



我的三个愿望英语作文英文回答:My Three Wishes。

If I were granted three wishes, I would have to think long and hard about what I truly desire. The first wish I would make is for good health for myself and my loved ones. Health is the most important thing in life, and without it, nothing else really matters. I want to be able to live a long and fulfilling life, free from illness and pain. Ialso want the same for my family and friends, so that wecan all enjoy our time together without the burden ofhealth issues.The second wish I would make is for financial stability. Money may not buy happiness, but it certainly makes life a lot easier. I want to be able to provide for myself and my family without constantly worrying about how to make ends meet. I want to be able to afford a comfortable home, goodfood, and the ability to travel and experience new things.I also want to be able to give back to those in need and support causes that are important to me. Financialstability would give me the freedom to live life on my own terms, without the stress of financial insecurity.Finally, my third wish would be for world peace. It may sound cliche, but it's something that I truly believe in. Every day, we hear about conflicts and wars happening all over the world, and it breaks my heart to think about all the suffering and loss that comes from these situations. I wish for a world where people can live in harmony, where differences are celebrated rather than fought over, and where everyone has the opportunity to thrive. I want future generations to grow up in a world free from fear and violence, where they can focus on building a better future for themselves and the planet.中文回答:我的三个愿望。



我的三个愿望英语作文Title: My Three Wishes。

If I were granted three wishes, I would carefully consider how to utilize them for the betterment of myself and the world around me. Here are my three wishes and the reasons behind them:1. Global Peace and Harmony: My first wish would be for global peace and harmony. In a world torn apart byconflicts, violence, and unrest, peace is the foundation upon which prosperity, progress, and happiness can be built. By wishing for global peace, I hope to see an end to wars, terrorism, and all forms of violence. I envision a world where people from different backgrounds and culturescoexist peacefully, respecting each other's differences and working together towards common goals. Achieving global peace would not only ensure the safety and security of countless lives but also pave the way for sustainable development and a brighter future for generations to come.2. Environmental Sustainability: My second wish wouldbe for environmental sustainability. Our planet is facing unprecedented challenges, including climate change, deforestation, pollution, and loss of biodiversity. These issues not only endanger the delicate balance of ecosystems but also threaten the very existence of countless species, including humans. By wishing for environmental sustainability, I hope to see a world where humans live in harmony with nature, respecting its limits and preservingits beauty and resources for future generations. This wish would entail widespread adoption of renewable energy sources, conservation efforts, and sustainable practices in industries such as agriculture, forestry, and manufacturing. Through collective action and responsible stewardship ofthe Earth, we can create a sustainable future where both humans and nature thrive.3. Equality and Justice for All: My third wish would be for equality and justice for all. Despite significant progress in the fight for equality, discrimination, prejudice, and inequality still persist in various formsaround the world. Whether based on race, gender, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, or socioeconomic status, these injustices undermine the fundamental rights and dignity of individuals and perpetuate cycles of poverty, marginalization, and exclusion. By wishing for equality and justice for all, I aspire to see a world where every person is treated with fairness, respect, and dignity, regardless of their background or circumstances. This wish would involve implementing policies and initiatives to address systemic inequalities, promote diversity and inclusion, and ensure equal access to opportunities, resources, andjustice for all members of society. Through education, advocacy, and empowerment, we can build a more just and equitable world where everyone has the chance to fulfill their potential and contribute to the common good.In conclusion, if I were granted three wishes, I would wish for global peace and harmony, environmental sustainability, and equality and justice for all. These wishes reflect my aspirations for a better world, where people live in peace and harmony with each other and with nature, and where everyone is treated with fairness,respect, and dignity. By working together and striving towards these goals, we can create a brighter and more hopeful future for ourselves and future generations.。



三一文库()〔我的三个愿望(My,three,wishes)〕*篇一:小精灵帮你实现三个愿望Onenight,Iwaswanderingalongthepathintheforest.Sudde nly,Isawamagicallampsparklinginfrontofme.Iwasverycu riousaboutit,soIapproacheditcautiously.WhenItouched it,ageniewornasmileonhisfaceappearedinfrontofme.“Hello,mylittleprincess.Youaresolovelyandbeautiful ,”hesaidtome,“Iappreciateyourreleasingmefromthemagicallamp.Well ,Icouldgrantyouthreewishes.”“Anywishes?”Iaskedeagerly.“Yes,anywishes.Godblessmewithmagicalpower.Butyoush ouldexplainwhyyouwanttoachievethesewishes,”hesaid.Ithoughtforamomentandspokenoutmythreewishes: CouldIhaveapairofwings;CouldIgetacamera;Iftheglobal averagetemperaturecouldstoprising.AndIwentfurther……Ivebeeneagertofly.Flyinglikeabird,Icouldtravelaroun dtheworldtoenjoythebeautyofnature.Ireallydesiretoha veatriptoAfrica.IknowasongbelongstoAfrica.Thesunris eonyourleftandpassoveryourheadtosetonyourright.Thes teedsandreindeersrunandpranceontheboundlessprairie. TheeagleofNigangmountainglidegracefullyinthesky.The fullmooncastitsshadowonthegravelroad.Beingimmersedi nsuchbeautifulsceneryisreallyagreatluxury!Atthismom ent,ifMozartsmusicisfloatingintheair,itwillbemorewo nderful.Toexperiencehowhightheskyisandhowvastthesea is,flyingintheskymaybethebestchoice.Iflyfreelyasame woverthebluesea.Bymyside,whitecloudsarewanderingint hewind.Iknowalmosteveryoneisunsatisfiedwiththetraff iccondition.Withmywings,mytripwillbecomeveryconveni ent.Valuabletimeandmoneycanbesaved.Idontneedtowaiti nthequeuefornearlyanhourtobuyanexpensivetrainticket andtowaitforthearrivaloftraininacrowdedtrainstation .Idontneedtotakethebus.Inmyword,notrafficjamsandnot rafficlights.Imapersonwithagreatloveoflife,andIspeciallylongfora camera.Iwanttousethecameratorecordmygrowingexperien ce.Howanaughtygirlgrownintoavibrantyouth,andthenint oamaturemiddle-aged,andfinallyintoawiseelderly.Icou ldrecordwhereIhavebeen,whatmeaningfulthingsIhavedon eandthoseintimatefriendsIveencountered.Oneday,whenI deeplyimmersedinthemissingofthosepassingpersonsandt hings,severaloldandfadedpicturesmaybringmecomfort.M oreover,takingpicturesalsocanrecordunique,meaningfu lorenlighteningmoments.Sometimes,whenIadmiretheuniq uenaturallandscape,Ibelievethattakingphotographisth eonlywaytoholdbackthesebeautifulscenery.Grasssprout ing,flowersopening,thedancingsnowflakes,suiseandsun set,allthesecanberecorded.Asensibleboygiveshisseatt oanoldmaninpublicbus.Ayoungmancarefullyhelpsanoldma ntocrossthestreet.AfterIveshootthemdown,Icouldputth emonlineforpeopletowatch.Then,everyonecanfeelthatou rworldisfullofloveandcompassion.Uncivilizedbehavior s,suchasthrowlitter,alsocanberecorded.Myaimistoelim inatethesebehaviorsfromoursociety.Mythirdwishesistheglobalaveragetemperaturecouldstoprising.Arichdatashowsthatglobalwarmingisveryrealand veryalarming.Itwasreportedthatasglobalwarmingprogre sses,thenormalclimatepatternisbecomingmoreextreme.S torms,floods,droughts,heatwaves,orotherextremeweath eroccurmorefrequentlythanever.HurricanehitstheUSmai nlandandthegulfcoast,causingalargenumberofcasualtie sandenormouspropertyloss.Productionshortfallscaused bydroughtsaffectpeoplesexistencehugely,especiallyin povertyareas.Therisingofthetemperaturealsocausesthe meltingofantarcticice.Asaresult,leveloftheseaisrisi ng.Thismakesanegativeimpactoncoastlineeconomies,esp eciallycoastlinetourism.Thesalinityofsurfacewateran dgroundwaterwillincrease,affectingthesupplyofcitywa ter.Whatismoreserious,coastalcitiesandevenwholeisla ndcountrieswouldbesubmerged.Iftheglobalaveragetempe raturecouldstoprising,alldisasterswouldnthappen.WhenIfinishedatabreath,thegenieasked,“Areyousurethesearethethreewishesyouwanttofulfill?”“Yes,pleasehelpme!”Isaid.“Okay,beeagertohavewingsindicatesthatyourealizethe valueoffreedom;beeagertopossessacamerashowsthatyout akeapositiveattitudetowardlife;hmm,yourthirdwishdisplaysyourbroadmood.Now,pleasecloseyoureyes,mylittle prince,andIwillrealizeyourdreams.Justamoment!”thegeniesaid.Iclosedmyeyes,waitinghopefully.“WhenIwasyoung,Ilistentotheradio”——Youknow,itsthesoundofmyalarmclock.Iopenedmyeyesonly tofindallwasadream.But,asweetdream.*篇二:mythreewishesMyThreeWishes“Wemustacceptfinitedisappointment,butwemustneverlo seinfinitehope,”MartinLutherKingsaysinhisfamousspeech “Ihaveadream”,whichencouragesinnumerableblackstof ulfilltheirdreams.Althoughtheblackleadersufferedmur derin1969,hehadsignificantimpactonthepeoplealiveall overtheworld.Now,weliveinafreedom,equalandpeacefulc ircumstancethatMartinisalwayspursuing.Doyouhaveanyw ishes?Ifyouaregivenchancestorealizeyourdreams,what’syourdream?IfIhavetheopportunity,mythreedreamsareas follows.Ihopethatmyparentsarehealthyforeverandmyfamilystaysashappyasnow.Parentsaremorelaboriousthanbefore.Owin gtotheonechildpolicy,parentspaymuchattentiontochild ren’seducation.Asaresult,theyspendplentyoftimeandenergy incompanyingchildren’sgrowth.Besides,theyoftenworksohardthatignoringthei rownhealth.Ontheonehand,thetraditionalconceptforChi neseisthatchildrenshouldsupporttheirparents,ontheot herhand,thefaultinesssocialsecuritysystemcan’tprovideforalloldpeople.Thelastbutnottheleast,witht heincreasingageofourparents,theirbodyfunctioncan’toperateaswellasouryouth.Anotherconsiderablefactori stheexorbitanthospitalizationcostsaftergettingill.T heparents’healthiswhatIamconcerned.Besides,Ihavetheseconddrea ms.IexpectthatIcanfinishschoolandseekajobsuccessfully. Nowadays,thedemandofemploymentisrestrictedastherece ssionaryeconomicwhilethegraduatesareexpandquicklyin recentyears.It’paredwithun。

































我的三个愿望(My,three,wishes)篇一:Three wishes三个愿望Three WishesI’m an ordinary girl. And as for me, I’m thinking of living a peaceful and happy life. That’s all I hope. However, it occurs to me that I still have three wishes at the bottom of my heart.If I could, I wanna be a fish swimming in the ocean. To feel the seawater, to see the view under the sea, to explore the origin of life from the sea. If I were a fish, I could put myself into the endless sea and go anywhere I like.If I could, I wanna be a child forever. Cause when I grow older and older, I become less and less innocent. If I were a child, I would keep a childlike heart. With it, I will be still young when I’ll be 80.If I could, I wanna be my parents’ parents. How hard have they brought me up! How grateful would I be for them! If I were their parents, I would raise them up just like the way they do for me to pay them back.If I could, I wanna make my three wishes come true. As we all know, that’s impossible. Actually, good wishes can make sense to our life. Having good wishes, we express our good feelings and pursue a better life.篇二:my three wishesMy Three Wishes“We must accept finite disappointment, but w e must never lose infinite hope,” Martin Luther King says in his famous speech“I have a dream”, which encourages innumerable blacks to fulfill their dreams. Although the black leader suffered murder in 1969, he had significant impact on the people alive all over the world. Now, we live in a freedom, equal and peaceful circumstance that Martin is always pursuing. Do you have any wishes? If you are given chances to realize your dreams, what’s your dream? If I have the opportunity, my three dreams are as follows.I hope that my parents are healthy forever and my family stays as happy as now. Parents are more laborious than before. Owing to the one child policy, parents pay much attention to children’s education. As a result, they spend plenty of time and ene rgy in companying children’s growth. Besides, they often work so hard that ignoring their own health. On the one hand, the traditional concept for Chinese is that children should support their parents, on the other hand, the faultiness social security syst em can’t provide for all old people. The last but not the least, with the increasing age of our parents, their body function can’t operate as well as our youth. Another considerable factor is the exorbitant hospitalization costs after getting ill. The pare nts’ health is what I am concerned. Besides, I have the second dreams.I expect that I can finish school and seek a job successfully.Nowadays, the demand of employment is restricted as the recessionary economic while the graduates are expand quickly in recent years. It’s difficult for us to gain the master degree. Compared with undergraduates, the courses for postgraduates are much harder. So it’s not easy to pass the final exam. In addition, writing essays and answering the questions raised by teachers during the final comment on essays are also difficult. Furthermore, what I care about is that the work is the starting for career. Finding a better job is likely to make the employment dream come true. This dream is designed for myself, but the next one is for all young people.I prospect that the young can own houses which Chinese call it family after graduation. The high price of commercial residential building hampers young people’s dream to have a family with their lovers. The young generation who w as born in the 1980’s can’t afford a house even though getting credit from the bank. However, the house is one of the indispensable material bases in the society. From the other perspective, our country’s stability is based on every small family’s harmony.That’s the third wishes I want to share.Parent’s health, individual’s study and work and owning houses for the young are my three wishes. Maybe the young generation has the same dreams like me. In order to make the dreams come true, both the government and we should take efforts. I hope that the ordinary wishes isnot the uealized wishes but the fact that everyone can see and enjoy it one day.Xiao PanClass 1811104185057My Three Wishes“We must accept finite disappointment, but we must n ever lose infinite hope,” Martin Luther King says in his famous speech“I have a dream”, which encourages innumerable blacks to fulfill their dreams. Although the black leader suffered murder in 1969, he had significant impact on the people alive all over the world. Now, we live in a freedom, equal and peaceful circumstance that Martin is always pursuing. Do you have any wishes? If you are given chances to realize your dreams, what’s your dream? If I have the opportunity, my three dreams are as follows.Ⅰ. Healthy parents and happy familyA. Laborious parents1. one child policy in China2. spending much time and energy on childrenB. Hard work for parents1. supporting old people2. faultiness social security systemC. Parent’s degener ate body function1. increasing age of parents2. expensive medicine costs after illⅡ. Successful graduate and employmentA. Difficult in finding a job1. expand graduates2. less work opportunitiesB. Hard in gaining a master degree1. difficult in passing the final exam2. hard in writing an essayC. Higher start for career1. better job, higher start of careerⅢ. Owning houses for the youngA. High price for commercial houses1. too less income to afford a house2. indispensable material basis for the youngB. The stable base for our country1. harmony small family if owning a houseParent’s health, individual’s study and work and owning houses for the young are my three wishes. Maybe the young generation has the same dreams like me. In order to make the dreams come true, both thegovernment and we should take efforts. I hope that the ordinary wishes is not the uealized wishes but the fact that everyone can see and enjoy it one day.篇三:Three wishes schools(1)School Life in Three Wishes School(by Julie Sykes)Chapter 1: Test time at the Three Wishes SchoolIt was test time again at the Three Wishes School for genies. Miss Genius put a pile of test papers in her cupboard. Then she beamed at the class.“Tomorrow is your end of year test,” she said. “Work hard and don?t worry. Then you will all pass.”Jem Stone groaned. He?d forgotten all about the test. Flying was sure to come up in the test and his magic carpet had a hole in it. He?d been meaning to fix it for ages. Now he?d have to spend all evening mending the hole. He wouldn?t have time to practice for the test. But there was worse to come.“Today we are going to practice flying our carpets,” said Miss Genius. “Line up at the window with your carpets, class.”Pearl stood up and accidentally-on-purpose trod on Jem?s foot. “Ouch!” he cried. “Look out, clumsy clogs!”“Me? Clumsy?” said Pearl, spitefully. “You?re the most clumsy genie in the whole of the school, Jem Stone!”Jem frowned. It was true. He didn?t mean to be clumsy, but he did have a lot of accidents. Only last week, he?d fallen into the lake when the class were learning about frogs.“Don?t listen to Pearl,” said Pebble, kindly. Pebble was Jem?s best friend and she didn?t like Pearl at all.Miss Genius frowned at Jem and Pebble. “No talking!”Miss Genius went on, “Pearl. Thank you for tidying up my room after class, yesterday. You can go first.”Pearl smirked. “Out of my way,” she said. “Teacher?s pet,” hiss ed Jem.“Don?t listen to her,” said Pebble. “She?s not worth it.”Pearl had the best magic carpet in the school but she wasn?t very good at flying. She almost bumped into the window when she flew out of the classroom. Her carpet wobbled and then she was gone.“I can catch her, easy peasy,” said Jem. He jumped onto his carpet, and shouted, “Fly!”“Mind that hole!” Pebble told him.“I will,” said Jem, and he whizzed out of the window.Important sentences:1. Flying was sure to come up in the test.考试肯定会考飞翔。
























我的三个愿望(Mythreewishes)英语作文我的三个愿望(My three wishes)英语作文无论在学习、工作或是生活中,大家都跟作文打过交道吧,作文根据写作时限的不同可以分为限时作文和非限时作文。

那么问题来了,到底应如何写一篇优秀的作文呢?以下是店铺收集整理的`我的三个愿望(My three wishes)英语作文,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。

If I was given 3 wishes and all of the wishes would come true.First of all, I wished that I could finish high school at once, because if people stayed in a same place for a long time, everything maybe would be boring for a person.Besides, if I could finish high school at once or earlier, I would be able to save a lot of money and I also could use the money to do any other valuable things.Secondly, I wished that I could go to the university, whatever which university was, because I wanted to find a job which I liked easier. In particularly, I could get a high salary every week form working.Thirdly, I wished that I could be a businessman, because my parent both are bosses, they have their own company, this has impacted on me for a long time, since I was a child of 5years old. Also, as a businessman, I would be able to be a boss and I could control my company and I would feel freer than work for other people.These were my 3 wishes.。



我的三个愿望英语作文英文回答:My three wishes are to travel the world, to be financially secure, and to make a positive impact onothers' lives. 。

Firstly, I have always dreamed of traveling the world and experiencing different cultures. I want to visit iconic landmarks like the Eiffel Tower in Paris, the Great Wall of China, and the Taj Mahal in India. I also want to immerse myself in the local customs and traditions of each place I visit, from trying authentic street food to learning traditional dances. I believe that traveling can broaden my horizons and help me gain a deeper understanding of the world.Secondly, I wish to be financially secure so that I can live comfortably and provide for my loved ones. I want to be able to afford a nice home, travel without worryingabout expenses, and save for my future. Financial security would also give me the freedom to pursue my passions and hobbies without the stress of living paycheck to paycheck.Lastly, I hope to make a positive impact on others' lives. Whether it's through volunteering, mentoring, or simply being a supportive friend, I want to make a difference in the lives of those around me. I believe that small acts of kindness and compassion can have a ripple effect, inspiring others to pay it forward and create a more caring and supportive community.中文回答:我的三个愿望是环游世界,经济上的安全和对他人生活的积极影响。

















































































































我的三个愿望(My,three,wishes)篇一:Three wishes三个愿望Three WishesI’m an ordinary girl. And as for me, I’m thinking of living a peaceful and happy life. That’s all I hope. However, it occurs to me that I still have three wishes at the bottom of my heart.If I could, I wanna be a fish swimming in the ocean. To feel the seawater, to see the view under the sea, to explore the origin of life from the sea. If I were a fish, I could put myself into the endless sea and go anywhere I like.If I could, I wanna be a child forever. Cause when I grow older and older, I become less and less innocent. If I were a child, I would keep a childlike heart. With it, I will be still young when I’ll be 80. If I could, I wanna be my parents’ parents. How hard have they brought me up! How grateful would I be for them! If I were their parents, I would raise them up just like the way they do for me to pay them back.If I could, I wanna make my three wishes come true. As we all know, that’s impossible. Actually, good wishes can make sense to our life. Having good wishes, we express our good feelings and pursue a better life.篇二:my three wishesMy Three Wishes“We must accept finite disappointment, but we must never lose infinite hope,” Martin Luther King says in his famous speech“I have a dream”, which encourages innumerable blacks to fulfill their dreams. Although the black leader suffered murder in 1969, he had significant impact on the people alive all over the world. Now, we live in a freedom, equal and peaceful circumstance that Martin is always pursuing. Do you have any wishes? If you are given chances to realize your dreams, what’s your dream? If I have the opportunity, my three dreams are as follows.I hope that my parents are healthy forever and my family stays as happy as now. Parents are more laborious than before. Owing to the one child policy, parents pay much attention to children’s education. As a result, they spend plenty of time and energy in companying children’s growth. Besides, they often work so hard that ignoring their own health. On the one hand, the traditional concept for Chinese is that children should support their parents, on the other hand, the faultiness social security system can’t provide for all old people. The last but not the least, with the increasing age of our parents, their body function can’t operate as well as our youth. Another considerable factor is the exorbitant hospitalization costs after getting ill. The parents’ health is what I am concerned. Besides, I have the second dreams.I expect that I can finish school and seek a job successfully. Nowadays, the demand of employment is restricted as the recessionary economic while the graduates are expand quickly in recent years. It’s difficult for us to gain the master degree. Compared with undergraduates, the courses for postgraduates are much harder. So it’s not easy to pass the final exam. In addition, writing essays and answering the questions raised by teachers during the final comment on essays are also difficult. Furthermore, what I care about is that the work is the starting for career. Finding a better job is likely to make the employment dream come true. This dream is designed for myself, but the next one is for all young people.I prospect that the young can own houses which Chinese call it family after graduation. The high price of commercial residential building hampers young people’s dream to have a family with their lovers. The young generation who was born in the 1980’s can’t afford a house even though getting credit from the bank. However, the house is one of the indispensable material bases in the society. From the other perspective, our country’s stability is based on every small family’s harmony. That’s the third wishes I want to share.Parent’s health, individual’s study and work and owning houses for the young are my three wishes. Maybe the young generation has the same dreams like me. In order to make the dreams come true, both the government and we should take efforts. I hope that the ordinary wishes is not the uealized wishes but the fact that everyone can see and enjoy it one day. Xiao PanClass 1811104185057My Three Wishes“We must accept finite disappointment, but we must never lose infinite hope,” Martin Luther King says in his famous speech“I have a dream”, which encourages innumerable blacks to fulfill their dreams. Although the black leader suffered murder in 1969, he had significant impact on the people alive all over the world. Now, we live in a freedom, equal and peaceful circumstance that Martin is always pursuing. Do you have any wishes? If you are given chances to realize your dreams, what’s your dream? If I have the opportunity, my three dreams are as follows. Ⅰ. Healthy parents and happy familyA. Laborious parents1. one child policy in China2. spending much time and energy on childrenB. Hard work for parents1. supporting old people2. faultiness social security systemC. Parent’s degenerate body function1. increasing age of parents2. expensive medicine costs after illⅡ. Successful graduate and employmentA. Difficult in finding a job1. expand graduates2. less work opportunitiesB. Hard in gaining a master degree1. difficult in passing the final exam2. hard in writing an essayC. Higher start for career1. better job, higher start of careerⅢ. Owning houses for the youngA. High price for commercial houses1. too less income to afford a house2. indispensable material basis for the youngB. The stable base for our country1. harmony small family if owning a houseParent’s health, individual’s study and work and owning houses for the young are my three wishes. Maybe the young generation has the same dreams like me. In order to make the dreams come true, both the government and we should take efforts. I hope that the ordinary wishes is not the uealized wishes but the fact that everyone can see and enjoy it one day.篇三:Three wishes schools(1)School Life in Three Wishes School(by Julie Sykes)Chapter 1: Test time at the Three Wishes SchoolIt was test time again at the Three Wishes School for genies. Miss Genius put a pile of test papers in her cupboard. Then she beamed at the class.“Tomorrow is your end of year test,” she said. “Work hard and don?t worry. Then you will all pass.”Jem Stone groaned. He?d forgotten all about the test. Flying was sureto come up in the test and his magic carpet had a hole in it. He?d been meaning to fix it for ages. Now he?d have to spend all evening mending the hole. He wouldn?t have time to practice for the test. But there was worse to come.“Today we are going to practice flying our carpets,” said Miss Genius. “Line up at the window with your carpets, class.”Pearl stood up and accidentally-on-purpose trod on Jem?s foot. “Ouch!” he cried. “Look out, clumsy clogs!”“Me? Clumsy?” said Pearl, spitefully. “You?re the most clumsy genie in the whole of the school, Jem Stone!”Jem frowned. It was true. He didn?t mean to be clumsy, but he did have a lot of accidents. Only last week, he?d fallen into the lake when the class were learning about frogs.“Don?t listen to Pearl,” said Pebble, kindly. Pebble was Jem?s best friend and she didn?t like Pearl at all.Miss Genius frowned at Jem and Pebble. “No talking!”Miss Genius went on, “Pearl. Thank yo u for tidying up my room after class, yesterday. You can go first.”Pearl smirked. “Out of my way,” she said. “Teacher?s pet,” hissed Jem.“Don?t listen to her,” said Pebble. “She?s not worth it.”Pearl had the best magic carpet in the school but she wasn?t very good at flying. She almost bumped into the window when she flew out of the classroom. Her carpet wobbled and then she was gone.“I can catch her, easy peasy,” said Jem. He jumped onto his carpet, and shouted, “Fly!”“Mind that hole!” Pebble told him.“I will,” said Jem, and he whizzed out of the window.Important sentences:1. Flying was sure to come up in the test.考试肯定会考飞翔。

三个愿望 英语作文

三个愿望 英语作文

三个愿望英语作文My first wish is to travel around the world and experience different cultures and traditions. I want to taste authentic cuisines, meet new people, and explore beautiful landscapes. It would be an amazing opportunity to broaden my horizons and gain a deeper understanding of the world we live in.The second wish is to have the ability to speakmultiple languages fluently. I believe that language is the key to connecting with people from diverse backgrounds. Being able to communicate in different languages would not only open up more opportunities for me in terms of work and travel, but also allow me to form meaningful relationships with people from all over the world.Lastly, I wish for good health and happiness for myself and my loved ones. Health is the most important thing in life, and I want to be able to live a long and fulfilling life without any major health issues. I also wish forhappiness, because at the end of the day, that's what truly matters. I want to be able to cherish every moment and find joy in the little things in life.。









我的三个愿望英语作文英文回答:In the annals of human existence, the concept of wishes has captivated imaginations for centuries. From the humble desires of the common folk to the grand aspirations of the mighty, wishes have served as a potent force shaping our hopes, dreams, and actions. Were I granted the opportunity to articulate three such wishes, I would implore the universe with the following supplications:My First Wish:I fervently desire the eradication of poverty and its insidious grip on countless lives across the globe. Maythis scourge be banished from our world, ensuring that every human being has the opportunity to live a life of dignity, free from the shackles of want and despair. 願貧窮及其對全球無數生命的無情掌控從我們的世界中消除,確保每個人都有機會過上體面生活,不受匱乏和絕望的束縛。

My Second Wish:I beseech the universe for a world devoid of violence and war. May harmony and compassion prevail, fostering a peaceful coexistence among all nations and peoples. 我懇求宇宙讓世界免於暴力和戰爭。
















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If I could, I wanna be my parents’ parents. How hard have they brought me up! How grateful would I be for them! If I were their parents, I would raise them up just like the way they do for me to pay them back.
Parent’s health, individual’s study and work and owning houses for the young are my three wishes. Maybe the young generation has the same dreams like me. In order to make the dreams come true, both the government and we should take efforts. I hope that the ordinary wishes is not the uealized wishes but the fact that everyone can see and enjoy it one day.
篇二:my three wishes
My Three Wishes
“We must accept finite disappointment, but we must never lose infinite hope,” Martin Luther King says in his famous speech“I have a dream”, which encourages innumerable blacks to fulfill their dreams. Although the black leader suffered murder in 1969, he had significant impact on the people alive all over the world. Now, we live in a freedom, equal and peaceful circumstance that Martin is always pursuing. Do you have any wishes? If you are given chances to realize your dreams, what’s your dream? If I have the opportunity, my three dreams are as follows.
篇一:Three wishes三个愿望
Three Wishes
I’m an ordinary girl. And as for me, I’m thinking of living a peaceful and happy life. That’s all I hope. However, it occurs to me that I still have three wishes at the bottom of my heart.
If I could, I wanna be a child forever. Cause when I grow older and older, I become less and less innocent. If I were a child, I would keep a childlike heart. With it, I will be still young when I’ll be 80.
If I could, I wanna make my three wishes come true. As we all know, that’s impossible. Actually, good wishes can make sense to our life. Having good wishes, we express our good feelings and pursue a better life.
Xiao Pan
Class 18
My Three Wishes
“We must accept finite disappointment, but we must never lose infinite hope,” Martin Luther King says in his famous speech“I have a dream”, which encourages innumerable blacks to fulfill their dreams. Although the black leader suffered murder in 1969, he had significant impact on the people alive all over the world. Now, we live in a freedom, equal and peaceful circumstance that Martin is always pursuing. Do you have any wishes? If you are given chances to realize your dreams, what’s your dream? If I have the opportunity, my three dreams are as follows.
I prospect that the young can own houses which Chinese call it family after graduation. The high price of commercial residential building hampers young people’s dream to have a family with their lovers. The young generation who was born in the 1980’s can’t afford a house even though getting credit from the bank. However, the house is one of the indispensable material bases in the society. From the other perspective, our country’s stability is based on every small family’s harmony. That’s the third wishes I want to share.
I hope that my parents are healthy forever and my family stays as happy as now. Parents are more laborious than before. Owing to the one child policy, parents pay much attention to children’s education. As a result, they spend plenty of time and energy in companying children’s growth. Besides, they often work so hard that ignoring their own health. On the one hand, the traditional concept for Chinese is that children should support their parents, on the other hand, the faultiness social security system can’t provide for all old people. The last but not the least, with the increasing age of our parents, their body function can’t operate as well as our youth. Another considerable factor is the exorbitant hospitalization costs after getting ill. The parents’ health is what I am concerned. Besides, I have the second dreams.
Ⅰ. Healthy parents and happy family
A. Laborious parents
1. one childme and energy on children
B. Hard work for parents
If I could, I wanna be a fish swimming in the ocean. To feel the seawater, to see the view under the sea, to explore the origin of life from the sea. If I were a fish, I could put myself into the endless sea and go anywhere I like.
1. supporting old people
2. faultiness social security system
I expect that I can finish school and seek a job successfully. Nowadays, the demand of employment is restricted as the recessionary economic while the graduates are expand quickly in recent years. It’s difficult for us to gain the master degree. Compared with undergraduates, the courses for postgraduates are much harder. So it’s not easy to pass the final exam. In addition, writing essays and answering the questions raised by teachers during the final comment on essays are also difficult. Furthermore, what I care about is that the work is the starting for career. Finding a better job is likely to make the employment dream come true. This dream is designed for myself, but the next one is for all young people.