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摘要:本次设计以35KV站为主要设计对象,分为任务书、计算说明书二部分,同时附有1张电气主接线图加以说明。该变电站设有2台主变压器,站内主接线分为35 kV、和10 kV两个电压等级。两个电压等级均单母分段的接线方式。



This design is then 35 kV transformer substations is for primarily design the objecting, and is divided into the mission book, calculation book, manual three part, at the same time fish-eye 1 electricity the lord connect the line diagram to take into the elucidation.That transformer substation establishes to have 2 main transformer of sets, stand the inside lord to connect the line to is divided into 35 kV, with 10 two electric voltage grades of kVs.The each electric voltage grade distinguishes the connecting of segment the line method with single mother.

Proceeds in this design the electricity lord connect the line sketch the type's argument, short-circuit electric current calculation, main electricity equipments ( include to break the road , insulate the switch, electric current with each other , electric voltage to with each other), and introduced to defend what thunder protect to install at the same time, after the programming etc. that the electricity protect the parties concerned's knowledge.

This paper is a 35KV substation design book ,including assignment paper ,explanation paper, calculation paper and 1 graphs. The substation have 2 primary transformer including 2 voltage degree: 35KV and 10KV. Every degree adopted sectioned single bus primary connection model to supply power. In this paper, we have computed short-circuit current, designed and tested the Primary electric equipment (circuit breaker, isolation switcher, current transfer, voltage transfer, bus etc), at the same time, we also introduced prevent-thunder protection, primary protection and other knowledge relevant.



1 绪论 (4)

1.1原始资料和问题的提出 (4)

1.2国内外现状 (4)

1.2.1国外无人值班变电站的发展 (4)

1.2.1国内无人值班变电站的发展 (5)

1.3本文的设计内容 (5)

2 无人值班变电站的基础知识 (7)

2.1无人值班变电站的概念和功能 (7)

2.1.1无人值班变电站的概念 (7)

2.1.1无人值班变电站的功能 (7)

3 主接线的选择 (8)

3.1常用的主接线方案介绍及其优缺点 (8)

3.2 本设计所选择的主接线方案及其选择理由 (9)

3.3变压器的选型及台数 (10)

4 短路电流计算 (11)

4.1短路计算的目的 (11)

4.2变压器等值电抗计算 (11)

4.3短路点的确定 (11)

4.4 35kv母线上三相短路时 (12)

4.5 10KV母线上短路计算 (13)

4.6短路电流汇总表 (14)

5 高压电气设备的选型 (15)

5.1 高压电气设备选择一般规定 (15)

5.1.1高压电气选择的一般原则 (15)

5.1.2 母线的选择 (16)

5.1.3 高压断路器的选择及隔离开关的选择 (17)

5.1.4互感器的选择 (19)

6 高压配电装置 (24)

6.1 配电装置简介及其优缺点 (24)

6.2 本设计所选择的配电装置及选择理由 (25)

7 二次设备 (26)

7.1继电保护的作用 (26)

7.2变压器的保护 (26)

7.2 10kV母线分段断路器的保护 (27)

7.2馈线保护 (28)

7.3 监控系统 (28)

9 通信系统 (30)

9.1常用通信方式介绍及其优缺点 (30)

9.2本站所采用通信方式 (30)
