
六级必考词汇5001. abnormal a. 不正常的I’m normal, you’re ~ !2. abolish v. 废除CET-Band 4 should be abolished ! A daydreamer3. abrupt a. 突然的, 唐突的Your ~ manner embarrassed her!4. absurd a. 荒唐的What an ~ idea!5. accessory n. 附件, 零件Handbag, lipstick, etc. are women’s accessories. What are men’s ? Tie, lighter and a fine purse.6. accommodate v. 供应膳宿How can a small town ~ the Olympic Games?7. addict v. 上瘾I’m ~ed to computer games. Please save me!8. acquaint v. 使熟识Are you ~ed with that MM?9. adhere to v. 遵守Adhere to your own principle10. adverse a. 不利的, 有害的Adverse circumstances can test a person’s wisdom and courage.11. aggravate v. 加重Smoking ~s cold.12. alleviate v. 减轻No one can ~ my pain.13. alternate v./a 交替a day of ~ sunshine and rain /Day and night ~14. ambiguous a. 歧义的The policeman is looking for a man with one eye. -----Why not use two? 你知道此幽默在何处?15. amplify v. 扩大16. analogy n. 类比by analogy17. anonymous a. 匿名的I received an ~ letter.18. applaud v. 鼓掌; 赞许I ~ your suggestion.19. apt a. 易于One is ~ to make mistakes if given too much pressure.20. array n. 陈设, 一系列the ~ of fruit and vegetables in the supermarket21. arrogant a. 高傲的An ~ man is a self-important person.22. ascend v. 上升The balloons are ~ing.23. ascribe v. 归因于He ~d his failure to his small vocabulary.24. aspiration n. 理想Your ~ is your ambition or strong wish.25. assault n. 攻击, 攻击A robber ~ed him.26. assert v. 断言He ~ed that the thief would come again.27. assurance n. 保证, 把握I give you my ~ that theproduct is safe and reliable.28. attendant n. 服务员, 随从29. authentic a. 真实的, 牢靠的Is Clinton’s biography ~?30. avert v. 避开、转移We ~ed a loss .31. bald a. 秃顶的A ~ man is considered to be intelligent.32. barren a. 荒芜的,不能生育的Without dream, life is a ~ field.33. betray v. 背叛; 泄露You ~ed me.34. bewilder v. 使迷惑The new traffic lights ~ the man.35. bias n. 偏见Bias is prejudice.36. blaze v. 燃烧; 发强光The summer sun is blazing.1. abnormal a. 不正常的I’m normal, you’re ~ !2. abolish v. 废除CET-Band 4 should be abolished ! A daydreamer3. abrupt a. 突然的, 唐突的Your ~ manner embarrassed her!4. absurd a. 荒唐的What an ~ idea!5. accessory n. 附件, 零件Handbag, lipstick, etc. are women’s accessories. What are men’s ? Tie, lighter and a fine purse.6. accommodate v. 供应膳宿How can a small town ~ theOlympic Games?7. addict v. 上瘾I’m ~ed to computer games. Please save me!8. acquaint v. 使熟识Are you ~ed with that MM?9. adhere to v. 遵守Adhere to your own principle10. adverse a. 不利的, 有害的Adverse circumstances can test a person’s wisdom and courage.11. aggravate v. 加重Smoking ~s cold.12. alleviate v. 减轻No one can ~ my pain.13. alternate v./a 交替a day of ~ sunshine and rain /Day and night ~14. ambiguous a. 歧义的The policeman is looking for a man with one eye. -----Why not use two? 你知道此幽默在何处?15. amplify v. 扩大16. analogy n. 类比by analogy17. anonymous a. 匿名的I received an ~ letter.18. applaud v. 鼓掌; 赞许I ~ your suggestion.37. bleak a. 荒芜的; 凄凉的a ~ future38. blink v. 刺眼睛; 闪耀39. blunder n. 大错40. bluntly ad. 直言不讳地41. blur v. 变模糊Fog blurred my vision.42. bribe v. 行贿Who bribed the bride? Bridegroom.43. browse v. 阅读~ a web-page44. brutal a. 残酷的=cruel/savage/45. capsule n. 密封仓, 胶囊46. carve v. 刻47. casualty n. 伤亡人员Many casualties are reported in the battle.48. cater to v. 迎合cater to the consumers49. caution n. 当心50. cherish v. 珍视; 怀有~friendship/~ the hope that51. chronic a. 慢性的;严峻的52. circulation n. 循环; 发行(量) Reader has the largest ~ in China.53. climax n. 高潮the ~ of the play54. cling to v. 紧紧抓住,依恋;坚持,墨守The baby clung to his mother./ ~ to the hope that....55. coincidence n. 巧合56. collaboration n. 合作in ~ with57. collide v. 相撞; 冲突The two opinions ~ with each other.58. commence v. 开头59. commute v. 乘车上下班I have to ~ between the university town and the downtown area.。


大学英语六级必考词汇500(07)301. tolerant a. 宽容的302. toss v. 抛,甩303. tow v. 拖304. toxic a. 有毒的=poisonous305. trait n. 特点, 特性personality ~306. transaction n. 交易307. transit n. 运输308. transition n. 过渡, 转变309. transplant v./n. 移植310. trivial a. 琐碎的311. tumble v. 跌到,翻滚(stumble绊倒)312. turbulent a. 混乱的313. unanimous a. 一致的314. underestimate v. 低估315. undermine v. 暗中破坏316. undergo v. 经历~ great changes 317. underlying a. 潜在的318. uphold v. 支持~ world peace319. vent n.. 排放口give ~ to(发泄)320. verge n. 边缘=brink on the verge of bankruptcy321. versatile a. 多才多艺的322. vicinity n. 附近in the ~323. visa n. 签证324. visualize v. 设想325. vulgar a. 粗俗的326. vulnerable a. 易受伤的327. warfare n. 战争328. warrant n. 授权令;理由The policeman has a ~ to arrest you. 329. weary a. 疲劳的330. wrinkle v. 起皱331. accelerate v. 加速332. accessible a. 可接近的,可进入的333. acknowledge v. 感谢334. acquire v. 学会335. address v. 向。

英语六级词汇复习1. abnormal adj. 不正常的;反常的;变态的这个词其实就是ab+normal组合而来的,其中normal就是指正常的,ab是一个词缀,表示“相反,变坏,离去”。
我们可以想想看,英语中带ab 词缀的还有哪些呢?比如abuse滥用,就是ab+use组成,还有abstain 弃权,节制,也是ab+stain 构成。
He looks so abnormal that he didn't reply to Mary's shouting.他看起来不太对,连玛丽对他大吼都没反应。
2. abolish v. 废除;消灭;说到取消、废除神马的,可能有童鞋想到cancel这个词了,那我们来做个小比较吧~ abolish 这个词比较正式,多用来指废除某个法律规定、制度或习俗等。
cancel 它的用途更广泛些,可以指航班、比赛、活动、合同、计划等。
Plural marriage was abolished after the foundation of PRC.新中国成立后废除了一夫多妻制。
3. abrupt adj. 突然的,唐突的abrupt表示突然的同sudden、unexpected。
The president was very dissatisfied with his abrupt interrupt.对于他的突然打断,总裁很不满。
4. absurd adj. 荒唐的这个词的近义词就是ridiculous 啦,现在二者的差别基本不太大了。
Don't you think this proposal is very absurd?!难道你不觉得这个提议很荒谬吗?!5. accessory adj. 辅助的,附属的,附属的n. 配件,附件,accessory表示设备、工具的附件时多用复数。
This machine is equipped with some accessories.这台机器配备了一些附件。

550个六级救命核心高频词汇该550个词系由[考虫四六级研究院]整理,是从历年真题里挑选的最高频词汇,包括核心名词、核心形容词、核心动词、核心副词、核心短语、核心写作话题词汇等!不想拿到试卷脑子一片空白,赶紧把核心词背下来,四六级考试不方1.六级救命核心名词abundance /ə'bʌndəns/ n.丰富,充absorption /əb'sɔ:pʃn/ n. 吸收,专注abbreviation /əˌbri:vi'eiʃn/ n.节略,缩写,缩短hospitality /ˌhɒspi'tæləti/ n.友好,好客pastime /'pɑ:staim/ n. 消遣,娱乐revenue /'revənju:/ n. 税收,岁入routine /ru:'ti:n/ n.常规,惯例,例行公事scorn /skɔ:n/ n. 轻蔑,鄙视shortage /'ʃɔ:tidʒ/ n. 短缺,不足smash /smæʃ/ n. 打碎,粉碎stability /stə'biləti/ n.稳定(性),稳固approach /ə'prəʊtʃ/ n. 方法,途径,接近 vt. 接近,着手处理 vi. 靠近standard /'stændəd/ n. 标准survival /sə'vaivl/ n. 幸存,幸存者,残存物temperament /'temprəmənt/ n. 气质,性格threshold /'θreʃhəʊld/ n. 开端,入口tolerance /'tɒlərəns/ n. 容忍,忍耐力transaction /træn'zækʃn/ n.处理,办理,交易trend /trend/ n. 倾向,趋势transition /træn'ziʃn/ n. 过渡,转变variation /ˌveəri'eiʃn/ n. 变化,变动warehouse /'weəhaʊs/ n. 货仓community /kə'mju:nəti/ n. 社区,(生态) 群落,共同体,团体access /'ækses/ n. 入口,通路,接触accommodation /əˌkɒmə'deiʃn/ n. 住宿,调节,和解acknowledgment /ək'nɒlidʒmənt/ n. 承认,感谢,致谢pattern /'pætn/ n. 模式penalty /'penəlti/ n. 制裁,惩罚pension /'penʃn/ n. 养老金personality /ˌpɜ:sə'næləti/ n. 人格,人性pledge /pledʒ/ n. 保证,誓言position /pə'ziʃn/ n. 位置,职位,职务predecessor /'pri:disesə(r)/ n. 前任,原有的事物premise /'premis/ n. 前提,假设prescription /pri'skripʃn/ n. 处方preservation /ˌprezə'veiʃn/ n. 保护,防护prestige /pre'sti:ʒ/ n. 威信,威望priority /prai'ɒrəti/ n. 优先(权)prospect /'prɒspekt/ n. 前景,可能性rate /reit/ n. 速度 v. 评价,评估ration /'ræʃn/ n. 比率,定量,配给量reflection /ri'flekʃn/ n. 反映,表现recession /ri'seʃn/ n. (经济)衰退,不景气,后退reputation /ˌrepju'teiʃn/ n. 名声,声望reservation /ˌrezə'veiʃn/ n. 贮存,贮藏,预订illusion /i'lu:ʒn/ n. 错觉,假象ingredient /in'gri:diənt/ n. 成分insight /'insait/ n. 理解,洞察力inspection /in'spekʃn/ n. 检查,视察instinct /'instiŋkt/ n. 本能,直觉integrity /in'tegrəti/ n. 正直,诚实intuition /ˌintju'iʃn/ n. 直觉lease /li:s/ n. 租约,契约legislation /ˌledʒis'leiʃn/ n. 立法,法律limitation /ˌlimi'teiʃn/ n. 局限性,缺点loyalty /'lɔiəlti/ n. 忠诚,忠心luxury /'lʌkʃəri/ n. 奢侈,豪华manifestation /ˌmænife'steiʃn/ n. 表现(形式) mechanism /'mekənizəm/ n. 机械装置minority /mai'nɒrəti/ n. 少数misfortune /ˌmis'fɔ:tʃu:n/ n. 不幸,灾难morality /mə'ræləti/ n. 道德,美德notion /'nəʊʃn/ n. 概念,观念,理解obligation /ˌɒbli'geiʃn/ n.(法律上或道义上)责任occasion /ə'keiʒn/ n. 场合opponent /ə'pəʊnənt/ n. 敌人,对手ornament /'ɔ:nəmənt/ n. 装饰,装饰品admiration /ˌædmə'reiʃn/ n. 欣赏advocate /'ædvəkeit/ n. 提倡者,拥护者allowance /ə'laʊəns/ n. 津贴ambition /æm'biʃn/ n. 野心,雄心analogy /ə'nælədʒi/ n. 相似,模拟,类比anticipation /ænˌtisi'peiʃn/ n. 预期,期望appreciation /əˌpri:ʃi'eiʃn/ n. 感谢,感激array /ə'rei/ n. 陈列,一系列assurance /ə'ʃʊərəns/ n. 保证multivitamin /ˌmʌlti'vitəmin/ adj. 多种维他命的 n. 多种维他命剂blunder /'blʌndə(r)/ n. 错误,大错budget /'bʌdʒit/ n. 预算capability /ˌkeipə'biləti/ n. 能力,才能cash /kæʃ/ n. 现金circulation /ˌsɜ:kjə'leiʃn/ n. 流通,传播,发行量commitment /kə'mitmənt/ n. 承诺,许诺compensation /ˌkɒmpen'seiʃn/ n. 补偿,赔偿consideration /kənˌsidə'reiʃn/ n. 考虑distinction /di'stiŋkʃn/ n. 区分,辨别emergency /i'mɜ:dʒənsi/ n. 紧急情况encouragement /in'kʌridʒmənt/ n. 鼓励essence /'esns/ n. 本质estimate /'estimət/ n. 估计expenditure / ik'spenditʃə(r) / n. 开支extinction /ik'stiŋkʃn/ n. 消失,消灭,灭绝quality/'kwɒləti / n. 质量,(统计) 品质,特性,才能flaw /flɔ:/ n. 裂纹,瑕疵fortune /'fɔ:tʃu:n/ n. 财产,大笔的钱fraction /'frækʃn/ n. 小部分,一点symptom/'simptəm/ n.(临床) 症状,征兆guarantee /ˌgærən'ti:/ n. 保修单guilt /gilt/ n. 犯罪harmony /'hɑ:məni/ n.协调, 一致,和谐2.六级救命核心形容词accessory /ək'sesəri/ n. 配件,附件 adj. 附属的absurd /əb'sɜ:d/ adj.不合理的,荒唐的abstract /'æbstrækt/ n. 摘要 vt. 摘要,提取 adj. 抽象的absent /'æbsənt/ adj.不在意的abnormal /æb'nɔ:ml/ adj.不正常的absurd /əb'sɜ:d/ adj.荒缪的abundant /ə'bʌndənt/ adj.丰富的acute /ə'kju:t/ adj.敏锐的,锋利的aggressive /ə'gresiv/ adj.侵略的,好斗的,有进取心的ambiguous /æm'bigjuəs/ adj.模棱两可的,模糊的ambitious /æm'biʃəs/ adj.有雄心的,有抱负的appropriate /ə'prəʊpriət/ adj.合适的,恰当的 vt. 占用,拨出authentic /ɔ:'θentik/ adj.可靠的,可信的average /'ævəridʒ/ adj. 一般的,普通的barren /'bærən/ adj.贫瘠的,不毛的bound /baʊnd/ adj.一定的chronic /'krɒnik/ adj.慢性的commentary /'kɒməntri/ adj.实况报道compact /kəm'pækt/ adj. 紧凑的,小巧的competitive /kəm'petətiv/ adj.竞争性的,具有竞争力的compulsory /kəm'pʌlsəri/ adj.强迫的,强制的,义务的confidential /ˌkɒnfi'denʃl/ adj. 机紧的,秘密的conservative /kən'sɜ:vətiv/ adj. 保守的,传统的consistent /kən'sistənt/ adj. 和……一致conspicuous /kən'spikjuəs/ adj. 显而易见的,引人注目的crucial /'kru:ʃl/ adj. 关键的current /'kʌrənt/ adj. 当前的decent /'di:snt/ adj. 体面像样的,还不错的delicate /'delikət/ adj. 精细的,微妙的,纤弱的destructive /di'strʌktiv/ adj. 毁灭的economic /ˌi:kə'nɒmik/ adj. 经济的elegant /'eligənt/ adj. 优雅的, 优美的, 精致的embarrassing /im'bærəsiŋ/ adj. 令人尴尬的energetic /ˌenə'dʒetik/ adj. 精力充沛的equivalent /i'kwivələnt/ adj. adj. 等价的,相等的,同意义的eternal /i'tɜ:nl/ adj. 永恒的,无休止的exclusive /ik'sklu:siv/ adj. 独有的,排他的extinct /ik'stiŋkt/ adj. 灭绝的fake /feik/ adj. 假的,冒充的fatal /'feitl/ adj. 致命的,毁灭性的feasible /'fi:zəbl/ adj. 可行的feeble /'fi:bl/ adj. 脆弱的,虚弱的gloomy /'glu:mi/ adj. 暗淡的individual/ˌindi'vidʒuəl/ adj. 个人的,个别的,独特的 n. 个人,个体identical /ai'dentikl/ adj. 相同的,一样的imaginative /i'mædʒinətiv/ adj. 富有想象力的, 爱想象的inaccessible /ˌinæk'sesəbl/ adj.达不到的,难以接近inadequate /in'ædikwət/ adj.不充分的,不适当的incredible /in'kredəbl/ adj. 难以置信的indifference/in'difrəns/ adj. 不关心的,冷漠的indignant /in'dignənt/ adj. 生气的,愤怒的infectious /in'fekʃəs/ adj. 传染的,传染性的inferior /in'fiəriə(r)/ adj.劣质的,地位较低的,较差的inherent /in'hiərənt/ adj. 固有的,生来的inspirational /ˌinspə'reiʃənl/ adj. 灵感的intent /in'tent/ adj. 专心的,专注的intricate /'intrikət/ adj. 复杂精细的intrinsic /in'trinsik/ adj. 固有的, 本质的, 内在的irreplaceable /ˌiri'pleisəbl/ adj. 不能替换的, 不能代替的literal /'litərəl/ adj.文字的, 字面的massive /'mæsiv/ adj. 大规模的,大量的merciful /'mɜ:sifl/ adj. 仁慈的,宽大的mobile /'məʊbail/ adj. 活动的,流动的naive /nai'i:v/ adj.天真的, 质朴的negligible /'neglidʒəbl/ adj.微不足道的notorious /nəʊ'tɔ:riəs/ adj.臭名昭著的, 声名狼藉的obedient /ə'bi:diənt/ adj.服从的, 顺从的obscure /əb'skjʊə(r)/ adj. 模糊不清的optimistic /ˌɒpti'mistik/ adj. 乐观的original /ə'ridʒənl/ adj. 原先的,最早的pathetic /pə'θetik/ adj. 悲哀的,悲惨的persistent /pə'sistənt/ adj. 坚持不懈的potential /pə'tenʃl/ adj. 可能的,潜在的prevalent /'prevələnt/ adj. 普遍的,流行的primitive /'primətiv/ adj. 原始的,早期的proficient /prə'fiʃnt/ adj. 熟练的,精通的profound /prə'faʊnd/ adj. 深刻的,深远的prominent /'prɒminənt/ adj. 突出的,杰出的prompt /prɒmpt/ adj. 即刻的,迅速的raw /rɔ:/ adj. 自然状态的,未加工的relevant /'reləvənt/ adj. 与…有关的respectable /ri'spektəbl/ adj. 可尊敬的rewarding /ri'wɔ:diŋ/ adj. 值得的rough /rʌf/ adj. 粗略的,不精确的rude /ru:d/ adj. 粗鲁的,不礼貌的sensitive /'sensətiv/ adj. 敏感的sheer /ʃiə(r)/ adj. 完全的,十足的shrewd /ʃru:d/ adj. 精明的stationary /'steiʃənri/ adj. 固定的subordinate /sə'bɔ:dinət/ adj. 次要的,从属的subtle /'sʌtl/ adj. 微妙的, 精巧的,细微的superficial /ˌsu:pə'fiʃl/ adj. 肤浅的suspicious /sə'spiʃəs/ adj. 对…怀疑tedious /'ti:diəs/ adj. 冗长的,乏味的trivial /'triviəl/ adj. 琐碎的, 不重要的turbulent /'tɜ:bjələnt/ adj. 动荡的,混乱的underlying /ˌʌndə'laiiŋ/ adj. 潜在的versatile /'vɜ:sətail/ adj. 多才多艺的vivid /'vivid/ adj. 生动的,栩栩如生的void /vɔid/ adj. 无效的vulnerable /'vʌlnərəbl/ adj. 易受伤的worth /wɜ:θ/ adj. 值得3.六级救命核心动词accord /ə'kɔ:d/ v.使符合,使适合abandon /ə'bændən/ v. 抛弃,放弃,放纵,使沉溺于abolish /ə'bɒliʃ/ v.废除,取消acknowledge /ək'nɒlidʒ/ v.承认,答谢,报偿acquaint /ə'kweint/ v. 熟悉,认识acquire /ə'kwaiə(r)/ v. (靠己能力努力行为)获得afford /ə'fɔ:d/ v. 付得起allege /ə'ledʒ/ v. 断言,宣称alternate / ɔ:l'tɜ:nət / v. 交替,轮流 / ɔːl'tɜːnit / adj. 交替的anticipate /æn'tisipeit/ v. 预期applaud /ə'plɔ:d/ v. 赞扬,称赞ascend /ə'send/ v. 上升,攀登ascribe /ə'skraib/ v. 归因于,归功于assemble /ə'sembl/ v. 集合,聚集assign /ə'sain/ v.分派,指派(职务,任务)attribute /ə'tribju:t/ v. 归因于base /beis/ v. 建立在……的基础上bewilder /bi'wildə(r)/ v. 迷惑,弄糊涂breed /bri:d/ v. 培育,养育cling /kliŋ/ v. 坚守,抱紧coincide /ˌkəʊin'said/ v. 相同,相一致collaborate /kə'læbəreit/ v. 合著,合作collide /kə'laid/ v. 互撞,碰撞commence /kə'mens/ v. 开始compensate /'kɒmpenseit/ v. 补偿,赔偿complement /'kɒmpliment/ v.与…结合,补充comply /kəm'plai/ v. 遵守conceive /kən'si:v/ v. 想出,设想concern /kən'sɜ:n/ v. 涉及,担忧condense /kən'dens/ v. 压缩,浓缩conflict /'kɒnflikt/ v. 冲突,战争conform /kən'fɔ:m/ v. 符合,遵守,适应confront /kən'frʌnt/ v. 面对,面临conserve /kən'sɜ:v/ v. 保护,保存consolidate /kən'sɒlideit/ v. 巩固convey /kən'vei/ v. 表达,传达crash /kræʃ/ v. (飞机)坠毁cruise /kru:z/ v. 航行,漫游dazzle /'dæzl/ v. 使眩目,耀眼deceive /di'si:v/ v. 欺骗,哄骗decline /di'klain/ v. 下降,减少dedicate /'dedikeit/ v. 奉献,献身,致力于defend /di'fend/ v. 为…辩护defy /di'fai/ v. 违抗,藐视deny /di'nai/ v. 否认deprive /di'praiv/ v. 剥夺derive /di'raiv/ v. 得来,得到descend /di'send/ v. 下落deserve /di'zɜ:v/ v. 值得deviate /'di:vieit/ v. (使)背离,(使)偏离disguise /dis'gaiz/ v. 假扮,伪装dominate /'dɒmineit/ v. 统治,占据drain /drein/ v. 渐渐耗尽duplicate /'dju:plikeit/ v. 复制,重复eliminate /i'limineit/ v. 消除endure /in'djʊə(r)/ v. 忍受,忍耐enhance /in'hɑ:ns/ v. 提高,增加enroll /in'rəʊl/ v.使成为……的成员,注册evoke /i'vəʊk/ v. 引起,唤起immerse /i'mɜ:s/ v. 使浸没impose /im'pəʊz/ v. 征税,把…强加于induce /in'dju:s/ v. 劝诱,诱导indulge /in'dʌldʒ/ v. 纵容,放任intend /in'tend/ v. 意欲interpret /in'tɜ:prit/ v. 解释,说明jeopardize /'dʒepədaiz/ v. 危及,损坏linger /'liŋgə(r) / v.逗留,徘徊,拖延locate / ləʊ'keit / v. 位于magnify /'mægnifai/ v. 放大mean /mi:n/ v. 打算,意欲mingle /'miŋgl/ v. 混合起来,相混合minimize /'minimaiz/ v. 使减到最少,最小化monitor /'mɒnitə(r)/ v. 检测,监测neglect /ni'glekt/ v. 忽视occupy /'ɒkjupai/ v. 占领,使忙碌oppress /ə'pres/ v. 压迫originate /ə'ridʒineit/ v. 首创,起源overlap /ˌəʊvə'læp/ v. 部分重叠overwhelm /ˌəʊvə'welm/ v.压倒,浸没,使不安permeate /'pɜ:mieit/ v. 渗入,渗透prescribe /pri'skraib/ v.指示,规定,处方开药preside /pri'zaid/ v. 主持prolong /prə'lɒŋ/ v. 延长,拖延promise /'prɒmis/ v. 许诺propel /prə'pel/ v. 推进,推动protest /'prəʊtest/ v. 抗议,反对provoke /prə'vəʊk/ v. 引起,激起radiate /'reidieit/ v. 辐射状发出,从中心向各方伸展出reconcile /'rekənsail/ v. 使和好,调解refresh /ri'freʃ/ v.提神,使清新,使精力恢复refute /ri'fju:t/ v. 反驳,驳斥,驳倒remain /ri'mein/ v. 停留,依旧是repel /ri'pel/ v. 抗御,抵拒rescue /'reskju:/ v. 营救,救援resign /ri'zain/ v. 辞职resort /ri'zɔ:t/ v. 求助,凭借,诉诸resume /ri'zju:m/ v. 重新开始,继续revenge /ri'vendʒ/ v. 报仇,报复scan /skæn/ v. 细察,审视scrape /skreip/ v. 剥下,刮下scratch /skrætʃ/ v. 抓,搔shrink /ʃriŋk/ v. 收缩,减少standardize /'stændədaiz / v. 使标准化steer /stiə(r)/ v. 驾驶,引导strengthen /'streŋθn/ v. 加强,使更强壮stretch /stretʃ/ v. 伸展subscribe /səb'skraib/ v. 预订,订阅suck /sʌk/ v. (用嘴)吸,吞噬,卷入suppress /sə'pres/ v. 镇压sustain /sə'stein/ v. 承受,维持tackle /'tækl/ v. 解决,处理tempt /tempt/ v. 引诱,劝诱terminate /'tɜ:mineit/ v. 终止,结束transmit /træns'mit/ v. 传播,传递verify /'verifai/ v. 证实,证明view /vju:/ v. 视为,看做wreck /rek/ v. (船只)失事4.六级救命版核心副词deliberately /di'libərətli/ adv. 故意地,深思熟虑地,审慎地exclusively /ik'sklu:sivli/ adv. 唯一地,专有地,排外地explicitly /ik'splisitli/ adv. 明确地forcibly /'fɔ:səbli/ adv. 强行地,有力地formerly /'fɔ:məli/ adv. 原先地,以前,从前increasingly /in'kri:siŋli/ adv.越来越多地inevitably /in'evitəbli/ adv.必然地, 不可避免地intentionally /in'tenʃənəli/ adv.有意地,故意地optimistically /ˌɒpti'mistikli/ adv. 乐观地outwardly /'aʊtwədli/ adv.表面上,外表上地presumably /pri'zju:məbli/ adv.大概可能,据推测simultaneously /ˌsiməl'teiniəsli/ adv.同时发生地somewhat /'sʌmwɒt/ adv. 颇为,稍稍,有几分spontaneously /spɒn'teiniəsli/ adv.自发地, 自然产生startlingly /'stɑ:rtliŋli/ adv. 惊人地triumphantly /trai'ʌmfəntli/ adv.(欣喜)胜利,成功地unexpectedly /ˌʌnik'spektidli/ adv. 意外地virtually /'vɜ:tʃuəli/ adv. 事实上,实际地5.六级救命核心短语adhere to 忠于after all 毕竟,归根结底at random 随机地,任意地break out 突然发生,爆发break up 打碎but for 要不是by far 到目前为止;远,非常by no means 决不,一点也不catch on 理解,明白catch up with 赶上collide with 碰撞,冲突come up with 想出,提出,追及,赶上comment on 评论contrary to 与……相反contribute to 有助于,促成cope with 应付,妥善处理cut short 打断,制止do away with 消灭,废除,去掉do credit to 为……带来光荣due to 因为go in for 从事,致力于go off 爆炸hang by a thread 千钧一发,岌岌可危heap praise upon 对……大加称赞in accordance with 与……一致,按照,根据in between 在两者之间in case of 防备,以防in honor of 为纪念in response to 响应,反应in terms of 根据,从……方面来说in that 因为in the vicinity of 在附近keep off 远离,抑制lay off (暂时)解雇let alone 更不必说look into 调查look on 看待lose no time 立即make sense of sth. 讲得通言之有理of no avail 无用,无效on file 存档on no account 决不,绝对不on the decline 衰落中,衰退中out of stock 无现货的,脱销的provided that 假如,若是pull up 使停下put away 放好,放起来regardless of 不管,不顾result in 导致,结果是,发生see to 照料,注意show to 引导,引领stand for 容忍,接受take on 承担,接受take over 接管,接收take to 对…产生好感,开始喜欢talk into 说服that is 即,也就是turn in 上交turn out 生产出turn to 求助于ward off 防止,避开with reference to 关于,有关work out 想出,制订出worth one’s while 值得花时间做6.六级救命核心写作话题词汇补充沟通 communication智慧聪明intelligence苦难 suffering勇敢 bravery宽容 forgiveness母爱 motherhood外观美 external prettiness内在美 inner beauty信仰 belief拼搏精神 the determined spirit奉献精神 the dedication spirit实事求是 seek truth from facts提高个人修养 shaping the morality社会公德 public morality和谐社会 harmonious society可持续发展 sustainable development尊老爱幼 respect the old and care for the young仁义道德 virtue and morality挫折与坎坷 twists and turns终身学习 life-long study身心健康 physical and mental health没有后悔药 no recipe for regrets成功无捷径 There is no shortcut to success.侵权 copyright infringements城市交通问题 urban traffic problems住房问题 housing problems高考制度改革 reform of college entrance examination 知识产权的保护 intellectual property right宏观调控 macro-regulation老龄化 aging trend地区差异 regional disparity移民热 the craze for immigration低碳 low carbon life个人信息泄露 personal data leakage传统价值观 traditional values人生观 the view of life就业与失业 employment and unemployment诚信问题 honesty and trusty problems私人汽车 private cars环境污染 environmental pollution能源危机 energy crises假日旅游 traveling on holidays大众传媒负面影响 the negative influence of mass media 应试教育 test-oriented education system助学贷款 students loans缺乏爱心 lacking of love/be lack of love诚信 honesty真诚 sincerity创新 innovation人际交往 human communication负责 responsibility感恩 thanksgiving感谢 gratitude给予 offering沟通 communication智慧聪明 intelligence苦难 suffering宽容 forgiveness热情passion and enthusiasm希望 hope理解 understanding自信 confidence尊重 respect文明 civilization积累 accumulation坚持 persistence踏实,脚踏实地,务实 being down-to-earth拼搏,勤奋,努力 determined spirit, diligence, endeavor 悲观心态 pessimistic mind乐观心态 optimistic mind竞争精神 competitiveness spirit打破常规 being out-of-the-frame正直 honesty/integrity快节奏的都市生活 fast-paced urban life心理压力 mental pressure网络不安全 network unsafety侵犯隐私权 invasion of privacy right水污染 water pollution/water contamination电子商务 e-commerce尖端科技 state-of-the-art technology电子货币 e-currency人工智能 artificial intelligence基因工程 genetic engineering转基因食品 genetically modified food 试管婴儿 test-tube baby三维电影 three-dimensional movie虚拟银行 virtual bank纳米 nanometer计划生育 family planning综合国力 overall national strength人口出生率 birth rate生态系统 ecosystem汽车限购 vehicle purchase restriction 车牌摇号 a lottery for license plates。

六级必考词5001.abnormal a. 不正常的> I’m normal, you’re ~ !2.abolish v. 废除> CET-Band 4 should be abolished ! A daydreamer3.abrupt a. 突然的,唐突的> Your~ manner embarrassed her!4.absurd a. 荒唐的>What an ~ idea!5.accessory n. 附件, 零件>Handbag, lipstick, etc. are women’s accessories. What are men’s ? Tie, lighter and a fine purse.6.accommodate v. 提供膳宿> How can a small town ~ the Olympic Games?7.addict v. 上瘾>I’m ~ed to computer games. Please save me!8.acquaint v. 使熟悉> Are you ~ed with that MM?9.adhere to v. 遵守>Adhere to your own principle10.adverse a. 不利的, 有害的>Adverse circumstances can test a person’s wisdom and courage.11.aggravate v. 加重>Smoking ~s cold.12.alleviate v. 减轻>No one can ~ my pain.13.alternate v./a 交替(的) >a day of ~ sunshine and rain /Day and night ~14.ambiguous a. 歧义的>The policeman is looking for a man with one eye. -----Why not use two? 你知道此幽默在何处?15.amplify v. 扩大(声音)>16.analogy n. 类比by analogy17.anonymous a. 匿名的I received an ~ letter.18.applaud v. 鼓掌;赞许> I ~ your suggestion.19.apt a. 易于>One is ~ to make mistakes if given too much pressure.20.array n. 陈列, 一系列>the ~of fruit and vegetables in the supermarket21.arrogant a. 傲慢的> An ~ man is a self-important person.22.ascend v. 上升> The balloons are ~ing.23.ascribe v. 归因于>He ~d his failure to his small vocabulary.24.aspiration n. 抱负Your ~ is your ambition or strong wish.25.assault n. 攻击, 袭击>A robber ~ed him.26.assert v. 断言He ~ed that the thief would come again.27.assurance n. 保证,把握>I give you my ~ that the product is safe and reliable.28.attendant n. 服务员, 随从29.authentic a. 真实的, 可靠的>Is Clinton’s biography ~?30.avert v. 避开、转移We ~ed a loss .31.bald a. 秃顶的 A ~ man is considered to be intelligent.32.barren a. 荒芜的,不能生育的>Without dream, life is a ~ field.33.betray v. 背叛; 泄露You ~ed me.34.bewilder v. 使迷惑The new traffic lights ~ the man.35.bias n. 偏见Bias is prejudice.36.blaze v. 燃烧; 发强光>The summer sun is blazing.37.bleak a. 荒凉的;凄凉的>a ~future38.blink v. 眨眼睛; 闪烁>39.blunder n. 大错40.bluntly ad. 直言不讳地41.blur v. 变模糊>Fog blurred my vision.。

六级必考词5001.abnormal a. 不正常的> I’m normal, you’re ~ !2. abolish v. 废除> CET-Band 4 should be abolished ! A daydreamer3.abrupt a. 突然的, 唐突的> Your~ manner embarrassed her!4. absurd a. 荒唐的>What an ~ idea!5.accessory n. 附件, 零件>Handbag, lipstick, etc. are women’s accessories. What are men’s ? Tie, lighter and a fine purse.6.accommodate v. 提供膳宿> How can a small town ~ the Olympic Games?7. addict v. 上瘾>I’m ~ed to computer games. Please save me!8. acquaint v. 使熟悉> Are you ~ed with that MM? /be acquaint withacquaint oneself with 熟悉, 通晓, 摸清You must acquaint yourself with your new duties.acquaint sb. with /of sth.把...通知[告诉]某人9. adhere to v. 遵守>Adhere to your own principle10. adverse a. 不利的, 有害的>Adverse circumstances can test a person’s wisdom and courage.adverse wind 逆风 adverse fortune 恶运be adverse to 跟...相反, 不利于, 反对11. aggravate v. 加重;使恼火; 激怒; 使...恶化>Smokig ~s cold.12. alleviate v. 减轻>No one can ~ my pain.13.alternate v./a 交替(的) >a day of ~ sunshine and rain /Day and night ~14. ambiguous a. 歧义的>The policeman is looking for a man with one eye. -----Why not use two? 你知道此幽默在何处?15. amplify v. 扩大(声音)>16. analogy n. 类比by analogybear /have an analogy to/with 具有与...相似之处on the analogy of 从...类推; 根据...类推17. anonymous a. 匿名的I received an ~ letter.18. applaud v. 鼓掌; 赞许> I ~ your suggestion.19. apt a. 易于>One is ~ to make mistakes if given too much pressure.be apt at 善于, 巧于 be apt for 适合be apt to do sth. 易于动辄, 往往有可能20. array n. 陈列, 一系列>the ~of fruit and vegetables in the supermarket21. arrogant a. 傲慢的> An ~ man is a self-important person.be arrogant toward sb.对某人傲慢无礼22. ascend v. 上升> The balloons are ~ing.ascend to升至; 追溯(到...时间)23. ascribe v. 归因于>He ~d his failure to his small vocabulary.24. aspiration n. 抱负Your ~ is your ambition or strongwish.25. assault n. 攻击, 袭击> A robber ~ed him.make a surprise assault on对...进行突然袭击26. assert v. 断言He ~ed that the thief would come again.assert one's hts维护自己的权利assert oneself坚持自己的权利; 表现自己的权威27. assurance n. 保证, 把握>I give you my ~ that the product is safe and reliable.28. attendant n. 服务员, 随从29. authentic a. 真实的, 可靠的>Is Clinton’s biography(传记) ~?30. avert v. 避开、转移We ~ed a loss .31. bald a. 秃顶的A ~ man is considered to be intelligent.32. barren a. 荒芜的,不能生育的>Without dream, life is a ~ field.33. betray v. 背叛; 泄露You ~ed me.34. bewilder v. 使迷惑The new traffic lights ~ the man.35. bias n. 偏见Bias is prejudice.36. blaze v. 燃烧; 发强光>The summer sun is blazing.37. bleak a. 荒凉的; 凄凉的>a ~future/ prospect38. blink v. 眨眼睛; 闪烁>39. blunder n. 大错40. bluntly ad. 直言不讳地, 坦率地, 率直地41. blur v. 变模糊>Fog blurred my vision.42. bribe v. 行贿>Who bribed the bride? Bridegroom.43. browse v. 浏览~ a web-page ~ on 吃草44. brutal a. 残酷的=cruel/savage/45. capsule n. 密封仓, 胶囊46. carve v. 刻47. casualty n. 伤亡人员Many casualties are reported in the battle.48. cater to v. 迎合> cater to the consumers49. caution n. 小心50. cherish v. 珍视; 怀有>~friendship/~ the hope that51. chronic a. 慢性的;严重的a chronic disease慢性病, 痼疾 a chronic war持久战52. circulation n. 循环; 发行(量)>Reader has the largest ~ inChina.53. climax n. 高潮the ~ of the playbring to a climax使达顶点,使达高潮cap the climax达到顶点;超出度外;荒谬透顶come to/reach a climax达到顶点[高潮]54. cling to v. 紧紧抓住,依恋;坚持,墨守>The baby clung to his mother./~ to the hope that....55. coincidence n. 巧合by ~56. collaboration n. 合作in ~ with57. collide v. 相撞; 冲突The two opinions ~ with each other.58. commence v. 开始~ doing sth. / ~ on 着手/~ with从…开始59. commute v. 乘车上下班>I have to ~ between the universitytown and the downtown area.60. compact a. 紧凑的, 结实的a ~ car/office61. compatible a. 相容的; 兼容的>That husband and wife arevery ~.be compatible with与...相适应,不矛盾,一致,相似62. compensate v. 赔偿compensate sb.for loss赔偿某人损失64. complement v. 补充,与。

英语六级阅读理解必考高频词500 1.abnormal a. 不正常的2. abolish v. 废除3. abrupt a. 突然的, 唐突的4. absurd a. 荒唐的5. accessory n. 附件, 零件6. accommodate v. 提供膳宿7. addict v. 上瘾8. acquaint v. 使熟悉9. adhere to v. 遵守10. adverse a. 不利的, 有害的11. aggravate v. 加重12. alleviate v. 减轻13. alternate v./a 交替(的)14. ambiguous a. 歧义的15. amplify v. 扩大(声音)>16.analogy n. 类比17. anonymous a. 匿名的18. applaud v. 鼓掌; 赞许19. apt a. 易于20. array n. 陈列, 一系列21. arrogant a. 傲慢的22. ascend v. 上升23.ascribe v. 归因于24. aspiration n. 抱负25. assault n. 攻击, 袭击26. assert v. 断言27. assurance n. 保证, 把握28. attendant n. 服务员, 随从29. authentic a. 真实的, 可靠的30. avert v. 避开、转移31. bald a. 秃顶的32. barren a. 荒芜的,不能生育的33. betray v. 背叛; 泄露34.bewilder v. 使迷惑35. bias n. 偏见36. blaze v. 燃烧; 发强光37. bleak a. 荒凉的; 凄凉的38. blink v. 眨眼睛; 闪烁39. blunder n. 大错40. bluntly ad. 直言不讳地41. blur v. 变模糊42. bribe v. 行贿43. browse v. 浏览44. brutal a. 残酷的=cruel/savage/45. capsule n. 密封仓, 胶囊46. carve v. 刻47. casualty n. 伤亡人员48.cater to v. 迎合49. caution n. 小心50. cherish v. 珍视; 怀有51. chronic a. 慢性的;严重的52. circulation n. 循环; 发行(量)53.climax n. 高潮54.cling to v. 紧紧抓住,依恋;坚持,墨守55. coincidence n. 巧合56. collaboration n. 合作57.collide v. 相撞; 冲突58. commence v. 开始mute v. 乘车上下班60. compact a. 紧凑的, 结实的61. compatible a. 相容的; 兼容的62. compensate v. 赔偿63. compile v. 汇编, 编辑64. complement v. 补充,与。

历年英语六级必考高频核心词汇top500:1-1001. abnormal a. 不正常的> I’m normal, you’re ~ !2. abolish v. 废除 > CET Band 4 should be abolished ! A daydreamer3. abrupt a. 突然的, 唐突的 > Your ~ manner embarrassed her!4. absurd a. 荒唐的 >What an ~ idea!5. accessory n. 附件, 零件 > Handbag, lipstick, etc. are women’s accessories. What are men’s ? Tie, lighter and a fine purse.6. accommodate v. 提供膳宿> How can a small town ~ the Olympic Games?7. addict v. 上瘾 >I’m ~ed to computer games. Please save me!8. acquaint v. 使熟悉 > Are you ~ed with that MM?9. adhere to v. 遵守 >Adhere to your own principle10. adverse a. 不利的, 有害的 >Adverse circumstances can test a person’s wisdom and courage.11. aggravate v. 加重 >Smoking ~s cold.12. alleviate v. 减轻 >No one can ~ my pain.13. alternate v./a 交替(的) >a day of ~ sunshine and rain /Day and night ~14. ambiguous a. 歧义的 >The policeman is looking for a man with one eye. Why not use two? 你知道此幽默在何处?15. amplify v. 扩大(声音)>16. analogy n. 类比 by analogy17. anonymous a. 匿名的 I received an ~ letter.18. applaud v. 鼓掌; 赞许> I ~ your suggestion.19. apt a. 易于 >One is ~ to make mistakes if given too much pressure.20. array n. 陈列, 一系列>the ~ of fruit and vegetables in the supermarket21. arrogant a. 傲慢的> An ~ man is a self important person.22. ascend v. 上升 > The balloons are ~ing.23. ascribe v. 归因于>He ~d his failure to his small vocabulary.24. aspiration n. 抱负 Your ~ is your ambition or strong wish.25. assault n. 攻击, 袭击>A robber ~ed him.26. assert v. 断言 He ~ed that the thief would come again.27. assurance n. 保证, 把握 >I give you my ~ that the product is safe and reliable.28. attendant n. 服务员, 随从29. authentic a. 真实的, 可靠的>Is Clinton’s biography ~?30. avert v. 避开、转移 We ~ed a loss .31. bald a. 秃顶的 A ~ man is considered to be intelligent.32. barren a. 荒芜的,不能生育的>Without dream, life is a ~ field.33. betray v. 背叛; 泄露 You ~ed me.34. bewilder v. 使迷惑 The new traffic lights ~ the man.35. bias n. 偏见 Bias is prejudice.36. blaze v. 燃烧; 发强光 >The summer sun is blazing.37. bleak a. 荒凉的; 凄凉的>a ~ future38. blink v. 眨眼睛; 闪烁 >39. blunder n. 大错40. bluntly ad. 直言不讳地41. blur v. 变模糊 >Fog blurred my vision.42. bribe v. 行贿 >Who bribed the bride? Bridegroom.43. browse v. 浏览 ~ a web page44. brutal a. 残酷的=cruel/savage/45. capsule n. 密封仓, 胶囊46. carve v. 刻47. casualty n. 伤亡人员 Many casualties are reported in the battle.48. cater to v. 迎合 > cater to the consumers49. caution n. 小心50. cherish v. 珍视; 怀有>~friendship/~ the hope that51. chronic a. 慢性的;严重的52. circulation n. 循环; 发行(量)>Reader has the largest ~ in China.53. climax n. 高潮 the ~ of the play54. cling to v. 紧紧抓住,依恋;坚持,墨守>The baby clung to his mother./ ~ to the hope that....55. coincidence n. 巧合56. collaboration n. 合作 in ~ with57. collide v. 相撞; 冲突 The two opinions ~ with each other.58. commence v. 开始59. commute v. 乘车上下班 >I have to ~ between the university town and the downtown area.60. compact a. 紧凑的, 结实的 a ~ car/office61. compatible a. 相容的; 兼容的>That husband and wife are very ~.62. compensate v. 赔偿 >The insurance company ~d the man for his injuries.63. compile v. 汇编, 编辑 ~ a encyclopedia64. complement v. 补充,与。

大学英语四六级考试考前突击必备的500个核心单词适用于:英语六级、英语四级、英语专四每天清晨6:30-8:00 背四六级核心单词500个1、prosecute [ 'prosikjuit] vt.对…提起公诉,告发,检举;继续从事w.起诉,【记】词根记忆:pro(向前、大量的)+secut(跟随)+e:大量跟随:该被检举了!向前跟随:继续从事2、transition [traen'zijan] n.过渡,转变区分transit 运输区分transient 转瞬即逝的3、casualty [ 'kaesuslti] n.伤亡人员,受害人【记】来自casual (a办偶然的):偶然遇害了4、permeate [丨psimieit] v.弥漫,遍布,散布;渗入,渗透【记】词根记忆:per(贯穿)+meat+e 空气中贯穿着肉味:弥漫!5、pendulum [ 'pendjubm] n.摆,钟摆;摇摆不定的事态(或局面)【记】词根记忆:pend(悬挂)+ulum —>•摇摆6、refund [ 'rilfAnd] n.退款[rii'fAnd] vt.退还(钱款)【记】词根记忆:re(向后)+fund(资金)—•退回资金—退款7、linger [ Woga] w.(因不愿离开而)留恋徘徊;慢消失【记】联想记忆:歌手(singer)留恋(linger)曾经的舞台【短语】linger on继续存留8、converge [k3niv3:d3] w.(在一点上)会合,互相靠拢;聚集,集中;(思想、观点等)十分相似,相同【记】词根记忆:con(共同)+verge(转)—转到一起—聚集【记】联想记忆:in+cent(分,分币)+ive —用钱(分币)刺激—刺激,鼓励9、as sociate [saujieit] n•伙伴,同事v.(在思想上)把…联系在一起;使联【短语】associate with结交,交往10、royalty [ 'roblti] n.王族(成员);[fpi ](著作的)版税【记】【记】来自royal(王族的)+ty —王族(成员)区分loyalty 忠诚11、dentist [ 'dentist] n.牙科医生【记】词根记忆:dent(牙齿)+ist(人)—牙科医生12、literary [ 'litarsri] adj.文学(上)的;文人的,书卷气的【记】词根记忆:liter(文字)+ary —文字上的—文学的13、transmit [traenz'mit] vt.传送,传递,传染;播送,发射【记】词根记忆:trans(穿过)+mit(送)—送过去—传送14、mock [mok] v.嘲笑,嘲弄;15、【考】aviation [leivi'eijan] n.航空,航空学;飞机制造业16、【考】incentive [in'sentiv] n.刺激,鼓励17、【考】overwhelm [isuva'welm] vt.(感情上)使受不了;征服,【记】词根记忆:avi(鸟)+ation(表名词)—像鸟一样飞—•区分navigation 导航18、reliable [rHaiabl]邮•.可靠的,可依赖的区分liable 易于……的19、fling [flir)]/2.使投身【记】联想记忆:fl(看作fly,飞)+ing一扔,掷20、anticipate [^n'tisipeit] vr•预料,预期,期望;先于…行动,提前使用【记】词根记忆:anti(先)+cip(拿)+ate(做)—►先拿到—►先于… 行动’21、rupture [破裂,断裂;(关系的)决裂,断绝(使)破裂【记】词根记忆:rupt(断)+ure —>断裂,破裂22、gleam [gliim] n.闪光,闪亮;闪现,流露v/.闪烁【考】gleam with流露23、salvation [sael'veijsn] n.拯救,解救;解救措施【记】联想记忆:salv(看作save,拯救)+ation(表动作)•拯救24、pedestrian 行人25、interaction 相互干扰26、【多次考】faculty 才能、能力27、clutch 控制、企图抓住、离合器【短语】clutch at 企图抓住28、mourn 哀悼29、limp 跛行区分limb 腿(climb爬山,爬山要用腿)30、【考】novelty 新奇31、profitable 有利可图的32、jerk 猛拉音似:这客——这客机,猛拉!33、hypothesis 假设34、limb 腿区分climb 爬;limp 跛的用limb去climb,爬下(p)了,说明腿是跛的(limp)35、discipline 纪律、【考】学科36、magistrate 地方法官37、burial 埋葬来自bury38、oxygen 氧气39、【考】simultaneous [~siməlˈteinjəs] 同步的40、attach 使附属41、tolerant 容忍的音似:逃了忍他变形:【考】tolerance 容忍42、squad 小组各个小组(squad)在广场(square)上讨论43、proficiency 熟练、精通pro大量+fic做=大量做——精通44、sentiment 意见一“三”他他就踢门显然有意见45、gear 工具、适应有工具就适应多了46、literacy 识字47、agreeable 令人愉快的48、sticky 黏性的(天气)湿热的49、marsh 沼泽湿地Mars(火星)——火星上都是沼泽50、patron [ˈpeitrən]资助人patr(父亲)——像父亲一样对待——资助人51、【多次考】reinforce 加强rein缰绳+ force强迫= 为加强训练用缰绳来强迫52、dub 给……起外号;译制影片dub本身为词根意为双;绰号就是第二个名字;译制影片就是影片的第二代53、community 社会54、dazzle 使炫目55、【考】outfit 团体56、heel 脚后跟57、romance 恋爱58、dispatch 公文、急件、派遣dis分开+ patch(片)= 把人群分成几片去派遣急件59、flutter 紧张、飘扬fl(看做fly,飞)+ utter(butter看做蝴蝶butterfly)——放飞蝴蝶,第一次飞很紧张、想飘扬60、rash 轻率的;皮疹61、stitch 一针;缝死地吃——患者都要死在地下了,你还在这吃??快给患者伤口缝一针!62、【考】competitive 竞争力63、corpse 尸体64、fiction 小说65、straightforward 正直的66、spite 恶意spy是间谍间谍普遍怀有恶意67、luxury 奢侈的68、accommodate 容纳提供住宿69、primarily 首要的70、setback 挫折set移动+back后退遇到挫折总是有人想向后移动怯懦不前71、restrain 阻止遏制72、gossip 流言蜚语go进行+s+sip吸吮流言蜚语总是能吸吮去人们的精力73、reward 报答74、【考】maintain 维持75、【考】define 下定义76、harmony 和谐77、【考】arrogant 傲慢的ar加强+rog要求+ant(……的)——一再要求——傲慢的78、paradise 天堂79、flat 平的80、ponder 思索pond 重量通过思考掂掂这件事的重量81、ignite 点燃读音记忆:一搁奶他东西往上一搁他奶奶腿的着火了!------点燃!82、asset 财产区分:assess 给(财产)估价as不断+ set 放置————不断放置财产83、decent体面的84、recipe【`resipi】烹饪区分receipt 【ri`si:t】发票85、premier 首相86、casual 偶然的87、severe 严重的88、propel 推动89、authorize 授权90、lure 诱惑pure纯、lure诱惑————纯属诱惑91、genuine 真正的92、【考】consensus 一致同意93、artery 干线动脉联想art——文艺新干线94、internal 内在的95、splash 飞溅96、spoil 溺爱战利品97、sponge 海绵【短语】sponge off 依赖他人生活海绵就像个死胖子98、hostile 地对的99、chord 心弦和弦100、feeble 虚弱的fee 钱需要花钱看病的101、spontaneous 自发的死胖子忒呐死死胖子都是自发的区分:propaganda 宣传sponge 海绵102、spouse 配偶103、sparkle 闪光spark 星花火闪光104、receipt 【ri`si:t】发票区分recipe【`resipi】烹饪】40、compliment 赞美105、poverty 贫穷106、scandal 丑闻scan 扫描扫描时事,揭露丑闻107、overthrow 推翻108、repression 压抑109、abstract 摘要abs离去tract拉————把大意从文章中拉出来110、ensue 紧着发生ensure确定的事就会接着发生ensue111、【考】cognitive 认知的112、lubricate 使润滑撸不睿——因为有润滑剂的诞生硬撸就不睿智了(男生懂的~)113、notion 概念no不用+ tion读音审——书上的概念不用审114、sprinkle 少量;洒spring 春天春天的阳光洒在身上很舒服115、【考】acute 急性的a+cut切得了急性阑尾炎马上切除手术116、spy间谍【短语】spy on 暗中监视117、rectify 纠正rect直的+ ify(使……)=使他直——纠正118、overhead 在头顶上、管理费用管理费用昂贵,这个烦恼一直在头顶上挥之不去119、destiny 命运、定数120、cellar 地下室cell密室121、intricate [ˈintrikət] 错综复杂的人吹可他——人家吹牛你就可着他吹吧,这世界多么错综复杂啊!122、submarine 潜水艇sub(在……下面)+ marine(海洋)——行驶在海洋下,潜水艇123、【考】bureaucracy [bjuəˈrɔkrəsi] 官僚主义124、【考】liability 责任lia说谎+ ability能力——谎称自己有能力是不负责任的行为125、escort [ˈeskɔ:t] 护送126、subordinate [səˈbɔ:dinəit] 下级;处于重要地位【短语】subordinate to 次要的、从属的127、junk 破烂;丢弃【短语】junk mail 垃圾邮件128、in abundance 充足129、submit to 屈服130、submit oneself to 遵守131、different between 区分;区别132、divert [daiˈvə:t]使转向133、【考】spiral 螺旋的134、terminate 终止termin(结束)135、render 致使rend(rond,圆的)+ er(ear耳朵)——圆耳朵,致使他被当做怪物136、eagle 鹰137、encourage 鼓励138、【考】conspicuous 显眼cons(引起共同)+ spic(speak,说)——引起共同说:你的过分显眼,引起了大家的讨论!139、prose 散文p(扑)在rose(玫瑰)上,浪漫的感觉更能写出情书般的散文140、pretext 借口、托词per(预先)+ text(写好的文字)——理由竟然是事先就写好的!!!显然他在有预谋的找借口、找托词!142、【考】discrimination 歧视143、【考】rivalry 竞争144、glamour 魅力过来摸——有魅力145、nourish 养育、怀有(希望等)146、stab 刺【短语】stab in the back 背后中伤、背叛147、armor 盔甲arm武器+ or物——保护物148、enlighten 启发en使+ lighten 点亮149、idiom 习语150、progressive 渐进的pro大量的——大量挑衅需要循序渐进151、booth 货摊b+故事——不是故事是真报纸——卖报纸的货摊152、appendix 阑尾、附录ap加强+pend悬挂=悬挂在书后的是附录153、corrode 腐蚀=corrupt154、groove 沟、槽区分groom 准备、新郎想象那个图155、owe 欠156、stability 稳定157、【考】stabilize 使稳定158、flare 照明弹、突然发怒古代用fire照明,如今发展成flare159、stable 马厩160、innumerable 无数的161、justify 证明……是正当的just正义+ ify使162、propaganda 宣传Prop支持者+ agenda看做agenda议程——支持者宣传议程163、foam 泡沫164、compose 组成165、psychiatrist 心理学家166、costume 礼服167、reaction 反应区分react反应、reflect反映、reflex反射168、presume 假定【短语】presume on 不正当利用169、entail 使承担en给+ tail尾巴——给一个尾巴用以承担170、referee 裁判员171、dodge 托词、回避总是找托词回避,像狗一样172、stack 堆库存(stock)一堆(stack)商品,堆到一起对大家不利:【考】对……不利【短语】stack against 对……不利173、circus 马戏团174、disguise 伪装迪斯尼用东西盖着肯定要伪装什么175、stagger 蹒跚Stag看做stay停——停不稳——蹒跚176、recognize 认出(o后面易多写n,要注意)177、staircase 楼梯178、embody 使具体化179、artillery 大炮180、【考】dwell 居住d(do,做)+ well(好)——做得好就要留下来居住【考】【短语】dwell on/upon 老是想着,详述181、parameter 界限、参数para(辅助)+ meter(测量)——辅助测量的,是参数,参数一般都是有界限的区分paralyze 使瘫痪182、scramble 爬行抢夺183、imaginary 想象的184、relief 宽慰区分belief 相信185、allocate 分派al(加强)+ loc(地方)+ ate(做)——分派到各地去做186、compulsory 强制性的区分capsule 胶囊187、flask 长颈瓶188、【考】expertise 专长189、terrace 地棚terr(地)+ race(比赛)——比赛的地方:地棚区分terrain 地形terr(地)+ rain 下雨——下雨与地形有关190、loyalty 忠诚191、sieve 筛选、滤192、recur 再发生re(再)+ cur(发生)——再发生区分incur 招致in(进来)+ cur(发生)——进来发生:招致193、【考】capable 有能力的区分【考】capability 能力;功能区分【考】capacity 能力;容量区分【考】facility 设备194、【考】mediate 调节195、ammunition 弹药;军火am(加强)+ mum(公共的)——军火是保卫公共安全的基础196、critical 批评的197、【考】massive 大量的198、decree 判决和degree(度,刑度)一起记忆199、cucumber 黄瓜200、terrain 地形terr(地7、)+ rain 下雨——下雨与地形有关201、robust 强壮的像机器人一样强壮202、saturate 使饱和203、【考】scatter 驱散音似:死该他!——死是他活该的!这种人你还不驱散他?区分【考】scanty 缺乏s(死)+ can(能)+ 踢——死了才能会踢——言外之意一辈子也不会踢球,这真缺乏信心啊!204、defect 缺点de(变坏)+ fect(做)——往坏了做:缺点!205、convict 囚犯、宣判有罪206、ingredient 成分207、retort 反驳re(往回)+ tort(教)——往回教:学生教老师——学生反驳了老师的学术观点208、brief 摘要区分relief 快慰;belief 信任209、pasture 牧场210、【考】terrific 极妙的211、purchase 买212、mobilize 动员213、assassination 暗杀as(加强)+ sas(看做SAS 非典)+ sin(son儿子)——非典暗杀了很多孩子214、detect 察觉215、【考】mutual 相互的216、preach 宣讲、竭力鼓吹p(屁)+ reach(到达)——屁老师马乾凯到了——又要开始宣讲、吹牛了217、territory 领土terr(地)+ iory(地点)——领土区分terrain 地形区分terrace 地棚218、insight 洞察力219、desirable 值得向往的220、instrumental 起作用的、用乐器演奏的来自instrument 手段、器具221、testify 证明222、【考】gamble 赌博222、strand 使搁浅死船的——死在船上的——搁浅了223、concise 简明的con(共同的)+ cise(切掉)= 把相同的套话都切掉,留下主干部分——简明的224、strategy 战略225、concept 概念226、forge 仿制发音记忆:仿制227、testimony 见证228、certainty 必然的事229、detain 拘留230、fantastic 极好的231、texture 质地232、acquaintance 熟人233、migrant 移民者234、mingle 使混合各种single(单一的)在一起就mingle(混合)了【短语】mingle with 与……相融合235、theft 偷窃236、mutter 轻声耳语mutter说butter 轻声要黄油!(半夜饿了,不好意思大声说)237、dissipate 使消散dis(不)+ sip(小口喝)+ ate(吃)——不小口吃喝——大吃大喝——浪费、挥霍、使消散!238、profession 职业239、financial 财政的240、denounce 谴责de(变换)+ nounce(报告)——弄坏报告、要受谴责!241、catholic 天主教的cat(猫,教堂里把猫看得神圣)+ holi(看做holy,神圣的)= 天主教242、streak 疾驰、条纹死醉渴——都醉死了、拿奶奶的带条纹的手巾擦嘴,奶奶见状疾驰过来告诉我不许动脏她的毛巾243、streamline 使成流线型244、maneuver 调度723动车事故的时候,调度员还在那摸牛玩呢,结果信号给错了!245、alleviate 缓解阿李伟他——李伟是数分老师,他太胖了,走路需要缓解246、physiological [.fiziəˈlɔdʒikəl] 生理的区分physician 医生247、facet 一个方面248、stride 大步大步走和骑车(ride)一样快区分ride 骑车249、【考】apparatus 仪器ap(加强)+ para(辅助)+ tus——起辅助作用——仪器250、rival 竞争对手251、deduce 推断弟丢死——弟弟丢了死了——推断出来的252、levy 税款来喂——交税给国家,国家干部等着老百姓来喂253、disposition 性格dis(分开)+ position(位置)——因为性格不合所以分开位置254、scheme 计划、方案255、periodical 时期的、期刊256、exhaust 疲倦的、排气装置疲倦需要排气257、stereotype 定式258、stern 严厉的死的按除非死了否则谁也不许在训练者按动暂停按钮——太严厉了!259、census 统计、人口普查260、repay 归还261、independent 独立262、giggle【'gigl】咯咯笑263、glitter 闪光g + litter(看做little,小)——一闪一闪小星星264、lieutenant [lefˈtenənt;lu:ˈtenənt]陆军中尉海军上尉265、evil 祸害266、prospective 预期的Pro向前+ spect看——向前看的——预期的267、dismiss 解雇268、endurance 忍受力269、conserve 保存270、expense 花费【短语】at the expense of 以……为代价271、preclude 排除Pre提前+ clude推断——提前推断出故障、排除险情区分conclude 推断272、compete 比赛273、bargain 便宜货274、【考】external 外部的275、aspiration 志向276、drawback 缺点277、cute 精明的278、toll 过路费;死亡人数区分tool交通工具交通工具肯定要交过路费交通工具出事了要有死亡人数279、correlate [`krəlet] 关联【短语】correlate to/with 关联280、sip 小口喝281、conservation 保存282、clasp 扣子;抱紧283、current 电流、潮流区分currency 货币284、invert 使倒转285、segment 部分286、religious 宗教的287、extraordinary 非同寻常的extra额外的+ ordinary普通的——非同寻常的288、drain 排水沟;慢慢减少d(堵)+rain(雨)——堵雨的——排水沟、雨水进排水沟会慢慢减少289、confidence 信任290、【考】strain 拉紧291、entrepreneur [.ɔntrəprəˈnə:] 企业家来自enterprise 事业292、assault 攻击as(加强)+ sault(看做salt盐)——往伤口上撒盐——攻击293、【考】encounter 邂逅遇到294、【考】elementary 基本的、刚具备要求的295、【考】fertilizer 肥料词源:【考】fertile 富有的296、aggregate 总数【短语】in the aggregate 作为总体,总共297、eliminate 消灭298、confident 自信300、rank 军衔、【考】排名301、hazard 危险302、band 乐队303、coarse 粗糙的音似:靠死——靠!粗糙死了!304、justification 正当的理由305、command 命令区分demand 要求306、thrill 兴奋307、endeavor 努力烟袋——努力戒烟308、【考】thrive 兴旺309、shield 防护物310、invisible 看不见的311、interact 相互作用312、marshal 最高指挥官;【考】安排马首——最高指挥官:负责安排!313、throne [θrəun] 王权thr(看做the)+ one——为我独尊:王权!区分thorn [θɔ:n] 荆棘314、guardian 监护人315、meadow 草地mea(看做meal餐)+ dow(音似:斗,斗牛)——斗牛的时候给牛吃的早餐:草地区分:pasture 牧场316、provoke 挑衅317、tick 打”√”318、tickle 逗乐,发痒买张ticket(电影票)让她tickle(逗乐)一下区分tackle 与……交涉319、indefinite 无限期的变形:【考】indefinitely 无限地320、restore 归还321、predominant322、obscene 淫秽的ob(反)+ scene(景色)——反能量的景色:淫秽图像323、criterion 准则324、queer 奇怪的、不舒服的排队(queue)这么久竟然买不到票,真奇怪(queer)、心里不舒服325、liberal 自由的326、theme 主题、题目327、therefore 之后328、mistress 主妇329、promising 有希望的330、therefore 因此331、parasite 寄生虫para(辅助)+ sit(坐在、居住)——辅助住在其他动物里面的——寄生虫区分paralyze 使瘫痪区分parameter 参数、界限332、famine 饥荒、严重的缺乏音似:发米呢!饥荒了得发米!333、militant 激进的音似:密里探他:秘密探访他,防止有激进的行为造成伤害334、dilute 冲淡、稀释di(die死)+ lute(溜他)——人死了却溜了,肯定是杀人者逃逸了,把血液稀释冲淡,防止被抓!335、slaughter 屠杀336、arc 弧337、conference 会议338、consequently 因此区分consequence 后果339、graduate 毕业生340、solo 独奏341、thermal 热的、保暖的音似:傻帽!不知道保暖,你傻帽啊!难道是热的?342、inaugurate 为……举办开幕式音似:一闹就睿他——开幕式嘛,闹闹哄哄的办才睿智呢!太死板就没气氛了!343、【考】diverse 相异的di(不同、区分)+ verse(转)——往不同方向转——相异的!区分inverse、converse 转化344、drought 干旱dr(dry,干的)+ ought(应该)——因为干旱,所以一切都很干这是应该的!345、thesis [ˈθi:sis] 论文346、optimism 乐观v、【考】optimize 优化347、flaw 缺点、瑕疵f(飞离)+ law(法律)——背离的法律:太严重的缺点、瑕疵了!348、thigh [θai] 大腿音似:晒大腿怕晒!349、smash 击碎350、thorn 荆棘t+ horn(角)——荆棘351、brood 一家的孩子、一窝、沉思一家的孩子(brood)流着相同的血(blood),家人一起陷入沉思352、outbreak 突然发生353、compensate 弥补354、excursion 远足ex(出去)+cursion(磕神:出去给神磕头去——远足:去歪脖老母那儿,哈哈)355、dedicate 把(一生)等献给音似:dedi(爹地)+ ate(做)——爸爸还有做的事情——一生献给的事业356、【考】confront 遭遇357、terrify 使害怕terr(地)+ 飞——从地面飞起来——害怕!区分terrific 极好的(fic是做的意思,做的好!——极好的)区分terrace 地棚区分terrain 地形区分territory 领土358、chunk 相当大的部分(或数量)359、assistance 援助v。

英语四六级考试核心必备500个词汇(一)1. absolute ['æbsəluːt] adj. 绝对的,无条件的;完全的2. abundant [əˈbʌndənt] adj. 丰富的,充裕的,大量的3. abuse [ə'bjuːz] v. 滥用,虐待;谩骂4. academic [‚ækə'demɪk] adj. 学术的;高等院校的;研究院的5. accelerate [ æk'seləreɪt] v. 加速,促进6. accomplish [ə'kʌmplɪʃ] vt .完成,到达;实行7. acid ['æsɪd] n. 酸,酸性物质adj. 酸的;尖刻的8. acknowledge [ək'nɒlɪdʒ] v. 承认;致谢9. acquire [ə'kwaɪə] vt. 取得,获得;学到10. adaptation [ædəp'teɪʃ(ə)n] n.适应;改编11. adequate ['ædɪkwət] adj. 适当地;足够12. adhere [əd'hɪə] vi. 粘附,附着;遵守,坚持13. adjust [ə'dʒʌst] v. 调整,调节14. adopt [ə'dɒpt] v. 收养;采用;采纳15. agency ['eɪdʒənsɪ] n. 代理商,经销商16. alcohol ['ælkəhɒl] n. 含酒精的饮料,酒精17. alter ['ɔːltə] v. 改变,改动,变更18. anticipate [æn'tɪsɪpeɪt] vt.预期,期望19. apparent [ə'pærənt] adj. 显然的,明白的20. appeal [ə'piːl] n. 请求,呼吁;上诉vi. 呼吁,恳求;对…上诉21. appetite ['æpɪtaɪt] n. 胃口;欲望;爱好22. applause [ə'plɔːz] n. 鼓掌,掌声;欢呼23. applicable ['æplɪkəbl] adj. 可应用的,适当的24. applicant ['æplɪkənt] n. 申请人;请求者25. appoint [ə'pɔɪnt] vt. 任命,委派26. appreciate [ə'priːʃɪeɪt] vt. 重视,赏识,欣赏,涨价27. approach [ə'prəʊtʃ] v. 靠近,接近 n. 途径,方式;接近28. appropriate [əˈprəʊprɪət] adj.适当的,恰当的,相称的29. approve [ə'pruːv] v. 赞成,同意,批准;满意30. approximate [ə'prɒksɪmət] adj. 大概的,大约的 v. 近似31. arbitrary ['ɑːbɪtrərɪ] adj. 随意的,未断的32. architect ['ɑːkɪtekt] n. 建筑师;设计师33. arise [ə'raɪz] vi. 产生,出现,发生;起身34. arouse [ə'raʊz] vt. 引起,激起;唤醒35. ascend [ə'send] vi.上升36. aspect ['æspekt] n. 方面;朝向;面貌37. assert [ə'sɜːt] vt.断言,主张38. at the expense [ɪk'spens] of 以...为代价39. attach [ə'tætʃ] vt. 系,贴;使附属40. attraction [əˈtrækʃn] n. 吸引,吸引力41. authority [ɔː'θɒrətɪ] n. 权威;当局权力, 职权42. automatically [ɔːtə'mætɪklɪ] adv. 自动地;不经思考地43. auxiliary [ɔːg'zɪljərɪ] adj. 辅助的;预备的n. 助手;附属机构44. available [a'vailəbl] adj. 现成可用的;可得到的;有空的45. award [ə'wɔːd] vt. 赏给,授予,判给 n. 奖品,奖金46. aware [ə'weə] adj. 意识到的,注意到的47. awful ['ɔːfʊl] adj. 极坏的,威严的,可怕的;使人敬畏的48. awkward ['ɔːkwəd] adj. 笨拙的,棘手的49. bacteria [bæk'tɪərɪə] n. 细菌50. ban [bæn] vt. 取缔,禁止51. bargain ['bɑːgɪn] n. 便宜货;买卖;协议vi. 讨价还价;达成协议52. barrier ['bærɪə] n. 障碍;棚栏53. battery ['bætərɪ] n. 电池(组)54. beforehand [bɪfɔː hænd] adv. 预先,事先55. benefit package ['benɪfɪt 'pækɪdʒ] 福利待遇56. biochemistry [baɪə(ʊ)'kemɪstrɪ] n. 生物化学57. bother ['bɒðə] v. 打搅,麻烦58. boundary ['baʊndərɪ] n. 分界线,边界;范围59. breed [briːd] n. 种,品种 v. 繁殖,产仔60. bride [braɪd] n. 新娘61. budget ['bʌdʒɪt] n. 预算 v. 编预算,作安排62. burden [bɜːdn] n. 重担,负荷 v.加重压于,烦扰63. bureau ['bjʊərəʊ] n. 局,办事处64. calculate ['kælkjʊleɪt] vt. 计算,核算;估计;推测65. campus ['kæmpəs] n. 校园;大学生活;学院66. cancel ['kænsl] vt. 取消,废除,删去67. candidate ['kændɪdət] n. 候选人;应试者;候补者68. capture ['kæptʃə] vt. 捕获,捕捉69. career [kə'rɪə] n. 生涯,职业70. casual ['kæʒjʊəl] adj. 偶然的,碰巧的;临时的;非正式的71. catalog ['kætəlɔ:g] n. 目录(册) v. 编目72. certification [,sɜːtɪfɪ'keɪʃən] n.证明,保证73. certify ['sɜːtɪfaɪ] vt.证实,保证74. chaos ['keɪɒs] n. 混乱,紊乱75. clue [kluː] n. 线索,提示76. coarse [kɔːs] adj. 粗的,粗糙的,粗劣的77. code [kəʊd] n. 准则,法规,密码78. collision [kə'lɪʒn] n. 碰撞,冲突79. combination [kɒmbɪ'neɪʃ(ə)n] n.组合,结合80. comment ['kɒment] n. 注释;意见;评论v. 评论;解释;评论81. commit [kə'mɪt] vt. 犯(错误,罪行等),干(坏事等);委托;押往82. community [kə'mjuːnətɪ] n. 社区,社会;共同体;公众83. comparable ['kɒmpərəbl] adj. (with, to) 可比较的,类似的;比得上的84. comparative [kəm'pærətɪv] adj. 比较的,相对的85. compete [kəm'piːt] vi. 竞争,比赛86. competent [ˈkɒmpɪtənt] adj. 有能力的,能胜任的87. competition [‚kɒmpɪ'tɪʃn] n. 竞争,比赛88. conformity [kən'fɔːmɪtɪ] n. 一致,符合89. conquer ['kɒŋkə] vt. 征服;占有;战胜90. consent [kən'sent] n. 准许,同意vi (to) 准许,同意;答应91. conservation [‚kɒnsə'veɪʃn] n. 保存,保护92. conservative [kənˈsɜ:vətɪv] adj. 保守的;守旧的n.保守者;防腐剂93. consistent [kənˈsɪstənt] adj. 坚固定;一致的,始终如一的94. constant [ˈkɒnstənt] adj. 不变的,恒定的;持续的n. 常数;恒量95. consume [kən'sjuːm] v. 消耗,耗尽;消费,毁灭96. contaminate [kən'tæmɪneɪt] vt. 污染,弄脏97. continual [kən'tɪnjʊəl] adj. 不断地,频繁的98. continuous [kən'tɪnjʊəs] adj. 继续的,连续(不断)的99. conversion [kən'vɜːʃ(ə)n] n. 转变,转化100. cope [kəʊp] vi. (with)(成功地)应付,处理;竞争n.笼罩;遮盖物;斗篷式长袍101. core [kɔː] n. 果心,核心102. costume ['kɒstjuːm] n. 服装103. curb [kɜːb] n./v. 阻碍104.debate [dɪ'beɪt] n. 辩论;讨论v. 辩论,争论;与…辩论,思考105.debt [det] n. 欠债106.decade ['dekeɪd] n. 十年107.decay [dɪ'keɪ] vi. 腐烂,腐朽;衰退;使腐朽n. 腐烂;蛀牙;衰退108.decent ['diːsnt] adj. 像样的,体面的;有分寸的109.decline [dɪ'klaɪn] v. 拒绝,谢绝;下降;倾斜;婉拒n. 下降;衰退;减少110.decorate ['dekəreɪt] vt. 装饰,装璜;油漆111.deem [diːm] vt. 认为112.defect ['diːfekt] n. 缺点,缺陷,不足之处 v.逃跑,背叛,脱离113.defense industry [dɪ'fens 'ɪndəstrɪ] 国防工业114.definite ['defɪnɪt] adj. 一定的,确切的115.delay [dɪ'leɪ] vt. 延缓;拖延n. 推迟,延误,耽搁116.deliberately [dɪ'lɪbərətlɪ] adv. 故意的;谨慎的;从容不迫地117.delicate ['delɪkət] adj. 易碎的;娇弱的;精美的;微妙的118.derive [dɪ'raɪv] vt. 取得,得到;(from)起源于119.descend [dɪ'send] v. 下来,下降;传下120.deserve [dɪ'zɜːv] vt. 应受,应得,值得121.destructive [dɪˈstrʌktɪv] adj. 破坏性的,有害的;毁灭性的122.device [dɪˈvaɪs] n. 装置,设备;策略;手段123.devise [dɪˈvaɪz] vt. 发明,策划,想出n. 遗赠;遗赠的财产124.discipline [ˈdɪsəplɪn] n. 纪律;惩罚;学科v. 训练;使有纪律;处罚;使有条理125.discount ['dɪskaʊnt] n.(价格)折扣 v. 打折扣; 打折扣出售商品; 贴现126.discrimination [dɪ‚skrɪmɪ'neɪʃn] n. 歧视;辨别力127.dispose [dɪ'spəʊz] vi. 除掉;处置;解决;处理(of)128.distinguish [dɪ'stɪŋgwɪʃ] vt. 区分,辨别129.distress [dɪ'stres] n. 痛苦,悲伤 vt. 使痛苦,使忧伤, 使苦恼130.distribute [dɪ'strɪbjuːt] vt. 分发; 散布; 分配131.disturb [dɪ'stɜːb] vt. 打搅,妨碍132.diverse [daɪ'vɜːs] adj. 不同的,多种多样的133.domestic [dəʊ'mestɪk] adj. 本国的,国内的;家用的;家庭的n. 仆人, 佣人134.drift [drɪft] vi. 漂,漂流 n. 漂流; 漂流物135.drip [drɪp] n. 滴 v. 滴下; 漏下, 撒下136.dumb [dʌm] a. 哑的;愚蠢的137.dump [dʌmp] vt. 倾卸,倾倒 n. 垃圾场, 垃圾堆138.duplicate [ˈdjuːplɪkeɪt] n. 副本,复制品139.durable ['djʊərəbl] adj. 耐用的,持久的140.duration [djʊə'reɪʃn] n. 持续,持续期间141. echo ['ekəʊ] v. 随声附和,发出回声142. ecosystem ['iːkəʊsɪstəm] n. 生态系统143. elaborate [ɪ'læbərət] adj. 精心设计的,复杂的 v. 精心制作; 详细阐述144. elegant ['elɪg(ə)nt] adj. 高雅的,雅致的145. elevate ['elɪveɪt] vt. 提升,举起;使高兴146. eligible ['elɪdʒɪb(ə)l] adj. 适合的,胜任的147. elimination [ɪ,lɪmɪ'neɪʃən] n. 消除,淘汰148. emotion [ɪ'məʊʃn] n. 情感,感情149. emphasize ['emfəsaɪz] vt. 强调,着重150. encounter [ɪn'kaʊntə] vt. 遇见, 会战, 邂逅 n. 遭遇,遭到151. engage [ɪn'ɡeɪdʒ] vt.吸引;雇佣;从事152. enthusiasm [ɪnˈθju:ziæzəm] n. 热情,热心153. entitle [ɪn'taɪtl] vt. 给...权利,给...资格154. environmentally friendly [ɪnˌvaɪrən'mentəlɪ] ['fren(d)lɪ] 环保的155. equivalent [ɪˈkwɪvələnt] n. 同等物, 相等物, 等价物 adj. 相等的; 同意义的; 相当的156. essential [ɪ'senʃl] adj. 必不可少的;本质的157. estimate ['estɪmeɪt] n. /vt. 估计,估量158. evaluate [ɪ'væljʊeɪt] vt. 评估,评价159. evil ['iːvl] adj. 邪恶的,坏的 n. 邪恶; 罪恶; 不幸160. evolution [‚iːvə'luːʃn] n. 演变,进化161. exaggerate [ɪg'zædʒəreɪt] v. 夸大,夸张162. exceed [ɪk'siːd] vt. 超过,越出163. exceedingly [ɪkˈsi:dɪŋli] adv. 非常,极其164. excess [ɪk'ses] n. 过分,过量,过剩 adj. 过度的; 额外的165. exclaim [ɪk'skleɪm] v. 呼喊,大声说166. exclude [ɪk'skluːd] vt. 把...排斥在外,不包括167. exclusive [ɪk'skluːsɪv] adj. 独有的,排他的168. existence [ɪɡ'zɪstəns] n.存在,生存169. expand [ɪk'spænd] v. 扩大,扩张;展开,膨胀170. expansion [ɪkˈspænʃn] n. 扩大,扩充;发展,膨胀171. expel [ɪk'spel] v. 驱逐,开除,赶出172. expend [ɪk'spend] v. 消费173. expenditure [ɪkˈspendɪtʃə(r)] n. 支出,消费;经费174. expense [ɪk'spens] n. 开销,费用175. exploit [ɪk'splɔɪt] v. 剥削;利用,开采n. 功绩, 勋绩176. explore [ɪk'splɔː] v. 勘探177. explosion [ɪk'spləʊʒn] n. 爆炸;爆发;激增178. extent [ɪk'stent] n. 程度,范围,大小,限度179. extinct [ɪk'stɪŋkt] adj. 绝灭的,熄灭的180. extraordinary [ɪkˈstrɔ:dnerɪ] adj. 不平常的,特别的,非凡的181. extreme [ɪk'striːm] adj. 极度的,极端的 n. 极端,过分182.facility [fə'sɪlətɪ] n.设备,设施;便利,方便183.faculty ['fækltɪ] n. 能力,技能;系,学科,学院;全体教员184.fatal ['feɪtl] adj. 致命的;重大的185.fate [feɪt] n. 命运186.fatigue [fə'tiːg] n. 疲劳,劳累 v. 使疲劳; 使心智衰弱187.faulty ['fɔːltɪ] adj. 有错误的,有缺点的188.favorable ['feɪvərəbl] adj. 称赞道;有利的,顺利的189.feasible['fiːzɪb(ə)l] adj.可行的190.female ['fiːmeɪl] adj. 女性的,雌的191.fertile ['fɜːtaɪl] adj. 肥沃的;多产的192.flexible ['fleksəbl] adj. 易弯曲的, 柔软的, 灵活的193.focus ['fəʊkəs] v. (使)聚集 n. 焦点,中心,聚焦194.forbid [fə(r)'bɪd] vt. 不许,禁止195.frown [fraʊn] n. 皱眉, 蹙额 v. 皱眉; 不赞成;196.frustrate [frʌ'streɪt] vt. 使沮丧197. gap [gæp] n. 间隔,差距198. generate ['dʒenəreɪt] vt. 生成,产生(光、热、电等)199. genius ['dʒɪːnɪəs] n. 天才,天赋200. genuine ['dʒenjʊɪn] adj. 真的,真诚的(二)201. glimpse [glɪmps] n. 一瞥,一看 v. 瞥见; 投以一瞥202. global ['gləʊbl] adj. 全球的;总的203. glory ['glɔːrɪ] n. 光荣,荣誉 v. 骄傲; 狂喜; 自豪204. gown [gaʊn] n. 长袍205. grand [grænd] a. 宏伟的,壮丽的,重大的 n. 平台式钢琴, 大钢琴206. grant [grɑːnt] vt. 授予,同意,准予 n. 授予, 奖助金, 允许207. grateful ['greɪtfʊl] adj. 感激的208. gratitude ['grætɪtuːd] n. 感激209. groundless['graʊn(d)lɪs] adj. 无理由的,无根据的210. guarantee [‚gærən'tiː] n. 担保, 保证书, 抵押品 v. 保证; 担保211. guilty [gɪltɪ] adj. 内疚的;有罪的212.harmony ['hɑrmənɪ ] n. 和谐,融洽213.haste [heɪst] n. 急速,急忙 v. 赶紧, 匆忙; 催促214.hatred ['heɪtrɪd] n. 憎恶,憎恨215.hazard ['hæzəd] n. 危险216.hesitate ['hezɪteɪt] v. 犹豫, 踌躇, 迟疑217.highlight [ˈhaɪlaɪt] vt. 强调,突出218.hint [hɪnt] n. 暗示,示意 v. 暗示, 示意219.hostile ['hɒstaɪl] adj. 敌对的,敌意的220.household ['haʊshəʊld] n. 家庭,户 adj. 家庭的; 家属的; 家族的221.humble ['hʌmbl] adj. 谦逊的;谦虚的v. 使...卑下; 贬抑222. identify [aɪ'dentɪfaɪ] vt. 认出,鉴定223. illegal [ɪ'liːgl] adj. 不合法的,非法的224. illusion [ɪ'luːʒn] n. 错觉225. illustrate['ɪləstreɪt] vt. 阐明,说明226. impose [ɪm'pəʊz] vt. 把...加强(on)227. incentive [ɪn'sentɪv] n. 刺激228. incident [ɪnsɪ'dent] n. 事件,事变 adj. 附带的, 外来的229. incidentally [ɪnsɪ'dent(ə)lɪ] adv. 顺便地,偶然地230. incompetent[ɪn'kɒmpɪt(ə)nt] adj. 无能力的,不胜任的231. incorporate [ɪn'kɔ:pəreɪt] vt. 合并;体现232. individual [‚ɪndɪ'vɪdjʊəl] adj. 个别的,单独的 n. 个人,个体233. inevitable [ɪn'evɪtəbl] adj. 不可避免的234. infect [ɪn'fekt] v. 传染235. infer [ɪn'fɜr] v. 推论,推断236. inferior [ɪn'fɪrɪə(r)] adj. 劣等的,次的,下级的 n. 低于他人者; 次品237. infinite ['ɪnfɪnət] adj. 无限的 n. 无限, 神238. ingredient [ɪn'griːdɪənt] n. 组成部分239. inhabitant [ɪn'hæbɪtənt] n. 居民240. initiative [ɪ'nɪʃətɪv] n.主动权,首创精神241. inquire [ɪn'kwaɪə] vt.询问242. insignificant [‚ɪnsɪg'nɪfɪkənt] adj. 无意义的,无足轻重的;无价值的243. institute['ɪnstɪtjuːt] n. 研究所,学会,学院244. insufficient [ɪnsə'fɪʃ(ə)nt] adj. 不足的;不胜任的245. integrate ['ɪntɪgreɪt] v. (into, with)(使)成为一体,(使)合并,(使)结合成为整体246. interactive[ɪntər'æktɪv] adj. 互相作用的,互相影响的247. interfere [‚ɪntə(r)'fɪr] v. 干涉,干扰,妨碍248. internal [ɪn'tɜrnl] adj. 内部的,国内的 n. 本质, 本性; 内部器249. interpret [ɪn'tɜrprɪt] v. 翻译,解释250. interpretation [ɪn‚tɜrprɪ'teɪʃn] n. 解释,说明251. intolerant [ɪn'tɒl(ə)r(ə)nt] adj. 无法容忍的252. invade [ɪn'veɪd] v. 侵入,侵略,侵袭253. irrational [ɪ'ræʃ(ə)n(ə)l] adj. 不合理的,不理性的254. irrigation [ˌɪrɪˈɡeɪʃn] n. 灌溉255. isolate ['aɪsəleɪt] vt. 使隔离,使孤立256. issue ['ɪʃuː] n. 问题,争论点;发行,(报刊)一期v. 发行; 造成...结果257. jealous ['dʒeləs] adj. 妒忌的, 留心的, 羡慕的258. joint [dʒɔɪnt] adj. 连接的;共同的n. 连接处, 关节, 接合v. 连接; 使有接头; 接合259. junior ['dʒuːnɪər] adj. 年少的;资历较浅的n. 年少者, 大学三年级学生260. launch [lɔːntʃ] vt. 发动,发起 n. 下水; 发行; 发射261. leak [liːk] v. 漏,渗出 n. 漏洞, 裂缝; 漏出物262. legislation [‚ledʒɪs'leɪʃn] n. 法律,法规;立法263. leisure ['liːʒər] n. 闲暇;悠闲264. liberal ['lɪbərəl] adj. 慷慨的;丰富的;自由的n. 自由主义者265. license [ˈlaɪsəns] n. 许可证,执照266. likelihood ['laɪklɪhʊd] n. 可能,可能性267. lobbyist ['lɒbɪɪst] n. 游说者268. lofty ['lɒftɪ] adj. 崇高的269. loosen ['luːsn] v. 解开,放松270. luxury ['lʌkʃərɪ] n. 奢侈;奢侈品adj. 奢侈的, 豪华的271.maintain [meɪn'teɪn] vt. 维持,保持;坚持,主张272.manifest['mænɪfest] vt. 表明;adj. 明显的273.manual ['mænjʊəl] adj. 用手的,手工做的 n. 手册274.manufacture [mænə'fæktʃer] vt. /n. 制造,加工275.marvelous ['mɑrvləs] adj. 奇迹般的,惊人的276.massive ['mæsɪv] adj. 大的,大量的,大块的277.mature [mə'tjʊə(r)] adj. 成熟的 v. 使成熟; 成熟; 到期278.mere [mɪə] adj. 仅仅的,只不过的;纯粹的d [maɪld] adj. 温暖的,暖和的;温柔的,味淡的280.minimum ['mɪnɪməm] adj. 最低的,最小的 n. 最小量281.misled [,mɪs'led](mislead 过去式)误导282.mismanagement [mɪs'mænɪdʒmənt] n. 管理不当283.mixture ['mɪkstʃə(r)] n. 混合,混合物284.modest ['mɑdɪst] adj. 谦虚的285.modify ['mɑdɪfaɪ] vt. 修改; 缓和, 减轻286.moist [mɔɪst] adj. 潮湿的, 感伤的, 多雨的287.mood [muːd] n. 心情,情绪;语气288.moral ['mɔrəl] adj. 道德上的,有道德的 n. 道德, 寓意, 品行289.motivate ['məʊtɪveɪt] vt. 激励,激发290.motive ['məʊtɪv] n. 动机,目的 adj. 运动的, 成为动机的291.mutual ['mjuːtʃʊəl] adj. 相互的292.naked ['neɪkɪd] adj. 裸露的293.navigation [‚nævɪ'geɪʃn] n. 航行294.necessity [nɪ'sesətɪ] n. 必需品;必要性295.needy ['niːdɪ] adj. 贫困的296.negative ['negətɪv] adj. 否定的,消极的 n. 否定, 底片 v. 否定, 拒绝297.neglect [nɪ'glekt] vt. 忽视,忽略 n. 疏忽, 怠慢, 忽略298.neutral ['nuːtrəl] adj. 中立的,中性的 n. 中立者, 非彩色299.nonsense ['nɔnsens] n. 胡说,冒失的行动300.noted ['nəʊtɪd] adj. 著名的301.notion ['nəʊʃn] n. 概念;意图,想法302.novel ['nɒv(ə)l] adj. 新颖的303.nuisance ['nuːsns] n. 损害,妨害,讨厌(的人或事物)304.oblige [ə'blaɪdʒ] v. 迫使,责成;使感激305.obscure [əb'skjʊr] adj. 阴暗,模糊不出名的; 不重要的 vt. 使…模糊不清; 掩盖306.obstacle ['ɒbstəkl] n. 障碍(物),妨碍307.occupation [ɒkjʊ'peɪʃ(ə)n] n.职业308.offend [ə'fend] v. 冒犯,触犯309.opponent [ə'pəʊnənt] n. 敌手,对手 adj. 敌对的, 反对的310.optimistic ['ɒptɪmɪstɪk] adj. 乐观311.optional ['ɒpʃənl] adj. 可以任选的,非强制的312.origin ['ɒrɪdʒɪn] n. 起源,出身313.outstanding ['aʊt'stændɪŋ] adj. 杰出的,突出的,显著的314.outweigh [aʊt'weɪ] vt. 超过,比...重要315.overestimate[əʊvər'estɪmeɪt] vt.高估316.parallel ['pærəlel] n. 平行线;可相比拟的事物v. 与...平行, 相比adj. 平行的, 相似的317.participate [pɑr'tɪsɪpeɪt] v. (in) 参与,参加318.penalty ['pen(ə)ltɪ] n. 惩罚319.personnel [‚pɜrsə'nel] n. [总称] 人员,员工;人事部门320.phenomenon [fɪ'nɑmɪnɑn] n. 现象, 稀有的事, 奇迹321.portable ['pɔrtəbl] adj. 手提式的322.portion ['pɔrʃn] n. 一部分 v. 把...分成多份323.poverty ['pɑvə(r)tɪ] n. 贫穷324.precaution [prɪ'kɔːʃn] n. 预防,防备,警惕325.prescribe [prɪ'skraɪb] vt. 开药,吩咐采用...疗法326.preserve [prɪ'zɜrv] v. 保护,保存,保持,维持327.presumably [prɪ'zuːməblɪ] adv. 大概,可能328.prevail [prɪ'veɪl] vi. 流行,盛行329.prevailing[prɪ'veɪlɪŋ] adj. 流行的330.previous ['priːvɪəs] adj. 先,前,以前的331.primitive ['prɪmɪtɪv] adj. 原始的,早期的 n. 原始人, 早期艺术家332.principal ['prɪnsəpl] adj. 最重要的 n. 负责人,校长333.principle ['prɪnsəpl] n. 原则,原理334.priority [praɪ'ɔrətɪ] n. 优先,重点335.private ['praɪvɪt] adj. 私人的,个人的 n. 士兵, 列兵; 私下336.professional [prə'feʃnl] adj. 职业的,专门的337.profitable ['prɔfɪtəbl] adj. 有利可图的338.program ['prəʊɡræm] vt.计划,安排339.prohibit [prəʊ'hɪbɪt] vt. 禁止,不准340.prominent ['prɔmɪnənt] adj. 突出的,杰出的341.promote [prə'məʊt] vt. 促进;提升342.prompt [prɒmpt] vt. 促使 adj. 敏捷的,及时的 n. 催促; 付款期限; 提醒343.prospect ['prɒspekt] n. 前景,前途;景象v. 勘探, 寻找; 勘探344.prosperity [prɔ'sperətɪ] n. 兴旺,繁荣345.proximately ['prɔksimeitli] adv. 近似,接近346.pursue [pər'suː] vt. 追逐;追求;从事,进行347.quit [kwɪt] v. 停止 adj. 摆脱的, 免除的348.quotation [ kwəʊ'teɪʃn] n. 引文,引语349.racial ['reɪʃl] adj. 人种的种族的350.radiation [‚reɪdɪ'eɪʃn] n. 放射物,辐射(三)351.radical ['rædɪkl] adj.根本的;激进的n. 根部; 基本原理; 基础352.range [reɪndʒ] n. 幅度,范围 v.(在某范围内)变动353.rebellion [rɪ'beljən] n.叛逆354.recruit [ rɪ'kruːt] vt. 招募,吸收(新成员)355.recyclable [riː'saɪkləbl] adj. 可回收利用的356.redundant [rɪ'dʌnd(ə)nt] adj. 过剩的;失业的,被解雇的357.regarding [rɪ'gɑːdɪŋ] prep.关于358.region ['riːdʒən] n. 地区;范围;幅度359.register ['redʒɪstə(r)] v./n.登记,注册360.regulate ['regjəleɪt] vt. 管理,调节361.reinforce [rɪːɪn'fɔrs] vt. 增强,加强362.reject [rɪ'dʒekt] vt. 拒绝, 抵制; 驳回363.release [rɪ'liːs] vt. /n. 释放,排放;解释解脱364.relevant ['relɪvənt] adj. 有关的,切题的365.reliable [rɪ'laɪəbl] adj. 可靠的366.relief [rɪ'liːf] n. 轻松,宽慰;减轻367.religion [rɪ'lɪdʒən] n. 宗教,宗教信仰368.reluctant [ rɪ'lʌktənt] adj. 不情愿的,勉强的369.rely [rɪ'laɪ] vi. (on ,upon)依赖,指望370.remarkable [ rɪ'mɑrkəbl] adj. 值得注意的,异常的,非凡的371.remedy ['remɪdɪ] n. /vt. 补救,医治,治疗372.remote [rɪ'məʊt] adj. 遥远的,偏僻的373.removal [ rɪ'muːvl] n. 除去,消除374.render ['rendə(r)] vt. 给予375.repetition [‚repɪ'tɪʃn] n. 重复,反复376.reputation [‚repjə'teɪʃn] n. 名气,声誉377.rescue ['reskjuː] vt. /n. 营救378.resistant [rɪ'zɪstənt] adj. (to) 抵抗的,抗...的,耐...的379.resolve [rɪ'zɔlv] vt. 解决;决定,决意n. 决定之事, 坚决380.respond [rɪ'spɔnd] vi. 回答,答复;反应381.response [rɪ'spɔns] n. 回答,答复;反应382.restrain [rɪ'streɪn] vt. 阻止,抑制383.restrict[ rɪ'strɪkt] vt. 限制,约束384.restructure [riː'strʌktʃə] vt.调整,重建385.resume [rɪ'zuːm] v. (中断后)重新开始 n. 摘要, 梗概386.retail ['riːteɪl] n. /v. 零售387.retain[ rɪ'teɪn] vt. 保留,保持388.reveal [rɪ'viːl] vt. 揭露389.revenue ['revənuː] n. 收入,岁入;税收390.ridiculous [rɪ'dɪkjələs] adj. 可笑的,荒漠的391.rigid ['rɪdʒɪd] adj. 严格的;僵硬的392.rival ['raɪvl] n. 竞争对手,敌手393.route [raʊt] n. 路;路线;航线394.sanitation [sænɪ'teɪʃ(ə)n] n. 卫生环境,卫生设备395.scale [skeɪl] n. 大小,规模;等级;刻度396.scan [skæn] vt. 细看;扫描;浏览397.scandal ['skændl] n. 丑事,丑闻398.scratch [skrætʃ] v. /n. 抓,搔,扒399.security [ sɪ'kjʊrətɪ] n. 安全,保障400.sensible [ 'sensəbl] adj. 明智的, 有判断力的401.sensitive ['sensɪtɪv] adj. 敏感的,灵敏的402.severe [sɪ'vɪr] adj. 严重的403.shift [ʃɪft] v. 转移;转动;转变n. 转换; 转变404.shrink [ʃrɪŋk] vi. 起皱,收缩;退缩n. 收缩, 畏缩, 萎缩405.significance [sɪg'nɪfɪkəns] n. 意义;重要性406.simplify [ 'sɪmplɪfaɪ] vt. 简化407.skeptical ['skeptɪkəl] adj.怀疑的408.sketch [ sketʃ] n. 草图;梗概409.slender ['slendə(r)] adj. 苗条的,修长的410.slightly ['slaɪtlɪ] adv.轻微地411.slip [slɪp] v. 滑动,滑落;忽略412.smash [smæʃ] vt. 粉碎,打烂413.sophisticated [sə'fɪstɪkeɪtɪd] adj. 老于世故的,老练的;很复杂的414.sorrow ['sɔrəʊ] n. 悲哀,悲痛415.specification [,spesɪfɪ'keɪʃ(ə)n] n. 说明书,详细说明416.splendid ['splendɪd] adj. 极好的,壮丽的,辉煌的417.split [splɪt] v. 劈开;割裂;分裂adj. 裂开的418.sponsor ['spɑnsə(r)] n. 发起者,主办者 vt.发起,主办,资助419.spray [spreɪ] v. 喷,(使)溅散420.spur [spɜː] n. /vt. 刺激,激励421.stable ['steɪbl] adj. 稳定的, 牢固的; 可靠的 v. 把...拴入马厩; 住于厩中422.stimulate ['stɪmjəleɪt] vt. 刺激,激励423.stimulus ['stɪmjʊləs] n.刺激424.strategy ['strætɪdʒɪ] n. 战略,策略425.stuff [stʌf] n. 原料,材料 vt.填进,塞满426.submit [səb'mɪt] vi. (to)屈服,听从427.subsequent ['sʌbsɪkwənt] adj. 随后的,后来的428.substance ['sʌbstəns] n. 物质;实质429.substantial [səb'stænʃl] adj. 可观的;牢固的;实质的430.substitute ['sʌbstɪtuːt] n. 代用品 vt.代替; 替代, 取代431.survey [sər'veɪ] n. 调查; 民意调查 vt. 调查,勘测432.suspicious [sə'spɪʃəs] adj. 怀疑的,可疑的433.swallow ['swɔləʊ] v. 吞下,咽下n. 燕子;吞, 咽;434.tackle['tæk(ə)l] vt. 处理435.talent ['tælənt] n. 才能,天资;人才436.target ['tɑrgɪt] n. 目标,靶子vt. 瞄准;把...作为目标; 把...对准437.tedious ['tiːdɪəs] adj. 乏味的,单调的,438.temporary ['tempərərɪ] adj. 暂时的,临时的 n. 临时工, 临时雇员439.temptation [temp'teɪʃn] n. 诱惑,引诱440.tend [tend] vi. 易于,趋向;管理; 护理441.tendency ['tendənsɪ] n. 趋向,趋势442.territory ['terɪtɔrɪ] n. 领土443.testify ['testɪfaɪ] vt.证明,证实444.the reform and opening-up policy 改革开放政策445.torture ['tɔrtʃə(r)] n./vt. 拷打,折磨446.trace [treɪs] vt. 追踪,找到 n. 痕迹,踪迹447.transform [træns'fɔrm] v. 转变,变革;变换448.transmit [trænz'mɪt] v. 传播,播送;传递449.transplant [træns'plænt] v. 移植 n. 移植, 移居者450.transport [træn'spɔrt] vt. 运输,运送 n. 运输,运输工具451.trap [træp] n. 陷阱,圈套 v. 设陷阱捕捉452.treaty ['triːtɪ] n. 条约,协定453.tremble ['trembl] vi. 颤抖 n. 战栗, 颤抖454.tremendous [trɪ'mendəs] adj. 巨大的455.trend [trend] n. 趋向,倾向 v. 伸向, 通向, 倾向456.trial ['traɪəl] n. 审讯;试验adj. 尝试的, 试验性的457.trick [trɪk] n.骗局,诡计;458.triumph ['traɪəmf] n. 胜利,成功 v. 获得胜利; 欢庆胜利459.tuition [tuː'ɪʃn] n. 学费460.turbulent ['tɜːbjʊl(ə)nt] adj.动荡的,骚乱的461.ultimate ['ʌltɪmət] adj. 极端的,最大的,最终的 n. 极端462.undergo [‚ʌndə(r)gəʊ] v. 经历,遭受463.undertake [ʌndə'teɪk] vt.承担,从事464.unique [juː'niːk] adj. 唯一的,独特的465.universal [‚juːnɪ'vɜrsl adj. 普遍的,通用的;宇宙的n. 一般概念466.unprecedented [ʌn'presɪdentɪd] adj.史无前例的,前所未有的467.unqualified [ʌn'kwɔlɪfaɪd] adj.不合格的,不胜任的468.untreated [,ʌn'tritɪd] adj.未经处理的469.urban ['ɜːbən] adj. 城市的470.urge [ɜːdʒ] vt. 鼓励,催促471.urgent ['ɜrdʒənt] adj. 急迫的,紧急的472.utility [juː'tɪlətɪ] n. 功用,效用473.utilize ['juːtəlaɪz] vt. 利用474.utter ['ʌtə(r)] vt. 说出 adj. 完全的,彻底的475. vacant ['veɪkənt] adj. 空的,未占用的476. vain [veɪn] adj. 徒劳的,无效的477. valid ['vælɪd] adj. 有效的,有根据的;正当的478. vanish ['vænɪʃ] vi. 消灭,不见479. vary ['veərɪ] v. 变化,改变;使多样化480. vehicle ['viːəkl] n. 交通工具,车辆481. version ['vɜːʃn] n. 版本,译本;说法482. via ['vaɪə] prep. 经由,经过,通过483. victim ['vɪktɪm] n. 牺牲品,受害者484. violence ['vaɪələns] n. 强力,暴力485. virtual ['vɜrtʃʊəl] adj. 虚拟的486. virtue ['vɜrtjuː] n. 美德,优点487. vital ['vaɪtl] adj. 重要的;致命的,生命的488. vitally [ˈvaɪtəli] adj. 极度,非常;致命地489. vivid ['vɪvɪd] adj. 生动的490. volume ['vɔljəm] n. 卷,册;体积,容量491. voluntary ['vɔləntərɪ] n. 即兴演奏, 志愿者 adj. 自愿的492. vote [vəʊt] v. 投票, 选举; 投票选举 n. 选票493.wander ['wɑndə(r)] vi. 漫游,闲逛494.wealthy ['welθɪ] adj. 富裕的495.welfare [ˈwelfeə(r)] n. 福利496.withdraw [wɪð'drɔː] v. 收回,撤销497.withstand [wɪðˈstænd] vt. 经受,承受498.witness ['wɪtnɪs] n. 目击者;证据vt.注意到;证明499.wonder ['wʌndə(r)] n. 惊奇,奇迹 v. 想知道,对...感到疑惑500. yield [jiːld] vi. (to)屈服于;让出,放弃n. 产量。

1. abnormal a. 不正常的---- I'm normal, you're ~~~ !2. abolish v. 废除---- CET-Band 4 should be abolished ! A daydreamer3. abrupt a. 突然的, 唐突的---- Your~~~ manner embarrassed her!4. absurd a. 荒唐的----What an ~~~ idea!5. accessory n. 附件, 零件----Handbag, lipstick, etc. are women's accessories. What are men's ? Tie, lighter and a fine purse.6. accommodate v. 提供膳宿---- How can a small town ~~~ the Olympic Games?7. addict v. 上瘾----I' ~~~ed to computer games. Please save me!8. acquaint v. 使熟悉---- Are you ~~~ed with that MM?9. adhere to v. 遵守----Adhere to your own principle10. adverse a. 不利的, 有害的----Adverse circumstances can test a person's wisdom and courage.11. aggravate v. 加重----Smoking ~~~s cold.12. alleviate v. 减轻----No one can ~~~ my pain.13. alternate v./a 交替(的) ----a day of ~~~ sunshine and rain /Day and night ~~~14. ambiguous a. 歧义的----The policeman is looking for a man with one eye. -----Why not use two? 你知道此幽默在何处?15. amplify v. 扩大(声音)----16. analogy n. 类比by analogy17. anonymous a. 匿名的I received an ~~~ letter.18. applaud v. 鼓掌; 赞许---- I ~~~ your suggestion.19. apt a. 易于----One is ~~~ to make mistakes if given too much pressure.20. array n. 陈列, 一系列----the ~~~of fruit and vegetables in the supermarket21. arrogant a. 傲慢的---- An ~~~ man is a self-important person.22. ascend v. 上升---- The balloons are ~~~ing.23. ascribe v. 归因于----He ~~~d his failure to his small vocabulary.24. aspiration n. 抱负Your ~~~ is your ambition or strong wish.25. assault n. 攻击, 袭击----A robber ~~~ed him.26. assert v. 断言He ~~~ed that the thief would come again.27. assurance n. 保证, 把握----I give you my ~~~ that the product is safe and reliable.28. attendant n. 服务员, 随从29. authentic a. 真实的, 可靠的----Is Clinton's biography ~~~?30. avert v. 避开、转移We ~~~ed a loss .31. bald a. 秃顶的A ~~~ man is considered to be intelligent.32. barren a. 荒芜的,不能生育的----Without dream, life is a ~~~ field.33. betray v. 背叛; 泄露You ~~~ed me.34. bewilder v. 使迷惑The new traffic lights ~~~ the man.35. bias n. 偏见Bias is prejudice.36. blaze v. 燃烧; 发强光----The summer sun is blazing.37. bleak a. 荒凉的; 凄凉的----a ~~~future38. blink v. 眨眼睛; 闪烁----39. blunder n. 大错40. bluntly ad. 直言不讳地41. blur v. 变模糊----Fog blurred my vision.42. bribe v. 行贿----Who bribed the bride? Bridegroom.43. browse v. 浏览~~~ a web-page44. brutal a. 残酷的=cruel/savage/45. capsule n. 密封仓, 胶囊46. carve v. 刻47. casualty n. 伤亡人员Many casualties are reported inthe battle.48. cater to v. 迎合---- cater to the consumers49. caution n. 小心50. cherish v. 珍视; 怀有----~~~friendship/~~~ the hope that51. chronic a. 慢性的;严重的52. circulation n. 循环; 发行(量)----Reader has the largest ~~~ in China.53. climax n. 高潮the ~~~ of the play54. cling to v. 紧紧抓住,依恋;坚持,墨守----The baby clung to his mother./ ~~~ to the hope that....55. coincidence n. 巧合56. collaboration n. 合作in ~~~ with57. collide v. 相撞; 冲突The two opinions ~~~ with each other.58. commence v. 开始59. commute v. 乘车上下班----I have to ~~~ between the university town and the downtown area.60. compact a. 紧凑的, 结实的a ~~~ car/office61. compatible a. 相容的; 兼容的----That husband and wife are very ~~~.62. compensate v. 赔偿----The insurance company ~~~d the man for his injuries.63. compile v. 汇编, 编辑~~~ a encyclopedia64. complement v. 补充,与…相配The music ~~~s the film well.65. compliment v. /n. 赞美66. comply with v. 遵从67. compulsory a. 必做的~~~ education68. conceive of v. 构想I can't ~~~ of why he did such a stupid thing!69. confidential a. 机密的70. conform to v. 遵守~~~ to the local customs71. consensus n. 意见一致---- If everyone consents to something, they reach a consensus.72. consequent a. (作为后果) 随之发生的lack of electricity and the ~~~ loss in economy73. conserve v. 保护, If you conserve something, you use it carefully and will not waste it.----In winter some people ~~~ energy by lowering the heat at night.74. consolidate v. 巩固75. conspicuous a. 显眼的The girl in red in the snowfield is very ~~~.76. contaminate v. 污染If you ~~~ something, you make it dirty.77. contemplate v. 沉思; 凝视----You must ~~~ the results of the action.78. contempt n. 轻视----Before the competition, Williams held the little known player in contempt.79. contend v. 主张=assert ---- The lawyer contends that the man is guilty.80. contradict v. 相矛盾81. contrive v. 谋划, 图谋----The terrorists ~~~d to hijack a plane.82. converge v. 会合, 聚集(meet at a common point) The two rivers converge here.83. cordial a. 热情的84. corrupt a./v. **的; 腐蚀~~~ officials85. cozy a. 舒适的a ~~~ bedroom86. counterpart n. 对应的人或物87. criterion n. 标准=standard88. curb v. 控制, 约束=restrain/restrict/---- I my curbed my appetite for food.89. cynical a. 愤世嫉俗的---- a ~~~ young man is a angry young man90. dazzle v. 眩目;使赞叹不已---- The sunlight dazzles me./Her dance ~~~d me.91. deduce v. 推断92. dedicate v. 献给93. defendant n. 被告94. deficiency n. 缺乏, 不足a vitamin ~~~ in his diet95. defy v.(公然) 违抗The union defied the management and went on a strike.96. degenerate v. 退化97. degrade v. 降低身份98. deprive v. 剥夺You ~~~d him of his right to privacy.99. descendant n. 后代100. destiny n. 命运=fate英语六级备考重点词汇(二)101. destructive a. 破坏性的The weapon has a great ~~~ power.102. deteriorate v. 恶化His health has ~~~d.103. deviate from v. 偏离He ~~~d from the society by becoming a drug addict.104. dignity n. 尊严105. dilemma n. 困境A doctor's ~~~ ----- to lie or to tell the truth?106. diminish v. 变少107. disable v. 丧失能力108. disastrous a. 灾难性的109. discern v. 看出, 识别~~~ the differences of the two110. dispatch v. 派遣;发送---- ~~~ a representative/ message111. disperse v. 分散,消散,驱散~~~ my attention/ The wind ~~~d the fog. The children ~~~d after the class.112. disposition n. 性情=temperament113. distort v. 歪曲114. divert v. 转移, 使转向---- A loud noise diverted my attention from the work.115. dizzy a. 头晕的116. donate v. 捐献----Have you ~~~d blood?117. doom v./ n. 注定; 劫数----He is doomed to failure.118. drastic a. 严厉的~~~ measures119. drawback n. 缺点=disadvantage---- One of the ~~~s of living in the XIASHA is inconvenience in daily life.120. duplicate v. /n. 复制(品) make a ~~~ of the letter121. dwell on v. 总是想;详述Don't ~~~ on the past.122. elevate v. 提高;抬升An elevator can ~~~ to the top floor very soon.123. elicit v. 诱出, 引出~~~ the truth from the witness124. eligible a. 合适的,有资格的=qualified ----John is an ~~~bachelor.125. elite n. 精英126. eloquent a. 雄辩的Martin Luther King was an ~~~speaker.127. energetic a. 精力充沛的=vigorous128. epidemic n./a. 流行病; 流行性的SARS, the bird's flu.129. erupt v. 喷发A volcano ~~~s. /The audience ~~~ed with laughter.130. essence n. 实质; 精华the ~~~ of his theory/ in ~~~131. eternal a. 永久的=perpetual/permanent/forever132. evoke v. 唤起,引起=elicit---- The song ~~~d a feeling of love in the listeners.133. expedition n. 远征(队);考察(队)134. expel v. 开除,驱逐=dismiss; ~~~ the trouble-making student排出=emit----expel the smoke in the kitchen135. expire v. 期满Your passport ~~~s in a month.136. expertise n. 专门知识137. explicit a. 明确的His statement is ~~~, not implicit.138. extravagant a. 奢侈的; 过度的----You're ~~~ while I'm thrifty.139. fabricate v. 捏造=make up/fake ----The man's statement is `~~~d.140. facilitate a. 使便利The multi-languages signs ~~~ the tourists141. fascinate v. 迷住I'm ~~~d by the beauty of Li Jiang and Da li.142. feeble a. 虚弱的=weak/faint143. flaw n. 缺陷I can't find a ~~~ ,the painting is perfect!144. fluctuate n. 波动145. formulate v. 构想146. foster a. 培养=develop/nurture/cultivate/领养---- ~~~ a child147. fragile a. 易碎的;脆弱的148. furious a. 暴怒的149. glamour n. 魅力----The ~~~ of old town, such as Li Jiang, Dali.150. glitter v. 闪光=sparkle ----All that ~~~s is not gold.151. gloomy a. 忧郁的;阴暗的a ~~~ day/future152. gossip n./ v. 流言; 说长道短---- Gossips are like rumors.153. grief n. 悲伤=sorrow154. hamper v. 妨碍=hinder---- Rescue work was hampered by the heavy rain.155. handicap n./v. 缺陷,残疾; 妨碍----He survived the accident, but has a ~~~ now.156. haul a. (用力) 拖;(用车)托运157. haunt v. 萦绕于心He was ~~~ed by the terrible scene.158. hinder v. 阻碍No difficulties can ~~~ me.159. hoist v. 升起, 吊起160. homogeneous a. 同质的----The population of Japan is ~~~.161. hospitality n. 好客162. immerse v. 沉浸于She ~~~d herself in English.163. implicit a. 内含的;含蓄的---- If it is ~~~, it is implied.164. impulse n. 冲动165. incidence a. 发生率166. indignant a. 愤怒的167. infectious a. 传染的168. ingenious a. (人)灵巧的; (设计等)巧妙的~~~handicraftsman169. inherent a. 固有的the ~~~ defects of planned-economy170. initiate v. 开始;发起~~~ a new plan171. integral a. 构成整体所必须的;不可缺的Rice is an ~~~ part of Chinese diet. 172. intelligible a. 明白易懂的173. intensify v. 加剧The noise intensified.174. intermittent a. 断断续续the ~~~ rain showers175. intimidate v. 恐吓176. intricate a. 错综复杂的177. intrinsic a. 固有的~~~ value178. intuition n. 直觉Your ~~~ is your sixth sense.179. invalid a. 无效的an ~~~ license180. invariably ad. 不变地; 始终181. irritate v. 使恼怒=annoy182. jeopardize v. 危及=endanger----You ~~~ your job bybeing late often. 183. junk n. 废物~~~ food184. kidnap v. 绑架185. legend n. 传奇186. legitimate a. 合法的=legal/lawful187. liability n. 责任;=legal obligation不利条件=drawback188. literacy n. 读写能力189. literally ad. 逐字地; 确实地190. litter v. 乱扔No littering!191. magnify v. 放大,扩大---- ~~~ the photo192. manifest v. 显示,表明The illness ~~~s itself with a high fever.193. marginal a. 微小的194. masculine a. 男性的195. mediate v. 调解He ~~~d in a salary dispute between the union and the management.196. merge a. 合并197. migrate v. 迁徙; 移居---- Birds migrate with seasons198. mingle v 混合199. mobilize v. 动员200. naïve a. 天真的=innocent英语六级备考重点词汇(三)201. negligible a. 可以忽略不计的the ~~~ cost202. norm n. 标准reach the ~~~203. notable a. 著名的204. notorious a. 臭名昭著的If one has a scandal, he becomes ~~~205. nourish v. 养育206. obedient a. 顺从的If you are ready to obey orders, you are ~~~207. obscure a. 费解的,模糊不清的;不著名的----Is the sentence still ~~~ to you?/ His name was ~~~ 3 years ago.208. odor n. 气味I smelt a strange ~~~.209. offset v. 抵消=compensate for210. optimum a. 最佳的211. orient v. 使适应~~~ oneself to212. overwhelm v. (感情上)使受不了;压倒----be ~~~ed with sadness/~~~ majority 213. paradox n. 自相矛盾=contradiction214. participant n. 参加者215. patent n. 专利216. patrol v./n. 巡逻217. patriotic a. 爱国的218. pave v. 铺路~~~ the way for women's Lib219. permeate v. 弥漫; 渗透A bad smell ~~~s the building./Water ~~~d all the books in the room.220. perpetual a. 永久的221. pertinent a. 有关的=relevant----skills ~~~ to the profession222. plead v. 恳求;(法庭)申诉223. ponder v. 思考She ~~~ed his marriage proposal for a week.224. portray v. 描绘=describe/depict225. precede v. 先于226. precedent n. 先例227. preclude n. 阻止(from)228. predecessor n. 前任229. predominant a. 主导的230. premise n. 前提----your ~~~ is wrong.231. prescription n. 处方232. prestige n. 威望---- enjoy high ~~~233. prevalent a. 流行的234. prey n. 捕获物235. probe v. 探究----~~~ a matter to the bottom236. proficiency n. 熟练237. profound a. 深刻的; 深奥的238. prolong v. 延长239. prospective a. 预期的,未来的----his ~~~ father-in-law240. provocative a. 挑衅的----His ~~~ language provoked Peter.241. random a. 随意的at ~~~242. reap v. 收获=harvest----reap crops243. reassure v. 使放心244. reconcile v. 使和解245. rectify v. 纠正246. refrain from v. 抑制247. refute v. 驳倒248. remainder n. 剩余的部分249. repel v. 使厌恶;击退;排斥----The odor ~~~s me./The odor can ~~~mosquito.250. reproach v. 责备=blame251. resemblance v. 相似252. resent v. 怨恨----He resented being called his nickname.253. retort v. 反驳254. retrieve v. 取回(get back, bring back)255. reunion n. 团聚=get-together----an occasion for family ~~~256. revelation n. 揭示257. revive v. 使复苏----~~~ economy258. rigorous a. 严格的~~~ training for doctors259. rip v. 撕裂260. ritual n. 仪式=ceremony/routine----His morning ~~~is to make coffee, take a shower and have breakfast.261. robust a. 健壮的262. rot v. 腐烂=decay263. safeguard v. 保护264. savage a. 野蛮的=not civilized265. scent n. 香味The scent of women(Oscar 影片) 266. scrutiny n. 细看267. setback n. 挫折268. shatter v. 使粉碎---- It shattered my dream. 269. simulate v. 模拟270. skeptical a. 怀疑的271. slack a. 松弛的272. sneak v. 溜;偷偷地做273. sober a. 未醉的---- I'm ~~~ enough.274. specifications n. 规格,说明书275. spectacle n. 景象,大观276. spectator n. 旁观者277. spontaneous a. 自发的278. stability n. 稳定279. stagger v. 蹒跚280. stationary a. 固定的281. stimulus n. 刺激282. straightforward a. 坦率的a ~~~ reply283. stubborn a. 倔强的284. stumble v. 绊倒285. subordinate a. 从属的286. subscribe to v. 订阅287. subsidy n. 补贴288. subtle a. 微妙的----the ~~~ difference of the two words 289. supervise v. 监督290. suppress v. 镇压; 抑制291. tangle with v. 争吵, 纠葛292. tariff n. 关税293. tease v. 取笑294. temperament n. 气质295. tempt v. 引诱296. tentative a. 试探的297. terminate v. 终止298. texture n. 质地299. threshold n. 开端on the ~~~ of (即将开始) 300. timid a. 胆小的英语六级备考重点词汇(四)301. tolerant a. 宽容的302. toss v. 抛,甩303. tow v. 拖304. toxic a. 有毒的=poisonous305. trait n. 特点, 特性personality ~~~306. transaction n. 交易307. transit n. 运输308. transition n. 过渡, 转变309. transplant v./n. 移植310. trivial a. 琐碎的311. tumble v. 跌到,翻滚(stumble绊倒)312. turbulent a. 混乱的313. unanimous a. 一致的314. underestimate v. 低估315. undermine v. 暗中破坏316. undergo v. 经历~~~ great changes317. underlying a. 潜在的318. uphold v. 支持~~~ world peace319. vent n.. 排放口give ~~~ to(发泄)320. verge n. 边缘=brink---- on the verge of bankruptcy321. versatile a. 多才多艺的322. vicinity n. 附近in the ~~~323. visa n. 签证324. visualize v. 设想325. vulgar a. 粗俗的326. vulnerable a. 易受伤的327. warfare n. 战争328. warrant n. 授权令;理由----The policeman has a ~~~ to arrest you. 329. weary a. 疲劳的330. wrinkle v. 起皱331. accelerate v. 加速332. accessible a. 可接近的,可进入的333. acknowledge v. 感谢334. acquire v. 学会335. address v. 向。

大学英语四六级核心必背500词准备参加CET四六级考试的同学,不如先从核心必背500词开始准备应考吧!A-Babsolute a. 绝对的,无条件的;完全的abundant a. 丰富的,充裕的,大量的abuse v. 滥用,虐待;谩骂academic a. 学术的;高等院校的;研究院的accelerate v. 加速,促进accomplish vt .完成,到达;实行acid n. 酸,酸性物质a. 酸的;尖刻的acknowledge v. 承认;致谢acquire vt. 取得,获得;学到adapt vi. 适应,适合;改编,改写vt. 使适应adequate a. 适当地;足够adhere vi. 粘附,附着;遵守,坚持adjust v. 调整,调节adopt v. 收养;采用;采纳agency n. 代理商,经销商agent n. 代理人,代理商;alcohol n. 含酒精的饮料,酒精alter v. 改变,改动,变更apparent a. 显然的,明白的appeal n. /vi. 呼吁,恳求appetite n. 胃口;欲望applause n. 鼓掌,掌声appliance n. 器具,器械applicable a. 可应用的,适当的applicant n. 申请人appoint vt. 任命,委派appreciate vt. 重视,赏识,欣赏approach v. 靠近,接近n. 途径,方式appropriate a. 适当的approve v. 赞成,同意,批准approximate a. 大概的,大约v. 近似arbitrary a. 随意的,未断的architect n. 建筑师arise vi. 产生,出现,发生;起身arouse vt. 引起,激起;唤醒aspect n. 方面;朝向;面貌attach vt. 系,贴;使附属attitude n. 态度attraction n. 吸引,吸引力authority n. 权威;当局权力, 职权automatic a. 自动的auxiliary a. 辅助的available a. 现成可用的;可得到的avenue n. 林荫道,大街award vt. 授予,判给n. 奖品,奖金aware a. 意识到awful a. 极坏的,威严的,可怕的awkward a. 笨拙的,棘手的bachelor n. 学士,学士学位;单身汉bacteria n. 细菌balcony n. 阳台;(剧院)包厢ban vt. 取缔,禁止bargain n. 便宜货vi. 讨价还价barrier n. 障碍;棚栏battery n. 电池(组)beforehand ad. 预先,事先bother v. 打搅,麻烦boundary n. 分界线,边界breed n. 种,品种v. 繁殖,产仔budget n. 预算v. 编预算,作安排burden n. 重担,负荷bureau n. 局,办事处C-Dcalculate vt. 计算,核算campus n. 校园cancel vt. 取消,废除candidate n. 候选人capture vt. 俘虏,捕获career n. 生涯,职业casual a. 偶然的,碰巧的;临时的;非正式的catalog n. 目录(册)v. 编目chaos n. 混乱,紊乱clue n. 线索,提示coach n. 教练;长途公共汽车coarse a. 粗的,粗糙的,粗劣的code n. 准则,法规,密码collision n. 碰撞,冲突comedy n. 喜剧comment n. /v. 评论commit vt. 犯(错误,罪行等),干(坏事等)community n. 社区,社会comparable a. (with, to) 可比较的,类似的comparative a. 比较的,相对的compete vi. 竞争,比赛competent a. 有能力的,能胜任的competition n. 竞争,比赛conquer vt. 征服consent n. 准许,同意vi (to) 准许,同意conservation n. 保存,保护conservative a. 保守的consistent a. 坚固定;一致的,始终如一的constant a. 不变的,恒定的n. 常数consume v. 消耗,耗尽continual a. 不断地,频繁的continuous a. 继续的,连续(不断)的cope vi. (with)(成功地)应付,处理core n. 果心,核心dash vi. 猛冲,飞奔data n. 数据,资料deaf a. 聋的;不愿听的debate n. /v. 辩论,争论debt n. 欠债decade n. 十年decay vi. 腐烂,腐朽decent a. 像样的,体面的decline v. 拒绝,谢绝;下降decorate vt. 装饰,装潢defect n. 缺点,缺陷delay vt./n. 推迟,延误,耽搁deliberately adv. 故意的delicate a. 易碎的;娇弱的;精美的deposit n. 存款,定金v.存放,储蓄deputy n. 副职,代表derive vt. 取得,得到;(from)起源于descend v. 下来,下降deserve vt. 应受,应得,值得destructive adj. 破坏性的device n. 装置,设备devise vt. 发明,策划,想出discipline n. 纪律;惩罚;学科discount n. (价格)折扣discrimination n. 歧视;辨别力display n. /vt. 陈列,展览dispose vi. 除掉;处置;解决;处理(of) distinguish vt. 区分,辨别D-Fdistress n. 痛苦,悲伤vt. 使痛苦distribute vt. 分发disturb vt. 打搅,妨碍diverse a. 不同的,多种多样的domestic a. 本国的,国内的;家用的;家庭的drift vi. 漂,漂流drip n. 滴dumb a. 哑的;愚蠢的dump vt. 倾卸,倾倒durable a. 耐用的,持久的duration n. 持续,持续期间elaborate a. 精心设计的,复杂的emotion n. 情感,感情emphasize vt. 强调,着重enclose vt. 围住;把...装入信封encounter vt. /n. 遭遇,遭到entertainment n. 娱乐;招待,款待enthusiasm n. 热情,热心entitle vt. 给...权利,给...资格environment n. 环境episode n. 插曲,片段equivalent a. 相等的a. 相等物erect a. 竖直的v. 建造,竖立essential a. 必不可少的;本质的estimate n. /vt. 估计,估量evaluate vt. 评估,评价evil a. 邪恶的,坏的evolution n. 演变,进化evolve v.演变exaggerate v. 夸大,夸张exceed vt. 超过,越出exceedingly ad. 非常,极其excess n. 过分,过量,过剩exclaim v. 呼喊,大声说exclude vt. 把...排斥在外,不包括exclusive a. 独有的,排他的excursion n. 远足expand v. 扩大,扩张;展开,膨胀expansion n. 扩大,扩充;发展,膨胀expel v. 驱逐,开除,赶出expend v. 消费expenditure n. 支出,消费;经费expense n. 开销,费用explode v. 爆炸;爆发;激增exploit v. 剥削;利用,开采explore v. 勘探explosion n. 爆炸;爆发;激增export n. 出口(物)v. 出口,输出extent n. 程度,范围,大小,限度exterior n. 外部,外表a. 外部的,外表的external a. 外部的,外表的,外面的extinct a. 绝灭的,熄灭的extraordinary a. 不平常的,特别的,非凡的extreme a. 极度的,极端的n. 极端,过分facility n. [pl.] 设备,设施;便利,方便faculty n. 能力,技能;系,学科,学院;全体教员fatal a. 致命的;重大的fate n. 命运fatigue n. 疲劳,劳累faulty a. 有错误的,有缺点的favorable a. 称赞道;有利的,顺利的female a. 女性的,雌的F-Lfertile a. 肥沃的;多产的flexible a. 易弯曲的focus v. (使)聚集n. 焦点,中心,聚焦forbid vt. 不许,禁止gap n. 间隔,差距garbage n. 垃圾,废物gaze v. 凝视,注视generate vt. 生成,产生(光、热、电等)genius n. 天才,天赋genuine a. 真的,真诚的glimpse n. 一瞥,一看global a. 全球的;总的glory n. 光荣,荣誉grand a. 宏伟大,壮丽的,重大的grant vt. 授予,同意,准予grateful a. 感激的gratitude n. 感激guarantee vt. /n. 保证guilty a. 内疚的;有罪的harmony n. 和谐,融洽haste n. 急速,急忙hatred n. 憎恶,憎恨hesitate v. 犹豫highlight vt. 强调,突出hint n. 暗示,示意hostile a. 敌对的,敌意大household n. 家庭,户humble a. 谦逊的;谦虚的identify vt. 认出,鉴定illegal a. 不合法的,非法的illusion n. 错觉import n. 进口(物)v. 进口,输入impose vt. 把...加强(on);incident n. 事件,事变individual a. 个别的,单独的n. 个人,个体inevitable a. 不可避免的infect v. 传染infer v. 推论,推断inferior a. 劣等的,次的,下级的infinite a. 无限的ingredient n. 组成部分inhabitant n. 居民insignificant a. 无意义的,无足轻重的;无价值的insurance n. 保险,保险费insure vt. 给...上保险,保证,确保integrate v. (into, with) (使)成为一体,(使)合并使结合成为整体interfere v. 干涉,干扰,妨碍internal a. 内部的,国内的interpret v. 翻译,解释interpretation n. 解释,说明invade v. 侵入,侵略,侵袭isolate vt. 使隔离,使孤立issue n. 问题,争论点;发行,(报刊)一期jealous a. 妒忌的joint a.连接的;共同的junior a. 年少的;资历较浅的launch vt. 发动,发起leak v. 漏,渗出legislation n. 法律,法规;立法leisure n. 闲暇;悠闲L-Pliberal a. 慷慨的;丰富的;自由的license n. 许可证,执照likelihood n. 可能,可能性loosen v. 解开,放松luxury n. 奢侈;奢侈品maintain vt. 维持,保持;坚持,主张male a. 男性的,雄的manual a. 用手的,手工做的n. 手册manufacture vt. /n. 制造,加工marvelous a. 奇迹般的,惊人的massive a. 大的,大量的,大块的mature a. 成熟的maximum a. 最高的,最大的medium a. 中等的,适中的n. 媒介物,新闻媒介mere a. 仅仅的,只不过的;纯粹的mild a. 温暖的,暖和的;温柔的,味淡的minimum a. 最低的,最小的mixture n. 混合,混合物modest a. 谦虚的modify vt. 修改moist a. 潮湿mood n. 心情,情绪;语气moral a. 道德上的,有道德的motivate vt. 激励,激发motive n. 动机,目的mutual a. 相互的naked a. 裸露的navigation n. 航行necessity n. 必需品;必要性negative a. 否定的,消极的neglect vt. 忽视,忽略network n. 网状物;广播网,电视网;网络neutral a. 中立的,中性的nevertheless ad. 仍然,然而,不过nonsense n. 胡说,冒失的行动notify vt. 通知,告知notion n. 概念;意图,想法nuisance n. 损害,妨害,讨厌(的人或事物)oblige v. 迫使,责成;使感激obscure a. 阴暗,模糊不出名的; 不重要的vt. 使…模糊不清; 掩盖obstacle n. 障碍(物),妨碍odd a. 奇特的,古怪的;奇数的offend v. 冒犯,触犯omit vt. 省略opponent n. 敌手,对手opportunity n. 机会,时机optimistic a. 乐观optional a. 可以任选的,非强制的orient vt. 使适应,(to, toward)使朝向n. 东方origin n. 起源,出身outstanding a. 杰出的,突出的,显著的parallel n. 平行线;可相比拟的事物participate v. (in) 参与,参加particularly ad. 特别,尤其passion n. 激情,热情passive a. 被动的,消极的personnel n. [总称] 人员,员工;人事部门phenomenon n. 现象portable a. 手提式的portion n. 一部分P-Rpoverty n. 贫穷precaution n. 预防,防备,警惕prescribe vt. 开药,吩咐采用...疗法preserve v. 保护,保存,保持,维持presumably ad. 大概,可能prevail vi. 流行,盛行previous a. 先,前,以前的primitive a. 原始的,早期的principal a. 最重要的n. 负责人,校长principle n. 原则,原理prior a. 优先的,在前的priority n. 优先,重点private a. 私人的,个人的professional a. 职业的,专门的profit n. 利润,益处;v. 有益于,有利于profitable a. 有利可图的prohibit vt. 禁止,不准prominent a. 突出的,杰出的promote vt. 促进;提升prompt vt. 促使a. 敏捷的,及时的prospect n. 前景,前途;景象prosperity n.兴旺,繁荣provision n. 给养,口粮;准备,设备,装置供应, 提供, 供给pursue vt. 追逐;追求;从事,进行quit v. 停止quotation n. 引文,引语racial a. 人种的种族的radiation n. 放射物,辐射radical a.根本的;激进的range n. 幅度,范围v. (在某范围内)变动recreation n. 娱乐活动recruit vt. 招募,吸收(新成员)rigid a. 严格的;僵硬的region n. 地区;范围;幅度register v./n.登记,注册regulate vt. 管理,调节reinforce vt. 增强,加强reject vt. 拒绝release vt. /n. 释放,排放;解释解脱relevant a. 有关的,切题的reliable a. 可靠的relief n. 轻松,宽慰;减轻religion n. 宗教,宗教信仰reluctant a. 不情愿的,勉强的rely vi. (on ,upon)依赖,指望remarkable a. 值得注意的,异常的,非凡的remedy n. /vt. 补救,医治,治疗remote a. 遥远的,偏僻的removal n. 除去,消除render vt. 给予repetition n. 重复,反复reputation n. 名气,声誉rescue vt. /n. 营救resistant a. (to) 抵抗的,抗...的,耐...的resolve vt. 解决;决定,决意respond vi. 回答,答复;反应response n. 回答,答复;反应restrain vt. 阻止,抑制R-Trestrict vt. 限制,约束resume v. (中断后)重新开始retail n. /v. /ad. 零售retain vt. 保留,保持reveal vt. 揭露revenue n. 收入,岁入;税收ridiculous a. 可笑的,荒漠的rival n. 竞争对手,敌手route n. 路;路线;航线ruin v. 毁坏,破坏n. 毁灭,[pl.] 废墟sake n. 缘故,理由scale n. 大小,规模;等级;刻度scan vt. 细看;扫描;浏览scandal n. 丑事,丑闻scratch v. /n. 抓,搔,扒secure a. 安全的,可靠的security n. 安全,保障sensible a. 明智的sensitive a. 敏感到,灵敏的severe a. 严重的shelter n. 掩蔽处;住所shield n. 防护物,盾vt. 保护,防护shift v. 转移;转动;转变shrink vi. 起皱,收缩;退缩shrug v. /n. 耸肩signature n. 签名significance n. 意义;重要性simplify vt. 简化sincere a. 诚挚的,真诚的sketch n. 草图;梗概slender a. 苗条的,修长的slip v. 滑动,滑落;忽略smash vt. 粉碎,打烂sophisticated a. 老于世故的,老练的;很复杂的sorrow n. 悲哀,悲痛spill v. 溢出,溅出,倒出spit v. 吐(唾液等);唾弃splendid a. 极好的,壮丽的,辉煌的split v. 劈开;割裂;分裂a.裂开的sponsor n. 发起者,主办者vt. 发起,主办,资助spot n. 地点;斑点vt. 认出,发现;玷污spray v. 喷,(使)溅散spur n. /vt. 刺激,激励stable a. 稳定的stimulate vt. 刺激,激励strategy n. 战略,策略stripe n. 条纹stuff n. 原料,材料vt. 填进,塞满submit vi. (to)屈服,听从subsequent a. 随后的,后来的substance n. 物质;实质substantial a. 可观的;牢固的;实质的substitute n. 代用品vt. 代替subtract v. 减(去)suburb n. 市郊survey n. /vt. 调查,勘测suspicion n. 怀疑,疑心suspicious a. 怀疑的,可疑的swallow v. 吞下,咽下n. 燕子talent n. 才能,天资;人才target n. 目标,靶子vt. 瞄准T-Ytedious a. 乏味的,单调的,temple n. 庙宇temporary a. 暂时的,临时的temptation n. 诱惑,引诱tend vi.易于,趋向tendency n.趋向,趋势tender a. 温柔的;脆弱的territory n. 领土theme n. 主题tide n. 潮汐;潮流tidy a. 整洁的,整齐的torture n./vt. 拷打,折磨trace vt. 追踪,找到n. 痕迹,踪迹transform v. 转变,变革;变换transmit v. 传播,播送;传递transplant v. 移植transport vt. 运输,运送n. 运输,运输工具trap n. 陷阱,圈套v. 设陷阱捕捉treaty n. 条约,协定tremble vi. 颤抖tremendous a. 巨大的;精彩的trend n. 趋向,倾向trial n. 审讯;试验triumph n. 胜利,成功tuition n. 学费twist vt. 使缠绕;转动;扭歪ultimate a. 极端的,最大的,最终的n. 极端undergo v. 经历,遭受undertake vt. 承担,着手做;同意,答应unique a. 唯一的,独特的universal a. 普遍的,通用的;宇宙的urban a. 城市的urge vt. 鼓励,催促urgent a. 急迫的,紧急得utility n. 功用,效用utilize vt. 利用utter vt. 说出a. 完全的,彻底的vacant a. 空的,未占用的vacuum n. 真空,真空吸尘器vague a. 模糊的,不明确的vain a. 徒劳的,无效的valid a. 有效的,有根据的;正当的vanish vi. 消灭,不见variable a. 易变的,可变的variation n. 变化,变动vary v. 变化,改变;使多样化vehicle n. 交通工具,车辆venture n. 风险投资,风险项目v. 冒险;取于version n. 版本,译本;说法vertical a. 垂直的vessel n. 船舶;容器,器皿;血管via prep. 经由,经过,通过victim n. 牺牲品,受害者violence n. 强力,暴力violent a. 强暴的virtual a. 虚拟的virtue n. 美德,优点virus n. 病毒vital a. 重要的;致命的,生命的vitally ad. 极度,非常;致命地vivid a. 生动的volume n. 卷,册;体积,容量voluntary a. 自愿的volunteer n. 志愿者v. 自愿(做)vote v. 选举n. 选票wander vi. 漫游,闲逛wealthy a. 富裕的welfare n. 福利withdraw v. 收回,撤销withstand vt. 经受,承受witness n. 目击者;证据vt. 注意到;证明wonder n. 惊奇,奇迹v. 想知道,对...感到疑惑yield vi. (to)屈服于;让出,放弃n. 产量。

六级必考词500a. 不正常的 > I ’m normal, you ’re ~ !v. 废除 > CET-Band 4 should be abolished ! A daydreamera. 突然的 , 唐突的 > Your~ manner embarrassedher!a. 荒唐的 >What an ~ idea!v. 上瘾 >I ’ m ~ed to computer games. Please save me!8. acquaintv. 使熟悉 > Are you ~ed with that MM? /be acquaint withacquaint oneself with 熟悉 , 通晓 , 摸清 You must acquaint yourselfwith your new duties.acquaint sb. with /of sth. 把 ... 通知 [ 告诉 ] 某人9. adhere tov. 遵守 >Adhere to your own principle10. adversea. 不利的 ,有害的>Adverse circumstances can test aperson ’s wisdom and courage.adverse wind 逆风 adverse fortune be adverse to 跟 ... 相反 , 不利于 ,恶运反对11. aggravate v. 加重 ;使恼火 ; 激怒 ; 使...恶化 >Smokig ~s cold.12. alleviatev. 减轻>No one can ~ my pain.13. alternatev./a 交替 (的 ) >a day of ~ sunshine and rain /Day andnight ~14. ambiguousa. 歧义的>The policeman is looking for a manwith one eye. -----Why not use two? 你知道此幽默在何处?15. amplifyv. 扩大 (声音 )>5. accessory n. 附件 , 零件 >Handbag, lipstick, etc. are women ’s accessories. What are men ’s ? Tie, lighter and a fine purse.6. accommodate v. 提供膳宿 > How can a small town ~ theOlympic Games? 7. addict1. abnormal2. abolish3. abrupt4. absurd16. analogy n. 类比 by analogybear /have an analogy to/with具有与...相似之处on the analogy of从...类推;根据...类推17. anonymous a. 匿名的I received an ~ letter.18. applaud v. 鼓掌 ;赞许 > I ~ your suggestion.19. apt a. 易于be apt at善于,be apt to do sth.>One is ~ to make mistakes if given too much pressure.巧于be apt for适合易于动辄 ,往往有可能20. array n. 陈列 , 一系列 >the ~of fruit and vegetables in the supermarket21. arrogant a. 傲慢的 > An ~ man is a self-important person.be arrogant toward sb.对某人傲慢无礼22. ascend v. 上升> The balloons are ~ing.ascend to升至 ;追溯 (到...时间 )23. ascribe v. 归因于>He ~d his failure to his small vocabulary.24. aspiration n. 抱负Your ~ is your ambition or strongwish.25. assault n. 攻击 ,袭击> A robber ~ed him.make a surprise assault on对... 进行突然袭击26. assert v. 断言He ~ed that the thief would come again.assert one's hts维护自己的权利assert oneself 27. assurance 坚持自己的权利n. 保证 , 把握;表现自己的权威>I give you my ~ that the product issafe and reliable.28. attendant n. 服务员 ,随从29. authentic a. 真实的 ,可靠的 >Is Clinton ’ s biography(传记 ) ~?30. avert v. 避开、转移We ~ed a loss .31. bald a. 秃顶的 A ~ man is considered to be intelligent.32.barren a. 荒芜的 ,不能生育的 >Without dream, life is a ~ field.33.betray v. 背叛 ; 泄露 You ~ed me.34. bewilder v. 使迷惑 The new traffic lights ~ the man.35. bias n. 偏见 Bias is prejudice.36. blaze v. 燃烧 ; 发强光 >The summer sun is blazing.37. bleak a. 荒凉的 ; 凄凉的 >a ~future/ prospect38.blink v. 眨眼睛 ; 闪烁 >39.blunder n. 大错40.bluntly ad. 直言不讳地 , 坦率地 , 率直地41.blur v. 变模糊 >Fog blurred my vision.42. bribe v. 行贿 >Who bribed the bride? Bridegroom.43.browse v. 浏览 ~ a web-page ~ on 吃草44.brutal a. 残酷的 =cruel/savage/45. capsule n. 密封仓 , 胶囊46. carve v. 刻47.casualty n. 伤亡人员 Many casualties are reported in the battle.48. cater to v. 迎合 > cater to the consumers49. caution n. 小心50.cherish v. 珍视 ; 怀有 >~friendship/~ the hope that51.chronic a. 慢性的;严重的a chronic disease慢性病,痼疾 a chronic war持久52. circulation n. 循 ; 行(量)>Reader has the largest ~ inChina.53. climax n. 高潮 the ~ of the playbring to a climax使达点,使达高潮cap the climax达到点;超出度外;荒透come to/reach a climax达到点[高潮]54. cling to v. 抓住,依恋;持,墨守 >The baby clung to his mother./~ to the hope that....55.coincidence n. 巧合 by ~56.collaboration n. 合作 in ~ with57. collide v. 相撞 ; 冲突 The two opinions ~ with each other.mence v. 开始~ doing sth. / ~ on 着手 /~ with 从⋯开始mute v. 乘上下班 >I have to ~ between the universitytown and the downtown area.60. compact a. 凑的 , 的 a ~ car/officepatible a. 相容的 ; 兼容的 >That husband and wife arevery ~.be compatible with与... 相适,不矛盾,一致,相似pensate v.compensate sb.for loss某人失64. complement v. 充,与。

1. abnormal a. 不正常的> I’m normal, you’re ~ !2. abolish v. 废除> CET-Band 4 should be abolished ! A daydreamer3. abrupt a. 突然的, 唐突的> Your~ manner embarrassed her!4. absurd a. 荒唐的>What an ~ idea!5. accessory n. 附件, 零件>Handbag, lipstick, etc. are women’s accessories. What are men’s ? Tie, lighter and a fine purse.6. accommodate v. 提供膳宿> How can a small town ~ the Olympic Games?7. addict v. 上瘾>I’m ~ed tocomputer games. Please save me!8. acquaint v. 使熟悉> Are you ~ed with that MM?9. adhere to v. 遵守>Adhere to your own principle10. adverse a. 不利的, 有害的>Adverse circumstances can test a person’s wisdom and courage.11. aggravate v. 加重>Smoking ~s cold.12. alleviate v. 减轻>No one can ~ my pain.13. alternate v./a 交替(的) >a day of ~ sunshine and rain /Day and night ~14. ambiguous a. 歧义的>The policeman is looking fora man with one eye. -----Why not use two? 你知道此幽默在何处?15. amplify v. 扩大(声音)>16. analogy n. 类比by analogy17. anonymous a. 匿名的I received an ~ letter.18. applaud v. 鼓掌; 赞许> I ~ your suggestion.19. apt a. 易于>One is ~ to make mistakes if given too much pressure.20. array n. 陈列, 一系列>the ~of fruit and vegetables in the supermarket21. arrogant a. 傲慢的> An ~ man is a self-importantperson.22. ascend v. 上升> The balloons are ~ing.23. ascribe v. 归因于>He ~d his failure to hissmall vocabulary.24. aspiration n. 抱负Your ~ is your ambition or strongwish.25. assault n. 攻击, 袭击>A robber ~ed him.26. assert v. 断言He ~ed that the thief would comeagain.27. assurance n. 保证, 把握>I give you my ~ that the product is safe and reliable.28. attendant n. 服务员, 随从29. authentic a. 真实的, 可靠的>Is Clinton’s biography ~?30. avert v. 避开、转移 We ~ed a loss .31. bald a. 秃顶的A ~ man is considered to be intelligent.32. barren a. 荒芜的,不能生育的>Without dream, life is a ~ field.33. betray v. 背叛; 泄露You ~ed me.34. bewilder v. 使迷惑The new traffic lights ~ theman.35. bias n. 偏见Bias is prejudice.36. blaze v. 燃烧; 发强光>Thesummer sun is blazing.37. bleak a. 荒凉的; 凄凉的>a ~future38. blink v. 眨眼睛; 闪烁>39. blunder n. 大错40. bluntly ad. 直言不讳地41. blur v. 变模糊>Fog blurred my vision.42. bribe v. 行贿>Who bribed the bride? Bridegroom.43. browse v. 浏览~ a web-page44. brutal a. 残酷的=cruel/savage/45. capsule n. 密封仓, 胶囊46. carve v. 刻47. casualty n. 伤亡人员Many casualties are reported inthe battle.48. cater to v. 迎合> cater to the consumers49. caution n. 小心50. cherish v. 珍视; 怀有>~friendship/~ the hope that51. chronic a. 慢性的;严重的52. circulation n. 循环; 发行(量)>Reader has the largest ~ in China.53. climax n. 高潮the ~ of the play54. cling to v. 紧紧抓住,依恋;坚持,墨守>The baby clung to his mother./ ~ to the hope that....55. coincidence n. 巧合56. collaboration n. 合作in ~ with57. collide v. 相撞; 冲突The two opinions ~ with each other.58. commence v. 开始59. commute v. 乘车上下班>I have to ~ between theuniversity town and the downtown area.60. compact a. 紧凑的, 结实的a ~ car/office61. compatible a. 相容的; 兼容的>That husband and wife are very ~.62. compensate v. 赔偿>The insurance company ~d theman for his injuries.63. compile v. 汇编, 编辑~ a encyclopedia64. complement v. 补充,与。
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六级必考500词汇1. abnormal a. 不正常的> I’m normal, you’re ~ !2. abolish v. 废除 > CET-Band 4 should be abolished ! A daydreamer3. abrupt a. 突然的, 唐突的 > Your ~ manner embarrassed her!4. absurd a. 荒唐的 >What an ~ idea!5. accessory n. 附件, 零件 > Handbag, lipstick, etc. are women’s accessories. What are men’s ? Tie, lighter and a fine purse.6. accommodate v. 提供膳宿> How can a small town ~ the Olympic Games?7. addict v. 上瘾 >I’m ~ed to computer games. Please save me!8. acquaint v. 使熟悉 > Are you ~ed with that MM?9. adhere to v. 遵守 >Adhere to your own principle10. adverse a. 不利的, 有害的 >Adverse circumstances can test a person’s wisdom and courage.11. aggravate v. 加重 >Smoking ~s cold.12. alleviate v. 减轻 >No one can ~ my pain.13. alternate v./a 交替(的) >a day of ~ sunshine and rain /Day and night ~14. ambiguous a. 歧义的 >The policeman is looking for a man with one eye. -----Why not use two? 你知道此幽默在何处?15. amplify v. 扩大(声音)>16. analogy n. 类比 by analogy17. anonymous a. 匿名的 I received an ~ letter.18. applaud v. 鼓掌; 赞许> I ~ your suggestion.19. apt a. 易于 >One is ~ to make mistakes if given too much pressure.20. array n. 陈列, 一系列>the ~ of fruit and vegetables in the supermarket21. arrogant a. 傲慢的> An ~ man is a self-important person.22. ascend v. 上升 > The balloons are ~ing.23. ascribe v. 归因于>He ~d his failure to his small vocabulary.24. aspiration n. 抱负 Your ~ is your ambition or strong wish.25. assault n. 攻击, 袭击>A robber ~ed him.26. assert v. 断言 He ~ed that the thief would come again.27. assurance n. 保证, 把握 >I give you my ~ that the product is safe and reliable.28. attendant n. 服务员, 随从29. authentic a. 真实的, 可靠的>Is Clinton’s biography ~?30. avert v. 避开、转移 We ~ed a loss .31. bald a. 秃顶的 A ~ man is considered to be intelligent.32. barren a. 荒芜的,不能生育的>Without dream, life is a ~ field.33. betray v. 背叛; 泄露 You ~ed me.34. bewilder v. 使迷惑 The new traffic lights ~ the man.35. bias n. 偏见 Bias is prejudice.36. blaze v. 燃烧; 发强光 >The summer sun is blazing.37. bleak a. 荒凉的; 凄凉的>a ~ future38. blink v. 眨眼睛; 闪烁 >39. blunder n. 大错40. bluntly ad. 直言不讳地41. blur v. 变模糊 >Fog blurred my vision.42. bribe v. 行贿 >Who bribed the bride? Bridegroom.43. browse v. 浏览 ~ a web-page44. brutal a. 残酷的=cruel/savage/45. capsule n. 密封仓, 胶囊46. carve v. 刻47. casualty n. 伤亡人员 Many casualties are reported in the battle.48. cater to v. 迎合 > cater to the consumers49. caution n. 小心50. cherish v. 珍视; 怀有>~friendship/~ the hope that51. chronic a. 慢性的;严重的52. circulation n. 循环; 发行(量)>Reader has the largest ~ in China.53. climax n. 高潮 the ~ of the play54. cling to v. 紧紧抓住,依恋;坚持,墨守>The baby clung to his mother./ ~ to the hope that....55. coincidence n. 巧合56. collaboration n. 合作 in ~ with57. collide v. 相撞; 冲突 The two opinions ~ with each other.58. commence v. 开始59. commute v. 乘车上下班 >I have to ~ between the university town and the downtown area.60. compact a. 紧凑的, 结实的 a ~ car/office61. compatible a. 相容的; 兼容的>That husband and wife are very ~.62. compensate v. 赔偿 >The insurance company ~d the man for his injuries.63. compile v. 汇编, 编辑 ~ a encyclopedia64. complement v. 补充,与。
相配 The music ~s the film well.65. compliment v. /n. 赞美66. comply with v. 遵从67. compulsory a. 必做的 ~ education68. conceive of v. 构想 I can’t ~ of why he did such a stupid thing!69. confidential a. 机密的70. conform to v. 遵守 ~ to the local customs71. consensus n. 意见一致> If everyone consents to something, they reach a consensus.72. consequent a. (作为后果) 随之发生的 lack of electricity and the ~ loss in economy73. conserve v. 保护, If you conserve something, you use it carefully and will not waste it. >In winter some people ~ energy by lowering the heat at night.74. consolidate v. 巩固75. conspicuous a. 显眼的 The girl in red in the snow field is very ~.76. contaminate v. 污染 If you ~ something, you make it dirty.77. contemplate v. 沉思; 凝视 >You must ~ the results of the action.78. contempt n. 轻视 >Before the competition, Williams held the little known player in contempt.79. contend v. 主张=assert > The lawyer contends that the man is guilty.80. contradict v. 相矛盾81. contrive v. 谋划, 图谋>The terrorists ~d to hijack a plane.82. converge v. 会合, 聚集 (meet at a common point) The two rivers converge here.83. cordial a. 热情的84. corrupt a./v. 腐败的; 腐蚀 ~ officials85. cozy a. 舒适的 a ~ bedroom86. counterpart n. 对应的人或物87. criterion n. 标准 =standard88. curb v. 控制, 约束=restrain /restrict/> I my curbed my appetite for food.89. cynical a. 愤世嫉俗的> a ~ young man is a angry young man90. dazzle v. 眩目;使赞叹不已> The sunlight dazzles me./ Her dance ~d me.91. deduce v. 推断92. dedicate v. 献给93. defendant n. 被告94. deficiency n. 缺乏, 不足 a vitamin ~ in his diet95. defy v.(公然) 违抗 The union defied the management and went on a strike.96. degenerate v. 退化97. degrade v. 降低身份98. deprive v. 剥夺 You ~d him of his right to privacy.99. descendant n. 后代100. destiny n. 命运=fate101. destructive a. 破坏性的 The weapon has a great ~ power.102. deteriorate v. 恶化 His health has ~d.103. deviate from v. 偏离 He ~d from the society by becoming a drug addict.104. dignity n. 尊严105. dilemma n. 困境 A doctor’s ~ ----- to lie or to tell the truth? 106. diminish v. 变少107. disable v. 丧失能力108. disastrous a. 灾难性的109. discern v. 看出, 识别 ~ the differences of the two110. dispatch v. 派遣;发送> ~ a representative/ message111. disperse v. 分散,消散,驱散~ my attention/ The wind ~d the fog. The children ~d after the class.112. disposition n. 性情=temperament113. distort v. 歪曲114. divert v. 转移, 使转向> A loud noise diverted my attention from the work.115. dizzy a. 头晕的116. donate v. 捐献>Have you ~d blood?117. doom v./ n. 注定; 劫数>He is doomed to failure.118. drastic a. 严厉的 ~ measures119. drawback n. 缺点=disadvantage> One of the ~s of living in the XIASHA is inconvenience in daily life.120. duplicate v. /n. 复制 (品) make a ~ of the letter121. dwell on v. 总是想;详述 Don’t ~ on the past.122. elevate v. 提高;抬升 An elevator can ~ to the top floor very soon.123. elicit v. 诱出, 引出 ~ the truth from the witness124. eligible a. 合适的,有资格的 =qualified >John is an ~ bachelor.125. elite n. 精英126. eloquent a. 雄辩的 Martin Luther King was an ~ speaker.127. energetic a. 精力充沛的=vigorous128. epidemic n./a. 流行病; 流行性的Sars, the bird’s flu.129. erupt v. 喷发 A volcano ~s. /The audience ~ed with laughter.130. essence n. 实质; 精华 the ~ of his theory/ in ~131. eternal a. 永久的=perpetual/permanent/forever132. evoke v. 唤起,引起 =elicit> The song ~d a feeling of love in the listeners.133. expedition n. 远征(队);考察(队)134. expel v. 开除,驱逐=dismiss; ~ the trouble-making student排出=emit>expel the smokein the kitchen135. expire v. 期满 Your passport ~s in a month.136. expertise n. 专门知识137. explicit a. 明确的His statement is ~, not implicit.138. extravagant a. 奢侈的; 过度的>You’re ~ while I’m thrifty.139. fabricate v. 捏造=make up/fake >The man’s statement is `~d.140. facilitate a. 使便利 The multi-languages signs ~ the tourists141. fascinate v. 迷住 I’m ~d by the beauty of Li jiang and Da li.142. feeble a. 虚弱的=weak/faint143. flaw n. 缺陷 I can’t find a ~ , the painting is perfect! 144. fluctuate n. 波动145. formulate v. 构想146. foster a. 培养 =develop/nurture/cultivate/领养> ~ a child147. fragile a. 易碎的;脆弱的148. furious a. 暴怒的149. glamour n. 魅力 >The ~ of old town, such as LiJiang, Dali. 150. glitter v. 闪光 =sparkle >All that ~s is not gold.151. gloomy a. 忧郁的;阴暗的 a ~ day/future152. gossip n./ v. 流言; 说长道短> Gossips are like rumors.153. grief n. 悲伤 =sorrow154. hamper v. 妨碍=hinder> Rescue work was hampered by the heavy rain.155. handicap n./v. 缺陷,残疾; 妨碍>He survived the accident, but has a ~ now. 156. haul a. (用力) 拖;(用车)托运157. haunt v. 萦绕于心 He was ~ed by the terrible scene.158. hinder v. 阻碍 No difficulties can ~ me.159. hoist v. 升起, 吊起160. homogeneous a. 同质的 >The population of Japan is ~.161. hospitality n. 好客162. immerse v. 沉浸于 She ~d herself in English.163. implicit a. 内含的;含蓄的> If it is ~, it is implied. 164. impulse n. 冲动165. incidence a. 发生率166. indignant a. 愤怒的167. infectious a. 传染的168. ingenious a. (人)灵巧的; (设计等)巧妙的 ~ handicraftsman169. inherent a. 固有的 the ~ defects of planned-economy170. initiate v. 开始;发起 ~ a new plan171. integral a. 构成整体所必须的;不可缺的 Rice is an ~ part of Chinese diet. 172. intelligible a. 明白易懂的173. intensify v. 加剧 The noise intensified.174. intermittent a. 断断续续 the ~ rain showers175. intimidate v. 恐吓176. intricate a. 错综复杂的177. intrinsic a. 固有的 ~ value178. intuition n. 直觉 Your ~ is your sixth sense.179. invalid a. 无效的 an ~ license180. invariably ad. 不变地;始终181. irritate v. 使恼怒 =annoy182. jeopardize v. 危及=endanger>You ~ your job by being late often.183. junk n. 废物 ~ food184. kidnap v. 绑架185. legend n. 传奇186. legitimate a. 合法的 =legal/lawful187. liability n. 责任;=legal obligation不利条件=drawback188. literacy n. 读写能力189. literally ad. 逐字地; 确实地190. litter v. 乱扔 No littering!191. magnify v. 放大,扩大> ~ the photo192. manifest v. 显示,表明The illness ~s itself with a high fever.193. marginal a. 微小的194. masculine a. 男性的195. mediate v. 调解 He ~d in a salary dispute between the union and the management. 196. merge a. 合并197. migrate v. 迁徙; 移居> Birds migrate with seasons198. mingle v 混合199. mobilize v. 动员200. naïve a. 天真的=innocent201. negligible a. 可以忽略不计的 the ~ cost202. norm n. 标准 reach the ~203. notable a. 著名的204. notorious a. 臭名昭著的 If one has a scandal, he becomes ~ 205. nourish v. 养育206. obedient a. 顺从的 If you are ready to obey orders, you are ~207. obscure a. 费解的,模糊不清的;不著名的>Is the sentence still ~ to you?/ His name was ~ 3 years ago.208. odor n. 气味 I smelt a strange ~.209. offset v. 抵消 =compensate for210. optimum a. 最佳的211. orient v. 使适应 ~ oneself to212. overwhelm v. (感情上)使受不了;压倒 >be ~ed with sadness/~ majority213. paradox n. 自相矛盾=contradiction214. participant n. 参加者215. patent n. 专利216. patrol v./n. 巡逻217. patriotic a. 爱国的218. pave v. 铺路 ~ the way for women’s Lib219. permeate v. 弥漫; 渗透A bad smell ~s the building./Water ~d all the books in the room.220. perpetual a. 永久的221. pertinent a. 有关的 =relevant>skills ~ to the profession 222. plead v. 恳求;(法庭)申诉223. ponder v. 思考 She ~ed his marriage proposal for a week.224. portray v. 描绘=describe/depict225. precede v. 先于226. precedent n. 先例227. preclude n. 阻止 (from)228. predecessor n. 前任229. predominant a. 主导的230. premise n. 前提 >your ~ is wrong.231. prescription n. 处方232. prestige n. 威望> enjoy high ~233. prevalent a. 流行的234. prey n. 捕获物235. probe v. 探究>~ a matter to the bottom236. proficiency n. 熟练237. profound a. 深刻的; 深奥的238. prolong v. 延长239. prospective a. 预期的,未来的 >his ~ father-in-law240. provocative a. 挑衅的>His ~ language provoked Peter.241. random a. 随意的 at ~242. reap v. 收获 =harvest>reap crops243. reassure v. 使放心244. reconcile v. 使和解245. rectify v. 纠正246. refrain from v. 抑制247. refute v. 驳倒248. remainder n. 剩余的部分292. tariff n. 关税293. tease v. 取笑294. temperament n. 气质295. tempt v. 引诱296. tentative a. 试探的297. terminate v. 终止298. texture n. 质地299. threshold n. 开端 on the ~ of (即将开始) 300. timid a. 胆小的301. tolerant a. 宽容的302. toss v. 抛,甩303. tow v. 拖304. toxic a. 有毒的=poisonous305. trait n. 特点, 特性 personality ~306. transaction n. 交易307. transit n. 运输308. transition n. 过渡, 转变309. transplant v./n. 移植310. trivial a. 琐碎的311. tumble v. 跌到,翻滚(stumble绊倒) 312. turbulent a. 混乱的313. unanimous a. 一致的314. underestimate v. 低估315. undermine v. 暗中破坏316. undergo v. 经历 ~ great changes317. underlying a. 潜在的318. uphold v. 支持 ~ world peace319. vent n.. 排放口 give ~ to(发泄)320. verge n. 边缘 =brink> on the verge of bankruptcy 321. versatile a. 多才多艺的322. vicinity n. 附近 in the ~323. visa n. 签证324. visualize v. 设想325. vulgar a. 粗俗的326. vulnerable a. 易受伤的327. warfare n. 战争328. warrant n. 授权令;理由>The policeman has a ~ to arrest you. 329. weary a. 疲劳的330. wrinkle v. 起皱331. accelerate v. 加速332. accessible a. 可接近的,可进入的333. acknowledge v. 感谢334. acquire v. 学会335. address v. 向。