OCP读书笔记(21) - 题库(ExamA)
1. 选择题
A. 数据文件只能存储在一个表空间中。
B. 一个数据文件可以属于多个表空间。
C. 一个表空间可以包含多个数据文件。
D. 数据文件的大小是固定的,创建后不能更改。
2. 简答题
描述Oracle数据库中redo log文件的作用及其在数据库恢复中的重要性。
3. SQL操作题
employee_id, first_name, last_name, email, hire_date, 和 salary等列。
1. 选择题
2. 简答题
解释PL/SQL中的异常处理机制,并举例说明如何在代码中使用BEGIN, EXCEPTION, 和 END块来处理异常。
3. 编程题
oracle ocp 中文题库
oracle ocp 中文题库(原创实用版)目录1.Oracle OCP 中文题库的概述2.Oracle OCP 中文题库的内容3.Oracle OCP 中文题库的价值4.如何获取 Oracle OCP 中文题库正文一、Oracle OCP 中文题库的概述Oracle OCP(Oracle Certified Professional)中文题库是一个包含大量 Oracle 数据库相关问题的题库,旨在帮助准备参加 Oracle OCP 认证考试的人士更好地理解和掌握 Oracle 数据库的知识和技能。
该题库不仅涵盖了 Oracle 数据库的基本概念和原理,还涉及了数据库管理、优化、备份与恢复等方面的实用技巧,能够全面提升考生的数据库管理能力。
二、Oracle OCP 中文题库的内容Oracle OCP 中文题库的内容主要包括以下几个方面:1.数据库基本概念:包括数据库、表空间、数据文件、备份文件等;2.数据库管理:包括创建表、索引、约束、用户和权限管理等;3.数据库优化:包括 SQL 语句优化、存储过程优化、内存管理和 I/O 优化等;4.数据库备份与恢复:包括备份策略、恢复方法、数据保护和容灾等;5.数据库安全:包括数据加密、审计、访问控制等;6.Oracle RAC:包括集群概念、节点管理、负载均衡等;7.Oracle NoSQL:包括 NoSQL 表、索引、查询等。
三、Oracle OCP 中文题库的价值Oracle OCP 中文题库对于准备参加 Oracle OCP 认证考试的人士具有很高的价值,主要体现在以下几个方面:1.提高考试通过率:通过学习和练习题库中的问题,可以更加深入地理解和掌握 Oracle 数据库的知识和技能,从而提高考试通过率;2.节省备考时间:题库中的问题覆盖了考试的主要知识点,可以帮助考生有针对性地进行复习,节省备考时间;3.提升实战能力:题库中的问题很多都是实际工作中可能遇到的场景,通过练习可以提升考生的实战能力;4.增强职业竞争力:通过获得 Oracle OCP 认证,可以增强考生在职场中的竞争力,提高薪资待遇和职业发展空间。
OCP最新考试题库 1015267481 QUESTION 7 3群: Which two statements correctly describe the relationship between data files a nd logical 流 database structures? 试交 A. A segment cannot span data files. OCP考 B. A data file can belong to only one tablespace.
A. by granting a secure application role to the user B. by implementing Database Resource Manager C. by using Oracle Label Security options D. by assigning a profile to the user Correct Answer: D
】 B. An extent can span multiple segments, 料 C. Each data block always corresponds to one operating system block. 部资 D. It is possible to have tablespaces of different block sizes. 【CUUG内 -1Z0-062 E. A data block is the smallest unit of I/O in data files.
: A. Undo data is written to flashback logs after 1200 seconds. 3群 B. Inactive undo data is retained for 1200 seconds even if subsequent transactions fail due to lack 交流 of space in the undo tablespace. CP考试 C. You can perform a Flashback Database operation only within t he duration of 1200 seconds. O D. An attempt is made to keep inactive undo for 1200 seconds but transactions may overwrite
ocp考试试题OCP考试试题OCP(Oracle Certified Professional)考试是Oracle数据库管理领域的一项重要认证,对于想要在数据库领域发展的人来说,拥有这个认证可以提升自己的竞争力。
二、试题内容1. 数据库架构数据库架构是OCP考试的重要内容之一。
2. 备份与恢复备份与恢复是数据库管理中不可或缺的一环。
3. 性能调优性能调优是数据库管理中的重要任务之一。
4. 安全管理安全管理是数据库管理中的重要内容之一。
三、备考建议1. 学习教材备考OCP考试时,首先需要选择一本权威的教材进行学习。
2. 实践操作除了理论知识,实践操作也是备考OCP考试的重要环节。
8 You issue the RMAN command:
RMAN> BACKUP SECTION SIZE 300M TABLESPACE users; Which statement is true about the execution of the command? A.The resulting backupset has backup pieces that cannot exceed 300 MB. B.RMAN uses multiplexing to perform the backup. C.RMAN always performs this type of backup in parallel. D.The backup succeeds only if the USERS tablespace is locally managed. E.The backup set size is limited to 300 MB.
1 Examine the probable steps involved in the basic backup process of RMAN and Oracle Secure Backup (OSB): 1. RMAN initiates backup and passes the database backup storage selector to OSB. 2. RMAN creates the backup job. 3. OSB creates the backup job with an OSB user. 4. RMAN updates its repository. 5. RMAN executes the job and transfers data from a client to media. 6. OSB executes the job and transfers data from a client to media. 7. OSB updates its repository. Identify the required steps in the correct order. A.1, 3, 6, 7, 4 B.2, 1, 6, 4, 7 C.1, 3, 5, 7, 4 D.1, 3, 6, 4, 7
ORACLE OCP认证的各门考试科目
ORACLE OCP认证的各门考试科目ORACLE OCP认证的各门考试科目ORACLE OCP认证的各门考试科目1.oracle 数据库管理员(database administrator): oracle8 dbaoracle8i dba培训对象(audience):互联网数据库管理员数据库管理员网络/系统工程师和集成人员(integrator)支持和实施专家顾问2.oracle 数据库操作员(database operator):oracle8 database operatorinternet database operator培训对象:数据库操作员和专家数据库分析员系统管理员网络工程师3.oracle java 开发员(developer):oracle java developeroracle愿意参加jcert initiative活动,这是一种多卖家合作,为java技术领域的企业开发人员制定知识和技能术水平的标准。
请点击这里查询更多的关于jcert roadmap的信息。
培训对象:java解决方案开发员java企业开发员web主管(masters)网络管理员电子商务顾问考试准备、注册、测试内容要求的考试:oracle认证的java解决方案开发员/oracle认证的java企业开发员交叉提供商识别表(cross vendor recognition form)如果您已经参加了一个或多个非oracle编号的java 科目考试,您需要填写和提交交叉提供商识别表。
请注意在2001年3月31日以后,sun认证的jdk 1.1程序员考试将不再被ocp java 技术等级1认证所承认。
4.oracle应用程序开发员(application developer):application developer, oracle developer rel. 1application developer, oracle developer rel. 2internet application developer, oracle forms developer rel. 6/6i培训对象:使用oracle developer/2000 rel. 1/2 的应用程序开发员,必须是已完成职位培训并且至少有6个月的实践经验。
ocp 题库 解析
ocp 题库解析OCP(Open Closed Principle)是面向对象设计中的一个重要原则,它要求软件实体(类、模块、函数等)应该对扩展开放,对修改关闭。
OCP 题库解析指的是对 OCP 原则相关题目的解析和讨论。
首先,我们来看一些关于 OCP 原则的基本概念。
OCP 原则要求我们设计软件实体时要考虑未来的扩展性,避免对现有代码进行修改,而是通过扩展现有代码来实现新功能。
在解析 OCP 题库时,我们需要深入理解 OCP 原则,并且掌握如何在实际代码中应用这一原则。
我们可以从以下几个方面来分析和解答相关题目:1. OCP 原则的含义和作用,首先我们可以解释 OCP 原则的概念,以及它对软件设计的重要性和作用。
我们可以举例说明采用OCP 原则的优点,以及不遵守该原则可能带来的问题。
2. 如何设计满足 OCP 原则的代码,我们可以讨论如何设计满足 OCP 原则的代码结构,比如通过接口、抽象类、依赖倒置等方式来实现代码的可扩展性和灵活性。
可以举例说明如何利用设计模式来实现 OCP 原则,比如策略模式、装饰者模式等。
3. 题目分析和解答,针对具体的 OCP 题目,我们可以逐个进行分析和解答,包括题目中涉及的代码设计、扩展需求、可能的修改方式等。
我们可以通过具体的例子来说明如何设计满足 OCP 原则的代码,并且讨论每种设计方式的优缺点。
总的来说,解析 OCP 题库需要对 OCP 原则有深入的理解,同时需要具备丰富的实际编程经验和设计能力。
通过深入的讨论和分析,我们可以帮助学习者更好地掌握和应用 OCP 原则,从而提高代码的质量和可维护性。
ocp考试题库OCP(Oracle Certified Professional)考试是由甲骨文公司推出的一项技术认证考试,旨在验证考生对Oracle数据库管理和开发的专业技能。
它不仅提供了考生熟悉OCP考试题型和格式的机会,更重要的是,它能够帮助考生了解和学习OCP 考试的知识点和技能要求。
二、题库的内容组成1. 基础知识题:涵盖数据库原理、SQL语言基础、PL/SQL编程等基础知识。
2. 实践题:通过给出实际情境,要求考生运用自己的知识和技能进行问题解决。
3. 综合题:综合考察考生的数据库管理和开发能力,要求考生综合运用所学知识解决复杂问题。
4. 案例题:通过给出真实的案例,要求考生分析问题、设计解决方案、进行性能调优等能力。
5. 预测题:根据考试的历年趋势和重点,预测考试可能出现的题目类型和内容。
为了保证题目的质量,应该遵循以下原则:1. 准确性:题目的表述应该准确、清晰,不留歧义。
2. 实用性:题目应该基于实际情境和现实问题,能够反映实际工作中的要求。
3. 平衡性:题目应该涵盖OCP考试的各个知识点和技能要求,保持全面性。
4. 难度适中:题目的难度应该符合考试要求,既不能过于简单,也不能过于复杂。
5. 多样性:题目应该多样化,涵盖不同类型的题目,如选择题、填空题、案例分析题等。
在编写和审核过程中,应遵循以下原则:1. 标准化:题目应该按照固定的格式和规范进行编写。
在计算机领域中,Oracle Certified Professional(OCP)认证是一项非常重要的认证之一。
这些试题主要涵盖了以下几个方面:1. 数据库安装和配置:考生需要了解Oracle数据库的安装和配置过程,包括选择合适的安装选项、设置数据库参数、创建数据库实例等。
2. 备份和恢复:考生需要了解Oracle数据库的备份和恢复策略,包括全备份、增量备份、归档日志等。
同时,考生还需要掌握如何使用Oracle Recovery Manager(RMAN)工具来进行备份和恢复操作。
3. 性能调优:考生需要了解如何通过调整数据库参数、优化SQL语句、创建索引等手段来提高数据库的性能。
oracle ocp 中文题库
Oracle OCP 中文题库一、引言Oracle OCP(Oracle Certified Professional)认证是全球范围内认可的数据库专业人士认证体系之一,该认证体系包括了数据库管理、应用开发等多个方向。
作为一名希望取得Oracle OCP认证的考生,熟悉并掌握题库中的内容是非常重要的。
本文将针对Oracle OCP中文题库进行详细的介绍和讲解,希望能够对广大考生有所帮助。
二、Oracle OCP中文题库的组成1. 数据库概念部分:包括数据库的概念、体系结构、原理等内容。
2. SQL部分:主要涉及SQL语言的基本语法、查询、数据操作等内容。
3. 数据库管理部分:包括数据库的安装、配置、备份恢复、性能优化等内容。
4. 安全性部分:主要介绍数据库的安全管理和权限控制等内容。
5. 高级应用开发部分:包括存储过程、触发器、PL/SQL等高级内容。
三、Oracle OCP中文题库的重要性1. 作为备考工具:Oracle OCP中文题库是备考的重要工具,通过不断地练习题库中的题目,可以使考生更加熟练地掌握数据库的相关知识和技能。
2. 考核知识点:题库中的题目涵盖了Oracle数据库的各个知识点,考生可以通过题库了解考试的重点和难点。
3. 提高应试技巧:通过练习题库,考生可以提高自己的答题速度和技巧,为顺利通过考试打下基础。
四、如何有效使用Oracle OCP中文题库1. 制定学习计划:考生应根据自身的实际情况,合理制定学习计划,安排每天的学习时间,保证有足够的时间来练习题库。
2. 分模块练习:将题库中的题目按照不同的模块进行分类,有条不紊地进行练习,逐渐提高各个模块的掌握程度。
3. 定期自测:在练习题库的过程中,考生应定期进行自测,了解自己的学习情况和水平,及时调整学习计划。
4. 结合其他学习资源:除了题库,考生还可以结合其他学习资源,比如教材、考试指南、网络课程等,全面提升自己的学习效果。
五、总结Oracle OCP中文题库是备考Oracle OCP认证考试的重要辅助工具,考生应合理利用题库,制定科学的学习计划,通过不断的练习和自我调整,提高自己的学习和应试技巧,从而顺利通过考试取得认证资格。
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052题库解析OCP考试052最新考试题库原题-4-20180601题库新特点:●更加灵活,题库的顺序与考试时的顺序每场都在变化●更加考验知识点的掌握,题库答案为二,考试时要求选择最佳一个答案●不断有新的考题出现,目前最新已经更新到130道题1、Yourdatabase Is configuredIn archivelogmode.TheUSERS01tablespaceIscurrently online.You arerequiredtotakethetablespaceoffline.Which clauseorclausesensurethatnomediarecoveryis requiredwhen thetablespaceIs broughtbackonline?•❑A)eitherthe NORMALor theTEMPORARYclause•❑B)onlythe NORMALclause•❑C)only the TEMPORARYclause•❑D)eitherthe NORMALor the IMMEDIATEclause•❑E)onlytheIMMEDIATEclause•Answer:B1offlinetemporary表空间时,如果表空间中没有offline的数据文件,则online该表空间时不需要介质恢复。
•2、Which twostatementsaretrueabouttablespaces?•❑A)Adatabasecancon tain multipleundotablespaces.•❑B)A databasecancontainonlya singletemporarytablespace.•❑C)A databaseinstancestoresundo data In the SYSTEM tablespaceIf no undo tablespace exists.•❑D)Adatabaseinstancehangs Ifthe SYSAUXtablespace beesunavailable.•❑E)Adatabasewithalocally managedSYSTEMtablespace canhavedictionary-manageduser tablepaces.•Answer:AE•3、You wanttoInstallOracle 11gdatabase softwareand createadatabaseonASMImmediatelyafter the Install. Yourplan is toinstallbothOracledatabaseand Grid Infrastructure.Which twoaretruein this scenario?•❑A)GridInfrastructuremustbe installed first.•❑B)Both products mustbe Installedbythe sameOS user. •❑C)Eachproduct mustbe Installed Ina different ORACLE_HOME.•❑D)BothproductscansharetheOSgroup assigned totheir OSDBA and OSOPER privileged groups•❑E)Bothproductsmustbe installedbyusing thesame ORACLE_BASE.•❑F)Bothproducts mustbe of thesameversion.•Answer:AC4、Which istrue aboutinvalidPL/SQLobjects?•❑A)Theyareautomaticallyrepiled againstthenewdefinitionof areferencedobjectatthesametimeas thereferencedobjectis modified.•❑B)Theycanbe manuallyrepiledonly byusingSQL mands.•❑C)Theyareautomaticallyrepiled againstthe new definitionof areferencedobjectwhen they arecalled.•❑D)Theymust be manuallyrepiledbeforetheycanbeused if a DDL isperformed on atable that is referencedin thePL/SQL object.•Answer:D5、Whichis trueaboutthe SYSTEMand SYSAUXtablespaces? •❑A)TheSYSAUXtablespacecanbe maderead-onlybut the SYSTEMtablespacecannot.•❑B)Bothtablespacescanbe used fortemporarystorageif no temporary tablespaceis defined.•❑C)Only the SYSTEMtablespacecontainsdatadictionary tables.•❑D)Bothtablespaces mustbe online foradatabasetobe accessible.•Answer:A6、Whichtwoaretrueaboutroles?•❑A)A rolecanbe password-protected.•❑B)A rolecanbe grantedtoanotherrole.•❑C)Onlyone defaultrolecanbe grantedto a user.•❑D)A rolecan be grantedonly multiplesystemprivileges not multipleobjectprivileges.•❑E)A rolecan be created onlybyauser withthe SYSDBA privilege.•Answer:AB7、YouareplanningasoftwareinstallationforbothOracleDatabase11g Release1and Release2.Youplantohaveatleaseone databaseforeach releasemanagedbyGridInfrastructureforaStandaloneServer. Whichthreearetrue inthisscenario?•A)Oracle11gRelease1databasesmustbemanagedbyGridInfrastructure 11gRelease1.•B)Both databasescanbemanagedby GridInfrastructure11gRelease2. •C) BothOracleversionsandGridInfrastructure canbeowned by thesame O/Saccount.•D) GirdInfrastructuremustbe installedbeforebothOracleDatabase versions.•E)Eachversionofthe databasemaybemanagedby aseparateversionof Grid Infrastructure.•F)BothOracleversionsand Grid Infrastructurecanbe installedunderthe sameORCALE_BASE.•Answer:ADE•8、Which twoaretrueaboutdatadictionaryand dynamic performance views(v$views)?•A)Alldatabaseusershaveaccess toALL_* views.•B)Datadictionaryviewoutputissubject toreadconsistency. •C)Thedefiningqueries forOracle supplied dynamic performance viewsarestoredIn the datadictionary.•D)Allv$viewsdisplayoutput when queries, iftheinstance isin nomountstate•E)Alldatabaseusershaveaccess toallv$views.•Answer:AB9、YOURDB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST_SIZEIs8G. Currently,5GofthespaceIsused ofwhich4Gconsistsofobsoletebackups.Youexecutethismand:SQL>ALTERSYSTEMSETdb_recovery_file_dest_size=2G;Whati sthe oute?•A)ItchangesDB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST_SIZEto5G.•B)ItchangesDB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST_SIZEto2Gwithout deletingvalidbackups.•C)It fallsbecauseDB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST_SIZEis astatic parameter.•D)It changesDB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST_SIZEto2Gand deletesthe obsoletebackups.•E)Itfailsbecause the newsizeis lessthan 5G.•Answer:D10、Whichis trueaboutlogicalandphysicaldatabasestructures? (Choosethe best answer)•A.Anundotablespacehas a tempfile insteadof a datafile.•B.Asegmentcanconsistofextentsof differentsizes.•C.Apermanenttablespace canonlycontaintablessegments and index segments.•D.Atablespacecanconsistofdatablocksofdifferentsizes.•E. Anextentalwaysconsists of physicallycontiguousdata blocksin storage.•CorrectAnswer: B•11、Inwhichstatecanyou backup a database in ARCHIVELOGMODEusingRMAN?•A.NOMOUNT,MOUNT,ANDOPEN•B.NOMOUNTANDMOUNTONLY•C.OPENONLY •D.MOUNT AND OPENONLY•E. OPEN RESTRICTEDONLY•CorrectAnswer: D12、Examine these factsaboutadatabase: 1. USERSisthedatabasedefaulttablespace.2. USER1,USER2,ANDUSER3havetheCREATE SESSIONprivilege.3. TheyalsohaveUNLIMITED QUOTAonthe defaulttablespaceUSERS.4. Theyhaveno otherprivileges. Examinethesemands: SQL>conn/ assysdbaConnected.SQL>GRANTCREATETABLETOuser1WITHADMINOPTION;Grantsucceeded. SQL>connuser1/oracle_4U Connected.SQL> GRANTCREATETABLETOuser2;Grantsucceeded.SQL>GRANTCREATETABLETOuser3WITHADMINOPTION;Grantsucceeded.12、Whichtwoaretrue?•A.Any user with createtablewithadmin optioncanrevokecreatetable fromuser1.•B.IfSYSrevokescreatetablefromuser1,it isrevokedfromuser2butnot fromuser3.•C.OnlySYSandUSER1canrevokeCREATETABLEfromUSER3.•D.OnlySYSC ANREVOKE CREATETABLEFROM USER1.•E.If SYSrevokescreatetablefromuser1, itis notrevokedfromUSER2and USER3.•CorrectAnswer: AE13、Which twoaretrueaboutexternaltables?•A.Theysupport the ORACLE_DATAPUMPaccessdriver.•B.Theyhaveextents. •C.TheysupportallDMLoperations.•D.Theycanalways be updatedusing SQL.•E. Theycanbe storedinan ASMClusterFileSystem(ACFS).•CorrectAnswer: AE14、Inoneof your databases:* ThedatabasedefaulttablespaceisEXAMPLE.*Deferred_segment_creation is false.Examine these mands: SQL>createuser user1identifiedbyoracle_4upasswordexpire;Usercreated.SQL> alter user user1account unlock;Useraltered.SQL>grantcreatesessiontouser1;Grantsucceeded.SQL>grantcreatetable touser1 withadminoption;Grantsucceeded.14、Which threearetrue?•er1 can login tothe databaseinstance.•er1cangrant thecreatetable privilegetootherusers.•er1 cancreate tablesin the exampletablespace.•er1 must changeit’s passwordatfirstlogin.•E. user1cancreateindexes in exampletablespace.•CorrectAnswer: ABD15、Which istrue when adatabaseinstanceis shutdown? •A.Only transactionalandnormalmodeswait forallunmittedtransactionstomitorrollback and thenclosethe database.•B.Immediate,transactional,and normalmodes allresultin a checkpoint.•C.Neitherthe immediatenor the abortmode rollsback unmittedtransactions.•D.Immediate,transactional,and normalmodes waitforallunmittedtransactionseithertomitor rollbackandthen closethe database.•CorrectAnswer:AB。
Oracle OCP题库
Oracle OCP题库一、单选题(67道)1.The instance abnormally terminates because of a power outage. Which statement is true about redo log files during instance recovery? (C)A.Inactive and current redo log files are required to accomplish recoveryB.Online and archived redo files are required to accomplish instance recoveryC.All redo log entries after the last checkpoint are applied from redo log files to data filesD.All redo log entries recorded in the current log file until the checkpoint position are applied to data files2.You want to move all objects of the APPS user in the test database to the DB_USR schema of the production database. Which option of IMPDP would you use to accomplish this task? (D)A.FULLB.SCHEMASC.TRANSFORMD.REMAP_SCHEMA3.You want to access employee details contained in flat files as part of the EMPLOYEE table. You plan to add a new column to the EMPLOYEE table to achieve this. Which data types would you use for the new column? (C)A.CLOBB.BLOBC.BFILED.LONG RAW4.Which statements listed below describe the data dictionary views? 1. These are stored in the SYSTEM tablespace 2. These are the based on the virtual tables 3. These are owned by the SYS user 4. These can be queried by a normal user only if O7_DICTIONARY_ACCESSIBLILITY parameter is set to TRUE5. The V$FIXED_TABLE view can be queried to list the names of these views (A)A.1 and 3B.2,3 and 5C.1,2, and 5D.2,3,4 and 55.In which situation may the UNDO_RETENTION parameter be ignored, even if it is set to a value? (C)A.When the data file of the undo tablespace is autoextensibleB.When there are more than one undo tablespace available in the databaseC.When the undo tablespace is of a fixed size and retention guarantee is not enabledD.When the undo tablespace is autoextensible and retention guarantee is not enabled6.Your database is open and the LISTENER listener is running. The new DBA of the system stops the listener by using the command: LSNRCTL> STOP What happens to the sessions that are presently connected to the database instance? (B)A.The sessions are able to perform only queriesB.The sessions are not affected and continue to function normallyC.The sessions are terminated and the active transactions are rolled backD.The sessions are not allowed to perform any operations till the listener is started7.A user, who is authenticated externally, logs in to a remote machine and connects to the database instance. What action would you take to ensure that a user cannot connect to the database instance by merely logging in to a remote machine? (C)A.Set REMOTE_OS_ROLES to FALSEB.Set OS_ROLES parameter to FALSEC.Set the REMOTE_OS_AUTHENT parameter to FALSED.Set the REMOTE_LOGIN_PASSWORD_FILE parameter to NONE8.You want to create a role to meet these requirements: 1. The role is to be protected from unauthorized usage. 2. The password of the role is not to be embedded in the application source code or stored in a table. Which method would you use to restrict enabling of such roles? (C)A.Create the role with external authentication.B.Create the role as a secure application role.C.Create the role as a password-protected role.D.Create a role and use Fine-Grained Access Control (FGAC) to secure the role.9.Note the following points describing various utilities in Oracle Database 11g: 1. It enables the transfer of data from one database to another 2. It provides a completesolution for the backup, restoration and recovery needs of the entire database 3. It enables the loading of data from an external file into tables of an Oracle Database 4. It provides a tape backup management for the Oracle ecosystem Which point describes the Oracle Data Pump utility? (A)A.1B.2C.3D.410.Your database is configured in shared server mode. However, your senior DBA asks you to modify the value of the PRIVATE_SGA limit in the profile of the users. What could be the reason for this? (A)A.To limit the User Global Area (UGA) memory allocated to a session from the SGAB.To limit the amount of memory to be used for the dispatcher queue of a session in SGAC.To limit the amount of memory to be used for the request pool in System Global Area (SGA)D.To control the amount of memory allocated in SGA for the local variables for each shared server process11.You configured the Flash Recovery Area for your database. The database instance has been started in ARCHIVELOG mode and the LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_1 parameter is not set. What will be the implications on the archiving and the location of archive redo log files? (C)A.Archiving will be disabled because the destination for the redo log files is missingB.The database instance will shut down and the error details will be logged in the alert log fileC.Archiving will be enabled and the destination for the archived redo log file will be set to the Flash Recovery Area implicitlyD.Archiving will be enabled and the location for the archive redo log file will be created in the default location $ORACLE_HOME/log12. Which is the correct description of a pinned buffer in the database buffer cache? (A)A.The buffer is currently being accessedB.The buffer is empty and has not been usedC.The contents of the buffer have changed and must be flushed to the disk by the DBWn processD.The buffer is a candidate for immediate aging out and its contents are synchronized with the block contents on the disk13.In which situation would you use static database registration for a listener? (B)A.When multiple databases are to be registered with the listenerB.When DBAs need to connect remotely to start up the database instanceC.When users need to connect the database instance using the host naming methodD.When the database instance that is to be registered with the listener is configured in shared server mode14.While observing the index statistics, you find that an index is highly fragmented, thereby resulting in poor database performance. Which option would you use to reduce fragmentation without affecting the users who are currently using the index? (B)在观察索引统计数据时,发现索引高度分散,从而导致数据库性能不佳。
ocp背题窍门摘要:1.OCP 是什么2.OCP 考试的重要性3.OCP 备考的窍门4.如何提高OCP 考试通过率5.总结正文:OCP(Oracle Certified Professional)是Oracle 公司设立的一项专业认证考试,旨在检验考生对Oracle 数据库技术的掌握程度。
通过OCP 认证,可以证明自己在Oracle 数据库领域的专业能力和技术水平,为职业生涯增添砝码。
本文将为您介绍OCP 背题窍门,帮助您更好地备考OCP 考试。
首先,了解OCP 考试的重要性。
随着Oracle 数据库在市场上的广泛应用,企业对拥有OCP 认证的专业人才需求越来越大。
具备OCP 认证的专业人士在求职市场上具有更高的竞争力,能够获得更好的工作机会和晋升空间。
同时,OCP 认证也是衡量个人技能水平的重要标准,有助于提高自己在团队中的地位。
接下来,为您分享OCP 备考的窍门。
市面上关于OCP 考试的教材和辅导资料繁多,选择适合自己的学习资料至关重要。
可以参考Oracle 官方教材,结合网上的学习资源,为自己制定一套全面的学习方案。
此外,如何提高OCP 考试通过率也是备考过程中需要关注的问题。
总之,OCP 背题窍门的关键在于制定合理的学习计划,选择优质的学习资料,多做练习题,参加考前培训和结交考友。
OracleOCP认证考试题库Oracle OCP认证考试题库Oracle开发的关系数据库产品因性能卓越而闻名,Oracle数据库产品为财富排行榜上的前1000家公司所采用,许多大型网站也选用了Oracle系统,是世界最好的数据库产品。
以下是店铺整理的关于Oracle OCP认证考试题库,希望大家认真阅读!QUESTION 1You notice that the performance of the database has degraded because of frequent checkpoints.Which two actions resolve the issue? (Choose two.)A. Disable automatic checkpoint tuningB. Check the size of the redo log file size and increase the size if it is smallC. Set the FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET parameter as per the advice given by the MTTR AdvisorD. Decrease the number of redo log members if there are more than one redo log members available in each redo log groupCorrect Answer: BCExplanation/Reference:检查点进程:The checkpoint process (CKPT) updates the control file and data file headers with checkpoint information and signals DBWn to write blocks to disk. Checkpoint information includes the checkpoint position, SCN, location in online redo log to begin recovery, and so on. CKPT does not write data blocks to data files or redo blocks to online redo log files.检查点作用:(1)定期促进DBWn进程把内存的脏块写回到数据文件,数据库故障时不会丢数据(2)减少实例恢复的时间(3)确保所有已提交的数据在一致性关闭期间会被写入数据文件实例恢复时间:指的是将数据文件的最后一个检查点(检查点位置)推进到控制文件中记录的最新SCN所需的时间.管理员可以通过设置MTTR 目标以及调整重做日志组的大小来控制该时间.MTTR:Mean Time T o Repair,即平均修复时间.是指可修复产品的平均修复时间,就是从出现故障到修复中间的`这段时间.MTTR越短表示易恢复性越好.在数据库中可以通过设置参数FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET(单位为秒),控制数据库对单个实例执行崩溃恢复所花费的时间.FAST_START_MTTR_TARGE=非0值, 启用快速启动检查点功能,自动控制发检查点速度.FAST_START_MTTR_TARGE=0,禁用快速启动检查点功能.如果重做日志文件的size太小,会频繁切换日志,即会频繁发生检查点,故可以增大重做日志文件的size减少检查点发生频率.FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET如果设置的太小,为了要控制数据库单实例的实例恢复时间,则必须频繁发生检查点,确保内存中已修改的数据块能够定期写入到磁盘,故可以使用MTTR Advisor来设置推荐的值.QUESTION 2Identify the memory component from which memory may be allocated for:Session memory for the shared server, Buffers for I/O slaves Oracle Database Recovery Manager (RMAN) backup and restore operationsA. Large PoolB. Redo Log BufferC. Database Buffer CacheD. Program Global Area (PGA)Correct Answer: AExplanation/Reference:Large PoolThe large pool is an optional memory area intended for memory allocations that are larger than is appropriate for the shared pool. The large pool can provide large memory allocations for the following:UGA for the shared server and the Oracle XA interface (used where transactions interact with multiple databases)Message buffers used in the parallel execution of statements Buffers for Recovery Manager (RMAN) I/O slavesBy allocating session memory from the large pool for shared SQL, the database avoids performance overhead caused by shrinking the shared SQL cache. By allocating memory in large buffers for RMAN operations, I/O server processes, and parallel buffers, the large pool can satisfy large memory requests better than the shared pool.QUESTION 3You executed the following command to create a tablespace called SALES_DATA:SQL> CREATE TABLESPACE sales_dataDATAFILE SIZE 100MSEGMENT SPACE MANAGEMENT AUTO;Which two statements are true about the SALES_DATA tablespace? (Choose two)A. The database automatically determines the extent-sizing policy for the tablespace.B. The segments are automatically shrunk when the contents are removed from them.C. The allocation of extents within the tablespace is managed through the dictionary tables.D. The space utilization description of the data blocks in segments is recorded in bitmap blocks.E. The space utilization description of the data blocks in segments is managed through free lists.Correct Answer: ADExplanation/Reference:段空间管理: 本地管理的表空间中的段空间管理方式可指定为:自动:Oracle DB 使用位图管理段中的空闲空间.位图描述了段中每个数据块的状态,该状态与可插入行的块中的空间量有关.当数据块中可用空间增多或减少时,位图中会反映数据块的新状态.通过使用位图,Oracle DB 可以提高管理空闲空间的自动化程度.因此,这种空间管理方式称为"自动段空间管理(ASSM)".手动:此方法指定要使用空闲列表来管理段中的空闲空间.空闲列表是由一些数据块组成的列表,这些数据块中有可插入行的空间.由于这种管理段空间的方式需要为在表空间中创建的方案对象指定并优化PCTUSED、FREELISTS和FREELIST GROUPS存储参数,因此这种方式称为"手动段空间管理".支持使用此方法是为了向后兼容,建议使用ASSM.可通过dba_tablespaces查看分区和段空间管理方式:SYS@ENMOEDU> select tablespace_name,extent_management,segment_space_manage ment from dba_tablespaces;TABLESPACE_NAME EXTENT_MAN SEGMENSYSTEM LOCAL MANUALSYSAUX LOCAL AUTOTEMP LOCAL MANUALUSERS LOCAL AUTOEXAMPLE LOCAL AUTOUNDOTBS1 LOCAL MANUALQUESTION 4In which of the scenario will the DBA perform recovery? (Choose all that apply.)A. The alert log file is corruptedB. A tablespace is accidentally droppedC. One of the redo log members is corruptedD. A database user terminates the session abnormallyE. The hard disk on which the data files is stored is corruptedCorrect Answer: BEExplanation/Reference:DBA一般在数据库出现介质损坏的时候执行恢复操作.A: 错误,alert日志损坏数据库不会丢失数据,不需要恢复.B: 正确,表空间在操作系统改名需要执行恢复,数据库找不到表空间对应的数据文件.C: 错误,丢失redo成员,不会丢失数据,不需要执行恢复操作.D: 错误,会话异常终止不会丢失数据,不需要恢复,数据库会释放异常会话占用的资源.E: 正确,磁盘损坏会导致在该磁盘的数据文件损坏,需要执行恢复操作.【Oracle OCP认证考试题库】。
ocp背题窍门【原创版】目录1.OCP 背题窍门的背景和意义2.OCP 背题窍门的具体方法3.OCP 背题窍门的实际应用和效果4.OCP 背题窍门的优点和局限性正文一、OCP 背题窍门的背景和意义OCP(Open Certification Program)背题窍门是一种针对计算机考试的背题方法,旨在帮助考生在有限的时间内快速掌握考试知识点,提高考试通过率。
在当前社会,计算机技能已经成为求职和职场晋升的必备条件,OCP 背题窍门在这种背景下应运而生,为广大考生提供了一种有效的学习方法。
二、OCP 背题窍门的具体方法1.理解考试大纲:首先,考生需要对考试大纲进行深入理解,明确考试范围和重点,以便有针对性地进行背题。
三、OCP 背题窍门的实际应用和效果通过 OCP 背题窍门,许多考生在计算机考试中取得了优异的成绩,顺利获得了证书。
四、OCP 背题窍门的优点和局限性优点:1.有针对性:OCP 背题窍门针对计算机考试,帮助考生快速掌握考试知识点。
2.提高效率:通过筛选重点题目和制定学习计划,OCP 背题窍门提高了考生的学习效率。
3.实际应用:OCP 背题窍门在实际应用中取得了良好的效果,得到了广大考生的认可。
局限性:1.对个人能力要求较高:OCP 背题窍门需要考生具备较强的自学能力和自律性。
QUESTION 11.Given a pre-generics implementation of a method:11. public static int sum(List list) {12. int sum = 0;13. for ( Iterator iter = list.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {14. int i = ((Integer)iter.next()).intValue();15. sum += i;16. }17. return sum;18. }What three changes allow the class to be used with generics and avoid an unchecked warning? (Choosethree.)A. Remove line 14.B. Replace line 14 with "int i = iter.next();".C. Replace line 13 with "for (int i : intList) {".D. Replace line 13 with "for (Iterator iter : intList) {".E. Replace the method declaration with "sum(List<int> intList)".F. Replace the method declaration with "sum(List<Integer> intList)".Answer: A,C,F考察把原始类型转换成泛型。
ocp认证考试题库标题:OCP认证考试题库:助力开发者提升技能的重要资源引言概述:OCP(Oracle Certified Professional)认证考试是IT开发者提升自身技能水平和职业发展的重要方式之一。
正文内容:1. 考试内容全面涵盖:1.1 系统学习:题库中包含了OCP认证考试所涉及的各个知识领域,从基础的语法、类库到高级的设计模式、性能优化等,全面覆盖了考试的内容范围。
1.2 实践经验:题库中的题目往往结合了实际开发场景,考察考生对于实际问题的解决能力和项目开发经验,帮助考生更好地理解和应用所学知识。
2. 提供多样化的题型:2.1 单选题:通过选择正确的答案,考察考生对知识点的掌握程度和理解能力。
2.2 多选题:要求考生选择多个正确答案,考察考生对复杂问题的分析和判断能力。
2.3 填空题:考生需要填写正确的代码或关键字,考察考生对知识点的记忆和应用能力。
2.4 代码题:要求考生编写符合要求的代码,考察考生的编程能力和实际操作能力。
3. 提供详细的解析和参考资料:3.1 解析:题库中为每道题目提供详细的解析,包括正确答案的解释和错误答案的分析,帮助考生理解和掌握知识点。
3.2 参考资料:题库中还提供了相关的参考资料和学习资源,供考生深入学习和进一步提升自己。
4. 真实模拟考试体验:4.1 模拟考试:题库中提供了模拟考试功能,考生可以模拟真实考试环境进行练习,提高应试能力和时间管理能力。
4.2 题目难度:题库中的题目难度分布符合真实考试的要求,能够帮助考生更好地了解自己的实际水平,有针对性地进行备考。
5. 助力考生顺利通过考试:5.1 提高通过率:通过使用题库进行系统的练习和复习,考生可以更好地掌握考试要求,提高通过考试的几率。
5.2 时间管理:题库中的模拟考试功能可以帮助考生熟悉考试时间限制,提高时间管理能力,避免时间不足导致的考试失利。
OCP 学习笔记Unit 1 Preparing for OCP DBA Exam I:SQL andPL/SQL1.C HAPTER 1 Selecting Data from OracleOracle’s RDBMS and ORDBMS Implementations(Oracle 的RDBMS和ORDBMS的实现)Oracle Global Area (SGA)内存组成⏹Buffer Cache:用户数据文件读取到内存中让用户进行读取或者处理,在一段时间后写回到磁盘中。
⏹Log Buffer用来存储日志⏹Shared Pool⏹Large PoolOracle Disk Components.(Oracle的磁盘组成)⏹Data file 用来存储Oracle的字典文件和应用程序的数据库对象。
Data file不断增长,Buffer Cache的内容就来自于此。
⏹Redo Logs 用来存储Redo日志文件。
⏹Control Files 控制文件,记录oracle磁盘组成的位置等资料。
⏹Password Files 密码文件,用来存储加密的oracle用户密码。
⏹Parameter Files 参数文件,数据库的init.oraOracle的服务后台进程⏹进程名:oracleWhat an ORDBMD Is⏹存储用户定义的数据类型做为对象表存储在数据库中。
PL/SQL的用途和优点⏹容易学习和使用⏹存储在数据库中⏹和Oracle数据库结合得非常好⏹特别擅长管理大的数据块⏹带有大量的oracle支持的代码来帮助完成任务⏹支持匿名和非匿名的程序⏹支持封装和模块化⏹支持重载⏹允许程序员包装他们自己的Oracle代码⏹支持高级的数据类型编写基本的执行语句⏹$ sqlplus⏹SQL>select * from emp;⏹Sqlplus –s为静默模式⏹;为语名的结束⏹@脚本名运行定义好的脚本⏹get脚本名将定义好的脚本文件导入到命令行⏹nvl(列名,如果是null的值)例:select empno,nvl(mgr,0) from emp⏹Column Aliases 列别名例select empno,nvl(mgr,0) as mgr from empPs:as 关键字可以省略,但是为了明朗,建议保留⏹连接多个列,用concat或者”||”,(两个管道符),concat只能带两个参数。
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Administer ASM disk groupsBack up the recovery catalogConfigure backup settingsConfigure, Monitor Flashback Database and Perform Flashback Database operationsCreate a job, program, and scheduleCreate a multisection,compressed and encrypted backupCreate an archival backup for long-term retentionCreate and use a virtual private catalogCreate lightweight jobsCreating a duplicate databaseCreate and use Database Resource Manager ComponentsCreate duplex backup and back up backup setsCreate lightweight jobsCreating a duplicate databaseDescribe Automatic Storage Management (ASM)Describe the concepts of transportable tablespaces and databasesEnable fast incremental backupIdentify the need of backup modePerform Flashback QueryPerform complete recovery from a critical or noncritical data file loss using RMANPerform Block Media RecoveryReclaim wasted space from tables and indexes by using the segment shrink functionalityRecover using a backup control fileRecover from a lost redo log groupRecover using incrementally updated backupsRestore a database onto a new hostSet up and use a Flashback Data ArchiveSet up initialization parameter files for ASM and database instancesStart up and shut down ASM instancesTuning RMANUnderstand Database ReplayUse job chains to perform a series of related tasksUse the SQL Access Advisor to tune a workloadUse Flash Recovery AreaUse Flashback TransactionUse a time-based or event-based schedule for executing Scheduler jobs3.Your database is in ARCHIVELOG mode. You have two online redo log groups, each of which contains one redo member. When you attempt to start the database, you receive the following errors:ORA-00313: open failed for members of log group 1 of thread 1ORA-00312: online log 1 thread 1: 'D:\REDO01.LOG'You discover that the online redo log file of the current redo group is corrupted.Which statement should you use to resolve this issue?A. ALTER DATABASE DROP LOGFILE GROUP 1;B. ALTER DATABASE CLEAR LOGFILE GROUP 1;C. ALTER DATABASE CLEAR UNARCHIVED LOGFILE GROUP 1;D. ALTER DATABASE DROP LOGFILE MEMBER 'D:\REDO01.LOG';Answer: C11.View the Exhibit to examine the metrics with a threshold. Which statement is true regarding the Number of Transactions (per second) metric?A. Oracle uses statistical relevance to determine when an adaptive threshold has been breached for the metric.B. The statistics for the metric values observed over the baseline time period are not examined to determine threshold values.C. Oracle determines when an adaptive threshold has been breached based on the maximum value captured by the baseline.D. The total concurrent number of threshold violations, which must occur before an alert is raised for the metric, has been set to zero.Answer: AAdaptive thresholds enable you to monitor and detect performance issues while minimizing administrative overhead. Adaptive thresholds can automatically set warning and critical alert thresholds for some system metrics using statistics derived from metric values captured in the moving window baseline. The statistics for these thresholds are recomputed weekly and might result in new thresholds as system performance evolves over time. In addition to recalculating thresholds weekly, adaptive thresholds might compute different thresholds values for different times of the day or week based on periodic workload patterns.14.Which two statements are true regarding hot patching? (Choose two.)A. It requires relinking of the Oracle binary.B. It does not require database instance shutdown.C. It can detect conflicts between two online patches.D. It is available for installing all patches on all platforms.E. It works only in a single database instance environment.Answer: B,C15.You are in the process of creating a virtual private catalog in your Oracle Database 11g database. ThePROD1, PROD2, and PROD3 Oracle Database 10g databases are registered in the base recoverycatalog. The database user who owns the base recovery catalog is CATOWNER. CATOWNER executesthe following command to grant privileges to a new user VPC1 using Oracle Database 11g RMANexecutables:RMAN> GRANT CATALOG FOR DATABASE prod1, prod2 TO vpc1;Then you issue the following commands:RMAN> CONNECT CATALOG vpc1/oracle@catdb;RMAN> SQL "EXEC catowner.dbms_rcvcat.create_virtual_catalog;"What is the outcome of the above commands?A. They execute and create a virtual catalog for pre-Oracle 11g clients.B. They produce an error because PROD1 and PROD2 databases belong to the older version.C. They produce an error because you need to connect as CATOWNER to execute this packagedprocedure.D. They produce an error because you need to connect to the target database to execute this packaged procedure.Answer: A19.A PL/SQL procedure queries only those columns of a redefined table that were unchanged by theonline table redefinition. What happens to the PL/SQL procedure after the online table redefinition?A. It remains valid.B. It becomes invalid for all options of online table redefinition but automatically gets revalidated the nexttime it is used.C. It becomes invalid for all options of online table redefinition and is automatically recompiled duringonline redefinition of the table.D. It becomes invalid only if the storage parameters have been modified and it automatically getsrevalidated the next time it is used.Answer: A22.An index called ORD_CUSTNAME_IX has been created on the CUSTNAME column in the ORDERStable using the following command:SQL>CREATE INDEX ord_custname_ix ON orders(custname);The ORDERS table is frequently queried using the CUSTNAME column in the WHERE clause. You wantto check the impact on the performance of the queries if the index is not available. You do not want theindex to be dropped or rebuilt to perform this test.Which is the most efficient method of performing this task?A. disabling the indexB. making the index invisibleC. making the index unusableD. using the MONITORING USAGE clause for the indexAnswer: B24.Which of the following information will be gathered by the SQL Test Case Builder for the problems pertaining to SQL-related problems? (Choose all that apply.)A. ADR diagnostic filesB. all the optimizer statisticsC. initialization parameter settingsD. PL/SQL functions, procedures, and packagesE. the table and index definitions and actual dataAnswer: B,C,E答案解析:参考:/cd/E11882_01/server.112/e41573/sql_overview.htm#PFGRF16001此题答案有误,E错误,不包含actual data。