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organizations 2. Many international _____________work together to fight Aids. key 3. In the opinion of Ajani, the ________to stopping the disease is educating people at risk, as well as treating infected People.
• Lead-in • Many people die or get ill every day for various reasons. Can you name some?
• • • • • • •
diseases, natural disasters, traffic accidents, environmental pollution, heavy work pressure, lack of exercise and so on, Taking drugs/ Smoking/ Aids
• • • •
ຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidu
What’s the function of Paragraph 4? A. concluding paragraph B. linking paragraph C. supporting paragraph
• Predict: What will be talked about in the next paragraph?
What do you think is the correct attitude towards the HIV/AIDS patients ?
Think further.
★We should take a ★We should not positive attitude look down upon towards those people those living with living with HIV/AIDS HIV/AIDS, help and show lovebut and them fight .fear, care to them We shame, and injustice. shouldn’t let the fear of AIDS cut us off from those who need our love, care and support!
…has opened labs to…, started providing…
• What is the aim of UNAIDS? What does UNAIDS do for people?
It aims to .... It provides ...teaches ....and set up …
Think further.
• • • •
Discussion As students, what shall we do to fight Aids? 1. how to protect ourselves 2. how to treat infected people
What shall we do to fight Aids?
lack a group of diseases
that make you sick
Find out the main idea of each paragraph
para 1 The first recorded case of Aids para 2 The cause of Aids para 3 The ways it is spread para 4 Aids—a global problem para 5 Aids in China para 6 International help to China para 7 An organization called UNAIDS para 8 The severe situation para9 the key to stopping the disease in the
Measures taken to fight Aids
The structure of an essay of the problem-solving style. put forward a problem analyze the problem solve the problem
Something happened to Ajani Information about Aids Something must be done…
Among all these reasons, aids, traffic accidents, drugs and smoking are four main killers.
How much do you know about Aids?
What do the letters AIDS stand for? AIDS= Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
prevent the spread of it Learn about Aids and do something to_______ An example Ajani, whose father died of Aids two years ago, lost his reason mother for the same ________. cause 1. The _______of Aids is a virus called HIV,which attacks the body’s immune system and there’s no cure for it. 2. One of the first symptoms of Aids is a weakened immune system ability and eventually the body loses the _______to fight illness.
1) how to protect ourselves
• strengthen health education and raise public awareness • educate people around how to protect themselves against HIV every day • Don’t take part in activities with a high risk of HIV infection. • …
Unit 3
Learning Goals:
After this period, we are able to 1. gain more knowledge of what Aids is and the ways it is spread. 2. learn how to protect ourselves from Aids and know what can be done to fight the spread of Aids. 3. use some important words and expressions.
future is education as well as medical treatment.
• Step two: Detailed-reading • Read paragraph 1&9 • 1. What do the first and last paragraphs talk about? Ajani’s story
Aids medicines when she was pregnant.
The structure of the text?
Part 1 (Para 1) An example
Part 2 (Para 2~4)
Detailed information about Aids
Part 3 (Para 5~9)
• Read paragraph2-4 • What is mainly talked about in this part?
Detailed information about Aids
• What is the relationship between AIDS and HIV?( Para 2) HIV • Aids is caused by the deadly _________ virus called _______. incurable disease. AIDS is a kind of _______ • How is AIDS spread? (Para 3) 1. Unprotected sex • AIDS is spread through ________________, 2. Blood-to-blood contact ________________, 3.Mother-to-child transmission ________________. • The structure of Paragraph 4? • Topic sentence: _____________________________ HIV and Aids are a problem all over the world • Concluding sentence: ____________________________ Something must be done to stop this disease.
• 2. What purpose does Paragraph 1 serve as in the passage? • A. To provide background information of the topic • B. To put forward the topic and attract readers’ attention to it • C. To use an example to support the topic • D. To offer basic knowledge of the topic
• Read paragraph 5-9 • What is the main idea of this part?
Measures taken to fight Aids
• What has been done in China to help control the spread of Aids?
Detailed information 3. It is commonly known that the virus is spread in three ways about Aids through unprotected sex, blood-to-blood contact and mother-to----_______ child transmission. 4. Since the 1980s, Aids has become a serious problem all over the worldwide world, over 30 million people living with HIV________. 1. The efforts have been made by China. Measures taken to fight Aids monitor 1.Opening labs to test and _______ the disease 2. Providing _______ free drugs for Aids patients in need
• Why didn’t Ajani and his sister catch HIV from their mother? Their mother had access to prescription • What does Ajani think is the key to stopping the disease in the future?