




1.结构与特点1.1内部结构每个通道还有三个16为寄存器:定时计数器TCNT,通用寄存器GRA 和GRB;四个8为寄存器:定时控制寄存器TCR,定时I/O控制寄存器TIOR,定时中断允许寄存器TIER和定时状态寄存器TSR.ITU有TCLKA到TCLKD等四个外部时钟输入,以及四种频率的内部时钟输入。

可以从这八个时钟源中选定一个座位通道定时计数器TCNT 的计数源。

TCNT可以产生计数溢出中断,与通用寄存器GRA或GRB 比较中断,捕捉到有效信号时TCNT 值传给GRA或GRB,也可同时请求IMIA或IMIB中断。


通道4还多了两条输出比较引脚——TOCXA4和TOCXB4.1.2 ITU的特点1)可以处理多达12个脉冲输出或10个脉冲输入;2)10个通用寄存器可单独赋予输出比较或输入捕获功能;3)每个通道均可从8个时钟源中任选一个;4)5个通道中,对每个都有5种运作方式可供选择。

1.3 输入输出引脚(这里只说明工作在PWM方式下)通道0到通道2都有两个输入/输出引脚通道0 TIOCA0 GRA0输出比较或输入捕捉引脚,PWM方式下的PWM输出引脚TIOCB0 GRB0输出比较或输入捕捉引脚;通道1和通道2和通道0一样,这里就不在作详解。


1.4 寄存器配置2 寄存器功能2.1 定时器启动寄存器TSTR(八位寄存器)5,6,7位恒为1;4至0为依次为五个通道计数器开启停止的控制位置1开启,置0停止。

2.2 定时器同步寄存器TSNC(八位寄存器)5,6,7位恒为1,;4到0为依次为对应的计数器的独立运作还是同步运作控制位,置0则为独立运作,置1则为同步运作。



现在很多M C U都配套有软件包,不再像以前那样从零(汇编、寄存器)开始了。

而本文给大家描述的瑞萨M C U也是通过灵活软件包(F S P)进行快速初始化外设,下面就给大家讲讲F S P灵活软件包那些重要的内容。

F S P介绍FSP:F l e x i b l e S o f t w a r e P a c k a g e,即瑞萨M C U的软件包,类似于K e i l M D K中需要安装的软件包(K e i l.S T M32F1x x_D F P.2.4.0.p a c k)。

瑞萨灵活软件包(F S P)是一个灵活配置的软件包,旨在提供易于使用、可扩展、高质量的嵌入式系统设计软件。

它适用于R A系列的M C U,提供了统一直观的A P I,并有详细的解释和例程应用,可以按照客户不同的需求自动生成相应驱动程序。


它一般包括如下几个:1.初始化堆栈2.使能FPU3.定位中断向量表4.配置系统时钟5.启用CORTEX-M33栈监视器6.初始化C语言运行环境7.初始化变量SystemCoreClock,这个变量存放的是处理器时钟的频率8.初始化用于触发NVIC中断的ELC(事件链接控制)9.BSP初始化初始化堆栈D三初始化堆栈1、栈区(S t a c k)一种顺序数据结构,满足后进先出原则。





2、堆区(h e a p)通常由程序员手动分配,使用m a l l o c和f r e e进行分配和释放。

注意,使用完需及时释放(f r e e),否则容易造成内存泄漏。

3、e2S t u d i o中堆栈的设置宏“B S P_C F G_S T A C K_M A I N_B Y T E S”可以在F S P C o n f i g u r a t i o n的“B S P”属性栏中的“RA C o m m o n”中通过修改“M a i n s t a c k s i z e”设置,默认为1K B(0x400B y t e)。


5. When exporting the products or technology described in this document, you should comply with the applicable export control laws and regulations and follow the procedures required by such laws and regulations. You should not use Renesas Electronics products or the technology described in this document for any purpose relating to military applications or use by the military, inபைடு நூலகம்luding but not limited to the development of weapons of mass destruction. Renesas Electronics products and technology may not be used for or incorporated into any products or systems whose manufacture, use, or sale is prohibited under any applicable domestic or foreign laws or regulations.
3. You should not alter, modify, copy, or otherwise misappropriate any Renesas Electronics product, whether in whole or in part.


2. Renesas Electronics does not assume any liability for infringement of patents, copyrights, or other intellectual property rights of third parties by or arising from the use of Renesas Electronics products or technical information described in this document. No license, express, implied or otherwise, is granted hereby under any patents, copyrights or other intellectual property rights of Renesas Electronics or others.
8. You should use the Renesas Electronics products described in this document within the range specified by Renesas Electronics, especially with respect to the maximum rating, operating supply voltage range, movement power voltage range, heat radiation characteristics, installation and other product characteristics. Renesas Electronics shall have no liability for malfunctions or damages arising out of the use of Renesas Electronics products beyond such specified ranges.

R5F100LEA瑞萨 MCU官方资料(2)

R5F100LEA瑞萨 MCU官方资料(2)

1. InstallationDo not connect the E1 debugger module until the software support has been installed.1.Insert the CD into your computer’s CD-ROM drive. The CD should automatically run the installation program.If the installer does not start, browse to the CD root folder and double click on ‘CsPlusLauncher.exe’.2.Windows™ Vista/Windows™ 7 users may see “User Account Control” dialog box. If applicable, enter theadministrator password and click <OK>.3.The pre installer will first check to see if the CubeSuite prerequisites are present, and will install if necessary(this may take a few minutes).4.Once the prerequisites are setup, the CubeSuite+ installer will launch.5.The CubeSuite+ Welcome window will appear. Click <Next>.6.The End User License Agreement appears. Read the license agreement and select <Accept> if you wish tocontinue. Click <Next>.7.The ‘Select Component’ window appears. Review the components by selecting each component in turn.Click <Next> to continue.8.The License Key Registration window appears. If you have a license key available, click the <LicenseManager> button, otherwise go to Step 9. Enter the license key in the opened ‘License Manager’ dialog. Add the license key. Click <Add>. If the license key is added successfully, click <Close>.9.Click <Next>.10.The ‘Installation Settings Confirmation’ window appears. Review the information and click <Next> to begininstallation.11.The ‘Installation Execution’ window will appear showing the install status progress. Before completion, theRenesas E-Series USB Driver installation dialog will appear. Windows™ Vista and Windows™ 7 users may see a ‘Windows Security’ dialog box. Click ‘Always trust software from “Renesas Solutions Corp.”’ then click <Install>. 12.After a successful installation click <Next>.13.The ‘Setup Completion’ window will appear. Click <Finish> to close the installer.2. Connection14.Fit the LCD module to the connector marked ‘LCD’ on the RSK. Ensure all the pins of the connector arecorrectly inserted in the socket.15.Connect the E1 debugger module to the connector marked ‘E1’ on the RSK using the ribbon cable.16.Connect the E1 debugger module to a spare USB port of your PC. The green ‘ACT’ LED on the E1 debuggerwill flash.17.The ‘Found New Hardware’ Wizard will appear. Please follow the steps below to install the drivers. Note that,administrator privileges are required for a Windows™ XP/Vista machine.Windows™ XP Windows™ Vista / Windows™ 7a.Select option ‘No, not this time’ in “Found NewHardware” Wizard dialog, and click <Next>button.a.“Device driver software installed successfully”pop-up will appear in the Windows toolbar andinstallation will complete.b.Verify the “Recommended” option is selectedand click <Next>.c.If using Windows™ XP, go to step ‘e’;otherwise, click <Next>.d.Click <Next> to install the driver.e.Click <Finish> to close the wizard.Note: The Windows driver signing dialog may be displayed. Please accept the driver to continue.18.The green ‘ACT’ LED on the E1 debugger will illuminate.3. CubeSuite+ ProjectCubeSuite+ integrates various tools such as compiler, assembler, debugger and editor into a common graphical user interface. To learn more on how to use CubeSuite+, refer to the CubeSuite+ Tutorial manual from the menu bar (Help > Tutorial).unch CubeSuite+ from the Windows Start Menu. (Start Menu > All Programs > Renesas ElectronicsCubeSuite+ > CubeSuite+).20.The ‘One Point Advice’ dialog which provides useful tips will open. The detail for this is out of scope for thisguide. Click <OK>.21.The Start panel will appear. Select the RSKRL78G13_Tutorial project under the “Open Sample RSK Project”and click <GO>.22.In the “Create Project” dialog that follows, specify a name for the project. Leave the list of subprojectsunselected.23.Click “Create” to launch the main Tutorial project.4. Programming and Debug24. Click on RL78 Simulator (Debug Tool) from the Project Tree pane and select the “RL78 E1 (Serial)” asshown in the following screenshot:25. Right-click on “RL78 E1(Serial) (Debug Tool)” and select ‘Property’.26. On the ‘Property’ tab, select “Power target from the emulator.(MAX200mA)”.27. Click on the drop-down menu button on the right and select “Yes”. A new entry, “Supply voltage”, will appear. 28.Click on the “Supply voltage” entry and change the voltage to 5.0V from the drop-down menu.29.Build the project by clicking on the Build Project button.30.Download the code to the microcontroller by clicking on the download buttonor click on Debug from the Menu bar and click on Download as shown below:31.Click the <Restart> button to reset the CPU then start program execution.The user LEDs on the board will flash at regular intervals. Pressing any of the switches on the RSK, or after 200 flashes have elapsed, will display the string STATIC on the second line of the debug LCD. The second line will then be replaced with the string TESTTEST one character at a time; whilst allowing you to control the user LEDs’ flashing rate using the potentiometer shaft. 32.Click the <Stop> button.The code will stop and the source code will be opened at the current program counter.5. Next StepAfter you have completed this quick start procedure, please review the tutorial code and sample code that came with the kit. You can review these codes by changing the active project to another project. The tutorials will help you understand the device and development process using Renesas Development Tools.The Hardware manual supplied with this RSK is current at the time of publication. Please check for any updates to the device manual from the Renesas internet site at: /rskrl78g136. Renesas RL78 CompilerThe version of the compiler provided with this RSK is fully functional with no time restrictions. The compiler will limit the code linker to 64k bytes. Full licensed RL78 compiler versions are available from your Renesas supplier.7. User ManualsUser manuals can found in the Windows Start Menu. (Start Menu > All Programs > Renesas ElectronicsCubeSuite+ > Readme Documents > RSK > RSKRL78G13).8. SupportOnline technical support and information is available at: /rskrl78g13 Technical Contact Details csc@Note on Update Manager : The Update Manager checks via Internet for any updated resources available for each installed CubeSuite+ tool and downloads them accordingly to simplify the update process. Automatic updates will not work if CubeSuite+ is installed without a license key.© 2011 Renesas Electronics Europe Limited. All rights reserved. © 2011 Renesas Electronics Corporation. All rights reserved. © 2011 Renesas Solutions Corp. All rights reserved. Website: D010234_11_S01_V01。



瑞萨单片机入门教程本教程以R7F0C002L单片机为例一、开发环境下载安装与工程注意:该工程目录和工程名不能含有中文1.1、 CubeSuite+环境的下载:官网下载地址将安装环境下载到本地,该文件大小532M在安装过程中有提示需要填写注册码,请输入以下注册码,如果无效请联系供应商。

查看是否已经注册:在IDE环境中选择 Help->About后有下面窗口:注册码:67DCS-V3Q7L-XMGL9-FI6L9-EE1BJ该注册码有限制台数的,一旦注册了就会把MAC绑定,重装无需注册!当有以下报错时:请查看是否已经注册。

1.2、按照一般的软件安装方法安装好IDE环境,下面介绍IDE环境的配置:1、将DIF_RFP文件夹下的Device_Custom文件夹拷贝到安装目录下的C:\Program Files\Renesas Electronics\CubeSuite+下(这里是默认的安装目录,另外注意:DIF_RFP中Readme_Device_Custom.txt说将Device_Custom文件夹拷贝到C:\Program Files\Renesas Electronics\CubeSuite+\Device下,但是实际上不可以!)。

DIF_RFP文件夹安装根目录当配置成功以后会在芯片族里面多出R7F系列的单片机,如下图示:2、将DIF_RFP文件夹下的RFP_R7F0C002L_V10000子目录下面的两个文件(Device_Custom文件夹和Custom_Productlist.xml文件)拷贝到安装目录下的C:\Program Files\Renesas Electronics\Programming Tools\Renesas Flash Programmer V2.01\Device下(这里是默认安装路径)。

1.3、开发环境新建工程:1、启动CubeSuite+环境,会弹出如下启动界面:2、创建Project工程,在上述启动界面中,点击Creat New Project栏中GO按钮,将会弹出以下对话框:选择工程路径创建输入工程名选择芯片型号选择芯片族3、点击Create创建工程,会得到如下工程界面:4、通过生成工具生成一个简单的代码:5、将芯片型号换成R7F0C002单片机,并且将选项字节配置好!详细设置请参考第三章代码生成与编码。





2、默认ROM空间起始地址为0x4000h3、中断向量分为固定向量和可变向量,默认地址分别为:固定向量Fvector:0xFFD8-0xFFFF可变向量vector:0xFED8(至偏移256字节处)工程文件中可查:在fvector.c文件中#pragma sectaddress fvector,ROMDATA 0xFFD8我们要修改的两个程序代码空间分配为1、APP 用户程序代码编译出来有35.4K的空间,存放在块2、块3和块4,共40K的空间,地址为04000h-0DFFFh2、Bootload程序代码编译出来有5.2K的空间,存放在块0和块1,共8K的空间,地址为0E000h-0FFFFh。



三、APP用户代码制作(I_Collector_Update)1、修改APP用户代码的固定向量和可变向量地址:将vector地址由0xFED8改为0x0DED8在fvector.c文件中#pragma sectaddress fvector,ROMDATA 0xffd8改为#pragma sectaddress fvector,ROMDATA 0xdfd8重新编译下,可以看出,地址不超出0x0e000,在块2范围内将编译的mot文件用FDT4.09工具打开另存为.bin文件,用UltraEdit打开.bin文件,将0x4000-0xe000地址以外的数据删除,保存。





声明:本文以瑞萨R8CTiny系列的单片机R5F2L368CDFP为例(R8C/L36C群)第一步:新建工程新建一个汇编项目Project Type 为Application类型。

自动生成如下源代码文件:nc_define.inc --------------------------------------------------------配置堆栈sect30.inc --------------------------------------------------------内存分配ncrt0.a30 -------------------------------------------------------启动代码sfr_r8l36c.h ------------------------------CPU相关SFR寄存器FOR Csfr_r8l36c.inc ------------------------------CPU相关SFR寄存器FOR ASM下面着重分析前三个文件:nc_define.inc 英文注释已经很清楚了。

__STANDARD_IO__ .equ0; STANDARD I/O flag definition__HEAPSIZE__ .equ080H; HEEP SIZE definition__STACKSIZE__ .equ080H; STACK SIZE definition__ISTACKSIZE__ .equ080H; INTERRUPT STACK SIZE definition__VECTOR_ADR__ .equ0fed8H; INTERRUPT VECTOR ADDRESS definition __ROM_TOPADR__ .equ04000H; ROM TOP ADDRESS definitionsect30.inc (已经去除部分注释)本文件的主要功能是各种段地址的定义,固定中断向量定义,可变中断向量的定义。



学习瑞萨单片机,M16族下的R8C-2L、R8C-2K群单片机开发环境的安装由于仅仅有瑞萨的16位单片机R8C-2L、R8C-2K族(具体型号是R5F212L4,16K的FLASH 程序区,2K的RAM区),所以以下的均已R8C-2L、R8C-2K群为主,其实关于瑞萨的其他几款单片机,都是大同小异的,只需要认真按照教程操作一遍即可。














瑞萨单片机启动文件介绍1.NC30介绍NC30的组件:nc30----------------编译驱动器cpp30---------------预处理器ccom30--------------编译器aopt30--------------汇编优化器sbauto--------------SB寄存器自动更新工具stkviewer & stk-----STK查看器与堆栈大小计算工具utl30---------------SBDATA声明及SPECIAL页函数声明工具mapview-------------映射查看器看下NC30处理流程:程序开发流程,生成X30文件的流程:以上就是编译器所做的工作和流程。





;***************************************************************************; C Compiler for R8C/Tiny, M16C/60,30,20,10; Copyright(C) 1999(2000-2006). Renesas Technology Corp.; and Renesas Solutions Corp., All rights reserved.;; ncrt0.a30 : Startup Program for M16C family;; $Date: 2006/11/22 04:13:23 $; $Revision: $;***************************************************************************;---------------------------------------------------------------------; include files ;包含文件;---------------------------------------------------------------------.list OFF ;控制行输出数据输出到列表文件OFF:停止ON:开始.include nc_define.inc ;包含宏文件.include sect30.inc ;包含存储器映射文件.list ON;---------------------------------------------------------------------; BankSelect definition for 4M mode;---------------------------------------------------------------------; .glb __BankSelect;__BankSelect .equ 0BH;===================================================================== ; Interrupt section start ;中断段起始;---------------------------------------------------------------------.insf start,S,0.glb start.section interruptstart: ;复位后从这个标签开始运行;---------------------------------------------------------------------; after reset,this program will start ;复位后程序将启动;---------------------------------------------------------------------ldc #istack_top,isp ;设置istack指针(中断堆栈) ldc向专用寄存器ISP传递数据mov.b #02h,0ah ;保护寄存器PRCR PRC1=1 允许写PM0mov.b #00h,04h ;设置处理器模式PM0mov.b #00h,0ah ;关闭写保护.if __STACKSIZE__ != 0ldc #0080h,flg ;设置FLG寄存器IPL和其他状态FLG是16位标志寄存器堆栈指针选择USPldc #stack_top,sp ;设置堆栈指针.elseldc #0000h,flg.endifldc #data_SE_top,sb ;设置SB静态基址寄存器ldintb #__VECTOR_ADR__ ;向INTB寄存器传送指令,所以这里省了目标操作数intb;=====================================================================; NEAR area initialize. ;NEAR区初始化;---------------------- -----------------------------------------------; bss zero clear ;bss零清除;---------------------------------------------------------------------N_BZERO bss_SE_top,bss_SE ;清除NEAR bss段至零N_BZERO bss_SO_top,bss_SO ;N_BZERO清零宏定义N_BZERO bss_NE_top,bss_NE ;sect30.inc中有定义N_BZERO bss_NO_top,bss_NO;---------------------------------------------------------------------; initialize data section ;初始化数据段;---------------------------------------------------------------------N_BCOPY data_SEI_top,data_SE_top,data_SE ;将NEAR数据段和SBDA TA数据段的初始值转移到RAMN_BCOPY data_SOI_top,data_SO_top,data_SO ;N_BCOPY拷贝宏定义N_BCOPY data_NEI_top,data_NE_top,data_NE ;sect30.inc中有定义N_BCOPY data_NOI_top,data_NO_top,data_NO;=====================================================================; FAR area initialize. ;FAR区初始化;---------------------------------------------------------------------; bss zero clear ;bss零清除;---------------------------------------------------------------------.if __FAR_RAM_FLG__ != 0BZERO bss_FE_top,bss_FEBZERO bss_FO_top,bss_FO.endif;---------------------------------------------------------------------; initialize data section ;将FAR段数据段的初始值移到RAM中;---------------------------------------------------------------------.if __FAR_RAM_FLG__ != 0 ;从edata_EI(OI)段复制edata_E(O)段BCOPY data_FEI_top,data_FE_top,data_FEBCOPY data_FOI_top,data_FO_top,data_FOldc #stack_top,sp.stk -40.endif;===================================================================== ; heap area initialize ;堆区初始化;---------------------------------------------------------------------.if __HEAPSIZE__ != 0.glb __mnext.glb __msizemov.w #(heap_top&0FFFFH),__mnextmov.w #(heap_top>>16),__mnext+2mov.w #(__HEAPSIZE__&0FFFFH),__msizemov.w #(__HEAPSIZE__>>16),__msize+2.endif;===================================================================== ; Initialize standard I/O ;初始化标准I/O;---------------------------------------------------------------------.if __STANDARD_IO__ == 1.glb __init.call __init,Gjsr.a __init.endif;===================================================================== ; Call main() function ;调用MAIN函数;---------------------------------------------------------------------ldc #0h,fb ; for debuger 用于调试器.glb _mainjsr.a _main;===================================================================== ; exit() function ;推出函数;---------------------------------------------------------------------.glb _exit.glb $exit_exit: ; End program 结束程序$exit:jmp _exit.einsf;===================================================================== ; dummy interrupt function ;虚设的中断处理函数;---------------------------------------------------------------------.glb dummy_intdummy_int:reit.end;***************************************************************************; C Compiler for R8C/Tiny, M16C/60,30,20,10; Copyright(C) 1999(2000-2006). Renesas Technology Corp.; and Renesas Solutions Corp., All rights reserved.;***************************************************************************映射文件:sect30.inc.映射各个段.设置段的起始地址.定义堆栈和堆段的大小.设置中断向量表.设置固定向量表.宏定义;***************************************************************************; C Compiler for R8C/Tiny, M16C/60,30,20,10; Copyright(C) 1999(2000-2006). Renesas Technology Corp.; and Renesas Solutions Corp., All rights reserved.;; sect30.inc : section definition for M16C family;; $Date: 2007/01/09 04:38:46 $; $Revision: $;***************************************************************************;===================================================================== ;; Arrangement of section ;段的排列;;---------------------------------------------------------------------; Near RAM data area ;Near RAM数据区;---------------------------------------------------------------------; SBDATA area.section data_SE,DATA.org 400Hdata_SE_top:.section bss_SE,DATA,ALIGNbss_SE_top:.section data_SO,DATAdata_SO_top:.section bss_SO,DATAbss_SO_top:; SBDATA area definition.glb __SB____SB__ .equ data_SE_top; near RAM area.section data_NE,DATA,ALIGNdata_NE_top:.section bss_NE,DATA,ALIGNbss_NE_top:.section data_NO,DATAdata_NO_top:.section bss_NO,DATAbss_NO_top:;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Stack area ;堆栈区;--------------------------------------------------------------------- .section stack,DATA,ALIGN.blkb __ISTACKSIZE__ ;.blkb分配一字节ram istack_top:.if __STACKSIZE__ != 0.blkb __STACKSIZE__stack_top:.endif;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; heap section ;heap段;--------------------------------------------------------------------- .if __HEAPSIZE__ != 0.section heap,DATAheap_top:.blkb __HEAPSIZE__.endif;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Near ROM data area ;NEAR rom数据区;--------------------------------------------------------------------- .if __NEAR_ROM_FLG__ != 0.section rom_NE,ROMDATA,ALIGNrom_NE_top:.section rom_NO,ROMDATArom_NO_top:.endif;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Far RAM data area ;FAR RAM 数据区;--------------------------------------------------------------------- .if __FAR_RAM_FLG__ != 0.section data_FE,DATA.org 10000Hdata_FE_top:.section bss_FE,DATA,ALIGNbss_FE_top:.section data_FO,DATAdata_FO_top:.section bss_FO,DATAbss_FO_top:.endif;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Far ROM data area ;FAR ROM 数据;--------------------------------------------------------------------- .section rom_FE,ROMDATA.org __ROM_TOPADR__rom_FE_top:.section rom_FO,ROMDATArom_FO_top:;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Initial data of 'data' section ;far rom数据初始化;--------------------------------------------------------------------- .section data_SEI,ROMDATA,ALIGNdata_SEI_top:.section data_SOI,ROMDATAdata_SOI_top:.section data_NEI,ROMDATA,ALIGNdata_NEI_top:.section data_NOI,ROMDATAdata_NOI_top:.if __FAR_RAM_FLG__ != 0.section data_FEI,ROMDATA,ALIGNdata_FEI_top:.section data_FOI,ROMDATAdata_FOI_top:.endif;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Switch Table Section;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; .section switch_table,ROMDATA;switch_table_top:;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; code area ;代码区;--------------------------------------------------------------------- .section program,CODE,ALIGN.section interrupt,CODE,ALIGN.section program_S,CODE,ALIGN;---------------------------------------------------------------------; variable vector section ;变量向量段;---------------------------------------------------------------------.section vector,ROMDATA.org __VECTOR_ADR__.if 0.lword dummy_int ; vector 0 BRK.lword dummy_int ; vector 1.lword dummy_int ; vector 2.lword dummy_int ; vector 3.lword dummy_int ; vector 4 (for user) int3.lword dummy_int ; vector 5 (for user) timerB5.lword dummy_int ; vector 6 (for user) timerB4.lword dummy_int ; vector 7 (for user) timerB3.lword dummy_int ; vector 8 (for user) si/o4/int5.lword dummy_int ; vector 9 (for user) si/o3/int4.lword dummy_int ; vector 10 (for user) Bus collision detection .lword dummy_int ; vector 11 (for user) DMA0.lword dummy_int ; vector 12 (for user) DMA1.lword dummy_int ; vector 13 (for user) Key input interrupt.lword dummy_int ; vector 14 (for user) A-D.lword dummy_int ; vector 15 (for user) uart2 transmit.lword dummy_int ; vector 16 (for user) uart2 receive.lword dummy_int ; vector 17 (for user) uart0 transmit.lword dummy_int ; vector 18 (for user) uart0 receive.lword dummy_int ; vector 19 (for user) uart1 transmit.lword dummy_int ; vector 20 (for user) uart1 receive.lword dummy_int ; vector 21 (for user) timer A0.lword dummy_int ; vector 22 (for user) timer A1.lword dummy_int ; vector 23 (for user) timer A2.lword dummy_int ; vector 24 (for user) timer A3.lword dummy_int ; vector 25 (for user) timer A4.lword dummy_int ; vector 26 (for user) timer B0.lword dummy_int ; vector 27 (for user) timer B1.lword dummy_int ; vector 28 (for user) timer B2.lword dummy_int ; vector 29 (for user) int0.lword dummy_int ; vector 30 (for user) int1.lword dummy_int ; vector 31 (for user) int2.lword dummy_int ; vector 32 (for user or MR30).lword dummy_int ; vector 33 (for user or MR30).lword dummy_int ; vector 34 (for user or MR30).lword dummy_int ; vector 35 (for user or MR30).lword dummy_int ; vector 36 (for user or MR30).lword dummy_int ; vector 37 (for user or MR30).lword dummy_int ; vector 38 (for user or MR30).lword dummy_int ; vector 39 (for user or MR30).lword dummy_int ; vector 40 (for user or MR30).lword dummy_int ; vector 41 (for user or MR30).lword dummy_int ; vector 42 (for user or MR30).lword dummy_int ; vector 43 (for user or MR30).lword dummy_int ; vector 44 (for user or MR30).lword dummy_int ; vector 45 (for user or MR30).lword dummy_int ; vector 46 (for user or MR30).lword dummy_int ; vector 47 (for user or MR30) .lword dummy_int ; vector 48.lword dummy_int ; vector 49.lword dummy_int ; vector 50.lword dummy_int ; vector 51.lword dummy_int ; vector 52.lword dummy_int ; vector 53.lword dummy_int ; vector 54.lword dummy_int ; vector 55.lword dummy_int ; vector 56.lword dummy_int ; vector 57.lword dummy_int ; vector 58.lword dummy_int ; vector 59.lword dummy_int ; vector 60.lword dummy_int ; vector 61.lword dummy_int ; vector 62.lword dummy_int ; vector 63.endif;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; fixed vector section ;固定向量段;--------------------------------------------------------------------- .section fvector,ROMDATA.org 0fffdcHUDI:.lword dummy_intOVER_FLOW:.lword dummy_intBRKI:.lword dummy_intADDRESS_MATCH:.lword dummy_intSINGLE_STEP:.lword dummy_intWDT:.lword dummy_intDBC:.lword dummy_intNMI:.lword dummy_intRESET:.lword start;===================================================================== ; ID code & ROM code protect //密码保护设置;---------------------------------------------------------------------; ID code check function.id "#FFFFFFFFFFFFFF"; ROM code protect control address; .protect 00H;===================================================================== ; Initialize Macro declaration //宏定义,ncrt0.30中有使用到;---------------------------------------------------------------------N_BZERO .macro TOP_,SECT_mov.b #00H,R0Lmov.w #(TOP_ & 0FFFFH),A1mov.w #sizeof SECT_,R3sstr.b.endmN_BCOPY .macro FROM_,TO_,SECT_mov.w #(FROM_ & 0FFFFH),A0mov.b #(FROM_ >> 16),R1Hmov.w #TO_,A1mov.w #sizeof SECT_,R3smovf.b.endmBZERO .macro TOP_,SECT_push.w #sizeof SECT_ >> 16push.w #sizeof SECT_ & 0ffffhpusha TOP_ >> 16pusha TOP_ & 0ffffh.stk 8.glb _bzero.call _bzero,Gjsr.a _bzero.endmBCOPY .macro FROM_ ,TO_ ,SECT_push.w #sizeof SECT_ >> 16push.w #sizeof SECT_ & 0ffffhpusha TO_ >> 16pusha TO_ & 0ffffhpusha FROM_ >> 16pusha FROM_ & 0ffffh.stk 12.glb _bcopy.call _bcopy,Gjsr.a _bcopy.endm;*************************************************************************** ; C Compiler for R8C/Tiny, M16C/60,30,20,10; Copyright(C) 1999(2000-2006). Renesas Technology Corp.; and Renesas Solutions Corp., All rights reserved.;***************************************************************************nc_define.inc头文件定义;------------------------------------------------------------------------; |; FILE :nc_define.inc |; DATE :Fri, Dec 18, 2009 |; DESCRIPTION :interrupt program. |; CPU GROUP :29 |; |; This file is generated by Renesas Project Generator (Ver.4.8). |; |;------------------------------------------------------------------------; Macro Symbol definition__NEAR_ROM_FLG__ .equ 0 ; NEAR ROM flag definition__FAR_RAM_FLG__ .equ 0 ; FAR RAM flag definition__STANDARD_IO__ .equ 0 ; STANDARD I/O flag definition__HEAPSIZE__ .equ 0300H ; HEEP SIZE definition__STACKSIZE__ .equ 0300H ; STACK SIZE definition__ISTACKSIZE__ .equ 0300H ; INTERRUPT STACK SIZE definition__VECTOR_ADR__ .equ 0ffd00H ; INTERRUPT VECTOR ADDRESS definition__ROM_TOPADR__ .equ 0F4000H ; ROM TOP ADDRESS definition__SPECIAL_PRG__ .equ 0f8000H ; Special page program address。

瑞萨RL78单片机和开发工具(培训教程)[RL78 Tool introduce]

瑞萨RL78单片机和开发工具(培训教程)[RL78 Tool introduce]
© 2011 Renesas Electronics Corporation. All rights reserved.
© 2011 Renesas Electronics Corporation. All rights reserved.
The basic operation of E1
User program execution Reset Tracing Break Performance measurement
In-line programming by OCD OCD with programming function
Itron Compliance
Debugging by High Function Emulator In-circuit Emulator
RL78 Family Development Tool Lineup Useful tools at every development stage
Debugging on PC
Programming by Renesas Ele.
RL7 8 / G 1 3
CPU Simulator Coding/ Building/ Device Driver IDE
In Renesas Electronics’s Factory
Debugging by OCD On-Chip-Debugger with Programming function







在启动代码文件中,通常包括以下内容:1. 时钟设置:8051单片机的时钟源有多种选择,包括外部晶体振荡器、内部振荡器等。


2. 中断向量表初始化:中断是8051单片机的重要功能之一,中断向量表包含了各类中断的入口位置区域。


3. IO端口初始化:8051单片机的IO端口是与外部设备进行数据交换的重要接口,需要在启动过程中进行相应的初始化,包括设置端口的工作模式、输入输出方向等。



1. LED/LCD配置:LED和LCD是常见的显示设备,通过配置相应的引脚和显示参数,可以在启动过程中初始化这些设备。

2. 键盘/按键配置:键盘和按键是常见的输入设备,通过配置相应的端口和中断,可以在启动过程中实现对这些设备的初始化。

3. 传感器配置:传感器可以用于检测各类环境参数,如温度、湿度、光照等。




1. 中断向量表设置:在启动代码文件中,需要将各类中断处理函数的入口位置区域写入中断向量表中,以实现对中断的响应。

R5F100LEA瑞萨 MCU官方资料(1)

R5F100LEA瑞萨 MCU官方资料(1)
5 4 3 2
Document Number R20UT0458EG0101 Thursday, June 30, 2011 Sheet
Rev 1.01 2 of 7
CON_5V Board_5V R20 0R PWR1
Pin1-2 Shorted : External Unregulated Power / E1 Bus Power Pin2-3 Shorted : Regulated Power via U12
UC_EVDD0 U1 RESETn 6 12 C6 470nF GROUND 62 61 60 59 58 31 30 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 32 21 5 4 3 2 33 34 35 36 37 38 RL78/G13_64LQFP GB Package VDD EVDD0 REGC VSS P00/TI00 P01/TO00 P02/ANI17/SO10/TxD1 P03/ANI16/SI10/RxD1/SDA10 P04/SCK10/SCL10 P05/TI05/TO05 P06/TI06/TO06 P10/SCK00/SCL00 P11/SI00/RxD0/TOOLRxD/SDA00 P12/SO00/TxD0/TOOLTxD P13/TxD2/SO20 P14/RxD2/SI20/SDA20 P15/SCK20/SCL20 P16/TI01/TO01/INTP5 P17/TI02/TO02 P20/ANI0/AVREFP P21/ANI1/AVREFM P22/ANI2 P23/ANI3 P24/ANI4 P25/ANI5 P26/ANI6 P27/ANI7 EVSS0 13 14 15 16 C3 100nF



0 1
10 100 1000 10000 100000
在擦除编程超过10K次后,擦除编程的时间会有明显变化, 但是擦除编程的特性及可靠性不会发生变化!
16 © 2010 Renesas Electronics Corporation. All rights reserved.
✓ 高速、高精度内部振荡器 (外接晶振引脚可用作输入端口) ✓ 内部上电复位电路 ✓ 低电压检测电路 ✓ 数据闪存(可代替E2PROM)
复位 电路
EEPROM 调试 接口
复位 电路
强大的指令系统 ——总共89条指令 很多 单周期 指令(且使用频率非常高)
20 个(MOV, ADD, SUB等)
快速、 高效的 代码
4种单周期寻址模式 寄存器到寄存器
立即数到寄存器 立即数到存储器

XIN 振荡器正常工作
XIN 振荡器意外停止
10 © 2010 Renesas Electronics Corporation. All rights reserved.

瑞萨MCU单片机资料 R5F100LEA RL78G13视频例程软件

瑞萨MCU单片机资料 R5F100LEA RL78G13视频例程软件

可能由于自己技术水平不行,又接触此单片机和开发环 境较少,好多东西看不太懂,而且教程中也有一部分不 怎么清楚其生成原理,所以在自己使用生成其他代码时 有许多困难。 在我调式无线模块应用于瑞赛g14单片机时,纠结 了好长时间,在51单片机上都可以使用,当我改写些定 义后移植过来后还是出现好多问题,知道软件之间有所 差别,但就是找不出来和如何去修改。比如所数据的发 送用按键控制时,在51、430中IO口的输入设置使用后 会自动拉高IO口,而瑞萨当中不行,必须要对相应的IO 口进行使用上拉电阻,不然程序会做无用功。 还有一个问题就是无线接收部分,我到现在还没弄 明白怎样去设置和调试。查了相关资料貌似是什么位选 址的设置的问题,导致这个无线模块没有调试成功,其 他功能基本已实现了。主要还是时间问题,我所在的电 子技术协会,因为要带新生,基本上占据了大部分的双 休日的时间。有两门考试也快临近了,英语四级也还有 半个月,不知道临时抱佛脚有没有效果啊,好在四级词 汇基本上背完了~遗憾的是可能真的没有时间在期限之 前完成了,这几天会整理资料,将该发的帖子补上,毕 竟是我在论坛里接的第一个项目,唉,算是有始有终吧萨MCU R5F100LEAF 英文描述:MCU CPU RL78G13 16BIT 64LQFP 技术规格:嵌入式微控制器; 系列:RL78/G13; 核心处理器:RL78; 芯体尺寸:16/32-位 速度:32MHz; 连通性:CSI, I2C, LIN, UART/USART 外围设备:DMA, POR, PWM, WDT; 输入/输出数:48; 程序存储器容量:96KB (96K x 8); 程序存储器类型:闪存;EEPROM 大小:-;RAM 容量:8K x 8; 电压电源 (Vcc/Vdd):1.65 另外瑞萨集成开发环境有一个神器“代码生成器 code Generator” 能够生成MCU的底层驱动代码,相信这个东东一定能帮到大家。

瑞萨 r8c 2g群 硬件手册

瑞萨 r8c 2g群 硬件手册

RCJ09B0054-0100瑞萨单片机M16C 族/R8C/Tiny 系列本资料所记载的内容,均为本资料发行时的信息,瑞萨科技对于本资料所记载的产品或者规格可能会作改动,恕不另行通知。


Notes regarding these materialsNotes regarding these materials1. This document is provided for reference purposes only so that Renesas customers may select the appropriateRenesas products for their use. Renesas neither makes warranties or representations with respect to theaccuracy or completeness of the information contained in this document nor grants any license to anyintellectual property rights or any other rights of Renesas or any third party with respect to the information inthis document.2. Renesas shall have no liability for damages or infringement of any intellectual property or other rights arisingout of the use of any information in this document, including, but not limited to, product data, diagrams, charts,programs, algorithms, and application circuit examples.3. You should not use the products or the technology described in this document for the purpose of militaryapplications such as the development of weapons of mass destruction or for the purpose of any other militaryuse. When exporting the products or technology described herein, you should follow the applicable exportcontrol laws and regulations, and procedures required by such laws and regulations.4. All information included in this document such as product data, diagrams, charts, programs, algorithms, andapplication circuit examples, is current as of the date this document is issued. Such information, however, issubject to change without any prior notice. Before purchasing or using any Renesas products listed in thisdocument, please confirm the latest product information with a Renesas sales office. Also, please pay regularand careful attention to additional and different information to be disclosed by Renesas such as that disclosedthrough our website. ( )5. Renesas has used reasonable care in compiling the information included in this document, but Renesasassumes no liability whatsoever for any damages incurred as a result of errors or omissions in the informationincluded in this document.6. When using or otherwise relying on the information in this document, you should evaluate the information inlight of the total system before deciding about the applicability of such information to the intended application.Renesas makes no representations, warranties or guaranties regarding the suitability of its products for anyparticular application and specifically disclaims any liability arising out of the application and use of theinformation in this document or Renesas products.7. With the exception of products specified by Renesas as suitable for automobile applications, Renesasproducts are not designed, manufactured or tested for applications or otherwise in systems the failure ormalfunction of which may cause a direct threat to human life or create a risk of human injury or which requireespecially high quality and reliability such as safety systems, or equipment or systems for transportation andtraffic, healthcare, combustion control, aerospace and aeronautics, nuclear power, or undersea communicationtransmission. If you are considering the use of our products for such purposes, please contact a Renesassales office beforehand. Renesas shall have no liability for damages arising out of the uses set forth above.8. Notwithstanding the preceding paragraph, you should not use Renesas products for the purposes listed below:(1) artificial life support devices or systems(2) surgical implantations(3) healthcare intervention (e.g., excision, administration of medication, etc.)(4) any other purposes that pose a direct threat to human lifeRenesas shall have no liability for damages arising out of the uses set forth in the above and purchasers whoelect to use Renesas products in any of the foregoing applications shall indemnify and hold harmless RenesasTechnology Corp., its affiliated companies and their officers, directors, and employees against any and alldamages arising out of such applications.9. You should use the products described herein within the range specified by Renesas, especially with respectto the maximum rating, operating supply voltage range, movement power voltage range, heat radiationcharacteristics, installation and other product characteristics. Renesas shall have no liability for malfunctions ordamages arising out of the use of Renesas products beyond such specified ranges.10. Although Renesas endeavors to improve the quality and reliability of its products, IC products have specificcharacteristics such as the occurrence of failure at a certain rate and malfunctions under certain useconditions. Please be sure to implement safety measures to guard against the possibility of physical injury, andinjury or damage caused by fire in the event of the failure of a Renesas product, such as safety design forhardware and software including but not limited to redundancy, fire control and malfunction prevention,appropriate treatment for aging degradation or any other applicable measures. Among others, since theevaluation of microcomputer software alone is very difficult, please evaluate the safety of the final products orsystem manufactured by you.11. In case Renesas products listed in this document are detached from the products to which the Renesasproducts are attached or affixed, the risk of accident such as swallowing by infants and small children is veryhigh. You should implement safety measures so that Renesas products may not be easily detached from yourproducts. Renesas shall have no liability for damages arising out of such detachment.12. This document may not be reproduced or duplicated, in any form, in whole or in part, without prior writtenapproval from Renesas.13. Please contact a Renesas sales office if you have any questions regarding the information contained in thisdocument, Renesas semiconductor products, or if you have any other inquiries.关于利用本资料时的注意事项 1. 䌘 Ўњ䅽⫼ ḍ ⫼䗨䗝 䗖ⱘ ѻ ⱘ 㗗䌘 ˈ Ѣ 䌘 Ё 䆄䕑ⱘ ˈ 䴲ⴔ 㗙㄀ϝ㗙ⱘⶹ䆚ѻ Ҫ 䆕 䖯㸠ⱘ 䇎DŽ2. Ѣ Փ⫼ 䌘 䆄䕑ⱘѻ ǃ ǃ㸼ǃ⿟ ǃㅫ⊩ Ҫ ⫼⬉䏃՟㗠 䍋ⱘ 㗙 ㄀ϝ㗙ⱘⶹ䆚ѻ Ҫ 䗴 ⢃ˈ ϡ ӏԩ䋷ӏDŽ3. ϡ㛑 䌘 䆄䕑ⱘѻ ⫼Ѣ 㾘῵⸈ ℺ ⱘ ㄝⳂⱘǃ џⳂⱘ Ҫⱘ 䳔⫼䗨 䴶DŽˈ 乏䙉 ⱘlj ∛ 䌌 ⊩NJ Ҫ ⱘⳌ ⊩Ҹ 㸠䖭ѯ⊩ҸЁ㾘 ⱘ 㽕㓁DŽ4. 䌘 䆄䕑ⱘѻ ǃ ǃ㸼ǃ⿟ ǃㅫ⊩ҹ Ҫ ⫼⬉䏃՟ㄝ Ў 䌘 㸠 ⱘ ˈ㛑 џ 䗮ⶹⱘ ϟˈ 䌘 䆄䕑ⱘѻ 㗙ѻ 㾘Ḑ䖯㸠 DŽ ҹ 䌁ф Փ⫼ⱘ ԧѻ П ˈ䇋џ ⱘ㧹Ϯに ⹂䅸 ⱘ 㒣 ⬭ 䗮䖛 Џ义()ㄝ ⱘ DŽ5. Ѣ 䌘 Ё 䆄䕑ⱘ ˈ ԰ Ӏ 䆕 ⠜ ⱘ㊒⹂ ˈԚϡ 䌘 ⱘ 䗄ϡ 㗠㟈Փ乒䙁 ㄝⱘӏԩⳌ 䋷ӏDŽ6. Փ⫼ 䌘 䆄䕑ⱘѻ ǃ ǃ㸼ㄝ ⼎ⱘ ǃ⿟ ǃㅫ⊩ Ҫ ⫼⬉䏃՟ ˈϡҙ㽕Փ⫼ⱘ 䖯㸠 ⣀䆘Ӌˈ䖬㽕 Ͼ㋏㒳䖯㸠 ⱘ䆘ӋDŽ䇋乒 㞾㸠䋳䋷ˈ䖯㸠 䗖⫼ⱘ DŽѢ 䗖⫼ϡ䋳ӏԩ䋷ӏDŽ7. 䌘 Ё 䆄䕑ⱘѻ 䴲䩜 ϛϔ ⦄ 䱰 䫭䇃䖤㸠 Ӯ 㚕 Ҏⱘ⫳ 㒭Ҏԧ ⱘ ǃ㋏㒳 ⾡ 㺙㕂 㗙䖤䕧Ѹ䗮⫼ⱘǃ ⭫ǃ➗⚻ ǃ㟾 ẄǃḌ㛑ǃ⍋ Ё㒻⫼ⱘ ㋏㒳ㄝ㗠䆒䅵 䗴ⱘ ⡍ Ѣ 䋼 䴴 㽕∖ 催ⱘ ㋏㒳ㄝ˄ ⫼Ѣ≑䔺 䴶ⱘѻ ⫼Ѣ≑䔺 䰸 ˅DŽ 㽕⫼ѢϞ䗄ⱘⳂⱘˈ䇋 џ ⱘ㧹Ϯに 䆶DŽ ˈ Ѣ⫼ѢϞ䗄Ⳃⱘ㗠䗴 ⱘ ㄝˈ ὖϡ䋳䋷DŽ8. 䰸Ϟ䗄㄀ 乍 ˈϡ㛑 䌘 Ё䆄䕑ⱘѻ ⫼Ѣҹϟ⫼䗨DŽ ⫼Ѣҹϟ⫼䗨㗠䗴 ⱘ ˈὖϡ䋳䋷DŽ1˅⫳ 㓈 㺙㕂DŽ2˅ỡ ѢҎԧՓ⫼ⱘ㺙㕂DŽ3˅⫼Ѣ⊏⭫˄ 䰸 䚼ǃ㒭㥃ㄝ˅ⱘ㺙㕂DŽ4˅ ҪⳈ Ҏⱘ⫳ ⱘ㺙㕂DŽ9. Փ⫼ 䌘 䆄䕑ⱘѻ ˈ Ѣ 乱 ǃ ԰⬉⑤⬉ ⱘ㣗 ǃ ⛁⡍ ǃ 㺙 ӊ Ҫ ӊ䇋㾘 ⱘ 䆕㣗 Փ⫼DŽ 䍙 њ 㾘 ⱘ 䆕㣗 Փ⫼ ˈ Ѣ⬅ℸ㗠䗴 ⱘ 䱰 ⦄ⱘџ ˈ ϡ ӏԩ䋷ӏDŽ10. ϔⳈ㟈 Ѣ 催ѻ ⱘ䋼䞣 䴴 ˈԚϔ㠀 䇈ˈ ԧѻ Ӯҹϔ ⱘὖ⥛ ⫳ 䱰ǃ 㗙⬅ѢՓ⫼ ӊϡ 㗠 ⦄䫭䇃䖤㸠ㄝDŽЎњ䙓 ⱘѻ ⫳ 䱰 㗙䫭䇃䖤㸠㗠 㟈Ҏ䑿џ ☿♒䗴 ⼒Ӯ ⱘ ˈ 㛑㞾㸠䋳䋷䖯㸠 ԭ䆒䅵ǃ䞛 ⚻ ㄪ 䖯㸠䰆ℶ䫭䇃䖤㸠ㄝⱘ 䆒䅵˄ ⹀ӊ 䕃ӊϸ 䴶ⱘ䆒䅵˅ҹ 㗕 ⧚ㄝˈ䖭 ԰Ў ㋏㒳ⱘ 䆕DŽ⡍ ⠛ ⱘ䕃ӊˈ⬅Ѣ ⣀䖯㸠偠䆕 䲒ˈ ҹ㽕∖ 乒 䗴ⱘ 㒜ⱘ ㋏㒳Ϟ䖯㸠 Ẕ偠 ԰DŽ11. 䌘 䆄䕑ⱘѻ Ң 䕑ԧ䆒 Ϟ ϟˈ 㛑䗴 䇃 ⱘ 䰽DŽ乒 ѻ 㺙乒 ⱘ䆒 Ϟ ˈ䇋乒 㞾㸠䋳䋷 ѻ 䆒㕂Ўϡ 㨑ⱘ 䆒䅵DŽ Ң乒 ⱘ䆒 Ϟ 㨑㗠䗴 џ ˈ ϡ ӏԩ䋷ӏDŽ12. ⱘџ к䴶䅸 ˈϡ 䌘 ⱘϔ䚼 㗙 䚼䕀䕑 㗙 DŽ13. 䳔㽕њ㾷 Ѣ 䌘 ⱘ䆺㒚 ˈ 㗙 Ҫ ⱘ䯂乬ˈ䇋 ⱘ㧹Ϯに 䆶DŽѢ ⫼ 䌘 ⱘ⊼ џ乍⊼ 㗗䆥 ˈ 义 䕑㣅 ⠜“Cautions” ℷ DŽ产品使用时的注意事项此处,对适用于所有单片机产品的“使用注意事项”进行了说明。



单片机信息文件和启动文件的对应关系一、概述1.1 单片机是嵌入式系统的核心部件,其信息文件和启动文件是嵌入式系统的关键组成部分。

二、单片机信息文件的作用2.1 单片机信息文件是用来指示信息器如何将程序源文件转换成可执行文件的文件。

2.2 单片机信息文件包括了程序的起始位置区域、各个程序段的位置区域、程序段的长度等重要信息。

三、单片机启动文件的作用3.1 单片机启动文件是系统启动时初始化硬件、配置中断等必要操作的文件。

3.2 单片机启动文件还负责将程序加载到内存中并跳转至程序的入口点。

四、单片机信息文件与启动文件的对应关系4.1 单片机信息文件和启动文件之间存在一定的对应关系。

4.2 单片机信息文件中的程序起始位置区域和各程序段的位置区域与长度信息需要与启动文件中的加载位置区域和程序入口点相匹配。

五、单片机信息文件与启动文件的编写和调试5.1 编写单片机信息文件需要参考单片机的数据手册和应用手册,了解其存储器布局和特性。

5.2 配置单片机启动文件需要根据单片机的启动过程和硬件初始化要求进行设置。

5.3 验证信息文件和启动文件的正确性需要通过仿真工具或者实际硬件进行调试。

六、结论6.1 单片机信息文件和启动文件是嵌入式系统中必不可少的组成部分,它们直接影响着程序的运行和系统的稳定性。

6.2 编写和调试单片机信息文件和启动文件需要对单片机的硬件结构和启动过程有深入的理解,只有这样才能确保系统的正常运行。

七、参考文献[1] 《ARM Cortex-M3 Technical Reference Manual》[2] 《嵌入式系统设计与开发》[3] 《嵌入式系统原理与实践》七、参考文献[1] 《ARM Cortex-M3 Technical Reference Manual》[2] 《嵌入式系统设计与开发》[3] 《嵌入式系统原理与实践》八、单片机信息文件和启动文件的生成工具8.1 单片机信息文件和启动文件的生成需要借助相应的工具,例如ARM公司提供的MDK-ARM开发环境中包含了Keil工具,可以辅助生成单片机信息文件和启动文件。



RISC-VMCU启动⽂件分析--以CH32V103为例RISC-V MCU启动⽂件分析启动⽂件由汇编语⾔编写,是MCU上电复位后第⼀个执⾏的程序。

主要执⾏以下内容:初始化gp(global pointer)全局指针寄存器、sp(stack pointer)栈指针寄存器将data数据从flash中加载⾄RAM中清空bss段数据初始化中断向量表配置系统时钟从Machine模式切换到User模式,进⼊main函数运⾏CH32V103启动⽂件如下:/********************************** (C) COPYRIGHT ******************************** File Name : startup_ch32v10x.s* Author : WCH* Version : V1.0.0* Date : 2020/04/30* Description : CH32V10x vector table for eclipse toolchain.*******************************************************************************/.section .init,"ax",@progbits /* 声明section 为 .init */.global _start /* 指明标签_start的属性为全局性的 */.align 1_start: /* 标签_start处 */j handle_reset /* 跳转⾄ handle_reset处 */.word 0x00000013 /* 内核设计需要,不⽤关注 */.word 0x00000013.word 0x00000013.word 0x00000013.word 0x00000013.word 0x00000013.word 0x00000013.word 0x00000013.word 0x00000013.word 0x00000013.word 0x00000013.word 0x00000013.word 0x00100073.section .vector,"ax",@progbits.align 1_vector_base: /* 中断向量表 */.option norvc;j _start.word 0j NMI_Handler /* NMI Handler */j HardFault_Handler /* Hard Fault Handler */.word 0.word 0.word 0.word 0.word 0.word 0.word 0.word 0j SysTick_Handler /* SysTick Handler */.word 0j SW_handler /* SW Handler */.word 0/* External Interrupts */j WWDG_IRQHandler /* Window Watchdog */j PVD_IRQHandler /* PVD through EXTI Line detect */j TAMPER_IRQHandler /* TAMPER */j RTC_IRQHandler /* RTC */j FLASH_IRQHandler /* Flash */j RCC_IRQHandler /* RCC */j EXTI0_IRQHandler /* EXTI Line 0 */j EXTI1_IRQHandler /* EXTI Line 1 */j EXTI2_IRQHandler /* EXTI Line 2 */j EXTI3_IRQHandler /* EXTI Line 3 */j EXTI4_IRQHandler /* EXTI Line 4 */j DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler /* DMA1 Channel 1 */j DMA1_Channel2_IRQHandler /* DMA1 Channel 2 */j DMA1_Channel3_IRQHandler /* DMA1 Channel 3 */j DMA1_Channel4_IRQHandler /* DMA1 Channel 4 */j DMA1_Channel5_IRQHandler /* DMA1 Channel 5 */j DMA1_Channel6_IRQHandler /* DMA1 Channel 6 */j DMA1_Channel7_IRQHandler /* DMA1 Channel 7 */j ADC1_2_IRQHandler /* ADC1_2 */.word 0.word 0.word 0.word 0j EXTI9_5_IRQHandler /* EXTI Line 9..5 */j TIM1_BRK_IRQHandler /* TIM1 Break */j TIM1_UP_IRQHandler /* TIM1 Update */j TIM1_TRG_COM_IRQHandler /* TIM1 Trigger and Commutation */j TIM1_CC_IRQHandler /* TIM1 Capture Compare */j TIM2_IRQHandler /* TIM2 */j TIM3_IRQHandler /* TIM3 */j TIM4_IRQHandler /* TIM4 */j I2C1_EV_IRQHandler /* I2C1 Event */j I2C1_ER_IRQHandler /* I2C1 Error */j I2C2_EV_IRQHandler /* I2C2 Event */j I2C2_ER_IRQHandler /* I2C2 Error */j SPI1_IRQHandler /* SPI1 */j SPI2_IRQHandler /* SPI2 */j USART1_IRQHandler /* USART1 */j USART2_IRQHandler /* USART2 */j USART3_IRQHandler /* USART3 */j EXTI15_10_IRQHandler /* EXTI Line 15..10 */j RTCAlarm_IRQHandler /* RTC Alarm through EXTI Line */j USBWakeUp_IRQHandler /* USB Wakeup from suspend */j USBHD_IRQHandler /* USBHD */.option rvc;.section .text. , "ax", @progbits /* 中断服务程序弱定义 */.weak NMI_Handler.weak HardFault_Handler.weak SysTick_Handler.weak SW_handler.weak WWDG_IRQHandler.weak PVD_IRQHandler.weak TAMPER_IRQHandler.weak RTC_IRQHandler.weak FLASH_IRQHandler.weak RCC_IRQHandler.weak EXTI0_IRQHandler.weak EXTI1_IRQHandler.weak EXTI2_IRQHandler.weak EXTI3_IRQHandler.weak EXTI4_IRQHandler.weak DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler.weak DMA1_Channel2_IRQHandler.weak DMA1_Channel3_IRQHandler.weak DMA1_Channel4_IRQHandler.weak DMA1_Channel5_IRQHandler.weak DMA1_Channel6_IRQHandler.weak DMA1_Channel7_IRQHandler.weak ADC1_2_IRQHandler.weak EXTI9_5_IRQHandler.weak TIM1_BRK_IRQHandler.weak TIM1_UP_IRQHandler.weak TIM1_TRG_COM_IRQHandler.weak TIM1_CC_IRQHandler.weak TIM2_IRQHandler.weak TIM3_IRQHandler.weak TIM4_IRQHandler.weak I2C1_EV_IRQHandler.weak I2C1_ER_IRQHandler.weak I2C2_EV_IRQHandler.weak I2C2_ER_IRQHandler.weak SPI1_IRQHandler.weak SPI2_IRQHandler.weak USART1_IRQHandler.weak USART2_IRQHandler.weak USART3_IRQHandler.weak EXTI15_10_IRQHandler.weak RTCAlarm_IRQHandler.weak USBWakeUp_IRQHandler.weak USBHD_IRQHandler.section .text.handle_reset,"ax",@progbits.weak handle_reset.align 1handle_reset: /* handle_reset起始位置 */.option push.option norelaxla gp, __global_pointer$ /* 将ld⽂件中的标签__global_pointer所处的地址值赋给gp寄存器 */ .option pop1:la sp, _eusrstack /* 将ld⽂件中的标签_eusrstack所处的地址值赋给sp寄存器 */2:/* Load data section from flash to RAM */la a0, _data_lmala a1, _data_vmala a2, _edatabgeu a1, a2, 2f1:lw t0, (a0)sw t0, (a1)addi a0, a0, 4addi a1, a1, 4bltu a1, a2, 1b2:/* clear bss section */la a0, _sbssla a1, _ebssbgeu a0, a1, 2f1:sw zero, (a0)addi a0, a0, 4bltu a0, a1, 1b2:/* enable all interrupt */ /* csrs ,根据寄存器中每个为1的位,把CSR寄存器对应位置位 */li t0, 0x88csrs mstatus, t0 /* 机器模式状态寄存器mstatus赋值为0x88,打开所有中断,设置MPP值为00 */la t0, _vector_baseori t0, t0, 1csrw mtvec, t0 /* 将中断向量表的⾸地址赋值给mtvec寄存器(中断发⽣时PC的地址) */jal SystemInit /* 设置MCU系统时钟 */la t0, maincsrw mepc, t0mret/*mret返回指令(M模式特有的指令),调⽤该指令会进⾏如下操作:- 将PC指针设置为mepc的值- 将mstatus的MPIE域复制到MIE来恢复之前的中断使能- 将权限模式设置为mstatus的MPP域中的值。

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瑞萨单片机启动文件介绍1.NC30介绍NC30的组件:nc30----------------编译驱动器cpp30---------------预处理器ccom30--------------编译器aopt30--------------汇编优化器sbauto--------------SB寄存器自动更新工具stkviewer & stk-----STK查看器与堆栈大小计算工具utl30---------------SBDATA声明及SPECIAL页函数声明工具mapview-------------映射查看器看下NC30处理流程:程序开发流程,生成X30文件的流程:以上就是编译器所做的工作和流程。





;***************************************************************************; C Compiler for R8C/Tiny, M16C/60,30,20,10; Copyright(C) 1999(2000-2006). Renesas Technology Corp.; and Renesas Solutions Corp., All rights reserved.;; ncrt0.a30 : Startup Program for M16C family;; $Date: 2006/11/22 04:13:23 $; $Revision: $;***************************************************************************;---------------------------------------------------------------------; include files ;包含文件;---------------------------------------------------------------------.list OFF ;控制行输出数据输出到列表文件OFF:停止ON:开始.include nc_define.inc ;包含宏文件.include sect30.inc ;包含存储器映射文件.list ON;---------------------------------------------------------------------; BankSelect definition for 4M mode;---------------------------------------------------------------------; .glb __BankSelect;__BankSelect .equ 0BH;===================================================================== ; Interrupt section start ;中断段起始;---------------------------------------------------------------------.insf start,S,0.glb start.section interruptstart: ;复位后从这个标签开始运行;---------------------------------------------------------------------; after reset,this program will start ;复位后程序将启动;---------------------------------------------------------------------ldc #istack_top,isp ;设置istack指针(中断堆栈) ldc向专用寄存器ISP传递数据mov.b #02h,0ah ;保护寄存器PRCR PRC1=1 允许写PM0mov.b #00h,04h ;设置处理器模式PM0mov.b #00h,0ah ;关闭写保护.if __STACKSIZE__ != 0ldc #0080h,flg ;设置FLG寄存器IPL和其他状态FLG是16位标志寄存器堆栈指针选择USPldc #stack_top,sp ;设置堆栈指针.elseldc #0000h,flg.endifldc #data_SE_top,sb ;设置SB静态基址寄存器ldintb #__VECTOR_ADR__ ;向INTB寄存器传送指令,所以这里省了目标操作数intb;=====================================================================; NEAR area initialize. ;NEAR区初始化;---------------------- -----------------------------------------------; bss zero clear ;bss零清除;---------------------------------------------------------------------N_BZERO bss_SE_top,bss_SE ;清除NEAR bss段至零N_BZERO bss_SO_top,bss_SO ;N_BZERO清零宏定义N_BZERO bss_NE_top,bss_NE ;sect30.inc中有定义N_BZERO bss_NO_top,bss_NO;---------------------------------------------------------------------; initialize data section ;初始化数据段;---------------------------------------------------------------------N_BCOPY data_SEI_top,data_SE_top,data_SE ;将NEAR数据段和SBDA TA数据段的初始值转移到RAMN_BCOPY data_SOI_top,data_SO_top,data_SO ;N_BCOPY拷贝宏定义N_BCOPY data_NEI_top,data_NE_top,data_NE ;sect30.inc中有定义N_BCOPY data_NOI_top,data_NO_top,data_NO;=====================================================================; FAR area initialize. ;FAR区初始化;---------------------------------------------------------------------; bss zero clear ;bss零清除;---------------------------------------------------------------------.if __FAR_RAM_FLG__ != 0BZERO bss_FE_top,bss_FEBZERO bss_FO_top,bss_FO.endif;---------------------------------------------------------------------; initialize data section ;将FAR段数据段的初始值移到RAM中;---------------------------------------------------------------------.if __FAR_RAM_FLG__ != 0 ;从edata_EI(OI)段复制edata_E(O)段BCOPY data_FEI_top,data_FE_top,data_FEBCOPY data_FOI_top,data_FO_top,data_FOldc #stack_top,sp.stk -40.endif;===================================================================== ; heap area initialize ;堆区初始化;---------------------------------------------------------------------.if __HEAPSIZE__ != 0.glb __mnext.glb __msizemov.w #(heap_top&0FFFFH),__mnextmov.w #(heap_top>>16),__mnext+2mov.w #(__HEAPSIZE__&0FFFFH),__msizemov.w #(__HEAPSIZE__>>16),__msize+2.endif;===================================================================== ; Initialize standard I/O ;初始化标准I/O;---------------------------------------------------------------------.if __STANDARD_IO__ == 1.glb __init.call __init,Gjsr.a __init.endif;===================================================================== ; Call main() function ;调用MAIN函数;---------------------------------------------------------------------ldc #0h,fb ; for debuger 用于调试器.glb _mainjsr.a _main;===================================================================== ; exit() function ;推出函数;---------------------------------------------------------------------.glb _exit.glb $exit_exit: ; End program 结束程序$exit:jmp _exit.einsf;===================================================================== ; dummy interrupt function ;虚设的中断处理函数;---------------------------------------------------------------------.glb dummy_intdummy_int:reit.end;***************************************************************************; C Compiler for R8C/Tiny, M16C/60,30,20,10; Copyright(C) 1999(2000-2006). Renesas Technology Corp.; and Renesas Solutions Corp., All rights reserved.;***************************************************************************映射文件:sect30.inc.映射各个段.设置段的起始地址.定义堆栈和堆段的大小.设置中断向量表.设置固定向量表.宏定义;***************************************************************************; C Compiler for R8C/Tiny, M16C/60,30,20,10; Copyright(C) 1999(2000-2006). Renesas Technology Corp.; and Renesas Solutions Corp., All rights reserved.;; sect30.inc : section definition for M16C family;; $Date: 2007/01/09 04:38:46 $; $Revision: $;***************************************************************************;===================================================================== ;; Arrangement of section ;段的排列;;---------------------------------------------------------------------; Near RAM data area ;Near RAM数据区;---------------------------------------------------------------------; SBDATA area.section data_SE,DATA.org 400Hdata_SE_top:.section bss_SE,DATA,ALIGNbss_SE_top:.section data_SO,DATAdata_SO_top:.section bss_SO,DATAbss_SO_top:; SBDATA area definition.glb __SB____SB__ .equ data_SE_top; near RAM area.section data_NE,DATA,ALIGNdata_NE_top:.section bss_NE,DATA,ALIGNbss_NE_top:.section data_NO,DATAdata_NO_top:.section bss_NO,DATAbss_NO_top:;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Stack area ;堆栈区;--------------------------------------------------------------------- .section stack,DATA,ALIGN.blkb __ISTACKSIZE__ ;.blkb分配一字节ram istack_top:.if __STACKSIZE__ != 0.blkb __STACKSIZE__stack_top:.endif;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; heap section ;heap段;--------------------------------------------------------------------- .if __HEAPSIZE__ != 0.section heap,DATAheap_top:.blkb __HEAPSIZE__.endif;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Near ROM data area ;NEAR rom数据区;--------------------------------------------------------------------- .if __NEAR_ROM_FLG__ != 0.section rom_NE,ROMDATA,ALIGNrom_NE_top:.section rom_NO,ROMDATArom_NO_top:.endif;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Far RAM data area ;FAR RAM 数据区;--------------------------------------------------------------------- .if __FAR_RAM_FLG__ != 0.section data_FE,DATA.org 10000Hdata_FE_top:.section bss_FE,DATA,ALIGNbss_FE_top:.section data_FO,DATAdata_FO_top:.section bss_FO,DATAbss_FO_top:.endif;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Far ROM data area ;FAR ROM 数据;--------------------------------------------------------------------- .section rom_FE,ROMDATA.org __ROM_TOPADR__rom_FE_top:.section rom_FO,ROMDATArom_FO_top:;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Initial data of 'data' section ;far rom数据初始化;--------------------------------------------------------------------- .section data_SEI,ROMDATA,ALIGNdata_SEI_top:.section data_SOI,ROMDATAdata_SOI_top:.section data_NEI,ROMDATA,ALIGNdata_NEI_top:.section data_NOI,ROMDATAdata_NOI_top:.if __FAR_RAM_FLG__ != 0.section data_FEI,ROMDATA,ALIGNdata_FEI_top:.section data_FOI,ROMDATAdata_FOI_top:.endif;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Switch Table Section;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; .section switch_table,ROMDATA;switch_table_top:;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; code area ;代码区;--------------------------------------------------------------------- .section program,CODE,ALIGN.section interrupt,CODE,ALIGN.section program_S,CODE,ALIGN;---------------------------------------------------------------------; variable vector section ;变量向量段;---------------------------------------------------------------------.section vector,ROMDATA.org __VECTOR_ADR__.if 0.lword dummy_int ; vector 0 BRK.lword dummy_int ; vector 1.lword dummy_int ; vector 2.lword dummy_int ; vector 3.lword dummy_int ; vector 4 (for user) int3.lword dummy_int ; vector 5 (for user) timerB5.lword dummy_int ; vector 6 (for user) timerB4.lword dummy_int ; vector 7 (for user) timerB3.lword dummy_int ; vector 8 (for user) si/o4/int5.lword dummy_int ; vector 9 (for user) si/o3/int4.lword dummy_int ; vector 10 (for user) Bus collision detection .lword dummy_int ; vector 11 (for user) DMA0.lword dummy_int ; vector 12 (for user) DMA1.lword dummy_int ; vector 13 (for user) Key input interrupt.lword dummy_int ; vector 14 (for user) A-D.lword dummy_int ; vector 15 (for user) uart2 transmit.lword dummy_int ; vector 16 (for user) uart2 receive.lword dummy_int ; vector 17 (for user) uart0 transmit.lword dummy_int ; vector 18 (for user) uart0 receive.lword dummy_int ; vector 19 (for user) uart1 transmit.lword dummy_int ; vector 20 (for user) uart1 receive.lword dummy_int ; vector 21 (for user) timer A0.lword dummy_int ; vector 22 (for user) timer A1.lword dummy_int ; vector 23 (for user) timer A2.lword dummy_int ; vector 24 (for user) timer A3.lword dummy_int ; vector 25 (for user) timer A4.lword dummy_int ; vector 26 (for user) timer B0.lword dummy_int ; vector 27 (for user) timer B1.lword dummy_int ; vector 28 (for user) timer B2.lword dummy_int ; vector 29 (for user) int0.lword dummy_int ; vector 30 (for user) int1.lword dummy_int ; vector 31 (for user) int2.lword dummy_int ; vector 32 (for user or MR30).lword dummy_int ; vector 33 (for user or MR30).lword dummy_int ; vector 34 (for user or MR30).lword dummy_int ; vector 35 (for user or MR30).lword dummy_int ; vector 36 (for user or MR30).lword dummy_int ; vector 37 (for user or MR30).lword dummy_int ; vector 38 (for user or MR30).lword dummy_int ; vector 39 (for user or MR30).lword dummy_int ; vector 40 (for user or MR30).lword dummy_int ; vector 41 (for user or MR30).lword dummy_int ; vector 42 (for user or MR30).lword dummy_int ; vector 43 (for user or MR30).lword dummy_int ; vector 44 (for user or MR30).lword dummy_int ; vector 45 (for user or MR30).lword dummy_int ; vector 46 (for user or MR30).lword dummy_int ; vector 47 (for user or MR30) .lword dummy_int ; vector 48.lword dummy_int ; vector 49.lword dummy_int ; vector 50.lword dummy_int ; vector 51.lword dummy_int ; vector 52.lword dummy_int ; vector 53.lword dummy_int ; vector 54.lword dummy_int ; vector 55.lword dummy_int ; vector 56.lword dummy_int ; vector 57.lword dummy_int ; vector 58.lword dummy_int ; vector 59.lword dummy_int ; vector 60.lword dummy_int ; vector 61.lword dummy_int ; vector 62.lword dummy_int ; vector 63.endif;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; fixed vector section ;固定向量段;--------------------------------------------------------------------- .section fvector,ROMDATA.org 0fffdcHUDI:.lword dummy_intOVER_FLOW:.lword dummy_intBRKI:.lword dummy_intADDRESS_MATCH:.lword dummy_intSINGLE_STEP:.lword dummy_intWDT:.lword dummy_intDBC:.lword dummy_intNMI:.lword dummy_intRESET:.lword start;===================================================================== ; ID code & ROM code protect //密码保护设置;---------------------------------------------------------------------; ID code check function.id "#FFFFFFFFFFFFFF"; ROM code protect control address; .protect 00H;===================================================================== ; Initialize Macro declaration //宏定义,ncrt0.30中有使用到;---------------------------------------------------------------------N_BZERO .macro TOP_,SECT_mov.b #00H,R0Lmov.w #(TOP_ & 0FFFFH),A1mov.w #sizeof SECT_,R3sstr.b.endmN_BCOPY .macro FROM_,TO_,SECT_mov.w #(FROM_ & 0FFFFH),A0mov.b #(FROM_ >> 16),R1Hmov.w #TO_,A1mov.w #sizeof SECT_,R3smovf.b.endmBZERO .macro TOP_,SECT_push.w #sizeof SECT_ >> 16push.w #sizeof SECT_ & 0ffffhpusha TOP_ >> 16pusha TOP_ & 0ffffh.stk 8.glb _bzero.call _bzero,Gjsr.a _bzero.endmBCOPY .macro FROM_ ,TO_ ,SECT_push.w #sizeof SECT_ >> 16push.w #sizeof SECT_ & 0ffffhpusha TO_ >> 16pusha TO_ & 0ffffhpusha FROM_ >> 16pusha FROM_ & 0ffffh.stk 12.glb _bcopy.call _bcopy,Gjsr.a _bcopy.endm;*************************************************************************** ; C Compiler for R8C/Tiny, M16C/60,30,20,10; Copyright(C) 1999(2000-2006). Renesas Technology Corp.; and Renesas Solutions Corp., All rights reserved.;***************************************************************************nc_define.inc头文件定义;------------------------------------------------------------------------; |; FILE :nc_define.inc |; DATE :Fri, Dec 18, 2009 |; DESCRIPTION :interrupt program. |; CPU GROUP :29 |; |; This file is generated by Renesas Project Generator (Ver.4.8). |; |;------------------------------------------------------------------------; Macro Symbol definition__NEAR_ROM_FLG__ .equ 0 ; NEAR ROM flag definition__FAR_RAM_FLG__ .equ 0 ; FAR RAM flag definition__STANDARD_IO__ .equ 0 ; STANDARD I/O flag definition__HEAPSIZE__ .equ 0300H ; HEEP SIZE definition__STACKSIZE__ .equ 0300H ; STACK SIZE definition__ISTACKSIZE__ .equ 0300H ; INTERRUPT STACK SIZE definition__VECTOR_ADR__ .equ 0ffd00H ; INTERRUPT VECTOR ADDRESS definition__ROM_TOPADR__ .equ 0F4000H ; ROM TOP ADDRESS definition__SPECIAL_PRG__ .equ 0f8000H ; Special page program address。
