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*第十八篇 exercise can replace insulin for

elderly diabetics

most older people with so-called type ii diabetes could stop taking insulin if they would do brisk exercise for 30 minutes just three times a week, according to new medical research results reported in the copenhagen newspaper berlingske tidende on monday.

results from tests conducted on diabetics at the copenhagen central hospital rigshospitalet s center for muscle research showed that physical exercise can boost the bodys ability to utilise insulin by 30 per cent, the newspaper reported.

this is equal to1 the effect most elderly diabetics get from their insulin medication today, it said.

researchers had a group of non-diabetic men and a group of men with type ii, all more than60 years of age, exercise on bicycles six times a week for three months. after the three months the doctors measured how much sugar the test subjects muscles could utilise as a measure for how well their insulin worked.2

associate professor3 dr. flemming dela of the muscle research center said the tests demonstrated that the exercising diabetics had just as high insulin utilization as the healthy non- exercising persons.

this means that the insulin works just as well for both groups. physical exercise cannot cure people of diabetes, 4 but it can eliminate almost all their symptoms. at the same time it can put off5 the point at which they have to begin taking insulin or perhaps completely avoid insulin treatment, dela was quoted as saying.6

insulin isa hormone produced by the pancreas, controlling sugar in the body and used against diabetes.

dela said that to achieve the desired effect diabetics need only exercise to the point where they begin to work up7 a sweat, but that the activity has to be maintained since it wears off8 after five days without sufficient exercise.

most diabetics realize that they have to watch their diet while remaining unaware of9 the importance of exercise, dela added.练习:

1. how could most elderly type ii diabetics stop taking insulin?

a by taking more salt than usual.

b by taking less salt than usual.

c by doing brisk exercise for half an hour at least three times a week.

d by going climbing, swimming or boxing every day.

2. physical exercise may increase the body ability to utilise insulin by

a 70 per cent.

c 60 per cent. b 30 per cent.

d only a few per cent.

3. the subjects of the research tests conducted at the copenhagen central hospital included

a elderly non-diabetic men.


c both sexes of all ages.

d both a and b. b elderly typ

e Ⅱdiabetic

4. to what a degree have diebetics to exercise in order to achieve the desired effect?

a to the degree where they begin to sweat.

b to the degree where they feel, exhausted.

c to the point when they reel thirsty.

d to th

e point when they have to take insulin.

5. according to deta, among most diabetics the importance of exercise is ________________________ the importance

of watching their diet.

a as poorly understood as

c less understoo

d than b as well understood as d better understood than *第二十四篇 preventing child maltreatment child maltreatment is a global problem with serious life-long consequences. ther

e are no reliable global estimates for the prevalence o

f child maltreatment. data for many countries, especially low- and middle-income countries, are lacking.

child maltreatment is complex and difficult to study. current estimates vary widely depending on the country and the method of research used. nonetheless, international studies reveal that approximately 20% of women and 510% of men report being sexually abused as children, while25-50% of all
