
Foundation(粉底)mask(面膜)pack(剥撕式面膜)peeling(敷面剥落式面膜)mascara(睫毛膏)milk(乳)moisturisor(保湿面霜)nail color,nail enamel,nail polish(指甲油)nail saver(保甲液)pressed powder(粉饼)shading powder(修容饼)toning lotion,toner(化妆水)blusher(腮红)concealer(遮瑕膏)cream(霜)essence(精华液)eye gel(眼胶)eye mask(眼膜)eye shadow(眼影)eyeliner(眼线(笔、刷))foundation(粉底)lip coat(口红弧膜)lipstick(口红)lotion(水、露)loose power(蜜粉)女生有护肤的经验都知道,到专柜买护肤品,店员首先会确定你的皮肤类型,那么用英语是怎么说的呢?normal(中性皮肤)oily(油性皮肤)combination(混合性皮肤)dry(干性皮肤)sensitive(敏感性皮肤)下面就是很关键的这些化妆品,护肤品的作用是什么,这些说明往往会出现产品的英文使用说明中,看见关键字大家就很容易判断啦purify(清洁用)white(美白用)acne,spot(青春痘用品)after sun(日晒后用品)clean(清洁用)day(日间用)facial(脸部用)sun block(防晒用)nutritious(滋养)oil-control(抑制油脂)remover(去除、卸妆)repair(修保)treatment(修护)revitalite(活化)scrub(磨砂式(去角质))waterproof(防水)active(赋活用)alcohol-free(无酒精)anti-(抗、防)anti-wrinkle(抗老防皱)balancing(平衡酸碱)exfoliate(去角质)firm(紧肤)产品的状态及处理方式:fast dry,quick dry(快干)foam(泡沫)wash(洗)solvent(溶解)gel(胶状)gentle(温和的)hydra-(保湿用)lip care(护唇用)long lasting(持久性)?。

化妆品类英语词汇一、脸部化妆品(Face Cosmetics)1. foundation [faʊnˈdeɪʃn](名词)- 释义:粉底。
例如:She applied a thin layer of foundation to her face.(她在脸上涂了一层薄薄的粉底。
)2. powder [ˈpaʊdə(r)](名词)- 释义:粉,散粉。
例如:She used a powder puff to apply the powder.(她用粉扑来扑粉。
)3. blush [blʌʃ](名词/动词)- 名词释义:腮红;动词释义:脸红。
例如:She put on some blush to make her cheeks look rosy.(她涂了些腮红让脸颊看起来红润。
)作动词:She blushed when he complimented her.(当他夸奖她时,她脸红了。
)4. concealer [kənˈsiːlə(r)](名词)- 释义:遮瑕膏。
例如:The concealer can cover up the dark circles under her eyes.(遮瑕膏可以遮盖她的黑眼圈。
)二、眼部化妆品(Eye Cosmetics)1. eyeshadow [ˈaɪʃædəʊ](名词)- 释义:眼影。
例如:She chose a blue eyeshadow to match her dress.(她选了蓝色眼影来搭配她的裙子。
)2. eyeliner [ˈaɪlaɪnə(r)](名词)- 释义:眼线笔/眼线液。
例如:She drew a thin line of eyeliner on her upper eyelids.(她在上眼皮上画了一条细细的眼线。
)3. mascara [mæˈskɑːrə](名词)- 释义:睫毛膏。
例如:She applied two coats of mascara to her lashes.(她给睫毛涂了两层睫毛膏。
化妆品专业英语:Compounding 合成法

眉笔:brow pencil
指甲油: nail polish/color/enamel
眼线液(眼线笔):liquid eye liner, eye liner 去甲油:nail polish remover
眼影: eye shadow
护甲液:nail saver
睫毛膏: mascara
Perfume 香水
1 PART 1 [Compounding 合成法]
目 录
PART 1 [Compounding 合成法]
CONTENT 1 [Key Words 重点单词]
two-year-old English-speaking class + room —— classroom week + end —— weekend hand+writing—— handwriting fast+food—— fastfood pain+killer—— painkiller man-made
两岁 说英语的 教室 周末 手写 快餐 止疼药 人造的
CONTENT 1 [Key Words 重点单词] Compounding 合成法
makeup lipstick skincare light-blue hand-made
化妆品 唇膏 护肤 淡蓝色 手工制作
alcohol-free oil-control waterproof hydra-balance all-natural
无酒精 抑制油脂 防水 平衡保湿 全天然

化妆品英语介绍文档编制序号:[KKIDT-LLE0828-LLETD298-POI08]今天去SEPHORA想去买化妆品,但是进了那里才发现那些个什么隔离霜啊,唇彩啊用英语都不回,补习补习~~哈哈一,化妆品/护肤品/洗涤护肤: skin care洗面奶: facial cleanser/face wash(foaming,milky,cream,gel)爽肤水: toner/astringent紧肤水:firming lotion柔肤水:toner/smoothing toner (facial mist/facial spray/complexion mist)护肤霜: moisturizers and creams保湿:moisturizer隔离霜,防晒:sun screen/sun block美白:whitening露:lotion,霜:cream日霜:day cream晚霜:night cream眼部gel: eye gel面膜: facial mask/masque眼膜: eye mask护唇用:lip care口红护膜:lip coat磨砂膏: facial scrub去黑头: (deep) pore cleanser/striper pore refining去死皮: exfoliating scrub润肤露(香体乳):lotion/moisturizer护手霜: hand lotion/moisturizer沐浴露: wash二,化妆品/护肤品功能acne/spot(青春痘用品)active(赋活用)after sun(日晒后用品)alcohol-free(无酒精)anti-(抗、防)anti-wrinkle(抗老防皱)balancing(平衡酸硷)clean-/purify-(清洁用)combination(混合性皮肤)dry(干性皮肤)essence(精华液)facial(脸部用)fast/quick dry(快干)firm(紧肤)foam(泡沫)gentle(温和的)hydra-(保湿用)long lasting(持久性)milk(乳)mult-(多元)normal(中性皮肤)nutritious(滋养)oil-control(抑制油脂)oily(油性皮肤)pack(剥撕式面膜)peeling(敷面剥落式面膜)remover(去除、卸妆)repair(修护)revitalite(活化)scrub(磨砂式(去角质))sensitive(敏感性皮肤)solvent(溶解)sun block(防晒用)toning lotion(化妆水)trentment(修护)wash(洗)waterproof(防水)三,化妆品/彩妆彩妆: cosmetics遮瑕膏: concealer修容饼:shading powder粉底: foundation (compact,stick)粉饼: pressed powder散粉:loose powder闪粉:shimmering powder/glitter眉粉: brow powder眉笔:brow pencil眼线液(眼线笔):liquid eye liner, eye liner眼影: eye shadow睫毛膏: mascara唇线笔: lip liner唇膏: lip color/lipstick(笔状 lip pencil,膏状 lip lipstick,盒装 lip color/lip gloss)唇彩: lip gloss/lip color腮红: blush卸装水: makeup remover卸装乳: makeup removing lotion帖在身上的小亮片: art指甲: manicure/pedicure指甲油: nail polish/color/enamel去甲油:nail polish remover护甲液:nail saver发: hair products/accessories洗发水: shampoo护发素: hair conditioner锔油膏: conditioning hairdressing/hairdressing gel /treatment 摩丝: mousse发胶: styling gel染发: hair color冷烫水: perm/perming formula卷发器: rollers/perm rollers四,化妆品/化妆工具工具: cosmetic applicators/accessories粉刷: cosmetic brush, face brush粉扑: powder puffs海绵扑: sponge puffs眉刷: brow brush睫毛夹: lash curler眼影刷: eye shadow brush/shadow applicator口红刷: lip brush胭脂扫: blush brush转笔刀: pencil sharpener电动剃毛器: electric shaver-for women电动睫毛卷: electric lash curler描眉卡: brow template纸巾: facial tissue吸油纸: oil-absorbing sheets化装棉: cotton pads棉签: q-tips===============1、eye cream/eye care/eye gel:眼霜或者眼部保养品或者眼胶2、masque:面膜,是面膜产品的通称.面膜的其他表示方法有*mask-面具*pack-外盒,包3、day&night:指白天专用的产品和晚上专用的产品4、exfoliate:剥落,脱落.一般看到exfoliate基本上就是去角质的产品了.其他表示方法:scrub去除杂质5、essence:精华,要素;指精华液,美容液,精华露.essential-精华的;soul-精髓;extract-萃取精华6、lotion:化妆水,洗涤剂.英文法文表示一致,都是lotion有些品牌也用lotion作为乳液的用词,不过严格来讲,最好是在lotion前面加上milk(乳液,乳状物),或者milky(乳状的),也就是milk/milky lotion化妆水的其他用语:toner;tonic;water乳液的其他用语:fluid-流动的,液体(英文法文通用);liquid-液体物质7、foam:泡沫,或者可以挤出来的泡沫,可以产生泡沫的产品8、soap:肥皂,块状的产品肥皂类其他用语:bar9、make up remover:卸妆卸妆的其他用语:cleanser, cleansing, clean off, clean out都有清洁,扫除的意思,但有时会跟洗脸产品的标示有重叠,要留意是否注明[可以清除彩妆]10、balm:香油,芳香性树脂,大多指护唇油(罐装的唇膏)护唇膏的其他用语:lipsalve-嘴唇用油膏;lip ointment-唇用软膏11、shake well before use:使用前请先摇匀通常这一类产品都含有不同密度的物质,所以要先摇匀摇匀的其他用语:brandish-摇动;jiggle-轻轻晃动;joggle-轻摇12、tissue-off:用完以后要以面纸或者化妆棉,擦掉的产品擦拭的其他用语:well-off;brush;wipe off需要[剥,撕]的其他用语eel off13、wash-off:水洗,用后要洗掉的水洗的其他用语:water-off;rinsing-off;washable;sweep14、pat:轻拍,轻抚,轻压拍打的其他用语ab-以手按压;flap-拍打,扑打有些产品需要稍加画圆,按摩.外文是:massage-onto-在肌肤上面按摩;circular movement-画圆移动~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~nail polish 指甲油cosmetics case 化妆箱high heels 高跟鞋gloves 手套wrist watch 手表belt 腰带pendant 项饰necklace 项链neck scarf 围巾earrings 耳环bracelet 手链, 手镯tie 领带cuff links 袖扣ascot 宽领带pocket watch 表袋hair net 发网shampoo 洗发水cream rinse 营养发水hair spray 发胶powder puff 粉扑compact 带镜粉盒astringent 化妆水perfume 香水skin milk 乳液cold cream 油底霜atomizer 喷雾式香水clip 夹子hand mirror 手镜bobby pin 发夹false eyelash 假睫毛lipstick 口红wig 假发tie pin 领带夹tissue 面纸purse 手提包brooch 胸针shawl 披肩neckerchief 领巾还有,来例假是:I'm having my period吼吼~~~ Because I have pimples 痘痘in the face.毛孔:poreT型区:T-zone or T area。

AAcyclovir 带状泡疹、水痘药物治疗成份,需医生处方Adapalene 维他命 A 酸衍生物治疗痤疮有效成份,需医生处方Adenosine Triphosphate(ATP) 腺三磷酸使皮肤代谢正常Albumin 白蛋白水溶性蛋白质,为中性缓冲液,是一种酵素Alcohol 酒精溶剂Alfalfa Extract 紫花苜蓿萃取含多种氨基酸及红萝卜素,可抗老化Algae Extract 海藻萃取液抗氧化Algisium C 是一种生物保湿剂,可以修护肌肤并使更新暗沉的肤质,延缓老化的速度;其保湿性可维持8-12 小时Alkyl Benzoate 烃基安息香酸盐油脂剂,作为基质Allantoin 尿囊素抗炎症、促进细胞修护Almond 杏仁油天然油脂,用作基质Aloe Extract 芦荟萃取镇静、保湿、滋润、抗敏、镇静、去红肿Aloe Vera 芦荟镇静、保湿、滋润、抗敏、镇静、去红肿Alpha Hydroxy(AHA) 果酸最常用的为甘醇酸(Glycolic Acid) 及乳酸(Lactic Acid) ,主要功效在促进皮肤新陈代谢,具有角质微剥的功效Alpha Lipoic Acid 脂肪酸,硫辛酸抗氧化Alpha Tocopheryl 维他命 E 抗氧化Aluminum Chlorohydrate 氢氯酸铝可抑制身体出汗,常来用作止汗剂成份Amino Acid 天然胺基酸防止水份过度的流失,并使肌肤温和不紧绷,护肤、供给肌肤营养Aminocaproic Acid 胺基己酸预防肌肤敏感现象Ammonium Glycyrrhizate 甘草酸胺保湿、预防过敏Amniotic Fluid 羊膜液含丰富肌肤所需的胺基酸Angelica Sinensis Diels Extract 当归萃取具有行气活血功效,可促进肌肤毛细微管血液循环Angelica 白芷当归属,含天然维他命 C 及预防敏感作用Angiosperm Extract 被子植物酸具有防止发炎及抗过敏效果Anhydroalkannin 去水紫草烯紫草萃取精华,可抗炎、抗菌、活血、去瘀Anthranilates 化学性防晒成分Apple Extract 苹果萃取含有Vit-C 等美容成份,另具有爽肤、镇静消毒作用Apricot Bead 杏桃颗粒通常加在磨砂膏中,用来去除皮肤老废角质Apricot Kernel Oil 杏核油富含矿物质和维他命,是天然的保湿剂,特别适合敏感性肤质Aqua 水,溶液基质Arbutin 熊果素淡化已形成的黑色素,能安定自由基、避免肌肤老化,卫生署公布有效美白成份之一Arnica Extract 山金车萃取活血散瘀Arnica Oil 山金车油可促使伤口愈合、消毒、消肿、防止瘀斑出现Ascorbic Acid 维他命 C 抗氧化Ascorbyl Glucoside(AAG) 维他命 C 甘醣维他命 C 衍生物,为卫生署公布有效美白成份之一Ascorbyl Pamitate 维他命 C 棕榈酸盐一种脂溶性维他命 C ,是安定的维他命 CAscorbyl Stearate 酯化 C 安定的维他命 CAscorbyl Tetraisopalmitate 脂溶性维他命 C 安定的维他命 CAstragalus Membranaceus(Fisch) Bunge Extract 膜荚黄耆萃取提高肌肤活力,效用比人蔘更佳Avobenzone 化学性防晒成分,属Parsol 1789 类,罕见过敏反应Avocado Oil 骆梨油保湿剂、含大量维他命 A 、 C 、 D 、 EAzelaic Acid 壬二酸,杜鹃花酸抑制黑色素,抗菌消炎,用来治疗痤疮的温和成份BBaSO4 硫酸钡物理性防晒成份Babassuamidopropylamine 泡沫增强剂Bay Extract 月桂萃取收敛毛孔、抑制油份分泌Bearberry Extract 熊果萃取含食子单宁、葡萄糖甘等成份,具收敛、杀菌消毒、美白等功效Bees Wax 蜜蜡基质,可增强产品浓度Bentonite 膨润土,皂土有很好的清洁和吸附效果,亦具有抑制脸部油脂分泌的功效,用来调置面膜清洁皮肤,或是用作产品基质Benzalkonium Chloride 氯化苯二甲烃铵抗菌、防腐Benzoic Acid 安息香酸,苯甲酸防腐剂Benzophenones(Benzophenone-3) 二苯甲酮衍生物化学性防晒成分,可防御UVA ,属苯甲酮类Benzoyl Alcohol 产品赋型剂,作为基质Benzoyl Peroxide 过氧化苯盐是一种氧化剂,有抑菌的效果,特别是对引起青春痘的痤疮杆菌这种厌氧菌特别有效Bergamot Mint Extract 佛手柑萃取收敛毛孔、平衡油脂分泌Betula Alba Extract 桦木芽萃取抗菌Betula Extract 桦木萃取抗菌、收敛、净化作用Bilberry Extract 覆盆子萃取消毒、收敛、消脂、排水Bio-Collagen 生化胶原蛋白保湿Bio-Enzyme 酵素,脢促进细胞新陈代谢Biocatalyst 酵素促进细胞新陈代谢Biopeptide 生化蛋白质刺激胶原蛋白合成,预防老化,有助组织重建Biopeptides 双性缩胺酸促进胶原蛋白、弹力蛋白的产生,改善松弛Biota Orientalis(L.) Endle Extract 侧柏叶萃取镇定肌肤Birch Tree Extract 桦树萃取消毒、收敛,增加皮肤愈合力Bisabolo Extract 没药萃取收敛、消毒杀菌加快伤口愈合Bisabolol 甜没药醇防刺激剂,提取自洋甘菊Bletilla Striata Reichenbach Extract 白芨萃取含天然维他命 C ,可减少黑色素沉淀Borage Oil 琉璃苣油天然油脂,含丰富的维他命E、F,修补凹洞Bromclain 菠萝酵素代谢老旧细胞角质Burdock Root Extract 牛蒡根萃取调节皮脂分泌、收敛作用Burdock 牛蒡消毒、预防粉刺、促进细胞生长、抗发炎Butyl Methoxydibenzoylmethane 化学性防晒成分,属Parsol 1789 类,罕见过敏反应Butyl Paraben 丁酯防腐剂Butyl Stearate 硬脂酸赋型剂、基质Butylene Glycol 丁二醇保湿Butylhydroxyanisol 羟基茴香二丁酯酸化防止剂CC12-15 Alkyl Benzoate 赋型剂、基质CO-Q10 辅脢抗氧化,可以消灭自由基,维持细胞膜的完整和稳定Calcium Pantetheine Sulfonate 维他命B5 衍生物,为紫外线吸收剂( 化学性防晒成份)Calcium Pantothenate 泛酸钙,维他命B5 抗氧化,促进代谢Calendula Extract 金盏花萃取具舒缓、安抚敏感肌肤等功效Camellia Sinensis Extract 山茶萃取,茶多酚抗氧化Camphor 樟树抗痒、防过敏Candelilla Wax 墈地里拉蜡浓度增强剂Caprylic/Capric Triglyceride 三甘油酯皮肤润滑剂Carbomer 高份子胶浓度增强剂Carbopol 羧乙烯聚合物赋型剂Carboxymethyl Chitin 几丁质衍生物来自虾蟹外壳,为一高分子量之粘多醣体,具有保湿作用Carnauba Wax 棕榈蜡增加光泽感Carrageenan 鹿角菜胶保湿Carrot Oil 胡萝卜油可促使伤口愈合、镇痛、滋养、消毒、抗老化Carthamus Tinctorius L. Extract 红花萃取活化肌肤Castor Oil 蓖麻油含蓖麻油酸(Ricinoleic acid) ,可润滑、保湿Centella Asiatica 老公根紧实肌肤、增加弹性Ceramide 3 分子钉保湿剂Ceramide 神经醯胺、细胞质脂保湿剂Ceresin 矿蜡乳化剂Ceteareth-12 乳化剂Ceteareth-20 乳化剂Cetearyl Alcohol 十六硬脂酸酯乳化剂Cetyl Acetate 鲸蜡醋酸盐油脂剂Cetyl Alcohol 鲸腊硬酯醇、十六醇乳化剂Cetyl Dimethicone 鲸蜡硅氧烷油脂剂Cetyl Palmitate 棕榈酸鲸腊酯乳化剂Chamomil Oil 洋甘菊油抗自由基、舒缓Chamomile Extract 洋甘菊萃取含丰富的甘菊蓝,具有防止皮肤发炎的功效,亦具有清洁、安定肌肤的效果Chlorella Extract 绿藻萃取滋润、保湿Cholecalciferol 维他命D3 ,胆骨化醇内用为增加钙质吸收,外用可治疗牛皮癣Cholesterol 胆固醇乳化剂Cinnamate 桂皮酸盐类化学性防晒成分,也是目前较安全的成份Cinnamon Essential Oil 肉桂精油防腐、杀菌Cinoxate 化学性防晒成分,属桂皮酸盐类Citric Acid 柠檬酸防腐剂及平衡酸碱度Citric Alcohol 柠檬醇乳化剂Citric Oil 柠檬油润肤Citron 法国香柠檬具提神醒肤、消除肌肉疲劳以及对毛孔粗大有收敛效果等作用Citronella Essential Oil 香茅精油清洁、杀菌Citrus Extract 柑橘萃取含有维他命 C ,具有防菌效果,可以控制油脂分泌作用及防止雀斑、黑斑的形成Coal Tar 煤焦油常用来做为唇膏的染料Cocamidopropyl Betaine 烷基醯胺类界面活性剂,起泡剂,清洁用Cocamidopropyl Hydroxy Sultane 烷基醯胺类界面活性剂,起泡剂,清洁用Cocoamide DEA 非离子界面活性剂清洁用品主要成份。

化妆品常用英语整理一、护肤品/洗涤类1. 洗面奶—facial cleanser2. 爽肤水—toner3. 紧肤水—firming toner4. 柔肤水—smoothing toner5. 乳液—lotion6. 精华液—serum/ essence7. 护肤霜—moisturizers and creams8. 防晒霜—sun block9. 修复霜—recovery cream10. 美白霜—whitening cream11. 日霜—day cream12. 晚霜— night cream13. 眼霜—eye gel14. 护手霜—hand cream15. 丰胸霜—breast enhancement cream16. 面膜— facial mask17. 泥膜—mud film/clay mask18. 眼膜—eye mask19. 唇膜—lip mask20. 颈膜—neck mask21. 胸膜—breast mask22. 足膜—foot mask23. 磨砂膏—facial scrub24. 精油—essential oil二、化妆品/彩妆类1.遮瑕膏—concealer2.隔离霜—sun screen3.妆前乳—primer4.修容饼—shading powder5.高光粉—highlighter6.蜜粉—translucent power7.粉底—foundation8.粉底液—liquid foundation9.粉饼—pressed powder10.散粉—loose powder11.闪粉—shimmering powder12.眉粉—brow powder13.眉笔—brow pencil14.眼线笔—eye liner15.唇线笔—lip liner16.眼影—eye shadow17.睫毛膏—mascara18.染眉膏—brow mascara19.润唇膏—lip balm20.口红—lipstick21.唇彩—lip gloss22.唇釉—lip glaze23.腮红—blush24.胭脂—rouge25.化妆水—astringent26.卸妆水—makeup remover27.卸妆乳—makeup removing lotion28.卸妆油—cleansing oil29.定妆喷雾—finishing spray三、其他产品1. 身体乳—body lotion2. 指甲油—nail polish3. 卸甲水—polish remover4. 洗发水—shampoo5. 护发素—hair conditioner6. 摩丝—mousse7. 发胶—styling gel8. 染发—hair color9. 磨砂膏—facial scrub10. 香水—perfume11. 假睫毛—false eyelash四、化妆工具类30.粉扑—powder puffs31.海绵扑—sponge puffs32.粉刷—cosmetic brush33.眉刷—brow brush34.眼影刷—eye shadow brush35.口红刷—lip brush36.腮红刷—blush brush37.转笔刀—pencil sharpener38.睫毛夹—eyelash curler39.描眉卡—brow template40.吸油纸—oil-absorbing sheets41.化妆棉—cotton pads42.棉签—cotton bud五、功能用语1.日晒后用品—after sun2.脸部用—facial3.无酒精—alcohol-free4.抗、防—anti 抗皱—anti-wrinkle 抗衰老—anti aging5.清洁—clean6.补水—hydrating7.保湿—moisturizing8.美白—whitening9.提亮—brightening10.滋养—nourish11.修护—repair12.活化—active13.平衡酸碱—balancing14.快干—quick dry15.紧肤—firm16.泡沫—foam (n./v.)17.温和的—gentle18.多元的—multivariate19.持久性—long lasting20.去角质—exfoliating21.溶解—dissolve22.防晒—sun black23.防水—waterproof24.撕拉—tearing25.擦拭—wipe off26.水洗—wash-off27.剥离—peeling off28.轻拍、压—flap29.去黑头—remove blackhead/ deep pore cleanser30.收缩毛孔—shrink pores六、形容肤质1.油性皮肤:Oily skin2.干性皮肤:Dry skin3.中性皮肤:Normal skin4.混合皮肤:Combination skin5.敏感皮肤:Sensitive skin6.毛孔粗大:pore bulky7.斑点:splash8.暗沉:dull9.粗糙皮肤:rough skin七. 成分ingredients:1.氨基酸:Amino Acid2.芦荟:Aloe3.珍珠提取物:Pearl Extract4. 蜂蜜提取物:Honey extracts5. 绿茶提取物:Green Tea extracts6. 胶原蛋白collagen八、功效:容光焕发:Radiant Complexion年轻的肌肤:Young Complexion紧致弹性的:firming resilience。

化妆品词汇英语1. What are the different types of makeup products?There are various types of makeup products available in the market. Some of them include:1) Foundation: It is a base product used to even out the skin tone and create a smooth canvas for other makeup products. Foundation comes in liquid, cream, powder, or stick form.2) Concealer: Used to hide blemishes, dark circles, and other imperfections on the skin. It is usually available in liquid or cream form.3) Powder: It helps to set the foundation and control shine on the face. Powder can be translucent or tinted.4) Blush: Adds color to the cheeks and enhances the complexion. Blush can be powder, cream, or liquid.5) Eyeshadow: Used to add color and definition to the eyelids. Eyeshadows come in various finishes like matte, shimmer, and metallic.6) Eyeliner: It defines the eyes and can be used to create various looks. Eyeliners are available in pencil, liquid, gel, or pen form.7) Mascara: Used to darken, lengthen, and thicken the eyelashes. Mascara can be waterproof or non-waterproof.8) Lipstick: Adds color and moisture to the lips. Lipsticks are available in various finishes like matte, satin, and glossy.9) Lip gloss: Provides a shiny and glossy finish to the lips. It is often used to add moisture and a hint of color.10) Setting spray: Helps to set the makeup and prolong its wear time. Setting sprays come in different formulas like matte, dewy, or hydrating.中文翻译:1) 粉底:用于均匀肤色,为其他化妆品创造一个平滑的基础。

Color Cosmetics彩妆产品Task 2 Eye Makeup任务二:认识眼部化妆品Eye Makeup Products include products that are used around the eye to enhance the appearance of the eyes and to emphasize the beauty of the eyes. They include such products as eye-shadow, eye-liner, eye-brow products, and other products that can help to enhance and accent the eyes.I.Eyebrow PencilEyebrow Pencils are products that apply color to the eyebrows. They are used to fill in and define the eyebrows. They contain special ingredients that apply color where it is needed in a precise and controlled manner. The products are specially formulated to ensure that potentially harmful microorganisms cannot grow and multiply. The safety of eyebrow pencils is established by selection of ingredients that are safe and suitable for this purpose. In addition, eyebrow pencils are assessed for their potential to cause skin irritation or cause allergic reactions.II.Eye Makeup RemoverEye Makeup Remover products are intended to help easily remove makeup that has been applied. They help to remove the applied color and to make sure it easily wipes off using a tissue or other cloth.III.MascaraMascaras are products intended to enhance the appearance of the eyes by thickening, lengthening, and usually darkening the eyelashes. Mascaras are usually applied with a brush.IV.EyelinerEyeliners are products that apply color to the area around the eyes to accent and highlight appearance of the eyes. Eyeliners are used to emphasize the eyelids and/or to change the perceived shape of the eyes.Eye shadow is colorful makeup used to accentuate and draw attention to your eyes. It comes in powders, creams, gels and pencil form, and is available in nearly any color you can think of. You can use a single color, or blend two or three shades to give your eye makeup just the look you want.。
化妆品专业英语 lesson3

The advertisements’ messages are deceptive ( 欺 诈 的 , 骗 人 的 ; 迷 惑 的 )
itssΒιβλιοθήκη ogan(标语,
“You’re worth it ” while Pamela Anderson poses for MAC as a voluptuous(性 感 , 体 态 丰 满 的 ;
) model. Similarly Christie Brinkley, Queen Latifah, Brandy, Niki Talylor and other
The cosmetic industry is well aware of ( 知 道 , 意 识 到 ) how conscious(在意) women are about beauty and their secret wish to look beautiful and youthful all the time(一直)-year after year. This industry preys on ( 祈 祷 , 祷 告 ; 请 求 ; 央 求 ) that vulnerability by using various
Viva Glam(薇拉葛蓝)and COVERGIRL(封面女郎)target age groups from
late teens to late twenties and even late thirties while L’OREAL and OLAY target audiences from late twenties upwards(二十多岁以上).
appeals ( 呼 吁 ; 迫 切 的 要 求 ) to tap into ( 利 用 , 开 发 )

Skin Care Service 皮肤护理服务Facial Care 脸部护理课前回顾与预习Thinking and Talking:1.Are you clear about your skin type?2.Do you know how to communicate with customerswhen doing facials for them?3.Do you know the skills of introducing facial servicesand products to customers?4.How many types of massage do you know? How aboutthe skills?目录1Task 1 【Understanding yourskin 】3Task 3 【I n t r o d u c i n g S e r v i c e s &P r o d u c t s 】2Task 2 【Facial Care 】4Task 4 【M a s s a g e & B o d y C a r e 】•Mary: Hello. I'm Mary, your beauty adviser. As we know, people have different types of skin. Do you know what types of skin are there?•Linda: There are five types of skin: oily, normal, mixed,dry and sensitive.•Mary: Absolutely right. We can check your skin type with this skin analysis apparatus. Linda, do you know your skin type?•Linda: I'm oily skin. Just like many youngsters, I have acne on my forehead and nose.•Mary: You 're prone to form acne skin and you'd better pay more attention to skin cleansing and choose light lotion or cream.Remember to eat less spicy food. Dianna, how about you?•Dianna: I’m prone to have red spots when I try some new products or eat seafood, such as little shrimps.•Mary: Obviously, your skin is sensitive You need to be cautious when using new skin care products and eat less seafood.•Lily: Maybe my skin is dry. I put on much lotions every day, but my skin is still very dry. What should I do?•Mary: You should add some creams and moisturizers to keep the balance of water and oil on your skin.•Daisy: I think I have mixed skin. My T-zone is always oily while cheeks are dry. What should I do?•Mary: It's very important to replenish water and keep moisture at any time,especially for people with dry and mixed skin. It's better to have moisturizing masks daily or at least three times a week.•Daisy: Thank you so much.•Mary: My pleasure.CONTENT 2 [Key Words & Phrases 重点单词和短语]•spicy ['spaisi] adj辣的•shrimp [frimp] n虾•analysis [a'naelasis'] n.分析,解析•apparatus [ epa'reitas] n.器官,装置,机构,组织,仪器•skin analysis apparatus 皮肤分析仪•replenish [rɪˈplenɪʃ] vt. 补充,再装满;把…装满;给…添加燃料•moisturize [ˈmɔɪstʃəraɪz] vt.给……增加水分,使…润•T-zone T字部位•cheek n.面颊Part A. Look at the pictures and write the skin types.Part B. Work in pairs and fill in the blanks about skin types.目录1Task 1 【Understanding yourskin 】3Task 3 【I n t r o d u c i n g S e r v i c e s & P r o d u c t s 】2Task 2 【Facial Care 】4Task 4 【M a s s a g e & B o d y C a r e 】Dialogue 1 Amy----a beauty adviser, Betty----a customer•A: Good evening, Madam. May I help you?•B: I want a facial. But this is the first time I've come here, so can you tell me how you do it?•A: Sure. Most facials start with thorough cleaning. Then we usually use a toner to invigorate the skin, followed by an exfoliation treatment -- a peeling mask or scrub that removes the dead cells that make the skin look dull. After that, we'll massage your face and neck with oil or cream to improve the circulation and relieve the tension, followed by a mask to moisturize and soften the skin. •B: That' s exactly what I want. I'll treat myself to a facial message today.•A: You deserve it. And we're having a special on facials this weekend.•B: My good luck. the freezing weather recently has ruined my complexion, you know, so it,'s time I had a facial.•A: Not to worry. I'll also take care of your eyebrows and eyelashes. I promise you'll feel great after the treatment.Dialogue 2 Amy----a beautician, Betty----a customer•A: Let's start with the cleaning masque.•B: What are the ingredients in your cleaning masque?•A: It's a combination of oatmeal, yogurt and honey.•B: What are they good for?• A. Oatmeal is a very gentle exfoliator that can remove dead skin from your face.•B: Uh-huh. What about yogurt and honey?•A: Yogurt can soften the skin, and honey is one of the best natural humectants.•B: I see. Will you do the"rose petal facial steam"for me?•A: No. I plan to do the peppermint and rosemary facial steam"because the combination of these two plants will soothe tired muscles.•B: Great.•A: Now, no more talking and relax for a while. I'll massage your scalp.•B: OK. This is the part of facials that I like best. I'll enjoy it!CONTENT 2 [Key Words & Phrases 重点单词和短语]invigorate [in‘vigəreit] vt. 增添活力•improve the circulation促进血液循环•relieve the tension消除紧张•special特价•eyebrows眉毛 eyelashes睫毛•restorative treatment 提神补元疗程•restorative [ris‘tɔrətiv] adj.恢复健康和体力的, 恢复的•scalp [skælp] n.头皮•oatmeal [‘əut.mi:l] n.燕麦•humectant [hju:‘mektənt] n. 湿润剂•peppermint [‘pepə.mint] n.薄荷•rosemary [‘rəuzmeri] n.迷迭香CONTENT 3 [Practical Activities实践练习]Read and find out the following words in English1.脱皮2.蒸脸3.长痘痘的肌肤4.面部按摩5.污秽6.油脂7.青春营养霜目录1Task 1 【Understanding yourskin 】3Task 3 【I n t r o d u c i n g S e r v i c e s &P r o d u c t s 】2Task 2 【Facial Care 】4Task 4 【M a s s a g e & B o d y C a r e 】CONTENT 1 [Key Words & Phrases 重点单词和短语]1.油腻的 greasy ['gri:zi]2.抗老化 anti-aging [ænti'eidʒiŋ]3.(皮肤)暗淡 dull [dʌl]4.干裂 dry and cracked5.清淡的 light6.痘痘 breakout /acne/spot7.毛孔 pore [pɔ:]8.雀斑 freckle ['frekl]9.生产日期 date of production10.过敏反应测试 patch-test11.防皱 anti-wrinkle12.杏仁 almond ['ɑ:mənd]13.修复,收缩 shrink [ʃriŋk]14.不含酒精 alcohol-freeCONTENT 2 [Sample Dialogues 对话练习]●A: Miss Liu, you look exhausted. Would you like to try our"restorative treatment”? 提神补元疗程●B: What kind of treatment is that?●A:It's a specially designed treatment to release tense muscles, and it includes a hydrating facial and a hair and scalp massage.●B: How long does it take?●A: About 100 minutes.●B: How much is it for that?●A: $200. But, trust me, it's worth trying. After you finish the session,you'll feel terrific!●B: All right, if you say so.Dialogue 1:Introducing Service (0'40'')Amy----a beauty adviser, Bella Liu----a customer目录1Task 1 【Understanding yourskin 】3Task 3 【I n t r o d u c i n g S e r v i c e s & P r o d u c t s 】2Task 2 【Facial Care 】4Task 4 【M a s s a g e & B o d y C a r e 】04Task 4 Massage & Body CareCONTENT 1 [Key Words & Phrases 重点单词和短语]1.exhausted [ɪɡˈzɔːstɪd] adj. 筋疲力尽的,疲惫不堪的;耗尽的,枯竭的2.stay up 不睡觉,熬夜3.pinch [pɪntʃ] v. 捏;夹紧;夹(脚)4.detox [ˈdiːtɑːks] n. 排毒5.lymphatic system 淋巴系统6.eliminate [ɪˈlɪmɪneɪt] vt. 消除;排除7.toxin [ˈtɒksɪn] n. 毒素;毒质8.circular massage 打圈按摩9.ache [eɪk] v. (持续的)疼痛;渴望;哀痛,怜悯;感到痛苦10.waist [weɪst] n. 腰,腰部11.spine [spaɪn] n. 脊柱,脊椎12.acupoint ['ækjʊpɒɪnt] n. 穴道,[中医] 穴位13.belly [ˈbeli] n. 腹部14.apparatus [ˌæpəˈrætəs] n. 装置,设备;仪器;器官15.meridian slimming program 经络减肥计划16.meridian [məˈrɪdiən] n. 子午线,经线;中医经脉04Task 4 Massage & Body CareCONTENT 2 [Sample Dialogues对话练习]•Mary: Good afternoon,miss. What can I do for you?•Shelly: I’d like a neck and shoulders body massage.•Mary: You look exhausted. What’s the matter with you?•Shelly:I’ve been stayed up late recently. I’m so tied and my body feel very week.•Mary: I see. I’ll give you a Swedish body massage. Now, please lie down. Let’s start with a neck massage. If you feel it's too strong, just let me know.•Shelly: Oh, it works. Could you please pinch my shoulders harder?•Mary: No problem. Are you comfortable with my force?•Shelly: Yes, I feel much better now. Thank you.•Mary: You’re welcome. Just relax.•Shelly:What kind of oil is that? It smells so good.•Mary: It’s mix of lavender, rosemary and grape-seed essential oil. It can relax your tense muscles.•Shelly: That’s great. Can you give me some suggestions?•Mary: Sure. Don’t stay up too late and do regular exercise. Try to stay away from computer and mobile phone as much as possible.•Shelly: Thank you very much.HOMEWORK 1Write down the English or Chinese of Body Parts.HOMEWORK 2Translate the following Massage Types.谢谢。

化妆行业必备英语专业词汇Prepared on 22 November 2020P r e s s e d p o w d e r粉饼P u r i f y清洁用Q u i c k d r y快干R e m o v e r去除、卸妆R e p a i r修保R e v i t a l i t e活化S c r u b磨砂式去角质S e n s i t i v e敏感性皮肤S h a d i n g p o w d e r修容饼S o l v e n t溶解S p o t青春痘用S u n b l o c k防晒用T o n i n g l o t i o n化妆水T r e n t m e n t修护W a s h洗W a t e r p r o o f防水-W h i t e-美白用A c n e青春痘用品A c t i v e赋活用A f t e r s u n日晒后用品A l c o h o l-f r e e无酒精A n t i-抗、防A n t i-w r i n k l e抗老防皱B a l a n c i n g平衡酸碱B l u s h e r腮红C l e a n-清洁用C om bi n at i o n混合性皮肤C o r r e c t遮瑕膏C r e a m霜D a y日间用D r y干性皮肤E s s e n c e精华液E x f o l i a t o r去角质E y e g e l眼胶E y e m a s k眼膜E y e s h a d o w眼影E y e l i n e r眼线笔、刷F a c i a l脸部用F a s t d r y快干F i r m紧肤F o a m泡沫F o u n d a t i o n粉底T o n e r化妆水G e l胶状G e n t l e温和的H y d r a-保湿用L i p c a r e护唇用L i p c o a t口红弧膜L i p s t i c k口红L o n g l a s t i n g持久性L o t i o n水、露L o o s e p o w e r蜜粉洗面奶 cleansing milk去黑头洗面奶 biologicalcleanser清洁面霜 clarifying cream眼部御妆水 eye make upremoving按摩霜 massage cream按摩油 massage oil面膜 mask冷膜 freezing mask热膜 hotting mask海藻面膜 seaweed mask颈霜restructuring compoundfor the neck特效营养霜 rich nourishing cream眼袋霜 eyelid cream眼部嗜喱 eye gel日霜 day cream晚霜 night cream眼霜 eye cream精华素 Ampoule中性 normal油性 oily干性 dry敏感性 sensitive紧肤 refirming补水 moisturizing补氧 oxygenating补充骨胶原 collagen hyalronic倒膜 pour mask植物 plant色素 pigment酸性 acidity碱性 alkaline矿物质 mineral substance 蛋白质 protein活性细胞素 energetic cell 维生素 vitamin化妆品 cosmetic氧化剂 oxidant胭脂 rouge口红 lip stick粉饼 powder睫毛膏 mascara粉底霜 foundation眼线笔eye liner pencil眉笔eyebrow pencil唇线笔lip pencil唇膏lip stick润唇膏 lip protector颜色 colour红色 red桔红色(橙色) orange玫瑰红 rose棕色(咖啡色) brown 黄色 yellow蓝色 blue肉色 yellowish pink黑色 black白色 white紫色 purple绿色 green灰色 gray粉红色 pink洗甲水 cleaner指甲油 nail polish擦光剂 polish酒精 alcohol液体 liquid眼 eye耳 ear口 mouth鼻 nose手 hand脚 foot(feet 复数)头部 head发 hair面 face皮肤 skin手碗 wrist胸部 bust唇 lip眉 eyebrow腹部 abdomen大腿 thighs小腿 calves颈部 neck奥桑蒸气机Ao Sang steamengine皮肤测试仪skinanalysisapparatus消毒箱 disinfect box健胸仪breast strengtheningapparatus减肥仪 weight reducingapparatus高震按摩仪high frequencymassage扫斑机fleck removalapparatus导电极棒 conduct stick电极electrode磨砂刷(磨刷帚)groundbrush文眉机 eyebrow-tattooingapparatus美容仪器 beauty apparatus电流 electric current电压 voltage高压 high pressure照射 shine温度 humidity力度 dynamics高温 high temperature电疗棒 electrotherapy stick紫外线 ultraviolet ray手柄 hand handler握 hold摘 pick防敏 anti-anaphylaxis距离 distance洞、孔 hole晚宴装 evening make up forparty文眉 tattoo eyeline文睫毛线 upper eyeline文唇线xlip深层皮肤护理 deep lifting胸部护理 bust treatment电眼睫毛 electronic eyelash修指甲manicure剪指甲trimx手部护理 hand care减肥护理diet care腹部减肥 reduce abdomen打耳孔 pierce ears腿部脱毛remove leg hours新娘妆 bridal make up晚妆 evening make up日妆 day make up皮肤护理skin care结构 composition摇动、抖动 shake震荡 frequency针 needle金属metal增加increase可触摸 tangible微波 microwave液态 liquid超声波 ultrasonic wave 红外线infrared ray大 max小min开 turn on关 turn of蒸馏 distillation冷冻 freeze热量的 thermal温和的 gentle操作 operate电磁 electromagnetism 稳定的 stable调节 regulate去除 removing,get rid of 协调 harmonize选择 choose粗 thick细 thin简单 easy整体 whole尖形 point椭圆形 ellipse抬起 raise部位、位置 position机器 machine冻结 freezing减少 reduce旋转 revolve美容 facial美容室Le salon美容院 beauty salon美容师beautician美容:hairdressing 美容品业者: cosmetician、cosmetologist美容师:beautician、hairdresser美容术:beauty culture/cosmetology美容院: beauty parlor美容专家: beauty-specialist化妆盒: dressing case/ powderbox化妆墨: kohl化妆师: dresser/ makeup girl化妆品: cosmetic、makeup、 toiletry化妆室:powder room/ tiringroom/ toilet room化妆水:astringent (止血剂;收敛剂)化妆台:dresser化妆箱:cosmetics case化妆椅:dressing stool化妆纸:facial tissue (面巾纸)面霜,雪花膏:facial cream美容,面部按摩: facial皮肤的:cutaneous/ dermal皮肤学/皮肤病学:dermatology皮肤变白症:albinism皮肤病:dermatosis/ skindisease皮疹:tetter皮肤寄生虫:dermatozoon皮肤干燥症:xeroderma/xerodermia皮肤画纹现象:dermatographia/ dermographia皮肤炎: dermatitis皮肤移植:dermatoplasty/skin grafting按摩:knead/ massage/ rubdown/ rubdown按摩师:massagist/ rubber杏仁:almond/apricot杜松子:juniper熏衣草:lavender迷迭香:rosemary百里香:thyme木贼:equisetum西洋蓍草:yarrow啤酒花:hops茴香: fennel樟脑:camphor桉油精: eucalyptol薄荷醇:menthol细胞再生素:cell-renewal蜂窝织炎:cellulitis妊娠纹:stretch mark干性皮肤:dry skin中性皮肤:normal skin油性皮肤:oily skin精油:essential oil蜂胶:propolis芦荟:aloe深层洗擦:deep scrub胶原蛋白:collagen按摩院:massage parlor眼睑:eyelid睫毛:eyelash/eyewinker睫毛膏: eye black眉毛: brow/ eyebrow/ valla眉毛粗的:beetle-browed眉形:camber粉底: foundation make-up粉底霜: foundation cream粉盒: puff box眉笔: eyebrow pencil唇膏: lipstick眼罩: blinder/ eyepatch/ patch/winker下颚: chin过敏性测验: scratch test对…过敏/患过敏症的:allergic过敏症/过敏反应:hypersensitivity涂抹: daub/ lay onendermic: 通过[直接用于]皮肤而起作用的、(用于)皮下的, 经皮的。

护肤: skin care洗面奶: facial cleanser/face wash(Foaming,milky,cream,Gel)爽肤水: toner/astringent紧肤水:firming lotion柔肤水:toner/smoothing toner (facial mist/facial spray/complexion mist)护肤霜: moisturizers and creams保湿:moisturizer隔离霜,防晒:sun screen/sun block美白:whitening露:lotion,霜:cream日霜:day cream晚霜:night cream眼部GEL: eye gel面膜: facial mask/masque眼膜: eye mask护唇用:Lip care口红护膜:Lip coat磨砂膏: facial scrub去黑头: (deep) pore cleanser/striper pore refining去死皮: Exfoliating Scrub润肤露(身体):bodylotion/moisturizer 护手霜: hand lotion/moisturizer沐浴露: body washAcne/Spot(青春痘用品)Active(賦活用)After sun(日晒后用品)Alcohol-free(无酒精)Anti-(抗、防)Anti-wrinkle(抗老防皱)Balancing(平衡酸鹼)Clean-/Purify-(清洁用)Combination(混合性皮肤)Dry(干性皮肤)Essence(精华液)Facial(脸部用)Fast/Quick dry(快干)Firm(紧肤)Foam(泡沫)Gentle(溫和的)Hydra-(保湿用)Long lasting(持久性)Milk(乳)Mult-(多元)Normal(中性皮肤)Nutritious(滋养)Oil-control(抑制油脂)Oily(油性皮肤)Pack(剝撕式面膜)Peeling(敷面剝落式面膜)Remover(去除、卸妝)Repair(修护)Revitalite(活化)Scrub(磨砂式(去角質))Sensitive(敏感性皮肤)Solvent(溶解)Sun block(防曬用)Toning lotion(化妝水)Trentment(修護)Wash(洗)Waterproof(防水)彩妆: cosmetics遮瑕膏: concealer修容餅:Shading powder粉底: foundation (compact,stick)粉饼: pressed powder散粉:loose powder闪粉:shimmering powder/glitter眉粉: brow powder眉笔:brow pencil眼线液(眼线笔):liquid eye liner, eye liner眼影: eye shadow睫毛膏: mascara唇线笔: lip liner唇膏: lip color/lipstick(笔状lip pencil,膏状lip lipstick,盒装lip color/lip gloss)唇彩: lip gloss/lip color腮红: blush卸装水: makeup remover卸装乳: makeup removing lotion帖在身上的小亮片: body art指甲: manicure/pedicure指甲油: nail polish/color/enamel去甲油:nail polish remover护甲液:Nail saver发: hair products/accessories洗发水: shampoo护发素: hair conditioner锔油膏: conditioning hairdressing/hairdressing gel /treatment摩丝: mousse发胶: styling gel染发: hair color冷烫水: perm/perming formula卷发器: rollers/perm rollers工具: cosmetic applicators/accessories粉刷: cosmetic brush, face brush粉扑: powder puffs海绵扑: sponge puffs眉刷: brow brush睫毛夹: lash curler眼影刷: eye shadow brush/shadow applicator口红刷: lip brush胭脂扫: blush brush转笔刀: pencil sharpener电动剃毛器: electric shaver-for women电动睫毛卷: electric lash curler描眉卡: brow template纸巾: facial tissue吸油纸: oil-Absorbing Sheets化装棉: cotton pads棉签: Q-tips。
化妆品专业英语:China’s Cosmetic Market 认识中国的化妆品市场

Lesson 1 Cosmetic Market Overview化妆品市场概况Task 1 China’s Cosmetic Market任务一:认识中国的化妆品市场I. Market OverviewChina’s cosmetics sector has been growing at a fast pace in recent years, in tandem with the rapid development of the economy. According to Euromonitor, retail sales of skincare products in China reached RMB212.2 billion in 2018, while sales of make-up products totalled RMB42.8 billion, representing year-on-year growth of 13.2% and 24.3% respectively. The table below shows how retail sales of cosmetic products by wholesale and retail enterprises above a designated scale have grown since 2013.Table 1:The Retail Sales of Cosmetic Products from 2013 to 2018The current structure of China’s consumer market of cosmetic products is as follows:Skincare products: the fastest-growing sector in the cosmetics market.Shampoos and hair-care products: a market niche becoming saturated, seeing growth decelerating.Make-up products: this market far from saturated, particularly for enhancement items, such as colour correcting (CC) and blemish balm (BB) cream. Sales of eye make-up productshave recorded significant growth in recent years.Products for children: sales of products designed for use by children continue to soar.Sunscreen products: these help ensure sales will not slow down during traditionally quiet seasons.Anti-aging products: cosmetic products that help consumers stay looking youthful and fight aging are increasingly popular.Sports cosmetics: many consumers who love sports and fitness pursuits are keen to look good as well. They use sports cosmetics that help prevent moisture loss and are anti-odour, anti-sweat, anti-bacteria, packaged in compact, portable sizes.Cosmeceuticals: consumers are increasingly aware of products that combine cosmetic and pharmaceutical features, such as spot lightening cream, acne treatment lotion and acne ointment.Green/natural cosmetics: these contain natural or nutritional ingredients, such as aloe and vitamins.China’s skincare-products market is becoming more high-end. Euromonitor figures show that though the retail sales value of high-end skincare products was still below that of mass-market alternatives in 2018, the market share of the former has been rising gradually, from 25.3% in 2013 to 32% in 2018. Consumers favour major international brand skincare products, and spending habits are switching from being price-focused to being driven by quality and brand.China’s domestic cosmetics brands are performing very well and now have a market share of about 56%, the main reason for this being their expansion into second- and third-tier markets. They have also been vigorously developing online sales and boosting advertising on new-media platforms (WeChat and Weibo) to raise brand recognition.The men’s cosmetics sector is growing strongly. According to estimates by Euromonitor, the male skincare products market expanded by 7.8% year-on-year in 2018, with men’s skincare and make-up products becoming increasingly popular. When it comes to cosmetics, men are mainly concerned with cleansing and dealing with oily skin. While facial cleansers make up the lion’s share of the male cosmetics market, demand for specialty products such as masks, sun-blocks and those with whitening and moisturising functions is also on the rise.This demonstrates that male consumers are beginning to pay more attention to skin conditions such as aging and coarseness.Cosmeceuticals, especially Chinese herbal cosmetics, are opening up a new sector in the cosmetics market. Cosmeceuticals only make up about 20% of the market in the mainland at present, whereas in Europe, the US, Japan and South Korea, cosmeceuticals command a 50-60% share. China's cosmeceuticals market appears to have plenty of potential for growth. With young consumers beginning to concern themselves more about the ingredients and quality of the products they buy, the age at which they start to purchase cosmeceuticals is becoming increasingly lower. While cosmeceuticals have medical properties, they are classified as cosmetics since there is still no official definition for the term “cosmeceuticals” on the mainland. According to the Regulations on Cosmetics Hygiene Supervision, no medical jargon or claims of medical efficacy should be used in cosmetics items’ packaging or instructions.Consumers can be grouped into three major tiers - upper, middle and lower, based on their preference for brand, quality and price, along with their purchasing power. Buyers of imported brand products in the high-end market are mostly high-income earners in large and medium-sized cities. Most are young and middle-aged women who prefer famous cosmetics brands from Europe, the US and Japan.People are increasingly aware of cosmetics safety issues. A series of problems arising from unsafe products have put consumers, manufacturers and regulatory authorities on alert. The introduction of hygienic and safety technology standards for cosmetics should help regulate the behaviour of cosmetics manufacturers and protect the rights of consumers.All-natural DIY cosmetics have gained popularity in recent years. Consumers buy the ingredients themselves and create tailor-made cosmetics and skincare products with their own formulas. Today, DIY cosmetics have become increasingly commercialised, mass-produced and sold through e-commerce platforms such as and . Nevertheless, DIY cosmetics for online sales tend to have quality problems. They do not meet the requirements stipulated in the Regulations on Cosmetics Hygiene Supervision and have not applied for cosmetics production and sales permits.China’s imports of major cosmetic products in 2018 are summarized below:Table 2: China's Imports of Major Cosmetic Products in 2018II. Market CompetitionAccording to statistics from the National Medical Products Administration (NMPA), which is now under the State Administration for Market Regulation (SAMR), there were4,933 enterprises qualified to produce cosmetics in China at the end of June 2019. Domestic brands are mostly concentrated in the mid- to low-end market segments, while joint ventures and enterprises with foreign investment dominate the high-end segment.Because of the rapid development of domestic cosmetics companies, domestic brands’ market share is gradually growing and creating increasing competition with their foreign counterparts. Domestic cosmetics brands have been active in image-building in recent years – for example, promoting marine-based skincare products, natural plant-based skincare products and modern Chinese herbal skincare products. Their reputation is on the rise both at home andabroad.Domestic companies are paying increasing attention to product development and quality. Domestic make-up products are also becoming more diversified. Domestic companies have successfully opened up a cosmetics market with Chinese cultural characteristics, launching items like limited editions of Chinese-style vanity gift boxes. Domestic brands are actively applying traditional Chinese medicine concepts and natural extraction methods in their development of skincare products, such as the Tai Ji and Yu Wu Xing series from Herborist. In the past, domestic brands emphasised value for money and mostly targeted second- and third-tier markets. Today, some large domestic companies have started to develop high-quality products, aiming to meet the demands of increasingly discerning consumers in the domestic mid- and high-end markets.The cosmeceuticals market is dominated by foreign brands like VICHY,La Roche-Posay,Freeplus and Simple. Some domestic brands, including Tongrentang and Herborist, have also ventured into the cosmeceuticals market and are gradually achieving growing recognition from consumers.Children’s skincare products is a sector with huge potential and an increasing number of international childcare heavyweights are eyeing the China market.FrogPrince,Pigeon,Yumeijing,Giving and Johnson & Johnson are major players in the children’s market. Competition is expected to become increasingly intense.III. Sales ChannelsThe main sales channels for cosmetics on the mainland include integrated e-commerce platforms, wholesale markets, supermarkets and department stores, dedicated counters, specialty chain stores, drugstores, beauty parlours and direct selling. Integrated e-commerce platforms, department stores and specialty stores are now the top three sales channels.The ‘dedicated counter’ is a major traditional sales channel for cosmetics, adopted by most world-renowned brands. Dedicated counters play a huge role in brands’ image building. According to iiMedia Research, brand and word-of-mouth are the two factors that mainland consumers care about most when buying cosmetics. Top global brands such as Lancôme,Estée Lauder, Chanel and Dior dominate the sales of cosmetics through dedicated counters onthe mainland. Only a few domestic brands, such as Herborist, are able to compete with these giants.Some brands expand their business by opening specialty stores - mainly directly operated specialty store and franchise store formats. Many multi-national cosmetics giants prefer directly-operated specialty stores, in which they can display brand image better, ensure quality of service and enforce unified, stable pricing. Franchise chain stores, however, are generally regarded to be the most effective format, involving the least input and achieving the highest rate of success.Direct selling is a way of trading cosmetic products through distributors’ personal networks. Direct selling companies reward distributors depending on the quantity of goods sold through their networks.Avon was the first brand to launch a direct-selling pilot programme after the Regulations for the Administration of Direct Selling were introduced in 2005. Direct-selling licences were later granted to Amway, Perfect, Longrich and others.Selling cosmetics through drugstores has become a major feature in China’s cosmetics market. While the cosmeceuticals market is now dominated by foreign players, a number of local pharmaceutical companies have begun to make use of this sales channel.Cosmetic products are also distributed through traditional, pampering and therapeutic beauty parlours, large and medium-sized high-end beauty spas, franchise chain stores, and grooming and hairdressing parlours.The retail concept of a ‘cosmetics supermarket’ or ‘one-stop shop’ is becoming more popular, with the entry of players such as Watson’s,Sephora of France and Sasa.Many foreign brands have entered the mainland market by acquiring domestic brands and using their distribution networks. For example, MiniNurse and MG were acquiredby L'Oréal,TJoy by Coty, and Dabao by Johnson & Johnson. Some foreign brands are establishing their presence in the mainland market through online shopping platforms.Fairs held in China provide an ideal channel for industry players to gather the latest information and to meet dealers. Some of the cosmetics fairs scheduled to be held in China in 2019-20 are listed below:Table 3: Selected Cosmetics Fairs in China。