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using creative approaches to motivate others
Demonstrates concern for achieving or surpassing results
13 Results Orientation
against an internal or external standard of excellence, shows a passion for improving the delivery of services with a

business stategy

Human Resource Planning
Anticipates the demand and supply for human resources by
the qualitative and quantitative analysis on the current company situation and future development in accordance with
1 Analytical Thinking
Analyzes a complex task logically to identify causes and draw
a solid conclusion by breaking it down into manageable parts

priorities and allocates time and resources effectively


Is a systematic skill to gathering information about individuals,
3 Personnel Assessment which is used to make employment or career related decisions √

the corporate strategy

Human Capital-Related Financial Analysis
10 Communication
Analyzes human resource planning and activities, using basic financial concepts and techniques

5 Consulting
Is able to provide human resource related advice to internal
business units, managers and employees, and help them

resolve problems

adapt to various changes

Is able to use the organizational diagnosis and design skills to
7 Organizational Design help establish an effective organization in align with the


accepts responsibility for learning and change.
12 Influnce Skill
Asserts own ideas and persuades others, gaining support and
commitment from others; mobilizes people to take action,


in a systematic, detailed way
Planning and Organizing
Establishes a systematic course of action for self or others to
ensure accomplishment of a specific objective. Determines

commitment to continuous improvement

14 Networking
Establishes rapport with people easily, developing and
Effectively transfers thoughts and expresses ideas verbally and orally in individual or group situations, can communicate with other partners with diversified culture background

Initiates and/or manages the change process and energizes it
on an ongoing basis, takes steps to remove barriers or
6 Change Acceleration accelerate its pace, and leads people within organization to


about applicants and employees
4 Process Optimizing
Has in-depth knowledge of human resource management process, can improve the process efficiency if necessary


Maintains a positive outlook, resisting stress and working
11 Professional Maturity constructively under pressure. Responds resourcefully and