



三、请根据以下资料说明,使用5个 句子描述全部所给的信息内容。
• 1、标题: What Can We Do for the Olympics of 2008?
• 2、必须使用五个句子介绍全部所给的内容。 • 3、将五个句子组织成连贯的短文。 • (1) 2008年奥运会是21世纪重大体育比赛之一,
1 Read the topic, then organize the messages in 5 sentences
2 Think of the words, phrases, sentence structures you may use in writing.
3 Change the sentence structure where necessary;
side effects, such as their not paying attention to their teacher’s teaching in class by sending messages to
others. It may lead to students’ showing off themselves
• 全家人口: 3人
• 父母职业: 教师
• 爱好: 集邮和硬币
• 掌握外语情况: 英语
写作指导:先写成简单句子,然后 再做组合,连成通顺的5句短文:
1.Lihua is a student from Yucai Middle School. 2. He is 180cm tall. His fair is black. His family
包括中国在内的每个国家都在为此做准备。 • (2) 奥运会的作用。 • (3) 中国为举办奥运会,将要做些什么? • (4) 你个人该做些什么?



1.在下面一段横线处填入语句,衔接最恰当的一项是( ) 我惊讶美籍华人作家哈金推土机似的叙述方式,笨拙并且轰然作响。 。 。 。 。 。我 想这就是一个作家的力量——无论他身在何处,他的写永远从根部开始。 ①我读了太多隔靴搔痒的中国故事,可是远离中国的哈金让我读出了切肤之痛。 ②哈金的写作是一步一个脚印,每一段叙述都是扎扎实实的。 ③而作为同行,我知道迎面而上的写作是最困难的,也是最需要力量的。 ④在他的小说里,我们读不到那些聪明作家惯用的回避和跳跃。 ⑤这种无力的写作至今风行,被推崇为写作的灵气。 A.①④⑤②③ B.①④⑤③② C.②①④⑤③ D.②④⑤③①
(2020·黑龙江省哈尔滨市第六中学校高三三模)阅读下面的文字,完成各题 毛笔之妙,固不待言,我们中国的字画之所以能在世界上______,赖有毛笔为工具。不过毛笔实在不方便,用完了要洗,笔洗是不可 少的,至少要有笔套,笔架、笔筒也是少不了的,而且毛笔用不了多久必败,要换新的。僧怀素号称草圣,他用过的笔_____,埋在地下, 人称笔冢,( )。欧阳修家贫,其母以荻画地教之学书,( )。自从科举废,毛笔之普遍的重要性一落千丈,益以连年丧乱,士大夫 _______。较简便的自来水笔、铅笔,以至于较近的球端笔(即俗谓原子笔)、毡头笔(即俗谓签字笔)乃代之而兴。制毛笔的技术也因之 衰落。近来我曾搜购“七紫三羊”,不知是来自何方,均不够标准,只要以紫毫为心,秀出外露,羊毫嫌短,不 能与紫毫浑融为一体, 无复______之妙。这也是无可奈何之事。
下列在文中括号内补写的语句,最恰当的一项是( ) A.那是多么的豪奢 那又是多么的困苦 B.那是何等的大气 那又是何等的寒碜 C.那是多么的大气 那又是多么的寒碜 D.那是何等的豪奢 那又是何等的困苦



attention, one of which is that ____________.
Along with the increasingly rapid economic globalization and urbanization,
more and more problems are brought to our attention, one of which is that our living environments are being polluted more and more seriously.
1.state the changes in people’s diet (饮食) in the past five years; 2. give possible reasons for the changes. 3. draw your own conclusions.
1) 提出现象的句型
1) Recently, ________has been brought into public focus.
Recently, the issue of cross-cultural marriage has been brought into public focus.
2) Recently, ________has become the focus of the society. Recently, work safety has become the focus of the society.
(2) Nowadays, with_________, people attach great importance to______________. Nowadays, with the rapid development of economy, people attach great importance to environmental protection.


adults should supervise them..Fra bibliotek并列句
and, but, or, 等连接两个以上主谓结构
努力工作。 你能成功
and, but, or, 等连接两个以上主谓结构
努力工作。 Work hard. 你能成功
and, but, or, 等连接两个以上主谓结构
主语 + 谓语
• It depends. • I do. • He does.
• I like football. • She went to Beijing.
• They are Chinese. • He looks good.
• I give you a book.
• I give a book to you.
有些人认为教育至关重要,因 为它决定了小孩子的未来。政 府应该投资教育并且帮助穷孩 子上学。这能帮助国家的发展。
Some people believe that education is very important because can decide children’s future. government
Education is the key to success. 教育是成功的关键。 Learning English is very important to us. 学习英语对我们来说很重要。 _______________ is our responsibility. 保护环境是我们的责任。



二. There is no denying that
It can’t be denied that… 句义:无可否认/毫无疑问……
例句:不可否认,是钓鱼岛是中国领土的一部分 。
It can’t be denied that the Diaoyu Islands are part of China.
For the sake of their growth, we should give children enough room. For the sake of our health , we must raise\increase our awareness of environment protection. For the sake of your safety, don`t drive after drinking. For the sake of our next geபைடு நூலகம்eration ,we must protect our earth.
There is no denying that we should pay attention to economic development , but we can’t ignore the importance of environment protection. It can’t be denied that food safety has become a hot topic in our society. There is no denying that due attention should be attached to solving the problem of students’ pressure. It can’t be denied that air pollution is a severe problem. We should take powerful measures to settle it down.


《英语作文基础句法》 PPT课件
I. 介绍
• 掌握英语句子结构的重要性 • 英语句子写作的常见困难
II. 理解句子的基本要素
1 主语和谓语
2 名词和动词词组
3 形容词和副词
III. 简单句的结构
IV. 复合句的结构
避ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ常见错误
V. 复杂句的结构
学习如何组合独立从句和从属从 句
VI. 常见的句子错误及其修正方法
VII. 提高句子语法的技巧
1 使用主动语态
运用主动语态使句子更有 力量
2 消除不必要的词和短

3 句子开头的多样性
VIII. 结论
1 重点回顾
2 提升英语句子结构的好处



并列关系:平列式、对照式 承接关系:按顺序叙述 递进关系:分句之间表示意义上层进 选择关系:或此或彼、非此即彼、选一舍一 转折关系:重转式、轻转式 因果关系:来龙去脉、前果后因 假设关系:前句假设,后句是假设的结果 条件关系:充分条件、必要条件、无条件 目的关系:以、以便、为的是、免得、以免等 解说关系:指不相连的复指中的复句。
2.不管人家对你们评价多么高,你们总要有勇气对自己 说:我是个毫无知识的人。 (九)解说关系:
1.我国的建筑,从古代的宫殿到近代的一般住房,绝大 部分是对称的,左边怎么样,右边也怎么样。 (十)目的关系:
例如:(产生了深远影响)的这件事 [对于一般见异思 迁的人,] [对于一般鄙薄技术工作以为不足道、以为 无出路的人,] 是(一个极好的值得检讨)的事件。
1.他们爱祖国,爱人民,爱正义,爱和平。 2.中华民族是一个有着悠久的文明历史的民族,是一个 勤劳勇敢的民族,是一个富于创造精神的民族。 3.想到自己不久就要一个人在世界上了,欧也妮便跟父 亲格外亲近,把这感情的最后一环握得更紧。 4.在我国历史上,爱国主义从来就是动员和鼓励人民团 结奋斗的一面旗帜,是各族人民共同的精神支柱。
1.他们爱祖国,爱人民,爱正义,爱和平。 2.中华民族是一个有着悠久的文明历史的民族,是一个 勤劳勇敢的民族,是一个富于创造精神的民族。 3.想到自己不久就要一个人在世界上了,欧也妮便跟父 亲格外亲近,把这感情的最后一环握得更紧。 4.在我国历史上,爱国主义从来就是动员和鼓励人民团 结奋斗的一面旗帜,是各族人民共同的精神支柱。 ——以上为复句 5.他的手又黑又脏。 6.他出门看了看天。
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写作基础――信息整合(精华)高考作文, 特别是基础写作, 提供的信息点多, 但句数有限, 熟练掌握以下四种整合信息的方法非常重要。

用介词短语合并句子有两种情况我们常常可以用到:(1)介词短语作定语, (2)介词短语作状语。

[典型例题] 用介词短语将下列句子合并成一句。

(1) Waste water is making the river worse and worse.(2) The waste water is from a factory.(3) The factory lies on the river.合并:Waste water from the factory on the river is making the river worse and worse.[课堂练习] 用介词短语合并每一组句子, 然后将这五组句子合并成一段五句话的连贯的短文。

1. Xiaxi Town is not big but beautiful. It has an area of about 8 square kilometers.2. There is an old tower there. The tower lies in the east of the town. There is a river behind the tower.3. (此题用并列结构合并) The sun rising from the river was very beautiful. Yesterday we took a bus there to visit the tower.4. We started early. We wanted to enjoy the sunrise on the top of the tower.5. As soon as we got there, we began to take photos.Xiaxi Town, with an area of about 8 square kilometers, is not big but beautiful. In the east of the town lies an old tower, behind which there is a river. The sun rising from the river was very beautiful, and we took a bus there to visit the tower yesterday. We started early for the purpose of enjoying the sunrise on the top of the tower. On arriving there, we began to take photos.课堂练习[课外作业] 用介词短语合并每一组句子, 然后将这五组句子合并成一段五句话的连贯的短文。

1. A professor gave us a talk this morning.He came from Beijing University. He talked about how to learn English well.2. He told us of his own interesting experiences of learning English. We laughed a lot.3. His talk lasted an hour. He asked us some questions.4. His talk was vivid and instructive. I learned a lot from his talk.5. I went back home. I decided to work hard at English.A professor from Beijing University gave us a talk on how to learn English well this morning. On hearing his own interesting experiences of learning English, we laughed a lot. During the one-hour talk, he asked us some questions. I learned a lot from his vivid and instructive talk. On my way back home, I decided to work hard at English. 课外作业在写作中, 正确使用非谓语动词, 无疑为文章增色不少。


使用时应注意以下几点:(1) 不定式的动作发生在谓语动词之后(一般情况下, 尽量用不定式的主动式)。

(2)现在分词表主动, 该动作与谓语动词的动作同时发生或紧接着发生。

(3)过去分词表被动, 或表示该动词的动作在谓语动词的动作之前发生, 或没有时间性。

(4)现在分词的被动式表被动, 与谓语动词的动作同时发生。

[典型例题] 用非谓语动词将以下各组句子分别合成一句话。

1. (1)He looked up.(2) He saw a bird in the tree.用不定式合并:He looked up to see a bird in the tree.2. (1) I don’t like the man.(2) The man is wearing a pair of dark glasses.用现在分词合并:I don’t like the man wearing a pairof dark glasses.3. (1) The temple is visited by thousands of people every year.(2) It was built 1, 000 years ago.用过去分词合并:The temple, built 1, 000 years ago, is visited by thousands of people.[课堂练习] 用非谓语动词合并每一组句子,然后将这五组句子合并成一段五句话的连贯的短文。

1. I’m writing to you. I want to express my sincere thanks to Good Man.2. Yesterday morning I was knocked down by a car. I was walking on the road at that time.3. I was seriously injured. I couldn’t standup.4. Mr. Li saw what had happened to me.He stopped a taxi and sent me to a hospital.5. I don’t know his name. I call him Good Man.I’m writing to you to express my sincere thanks to Good Man. Yesterday morning I was knocked down by a car while walking on the road. Seriously injured, I couldn’t stand up. Luckily, a man stopped a taxi and sent me to a hospital when seeing what had happened to me. Not knowing his name, I call him Good Man.课堂练习[课外作业] 用非谓语动词合并每一组句子, 然后将这五组句子合并成一段五句话的连贯的短文。

1. On the morning of last Sunday I went to the park. I wanted to take a walk there.2. After one hour’s walk, I got tired and sat down on a stone by the road. I wanted to have a rest.3. Suddenly I saw an ant. She was trying hard to move another ant who was dead.4. She failed many times. She managed to carry him away.5. I saw that little creatures also have sincere love as human beings. I was greatly moved.在写作中, 我们运用并列连词合并句子是最常用的手段。

常用的并列连词有and, but, or, nor, so,yet,for,as well as, both...and, not only... but(also), either... or, neither...nor, (and) then, since等。

[典型例句] 用并列连词合并下列各组句子。

1. (1) He is a friend in word.(2) He is a friend in deed; too.用as well as合并:He is a friend in word as well as in deed.2. (1)I know her.(2)I am her best friend.用not only...but also合并:Not only do I know her, but(also)I am her best friend.[课堂练习] 用并列连词合并每一组句子, 然后将这五组句子合并成一段五句话的连贯的短文。

1. Nowadays, a lot of attention is focused on education. The fact that many childrenfrom migrant workers’ families have dropped out of school is ignored.2. These children are wandering in the streets and other public places. Some of them commit crimes, such as theft and robbery.3. The government should be aware of the importance of providing education for all the children. The average people should be aware of the importance, too.4. Children from native families can enjoy good education. I hope children from peasant workers’ families can also enjoy good education.5. Children from peasant workers’ family are part of our society. They will also play an important role in building our country in the future.Nowadays, a lot of attention is focused on education, yet the fact that many children from migrant workers’ families have dropped out of school is ignored. These children are wandering in the streets and other public places, and some of them even commit crimes, such as theft and robbery.课堂练习The government, as well as the average people should be aware of the importanceof providing education for all the children. I hope children not only from native families but also from peasant-workers’ families can enjoy good education. Children from migrant workers’ families are part of our society,and they will also play an important rolein building our country in the future.[课外作业] 用并列连词合并每一组句子, 然后将这五组句子合并成一段五句话的连贯的短文。
