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Unit9 Can you come to my party?单元练习


Ⅰ. 关键词语选择 (共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)


1. A. reply B. refuse C. result

2. A. match B. catch C. watch

3. A. expect B. accept C. across

4. A. weekly B. weekends C. weekdays

5. A. hang on B. hang out C. hand out

Ⅱ. 长对话理解 (共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)



6. When is the girl's birthday?

A. On March 17th.

B. On March 26th.

C. On May 26th.

7. Why can't Sam go to the party?

A. Because he has a guitar lesson.

B. Because he has a piano lesson.

C. Because he has a violin lesson.


8. What does the girl want to do with Frank?

A. To go hiking.

B. To go shopping.

C. To go camping.

9. Where will Frank be on Sunday evening?

A. At his home.

B. In the supermarket.

C. At his grandparents' home.

10. When do they meet on Monday evening?

A. At 6:00.

B. At 7:00.

C. At 8:00.

Ⅳ. 短文理解 (共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)


11. When did Mr. Lin move here?

A. Last week.

B. Last month.

C. Last year.

12. What does Mr. Lin think of Mr. King?

A. Friendly.

B. Unfriendly.

C. Serious.

13. What party is Mr. Lin's family going to have?

A. A dancing party.

B. A singing party.

C. A birthday party.

14. How old is Mr. Lin's son going to be?

A. 12.

B. 13.

C. 14.

15. Why can't Mr. Lin's son study well at night?

A. Because he doesn't like studying.

B. Because the weather is too hot.

C. Because the music is too loud.


16. --- you help me with the heavy box?

--- With pleasure.

A. Must

B. Should

C. Can

D. Need

17. --- you come to my birthday party tomorrow, Robert?

--- I'm afraid not. I have lots of homework to do.

A. Must

B. Should

C. Can

D. Need

18. --- you come with me to Lang Lang's piano concert this evening?

--- I'd love to, but I have to study for my math test.

A. Should

B. May

C. Must

D. Can

19. Drivers wear the safety belt when driving. This is the traffic rule.

A. can

B. may

C. will

D. must

20. He said the news be true, but he was not sure.

A. need

B. might

C. can

D. must

21. --- What do you want to eat for lunch? I will prepare earlier today.

--- Honey, you . Let's go out to have something different.

A. mustn't

B. can't

C. shouldn't

D. don't have to

22. --- Hello! Golden Sun Hotel. Can I help you?

--- Do you have a room for this weekend?

A. available

B. useful

C. empty

D. possible

23. --- Tom, you look tired this morning. What's wrong?

--- I was so busy that I didn't go to bed 12 o'clock last night.

A. until

B. when

C. though

D. unless

24. Thanks for your invitation, but I'm so sorry I can't go. I need to and help my brother

with his English at home.

A. take away

B. take off

C. take care of

D. take out of

25. --- Can you come to my house for dinner this Sunday, Mary?

--- .
