theme of your park?3. What attractions will you have?4. What do you expect your visitors to learn from it?( Students work in groups, Teacher offer some pictures to help students to know some feature in different places in Chongqing. Such as Zhacai in Fuling, Stone Forest in Wansheng, Marriage Culture in Wulong, Airpalne in Yubei, White Spirit in Jiangjin and so on. )Students share the idea.Teacher comment.Conclusion(2min.)Enjoy life, learning五、教学板书Title at the middle of blackboardNew words on the left side of blackboard.六、教学反思。

人教版高二英语必修四《Unit5 Themeparks》教案及教学反思一、教学原则和教学目的1. 教学原则本节课的教学应当坚持以下几个教学原则:•以学生为中心,强调师生互动;•强调实际应用,尽量使学习内容贴近生活实际;•注重启发式教学,促进学生自主学习。
2. 教学目的•通过本课的学习,学生应当理解主题公园对于旅游业的影响;•学习相关的词汇、表达方式和语法知识以便提高英语交流能力;•能够运用所学知识对于主题公园的优缺点进行评价。
二、教学过程1. 预习温故(5分钟)在本节课的开始,老师可以回顾上一堂课学习的内容,温故知识点,然后介绍本堂课的主题。
2. 自主学习(25分钟)在这一部分,老师可以将教学内容进行概述,并给学生让出一定时间进行自主学习。
3. 授课讲解(35分钟)在第二部分学习中,老师可以在学生的自主学习与互动探究的基础上向学生展示一些自己的教学笔记、语法解释和交流技巧。
4. 练习回顾(15分钟)在本阶段,学生将通过自主练习和老师的点拨提升对于课文的掌握程度,并通过老师和同学的交流提高英语交流能力。
人教版高中英语必修四第五单元阅读课教学设计Unit 5 Theme Parks

Unit 5 Theme parksPeriod 2 reading长春市实验中学高一年级外语组主备人:课型新授课授课教师Help the students to achieve a clear idea about theme parks.教 知识与技能目标Help the students use scanning and skimming methods toimprove their reading skills and speed up their reading.学Enable the students to talk about theme parks.过程与方法目标 目Fast reading to get the main idea of the passage. Group work to make the students involved in class actively.Most of the students may have experienced visiting parks标in their this unit may serve as an extension of what they have情感态度价值观目标the study of this period the students are sure to learn moreabout theme parks.教学Help the students to gain a good understanding of the reading passage and use重点 efficient reading methods to improve their reading ability.教学 难点How to enable the students to talk about theme parks freely.Central topics of this unit is "theme park". By learning, students will understand 教材 the differences and similarities of theme parks and parks, as well as the development分析 of the theme park. Let students know theme parks are more than entertainment, because they bring and all sorts of knowledge and new exciting experiences.Students in Grade 2 are expected to understand a passage independently and be able 学情 to use some reading scan to get the general idea of the text, skim to understand the分析 passage better. And discussion to help the students understand better what they’ve learned and to use the knowledge they’ve learned in this period.课前 准备Find some information about common parks and theme parks.Words review: Give the students words’ explanations or show them pictures, to 情景 review vocabulary and introduce the topic导入Suggested answers: preserve, advance, roller coaster, knightStep 1Warming upPicture showing: Show the students several theme parks.Interaction with students: What parks do you know What do you do in a park What’s the 教difference between theme parks and common parksPossible answers: nanhu park, children’s park, shengli park, etc. Play games and walk 学for health. To enter a common park, there is no need to buy a ticket. While in a theme park, we can have more fun.Step 2 Pre-reading 流Let the students guess the content according to the title and pictures.While-reading程 Reading task 1:Work out the meaning of the title. And get main ideas of each paragraph.The students read to understand the title and get the main idea of each paragraph.The title means that heme parks are not only interesting but also educational.kinds of theme parks.'s Camelot Park.Reading task 2:Getting detailed informationThe students read the text carefully and complete the table on the handouts.Park Name DisneylandDollywood CamelotThemeExample of Activitiesthrough _________2. visiting a _________ shipyour favorite ________ or Disney ________ ____________ characterin a _________ ship5. going on a free-fall drop1. listening to famous __________ music2. seeing _________ and other craftsman make things in the ___________ way____________3. visiting the _________ shop 4. riding on an old ___________ train5. seeing bald eagles in the _________6. riding Thunderhead which is famous for having the most _________in the _________space1. watching _________ shows_____________2. seeing fighting with _________ or on horsebackStep 3 Post-reading3. visiting an ________ English farm1. Let students discuss the advantages and disadvantages of theme parks.2. Let students work in groups to create a theme park and introduce it.板书 设计Unit 5 Period 2 Reading Theme parks--fun and more than fun (Disneyland, Dollywood, Camelot) (fun, educational, cultural)ThemeActivity作业 Write a 120-word passage to introduce their theme park.布置教学 反思备课组长签字:门亮。
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- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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Step 1Warming up
Picture showing: Show the students several theme parks.
Interaction with students: What parks do you know? What do you do in a park? What’s the difference between theme parks and commonparks?
Step 2Pre-reading
Let the students guess the content according to the title and pictures.
Reading task 1:Work out the meaning of the title. And getmain ideas of each paragraph.
Possible answers: nanhu park, children’s park, shengli park, etc. Play games and walk for health. To enter a common park, there is no need to buy a ticket. While in a theme park, we can have more fun.
Most ofting parks in their childhood.So this unit may serve as an extension of what they have known.Through the study of this period the students are sure to learn more about theme parks.
Enable the students to talk about theme parks.
Fast reading to get the main idea of the passage.
Group work to make the students involved in class actively.
The students readto understand the titleand get the main idea of each paragraph.
The title means that heme parks are not only interesting but also educational.
Central topics of this unit is "theme park". By learning, students will understand the differences andsimilarities of theme parks and parks, as well as the development of the theme park. Let students know theme parks are more than entertainment, because they bring and all sorts of knowledge and new exciting experiences.
Find some information about common parks and theme parks.
Words review: Give the students words’explanations or show them pictures, to review vocabulary and introduce the topic
Unit 5 Theme parks
Period 2 reading
Help the students to achieve a clear idea about theme parks.
Help the students use scanning and skimming methods to improve their reading skillsand speed up their reading.
Para.1.Different kinds of theme parks.
Help the students to gain a good understanding of the readingpassage and use efficient reading methods to improve their reading ability.
How to enable the students to talk about theme parks freely.
Students in Grade 2 are expected to understand a passage independently and be able to use some reading skills.they scan to get the general idea of the text, skim to understand the passage better. And discussion to help the students understand better what they’ve learned and to use theknowledge they’ve learned in this period.