

第一部分选择题(所有考生都答,共 20 分)一、单项选择题(本题共 20 小题,每题 1 分,共 20 分)1.因特网 IP 地址是一个 32 位的二进制数, IP 地址的设计者们把它分成两部分,一部分表示网络号(用于识别主机所在的网络),另一部分表示主机号(用于识别该网络中的主机)。
已知一台主机的 IP 地址为202.113.224.68,子网掩码为,那么这台主机的主机号为A.4 B.6 C.8 D.682. HTML 的正式名称是A.主页制作语言B.超文本标识语言C.WWW 编程语言D.JAVA 语言3. IP 地址是一串很难记忆的数字,于是人们发明了( ),给主机赋予一个用字母代表的名字,并进行 IP 地址与名字之间的转换工作。
A.DNS 域名系统B.WINDOWS NT 系统C.UNIX 系统D.数据库系统4.因特网是一个A.大型网络B.国际购物C.电脑软件D.网络的集合5.超文本之所以称之为超文本,是因为它里面包含有A.图形B.声音C.与其它文本链接的D.电影6.下面是一些因特网上常见的文件类型,请指出哪个文件类型一般代表 WWW 页面文件A.htm 或 htmlB.txt 或 textC.gif或 jpegD.wav 或 au7.指出以下统一资源定位器各部分的名称(从左到右),哪个正确A.1 主机域名 2 服务标志 3 目录名 4 文件B.1 服务标志 2 主机域名 3 目录名 4 文件名C.1 服务标志 2 目录名 3 主机域名 4 文件名D.1 目录名 2 主机域名 3 服务标志 4 文件名8.网上银行是指A.以黄金为主要流通手段的银行B.以纸币为主要流通手段的银行C.以电子货币为主要流通手段的银行D.以商品为主要流通手段的银行9. IP 地址的表示方法为 hhh.hhh.hhh.hhh,其每段的取值范围是A.1-254B.0-255C.1-126D.0-1510.中华人民共和国境内的信息系统安全专用产品生产者在其产品进入市场销售之前,必须申请A.《卫生许可证》B.《计算机信息系统安全专用产品销售许可证》C.《生产许可证》D.《计算机销售许可证》11.下列关于信息高速公路的叙述中,正确的是A.中国最早提出信息高速公路的概念B.信息高速公路概念是美国最早提出C.因特网不属于信息高速公路的范筹D.信息高速公路即带宽大的通信线路12.局域网的网络软件主要包括A.网络操作系统、网络数据库管理系统和网络应用软件B.服务器操作系统、网络数据库管理系统和网络应用软件C.网络数据库管理系统和工作站软件D.网络传输协议和网络应用软件13.互联网络上的服务都是基于一种协议, www 服务基于( )协议。

2024年全国普通高等学校运动训练、民族传统体育专业单独统一招生考试英语模拟测试卷(二)满分150 测试时长90分钟题号ⅠⅡⅢⅣⅤ总分分数注意事项:1. 本试卷分为一、二卷。
第一卷三大题, 满分120分:第二卷两大题, 满分30分, 共150分2. 答卷前将密封线内的项目填写清楚第一卷(三大题,共120分)得分评卷人(Ⅰ.单项选择(共20小题; 每小题2分, 满分40分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案)1. — Your English is wonderful. What's the _______of your excellent spoken English— Practice makes perfect!A. resultB. secretC. systemD. effect2. Men tend to _______ weight in middle age.A. put awayB. put offC. put onD. put up3. Give Tim some help, ________he will be able to overcome the difficulties in his studies.A. SoB. andC. butD. or4. I made a special card for my father_______ Father's Day this yearA. inB. atC. onD. during5. — How many girls are there in your class—_______ them _______over twenty.A. A number of: areB. The number of: areC. A number of: isD. The number of: is6. “If you want to improve your study, you must be away from the computer,” our math teacher says. It means _______ you play computer games, _______your study will be.A. the more: the betterB. the more: the moreC. the less: the betterD. the less: the more7. Take care when you are driving, _______in a summer storm like this.A. immediatelyB. probablyC. especiallyD. recently8. If you _______to my hometown next month, I _______you to a big dinnerA. come; treatB. comes; will treatC. come; will treatD. will come; will treat9. By the time Jack returned home from England, his son_______ from college.A. graduatedB. had graduatedC. has graduatedD. had beengraduated10. The park was full of people, _______themselves in the sunshine.A. having enjoyedB. enjoyedC. enjoyingD. to enjoy11. You had better ____ a doctor to pull your bad tooth; otherwise it may become a pain in the neck.A. gotB. gettingC. to getD. get12. Although all the happiness always happens while they _______the mountain, everyone wants to reach the top of itA. climbB. climbedC. are climbingD. have climbed13. —Could you give me a hand now—Sorry, I'm not free. But I can get my brother _______you.A. helpB. helpingC. to helpD. helped14. — Whose notebook is it Is it your partner's— No. It _______be hers. The handwriting is not so good as hersA. mustn'tB. can'tC. couldn'tD. must15. The first thing _______we shall do is to work out a planA. whichB. whatC. thatD. when16. The question ______will win the NBA MVP this year is _____every basketball fan cares about.A. that: whatB. who: thatC. who: whatD. that: that17. —How time flies! We'll graduate from middle school this weekend!—_______we have to say goodbye, I will remember our friendship foreverA. BecauseB. AlthoughC. UnlessD. Until18. Since these two countries are quite different in the social systems, it is _______necessary _______ possible for the two sides to change each other.A. either: orB. both: andC. not: butD. neither: nor19. Would you like to take _______ walk in_______ park after supperA. the: aB. a: theC. the: theD. a:a20. — Could you do me a favor and take these books to my office — Yes, _______.A. it's nothingB. it's all rightC. with pleasureD. my pleasure得分评卷人II.完形填空(共10小题,每小题2分,满分20分)阅读下面的短文,掌握大意,从21到30各题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选一个最佳答案。

教师教育教学理论测试模拟试题(二)教育学模拟试题一、选择题1.在西方教育史上,被认为史现代教育代言人的是()A.赫尔巴特B.卢梭C.洛克D.杜威2.人力资本理论说明了()A.教育对经济发展的促进作用B.经济发展水平对教育的制约作用C.政治对教育的制约作用D.教育对科学技术的促进作用3.人的身心发展的年龄特征表明了个体的发展具有()A.顺序性B.阶段性C.不平衡性D.差异性4.“理想和未来”是人生哪个阶段的重要特征()A.童年期B.少年期C.青年期D.成年期5.马克思指出的实现人的全面发展的唯一方法是()A.理论联系实际B.教育与社会实践结合C.知识分之与工农相结合D.教育与生产劳动相结合6.编写教科书的直接依据和国家衡量各科教学的主要标准是()A.课程B.课程标准C.课程计划D.课程目标二、判断题 1.√ 2.√ 3.× 4.× 5.× 6.×二、判断题1.当代教育的发展中,学历教育和非学历教育的界限逐渐淡化。

2020年普通高等学校招生考试数学模拟测试一、单项选择题:本题共8小题,每小题5分,共40分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的.1.若集合A={0,1,2,3},B={2,3,4,5},则A ∪B= A.{1,2,3,4,5}B.{0,1,4,5}C.{2,3}D.{0,1,2,3,4,5}2.i 是虚数单位,z=2—i,则|z|=B.23.已知向量a =(1,2),b =(-1,λ),若a ∥b ,则实数λ等于 A.-1B.1C.-2D.24.设命题p:∀x ∈R ,x 2>0,则p ⌝为A.∀x ∈R ,x 2≤0B.∀x ∈R ,x 2>0C.∃x ∈R ,x 2>0D.∃x ∈R ,x 2≤05.51(1)x-展开式中含x -2的系数是 A.15B.-15C.10D.-106.若双曲线22221(0,x y a b a b -=>>)的左、右焦点分别为F 1、F 2,离心率为53,点P(b,0),为则12||||PF PF =A.6B.8C.9D.107.图为祖冲之之子祖暅“开立圆术”中设计的立体模型.祖暅提出“祖氏原理”,他将牟合方盖的体积化成立方体与一个相当于四棱锥的体积之差,从而求出牟合方盖的体积等于32(3d d 为球的直径),并得到球的体积为16V d π=,这种算法比外国人早了一千多年,人们还用过一些类似的公式,根据π=3.1415926…,判断下列公式中最精确的一个是A.d ≈3B .d ≈√2V 3C.d≈√300157V3D .d≈√158V 38.已知23cos cos ,2sin sin 2αβαβ-=+=则cos(a+β)等于 A.12B.12-C.14D.14-二、多项选择题:本题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分.在每小题给出的选项中,有多项符合题目要求.全部选对的得5分,部分选对的得3分,有选错的得0分.9.第18届国际篮联篮球世界杯(世界男子篮球锦标赛更名为篮球世界杯后的第二届世界杯)于2019年8月31日至9月15日在中国的北京广州、南京、上海、武汉、深圳、佛山、东莞八座城市举行.中国队12名球员在第一场和第二场得分的茎叶图如图所示,则下列说法正确的是A.第一场得分的中位数为52 B.第二场得分的平均数为193C.第一场得分的极差大于第二场得分的极差D.第一场与第二场得分的众数相等10.已知正方体的外接球与内切球上各有一个动点M 、N,若线段MN 1,则 A.正方体的外接球的表面积为12π B.正方体的内切球的体积为43πC.正方体的边长为2D.线段MN 的最大值为11.已知圆M 与直线x 十y +2=0相切于点A(0,-2),圆M 被x 轴所截得的弦长为2,则下列 结论正确的是A.圆M 的圆心在定直线x-y-2=0上B.圆M 的面积的最大值为50πC.圆M 的半径的最小值为1D.满足条件的所有圆M 的半径之积为1012.若存在m,使得f(x)≥m 对任意x ∈D 恒成立,则函数f(x)在D 上有下界,其中m 为函数f(x)的一个下界;若存在M,使得f(x)≤M 对任意x ∈D 恒成立,则函数f(x)在D 上有上界,其中M 为函数f(x)的一个上界.如果一个函数既有上界又有下界,那么称该函数有界.下列说法正确的是A.1不是函数1()(0)f x x x x=+>的一个下界 B.函数f(x)=x l nx 有下界,无上界C.函数2()xe f x x=有上界有,上无界下,界无下界D.函数2sin ()1xf x x =+有界 三、填空题:本题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分.把答案填在答题卡中的横线上. 13.设f(x)是定义在R 上的函数,若g(x)=f(x)+x 是偶函数,且g(-2)=-4,则f(2)=___. 14.已知函数f(x)=sin(ωx+φ)(ω>0),点2(,0)3π和7(,0)6π是函数f(x)图象上相邻的两个对称中心,则ω=___.15.已知F 1,F 2分别为椭圆的221168x y +=左、右焦点,M 是椭圆上的一点,且在y 轴的左侧,过点F 2作∠F 1MF2的角平分线的垂线,垂足为N,若|ON|=2(О为坐标原点),则|MF 2|-|MF 1|=___,|OM|=__.(本题第一空2分,第二空3分)16.在正三棱柱ABC-A 1B 1C 1中,AB =1=2,E,F 分别为AB 1,A 1C 1的中点,平面α过点C 1,且平面α∥平面A 1B 1C ,平面α∩平面A 1B 1C 1=l ,则异面直线EF 与l 所成角的余弦值为__·四、解答题:本题共6小题,共70分。

六西格玛黑带模拟测试题及答案(二 )单项选择题(共 84 题,每题 1 分)1、题目:六西格玛管理实行成功最重点的要素是:A.培训B.组织构造C.领导的参加和支持D.项目计划2、题目:对于六西格玛管理和零缺点管理之间的关系,正确的选项是:A.零缺点是比六西格玛质量目标要求更高的管理模式B.零缺点不容忍缺点,可是六西格玛容忍百万分之3.4 的缺点C.六西格玛管理所追求的也是零缺点D.以上说法都不对3、题目:以下陈说中,哪个是质量管理前驱休哈特的看法?A.撤消工作定额,代之以领导职能增强B.单调的观察几乎不可以构成客观决议的依照C.质量管理活动中重要的三个过程:质量策划、质量控制和质量改良D.质量特色值偏离目标值致使质量损失4、题目:公司实行六西格玛一般能够分为四个阶段,即导入期、加快期、成长久和成熟期。
A.假想未来可能会碰到的一系列问题B.评论组织治理水平C.确立战略目标和指标D.装备和优化资源6、题目:某六西格玛小组使用质量功能睁开( QFD )改良手机设计,质量屋上方的三角反应了工程举措之间的有关关系,在怎样描绘有关关系时,有不同的看法,以下看法那个是正确的?A.只需依据工程经验描绘出工程举措之间的关系强弱即可B.不单要描绘出工程举措之间的强弱关系,还要指出可能是正有关还是负有关C.屋顶上的三角形所反应的关系其实不是顾客需乞降工程举措之间的关系,所以不重要D.没有必需考虑工程举措之间的关系7、题目:某公司六西格玛小组为了获取顾客对公司供给的服务的反应信息,成立了呼喊中心并采集顾客投诉信息。
3-5 月份该公司服务的顾客为6000 人,而顾客投诉只有 6 人,同时该小组对投诉顾客进行了剖析,发现回头客只有 1% ,重复购置率很低。

智慧家庭工程师技能认证模拟测试题〔二〕一、填空〔共40题,0.5分/题,共20分〕41 20. 1080P采用的是逐行扫描的式,1080i采用的是隔行扫描的式,所以1080i的码率通常比1080P 小,但对于动态视频的观看效果相比1080P差。
42 4. 到达客户家庭但无法联系到用户时,在留下书面到访留言后可离去,到访留言上应写明到访时间、离开时间、联系、联系人等相关容43 14. 完成家庭组网施工后,智慧家庭工程师应进展实地测试,主要评测容包括验证用户业务是否可以正常使用、检查室走线是否合理、评测常用上网点WiFi覆盖情况。
44 17. ONU的PON灯常亮,表示注册成功;ONU的Ethernet灯常亮,表示处于连接状态,但无流量。
45 15. 中国联通的家庭网络接入式以FTTH为主,以FTTB 为辅。
46 53. 天线的极化向有:垂直极化,水平极化和双向极化,在WLAN网络中应用较多的天线采用的是垂直极化。
47 33. LAN Switch 工作在ISO/OSI参考模型的数据链路层。
48 37. 当下户线和电力线平行敷设时,最小水平净距不小于150cm 。
49 7. 双手与客户递送和接收物品,注意轻拿轻放,不抛不丢。
50 30. WLAN接入网络主要由AP/无线接入点与AC/无线控制器组成。
51 31. 802.11b和802.11g的工作频段在2.4GHz〔2.410GHz-2.483GHz〕,其可用带宽为83.5MHz,划分为13 个信道,每个信道带宽为22MHz 。
52 5. 制作一根网线需要用到的工具和材料有双绞线、RJ45水晶头、双绞线压线钳。
53 13. 根据固网业务的类型进展区分,现阶段根底业务包括宽带业务、语音业务以及IPTV业务。
54 2. EPG〔Electronic Program Guide〕的中文名称是电子节目指南,IPTV所提供的各种业务的索引及导航都是通过EPG系统来完成的。
2022《公共关系学》 模拟测试2试题及答案

A. 人际关系B. 公众关系C. 人群关系D. 社区关系正确答案:B2.组织开展公共关系活动的基础是()。
A. 公共关系状态B. 公共关系意识C. 公共关系策划D. 公共关系观念正确答案:A3.民主参与法是用来协调()关系的。
B. 顾客公众C. 媒介公众D. 内部公众正确答案:D4.优秀的公共关系人员在性格上应具备的特征是()。
A. 公正无私B. 实事求是C. 创新能力D. 开朗、有耐心、能宽容正确答案:D5.为了防止公众产生厌倦和反感情绪,必须保持信息的()。
A. 刺激强度B. 重复率C. 对比度D. 新鲜程度正确答案:D6.在所有传播沟通对象中,最具社会权威性的对象是()。
A. 媒介公众B. 政府公众C. 社区公众D. 名流公众正确答案:B7.不受空间限制,传播范围最广的大众传播媒介是()。
A. 电视B. 报纸C. 广播D. 杂志正确答案:C8. 一般情况下,组织每年搞庆典活动()。
A. 1次就够了B. 5-6次就够了C. 2-3次就够了D. 10次就够了正确答案:C9.组织形象的基础是()。
A. 产品形象B. 管理形象C. 机构形象D. 员工形象正确答案:A10.在人际交往的过程中距离也是一种传达态度的信息,社交距离是指A. 0.45米以内B. 约为0.45~1.22米C. 约为1.22~3.65米D. 约为3.65~9米正确答案:C11.被誉为公共关系之父的是()。
A. 艾维·李B. 卡特里普C. 伯尼斯D. 巴纳姆正确答案:A12. 搞开放组织活动()。
A. 应完全公开B. 既公开又不能泄密C. 应加强保密工作D. 只公开组织的过去正确答案:B13. 以组织自身的名义,率先在社会上提倡某种有进步意义的新思想,属于单选题A. 组织公告B. 响应广告C. 祝贺广告D. 公益广告正确答案:D14.高美誉度、低知名度属于公共关系的()状态。

2022年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试模拟测试(二)英语第二局部阅读(共两节,总分值50分)第一节(共15小题;每题2. 5分,总分值37. 5分) 阅读以下短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最正确选项。
ARiver Beach Community now offers various programs free of charge. Please call (608) 7898640 for details.Coping SkillsTuesdays; December 8, December 22 1 p. m. -2 p. m. on vvivv亿Do you need a little help coping with life? Don't we all? Come and join us for casual conversation and helpful information.We will discuss a variety of topics、including healthy ways to cope with change and life transitions as we age.Fill Your CupFill Your Cup is a personalized one-hour session held on Mondays or Thursdays. Looking for a way to be social while still being safe? This program is designed lo help you recharge your batteries in a way suitable for you. Bring your coffee and we'll chat! Bring your exercise shoes and we can stretch together! Whatever helps you “fill your cup”, we can figure out a plan together.Connect 2 NatureFridays; December 4, December 18 11 a.m.- 12:30 p.m.on Lifesize. comJoin us as we explore a range of topics related to nature and discover how the environment impacts our health and well-being.We will learn from local experts and share in casual conversation about all things environmental.New Device Tech HelpThursdays; December 3, December 17 11 a.m.- 12 p.m.New Site at St. Andrews Street (if open, please call before attending!)Do you have questions about a new device or just need some help with your device? Bring in your cell phone, tablet, iPad, or any other technology item that you may have and La Crosse Library staff will be ready to help with your questions.21.How can participants benefit from Fill Your Cup?A.By taking stretching exercises alone.B.By designing team plans to improve skills.★启用前注意保密2022年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试模拟测试(二)英语参考答案第二局部阅读(共两节,总分值50分)第一节(共15小题;每题2. 5分,总分值37.5分)21 〜23 DCB 24 〜27 BDBC 28 〜31 DAAB 32 〜35 CACD第二节(共5小题;每题2. 5分,总分值12.5分)36 〜40 GACED第三局部语言运用(共两节,总分值30分)第一节(共15小题;每题1分,总分值15分)41 〜45 BCADC 46 〜50 ADDBA 51 -55 ABDBC 第二节(共10小题;每题1.5分,总分值15分)56. which57. Combining58. has posted59.inspiration60. importantly61. himself62. the63. with64.to figure65. are heard第四局部写作(共两节,总分值40分)第一节(总分值15分)Better Learning Habits Lead to Better ResultsMany people fail to achieve ideal results even though they have strong interests in what they learn. The fact is that it can be quite difTicult to have a Better outcome without better learning habits.When it comes to English learning, reflection can be one of the good habits. For example, to improve speaking skill, top English learners may record their speech and fin<l out the wrong pronunciations when they listen again. Their speaking ability develops by reflecting on their performances.Eonning Better habits requires time and energy, so my suggestion is :never give up and keep practicing. Only in this way can we receive better results which meet our expectations.英语模拟测试(二)参考答案第1页(共2页)第二节(总分值25分)When it was finally time for Dj to sing, the music played on, and he froze. His little face grew pale, and we could see the panic in his eyes as the silence grew. The pianist started the music again but still nothing came out. The entire audience seemed lo lean forward in expectation. Tlie silence seemed enormous. The wliole family of us were all staring at our little boy, hoping he would cheer up and act out his part. Then the pianist started over again, and a low voice filled the air, singing the song.Everyone turned to see who was singing, while I knew it was my brother. My mother and I were fixed on the little angel on stage. The color came back to his face, and his eyes began to sparkle. He opened his mouth and began to sing along, his little voice growing stronger with each word. The show ended with thunderous applause, with the kids bowing dramatically, accepting their praise for a job well done. 1 turned lo my brother with tears in my eyes. 1 knew at that time no words needed to be spoken; the understanding between us was louder than the applause that night.英语模拟测试(二)参考答案第2页(共2页)C.By enjoying friendly talks with free drinks.D.By enlarging social circle in a relaxing way.22.Which program is suitable if you are available only on Fridays?A. Coping SkillsB. Fill Your CupC. Conned 2 NatureD. New Device Tech HelpWhat do the programs have in common?A , They feature online activities.B . They promote social interaction.C . They provide professional instructions.D , They advocate environmental protection.BWhile some feel that bookstores are fading away, one Chinese bookstore has found new life by marching into rural areas in China to bring colorful cultural life and higher incomes lo local residents.By absorbing local rural characteristics, the village branches of the Librairie Avantgarde Bookstore (LAB) chain have transformed into important platforms to display local history, culture and folk traditions. Not just bookstores, they are foundations helping to relieve spiritual poverty (贫困)and centers for gathering and displaying rural culture.To better fit in the lives of local residents, earth village branch has its own characteristics, like the branch in Shaxi, southwest China's Yunnan province. Many of nearly 20,000 books in the store are associated with the history, geography and folk customs of Yunnan and the Bai people."Turning in profits is not our only aim. Our bookstore has become a public gathering space for villagers. Not only young people, butt many elderly residents come here. They do not buy books, but pass the time by rending or chatting with each other in our store. " Liu Xia, the bookstore owner explained.She added that this is a cultural atmosphere that bookstores offer the area. Some residents have grown accustomed to turning to the books of the store to find answers to the troubles they face, such as operating a business or controlling tourists from urban areas. The biggest benefit of opening bookstores in villages is that it helps provide a healthy environment for children's growth. "My kids often come to the store. They love reading books here. They gain knowledge and curiosity about outside world/' one villager said.The arrival of the bookstore menus a lot to the village when young residents have been leaving for urban areas in recent years. During the 2020 May Day and National Day holidays, the daily number of tourists traveling to the village reached 5,000, a record high. Visitors were attracted by the bookstore. Surrounding it, several restaurants and holds have opened.23.Which of the following best describes village branches of the LAB?A. They are disappearing gradually.B , They feature local rural cultures .C , They could make much higher profits.D. They have set up poverty-relief foundations.24.. What do we know about the branch in Shaxi?A. It specializes in history-related books.B . It creates a public gathering space for business.C.It shares the same features with oilier branches.D.It helps villagers know more about the Bai people.26.Whats the greatest influence of village bookshops on the local areas?A.Attracting more people lo pay a visit.B.Offering kids a healthy atmosphere.C.Helping residents lo acquire knowledge.D.Encouraging the young to go to big cities.27.Which of the following can be the best title of the text?A. LAB: A Bookstore on the RiseB , Local Culture Welcomed by TouristsC. Village Bookshops Promote Rural LifeD , Great Ambitions of Village BookstoresCFor people bom into the Russian aristocracy (贵族)in the nineteenth century, life was full of interesting opportunities - unless they were female. At the time, women generally did not have careers, for they were expected, instead, to focus fully on marrying and raising families. Sophia Behrs was one such young woman. When Sophia married Leo Tolstoy (列夫•托尔斯泰),he was already a well-known author. Both the couple were literary in their interests: Sophia had been a gifted student and, even at a very young age, was a keen and sensitive reader.Sophia's marriage to Tolstoy gave her the opportunity to put her abilities as a good reader to use, often advising him on his work throughout the writing process. She served as her husband*s copyist, writing out multiple copies of his novels by hand. She made suggestions for and edits to his work, many of which were incorporated into the final product. In addition, she served as his manager, publicist, and agent, keeping track of the financial and legal sides of her husband's writing career. If Sophia were alive today, she might have found her calling at a publishinghouse or literary-agency.She wrote her own Russian-language grammar textbook and translated texts from German and English. She also wrote fiction, including a revision of Leo*s novella The Krcutzer Sonata. In that story, a man recounts the dramatic breakdown of his marriage ; Sophia retold the narrative from his wife's point of view. The famous writer was impressed by his wife*s literary talents. "What force of truth and simplicity!,, he wrote in his diary upon reading one of her stories.However, Sophia never sought publication for her own work. Writing was not a fantasy that she look seriously ; rath er, she regarded it with “a certain contempt (轻蔑)and irony.” Limited by personal modesty, her domestic duties, and the expectations for women in her lifetime, Sophia never even considered seeking fame of her own. Yet Tolstoy would never have been able to produce the work he did without Sophia's vital contributions.28.What advantages did Sophia's marriage bring to her? A.A strong interest in literature. B.A superior sense of gracefulness. C.A profession at a literary agency. D.A chance to put her literary gift to use. 29. What can be inferred about Sophia from paragraph 3?A , Her revision of The Kreutzer Sonata was admirable.B , Her grammar textbook was easy and simple.C.She had a dramatic and imaginative writing style. D.She almost went through a marriage breakdown. 30. Which of the following words best describe Sophia according to the last paragraph?In a fascinating paper published last year in Science, a team led by Andreas Nieder oftheUniversity of Tubingen in Germany showed that crows - already known to be among the mostintelligent of animals - are even more impressive than we knew. In fact, the evidence suggests that they are self-aware and, in an important sense, conscious (有意识的).Crows had been observed previously to use tools to solve certain problems.Nieder'sexperiment showed that the birds were actively evaluating how to solve a particular problem ; in effect, they were thinking it over. This ability to consciously assess a problem was associated with the cerebral cortex (大脑皮层)in the brains of humans, which birds don't have.Other studies support the idea that the bird brain can, in principle, support the development of higher A . Talented and selfless.C , Thoughtful but strong-willed.31. What is the text mainly about?A. Sophia, a delayed publisher.C. Life of Tolstoy and Sophia.B , Loving and ambitious. D, Responsible but proud. B , Sophia, the other Tolstoy D. Literature on Russian women. Dintelligence. It had been dismissed in the past due to the small size of birds, brains. But recent research has shown that in birds, the neurons (神经元)are smaller and more lightly-packed, which makes sense to reduce weight and makes it easier lo fly. The total number of brain cell in crows (about 1. 5 billion)is about the same as that in some monkey species. But because they are more tightly-packed, the communication between the neurons seems In be better, and the overall intelligence of crows may be closer to that of gorillas (猩猩).This research has important consequences for our understanding of the evolution of higher intelligence. First, a cerebral cortex is not needed, and there are other means to achieve the same outcome. Second, either the evolution of consciousness is very ancient tracing back to the last common ancestor of mammals and birds about 320 million years ago, or, equally interesting, consciousness arose at least twice later on, independently in mammals and birds. Both options raise the possibility that higher intelligence on other planets may not necessarily be mammal or human-like, but could very well be birdlike.32.What did Andreas Nieder's team find out about crows?A.They are more intelligent than other animals.B.They have left people a very good impression.C.They are much cleverer than previously thought.D.They can use tools to solve certain problems.33.What does the underlined “it" in paragraph 3 refer to?A . The idea.B.The bird brain.C. The development.D.Higher intelligence.34.Why do crows have high-level intelligence?A. They have more tightly-packed brains.B , They have a small number of brain cells.C, Their brain neurons could communicate well.D , Their brain cells are the same with the monkeys.35.What can be inferred from the last paragraph?A. Cerebral cortexes are necessary for the evolution of higher intelligence.B , Both mammals and birds got their intelligence from common ancestors.C.Higher intelligence has already developed separately in different species.D.Higher intelligence on other planets might be different from what we imagine.第二节(共5小题;每题2.5分,总分值12. 5分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最正确选项。

一建水利管理与实务第 1题:单项选择题(本题1分)招标设计属于水利工程建设程序中()阶段的工作。
第 2题:单项选择题(本题1分)下列不属于项目法人分包管理职责的是()。
第 3题:单项选择题(本题1分)水利工程监理工程师上岗必须持有()颁发的监理工程师岗位证书。
第 4题:单项选择题(本题1分)根据《工程建设项目施工招标投标办法》(国家八部委局第30号令),资格预审,是指在()对潜在投标人进行的资格审查。
第 5题:单项选择题(本题1分)根据对测量误差的分析,由于观测者受到干扰造成的误差属于()。
人教版七年级数学上册 期末模拟测试题(二)(含答案)

七年级上册 数学 期末模拟测试(二)一、选择题共10小题,每小题3分,共30分. 在每小题给出的四个选项中,选出符合题目要求的一项并填在表格中.1.3-的相反数是 A .3B .3-C .13D . 13-2.2013年内,小明的体重增加了4kg ,我们记为+4,小亮的体重减少了3kg ,应记为 A .-3 B .3C .4-D . +43. 微信是现代社会人的一种生活方式,截止2013年8月,微信用户已超过4亿,目前还约以每天1 600 000用户人数在增长,将1 600 000用科学记数法表示为A . 70.1610⨯ B . 61.610⨯ C . 71.610⨯ D . 51610⨯ 4. 下列各式中运算正确的是A. 32m m -=B. 220a b ab -=C. 33323b b b -=D. 2xy xy xy -=-5. 若0>>b a ,则在数轴上表示数a ,b 的点正确的是A B C D6. 方程组25328x y x y -=⎧⎨-=⎩,消去y 后得到的方程是A. 01043=--x xB. 8543=+-x xC. 8)25(23=--x xD. 81043=+-x x 7.一个角的补角为158°,那么这个角的余角是A.22°B. 52°C. 68°D.112° 8.列式表示“x 的2倍与y 的和的平方”正确的是0b a0a b b 0a a 0bA . 2)2(y x +B . 2)(2y x +C . 22y x + D . 222y x +9. 下图是某月的日历表,在此日历表上可以用一个矩 形圈出33⨯个位置的9个数(如6,7,8,13,14, 15,20,21,22). 若圈出的9个数中,最大数与最 小数的和为46,则这9个数的和为 A .69 B .84 C .126 D .20710.如图,一个几何体上半部为正四棱椎,下半部为立方体,且有一个面涂有颜色,下列图形中,不是该几何体的表面展开图的是第二部分(非选择题 共70分)二、 填空题: 本大题共8小题,每题3分,共24分. 请把答案填在题中横线上. 11.数轴上,a 所表示的点A 到原点的距离是2,则a 等于 . 12. 单项式22m n -的系数是 ;次数是 . 13.方程10.2512x -=的解是 . 14. 如图,直线AB ,CD 相交于点O ,OA 平分∠EOC , ∠EOC =76°,则∠BOD = .15.已知22x x -=,则2332x x -+的值是 .16. 已知1=a ,2=b ,3=c ,如果c b a >>,则c b a -+= . 17. 若328a b +=,且31a b -=-,则()2014a b -的值是 .18. 如图,在边长为1的小正方形组成的网格中, 若一个多边形的顶点全是格点,则称该多边形为格点多边形. 格点多边形的面积记为S ,其内部的格点数记为N ,边界上的格点数记为L . 例如图中△ABC 是格点三角形,对应的1S =,0N =,4L =.图中格点四边形DEFG 对应的,,S N L 分别是 ;已知格点多边形的面积可表示为S aN bL c =++,其中a ,b ,c 为常数. 若某格点多边形对应的71N =,18L =, 则S = (用数值作答).三、计算题: 本大题共3小题,共13分.计算应有演算步骤. 19.(本小题满分4分)2(4)8(2)(3)--+÷-+-.20.(本小题满分4分)3201411(1)[(12)6]22⎛⎫--+-÷÷- ⎪⎝⎭.21. (本小题满分5分)先化简,再求值:()2223232x y x y xy x y xy ⎡⎤----⎣⎦,其中1,2x y =-=-.四、解方程(组): 本大题共4小题,共16分.解答应有演算步骤. 22.(本小题满分8分)(1)213(5)x x +=--; (2) 71132x x-+-=.23. (本小题满分8分)(1)212316x y x y -=⎧⎨+=⎩,; (2) 4(1)3(1)2,2.23x y y x y --=--⎧⎪⎨+=⎪⎩五、画图题24.(本小题满分5分)如图,已知平面上有四个点A ,B ,C ,D .(1)连接AB ,并画出AB 的中点P ; (2)作射线AD ;(3)作直线BC 与射线AD 交于点E .五、解答题: 本大题共2小题,共12分.解答应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤. 25. (本小题满分6分)根据图中给出的信息,解答下列问题:(1)放入一个小球水面升高 cm ,放入一个大球水面升高 cm ;DC BA(2)如果要使水面上升到50cm ,应放入大球、小球各多少个 26.(本小题满分6分)已知, OM 和ON 分别平分∠AOC 和∠BO C.(1)如图:若C 为∠AOB 内一点,探究MON ∠与AOB ∠的数量关系;(2)若C 为∠AOB 外一点,且C 不在OA 、OB 的反向延长线上,请你画出图形,并探究MON ∠与AOB ∠的数量关系.参考答案一、选择题(每小题3分,共30分)二、填空题(每个题3分,共24分)11. 2±; 12. 23-,; 3. 6x =; 14.38︒; 15. 8; 16. 2或0; 17. 1 ; 18. 3,1,6, 79.注:第12题答对一个得2分,答对2个得3分;第18题第一空1分,第二空2分. 三、计算题:(共13分)19. 解:2(4)8(2)(3)--+÷-+- =2443+--=1-. ………4分 20. 解: 3201411(1)[(12)6]22⎛⎫--+-÷÷- ⎪⎝⎭=111(2)()28--÷-=3182-⨯ =11-. ………4分21. 解: ()2223232x y x y xy x y xy ⎡⎤----⎣⎦2223(263)x y x y xy x y xy =--+-()22357x y x y xy =--22357x y x y xy =-+227x y xy =-+当1,2x y =-=-时,原式22718x y xy =-+=. ………………………5分四、解方程(组)(共16分)22. (1)213(5)x x +=--解:去括号,得 21315x x +=-+. 移项合并同类项,得 514x =. 系数化1,得 145x =. ……….4分 (2)71132x x-+-= 解:去分母,得 2(7)3(1)6x x --+=. 去括号,得 214336x x ---= 移项合并同类项,得 23x -=系数化1,得 23x =-. …………….……….4分 23. (1)212316.x y x y -=⎧⎨+=⎩①②,解:由①得:21x y =+ ③把③代入②得:2(21)316y y ++=.解得2y =. ………….…….……..……….2分 把2y =代入③得,5x =. ….……..………. 3分∴这个方程组的解为5,2.x y =⎧⎨=⎩ .…….…….…….……….4分注:其它解法按相应标准给分.(2) 4(1)3(1)2,2.23x y y x y--=--⎧⎪⎨+=⎪⎩①②解:由①得:450x y --= ③ 由②得:3212x y += ④⨯+③2④得:1122x =.解得2x =. 把2x =代入④得,3y =.∴这个方程组的解为2,3.x y =⎧⎨=⎩ ……...……….…….…….……….4分注:其它解法按相应标准给分. 五、作图题 (共5分) 24. 如图……………………………… 5分 六、解答题(共12分)25. 解:(1) 2,3 . …………………… 2分 (2)设应放入x 个大球,y 个小球,由题意得325026,10.x y x y +=-⎧⎨+=⎩………………… 4分解这个方程组得4,6.x y =⎧⎨=⎩答:应放入4 个大球,6个小球. ……………………… 6分 注:列一元一次方程按照相应的标准给分. 26. 解:(1)OM 和ON 分别平分∠AOC 和∠BO C ,∴ 1111==()2222MON MOC NOC AOC BOC AOC BOC AOB ∠∠+∠∠+∠=∠+∠=∠. ……………………… 3分 (2)当C 在如图所示的位置时,11==2211().22MON MOC NOC AOC BOCAOC BOC AOB ∠∠-∠∠-∠=∠-∠=∠当C 在如图所示的位置时,PEABCD11==2211().22MON NOC MOC BOC AOCBOC AOC AOB ∠∠-∠∠-∠=∠-∠=∠当C 在如图所示的位置时,11==2211()(360)221180.2MON MOC NOC AOC BOCAOC BOC AOB AOB ∠∠+∠∠+∠=∠+∠=︒-∠=︒-∠ ………………………6分。

期末考试模拟测试题2一、单项选择题:词汇语法1. The faster we get this assignment done, D we can go out and play.A. soonB. soonerC. that soonD. the sooner2.You, who A ready to offer him assistance, are a true friend of his.A. areB. isC. wasD. has been3. Children won’t put on weight so easily if they _D___ to eat more fruit and vegetables.A. persuadeB. were persuadedC. will persuadeD. are persuaded4. They won't buy new clothes because they _B___ money to buy a color TV set.A. saveB. are savingC. has savedD. were saving5. -- Alice came back home the day before yesterday.-- Really? Where _B___?A. has she beenB. had she beenC. has she goneD. had she gone6.John helped me write a letter _C___ English.A. withB. ofC. inD. by7. He will stop showing off, if no notice _A___ of him.A. is takenB. will be takenC. takesD. has taken8. The Italian boy was regarded as a hero _D___ he gave his life for his country.A. according toB. because ofC. on account ofD. because9. The case __A____ a lot of things, ______ a second-hand watch.A. contained; includingB. included; containingC. included; containedD. contained; included10. The traffic in our city is already good and it _D___ even better.A. getsB. gotC. has gotD. is getting答案:1-5 DADBB 6-10CADAD11. His article concerning population control was published in the __A___ issue of China Daily.A. latestB. latelyC. lateD. later12.—Has Jack finished his homework yet?—I have no idea; he _A___ it this morning.A. was doingB. had been doingC. has doneD. did13. I _D___ ping-pong quite well, but I haven't had time to play since the new year.A. will playB. have playedC. playedD. play14. In order to strengthen his muscles, Mike goes to the gym __C___ to do exercises.A. increasinglyB. oftenC. regularlyD. lively15. He asked who I voted for and I said it was my own __D_____.A. thingB. matterC. dutyD. business16. Drunken driving is often the major __B___ of traffic accidents.A. reasonB. causeC. excuseD. way17. Although many young people are eager to go abroad, he prefers ___C______ in hisown country.A. stay and workB. stayed and workedC. to stay and workD. to be stayed and worked18. The good service at the hotel made up for the poor food to some ___D_____.A. wayB. gradeC. sortD. extent19. Scientists think that the continents ____C______ always where they ____today.A. aren’t; a reB. aren’t; wereC. weren’t; areD. weren’t; were20. As soon as he comes back, I’ll tell him when ____B______ and see him.A. will you comeB. you will comeC. you comeD. do you come答案:11-15AADCD 16-20BCDCB二、英语应用1. — Guess what? I passed the English exam!— _____C_________A. That’s fine.B. It’s OK.C. Congratulations!D. Believe it or not.2. -Must we hand in our homework now?-——C————.A.Yes,you will B.Yes,you mustn’tC.No,you need n’t D.No,you can’t3. —Hello, may I talk to the director now?— ___A______A. Sorry, he is busy at the moment.B. No, you can't.C. Sorry, you can't.D. I don't know.4. —Tom, this is Hack, Fred is ill in hospital.— Oh, ___D______A. it’s sad.B. it’s bad.C. that’s not good.D. I’m sorry to hear that.5. —Excuse me, could you please tell me how to get to the railway station?—_____B_______A. No, I couldn’t.B. Sorry, I don’t know. I’m new here.C. I couldn’t tell you.D. You can’t ask me.答案:1-5 CCADB三、阅读理解Passage 1I arrived in the United States on February 6, 1966, but I remember my first day here very clearly. My friend was waiting for me when my plane landed at Kennedy Airport at three o’clock in the afternoon. The weather was very co ld and it was snowing, but I was too excited to mind. From the airport, my friend and I took a taxi to my hotel. On the way, I saw the skyline of Manhattan for the first time and I stared in astonishment at the famous skyscrapers(高楼大厦)and their man-made beauty. My friend helped me unpack at the hotel and then left me because he had to go back to work. He promised to return the next day.Shortly after my friend had left, I went to a restaurant near the hotel to get something to eat. Because I couldn’t speak a word of English, I couldn’t tell the waiter what I wanted. I was very upset and started to make some gestures, but the waiter didn’t understand me. Finally, I ordered the same thing the man at the next table was eating. After dinner, I started to walk along Broadway until I came to Times Square with its movie theatres, neon lights, and huge crowds of people. I did not feel tired, so I continued to walk around the city. I wanted to see everything on my first day. I knew it was impossible, but I wanted to try.When I returned to the hotel, I was exhausted, but I couldn’t sleep because I kept hearing the fire and police sirens during the night. I lay awake and thought about New York. It was a very big and interesting city with many tall buildings and big cars, and full of noise and busy people. I also decided right then that I had to learn to speak English.1. On the way to his hotel, the writer __B_____.A. was silent all the timeB. looked out of the window with great interestC. kept talking to his friendD. showed his friend something he brought with him2. He did not have what he really wanted, because __D______.A. he only made some gesturesB. he did not order at allC. the waiter was unwilling to serveD. he could not make himself understood3. The waiter __A_______.A. served the same thing the man at the next table was havingB. finally understood what he saidC. took the order through his gesturesD. knew what he would order4. After dinner, he ___C______.A. walked back to the hotel right awayB. went to the moviesC. had a walking tour around the cityD. did some shopping on Broadway5. That night he could not sleep, because __D_______.A. he did not know what to do the next dayB. he was not tired at allC. he was thinking about this great cityD. he kept hearing the fire and police sirens答案:1-5BDACDPassage 2Some people think they have an answer to the troubles of automobile crowding and dirty air in large cities.Their answer is the bicycle,or “bike”.In a great many cities,hundreds of people ride bicycles to work every day.In New York City,some bikers have even formed a group called Bike for a Better City.They claim that if more people rode bicycles to work there would be fewer automobiles in the downtown section of the city and therefore less dirty air from car engines.For several years this group has been trying to get the city government to help bike riders.For example,they want the city to draw bicycle lanes on some of the main streets, because when bike riders have to use the same lanes as cars, there are accidents.Bike for a Better City feels that if there were special lanes more people would use bikes.But no bicycle lanes have been drawn.Not everyone thinks it is a good idea—they say it will slow traffic.Some store owners on the main streets say that if there is less traffic,they will have less business. And most people live too far from downtown to travel by bike.The city government has not yet decided what to do.It wants to keep everyone happy.Only on weekends, Central Park is closed to cars,and the roads may be used by bicycles only.But Bike for a Better City says this is not enough and keeps fighting to get bicycle lanes downtown.6.According to the passage,bicycles___D_____.A.are more convenient than cars B.are safer traffic tools than cars C.are ridden by most people in the U.S.D.are the solution to some city problems 7.The idea of special bicycle lanes is most favored by___B______.A.the city government B.some bike ridersC.people living far from downtown D.some store owners8.“Bicycle lanes” in the third paragraph probably means __C____.A. narrow passages between buildings for bicycles B.roads full of bicyclesC. special parts of the road for bicycle riders only D.roads for bicycles only 9.Which of the following is not true according to the passage? D A.Bike for a Better City members ride bicycles to work.B.Sometimes accidents may occur when cars and bikes are on the same lanes.C.The Central Park is closed to cars on weekends.D.In New York City.many people use bikes as they have special lanes.10.The best title for this passage is ___D______.A.Traffic Crowding in New York City B.Air Pollution in New York City by Cars C.Special Lanes for Passengers D.A Solution to Traffic Problem in New York 答案:6-10 DBCDDPassage 3Online learning is also called distance education. Many American colleges and universities have been offering(提供)it for years.One example is New York University in Manhattan. The School of Continuing and Professional Studies began online classes in nineteen ninety-two. Its Virtual (虚拟的)College has taught more than ten thousand students from across the United States and other countries.Last year, the School of Continuing and Professional Studies launched NYU Online. It offers NYU's first online programs to earn a bachelor's degree. Programs are offered in three areas: leadership and management, information systems management and social sciences. University officials say classes are highly interactive,(交互性)where students communicate with each other and their teachers. Some classes require students to all log in at the same time so they can attend live lectures by a professor. Students can also ask questions and work together on team projects. The university says classes are taught by NYU professors who have been trained in online teaching. International students must take two admissions tests before they can be accepted into the program. These are the SAT (Scholastic Assessment Test)and the TOEFL.We will discuss these tests later in our series.The cost to attend NYU Online depends on how many classes a student takes. It can cost as much as fifteen thousand dollars a year. NYU offers no financial aid (奖学金补助)for international students in this program. You can get more details at .11.When did New York University start its online classes?BA. In 1990B. In 1992C. In 1998D. In 198212.Which of the following is NOT included in the online programs offering a BA degree? BA. Information Systems ManagementB. Finance and EconomyC. Leadership and Management.D. Social Sciences.13.What can the students do in the online learning programs? DA. Communicate with each other and the teacher.B. Attend classes and lectures together.C. Ask questions and work together on team projects.D. Both A and C.14.International students can be accepted into the program after __A_____A. they take the SAT and the TOFELB. they go to New York UniversityC. they apply and log inD. two years in the United States15.How much does the online learning program cost per year? CA. $15,000.B. $1,500.C. It depends on how many classes.D. $5,000.答案:11-15 BBDAC四、翻译题Translate the following sentences into Chinese.把下列句子翻译成汉语。

ACommunity Volunteers ProgramCommunity Volunteers Program is a brand new service opportunity that engages volunteers in weekly service with community-based organizations in neighborhoods surrounding the Boston campus.It offers various volunteer placements that will allow you to connect your skills,passions,and interests with weekly service!826BostonIt is a nonprofit kids writing and publishing organization empowering traditionally under-served students(age 2to13)to find their voices,tell their stories,and gain communication skills to succeed in school and in future life.·Primary Focus:After-school enrichment/tutoring.·Opportunity Type:Remote.Family Gym ProgramFamily Gym's goal is to provide families with young children(age0to10)with a safe,accessible space to engage in fun,and age-appropriate physical activity.·Primary Focus:Nutrition and Meal Assistance,Nutrition and Physical Education.·Opportunity Type:Virtual/Remote.Community ServingsCommunity Servings actively engages the community to provide medically tailored,nutritious,scratch-made meals to critically ill kids(age6to10)and their families.·Primary Focus:Food Security,Nutrition and Meal Assistance.·Opportunity Type:In person.Hernández After School ProgramHASP involves youth from the Rafael Hernández Two-Way Bilingual School to provide the highest quality of specialized services to meet the educational,social,emotional,cultural,and recreational needs of its students(age5to12)in the surrounding communities.·Primary Focus:After-school enrichment/tutoring for multilingual students.·Opportunity Type:Remote.21.What is the main job of volunteers in826Boston?A.To teach students expressive skills.B.To provide kids with physical training.C.To offer teenagers social assistance.D.To help youth with emotional problems.22.Which program may prefer volunteers with medical knowledge?A.826Boston.B.Family Gym Program.munity Servings.D.Hernndez After School Program.23.What do the four programs have in common?A.They advocate healthy diets.B.They focus on education.C.They feature online service.D.They center around children.BHelga Stentzel's Clothesline Animals combine charming images as fine art prints in various sizes.As an artist whose style she calls“household surrealism(超现实主义)”,she works in various media and has a large collection of works.Instead of throwing an old pair of pants or T-shirt away,Helga Stentzel puts her tired garments out to the farm.By hanging them on a simple clothesline she sets up and folding them artfully that look like animals,she takes wonderful pictures.Some are shot in real locations while others are digitally placed in environments in charming form with appealing colors.Siberian-born Stentzel has cooperated with many respectable and well-known brands,one of which is Hogar Verde,a bio-friendly laundry products brand in Ecuador.For them she has created the adorable clothing illusicons (错觉)for a print ad campaign,which also drew attention to the endangered animals shown within,like dinosaurs,polar bears and so on.Stentzel's practice started from her childhood in Siberia,where she spent hours surveying her grandmother's carpet,woods and random objects for recognizable forms,including a pile of buckets looking like the Leaning Tower of Pisa.In what seems a very simple gesture,Stentzel's works employ household items and turn them into surrealist images that uncover different reading layers.From food to clothes,the artist is inspired by everyday olojects and gives them a second life through her creative and really poetic personal angle.“I stare at things longer than socially acceptable!It can be anything—a chair,a noodle hanging off the fork,a lamp post in the middle of the road.Observation is a form of thinking for me.I really enjoy studying colors, shapes and textures—with no expectation,simply admiring their unique beauty.Very often there's nothing more to it,but sometimes BOOM!—a creative idea hits my brain,and it makes a link between sliced bread and wrinkled skin of a French bulldog.It's very unpredictable,”Stentzel said.24.How did Stentzel create an artwork according to paragrapl2?A.By designing clothes on software.B.By painting animals in various colors.C.By taking photos of animals on the farm.D.By hanging clothes folded in animal shapes.25.What is Stentzel's source of inspiration?A.Daily items.B.Tourist attractions.C.Random surveys.D.Childhood adventures.26.Which of the following can best describe Stentzel's fine art prints?plex and digital.B.Meaningful and creative.C.Poetic but commercial.D.Ordinary but bio-friendly.27.What can we learn from Stentzel's story?A.Art can give people a second life.B.Artworks are from life yet above life.C.Creation is from intentional observation.D.Cooperation results in adorable artworks.CCould the next Ernest Hemingway or Jane Austen be a well-engineered Al software program?It's a question becoming increasingly pressing as machine language-learning software continues to evolve.Much of this is just nerves.Today's Al creative writing programs are not yet at a stage of development where they pose a serious threat to Colleen Hoover or Charles Dickens.But while attention continues to for us on the possibility of a blanket takeover of human literature by Al,far less consideration has been given to the prospect of Al co-working with humans.Earlier this month,American sci-fi writer Ken Liu,who had been awarded Hugo and Nebula to his name, joined12other professional authors for a writing workshop on Google's Word craft.This Al tool,a language generating model,is not yet publicly available but is advertised as an AI-powerel writing assistant that can,when given the right instruction from the writer,provide helpful descriptions,create lists of objects or emotional states,and even brainstorm ideas.The writers at the workshop,however,emerged with mixed reports.“Word craft is too sensible.Wow!”Robin Sloan wrote.“But‘sensible’is another word for predictable,overused and boring.My intention here is to produce something unexpected.”I'm unconvinced that writers awarded the Nobel Prize have much to fear from Al.Their work,and that of countless other rnove lists,short story writers,dramatists and poets,is too particular,too beautifully unique.Even if a model learned what they had done in the past,it would not be able to predict where their creativity might take them in the future.But for authors who write following a pattern,Al might step in,first as assistants before some day to authorship.Production-line novels are nothing new.In the1970s,Barbara Cartland,who wrote more than723books in her lifetime,many of which are romance bestsellers,would read her novels for her secretary to type up at the remarkable rate of roughly seven chapters a week.But already machine has replaced the secretary's role.Perhaps creative writing software isn't that far from replacing the Mrs.Cartlands of today.28.Which aspect of Al calls for more attention?A.Its damage to our nerves.B.Its progress in literary studies.C.Its cooperation with humans.D.Its influence on human literature.29.What can we learn about Word craft from the text?A.It generates novels automatically.B.It outperforms professional writers.C.Its works receive praises from the public.D.Its works bear similarity to existing ones.30.What can writers do to avoid the threat from Al?A.Increase writing speed.e diverse resources.C.Produce creative works.D.Follow the latest patterns.31.Which of the following is the best title for the text?A.Will AI Replace Human Writers?B.AI Warns Mrs.Cartlands of TodayC.Is Writing Running into a New Era?D.Word craft Lies at the Center of DebateDTwo separate research groups in the U.K.and Denmark have come up with the same idea for a study that could help save endangered species,and have gotten the same results.It involves sucking environmental DNA from the air that animals leave behind.“We use a really small pump that pulls the air through,and we hope the DNA gets caught on the filter(过滤器),"said Elizabeth Clare,the lead researcher.“It's a bit like making coffee.You make coffee by sucking waterthrough a filter and leaving the coffee grounds behind.That's basically what we're doing;we're just sucking the air through and hoping that the DNA gets lost behind."Clare says the concept has been used for years in different ways.Scientists sample pathogens(病原体)from the air,which has been used to help track COVID-19.Environmental DNA can also be collect d from water to help ease invasive species.A big goal for both research teams with the new study is to be able to locate endangered species and help save them.It is important to note that this type of DNA sampling can only be picked up if a species is in the area, so if there were two of the same animal,scientists would not be able to tell which one the DNA came from.Both research groups also reported certain DNA samples not showing up when they knew an animal had been in the area.They also can't tell yet how long an animal's DNA will stick around after it's been in one area. Clare says she'd like to plan more researches to get these answers.But one thing is for sure after conducting the study.Clare says she has a whole new perspective on taking a deep breath.“Asyou know,I'm walking through a jungle or the park or taking my dog for a walk or my kids out to play,and I take a deep breath;I think I just inhaled information about all the things that have been here before, and as a scientist,that's exciting to think that the information that I'm trying to gather is literally hanging in front of me,"she said.32.Why does the author mention coffee-making?A.To show the function of a filter.B.To illustrate how the idea works.C.To compare two different methods.D.To prove how simply DNA-sucking works.33.What does the underlined phrase"the concept"in paragraph3refer to?A.Detecting danger in the air.B.Protecting endangered animals.C.Sucking DNA out of the air.D.Collecting environmental samples.34.What do we know about the new method of DNA sampling?A.It distinguishes different DNAs.B.It collects certain DNA within range.C.It locates endangered species exactly.D.It predicts the duration of animals'stay.35.What can we infer from Clare's words in the last paragraph?A.She breathes the air of hope for future studies.B.She agrees with the benefits of deep breathing.C.She adopts brand-new methods of purifying the air.D.She finds inner peace by doing simple things in life.第二节(共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。


Read the text. Use the sentences to complete the text. Choose the correct sentence for each gap. There is one extra sentence you w ill not need.A The idea of singing along to background music is not newB With Karaoke, how ever, this is not the caseC What it has done is to use something w hich did not exist in earlier timesD Nobody know s how Karaoke became so popularE People read these from a screen and sing along to the musicF If Karaoke has done this, it is truly pricelessG Karaoke is a perfect example of this type of success storyReading Part 3Read the four texts. Which text gives you the answ er to each question? Choose the correct text (A-D) for each question.ABCDWhich text:1. is from a letter to a friend?2. is for hotel guests to read on arrival?Which text gives you the answers to the following questions?3. What’s the name of the hotel manager?4. How can someone see w hat the rooms w ere like?5. When do guests have to leave their rooms?6. How can guests pay?7. How can guests get information w hen there is no-one at the reception desk?Reading Part 4Read the text and answ er the questions. Use a maximum of three w ords for each answ er.1.In w hich year did Superman first appear in comics?2.What nationality w as the person w ho created comic book pictures of Superman?3.What could Superman not do before 1940?4.What w as the occupation of Superman’s father?5.How many people does the text say escaped from Krypton?6.What could protect Superman from kryptonite rays?7.What w as the relationship betw een Superman and Lex Luthor w hen they w ere young?8.Where did Superman go to school?Read the follow ing advertisement in a new spaper. Write a letter to the new spaper to enter the competition.Say:•w here you w ant to go•w ho you w ill take w ith you•w hy you w ant to go there.Write betw een 70 – 100 w ords.Write a letter to a friend about your favourite day in the year and suggest w hat you could do together on this day. Write betw een 100 – 120 w ords.READINGPart 1Total: 5 marks Part 2Total: 6 marks Part 3Total: 7 marks Part 4Total: 8 marks。
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