





剧情简介:在一个融合东西方文化(旧金山+东京)的虚构大都市旧京山(San Fransokyo)中,一位精通机器人技术的小神童阿宏发现,这座充斥高新技术的城市正遭遇着一场犯罪危机,为了拆穿阴谋拯救家园,他将携伙伴机器人大白,与一伙生拉硬凑的菜鸟团队组成“超能陆战队联盟,共同作战抗击罪恶。

下面是超能陆战队的经典台词:起来起来Get up! Get up!赢家诞生完胜对手The winner! By total annihilation.催命阎王Yama!谁是下一个谁还有胆量在赛场上一决雌雄Who's next? Where's the guts to stop me in the ring?挑战我的小阎王With little Yama!我能试试吗Can I try?我有个机器人是我自己造的I have a robot. I built it myself.算了吧小子这儿有规矩交钱才能入场Beat it kid! House Rules: You gotta pay to play.这些够了吗Oh, Is this enough?你叫什么小朋友What's your name, little boy?我叫小宏滨田宏Hiro, Hiro Hamada.准备好你的机器人小虫Prepare your bot, Zero...两方对垒决一死战Two bots

enter... One might leaves.准备好了吗Fighters ready? 开战Fight!这是我第一次参赛能再试一次吗That was my first fight. Can I try again?没人喜欢输不起的人小朋友No one likes a sore loser little boy.回家吧Go home.我还有钱I've got more money...准备好了吗Fighters ready? 开战Fight!磁力神Megabot!灭了他Destroy.- 再见了小阎王- 什么- Not more "Little Yama". - But what?这怎么可能This is not possible!我也没想到也许是新手运气好吧Hey, I'm as surprised as you are. Beginner's luck.你还想再来一次吗Do you wanna go again?


Big Hero 6 超能陆战队整理:墨鸿片段1 Hiro: How do I get in? Tadashi:Every year, the school has a student showcase. You come up with something that blows Callaghan away. You’re in. But it’s gotta be great. Hiro: Trust me. It will be... Nothing! No ideas! Useless empty brain! Tadashi: Wow! Washed up at 14. So sad. Hiro: I got nothing! I’m done! I’m never getting in! Tadashi: Hey! I’m not giving up on you! Hiro: What are you doing? Tadashi: Shake things up! Use that big brain of yours to think your way out! Hiro: What? Tadashi: Look for a new angle. 片段2 H: Baymax! Are you crazy? What are you doing? B: I have found where your tiny robot wants to go. H: I told you. It’s broken! It’s not trying to go... Locked! B: There is a window. H: Please exercise caution! A fall from this height could lead to bodily harm. B: Oh, no. H: Shh... B: Excuse me, while I let out some air. H: Are you done? B: Yes. It will take me a moment to re-inflate. H: Fine. Just keep it down. 片段3 H: Okay... If my aunt asks, we are at school all day, got it? B: We jumped out of window. H: No! But be quiet! Shh... B: We jumped out of window. H: But you can’t say things like that on our Aunt Cass.Shh... B: Shh... Shh... A: Hiro? You home, sweetie? H: Eh.. That’s right! A: I thought I heard you. Hi! H: Hey, Aunt Cass! A: Oh, look at my little college man. Ah, I can’t wait to hear all about it! Oh, It means it’s almost ready. B: Whee.... H: You be quiet? A: Yeah, Whee... All right! Get ready to have your face melted. We are gonna feel these things tomorrow. You know what I’m saying? OK, sit down, tell me everything. showcase:[????ke?s] 展会come up with:想出,提出 blows sb. away: 使某人印象深刻trust:[tr?st]相信,信任 washed up:江郎才尽的,彻底失败的 give up on sb:放弃某人 shake things up:改变局势,力挽狂澜 angle:[???gl]角度 tiny: [?ta?ni] 极小的,微小的robot:[?r??b?t]机器人locked:[l?kt] 上锁的 caution:[?k?:?n]小心,警告exercise caution 保持谨慎height:[ha?t]高度 lead to:导致 bodily harm[hɑ:m]: 身体伤害 let out:释放 re-inflate:[rei’?nfle?t]重新充气melt:[melt]融化


超能陆战队中英对白片段 片段一 H: Okay... If my aunt asks, we are at school all day, got it? B: We jumped out of window. H: No! But be quiet! Shh... B: We jumped out of window. H: But you can’t say things like that on our Aunt Cass.Shh... B: Shh... Shh... A: Hiro? You home, sweetie? H: Eh.. That’s right! A: I thought I heard you. Hi! H: Hey, Aunt Cass! A: Oh, look at my little college man. Ah, I can’t wait to hear all about it! Oh, It means it’s almost ready. B: Whee.... H: You be quiet? A: Yeah, Whee... All right! Get ready to have your face melted. We are gonna feel these things tomorrow. You know what I’m saying? OK, sit down, tell me everything. H: Um.. The thing is, since I registered so late, I’ve got a lot of school stuff to catch up on. A: W h at was that? H: Mochi? Oh, that darn cat! A: Oh, just take a plate for the road, okay? Don’t work too hard. H: Thanks for understanding. B: Hairy baby.Hairy baby. H: All right, come on. B: I’ll carry on. I’m your personal Baymax. H: One foot in front of the other.This doesn’t make any sense. B: Tadashi. H: What? B: Tadashi. H: Tadashi’s gone. B: When will he return? H: He’s dead, Baymax. B: Tadashi was in excellent health. With a proper diet and exercise, he should have lived a long life. H: Yeah, he should have. But there is a fire.. Now, he’s gone. B: Tadashi is here. H: No, people keep saying he is not really gone. As long as you remember him. Still hurts.. B: I see no evidence of physical injury. H: It’s a different kind of hurt. H:如果阿姨问起话来的话,就说我们今天一整天都在学校,记住了吗? B:我们从窗户跳了出去。 H:不行,安静点,嘘!

推荐-超能陆战队所有台词 精品

超能陆战队所有台词 人物:小宏Hiro、大白、弗雷德、神行御姐、芥末无疆、哈妮柠檬、罗伯特·卡拉汉教授、泰迪、卡斯阿姨、阿里斯泰、阿里斯泰·格利、弗雷德父亲 1.get up ! Ge up! 2.The winner! By total annihilation. Yama 3.Yama:Who’s next ? Where’s the guts to stop me in the ring.With little Yama! 4.Hiro:Can I try? 5.Hiro:I have a robot.I built it myself. 6.Beat it kid!House Rules:You gotta pay to play. 7.Hiro:Oh,is this enough? 8.Yama:What’s your name,little boy? 9.Hiro, Hiro Hamada. 10.Yama:Prepare your bot,Zero... 11.Two bots enter...One might leaves. ----Fighters ready?-----Fight! 12.Hiro:That was my first fight. Can I try again? 13.Yama:No one likes a sore loser little boy.----Go home. 14.Hiro:I’ve got more money... 15.Fighters ready?----Fight! 16.Hiro:Megabot!----destroy. 17.Hiro:Not more “Little Yama”.


超能陆战队的经典台词 影片由唐·霍尔及克里斯·威廉姆斯联袂执导,瑞恩·波特、斯科特·埃德希特、T·J·米勒主演配音,于2014年11月7日以3D形式在北美上映。 国内公映版于2015年2月28日在内地上映。 《超能陆战队》主要讲述充气机器人大白与天才少年小宏联手菜鸟小伙伴组建超能战队,共同打击犯罪阴谋的故事。 剧情简介:在一个融合东西方文化(旧金山+东京)的虚构大都市旧京山(San Fransokyo)中,一位精通机器人技术的小神童阿宏发现,这座充斥高新技术的城市正遭遇着一场犯罪危机,为了拆穿阴谋拯救家园,他将携伙伴机器人大白,与一伙生拉硬凑的菜鸟团队组成“超能陆战队联盟,共同作战抗击罪恶。 下面是超能陆战队的经典台词:起来起来Get up! Get up!赢家诞生完胜对手The winner! By total annihilation.催命阎王Yama!谁是下一个谁还有胆量在赛场上一决雌雄Who's next? Where's the guts to stop me in the ring?挑战我的小阎王With little Yama!我能试试吗Can I try?我有个机器人是我自己造的I have a robot. I built it myself.算了吧小子这儿有规矩交钱才能入场Beat it kid! House Rules: You gotta pay to play.这些够了吗Oh, Is this enough?你叫什么小朋友What's your name, little boy?我叫小宏滨田宏Hiro, Hiro Hamada.准备好你的机器人小虫Prepare your bot, Zero...两方对垒决一死战Two bots


起来起来 Get up! Get up! 赢家诞生完胜对手 The winner! By total annihilation. 催命阎王 Yama! 谁是下一个谁还有胆量在赛场上一决雌雄Who's next? Where's the guts to stop me in the ring? 挑战我的小阎王 With little Yama! 我能试试吗 Can I try? 我有个机器人是我自己造的 I have a robot. I built it myself. 算了吧小子这儿有规矩交钱才能入场Beat it kid! House Rules: You gotta pay to play. 这些够了吗 Oh, Is this enough? 你叫什么小朋友 What's your name, little boy? 我叫小宏滨田宏 Hiro, Hiro Hamada. 准备好你的机器人小虫 Prepare your bot, Zero... 两方对垒决一死战 Two bots enter... One might leaves. 准备好了吗 Fighters ready? 开战 Fight! 这是我第一次参赛能再试一次吗 That was my first fight. Can I try again? 没人喜欢输不起的人小朋友 No one likes a sore loser little boy. 回家吧 Go home. 我还有钱 I've got more money... 准备好了吗 Fighters ready? 开战 Fight! 磁力神 Megabot! 灭了他 Destroy. - 再见了小阎王 - 什么 - Not more "Little Yama". - But what? 这怎么可能 This is not possible! 我也没想到也许是新手运气好吧 Hey, I'm as surprised as you are. Beginner's luck. 你还想再来一次吗 Do you wanna go again? 阎王 Yama? #NAME?


Big Hero 6 超能陆战队片段1 Hiro: How do I get in? Tadashi:Every year, the school has a student showcase. You come up with something that blows Callaghan away. You’re in. But it’s gotta be great. Hiro: Trust me. It will be... Nothing! No ideas! Useless empty brain! Tadashi: Wow! Washed up at 14. So sad. Hiro: I got nothing! I’m done! I’m never getting in! Tadashi: Hey! I’m not giving up on you! Hiro: What are you doing? Tadashi: Shake things up! Use that big brain of yours to think your way out! Hiro: What? Tadashi: Look for a new angle. 片段2 H: Baymax! Are you crazy? What are you doing? B: I have found where your tiny robot wants to go. H: I told you. It’s broken! It’s not trying to go... Locked! B: There is a window. H: Please exercise caution! A fall from this height could lead to bodily harm. B: Oh, no. H: Shh... B: Excuse me, while I let out some air. H: Are you done? B: Yes. It will take me a moment to re-inflate. H: Fine. Just keep it down. 片段3 H: Okay... If my aunt asks, we are at school all day, got it? B: We jumped out of window. H: No! But be quiet! Shh... B: We jumped out of window. H: But you can’t say things like that on our Aunt Cass.Shh... B: Shh... Shh... A: Hiro? You home, sweetie? H: Eh.. That’s right! A: I thought I heard you. Hi! H: Hey, Aunt Cass! A: Oh, look at my little college man. Ah, I can’t wait to hear all about it! Oh, It means it’s almost ready. B: Whee.... H: You be quiet? A: Yeah, Whee... All right! Get ready to have your face melted. We are gonna feel these things tomorrow. You know what I’m saying? OK, sit down, tell me everything. showcase:[????ke?s] 展会 come up with:想出,提出 blows sb. away: 使某人印象深刻trust:[tr?st]相信,信任 washed up:江郎才尽的,彻底失败的 give up on sb:放弃某人 shake things up:改变局势,力挽狂澜 angle:[???gl]角度 tiny: [?ta?ni] 极小的,微小的robot:[?r??b?t]机器人 locked:[l?kt] 上锁的 caution:[?k?:?n]小心,警告exercise caution 保持谨慎height:[ha?t]高度 lead to:导致 bodily harm[hɑ:m]: 身体伤害 let out:释放 re-inflate:[rei’?nfle?t]重新充气melt:[melt]融化


竭诚为您提供优质文档/双击可除超能陆战队口号大全 篇一:【超能陆战队】台词中英对照 起来起来 getup!getup! 赢家诞生完胜对手 Thewinner!bytotalannihilation. 催命阎王Yama! 谁是下一个谁还有胆量在赛场上一决雌雄 whosnext?wheresthegutstostopmeinthering? 挑战我的小阎王withlittleYama! 我能试试吗canItry? 我有个机器人是我自己造的 Ihavearobot.Ibuiltitmyself. 算了吧小子这儿有规矩交钱才能入场 beatitkid!houseRules:Yougottapaytoplay. 这些够了吗 oh,Isthisenough?

你叫什么小朋友 whatsyourname,littleboy? 我叫小宏滨田宏hiro,hirohamada. 准备好你的机器人小虫prepareyourbot,Zero... 两方对垒决一死战 Twobotsenter...onemightleaves. 准备好了吗 Fightersready?开战Fight! 这是我第一次参赛能再试一次吗Thatwasmyfirstfight.canItryagain? 没人喜欢输不起的人小朋友 noonelikesasoreloserlittleboy. 回家吧gohome. 我还有钱 Ivegotmoremoney... 准备好了吗 Fightersready?开战Fight! 磁力神megabot! 灭了他Destroy. -再见了小阎王-什么 -notmore"LittleYama".-butwhat? 这怎么可能


《超能陆战队》大白经典台词 《超能陆战队》大白经典台词 Hello.IamBaymax,yourpersonalhealthcarepanion。你好,我叫大白,你的私人健康助理。●—● Onascaleof1to10,howwouldyourateyourpain?从1到10,你的疼痛指数有多少?●—● There.There。乖啊。乖。●—● Oh.No。糟咧个糕呢。●—● Iamnotfast。我走不快呢。●—● Hairybaby!毛呼呼——●—● Tadashiishere。阿正就在这里。●—● Balalalala●—● 【人物介绍】英文名:Baymax 中文名:大白

别名:杯面(←音译什么鬼) 绰号:白求恩(←雅信达不得不服2333) 先天专长:看病、治愈、duang萌 后天技能:空手道、飞、轰拳头 1.格斗手准备!两个机器人入场!只能一个活着离开。 2.根据目击者报道本市正面临巨大危机。我们正被超级反派袭击,酷毙了! 3.我想帮忙。 大白,快跑! 我跑不快… 这我知道。 4.我哥发明大白是为了帮助世人。 你好!成功了!太棒了!!! 来个棒棒糖吧!赞! 5.我们这群书呆子哪能对付他?

6.我们也可以升级备战! 7.大白为什么穿着碳纤维内裤? 这可能会破坏我的可爱形象。 你们的制服也很紧身吗? 8.开打吧!重力拳! 四脚朝天…… 9.大白能搞定他。 10.你好! 麻烦专心点! 11.让路! 小心头! 全面推进! 推进过猛!推进过猛…… 别停!恢复推进…… 再来一次……

12.真是无敌风景。 如果我不恐高的话,应该会很享受。但我恐高,所以一点都不享受。


精心整理 起来起来Getup!Getup! 赢家诞生完胜对手Thewinner!Bytotalannihi lation. 催命阎王Yama! 谁是下一个谁还有胆量在赛场上一决雌雄 Who'snext?Where'sthegut stostopmeinthering? 挑战我的小阎王WithlittleYama! 我能试试吗CanItry? 我有个机器人是我自己造的 Ihavearobot.Ibuiltitmys elf. 算了吧小子这儿有规矩交钱才能入场 Beatitkid!HouseRules:Yo ugottapaytoplay. 这些够了吗 Oh,Isthisenough? 你叫什么小朋友 What'syourname,littlebo y? 我叫小宏滨田宏 Hiro,HiroHamada. 准备好你的机器人小虫Prepareyourbot,Zero... 两方对垒决一死战Twobotsenter...Onemight leaves. 准备好了吗 Fightersready? 开战Fight! 这是我第一次参赛能再试 一次吗 Thatwasmyfirstfight.Can Itryagain? 没人喜欢输不起的人小朋 友 Noonelikesasoreloserlit tleboy. 回家吧Gohome. 我还有钱 I'vegotmoremoney... 准备好了吗 Fightersready? 开战Fight! 磁力神Megabot! 灭了他Destroy. -再见了小阎王-什么 -Notmore"LittleYama".-B utwhat? 这怎么可能 Thisisnotpossible! 我也没想到也许是新手运 气好吧 Hey,I'massurprisedasyou are.Beginner'sluck. 你还想再来一次吗 Doyouwannagoagain? 阎王Yama? -NoonehustlesYama!-Wooh !Hey! 给他点颜色看看 Teachhimalesson! 伙计们有话好好说 Heyfellas.Let'stalkabou tthis. -小宏快上车-阿正 -Hiro,geton!-Tadashi! 来得真是时候 Ooh!Goodtiming. -Areyouokay?-Yeah. -Areyouhurt?-No! 那你在想什么笨蛋 Then,whatareyouthinking ,knucklehead! 你十三岁从高中毕业就是 为了干这个 Yougraduatedhighschoola ndyou're13andthisiswhat you'redoing? 抓紧了Holdon! 机器人比赛是违法的你会 被抓进监狱的 Botfightingisillegal.Yo u'regonnagetyourselfarr ested. 机器人比赛不违法参与赌 博才...才违法


起来起来Get up! Get up! 赢家诞生完胜对手 The winner! By total annihilation. 催命阎王Yama! 谁是下一个谁还有胆量在赛场上一决雌雄 Who's next? Where's the guts to stop me in the ring? 挑战我的小阎王With little Yama! 我能试试吗Can I try? 我有个机器人是我自己造的 I have a robot. I built it myself. 算了吧小子这儿有规矩交钱才能入场Beat it kid! House Rules: You gotta pay to play. 这些够了吗Oh, Is this enough? 你叫什么小朋友 What's your name, little boy? 我叫小宏滨田宏 Hiro, Hiro Hamada. 准备好你的机器人小虫 Prepare your bot, Zero... 两方对垒决一死战 Two bots enter... One might leaves. 准备好了吗 Fighters ready? 开战Fight! 这是我第一次参赛能再试一次吗 That was my first fight. Can I try again? 没人喜欢输不起的人小朋友 No one likes a sore loser little boy. 回家吧Go home. 我还有钱I've got more money... 准备好了吗Fighters ready? 开战Fight! 磁力神Megabot! 灭了他Destroy. - 再见了小阎王- 什么 - Not more "Little Yama". - But what? 这怎么可能This is not possible!


超能陆战队(●—●)电影原声对白 [First lines; At a Bot Fight] Announcer: THE WINNER, BY TOTAL ANNIHILATION... YAMA! Yama: Who's next? Who has the guts to step into the ring with Little Yama! [People in the crowd nervously hide their robots, too scared to fight.] Hiro: Can I try? [Everyone turns around to see a fourteen-year-old bot, holding a cute little robot. This is Hiro.] Hiro: [innocently] I have a robot. I built it myself. [Everyone laughs at Hiro's pathetic robot.] Announcer: Beat it, kid. House rules: You gotta pay to play. Hiro: Oh. Uh... is this enough? [Holds up a handful of money] Yama: What's your name, little boy? Hiro: [shyly] Hiro. Hiro Hamada. Yama: Prepare your bot... Zero. [Hiro and Yama prepare to fight.] Announcer: Two bots enter, one bot leaves. Fighters ready...? FIGHT! [Hiro's robot is destroyed in a matter of seconds. Yama laughs triumphantly.] Hiro: That was my first fight. I-I-- Ca-Can I try again? Yama: No one likes a sore loser, little boy. Go home. Hiro: I've got more money. [He reluctantly places the rest of his money on the plate for a second fight.] Announcer: Fighters ready? FIGHT! [Megabot suddenly reassembles itself. Hiro drops his "shy, innocent little boy" act.] Hiro: Megabot, destroy! [Grins evilly] [Tadashi just saved Hiro who was at a Bot Fight.] Tadashi: Bot Fighting is illegal! You're gonna get yourself arrested! Hiro: Bot Fighting is not illegal! Betting on Bot Fighting, that's-- that's illegal. But, SO lucrative! [Holds out a fat wad of cash he won from the Bot Fight] I'm on a roll, big brother. [Throws arms up victoriously] AND THERE IS NO STOPPING ME! [Tadashi suddenly stops the scooter as police cars pull up in front of them.] Tadashi: Oh, no. [Hiro and Tadashi walk out of the police department after getting arrested.] Hiro and Tadashi: [Shamefully] Hi, Aunt Cass. Aunt Cass: [Worried] Are you guys okay? Tell me you're okay! Hiro: We're fine. Tadashi: We're okay. Aunt Cass: Oh, good. [She grabs them both by the ear and drags them to the


Who’s the Baymax? 台词 ?你最好在卡斯阿姨吃光餐厅里的所有食物之前 ?You'd better make this up to Aunt Cass, ?想办法补偿她 ?before she eats everything in the cafe. ?那是自然 For sure. ?我希望你能吸取教训小子 ?And I hope you learn your lesson, bone head. ?我会的 Absolutely. ?你还要去参加机器人比赛是吗 ? You're going fight boting, aren't you? ?小镇那边还有一场比赛 ?There's a fight across town. ?如果我现在预约还能赶得上 ?If I book now, I could still make it. ?你什么时候做事前能用用你那聪明的大脑瓜啊 ?When are you gonna start doing something with that big brain of yours? ?干吗像你一样去上大学 ?What? Go to college like you? ?好让别人教我我早就知道的东西 ? So people can tell me stuff I already know? ?你简直不可理喻 Unbelievable. ?老妈老爸会怎么说啊 Ahh! What would Mom and Dad say? ?我不知道他们已经过世了 I don't know. They're gone. ?我三岁时他们就死了记得吗 ?They died when I was 3, remember? ?NAME? - I'll take you. - Really? ?我阻止不了你但我不会让你自己去 ? I can't stop you from going, but I'm not gonna let you go on your own. ?太棒了 Sweet! ?我们来你的呆子学校做什么 What are we doing at your nerd school? ?机器人比赛在那边 Bot fights that way! ?我去拿点东西 Gotta grab something. ?要用很长时间吗 Is this gonna take long? ?淡定我的大宝贝拿完东西就走 Relax, you big baby, we will be in and out. ?你还没见过我的实验室呢 Anyway, you've never seen my lab. ?太棒了终于见到你的呆子实验室了 ? Oh great! I get to see your Nerd Lab. - Heads up! - Wooh! 电磁悬浮 ?Electromag suspension? 你是谁 ?Who are you? 神行御姐这是我弟弟小宏 ?Gogo, this is my brother, Hiro. 欢迎来到呆子实验室 ?Welcome to the Nerd Lab. 是啊 Yeah... ?


起来啊快起来 Get up! 获得完胜的冠军是The winner, by total annihilation... 阿山哥Yama! 还有谁要来Who is next? 谁还有胆量来挑战我阿山哥Who has the guts to step into the ring with Little Yama? 阿山哥Yama! -我能试一试吗 -嗯?-Can I try? - Hmm. 我有个机器人是我自己做的I have a robot. I built it myself. 闪开小鬼Beat it, kid. 不知道规矩么先付钱才能参加House rules. You gotta pay to play. 哦对这些够了吗Oh, uh, is this enough? 你叫什么小鬼头What's your name, little boy? 滨田宏叫我小宏Hiro. Hiro Hamada. 来吧小狗Prepare your bot, Zero. 机器人对决Two bots enter, 谁将获得胜利one bot leaves. 准备Fighters ready? 开战Fight! 刚刚只是热身我能再试一次吗That was my first fight. I... Can I try again? 还嫌不够疼么小鬼No one likes a sore loser, little boy. 回家喊妈妈吧Go home. 我还有钱I've got more money. 准备Fighters ready? 开战Fight! 超级机器人摧毁它Mega-bot, destroy. 嗯?Huh? 什么What? Huh? -阿山哥已经落山了 -什么这- No more Little Yama. - But, wha... 这怎么可能This is not possible! 其实我和你一样感到惊讶Hey, I'm as surprised as you are. 也许是侥幸Beginner's luck. 你想再来一次吗阿山哥Do you want to go again, Yama? -没人赢得了我 -喂等等- No one hustles Yama! - Whoa. Hey... 给他点教训Teach him a lesson. 你们好啊有话好好说嘛Hey, fellas. Let's talk about this. -小宏快上车 -阿正- Hiro! Get on! - Tadashi! 来得正好Oh, good timing! 啊哈A-ha! 额滴神啊Oh, mama! -你没事吧 -嗯- Are you okay? - Yeah. -没受伤吧 -没有- Are you hurt? - No. 那你脑子被门夹了吗笨蛋Then what were you thinking, knucklehead? 啊Ow! Ow! 你十三岁就高中毕业了You graduated high school when you were 13, 就为了干这个吗and this is what you're doing? 找到他们了There they are! 嘿Hey! 抓紧我Hold on! 哇偶棒Whoo-hoo! Yes! 给我回来Get back here. 机器人对决是违法的Bot fighting is illegal. 你想被关进监狱里吗You're going to get yourself arrested. 机器人对决并不违法Bot fighting is not illegal. 靠机器人对决赌博这才是违法的Betting on bot fighting, that's... that's illegal. 不过这太好赚钱了But so lucrative! 现在我可是好运连连大哥没有什么能够阻止我I'm on a roll, big brother! And there is no stopping me! 哦不Oh, no. 嗨卡斯阿姨Hi, Aunt Cass. 你们俩没事吧快告诉我你们没事Are you guys okay? Tell me you're okay. -我们很好 -没事- We're fine. - We're okay. 太好了Oh, good. 那你们两个傻子脑袋被门夹了吧Then what were you two knuckleheads thinking? 十年了For 10 years, 我一把屎一把尿把你们拉扯大I have done the best I could to raise you. 我是个好家长吗不是Have I been perfect? No. 我有照顾孩子的经验吗没有Do I know anything about children? No. 我是不是该看本书学学如何管教孩子Should I have picked up a book on parenting? 我看是Probably! 我在说些什么啊完全没说到重点Where was I going with this? I had a point. -对不起 -我们爱你卡斯阿姨- Sorry. - We love you, Aunt Cass. 我也很爱你们Well, I love you, too! 就是你们被关进去害得我提早打烊I had to close


Woman:Get up! Get up! The winner! By total annihilation.消灭Yama: Who's next? Where's the guts to stop me in the ring?With little Yama! Hiro: Can I try?I have a robot. I built it myself. Woman: Beat it kid! House Rules: You gotta pay to play. Hiro: Oh, Is this enough? Yama: What's your name, little boy? Hiro: Hiro, Hiro Hamada. Yama: Prepare your bot, Zero... Woman: Two bots enter... One might leaves. Fighters ready?Fight! Hiro: That was my first fight. Can I try again? Yama: No one likes a sore loser little boy. Go home. Hiro: I've got more money... Woman: Fighters ready?Fight! Hiro: Megabot! Destroy.Not more "Little Yama". Yama: But what?This is not possible! Hiro: Hey, I'm as surprised as you are. Beginner's luck.Do you wanna go again? Yama? Yama: No one hustles Yama! Wooh! Hey! Yama: Teach him a lesson! Hiro: Hey fellas. Let's talk about this. Tadashi: Hiro, get on! Hiro: Tadashi! Ooh! Good timing. Are you okay? - Yeah. Are you hurt? - No! Tadashi: Then, what are you thinking, knuckle head!You graduated high school and you're 13 and this is what you're doing?Hold on! Bot fighting is illegal. You're gonna get yourself arrested. Hiro: Bot fighting is not illegal. Betting on bot fighting..thats..that's illegal.But, so who could heed. I'm on a roll, big brother.And there is no stopping me!Oh, no. 00:05:47 Hiro: Hi, Aunt Cass. Cass: Are you guys okay? Tell me you're okay... Hiro: We're fine. - We're okay. Cass: Oh good.Then what were you two knuckle heads thinking?!For 10 years, I heed the best I could to raise you.Have I been perfect? No!Do I know anything about children? No!Should I pick a book on parenting? Probably?Where I was going with this? I had a point... Hiro: I love you ,aunt Cass. Cass: I love you too.I had to close up early because of you two fellons on beat poetry night.Stress eating because of you! Come on, Moty!This is really good! Tadashi:You'd better make this up to Aunt Cass,before she eats everything in the cafe. Hiro: For sure. Tadashi: And I hope you learn your lesson, bone head. Hiro: Absolutely. Tadashi: You're going fight boting, aren't you? There's a fight across town.If I book now, I could still make it. Tadashi: When are you gonna start doing something with that big brain of yours? Hiro:What? Go to college like you?So people can tell me stuff I already know? Tadashi: Unbelievable.Ahh! What would Mom and Dad say? Hiro:I don't know. They're gone.They died when I was 3, remember? Tadashi: I'll take you. - Really? I can't stop you from going, but I'm not gonna let you go on your own. -Sweet! Hiro: What are we doing at your nerd school? Bot fights that way! Tadashi: Gotta grab something. Hiro: Is this gonna take long? Tadashi: Relax, you big baby, we will be in and out.Anyway, you've never seen my lab. Hiro: Oh great! I get to see your Nerd Lab. Heads up! Wooh! Electromag suspension? 电磁悬浮 00:07:57 Gogo: Who are you? Tadashi: Gogo, this is my brother, Hiro. Gogo: Welcome to the Nerd Lab. Hiro: Yeah...
