



深圳市南山外国语学校2020-2021年九年级上册期末数学试题(含答案)一、选择题1.如图是一个圆柱形输水管横截面的示意图,阴影部分为有水部分,如果水面AB 的宽为8cm ,水面最深的地方高度为2cm ,则该输水管的半径为( )A .3cmB .5cmC .6cmD .8cm 2.一组数据0、-1、3、2、1的极差是( ) A .4B .3C .2D .13.抛物线223y x x =++与y 轴的交点为( ) A .(0,2)B .(2,0)C .(0,3)D .(3,0)4.如图,点I 是△ABC 的内心,∠BIC =130°,则∠BAC =( )A .60°B .65°C .70°D .80°5.实施新课改以来,某班学生经常采用“小组合作学习”的方式进行学习,学习委员小兵每周对各小组合作学习的情况进行了综合评分.下表是其中一周的统计数据: 组 别 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 分 值90959088909285这组数据的中位数和众数分别是 A .88,90 B .90,90C .88,95D .90,956.在Rt △ABC 中,∠C=90°,BC=4,AC=3,CD ⊥AB 于D ,设∠ACD=α,则cosα的值为( ) A .45B .34C .43D .357.下列方程有两个相等的实数根是( ) A .x 2﹣x +3=0B .x 2﹣3x +2=0C .x 2﹣2x +1=0D .x 2﹣4=08.在平面直角坐标系中,点A(0,2)、B(a ,a +2)、C(b ,0)(a >0,b >0),若AB=2且∠ACB 最大时,b 的值为( )A .226+B .226-+C .242+D .242 9.已知二次函数y =(a ﹣1)x 2﹣x+a 2﹣1图象经过原点,则a 的取值为( ) A .a =±1 B .a =1C .a =﹣1D .无法确定10.已知⊙O 的半径为1,点P 到圆心的距离为d ,若关于x 的方程x 2-2x+d=0有实数根,则点P ( ) A .在⊙O 的内部 B .在⊙O 的外部C .在⊙O 上D .在⊙O 上或⊙O 内部11.如图,AB 是⊙O 的直径,弦CD ⊥AB 于点M ,若CD =8 cm ,MB =2 cm ,则直径AB 的长为( )A .9 cmB .10 cmC .11 cmD .12 cm 12.若二次函数y =x 2+4x +n 的图象与x 轴只有一个公共点,则实数n 的值是( ) A .1B .3C .4D .6 13.下列方程中,有两个不相等的实数根的是( )A .x 2﹣x ﹣1=0B .x 2+x +1=0C .x 2+1=0D .x 2+2x +1=014.如图,□ABCD 中,点E 是边AD 的中点,EC 交对角线BD 于点F ,则EF:FC 等于( )A .3:2B .3:1C .1:1D .1:2 15.一组数据10,9,10,12,9的平均数是( )A .11B .12C .9D .10二、填空题16.如图,点A 、B 分别在y 轴和x 轴正半轴上滑动,且保持线段AB =4,点D 坐标为(4,3),点A 关于点D 的对称点为点C ,连接BC ,则BC 的最小值为_____.17.如图,已知Rt ABC ∆中,90ACB ∠=︒,8AC =,6BC =,将ABC ∆绕点C 顺时针旋转得到MCN ∆,点D 、E 分别为AB 、MN 的中点,若点E 刚好落在边BC 上,则sin DEC ∠=______.18.如图,已知菱形ABCD 中,4AB =,C ∠为钝角,AM BC ⊥于点M ,N 为AB 的中点,连接DN ,MN .若90DNM ∠=︒,则过M 、N 、D 三点的外接圆半径为______.19.已知点P 是线段AB 的黄金分割点,PA >PB ,AB =4 cm ,则PA =____cm .20.已知点11(,)A x y ,22(,)B x y 在二次函数2(1)1y x =-+的图象上,若121x x >>,则1y __________2y .(填“>”“<”“=”)21.在Rt ABC ∆中,90C ∠=︒,12AC =,9BC =,圆P 在ABC ∆内自由移动.若P 的半径为1,则圆心P 在ABC ∆内所能到达的区域的面积为______.22.某厂一月份的总产量为500吨,通过技术更新,产量逐月提高,三月份的总产量达到720吨.若平均每月增长率是,则可列方程为__.23.将正整数按照图示方式排列,请写出“2020”在第_____行左起第_____个数.24.在平面直角坐标系中,抛物线2yx 的图象如图所示.已知A 点坐标为()1,1,过点A 作1AA x ∕∕轴交抛物线于点1A ,过点1A 作12A A OA ∕∕交抛物线于点2A ,过点2A 作23A A x ∕∕轴交抛物线于点3A ,过点3A 作34A A OA ∕∕交抛物线于点4A ……,依次进行下去,则点2019A 的坐标为_____.25.若m 是关于x 的方程x 2-2x-3=0的解,则代数式4m-2m 2+2的值是______. 26.某计算机程序第一次算得m 个数据的平均数为x ,第二次算得另外n 个数据的平均数为y ,则这m n 个数据的平均数等于______.27.如图,∠XOY=45°,一把直角三角尺△ABC 的两个顶点A 、B 分别在OX ,OY 上移动,其中AB=10,那么点O 到顶点A 的距离的最大值为_____.28.在一块边长为30 cm 的正方形飞镖游戏板上,有一个半径为10 cm 的圆形阴影区域,则飞镖落在阴影区域内的概率为__________.29.设二次函数y =x 2﹣2x ﹣3与x 轴的交点为A ,B ,其顶点坐标为C ,则△ABC 的面积为_____.30.顶点在原点的二次函数图象先向左平移1个单位长度,再向下平移2个单位长度后,所得的抛物线经过点(0,﹣3),则平移后抛物线相应的函数表达式为_____.三、解答题31.如图,平行四边形ABCD 中,30B ∠=︒,过点A 作AE BC ⊥于点E ,现将ABE ∆沿直线AE 翻折至AFE ∆的位置,AF 与CD 交于点G .(1)求证:CG BF CD CF ⋅=⋅; (2)若3AB =8AD =,求DG 的长.32.如图,小明在一块平地上测山高,先在B 处测得山顶A 的仰角为30°,然后向山脚直行60米到达C 处,再测得山顶A 的仰角为45°,求山高AD 的长度.(测角仪高度忽略不计)33.如图,⊙O 为ABC ∆的外接圆,9012ACB AB ∠=︒=,,过点C 的切线与AB 的延长线交于点D ,OE 交AC 于点F ,CAB E ∠=∠.(1)判断OE 与BC 的位置关系,并说明理由; (2)若3tan 4BCD ∠=,求EF 的长. 34.在矩形ABCD 中,3AB =,5AD =,E 是射线DC 上的点,连接AE ,将ADE ∆沿直线AE 翻折得AFE ∆.(1)如图①,点F 恰好在BC 上,求证:ABF ∆∽FCE ∆;(2)如图②,点F 在矩形ABCD 内,连接CF ,若1DE =,求EFC ∆的面积; (3)若以点E 、F 、C 为顶点的三角形是直角三角形,则DE 的长为 . 35.如果一个直角三角形的两条直角边的长相差2cm ,面积是242cm ,那么这个三角形的两条直角边分别是多少?四、压轴题36.已知,如图Rt △ABC 中,∠C =90°,AC =6cm ,BC =8cm ,点P 为AC 的中点,Q 从点A 运动到B ,点Q 运动到点B 停止,连接PQ ,取PQ 的中点O ,连接OC ,OB . (1)若△ABC ∽△APQ ,求BQ 的长;(2)在整个运动过程中,点O的运动路径长_____;(3)以O为圆心,OQ长为半径作⊙O,当⊙O与AB相切时,求△COB的面积.37.我们知道,如图1,AB是⊙O的弦,点F是AFB的中点,过点F作EF⊥AB于点E,易得点E是AB的中点,即AE=EB.⊙O上一点C(AC>BC),则折线ACB称为⊙O的一条“折弦”.(1)当点C在弦AB的上方时(如图2),过点F作EF⊥AC于点E,求证:点E是“折弦ACB”的中点,即AE=EC+CB.(2)当点C在弦AB的下方时(如图3),其他条件不变,则上述结论是否仍然成立?若成立说明理由;若不成立,那么AE、EC、CB满足怎样的数量关系?直接写出,不必证明.(3)如图4,已知Rt△ABC中,∠C=90°,∠BAC=30°,Rt△ABC的外接圆⊙O的半径为2,过⊙O上一点P作PH⊥AC于点H,交AB于点M,当∠PAB=45°时,求AH的长.38.如图,⊙M与菱形ABCD在平面直角坐标系中,点M的坐标为(﹣3,1),点A的坐标为(2,0),点B的坐标为(13D在x轴上,且点D在点A的右侧.(1)求菱形ABCD的周长;(2)若⊙M沿x轴向右以每秒2个单位长度的速度平移,菱形ABCD沿x轴向左以每秒3个单位长度的速度平移,设菱形移动的时间为t(秒),当⊙M与AD相切,且切点为AD的中点时,连接AC,求t的值及∠MAC的度数;(3)在(2)的条件下,当点M与AC所在的直线的距离为1时,求t的值.39.如图,在Rt△ABC中,∠C=90°,AC=8,BC=6,P为边BC上一个动点(可以包括点C 但不包括点B),以P为圆心PB为半径作⊙P交AB于点D过点D作⊙P的切线交边AC于点E,(1)求证:AE=DE;(2)若PB=2,求AE的长;(3)在P点的运动过程中,请直接写出线段AE长度的取值范围.40.如图1,在平面直角坐标系中,抛物线y=ax2+bx﹣3与直线y=x+3交于点A(m,0)和点B(2,n),与y轴交于点C.(1)求m,n的值及抛物线的解析式;(2)在图1中,把△AOC平移,始终保持点A的对应点P在抛物线上,点C,O的对应点分别为M,N,连接OP,若点M恰好在直线y=x+3上,求线段OP的长度;(3)如图2,在抛物线上是否存在点Q(不与点C重合),使△QAB和△ABC的面积相等?若存在,直接写出点Q的坐标;若不存在,请说明理由.【参考答案】***试卷处理标记,请不要删除一、选择题1.B解析:B 【解析】【分析】先过点O作OD⊥AB于点D,连接OA,由垂径定理可知AD=12AB,设OA=r,则OD=r﹣2,在Rt△AOD中,利用勾股定理即可求出r的值.【详解】解:如图所示:过点O作OD⊥AB于点D,连接OA,∵OD⊥AB,∴AD=12AB=4cm,设OA=r,则OD=r﹣2,在Rt△AOD中,OA2=OD2+AD2,即r2=(r﹣2)2+42,解得r=5cm.∴该输水管的半径为5cm;故选:B.【点睛】此题主要考查垂径定理,解题的关键是熟知垂径定理及勾股定理的运用. 2.A解析:A【解析】【分析】根据极差的概念最大值减去最小值即可求解.【详解】解:这组数据:0、-1、3、2、1的极差是:3-(-1)=4.故选A.【点睛】本题考查了极差的知识,极差是指一组数据中最大数据与最小数据的差.3.C解析:C【解析】令x=0,则y=3,抛物线与y轴的交点为(0,3).【详解】解:令x=0,则y=3,∴抛物线与y轴的交点为(0,3),故选:C.【点睛】本题考查二次函数的图象及性质;熟练掌握二次函数的图象及性质,会求函数与坐标轴的交点是解题的关键.4.D解析:D【解析】【分析】根据三角形的内接圆得到∠ABC=2∠IBC,∠ACB=2∠ICB,根据三角形的内角和定理求出∠IBC+∠ICB,求出∠ACB+∠ABC的度数即可;【详解】解:∵点I是△ABC的内心,∴∠ABC=2∠IBC,∠ACB=2∠ICB,∵∠BIC=130°,∴∠IBC+∠ICB=180°﹣∠CIB=50°,∴∠ABC+∠ACB=2×50°=100°,∴∠BAC=180°﹣(∠ACB+∠ABC)=80°.故选D.【点睛】本题主要考查了三角形的内心,掌握三角形的内心的性质是解题的关键.5.B解析:B【解析】中位数是一组数据从小到大(或从大到小)重新排列后,最中间的那个数(最中间两个数的平均数).由此将这组数据重新排序为85,88,90,90,90,92,95,∴中位数是按从小到大排列后第4个数为:90.众数是在一组数据中,出现次数最多的数据,这组数据中90出现三次,出现的次数最多,故这组数据的众数为90.故选B.6.A解析:A【解析】【分析】根据勾股定理求出AB的长,在求出∠ACD的等角∠B,即可得到答案.如图,在Rt△ABC中,∠C=90°,BC=4,AC=3,∴2222AB AC BC345=+=+=,∵CD⊥AB,∴∠ADC=∠C=90°,∴∠A+∠ACD=∠A+∠B,∴∠B=∠ACD=α,∴4cos5BCcos BABα===.故选:A.【点睛】此题考查解直角三角形,求一个角的三角函数值有时可以求等角的对应函数值. 7.C解析:C【解析】【分析】先根据方程求出△的值,再根据根的判别式的意义判断即可.【详解】A、x2﹣x+3=0,△=(﹣1)2﹣4×1×3=﹣11<0,所以方程没有实数根,故本选项不符合题意;B、x2﹣3x+2=0,△=(﹣3)2﹣4×1×2=1>0,所以方程有两个不相等的实数根,故本选项不符合题意;C、x2﹣2x+1=0,△=(﹣2)2﹣4×1×1=0,所以方程有两个相等的实数根,故本选项符合题意;D、x2﹣4=0,△=02﹣4×1×(﹣4)=16>0,所以方程有两个不相等的实数根,故本选项不符合题意;故选:C.【点睛】本题考查了根的判别式,能熟记根的判别式的意义是解此题的关键.解析:B【解析】【分析】根据圆周角大于对应的圆外角可得当ABC ∆的外接圆与x 轴相切时,ACB ∠有最大值,此时圆心F 的横坐标与C 点的横坐标相同,并且在经过AB 中点且与直线AB 垂直的直线上,根据FB=FC 列出关于b 的方程求解即可.【详解】解:∵AB=42,A(0,2)、B(a ,a +2)∴22(22)42a a ++-=, 解得a =4或a =-4(因为a >0,舍去)∴B(4,6),设直线AB 的解析式为y=kx+2,将B(4,6)代入可得k =1,所以y=x+2,利用圆周角大于对应的圆外角得当ABC ∆的外接圆与x 轴相切时,ACB ∠有最大值. 如下图,G 为AB 中点,()2,4G ,设过点G 且垂直于AB 的直线:l y x m =-+,将()2,4G 代入可得6m =,所以6y x =-+.设圆心(),6F b b -+,由FC FB =,可知()()()2226466b b b -+=-+-+-,解得262b =(已舍去负值).故选:B.本题考查圆的综合题,一次函数的应用和已知两点坐标,用勾股定理求两点距离.能结合圆的切线和圆周角定理构建图形找到C点的位置是解决此题的关键.9.C解析:C【解析】【分析】将(0,0)代入y=(a﹣1)x2﹣x+a2﹣1 即可得出a的值.【详解】解:∵二次函数y=(a﹣1)x2﹣x+a2﹣1 的图象经过原点,∴a2﹣1=0,∴a=±1,∵a﹣1≠0,∴a≠1,∴a的值为﹣1.故选:C.【点睛】本题考查了二次函数,二次函数图像上的点满足二次函数解析式,熟练掌握这一点是解题的关键,同时解题过程中要注意二次项系数不为0.10.D解析:D【解析】【分析】先根据条件x 2 -2x+d=0有实根得出判别式大于或等于0,求出d的范围,进而得出d与r 的数量关系,即可判断点P和⊙O的关系..【详解】解:∵关于x的方程x 2 -2x+d=0有实根,∴根的判别式△=(-2) 2 -4×d≥0,解得d≤1,∵⊙O的半径为r=1,∴d≤r∴点P在圆内或在圆上.故选:D.【点睛】本题考查了点和圆的位置关系,由点到圆心的距离和半径的数量关系对点和圆的位置关系作出判断是解答此题的重要途径,即当d>r时,点在圆外,当d=r时,点在圆上,当d<r 时,点在圆内.11.B解析:B【分析】由CD ⊥AB ,可得DM=4.设半径OD=Rcm ,则可求得OM 的长,连接OD ,在直角三角形DMO 中,由勾股定理可求得OD 的长,继而求得答案.【详解】解:连接OD ,设⊙O 半径OD 为R,∵AB 是⊙O 的直径,弦CD ⊥AB 于点M ,∴DM=12CD=4cm ,OM=R-2, 在RT △OMD 中, OD²=DM²+OM²即R²=4²+(R-2)²,解得:R=5,∴直径AB 的长为:2×5=10cm .故选B .【点睛】本题考查了垂径定理以及勾股定理.注意掌握辅助线的作法及数形结合思想的应用.12.C解析:C【解析】【分析】二次函数y =x 2+4x +n 的图象与x 轴只有一个公共点,则240b ac =-=⊿,据此即可求得.【详解】∵1a =,4b =,c n =,根据题意得:2244410b ac n =-=⨯⨯=⊿﹣,解得:n =4,故选:C .【点睛】本题考查了抛物线与x 轴的交点,二次函数2y ax bx c =++(a ,b ,c 是常数,a ≠0)的交点与一元二次方程20ax bx c ++=根之间的关系.24b ac =-⊿决定抛物线与x 轴的交点个数.⊿>0时,抛物线与x 轴有2个交点;0=⊿时,抛物线与x 轴有1个交点;⊿<0时,抛物线与x 轴没有交点.13.A解析:A【解析】逐项计算方程的判别式,根据根的判别式进行判断即可.【详解】解:在x 2﹣x ﹣1=0中,△=(﹣1)2﹣4×1×(﹣1)=1+4=5>0,故该方程有两个不相等的实数根,故A 符合题意;在x 2+x +1=0中,△=12﹣4×1×1=1﹣4=﹣3<0,故该方程无实数根,故B 不符合题意; 在x 2+1=0中,△=0﹣4×1×1=0﹣4=﹣4<0,故该方程无实数根,故C 不符合题意; 在x 2+2x +1=0中,△=22﹣4×1×1=0,故该方程有两个相等的实数根,故D 不符合题意; 故选:A .【点睛】本题考查根的判别式,解题的关键是记住判别式,△>0有两个不相等实数根,△=0有两个相等实数根,△<0没有实数根,属于中考常考题型.14.D解析:D【解析】【分析】根据题意得出△DEF ∽△BCF ,进而得出=DE EF BC FC ,利用点E 是边AD 的中点得出答案即可.【详解】解:∵▱ABCD ,故AD ∥BC ,∴△DEF ∽△BCF , ∴=DE EF BC FC, ∵点E 是边AD 的中点, ∴AE=DE=12AD , ∴12EF FC =. 故选D .15.D解析:D【解析】【分析】利用平均数的求法求解即可.【详解】这组数据10,9,10,12,9的平均数是1(10910129)105++++=【点睛】本题主要考查平均数,掌握平均数的求法是解题的关键.二、填空题16.6【解析】【分析】取AB的中点E,连接OE,DE,OD,依据三角形中位线定理即可得到BC=2DE,再根据O,E,D在同一直线上时,DE的最小值等于OD-OE=3,即可得到BC的最小值等于6.解析:6【解析】【分析】取AB的中点E,连接OE,DE,OD,依据三角形中位线定理即可得到BC=2DE,再根据O,E,D在同一直线上时,DE的最小值等于OD-OE=3,即可得到BC的最小值等于6.【详解】解:如图所示,取AB的中点E,连接OE,DE,OD,由题可得,D是AC的中点,∴DE是△ABC的中位线,∴BC=2DE,∵点D坐标为(4,3),∴OD22345,∵Rt△ABO中,OE=12AB=12×4=2,∴当O,E,D在同一直线上时,DE的最小值等于OD﹣OE=3,∴BC的最小值等于6,故答案为:6.【点睛】本题主要考查了勾股定理,三角形三条边的关系,直角三角形斜边上中线的性质以及三角形中位线定理的运用,解决问题的关键是掌握直角三角形斜边上中线的性质以及三角形中位线定理.17.【解析】【分析】根据旋转性质及直角三角形斜边中线等于斜边一半,求出CD=CE=5,再根据勾股定理求DE长,的值即为等腰△CDE底角的正弦值,根据等腰三角形三线合一构建直角三角形求解.【详解】【解析】【分析】根据旋转性质及直角三角形斜边中线等于斜边一半,求出CD=CE=5,再根据勾股定理求DE 长,sin DEC∠的值即为等腰△CDE底角的正弦值,根据等腰三角形三线合一构建直角三角形求解.【详解】如图,过D点作DM⊥BC,垂足为M,过C作CN⊥DE,垂足为N,在Rt△ACB中,AC=8,BC=6,由勾股定理得,AB=10,∵D为AB的中点,∴CD=15 2AB= ,由旋转可得,∠MCN=90°,MN=10,∵E为MN的中点,∴CE=15 2MN,∵DM⊥BC,DC=DB,∴CM=BM=13 2BC=,∴EM=CE-CM=5-3=2,∵DM=14 2AC,∴由勾股定理得,DE=∵CD=CE=5,CN⊥DE,∴∴由勾股定理得,CN=∴sin∠DEC=25 CNCE.25. 【点睛】 本题考查旋转性质,直角三角形的性质和等腰三角形的性质,能够用等腰三角形三线合一的性质构建直角三角形解决问题是解答此题的关键.18.【解析】【分析】通过延长MN 交DA 延长线于点E ,DF ⊥BC,构造全等三角形,根据全等性质证出D E=DM,,再通过AE=BM=CF,在Rt △DMF 和Rt △DCF 中,利用勾股定理列方程求DM 长,根 31【解析】【分析】通过延长MN 交DA 延长线于点E ,DF ⊥BC,构造全等三角形,根据全等性质证出DE=DM,,再通过AE=BM=CF,在Rt △DMF 和Rt △DCF 中,利用勾股定理列方程求DM 长,根据圆的性质即可求解.【详解】如图,延长MN 交DA 延长线于点E ,过D 作DF ⊥BC 交BC 延长线于F,连接MD,∵四边形ABCD 是菱形,∴AB=BC=CD=4,AD ∥BC,∴∠E=∠EMB, ∠EAN=∠NBM,∵AN=BN,∴△EAN ≌BMN,∴AE=BM,EN=MN,∵90DNM ∠=︒,∴DN ⊥EM,∴DE=DM,∵AM ⊥BC,DF ⊥BC,AB=DC,AM=DF∴△ABM ≌△DCF,∴BM=CF,设BM=x,则DE=DM=4+x,在Rt △DMF 中,由勾股定理得,DF 2=DM 2-MF 2=(4+x)2-42,在Rt △DCF 中,由勾股定理得,DF 2=DC 2-CF 2=4 2-x 2,∴(4+x)2-42=4 2-x 2, 解得,x 1=232-,x 2=232(不符合题意,舍去) ∴DM=232+,∴90DNM ∠=︒∴过M 、N 、D 三点的外接圆的直径为线段DM,∴其外接圆的半径长为1312DM .31.【点睛】本题考查菱形的性质,全等的判定与性质,勾股定理及圆的性质的综合题目,根据已知条件结合图形找到对应的知识点,通过“倍长中线”构建“X 字型”全等模型是解答此题的突破口,也是解答此题的关键.19.2-2【解析】【分析】根据黄金分割点的定义,知AP 是较长线段;则AP=AB ,代入运算即可.【详解】解:由于P 为线段AB=4的黄金分割点,且AP 是较长线段;则AP=4×=cm ,故答案为解析:52【解析】【分析】根据黄金分割点的定义,知AP 是较长线段;则AP=12AB ,代入运算即可. 【详解】解:由于P 为线段AB=4的黄金分割点,且AP 是较长线段;则=)21cm ,故答案为:(2)cm.【点睛】此题考查了黄金分割的定义,应该识记黄金分割的公式:较短的线段=原线段的12,难度一般. 20.【解析】抛物线的对称轴为:x=1,∴当x>1时,y 随x 的增大而增大.∴若x1>x2>1 时,y1>y2 .故答案为>解析:12y y >【解析】抛物线()2y x 11=-+的对称轴为:x=1,∴当x>1时,y 随x 的增大而增大.∴若x 1>x 2>1 时,y 1>y 2 .故答案为> 21.24【解析】【分析】根据题意做图,圆心在内所能到达的区域为△EFG ,先求出AB 的长,延长BE 交A C 于H 点,作HM ⊥AB 于M ,根据圆的性质可知BH 平分∠ABC ,故CH=HM,设CH=x=HM ,根解析:24【解析】【分析】根据题意做图,圆心P 在ABC ∆内所能到达的区域为△EFG ,先求出AB 的长,延长BE 交AC 于H 点,作HM ⊥AB 于M ,根据圆的性质可知BH 平分∠ABC ,故CH=HM,设CH=x=HM ,根据Rt △AMH 中利用勾股定理求出x 的值,作EK ⊥BC 于K 点,利用△BEK ∽△BHC ,求出BK 的长,即可求出EF 的长,再根据△EFG ∽△BCA 求出FG ,即可求出△EFG 的面积.【详解】 如图,由题意点O 所能到达的区域是△EFG ,连接BE ,延长BE 交AC 于H 点,作HM ⊥AB 于M ,EK ⊥BC 于K ,作FJ ⊥BC 于J .∵90C ∠=︒,12AC =,9BC =,∴AB=2212915+=根据圆的性质可知BH 平分∠ABC∴故CH=HM,设CH=x=HM ,则AH=12-x ,BM=BC=9,∴AM=15-9=6在Rt △AMH 中,AH 2=HM 2+AM 2即AH 2=HM 2+AM 2(12-x )2=x 2+62解得x=4.5∵EK ∥AC ,∴△BEK ∽△BHC ,∴EK BK HC BC =,即14.59BK = ∴BK=2,∴EF=KJ=BC-BK-JC=9-2-1=6,∵EG ∥AB ,EF ∥AC ,FG ∥BC , ∴∠EGF =∠ABC ,∠FEG =∠CAB ,∴△EFG ∽△ACB ,故EF FG BC AC =,即6912FG = 解得FG=8 ∴圆心P 在ABC ∆内所能到达的区域的面积为12FG×EF=12×8×6=24, 故答案为24.【点睛】此题主要考查相似三角形的判定与性质综合,解题的关键是熟知勾股定理、相似三角形的判定与性质.22.【解析】【分析】根据增长率的定义列方程即可,二月份的产量为:,三月份的产量为:.【详解】二月份的产量为:,三月份的产量为:.【点睛】本题考查了一元二次方程的增长率问题,解题关键是熟解析:2500(1)720x +=【解析】【分析】根据增长率的定义列方程即可,二月份的产量为:500(1)x +,三月份的产量为:2500(1)720x +=.【详解】二月份的产量为:500(1)x +,三月份的产量为:2500(1)720x +=.【点睛】本题考查了一元二次方程的增长率问题,解题关键是熟练理解增长率的表示方法,一般用增长后的量=增长前的量×(1+增长率). 23.4【解析】【分析】根据图形中的数字,可以写出前n 行的数字之和,然后即可计算出2020在多少行左起第几个数字,本题得以解决.【详解】解:由图可知,第一行1个数,第二行2个数,第解析:4【解析】【分析】根据图形中的数字,可以写出前n 行的数字之和,然后即可计算出2020在多少行左起第几个数字,本题得以解决.【详解】解:由图可知,第一行1个数,第二行2个数,第三行3个数,…,则第n 行n 个数,故前n 个数字的个数为:1+2+3+…+n =(1)2n n +, ∵当n =63时,前63行共有63642⨯=2016个数字,2020﹣2016=4, ∴2020在第64行左起第4个数,故答案为:64,4.【点睛】本题考查了数字类规律探究,从已有数字确定其变化规律是解题的关键.24.【解析】【分析】根据二次函数性质可得出点的坐标,求得直线为,联立方程求得的坐标,即可求得的坐标,同理求得的坐标,即可求得的坐标,根据坐标的变化找出变化规律,即可找出点的坐标.【详解】解:∵解析:2(1010,1010)-【解析】【分析】根据二次函数性质可得出点1A 的坐标,求得直线12A A 为2y x =+,联立方程求得2A 的坐标,即可求得3A 的坐标,同理求得4A 的坐标,即可求得5A 的坐标,根据坐标的变化找出变化规律,即可找出点2019A 的坐标.【详解】解:∵A 点坐标为()1,1,∴直线OA 为y x =,()11,1A -,∵12A A OA ∕∕,∴直线12A A 为2y x =+,解22y x y x =+⎧⎨=⎩得11x y =-⎧⎨=⎩或24x y =⎧⎨=⎩, ∴()22,4A ,∴()32,4A -,∵34A A OA ∕∕,∴直线34A A 为6y x =+,解26y x y x =+⎧⎨=⎩得24x y =-⎧⎨=⎩或39x y =⎧⎨=⎩, ∴()43,9A ,∴()53,9A -…,∴()220191010,1010A -,故答案为()21010,1010-. 【点睛】本题考查了二次函数图象上点的坐标特征、一次函数的图象以及交点的坐标,根据坐标的变化找出变化规律是解题的关键.25.-4【解析】【分析】先由方程的解的含义,得出m2-2m-3=0,变形得m2-2m=3,再将要求的代数式提取公因式-2,然后将m2-2m=3代入,计算即可.【详解】解:∵m 是关于x 的方程x2解析:-4【解析】【分析】先由方程的解的含义,得出m 2-2m-3=0,变形得m 2-2m=3,再将要求的代数式提取公因式-2,然后将m 2-2m=3代入,计算即可.【详解】解:∵m 是关于x 的方程x 2-2x-3=0的解,∴m 2-2m-3=0,∴m 2-2m=3,∴4m-2m 2+2= -2(m 2-2m )+2= -2×3+2= -4.故答案为:-4.【点睛】本题考查了利用一元二次方程的解的含义在代数式求值中的应用,明确一元二次方程的解的含义并将要求的代数式正确变形是解题的关键.26..【解析】【分析】根据加权平均数的基本求法,平均数等于总和除以个数,即可得到答案.【详解】平均数等于总和除以个数,所以平均数.【点睛】本题考查求加权平均数,解题的关键是掌握加权平均数的 解析:mx ny m n++. 【解析】【分析】 根据加权平均数的基本求法,平均数等于总和除以个数,即可得到答案.【详解】 平均数等于总和除以个数,所以平均数mx ny m n+=+. 【点睛】本题考查求加权平均数,解题的关键是掌握加权平均数的基本求法. 27.10【解析】【分析】当∠ABO=90°时,点O 到顶点A 的距离的最大,则△ABC 是等腰直角三角形,据此即可求解.【详解】解:∵∴当∠ABO=90°时,点O 到顶点A 的距离最大.则OA解析:【解析】【分析】当∠ABO=90°时,点O 到顶点A 的距离的最大,则△ABC 是等腰直角三角形,据此即可求解.【详解】 解:∵sin 45sin AB AO ABO=∠ ∴当∠ABO=90°时,点O 到顶点A 的距离最大.则.故答案是:.【点睛】本题主要考查了等腰直角三角形的性质,正确确定点O到顶点A的距离的最大的条件是解题关键.28.【解析】【分析】分别计算半径为10cm的圆的面积和边长为30cm的正方形ABCD的面积,然后计算即可求出飞镖落在圆内的概率;【详解】解:(1)∵半径为10cm的圆的面积=π•102=100解析:9π【解析】【分析】分别计算半径为10cm的圆的面积和边长为30cm的正方形ABCD的面积,然后计算SS半圆正方形即可求出飞镖落在圆内的概率;【详解】解:(1)∵半径为10cm的圆的面积=π•102=100πcm2,边长为30cm的正方形ABCD的面积=302=900cm2,∴P(飞镖落在圆内)=100==9009SSππ半圆正方形,故答案为:9π.【点睛】本题考查了几何概率,掌握概率=相应的面积与总面积之比是解题的关键.29.8【解析】【分析】首先求出A、B的坐标,然后根据坐标求出AB、CD的长,再根据三角形面积公式计算即可.【详解】解:∵y=x2﹣2x﹣3,设y=0,∴0=x2﹣2x﹣3,解得:x1=3,解析:8【解析】【分析】首先求出A 、B 的坐标,然后根据坐标求出AB 、CD 的长,再根据三角形面积公式计算即可.【详解】解:∵y =x 2﹣2x ﹣3,设y =0,∴0=x 2﹣2x ﹣3,解得:x 1=3,x 2=﹣1,即A 点的坐标是(﹣1,0),B 点的坐标是(3,0),∵y =x 2﹣2x ﹣3,=(x ﹣1)2﹣4,∴顶点C 的坐标是(1,﹣4),∴△ABC 的面积=12×4×4=8, 故答案为8.【点睛】本题考查了抛物线与x 轴的交点,二次函数的性质,二次函数的三种形式的应用,主要考查学生运用性质进行计算的能力,题目比较典型,难度适中. 30.y =﹣(x+1)2﹣2【解析】【分析】根据坐标平移规律可知平移后的顶点坐标为(﹣1,﹣2),进而可设二次函数为,再把点(0,﹣3)代入即可求解a 的值,进而得平移后抛物线的函数表达式.【详解】解析:y =﹣(x +1)2﹣2【解析】【分析】根据坐标平移规律可知平移后的顶点坐标为(﹣1,﹣2),进而可设二次函数为()212y a x +-=,再把点(0,﹣3)代入即可求解a 的值,进而得平移后抛物线的函数表达式.【详解】由题意可知,平移后的函数的顶点为(﹣1,﹣2),设平移后函数的解析式为()212y a x +-=,∵所得的抛物线经过点(0,﹣3),∴﹣3=a ﹣2,解得a =﹣1,∴平移后函数的解析式为()212y x +=--,故答案为()212y x +=--.本题考查坐标与图形变化-平移,解题的关键是掌握坐标平移规律:“左右平移时,横坐标左移减右移加,纵坐标不变;上下平移时,横坐标不变,纵坐标上移加下移减”。






2022-2023学年九上英语期末模拟试卷注意事项1.考试结束后,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回.2.答题前,请务必将自己的姓名、准考证号用0.5毫米黑色墨水的签字笔填写在试卷及答题卡的规定位置.3.请认真核对监考员在答题卡上所粘贴的条形码上的姓名、准考证号与本人是否相符.4.作答选择题,必须用2B铅笔将答题卡上对应选项的方框涂满、涂黑;如需改动,请用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案.作答非选择题,必须用05毫米黑色墨水的签字笔在答题卡上的指定位置作答,在其他位置作答一律无效.5.如需作图,须用2B铅笔绘、写清楚,线条、符号等须加黑、加粗.Ⅰ. 单项选择1、---Oh, you’ve got a good job. Do you really work here?---No, Susan. I out until the manager comes back.A.am helping B.will help C.helped D.have helped2、—Could you tell me what he said just now?—Sorry, I ________ what was happening outside.A.have thought B.was thinking C.thought D.think3、Do you know how much Mary all these books? They only 200 yuan!A.spent; cost B.paid for; spentC.paid for; cost D.cost; spent4、—_______ students are there in your class?—Thirty. And I get on well with all of them.A.How far B.How often C.How long D.How many5、Sorry I’m late. The first underground started moving __________ I could get on it.A.while B.before C.as soon as D.after6、--Did you find the small village yesterday?--Yes, without any difficulty, for it has______ changed over years.A.hardly B.rather C.quite D.almost7、It' s reported that the sand storm' s moving __ the southern part of China.A.beside B.with C.below D.towards8、Trump’s granddaughter Arabella began to learn Chinese when she was _____ 18-month-old baby. She thinks Chinese is ____ useful language.A.a ; a B.an; aC.a; / D.an; an9、--- You must be thirsty after a long walk. Would you like some ______?--- Yes, please. Thanks a lot.A.water B.bread C.food D.hamburgers10、In the bookshop, a reader asked the shopkeeper Harry Potter an interesting book?A.whether; are B.how; is C.that; was D.if; wasⅡ. 完形填空11、Students at a primary school in Fuzhou, Fujian Province were required to clean the school toilets to help them develop good habits. But some parents are 1 against the idea. They can’t see the advantages of students doing such chores(杂事). They think that the school 2 students with a proper education, not the chance to be school3 .In fact, parents, schools and society all play 4 important role in 5 the character of students. It is good6 schools to give students such tasks, because only7 students will do them at home. Their parents want8 to do homework9 can help them get good marks.In recent years, some parents will make mountains out of molehills(小题大做) when students 10 to do some chores in schools. If their kids get hurt in schools, some 11 about the teachers. Some may even challenge the schools’ teaching methods and management. As a result, many primary schools, especially those in big cities, do not let students 12 outdoor activities during breaks because they fear that the students might get hurt. This is bad for the 13 development.What the primary school in Fuzhou is doing is worth praising. Doing chores can put a sense of responsibility into students’ minds. It teaches them the spirit of rules and teamwork14 . Besides, students’ experiences can become 15 than only studying in schools.1.A.strong B.stronger C.strongly D.more strongly2.A.to provide B.provide C.provides D.provided3.A.clean B.cleaning C.cleaner D.cleaners4.A.a B.an C.the D./5.A.develop B.to develop C.developing D.developed6.A.for B.of C.to D.as7.A.little B.a little C.few D.a few8.A.they B.their C.theirs D.them9.A.who B.which C.what D.when10.A.are asking B.asked C.are asked D.were asked11.A.complains B.complained C.is complaining D.will complain12.A.join B.to join C.take part in D.to take part in13.A.students B.student’s C.students D.students’14.A.also B.as well C.either D.neither15.A.meaningful B.more meaningful C.most meaningful D.meaningfullyⅢ. 语法填空12、I’m Hongmei. I 1.(learn) English for many years, but I don’t find it easy. I went to an English-speaking country on our last vacation, and I could not speak to the people very 2.(good). Our tour guide spoke English for us. Now I know it is important 3.(learn) more English, so I’m having extra 4.(lesson) in my free time. I believe it can help5.(I) improve my English more soon.Ⅳ. 阅读理解A13、Mr. Brown’s house was less than two miles from his office, so he could drive home every da y for lunch. Every time he drove home at noon, he found many cars outside his house and there was no room for his own car. He had to drive somewhere else to park his car. Then he walked back home. This made him very angry.He put up a board in the garden f acing the road. The board said, “No Parking”. But nobody noticed it. People seemed to obey only a police notice with white letters on a blue board:POLICE NOTICENO PARKINGMrs. Brown asked his husband to steal a police notice but he was afraid to do so. Then she asked him to make one just like a police notice. Mr. Brown said he was not the police and couldn’t use the word “police”. Several days later, Mr. Brown made a blue board with white letters.PLEASE NOTICENO PARKING“Oh!” Mrs. Brown said. “You told me you weren’t going to use the word ‘police’, but why do you use it now?” “Really?” he asked.“Look again,” she started to laugh. “You are really clever”.1.Mr. Brown’s office was ______ his house.A.next to B.not far fromC.2 hours’ drive from D.5 miles from2.Mr. Brown was angry because ______.A.he found no room to park his car outside his houseB.he had nothing to eat for lunch at homeC.he lost the way when he drove back home one dayD.he couldn’t make a police notice outside his house3.Mr. Brown made ______ notice board (s) altogether (总共)。


















2.演绎式探究﹣﹣﹣探究点电荷的电场强度如果带电体间的距离比它们的大小大得多,这样的带电体可以看成是点电荷.(1)实验发现,带电量分别为q1、q2的两个点电荷距离为r时,它们之间的作用力F=k,其中k为常量,当q1和r一定时,F与q2之间的关系图象可以用他图甲中的图线来表示.(2)磁体周围存在磁场,同样,电荷周围也存在磁场.电场对放入其中的电荷产生电场力的作用.点电荷q1和q2之间的作用力实际是q1(或q2)的电场对q2(或q1)的电场力.物理学中规定:放入电场中某一点的电荷受到的电场力F跟它的电量q的比值,叫做该点的电场强度,用E表示,则E= .如图乙所示,在距离点电荷Q为r的A点放一个点电荷q,则点电荷q受到的电场力F= ,点电荷Q在A点产生的电场强度E A= .(3)如果两个点电荷同时存在,它们的电场会相互叠加,形成合电场.如图丙所示,两个互成角度的电场强度E1和E2,它们合成后的电场强度E用平行四边形的对角线表示.如图丁所示,两个点电荷Q分别放在A、B两点,它们在C点产生的合电场强度为E合.请推导证明:E合=.【答案】(1)c;(2);;;(3)证明过程如上所示【解析】试题分析:(1)作用力为F=k,k是常数,q1和r一定时,F与q2成正比,所以是一条过原点的直线,c符合题意;(2)根据题意,电场强度:E=;Q在A点对q的电场力:F=,所以点电荷Q在A点产生的电场强度:E A=/q=;(3)由题意知,AB在C点电场强度的大小相等,E A=E B=,且互相垂直,做出其合场强,如图所示:所以E=,即得证.【考点定位】电场强度;电荷间的相互作用3.在用电压表、电流表测量小灯泡电功率的实验中,灯泡上标有“2.5V”的字样.(1)测量小灯泡电功率的实验的原理是______________;小张根据电路图连接如图甲所示的实验电路,小王检查后发现有一根导线连接有错误,请你在这根导线上打“×”,并用笔画线代表导线,画出正确的连线。



2022-2023学年九上英语期末模拟试卷考生请注意:1. 答题前请将考场、试室号、座位号、考生号、姓名写在试卷密封线内, 不得在试卷上作任何标记。

2.第一部分选择题每小题选出答案后, 需将答案写在试卷指定的括号内, 第二部分非选择题答案写在试卷题目指定的位置上。


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Ⅰ.单项选择1.--Wher.ar.yo.going.--T.th.library.I’v.finishe.readin.thi.book.s..a.goin.t.____.itA. buyB. throwC. returnD. borrow2.M.Ya.i._______.favorit.writer.The.hav.rea.hi.nove.Th.Fro.thre.times.A. Mary’s and Joan’sB. Mary and Joan’sC. Mary’s and Joan3.—Can we play soccer here?—No.you___.pla.i.nea.th.road.That'.to.dangerous.A. canB. mayC. needn'tD. mustn't4.---Ms.Wang, I'.afrai..can'.finis.th.wor.i.tw.days.---Don'.worry.I'l.giv.yo.___________.days.A. two anotherB. two moreC. more twoD. two many5.Zhang LIli is considered as the most beautiful teacher _____gave her love to her students in danger.A. whoB. thatC. whomD. which6._________awful day it is!A. HowB. WhatC. What aD. What an7、The brave soldier went on fighting, _______ he was wounded.A. thoughB. ifC. becauseD. since8、—How is everything going in the school , my boy?A. I am all right , thank you.B. Not at all.C. Not too bad, I guess.D. Very well, thank you.9、—Lingling, can I use your e-dictionary?—Sure.Bu.yo.____________.retur.i.afte.class.A. mustB. canC. mayD. would10、Music helps us _______ /rɪ'læks/ a lot when we feel tired .A. readB. redC. restD. relaxⅡ.完形填空ugh.yo.wil....you.mout.an.sho.you.teeth.Th.healthie.you.t eet.are.th.happie.yo.feel.Wh.i.that?It'....you.teet.ar.importan.i.man.ways.Tak.car.o.them.an.they'l.hel.t.tak.car.o.you.Strong....teet.hel.yo.grow.The.als.hel.yo. spea.clearly.Yo.ca.tak.car.o.you.teet.b.doin.lik.these:Brus.you.teet.....day.afte.gettin.u.an.befor.bedtime.An.yo.brus.al.o.you.teeth.no.jus.th.fron.ones.Spen.som.tim....th.teet.al on.th.side.an.i.th.back.Tak.you.tim.whil.brushing.Spen.a....thre.minute.eac.tim.yo.brush.B.sur.you.toothbrus.i.soft.As.yo u.parent.t.hel.yo.ge..ne.toothbrus....thre.months.Clea.betwee.you.teet.wit.denta.floss(牙线).I.feel.strang.whe.yo.d.i.a.first.bu.soo.you'e.t....it.Brushin....you.teet.healthy.Yo.als.nee.t.car.abou.wha.yo.ea.an. drink.Ea..1..fruit.an.vegetable.an.drin.wate.instea.o.drinks.Do you want to have white and healthy teeth? Please brush your teeth!1. A. close B. wash C. serve D. open2. A. though B. because C. if D. when3. A. tight B. white C. healthy D. clean4. A. once B. twice C. three times D. four times5. A. on B. in C. at D. to6. A. first B. least C. once D. last7. A. every B. both C. either D. neither8. A. helping B. making C. feeling D. doing9. A. starts B. produces C. keeps D. suggests10. A. a lot B. lots of C. few D. a littleⅢ.语法填空12.I.one’uall.ha.littl.understandin.o.oneself.Whe.yo.succeed.yo.ma.b.ver.proud.Whe.yo .1. .yo.ma.los.heart.I.yo.don’.ge..thoroug.understandin.o.yourself.yo.ma.mis.lot.o.2. (chance.i.life.T.ge..thoroug.understandin.o.yoursel.i.t.kno.wel.3. yourself.Y o.ma.kno.you.stron.point.an.wea.4.(one).Yo.ma.hop.fo..wonderfu.future.bu.b.sur.no.t.expec.to.muc.becaus.no.al.dream.ca.5.(realize).Yo.ma.b.confiden.enoug.t.mee.challenges.bu.firs.yo.shoul.kno.wha.t.do.T.ge..thoroug.understandin.o.yourself.yo.shoul.hav..rea.sens.o.self-appreciation.Mayb.yo.thin.yo.ar.no..tal.tre.6. jus.smal.grass.a.lon.a.yo.ge.ful.confidence.yo.ar.sur.t.fac.an.trouble.T.ge..thoroug.understandin.o.yoursel.als.7.t.loo.afte.yourself.Whe.yo.ar.angry.fin..quie.plac.s.tha.yo.won’.b.hurt .Whe.yo.ar.sad.tel.you.friend.abou.i.t.8.th.moo.int..goo.one.Whe.yo.ar.tired.ge..goo.sleep.I.yo.don’.tak.goo.car.o.yours elf.yo.won’.b.abl.t.sta.awa.fro.9.(ill).So if you get a thorough understanding of yourself, you 10. (get) a full control of yourself and find your life full of color.Ⅳ.阅读理解A13.Samantha(her husband, John, called her Sam)left the doctor’s house looking perfect, satisfied with her appearance..t.a.end.Sam’ ernment.fo.th.South.st.Samanth.reache.th.hous.tha.sh.an.Joh.owned.I.wa..cold.rain.night.an.sh.wa.gla.t.b.home.Sh.steppe.int.th.sittin.ro om.Joh.sa.i.a.armchair.readin..book.Whe.h.sa.her.h.pu.th.boo.down.an.stood.reachin.hi.arm.ou.fo.her.The.kisse.briefly.H.pu..han.t.he.no.slightl.roun.belly(肚子.an.asked.“Wha.di.th.docto.say?”“H.sai.th.bab.wa.fin.an.tha..seeme.healthy.D.yo.hav.an.news?”“Surprisingly, yes.”John hesitated for a moment, as if deciding how he would stop what he was about to say, and then unwillingly continued, “I’ve been required to join the army.”Sa.screamed.“What?.Sh.wa.nea.tears.“But-bu.we’r.jus.startin.out..He.voic.shook.“.though.tha.afte.tw.year.o.beggin.m.mothe.t.le.th.tw.o.u.ge.marrie.tha.ou.lif.woul.finall.b.happy.Isn’.ther.an.wa.yo.ca. ge.ou.o.this?”John answered, “I’m afraid not.”“forte.her.restin.he.hea.o. hi.shoulder.“Sam.”“What?”“Nam.th.chil.afte.me.nam.i.Joh.o.Joanna.I’.bac.a.soo.a..can..promise.”Sa.smiled.knowin.tha.Joh.neve.brok..promise.Sh.pu.he.han.t.he.belly.and.unknow.t.her.th.bab.wa..girl.And unknown to both of them, the promise that John had just made would be the only promise he would ever break.1. Sam visited the doctor probably because she ________.A. tried to see her husbandB. wanted to look perfectC. needed an examination for her babyD. was a little worried about her appearance2.According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE?A. Sam’s father had been dead for some time.B. A new government was set up in the South.C. Sam’s mother lived in the North on her own.D. The South was attacked by foreign countries.3. Sam asked John to “break a leg”in order to ________.A. let John get away from the warB. prepare for the birth of their babyC. make sure that John would come backD. know how much John loved her4. It can be inferred that John ________.A. was required to join the armyB. lied to his wifeC. often broke his promisesD. died in the warBrg.far.owne.b.Fann.Cratty.Sh.wa.hardworkin.an.ha..spe cia.skil.i.makin.deliciou.strawberr.jam.Aun.Fann.wa.singl.an.ha.n.children.Sh.didn’.lik.t.shar.lov.wit.others..though.sh.wa.ver.lonely.althoug.sh.didn’.min.it. Sh.ha..worksho.wher.m.mothe.helpe.he.mak.th.bes.strawberr.jam.an.everyon.i.ou.tow.bough.it.Bu.aun.Fann.aske.m.mot he.no.t.tel.th.recipe(秘方.o.makin.th.strawberr.ja.t.others.ughed.experiencin.th.fu.o.pickin.strawberries.B .Sh.jus.aske.u.t.pic.strawberrie.quickl.an.mak.mor.strawberr.ja.t.mak.mor.mone.fo.her.Eac.per so.i.ou.tow.sai.tha.sh.jus.pai.attentio.t.mone.rathe.tha.anythin.else.Wha..poo.woman.It’.havin.to.muc.mone.becaus .sh.ha.n.famil.an.friend.t.shar.he.happines.durin.he.lifetime.mo.recipe.Mone.ca.mak.yo.fee.ric.fo..while.bu.i.i.th.beautifu.day.spen.wit.famil.an.friend.tha.trul.mak.yourich.1. Who owns the recipe of making the best strawberry jam?A. Th.writer’.mother..B. Th.writer.C.Aun.Fanny.. D.Fanny’.mother.2. Why do people in the town think aunt Fanny is poor?A. Because she needed to work hard in her workshop.B. Because she paid attention to nothing except money.C. Because she had no close friends to shared her success.D. Because she always thought of helping others rather than herself.3. —What does the last word “rich”mean in this passage?—It means ________.A. the success of making strawberry jamB. having the recipe and much moneyC. the happiness, one’s family and friendsD. owning a big house and the large farmC15.Runnin..maratho.(马拉松e.i.mor.difficult.Bu.that’.exactl.wha.Mik.Brun.p lan.t.d.durin.th.Pittsburg.marathon.He’.doin.thi.fo.hi.7-year-ol.daughter.Cassie.wh.doesn’municat.wit.other.an.ha.bee.blin.sinc.birth.“Havin..blin.daughte.clearl.ha.cause.m..lo.o.trouble,.Brun.said..Bu.i.doesn'.matter..lov.m.daughter..hop.t.ge..bette.unde rstandin.o.ho.sh.deal.wit.he.dail.life..hop.thi.journe.wil.finall.mak.m..bette.fathe.t.guid.Cassi.throug.he.life.”“When the doctor told us ‘Your baby is not going to see’, that was the most terrible experience we had ever had,” said Bruno.“Sometime..wal.aroun.th.hous.wit.m.eye.close.t.se.wha.it’.lik.fo.her,.sai.Cassie’.olde.sister.Carly..year.old.“It'.kin.o.scary.Yo.don’.kno.wher.everythin.is.”Bu.Cassi.ha.fough.agains.difficulties.an.he.fathe.plan.t.d.th.same.“.close.m.eyes.an..go.ready.an.the..trie.running.jus.t.se.wha.i.i.lik.fo.her,.sai.Mik.Bruno.“.wan.everyon.t.kno.it’.OK.It’.O.t.as.u.questions.bu.it’.no.O.t.loo.a.u.an.poin.t.u.wit.surprise.I.you’.w. wil.b.happ.t.tel.yo.ou.story.”1. What's wrong with Cassie?A.Sh.i.deaf.. B.Sh.i.blind.. C.m.(瘸的).. D.Sh.i.stupid.2. Mike Bruno will run the marathon with ______.A. his mouth closedB. his eyes closedC. only one legD. some stones in his pocket3. What is the second paragraph mainly about?A. Th.distanc.o.th.marathon..B. Th.illnes.o.Cassie.C.Th.reaso.wh.Mik.Brun.wil.ru.th.maratho.wit.hi.eye.closed.. D.Carly'.feelin.o.walkin.aroun.wit.eye.closed.4. From the last paragraph we can learn that ______.A. it's interesting for Mike Bruno to run the marathonB. Mike Bruno thinks it's OK to point to his daughterC. it's not OK to ask Mike Bruno to tell the story of his daughterD. Mike Bruno hopes people can treat Cassie as a normal personD16.. Ever.da.o.th.wee.ha.it.ow.color.Here’.wha.color.day.show.Monda.i.lik..whit.pape.fo.yo.t.pictur.anythin.yo.want.O.Monda.almos.everyon.choose.t.clos.thei.mout.t.b.silen.an.w ai.fo.something.S.it’.white.Tuesda.i.ligh.gray.A.yo.migh.hav.alread.guessed.Tuesda.i.mor.interestin.tha.th.firs.da.o.th.week.I.mean.tha.th.whit. pape.start.gettin.som.color.o.it.Wednesda.i.re.becaus.you’r.i.th.middl.t.star.a.excitin.weekend.Yo.shoul.mee.friend.an.hav.fu.togethe.o.th.day.S.thi.da.i.wit.colorfu.activities.Thursda.i.dar.gray.Thursda.show..conditio.o.min.tha.suffer.fro.th.difficul.task.an.expect.Friday.Brow.i..colo.ful.o.surprises.Frida.i.brow.becaus.thi.da.i.ful.o.thing.tha.ar.interestin.an.exciting.Gree.shoul.b..favorit.color.Th.sam.goe.abou.Saturda.becaus.it’.people’.favorit.da.o.th.week.You’r.fre.toda.an.wil.b.fre.tomorro.too.Gree.colo.help.peopl.relax.Sunda.i.orange.It’e.t.it.end.peopl.tr.t.d.everything.s.thi.da.fill.wit.fun.Sunda.evenin.i.als.th.bes .tim.t.hav..dee.tal.wit.others.1. Which day shows the red color?A. Tuesday.B. Wednesday.C. Thursday.D. Friday.2. What does the underlined phrase “suffer from”mean in Chinese?A. 受迫害B. 使化解C. 使冒险D. 受折磨3. From the passage, we can know that ______.A. Monday is more interesting than TuesdayB. Thursday is the most difficult day of allC. Saturday is green, so it helps people’s eyesD. Sunday afternoon is a better time to talk deeply4. This passage mainly talks about ______.A. different colors and feelingsB. what you can do in a weekC. the colors of every day of a weekD. how colors affect feelings5. Where are we most likely to find this type of passage?A. In a book about life.B. On a traveling website.C. In a magazine about food.D. In a morning newspaper.E17、More than anything else in the world, Lion liked being King of the jungle(丛林).He walked around, showing off his power and pride.z.slee.unde.th.shad.o.hi.favourit.tree.H.alway.dreame.o.weake.animal.bowing(鞠躬)befor.him. On.da.Mous.ra.throug.th.jungl.an.trippe.ove.Lion'.hug.paws.Lio.wok.u.wit..start."Ho.dar.yo.wak.m.up..h.shoute.angrily .Lio.hunte.Mous.wit.on.paw."O.th.secon.thought.I'.i.th.moo.fo.th.snack.an.you'l.mak..deliciou.meal..h.said.Mous.crie.out."Kin.Lion.pleas.spar.me.I.yo.le.m.live.I'l.alway.remembe.you.kindness.And.som.day..migh.b.abl.t.hel.you. ""Ho.coul.suc..powerles.littl.mous.eve.hel.me?ter.Lio.w a.walkin.throug.th.jungl.o.thewa.t.hi.favourit. tre.whe.h.steppe.ont..hunter'.net.Th.ne.scooped(兜接)hi.up.N.matte.ho.h.twiste.an.turned.h.couldn'.ru.away.Whe.Mous.hear.Lion'.frightene.shouts.h.race.t.help.Mous.quickl.chewed(咀嚼.Soon.Lio.move.ou.an.wa.free.Lio.looke.dow.a.th.littl.mouse."Than.yo.fo.savin.m.life ,.sai.Lio.,smilin.hi.wides.smile,..wa.mistaken.Yo.ar.no..powerles.littl.mouse.Yo.ar..grea.friend!"1. What did Lion do each day?A. He showed kindness to animals in the jungle.B. He had a good sleep under his favourite tree.C. He bowed before weaker animals.D. He stepped onto a hunter's net.2. Why did Lion let Mouse go?A. Because he was trapped in the net.B. Because he took Mouse as his good friend.C. Because he doubted if Mouse could be of any help.D. Because he believed Mouse could save him.3. What can we learn from the passage?A. Pride makes you lose what you have.B. Don't put all your eggs in one basket.C. Even the small can show great strength.D. When the cat's away, the mice will play.F18、Itinerary(旅行日程)※Pick—up service by your tour guide and driver at 7:30 am※City God Temple—Sightseeing(30 minutes)※Yu Garden—Sightseeing( 1 hour)※The Bund Stroll—Sightseeing(40 minutes)※Old French Concession & Old Street(40 minutes)※Local Restaurant—Lunch( 1 hour)※Pudong New Financial Area—Sightseeing(20 minutes)※Shanghai 2010 Expo Park—Sightseeing(30 minutes)※Pearl City—Shopping(30 minutes)※Drop—off service at your hotel before 5:30 pmPrice Includes※Hotel pick—up & drop—off service;※English—speaking tour guide ;※Air—conditioned tour van or bus;※Entrance tickets to the attractions as listed in the itinerary; Chinese lunch.Price Excludes(不含)※Tips(小费) for guide and driver( Note: Tips is highly appreciated but not requested) ; ※Personal expenses.根据材料内容选择最佳答案, 并将其标号填入题前括号内。







Ⅰ. 单项选择1、While traveling in a strange place, you’d better ________ the loc al people and follow their customs.A.watch B.control C.teach D.check2、- I think we should take not only an umbrella but also a raincoat with us.- ________. In my opinion, an umbrella is enough.A.I'm OK B.I'm afraid not C.I disagree D.Y ou're welcome3、We got _______ when we went to different schools last term, but we stayed in touch.A.total B.certain C.humorous D.separated4、Boys and girls, don′t lose in watching TV too much because it is bad for your eyes.A.himself B.yourself C.themselves D.yourselves5、I haven’t got ________ nails(钉子) to repair the chain. I need another two.A.enough big B.big enough C.much bigger6、Every time I see strawberries, the sweet and beautiful color always make my mouth water.A.voice B.taste C.shape D.smile7、W e’ll go to the farm and help the farmers with the apple-picking if it ______tomorrow.A.isn’t rain B.will be rainy C.doesn’t rain D.is raining8、We should not look down upon small mistakes, or they______ lead to big accidents.A.must B.need C.should D.might9、— How do you like ________ school?—Well, it’s fine. Just a bit smaller than ________.A.their; ours B.theirs; our C.them; our D.their; us10、-Dear writer, how soon will you come out your new book? We're looking forward to reading it.- ____________ a month.A.In B.On C.At D.ForⅡ. 完形填空11、Jennie sat at her window as usual, looking out upon the street, with a look of sadness on her face,“What a long day this is going to be!”Then she saw a little boy running down the street, swinging his schoolbag. Looking up to the window, he took off 1 hat and bowed with a bright, pleasant smile.everybody who goes by would look up 3 smile.”George, the little boy, told his mother about that 4 girl when he got back home,“She looks so helpless. I wish I could do something for her.”“Why not give her some 5 ?”said his mother. George agreed.The next morning, as Jennie 6 at he window again, she saw George with a handful of beautiful flowers carefully picking his way across the street. He stopped in front of her window, smiling pleasantly, and said,“Can I comein?”Jennie told him7 to get into the house.Opening the d oor to Jennie’s gentle“Come in”, George said, “I’ve brought you some flowers.”“Are they for me?”said Jennie8 “How kind you are,”she continued, as George put the flowers on her lap.“I’ve9 received any flower since we moved to the town.”“Did you live in the countryside?”asked George,10 the old, small and empty room.“Yes,”said Jennie.Jennie used to have a happy family and live in a beautiful house in the countryside. However, she lost her right leg in an accident. She 11 walk like other people any longer. Later, her father died, and her mother was sick 12 so many years that their money was all gone. They sold the house, and move here to get work to do.George told his parents 13 They decided to help her. More and more people in the 14 gave Jennie friendly smiles when they passed by her house. She was greatly cheered up.A few months later, Jennie and her mother 15 flower shop. People could always see Jennie sitting in the shop, having a lovely smile on her face.1.A.her B.his C.your D.my2.A.house B.door C.smile D.schoolbag3.A.and B.but C.as D.or4.A.rich B.lucky C.bad D.poor5.A.money B.flowers C.clothes D.food6.A.danced B.cried C.sat D.laughed7.A.how B.who C.when D.why8.A.angrily B.easily C.sadly D.happily9.A.never B.usually C.always D.sometimes10.A.looking for B.looking around11.A.shouldn’t B.needn’t C.couldn’t D.mustn’t12.A.for B.in C.at D.on13.A.something B.anything C.everything D.nothing14.A.countryside B.town C.village D.city15.A.reached B.left C.closed D.openedⅢ. 语法填空12、阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。





第一部分必须用2B 铅笔作答;第二部分必须用黑色字迹的签字笔作答。


Ⅰ. 单项选择1、—Would you like to do __________ interesting with me?—I’d love to, but I have a piano lesson this afternoon.A.something B.anything C.nothing D.everything2、Kate is only child in her family.A.a B.an C.the3、--Shall we go to the amusement park right away or nextweekend?-- Any .time will do.A.Excuse me B.Have a good timeC.I'm afraid I can't D.It's up to you4、I hear a big fire __________ at midnight in the town last night.A.broke down B.broke outC.put out D.put down5、Our basketball team won’t win the match _______ we work together.A.if B.since C.while D.unless6、Cheer up! If you want to go up high, then ______ your own legs.A.to use B.use C.using D.used7、——Dad, must I finish my homework today?------No, you . You may do it tomorrow.A.needn’t B.mustn’t C.don’t D.won’t8、What does the sign mean?A.Don’t enter B.Watch your hand C.Dry your hand D.Be quiet9、—May I take a photo of Mona Lisa?—________. It’s not allowed in our museum.A.Sure, you can B.Sorry, you can’tC.Y es, you may D.No, you may not10、Sunday is the ________ day of the week.A.seven B.seventh C.first D.oneⅡ. 完形填空11、Hello! My name is Alice. I am 1 No.9 Middle School. My school is not new but very 2 . My teachers and classmates are kind to me. I love 3 very much. Our first class is 4 eight o’clock. We have five 5 in the morning and four in the afternoon. We have some 6 like English, Chinese, math, art and P.E. My 7 subject is English. I like art, too. But I don’t like math8 it’s not very interesting. Do you think so?I often have lunch 9 my classmates at school. Then we go to the library to read some books. After 10 , we like to play soccer. I have a good day at school. I love my school very much. How about you?1.A.in B.to C.on2.A.small B.old C.big3.A.they B.them C.their4.A.in B.on C.at5.A.class B.classes C.teacher6.A.subjects B.colors C.hobbies7.A.first B.right C.favorite8.A.and B.because C.then9.A.with B.from C.for10.A.school B.party C.breakfastⅢ. 语法填空12、What will our world be like in 2050? A group of experts has made1.(they) predictions about our life.It is 2.(believe) that we will have “clever”cars by 2050. We won’t have so many accidents b3.they will probably be able to communicate with each other. Cars will slow down by themselves or stop in4.(danger) situations.What’s more we will never d5.! Our brains will be put onto computers and we can live forever. The computers of 6.future won’t look like machine. They’ll look like7..By 2050 there will be less8.(pollute). The factories will be 9.(build)on the moon and other planets. We will be able to spend holidays on Mars and be back 10.spaceship in just a few days.Ⅳ. 阅读理解A13、Millions of Chinese have been playing a mobile game called Travel Frog recently. You play as the “mother” of afrog who lives alone and enjoys traveling. You need to prepare food and tools for his trips. The frog will send you postcards while he is away.The game’s popularity may have something to do with how lonely people are these days, according to the Xinhua News Agency. Many players have said that the lonely frog is just like them. But playing with the frog helps them forget their loneliness for a short time.Loneliness seems to be a common problem today. According to the Guardian, a British daily, about 40 percent of American adults say they’re lonely. And in the UK, about one in five people in the country are “always or often lonely”, the Telegraph reported.This might be why the UK governm ent announced the country’s very first “Minister of Loneliness” (孤独大臣) in January. The minister’s job is to find ways to help UK citizens feel less lonely. The minister’s office will provide more money for activities that connect people together.This loneliness problem may be partly because of social media. When we see pictures of friends having fun or posting pictures on WeChat or Microblog, we may compare their “perfect” lives with our own and feel sad and lonely.But we should remember that no one is bo rn to be lonely. As UK poet John Donne once wrote, “No man is an island. Every man is a piece of the land, a part of the main.” Here are some tips to get rid of loneliness:Sing your favorite songs.Connect with a friend.Do something creative, such as drawing a picture.Imagine some place you’d like to visit, like a fun gathering or a sporting event.1.What do players do while playing Travel Frog?A.Build houses for their frogs. B.Write postcards to their frogs.C.Choose places for their frogs to travel. D.Prepare food and tools for their frogs’ trips.2.According to the passage, why is the game so popular?A.Because the frog is lovely. B.Because it can be played on mobile phones.C.Because it makes people feel less lonely. D.Because people have more spare time now.3.To deal with the problem of loneliness, the UK government .A.designed the game Travel Frog B.named the “Minister of Loneliness”C.held parties for people to get together D.stopped people’s use of social media4.What can we learn from the last paragraph?A.Everyone is connected with others. B.We should not compare ourselves to others.C.It’s not fun to feel lonely. D.We should be away from social media.B14、Japanese children are so happy because they have three festivals each year. Besides Boy's Day, they also have Girl's Day and the 7-5-3 Festival.May 5th is Japanese Children's Day. But since the festival is mainly celebrated by boys, it is usually called Boy's Day. On Boy's Day, children don't have to go to school. Each family with a boy hangs up huge carp-shaped flags. The flags are usually with three colors: black (standing for the father), red (standing for the mother) and blue (standing for the son ). Japanese parents believe that the flags will bring their boys good luck and give them courage and power.Girl's Day is a girls' festival on March 3rd. It is also called the Doll's Festival because on that day, families get a set of dolls at home for their daughters. It is celebrated because the parents want their children to be strong and healthy.The 7-5-3 Festival is for children aged three, five and seven. Japanese people think that these three ages are the luckiest ones in one's life. On that day, these children get special candies wrapped (包裹) in beautiful bags. The candy is the symbol (象征) of a long and healthy life for these children. The 7-5-3 Festival falls in November.1.How many festivals do Japanese children have each year?A.One. B.Two. C.Three. D.Four.2.When is Boy's Day?A.On March 3rd. B.On May 5th. C.In July. D.In November.3.Families get __________ for their daughters on Girl's Day.A.a set of dolls B.beautiful bagsC.colorful flags D.special candies4.The candy is the symbol of __________ in the passage.A.good luck B.courage and powerC.a happy feeling D.a long and healthy lifeC15、Dear Mom,I’m sorry that I can’t go back home for Mother’s Day next week. On that day, I’ll have to go to an important meeting for my boss, who helps me a lot with my work and l ife here. But I’ll find time to see you at home soon.Mom, thank you for everything you’ve done for Tim and me. After Dad died of a heart attack at home ten years ago in a road accident, you had to work in a supermarket in the daytime and in a restaurant at night. But you always gave us two your love and care. Though you don’t have to work now, I still remember your coming home and feeling tired many evenings.Tim is going to finish his studies next month. He said he would move back from school and look for a job near home.I’m glad you won’t live by yourself any more. Let’s plan to take a trip in the near future. It’s been years since the three of us took a trip together.Happy Mother’s Day. I love you, Mom.Best wishes,David1.What can we learn about Davi d’s mother?A.She still works day and night.B.She lives all by herself now.C.She is making a plan to save money.D.She used to be too busy to look after her children.2.What do we know from the letter?A.David has two brothers.B.David is unhappy with his boss.C.David has to work on Mother’s Day.D.Tim will leave home for his job soon.3.Which of the following is mentioned in the letter?A.David’s father lost his life at work.B.Tim will look for a teaching job.C.David bought a gift for his mother.D.David hopes to take a trip with his family.D16、"What! You, too? I thought I was the only one." Have you ever said this to someone? If so, you may have ended up becoming friends with this person.It seems that similarity often helps from friendships. The Greek philosopher (哲学家) Aristotle once said, "Some define (下定义) it (friendship) as a matter of similarity; they say that we love those who are like ourselves."Now, there is some science behind this idea. Scientists from University of California said friends have similar brains, Scientific America reported.The scientists invited 42 university students to take part in an experiment. Each student watched the same set of videos, which included a comedy, a debate (讨论) and a soccer match. At the same time, scientists scanned(扫描) their brains and recorded their brain activity.Similar parts of their brains became active while watching the videos, especially parts that are connected with motivation (动力), learning and memory. According to their scans, friends who watched the same videos parts reacted in similar ways. However, people who weren't friends has different reactions to the same video parts.Having close friends whose brain react like ours may be useful because it makes one's own value, opinions, and interests stronger, lead scientist Carolyn Parkinson told Business Insider.But brain similarity is not the only thing that can result in friendship. Scientists from the University of Leipzig, Germany, found that friendship is also based on how physically close you are to someone. They did an experiment with first-year college students who met in class for the first time. Is this experiment, students who sat in neighboring seats were more likely to become friends.1.What does "this idea " in Paragraph 3 refer to ?A.Many friendships start with small chats B.Friends try to develop similarities between themselves.C.People with similarities may become friends D.We like those who like us first.2.What did the scans of the students' brain show?A.They had watched the same video partsB.Friends had similar reactions to the same video partsC.Watching videos improves one's memoryD.It's good to have friends who react similarly3.According to the story, what else may help build friendship?A.Being fun and helpful B.Studying at the same collegeC.Having similar appearance D.Being physically closeE17、On September 13th, I woke up in the best mood. It was a late start, so I got to sleep in. Not only did I get my fulleight hours of sleep, but an additional two more hours as well. I got ready, danced in my room to my favorite music while I picked out my clothes, made my lunch, and was on my way to school. I arrived at 9: 50 a. m. Little did I know, in the next 20 minutes, my life would change forever. As I got out of my classroom, there he was, holding the gun.Although everything happened so fast, in a matter of about 4 minutes, I remember it clearly. I remember every face I saw, and I remember every sound I heard. I remember the fear and the panic of the unknown. And lastly, I remember running. Running for my life. I ran down the stairs, out of the school’s front doors, and down the street to the primary school. I remember looking down at my feet. As I looked down I thought to myself, “ How am I running so fast?”I finally made it to a safe classroom, and 20 other students and I settled in for lockdown. We stayed close to one another and cried. It felt as though the tears going down our faces would never stop. We passed our phones around to text our loved ones that we were safe and that there was a school shooter, shots were fired, and 4 students were injured thus far.The lockdown lasted about 30 minutes, even though it felt like forever. Our headmaster made his way to our room and explained that the shooter had been caught and we were all going to make our way to the football field.1.How did the writer feel before going to school?A.Relaxed. B.Worried. C.Scared. D.Puzzled.2.What does the phrase “sleep in” probably mean in Paragraph l?A.sleep in bed B.sleep with clothes onC.sleep with face covered D.sleep longer than usual3.What did the students do when the shooting began?A.Calling the police for help. B.Running away in all directions.C.Fighting back against the shooter. D.Texting their beloved ones about it.4.Where did the writer find safety in the shooting?A.On a football field. B.In a neighboring school.C.In a classroom of her school. D.Back at her own home.5.What can we tell from the story?A.The headmaster didn’t care a bout his students.B.There was more than one shooter in the killing.C.Not all the 21 students took phones with them.D.The shooter killed himself in the end.F18、Scientists have made the world’s first human-sheep----with the body of a sheep and half-human organs(器官). Amazing, but true. The sheep is15percent human and 85 percent sheep. The breakthrough(突破)makes it possible to use animal organs in human bodies in the future. Professor Esmail Zanjani of University of Nevada, US, has spent seven years And over $9 million on the work. Zanjani took stem cells(干细跑) from the human body and put them into the sheep while it was still in its mother’s body. The stem cells made other cells that grew into organs. Zanjani believe that in the future such sheep might be used to help humans. Two months later a human-sheep is born, it has a liver(肝脏), heart, ling(肺) and brain that are part-human. These organs could be used to help people in need of them. There are different opinions about his work, however. Some say that scie ntists don’t have the right to create new creature(生物). Using animal organ might bring animal viruses(病毒) into human bodies. Others are afraid that the work might change sheep. But Professor Anjani has said that this is impossible.1.According to the passage, we know that the first human-sheep looks like________.A.a sheep B.a goatC.a cat D.an elephant2.The appearance(出现) of the first human-sheep means_________.A.sheep will be cleverer and stronger in the futureB.sheep are as important as human in the futureC.sheep will take the place of humans in the futureD.animal organs may be used in human bodies3.Some people think it’s not good to use animal organs because they’re afraid that _____A.humans will change into animalsB.There will be fewer and fewer animals in the futureC.the organs may bring animal viruses into human bodiesD.many animals will be dead after they give their organs to humans4.. Zanjani put some stem cell from the human body and put them into the sheep while it was still in its mother’s body. He “____________” .A.created a new stem cell B.created a new creatureC.created a new organ D.created a new food5.According to the passage, “__________” is not true.A.The world’s first human-sheep is 15% percent human and 85% sheepB.The world’s first human-sheep has many organs that are part-humanC.Zanjani created the world’s first human-sheep to make the sheep grows fasterD.The world’s first human-sheep is a sheep with the body of a sheep and half-human organs.Ⅴ.书面表达19、书面表达假如你们学校正在开展研究性学习(exploring learning strategies),请你根据下表提供的信息,写一篇短文,让更多的学生了解你校开展研究性学习的一些情况。

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【答案】(1)C(8,8);(2)①S=0.5m2﹣4m(m>8),或 S=﹣0.5m2+4m(0<m<
8);②点 B 的坐标为(4+2 7 ,0)或(2,0)或(6,0).
【解析】 【分析】 (1)由旋转的性质得出 AC=AO=8,∠OAC=90°,得出 C(8,8)即可; (2)①由旋转的性质得出 DC=OB=m,∠ACD=∠AOB=90°,∠OAC=90°,得出∠ACE= 90°,证出四边形 OACE 是矩形,得出 DE⊥x 轴,OE=AC=8,分三种情况: a、当点 B 在线段 OE 的延长线上时,得出 BE=OB−OE=m−8,由三角形的面积公式得出 S =0.5m2−4m(m>8)即可; b、当点 B 在线段 OE 上(点 B 不与 O,E 重合)时,BE=OE−OB=8−m,由三角形的面积 公式得出 S=−0.5m2+4m(0<m<8)即可; c、当点 B 与 E 重合时,即 m=8,△BCD 不存在; ②当 S=6,m>8 时,得出 0.5m2−4m=6,解方程求出 m 即可; 当 S=6,0<m<8 时,得出−0.5m2+4m=6,解方程求出 m 即可. 【详解】 (1)∵点 A(0,8),∴AO=8, ∵△AOB 绕点 A 逆时针旋转 90°得△ACD,∴AC=AO=8,∠OAC=90°,∴C(8,8), 故答案为(8,8); (2)①延长 DC 交 x 轴于点 E,∵点 B(m,0),∴OB=m, ∵△AOB 绕点 A 逆时针旋转 90°得△ACD,
1200x+ x(x 1) ×400=25200, 2
整理得:(x﹣9)(x+14)=0, ∴x=9 或 x=﹣14(负值舍去). ∴2009+9-1=2017; 答:到 2017 年,可以将全县所有的坡荒地全部种上树木. 【点睛】 本题考查了一元二次方程的应用,解一元二次方程,以及计算等差数列的和公式,解题的 关键是熟练掌握题意,正确找出等量关系,列出方程进行解题.
2.如图,在平面直角坐标系中,O 为原点,点 A(0,8),点 B(m,0),且 m>0.把 △AOB 绕点 A 逆时针旋转 90°,得△ACD,点 O,B 旋转后的对应点为 C,D, (1)点 C 的坐标为 ; (2)①设△BCD 的面积为 S,用含 m 的式子表示 S,并写出 m 的取值范围; ②当 S=6 时,求点 B 的坐标(直接写出结果即可).
②当 S=6,m>8 时,0.5m2﹣4m=6,解得:m=4±2 7 (负值舍去),∴m=4+2 7 ;
当 S=6,0<m<8 时,﹣0.5m2+4m=6,解得:m=2 或 m=6,
∴点 B 的坐标为(4【点睛】 本题是三角形综合题目,考查了坐标与图形性质、旋转的性质、矩形的判定与性质、三角 形面积公式、一元二次方程的解法等知识;本题综合性强,有一定难度.
例如:3+5+7+9+11+13+15+17+19+21=10×3+ 10(10 1) ×2=120. 2
用上面的知识解决下列问题. (1)计算:2+8+14+20+26+32+38+44+50+56+62+68+74+80+86+92+98+104+110+116 (2)某县决定对坡荒地进行退耕还林.从 2009 年起在坡荒地上植树造林,以后每年植树 后坡荒地的实际面积按一定规律减少,下表为 2009、2010、2011、2012 四年的坡荒地面 积的统计数据.问到哪一年,可以将全县所有坡荒地全部种上树木.
∴DC=OB=m,∠ACD=∠AOB=90°,∠OAC=90°,∴∠ACE=90°, ∴四边形 OACE 是矩形,∴DE⊥x 轴,OE=AC=8, 分三种情况: a、当点 B 在线段 OE 的延长线上时,如图 1 所示: 则 BE=OB﹣OE=m﹣8,∴S=0.5DC•BE=0.5m(m﹣8),即 S=0.5m2﹣4m(m>8); b、当点 B 在线段 OE 上(点 B 不与 O,E 重合)时,如图 2 所示: 则 BE=OE﹣OB=8﹣m,∴S=0.5DC•BE=0.5m(8﹣m),即 S=﹣0.5m2+4m(0<m<8); c、当点 B 与 E 重合时,即 m=8,△BCD 不存在; 综上所述,S=0.5m2﹣4m(m>8),或 S=﹣0.5m2+4m(0<m<8);
2009 年
2010 年 2011 年
2012 年
植树后坡荒地的实际面积(公顷) 25 200
24 000
22 400
【答案】(1)1180;(2)到 2017 年,可以将全县所有的坡荒地全部种上树木. 【解析】 【分析】
(1)根据题意,由公式 S na n(n 1) d 来计算等差数列的和,即可得到答案; 2
一、初三数学 一元二次方程易错题压轴题(难)
一般地,如果一个数列从第 2 项起,每一项与它的前一项的差等于同一个常数,那么这个 数列就叫等差数列,这个常数叫做等差数列的公差,它通常用字母 d 表示,我们可以用公 式 S na n(n 1) d 来计算等差数列的和.(公式中的 n 表示数的个数,a 表示第一个
(2)根据题意,设再过 x 年可以将全县所有的坡荒地全部种上树木.列出方程,解方程即 可得到答案. 【详解】 解:(1)由题意,得
d 6 , n 20 , a 2 , ∵ S na n(n 1) d ,
2 ∴ S 2 20 20(20 1) 6 40 1140=1180 ;
(2)解:设再过 x 年可以将全县所有的坡荒地全部种上树木.根据题意,得
3.如图,∠ AOB=90°,且点 A,B 分别在反比例函数 y k1 (x<0), y k2 (x>0)
的图象上,且 k1,k2 分别是方程 x2-x-6=0 的两根.
(1)求 k1,k2 的值;
(2)连接 AB,求 tan∠ OBA 的值.
(2)tan∠OBA= 6 . 3