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姓名:__________ 班级:__________ 考号:___________


1.在国外,到国外 A. aboard B. abroad C. board

2.可能的 A. possible B. impossible C. posible

3.消失 A. appear B. disappear C. disapear

4.碗 A. bowl B. plate C. dish

5.愉快的 A. merry B. marry C. mery

6.慷慨 A. genarosity B. generosity C. ganerosity

7.第九 A. nineth B. ninth C. ninety

8.队长 A. capital B. captain C. captian

9.合作 A. teamwork B. classwork C. cowork

10.小偷(复数) A. thiefs B. thieves C. thievs

11.(意大利)考馅饼 A. piza B.pezza C. pizza

12.巧克力 A. chacolate B. chocalate C. chocolate

13.有趣的事 A. fun B. funny C. funful

14.第二十 A. twentith B. twentieh C. twentieth

15.感恩 A. thanksgiving B. givingthanks C. thankgiving

16.秋天 A. autumn B. august C. antumn

17.拖拉机 A. track B. tractor C. truck

18.甜的 A. sweet B. sweat C. sweed

19.俄国 A. Russia B. Russian C. Rusian

20.大学 A. university B. universe C. universty

21.宫殿 A. palace B. place C. palice

22.赛跑的人 A. runnor B. runner C. runer

23.中场 A. middlefield B. midfield C. centrefield

24.帐篷 A. tend B. tent C. tenk

25.印度人 A. India B. Indian C. Indist

26.菜单 A. menu B. bill C. mill

27.溢出 A. spit B. spill C. spil

28.极好的 A. excellent B. excelent C. excerllent

29.有自信的 A. confidence B. confident C. confidenful

30.卷心菜 A. cabbage B. cabage C. cabbege

31.黄油 A. button B. butter C. buter

32.企鹅 A. pengun B. penguin C. pengiun

33.呼吸(v.) A. breathe B. breath C. breathee

34.给…腾出地方 A. make rooms for B. make room to C. make room for

35.把…翻过来 A. turn up B. turn on C. turn over

36.(电话)不挂断 A. hold up B. hold on C. hold off

37.在阳光下 A. in the sun B. under the sun C. below the sun

38.蜡烛 A. candle B. canddle C. canndle

39.消息 A. mesage B. message C. massege

40.瓜 A. melon B. melun C. malon

41.白天 A. daytime B. datetime C. whitetime

42.相信 A. beleive B. believe C. belive

43.乘客 A. pasenger B. pessenger C. passenger

44.警官 A. inspecer B. inspector C. inspecter

45.厨房 A. kitchen B. kitchup C. kitchin

46.珊瑚 A. coral B. reef C. wonder

47.物体 A. subject B. object C. supject

48.金属 A. metal B. medal C. model

49.卫星 A. sattlete B. satellite C. sitellite

50.德国人 A. German B. Germany C. Germanny

51.抢劫(v.) A. robery B. robbery C. roberry

52.令人惊奇的 A. amazed B. amazing C. amazeful

53.桥牌 A. bradge B. brige C. bridge

54.疾病 A. disease B. desease C. deseaze

55.甲克虫 A. selfish B. shellfish C. shelfish

56.小麦 A. wheet B. wheat C. reet

57.咖啡 A. coffee B. cofee C. coffe

58.胡萝卜 A. carrot B. carot C. carret

59.特别行政区 A. SARS B. SAR C. ZAR

60.饭馆 A. resteurant B. restaurrant C. restaurant

61.竞争 A. compitition B. competition C. compitetion

62.沙漠 A. dessert B. desert C. deseat

63.公文,文件 A. document B. docuement C. dokuement

64.厨师 A. cook B. cookor C. cooker

65.拖鞋 A. slipper B. slippor C. sliper

66.接受 A. receive B. recieve C. reiceive

67.电话呼叫器 A. beeper B. keeper C. deepper

68推迟 A. put off B. put on C. put out 69.虫,蠕虫 A. worn B. worm C.wore

70(在)楼下 A. downstair B. downstaired C. downstairs

71.粉红色 A. blown B. yellow C. pink

72.好运的 A. luck B. lucky C. luckily

73.轮流 A. take turns B. bring turns C. carry turns

74.皮革 A. lether B. lather C. leather

75.挑战 A. challange B. challenge C. chalenge

76.医学 A. medicine B. medical C. mechine

77.早上 A. a.m. B. p.m. C. s.m.

78.助手 A. assistent B. assistant C. asistant

79.一月 A. Januery B. January C. Janeary

80.周末 A. weekent B. weekend C.wekent
