




2. 预设能力目标幼儿自由地运用各种戏偶、材料和自己的肢体,与光影进行创意游戏,培养幼儿的艺术表现力、想象力和创造能力,以及幼儿的合作能力与审美能力。

3. 预设情感目标感受和体验传统偶戏与现代光影技术结合的魅力,热爱光影偶戏表演,传承和弘扬中国传统文化。

















小学科学教师自制教具“太阳和一、教具名称:“太阳和影子” 三合一实验装置二、教材实验分析苏教版《科学》五年级(上册)第一单元“白天和黑夜”第一课“太阳和影子”一课,本课有三个活动,分别达到以下目的:1.认识一天中太阳在天空中的位置变化和高度变化;2.发现阳光下影子变化的规律,3.模拟太阳视运动过程中影子的变化,引导发现规律。











所以我用四号钢筋弯成半圆状代替竹篾,不用铁丝是因为够粗才不易变形,可重复使用,手电筒也选择扁平的,尽量放大模拟的空间!为了方便教学,更简单易行的解决本课难点,结合生活实际,我把书上的三个活动整合成了“太阳和影子” 三合一实验装置。

小学科学实验装备 光影关系演示仪

小学科学实验装备 光影关系演示仪



图1 光源与影子方向图2 光源与影子长短图3 光源与影子大小“光影关系演示仪”设计了圆形、拱形以及直线三条轨道,可以通过灵活地改变光源的照射方向、照射角度、光源与遮挡物之间的距离以及遮挡物的摆放方式四个因素使学生能直观地观察到影子的方向、长短、大小、形状会在改变某一条件时发生相应的变化,从而理解影响影子变化的因素。



























Class 168/170/171Enhancement PackContentsHow to install (2)Liveries (3)Keyboard Controls (15)Features (16)Voith T211rzze Hydraulic Transmission (17)Adhesion (18)Cooling Fan Simulation (19)Automatic Unit Numbering (20)Dynamic Exhaust Effects (20)Player Changeable Destination Display (21)Bits and Bobs (24)Setting Up the Driver’s Cab (25)Scenarios (25)Credits (25)How to Install1)Locate where you have downloaded this pack and unzip it. Information onhow to do this can be found here.2)Go to the location where you have extracted the files from the .zip file.3)Now find the .exe file called ‘Class 168-170-171 Enhancement Pack’. Double-click this file.4)Follow the steps and by the end of the process, the main part of this pack willhave installed.5)If you intend to use any of the included scenarios, make sure you have thefreely available extra stock pack and requirements installed, as listed on theproduct page.6)To ensure the cab environment sounds as intended in this pack, please makesure that ‘EFX’ is ticked within your in-game Audio settings.LiveriesClass 168Chiltern Railways - CR APChiltern Railways (Mainline) - CR (M) APClass 170Anglia Railways - AR APAnglia Railways (Revised) - AR Rev APONE - ONE APONE Dark - ONE Dark APEx-Anglia Railways (Revised) (NXEA/AGA/GA/GA2) -Ex-AR Rev (NXEA/AGA/GA/GA2) APEx-ONE (NXEA/AGA/GA/GA2) - Ex-ONE (NXEA/AGA/GA/GA2) APEx-ONE Dark (NXEA/AGA/GA) - Ex-ONE Dark (NXEA/AGA/GA) APGreater Anglia - GA APMidland Mainline - MML APEx-Midland Mainline (Central Trains/CrossCountry) - Ex-MML (CT/XC) APCentral Trains - CT APCrossCountry - XC APLondon Midland - LM APSouth West Trains - SWT APHull Trains - HT APFirst Transpennine Express - FTPE APScotRail - SR APFirst ScotRail - FSR APSPT Rail - SPT Rail APScotRail Saltire - SR Salt APClass 171Southern - SN APKeyboard ControlsNon-standard keyboard controls are listed below:L - Cab light ON/OFFE - Deadman’s pedal (DVD reset)F7 - Destination blind UPF8 - Destination blind DOWNY - Driver reminder appliance (DRA) ON/OFFC - Driver to guard buzzerCtrl+D - Driver vigilance device (DVD) ON/OFFZ - Engine start buttonCtrl+Z - Engine stop button+ - Hill start buttonShift+W - Master key IN/OUTK - Tail lights switch ON/OFFV - Wiper switch CLOCKWISEShift+V - Wiper switch ANTI-CLOCKWISEFeatures•23 liveries•Higher resolution cab visuals•Detailed internal & external audio•Accurate acceleration & braking physics •Voith T211rzze hydraulic transmission•Adhesion•Cooling fan simulation•Automatic unit numbering•Dynamic exhaust effects•Player changeable destination display•Driver vigilance device (DVD)•Bits and BobsVoith T211rzze Hydraulic TransmissionGreat care has been taken in recreating the characteristics of the 2-stage hydraulic transmission used in this unit.1st Stage - Torque ConverterWhen accelerating from a standing start, oil fills the torque converter and the engine revs up, which allows acceleration to take place. Unlike the Class 15x family of units, the engine does not rev up until the oil has filled the converter, hence the lack of an initial surge of rpm before settling and a smooth increase in rpm instead. As a result, there is a 3 second delay between applying power and the engine responding. During this 1st stage, engine rpm is directly controlled via the notch selected on the power handle.2nd Stage - Fluid CouplingAt 70mph, the oil transfers from the torque converter to the fluid coupling which results in a reduction of engine rpm. During this stage, engine rpm is directly proportional to the speed of the train which means rpm will be the same regardless of which notch is selected on the power handle. All that varies is the load being placed on the engine. As speed increases then, you will gradually hear engine rpm rise in sync.The unit will stay in this second stage until speed drops below 66mph. At this point, the transmission reverts to the first stage.AdhesionAdhesion between a train’s wheels and the rails plays a big part in allowing a train to accelerate or brake. Too little of it and the train will slip or slide. There are a myriad of factors that control the level of adhesion and we have attempted to simulate the most important of these to give a varied and realistic driving experience: SeasonAdhesion is generally good in dry conditions during summer and spring. Slightly decreased adhesion during winter to take account of the increased amount of moisture and possible ice on the rails due to cooler temperatures. Much decreased adhesion during autumn due to leaf mulch.WeatherAdhesion decreases in wet weather, especially so when rain first starts falling before it has had a chance to clean the railhead. If rain is light, it will take longer for the railhead to be cleaned whereas heavy rain will clean it quicker, resulting in adhesion recovering sooner.When using the drizzle weather pattern in our Sky & Weather Enhancement Pack, adhesion is particularly poor as the rain hasn’t enough force to clean the railhead but still makes it sufficiently wet to worsen adhesion.Time of DayAdhesion will decrease somewhat after dusk as the air cools and dew is more likely to form on the railhead. This persists throughout the night until around an hour after sunrise when higher temperatures or the sun dry it out. In our simulation, this factor is reduced during summer to account for warmer temperatures, which on average result in less dew.TunnelsWhen adhesion is poor due to external factors such as weather or season, adhesion will generally improve upon entering a tunnel, which is not as susceptible to these factors. When adhesion is good during dry weather and outside of autumn, adhesion may decrease a little upon entering a tunnel due to their damp nature.WheelslipWheelslip protection aids the driver when powering or braking during times of poor adhesion.When wheelslip is encountered during acceleration, a two stage process takes place:1)Power is automatically reduced and the ‘WSP Activity’ light flashes in the cab.2)Once wheelslip stops, power is reapplied to the notch selected on thecombined power handle and the ‘WSP Activity’ light extinguishes. If wheelslip reoccurs, the process starts again.As a driver, you must assess which power notch is most suitable for the conditions and balance the occurrence of wheelslip with the maximum possible rate of acceleration.WheelslideWhen wheelslide is encountered during braking, a two stage process takes place:1)Brake pressure is automatically reduced and the ‘WSP Activity’ light flashes inthe cab.2)Once the wheelslide stops, brake pressure is returned to the notch selected onthe combined power handle and the ‘WSP Activity’ light extinguishes. Ifwheelslide reoccurs, the process starts again.As a driver, you must resist the temptation to reduce the brake yourself as the wheelslip protection will offer the best braking performance.Cooling Fan SimulationThe distinctive cooling fan on these units has been simulated and is audible on the outside on the train. How quickly the engine’s temperature rises and how efficient the fan is at cooling it, primarily depends on the season but also on how hard the engine is being driven. For example, in the summer and with a lot of high speed running, you can expect it to be active a lot of the time. In contrast, during cooler months and with low speed running, it won’t be active as much, especially in winter. On top of this, to reflect the variable nature of each engine and its efficiency at cooling, each engine is given a random efficiency rating at the start of a scenario, just to provide even more variation.Automatic Unit NumberingWhen placing a unit in the scenario editor or using one in Quick Drive, all vehicles will automatically be given correct unit and coach numbers instead of you having to select each vehicle and changing their number manually so they match. The unit number is usually controlled via the DMSL coach (this can vary depending on the particular formation of your chosen livery) if you wish to change it. Please note that the destination display on both driving coaches is also controlled via this coach. Dynamic Exhaust EffectsDynamic exhaust effects mean that the exhaust reacts to what the engine is doing. For example, when in notch 7, the engine will produce more exhaust than it would when idling. Also, when revving up, exhaust thickens before thinning out when rpm settles. Equally, when revving down, exhaust thins. On top of that, when starting up, exhaust rises in sync with the sound of the engine revving up. Finally, in reality, the smokiness of each vehicle varies depending on how well maintained it is, so to represent this in the simulator, a random ‘clag’ factor is allocated to each vehicle which ranges from 1 to 10; 1 being the cleanest and 10 being the dirtiest.Player Changeable Destination DisplayThe destination display can be changed during a scenario by pressing either the F7 or F8 keys. For each livery, a set of relevant destinations are provided. Please see below for a list of the available destinations on each livery and their relevant code if you wish to use them v ia the unit’s number on an AI service:Anglia Railways / Anglia Railways (Revised) / ONE / ONE Dark /Bits and BobsThis section is dedicated to aspects of this pack that don’t warrant a dedicated section but are still of note:•The reverser must be placed in ‘Neutral’ to start the engine.•If the emergency brake applies, power can only be regained if the power handle is returned to ‘Off’.• 1 second delay between train passing over AWS magnet and AWS warning sound occurring. The F3/F4 HUD will show the warning immediately so you must wait 1 second before trying to cancel it.•The headlights only provide illumination before sunrise and after sunset. This is to avoid the unrealistic appearance of projected light in broad daylight.•If speed rises above 103mph, power will be cut until speed falls below 97mph and the combined power handle is placed in the ‘Off/Release’ position.•When the doors are open, full brake pressure is applied and the ‘Door Interlock Lost’ indicator light illuminates.•Notched combined power handle; 7 power notches & 4 brake notches. •Intermittent, slow and fast setting added to windscreen wiper.•Separate engine start & stop buttons now operational. Engine stop button illuminates when engine is stopped.•Master key & 4-step reverser (Off/Reverse/Neutral/Forward).•Cab light.•‘Hill start’ button which applies step 1 brake pressure below 3mph.•Functioning ‘Train Fault’ & ‘No Train Fault’ indicator lights when changing reverser position.•‘Door power’ indicator light which illuminates when speed falls below 3mph and extinguishes when speed rises above 10mph.•Digital clock below speedometer.•Individually controlled headlights & tail lights with proving lights in the cab. •Detailed headlight, marker light & tail light textures for both new and old styles. •Improved appearance of Driver Reminder Appliance (DRA).•Cab camera angle amended so more of the desk is visible.•‘Max Speed 100mph’ label added to driver’s side of cab.Setting Up the D river’s CabPlease follow these steps to set up the cab so you are ready to move:1)Turn the master key in by pressing Shift+W.2)Move the reverser to the ‘neutral’ position by pressing S.3)Cancel the AWS self-test alarm by pressing Q.4)Turn off the tail lights by pressing K.5)Turn the headlights on by pressing H.6)Turn the Driver Reminder Appliance (DRA) off by pressing Y. ScenariosAPC170EP: 06:45 Lowestoft - London Liverpool StreetRoute = GEML London - IpswichTrack covered = Ipswich - London Liverpool StreetTraction = ONE 170205 & 170207Year = 2005Duration = 1 hour 15 minutesAPC170EP: 08:26 Basingstoke - ColchesterRoute = GEML London - IpswichTrack covered = Stratford - ColchesterTraction = Anglia Railways 170206Year = 2000Duration = 55 minutesAPC170EP: Felixstowe ShuttleRoute = GEML London - IpswichTrack covered = Ipswich - Felixstowe - IpswichTraction = Greater Anglia 170270Year = 2017Duration = 55 minutesCreditsNicolas Schichan - Advanced scriptingDuncan Sealey & London Midland - Assistance in recording sounds Matt Valentine - Assistance in providing photos of the cab。




























Instruction sheet3B SCIENTIFIC ® PHYSICSLaser Optics Demonstration Set 1003049 Laser Optics Supplement Set 1003050®06/18 ALFTable of contentsSet To UseNo. of Exp.ExperimentPage Introduction1Tables of the settlements21003049/50Reflection on planar mirror E131003050Reflection on two planar mirrors E231003049Reflection of light rays on concave mirror – rays are parallel to optical axis E3a 3Reflection of light rays on concave mirror – rays are non-parallelE3b 41003049to optical axis1003049Reflection of light rays on convex mirror – rays are parallel to optical axis E4a 4Reflection of light rays on convex mirror – rays are non-parallelE4b 41003049to optical axis1003049Refraction of light passing air-glass boundary E5a 51003050Apparent depth of objects E5b 51003049Refraction of light passing glass-air boundary E6a 51003049/50Refraction on glass prism edge E6b 61003049Critical angle, total reflection E6c 61003049Total reflection – propagating of light in optical fibres E6d 61003049/50Light ray shift by glass planparallel plate E771003050Light ray shift by air planparallel plate E871003049/50Glass prism deviation of light ray E9a 71003049/50Glass prism minimal deviation E9b 81003050Air prism deviation of light E10a 81003050Air prism minimal deviation E10b 81003050Reflection of light on one edge of glass prism E11a 91003050Reflection of light on two edges of glass prism E11b 91003050Reflection of light on two glass prisms E11c 91003050Reflection of light on two glass prisms E11d 101003050Reflection of light on two glass prisms E11e 101003050Reflection of light on air prisms E12101003050Light ray passing a convex air-glass boundary E13a 111003050Light beam passing through convex air-glass boundary E13b 111003050Light ray passing through concave air-glass boundary E14a 111003050Light beam passing through concave air-glass boundary E14b 121003050Light ray passing through convex glass-air boundary E15a 121003050Light beam passing through the glass-air boundary E15b 121003050Light ray tracing passing concave glass-air boundary E16a 131003050Light beam passing through concave glass-air boundary E16b 13Light beam passing through glass convex lens - beam is parallelE17a 131003049/50to the optical axisLight beam passing through glass convex lens – the rays are non-parallelE17b 141003049/50to the optical axis1003050Light beam passing through thick glass convex lens E17c 14Light beam passing through glass concave lens – the rays are parallelE18a 141003049/50to the optical axisLight beam passing through glass concave lens – the rays are non-parallel E18b151003049/50 to the optical axisLight beam passing through air convex lens – the rays are parallelE19a151003050 to the optical axisLight beam passing through air convex lens – the rays are non-parallelE19b151003050 to the optical axisLight beam passing through air concave lens – the rays are parallelE20a161003050 to the optical axisLight beam passing through air concave lens – the rays are non-parallel E20b161003050 to the optical axis1003049/50 Parameters of thick lenses – determination of radius of curvatureE21a161003049/50 Parameters of thick lenses – focal lengthE21b171003049 Model of a normal eyeE22a171003049 Model of short-sighted eyeE22b171003049 Model of long-sighted eyeE22c181003049/50 Correction of spherical aberration by reducing the beam diameterE23a181003049 Correction of spherical aberration by combination of lensesE23b181003049 Keplerian telescopeE24a191003049 Galileian telescopeE24b191003049 CameraE25191003049Laser Optics Demonstration Set1003050Laser Optics Supplement SetThe column "SET TO USE" informs you which set is appropriate for which experiment (either 1003049, or 1003050 or both).IntroductionThe demonstration set 1003049 was designed for easy and clear demonstration of basic optical effects and devices. Using diode laser as a light source for experi ments enables both teacher and student to understand the principle of simple and more complicated optical systems. In this guide book you can find many basic experiments and demonstrations using 1003049 and 1003050 which is an additional set of optical elements containing air lenses, air prisms etc. Every experiment in this book has three parts:1. A simple description of the experiment2. A geometric diagram of the experiment3. A diagram showing what the experimentlooks like when it is set up.Shown in brackets under the title of the experiment is whether it can be demonstrated with the 1003049 or 1003050 set, or both. The same note can be find also in the table of contents in the last row. It is clear now, that some experiments cannot be done with 1003049 and some of them with 1003050.A very important constituent of the experiments is the LASER RAY BOX which consists of five laser diodes. Be careful to avoid direct eye contact with the laser beam! If you have basic set 1003049 and you are interested in realizing experiments for additional set 1003050, please,contact your distributor of didactic aids.Table of set elementsLaser Optics Demonstration Set 10030491Biconcave lensBiconvex lens2Biconvex lens3Biconvex lens4Biconvex lens5Small planeconcave lens6Large planeconvex lens7Small planeconvex lens89Concave mirror10Convex mirror11Planar mirror12Planparallel plate13Prism14Optical fibreWorking sheetsA Human Eye ModelB CameraGalileian TelescopeCKeplerian TelescopeDCorrection of Spherical AberrationEHartle's circleFSupplement Set 100305021Biconcave air lens22Biconcave glass lens23Biconvex air lens24Biconvex glass lens25Optical air prism26Equilateral optical glass prism27Rectangular optical glass prism (2 pc)28Square glass planparallel plate29Rectangular glass planparallel plate (2 pc) 11Planar mirror (2 pc)E1Reflraction on planar mirror(1003049/50)The law of reflection is demonstrated. When a light ray impinges a plane mirror under an angle α it is re-flected under the same angle ßα = ßBoth angles are measured from the perpendicular lineto the mirror plane.E2Reflection on two planar mirrors(1003050)An interesting relation can be shown:δ= 2γwhere δis the angle between the incident and the reflected ray and γis the angle between the mirrors'planes.E3a Reflection of light rays on concave mirror –rays are parallel to optical axis (1003049)The focal length f of the concave mirror is determined by the length of the line VF. The curvature radius can be obtained using the known formula:f r =2The distance of the centre of curvature S is twice aslong as the distance of the focus F.E3b Reflection of light rays on concave mirror –rays are non-parallel to optical axis (1003049)The axis ϕwhich is perpendicular to the optical axis and passes through the focus is referred as the focal plane of the concave mirror. If the parallel rays im-pinge the mirror, they meet at one point of the axis ϕafter the reflection. In the case of the rays parallel to the optical axis, the point belongs to the axis and iscalled the focus (F).E4a Reflection of light rays on convex mirror –rays are parallel to optical axis (1003049)The reflected rays, parallel to the optical axis, appear to start from one point on the right side behind the mirror. This point is referred to as the figure focus. The length of line VF determines the focal length f of the mirror. The radius of curvature can be obtained from the next formula.f r =2The distance of the centre of curvature S is two timeslonger than the distance of the focus F.E4b Reflection of light rays on convex mirror –rays are non-parallel to optical axis (1003049)The axis ϕwhich is perpendicular to the optical axis and passes through the focus is referred to as the focal plane of the convex mirror. If parallel rays impinge the mirror, they are scattered in such a way that they appear to start from one point of the plane ϕ. In the case of incidence rays parallel to the optical axis thispoint belongs to the axis.E5a Refraction of light passing air-glass boundary(1003049,transparency F)If light passes through one optical medium character-ized by refraction index n 1into the other with refrac-tion index n 2its direction is changed by Snell’s law:n sin α=n sin ß12where αis an incidence angle in the medium n 1and ß is an angle of refraction in the medium n 2. The anglesare measured from the normal to the planar boundary.E5b Apparent depth of objects(1003050)You can build up the model of observing the depth ofobjects in water or glass from air.Air AcrylicPencilAcrylicAirE6a Refraction of light passing glass-air boundary(1003049,transparency F)The ray is refracted with the refraction angle ß, which is larger than α. The ray is bent away from the normal.E6b Refraction on glass prism edge(1003049/50)When light passes through glass to air, Snell’s law can be written in the next form:n sin α= sin ß1Refractive index of air n = 1.2E6c Critical angle, total reflection(1003049, transparency F)The larger the incidence angle the larger the refrac-tion angle. If n 1<n 2a critical angle αexists. In other words, the refracted ray lies on the border of two me-diums. When the incidence angle is larger than the critical angle, there is no more refracted light and alllight energy is reflected, this is called total reflection.E6d Total reflection – propagating of light inoptical fibres (1003049)If light enters the optical fibre under some angles it propagates in it using the total reflection on the bor-ders of the fibre. An important parameter determines what angle should not be overcome. This parameter is called the numerical aperture. It is SIN of the maxi-mum entrance angle of the light. Also the minimal radius of the fibre bent is set by this parameter. Itcannot be smaller, when the fibre is installed.E7Light ray shift by glass planparallel plate(1003049/50)If a light ray passes through a planparallel plate its direction is not changed. The outgoing ray is shifted in accordance with the incoming one. The shift d can be estimated with respect to the thickness h of the plate using the formula:d h=−)(sin cos αββAcrylic AcrylicAirAcrylic AcrylicAirE8Light ray shift by air planparallel plate(1003050)In this case, a shift between the incoming and the out-going ray can be observed. This shift has an oppositedirection than in the case of the glass plate.E9a Glass prism deviation of light ray(1003049/50)If the prism is glass, after the light impinges the point A, it is bent toward the normal and refracts to point B.At this point it is bent into the air away from the nor-mal. The sum of all refraction angles is the deviationangle δ. It is the angle between the incidence and theoutgoing ray.E9b Glass prism minimal deviation(1003049/50)It can be seen that in the case of minimal deviation δmin the incidence angle αis equal to the angle of the outgoing ray ß. The direction of the refraction of light in the prism is parallel to the edge the ray does not pass through. The refractive index of the prism obeys the formula:Air AcrylicAcrylic AcrylicAirAcrylicAcrylicAirAirn =+sin sin 2min ϕδϕ2E10a Air prism deviation of light(1003050)Light passes through the glass-air border at point A.Then it is directed away from the normal axis and af-ter light passes through point B, it is then directed to-ward the normal. The sum of the refraction angles is referred as the deviation angle δ. It is the angle be-tween the incidence and the outgoing ray.E10b Air prism minimal deviation(1003050)In the case of minimal deviation δthe incidence min,angle αis equal to the angle of the outgoing ray ß. The direction of the refracted light in the prism is parallel to the edge the ray does not pass through. The refrac-tive index of the prism obey formula (see E9b). The deviation has an opposite direction as in the case of aglass prism.E11a Reflection of light on one edge of glass prism(1003050)When the rays impinge the edge, they are totally re-flected. If the prism is slightly adjusted reflection andrefraction can be observed.E11b Reflection of light on two edges of glassprism (1003050)The conditions for total reflections are fulfilled on both edges of the prism. If the top ray of the incidence light is eliminated, the bottom ray of the outgoing lightdisappears. The picture is 180° rotated.AcrylicAirAirAirAirAcrylicAcrylic AcrylicE11c Reflection of light on two glass prisms(1003050)Conditions for total reflection are fulfilled on everyedge. E11d Reflection of light on two glass prisms(1003050)Conditions necessary for total reflection are fulfilledon every edge.E11e Reflection of light on two glass prisms(1003050)Conditions necessary for total reflection are fulfilledon every edge.E12Reflection of light on air prism(1003050)If the incidence angle of light to the edge of the prism (25) is smaller than critical angle (42°), the rays are reflected into the glass. If the angle is greater, a part ofthe light passes through the air prism.AirAirAcrylicAcrylic(1003050)When a ray impinges the air-glass boundary at point A, it is directed toward the normal. The normal is de-fined as the line from point A to the centre of bound-ary curvature S.E13b Light beam passing through convex air-glassboundary (1003050)Using a boundary of convenient curvature radius and an auxiliary glass element, where the rays are refracted,one can observe that the rays are met at the point F' inthe optical axis – figure focus.boundary (1003050)When a ray impinges the boundary at point A, refrac-tion towards the normal is observed. The normal is defined as the line from point A to the centre of bound-ary curvature S.E14b Light beam passing through concave air-glassboundary (1003050)The beam after passing the boundary is divergent.Elongating the refracted light to the other side one can find a point on the optical axis where the line meets. Itis figure focus F'.Acrylic AirAirAcrylicAcrylicAcrylicboundary (1003050)When a ray impinges the boundary at point A, refrac-tion away from the normal is observed. The normal can be defined as the line from point A to the centre ofboundary curvature S.E15b Light beam passing through convex glass-airboundary (1003050)The beam after passing the boundary is divergent. Elon-gating the refracted light to the other side one can find a point on the optical axis where the line meets. It isfigure focus F'.boundary (1003050)When a ray impinges the boundary at point A, refrac-tion away from the normal is observed. The normal is defined as the line from point A to the centre of bound-ary curvature S.E16b Light beam passing through concave glass-airboundary (1003050)The beam is convergent after passing the boundary.Parallel rays meet in one point of the optical axis –figure focus F'.AirAirAcrylicAcrylicAcrylicAcrylicE17a Light beam passing through glass convex lens– beam is parallel to the optical axis (1003049/50)A convex glass lens behaves as a convergent optical system and the rays meet at figure focus F' after pass-ing through the lens.E17b Light beam passing through glass convex lens– the rays are non-parallel to the optical axis (1003049/50)The plane ϕ' which is perpendicular to the optical axis,combined with the figure focus F' is called a figure fo-cus plane. If a beam of perpendicular rays impinges the convex glass lens, the rays cross the plane ϕ' atone point.E17c Light beam passing through thick glassconvex lens (1003050)By inserting planparallel plates into the space between two elements (23), a model of a thick lens can be con-structed. The thickness d of the lens can be changed.If the thickness increases the focal length of the lens decreases. For a critical thickness the lens changes fromconvergent to divergent.E18a Light beam passing through glass concavelens – the rays are parallel to the optical axis (1003049/50)The rays are divergent after passing a concave glass lens, they do not create a real figure. By elongating the rays it is seen that the lines have a common intersec-tion – figure focus F'.AirAcrylicAcrylicAcrylicAcrylicE18b Light beam passing through glass concavelens – the rays are non-parallel to the optical axis(1003049/50)The plane ϕ' which is perpendicular to the optical axis,combined with the figure focus F' is called a figure focus plane. If a beam of perpendicular rays impinges the concave glass lens, the elongated lines of the rays cross the plane ϕ' at one point.E19a Light beam passing through air convex lens –the rays are parallel to the optical axis (1003050)The rays are divergent after passing a convex air lens,they do not create a real figure. By elongating the rays one can see the lines has a common intersection –figure focus F'.E19b Light beam passing through air convex lens –the rays are non-parallel to the optical axis (1003050)The plane ϕ' which is perpendicular to the optical axis,combined with the figure focus F' is called a figure focus plane. If a beam of perpendicular rays impinges the convex air lens, the elongated lines of the rays cross the plane ϕ' at one point.E20a Light beam passing through air concave lens– the rays are parallel to the optical axis (1003050)A concave air lens behaves as a convergent optical sys-tem and the rays meet at figure focus F' after passingthrough the lens.AirAirAirAirAirAcrylicAcrylicAcrylicAcrylicE20b Light beam passing through air concave lens– the rays are non-parallel to the optical axis (1003050)The plane ϕ' which is perpendicular to the optical axis,combined with figure focus F' is called a figure focus plane. If a beam of perpendicular rays impinges the concave air lens, the rays cross the plane ϕ' at one point.E21a Parameters of thick lenses – determinationof radius of curvature (1003049/50)The lenses in the set have cylindrical refraction sur-faces with circular bottoms with equal radia of curva-ture. You can measure these radii by using a milimetregrid.E21b Parameters of thick lenses – focal length(1003049/50)In the case of a thick lens (a lens with not negligible thickness) the definition of the focal length as a dis-tance of the focus from the main planes (points – Hand H'), must be taken into account.E22a Model of a normal eye(1003049, transparency A)Display rays parallel to the optical axis intersect after passing through uncorrected eye lens at one point of the retina.Place the eye lens (1) directly behind the line O 2.AcrylicAcrylicRetinaEye lensAirAirE22b Model of short-sighted eye(1003049, transparency A)Display rays parallel to the optical axis intersect after passing through uncorrected eye lens at one point of the optical axis before the retina.Place the eye lens (2) directly behind the line O 2and the correction lens (5) between the lines O 1and O 2.E22c Model of long-sighted eye(1003049, transparency A)Display rays parallel to the optical axis intersect after passing through uncorrected eye lens at one point of the optical axis after the retina. A correction lens must be convergent. The focal length f ' of the system of eye lens and the correction lens is:f f f f f ’’’’’=+2121where f 1' is the focal length of the eye lens and f 2' isthe focal length of the correction lens.E23a Correction of spherical aberration byreducing the beam diameter (1003049/50)Spherical aberration of a lens can be reduced by re-ducing the diameter of the beam which impinges the lens. The rays which are far away from the optical axismust be obscured.E23b Correction of spherical aberration bycombination of lenses (1003049, transparency E)The spherical aberrations of divergent and convergent lenses have an inverse effect. By a convenient combination of these two types of lenses the aberra-tion can be corrected. The aberration ∆f =f 1–f 2is defined as the difference between the focal length f 1of marginal beam rays and the focal length f 2of paraxial rays. In the case of a convergent lens the aberration is of a plus sign and for a divergent lens it is a minus sign.RetinaEye lensEye lensRetinaCorrection lens (5)Correction lens (4),(between O 1 and O 2)E24a Keplerian telescope(1003049, transparency D)The figure from Kepler's telescope is reversed. This can be verified by obscuring a marginal ray. One can see that if the top ray is obscured, in the output ray the bottom ray disappears. The figure is unreal andmagnified.E24b Galileian telescope(1003049, transparency C)In this experiment the incident angle can be changed.The larger change of the output angle is observed (the viewing angle is magnified – the figure is magnified).The figure is created by parallel rays, so it is unreal and magnified. If the top ray of the incident beam isobscured, the top ray of the output beam disappears.E25Camera(1003049, transparency B)The lens of the camera is a convergent optical system.The figure which appears on the rear part of the cam-era is real and reversed. It is directed onto the opticalmaterial.ObjectiveOcularObjectiveOcular。





1. 一个鞋盒或者差不多大小嘅纸盒子。

2. 一块白布或者白纸,能铺满盒子嘅底部。

3. 一个小手电筒或者手机嘅闪光灯。

4. 一些剪纸,可以是星星、月亮、心形,啥形状都行。

5. 胶带或者订书机。

1. 先把白布或者白纸铺在盒子嘅底部,这样儿投影嘅时候能更亮堂。

2. 用胶带或者订书机把盒子嘅顶部或者侧面开一个小窗口,大小能把手电筒或者手机嘅闪光灯伸进去就行。

3. 然后,把剪纸贴在盒子嘅另一侧,记得要贴嘅密实点,这样投影嘅效果才会更好。

4. 一切准备就绪,就可以把灯关了,把手电筒或者手机嘅闪光灯

5. 最后,慢慢转动手电筒或者手机,调整角度,就能看到盒子里


































二、实验目的1. 观察光影现象,了解光在传播过程中的特性。

2. 探究光在直线传播过程中遇到不同物体时的变化。

3. 通过实验,培养学生的观察能力和动手操作能力。

三、实验器材1. 透明塑料板2. 白纸3. 激光笔4. 小木棒5. 量角器6. 记录本四、实验步骤1. 将透明塑料板平铺在桌面上,用激光笔照射塑料板,观察光在塑料板上的传播情况。

2. 将小木棒放在塑料板上,用激光笔照射木棒,观察光在木棒上的传播情况。

3. 将白纸放在塑料板上,用激光笔照射白纸,观察光在白纸上的传播情况。

4. 改变激光笔照射角度,观察光在不同角度下的传播情况。

5. 使用量角器测量激光笔照射角度,记录实验数据。

6. 分析实验数据,总结光影现象的规律。

五、实验现象1. 光在透明塑料板上传播时,会形成一条直线。

2. 光在木棒上传播时,会形成一条直线,但木棒会遮挡光线,形成影子。

3. 光在白纸上传播时,会形成一条直线,但白纸会反射光线,形成反射现象。

4. 改变激光笔照射角度,光在不同角度下的传播情况也会发生变化。

六、实验结论1. 光在传播过程中是直线传播的。

2. 光遇到物体时,会形成影子。

3. 光遇到反射面时,会发生反射现象。

4. 光的传播情况受到照射角度的影响。




八、实验反思1. 实验过程中,我们要注意安全,避免激光笔对眼睛造成伤害。

2. 实验数据要准确记录,以便后续分析。

3. 在实验过程中,我们要保持细心,观察实验现象,发现问题,解决问题。

4. 实验结束后,我们要对实验过程进行总结,总结实验经验,提高实验能力。





















































来源:《发明与创新·中学生》 2018年第7期










一、教学目标1. 知识与技能目标:- 学生能够了解光影的基本原理,认识光与影的关系。

- 学生能够运用所学知识,通过制作光影盒子,体验光影变化的美感。

2. 过程与方法目标:- 通过观察、实验、讨论等方法,培养学生的观察能力、动手能力和创新能力。

- 在制作过程中,培养学生的团队合作精神,提高学生的沟通能力。

3. 情感态度与价值观目标:- 激发学生对科学探索的兴趣,培养学生对美的追求和审美能力。

- 培养学生尊重自然、热爱生活的情感。

二、教学重难点1. 教学重点:- 光影盒子的制作方法。

- 光与影的关系及其变化。

2. 教学难点:- 光影效果的呈现与调整。

- 学生在制作过程中遇到问题的解决能力。

三、教学过程1. 导入新课- 通过展示光影盒子的图片或视频,激发学生的学习兴趣。

- 引导学生思考:光与影是如何产生的?它们之间有什么关系?2. 讲解与示范- 讲解光影盒子的制作原理和步骤。

- 示范制作过程,包括选材、切割、组装等。

3. 实践操作- 学生分组进行光影盒子的制作,教师巡回指导。

- 学生在制作过程中,尝试调整光影效果,观察光与影的变化。

4. 交流与展示- 学生展示自己的作品,分享制作心得。

- 教师对学生的作品进行点评,鼓励创新。

5. 总结与反思- 教师总结本节课的学习内容,强调光与影的关系。

- 学生反思自己在制作过程中的收获与不足。

四、教学评价1. 过程性评价:- 观察学生在制作过程中的参与程度、动手能力和创新能力。

- 评价学生的团队合作精神、沟通能力和解决问题的能力。

2. 结果性评价:- 评价学生完成的光影盒子的质量,包括光影效果、外观设计等。

- 评价学生在交流与展示环节的表现,包括表达清晰度、自信度等。

五、教学资源1. 教学设备:剪刀、胶水、彩纸、透明塑料板、灯光等。

2. 教学材料:光影盒子图片、视频、实验指导书等。

3. 教学环境:明亮、宽敞的教室,便于学生操作和展示。





















光影魔术盒教案设计图教案标题:光影魔术盒教案设计图教学目标:1. 了解光线传播的基本原理以及光的反射、折射和干涉现象。

2. 掌握使用光影魔术盒进行基本光影实验的方法和技巧。

3. 培养学生的观察力、实验设计和团队合作能力。

教学内容:1. 光线传播的基本原理- 光的直线传播- 光的反射和折射- 光的干涉现象2. 光影魔术盒的使用方法- 魔术盒的构造和原理- 魔术盒的基本操作技巧- 制作简单光影实验装置教学步骤:引入活动:1. 向学生展示光线传播的基本原理,并引发学生对光的兴趣。

知识讲解:2. 介绍光的直线传播、反射和折射的概念,并通过示意图和实例进行说明。

实验演示:3. 展示光的干涉现象,例如双缝干涉实验,并解释干涉现象的原理。

实践操作:4. 学生分组,每组配备一套光影魔术盒。

5. 指导学生使用魔术盒进行基本光影实验,例如光的反射、折射和干涉实验。

6. 鼓励学生自主设计和改进实验装置,提高实验的可观察性和准确性。

实验总结:7. 学生汇报实验结果,并进行讨论和总结。

8. 引导学生思考实验中遇到的问题和现象,并解释其原因。

拓展应用:9. 提供更多光影实验的拓展应用,例如光的色散、光的偏振等。

10. 鼓励学生进行创新实验设计,并展示他们的成果。

评估与反馈:11. 设计小组活动,要求学生合作完成一个更复杂的光影实验,并进行评估。

12. 提供反馈和指导,帮助学生改进实验设计和结果分析的能力。

教学资源:- 光影魔术盒- 示意图、实例和实验演示材料- 实验器材和材料- 小组活动评估表教学方式:- 教师讲解- 实验演示- 小组合作实践- 学生报告和讨论教学时长:根据教学计划和学生实际情况,可安排为2-3个课时。

教学建议:1. 在引入活动中,使用生动有趣的例子和实验演示,激发学生的学习兴趣。

2. 在实践操作中,鼓励学生主动探索和改进实验装置,培养创新和解决问题的能力。

3. 在评估与反馈环节中,注重学生的实验设计和结果分析能力的培养,提供具体的反馈和指导。

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1、将40cm×20cm彩瓦铁片(钣金店加工)用玻璃胶整齐粘贴在一块厚1.5cm 木板40cm×20cm上,再粘贴一块40cm×20cm的厚0.3cm三夹板。






厚0.4cm有机玻璃2cm×14cm 适当位置用电钻钻取直径1cm小孔,将直径1cm强磁粘贴其中。























