Investment PPT - English
• Now let see Buffett. • He was born in the United States, Nebraska, Omaha and was most investment consciousness from childhood. • He is very interested in the stock and digital. what he thinks is just making money. • He set up a stall selling gum(口香 糖) only in his five years old. Slightly more grown up, he led his friends to pick up and sell used golf balls and has a booming business.
• In 1941, just entered 11 years old, he purchased his first stock(股票). • In 1947, Warren Buffett entered the University of Pennsylvania for finance and business management. Two years later, he transferred to Blass Lincoln University and achieve his bachelor's degree in economics within one year. • In 1957, Buffett is in charge of $300000, but it rose to $500000 in the end of the year. In 1964, his personal wealth is $4000000, and this time he was in charge of 22000000 dollars.
第一章 投资概述《投资学》PPT课件
固定收益投资是指预先规定应得的投资收入, 一般用百分比表示,按文期本支付,收益在整个投资 期内不变。多数债券和优先股的收益都是固定文的本。
非固定收益投资是指投资收益预先不规定, 收入不固定。如普通股的收益是不固定的。一 般来说固定收益投资风险小,文但本收益也低,非 固定收益投资风险大,但收益也高。
• (五)信托投资
• (六)保险投资
• (七)BOT投资
第三节 投资与投机
所谓投机,就是指在市场上短期文内本通 过低买高卖方式来获取差价,如炒地皮、 炒楼花、炒权证、炒股票,它是市场上常 见文的本 一种买卖行为。
文本 增强证券市场上的流动性
广义的投资是指各个投资主体为了在未来获得经济效益或 社会效益而预先垫支一定资文本本的各种经济行为。
狭义的投资则仅指投资于各种有价证券,进行有价证券的 买卖,也可称为证券投资(securities investment),如购买股 票、债券等。文本 来自本(二)直接投资和间接投资
证券投资(securities investment)是指投资者将货币资 金投资于各种各样的有价证券,如股票、债券、基金等等。这种 行为会使投资者在证券的持有期内获文得本与其承担的风险相称的收 益。
➢如果我们以股份制企业作为考虑问题的基础,对资本运动全过程进 行考察,“证券投资”与“文实本物投资”是同一投资运行过程的两个阶 段,而且,“证券投资”是最基本的资本垫付,对于“文实本物投资”具 有决定意义。
Bodie2eChapter05 Household Saving and Investment Decisions 英文版PPT金融学(第二版) 教学课件
R e al $
fund H um anC ap C apital
300000 200000 100000 0 35 -100000 Age
Copyright © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall
The Inter-temporal Budget Constraint
– The analysis becomes progressively more complex as we make the assumptions more realistic.
• What if you don’t know your date of death., returns are risky, et cetera?
8 Copyright © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall
Maintain the same level of consumption spending
– Assume that your level of real consumption is C
– $30,000*0.75 = $22,500/year – using your calculator compute the present value of the retirement funds as an regular annuity
n=15, i = 3, FV=0, PMT=-22,500 -> PV=268,604
Chapter 5: Household Saving and Investment Decisions
fund H um anC ap C apital
300000 200000 100000 0 35 -100000 Age
Copyright © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall
The Inter-temporal Budget Constraint
– The analysis becomes progressively more complex as we make the assumptions more realistic.
• What if you don’t know your date of death., returns are risky, et cetera?
8 Copyright © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall
Maintain the same level of consumption spending
– Assume that your level of real consumption is C
– $30,000*0.75 = $22,500/year – using your calculator compute the present value of the retirement funds as an regular annuity
n=15, i = 3, FV=0, PMT=-22,500 -> PV=268,604
Chapter 5: Household Saving and Investment Decisions
Unit Seven Investment options 课件-优质公开课-人教高中选修初级财经英语精品
Bank accounts
Savings Do you know the differences of them?
Term deposits Cash management
Saving :Relatively low but easy access to money. Usually the account with the lowest rate. Term deposit: Higher rates than saving accounts with restrictions on withdraw. Cash management: Usually the highest rate of return with restrictions on withdraw.
☻Providing an income
☻Building wealth
☻Reducing their tax
☻Obtaining financial
As we all know, though there is a wide
range of investment options available,
What are the desired goals for property investment?
The desired goals of property investment are rent and capital gain. Rent means that an investor can get steady income.
rent on houses and other forms of real eatate. dividends on company shares.
3000 hours
Advanced profitability
4000 hours
Fluent efficiency
The efficiency of English learning
Learning efficiency
The ratio of learning output to learning input
Developing an open mind
Learning English can resource individuals to enhance different cultures and perspectives, following open mindedness and tolerance
English learning websites and applications
English learning website
A website that provides English learning materials, online courses, learning communities, and other services, such as Duolingo, BBC Learning English, etc.
Online English courses
English courses provided through online platforms have flexible learning methods and can be learned anytime, anywhere, suitable for busy office workers and students.
it demonstrates a commitment to personal and professional
Chapter_14 Investment Spending多恩布什宏观经济学(教学课件)PPT
• Investment is the amount spent by businesses to add to the existing capital stock over a given period
Flow of investment is quite small compared to the stock of capital.
• Capital wears out over time must include depreciation, d • The complete formula for the rental cost of capital is:
The complete formula for trhe rcer nt ald co stio f cae pi tald is
of capital
• Diminishing marginal product of capital means that each successive unit of capital yields less than the previous unit Figure 14-2
• An increase in the rental cost of capital can only be justified by an increase in the marginal product of capital, and a lower level of K
The Desired Capital Stock
• Firms use capital, along with labor and other resources, to produce output The goal of a given firm is to maximize profits
Flow of investment is quite small compared to the stock of capital.
• Capital wears out over time must include depreciation, d • The complete formula for the rental cost of capital is:
The complete formula for trhe rcer nt ald co stio f cae pi tald is
of capital
• Diminishing marginal product of capital means that each successive unit of capital yields less than the previous unit Figure 14-2
• An increase in the rental cost of capital can only be justified by an increase in the marginal product of capital, and a lower level of K
The Desired Capital Stock
• Firms use capital, along with labor and other resources, to produce output The goal of a given firm is to maximize profits
• Maximize the current value of the company’s stock?
• There is no short run vs. long run here. The stock price should incorporate expectations about the future
Financial Markets
• Cash flows to the firm • Primary vs. secondary markets
• Dealer自營商市場vs. auction markets拍賣市場 • Listed上市掛牌vs. over-the-counter securities 店頭市場
• Treasurer財務長– oversees cash management, credit management, capital expenditures and financial planning • Controller會計長– oversees taxes, cost accounting, financial accounting and data processing
• Know the basic types of financial management decisions and the role of the financial manager財務 管理決策基本問題 • Know the financial implications of the different forms of business organization不同企業組織 • Know the goal of financial management財務管理的 目標 • Understand the conflicts of interest that can arise between owners and managers所有人和經理人可能 產生的利益衝突 • Understand the various types of financial markets各 種型態的金融市場
³ 我国能源的短缺
Fundamentals of BOP Accounting
New York bank deposits.
Fundamentals of BOP Accounting
3. How do we record transactions between residents and nonresidents
A set of accounts(p14-18)
³ Each transaction, involves two opposite flows of equal value. ³ For example: ³ The U.S. government sells $29 million worth of wheat to Russia, being paid
Debit: unilateral transfer $8 million
Credit: goods
$8 million
Account name
Current account
•Financia l account
第一章 国际投资概述 《国际投资学》PPT课件
国际投资(international investment)是指具有独立决策权的投资主 体,包括自然人、政府机构、跨国公司、跨国金融机构等,将其所有的 货币资金、实物资产或者其他形式的生产要素,在世界范围内进行资源 配置,在投资主体母国之外形成新的实物资产、金融资产、无形资产, 并通过跨国流动使原始资产增值的经济行为。
第二节 国际投资的分类
国际货币基金组织(International Monetary Fund,IMF)将对外直 接投资定义为投资者在本国以外的国家或地区所经营的企业中拥有持续 利益的一种投资,其目的在于对该企业的经营管理具有有效的发言权。 经济合作与发展组织(Organization for Economic Co⁃operation and Development,OECD)将对外直接投资定义为某一经济体系中的 常驻实体被另一个经济体系的常驻企业控制的投资,这反映投资者在国 外实体的一种长期关系。
第二节 国际投资的分类
(1)按是否新创立企业划分 绿地投资
(green field investment)
是指跨国公司在东道国设立新的企业, 形成新的生产能力。
(cross⁃border merger and acquisition)
是指兼并已经存在的外国企业的资产和 股权。
第二节 国际投资的分类
国际间接投资(international indirect investment)是指以资本增值为目的,以取得利 息或股息等为形式,以被投资国的证券为对象的 跨国投资,即在国际债券市场购买中长期债券, 或在股票市场上购买企业股票的一种投资活动。
国际间接投资 的概念
第二节 国际投资的分类
第一节 国际投资的概念
第二节 国际投资的分类
国际货币基金组织(International Monetary Fund,IMF)将对外直 接投资定义为投资者在本国以外的国家或地区所经营的企业中拥有持续 利益的一种投资,其目的在于对该企业的经营管理具有有效的发言权。 经济合作与发展组织(Organization for Economic Co⁃operation and Development,OECD)将对外直接投资定义为某一经济体系中的 常驻实体被另一个经济体系的常驻企业控制的投资,这反映投资者在国 外实体的一种长期关系。
第二节 国际投资的分类
(1)按是否新创立企业划分 绿地投资
(green field investment)
是指跨国公司在东道国设立新的企业, 形成新的生产能力。
(cross⁃border merger and acquisition)
是指兼并已经存在的外国企业的资产和 股权。
第二节 国际投资的分类
国际间接投资(international indirect investment)是指以资本增值为目的,以取得利 息或股息等为形式,以被投资国的证券为对象的 跨国投资,即在国际债券市场购买中长期债券, 或在股票市场上购买企业股票的一种投资活动。
国际间接投资 的概念
第二节 国际投资的分类
第一节 国际投资的概念
• (二)特征 • 1、外国投资者与东道国投资者共同投资、共同举办。 • 2、外国投资者与东道国投资者共同经营、共同管理。 • 3、外国投资者与东道国投资者共担风险、共负盈亏。
• (三)合营企业的法律性质
• (3)违约险:东道国政府不履行或违反其与投资者之间订立的合同,并且,投资者无 法通过东道国的司法或仲裁程序予以解决的,由此给投资者造成损失的风险。
“拒绝司法” 表现为3种情况:
• (二)MIGA业务范围
• (二)主要当事人
人教版高中英语选修初级财经英语课件 Unit Eight Investment planning 课件
Investment go through cycles, performing well for a time but when having a slump, so it is important to choose different types of investment for your portfolio.
Now let’s turn to the topic of investment planning. What factors do you think should be considered when planning investing?
List as many as you can come up with.
Investments are scary for some people, especially those who have never invested before. We grow up hearing horror stories about how this person or that person lost everything they had on some bad investment odd years ago and it builds in us a fear of investing. Most investments have some risk so you need to take great care. It tment plan.
Do you plan for your study?
What factors should be considered when
planning for your
Now let’s turn to the topic of investment planning. What factors do you think should be considered when planning investing?
List as many as you can come up with.
Investments are scary for some people, especially those who have never invested before. We grow up hearing horror stories about how this person or that person lost everything they had on some bad investment odd years ago and it builds in us a fear of investing. Most investments have some risk so you need to take great care. It tment plan.
Do you plan for your study?
What factors should be considered when
planning for your
4. 学科层次:是关于投资银行的理论和实务的学科---
1. 金融系统与金融学 2. 投资银行学与金融学
① 由金融机构、金融市场、金融工具、资金供
求者及金融监管部门以一定的方式所构成的 一种体系,这一体系旨在提高决策主体对财 务资源配置的决策质量与效率。
➢ 国际上对投资银行Investment banking的定义主要
以美国著名的金融投资专家罗伯特 ·库恩 (Robert Kuhn)为投资银行所下的四个定义为参照,从广义 到狭义分别是:
① 任何经营华尔街金融业务的金融机构都可以称作投资
② 只有经营一部分或全部资本市场业务的金融机构才是
5 风险资本部 对新兴的高科技公司投资获得高风险下的高收益。 6 资产证券化 以一定资产作为抵押品而发行证券的过程。
部 7 资产与基金 是投资银行的重要业务之一,通常投资银行设立独
管理公司 立的机构为个人或机构管理资产与基金。
8 项目融 主要为大规模的自然资源开发,如天然气、火力 资部 发电、开矿等之类的项目建设筹措必要的资金
③ 最初的含义,政府通过税收和发行国债筹集资金并
管理使用的行为,现在一般用Public finance。
➢ 本书所用的金融学是指第二种含义即研究如何在不
确定的条件下,对财务资源(资金)进行跨时期合 理配置的理论和实践的学科。
① 从企业的角度来考察金融学-----公司财务学
2 私募证券部 向数量有限的机构投资者,如保险公司、专业 投资公司、养老基金私下推销不公开上市的证 券。
4. 学科层次:是关于投资银行的理论和实务的学科---
1. 金融系统与金融学 2. 投资银行学与金融学
① 由金融机构、金融市场、金融工具、资金供
求者及金融监管部门以一定的方式所构成的 一种体系,这一体系旨在提高决策主体对财 务资源配置的决策质量与效率。
➢ 国际上对投资银行Investment banking的定义主要
以美国著名的金融投资专家罗伯特 ·库恩 (Robert Kuhn)为投资银行所下的四个定义为参照,从广义 到狭义分别是:
① 任何经营华尔街金融业务的金融机构都可以称作投资
② 只有经营一部分或全部资本市场业务的金融机构才是
5 风险资本部 对新兴的高科技公司投资获得高风险下的高收益。 6 资产证券化 以一定资产作为抵押品而发行证券的过程。
部 7 资产与基金 是投资银行的重要业务之一,通常投资银行设立独
管理公司 立的机构为个人或机构管理资产与基金。
8 项目融 主要为大规模的自然资源开发,如天然气、火力 资部 发电、开矿等之类的项目建设筹措必要的资金
③ 最初的含义,政府通过税收和发行国债筹集资金并
管理使用的行为,现在一般用Public finance。
➢ 本书所用的金融学是指第二种含义即研究如何在不
确定的条件下,对财务资源(资金)进行跨时期合 理配置的理论和实践的学科。
① 从企业的角度来考察金融学-----公司财务学
2 私募证券部 向数量有限的机构投资者,如保险公司、专业 投资公司、养老基金私下推销不公开上市的证 券。
INVESTMENTS 投资学 (博迪BODIE, KANE, MARCUS)Chap020 Options Markets Introduction-PPT资料41页
In the Money - exercise of the option would be profitable Call: exercise price < market price Put: exercise price > market price
Out of the Money - exercise of the option would not be profitable Call: market price < exercise price. Put: market price > exercise price.
Option versus Stock Investments
• Could a call option strategy be preferable to a direct stock purchase?
• Suppose you think a stock, currently selling for $100, will appreciate.
• Sellers (writers) of options receive premium income.
• If holder exercises the option, the option writer must make (call) or take (put) delivery of the underlying asset.
• Investor’s profit:
$7.00 - $4.79 = $2.21
• Holding period return = 46.1% over 44 days!
Out of the Money - exercise of the option would not be profitable Call: market price < exercise price. Put: market price > exercise price.
Option versus Stock Investments
• Could a call option strategy be preferable to a direct stock purchase?
• Suppose you think a stock, currently selling for $100, will appreciate.
• Sellers (writers) of options receive premium income.
• If holder exercises the option, the option writer must make (call) or take (put) delivery of the underlying asset.
• Investor’s profit:
$7.00 - $4.79 = $2.21
• Holding period return = 46.1% over 44 days!
be estabilshed…
be founded…
set up in...
be incorporated… be involved in…
合并于...... 涉及......
be listed as the… be located in
被列入(跻身于)...... 位于(坐落于)......
A Fortune 100 company with global presence and impact, Motorola had sales of US$ 35.3 billion in 2005.
摩托罗拉是世界财富百强企业之一,拥有全球性的业务和 影响力,2005年的销售额为353亿美元。
联合利华在中国资助建立了9所希望小学;在高校开展“联合利华希望之星”项 目,为200个贫困学生提供4年的大学学费;告诉还在复旦大学设立奖学金, 奖励品学兼优的学生。从1996年开始,告诉还在全国范围开展“中华”护齿 宣传的系列活动。2000年,联合利华在中国十几个省开展了植树活动,旨在 提高人们的环保意识。
have a general assets of...annual turnover...and annual trading value... 拥有资产总额......,年销量......,年贸易额......
manufacture a wide range of...
A (very) good reputation/Enjoy a reputation(for)... 良好的声誉/享誉......
Business principles/Corporate ideals(values)
商务英语听说(第三版)Lesson 25 Investment
II. Repeat the sentences you hear on the tape.
1. The Chinese government has done everything it can to attract foreign investment. 2. We lay out about 50% the total investment. 3. How long will it take for all these documents to be approved? 4. The registered capital of this JV is going to be one million US dollars. 5. This law applies to foreign investors only.
Part A Sample Conversation
1. roughly speaking 大致说来,大体上说 Roughly speaking, there’re two possibilities. 大致说来,有两种可能性。 译: 粗略说来,大约有100人参观了展览。 Roughly speaking, about 100 people attended the exhibition. 译:大致说来,我们今年的营业额大约是6千万美元。 Roughly speaking, our turnover this year is about sixty million US dollars.
4. You have a very good point in … 你说的……有道理 point n. 意思 I didn’t get the point of that joke. 我没有听懂那个笑话的意思。 You’ve got a point there. 你说得有道理。 Please get to the point. 请说正题。 译: 你也许说的有道理。 You may have a point there. 译:恐怕你没听明白。 I'm afraid you've missed the point.
An increase in the population raises the demand for housing and raises residential investment. Most important, various economic policies, such as changes in the investment tax credit and the corporate income tax, alter the incentives to invest and thus shift the investment function.
This scatterplot shows that inventory investment is high in years when real GDP rises and low in years when real GDP falls.
N = ßY I = N = ßY
N是经济的存货量, I 是存货投资—是存货量的变动N
Second, there are various causes of shifts in the investment function. An improvement in the available technology raises the marginal product of capital and raises business fixed investment.
Inventory investment (存货投资) The change in the quantity of goods that firms hold in
storage, including materials and supplies, work in process (加工中的产品), and finished goods. Neoclassical model of investment
This scatterplot shows that inventory investment is high in years when real GDP rises and low in years when real GDP falls.
N = ßY I = N = ßY
N是经济的存货量, I 是存货投资—是存货量的变动N
Second, there are various causes of shifts in the investment function. An improvement in the available technology raises the marginal product of capital and raises business fixed investment.
Inventory investment (存货投资) The change in the quantity of goods that firms hold in
storage, including materials and supplies, work in process (加工中的产品), and finished goods. Neoclassical model of investment
Tips from Buffett
“I would rather be certain of a good result than hopeful of a great one.” 但与其两鸟在林,还不如一鸟 在手。 ――1996 Letter to Berkshire Hathaway shareholders
[经] 分股投资公司 ; 公司型基金
Alternative investment 另类投资
1700 B.C. The Code of Hammurabi(汉谟拉比法典) 1700 B.C. provided a legal framework(法律体制) for investment, establishing a means for the pledge of collateral(抵押品) by codifying(编 2003 纂) debtor(债务人) and creditor rights(债权) in regard to pledged land. Punishments for breaking financial obligations (债务) were not as severe as those for crimes involving injury or death. In the early 1900s purchasers of stocks, bonds, 1900s and other securities were described in media, academia, and commerce as speculators. By the 1950s the term investment had been co-opted by financial brokers(经纪人) and their advertising agencies to promote speculation.
The Investment Deal:投资交易幻灯片PPT
Required ROIs in the 25-100% range Proceeds typically used for marketing,
systems, new product development, expansion, and brand development
Equity Financing
Company must be valued first (value is often estimated) so a value can be placed on the shares owned by the investor
The investor gets An equity stake in the company (percentage is negotiated) A seat on the board of directors Investment does not have to be paid back Risk is borne by the investor(s) Investment is for a limited time (about four years)
and when?) Other conditions For example, stock buybacks based on achieving
agreed upon performance milestones
Will an Investor Invest?
Depends on how attractive the deal is Depends on how strong the business model is And how well margins can be sustained Depends on the level of trust the entrepreneur
systems, new product development, expansion, and brand development
Equity Financing
Company must be valued first (value is often estimated) so a value can be placed on the shares owned by the investor
The investor gets An equity stake in the company (percentage is negotiated) A seat on the board of directors Investment does not have to be paid back Risk is borne by the investor(s) Investment is for a limited time (about four years)
and when?) Other conditions For example, stock buybacks based on achieving
agreed upon performance milestones
Will an Investor Invest?
Depends on how attractive the deal is Depends on how strong the business model is And how well margins can be sustained Depends on the level of trust the entrepreneur
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September 2012 - Dalian Wanda completed a $2.6 billion acquisition of AMC Entertainment Holdings to become the world's largest movie theater operator.
• Other professional services
Applying for a visa without an interview
Qualification for Drop-off Service Based on Past U.S. Travel:
• You may be eligible to apply through the drop-off service if you were previously issued a U.S. visa. • Your prior visa must have been issued to you when you were age 14 or older, and your fingerprints must have been collected. • You must be a citizen or resident of China. • You must be physically present in China. • You must be applying for the exact same type of visa. For example, you had a B visa and wish to apply for another B visa.
November 2010 - Pacific Century Automotive Systems invested $420 million to purchase auto parts supplier Nexteer Automotive from the General Motors Corporation.
Fact: Chinese companies have successfully invested in a wide range of industries in the U.S.
March 2011 - Golden Dragon Copper(金龙) invested $1 million in an Alabama steel plant. March 2011 - Bluestar Silicones announced plans to invest $19.7 million to establish a new R & D center and manufacturing facilities in North Carolina. The factories are expected to create at least 125 jobs over the next three years. February 12, 2013, the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) approved CNOOC’s acquisition of Canadian energy companies Nexen at a total acquisition price of approximately $ 15.1 billion. Nexen has some of its assets in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico. February 2011 - Shandong Nanshan Aluminum announces plans to invest $100 million in Indiana to build a new aluminum plant.
America Welcomes Chinese Investment
January 2011 - Shenzhen New World invested $90 million to purchase the Los Angeles Hilton Hotel. This company had previously purchased downtown Los Angeles Marriott Hotel.
Applying for a U.S. Visa
Last year Mission China processed 1.34 million Non-Immigrant Visas, an increase of 34% since 2011 New website:
Annual Chinese FDI into U.S. (billions USD)
State-Owned Enterprises Private Enterprises
Chinese FDI in the U.S.
Foreign investment in the U.S. reached $227 billion USD in 2011 = #1 Worldwide
Benefits of the U.S. Investment Environment
• Highly productive labor force
•Access to Strategic Markets & Free Trade Agreements •Advanced education system •Low energy costs •Strong IPR protections •Strong regulatory environment
General Approval Process for Chinese Inbound FDI
Ultimate Approval Authorities for Inbound FDI
Invest in U.S.A. – Finding Assistance
• Lawyers • Accountants • Investment Banks
Access to Strategic Markets and Free Trade Agreements
The U.S. has entered into 20 different free trade agreements
Chinese FDI in the U.S.
2012 was a record-breaking year for Chinese investment in the United States Total annual investment grew 17%,reaching $6.5 billion
Wanxiang Group
America Welcomes Chinese Investment
Chinese Investment in the U.S.
America Welcomes You!
US Embassy Beijing
U.S.A.: An Attractive Business Environment
Most open economy for foreign investment, according to CCPIT’s 2011 survey Ranking in the 2012 World Bank’s “Ease of Doing Business Index”
May 2010 - Mingyang Wind Power opens a marketing and sales office in Dallas, Texas and announces plans to invest $14 million to establish a steam turbine plant that will employ 200-400 people in the United States.
“Enter the U.S.A." –
Searching for businesses that can help you:
• Public Relations
• Management Consultants
America Welcomes Chinese Investment
Myth: It is hard to invest in the United States Result: Chinese investment in the United States is relatively low •The provisions of The Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) are directed only at mergers and acquisitions that may have U.S. national security implications. •So-called “greenfield investments” are not subject to the Committee’s review.