






例1 原文:Many lecturers find their jobs very rewarding.题干:All lecturers get something positive from their work.例2原文:Even in wet areas once teeming with frogs and toads, it is becoming less and less easy to find those slimy, hopping and sometimes poisonous members of the animal kingdom.另外,请参见《剑桥6》移民类第一套阅读第五题F2原则(一个萝卜一个坑):原文与题干考点词的类型相同,但是具体内容不同。


例如:原文说A and/or B ,题干说only A 。

A and B 相当于NOT only A ,所以存在矛盾,选FALSE 。




能够快速领悟 出一个段落或一个句子核心信息
IELTS Reading
6. Reading techniques recommended
1 用半分钟浏览三篇文章的标题以及其后的题目
2 先看题目,再看文章
3 一定要阅读每个题目的指令(如阅读范围,答案词数要求)
4 找到题目中的关键词:时间,人名,地名,数字,斜体字,大写字,黑体字,括 号,引号,划线部分,以及一些较长或者拼写比较特别的词
This is a very interesting story.
2. 代词短语( pronominal phrase ) Between you and me, he is rather stupid.
Waves rushed upon him one after another.
3. 动词短语 ( verb phrase) We study English every day.
2 –3 short passages 2 passages of medium
length 1 passage of 800-1000
2. Scores (on a scale of 1 - 9)
分数 9 8.5 8 7.5 7 6.5 6 5.5 5 4.5 4
A 类答对题数 39 - 40 37 - 38 35 - 36 33 - 34 30 - 32 27 - 29 23 - 26 20 - 22 16 - 19 13 - 15 10 - 12
8. 剑桥系列习题集的使用 剑桥雅思系列的每一篇阅读文章起码要做够 三遍 第一遍,严格限时做题, 进行模考演练, 既能测试自己的水平, 又能保持好的临战状态。 第二遍,放松时间严格按照正确的步骤方法做题, 并将每个题在文章中的依据标示出来,



一、概括:雅思阅读技巧培训讲义READING----60mins---- 3000Words---- 40-42Questions(6PAGES)1.Method:SurveySkim isn’t or is4S Skipkey words questions2. Resource : Passage 1.2.3: <<Economist>>\<<Natural Geography>>3.Type:List of headings(中心句)Matching (配对题)T/F or NG (对、错、未给)占80%Sentence Completion (补充题)Summary (Cloze) (完形填空)Multiple choice (选择题)二、解题思路无论何种题型,首先看题目,判断文体及可能的结构。


FIRST STEP A. TOPIC (theme): TITLE B. SCIENCE (文体) Ⅰ. 时间顺序(顺时)C.STRUCTURE (结构) Ⅱ. 平行罗列Ⅲ.正反强对比SECOND STEPA. Number a. FACT考点 b. COMPARISM (CHANGE)B. Capitals (大写) 、专有n.、斜体、引号、括号等三、List of Headings 解题思路1.在题目与例子中找线索A.EXAMPLE (举例答案阅读后,首先删去)B.浏览题目。

C.找出句子中的Connective(连接词),包括了: a. reason --- resultb. contrasting (对比)c. sequence/ addition (次序)d. example (例子)2.在HEADINGS 里划重点:A.KEY WORDS(NEW&ONLY)找关键词,唯一且不可替代。




雅思阅读全面分析及答案考试前对试题千锤百炼是必要的,以下是为大家搜索的雅思阅读全面分析及答案,希望能给大家带来帮助!更多精彩内容请及时关注我们!ComplianceorNonplianceforChildrenManyScientistsbelievethatsocializationtakesalongprocess,whi leplianceistheoutsetofit.Aordingly,plianceforeducationofchi ldrenisthepriority.Motivationallydistinctformsofchildplianc e,mutuallypositiveaffect,andmaternalcontrol,observedin3cont rolcontextsin103dyadsofmothersandtheir26-41-month-oldchildr en,wereexaminedascorrelatesofinternalization,assessedusingo bservationsofchildrenwhilealonewithprohibitedtemptationsand maternalratings.Oneformofpliance(mittedpliance),whenthechil dappearedmittedwholeheartedlytothematernalagendaandeagertoe ndorseandaeptit,wasemphasized.Mother-childmutuallypositivea ffectwasbothapredictorandaconitantofmittedpliance.Childrenw hosharedpositiveaffectwiththeirmothersshowedahighlevelofmit tedplianceandwerealsomoreinternalized.Differencesandsimilar itiesbetweenchildren'spliancetorequestsandprohibitions("Do" vs."Don't"demandcontexts)werealsoexplored.Maternal"Dos"appe aredmorechallengingtotoddlersthanthe"Don't".Someindividualcoherenceofbehaviorwasalsofoundacrossbothdemandcontexts.Thei mplicationsofmittedplianceforemerginginternalizedregulators ofconductarediscussed.Anumberofparentswerenoteasytobeawareofthepliance,someevenov erlookedtheirchildren'snonpliance.Despitegoodeducation,thes echildrendidnotfollowthewordsfromtheirparentsonseveraloasio ns,especiallyboysincertainages.Fortunately,thisratewasaepta ble,someparentscouldbepatientwiththenonpliance.Someoneheldt hatnonplianceisprobablynotawrongthing.Inordertodeterminethe effectsofdifferentparentaldisciplinarytechniquesonyoungchil dren'splianceandnonpliance,mothersweretrainedtoobserveemoti onalincidentsinvolvingtheirowntoddler-agedchildren.Reportso fdisciplinaryencounterswereanalyzedintermsofthetypesofdisci plineused(reasoning,verbalprohibition,physicalcoercion,love withdrawal,andbinationsthereof)andchildren'sresponsestothat discipline(pliance/nonplianceandavoidance).Therelationbetwe enpliance/nonplianceandtypeofmisdeed(harmtopersons,harmtopr operty,andlapsesofself-control)wasalsoanalyzed.Resultsindic atedthatlovewithdrawalbinedwithothertechniqueswasmosteffect iveinsecuringchildren'splianceandthatitseffectivenesswasnot afunctionofthetypeoftechniquewithwhichitwasbined.Avoidantresponsesandaffectivereunificationwiththeparentweremorelikely tofollowlovewithdrawalthananyothertechnique.Physicalcoercio nwassomewhatlesseffectivethanlovewithdrawal,whilereasoninga ndverbalprohibitionwerenotatalleffectiveexceptwhenbothwereb inedwithphysicalcoercion."NonpliantChildrensometimesprefertosaynodirectlyastheywerey ounger,theyareeasytodealwiththerelationshipwithcontemporari eswhentheyaregrowingup.Duringtheperiodthatchildrenisgetting elder,whomaylearntousemoreadvancedapproachesfortheirnonplia nce.Theyaremoreskillfultonegotiateorgivereasonsforrefusalra therthanshowtheiroppositeideatoparentsdirectly,"SaidHenryPo rter,scholarworkinginPsychologyInstituteofUK.Heindicatedtha tnonpliancemeansgrowthinsomeway,mayhavebenefitforchildren.M anyExpertshelddifferentviewpointsinrecentyears,theytrieddri llingplianceintochildren.HiscollaboratorWallaceFreisenbelie vedthatOrganizingchild'sdailyactivitiessothattheyourinthesa meordereachdayasmuchaspossible.Thisfirststrategyfordefiantc hildrenisultimatelythemostimportant.Developingaroutinehelps achildtoknowwhattoexpectandincreasesthechancesthatheorshewi llplywiththingssuchaschores,homework,andhygienerequests.Whe nundesirableactivitiesourinthesameorderatoptimaltimesduringtheday,theybeehabitsthatarenotquestioned,butdonewithoutthou ght.Chancesarethatyouhavedevelopedsometypeofroutineforyours elfintermsofshowering,cleaningyourhouse,ordoingothertypesof work.Youhaveanideainyourmindwhenyouwilldothesethingsonaregu larbasisandthishelpsyoutoknowwhattoexpect.Infact,youhavepro bablyalreadybeenusingmostofthesepliancestrategiesforyoursel fwithoutrealizingit.Forchildren,withoutsettingtheseexpectat ionsonadailybasisbymakingthempartofaregularroutine,theycanb eeveryupset.Justlikeadults,childrenthinkaboutwhattheyplanto dothatdayandexpecttobeabletodowhattheywant.So,whenyouealong andaskthemtodosomethingtheyweren'talreadyplanningtodothatda y,thiscanresultinautomaticrefusalsandotherundesirabledefian tbehavior.However,byusingthispliancestrategywithdefiantchil dren,theseactivitiesaredonealmosteverydayinthesamegeneralor derandthechildexpectstoalreadydothem.DoctorStevenWalsonaddressedthatorganizingfunactivitiestoour afterfrequentlyrefusedactivities.Thisstrategyalsoworksasapo sitivereinforcerwhenthechildplieswithyourrequests.Byarrangi ngyourdaysothatthingsoftenrefusedourrightbeforehighlyprefer redactivities,youareabletoeliminatedefiantbehaviorandmotiva teyourchild'sbehaviorofdoingtheundesirableactivity.Thisisnottobepresentedinawaythatthepreferredactivityisonlyallowedif adefiantchilddoesthenon-preferredactivity.However,youcanwor dyourrequestinawaysothatyourchildassumesthatyouhavetodothen on-preferredactivitybeforemovingontothenextpreferredactivit y.Forexample,youdonotwanttosaysomethingsuchas,"Ifyoucleanyo urroomwecanplayagame."Insteadwordyourrequestlikethis,"Assoo nasyouaredonecleaningyourroomwewillbeabletoplaythatreallyfu ngameyouwantedtoplay."PsychologistPaulEdithinsistedpraiseisthebestwaytomakechildr entoplywith.Thisisprobablyamontermyouareusedtohearingbynow. Ifyoupraiseyourchild'sbehavior,heorshewillbemorelikelytodot hatbehavior.So,itisessentialtousepraisewhenworkingwithdefia ntchildren.Italsoprovidesyourchildwithpositiveattention.How ever,itisimportanttoknowhowtopraisechildreninawaythatencour agesfutureautomaticreinforcementforyourchildwhendoingasimil arbehavior.Question27-31Choosethecorrectletter,A,B,C,orD.Writeyouranswersinboxes27-31onyouranswersheet.27Thechildren,especiallyboysreceivedgoodeducationmay Aalwaysplywiththeirparents'wordsBbegoodatmathChaveahighscoreatschoolDdisobeytheirparents’ordersometimes28Facetotheirchildren'splianceandnonpliance,parents AmustbeawareoftheplianceBaskforhelpfromtheirteachersCsomeofthemmayignoretheirnonplianceDpretendnottosee29AordingtoHenryPorter,nonplianceforchildrenAareentirelyharmfulBmayhavepositiveeffectsCneedsmedicineassistanceDshouldbetreatedbyexpertdoctor30Whenchildrenaregrowingup,theyAalwaystrytodirectlysaynoBaremoreskillfultonegotiateClearntocheatinsteadofnonplianceDtendtokeepsilent31Whichisthepossiblereactionthepassagementionedforelderchil drenandyoungeronesiftheydon'twanttoplywiththeorderAelderchildrenprefertorefusedirectlyBelderonesrefusetoanswerCyoungerchildrenmayrejectdirectlyDyoungeronesmaysaveanywordsLookatthefollowingpeopleandlistofstatementsbelow.Matcheachpersonwiththecorrectstatement.WritethecorrectletterA-Ginboxes32-35onyouranswer32HenryPorter33WallaceFreisen34StevenWalson35PaulEdithListofstatementsAchildrenofallageswillindirectlyshownonplianceBelderchildrentendtonegotiateratherthanshownonpliance CconversebehaviormeansnonplianceDorganizingfunactivitiestoourafterfrequentlyrefusedactiviti esEorganizingchild'sdailyactivitiesinthesameorderasmuchasposs ibleFusepraiseinordertomakechildrenpliantGtakethechildrentoschoolatanearlyageQuestion36-40DothefollowingstatementsagreewiththeinformationgiveninReadi ngPassage?Inboxes36-40onyouranswersheet,writeYESifthestatementistrueNOifthestatementisfalseNOTGIVENiftheinformationisnotgiveninthepassage36Socializationtakesalongprocess,whileplianceisthepriorrese archsubject.37Parents'cognitionandattitudetotheirchildren'splianceornon pliancearevaried.38Youngerchildrenchoosetobenonpliantbecauseitmaybesimpletog etalongwiththepeersinthesameage.39Expertsnevertrieddrillingplianceintochildren.40PsychologistPaulEdithnegatedtheimportancethatknowinghowto praisechildreninaencouragedway.篇章结构儿童的听从与不听从体裁:论说文结构:(一句话概括每段大意)A段:对于孩子听从和不听从行为的探讨B段:家长在孩子听从和不听从行为中扮演的角色C段:英国心理学家对不听从行为表示理解以及反对者的观点 D段:反对者认为孩子应该听从的理由E段:反对者给出如何让孩子听从的意见F段:新的学者提出鼓励在听从与不听从行为中的作用。



王晓春雅思阅读课讲义IELTS Reading Lecture Notes by Spring Wang(版权所有严禁翻印)目录第一章雅思阅读考试基本情况介绍第二章雅思阅读考试词汇学习第三章雅思阅读与英语句子第四章雅思阅读与英语段落结构第五章雅思阅读核心解题技能第六章List of Headings 题注意事项和解题方法第七章Summary题注意事项和解题方法第八章TRUE/FALSE/NOT GIVEN题注意事项和解题方法第九章Matching题注意事项和解题方法第十章Multiple Choice题注意事项和解题方法第十一章Sentence Completion题注意事项和解题方法第十二章Short Answer Question题注意事项和解题方法第十三章Table/Diagram/Flow Chart题注意事项和解题方法第十四章最新仿真阅读材料附录第一章雅思阅读考试基本情况介绍雅思考试(IELTS)考试的全称是:International English Language Testing System(国际英语语言测试系统)。






雅思考试分为Academic Module(学术类考试,简称A类考试)和General Training Module(普通培训类考试,简称G类考试)。





【2019-2020】雅思真题讲解: 阅读考试中常识-word范文模板 (1页)

【2019-2020】雅思真题讲解: 阅读考试中常识-word范文模板 (1页)

【2019-2020】雅思真题讲解:阅读考试中常识-word范文模板本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==雅思真题讲解:阅读考试中常识雅思阅读考试的文章以大众题材为主, 内容涉及经济、教育、科技、医学、环境、能源、地质、海洋、动物等方面问题,而不涉及专业性很强的文章,以免给不同专业的考生造成优势或劣势;甚至有些知识都是我们日常生活中所了解的,因此在雅思阅读考试中,考生在拿到题目时可以首先考虑利用常识能否直接找出答案,而不是匆忙找定位词到文章中定位。


例一(剑六 P 71 The Search for the Anti - aging Pill )Questions 33-37Classify the following descriptions as relating toA . caloric - restricted monkeysB . control monkeysC . neither caloric - restricted monkeys nor control monkeys33. Monkeys were less likely to become diabetic .34. Monkeys experienced more chronic disease .35. Monkeys have been shown to experience a longer than averagelife span .36. Monkeys enjoyed a reduced chance of heart disease .37. Monkeys produced greater quantities of insulin .解题:首先读选项,我们会发现 A 选项是卡路里即热量摄入受限制的猴子,而 B 选项,我们可以猜出它为热量摄入不受限制的猴子,当然若考生不确定可以到文章中定位找 control monkeys ,原文为 control animals that eat normally ,因此可以确定 B 选项为正常饮食即热量摄入不受限制的猴子。



快速阅读阅读的四个层次:词雅思基础阅读精讲班第2讲讲义SECTION 1定位词(查找细节)SECTION 1 Questions 1-14Questions 1-4There are six job advertisements A-F on the opposite page.Answer the questions below by writing the letters of the appropriate advertisements in boxes 1-4 on your answer sheet.Questions 5-10Read the page from a UK telephone directory on the opposite page.Answer the questions below by writing the appropriate telephone number in boxes 5-10 on your answer sheet.What should you dial if ….Operator Services 101The operator is there to help you if you have difficulty making a call or if you want to use any of our special call services. These include: ALARM CALLS * ADVICE OF DURATION CHARGE * CREDIT CARD CALLS * FIXED TIME CALLS * FREEFONE CALLS * PERSONAL CALLS * TRANSFERRED CHARGE CALLS * SUBSCRIBER CONTROLLED TRANSFER. For details of charges see our free leaflet. Dial 101 and ask for financial services.International Operator 123See Section 3 (international) for details.Directory Enquiries 142Tell the operator the town you require. Have paper and pencil ready.International Directory Enquiries 130Emergency 010Tell the operator what service you want.Faults 166Any fault should be reported to the local fault repair service.Sales 170Telemessage 190If you have something special to say and prefer to say it in writing.International Telemessage 191International Telegrams 192You can send a telegram to most other countries.Maritime Service 200SHIP’S TELEGRAM SERVICE * SHIP’S TELEPHONE SERVICE * INMARSAT SATELLITE SERVICE (DIAL 177). You can call or send a message to someone aboard ship by using our Maritime Services. For telephone calls to ships quote the name of the Coast Radio Station if known. For INMARSAT (Maritime Satellite) service dial 178. Give the ship’s name, its identification number and ocean region, if known. International Directory Enquiries, code 130, can say if a ship is equipped for satellite service and provide the number.Any Other Call Enquiries 111Questions 11-14划定位词顺序:1 数字和大写字母优先(原词重现)2 独特名词>独特动词>独特形容词或副词3 不能作为定位词:常用词(student )、文章主题词(job advertisements )、同一题型内部重复出现的词(telephone )Read the following notice.Using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the passage answer the questions below. Write your answers in boxes 11-14 on your answer sheet.Example AnswerWhich job is in a travel agent’s? D 1Which job is in a hotel?2Which job is for someone to look after a child?3Which TWO advertisements are for waiters?4Which TWO jobs would particularly like a German speaker?Example Answeryou want to speak to the International Operator? 1235there is something wrong with your telephone?6there has been an accident and you want to call an ambulance?7you want to find out a number in a foreign country?8you want to know how much telephone calls cost?9you want to purchase an answer-phone machine?10you want to use a credit card to pay for a telephone call?FIRE NOTICEIn the event of fire, the ALARM will ring. On hearing the fire alarm, all those in the West Wing should evacuate the building by staircase J. Rooms 1 to 199 are in the West Wing. All others should use staircase A. The assembly area for occupants of the West Wing is the staff car park at the rear of the building. All others assemble in the front courtyard.Evacuate the building even if the alarm stops.If you discover a fire, shout “FIRE” and operate the nearest fire alarm. Attack the fire with an extinguisher but do not take any risks. Inform reception by dialing 3333.Example AnswerWhere is room 1? the West Wing 11You are in room 101. Which staircase should you use to evacuate the building?12You are in room 201. Where should you wait outside after evacuating the building?13What should you do if the alarm stops?14Who should you contact if you discover a fire?SECTION 2SECTION 2 Questions 15-27Questions 15-20Read “Information for New Students” below and answer the questions that follow.Write your answers in boxes 15-20 on your answer sheet.Questions 21-27Read the passage below about a college in the city of Bath, written in 1985, and answer the questions that follow.The CollegeThe college uses buildings in five different places. Where are the following things located?In boxes 21-27 on your answer sheet writeHILTON ENGLISH LANGUAGE CENTREINFORMATION FOR NEW STUDENTSCLASS TIMES9.00 am –10.30am 11.00am –12.30pm 13.0pm –3.00pmThe Language Centre is open Monday to Friday. Each class has one afternoon free per week. On the first day go to the lecture hall to check your timetable.SELF-ACCESSThe language laboratory (Room 1110) is open Monday to Friday from 3.15pm to 5.00pm for all full-time students. You can learn how to use the computers for language games or word-processing.There are cassettes for students to borrow to practise their English. Go in and ask the teacher to show you.If you plan to take public examinations, there are dictation and listening comprehension cassettes for you to practise with. There are cloze exercises on the computers. Ask your class teacher for a list of past exam essays. Students can borrow cassettes to take home but they must be returned after two days.ATTENDANCEAll students on student visas are expected to attend classes regularly. Students who do not attend classes will be reported to OSS. Eighty per cent attendance is required for students to receive their certificate on completion of their course. It is also required by OSS for an extension to your visa.BOOKSIf students are given course books, the books are their responsibility.If a book is lost, the student will be expected to pay for it. If students wish to buy books, there is a bookshop in the college specializing in English books (Room 3520). 15When do classes begin and end on a full day ?16How many afternoons does a class meet each week?17Where are the timetables displayed?18Who can use the language laboratory after classes?19Who is available in the self-access center to help the students?20How much of a course must you attend according to visa restrictions?NP if something is located in N ewton P ark C if something is located in C orsham SH if something is located in S ion H illSC if something is located in S omerset C rescent SP if something is located in S ydney P laceExample Answer A landscaped garden SH21Central Administration 22Home Economics Block 23Art and Design Foundation Course 24Art and Design Degree Course after 198625Post-graduate Residences 26Sports Hall 27Music Block保打 印 关闭The college has the advantage of location in one of the most attractive cities in the country. Within the city of Bath it occupies modern buildings in a landscaped garden on Sion Hill, Lansdown and an adjacent Georgian Crescent, Somerset Crescent, which includes teaching and residential accommodation for post-graduate studies. It also occupies three houses in Sydney Place, which are used for studio and workshop accommodation for part-time courses in the Visual Arts and for the Foundation Course in Art and Design.The Newton Park site is situated four miles west of Bath between the villages of Newton St Loe and Corston. Within the grounds are a Georgian mansion, where the college’s central administration is located, an Elizabethan dairy, stables and the tower of a medieval manor house; all these older buildings have been adapted to present-day use. A new purpose-built Home Economics block was opened in January 1985. During 1986 a new Sports Hall will be completed and new residential blocks are under construction to be completed ready for the start of the academic year in September 1986; a new Music Block will be completed in 1987.The Art and Design degree courses which are currently accommodated at Corsham, about nine miles east of Bath, will be moved to the Sion Hill site in Bath by September 1986 thus reinforcing Faculty and Course links.The college courses are designed to take advantage of the special opportunities and circumstances provided by itsenvironment. Students have available such resources as the Costume and Fashion Research Centre, the Royal Photographic Centre and the Museum of American Domestic Life at Claverton. Concerts and recitals, including some given by staff and students, take place throughout the year in the Assembly Rooms.保 存 打 印 关 闭雅思基础阅读精讲班第3讲讲义复习《定位词》复习第一讲《定位词》Questions 32-40Read the Useful Hints for using a gas cooker on page 53, and answer the following questions. 32If you want to cook food rapidly, which burner should you use?33If the flame is too high.A gas is wastedB the pan is placed centrallyC the worktop is scorchedD it produces deposits34 A ‘moderate’ oven is … a ‘warm’ oven.A not as hot asB the equivalent ofC hotter thanD at the same time as35How long does it take the oven to become ‘very hot’?36When grilling food, the grill doorA must be kept openB must be set to ‘MAX’C must not overhang the sideD must be removed37Various dishes … be cooked at the same time in the oven.A mustB canC cannotD need to38What kind of utensils should not be kept in the storage drawer?39Which system of temperature is used on the oven control knob?40Cooking utensils may be made of a range of materials, but they must beA flammableB preheatedC steadyD ceramicUSING YOUR SCORPIO COOKER: USEFUL HINTSFollow these useful hints to obtain the best results when using your new SCORPIO cooker.Choice of burnerUse large burner to bring liquids to the boil quickly, brown meat and generally for all food that is cooked rapidly. Use small burners for stewed dishes and sauces.To conserve gas, place the pan centrally over the burner and adjust the flame so that it does not extend past the edges of the pan.Do not boil food too rapidly. A strong boil does not cook any faster but violently shakes up the food, which may then lose its taste.WRONG CORRECTflame too high – wastes gas f lame not past edges of pan – conserves gasUtensilsAll normally available utensils (aluminium, stainless steel, cast iron, ceramic, etc.) may be used on your new gas cooker, but ensure that they are steady, in order to avoid dangerous spill-over of hot liquids.Caution: Large UtensilsWhen a cooker is installed close to a worktop, ensure that whenever large utensils are used, they are placed so that they do not overhang the side of the hotplate, as this may cause scorching or charring of the worktop surface.Warning: Asbestos MatsDo not use asbestos mats as they tend to cause a temperature build-up which can damage the enamel.GrillerThe grill burner has variable settings, the high setting being denoted by ‘MAX’ and the low setting by ‘MIN’ on the griller control knob.Note: The grill door should be left open during grilling.OvenWhen using recipes that refer to temperatures in degrees Fahrenheit, the conversion scale located on the splashback will provide a ready means of finding the equivalent in degrees Celsius so that the oven control knob can readily be set to the correct temperature. This is the temperature on the second雅思基础阅读精讲班第6讲讲义段落主旨段落主旨掌握主旨:What :主旨=主题+方向+关系词(无词阅读法三要素)How :变速阅读=精读首句(主题+方向),浏览全段(关系词)图A :汉语族人的思维方式 图B :英语族人的思维方式Save the best for the last Say what you want to say, then say why基础阅读教材70页 Questions 13-18Look at the welcome letter to students. The text has 7 sections (1-7).Choose the most suitable heading for each section from the list of headings below. Write the appropriate numbers (i-x ) in boxes 13-18 on your answer sheet. Note: There are more headings than sections so you will not use all of them. Example Answer Section 1 vi13Section 214Section 315Section 416Section 517Section 618Section 7List of headingsclass. Arrange for a ‘study buddy’ to collect materials for you if you are absent. to develop the ability to work independently and to organise your time.fail.Students who pass the course will receive a certificate of achievement.v Financial5Paragraph Eassistancevi Special6Paragraph Fconsiderationvii University by-lawsviii Identificationix Study skillsworkshopsA There are two formal examination periods each year; first semester period beginning in June and the secondsemester period beginning in November. Additionally, individual departments may examine at other times aby various methods such as ‘take-home’ exams, assignments, orally, practical work and so on.B If you feel your performance in an examination has been adversely affected by illness or misadventure, youshould talk to the course Co-ordinator in your department and complete an appropriate form. Each case isconsidered on its own merits.C The University has arrangements with universities throughout the United States, Canada, Europe and Asiaschemes are open to undergraduate and postgraduate students and allow you to complete a semester or a yeayour degree overseas. The results you gain are credited towards your degree at this university. This offers anexciting and challenging way of broadening your horizons and enriching your academic experience in adifferent environment and culture.D Youth Allowance may be available to full-time students. Reimbursement of travel costs may also be availablin some cases. Postgra, duate research funds are offered for full-time study towards Masters by Research orPhD degrees. These are competitive and the closing date for applications is 31 October in the year prior to thone for which the funds are sought.E Your student card, obtained on completion of enrolment, is proof that you are enrolled. Please take special caof it and carry it with you when you’re at the university. You may be asked to show it to staff at any time. Thcard is also your discount card and access card for the Students’ Union as well as allowing you access to thelibrary.F The Union provides opportunities for a wide range of activities, from the production of films and plays, toconcerts and magazines, and even art and photo exhibitions. If you have a creative idea in mind, pick up a fofrom ACCESS on Level 3, Wandsworth Building.保 存 打 印 关 闭保 存 打 印 关 闭 雅思基础阅读精讲班第9讲讲义掌握段落主旨(三)巩固掌握段落主旨的两种方法复习前两讲掌握段落主旨的两种方法方法一:段落结构法1.总分——总分总2.分总——分总分3.对比——并列 优势:普遍性 劣势:没有简便性方法二:重复出现法 1.原词重复 2.同类词重复 3.指代重复 优势:简便性 劣势:没有普遍性Questions 1-9 基础阅读教材96页1 Paragraph B2 Paragraph C3 Paragraph D4 Paragraph E5 Paragraph FChanging our Understanding of HealthA The concept of health holds different meanings for different people and groups. These meanings of health have also changed over time. This change is no more evident than in Western society today, when notions of health and health promotion are being challenged and expanded in new ways.B For much of recent Western history, health has been viewed in the physical sense only. That is, good health has been connected to the smooth mechanical operation of the body, while ill health has been attributed to a breakdown in thismachine. Health in this sense has been defined as the absence of disease or illness and is seen in medical terms. According to this view, creating health for people means providing medical care to treat or prevent disease and illness. During this period, there was an emphasis on providing clean water, improved sanitation and housing.C In the late 1940s the World Health Organisation challenged this physically and medically oriented view of health. They stated that ’health is a complete state of physical, mental and social well-being and is not merely the absence of disease’ (WHO, 1946). Health and the person were seen more holistically (mind/ body/ spirit) and not just in physical terms.D The 1970s was a time of focusing on the prevention of disease and illness by emphasising the importance of the lifestyle and behaviour of the individual. Specific behaviours which were seen to increase risk of disease, such as smoking, lack of fitness and unhealthy eating habits, were targeted. Creating health meant providing not only medical health care, but health promotion programs and policies which would help people maintain healthy behaviours and lifestyles. While thisList of Headingsi Ottawa International Conference on Health Promotion ii Holistic approach to healthiii The primary importance of environmental factors iv Healthy lifestyles approach to healthv Changes in concepts of health in Western society vi Prevention of diseases and illness vii Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion viii Definition of health in medical terms ix Socio-ecological view of health Example Answer Paragraph A vG with relentless and cool-headed determination by an able and cohesive Government and civil service, and education has been at the heart of this.This has not only meant developing the skills needed by a fast-expanding company, it has also meant forming a cohesive, motivated citizenry out of an extremely multi-ethnic and multilingual population. In both these objectives, Singapore has been very successful. It is one of the fastest-growing economies and is ranked fourth in the world in gross domestic product per capita.H Policy-makers cannot hope to take policies from Singapore and make them work in Britain. However, two things can be learned. One is that, in certain environments at least, concerted and long-term planning can pay dividends. The other is that education is about more than improving economic competitiveness. Forming skills and forming citizens can go hand-in-hand.保 存 打 印 关 闭age profile.Section (iv)Overall, female students outnumbered male students in the survey. However, there were more males than females from four countries: Iran, Indonesia, Korea, and, to a lesser extent, China. Females accounted for 60% of students from Taiwan, Switzerland, and Japan. Gender differences concerning the responses to questions were noticed, but varied widely according to nationality.Section (v)A very high proportion (87%) of students had completed senior high school or better. Just under one-third had completed a university degree, and 5% had completed a postgraduate degree. Over a third had at least completed high school, and over 20% had completed a technical diploma or junior college.Students with a maximum middle school education formed less than 7% of all respondents, and came predominantly from Hong Kong, Indonesia, and Taiwan. Iranian students were among the highest educated, with more than half having already completed a postgraduate degree.Koreans. Thais. and Chinese were also particularly well educated, with over 60% of each national group having completed at least a first a university degree. Almost half of the Japanese and more than half of the Swiss respondents had completed education to senior high school level or less.Section (vi)While student visa holders took either 10-29 week or 40 week courses, most students on working holiday and tourist visas took courses of less than 10 weeks, or from 10 to 19 weeks in length.More than 50% of all students were taking courses of between 10 and 29 weeks, with the proportion fairly evenly divided between the 10-19 week and 20-29 week ranges. A large proportion of students were taking courses of at least 40 weeks in length, and only a few students indicated enrolment in courses shorter than 10 weeks.There were noticeable differences between nationalities, with Koreans, Japanese, and Taiwanese taking longer courses than other nationalities, and Swiss and other European students taking much shorter courses.Section (vii)Interest in further education differed significantly from country to country. Students from Iran (94.8%), Hong Kong (88.7%), China (88.4%), Thailand (88.3%), and Indonesia (85.4%) registered high levels of interest, whereas lower interest was shown by respondents from JapanThe Nature of DisputesTo resolve a dispute means to turn opposing positions into a single outcome. The two parties may choose to focus their attention on one or more of three basic factors. They may seek to (1) reconcile their interests, (2) determine who is right, and/or (3) determine who is more powerful.Section AInterests are needs, desires, concerns, fears – the things one cares about or wants. They provide the foundation for a person’s or an organisation’s position in a dispute. In a dispute, not only do the interests of one party not coincide with those of the other party, but they are in conflict. For example, the director of sales for an electronics company gets into a dispute with the director of manufacturing over the number of TV models to produce. The director of sales wants to produce more models because her interest is in selling TV sets; more models mean more choice for consumers and hence increased sales. The director of manufacturing, however, wants to produce fewer models. His interest is in decreasing manufacturing costs and more models mean higher costs. Section BReconciling such interests is not easy. It involves probing for deeply rooted concerns, devising creative solutions, and making trade-offs and compromises where interests are opposed. The most common procedure for doing this is negotiation, the act of communication intended to reach agreement. Another interests-based procedure is mediation, in which a third party assists the disputants, the two sides in the dispute, in reaching agreement.Section CBy no means do all negotiations (or mediations) focus on reconciling interests. Some negotiations focus on determining who is right, such as when two lawyers argue about whose case has the greater merit. Other negotiations focus on determining who is more powerful, such as when quarrelling neighbours or nations exchange threats and counter threats. Often negotiations involve a mix of all three – some attempts to satisfy interests, some discussion of rights, and some references to relative power.Section DIt is often complicated to attempt to determine who is right in a dispute. Although it is usually straightforward where rights are formalised in law, other rights take the form of unwritten but socially accepted standards of behaviour, such as reciprocity, precedent, equality, and seniority.There are often different – and sometimes contradictory – standards that apply to rights, Reaching agreement on rights, where the outcome will determine who gets what, can often be so difficult that the parties frequently turn to a third party to determine who is right. The most typical rights procedure is adjudication, in which disputants present evidence and arguments to a neutral third party who has the power to make a decisioncreating works of art. ‘I didn’t sell a piece of glass until 1975,’ Dale Chihuly said, smiling, for in the 18 years since the end of the dry spell, he has become one of the most financially successful artists of the 20th century. He now has a newcommission – a glass sculpture for the headquarters building of a pizza company – for which his fee is half a million dollars.D But not all the glass technology that touches our lives is ultra-modern. Consider thesimple light bulb; at the turn of the century most light bulbs were hand blown, and the cost of one was equivalent to half a day’s pay for the average worker. In effect, the invention of the ribbon machine by Corning in the 1920s lighted a nation. The price of a bulb plunged. Small wonder that the machine has been called one of the great mechanical achievements of all time. Yet it is very simple: a narrow ribbon of molten glass travels over a moving belt of steel in which there are holes. The glass sags through the holes and into waiting moulds. Puffs of compressed air then shape the glass. In this way, the envelope of a light bulb is made by a single machine at the rate of 66,000 an hour, as compared with 1,200 a day produced by a team of four glassblowers.E The secret of the versatility of glass lies in its interior structure. Although it is rigid,and thus like a solid, the atoms are arranged in a random disordered fashion,characteristic of a liquid. In the melting process, the atoms in the raw materials are disturbed from their normal position in the molecular structure; before they can find their way back to crystalline arrangements the glass cools. This looseness inmolecular structure gives the material what engineers call tremendous ‘formability’ which allows technicians to tailor glass to whatever they need.F Today, scientists continue to experiment with new glass mixtures and buildingdesigners test their imaginations with applications of special types of glass. ALondon architect, Mike Davies, sees even more dramatic buildings using molecular chemistry. ‘Glass is the great building material of the future, the “dynamic skin”, ’he said. ‘Think of glass that has been treated to react to electric currents goingthrough it, glass that will change from clear to opaque at the push of a button, that gives you instant curtains. Think of how the tall buildings in New York couldperform a symphony of colours as the glass in them is made to change coloursinstantly.’ Glass as instant curtains is available now, but the cost is exorbitant. As for the glass changing colours instantly, that may come true. Mike Davies’s vision may indeed be on the way to fulfillmentAdapted from ‘Glass:Capturing the Dance of Light’by William S. Elis,National Geographic。


阅读的词汇量要求最大,熟 练度较低
听力结束后开始,1小时时间 阅读量:3篇文章,共2000-2750词 文章来源:报纸,书籍,杂志,学术期刊。至少一篇议论文 假设口语速度为125 Words/分钟,仅仅看完以上3篇文章就需要20
Lesson 1 简介
雅思阅读考试与题型分析 试题拆解与攻略 试题常见陷阱与分析2雅思阅读考试与题型分析



雅思5.5根底阅读课程讲义UNIT 1 Education (3)UNIT 2 Food (5)UNIT 3 Health (8)UNIT 4 Media (10)Locating Information (15)UNIT 5 Practice 1 (18)UNIT 6 Advertising (20)UNIT 7 Learning to Speak (29)Summary Completion (31)UNIT 8 The Environment (31)Short Answers (34)UNIT 9 Sponsorship in Sport (34)UNIT 10 Practice 2 (39)Flowchart-Timeline Completion (41)UNIT 11 Transport (41)UNIT 12 Travel (49)UNIT 13 Technology (56)Labelling a Diagram (58)Unit14 Money (59)UNIT 15 Practice 3 (66)Multiple Choice (68)Labelling a Diagram (71)UNIT 17 Social Issues (72)IELTS Type Questions: Reading: for Details and for Main Ideas (74)Table Completion (74)UNIT 20 Practice 4 (80)Note Completion (82)UNIT 1 EducationEducation over the past 100 yearsAThe education of our young people is one of the most important aspects of any community, and ideas about what and how to teach reflect the accepted attitudes and unspoken beliefs of society. These ideas change as local customs and attitudes change, and these changes are reflected in the curriculum, teaching and assessment methods and the expectations of how both students and teachers should behave.词汇讲解:curriculum n. 教学大纲;reflect v. 反映;反射;assessment n. 评价;BTeaching in the late 1800s and early 1900s was very different from today. Rules for teachers at the time in the USA covered both the teacher's duties and their conduct out of class as well. Teachers at that time were expected to set a good example to their pupils and to behave in a very virtuous and proper manner. Women teachers should not marry, nor shou ld they ‘keep company with men.' They had to wear long dresses and no bright colours and they were not permitted to dye their hair. They were not allowed to loiter downtown in an ice cream store, and women were not allowed to go out in the evenings unless to a school function, although men were allowed one evening a week to take their girlfriends out if they went to church regularly. No teachers were allowed to drink alcohol. They were allowed to read only good books such as the Bible, and they were given a pay increase of 25c a week after five years of work for the local school.词汇讲解:manner n. 行为守那么;be expected to:被预期…表示将来时:be expected tobe predicted tobe perspective toCAs well as this long list of ‘dos' and ‘don'ts,' teachers had certain duties to perform each day. In country schools, teachers were required to keep the coal bucket full for the classroom fire, and to bring a bucket of water each day for the children to drink. They had to make the pens for their students to write with and to sweep the floor and keep the classroom tidy. However, despite this list of duties, little was stipulated about the content of the teaching, nor about assessment methods.DTeachers would have been expected to teach the three ‘r’s—reading, writing and arithmetic, and to teach the children about Christianity and read from the Bible every day. Education in those days was much simpler than it is today and covered basic literacy skills and religious education. They would almost certainly have used corporal punishment such as a stick or the strap on naughty or unruly children, and the children would have sat together in pairs in long rows in the classroom. They would have been expected to sit quietly and to do their work, copying long rows of letters or doing basic maths sums. Farming children in country areas would have had only a few years of schooling and would probably have left school at 12 or 14 years of age to join their parents in farm work.词汇讲解:arithmetic:算数;literacy:文学,阅读;religious:的;discrimination:歧视;religious discrimination:歧视。


雅思阅读考试概述 雅思阅读题型解析与技巧 雅思阅读文章类型及应对策略 雅思阅读词汇和语法要点 雅思阅读备考策略与建议



雅思阅读基本技能及猜测词义解析一、基本阅读技能1. 成组视读 P21,(par. 1)“意群”(thought / sense group):视线停留一次可看到具有逻辑意义的一组单词,这种有意义的语法结构叫“意群” .阅读时人的眼睛不是持续的移动,而是跳跃式移动,94%的时间眼睛是静止的,6%的时间在跳跃。


2. 略读(P114-116),Quenching the Poor‘s Thirst for Knowledge +题快速浏览全文的阅读方法目的:(1)了解文章的主题;(2)对文章的结构获得一个整体概念;(3)对各部分的内容获得一个粗略印象;(4)对文章主旨做出判断。

对象:文章的标题、开始段、结束段、每段的段首句和结尾句3. 寻读(P76-79)指以问题为线索、带着问题去寻找某一特定信息的阅读要领:1、确定哪方面的事实和细节2、确定到什么地方去找3、扫过文章4、找到地方后详读5、适当地推理二、猜测词义1、词汇线索:前缀、后缀、词干e.g. Most flags have a compact, rectangular shape and instinct visual symbolism. Their strong colors and geometric patterns are usually instantly recognizable even if miniaturized to less than a square centimeter.The word miniaturized in the passage is closest in meaning to _____.A. publicizedB. coloredC. made brighterD. made smaller2. 结构线索1)定义(be)e.g. The Celtic religion centered on the worship of a pantheon of nature deities. Their religious ceremonies included animal sacrifices and various forms of magic. Druids were the priests who led the people in this highly ritualistic worship…The word Druids in the passage is closest in meaning to _____.A. deitiesB. CeremoniesC. SacrificesD. priests2)同义词/解释(and / or)e.g. In accordance with many psychologist, phobias, or irrational fears represent,are symbolic of repressedanxiety.The word phobia in the passage is closest in meaning to _____.A. psychologistB. fearC. symbolD. treatment3)同位语(,)e.g. It is believed to have originated among the Egyptians, probably before 4000B.C., and was used by them for more than 30 centuries. Seventeenth-century attempts to preserve anatomical specimens brought about modern techniques of embalming, the preservation of the body tissue after death by artificial chemical means.The word embalming in the passage is closest in meaning to _____.A. death by a chemical meansB. the preservation of body tissueC. a common agent related to formaldehydeD. the replacement of body fluids4)从句e.g. The Pueblo Indians are those who dwell in pueblos,a name derived from the Spanish word for village. The pueblo is usually built against the face of a cliff and generally consists of connected houses rising in a series of receding terraces. The roof of one house is the yard or patio of the next house. The kiva, where Pueblo Indians hold their secret ceremonies,is entered by an opening in the roof…The word kiva in the passage is closest in meaning to_____. (印第安人举行宗教仪式、开会、工作、休息等用的大圆屋)A. patioB. ceremonial room5)罗列()e.g. If someone is said to have “a chip on his shoulder”, he is angry, pugnacious, sullen, and looking for trouble.The word pugnacious in the passage is closest in meaning to _____.A. friendlyB. aggressiveC. sociableD. responsible6)举例(like, such as, for example, for instance)e.g. However, for outdoor enthusiasts who want to get far from civilization, choosing camping paraphernalia such as tents,sleeping bags,cooking implements and other supplies should be done with care.The word paraphernalia in the passage is closest in meaning to _____.A. friendlyB. aggressiveC. sociableD. responsible7)对比/比较(but, however, whereas, on the other hand,despite,in spite of ,or,rather,alternatively,nevertheless,unlike,while,conversely,in contrast,instead, on the contrary, differently)e.g. The campanile is chiefly a medieval form of Italian architecture. Built in connection with a church or town hall,it served as a belfry, watchtower, and sometimes a civilmonument. Unlike other bell towers that are attached to buildings, the campanile generally stand s as detached unit.The word campanile in the passage is closest in meaning to _____.A. churchB. town hallC. towerD. unit8)标点符号(,-()‘’“”[])e.g. At the age of 19, Galileo discovered isochronism—the principle in which each oscillation of a pendulum takes the same time despite changes in amplitude.The word campanile in the passage is closest in meaning to _____.A. a principleB. an oscillationC. a pendulumD. an amplitude9)指代关系e.g. Many weeds are also hosts for disease-causing organisms. At least 50 different weed species fight off competitors by emitting toxins from their roots, leaves,or seeds. These poisons do their work in a variety of ways,such as inhibiting germination of seeds and destroying photosynthesis abilities.The word toxins in the passage is closest in meaning to _____.A. rootsB. LeavesC. SeedsD. poisons10)关键词e.g. … nonresidential design concerns public spaces such as concert hall, banks, offices, building lobbies, theater,restaurants, hotels, and religious buildings. Many contract designers specialize in one or more of these areas. Accessories add interest to a room. They can accent or highlight an area and give a room beauty and personality.The word accessories in the passage is closest in meaning to _____.A. things that build a houseB. things that destroy a roomC. things that improve a roomD. things that coat a house。

雅思阅读讲义 强化技巧与陷阱分析

雅思阅读讲义 强化技巧与陷阱分析










雅思精讲阅读班精讲班第7讲讲义Questions 22-24What is a dinosaur?A. Although the name dinosaur is derived from the Greek for “terrible lizard”, dinosaurs were not, in fact,lizards at all. Like lizards, dinosaurs are included in the class Reptilia, or reptiles, one of the five main classes of Vertebrata, animals with backbones. However, at the next level of classification, within reptiles, significant differences in the skeletal anatomy of lizards and dinosaurs have led scientists to place these groups of animals into two different superorders: Lepidosauria, or lepidosaurs, and Archosauria, or archosaurs.B. Classified as lepidosaurs are lizards and snakes and their prehistoric ancestors. Included among the archosaurs, or “ruling reptiles”, are prehistoric and modern crocodiles, and the now extinct thecondonts, pterosaurs and dinosaurs. Paleontologists believe that both dinosaurs and crocodiles evolved, in the later years of the Triassic Period (c. 248-208 million years ago), from creatures called pseudosuchian thecodonts. Lizards, snakes and different types of thecondont are believed to have evolved earlier in the Triassic Period from reptiles known as eosuchians.C. The most important skeletal differences between dinosaurs and other archosaurs are in the bones of the skull, pelvis and limbs. Dinosaur skulls are found in a great range of shapes and sizes, reflecting the different eating habits and lifestyles of a large and varied group of animals that dominated life on Earth for an extraordinary 165 million years. However, unlike the skulls of any other known animals, the skulls of dinosaurs had two long bones known as vomers. These bones extended on either side of the head, from the front of the snout to the level of the holes in the skull known as the antorbital fenestra, situated in front of the dinosaur’s orbits or eyesockets.D. All dinosaurs, whether large or small, quadrupedal or bipedal, fleet-footed or slow-moving, shared a common body plan. Identification of this plan makes it possible to differentiate dinosaurs from any other types of animal, even other archosaurs. Most significantly, in dinosaurs, the pelvis and femur had evolved so that the hind limbs were held vertically beneath the body, rather than sprawling out to the sides like the limbs of a lizard. The femur of a dinosaur had a sharply in-turned neck and a ball-shaped head, which slotted into a fully open acetabulum or hip socket. A supra-acetabular crest helped prevent dislocation of the femur. The position of the knee joint, aligned below the acetabulum, made it possible for the whole hind limb to swing backwards and forwards. This unique combination of features gave dinosaurs what is know as a “fully improved gait”. Evolution of this highly efficient method of walking also developed in mammals,but among reptiles it occurred only in dinosaurs.E. For the purpose of further classification, dinosaurs are divided into two orders: Saurischia, or saurischian dinosaurs, and Ornithischia, or ornithischian dinosaurs. This division is made on the basis of their pelvic anatomy. All dinosaurs had a pelvic girdle with each side comprised of three bones: the pubis, llium and ischium. However, the orientation of these bones follows one of two patterns. In saurischian dinosaurs, also known as lizard-hipped dinosaurs, the pubis points forwards, as is usual in most types of reptile. By contrast, in ornithischian, or bird-hipped, dinosaurs, the pubis points backwards towards the rear of the animal, which is also true of birds.(26F. Of the two orders of dinosaurs, the Saurischia was the larger and the first to evolve. It is divided into two suborders: Therapoda, or therapods, and Sauropodomorpha, or sauropodomorphs. The therapods, or “beast feet”, were bipedal, predatory carnivores. They ranged in size from the mighty Tyrannosaurus rex, 12m long, 5.6m tall and weighing as estimated 6.4 tonnes, to the smallest known dinosaur, Compsognathus, a mere 1.4m long and estimated 3kg in weight when fully grown. The sauropodomorphs, or “lizard feet forms”, included both bipedal and quandrupedal dinosaurs. Some sauropodomorphs were carnivorous or omnivorous but later species were typically herbivorous. They included some of the largest and best-known of all dinosaurs, such as Diplodocus, a huge quadruped with an elephant-like body, a long, thin tail and neck that gave it a total length of 27m, and a tiny head.G. Ornithischia dinosaurs were bipedal or quadrupedal herbivores. They are now usually divided into three suborders: Ornithipoda, Thyreophora and Marginocephalia. The ornithopods, or “bird feet”, both large and small, could walk or run on their long hind legs, balancing their body by holding their tails stiffly off the ground behind them. An example is lguanodon, up to 9m long, 5m tall and weighing 4.5 tonnes. The thyreophorans, or “shield bearers”, also known as armoured dinosaurs, were quadrupeds with rows of protective bony spikes, studs, or plates along their backs and tails. They included Stegosaurus, 9m long and weighing 2 tonnes.H. The marginocephalians, or “margined heads”, were bipedal or quadrupedal ornithischians with a deep bony frill or narrow shelf at the back of the skull. An example is Triceratops a rhinoceros-like dinosaur, 9m long, weighing 5.4 tonnes and bearing a prominent neck frill and three large horns.Questions 22-24Complete the sentences below. Use NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the passage for each blank space.Write your answers in Boxes 22-24 on your answer sheet.22.Lizards and dinosaurs are classified into two different superorders because of the difference intheir .23. In the Triassic period, evolved into thecondonts, for example, lizards and snakes.24.Dinosaur skulls differed from those of any other known animals because of the presence o .f vomers:。


Q: Which place felt the change most dramatically?
7. Although the world regards Asia as the focus of an economic and industrial miracle, without adequate supplies of food, Lampe says, chaos could easily result in many countries?
Q: What ejected the shattered summit?
7.Between 1954 and 1963, an esitmated 10 million Americans were infected with SV40, an apparently harmless monkey virus borne〔负载〕 as a silent passenger by both Salk’s and Sabin’s polio〔小儿麻 痹〕 vaccines.
The community of some languages is busy trying to care about their language.
5. What is astonishing, however, is the way in which people treat deception.
题目中关键词的类别: 1.大写〔斜体〕:人名,地名,机构名,特殊称谓,
作品名 2.数字:年代,钱数,年龄, 其他数量 3.特殊符号:" " -- 〔 〕: 4.同义对应词 5.同根词 6.题干中心词 注:关键词必须具有特殊性,便于定位

2019-2020-雅思考试阅读复习全面指南二word版本 (2页)

2019-2020-雅思考试阅读复习全面指南二word版本 (2页)

2019-2020-雅思考试阅读复习全面指南二word版本本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==雅思考试阅读复习全面指南二猜测词义1、词汇线索:前缀、后缀、词干e . g . Most flags have a compact , rectangular shape and instinct visual symbolism . Their strong colors and geometric patterns are usually instantly recognizable even if miniaturized to less than a square centimeter .The word miniaturized in the passage is closest in meaning to _____.A . publicizedB . coloredC . made brighterD . made smaller2. 结构线索1)定义e . g . The Celtic religion centered on the worship of a pantheon of nature deities . Their religious ceremonies included animal sacrifices and various forms of magic . Druids were the priests who led the people in this highly ritualistic worshipThe word Druids in the passage is closest in meaning to _____.A . deitiesB . ceremoniesC . sacrifices。

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C: 特殊优先:数字(百分比、温度、 货币符号)、大写字母(时间、地 点 、专有名词)
2)文章的主题词,包括文章标题出 现的词和与标题内容相关的词
占所有false题概率 相对难度
原文:Those confined to particular geographical areas, such as countries bordering the Mediterranean or the Nordic countries therefore had to be discarded.
题目:The international society has often criticized the Internet because it is not safe.
原文:It has been proved that a rapid response leads to a great likelihood of arrest only if it is 1-2 minutes after a call is received by police. When the response time increases to 3-4 minutes, the likelihood of an arrest is substantially reduced.
Sentences Reading
从句连接词 修饰成份
That, which, who等 分词 动词不定式等
主语很长 Many theories concerning the causes of juvenile delinquency focus either on the individual or on society as the major contributing influence.
weaken, broaden, widen, shorten
purify, intensify, signify, simplify, classify, identify
dentist, feminist, arsonist, chemist, physicist,
conclusion, expression, discussion, expansion
audible, eligible, terrible, horrible
beautiful, wonderful. Helpful, grateful,colorful
refusal, arrival, survival, denial
genetics, physics, linguistics, aeronautics, athletics,
countless, stainless, wireless, useless, flawless, effortless
关注but,however, yet, on the other hand, whereas,
nonetheless, nevertheless
等转折处。 关注,suggest,reveal,unveil,argue,
assume,define,represent,oppose等词后 面的宾语从句。
Other identifiable causes of offensive acts include frustration or failure in school, the increased availability of drugs and alcohol, and the growing incidence of child abuse and child neglect.
insistence, dependence, residence, influence, obedience
opportunism, Confucianism, Buddhism, hedonism, idealism
boyhood ,manhood, adulthood, womanhood, bachelorhood
雅思阅读分类 A 类 vs. G 类
文章 题目数 做题时间 文章内容 文章长短
3篇学术类 40题 60minutes 除政治、宗教
4篇生活化小文章和1篇 学术类大文章
广告,使用说明,学校 规定,服务类
1. 词汇 2. 细节查找能力 3. 同义转换 4. 段落、篇章结构
active, impressive, decisive, respective, affirmative
movable, applicable, understandable
modernize, westernize, mechanize, realize
To make a prediction about extinction we need to understand the processes that can contribute to it and these fall into four broad categories which are discussed below.
Un: unbreakable, unalterable, unashamed
aerobics, aerobatics, aerospace
Exclude, expel, exhale, external, exterior, extend
submarine, subtitle, subdue, submerge, submission
postwar, postdate, postmodern, postposition, postscript
hyperactive, hypertension
monotone, monorail, monarch
demography, photography, calligraphy, biography
Vocabulary Enlarging. synonyms Learning Sentence Reading. Paragraph Reading. Article Reading. Key words and relational words.
Vocabulary Learning
题目:A delay of 1-2 minutes in response may have substantial influence on whether or not a suspected criminal is caught.
定位词Key words
原文:…biological control, involving the selective use of natural enemies of the pest population…
题目:Problems in Nordic countries were excluded because they are outside the European Economic Community.
descend, degrade, deforest, depress, depart, deteriorate
Extra: extra time, extravagant, extravert, extracurricular
Supernatural, supersonic, supervision, superficial
antibody, anti-bacterial, anticlockwise, antioxidant
nonviolence, nonperson, nonfiction, nonpartisan, nonfiction
Impartial, immortal, immature, immigrant, imperil impersonate instable, inadequate, inborn, irresponsible, irrational, illegal, illegible
When we talk about someone’s personality, we mean the ways in which he or she acts, speaks, thinks and feels that make that individual different from others.
同义词设计 同义词组 句子的转换