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Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came? 知识点汇总


at the time of 当……时候go off(闹钟)发出响声

miss the bus错过公交车pick up/answer the phone接电话bring……together使……靠拢in the area在这个地区

beat against……拍打…… fall asleep 进入梦乡,睡着

die down逐渐变弱,逐渐消失wake up醒来take down 拆除,摧毁

in a mess一团糟break ……apart使……分离

in times of difficulty在困难的时候be killed被杀害

by the side of the road在路边make one’s way to……在某人去……的路上

a school pupil一个小学生on the radio通过广播

in silence沉默,无声more recently最近地,新近

have meaning to sb/sth对……有意义remember doing sth.记得做过某事


1.--What were you doing at eight last night?

--I was taking a shower.

2.When it began to rain, Ben was helping his mom make dinner.

What was Jenny doing while Linda was sleeping?

While Linda was sleeping, Jenny was helping Mary with her homework.


1.go off(铃声)响起 e.g. The alarm went off.

【拓展】go off“离开,逃走,私奔,(食物)变坏”

Bob went off alone and has not returned.

Meat went off quickly in hot weather.

2.pick up拾起,捡起, 拿起

pick up sth pick sth up.如果是人称代词,必须放在中间

Please pick up your toy. /pick it up.

I called you yesterday, but you didn’t pick up.

【拓展】pick up还有“搭载,让人乘车”的意思。

The bus stopped and picked up some passengers.

3.while 当……的时候

While the girl was shopping, he went out.


w hile “当……的时候”,作连词引导时间状语从句。在使用时应注意:在while引导的从句中,其位于动词只能是延续性动词,强调主句和从句的动作或状态同时发生。

While I was watching TV, someone knocked at the door.


When I passed that room I heard someone singing.

【提示】while作连词时也可理解为“然而”,表示转折关系,强调前后动作形成对比,while 作名词,表示“一会儿,一段时间”for a while。

I like apples while my sister doesn’t. /The rain will fall for a while.


1.______I came in. she was writing a letter.

2._______I was sleeping, a thief(小偷) went into my house.

3.He was singing ________I was writing.

4._______I got to Beijing, I called up Lily first.

5.They were singing_______we were dancing.

4.make sure查明,确信

Make sure that you’ve made no mis takes. Go and make sure of the time and place.


be sure of对……有把握I’m quite sure of your kindness.

be sure+宾语从句I’m sure that she’ll win the game.

I’m not sure if they will return or not.

be sure to一定,必定He’s s ure to succeed.(成功)


We beat them by 2 to 1. His heart is still beating.

【拓展】win “赢,获胜” +game, war, match, prize 过去式,过去分词won,现在分词winning.

I always win a prize.

【练习】Class Five ____us and _____the football match yesterday.


B. win,beat

C. beat,won

D. won,beat

6. die down “逐渐减弱”=drop

The winds dropped. =The winds died down. The sound died down slowly.

【拓展】die of因……致死He died of a disease.

7. rise vi,“上升,上涨;起立,起床” rise –rose-risen

After the heavy rain the river will rise. /He rose from his chair./When do you rise in the morning?



