


photographer 9
make sure the writing is clear, concise and accurate; checks facts
lays out the article and photographs
cover a story
have a “nose” for a story a trick of the trade
get the fact straight
to report on an important event be able to tell whether it is a true story clever ways known to experts to present ideas fairly
China Daily, you will need to find out what kind of jobs they have?
But whatever you want to be, you need to know a lot about the occupations and prepare yourselves for them from now on.
Guess the meaning of these expressions cover a story have a “nose” for a story a trick of the trade get the fact straight get the wrong end of the stick how the story goes a real “scoop”

高二英语人教版必修5课件:Unit 4 Reading

高二英语人教版必修5课件:Unit 4 Reading
人教课标 高二 必修 5
Unit 4
What kind of newspaper is this?
What is he?
4Байду номын сангаас
What does a journalist do? Finding out news and telling people about it in newspaper or on TV/radio.
Questions: How to begin the job
Suggestions ★First, work as an assistant to a(n) 1. _ex_p__er_i_e_n_c_e_d journalist, then cover a story and 2. _s_u_b_m__it_ the article yourself. ★In addition, have a(n) 3. p_r_o_f_e_s_si_o_n_a_l photographer to take photographs.
Questions: How to get an accurate story
Suggestions ★Be cautious. ★Ask different questions so as to 4. _a_c_q_u_i_re__ all the information needed. ★Have a good 5. _n__o_se__ for the story. ★Use 6. _r_e_se_a_r_c_h_ to find out the missing parts of the story.
Types of jobs
What it involves


China Daily, you will need to find out what kind of jobs they have?
But whatever you want to be, you need to know a lot about the occupations and prepare yourselves for them from now on.
prints the newspaper
Do you remember the first time you read a newspaper? How about the first time you had your article printed on a newspaper? What kind of qualities do you think a reporter should have?
gives opinion on plays and
lay out articles and
reports form abroad
Can you tell me what they are in the following pictures?
பைடு நூலகம்
Now if you want to be a good news journalist, what qualities do you think you need to have?
1. Higher level of education 2. Work experience 3. Good communication skills 4. Curious, active personality 5. Hard-working 6. Enthusiasm for the job 7. P__re_p_a_r_e_d_t_o__w_o_r_k_l_o_n_g_h_o_u__rs 8. A__b_il_it_y_t_o_w__o_r_k_i_n_a__te_a_m_

人教版高二英语必修五Unit4 Reading(共18张PPT)

人教版高二英语必修五Unit4 Reading(共18张PPT)
在 公 司 领 导 、同事 们的帮 助和鼓 励下,我 很快从 一个房 地产 会 计 的 门 外 汉得已 转变,熟 练
My First Work Assignment “Unforgettable,” says new
Fast reading
☼Where did the conversation happen?Who were talking?
*What does the reading passage mainly talk about?
A. The qualities needed to become a good reporter
B. The skills to become a professional photographer
_______________________ with thceumr.ioTuhse reporters
should be ___n_o_s_e_ and they must have a _____ for a
satocqryu.Tirheey know how to _______the information they
•It is something unusual or uncommon.
•For example, when a dog bites someone, it is
too common to become news.
•But when you bite a dog, it becomes news!
detailed facts next question
ask questions reactions
check research
research witnesses

人教版高中英语必修5 单元4--课件Reading

人教版高中英语必修5 单元4--课件Reading

Questions How many different kinds of jobs do newspapers have? What are they?
Look at the following pictures, and guess what they are?
Who interviews people and writes news stories?

2 Work experience

3 Good communication skills

4 Curious, active personality

5 Hard-working

6 Enthusiasm for the job

7 Prepared to work long hours □
lays out the article and photographs
prints the newspaper
Types of jobs
What it involves
Interview people or finds out events from onlookers and writes news stories
• Feeling at home straightaway because the atmosphere is so friendly
• solving a problem or showing some expertise which impresses your new boss or colleagues


in a newspaper?
Local news
International news
Business section

HoWwhmataanlyl thdeifsfeepreeonptleksinhdosulodfdojo?bs
do newspapers have?
9.desk editor 10.cartoonist 11. sub-editor
6) Who writes news stories? 1.journalist/3.reporter
7) Who makes corrections to articles and design?
8) Who designs comic drawings wi1th1.scuabp-teiodnitso(说r 明,标题)?
5).Who prints the newspaper? 6. printer
1.journalist 2.chief editor 3.reporter
4.deputy editor 5.photographer 6. printer
8.foreign correspondent
Very important
important not
1 .What level of education should a good news reporter have ?
2. Dose work experience play an important role in making the news?


(金戈铁骑 整理制作)
Unit Four Making the News
Question Where can we get the information?
radio magazine
TV programmes
Means of media today
How to check facts use _r_e_s_e_a_rc_h__ and ask w__it_n_e_s_s_e_s
How to deal with accusations of printing lies
use _a__ta_p__e_r_e_c_or_d_e_r____ for the __i_n_te_r_v_i_e_w___
Detailed reading
True or False
1. Zhou can go out on a story immediately.
2. Zhou took a notebook, a pen, a camera with himself. 3. While interviewing, the reporter would just ask the questions prepared before hand.
Who What How When
Where Why
A man was injured seriously at about 7a.m.
on the 101 Road because of the heavy fog
Can you make your own news in one sentence?
3. Not only am I interested in photography, but I took an amateur course at university to update my skills.



2. Read the text carefully and choose the best answers.
1). Why was Zhou Yang’s first work
assignment unforgettable? D
A. Because it was his first work day as a reporter.
B. Because he had the chance to meet his new boss.
C. Because he made a strong impression on his new boss.
D. Because he got some advice from his new boss.
get the wrong end of not to understand
the stick
how the story goes this is the story
get a sΒιβλιοθήκη oopa piece of hot news
My first work assignment
“Unforgettable”, says new journalist
2). According to the text, which of the following is NOT true? A A. The questions a reporter prepares to ask are fixed. B. A reporter must be able to tell when people are lying. C. Listening is a very important skill for a reporter. D. Zhou Yang’s colleagues are willing to help each other.

人教版英语必修五unit 4 reading

人教版英语必修五unit 4 reading

How to make an interview?
①What should I keep in mind? ②Why is listening so important? ③How can I listen carefully while taking
④Have you ever had a case where someone
C.They did’t express their own ideas , also did nothing.
What does the reading passage mainly talk about?
A.The skills necessary to become a good reporter
accused your journalists of getting the wrong end of the stick?
What to keep in mind
Dos and don’ts: Don’t miss yourde_a_d_l_i_n_e__, don’t be rude, don’t talk too much, but make sure you listen to itnhteerviewee ___________ carefully.
To the reporters,it’su_n_n_e_c_e_s_sa_r_y___for them to take a
camera because they have p_r_o_f_e_s_si_o_n_a_l_p_h_o_t_o_g_r_a_p_h_e_rs with them. The reporters should be _c_u_r_i_o_u_s_ and they must have a _n_o_s_e_ for a story.They know how to _a_c_q_u_i_re_the information they need.While interviewing, they won’bte_r_u_d_e___t,h_e_y_w__o_n_’_t_t_a_lk__to_o__m_u_c_h_t_h_em__s_el_v_e ___an_d__th_e_y_l_is_t_en__to__th_e__in_t_er_v_i_ew__ee__ca_r_e_fu_l_ly_. They will listen to the _d_e_t_a_il_e_d facts and ask new questions.There is a trick of the_t_r_a_d_e_,that is ,with the permission of the interviewer, they would use __r_e_c_o_r_d_e_r_s which could keep the evidence to help __su__p_p_o_r_t__their story.

人教版高中英语必修5课件:Unit4 Reading (共27张PPT)

人教版高中英语必修5课件:Unit4 Reading (共27张PPT)

A reporter needs to be _t_h_o_r_o_u_g_h_,__ _c_u_r_io_u_s_,_c_a_r_e_fu__l _a_n_d_c_o_n_c_i_s_e but a photograph needs to be _c_r_e_a_t_iv_e_,__ i_m_a_g_i_n_a_t_iv_e_,_t_e_c_h_n_ic_a_l_ly__g_o_o_d__a_n_d_g_i_ft_e_d_. _T_h_e_y_b_o_t_h__n_e_e_d_t_o_b__e_p_r_o_f_es_s_i_o_n_a_l,_____ _w_e_ll_-_o_rg_a_n__iz_e_d__a_n_d_p_a_t_i_e_n_t _. I think I would make a goodp_h_o_t_o_g_r_a_p_h_e_r _b_e_c_a_u_s_e_I__a_m__c_re_a_t_i_v_e_a_n_d__I_e_n_j_o_y__ _b_e_i_n_g_t_e_c_h_n_i_ca_l_l_y_g_o_o_d__a_t _th__in_g_s_.___.
MY FIRST WORK ASSIGNMENT “Unforgettable”, says new journalist
Task 1
True or False 1. Zhou can go out on a story immediately. F
2. Zhou took a notebook, a computer, a
Unit 4
Making the news
Do you want to work for a newspaper? If yes, what do you want to do? Why?


(金戈铁骑 整理制作)
• Where can we get the news from all over the world?
TV programmes
Look at the following pictures, and guess what they are.
• Section 3: Are the following statements true or false?
1. Hu Xin ever had a case where somebody accused his reporters of getting the wrong end of the stick.
To the reporters, it’s __u_n_n_e_c_e_ss_a_r_y_for them to take a camera because they have _p_r_o_f_e_ss_i_o_n_a_l_p_h_o_t_o_g_r_a_p_h_erwsith them. The reporters should be _c_u_r_i_o_u_s_ and they must have a _n_o_s_e_ for a story. They know how to a_c_q_u__ir_e_the information they need. While interviewing, they won’t _b_e_r_u_d__e,__th_e_y__w_o_n_’_t_t_a_lk__t_o_o_m__u_c_h_t_h_e_m_,selves _a_n_d__th_e_y__li_s_te_n__t_o_t_h_e_a_n_s_w__er_s__c_a_re_f_u_l_ly_. They will listen to the d__et_a_i_le_d_ facts and ask new questions. There is a trick of the_t_r_a_d_e_, that is ,with the permission of the interviewer, they would use _sm__a_l_l _r_ec_o_r_d_e_r_s which could keep the evidence to help ___su__p_p_o_r_t_their story.

人教版高中英语必修五 Unit4 Reading 课件

人教版高中英语必修五 Unit4  Reading 课件

Task 3
1. Journalists should submit their articles on time and shouldn’t miss the deadlines. 2. Zhou Yang couldn’t go out to cover a story until he updatewdahsismsokreillesxipnerpiehnoctoedg.raphy. 3. Hu Xin asked Zhou Yang to avoaisdk amsakninyg difsfteurpenidt questions in order to be a good journalist. 4. Zhou Yang learned a lot from Hu Xin’s words and he was looking forward to his first assignment. 5. The footballer failed to stop the newspaper from publishing the news about him abnudt he got nsoomdeamdaagmeabgeecsasuuscectehsesyfuwlelyre. proved right.
Unit 4
Before reading
What do you think would make your first day at work as a journalist “unforgettable”? Make a list of them.
NSaouwjopbpleootsn’esayrofeauamdwoeturhseentpoewabssespaoafgpfeeerrte,od seheoiwf ywoouurldanyosuwfeereli?s the same
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get the wrong end of not to understand the stick properly
how the story goes get a scoop
this is the story a piece of hot news
My first work assignment “Unforgettable”, says
Types of jobs journalist
What it involves Interview people or finds out events from onlookers and writes news stories checks the writing and facts and makes changes if necessary
• Not dressed correctly for the job or
dropping food or drink and feeling
• Feeling at home straightaway because the atmosphere is so friendly • solving a problem or showing some expertise which impresses your new boss or colleagues
lays out the articlenter
prints the newspaper
What do you need to become a good journalist? Skim the passage and fill in the blanks. Scan the passage to find the key information.
Guess the meaning of these expressions cover a story have a “nose” for a story a trick of the trade get the fact straight get the wrong end of the stick how the story goes a real “scoop”
new journalist
What’s the main idea of this passage? This passage is about Zhou Yang’s first experience at the office of a popular local newspaper. As well as his discussion with his Hu Xin, was to strongly influence his life as a reporter.
you will find what types of job you like
learn more about the types of jobs at English newspapers and what involves in each job.
Inspire students to think carefully before showing them the informaiton.
What are they doing in the following pictures? jounarlist
make sure the writing is clear, concise and accurate; checks facts
Making the news
1. Have you ever considered your future occupation? 2. What is your ideal job?
3. Do you want to work for a newspaper?
4. If you can work at The 21th Century,
cover a story
to report on an important event have a “nose” for a be able to tell whether it story is a true story a trick of the trade clever ways known to experts get the fact straight to present ideas fairly
1. Higher level of education 2. Work experience 3. Good communication skills 4. Curious, active personality 5. Hard-working 6. Enthusiasm for the job to work long hours 7. Prepared _______________________ to work in a team 8. Ability ____________________
Types of jobs
What it involves
photographer takes photographs of important people or events critic gives opinion on plays and books designer lay out articles and photographs foreign reports form abroad correspondent
Look at the title and the picture.
What do you think would make the
first day at work “unforgettable”? • Doing things very special or meeting somebody very important • Feeling very strange and uncomfortable