
中考英语--英语教育词汇分类汇总教育学专业相关词汇教育学:pedagogy; Education; Education Science教育学原理:Pedagogical principle课程与教学论:Curriculum and pedagogy教育史:Educational history比较教育学:Comparative pedagogy; Comparative education 学前教育学:Preschool education高等教育学:Higher education; Tertiary education成人教育学:Adult education职业技术教育学:Vocational education特殊教育学:Special pedagogy教育技术学:Educational technology教育法学:Education law; Educational law职业技术教育:Vocational and technical education教育管理:Education management学科教学(思政):Subject teaching (ideological and political) 学科教学(语文):Subject teaching (Chinese)学科教学(数学):Subject teaching (mathematics)学科教学(物理):Subject teaching (physics)学科教学(化学):Subject teaching (chemistry)学科教学(生物):Subject teaching (biology)学科教学(英语):Subject teaching (English)学科教学(历史):Subject teaching (history)学科教学(地理):Subject teaching (geography)学科教学(音乐):Subject teaching (music)学科教学(体育):Subject teaching (physical education) 学科教学(美术):Subject teaching(arts)现代教育技术:Modern educational technology小学教育:Primary school education心理健康教育:Mental health education科学与技术教育:Science and technology education 学前教育:Preschool education特殊教育:Special education研究方法相关词汇问卷法:questionnaire实验法:experimentation method观察法:observation method访谈法:interview method行动研究:action research文献研究法:literature research method量化研究:quantitative research质性研究:qualitative research调查研究法:survey research method教学方法相关词汇教学法:method of instruction; teaching method讲演法:lecture method; method of lecture练习法:drill method; practice method填充法:completion method会话法:conversational method经验法:empirical method启发式教学:developmental mode of teaching背诵法:method of recitation整体学习法:synthetic learning method游戏法:play method随机教学法:accidental teaching method; incidental teaching method间接教学法:indirect method of teaching直接教学法:direct method of teaching直观法:intuitive method示范法:demonstration method; method of demonstration讨论法:discussion method; method of discussion问题法:problem method实验教学法:experimental teaching method案例分组法:case-group method特殊教学法:special teaching method启发式教学:Inspirational teaching;heuristic mode of teaching 五段教学法:five formal lesson-steps;five formal steps三段教学法:three formal lesson-steps;three formal steps课程相关词汇课程:curriculum课程分化:curricula-differentiation; differentiated curriculum 课程建构:construction of curriculum课程目标:course objectives;curriculum goals课程内容:course content课程设计:curriculum design课程编制/开发:curriculum development课程规划:curriculum planning国家课程:national curriculum学科课程:subject curriculum正式课程:formal curriculum经验课程:experienced curriculum活动课程:activity curriculum专业课程:professional curriculum领悟的课程:perceived curriculum持续的课程:constant in curricula;curricula-constant开放课程:open curriculum基础课程:basic courses教学相关词汇教学大纲:syllabus教材:material of instruction;teaching material参考书:reference book教科书:school book;text-book;textbook教案:lesson plan作业单:assignment sheet课表:schedule;school timetable教学日志:teaching journal; diary for instruction教学科目:course of instruction;teaching subjects 教学效能:teaching efficiency专业能力:professional competence教学单元:teaching unit教学模式:teaching model个别教学:individual instruction; individual teaching 时事教学:current events instruction综合教学:synthetic instruction专业训练:professional training教学策略:teaching strategies略读skimming精读:scanning跳读:skipping基础知识:basic knowledge社会化教学:socialized teaching选择题:multiple-choice test默写:dictation默读:silent reading图示:schema学习相关词汇集中学习:massed learning模仿学习:learning by imitation顿悟学习:insight learning机械学习:rote learning偶然学习:incidental learning联想学习:associative learning从生活中学习:learning through living从经验中学习:learning by experience在做中学:learning by doing间接学习:indirect learning终身学习:lifelong learning; life-long learning 协作学习:collaborative learning“支架式”学习:scaffold learning学习指导:direction of learning学习效率:learning efficiency学习化社会:learning society虚拟学习社区:virtual learning community 学习目的:learning purpose学习情景:learning situation学习过程:learning process学习结果:learning outcome职前培训:pre-service training认知策略:cognitive strategies元认知策略:metacognitive strategies学习投入:learning engagement教育相关词汇终身教育:lifelong education户外教育:outdoor education义务教育:compulsory education保护教育:protection of education情意教育:affective education整合教育:integrating education心理教育:psychological education价值教育:values education随机教育:incidental education公民教育:citizenship education文化教育:cultural education感官教育:sense education艺术教育:art education幼儿教育:infant education初等教育:elementary education中等教育:secondary education高等教育:higher education成人教育:adult education正式教育:formal education非正式教育:informal education健康教育:health education商业教育:business education; commercial education 教育效率:educational efficiency教育开支:educational expenditure教育权利:educational right教育改革:education reform教育设施:educational facilities教育研究:education research教育百科全书:encyclopedia of education评估和评价:assessment and evaluation核心素养:core literacy; core competencies思维品质:thinking capacity学习能力:learning ability语言能力:language ability文化意识:cultural awareness创造性思维:creative thinking批判性思维:critical thinking关键期:critical period教育理论相关词汇多元智能理论:Multiple intelligence言语——语言智能:Verbal/Linguistic intelligence音乐——节奏智能:Musical intelligence逻辑——数理智能:Logical/Mathematical intelligence 视觉——空间智能:Visual/Spatial intelligence身体——动觉智能:Bodily/Kinesthetic intelligence自知——自省智能:Interpersonal intelligence交往——交流智能:Intrapersonal intelligence人本主义、人文主义:humanism经验主义:empiricism心智主义:mentalism行为主义:behaviourism最近发展区(ZPD):Zone of Proximal Development 建构主义:constructivist theory社会建构主义:socio-constructivist theory学校相关词汇幼儿园/学前班:kindergarten托儿所:nursery school小学(1-8年级):primary school / elementary school / grade school语法学校(1-6年级):grammar school中学(9-12年级):secondary school中学(10-12年级):high school初中(7-9年级):junior high school高中(10-12年级):senior high school(英)私立学校;(美)公立学校:public school私立学校:private school男女生同校制度:coeducation校友(男/女):alumnus/alumna夜大、函大:open university普及教育:universal education技校:technical school职校:vocational school寄宿制学校:boarding school夜校:night school成人进修学校:adult school母校,校歌:alma mater象牙塔,高等学府(喻):ivory tower专科学校,大学,学院:college(美)政府资助的州立大学:state college两年制社区大学:junior college寄宿制大学:residential college社区大学:community college政府资助的低学费大学:land-grant college综合大学:university由学院、专科院校组成的大规模高等学校:multiversity研究生院:graduate school(英)工艺技术高等院校:polytechnic / poly高等学校:institution of higher education综合性大学:comprehensive university文科大学:university of liberal arts文科院校:colleges of art理工科大学:college/university of science and engineering 师范大学:normal university; teachers' university师范学院:teachers' college工业大学:polytechnical university工业学院:engineering institute农业大学:agricultural university农学院:agricultural college医科大学:medical university医学院:medical college/school中医院:institute of traditional Chinese medicine音乐学院:conservatory of music美术学院:academy of fine arts体育学院:physical culture institute分校:branch school重点学校:key school业余学校:spare-time school业余职工大学:spare-time college for staff and workers电视广播大学:television and radio broadcasting university函授学院:correspondence school教师进修学校:teachers' college for vocational studies成人夜校:night school for adults业余艺术/体育学校:amateur arts/athletic school半工半读学校:part-work and part-study school中等专业学校:secondary specialized school; polytechnic school 中等技术学校:secondary technical school; technical secondary school职业学校:vocational school附中:attached middle school在职进修班:in-service training course进修班:class for advanced studies短训班:short-term training course专修科:special (training) course脱产培训:off-job training在职培训:in-job training学生相关词汇室友:flatmate / dormmate本科生:undergraduate / undergrad毕业生,研究生:graduate研究生:postgraduate / graduate student大学或高中一年级新生:freshman大学或高中二年级学生:sophomore大学或高中三年级学生:junior大学或高中四年级学生:senior大学一、二年级学生:underclassman大学三、四年级学生:upperclassman(美)校友(男):alumnus / alumni (pl.) (美)校友(女):alumna / alumnae (pl.)交换学生(留学生为主):exchange student 留学生:overseas student同学(美)领取奖学金的研究生:fellow student 助教(以研究生为主):TA / teaching assistant 高年级学生顾问:peer adviser寝室楼负责人(高年级学生为主):floor senior学生会工作人员:student union officer学生会主席:president of student union学生会副主席:vice-president of student union实习生:intern班长:monitor副班长:vice-monitor学习委员:commissary in charge of studies文娱委员:commissary in charge of entertaainment 体育委员:commissary in charge of sports劳动委员:commissary in charge of physical labour 党支部书记:Party branch secretary团支部书记:League branch secretary组织委员:commissary in charge of organization 宣传委员:commessary in charge of publicity"三好"学生:"Three Goods" student优秀团员:excellent League member优秀干部:excellent leader学生会:student council日常教学常用词汇大学校长:president中学校长:principal小学校长:headmaster小学校长(女):headmistress登记、报到:register/enroll开学典礼:opening ceremony(介绍会)指学校综合情况:orientation meeting 报告:lecture一个学生发言那种:tutorial基础课:basic course专业课:specialized course必修课:required course选修课:optional/selective course幼儿园:kindergarten免试入学制:open admission旁听生:auditor=guest student住宿生:boarder开卷考:open-book exam抽考:pop test新生训练:orientation program教学设施:teaching facilities助学金:assistantship奖学金:scholarship食宿:room and board礼堂:auditorium副班长:vice-monitor学习年限:period of schooling学分制:credit system分数:mark/score/grade课程表:schedule=school timetable自习:individual study个别指导:individual coaching=tutorial英语晚会:English evening课外活动:after-school activities社会调查:social investigation义务劳动:voluntary labor毕业评估:graduation appraisal毕业典礼:graduation ceremony=commencement 毕业证书:diploma=graduation certificate辍学:drop out退学:quit school校纪:school discipline出勤率:attendance/participation上课:attend a lecture缺课:miss a class旷课:cut a class开除:expel sb from school学费:tuition杂费:miscellaneous expenses领助学金的学生:a grant-aided student 讲义夹:lecture portfolio半学期:semester考卷:blue-book成绩单:report card期末考核:final-examination小测验:quiz口试:oral test毕业证:diploma学位:degree专科证书:associate diploma学士:Bachelor硕士:Master博士:Doctor of Philosophy班主任/协调人:Coordinator教授:professor副教授:associate professor讲师:lecturer导师:adviser/mentor辅导老师:counselor课程按排:course arrangement申请表:application form论文:paper/thesis/dissertation主修:major辅修:minor复试相关句子积累1.Aim for educating all students, and emphasize quality-oriented education.以教育所有学生为目标,强调以质量为导向的教育。

关于教育类的英文专业词汇Systempreschool education / pre-elementary education 学前教育elementary education / primary education 基础教育/小学教育secondary education 中等教育tertiary education / higher education 高等教育public education 公立教育private education 私立教育adult education / continuing education 成人教育/深造special education 特殊教育普及教育universal education义务教育compulsory education; free education成人教育adult education职业技术教育vocational and technical education国家教育委员会State Education CommissionSchoolsday school / day nursery / preschool 日托所/托儿所kindergarten 幼儿园/学前班1primary school / elementary school / grade school 小学(1-8年级)grammar school 语法学校(1-6年级)secondary school 中学(9-12年级)high school 中学(10-12年级)junior high school 初中(7-9年级)senior high school 高中(10-12年级)public school (英)私立学校(美)公立学校private school 私立学校technical school 技校vocational school 职校boarding school 寄宿制学校night school 夜校adult school 成人进修学校alma mater 母校,校歌ivory tower 象牙塔,高等学府(喻)college 专科学校,大学,学院state college (美)政府资助的州立大学junior college 两年制社区大学residential college 寄宿制大学community college 社区大学land-grant college 政府资助的低学费大学2university 综合大学multiversity 由学院、专科院校组成的大规模高等学校graduate school 研究生院polytechnic / poly (英)工艺技术高等院校高等学校institution of higher education综合性大学comprehensive university文科大学university of liberal arts文科院校colleges of art理工科大学college/university of science and engineering 师范大学normal university; teachers' university师范学院teachers' college工业大学polytechnical university工业学院engineering institute农业大学agricultural university农学院agricultural college医科大学medical university医学院medical college/school中医院institute of traditional Chinese medicine音乐学院conservatory of music美术学院academy of fine arts体育学院physical culture institute3分校branch school重点学校key school业余学校spare-time school业余职工大学spare-time college for staff and workers电视广播大学television and radio broadcasting university函授学院correspondence school教师进修学校teachers' college for vocational studies成人夜校night school for adults业余艺术/体育学校amateur arts/athletic school半工半读学校part-work and part-study school中等专业学校secondary specialized school; polytechnic school 中等技术学校secondary technical school; technical secondary school职业学校vocational school附中attached middle school在职进修班in-service training course进修班class for advanced studies短训班short-term training course专修科special (training) courseoff-job training 脱产培训in-job training 在职培训4Studentsflatmate / dormmate 室友undergraduate / undergrad 本科生graduate 毕业生,研究生postgraduate / graduate student 研究生freshman 大学或高中一年级新生sophomore 大学或高中二年级学生junior 大学或高中三年级学生senior 大学或高中四年级学生underclassman 大学一、二年级学生upperclassman 大学三、四年级学生alumnus / alumni (pl.) (美)校友(男)alumna / alumnae (pl.) (美)校友(女)exchange student 交换学生(留学生为主)overseas student 留学生fellow student 同学(美)领取奖学金的研究生TA / teaching assistant 助教(以研究生为主)peer adviser 高年级学生顾问floor senior 寝室楼负责人(高年级学生为主)5student union officer 学生会工作人员president of student union 学生会主席vice-president of student union 学生会副主席intern 实习生monitor 班长vice-monitor 副班长commissary in charge of studies 学习委员commissary in charge of entertaainment 文娱委员commissary in charge of sports 体育委员commissary in charge of physical labour 劳动委员Party branch secretary 党支部书记League branch secretary 团支部书记commissary in charge of organization组织委员commessary in charge of publicity 宣传委员呜牨敥?潯獤?瑳摵湥?三好学生excellent League member 优秀团员excellent leader 优秀干部student council 学生会Teaching Staff6faculty 院系,教职员工tutor / instructor (英)导师,家教(美)助教,讲师lecturer 讲师assistant professor 助理教授associate professor 副教授coordinator 课程协调老师school counsellor / adviser 指导老师,校顾问student teacher 实习教师(在校生)liaison officer 校联络人员departmental head / chairperson 系主任dean (大学学院)院长principal / chancellor / university president (大学)校长headmaster / headmistress (中小学)校长Diploma & Degreecertificate 证书diploma 文凭,毕业证书degree 学位bachelor's degree / undergraduate degree 学士学位7master's degree 硕士学位doctorate 博士头衔B.A. / Bachelor of Arts degree 文学学士学位B.S. / Bachelor of Science degree 理学学士学位M.A. / Master of Arts degree 文学硕士学位M. S. / Master of Science degree 理学硕士学位M.D. / Doctor of Medicine 医学博士Ph.D. / Doctor of Philosophy 博士postdoctoral 博士后(研究人员)honorary degree 荣誉学位Coursesacademic year 学年period of schooling 学习年限school calendar / school catalog / academic calendar 校历,大学情况一览year book 毕业留念册term / semester 学期(一学期四个月,一学年两学期)quarter / trimester 学季(一学期三个月,一学年三学期)orientation 新生和老师的见面会course 课程(包括上课,作业,考试等)8crash programme / intensive course 速成课程,强化课程major course / mandatory course 主修课程elective course / optional course 选修课程correspondence course 函授课程introductory course 基础入门课程core programme 核心课程syllabus 教学大纲curriculum 全部课程(集合)extracurricular 课外课程major 主修minor 辅修lecture 讲课,讲座tutorial (英)个别辅导课seminar 研讨会,研讨班课程field trip 实地考察课程internship 实习,见习Symposium 学术报告会,专题讨论会基础/专业课basic/specialized coursepriority fields of study/key disciplina重点学科ry areas(KDA)multi-disciplinary多学科的9credit syste学分成绩school repormake-up examinatio补to stay down; to repeat the year's stu留y/worafter-classinstruction/coachin课外辅open class/lectur公开课Studies & Testsassignment / project 课外作业,工作任务presentation 陈述,口头作业essay / theme 论文,作文学期论文term papers毕业论文thesis毕业论文(尤指博士)dissertationentrance examination 入学考试评估assessmentachievement test / standardized test 标准化测试入学分级测试placement test10aptitude test 能力测试midterm test / midterm exam 期中考试final exam 期末考试open book exam 开卷考试multiple-choice test 选择题考试defense 论文答辩academic records / transcript 学术成绩,成绩报告research method 研究方法(写论文的前期准备)questionnaire 问卷调查interview 访谈,采访in-depth case study 案例深入分析observation 观察研究(多用于科学实验)bibliography 参考文献,图书目录pass-fail 考查课,有及格分数线的考试credit system 学分系统,积分成绩blue-book考卷report card成绩单convocation notice 考试通知competitive examination 答辩考试Problems11attendance 出勤,出席play hooky / play truant 逃课deadline 截止日期(交作业)extension 延期(无法按时交作业)academic dishonesty 学术欺诈行为plagiarism 剽窃,抄袭cheating 考试作弊double submission of papers 试卷重复使用aiding and abetting dishonesty 协助学术欺诈fabrication 伪造成绩,捏造行为falsification of records 篡改成绩drop out辍学quit school退学school discipline校纪attendance/participation出勤率attend a lecture上课miss a class缺课cut a class旷课expel sb from school开除to repeat a year 留级12Fundingtuition fee 学费living expenses 生活费incidental expenses 学杂费grant 助学金stipend 固定生活津贴,固定奖学金scholarship (本科生)奖学金fellowship (研究生)奖学金financial aid / financial assistance 资助tuition学费miscellaneous expenses杂费a grant-aided student领助学金的学生Campus Lifeaccommodation 住宿homestay 寄宿于当地人家里student hostel 学生公寓,学生宿舍dormitory 寝室room allocation 房间分配13flat / apartment 公寓(出租给学生)on campus 住校off campus 不住校student union 学生会auditorium 大礼堂resource centre 资料中心gym 体育馆cafeteria 自助餐厅refectory 学院餐厅canteen 食堂common room (学校)休息室busing 校车接送student union 学生会fraternity (美)大学兄弟会enrollment 入学注册registration 登记,报到matriculation 注册(在大学)to enroll, to enroll 予以注册commencement / graduation ceremony 毕业典礼reunion 校友联谊聚会graduation appraisal毕业评估graduation ceremony=commencement毕业典礼14diploma=graduation certificate毕业证书进修课程refresher course体育活动extracurricular activiesrecreational activities娱乐活动academic activities 学术活动social activities 社会活动教育目标主要英文词汇quality-oriented education/education designed to 素质教育:raise to overall quality of students cultivate one's taste and temperament陶冶情操:of the 五讲四美三热爱:movement ofive four points stresses,beauty and three lovespeople oriented/foremost以人为本:integrity, 有理想、有道德、有文化、有纪律:with ideals, loftyknowledge and a strong sense of disciplineto combine ability with character; equal stress on 德才兼备:integrity and ability希望工程:Project Hope15with the endorsement of the Ministry of Ed经教育部批catiothe MOE 211 Projec教育21工中国高等教the Higher Education Societ 研究key disciplinary areas (KDA重点学the strategy of revitalizing/invigorating科教兴国战$2 through science technology and educatioto train high-level creative professional 培养高层次新人anpoweeducational administrations at various lev各级教育管ls and relevant institutions of higher lea部门和高等ninto consolidate the contingent of teaching 巩固教师队taf国家教育the Ministry of Education (MOEDepartment of Higher Education of the Mini教育部高等育try of EducatioDepartment ofVocational and Adult Educati职业教育与人教育the Academic Degrees Appraisal Committee u国务院学位员der the State Council 16the Academic Council of the $2 $2 of Scien中国科学院e术委员教育the educational circleChinese academic circles/communit 中国学术《教育法the Education Lathe Law on Compulsory Educatio 《义务教育法the Teachers' La《教师法the Law on Vocational Educatio《职业教育法the Law on Higher Educatio《高等教育法the Regulation on Academic Degree《学位条例Teachers' Da教师教师资格证the teachers' certificate syste制Academic Certificate for Higher Educatio高等学历证教育方educational policEfforts should be made to deepen education要深化教育l reform and promote the quality-oriented 全面推进革ducation in an all-round wa质教Students should be encouraged to foster a 努力培养学pirit of innovation, develop their practic的创新精神l abilities and improve in an all-round wa实践能力促 in terms of their moral, intellectual, ph学生德智体美17sical and aesthetic development全面发respecting teachers and attaching great im尊师重ortance to educatioto train builders and successors who are w培养德智体ll-developed morally, intellectually and p面发展的建者和接班ysicall教育要面向Education must serve/meet the needs of mod代化,面向rnization, the world and the futur界,面向未with revolutionary/lofty ideals, sound mor有理想、有ls, good education and a strong sense of d德、有文化、sciplin纪适应社会主to meet the needs of socialist modernizati现代化建设to be oriented to the 21 centur世纪面2确保教提to improve/ensure the quality of educatio质to emphasize/stress efficiency in school m重视办学效nagemen增加教育投to increase the input in education 18thanks to the solicitude and support of th在各级政府 central and local government重视和关心in the face of the rapid advance of scienc在科学技术 and technolog猛发展的今Economic invigoration depends/relies on ed振兴经济的catio望在教the number and professional expertise of t教师的数量e teacher质优化教师队to optimize the teaching staf培养急需的to turn out/produce the much-needed talent职业道德教education in professional ethicto educate the person as well as impart bo 教书育k knowledgto excel in both integrity and professiona 德才兼 abilit人类灵魂的engineers of people's soul程to enhance the moral awareness of the stud提高学生的nt想品political and ideological educatio政治思想教to complete the nine-year compulsory educa完成九年义务19io教基职basic/vocational/adult/special/community e社特ucatio教pre-school educatio学前教primary(elementary)/secondary/higher educ中小tio等教exam-dominated education/test-oriented edu应试教atioquality-/development-/qualification-orient素质教d education/competence educatioversatile talent复合型人帮助学生扩to extend students' scope of knowledg知识to develop students' personality and speci发展个性特l skills and talentpedagogical education and teachers' traini师范教育和师培为教育发展to pour ideas on education developmen思广民族教education of ethnic minoritie202122。

一、教育英语词汇大全1. Education (n.) 教育2. Educate (v.) 教育3. Educator (n.) 教育工作者4. Pedagogy (n.) 教育学5. Teaching (n.) 教学6. Learning (n.) 学习7. Curriculum (n.) 课程8. Syllabus (n.) 教学大纲9. Classroom (n.) 教室10. Student (n.) 学生11. Teacher (n.) 教师12. Principal (n.) 校长13. School (n.) 学校14. University (n.) 大学15. College (n.) 学院16. Kindergarten (n.) 幼儿园17. Elementary school (n.) 小学18. Secondary school (n.) 中学19. Higher education (n.) 高等教育20. Graduate (n.) 研究生二、了解教育制度1. Education system (n.) 教育体制- The education system in China consists of compulsory education and higher education.2. Compulsory education (n.) 义务教育- Compulsory education in China includes primary school and junior high school.3. Primary school (n.) 小学- Children usually start primary school around the age of six or seven.4. Junior high school (n.) 初中- After completing primary school, students move on to junior high school.5. High school (n.) 高中- High school education prepares students for college or other post-secondary education.6. University entrance examination (n.) 高考- The university entrance examination is a significant event for Chinese students.7. College (n.) 学院- Colleges in China offer various undergraduate programs in different fields of study.8. Major (n.) 专业- Students need to choose a major before entering college.9. Graduation (n.) 毕业- After completing all the required courses, students can graduate from college.三、教育方法1. Traditional education (n.) 传统教育- Traditional education emphasizes rote learning and teacher-centered instruction.2. Progressive education (n.) 进步教育- Progressive education focuses on promoting critical thinking and student-centered learning.3. Montessori education (n.) 蒙特梭利教育- Montessori education emphasizes self-directed learning and hands-on activities.4. Homeschooling (n.) 家庭教育- Homeschooling refers to the education of children at home by their parents.5. Blended learning (n.) 混合式学习- Blended learning combines traditional classroom instruction with online learning.6. Cooperative learning (n.) 合作学习- Cooperative learning involves students working together to achieve a common goal.7. Project-based learning (n.) 项目制学习- Project-based learning allows students to explore real-world problems and develop solutions.8. Flipped classroom (n.) 翻转课堂- In a flipped classroom, students learn new content outside the classroom and engage in activities during class time.9. E-learning (n.) 网络学习- E-learning refers to learning conducted over the internet, often through online courses.四、提高教育话题讨论1. Discuss the pros and cons of traditional education and progressive education.2. Compare and contrast Montessori education and traditional classroom education.3. Debate whether homeschooling is a better choice than traditional schooling.4. Examine the impact of technology on education, focusing on blended learning and e-learning.5. Discuss the importance of incorporating cooperative learning in the classroom.6. Explore the benefits of project-based learning in developing critical thinking skills.7. Analyze the challenges and advantages of flipped classrooms in different subject areas.8. Investigate the role of education in fostering creativity and innovation.9. Discuss the significance of inclusive education in creating an equal learning environment for all students.10. Examine the role of standardized testing in evaluating student performance and educational quality.结语:通过本文介绍的教育英语词汇大全,您可以更好地理解教育制度及教育方法,并借此展开更深入的教育话题讨论。

学校 :nursery 托儿所kindergarden少儿园primary school/elementary school小学,secondary school higher education further education 中学教育高等教育修教育 : parenting, schooling,enroll入学admit招收,取Parents are obliged to do⋯父亲母亲有任、去做。
compulsory education制教育、教育minors未成年人immature 不可熟的学的好learn skills学技术acquire knowledge学知,enrich knowledge丰富知 ,widen horizon开野 ,inspire interest激趣 ,stimulate interest激趣 ,cultivate v.培育 hobbiesdevelop potentialsconduce to mental developmentlay a solid foundation for the future未来打下的基学上的 :lack discipline缺乏束力 /persistence毅力 ,test-oriented education型教育 ,quality education素教育cram for examinations突考 ,stuff 塞 materialsmemorise 背, memorisation,rote learning死硬背Test-taking techniques技巧坏:discourage critical thinking打判性思students stop questioning what they are being taught学生不去他学的西conduce to academic performance有助学表Adversely influence面地影响(作)Exert adverse/unfavorable influence on。

以下是店铺为大家整理的教育类英语词汇,欢迎阅读!1、Doctor of Philosophy 博士2、honour 成绩优异的奖学金3、recreation 消遣娱乐4、tutorial (tutor) 导师的5、cricket 板球6、lent terms 春季学期7、kindergarten 幼儿园8、graduate school 研究生院9、day-care center 幼儿园10、nursery school 托儿所11、open university 夜大12、boarding school 寄宿学校13、college 综合学院14、grammar school 文法学院15、institute 研究院16、faculty 专业性学院17、secondary modern school 普通中学18、junior college 专科19、private school 私立学校20、community college 专科21、report card 成绩单22、the selective 优选制23、final-examination 期末24、quiz 小测验25、elementary school 小学26、oral test 口试27、written test 笔试28、grade school 小学29、essay test 问答题形式30、degree 学位31、objective test 客观记分制度32、diploma 毕业证33、multiple-choice 多项选择34、associate diploma 专科证书35、matching-test 配对题36、Bachelor 学士37、Master 硕士。

一、教育体制和机构(Educational systems and institutions)1. 学前教育(Pre-school education)2. 基础教育(Primary education)3. 中等教育(Secondary education)4. 高等教育(Higher education)5. 职业教育(Vocational education)6. 终身学习(Lifelong learning)7. 公立学校(Public schools)8. 私立学校(Private schools)9. 高校(Higher education institutions)10. 教育管理机构(Educational administrative agencies)二、教学方法和策略(Teaching methods and strategies)1. 课堂教学(Classroom teaching)2. 项目学习(Project-based learning)3. 合作学习(Cooperative learning)4. 个性化教育(Personalized education)5. 激励教育(Motivational education)6. 反思性教育(Reflective education)7. 游戏化教学(Gamified learning)8. 集体合作学习(Collaborative learning)9. 探究学习(Inquiry-based learning)10. 实践教学(Experiential learning)三、学科和课程(Subjects and curriculum)1. 数学(Mathematics)2. 英语(English)3. 科学(Science)4. 历史(History)5. 地理(Geography)6. 美术(Fine arts)7. 音乐(Music)8. 体育(Physical education)9. 计算机科学(Computer science)10. 社会学(Social studies)四、评估和考试(Assessment and examinations)1. 课堂测验(Classroom quizzes)2. 作业(Homework)3. 期中考试(Midterm examinations)4. 期末考试(Final examinations)5. 标准化考试(Standardized tests)6. 评估方法(Assessment methods)7. 成绩单(Report cards)8. 绩效评估(Performance evaluation)9. 学术成就(Academic achievements)10. 学习进步(Learning progress)五、教育政策和改革(Educational policies and reforms)1. 教育公平(Educational equity)2. 教育质量(Education quality)3. 教师培训(Teacher training)4. 教学改革(Curriculum reform)5. 教育投入(Education funding)6. 教育创新(Educational innovation)7. 教育发展(Education development)8. 教育法规(Educational laws and regulations)9. 国际交流与合作(International exchanges and cooperation)10. 双语教育(Bilingual education)总结:以上是教育英语词汇大全的内容,涵盖了教育领域中的各个方面,希望对您的学习和工作有所帮助。

教育专业词汇的英语翻译人才枯竭exhaustion of human resources辍/失学青少年school dropout/leaver基金会foundation服务性行业service trade在职培训on-the-job/in-service training基础科学the fundamentals学分制the credit system三学期制the trimester system税收tax revenue多学科的multi-disciplinary重点大学key university授予(学士)confer被授权be authorized to do专业specialty爱国人士patriotic personage国家教育经费national expenditure on education财政拨款financial allocation毕业论文thesis; dissertation毕业实习graduation field work毕业设计graduation design毕业典礼graduation ceremony; commencement毕业证书diploma; graduation certificate博士生导师Ph.D advisor; doctoral advisor(supervisor)授予某人学位to confer a degree on sb.升级to be promoted to a higher grade留级to repeat the year‘s work; to stay down补考make-up examination升学t o go to a school of a higher grade; to enter a higher school升学率proportion of students entering schools of a higher grade奖学金scholarship(国家)助学金(state)stipend/subsidy领取助学金的学生a grant-aided student学费tuition (fee)占百分比account for ...%专任教师full-time teacher国际文化交流intercultural communication教育方针guideline(s)/guiding principle(s) for education教育必须为社会主义现代化服务,必须同生产劳动相结合,培养德智体全面发展的建设者和接班人。

人为环境artificial environment三段授课法three formal lesson-steps; three formal steps口述作文oral composition口授oral instruction; oral teaching; verbal instruction口算oral arithmetic口语表达oral expression口头报告法oral report method小学学科primary subject工作单元unit of work; work unit中文点字法Chinese Braille method五段授课法five formal lesson-steps; five formal steps解析授课analytic instruction分科授课departmental teaching分级;分班class grouping分组制group system分组授课group instruction分组实验法brigade-laboratory method少年文学juvenile literature幻灯片lantern slide心算mental arithmetic户外作业out-door study; out-door work户外运动out-door sport手工训练manual training手工教室manual-training room手语法sign language手语术chirology; dactylogy文化学科culture subject文学科目literary course方案课程project curriculum日志法diary method日课表 daily program; daily schedule; programme; time schedule 主科 major subject主学习primary learning出席attendance出席簿attendance book可教性educability必修学科required subject当地知识native knowledge正反例证法method of positive and negative cases正式学科formal subject正误例证法method of right and wrong cases示范demonstration示范法demonstration method; method of demonstration示范授课demonstration teaching再教育re-education再发现法method of rediscovery同心圆方法concentric circle method同时授课法simultaneous method同时学习simultaneous learning同侪教练peer-coaching年级分组制grade group plan成绩进步表grade-progress table自由游戏free play自行活动授课法method of self-activity自我导游self-direction自修self-culture自习self-study自然科学通论General science自然发音法phonetic method作业指定assignment; lesson assignment童中心教育child-centered education少儿画children's drawing玩具plaything; toy盲人用凸体文字raised type for the blind直接训练direct discipline直接授课法direct method of teaching直观法intuitive method直观授课intuitional instruction知识科目;资讯学科information subject社会化授课Socialized teaching初级读本primer附学习accretion learning; concomitant learning连续的课程constant in curricula; curricula-constant指定科目prescribed course指定读物required reading指算Finger manipulation指语Finger speech; Finger language指语字母Finger alphabet指导的游戏directed play指导的学习directed learning; directed study指导练习coaching指读法Finger reading是非法right-wrong method; true-false method; yes-no method 活动;作业activity活动解析activity analysis活动电影kinematography活动课程activity curriculum活动学校activity school相互授课制mutual system研究学程;研究科目;专题研究科目seminar course科目course科目;学科subject背诵法method of recitation胎教antenatal training乘法表multiplication table个别教育individual education个别授课individual instruction; individual teaching个别阅读individual reading个案研究 [ 法] case study method家庭作业home work家庭课业home lesson恩物Gift时局授课current events instruction朗诵oral reading案例分组法case-group method案例法case history method; case method; case study method 案例授课法case method of instruction特别教育special education特别授课法special didactics班级授课class teaching班级经营class management; classroom management记诵memorization记忆训练memory training记忆术memory system; mnemonic system; mnemonics谈论法method of discussion训育学didactics做中学learning by doing副学习associate learning参照书reference book问题法problem method国定教科书national textbook基本科目;基本学科fundamental subject基本英语basic English基本学习basic studies基础课程 { 英语屡次练习 } basal course基础读物foundation reader专业训练professional training专业课程professional curriculum强记hypermnesia从生活中学习learning through living从经验中学习learning by experience实行科目extension course教材material of instruction; matter for teaching; subject matter; subject-matter教材选择selection of subject matter教育电影educational cinema教室谈论class discussion教室参观class visitation教室课表room schedule教科书school book; text-book; textbook授课设计lesson plan授课日志diary for instruction教学法method of instruction; method of teaching; teaching method授课科目course of instruction授课效能teaching efficiency授课专业profession of teaching授课单元method-whole of teaching; teaching unit授课模式model of teaching启示式授课developmental mode of teaching; heuristic mode of teaching略读rough reading; skimming reading设计问题法project problem method设计授课法project method of teaching; project teaching method部分学习法part learning method; part method野外实习field practice博览法extensive method一般教授学General didactics一般授课法general method of teaching智能阻挡教育education for mental retardation公布授课presentative instruction公布学科expressive subject童话nursery tale进步测试progress test间接训练indirect discipline间接授课法indirect method of teaching间接学习indirect learning集中学习massed learning填充法completion method再生训练orientation course会话法conversational method经验法;实征empirical method补充阅读collateral reading补充读物supplementary book; supplementary reading试试科目exploration course [= exploratory course]指责考试cross-examination跳读skipping reading游戏法play method游戏理论play-theory顿悟学习;洞悟学习insight learning试一试错误法method of trial and error; trial and error method 集体游戏organized play图示graphical representation图示授课法pictorial method; picture method图画完成测试picture completion test实地工作field work实地学习课field lesson实作测试practice test实物material object实物授课object lesson; object teaching实习;练习practice实习课;练习课practice lesson实验教育experimental education实验教育学;实验授课论Experimental pedagogy实验授课法experimental didactics实验学校experimental school; laboratory school演示课demonstration lesson演讲;争论术elocution [= oration]精读detailed reading综合授课synthetic instruction语言更正班speech-correction class说话授课speaking-instruction辅助班级auxiliary class辅助学校auxiliary school指导算术remedial arithmetic指导学习法supervised study札记法notebook method弹性分组制flexible shifting group plan弹性升级flexible promotion模拟学习learning by imitation练习法drill method; practice method练习极限practice limit课lesson课程curriculum课程分化curricula-differentiation; differentiated curriculum 课程表program of studies; table of curriculum课程建构construction of curriculum课间自习busy work适性教育adaptive physical education阅读法reading method阅读书单reading list学年会议grade forum学校科目school subject学习指导direction of learning学习效率learning efficiency整句授课法sentence method整体学习法whole learning method机械记忆rote memory机械授课rote teaching机械学习rote learning机机学习learning by chance独立阅读independent reading选习科elective subject; optional subject选择题multiple-choice test随机教育incidental education随机授课法accidental teaching method; incidentalteaching method随机学习incidental learning默写dictation默读silent reading婴儿班baby class戏剧表演法method of dramatic expression营养学dietetics更正教育 { 智能阻挡教育 } Correctional education; Corrective education联想学习associative learning螺旋法spiral method表达法method of telling解说;教育;授课instruction演讲lecture演讲示范法lecture-demonstration method演讲法lecture method; method of lecture点字法Braille method简字simplified spelling简短教科书brief textbook证明法method of verification难题箱problem box露天授课班fresh-air class读书会reading circle读写算three R's体育指导员athletic director看法联合;联想association of ideas察见解observation methodCase study。

一、教育理论与实践相关词汇1. Pedagogy(教育学)- the theory and practice of education2. Curriculum(课程)- a set of courses and their content offered by an educational institution3. Instruction(教学)- the act of teaching or providing knowledge4. Assessment(评估)- the process of evaluating students' learning progress and achievements5. Learning outcome(学习成果)- the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that students should acquire after completing a course or program6. Educational psychology(教育心理学)- the study of how psychological processes affect learning and teaching7. Differentiated instruction(差异化教学)- an approach that tailors instruction to meet the individual learning needs of students8. Bloom's Taxonomy(布鲁姆认知目标分类)- a hierarchical framework that categorizes different levels of thinking skills二、学习与教学方法相关词汇1. Active learning(主动学习)- a teaching approach that involves students in activities that promote their active engagement and understanding2. Cooperative learning(合作学习)- a learning method that encourages students to work together in groups to achieve a common goal3. Inquiry-based learning(探究式学习)- a student-centered approach that emphasizes questioning, investigation, and discovery4. Problem-based learning(问题导向学习)- a method that focuses on solving real-world problems to promote deep learning5. Flipped classroom(翻转课堂)- a pedagogical model that reverses traditional teaching methods by delivering instructional content outside of class and using class time for interactive activities6. Scaffolding(支架式教学)- a technique that provides temporary support and guidance to help students master new concepts or skills7. Peer tutoring(同伴辅导)- a method in which students assist and support each other in their learning process8. Project-based learning(项目制学习)- an approach where students undertake an extended project to explore and solve a complex problem三、教育政策与评估相关词汇1. Standardized testing(标准化考试)- tests administered to all students under the same conditions to assess their knowledge and skills2. Accountability(问责制)- the responsibility of educational institutions and professionals to demonstrate the effectiveness of their work3. Policy-making(政策制定)- the process of formulating and implementing education policies at various levels4. Funding(资金支持)- financial resources allocated to support educational programs and initiatives5. Inclusion(融合教育)- the practice of providing equal educational opportunities for students with disabilities or special needs6. Quality assurance(质量保证)- measures taken to ensure that educational institutions and programs meet certain standards of quality7. Education equity(教育公平)- the principle of providing equal opportunities for all students to access quality education8. Performance indicators(业绩指标)- measurable criteria used to assess the effectiveness and efficiency of educational systems and institutions四、教育职业与专业发展相关词汇1. Teaching credential(教师资格证)- a formal certification that demonstrates a person's qualification to teach in a specific subject or grade level2. Professional development(职业发展)- activities and programs designed to enhance teachers' knowledge, skills, and teaching practices3. Continuing education(继续教育)- ongoing learning opportunities for educators to update their knowledge and stay current with the latest educational trends4. Mentoring(导师指导)- a professional relationship in which an experienced educator guides and supports a less experienced colleague5. Reflective practice(反思实践)- the process of critically examining one's own teaching and learning approaches to improve professional practice6. Educational leadership(教育领导)- the ability to guide and inspire others within an educational context7. Professional ethics(职业道德)- principles and standards that govern the conduct of educators and protect the rights of students8. Lifelong learning(终身学习)- the continuous pursuit of knowledge and skills throughout one's career and personal life通过掌握以上教育英语词汇,您将更加熟练地交流和表达教育相关的概念和思想。

关于教育类的英文专业词汇Systempreschool education / pre-elementary education 学前教育elementary education / primary education 基础教育/小学教育secondary education 中等教育tertiary education / higher education 高等教育public education 公立教育private education 私立教育adult education / continuing education 成人教育/深造special education 特殊教育普及教育universal education义务教育compulsory education; free education成人教育adult education职业技术教育vocational and technical education国家教育委员会State Education CommissionSchoolsday school / day nursery / preschool 日托所/托儿所kindergarten 幼儿园/学前班primary school / elementary school / grade school 小学(1-8年级)grammar school 语法学校(1-6年级)secondary school 中学(9-12年级)high school 中学(10-12年级)junior high school 初中(7-9年级)senior high school 高中(10-12年级)public school (英)私立学校(美)公立学校private school 私立学校technical school 技校vocational school 职校boarding school 寄宿制学校night school 夜校adult school 成人进修学校alma mater 母校,校歌ivory tower 象牙塔,高等学府(喻)college 专科学校,大学,学院state college (美)政府资助的州立大学junior college 两年制社区大学residential college 寄宿制大学community college 社区大学land-grant college 政府资助的低学费大学university 综合大学multiversity 由学院、专科院校组成的大规模高等学校graduate school 研究生院polytechnic / poly (英)工艺技术高等院校高等学校institution of higher education综合性大学comprehensive university文科大学university of liberal arts文科院校colleges of art理工科大学college/university of science and engineering 师范大学normal university; teachers' university师范学院teachers' college工业大学polytechnical university工业学院engineering institute农业大学agricultural university农学院agricultural college医科大学medical university医学院medical college/school中医院institute of traditional Chinese medicine音乐学院conservatory of music美术学院academy of fine arts体育学院physical culture institute分校branch school重点学校key school业余学校spare-time school业余职工大学spare-time college for staff and workers电视广播大学television and radio broadcasting university函授学院correspondence school教师进修学校teachers' college for vocational studies成人夜校night school for adults业余艺术/体育学校amateur arts/athletic school半工半读学校part-work and part-study school中等专业学校secondary specialized school; polytechnic school中等技术学校secondary technical school; technical secondary school职业学校vocational school附中attached middle school在职进修班in-service training course进修班class for advanced studies短训班short-term training course专修科special (training) courseoff-job training 脱产培训in-job training 在职培训Studentsflatmate / dormmate 室友undergraduate / undergrad 本科生graduate 毕业生,研究生postgraduate / graduate student 研究生freshman 大学或高中一年级新生sophomore 大学或高中二年级学生junior 大学或高中三年级学生senior 大学或高中四年级学生underclassman 大学一、二年级学生upperclassman 大学三、四年级学生alumnus / alumni (pl.) (美)校友(男)alumna / alumnae (pl.) (美)校友(女)exchange student 交换学生(留学生为主)overseas student 留学生fellow student 同学(美)领取奖学金的研究生TA / teaching assistant 助教(以研究生为主)peer adviser 高年级学生顾问floor senior 寝室楼负责人(高年级学生为主)student union officer 学生会工作人员president of student union 学生会主席vice-president of student union 学生会副主席intern 实习生monitor 班长vice-monitor 副班长commissary in charge of studies 学习委员commissary in charge of entertaainment 文娱委员commissary in charge of sports 体育委员commissary in charge of physical labour 劳动委员Party branch secretary 党支部书记League branch secretary 团支部书记commissary in charge of organization组织委员commessary in charge of publicity 宣传委员"Three Goods" student "三好"学生excellent League member 优秀团员excellent leader 优秀干部student council 学生会Teaching Stafffaculty 院系,教职员工tutor / instructor (英)导师,家教(美)助教,讲师lecturer 讲师assistant professor 助理教授associate professor 副教授coordinator 课程协调老师school counsellor / adviser 指导老师,校顾问student teacher 实习教师(在校生)liaison officer 校联络人员departmental head / chairperson 系主任dean (大学学院)院长principal / chancellor / university president (大学)校长headmaster / headmistress (中小学)校长Diploma & Degreecertificate 证书diploma 文凭,毕业证书degree 学位bachelor’s degree / undergraduate degree 学士学位master’s degree 硕士学位doctorate 博士头衔B.A. / Bachelor of Arts degree 文学学士学位B.S. / Bachelor of Science degree 理学学士学位M.A. / Master of Arts degree 文学硕士学位M. S. / Master of Science degree 理学硕士学位M.D. / Doctor of Medicine 医学博士Ph.D. / Doctor of Philosophy 博士postdoctoral 博士后(研究人员)honorary degree 荣誉学位Coursesacademic year 学年period of schooling 学习年限school calendar / school catalog / academic calendar 校历,大学情况一览year book 毕业留念册term / semester 学期(一学期四个月,一学年两学期)quarter / trimester 学季(一学期三个月,一学年三学期)orientation 新生和老师的见面会course 课程(包括上课,作业,考试等)crash programme / intensive course 速成课程,强化课程major course / mandatory course 主修课程elective course / optional course 选修课程correspondence course 函授课程introductory course 基础入门课程core programme 核心课程syllabus 教学大纲curriculum 全部课程(集合)extracurricular 课外课程major 主修minor 辅修lecture 讲课,讲座tutorial (英)个别辅导课seminar 研讨会,研讨班课程field trip 实地考察课程internship 实习,见习Symposium 学术报告会,专题讨论会Studies & Testsassignment / project 课外作业,工作任务presentation 陈述,口头作业essay / theme 论文,作文term papers 学期论文thesis 毕业论文dissertation 毕业论文(尤指博士)entrance examination 入学考试assessment 评估achievement test / standardized test 标准化测试placement test 入学分级测试aptitude test 能力测试midterm test / midterm exam 期中考试final exam 期末考试open book exam 开卷考试multiple-choice test 选择题考试defense 论文答辩academic records / transcript 学术成绩,成绩报告research method 研究方法(写论文的前期准备)questionnaire 问卷调查interview 访谈,采访in-depth case study 案例深入分析observation 观察研究(多用于科学实验)bibliography 参考文献,图书目录pass-fail 考查课,有及格分数线的考试credit system 学分系统,积分成绩blue-book考卷report card成绩单convocation notice 考试通知competitive examination 答辩考试Problemsattendance 出勤,出席play hooky / play truant 逃课deadline 截止日期(交作业)extension 延期(无法按时交作业)academic dishonesty 学术欺诈行为plagiarism 剽窃,抄袭cheating 考试作弊double submission of papers 试卷重复使用aiding and abetting dishonesty 协助学术欺诈fabrication 伪造成绩,捏造行为falsification of records 篡改成绩drop out辍学quit school退学school discipline校纪attendance/participation出勤率attend a lecture上课miss a class缺课cut a class旷课expel sb from school开除to repeat a year 留级Fundingtuition fee 学费living expenses 生活费incidental expenses 学杂费grant 助学金stipend 固定生活津贴,固定奖学金scholarship (本科生)奖学金fellowship (研究生)奖学金financial aid / financial assistance 资助tuition学费miscellaneous expenses杂费a grant-aided student领助学金的学生Campus Lifeaccommodation 住宿homestay 寄宿于当地人家里student hostel 学生公寓,学生宿舍dormitory 寝室room allocation 房间分配flat / apartment 公寓(出租给学生)on campus 住校off campus 不住校student union 学生会auditorium 大礼堂resource centre 资料中心gym 体育馆cafeteria 自助餐厅refectory 学院餐厅canteen 食堂common room (学校)休息室busing 校车接送student union 学生会fraternity (美)大学兄弟会enrollment 入学注册registration 登记,报到matriculation 注册(在大学)to enroll, to enroll 予以注册commencement / graduation ceremony 毕业典礼reunion 校友联谊聚会graduation appraisal毕业评估graduation ceremony=commencement毕业典礼diploma=graduation certificate毕业证书refresher course 进修课程extracurricular activies 体育活动recreational activities娱乐活动academic activities 学术活动social activities 社会活动教育目标主要英文词汇素质教育:quality-oriented education/education designed to raise to overall quality of students陶冶情操:cultivate one's taste and temperament五讲四美三热爱:the movement of "five stresses, four points of beauty and three loves"以人为本:people oriented/foremost有理想、有道德、有文化、有纪律:with lofty ideals, integrity, knowledge and a strong sense of discipline德才兼备:to combine ability with character; equal stress on integrity and ability希望工程:Project Hope。

关于教育类的英文专业词汇Systempreschool education / pre-elementary education 学前教育elementary education / primary education 基础教育/小学教育secondary education 中等教育tertiary education / higher education 高等教育public education 公立教育private education 私立教育adult education / continuing education 成人教育/深造special education 特殊教育普及教育universal education义务教育compulsory education; free education成人教育adult education职业技术教育vocational and technical education国家教育委员会State Education CommissionSchoolsday school / day nursery / preschool 日托所/托儿所kindergarten 幼儿园/学前班primary school / elementary school / grade school 小学(1-8 年级)grammar school 语法学校(1-6 年级)secondary school 中学(9-12 年级)high school 中学(10-12 年级)junior high school 初中(7-9 年级)senior high school 高中(10-12 年级)public school (英)私立学校(美)公立学校private school 私立学校technical school 技校vocational school 职校boarding school 寄宿制学校night school 夜校adult school 成人进修学校alma mater 母校,校歌ivory tower 象牙塔,高等学府(喻)college 专科学校,大学,学院state college (美)政府资助的州立大学junior college 两年制社区大学residentialcollege 寄宿制大学community college社区大学land-grant college 政府资助的低学费大学university 综合大学multiversity 由学院、专科院校组成的大规模高等学校graduate school 研究生院polytechnic / poly (英)工艺技术高等院校高等学校institution of higher education综合性大学comprehensive university文科大学university of liberal arts文科院校colleges of art理工科大学college/university of science and engineering 师范大学normal university; teachers' university师范学院teachers' college工业大学polytechnical university工业学院engineering institute农业大学agricultural university农学院agricultural college医科大学medical university医学院medical college/school中医院institute of traditional Chinese medicine音乐学院conservatory of music美术学院academy of fine arts体育学院physical culture institute分校branch school重点学校key school业余学校spare-time school业余职工大学spare-time college for staff and workers电视广播大学television and radio broadcasting university函授学院correspondence school教师进修学校teachers' college for vocational studies成人夜校night school for adults业余艺术/体育学校amateur arts/athletic school半工半读学校part-work and part-study school中等专业学校secondary specialized school; polytechnic school 中等技术学校secondary technical school; technical secondary school职业学校vocational school附中attached middle school在职进修班in-service training course进修班class for advanced studies短训班short-term training course专修科special (training) courseoff-job training 脱产培训in-job training 在职培训Studentsflatmate / dormmate 室友undergraduate / undergrad 本科生graduate 毕业生,研究生postgraduate/ graduate student 研究生freshman 大学或高中一年级新生sophomore 大学或高中二年级学生junior 大学或高中三年级学生senior 大学或高中四年级学生underclassman 大学一、二年级学生upperclassman 大学三、四年级学生alumnus / alumni (pl.) (美)校友(男)alumna / alumnae (pl.) (美)校友(女)exchange student 交换学生(留学生为主)overseas student 留学生fellow student 同学(美)领取奖学金的研究生TA / teaching assistant 助教(以研究生为主)peer adviser 高年级学生顾问floor senior 寝室楼负责人(高年级学生为主)student union officer 学生会工作人员president of student union 学生会主席vice-president of student union 学生会副主席intern 实习生monitor 班长vice-monitor 副班长commissary in charge of studies 学习委员commissary in charge of entertaainment 文娱委员commissary in charge of sports 体育委员commissary in charge of physical labour 劳动委员Party branch secretary 党支部书记League branch secretary 团支部书记commissary in charge of organization 组织委员commessary in charge of publicity 宣传委员"Three Goods" student "三好"学生excellent League member 优秀团员excellent leader 优秀干部student council 学生会Teaching Stafffaculty 院系,教职员工tutor / instructor (英)导师,家教(美)助教,讲师lecturer 讲师assistant professor 助理教授associate professor 副教授coordinator 课程协调老师school counsellor / adviser 指导老师,校顾问student teacher 实习教师(在校生)liaison officer 校联络人员departmental head / chairperson 系主任dean (大学学院)院长principal / chancellor / university president (大学)校长headmaster / headmistress (中小学)校长Diploma & Degreecertificate 证书diploma 文凭,毕业证书degree 学位bachelor’s degree / undergraduate degree学士学位master’s degree硕士学位doctorate 博士头衔B.A. / Bachelor of Arts degree 文学学士学位B.S. / Bachelor of Science degree 理学学士学位M.A. / Master of Arts degree 文学硕士学位M. S. / Master of Science degree 理学硕士学位M.D. / Doctor of Medicine 医学博士Ph.D. / Doctor of Philosophy 博士postdoctoral 博士后(研究人员)honorary degree 荣誉学位Coursesacademic year 学年period of schooling 学习年限school calendar / school catalog / academic calendar 校历,大学情况一览year book 毕业留念册term / semester 学期(一学期四个月,一学年两学期)quarter / trimester 学季(一学期三个月,一学年三学期)orientation 新生和老师的见面会course 课程(包括上课,作业,考试等)crash programme / intensive course 速成课程,强化课程major course / mandatory course 主修课程elective course / optional course 选修课程correspondence course 函授课程introductory course 基础入门课程core programme 核心课程syllabus 教学大纲curriculum全部课程(集合)extracurricular 课外课程major 主修minor 辅修lecture 讲课,讲座tutorial (英)个别辅导课seminar 研讨会,研讨班课程field trip 实地考察课程internship 实习,见习Symposium 学术报告会,专题讨论会Studies & Testsassignment / project 课外作业,工作任务presentation 陈述,口头作业essay / theme 论文,作文term papers 学期论文thesis 毕业论文dissertation 毕业论文(尤指博士)entrance examination 入学考试assessment 评估achievement test / standardized test 标准化测试placement test 入学分级测试aptitude test 能力测试midterm test / midterm exam 期中考试final exam 期末考试open book exam 开卷考试multiple-choice test 选择题考试defense 论文答辩academic records / transcript 学术成绩,成绩报告research method 研究方法(写论文的前期准备)questionnaire 问卷调查interview 访谈,采访in-depth case study 案例深入分析observation 观察研究(多用于科学实验)bibliography 参考文献,图书目录pass-fail 考查课,有及格分数线的考试credit system 学分系统,积分成绩blue-book 考卷report card 成绩单convocation notice 考试通知competitive examination 答辩考试Problemsattendance 出勤,出席play hooky / play truant 逃课deadline 截止日期(交作业)extension 延期(无法按时交作业)academic dishonesty 学术欺诈行为plagiarism 剽窃,抄袭cheating 考试作弊double submission of papers 试卷重复使用aiding and abetting dishonesty 协助学术欺诈fabrication 伪造成绩,捏造行为falsification of records 篡改成绩drop out 辍学quit school 退学school discipline 校纪attendance/participation 出勤率attend a lecture 上课miss a class 缺课cut a class 旷课expel sb from school 开除to repeat a year 留级Fundingtuition fee 学费living expenses 生活费incidental expenses 学杂费grant 助学金stipend 固定生活津贴,固定奖学金scholarship (本科生)奖学金fellowship (研究生)奖学金financial aid / financial assistance 资助tuition 学费miscellaneous expenses 杂费a grant-aided student 领助学金的学生Campus Lifeaccommodation 住宿homestay 寄宿于当地人家里student hostel 学生公寓,学生宿舍dormitory 寝室room allocation 房间分配flat / apartment 公寓(出租给学生)on campus 住校off campus 不住校student union 学生会auditorium 大礼堂resource centre 资料中心gym 体育馆cafeteria 自助餐厅refectory 学院餐厅canteen 食堂common room (学校)休息室busing 校车接送student union 学生会fraternity (美)大学兄弟会enrollment 入学注册registration 登记,报到matriculation 注册(在大学)to enroll, to enroll 予以注册commencement / graduation ceremony 毕业典礼reunion 校友联谊聚会graduation appraisal 毕业评估graduation ceremony=commencement 毕业典礼diploma=graduation certificate 毕业证书refresher course 进修课程extracurricular activies 体育活动recreational activities 娱乐活动academic activities 学术活动social activities 社会活动教育目标主要英文词汇素质教育:quality-oriented education/education designed to raise to overall quality of students陶冶情操:cultivate one's taste and temperament五讲四美三热爱:the movement of "five stresses, four points of beauty and three loves"以人为本:people oriented/foremost有理想、有道德、有文化、有纪律:with lofty ideals, integrity, knowledge and a strong sense of discipline德才兼备:to combine ability with character; equal stress on integrity and ability希望工程:Project Hope。

关于教育类的英文专业词汇Systempreschool education / pre-elementary education 学前教育elementary education / primary education 基础教育/小学教育secondary education 中等教育tertiary education / higher education 高等教育public education 公立教育private education 私立教育adult education / continuing education 成人教育/深造special education 特殊教育普及教育 universal education义务教育compulsory education; free education成人教育 adult education职业技术教育 vocational and technical education国家教育委员会State Education CommissionSchoolsday school / day nursery / preschool 日托所/托儿所kindergarten 幼儿园/学前班primary school / elementary school / grade school 小学(1-8年级)grammar school 语法学校(1-6年级)secondary school 中学(9-12年级)high school 中学(10-12年级)junior high school 初中(7-9年级)senior high school 高中(10-12年级)public school (英)私立学校(美)公立学校private school 私立学校technical school 技校vocational school 职校boarding school 寄宿制学校night school 夜校adult school 成人进修学校alma mater 母校,校歌ivory tower 象牙塔,高等学府(喻)college 专科学校,大学,学院state college (美)政府资助的州立大学junior college 两年制社区大学residential college 寄宿制大学community college 社区大学land-grant college 政府资助的低学费大学university 综合大学multiversity 由学院、专科院校组成的大规模高等学校graduate school 研究生院polytechnic / poly (英)工艺技术高等院校高等学校institution of higher education综合性大学 comprehensive university文科大学 university of liberal arts文科院校 colleges of art理工科大学college/university of science and engineering师范大学 normal university; teachers' university师范学院 teachers' college工业大学 polytechnical university工业学院 engineering institute农业大学 agricultural university农学院 agricultural college医科大学 medical university医学院 medical college/school中医院 institute of traditional Chinese medicine音乐学院 conservatory of music美术学院 academy of fine arts体育学院 physical culture institute分校 branch school重点学校 key school业余学校 spare-time school业余职工大学spare-time college for staff and workers电视广播大学television and radiobroadcasting university函授学院 correspondence school教师进修学校teachers' college for vocational studies成人夜校 night school for adults业余艺术/体育学校amateur arts/athletic school半工半读学校 part-work and part-study school中等专业学校secondary specialized school; polytechnic school中等技术学校secondary technical school; technical secondary school职业学校 vocational school附中 attached middle school在职进修班 in-service training course 进修班 class for advanced studies短训班 short-term training course专修科 special (training) courseoff-job training 脱产培训in-job training 在职培训Studentsflatmate / dormmate 室友undergraduate / undergrad 本科生graduate 毕业生,研究生postgraduate / graduate student 研究生freshman 大学或高中一年级新生sophomore 大学或高中二年级学生junior 大学或高中三年级学生senior 大学或高中四年级学生underclassman 大学一、二年级学生upperclassman 大学三、四年级学生alumnus / alumni (pl.) (美)校友(男)alumna / alumnae (pl.) (美)校友(女)exchange student 交换学生(留学生为主)overseas student 留学生fellow student 同学(美)领取奖学金的研究生TA / teaching assistant 助教(以研究生为主)peer adviser 高年级学生顾问floor senior 寝室楼负责人(高年级学生为主)student union officer 学生会工作人员president of student union 学生会主席vice-president of student union 学生会副主席intern 实习生monitor 班长vice-monitor 副班长commissary in charge of studies 学习委员commissary in charge of entertaainment 文娱委员commissary in charge of sports 体育委员commissary in charge of physical labour 劳动委员Party branch secretary 党支部书记League branch secretary 团支部书记commissary in charge of organization 组织委员commessary in charge of publicity 宣传委员"Three Goods" student "三好"学生excellent League member 优秀团员excellent leader 优秀干部student council 学生会Teaching Stafffaculty 院系,教职员工tutor / instructor (英)导师,家教(美)助教,讲师lecturer 讲师assistant professor 助理教授associate professor 副教授coordinator 课程协调老师school counsellor / adviser 指导老师,校顾问student teacher 实习教师(在校生)liaison officer 校联络人员departmental head / chairperson 系主任dean (大学学院)院长principal / chancellor / university president (大学)校长headmaster / headmistress (中小学)校长Diploma & Degreecertificate 证书diploma 文凭,毕业证书degree 学位bachelor’s degree / undergraduate degree 学士学位master’s degree 硕士学位doctorate 博士头衔B.A. / Bachelor of Arts degree 文学学士学位B.S. / Bachelor of Science degree 理学学士学位M.A. / Master of Arts degree 文学硕士学位M. S. / Master of Science degree 理学硕士学位M.D. / Doctor of Medicine 医学博士Ph.D. / Doctor of Philosophy 博士postdoctoral 博士后(研究人员)honorary degree 荣誉学位Coursesacademic year 学年school calendar / school catalog / academic calendar 校历,大学情况一览year book 毕业留念册term / semester 学期(一学期四个月,一学年两学期)quarter / trimester 学季(一学期三个月,一学年三学期)orientation 新生和老师的见面会course 课程(包括上课,作业,考试等)crash programme / intensive course 速成课程,强化课程major course / mandatory course 主修课程elective course / optional course 选修课程correspondence course 函授课程introductory course 基础入门课程core programme 核心课程syllabus 教学大纲curriculum 全部课程(集合)extracurricular 课外课程major 主修minor 辅修lecture 讲课,讲座tutorial (英)个别辅导课seminar 研讨会,研讨班课程field trip 实地考察课程internship 实习,见习Studies & Testsassignment / project 课外作业,工作任务presentation 陈述,口头作业essay / theme 论文,作文term papers 学期论文thesis 毕业论文dissertation 毕业论文(尤指博士)entrance examination 入学考试assessment 评估achievement test / standardized test 标准化测试placement test 入学分级测试aptitude test 能力测试midterm test / midterm exam 期中考试final exam 期末考试open book exam 开卷考试multiple-choice test 选择题考试defense 论文答辩academic records / transcript 学术成绩,成绩报告research method 研究方法(写论文的前期准备)questionnaire 问卷调查interview 访谈,采访in-depth case study 案例深入分析observation 观察研究(多用于科学实验)bibliography 参考文献,图书目录pass-fail 考查课,有及格分数线的考试credit system 学分系统,积分成绩blue-book考卷report card成绩单convocation notice 考试通知competitive examination 答辩考试Problemsattendance 出勤,出席play hooky / play truant 逃课deadline 截止日期(交作业)extension 延期(无法按时交作业)academic dishonesty 学术欺诈行为plagiarism 剽窃,抄袭cheating 考试作弊double submission of papers 试卷重复使用aiding and abetting dishonesty 协助学术欺诈fabrication 伪造成绩,捏造行为falsification of records 篡改成绩drop out辍学quit school退学school discipline校纪attendance/participation出勤率attend a lecture上课miss a class缺课cut a class旷课expel sb from school开除to repeat a year 留级Fundingtuition fee 学费living expenses 生活费incidental expenses 学杂费grant 助学金stipend 固定生活津贴,固定奖学金scholarship (本科生)奖学金fellowship (研究生)奖学金financial aid / financial assistance 资助tuition学费miscellaneous expenses杂费a grant-aided student领助学金的学生Campus Lifeaccommodation 住宿homestay 寄宿于当地人家里student hostel 学生公寓,学生宿舍dormitory 寝室room allocation 房间分配flat / apartment 公寓(出租给学生)on campus 住校off campus 不住校student union 学生会auditorium 大礼堂resource centre 资料中心gym 体育馆cafeteria 自助餐厅refectory 学院餐厅canteen 食堂common room (学校)休息室busing 校车接送student union 学生会fraternity (美)大学兄弟会enrollment 入学注册registration 登记,报到matriculation 注册(在大学)to enroll, to enroll 予以注册commencement / graduation ceremony 毕业典礼reunion 校友联谊聚会graduation appraisal毕业评估graduation ceremony=commencement毕业典礼diploma=graduation certificate毕业证书refresher course 进修课程extracurricular activies 体育活动recreational activities娱乐活动academic activities 学术活动social activities 社会活动欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考!致力为企业和个人提供合同协议,策划案计划书,学习课件等等打造全网一站式需求。

教育类词汇1.科教兴国,人才强国rejuvenate/reinvigorate/revitalize/develop our country through science, education and human resources/talents2.公办教育public education3.民办教育private/non-state education4.社会力量办学manage a school with social resources5.小学/中学/高等教育primary (elementary)/secondary/higher education6.高等院校institutions of higher learning/ higher education7.文科/理科/工科liberal arts/ science/ engineering8.文科大学university of liberal arts9.理工科大学university of science and technology10.师范大学normal university11.教育部直属under the direct leadership of the Ministry of Education12.填鸭式教育cramming education13.应试教育exam-oriented education14.素质教育quality-oriented education orientation week15.职业教育vocational/technical education16.函授教育corresponding education17.普及九年义务教育universalization of nine-year compulsory education18.终身教育体系lifelong learning system19.留守儿童stay-at-home/left-behind children20.希望工程Project Hope, which is a government-conceived initiative that encourages the general public to donate to poor students as well as help establish schools in poor areas. 21.师生faculty and students22.学位点degree program23.可授予博士学位be authorized to confer PhD degree24.博士后流动站post-doctoral stations25.两院院士academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Engineering26.成人夜校night school for adults27.广播电视大学television and radio broadcasting university28.自学考试self-taught exam29.人文精神humanistic spirit30.复合型人才versatile talents31.文理工医科综合性大学 a comprehensive university with a complete range of disciplines in liberal arts ,science ,engineering and medicine32.百年传承之名校a prestigious university with a century-long academic tradition and intellectual esteem33.前身predecessor34.合并amalgamation35.副教授/讲师/助教associate professor/ lecturer/ assistant。

教育学专业英语词汇人为环境 artificial environment三段教学法 three formal lesson-steps; three formal steps口述作文 oral composition口授 oral instruction; oral teaching; verbal instruction口算 oral arithmetic口语表达 oral expression口头报告法 oral report method小学学科 primary subject工作单元 unit of work; work unit中文点字法 Chinese Braille method五段教学法 five formal lesson-steps; five formal steps分析教学 analytic instruction分科教学 departmental teaching分级;分班 class grouping分组制 group system分组教学 group instruction分组实验法 brigade-laboratory method少年文学 juvenile literature幻灯片 lantern slide心算 mental arithmetic户外作业 out-door study; out-door work户外运动 out-door sport手工训练 manual training手工教室 manual-training room手语法 sign language手语术 chirology; dactylogy文化学科 culture subject文学科目 literary course方案课程 project curriculum日志法 diary method日课表 daily program; daily schedule; programme; time schedule 主科 major subject主学习 primary learning出席 attendance出席簿 attendance book可教性 educability必修学科 required subject本土知识 native knowledge正反例证法 method of positive and negative cases正式学科 formal subject正误例证法 method of right and wrong cases示范 demonstration示范法 demonstration method; method of demonstration示范教学 demonstration teaching再教育 re-education再发现法 method of rediscovery同心圆方法 concentric circle method同时教学法 simultaneous method同时学习 simultaneous learning同侪教练 peer-coaching年级分组制 grade group plan成绩进步表 grade-progress table自由游戏 free play自行活动教学法 method of self-activity自我向导 self-direction自修 self-culture自习 self-study自然科学通论 General science自然发音法 phonetic method作业指定 assignment; lesson assignment作业单 assignment sheet儿童中心教育 child-centered education儿童画 children's drawing玩具 plaything; toy盲人用凸体文字 raised type for the blind直接训练 direct discipline直接教学法 direct method of teaching直观法 intuitive method直观教学 intuitional instruction知识科目;资讯学科 information subject社会化教学 Socialized teaching初级读本 primer附学习 accretion learning; concomitant learning持续的课程 constant in curricula; curricula-constant指定科目 prescribed course指定读物 required reading指算 Finger manipulation指语 Finger speech; Finger language指语字母 Finger alphabet指导的游戏 directed play指导的学习 directed learning; directed study指导练习 coaching指读法 Finger reading是非法 right-wrong method; true-false method; yes-no method 活动;作业 activity活动分析 activity analysis活动电影 kinematography活动课程 activity curriculum活动学校 activity school相互教学制 mutual system研究学程;研究科目;专题研究科目 seminar course科目 course科目;学科 subject背诵法 method of recitation胎教 antenatal training乘法表 multiplication table个别教育 individual education个别教学 individual instruction; individual teaching个别阅读 individual reading个案研究[法] case study method家庭作业 home work家庭课业 home lesson恩物 Gift时事教学 current events instruction朗诵 oral reading案例分组法 case-group method案例法 case history method; case method; case study method 案例教学法 case method of instruction特殊教育 special education特殊教学法 special didactics班级教学 class teaching班级经营 class management; classroom management记诵 memorization记忆训练 memory training记忆术 memory system; mnemonic system; mnemonics讨论法 method of discussion训育学 didactics做中学 learning by doing副学习 associate learning参考书 reference book问题法 problem method国定教科书 national textbook基本科目;基本学科 fundamental subject基本英语 basic English基本学习 basic studies基础课程{英语反复练习} basal course基础读物 foundation reader专业训练 professional training专业课程 professional curriculum强记 hypermnesia从生活中学习 learning through living从经验中学习 learning by experience推广科目 extension course教材 material of instruction; matter for teaching; subject matter; subject-matter 教材选择 selection of subject matter教育电影 educational cinema教室讨论 class discussion教室参观 class visitation教室课表 room schedule教科书 school book; text-book; textbook教案 lesson plan教学日志 diary for instruction教学法 method of instruction; method of teaching; teaching method教学科目 course of instruction教学效能 teaching efficiency教学专业 profession of teaching教学单元 method-whole of teaching; teaching unit教学模式 model of teaching启发式教学 developmental mode of teaching; heuristic mode of teaching略读 rough reading; skimming reading设计问题法 project problem method设计教学法 project method of teaching; project teaching method部分学习法 part learning method; part method野外实习 field practice博览法 extensive method普通教授学 General didactics普通教学法 general method of teaching普通教学法 general method of teaching智能障碍教育 education for mental retardation发表教学 presentative instruction发表学科 expressive subject童话 nursery tale进步测验 progress test间接训练 indirect discipline间接教学法 indirect method of teaching间接学习 indirect learning集中学习 massed learning填充法 completion method新生训练 orientation course会话法 conversational method经验法;实征 empirical method补充阅读 collateral reading补充读物 supplementary book; supplementary reading试探科目 exploration course [= exploratory course]诘问考试 cross-examination跳读 skipping reading游戏法 play method游戏理论 play-theory顿悟学习;洞悟学习 insight learning尝试错误法 method of trial and error; trial and error method 团体游戏 organized play图示 graphical representation图示 graphical representation图示教学法 pictorial method; picture method图画完成测验 picture completion test实地工作 field work实地学习课 field lesson实作测验 practice test实物 material object实物教学 object lesson; object teaching实习;练习 practice实习课;练习课 practice lesson实验教育 experimental education实验教育学;实验教学论 Experimental pedagogy实验教学法 experimental didactics实验学校 experimental school; laboratory school演示课 demonstration lesson演讲;辩论术 elocution [= oration]精读 detailed reading综合教学 synthetic instruction语言矫正班 speech-correction class说话教学 speaking-instruction辅助班级 auxiliary class辅助学校 auxiliary school辅导算术 remedial arithmetic辅导学习法 supervised study札记法 notebook method弹性分组制 flexible shifting group plan弹性升级 flexible promotion模仿学习 learning by imitation练习法 drill method; practice method练习极限 practice limit课 lesson课程 curriculum课程分化 curricula-differentiation; differentiated curriculum 课程表 program of studies; table of curriculum课程建构 construction of curriculum课间自习 busy work适性教育 adaptive physical education适性教育 adaptive physical education阅读法 reading method阅读书单 reading list学年会议 grade forum学校科目 school subject学习指导 direction of learning学习效率 learning efficiency整句教学法 sentence method整体学习法 whole learning method机械记忆 rote memory机械教学 rote teaching机械学习 rote learning机机学习 learning by chance独立阅读 independent reading选习科 elective subject; optional subject选择题 multiple-choice test随机教育 incidental education随机教学法 accidental teaching method; incidental teaching method随机学习 incidental learning默写 dictation默读 silent reading婴儿班 baby class戏剧表演法 method of dramatic expression营养学 dietetics矫正教育{智能障碍教育} Correctional education; Corrective education 联想学习 associative learning螺旋法 spiral method讲述法 method of telling讲授;教导;教学 instruction讲演 lecture讲演示范法 lecture-demonstration method讲演法 lecture method; method of lecture点字法 Braille method简字 simplified spelling简明教科书 brief textbook证明法 method of verification难题箱 problem box露天教学班 fresh-air class读书会 reading circle读写算 three R's体育指导员 athletic director观念联合;联想 association of ideas观察法 observation method。

教育学考研复试英语词汇1. Educational psychology 教育心理学2. Pedagogy 教育学3. Curriculum 课程4. Instruction 教学5. Learning theory 学习理论6. Teacher training 教师培训7. Assessment 评估8. Educational technology 教育技术9. Educational policy 教育政策10. Multicultural education 多元文化教育11.Inclusive education 全纳教育12. Lifelong learning 终身学习13. Problem-based learning 问题导向学习14. Cooperative learning 合作学习15. Distance education 远程教育16. Blended learning 混合式学习17. Learning styles 学习风格18. Metacognition 元认知19. Critical thinking 批判性思维20. Creativity 创造力21. Parent-teacher conference 家长-教师会议22. Classroom management 课堂管理23. Student-centered learning 以学生为中心的学习24. Formative assessment 形成性评估25. Summative assessment 总结性评估这些词汇只是教育学领域中的一部分,你可以根据自己的需求进一步扩展和学习。

一、教育体系相关术语1. Education system - 教育体系2. Primary education - 小学教育3. Secondary education - 中学教育4. Higher education - 高等教育5. Preschool education - 学前教育6. Vocational education - 职业教育7. Special education - 特殊教育8. Distance education - 远程教育9. Curriculum - 课程10. Syllabus - 教学大纲11. Assessment - 评估12. Grading system - 分级制度13. Pedagogy - 教育学14. Instructional design - 教学设计15. Classroom management - 课堂管理16. Learning environment - 学习环境17. Educational psychology - 教育心理学18. Academic achievement - 学业成绩19. Academic calendar - 学年历二、教育行政与管理术语1. Education policy - 教育政策2. School governance - 学校管理3. School administration - 学校行政4. Principal - 校长5. School board - 学校董事会6. Superintendent - 学区主任7. Education reform - 教育改革8. Teacher certification - 教师资格证书9. School funding - 学校经费10. School district - 学区11. Academic standards - 学术标准12. Education budget - 教育预算13. Education law - 教育法律14. School counseling - 学校咨询15. School safety - 学校安全三、教育评估与评价术语1. Assessment methods - 评估方法2. Standardized tests - 标准化测试3. Formative assessment - 形成性评估4. Summative assessment - 总结性评估5. Rubric - 评分标准6. Performance-based assessment - 绩效评估7. Feedback - 反馈8. Criterion-referenced assessment - 准则参照评估9. Norm-referenced assessment - 常模参照评估10. Portfolio assessment - 作品集评估11. Validity - 有效性12. Reliability - 可靠性13. Achievement gap - 成绩差距14. Data analysis - 数据分析四、教学方法与技术术语1. Teaching strategies - 教学策略2. Cooperative learning - 合作学习3. Inquiry-based learning - 探究式学习4. Project-based learning - 项目制学习5. Blended learning - 混合式学习6. Flipped classroom - 翻转课堂7. Active learning - 主动学习8. Differentiated instruction - 差异化教学9. Scaffolding - 搭建学习支架10. Technology integration - 技术整合11. Interactive whiteboard - 互动白板12. Online learning - 在线学习13. Virtual classroom - 虚拟教室14. E-learning - 电子学习15. Gamification - 游戏化教学五、特殊教育相关术语1. Individualized Education Program (IEP) - 个别化教育计划2. Learning disability - 学习障碍3. Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) - 注意力缺陷/多动症4. Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) - 自闭症谱系障碍5. Exceptional children - 特殊儿童6. Inclusion - 包容教育7. Assistive technology - 辅助技术六、教育研究与统计术语1. Research methodology - 研究方法学2. Quantitative research - 定量研究3. Qualitative research - 定性研究4. Literature review - 文献综述5. Research design - 研究设计6. Sample size - 样本大小7. Data collection - 数据收集8. Statistical analysis - 统计分析9. Research findings - 研究结果10. Research ethics - 研究伦理以上是教育领域常见的英语词汇大全,希望能帮助您深入了解教育专业术语。

[班]导师class teacher[班]导师制class teacher system二年级sopho more class二年级生{美} sophomo re二部制half-time system人民学院people's co llege入学考试entrance examinatio n入学标准;入学条件admissio n req uirements; entrance req uirements 三年级{美} ju nio r class三年级生{美} ju nio r上课时间class period; sessio n大众教育popular education大众教育;平民教育mass education [= people's edu catio n]大学university大学入学考试{英} matriculatio n大学入学许可证明matriculatio n certificate大学出版社university press大学生undergraduate大学自治university auto no my大学附设小学university elementary school大学附设中学university high schoo l大学城university city大学训练部门{英} u niversity training department大学区视学员{法} academy inspector大学区总长{法} recto r of academy大学推广教育university extensio n大学推广课程university extensio n co urse大学教育university educatio n大学毕业生university graduate大学暑期学校university summer school大学董事会{美} board of trustees大学董事会{英} board of regents大学预科college preparato ry department大学管理部门court of university大学学位university degree大学学院{英} u niversity co llege大学优异级课程{英} honor co urse大学优异级学分{英} honor credit女子中学girls' high schoo l女子学院women's co llege女童子军girl sco u t小学primary schoo l小学;基础学校{英} elementary schoo l小学校长{英} headteacher小学教育;初等教育primary education小学实习教师pupil teacher工人教育workers' education工作坊;研习会workshop工作室workroom工作限制work limit工作效率work efficiency工作教育学Work pedagogics工商管理学院college of bu siness administratio n工场学校factory schoo l; works schoo l工程教育engineering edu catio n工业教育;实业教育industrial educatio n [= technical educatio n] 工业学校;实业学校industrial school [= technical school]工资制;薪级表salary schedule; salary scale工厂艺徒学校factory apprentice schoo l工学院engineering college工艺industrial arts不分级教室ungraded roo m不分级学校ungraded schoo l不分级学校{义} non-classified school中等教育seco ndary educatio n中等学校seco ndary school中间教育{英} intermediate educatio n中间教育考试{英} intermediate examination中间学校{英} intermediate school中间学校{英};中学{美} middle schoo l中辍生学校truant schoo l中学{美} high schoo l中学区high schoo l district中学推广教育high-school extensio n中学第一试{英} first certificate examinatio n中学第二试{英} second certificate examinatio n六三三制{美} six-three-three plan公民训练training for citizenship公立小学{英,校舍属地方政府所有者} provided schoo l公立高级中学{法} lyceum公共游乐(戏)场pu blic playgro und公共图书馆pu blic library公益服务教育public-service educatio n公务人员考试civil service examinatio n公学{英} pu blic schoo l分校branch school分级;分班;分类classification分级学校{义} classified school升级advancement; promotio n升等考试pro motio n examinatio n少年犯罪juvenile delinq u ency少年法庭juvenile co urt少年监狱juvenile priso n巴达维亚制Batavia plan心理卫生中心metal hygiene clinics手工艺学校handicraft school文法课程;文法班grammar co urse文法学校{英中学;美旧式中学及小学} grammar school文纳特卡制{进步主义学校} Winnetka Plan; Winnetka system 文理学院college of letters and science文学院college of liberal arts; faculty of arts文凭;毕业证书diplo ma文艺竞赛literary contest比较法comparative method; method of co mparison比较教育comparative educatio n水产教育fisheries edu catio n世界语Esperanto主任督学inspecto r-general主班;自己的教室{美} home room代课教师su bstitute teacher冬季学校winter schoo l功绩制merit system北达文制N o rth Denver Plan半日制学校half-day schoo l可调式座椅adjustable seat可调式课桌adjustable desk四年级senior class四年级生{美} senior外部考试{英} external examinatio n外部毕业生{英} external graduate外部学位{英} external degree平民学校commo n school幼儿师资培育学校kindergarten training school幼儿教育infant education幼儿学校{英} infant schoo l幼稚园kindergarten幼稚园教育kindergarten edu catio n幼稚园教员kindergartner未检定教师uncertificated teacher正规教育formal edu cation母姊会mothers' meeting母校alma mater民间中学;人民高中;民众高等学校{丹麦} folk high school; people's high schoo l 生命科学院schoo l of life and health sciences生产教育productive edu catio n田径比赛track and field athletics示范学校demonstratio n schoo l交换教授exchange professo rs休闲教育edu cation of leisure休会;休息recess全职生full-time student共通入学考试;统一入学考试commo n entrance examination名誉教授ho norary professor合作教育cooperative edu catio n合作学校{美} cooperative schoo l合格证照教师certificated teacher地方大学{英} provincial university地方公立中等学校{英} cou ncil seco ndary schoo l {co untry seco ndary school}地方公立学校{英} cou ncil school {co untry schoo l}多元技术学校polytechnic school多级制graded system安全教育safety educatio n州考试制度state examinatio n system州教育委员会{美} state board of edu cation州教育厅{美} state department of edu cation州教育厅长{美} commissio ner of edu catio n年级{英};年级{美} form年级主任;班主任;年级教师{女,英} form mistress年级主任;班主任;年级教师{男,英} form master年级制{英} form system成人夜校night schoo l fo r adult成人教育adult educatio n成人学校adult school成熟考试maturity examinatio n成绩报告卡{美} report card扣留;拘禁;处罚学生放学后留校detention托儿中心;托儿所day care center托儿所;育婴所crèche有辅导职责之校长{美} su pervising principal考试;检查examinatio n考试制度examinatio n system自治self-go vernment行会学校gild schoo l; guild schoo l住校生resident stu dent免除;豁免exemptio n免费教育;义务教育free educatio n免费学校;穷人学校{美} free school免费学额{免学费入学员额,英} free place; special place 助学金;学生补助student aid男女混合教育co-edu catio n男舍监ho use master私立学校private school私立学校{日} non-pro vided schoo l育幼院infant-asylum育儿课程maternal co urse育婴院;育儿室;托儿所nursery走读生;通学生extern; no n-resident stu dent身体检查;体格检查physical examinatio n巡回教育展览会traveling edu catio nal exhibitio n巡回教师traveling teacher巡回博物馆traveling mu seum巡回图书馆traveling library例证;范例;楷模exemplification儿童法庭children's co urt儿童博物院children's mu seum儿童图书馆children's library儿童福利child welfare儿童剧场children's theater函授学校correspo ndence school制服unifo rm受公款补助学校{英} aided schoo l受刑人教育edu cation of priso ner夜校evening schoo l; Night school孤儿院orphan asylum; orphan schoo l孤儿教育edu cation of orphan宗教教育religio us edu catio n性教育sex edu catio n所;会;社;馆;学院;研究所institute招待所;小旅馆;大学生宿舍hostel林间学校forest schoo l; schoo l in woods; woods schoo l 林业教育forestry edu catio n波特兰制{科学重点学校;美} Portland Plan法律教育law edu catio n; legal education法学院college of law; law co llege; law schoo l社会服务训练social service training社会科学social science社会教育social educatio n社会教育学Social pedagogy社会导引social guidance社会遗传social heredity社团学校{美} corporatio n school初级中学{美} ju nio r high school初级技艺学校{英} ju nio r technical schoo l初等教育elementary education青年运动yo u th mo vement非正式教育informal edu catio n非宗教教育secular edu cation保育学校{英} nursery school室内活动indoo r play客观测验objective examinatio n指导教师preceptor; tuto r政治教育political educatio n星期学校Sunday school研究工作research work研究生graduate stu dent; post-graduate stu dent; research stu dent研究所graduate school; post-graduate school研究班;专题讨论会seminar研究学者research scho lar研究机构research institutio n科技学院technical co llege科学研究所scientific institute科学教育scientific education纪念日memo rial day美术学校fine arts schoo l; school of fine arts军事训练military training军事训练营military training camp军事教育military educatio n军事学校military school军事学院military academy降级;降等degrade音乐教育music edu catio n音乐学校;音乐厅music conservatory兼任教师part-time teacher夏令营summer camp娱乐时间recreatio n period家政教育;家事教育ho me eco no mics educatio n; h ouseho ld education 家政学校ho me-eco nomics schoo l家庭教育family educatio n; ho me edu catio n家庭教师private instructo r; private teacher家庭访问ho me visiting家庭与学校联谊社ho me and school club家庭卫生domestic hygiene家庭联络卡ho me card师资培育no rmal training; teacher training; training of teacher师范教育no rmal educatio n师范学校no rmal school师范学院college of preceptors师范学院{美} teachers co llege捐资学校endo wed school旁听生au dito r; gu est-pupil旅行学校travel schoo l校内生internal stu dent校外活动extra-school activity校地schoo l space校地;校址schoo l gro und [= schoo l land; schoo l sites]校舍schoo l ho use校舍管理主任building superintendent校舍调查building survey校长;院长recto r校长{大学} chancello r; president校长{中小学,美} headmaster; principal校风;学校精神schoo l spirit校务会议schoo l synod校规schoo l rule校际体育竞赛inter-co llegiate athletics; interscho lastic athletics校历schoo l calendar消遣阅读recreatio n reading海外教育overseas educatio n海军教育naval educatio n特殊教室special classroo m特殊学生special stu dent特殊学校special schoo l班长;监督生;长官prefect班级组织class organizatio n班级图书区classroom library班会class meeting班导师ho me-roo m teacher秘书教育secretarial educatio n级友;同班同学classmate航空学校aerial navigatio n school; aviatio n academy航海教育;海事教育nautical education训练学院training college退休制度retirement system退学withdrawal fro m schoo l逃学truancy院际体育竞赛{校内};院内体育竞赛{校内} intermural athletics; intramural athletics 高级中学{美} senior high schoo l高级学院{美} senior college高等师范学校{法} higher no rmal school高等教育higher education高等学士学位{英} honors degree停学suspensio n假日ho liday假日班;假日课程ho liday co urse假期vacatio n假期学校vacatio n schoo l健康教育health educatio n副校长{大学,英、美} vice chancellor副校长{大学} vice president区;科;部;系department参观教学edu cational excursi o n商船学校mercantile marine schoo l商业教育bu siness educatio n; co mmercial edu catio n商学院college of commerce问卷;问题征答qu estio nnaire问卷法qu estio nnaire method国防教育edu cation for natio nal defense国家奖学金national scho larship国际教育internatio nal educatio n基础学校{德} foundatio n school妇女学校women's school寄宿学校board school; bo arding school专科学校{台湾};初级学院{美} junior co llege专业考试pro fessio nal examinatio n专业教育pro fessio nal educatio n专业预备教育preprofessio nal educatio n专业学校pro fessio nal school强迫入学局attendance bureau; bureau of attendance强迫就学compulsory attendance; fo rced attendance at schoo l 推广班extension class教育edu cation教育文献edu cational literature教育年鉴;教育年刊edu cational yearbook教育百科全书encyclopedia of edu catio n教育行政edu cational administratio n教育行政人员edu cational administrato r教育局{美} office of edu catio n教育局长{美} su perintendent教育制度edu cational system; system of educatio n教育委员会{英};教育委员会{美} board of education教育法令edu cational decree教育法案;教育草案edu cational bill教育社会学Edu catio nal socio logy教育宣导edu cational propaganda教育指导;教育指南edu cational guide教育政策edu cational po licy教育研究edu cational research教育研究局bureau of educatio nal research教育研究所{德} pedagogical institute教育研讨室pedagogy seminary教育科学science of educatio n教育捐款;教育基金edu cational endowment教育效率edu cational efficiency教育病理学Edu catio nal patho lo gy; Pedago gical patho logy教育财政edu cational finance教育专家edu cational expert教育统计学Edu catio nal statistics教育设备;教育设施edu cational plant教育部ministry of edu catio n教育部长minister of edu catio n; minister of pu blic instru ctio n 教育部长{美} secretary of edu catio n教育博物馆edu cational museum教育期刊edu cational jo urnal; educatio nal periodical教育税schoo l tax教育评论edu cational criticism教育阶梯edu cational ladder教育会议edu cational conference教育经费支出;教育开支edu cational expenditure教育资料edu cational data教育图书馆edu cational library; pedagogical library教育学Paideutics; Pedagogics; Pedago gy教育学系department of educatio n; educatio nal department 教育学院college of edu cation; schoo l of edu catio n教育学院{德} pedagogical academy教育机会edu cational oppo rtunity教育杂志edu cational magazine教育辞典edu cational dictio nary教育权[利] edu cational right教室classroom; lecture room; recitatio n room; teaching roo m 教员工作负担teacher's load教员聘约teacher's agreement教员检定certificatio n of teachers教师公会teachers' guild教师手册teacher's manual教师任期teacher tenure教师考试teachers' examinatio n教师研习所{美} teachers' institute教师评等制teacher rating scale教师资格qualification of teacher教师证照teacher's certificate; teacher's license教务长{美大学};院长{英大学} provost教授、教员;系、科、学院faculty教授休假sabbatical leave教学费用expense of instruction教学实习practice teaching条件式升级conditio nal promo tion;烹调学校;烹饪学校cooking schoo l理学院college of science; science schoo l毕业graduatio n毕业生graduate毕业生集会convocation of graduates毕业典礼;开始Commencemen t毕业要求标准;毕业要件graduation req uirements毕业荣誉试{英} tripos毕业证书diplo ma of graduatio n移民教育immigrant educatio n统计法statistical method统计学Statistics统整教学;整合教学integrated instruction组织架构;组织图表organization chart终身任期life tenure终身证书life certificate; permanent certificate被欺侮;受辱{美} hazing访问教师visiting teacher贫民学校pauper school; poverty school; ragged school通俗讲演popular lecture速成班express class部分时制教育part-time educatio n部分时制学生part-time stu dent劳工大学workers' university劳动学院labo r co llege单轨制single school system; single track system; unitary school system单班学校one class schoo l; one roo m school; one teacher schoo l; single room school 寒假winter vacatio n就业考试placement examinatio n就业证照work certificate就学schoo l attendance就学督促员attendance officer普通教育commo n educatio n; general educatio n暑假summer vacatio n暑期学校summer schoo l期末考试final examinatio n朝会mo rning exercise残障教育cripple educatio n残障学校cripple schoo l; schoo l for defective; schoo l fo r the physically disabled 殖民地教育colo nial educatio n测验;随堂小考quiz无限任期indefinite tenure登记;入学;注册enro llment; registratio n短期课程short co urse; short term co urse童子军boy sco u t等级尺度;绩点量表point scale视察inspectio n注册员registrar注册簿;登录;注册register评议会{大学} senate; university co uncil贸易教育trade educatio n贸易学校trade school集权制centralized system集体教育collective edu catio n黑人学校{美} colored school园艺学校gardening schoo l填鸭式教育;死记硬背cramming感化院reformato ry感化教育reform education; reformatory edu cation感化学校reform schoo l新生;一年级学生;新手freshman [= no vice]新生班freshman class新生周freshman week新闻学教育Journalistic edu catio n照片廊;图像画廊picture gallery督促就学委员会schoo l attendance co mmittee督促就学员schoo l attendance officer督学inspecto r督导员su perviso r经认可之大学accredited university经认可之教员accredited teacher经认可之学校accredited school经认可之学院accredited co llege义务教育compulsory educatio n义教年龄compulsory school age圣巴巴拉制Santa Barbara Plan补助费;补助金grants补习班cramming schoo l补习课程;辅助课程su pplementary co u rse补偿compensatio n解散;退学;驱除dismissal; exclusio n fro m schoo l; expulsion试用probation试用年probationary year试用教师probationary teacher试用教师Probatio nary teacher试用证明probationary certificate农民学校peasant schoo l农村教育rural educatio n农村学校;乡村学校rural school农场学校farm schoo l农业教育agricultural education运动physical exercise运动会athletic meeting游戏室playroo m游戏场playgro und道尔顿计画{个别化自我学习} Dalto n plan隔离segregatio n预科preparatory department预备教育preliminary educatio n预备学校preparatory schoo l颁发学士学位的学院undergraduate college团体视导;团体督导gro u p supervision图书馆library图书馆教育library education实科学校{德} real school实习生;实习牧师probationer实习教师practice teacher荣誉制ho nor system荣誉榜ho nor ro ll荣誉学位ho norary degree演说竞赛oratorial contest监狱学校priso n schoo l硕士Master硕士学位Master's degree综合中学{美} composite high schoo l; comprehensive high school; co smopolitan high school 语言教育linguistic educatio n; speech edu catio n辅导处guidance department写作学校writing school奖学金scho larship奖学金;研究基金fellowship奖学金竞试competitive scho larship examinatio n; scho larship contest卫生教育;保健教育hygiene edu catio n请假leave of absence课外活动extra-class activity; extra-curriculum activity调查法survey method论文式考试;申论方式测验essay-type examinatio n阅览室reading room养老金;退休金pensio n学分credit学分;分数;绩点point学友;同学schoo lmate学生pu pil; stu dent学生手册student handbook学生交换exchange of stu dents学生自治pu pil self-go vernment学生自治会student go vernment学生纪录卡student's card学生贷款lo an fo r student学生贷款基金student lo an fund学生会;学生联会student council学年academic year; school year学位academic degree学位服academic costume学位论文academic dissertatio n; dissertatio n学制schoo l system学季制quarter system学前教育preschoo l educatio n学则schoo l constitutio n学校人口schoo l populatio n学校公告栏schoo l bulletin学校公债schoo l bond学校手册schoo l manual学校用具schoo l furniture学校用品schoo l su pplies学校考试schoo l examinatio n学校行政schoo l administratio n学校行政人员schoo l administrato r学校供膳;学校午餐schoo l feeding; schoo l lunch; schoo l meal 学校法schoo l law学校法庭schoo l co u rt学校社区schoo l community学校花园;学校园圃schoo l garden学校建筑schoo l building; schoo l plant学校纪律schoo l discipline学校展览会schoo l exhibition学校财政schoo l finance学校基金schoo l fund学校宿舍dormitory学校推广教育schoo l extensio n学校教育schoo l edu catio n学校教职员组织schoo l society学校统计schoo l statistics学校组织schoo l organizatio n学校设施schoo l establishment学校设备schoo l equipment学校博物馆schoo l museum学校普查schoo l census学校视察schoo l inspection学校诊疗所;学校门诊部schoo l clinics学校园游会;学校博览会schoo l fair学校节庆schoo l festival学校经费schoo l expenditure学校董事会schoo l board学校游戏场play centre; play garden学校预算schoo l bu dget学校图表schoo l chart学校图书馆schoo l library学校管理schoo l contro l; schoo l go vernment; school management 学校管理者schoo l manager学校网schoo l net学校仪式;学校典礼schoo l ceremo ny学校卫生schoo l hygiene; schoo l sanitatio n学校调查schoo l survey学校证书;学校证照schoo l certificate学级;班class学级学校grade school学院college学院院长dean学务报告schoo l report学术自由academic freedo m学术委员会academic council学术教育academic education学术荣誉scho lastic hono r学期schoo l term; term学期制semester plan学期论文term paper学费schoo l fee; tuitio n; tuitio n fee学费资助bursary学监proctor学龄schoo l age导生制{小老师} pu pil-teacher system导师制preceptor system; tuto r system战事教育war education战时教育wartime education亲师会parent-teacher asso ciatio n亲职教育parental educatio n谘询委员会;谘议委员会consultative committee选修制elective system优等生ho nors stu dent徽章insignia应用艺术学校schoo l of practical arts检定certificatio n营养;营养学nutritio n营养班nutritio n class疗养学校sanato rium school绩点制point system讲师;教师instructor讲师;讲演员lecturer讲座教授pro fesso rial chair点名ro ll call职员staff职业;占有occu pation职业指导vocational guidance职业科vocational co urse职业科目vocational su bject职业训练occu pational training职业教育vocational education职业陶冶vocational culture职业测验occu pational test; vocatio nal test职业辅导员vocational co unselo r职业课程vocational curriculum职业学校vocational schoo l职业选择vocational cho ice职业证照vocational certificate医学院college of medicine; medical co llege; school of medicine 医学教育medical educatio n离校证明leaving certificate双重轨制dou ble-track system额外指定作业extra assignment惩戒班disciplinary class兽医学院veterinary co llege药学教育;药物教育pharmaceutical education证书certificate边疆教育frontier educatio n劝学官员truancy officer矿业教育mining education竞争考试competitive examination继续教育continuing educatio n继续学校;进修学校continuation schoo l警察教育police edu catio n露天学校fresh-air school; open-air school体育physical culture; physical education体育场;运动场athletic field体育学校physical educatio n school体育馆;文科中学{德} gymnasium体格训练;体能训练physical training体操gymnastic exercise; gymnastics博士Doctor博士[学位]候选人Doctoral candidate博士学位Doctor degree媒体素养教育media literacy edu cation就学贷款student lo an暑期修课taking summer co urses渡假打工计划tour and part-time work program减班class reductio n登记分发入学admissio n by registratio n and placement 发展指标development indicators童军教育sco ut edu cation结业completio n of schooling华裔学生overseas Chinese students华侨学校schoo l of overseas C hinese华语文测验Chinese Pro ficiency Test著作审查review of academic wo rk评鉴公告evaluatio n bull etin评鉴成果evaluatio n outco me评鉴标准evaluatio n standard criteria超支钟点费overtime pay进修教育further edu catio n进修学士班the bachelor pro gram o f extension education 督导考核su pervisio n and assessment经费分配bu dget allocatio n经费补助bu dget su bsidy经费奖助bu dget rewards聘任recruitment肄业schoo l no nco mpletio n补习教育su pplementary edu catio n资格检定certificatio n资源中心reso u rce center资源教室reso u rce classroo m游学团overseas stu dy gro u p预审preliminary review侨民教育overseas Chinese edu catio n侨生overseas C hinese students侨生及外籍生辅导室counseling and guidance center fo r overseas Chinese and fo reign stu dents 侨生急难救助emergency assistance fo r overseas Chinese stu dents侨生校外工作证the wo rk permit of overseas Chinese stu dents侨教政策policy of overseas C hinese educatio n侨教团体organization of o verseas Chinese edu catio n实习教师intern实验高级中学experimental high schoo l实验教育experimental pro gram of educatio n甄试screening test甄审screening and review甄选入学admissio n by reco mmendation and screening硕士Master硕士班研究生Master stu dent硕士学位Master degree管制考核control and evaluatio n综合高中comprehensive high school网路环境整备internet enviro nment equipment readiness蒙藏语甄试test of Mongolian and Tibetan language语言能力证明language ability certificate认可名册appro val list说明会illustratio n meeting辅系mino r审定accreditatio n审查意见表review list审议委员会advisory committee庆典补助su bsidy for festival数位差距; 数位落差digital divide楼地板面积total floor area欧洲艺术文凭European art diplo ma奖助学金scho larship and grants复评re-evaluatio n复审seco nd review复检seco nd stage certification课外活动extracurriculum activity课桌椅规格specificatio ns of desks and chairs学力鉴定appraisal of academic achievement学士Bachelo r学士后教育学分班postgraduate teacher educatio n program学分credit学分抵免credits waiver and transference学生申诉student grievances学生自治团体student self-go vernment gro u p学生受教权students' right of educatio n学生社团students' organizatio n学生单位成本per-pu pil cost学生学习权students' right of learning学年学分sessio n credit学年学分制credit-based system学位审查degree review学位证书degree certificate; diplo ma学季quarter学门评鉴discipline evaluatio n学则schoo l regulatio n学科能力测验su bject competence test学校午餐schoo l lunch学校推荐schoo l reco mmendatio n学校教师会the teachers' associatio n at the school level学校设备基准basic standards of schoo l facilities学务工作student affairs学术专业团体pro fessio nal academic association学术奖academic award学期semester学历甄试test of educatio nal diplo ma学杂费tuitio n and fees学籍管理administratio n of stu dents' enro llment status整合型计画integrated project县市教师复检委员会local co mmittee fo r teachers certification 膳宿费board and lodging expenses谘询委员会advisory committee谘询辅导团Cou nseling and guidance group随班附读au dit餐饮督导人员catering inspector应届毕业graduate of the current year检定certificatio n检核examinatio n and recognitio n检核通过examinatio n and recognitio n营养教育nutritio n educatio n绩优{学生社团评鉴暨观摩活动)excellent perfo rmance总统教育奖President Educatio nal Award总量管制total amo unt co ntro l讲师instructor; lecturer讲座chair pro fesso r翻译专业人才pro fessio nal interpreter职前教育preservice teacher edu cation职业证照vocational license转系transfer; transfer pro gram转学transfer医学系department of medicine双主修dou ble major双重学籍dou ble registratio n双学位dou ble degree双联学制dual degrees system艺术教育art education证明书certificate; graduatio n certificate钟点费ho urly pay护校nursing high schools验证程序verifying procedure观摩活动observatio n and learning activities[学校]改制institution status change一般型计画general project一般教育补助general educational subsidy人力资本human capital人口基本资料库demographic database人才培育human resource development入学考试entrance examination入学资格admission requirement十二年国民义务教育twelve-y ear compulsory education大专校院institutes of higher education大学分部branch campus大学法University Law大学评鉴university evaluation工作小组task-force工作坊workshop工作执行小组executing group工读part time job for study中小学elementary and secondary school中长程校务发展计画middle and long range school development plan中华文化奖学金Chinese Culture Scholarship内部评鉴internal evaluation公费待遇government sponsorship公费留学考试{公费留考} the examination of government sponsorship for overseas study 公费留学奖学金the scholarship of government sponsorship for overseas study公费奖学金government sponsorship scholarship分发admission by placement升等promotion升学考试优待the affirmative action of entrance ex amination文教交流culture and education exchange牙医学系department of dentistry主管教育行政机关education administration authority代表著作representative writings外国学生foreign student外部评鉴external evaluation外籍英语教师foreign English teacher外籍配偶子女教育program for children with foreign parent外籍学生foreign student失学离校quit of schooling幼托整合integrating kindergartens and nursery schools幼儿教育early childhood education幼稚园kindergarten正规学制时间the time of formal school system民族教育权indigenous educational right民族学院tribal college民间非营利文教团体nonprofit of organization of culture and education民间团体non-governmental organization{NGO}申诉grievance申请入学admission by application白皮书White Paper休学suspension of schooling任教未中断证明teaching continuity document全民英语能力分级检定测验General English Proficiency Test全国教师会national teachers' association同等学力an equivalent education level各级政府教育经费应分担数额share of educational expenditure among governments 各国学制school system of different countries名誉博士;荣誉博士honorary doctorate合格师资certify teacher地方教育发展基金regional education development found地方教育审议委员会{直辖市及县市} Local Education Committee地方教师会local teachers' association在职专班in-service education program在职进修in-service training多元入学方案multiple entrance program多元文化multiculture安全守则safety rules安全校园空间secure campus space年资起计beginning seniority date成绩考查performance evaluation成绩考核performance evaluation成绩单transcript成绩优异提前毕业early graduation base on academic excellence扣减奖补助款subsidy deduction老人教育education for the elderly考招分离the separation of examination and enrollment system考试分发入学admission via examination and placement考试委员会examining committee自我评鉴self-evaluation自愿性退学voluntary withdrawal from school自筹经费self-help fundraising行政院教育经费基准委员会Educational Funding Committee, Executive Yuan 行政业务电脑化computerization of administration住宿生boarder助教teaching assistant助理教授assistant professor助学金grant完全中学six-year high school技专校院vocational and technological college and university技术研发technology research and development {= R&D}技术学院technical college技职校院university of technology技职教育technical and vocational education技职体系technical and vocational education system私立学校兴学establishment of private schools系所总量total amount of departments and graduate schools防灾教育白皮书White Paper on Education Disaster Prevention事故伤害防制accident injury prevention system来台留学foreign student study in Taiwan函授课程correspondence course受教权right to education姐妹校sister school性别平等教育gender equity education性教育sex education招生委员会student recruitment committee招生策进总会enrollment promoting association知识青年士兵educated young soldier知识管理knowledge management, KM社区大学community college社区化communization; integrating with local community社区学院community college社教工作站workstation of social education社会教育social education社会艺术教育art education for general public初审first review初检first stage certification非正规教育informal education非正规学制时间non-school day s保防教育public security education保留入学资格retainment of student status后期中等教育upper secondary education指定科目考试assigned-subject test指导委员会advisory committee查证程序verification procedure研究生学位考试final oral examination graduate degree; viva {英}研讨会{大型} conference研讨会{小型} seminar研习会workshop科技大学university of technology科学教育science education计画专案project降低国民中小学班级学生人数decreasing of class size个人申请individual application修业study修业时间study period修业期限study period修业期限study period修业期满completion study period修学旅行travel for study修读taking courses兼任教师part-time teacher原住民中小学elementary and secondary school of aboriginal原住民民族教育aboriginal education原住民民族教育资源教室resources classroom for aboriginal education 原住民民族教育审议委员会committee for aboriginal education原住民地区学校schools of aboriginal areas原住民推广教育机构institute for promoting aboriginal education原住民教育法Aboriginal Education Law原住民教育班aboriginal education class原住民聚居地区aboriginal inhabited area员额staff number家长参与教育事务parental right for school involvement家长参与学校事务权利right for parents' involvement in schools差别待遇discrimination treatment师资培育teacher education师资培育法Teacher Education Law师资培育审议委员会The Advisory Committee of Teacher Education校外实习off-campus internship校长学院National College for School Leadership{英}校长联席会议convention of school principals。

术语解释- Education: 教育- Curriculum: 课程- Pedagogy: 教学法- Assessment: 评估- Learning Styles: 研究风格- Classroom Management: 课堂管理- Educational Psychology: 教育心理学- Special Education: 特殊教育- Educational Technology: 教育技术- Critical Thinking: 批判性思维- Instructional Design: 教学设计- Student Engagement: 学生参与- Classroom Environment: 课堂环境学科研究领域教育学专业涉及多个学科研究领域,以下是其中一些重要的领域:- 教育政策研究- 教育评估与测试- 教育心理学研究- 学校管理与领导研究- 职业与技术教育研究- 特殊教育研究毕业要求和专业发展机会教育学专业的毕业要求和专业发展机会因学校和国家而异。
以下是一些可能的毕业要求和专业发展机会:- 培养一定的教学技能- 进一步深入研究教育领域- 参与教育计划和政策制定- 发表教育研究论文- 参与教育项目和活动参考资料请注意,本文档提供的信息仅供参考,具体的教育学专业要求和发展机会应根据所在学校和国家的实际情况而定。

关于教育类的英文专业词汇Systempreschool education / pre—elementary education 学前教育elementary education / primary education 基础教育/小学教育secondary education 中等教育tertiary education / higher education 高等教育public education 公立教育private education 私立教育adult education / continuing education 成人教育/深造special education 特殊教育普及教育 universal education义务教育 compulsory education; free education成人教育 adult education职业技术教育 vocational and technical education国家教育委员会 State Education CommissionSchoolsday school / day nursery / preschool 日托所/托儿所kindergarten 幼儿园/学前班primary school / elementary school / grade school 小学(1—8年级)grammar school 语法学校(1-6年级)secondary school 中学(9-12年级)high school 中学(10—12年级)junior high school 初中(7—9年级)senior high school 高中(10-12年级)public school (英)私立学校(美)公立学校private school 私立学校technical school 技校vocational school 职校boarding school 寄宿制学校night school 夜校adult school 成人进修学校alma mater 母校,校歌ivory tower 象牙塔,高等学府(喻)college 专科学校,大学,学院state college (美)政府资助的州立大学junior college 两年制社区大学residential college 寄宿制大学community college 社区大学land—grant college 政府资助的低学费大学university 综合大学multiversity 由学院、专科院校组成的大规模高等学校graduate school 研究生院polytechnic / poly (英)工艺技术高等院校高等学校 institution of higher education综合性大学 comprehensive university文科大学 university of liberal arts文科院校 colleges of art理工科大学 college/university of science and engineering 师范大学normal university; teachers’ university师范学院 teachers' college工业大学 polytechnical university工业学院 engineering institute农业大学 agricultural university农学院 agricultural college医科大学 medical university医学院 medical college/school中医院 institute of traditional Chinese medicine音乐学院 conservatory of music美术学院 academy of fine arts体育学院 physical culture institute分校 branch school重点学校 key school业余学校 spare-time school业余职工大学 spare—time college for staff and workers电视广播大学 television and radio broadcasting university函授学院 correspondence school教师进修学校 teachers' college for vocational studies成人夜校 night school for adults业余艺术/体育学校 amateur arts/athletic school半工半读学校 part—work and part-study school中等专业学校 secondary specialized school; polytechnic school中等技术学校 secondary technical school; technical secondary school 职业学校 vocational school附中 attached middle school在职进修班 in—service training course进修班 class for advanced studies短训班 short—term training course专修科 special (training) courseoff—job training 脱产培训in-job training 在职培训Studentsflatmate / dormmate 室友undergraduate / undergrad 本科生graduate 毕业生,研究生postgraduate / graduate student 研究生freshman 大学或高中一年级新生sophomore 大学或高中二年级学生junior 大学或高中三年级学生senior 大学或高中四年级学生underclassman 大学一、二年级学生upperclassman 大学三、四年级学生alumnus / alumni (pl.)(美)校友(男)alumna / alumnae (pl。
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人为环境artificial environment三段教学法three formal lesson-steps; three formal steps口述作文oral composition口授oral instruction; oral teaching; verbal instruction口算oral arithmetic口语表达oral expression口头报告法oral report method小学学科primary subject工作单元unit of work; work unit中文点字法Chinese Braille method五段教学法five formal lesson-steps; five formal steps分析教学analytic instruction分科教学departmental teaching分级;分班class grouping分组制group system分组教学group instruction分组实验法brigade-laboratory method少年文学juvenile literature幻灯片lantern slide心算mental arithmetic户外作业out-door study; out-door work户外运动out-door sport手工训练manual training手工教室manual-training room手语法sign language手语术chirology; dactylogy文化学科culture subject文学科目literary course方案课程project curriculum日志法diary method日课表daily program; daily schedule; programme; time schedule 主科major subject主学习primary learning出席attendance出席簿attendance book可教性educability必修学科required subject本土知识native knowledge正反例证法method of positive and negative cases正式学科formal subject正误例证法method of right and wrong cases示范demonstration示范法demonstration method; method of demonstration示范教学demonstration teaching再教育re-education再发现法method of rediscovery同心圆方法concentric circle method同时教学法simultaneous method同时学习simultaneous learning同侪教练peer-coaching年级分组制grade group plan成绩进步表grade-progress table自由游戏free play自行活动教学法method of self-activity自我向导self-direction自修self-culture自习self-study自然科学通论General science自然发音法phonetic method作业指定assignment; lesson assignment童中心教育 child-centered education儿童画 children's drawing玩具 plaything; toy盲人用凸体文字 raised type for the blind直接训练 direct discipline直接教学法 direct method of teaching直观法 intuitive method直观教学 intuitional instruction知识科目;资讯学科 information subject社会化教学 Socialized teaching初级读本 primer附学习 accretion learning; concomitant learning持续的课程 constant in curricula; curricula-constant指定科目 prescribed course指定读物 required reading指算 Finger manipulation指语 Finger speech; Finger language指语字母 Finger alphabet指导的游戏 directed play指导的学习 directed learning; directed study指导练习 coaching指读法 Finger reading是非法 right-wrong method; true-false method; yes-no method 活动;作业 activity活动分析 activity analysis活动电影 kinematography活动课程 activity curriculum活动学校 activity school相互教学制 mutual system研究学程;研究科目;专题研究科目 seminar course科目 course科目;学科 subject背诵法 method of recitation胎教 antenatal training乘法表 multiplication table个别教育 individual education个别教学 individual instruction; individual teaching个别阅读 individual reading个案研究[法] case study method家庭作业 home work家庭课业 home lesson恩物 Gift时事教学 current events instruction朗诵 oral reading案例分组法 case-group method案例法 case history method; case method; case study method 案例教学法 case method of instruction特殊教育 special education特殊教学法 special didactics班级教学 class teaching班级经营 class management; classroom management记诵 memorization记忆训练 memory training记忆术 memory system; mnemonic system; mnemonics讨论法 method of discussion训育学 didactics做中学 learning by doing副学习 associate learning参考书 reference book问题法 problem method国定教科书 national textbook基本科目;基本学科 fundamental subject基本英语 basic English基本学习 basic studies基础课程{英语反复练习} basal course基础读物 foundation reader专业训练 professional training专业课程 professional curriculum强记 hypermnesia从生活中学习 learning through living从经验中学习 learning by experience推广科目 extension course教材material of instruction; matter for teaching; subject matter; subject-matter教材选择 selection of subject matter教育电影 educational cinema教室讨论 class discussion教室参观 class visitation教室课表 room schedule教科书 school book; text-book; textbook教案 lesson plan教学日志 diary for instruction教学法method of instruction; method of teaching; teaching method教学科目 course of instruction教学效能 teaching efficiency教学专业 profession of teaching教学单元 method-whole of teaching; teaching unit教学模式 model of teaching启发式教学 developmental mode of teaching; heuristic mode of teaching略读 rough reading; skimming reading设计问题法 project problem method设计教学法 project method of teaching; project teaching method 部分学习法 part learning method; part method野外实习 field practice博览法 extensive method普通教授学 General didactics普通教学法 general method of teaching智能障碍教育 education for mental retardation发表教学 presentative instruction发表学科 expressive subject童话 nursery tale进步测验 progress test间接训练 indirect discipline间接教学法 indirect method of teaching间接学习 indirect learning集中学习 massed learning填充法 completion method新生训练 orientation course会话法 conversational method经验法;实征 empirical method补充阅读 collateral reading补充读物 supplementary book; supplementary reading试探科目 exploration course [= exploratory course]诘问考试 cross-examination跳读 skipping reading游戏法 play method游戏理论 play-theory顿悟学习;洞悟学习 insight learning尝试错误法 method of trial and error; trial and error method 团体游戏 organized play图示 graphical representation图示教学法 pictorial method; picture method图画完成测验 picture completion test实地工作 field work实地学习课 field lesson实作测验 practice test实物 material object实物教学 object lesson; object teaching实习;练习 practice实习课;练习课 practice lesson实验教育 experimental education实验教育学;实验教学论 Experimental pedagogy实验教学法 experimental didactics实验学校 experimental school; laboratory school演示课 demonstration lesson演讲;辩论术 elocution [= oration]精读 detailed reading综合教学 synthetic instruction语言矫正班 speech-correction class说话教学 speaking-instruction辅助班级 auxiliary class辅助学校 auxiliary school辅导算术 remedial arithmetic辅导学习法 supervised study札记法 notebook method弹性分组制 flexible shifting group plan弹性升级 flexible promotion模仿学习 learning by imitation练习法 drill method; practice method练习极限 practice limit课 lesson课程 curriculum课程分化 curricula-differentiation; differentiated curriculum 课程表 program of studies; table of curriculum课程建构 construction of curriculum课间自习 busy work适性教育 adaptive physical education阅读法 reading method阅读书单 reading list学年会议 grade forum学校科目 school subject学习指导 direction of learning学习效率 learning efficiency整句教学法 sentence method整体学习法 whole learning method机械记忆 rote memory机械教学 rote teaching机械学习 rote learning机机学习 learning by chance独立阅读 independent reading选习科 elective subject; optional subject选择题 multiple-choice test随机教育 incidental education随机教学法accidental teaching method; incidental teaching method随机学习 incidental learning默写 dictation默读 silent reading婴儿班 baby class戏剧表演法 method of dramatic expression营养学 dietetics矫正教育{智能障碍教育} Correctional education; Corrective education联想学习 associative learning螺旋法 spiral method讲述法 method of telling讲授;教导;教学 instruction讲演 lecture讲演示范法 lecture-demonstration method讲演法 lecture method; method of lecture点字法 Braille method简字 simplified spelling简明教科书 brief textbook证明法 method of verification难题箱 problem box露天教学班 fresh-air class读书会 reading circle读写算 three R's体育指导员 athletic director观念联合;联想 association of ideas观察法 observation methodCase study。