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601. effect的用法



①The aspirins soon took effect.服下的阿司匹林药片很快见效了。

②The advertising campaign didn't have much effect on sales.这些广告攻势对销售额并没有起到多大作用。

③Doctors cannot effect a cure if the disease has spread too far.假如这种疾病已扩散得厉害,医生也无法妙手回春。

④The temperature often effects a change of the state of matter.温度常常引起物态的变化。

短语:in effect 实际上、事实上;be of no effect/ without effect 无效;be in/ come/ go into effect生效、实行、实施;have an effect on=have an influence on=have an impact on 对……有影响; put/bring/carry ...into effect 付诸实施; take effect生效;奏效; come into effect 开始实施;开始生效; effect a settlement of a dispute解决争端;effect an insurance policy取得保险单;effect reforms 实行改革;effect the greatest economy力求节约;effect of time for news新闻时效性;effect on对…有效果;

用法:①effect作“结果,影响”“感受,印象”等解时,既可用作可数名词,也可用作不可数名词; 作“个人财产,财物”解时常用复数形式。



①When the first radio messages from the astronaut in the spaceship have been received, the ___ of the trip to outer space will be announced immediately.

A. causes

B. effects

C. results

D. conclusion

②It is thought that oversleep has a bad ___ on one’s health.

A. effort

B. effect

C. benefit

D. disadvantage

③Punishment had very little ___ on him.

A. an effect

B. effect

C. effects

D. effort

④The new rule was ___ at once the moment it was made.

A. put into effect

B. brought into effect

C. carried into effect

D. all the above

⑤Punishment had very little ___ on him.

A. affect

B. effort

C. effect

D. effects

⑥The conference had been held to discuss the effects of tourism ___ the wildlife in the area.

A. in

B. on

C. at

D. with

⑦The new law will come into ___ on the day it is passed.

A. effect

B. use

C. service

D. existence

602. effort的用法



①They are making every effort to decrease the production cost.他们正尽力减少生产成本。

②All my efforts were fruitless.我所有的努力都白费了。

③It doesn't need much effort. 那不需要太多的精力。

④His effort to reform her at length succeeded. 他要改造她的努力最终成功了。

⑤This is his effort at depicting the peasants. 这是他描写农民的作品。短语:make an effort/ make efforts (不用:the) to do something/ on something努力;spare no efforts 不遗余力;without effort 毫不费力地;put effort into something/ doing something致力于、在某事上下功夫;after one's effort 经过努力后;by one's efforts 靠努力;with effort 费力地;



