14350074 7寸液晶屏(KD070D10-50NB-A5)(备注:国显)(分辨率:800X480)

Shenzhen Digital Technology Co.,ltd.PRODUCTSPECIFICATIONPRODUCT TYPE:7.0” TFT , Transmissive typeMODEL NO:Y81287VERSION:01DATE:2011.05.05Customer ApprovedCustomer:Project name:Approved by:Dept:Data:Designer QC Confirmed ApprovedShenzhen Digital Technology Co.,ltd.5F,43Bldgm Baotian Industrial Area,Xixiang,Baoan District,ShenZhen ChinaTel:(+86)755-61113669/71/72/73Fax:(+86)755-61113619RECORDS OF REVISIONDESCRIPTIONS DATE Version REVISEDISSUE2011.05.05 01FIRST深圳市德智欣科技有限公司CONTENTS1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -2. MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -3. OUTLINE DIMENSIONS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -4. INTERFACE ASSIGNMENT - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --------5. TIMING CHARACTERISTICS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------------------------------------------------6. RESETTIMINGCHARACTERISTICS7. POWER ON/OFF SEQUENCE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -8. INSTRUCTION TABLE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -9. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -10. LED BACKLIGHT CHARACTERISTICS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -11. OPTICAL CHARACTERISTICS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Condition -----------------------------------------------------------12. Reliability13. Inspection Standards ----------------------------------------------------14. Precaution - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -深圳市德智欣科技有限公司1.GENERAL DESCRIPTIONThis LCM Y81287 is a 800 x 3RGB x 480 dots matrix 7.0 ”TFT LCD module. It has a TFTpanel,composed of 1200 -channel source driver and 960-channel gate driver.2. MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONSUNIT Item Contents LCD Type 7.0” TFT-LCD, TransmissiveOutline Dimension 100(W)x164.9(H)x3.4(T) mmActive Area 85.92(W) x151.68(H) mmViewing direction 6 O’CLOCK ---Source HX8664BDriver ICGate IC HX8264DDisplay Color 16MNumber of Dots 800(RGB)x480 DotsDot Pitch (H×V)0.0642(W) x 0.1790(H) mmAssy Type COG+FPC+BL ---BACKLIGHT WHITE LED Backlight -Interface24 bit interfaceWEIGHT TBD g深圳市德智欣科技有限公司4. INTERFACE ASSIGNMENTPIN NO. SYMBOL1 Power for LED backlighr (Anode) LEDA2 Power for LED backlighr (Anode) LEDA3 Power for LED backlighr (Cathode) LEDK4 Power for LED backlighr (Cathode) LEDKground GND5 Powervoltage VCOM6 Common7 Power for Digital Circuit DVDDmodeselect MODE8 DE/SYNC9 Data input Enable DE10 Vertical Sync Input VS11 Horizontal Sync Input HS12~19 Blue data B7~B020~27 Green data G7~G028~35 Red data R7~R036 Power ground GND37 Sample clock DCLK38 Power ground GND39 Left / right selection L/R40 Up/down selection U/D41 Gate NO Voltage VGH42 Gate OFF Voltage VGL43 Power for Analog Circuit A VDD44 Global reser pin RESET45 No connection NC46 Common Voltage VCOM47 Dithering function DITHB48 Power ground GND49 No connection NC50 No connection NC深圳市德智欣科技有限公司5.TIMING CHARACTERISTICS深圳市德智欣科技有限公司6.RESET TIMING CHARACTERISTICS深圳市德智欣科技有限公司7. POWER ON/OFF SEQUENCE深圳市德智欣科技有限公司8. HX8664B&HX8264D INSTRUCTION TABLE9. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS深圳市德智欣科技有限公司深圳市德智欣科技有限公司12. Reliability Condition13.Inspection Standards 13.1 Major DefectItem NoItems to be inspected Inspection Standard Classification of defects13.1.1 Allfunctional defects1)No display2) Display abnormally3) Missing vertical, horizontal segment 4) Short circuit5)Back-light no lighting flickering and abnormal lighting.13.1.2 Missing Missing component13.1.3 OutlinedimensionOverall outline dimension beyond the drawing is not allowed.Major13.2 Cosmetic defectItem No Item ConditionRemark1 High temperatureOperating 70°C ±2°C for 240 hours2 Low temperatureOperating -20°C ±2°C for 240 hours3 High temperatureStorage 80°C ±2°C for 240 hours4 Low temperatureStorage -30°C ±2°C for 240hours5High temperature & humidity Storage50℃±5°C , 90%RH, 120 hours 6Thermal Shock Storage (No operation)-20℃ , 30min.<=> 70℃ , 30min.10 Cycles7 ESD test-8 Vibration test 10 => 55 =>10 Hz, within 1 minute;Amplitude:1.5mm.15 minutes for each Direction ( X,Y ,Z ) 9 Drop testPacked, 100CM free fall6 sides, 1 corner, 3edgesNO DEFECT IN DISPLAYING AND OPERATIONAL FUNCTION深圳市德智欣科技有限公司(i) chips on cornerX Y Z ≤2.0≤SDisregardNotes:S=contact pad lengthChips on the corner of terminal shall not be allowed to extend intothe ITO pad or expose perimeter seal. Minor(ii)Usual surface cracksX Y Z≤3.0<Inner border line of the seal DisregardMinor13.3.1Glass defect(iii)CrackCracks tend to break are not allowed.Major13.3.2 Partsalignment1) Not allow IC and FPC/heat-seal lead width is more than 50 %beyond lead pattern.2) Not allow chip or solder component is off center more than 50 % of the pad outline. 13.3.3 SMTAccording to the <Acceptability of electronic assemblies>IPC-A-610C class 2 standard. Component missing or function defect are Major defect, the others are Minor defect.Major14. Precaution14.1 Handling(1) Protect the panel from static, it may cause damage to the CMOS Gate Array IC.(2) Use fingerstalls with soft gloves in order to keep display clean during the incominginspection and assembly process.(3) If the liquid crystal material leaks from the panel, it should be kept away from theeyes or mouth. In case of contact with hands, legs or clothes, it must be washedaway thoroughly with soap.(4) The desirable cleaners are water, IPA (Isopropyl Alcohol) or Hexane. Don’t useKetone type materials (ex. Acetone), Ethyl alcohol, Toluene, Ethyl acid or Methylchloride. It might permanent damage to the polarizer due to chemical reaction.(5) Pins of I/F connector shall not be touched directly with bare hands.(6) Refrain from strong mechanical shock and / or any force to the panel. In addition todamage, this may cause improper operation or damage to the panel.(7) Note that polarizers are very fragile and could be easily damaged. Do not press orscratch the surface harder than a B pencil lead.(8) Wipe off water droplets or oil immediately. If you leave the droplets for a long time,staining and discoloration may occur.(9) If the surface of the polarizer is dirty, clean it using some absorbent cotton or soft cloth.14.2 Storage(1) Do not leave the panel in high temperature, and high humidity for a long time. It ishighly recommended to store the panel with temperature from 0 to 35℃ andrelative humidity of less than 70%.(2) The panel shall be stored in a dark place. It is prohibited to apply sunlight orfluorescent light during the store.14.3 Operation(1) The LCD shall be operated within the limits specified. Operation at values outside ofthese limits may shorten life, and/or harm display images.(2) Do not exceed the absolute maximum rating value. (the supply voltage variation,Input voltage variation in part contents and environmental temperature and so on).Otherwise the panel may be damaged.(3) If the panel displays the same pattern continuously for a long period of time, it canbe the situation when the image” Sticks” to the screen.深圳市德智欣科技有限公司。

CT018TN06 V.5通用8K0943
ct024tn02 v.6通用FPA-SH9650-73B-56-PCB
FPC-S07230-A通用CT024TN04 V.3
[CT024N03] [8K0963] [8K1204] [8K0445]以上2.6插的型号通用
[24f06a] [8k0742]以上2.6插型号通用(和24f06MIA或024QVT需写资料)
[24f06mia] [60273-02] [p2g0430a]以上2.6插型号通用(和24f06a或024QVT需写资料)
[8K0880] [8K1507]以上型号通用
[8K0354] [8K1296]以上2.4型号通用
[8K1139] [8K0391]以上2.4型号通用
[8H0335] [8H0048]以上2.0型号34#通用
[8K0885] [9707]以上通用
[4218V] [8K0594]以上通用
奇美7寸液晶屏AT070TN83 规格书


前提条件........................................................................................................... 36 步骤.................................................................................................................. 36
建议工具....................................................................................... 11
拆装计算机内部组件之后............................................................ 12
装回内存模块............................................................................... 23
步骤...................................................................................................................23 完成条件........................................................................................................... 24

显示器尺寸对应的最佳分辨率AOC V24t详细参数切换到传统表格版基本参数显示参数面板控制接口其它显示器附件保修信息基本参数•产品定位:娱乐影音•屏幕尺寸:23.6英寸•屏幕比例:16:9(宽屏)•最大分辨率:1920x1080 •最佳分辨率:1920x1080•高清标准:1080p(全高清)•面板类型:TN•背光类型:CCFL背光•动态对比度:60000:1•黑白响应时间:5ms显示参数•点距:0.2715mm•亮度:300cd/㎡•可视面积:521.28×293.22mm •可视角度:170/160°•显示颜色:16.7M•扫描频率:水平:30-80KHz 垂直:55-75Hz•带宽:148.5MHz面板控制•控制方式:按键•语言菜单:英文,德语,法语,意大利语,西班牙语,俄语,葡萄牙语,土耳其语,简体中文接口•视频接口:D-Sub(VGA),HDMI,色差,S端子,复合信号CVBS •其它接口:TV,音频输出外观设计•机身颜色:黑色烤漆,银色底座•外观设计:超薄设计,最薄处2.5cm•产品尺寸:595.4×483.54×220.13mm(包含底座)668×565×117mm(包装)•产品重量:5.5kg(净重)7.5kg(毛重)•底座功能:倾斜•音箱:内置音箱(2×2.5W)•壁挂:100×100mm其它•电视功能:支持电视功能•HDCP:支持HDCP•电源性能:90~240V交流, 50/60Hz External Adapter •消耗功率:最大:60W待机:1W•安规认证:CCC, CB, CE, GOST,EPA•其它性能:仰角:-3-10度•其它特点:Eco Mode 5种亮度情景模式获得EPEAT金奖•上市时间:2009年06月显示器附件•包装清单:显示器主机x1 底座x1电源线x1信号线x1保修卡x1电子光盘说明书x1保修信息•保修政策:全国联保,享受三包服务•质保时间:3年•质保备注:整机1月内包换,2年免费上门,3年免费全保•客服电话:400-887-8007•电话备注:8:00-22:00•详细内容:在中国大陆(不包括香港、澳门特别政区)购买并在大陆地区使用的显示器,出现保修范围内的硬件故障时,凭显示器保修证正本和购机发票到“冠捷国内维修站一览表”中的任何一个维修站均可享受1个月包换,2年在规定的城市地区免费上门维修服务,3年免费保修(包含CRT及LCD面板)的123保修服务。
TM070RDH13天马7寸真彩色工业液晶屏 - TM070RDH13液晶屏代理

五、天马 7 寸工业液晶屏 TM070RDH13 信号接口 信号大类 信号小类 面板电压 接口类型 接口脚距 接口数量 接口脚数 Parallel RGB Parallel RGB (1ch, 8-bit) 3.3/10.4/16.0/-7.0V(Typ.)(DVDD/AVDD/VGH/VGL) FPC 0.5mm 1pcs 50pins
TFT 液晶屏:
TM070RDH13 天马 7 寸真彩色工业液晶屏 - TM070RDH13 液晶屏代理
一:天马 7 寸工业液晶屏 TM070RDH13 基本信息 品 牌 液晶屏型号 工作温度 存储温度 当前生产状态 TIANMA TM070RDH13 -20 ~ 70° C -30 ~ 80° C 量产中
二:天马 7 寸工业液晶屏 TM070RDH13 结构特征 液晶屏尺寸 点分辨率 像素密度 像素排列 宽高比 点间距 像素间距 面板重量 表面处理 显示区域 可视区域 外观尺寸 外观尺寸 触摸屏 7 英寸 800(RGB)* 480(WSVGA) 134PPI RGB 垂直条状 16:9(宽:高) 0.0642*0.1790mm(横*竖) 0.1926*0.1790mm(横*竖) 160g 雾面 154.08*85.92mm(横*竖) 157.08*89.39mm(横*竖) 164.9*100.0 mm(横*竖) 5.7± 0.3 mm (厚度) 无
三:天马 7 寸工业液晶屏 TM070RDH13 光学特征 显示模式 液晶屏亮度 对比度 显示颜色 显示色域 响应时间 可视角度 最佳视角 白色色度 白场变动 TN,常白显示,透射式 250cd/m2(背光亮度可随意到 1000nits) 500:1 (Typ.) (透射) 262K/16.7M(6-bit/6-bit+Dithering) 50% NTSC (CIE1931) 25(Typ.)(Tr+Td)(ms) 70/70/60/70 (Typ.)(CR≥10) (左/右/上/下) 12 点钟直视 X:0.310;Y:0.330 1.33/1.43 (Typ./Max.)(9 points)

Protecting the Important Things inYour Life.New Product Information: New Product Information: OS 1704OS 1704An ideal solution for commercial users needing the perfect bal-ance of technical advances and economic operation. Everything isincluded to set up a single camera CCTV system, with easy ex-pansion to four cameras.Reliability and convenient use are important features in everyvideo security installation, and this system excels at both. A highresolution CCD image sensor provides the precise detail neededfor commercial use. Control functions for remotely adjusting a pan& tilt dome camera offer ease of use not found in other products.Truly an excellent choice for businesses of all sizes that needstate-of-the-art video surveillance.Specifications:Camera:Monitor:Image sensor: 1/3" B/W CCD Screen: 17" diagonal CRT, 90° deflection Resolution: >380 TV lines Channels: 4 DIN/BNC inputs, 4 BNC outputs No. of pixels: 251,000 pixels Display: Single, sequential or quad-split Usable illumination: 0.1 lux Audio output: 0.1 Volt P-PIris:1/100,000 sec. (Auto) Power supply: 90~220VAC, 60Hz, 80W Mic sensitivity: Within 6~10' Dimensions 16”W x 14”D x 15”H Power supply:12 VDC, from monitorWeight32 LbsLens/mount: 6.0mm, C/CS mount Hor. resolution >750 lines Video output 1 Vp-p, 75 Video format: NTSCAudio output200 mVVideo output: 1 Volt P-P (VCR or Slave monitor) OS 1704OS 170417” B/W Quad-Screen Observation System♦Complete observation system in-cludes a 17" B/W monitor, high reso-lution camera, remote control and 65’ cable♦Built-in 4 channel switcher provides sequential or split-screen viewing ♦The monitor includes controls for dome camera pan & tilt adjustment ♦Picture freeze function makes identifi-cation easier during playback ♦Alarm mode activates full screen display of trouble location together with warning buzzer♦BNC looping input and outputs for each channelFeatures:♦On-screen display of time, date, cam-era ID and alarm mode status♦Self-diagnostic start up and camera loss alarm♦Outputs for recording to A VCR or DVR recorder♦Multi-function remote control♦2-way audio communication with high-resolution camera。

型号PDF文件尺寸(英寸) 分辨率接口类型屏插座类型屏线类型制造商AA084VB01 pdf-spec. 8.4 640x480 digital IL-FPR-40S-VF ADA-PITCH-40P-0.5 Mitsubishi AA084VB02 pdf-spec. 8.4 640x480 digital IL-FPR-40S-VF ADA-PITCH-40P-0.5 Mitsubishi AA104V A01 pdf-spec. 10.4 640x480 digital DF9-31S-1V ADA-DF9-40-SET-XXX Mitsubishi AA104VB02 pdf-spec. 10.4 640x480 digital DF9-31S-1V ADA-DF9-40-SET-XXX Mitsubishi AA104VB04 pdf-spec. 10.4 640x480 digital DF9-31S-1V ADA-DF9-40-SET-XXX Mitsubishi AA121SK02 pdf-spec. 12.1 640x480 digital DF9-41S-1V ADA-DF9-41-SET-XXX Mitsubishi AA121SK12 pdf-spec. 12.1 640x480 digital DF9-41S-1V ADA-DF9-41-SET-XXX Mitsubishi AA121XH01 pdf-spec. 12.1 1024x768 LVDS FI-S20S KAB-FI-S20S-XXX Mitsubishi AA142XC11 pdf-spec. 14.2 1024x768 LVDS FI-S20S KAB-FI-S20S-XXX Mitsubishi AA150XA01 pdf-spec. 15 1024x768 digital IL-FHR-45S+30S-VF ADA-PITCH-45P-30P-SET Mitsubishi AA150XA01B pdf-spec. 15 1024x768 digital IL-FHR-45S+30S-VF ADA-PITCH-45P-30P-SET Mitsubishi AA150XA03 pdf-spec. 15.1 1024x768 digital IL-FHR-45S+30S-VF ADA-PITCH-45P-30P-SET Mitsubishi AA150XN01 pdf-spec. 15 1024x768 LVDS DF14-20S-1.25C KAB-DF14-20S-XXX Mitsubishi A070FW03 pdf-spec. 7 1440x234 digital on request AUB084SN03 pdf-spec. 10.4 800x600 LVDS DF19-20S-1C KAB-DF19-20S-0500RK AUB104SN02 pdf-spec. 10.4 800x600 LVDS DF19-20S-1C KAB-DF19-20S-0500RK AUB150XG02 pdf-spec. 15 1024x768 LVDS FI-S30S KAB-FI-S30S-XXX AUDMF-50081ZNB-FW 5.1 320x240 digital on request OPTREXDMF-50414NCU-FW 9 640x480 DF13-15S+10S-1.25C KAB-DF13-15S+10S-XXX OPTREX DMF-50316NF-FW-1 5.4 240x64 digital on request OPTREXEL 640.400-CB1 9 640x400 digital on request PlanarEL 640.480-AD4 10 640x480 on request PlanarEL 640.480-A4-AD4 10 640x480 on request PlanarEL 640.480-AF1 pdf-spec. 10 640x480 STMM-110-01-T-D on request PlanarEL 640.480-AM1 10 640x480 on request PlanarFLC26XGC6R pdf-spec. 10.4 1024x768 TFT KAB-DF19-14S-0500RK FujitsuFLC31SVC6S 12 800x600 LVDS FI-W21S KAB-FI21S-XXX Fujitsu FLC38XGC6V-05 15 1024x768 digital 52760-0600 ADA-FLC38XG FujitsuFLC38XGC6V-06 pdf-spec. 15 1024x768 digital 52760-0600 ADA-FLC38XG FujitsuFLC38XGV6V-06 pdf-spec 15 1024x768 digital 52760-0600 ADA-FLC38XG FujitsuFLC43XWC6V-02 pdf-spec. 17 1280x786 digital 52760-0600 ADA-FLC38XG FujitsuFLC44SXC8V pdf-spec. 17.4 1280x1024 digital 52760-0809 on request FujitsuFLC48SXC8V pdf-spec. 19 1280x1024 LVDS FI-X30H KAB-FI-X30H-XXX FujitsuFLC51UXC8V KAB-FI-X30H-XXXpdf-spec. 20.1 1600x1200 LVDS FI-X30H Inverter cable: KAB-51021- Fujitsu1200-0500FKFLC56XWC8V pdf-spec. 22 1280x768 LVDS DF14-20S-1.25C KAB-DF14-20S-XXX FujitsuFLC58UXC8V pdf-spec. 23 1920x1200 LVDS FI-X30H KAB-FI-X30H-XXX FujitsuFLC59UXC8V-02A KAB-FI31S-XXXpdf-spec. 23.1 1600x1200 LVDS FI-W31S-HF Inverter cable: KAB-51021- Fujitsu1200-0500FKFPF21C8060UA 21 640x480 on request FujitsuFPF42C10660UB-01 42 854x480 Plasma FX2B-68S-1.27R KAB-FX2B-68S-1.27R FujitsuAUG084SN05V2 pdf-spec. 8.4 800x600 on request OPTRONCSAUG104SN05 pdf-spec. 10.4 800x600 LVDS on request OPTRONCSAUG121SN01V.0 pdf-spec. 10.4 800x600 LVDS FI-S20S KAB-FI-S20S-XXXOPTRONCSAUG150XG01 pdf-spec. 15 1024x768 LVDS DF14-20S-1.25C KAB-DF14-20S-XXXOPTRONCSG23916-B0065-C1 10.4 640x480 digital on request SiemensG321EX5R000 5 320x240 on request SeikoG6485H-FF 5 640x480 digital FFC-20-1.00 ADA-PITCH-20P-1.00 Citizen HLD0604-010000 pdf-spec. 6.4 640x480 digital DF9-31S-1V ADA-DF9-40-SET-XXX HOSIDEN HLD0604-HIBRITE pdf-spec. 6.4 640x480 digital DF9-31S-1V ADA-DF9-40-SET-XXX HOSIDENHLD0805-500 pdf-spec. 8.4 640x480 digital FFC-40-05 ADA-PITCH-40P-0.50 HOSIDENHLD0805E pdf-spec. 8.4 640x480 digital FFC-40-05 ADA-PITCH-40P-0.50 HOSIDENHLD0915 9 640x480 digital DF9-31S-1V ADA-DF9-40-SET-XXX HOSIDEN HLD1027-010000 pdf-spec. 10.4 640x480 digital DF9-31S-1V ADA-DF9-40-SET-XXX HOSIDENHLD1027-010100 pdf-spec. 10.4 640x480 digital DF9-31S-1V ADA-DF9-40-SET-XXX HOSIDEN HLD1027-020100 pdf-spec. 10.4 640x480 digital DF9-31S-1V ADA-DF9-40-SET-XXX HOSIDEN HLD1027HIBRITE pdf-spec. 10.4 640x480 digital DF9-31S-1V ADA-DF9-40-SET-XXX HOSIDENHLD1036-018120 pdf-spec. 10.4 640x480 digital DF9-31S-1V ADA-DF9-40-SET-XXX HOSIDENHLD1045 pdf-spec. 10.4 640x480 digital DF9-31S-1V ADA-DF9-40-SET-XXX HOSIDEN HLD1045E pdf-spec. 10.4 640x480 digital DF9-31S-1V ADA-DF9-40-SET-XXX HOSIDEN HLD1045E-HIBRITE pdf-spec. 10.4 640x480 digital DF9-31S-1V ADA-DF9-40-SET-XXX HOSIDENHLD1209 12 800x600 digital DF9-41S-1V ADA-DF9-41-SET-XXX HOSIDEN HLD1210 pdf-spec. 12.1 800x600 digital DF9-41S-1V ADA-DF9-41-SET-XXX HOSIDENHLD1210-HIBRITE-500 pdf-spec. 12.1 800x600 digital DF9-41S-1V ADA-DF9-41-SET-XXX HOSIDEN HLD1210-HIBRITE-800 pdf-spec. 12.1 800x600 digital DF9-41S-1V ADA-DF9-41-SET-XXX HOSIDENHLD1302 13 1042x768 digital FI-WE21 KAB-FI-W21S-XXX HOSIDEN HLD1506-010130 pdf-spec. 15 1024x768 digital FX8-80P-SV ADA-HLD1508REV1 HOSIDENHLD1508-015430 pdf-spec. 15.1 1024x768 digital FX8-80S-SV ADA-HLD1508REV1 HOSIDEN HLD1509-010130 pdf-spec. 15.1 1024x768 digital FX8-80P-SV ADA-HLD1508REV1 HOSIDENHLD1510 15.1 1024x768 digital FX8-80P-SV ADA-HLD1508REV1 HOSIDEN HLD1511 pdf-spec. 15.1 1024x768 digital DF9-41S-1V ADA-DF9-41-SET-XXX HOSIDENHLM6321 pdf-spec. 5.2 320x240 digital on request HOSIDENHLM7259 pdf-spec. 4.6 240x64 digital on request HOSIDENHLM7259-0100100 pdf-spec. 4.6 240x64 digital on request HOSIDENHLM8619-010300 pdf-spec. 5.7 320x240 digital on request HOSIDENHLM8619-010500 pdf-spec. 5.7 320x240 digital on request HOSIDENHLM8620 pdf-spec. 5.7 320x240 digital on request HOSIDENHLM8620E pdf-spec. 5.7 320x240 digital on request HOSIDENHM15X11-200-SH pdf-spec. 15 1024x768 analog on request HYUNDAIHSD121PS11-A pdf-spec. 12.1 800x600 LVDS FI-S20S KAB-FI-S20S-XXX HANSTARHSD141PK11-A pdf-spec. 14.1 1400x1050 LVDS FI-X30H KAB-FI-X30H-XXX HANSTARHSD141PX11-A pdf-spec. 14.1 1024x768 LVDS DF19KR-14P-1H KAB-DF19KR-14P-XXX HANSTARHSD150MX41-A pdf-spec. 15 1024x768 digital FX8-60P-SV ADA-LQ14X01 HANSTARHSD150MX46-A pdf-spec. 15 1024x768 digital FFC-45+30-0.50 ADA-FFC-45-30-SET HANSTARHSD150MX47-A pdf-spec. 15 1024x768 digital 802PVS-080405R-M on request HANSTARHSD150MX49-A pdf-spec. 15 1024x768 digital 802PVS-080405R-M on request HANSTARHT10X21-100 pdf-spec. 10.4 1024x768 LVDS DF19-14S-1C KAB-DF19-14S-XXX BOE-HYDISHT12S11 12 800x600 digital DF9-41S-1V ADA-DF9-41-SET-XXX HYUNDAIHT12X11-100 pdf-spec. 12.1 1024x768 LVDS FI-S20S KAB-FI-S20S-XXX HYUNDAIHT12X12-100 pdf-spec. 12.1 1024x768 LVDS DF19-20S-1C KAB-DF19-20S-XXX HYUNDAIHT12X21-100 pdf-spec. 12.1 1024x768 LVDS DF19-20S-1C KAB-DF19-20S-XXX BOE-HYDISHT13X14-101 pdf-spec. 13.3 1024x768 LVDS FI-X20H KAB-FI-X20H-XXX HYUNDAIHT14X11-103 pdf-spec. 14.1 1024x768 LVDS FI-S20S KAB-FI-S20S-XXX HYUNDAIHT14X12-101 pdf-spec. 14.1 1024x768 LVDS FI-X20H KAB-FI-X20H-XXX HYUNDAIHT14X13-101 pdf-spec. 14 1024x768 LVDS FI-X20H KAB-FI-X20H-XXX HYUNDAIHT14X13-201 pdf-spec. 14 1024x768 LVDS FI-X20H KAB-FI-X20H-XXX HYUNDAIHT15X11-100 pdf-spec. 15 1024x768 digital FX8-80P-SV ADA-HLD1508REV1HYUNDAIHT15X11-200 pdf-spec. 15 1024x768 digital FX8-80P-SV ADA-HLD1508REV1 HYUNDAIHT15X12-100 15 1024x768 digital 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640x480 digital 51021-1500 KAB-51021-1500-XXX SHARPLM64P11 pdf-spec. 6.2 640x480 digital FFC-16-0.50 ADA-PITCH-16P-0.50 SHARPLM64P12 pdf-spec. 8.3 640x480 digital 51021-1500 KAB-51021-1500-XXX SHARPLM64P839 9 640x480 digital 51021-1500 KAB-51021-1500-XXX SHARPLM64P83L pdf-spec. 9.7 640x480 digital 51021-1500 KAB-51021-1500-XXX SHARPLM64P89 10 640x480 digital 51021-1500 KAB-51021-1500-XXX SHARPLM64P89L pdf-spec. 10.4 640x480 digital 51021-1500 KAB-51021-1500-XXX SHARPLM6Q31 pdf-spec. 6 320x240 digital FFC-24-1.00 ADA-PITCH-24P-1.00 SHARPLM6Q32 pdf-spec. 6 320x240 digital FFC-20-0.80 ADA-PITCH-20P-0.80 SHARPLM6Q33 pdf-spec. 5.6 320x240 digital FFC-20-0.80 ADA-PITCH-20P-0.80 SHARPLM6Q35 pdf-spec. 6 320x240 digital 51127-3005 KAB-DF13-30DS-XXX-M SHARPLM6Q40 pdf-spec. 5.6 320x240 analog IL-W-10S-SD on request SHARPLM7M632 pdf-spec. 7 640x240 digital FFC-20-0.50 ADA-PITCH-20P-0.50 SHARPLM7M633 pdf-spec. 6.5 640x240 digital FFC-20-0.50 ADA-PITCH-20P-0.50 SHARPLM7MS623 pdf-spec. 6.5 640x240 digital FFC-22-0.50 ADA-PITCH-22P-0.50 SHARPLM80C27 pdf-spec. 11.5 800x600 digital DF9-41 ADA-DF9-41-SET-XXX SHARP LM80C31 12 800x600 digital IL-310-41S-VF ADA-DF9-41-SET-XXX SHARPLM80C312 pdf-spec. 12 800x600 digital IL-310-41S-VF ADA-DF9-41-SET-XXX SHARP LM80C36 pdf-spec. 12 800x600 digital IL-310-41S-VF ADA-DF9-41-SET-XXX SHARPLM8M64 pdf-spec. 8 640x240 digital FFC-20-0.50 ADA-PITCH-20P-0.50 SHARPLM8V30 pdf-spec. 8 640x480 digital 51021-1500/1400 KAB-51021-1500+1400-XXX SHARPLM8V302 pdf-spec. 7.7 640x480 digital 51021-1500/1400 KAB-51021-1500+1400-XXX SHARPLM8V30kai pdf-spec. 7.7 640x480 digital 51021-1500 KAB-51021-1500-XXX SHARPLM8V31 pdf-spec. 7.7 640x480 digital 51021-1500 KAB-51021-1500-XXX SHARPLM8V311 pdf-spec. 7.7 640x480 digital 51021-1500 KAB-51021-1500-XXX SHARPLM8V33 pdf-spec. 7.7 640x480 digital on request SHARPLM9V381 pdf-spec. 9.4 640x480 digital on request SHARPtype no. display correspondingsize" format type adapter-/ cable type manufac.spec. connectorLP104S2 pdf-spec. 10 800x600 digital DF9-41S-1V ADA-DF9-41-SET-XXX LGLP104S5-A2VT pdf-spec. 10.4 800x600 digital FI-X30H KAB-FI-X30H-0500RK LGLP104S5-C1 pdf-spec. 10.4 800x600 digital DF19G-20S-1C KAB-DF19G-20S-XXX LGLP104S06 pdf-spec. 10.4 800x600 digital DF19G-20S-1C KAB-DF19G-20S-XXX LGLP104V2 pdf-spec. 10.4 640x480 digital DF9-31S-1V ADA-DF9-40-SET-XXX LGLP104V2-W pdf-spec. 10.4 640x480 digital DF9-31S-1V ADA-DF9-40-SET-XXX LGLP121S1 ADA-DF9-41-SET-XXX12 800x600 digital DF9-41S-1V LGLP121S4 pdf-spec. 12 800x600 LVDS FI-S30S KAB-FI-30S-XXX LGLP133X3 KAB-FI-S20S-XXX13 1024x768 FlatLink FI-S20S LGLP133X4 KAB-FI-S20S-XXX13 1024x768 LVDS FI-S20S LGLP133X7 pdf-spec. 13.3 1024x768 LVDS DF19G-20S-1C KAB-DF19G-20S-XXX LG LP133X7-H2CC pdf-spec. 13.3 1024x768 LVDS DF19G-20S-1C KAB-DF19G-20S-XXX LG LP133X8 pdf-spec. 13.3 1024x768 LVDS DF19G-20S-1C KAB-DF19G-20S-XXX LG LP141E2-A1 pdf-spec. 14.1 1400x1050 LVDS FI-XB30SR-HF11 on request LGLP141X1 14 1024x768 PanelLink WR40 ADA-LP141X1-XXX LG LP141X2-B pdf-spec. 14.1 1024x768 LVDS FI-S20S KAB-FI-S20S-XXX LGLP141X3 KAB-FI-S20S-XXX14 1024x768 LVDS FI-S20S LGLP141X6 KAB-FI-S20S-XXX14 1024x768 LVDS FI-S20S LGLP141X61-A1IB pdf-spec. 14 1024x768 LVDS FI-S20S KAB-FI-S20S-XXX LGLP141XA pdf-spec. 14.1 1024x768 LVDS FI-S20S KAB-FI-S20S-XXX LGLP150U1 pdf-spec. 15 1600x1200 LVDS FI-S30S KAB-FI-30S-XXX LG LP150X1 pdf-spec. 15 1024x768 LVDS FI-S30S KAB-FI-30S-XXX LGLP157E1 pdf-spec. 15.7 1280x1024 LVDS 55177-3091 KAB-51146-3000-XXX LG LTE052T-060 pdf-spec. 5 320x234 NTSC/PAL FFC-22-1.00 ADA-PITCH-22P-1.00 LGLTE052T-061 pdf-spec. 5 320x234 NTSC/PAL FFC-22-1.00 ADA-PITCH-22P-1.00 LG LTE072T-05X pdf-spec. 7 480x234 NTSC/PAL FFC-28-1.00 ADA-PITCH-28P-1.00 LGLP064V1/V1W pdf-spec. 6 640x480 digital DF9-31S-1V ADA-DF9-40-SET-XXX LGLQ035Q7DB02 pdf-spec. 3.52 320x240 digital FPC on display on request SHARPLQ035Q7DB03 pdf-spec. 3.52 320x240 digital FPC on display on request SHARPLQ035Q7DH01 pdf-spec. 3.52 320x240 digital FH12A-50S-0.5SH ADA-PITCH-50P-0.50 SHARP LQ035Q7DH02 pdf-spec. 3.52 320x240 digital FH12A-50S-0.5SH ADA-PITCH-50P-0.50 SHARP LQ038Q5DR01 pdf-spec. 4 320x240 digital KX15-40K*D1 ADA-LQ038 SHARPLQ039Q2DS01 pdf-spec. 3.9 320x240 digital FFC-50-0.50 ADA-PITCH-50P-0.50 SHARPLQ039Q2DS53 pdf-spec. 3.9 320x240 digital FFC-50-0.50 ADA-PITCH-50P-0.50 SHARPLQ039Q2DS54 pdf-spec. 3.9 320x240 digital FFC-50-0.50 ADA-PITCH-50P-0.50 SHARPLQ049B5DG01 pdf-spec. 5 960x96 digital FFC-30-0.80 ADA-PITCH-30P-0.80 SHARPLQ050Q5DR01 pdf-spec. 5 320x240 digital KX15-40K*D1 ADA-LQ038 SHARPLQ057Q3DC02 ADA-PITCH-33P-0.50pdf-spec. 5.7 320x240 digital FFC-33-0.50 SHARPADA-FFC33-IDC30LQ057Q3DC12 pdf-spec. 5.7 320x240 digital FH12A-50S-0.5SH on request SHARPLQ058T5DRQ1 pdf-spec. 5.8 640x350 digital on request SHARPLQ064A5CG01 pdf-spec. 6.4 480x234 NTSC/PAL on request SHARPLQ064ACG01 pdf-spec. 6.4 1440x234 NTSC/PAL 51004-1000 on request SHARPLQ064D341 pdf-spec. 6.4 640x480 digital DF9-31S-1V ADA-DF9-40-SET-XXX SHARPLQ064V1DS11 pdf-spec. 6.4 640x480 digital FFC-30-0.50 ADA-PITCH-30P-0.50 SHARPLQ064V3DG01-LA1 pdf-spec. 6.4 640x480 digital DF9-31S-1V ADA-DF9-40-SET-XXX SHARP LQ065T5BR02 ADA-PITCH-24P-0.806.5 N/A N/A FFC-24-0.80 SHARP LQ065T9BR51 pdf-spec. 6.5 1200x240 NTSC/PAL FFC-24-0.80 ADA-PITCH-24P-0.80 SHARP LQ065T9DR51 pdf-spec. 6.5 1200x241 NTSC/PAL DF9-31S-1V ADA-DF9-40-SET-XXX SHARPLQ065T9DR51U pdf-spec. 6.5 1200x241 NTSC/PAL DF9-31S-1V ADA-DF9-40-SET-XXX SHARP LQ065T9DR52U pdf-spec. 6.5 1200x241 NTSC/PAL DF9-31S-1V ADA-DF9-40-SET-XXX SHARP LQ06AN102 pdf-spec. 5.6 320x234 digital on request SHARPLQ06BW506 pdf-spec. 5.8 1200x241 NTSC/PAL on request SHARPLQ070T5CRQ1 pdf-spec. 7 372x107 NTSC/PAL FFC-28-1.00 ADA-PITCH-28-1.00 SHARPLQ070T5DG01 pdf-spec. 7 2562x480 digital DF9-31S-1V ADA-DF9-40-SET-XXX SHARPLQ07BW516 pdf-spec. 7 1440x234 NTSC/PAL on request SHARP LQ07BW566 pdf-spec. 7 1440x234 NTSC/PAL on request SHARPLQ080T5GG01 pdf-spec. 7 1440x234 NTSC/PAL on request SHARP LQ084S1DH01 pdf-spec. 8 800x600 digital FI-W31S-HF KAB-FI-W31S-XXX SHARPLQ084S3DG01 pdf-spec. 8.4 800x600 digital DF19G-30S-1C KAB-DF19G-30S-XXX SHARP LQ084V1DG21 pdf-spec. 8.4 640x480 digital DF9-31S-1V ADA-DF9-40-SET-XXX SHARPLQ084V2DS01 pdf-spec. 8.4 800x600 digital AXN540045P on request SHARPLQ095Y5DR01 pdf-spec. 9.5 800x480 digital on request SHARPLQ09D340 pdf-spec. 8.4 640x480 digital on request SHARPLQ09PS01 pdf-spec. 8.4 800x600 digital DF9-41S-1V ADA-DF9-41-SET-XXX SHARPLQ104S1DG21 pdf-spec. 8.4 800x600 digital DF9-41S-1V ADA-DF9-41-SET-XXX SHARP LQ104S1LH11 KAB-FI-S20S-XXX10.4 800x600 PanelLink FI-S20S SHARPLQ104V1DC31 pdf-spec. 10.4 640x480 digital DF9-31S-1V ADA-LQ104-SET-XXX SHARP LQ104V1DG11 pdf-spec. 10.4 640x480 digital DF9-31S-1V ADA-LQ104-SET-XXX SHARPLQ104V1DG21 pdf-spec. 10.4 640x480 digital DF9-31S-1V ADA-DF9-40-SET-XXX SHARP LQ104V1DG51 pdf-spec. 10.4 640x480 digital DF9-31S-1V ADA-DF9-40-SET-XXX SHARP LQ104V7DS01 pdf-spec. 10.4 640x480 digital DF9-31S-1V ADA-LQ104-SET-XXX SHARPLQ10D031 pdf-spec. 10.4 640x480 digital DF9-31S-1V ADA-LQ104-SET-XXX SHARPLQ10D131 pdf-spec. 10.4 640x480 digital DF9-31S-1V ADA-DF9-40-SET-XXX SHARPADA-DF9-40-SET-XXX "LQ10D32110.4 640x480 digital DF9-31S-1V width=9> SHARPLQ10D344 ADA-DF9-40-SET-XXX10.4 640x480 digital DF9-31S-1V SHARPLQ10D345 ADA-DF9-40-SET-XXX10.4 640x480 digital DF9-31S-1V SHARPLQ10D367 pdf-spec. 10.4 640x480 digital DF9-31S-1V ADA-DF9-40-SET-XXX SHARPLQ10D368 pdf-spec. 10.4 640x480 digital DF9-31S-1V ADA-DF9-40-SET-XXX SHARPLQ10D42 pdf-spec. 10.4 640x480 digital DF9-31S-1V ADA-DF9-40-SET-XXX SHARPLQ10D421 pdf-spec. 10.4 640x480 digital DF9-31S-1V ADA-DF9-40-SET-XXX SHARPLQ10PX21 pdf-spec. 10 1024x768 digital KX15-80K2D on request SHARPLQ10DH011 10.4 640x480 digital DF11-22DS-2C KAB-DF11-22DS-XXX SHARPLQ10S21 pdf-spec. 10.4 800x600 digital DF9-41S-1V ADA-DF9-41-SET-XXX SHARPLQ11DW01 KAB-51146-2000-50011 800x600 LVDS 51146-2000 SHARP LQ11S31 pdf-spec. 11.3 800x600 digital DF9-41S-1V ADA-DF9-41-SET-XXX SHARPLQ11S31G pdf-spec. 11.3 800x600 digital DF9-41S-1V ADA-DF9-41-SET-XXX SHARPLQ121S1DG11 pdf-spec. 12.1 800x600 digital DF9-41S-1V ADA-DF9-41-SET-XXX SHARP LQ121S1DG21 pdf-spec. 12.1 800x600 digital FI-S31S KAB-FI-31S-XXX SHARPLQ121S1DG31 pdf-spec. 12.1 800x600 digital DF9-41S-1V ADA-DF9-41-SCREW SHARPLQ121S1DG41 pdf-spec. 12.1 800x600 digital DF9-41S-1V ADA-DF9-41-SCREW SHARP LQ121S1LG41 pdf-spec. 12.1 800x600 LVDS FI-S20S KAB-FI-S20S-XXX SHARP LQ12DX12 pdf-spec. 12.1 1027x768 digital FFC-50-0.50 ADA-PITCH-50P-0.50 SHARPLQ12S01 ADA-DF9-41-SET-XXX12.1 800x600 digital DF9-41S-1V SHARPLQ12S08 pdf-spec. 12.1 800x600 digital DF9-41S-1V ADA-DF9-41-SET-XXX SHARP LQ12S11 ADA-DF9-41-SET-XXX12.1 800x600 digital DF9-41S-1V SHARPLQ12S31 ADA-DF9-41-SET-XXX12.1 800x600 digital DF9-41S-1V SHARPLQ12S41 pdf-spec. 12.1 800x600 digital DF9-41S-1V ADA-DF9-41-SET-XXX SHARPLQ12S56A pdf-spec. 12.1 800x600 digital DF9-41S-1V ADA-DF9-41-SET-XXX SHARP LQ12X02 pdf-spec. 12.1 1024x768 LVDS DF14-20S-1.25C KAB-DF14-20S-XXX SHARP LQ12X12 pdf-spec. 12.1 1024x768 digital FFC-50-0.50 ADA-PITCH-50P-0.50 SHARPLQ12X51 pdf-spec. 12.1 1024x768 LVDS 51146-2000 KAB-51146-2000-500 SHARPLQ133X1TS701 pdf-spec. 13.3 1024x768 digital DF14-20S-1.25C KAB-DF14-20S-XXX SHARP LQ13X21 pdf-spec. 13.3 1024x768 LVDS FI-S20S KAB-FI-S20S-XXX SHARP。

50寸;分辨率1400×1050;亮度1600lm;Laser光源;光源寿命20000小时;显示比例4:3;复合玻 璃幕;LED屏数字显示;输入接口:VIDEO×2、DVI/VGA×2;输出接口:DVI;控制接口:RS232 (IN)、RS485(IN/OUT);单元尺寸(mm):1016(宽)×762(高)× 762(厚);功率240W;重量
67寸;分辨率1400×1050;亮度1600lm;Laser光源;光源寿命20000小时;显示比例4:3;复合玻 璃幕;LED屏数字显示;输入接口:VIDEO×2、DVI/VGA×2;输出接口:DVI;控制接口:RS232 (IN)、RS485(IN/OUT);单元尺寸(mm):1364(宽)×1023(高)×8 72(厚);功率250W;重量 145kg;后维护; 67寸;分辨率1400×1050;亮度1600lm;Laser光源;光源寿命20000小时;显示比例4:3;复合玻 璃幕;LED灯指示显示;输入接口:DVI×2;控制接口:RS232(IN)、RS485(IN/OUT)、RJ45 (IP、IN/OUT);单元尺寸(mm):1364(宽)×1023(高)×872(厚);功率250W;重量145kg;后 维护;
80寸;分辨率1024×768;亮度2000lm;Laser光源;光源寿命20000小时;显示比例4:3;复合玻 璃幕;LED屏数字显示;输入接口:DVI×2,VGA×2,HDMI×4,RGBHV×2,S-Video×2,CVBS× 2;输出接口:HDMI×2,CVBS×2;控制接口:RS232(IN)、RS485(IN/OUT)、RJ45(IP、 IN/OUT);单元尺寸(mm):1620(宽)×1215(高)×1016(厚);功率250W;重量200kg;后维护;
Dell 1704FPV 平板显示器用户手册说明书

Dell™ 1704FPV 平板显示器关于本显示器前视图后视图侧视图底视图显示器规格Dell Soundbar(选配件)规格显示器保养使用可调显示器支架装上支架整理电缆使用倾斜、旋转和直立扩展卸下支架设置显示器连接显示器使用前面板按钮使用 OSD设置最佳分辨率使用 Dell Soundbar(选配件)转动显示器更改显示器转动角度转动操作系统故障排除排除显示器故障一般问题产品特定问题USB 问题排除 Soundbar 故障附录安全信息联系 Dell认证声明回收显示器设置指南本文档中的信息会随时变更,恕不另行通知。
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本文中使用商标:Dell™, PowerEdge™, PowerConnect™, PowerVault™, Dell™ Dimension™, Inspiron™, OptiPlex™, Latitude™, Dell Precision™ 和 Dell | EMC是 Dell Inc.的商标;Microsoft,Windows和Windows NT是 Microsoft Corporation 的注册商标;Adobe为Adobe Systems Incorporated(Adobe系统公司)具有一定法律效力的注册商标; ENERGY STAR是美国环保署的注册商标。
作为 ENERGY STAR 合作伙伴,Dell Inc. 认定本产品符合ENERGY STAR 能效方面的标准。
EMC 是 EMC Corporation 的注册商标。
Dell Inc. 对于自己之外的商标和品牌名称没有任何专有利益。
2004 年 8 月1.OSD 菜单/选择按钮2.输入选择/向下按钮1.Dell Soundbar 安装架 — 用来安装 Dell Soundbar 选件2.防盗锁插槽 —用来锁住显示器以保证安全3.支架卸除按钮 — 按下可以松开支架4.VESA 安装槽孔(100mm [所装底板的背后]) — 用来安装固定显示器5.条形码序列号标签 — 如果您需要联系 Dell 寻求技术帮助,请参考这个标签6.锁按/松开按钮— 向下推显示器,按此按钮可以解锁显示器,然后将显示器抬高到想要的高度7.认证标签 — 列出了认证准许8.电缆固定夹 — 用来把电缆固定在其夹子中底视图1.电源接口 - 用来连接电源线2.Dell Soundbar 电源接口 - 用来连接 Soundbar(选配件)的电源线3.DVI 接口 - 用来连接计算机 DVI 线4.VGA 接口 - 用来连接计算机 VGA 线B 上行接口 - 用来将随显示器附带的 USB 线连接到显示器和计算机。

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联想 ideapad FLEX 4-1470 4-1435 4-1570 规格说明

规格机型名:Lenovo ideapad FLEX 4-1470/ideapad FLEX 4-1435/ ideapad FLEX 4-1570机型:80SA/80SC/80SB注释:下列规格或许包括非精准的技术描述或排版错误。
ideapad FLEX 4-1470/ideapad FLEX 4-1435ideapad FLEX 4-1570外形尺寸尺寸约338 mm × 234 mm ×20.9 mm约380 mm × 255 mm ×21.35 mm重量约1.75 kg约2.08 kg LCD尺寸14.0英寸15.6英寸处理器处理器查看计算机的系统属性,请执行以下操作:打开控制面板,然后选择系统和安全系统。
内存速度2133 MHz最大支持容量16 GB插槽SODIMM × 1硬盘驱动器外形尺寸 2.5 英寸, 7.0 mm或5 mm接口SATA II/SATA III显示屏显示屏分辨率(LCD)1,366 × 768 pixels HD/1,920 × 1,080 pixels FHD LCD 背光LED触摸屏多点触控屏zh-CN Rev. AA00规格I/O 端口USB USB 2.0 × 1, USB 3.0 × 2音频组合音频插孔 × 1视频/音频HDMI 端口 × 1以太网口RJ-45 × 1 (1000 Mbps)记忆卡插槽记忆卡插槽(SD/SDHC/SDXC/MMC)电池组类型锂离子电池组芯/容量2芯 / 3芯, 35 Wh / 52.5 Wh注释:电池容量为典型或通常容量,根据特定实验环境测定。
交流电源适配器输入100-240 V,50-60 Hz 交流输出电压20 V 直流电源DIS 65 W,UMA 45 W or 65 W其它摄像头HD (720p)安全Kensington迷你安全锁插槽 × 1。

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宏鑫旺达联想库存7.12红色为特价机型昭阳E46AP6100/2G/500/超级DVD-RW/512独显/DOS昭阳E47A2310/2G/500/超级DVD-RW/512独显/WIN7昭阳E47A2410/2G/500/超级DVD-RW/512独显/DOS昭阳K26 380/2G/500/带指纹/蓝牙/摄像头/DOS 4芯电池昭阳K27 2310/2G/500/带指纹/蓝牙/摄像头/DOS 4芯电池昭阳K27 2310/2G/500/带指纹/蓝牙/摄像头/WIN7 8芯电池昭阳E46A380/2G/320/超级DVD-RW/512独显/DOS昭阳E46A380/2G/500/超级DVD-RW/512独显/DOS扬天T2920 E3400/2G/500/DVD/DOS/19LCD扬天T2960 E5800/2G/500/DVD/集成/DOS/20LCD扬天T2970 E5800/2G/500/DVD/512独显/DOS/20LCD扬天M2610N CDC E3400/1G/250G/DVD/20LCD扬天M2622N CDC E3400/2G/320G/DVD/WIN7/20扬天M4680N PDC E5800/2G/500G/DVD/512独立/WIN7/20扬天M6600N PDC E5800/3G/500G/DVD/512独立/WIN7 /20扬天A6880F E7500/2G/500/DVD-RW/512独显/WIN7/20LCD扬天A4630F PDC E5800/2G/500G/DVD/512M独立/WIN7/20扬天A4600K PDC E5800/2G/500G/DVD/WIN7/20扬天S300 S 180 1G 250(D)扬天S300 AX2 260 2G500R(D)扬天S500 PDC E3400 2G 250 DVDRW DOS商用一体机扬天S700 PDC E3400 2G 250 DVDRW DOS扬天S700 PDC E5800 2G320R(W7B)C21r3 E350X 2G50GV-7B(BK)黑色 下乡机B320 C i3-2105/4G/500/HD3000/RAMBO/DOS/20LCDIdeaCentre B32r3 PD G620 2G500G/20LCD 带下乡卡B520 C i3-2105 4G50VWIntel HD3000 核芯显卡 23一体机B50r1 e6600/2G/1T/RAMBO/512独显/23LCD 带下乡卡新圆梦F118 SX2 180/1G/250/DVD/LINUX +18.5LCD新圆梦F318 SX2 180 2G 500G DVD-DOS 20LCD新圆梦F618 AX4 645 2G/500G/DVD/512独立-7B(A)/21.5LED7.12 2930 2930 3070 3070 3360 2020 2120 2050 2930 3390 3600 4080 3760 4180 4010 4080 4430 2570 3440 3490 3800 3950 2860 3100 3180 3440 3050 41803300 3890 3580 3910 3550 3800 4130 4030 4450 4720 3580 3820 4800 5120 3580 4160 4320 4770 4980 4720 4830 5410 6530 4350 4780 5400 6180 4930 5700 2450 3170 282035504030425042504350349036202750290032002550280032903350423035303050247028802850333037102660带下乡卡39403780带下乡卡47904020带下乡卡2350带下乡卡2770带下乡卡3580带下乡卡。
朗宇 PAC070 型一体机使用说明书

PAC070型一体机使用说明正视图背视图1 产品概述PAC070是一款工业级一体化人机界面。
该产品设计采用Cortex A7 CPU和CORTEX M0为核心,使用7英寸高亮LED液晶显示器(分辨率800*480),四线电阻式触摸屏;可通过多通道、多方式进行信号采集及数据处理,还可通过GPRS无线传输;同时预装DZBuilder工业组态软件。
·液晶屏:7寸TFT液晶屏、LED背光、颜色65536·分辨率:800*480·显示亮度:450cd/㎡·C P U :Cortex-A7 454MHz·内存:256M DDRII RAM·触摸屏:四线电阻式,点动100万次以上·存储设备:256M NAND FLASH·SD卡扩展:可选,最大可扩展16G·接口:1*RS232、1*RS485·开关量:8路光耦输入,8路继电器输出·模拟量:8路输入(电流信号)·扩展接口:2*USB 2.0·实时时钟:有·蜂鸣器:有·工作温度:-20℃ to +70℃·防护等级:IP 65(前面板)·输入电压:24V输入电压·抗干扰性:工频磁场干扰度5级,磁场强度100A/m·产品尺寸:W206mm×H142mm×D38mm·开孔尺寸:W192mm×H134 mm2 外部接口2.1 接口说明接口丝印图2.1.1 电源接口请使用DC24V,功率不小于60W的开关电源给设备供电。
具体接线如下图:2.1.2 工业以太网接口PAC070型一体机拥有1路以太网接口,采用RJ45座子引出。
2.1.3 USB接口PAC070型一体机拥有2路USB接口。

内置曲线内置符合DICOM标准的GSDF Gamma曲线校正(使灰阶影像更加清晰)
内置校正 显示器完全符合dicom3.14标准,系统完成自动校正
支持系统兼容windows2000/xp/vista/windows7 32位/64位/操作系统
DAC双400MHz RAMDAC,提供清澈干净的影像质量
多重高清输入双高密度DMS-59输出接口,提供多种输出型式的弹性架设方式,单张显示适配器即可支持四个从模拟至数字的各种显示设备(4 x DVI-I)。
26. 整合TMDS 传输显卡显存2G双DVI
合TMDS 传输。
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深圳市国显科技有限公司Shenzhen K&D Technology Co.,LtdSPECIFICATIONFORLCD MODULECustomer:Product Model: KD070D10-50NB-A5Sample code:Approved byDesigned by Checked by Array※The specification of “TBD” should refer to the measured value of sample . If there is difference between the design specification and measured value, we naturally shall negotiate and agree toRevision HistoryVersion Contents Date NoteA Original 2012-5-5B Add the specification of backlight 2012-10-9ContentsNo. Item Page1. Numbering System 4/262 Scope 5/263 Normative Reference 5/264 Definitions5/265 Technology Specifications7/266 Circuit block diagram 14/267 Reliability Test Condition and Methods 16/268 Inspection standard17/269 Handling Precautions23/2610 Precaution for use24/2611 Dimensional Outline25/2612 Packaging Drawing 26/261 Numbering System— (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)2 ScopeThis specification applies to the TFT LCD module which is designed and manufactured by LCM Factory of Shenzhen K&D Technology Co.,Ltd.3 Normative ReferenceGB/T4619-1996 《Liquid Crystal Display Test Method》GB/T2424 《Basic environmental Testing Procedures for Electric and Electronic Products.》GB/T2423 《Basic Testing Procedures for Electric and Electronic Products》IEC61747-1 《SIXTH PARTGB2828`2829-87《National Standard of PRC》4 Definitions4.1 Definitions of VopThe definitions of threshold voltage Vth1, Vth2 the following typical waveforms are applied on liquid crystal by the method of equalized voltage for each duty and bias.【 selected waveform 】【 non-selected waveform 】① Vth1: The voltage which the brightness of segment indicates 50% of saturated value on the conditions of selected waveform(f f=80Hz, Φ=10°θ=270° at 25℃)② Vth2: The voltage which the brightness of segment indicates 50% of saturated value on the conditions of non-selected waveform(f f=80Hz, Φ=10°θ=270° at 25℃)③ Vop: (Vth1(50%)+Vth2(50%))/2 (f f=80Hz, Φ=10°θ=270° at 25℃)4.2 Definition of Response Time Tr, TdTr: The time required which the brightness of segment①becomes 10% from 100% when waveform is switched toselected one from non-selected one. (f f=80Hz, Φ=10°θ=270° at 25℃)②ss of segmentTd: The time required which the brightneselected one from selected one. (f f=80Hz, Φ=10°θ=270° at25℃)4.3 Definition of Contrast Ratio CrCr=A/B① A: Segments brightness in case of non-selected waveform② B: Segments brightness in case of selected waveform4.4 Definition of Angle and Viewing RangeAngular Graph: Constrast RatioSuch as:Viewing Angle Range:80(Cr>2) Horizontal70(Cr>2) Vertical5 Technology Specifications5.1 FeatureThis single-display module is suitable for use in Multidedia Player products. The LCD adopts one backlight with High brightness 18-lamps white LED.1) Construction: 7〞а-Si color TFT-LCD ,White LED backlight and FPC. 2) LCD:2.1 Amorphous-TFT 7-inch display, transmissive, normally white type. 2.2 800(RGB)×480 dots Matrix. 2.3 Narrow-contact ledge technique. 3) RGB interface.4) Video signal interface: Parallel RGB.5.2 Mechanical SpecificationsItem Specifications UnitDimensional outline 164.9(W) ×100.0(H) ×3.4(D) mmActive area 154.08(W) × 85.92(H) mm Pixel size 63.2(W) ×RGB×179(H) um Resolution 800(RGB) ×480 pixelLuminance250(TYP ) cd/m25.3 Absolute Max. RatingItem Symbol ValuesUnit RemarkMin. MaxPower voltageDV DD -0.5 5.0 V AV DD -0.5 15 VV GH -0.3 40 V V GL -20 0.3 V Operation temperature T OP -10 60 ℃ Storage temperatureT ST -20 70 ℃Note: The absolute maximum rating values of this product not allowed to be exceeded at any times. Should be module be used with any of absolute maximum ratings exceeded. The characteristics of the module may not be recovered, or in an extreme case, the module may be permanently destroyed.5.4 Electrical Characteristics Note 1Item SymbolValuesUnit Remark Min. Typ MaxPower voltage DV DD 3.0 3.3 3.6 V Note2 AV DD 10.1 10.3 10.5 VV GH 17.5 18 18.5 VV GL -8.5 -8 -7.5 VInput signal voltage V COM 3.1 3.3 3.4 VInput logic high voltage V IH 0.7DV DD- DV DD VNote 3 Input logic low voltage V IL 0 -0.3DV DD VNote 1:Be sure to apply DV DD and V GL to the LCD first, and then apply V GH . Note 2: DV DD setting should match the signals output voltage(refer to Note 3) of Customer’s system board.Note 3: DCLK,HS.VS,RESET,U/D,L/R,DE,R0-R7,G0-G7, G0-G7,MODE,DITHB.5.5 Optical specificationsItem Symbol ConditionValuesUnit Remark Min. Typ. Max.Viewing angle (CR≥ 10) θLΦ=180°(9o’clock)70 80 -degreeNote 1 θRΦ=0°(3 o’clock)70 80 -θTΦ=90°(12o’clock)60 70 -θBΦ=270°(6o’clock)65 75 -ResponsetimeT ONNormalθ=Φ=0° - 10 20msecNote3T OFF -1530msecNote3Contrast ratio CR 350500--Note4Color chromaticity W X 0.249 0.2990.349- Note 2Note 5Note 6 W Y 0.281 0.3310.381-Luminance L 200250 -cd/m2Note6Luminance uniformity Y U 70 80 - % Note6,7Test Conditions:1. DVDD=3.3V, I LED=120mA, the ambient temperature is 25.℃2. The test systems refer to Note 2.Note 1: Definition of viewing angle rangeNote 2: Definition of optical measurement system.The optical characteristics should be measured in dark room. After 30minutes operation, the optical properties are measured at the center point of the LCD screen. (Viewing angle is measured by ELDIM-EZ contrast/Height :1.2mm ,Response time is measured by Photo detector TOPCON BM-7, other items are measured by BM-5A/ Field of view: 1° /Height: 500mm.)Normal line Φ=270°6 o’clock direction Φ=0°Φ=180°Φ=270° 6 o’clock direction Φ=0°ΦNormal line θ=Φ=0°Note 3: Definition of Response timeThe response time is defined as the LCD optical switching time intervalbetween “White” state and “Black” state. Rise time (T ON ) is the time between photo detector output intensity changed from 90% to 10%. And fall time (T OFF ) is the time between photo detector output intensity changed from 10% to 90%.Note 4: Definition of contrast ratiostate Black"" the on LCD when measured Luminance state White"" the on LCD when measured Luminance (CR) ratio Contrast =Note 5: Definition of color chromaticity (CIE1931)Color coordinates measured at center point of LCD.Note 6: All input terminals LCD panel must be ground while measuring the centerarea of the panel. The LED driving condition is I LED =180mA.Note 7: Definition of Luminance UniformityActive area is divided into 9 measuring areas. Every measuring point is placed at the center of each measuring area.max minB B(Yu)Uniformity Luminance = L-------Active area length W----- Active area widthB max : The measured maximum luminance of all measurement position. B min : The measured minimum luminance of all measurement position.90%10% 0%P h o t o d e t e c t o r o u t p u t (R e l a t i v e v a l u e )ONWhite (TFT OFF)Black (TFT ON)White (TFT OFF)5.6 LED back light specification (18 White Chips)UnitMaxTypItem Symbol Condition Min=120mA9 9.6 9.9 V Forward Voltage Vf lf=120mA80 - - % Uniformity (with L/G) ΔB p lf5.7 Interface Pin ConnectionsPinSymbol I/O Function Remark No.1 VLED+ P Power for LED Backlight(Anode)2 VLED+ P Power for LED Backlight(Anode)3 VLED- P Power for LED Backlight(Cathode)4 VLED- P Power for LED Backlight(Cathode)ground5 GND PPowervoltageCommon6 V COM I7 DV DD P Power for Digital Circuit8 MODE I DE/SYNC mode select Note 1EnableInput9 DE IData10 VS I Vertical Sync Input11 HS IInputSyncHorizontalBluedata(MSB)12 B7 IBluedata13 B6 IdataBlue14 B5 IdataBlue15 B4 IBluedata16 B3 Idata17 B2 IBlue18 B1 I Blue data Note 219 B0 I Blue data(LSB) Note 2Greendata(MSB)20 G7 Idata21 G6 IGreen22 G5 IdataGreendata23 G4 IGreenGreendata24 G3 Idata25 G2 IGreen26 G1 I Green data Note 227 G0 I Green data(LSB) Note 2data(MSB)Red28 R7 Idata29 R6 IRedReddata30 R5 IdataRed31 R4 Idata32 R3 IRedReddata33 R2 I34 R1 I Red data Note 235 R0 I Red data(LSB) Note 2PowerGround36 GND P37 DCLK I Sample clock Note 3PowerGround38 GND P39 L/R I Left / right selection Note 4,540 U/D I Up/down selection Note 4,541 V GH P Gate ON VoltageVoltage42 V GL P GateOFF43 AV DD P Power for Analog Circuit44 RESET I Global reset pin. Note 6connection45 NC -NoCommonVoltage46 V COM I47 DITHB I Dithering function Note 7PowerGround48 GND PconnectionNo49 NC -connectionNo50 NC -I: input, O: output, P: PowerNote 1: DE/SYNC mode select. Normally pull high.When select DE mode, MODE=”1”, VS and HS must pull high.When select SYNC mode,MODE=”0”, DE must be grounded.Note 2: When input 18 bits RGB data, the two low bits of R,G and B data must be grounded.Note 3: Data shall be latched at the falling edge of DCLK.Note 4: Selection of scanning modeSetting of scan control inputScanning directionU/D L/R GND DV DD Up to down, left to right DV DD GND Down to up, right to left GNDGNDUp to down, right to left DV DD DV DDDown to up, left to rightNote 5: Definition of scanning direction.Refer to the figure as below:an RC reset circuit for stability. Normally pull high.Note 7: Dithering function enable control, normally pull high. When DITHB=”1”,Disable internal dithering function, When DITHB=”0”,Enable internal dithering function,6 Signal timing diagram6.2 Signal Timing Diagram6.2.1 Power ON/OFF Sequencea Power onb Power off6.2.2 Data input format6.2.3 Timing DiagramItemSymbol Values Unit RemarkMin Typ Max Horizontal Display Areathd - 800 - DCLK DCLK frequency fck - 30 50 MHz One horizontal line th 889928 1143DCLK HS pulse width thpw 1 48 255 DCLK HS Blanking thb 88 88 88 DCLK HS Front Porch thfp140255DCLK7 Reliability Test Conditions And MethodsNO Item Condition Method1 High / LowTemperatureStorage70℃/-20℃ 120hrsCheck and recordevery 48Hrs2 High / LowTemperature Life60℃/-10℃ 120hrs (operatingmode)Check and recordevery 48Hrs3 HighTemperature、High HumidityOperating60℃,90% RH, 96HrsCheck and recordevery 48hrs4 ThermalShock -20℃(30Min ) 25℃(5Min)70℃(30Min)(conversion time, : 5 sec ) 20cyclesEach 10 cycles end ,check5 StaticElectricity Gap mood: ±1KV~±8KV (10times air discharge withpositive/negative voltagevoltage gap : 1kv)Touch mood: ±1KV~±4KVEach discharge end,Check the ElectricalCharacteristics8 Inspection standardxxIntensity OfAdhesionIf lower than specification, reject Gold Fold Twist Reject07 IC/FPCBondingSiliconAccording to outline, no gold outside,seal can not be higher than LCDFPC Gold SeverReject08 SMTLack ofComponent、Polarity InverseIf exist, rejectLeak Solder、Virtual SolderIf exist, rejectShort Circuit InSolder PointIf exist, rejectTin Ball If exist, rejectTin Acumination If visual, rejectHeightSolder Point If higher 0.5mm than component. rejectHeight ofcomponentEither side higher 0.5mm thancomponent, reject9 Handling Precautions9.1 Mounting methodThe LCD panel of Daxian LCD module consists of two thin glass plates with polarizes which easily be damaged. And since the module in so constructed as to be fixed by utilizing fitting holes in the printed circuit board.Extreme care should be needed when handling the LCD modules.9.2 Caution of LCD handling and cleaningWhen cleaning the display surface, Use soft cloth with solvent[recommended below] and wipe lightlyz Isopropyl alcoholz Ethyl alcoholDo not wipe the display surface with dry or hard materials that will damage the polarizer surface.Do not use the following solvent:z Waterz AromaticsDo not wipe ITO pad area with the dry or hard materials that will damage the ITO patternsDo not use the following solvent on the pad or prevent it from being contaminated:z Soldering fluxz Chlorine (Cl) , Salfur (S)If goods were sent without being sili8con coated on the pad, ITO patterns could be damaged due to the corrosion as time goes on.If ITO corrosion happen by miss-handling or using some materials such as Chlorine (CI), Salfur (S) from customer, Responsibility is on customer.9.3 Caution against static chargeThe LCD module use C-MOS LSI drivers, so we recommended that you: Connect any unused input terminal to Vdd or Vss, do not input any signals before power is turned on, and ground your body, work/assembly areas, assembly equipment to protect against static electricity.9.4 packingz Module employ LCD elements and must be treated as such.z Avoid intense shock and falls from a height.z To prevent modules from degradation, do not operate or store them exposed direct to sunshine or high temperature/humidity9.5 Caution for operationz It is an indispensable condition to drive LCD’s within the specified voltage limit since the higher voltage then the limit cause the shorter LCD life.z An electrochemical reaction due to direct current causes LCD’s undesirable deterioration, so that the use of direct current drive should be avoided.z Response time will be extremely delayed at lower temperature then the operating temperature range and on the other hand at higher temperature LCD’s how dark color in them. However those phenomena do not meanoperation temperature.z If the display area is pushed hard during operation, some font will be abnormally displayed but it resumes normal condition after turning off once.z A slight dew depositing on terminals is a cause for electro-chemical reaction resulting in terminal open circuit.Usage under the maximum operating temperature, 50%Rh or less is required.9.6 storageIn the case of storing for a long period of time for instance, for years for the purpose or replacement use, the following ways are recommended.z Storage in a polyethylene bag with the opening sealed so as not to enter fresh air outside in it . And with no desiccant.z Placing in a dark place where neither exposure to direct sunlight nor light’s keeping the storage temperature range.z Storing with no touch on polarizer surface by the anything else.[It is recommended to store them as they have been contained in the inner container at the time of delivery from us9.7 Safetyz It is recommendable to crash damaged or unnecessary LCD’s into pieces and wash off liquid crystal by either of solvents such as acetone and ethanol, which should be burned up later.z When any liquid leaked out of a damaged glass cell comes in contact with your hands, please wash it off well with soap and water10 Precaution for use10.1A limit sample should be provided by the both parties on an occasion when the both parties agreed its necessity. Judgment by a limit sample shall take effect after the limit sample has been established and confirmed by the both parties.10.2On the following occasions, the handing of problem should be decided through discussion and agreement between responsible of the both parties.z When a question is arisen in this specificationz When a new problem is arisen which is not specified in this specificationsz When an inspection specifications change or operating condition change in customer is reported , and some problem is arisen in this specification due to the change.z When a new problem is arisen at the customer’s operating set for sample evaluation in the customer site.11 D imensional Outline12. Package DrawingTBD。