

ABB ControlMaster CM10、CM30、CM50和CM15零件列表说明书

ABB ControlMaster CM10、CM30、CM50和CM15零件列表说明书

—A B B M E A SU R EM ENT A N D A N A LY TI C S | PA RTS LIS T | PL/CM -EN R E V NControlMaster CM10, CM30, CM50 and CM15Universal process controllers and indicator Spare partsMeasurement made easyIntroductionThis parts list contains exploded diagrams of the ControlMaster universal process controllers and indicator for easy identification of spare parts.—SalesService2CO NTRO LM A S TE R CM10, CM30, CM50 A N D CM15 SPA R E PA RTS | PL/CM R E V. N —Parts identificationCM10Figure 1 Identification of parts — CM103 CO NTRO LM A S TE R CM10, CM30, CM50 A N D CM15 SPA R E PA RTS | PL/CM R E V. NItem No.Description Part number 1Snap rivet B11780 2Battery B12792 3Type 1 function key (including items 1, 2, and 4)CM30/0706 4Function key support CM30/01205Mainboard CM30/0701 Mainboard (24 V DC)CM30/07026RS485 communications module upgrade kit CM30/0708 Ethernet communications module upgrade kit CM30/07097Option board 1a (1 relay)CM30/0703 Option board 1 (1 analog O/P, 2 digital I/O and 3 relays)CM30/07048Single panel clamp assembly CM10/0711 9Case moulding CM10/0056 10Thermistor assembly CM30/0052 11Panel seal CM10/0106 12Terminal cover CM10/0115 13Ethernet cable assembly CM30/0070P 14Bezel release tool CM30/0114 15Snap rivet B12722 16Bezel seal (including display dust gasket)CM10/0105 17Switch extender CM10/0107 18Bezel CM10/005319Membrane overlay CM10/0180 Membrane overlay (blank)CM10/018120O-ring B12794 21Light guide CM30/0112 22Display and processor board assembly CM10/0700Key to Figure 14CO NTRO LM A S TE R CM10, CM30, CM50 A N D CM15 SPA R E PA RTS | PL/CM R E V. N —...Parts identificationCM15Figure 2 Identification of parts – CM155 CO NTRO LM A S TE R CM10, CM30, CM50 A N D CM15 SPA R E PA RTS | PL/CM R E V. NItem No.Description Part number1Membrane overlay CM15/0180 Membrane overlay blank CM15/01812O-ring B12794 3Bezel moulding (including display dust gasket)CM15/0053 4Light guide CM30/0112 5Bezel seal CM10/0105 6Switch extender CM15/0107 7Display and processor board assembly CM15/0700 8Snap rivet B12722 9Type 1 function key (including items 11, 12 and 13)CM30/0706 10Type 2 function key CM30/0707 11Function key support CM30/0120 12Snap rivet B11780 13Battery B1279214Mainboard CM30/0701 Mainboard (24 V DC)CM30/070215Single panel clamp assembly CM10/0711 16Terminal cover CM10/0115 17Ethernet cable assembly CM30/0070P 18Panel seal CM10/0106 19Thermistor assembly CM30/0052 20Case assembly CM10/005621RS485 communications module upgrade kit CM30/0708 Ethernet communications module upgrade kit CM30/070922Option board 1a (1 relay)CM30/0703 Option board 1 (1 analog O/P, 2 digital I/O and 3 relays)CM30/070423Bezel release tool CM30/0114 Key to Figure 26CO NTRO LM A S TE R CM10, CM30, CM50 A N D CM15 SPA R E PA RTS | PL/CM R E V. N —...Parts identificationCM30Figure 3 Identification of parts – CM307 CO NTRO LM A S TE R CM10, CM30, CM50 A N D CM15 SPA R E PA RTS | PL/CM R E V. NItem No.Description Part number 1Snap rivet B11780 2Battery B12792 3Type 1 function key (including items 1, 2 and 5)CM30/0706 4Type 2 function key CM30/0707 5Function key support CM30/01206Mainboard CM30/0701 Mainboard (24 V DC)CM30/07027RS485 communications module upgrade kit CM30/0708 Ethernet communications module upgrade kit CM30/07098Option board 1a (1 relay)CM30/0703 Option board 1 (1 analog O/P, 2 digital I/O and 3 relays)CM30/07049Option board 2 (2 analog I/P and 4 digital I/O)CM30/0705 10Single panel clamp assembly CM30/0711 11Terminal cover CM30/0115 12Panel seal CM30/0106 13Thermistor assembly CM30/0052 14Ethernet cable assembly CM30/0070P 15Case assembly CM30/0056 16Bezel release tool CM30/0114 17Snap rivet B12722 18Bezel seal CM30/0105 19Switch extender CM30/0107 20Bezel assembly (including display dust gasket)CM30/005321Membrane overlay CM30/0180 Membrane overlay blank CM30/018122O-ring B12794 23Light guide CM30/0112 24Display and processor assembly CM30/0700Key to Figure 38CO NTRO LM A S TE R CM10, CM30, CM50 A N D CM15 SPA R E PA RTS | PL/CM R E V. N —...Parts identificationCM50Figure 4 Identification of parts – CM509 CO NTRO LM A S TE R CM10, CM30, CM50 A N D CM15 SPA R E PA RTS | PL/CM R E V. NItem No.Description Part number 1Type 1 function key (including items 2, 3 and 5)CM30/0706 2Snap rivet B11780 3Battery B12792 4Type 2 function key CM30/0707 5Function key support CM30/01206Mainboard CM50/0701 Mainboard (24 V DC)CM50/07027RS485 communications module upgrade kit CM30/0708 Ethernet communications module upgrade kit CM30/07098Option board 1 (2 analog I/P, 4 digital I/O, 1 analog O/P and 2 relays)CM50/0703 9Single panel clamp assembly CM30/0711 10Case assembly CM50/0056 11Panel seal CM50/0106 12Terminal cover CM50/0115 13Thermistor assembly CM30/0052 14Ethernet cable assembly CM30/0070P 15Bezel release tool CM30/0114 16Snap rivet B12722 17Display and processor board assembly CM50/0700 18Bezel seal CM50/0105 19Switch extender CM30/0107 20Bezel moulding (including display dust gasket)CM50/005321Membrane overlay CM50/0180 Membrane overlay blank CM50/018122O-ring B12794 23Light guide CM30/0112Key to Figure 410CO NTRO LM A S TE R CM10, CM30, CM50 A N D CM15 SPA R E PA RTS | PL/CM R E V. N—Service / Upgrade kitsCommonDescription Part number Type 1 function key upgrade kit CM30/0706 Type 2 function key upgrade kit CM30/0707 Rs485 communications upgrade kit CM30/0708 Ethernet communications upgrade kit CM30/0709 ConfigPilot PC configuration kit CM30/0715 IrDA bracket CM30/0716CM10, CM15 and CM30Description Part number Main board replacement kit CM30/0701 Main board replacement kit (24 V DC)CM30/0702 Option board 1a – single relay option upgrade kit CM30/0703 Option board 1 – 1 analog O/P, 2 digital I/O and 3 relay option upgrade kit CM30/0704CM10 and CM15Description Part number DIN rail mounting kit CM10/0715 Single panel clamp assembly CM10/0711CM30 and CM50Description Part number Single panel clamp assembly CM30/0711CM10Description Part number Display and processor board replacement kit CM10/0700CM15Description Part number Display and processor board replacement kit CM15/0700CM30Description Part number Display and processor board replacement kit CM30/0700 Option board 2 – 2 analog I/P and 4 digital I/O CM30/0705CM50Description Part number Display and processor board replacement kit CM50/0700 Main board replacement kit CM50/0701 Main board replacement kit (24 V DC)CM50/0702 Option board 1– 2 analog I/P, 1 analog O/P, 4 digital I/O and 2 relay option upgrade kit CM50/070311 CO NTRO LM A S TE R CM10, CM30, CM50 A N D CM15 SPA R E PA RTS | PL/CM R E V. NManualsDescription Part number User manual (base functionality) – CM10, CM30 and CM50IM/CM/B-EN User manual (standard functionality) – CM10, CM30 and CM50IM/CM/S-EN User manual (extended / dual functionality) – CM30 and CM50IM/CM/ED-EN User manual (indicator functionality) – CM15IM/CM/I-EN Communications supplement – CM10, CM15, CM30 and CM50IM/CM/C-EN PackagingDescription Part number CM30 and CM50 outer box CM30/0008 CM30 and CM50 outer box (unprinted)CM30/0009 CM30 and CM50 internal insert CM30/0010 CM10 and CM15 outer box CM10/0008 CM10 and CM15 outer box (unprinted)CM10/0009P L /C M R e v . N 05.2023—ABB Measurement & Analytics For your local ABB contact, visit:/contactsFor more product information, visit:/measurement—We reserve the right to make technical changes or modify the contents of this document without prior notice. With regard to purchase orders, the agreed particulars shall prevail. ABB does not accept any responsibility whatsoever for potential errors or possible lack of information in this document.We reserve all rights in this document and in the subject matter and illustrations contained therein. Any reproduction, disclosure to third parties or utilization of its contents – in whole or in parts – is forbidden without prior written consent of ABB.©ABB 2023All rights reserved.。

ABB 产品信息说明书

ABB 产品信息说明书

To carry the ‘Industrial IT Enabled’ sym-bol, all current and new ABB products are tested and certified at one of four levels. The lowest level (level 0) speci-fies a base set of information available for every Industrial IT product or appli-cation, and the higher levels define capabilities that allow interaction with other products or in system configura-tions. Today, more than 36,000 ABB products are at least level 0 certified. To become what is officially known as Industrial IT Level 0: Information Enabled, a product must have the following characteristics or Aspects: Product identificationProduct documentation:1.Product data sheet or technicalreference manual2.Installation and commissioningmanual3.Application manual4.Operating manual5.Maintenance and service manual6.Declaration of conformity regard-ing CE marking7.Environmental product declaration8.Environmental informationCAD dataTechnical data and product classifica-tionAll this product information is collectedand stored in one file as an AspectFrame Work (AFW) file. The .afw exten-sion denotes a proprietary file formatthat is designed to encapsulate AspectObjects1)for use in distributing productinformation (Level 0 Enabled products).The above-mentioned Aspects andAspect Objects are used by ABB tomodel all information about productsand processes. The Aspect Objects arecreated, changed and displayed using acommon ABB architecture called theAspect Integrator Platform, or AIP.However, many potential customers oflevel 0 Industrial IT certified productsdo not have AIP already installed andwould not be able to access the AFWfile. A small, easy-to-use tool was there-fore required – the Industrial IT equiva-lent of the Acrobat Reader – that wouldallow viewing and navigation of AFWfiles without the need to install AIP. Inaddition, it should serve as an impor-tant marketing tool and appetizer forABB’s Aspect Object platform.Scientists from ABB’s Polish and Ger-man research centers, together withIndustrial IT experts in Sweden, devel-oped an Aspect Object Viewer (AOV)in response to this need. This verycompact (approximately 8-MB) applica-tion is smaller than the Acrobat Readerprogram and permits viewing of AFWfiles using navigation methods verysimilar to the plant explorer, but oper-ates fully independent of AIP software.Under the name Inform IT Aspect ObjectViewer, the project was completed insix months and version 1 was releasedfor external distribution in January2003. An upgraded version 2.1 wasreleased in September with the follow-ing new features:Support for bookmark AspectFile association – assumes AOV asthe default application for viewingAFW filesAutomatic upgrade – automaticallyremoves the previous version of AOVDescriptive error messages – formore understandable messages whensomething goes wrongSearch function – for searching forobject propertiesTwo ABB businesses are already usingAOV. The low voltage business hasproduced a CD cataloging its circuit-breakers, electrical relays and controlproducts. Each CD now contains AOVto allow viewing of product informa-tion. Since the middle of 2003, thepower transformer business has madeAOV available to customers as part ofthe Aspect Object information distrib-uted with products certified to Level 0.Inform IT Aspect Object Viewer –the Industrial ITequivalent of Adobe AcrobatMarkus GreinerCorporate ResearchABB Switzerland*********************.com 1)The Industrial IT concept defines the collection of information required to support each plant component as an Aspect Object TM– containing all the characteristics – or Aspects of the device.An ABB collaboration has resulted in an improved programming method that not only speeds up the programming of robot automation tasks, but also opens up areas for automation that are presently inaccessible due to traditional programming being too complex and taking too long in relation to production time.ABB robots have to be extremely versa-tile. Used across almost the whole of in-dustry for tasks ranging from automated assembly and materials handling to arc-welding, every extra ounce of versatility added to them can significantly increase their range of application. As a robot is essentially a moving object, spatial in-formation has to be conveyed accurately and reliably to it. Adding flexibility therefore makes traditional program-ming more complex and time-consum-ing. The advantages to be gained fromfinding new, alternative methods of re-laying information fast (and accurately)to the robot make this field of researchas challenging as it is interesting.With robots playing an ever more im-portant role in our everyday lives, theidea that humans should be able tocommunicate with them using methodsas close as possible to those they use tocommunicate with each other is gainingmomentum. Communication amonghumans is multi-modal (ie, a combina-tion of gesture and speech) and oftenintuitive, and institutions like CarnegieMellon University (CMU) have used thisidea to increase human-machine inter-action. As a world leader in industrialrobot technology, ABB is benefitingfrom this experience by working to-gether with the Advanced MechatronicsLaboratory at CMU on a project whichuses the idea of the human arm andhand gestures as a natural way toconvey spatial information – in otherwords, gesture-based programming.ABB’s approach is backed up by Pro-fessor Pradeep Khosla, head of the AMLand Electrical and Computer Engineer-ing Department at CMU when he says,“As robots enter the human environ-ment and come into contact with inex-perienced users, they need to be ableto interact with the users in an intuitiveway. The keyboard and mouse are nolonger acceptable as the only meansof input.”Gesture-based programmingin a nutshellCMU has been working in the area ofgesture-based programming (GBP) formany years now. The goal of GBP is toprovide a more natural environmentfor the user, and to generate morecomplete and successful programs byfocusing on task experts rather thanprogramming experts.The process begins with a persondemonstrating the task to be pro-grammed. The person’s hand and fin-gertips are observed through a sen-sorized glove with special tactilefingertips. The modular glove systemsenses hand pose, finger joint anglesand fingertip contact conditions.Objects in the environment are sensedwith computer vision while a speechrecognition system extracts high-levelcontrol information. Primitive gestureclasses are extracted from the raw sen-sor information and passed to a gestureinterpretation network. The system isself-adaptive in the sense that knowl-edge of previously acquired skillsretained by the system is used to inter-pret the gestures during training, withcontrol feedback provided during run-time. The output of the GBP system isthe executable program for performingThe ‘human touch’ –advanced robot programmingR&D digest the demonstrated task on the targethardware.What it means for ABBSince robotic arc welding is inherentlythree-dimensional, hand gestureswould be an intuitive tool for provid-ing parameters such as position, veloci-ty, acceleration, size, direction, angleand angular velocity to enable fasterand accurate programming of the ro-bot. Speech would also play an impor-tant part in enhancing this system byproviding high-level control informa-tion. Therefore, CMU scientists togetherwith ABB experts have developed andevaluated a programming system witha multi-modal interface for robotic andarc-welding applications.The system has the following main com-ponents:Cyberglove to measure the positionand movement of the fingers andwrist (gesture sensing)Polhemus Fastrak 6-DOF sensors for position sensingMicrosoft speech recognition system PCWebWare for robot-PC communications ABB robotThe PC mediates between the multi-modal input devices (glove and speech) and the ABB robot. On the input side it runs software that translates raw voice and glove inputs into robot controller commands. On the output side it sends commands to the robot that contain cor-rect position and orientation information based on the appropriate coordinate transformations.The robot is programmed in three modes: absolute, jogging and slave. In absolute mode, ‘waypoints’ are pro-grammed by pointing to and storing various positions in space with the in-dex finger. However, due to the limited accuracy of the positioning system (+/– 5 cm), the stored positions have to be adjusted to meet the required accu-racy (< 1mm) for arc-welding. Theseadjustments can be performed by either‘jogging’ or ‘slaving’. Jogging, as it isused in robotics, means controlling theend effector (a device or tool connect-ed to the end of the robot arm) directlyusing either a joystick or push buttons.In this case the joystick and pushbut-tons are replaced by gestures and voicecommands. For example, the ‘jog’ com-mand makes the robot move a certaindistance in the direction of the indexfinger. In slave mode, the robot mimicsthe motion of the hand using an ad-justable scaling factor. This means thatif the human hand moves a distance of1 cm, the robot responds by moving1 mm (depending on the scale settings)and so on until the desired accuracyhas been reachedThe system has been tested and evaluat-ed in a real arc-welding environmentusing ABB’s IRB140 and IRB1400 robots.The programming system has so farproved capable of producing the neces-sary accuracy, allowing high-qualitywelds to be produced. In addition, ob-servations from the evaluation indicatethat it is a very easy method to learnand master.The joint collaboration between engi-neers at CMU and ABB experts has, inaddition to generating valuable results,built up extensive know-how which willbe used within ABB for further researchin the field of robot programming.Dr. John DolanThe Robotics InstituteCarnegie Mellon University**********.eduMartin StrandAdvanced Industrial Communication GroupABB Corporate ResearchVästerås/Sweden********************.comR&D digestA simulation system that makes use of state-of-the-art web technology is used to train Novolen ®gas-phase polypropy-lene process plant operators on a rigor-ous dynamic plant model via Internet,Intranet, or as a stand-alone system.Simulation-based education is themethod preferred by many companies today for providing ‘on the job’ training.As computational capabilities become ever faster and improved tools appear on the market, computer-based educa-tional services, particularly in the chemi-cal process industries, are expanding.These services can mimic true plant operation through computer simulation,thus providing a safe and efficientmethod of training plant operators and other production personnel. In addition,operators may be trained to handle normal and abnormal plant operating conditions without endangering the actual plant [1].ABB Corporate Research has developed a simulation-based process-learning tool for polypropylene plants. Together with Novolen Technology Holdings C.V.(NTH), a joint venture of ABB LummusGlobal and Equistar, ABB has developed a learning tool aimed at the Novolen process owned by NTH. Called Novolen Operator Training Simulation (Novolen OTS), the tool’s strengths lie in its unique model, the robustness of the software and simulator, and its ease of maintenance and extendability. Because plants using the Novolen process are located around the world, using a web-enabled tool is particularly appropriate.Novolen OTS based training is possible over the Internet, Intranet, or on a stand-alone computer.The targeted users are Novolen process plant operators, operator trainers, and process engineers. A major training ob-jective is that the operators learn the dy-namic characteristics of the plant during standard operation and in abnormal sit-uations, including process disturbances,start-up/shutdown of the plant, and transitions between different product grades. Moreover, they obtain an under-standing of the relationship between operating conditions and resulting prod-uct quality. This permits operators to improve their ability to operate plants and to diagnose problems.The Novolen process plantIn the Novolen ®process, polymerization is conducted in one or two gas-phase reactors. Only two reactors connected in series are needed to produce a wide range of products, including super-high impact copolymers. In addition to the reactors, components in the plant in-clude condensers, degassing vessels,product silos, an extruder, controllers,and emergency valves .OTS component overviewThe main components of the Novolen ®OTS system include:1 A simulator, which includes a model of the process, the control system and the safety interlocksA generic operator station as a human system interfaceA software framework, which inte-grates these main components and provides for simulation services over the Internet.The graphical user interface (GUI) is a generic representation of an operator station . As the Novolen ® OTS is used in self-paced mode, no instructor station is required. A standard web browser,such as Internet Explorer, represents the GUI, displaying simulation results aswell as allowing user input.The components in the user interface,such as valves, numeric text boxes,buttons, level indicators, and flares,reflect the current status of the simula-tion. When necessary, the components are used to change the course of the simulation. For instance, valves areclosed/opened by clicking on them, and specific numbers are entered using the numeric text boxes. The condensers,degassing vessels, product silos, extrud-er, controllers, and emergency valves are all represented in the tool.Besides the above-mentioned basic functionality, additional functions are implemented for an enhanced learning experience. For example, the speed of the simulation can be increased in order to use the tool more efficiently,or a snapshot of the current state can be taken and reused in later training sessions.A normal training session starts by navi-gating to the web site of the server.After a login procedure in which access rights are checked, a simulation is start-ed with one of several pre-configured scenarios. The trainee may then change the course of the simulation by chang-ing process parameters, such as flow rates or temperature set-points. These2A new web-based simulation tool for polymer plant operatorsR&D digestchanges result in a dynamic response,which the trainee observes and reacts to accordingly. Stopping the simulation and closing the web browser terminate the session.The Novolen ®OTS can be fully installed and run on a standard off-the-shelf PC.Alternatively, it can be run over theInter/intranet so that only a web browser is needed on the user’s side.TechnologyThe dynamic model is a first-principle based model of the Novolen ®process with major unit operations [2]. It is com-posed of ordinary differential equations and has about 100 states. A wide range of operating conditions was required because the process tool was designed in answer to a major training objective:to focus on the dynamic characteristics of the plant during standard operation (eg, transition between different poly-mer grades) and abnormal situations (eg, a blocked pipe).The model is parameterized to easily permit adjustments that reflect different plant sizes and configurations. Special attention has been given to the integrity of the numerical solution to avoid simu-lation crashes during training.The tool uses a client-server architecture where the simulation services are server based. The GUI is presented on the client’s computer. The interaction be-tween the client and the server takes place via HTTP, the most common com-munication protocol on the Internet.The screens within the tool are built as HTML pages with Java applets repre-senting the data. The HTML-based ap-proach makes it possible to flexibly link to other information sources, and enables integration with other e-learning systems. The use of Java makes it possi-ble to program a variety of specialized components, allowing the user to influ-ence the data in various ways. Despite this, all major browsers with Java capa-bilities can be used for server access.On the server side, a web server frame-work (consisting of a multi-layer archi-tecture) provides the functionalityneeded for dynamic data to flow to and from the web pages. Innermost is an OPC server, which encapsulates the model and provides a standard inter-face to its data. The web server creates an HTTP-based service where data can stream from the OPC to Java servlets.These servlets are connected via HTTP to the Java applets ‘living’ on the client side. ABB developed the internal OPC connectivity by using the Java Native Interface to bridge the gap between Windows 32 applications and Java [3].Value extensionWith Novolen ®OTS, NTH has extended the value proposition of its current tech-nology offering with the creation of a highly robust and extendable tool using standard software and modeling tech-nologies. This tool will enable current and future licensees of the Novolen process to improve the understanding and operation of their plants. Licensees will be able to choose between web-based or stand-alone training sessions.Initial feedback from users has been so positive that many feel such a tool will eventually become essential for any company in the chemical process indus-tries.Reference[1]A. Kroll: Trainingssimulation für die Prozessindustrien: Status, Trends und Ausblick. Teil 1+2. Automatisierungstechnische Praxis atp (2003) 45, no. 2, pp 50–57, and no. 3, pp 55–60.[2]C.-U. Schmidt, R. Böttcher: 2000. ProveT – Training simulator for Novolen Process. 1st European Conf on the Reaction Engineering of Polyolefins, 2000,Lyons, 114–116.[3]R. Nyström, et al: 2003. Web-based training for polymer plant operators using process simulation. Automatisierungstechnik 51, no. 11.Dr. Rasmus NyströmDr. Andreas Kroll Dr. Alexander FrickChristian StichABB Corporate Research CenterLadenburg, GermanyKlaus HüttenDr. Franz Langhauser Dr. Wilhelm Seebass Dr. Meinolf Kersting ABB Lummus GlobalNovolen Technology Division。

ABB 测量与分析 录制与控制产品文档说明书

ABB 测量与分析  录制与控制产品文档说明书

—ABB ME A SUREMENT & ANALY TIC SRecording and controlThe most complete picture of your process—Measurement made easyYour data, how, where and when you want it. ScreenMaster, ControlMaster and Commander are the names behind a comprehensive range of recording and control instrumentation from ABB that meet the demanding requirements of a broad range of applications in food and beverage, water and manufacturing.The range includes process controllers, digital indicators, chart recorders and paperless recorders. All sharing the same high standards of reliability and flexibility and capable of withstanding the harshest of process environments, they can be used in virtually any location.With a range of communications possibilities, including remote access, our controllers and recorders give you more power over your process than ever before.3—An option for every applicationcan cut the time and cost of deploying engineersto visit individual devices, ideal where skilledstaff are at a premium.We’ve also worked to use technology to take asmuch complexity as possible out of the operationof all our recording and control devices. With theirfull color, clear text displays and easy to useinterface, our ControlMaster process controllersand indicators make installing, commissioningand operating a control system quicker and easierthan ever.The same applies to our touchscreen RVG200paperless data recorder, where an extensive arrayof data recording and control possibilities can beachieved at the touch of a fingertip.With industry increasingly turning towards digitaltechnology, our range of recorders andcontrollers give you all the functionality you need,whether it’s greater control of your process or thestorage, retrieval and sharing of recorded data.By utilizing experience and expertise gainedthrough hundreds of applications across amultitude of industries, we have steadilyexpanded the capabilities of our devices to meetthe growing demands of today’s industrialapplications. Our SM500F and RVG200 paperlessdata recorders, for example, couple extensivesecurity with remote web server and mobiletechnology that offer system-size performancefrom a localized device. By enabling safe anytime,anyplace access to process data, these features4R ECO R D I N G A N D CO NTRO L—ABB ScreenMaster paperless recorders The digital era of data recording and analysisOur family of ScreenMaster paperless data recorders harness the power of digital technology to enable you to do more with your process data. Whether you want a field-mountable device that can be installed anywhere or slick and easy operation using the latest touchscreen technology, ABB’s ScreenMaster devices offer a versatile, secure and proven solution.Use anywhereWall, panel or pipe mounted options enable use in almost any location.Suitable for arduous environmentsNEMA 4X and IP66 protection enables installation in even the wettest or dirtiest conditions.Powerful yet simpleSimple menu interfaces make finding and viewing data easy, with multiple display formats offering a wide choice of viewing options.Flow recordingFlow totalizers enable instantaneous flow rates to be totalized and recorded. An automatic reset capability enables daily, weekly and monthly flow volume reports to be generated and alarms to be raised if predefined flow limits are exceeded.Powerful mathsMath and logic functions enable calculation of equations such as averages and deviations. Results can be displayed, recorded and used to drive alarms and totalizers.Extensive security featuresMeasures include a comprehensive audit log that records configuration changes, calibration changes, system events and other items key to data security. All entries are detailed with operator identification. Operators can securely annotate the chart with comments and signatures. Both recorders can form part of a system fully compliant to 21 CFR Part 11.Ethernet communicationsEthernet communications enable access toarchived data and email facilities. Using the latest telecoms tech the Ethernet features can be used even when a recorder is in a remote location.Remote process monitoringRemote access to a ScreenMaster is possible via the use of any standard web browser. Detailed real-time information is available for current alarm and totalizer conditions, memory card status and many other key process details. Email notificationKeep up to date with the latest process alarms or critical process events with email notifications which can be sent automatically to your PC or smartphone.Real-time data communicationScreenMaster recorders can communicate the process values being monitored to a DCS, SCADA, PLC or other similar system. Alternatively, data values can be communicated to a ScreenMaster for display to the operator and secure logging.Batch recordingA batch recording option enables batch numbers and product type information to be recorded alongside process data. With ABB’s DataManager Pro software, collected batch records can be accessed by searching for their batch number orbatches with common attributes identified.+ -x5SM500FField-mountable paperless recorder Featuring up to 7 process inputs, 12 recording channels and available with wall, panel and pipe mounting options, the SM500F field-mountable paperless recorder provides a truly simple recording solution that can be used anywhere, anyhow and by anyone.Its fully sealed IP66 and NEMA 4X enclosure make it ideal for even the most hostile environments, including hosedown and dusty applications.RVG200Touchscreen paperless recorderThe RVG200 recorder takes the established operating and securitybenefits of the ScreenMaster range onestep further. Up to 24 process signals can be connected to the RVG200’s analog inputs or transferred to it via digital communications. Features include: • Touchscreen ‘swipe’ operation• Front and rear USB ports for connecting peripheral devices, including a barcode scanner and keyboard • Customizable views• Steam energy calculations • Remote operation • GPS interfaceDataManagerProPowerful data analysis tool that helps you get more from your dataABB’s DataManager Pro advanced data review software opens new possibilities for collecting, interrogating andpresenting recorded data. The software creates a database of recorded data providing secure long-term storage andenabling instant access to data.6R ECO R D I N G A N D CO NTROL—ABB ControlMaster universal process controllers and indicators Control made easyWhether you’re a plant or process manager, electrical engineer, process operator or maintenance engineer, the future of process control instrumentation starts here.ABB has used its experience in controllers and indicators to create the ControlMaster family of process control instruments, offering an intuitive, simple and powerfulsolution for a wide range of process control applications.Scalable hardware and software functionalityI/O, functionality and control template availability is expanded easily with additional plug-and-play input modules and function keys, enabling a singleControlMaster unit to be adapted to handle anything, from basic to complex control applications.Full environmental protectionWith fully-sealed IP66 and NEMA 4Xenclosures or front panels, all ControlMasters offer full protection against water and dust ingress, enabling them to be used in even the most arduous operating conditions.Enjoy the flexibility of field-mountEnjoy the benefits of devices that you can locate practically anywhere, with the field-mounted CMF310 controller and CMF160 indicator. Able to be wall or pipe-mounted out of the box, they can be installed and commissioned in a fraction of the time and cost needed for adapting panel-mounted units.Panel-mount indicatorsThe CM15 is a feature-packed 1/8 DIN universal process indicator, with totalization, level, math, logic,counter and alarm functions.CMF160 field-mount indicatorCM15 panel-mount indicatorDiscover moreCMF310 field-mountcontrollerCM15panel-mountindicator CMF160field-mountindicatorPanel-mount controllers7ConfigPilot is the configuration platform for the entire range of ABB’s ControlMaster controllers and indicators. With an identical menu structure to the ControlMaster, ConfigPilot is instantly familiar. Configurations can be created from scratch off-line or read from a ControlMaster device. Once complete a configuration can be written to a ControlMaster via its front panel IrDA port or saved for future use. In addition ConfigPilot’s reporting capabilities hugely simplify creation of configuration documentation.Get up and running quickly with ConfigPilotPanel-mount controllersAvailable in 1/8, 1/4 and 1/2 DIN options, our ControlMasterpanel-mount controllers offer a simple, ready to use control solution.Suitable for basic to demanding applications, functionalityincludes cascade, feed forward, adaptive, predictive and ratio control strategies, plus Ethernet, RS485, Modbus TCP/RTU and a web server for remote process monitoring.CM10 1/8 DIN panel-mount controller CM50 3 x 6 DIN panel-mount controllerProfile controlProfile control enablessetpoint profiling for thermal processing applications. Two versions are available; a basic single program version and an advanced, multi-program version with sequencing. Profile-specific displaysprovide a clear overview of the profile progress, including program name and timeremaining, with more detailed information available at the press of a button.Advanced functions The ControlMaster range gives you even greater functionality. Features include math, totalization, a frequency input, logic, gain scheduling, split output, valve control and real time alarms.Template based configuration ControlMasterconfiguration is vastly simplified by using application templates. Selecting the template best suited to your process requirements configures I/O and control functionality automatically while display templates are also selected automatically.c8R ECO R D I N G A N D CO NTROL—ABB Commander circular chart recorders The tried and tested paper chart recorderRobust and easy to use, our Commander circular chart recorders have established a reputation for their reliable performance in a host of industrial applications including water and waste water treatment, food, pharmaceuticals and tyre production.A range of advanced functions, plus NEMA 4X and IP66 protection, makeCommander recorders the first choice wherever paper chart recording is required.Recording versatilityStatus at a glanceIntuitive operationsystem prevents unauthorized access to configuration menus.Math and logicUser configurable math functions, mass flow calculations and totalizers are all fully supported. The logic capability allowsinterlocking and the integration of discrete and continuous functions to solve a wide range of process problems.Discover more9MODBUS RS485 communications Communication with PCs or PLCs is achieved via the RS485 serial communications link, enabling the Commander 1900 to serve as the front end of plant-wide data acquisition systems. Using the MODBUS RTU protocol, all process inputs and other variables can be read continuously by a host PC running on a wide variety of standard SCADA packages.Install anywhereThe unit can be wall/pipe or panel mounted anywhere in the plant and, with its rating of NEMA 4X and IP66, it can be subjected to rigorousBuilt to meet your process’s needsA high level of I/O fitted as standardenables Commander recorders tomeet the requirements of mostprocesses out of the box. In addition,plug-and-play modules can be addedat any time to further extend arecorder’s I/O capability.Timers and clockTwo real-time eventstriggered by the recorder’sclock can be configured tooperate relays, start/stopthe chart or enable otheractions within the record.Options for everyapplicationC1900RC circular chartrecorder / controllerC1950 pasteurizerrecorder / controllerC1300 municipal recorder withflow totalizer displayC1960 Multi-recipeprofile recorder / controllerIntegrated PID loopsOffering dual integrated PIDloops, the C1900 chart recordercan be utilized as both a recorderand controller, eliminating thespace and cost associated withusing separate devices.10R ECO R D I N G A N D CO NTRO L—The ABB controller and recorder range Comprehensive solutions for food and beverage, water and manufacturing Water and wastewaterFood and BeverageKnowing what happens where, when and for how longare key considerations in making sure that food andbeverage products are produced to the right quality andunder the correct conditions. Our recording and controlequipment can be used in a wide variety of applicationsto ensure production processes perform properly and tohelp keep track of every product:AbstractionBatch recording PasteurizationSpirit distillation andbrewingCarbonation controland monitoringTemperature monitoring in fridges,freezers and cold roomsSteam usage monitoring Retort control and monitoringRVG200 recorder guides and videosScan this QR code to view anddownload application guides andvideos explaining how the RVG200can be used across differentindustrial applications.SM500F recorder guides and videosScan this QR code to view and downloadapplication guides and videos explaininghow the SM500F can be used acrossdifferent industrial applications.Cooking and bakingGuides and videos11Heat treatmentHeat treatment of metals for the aerospace,automotive and general engineering industriesmust be controlled rigorously to ensure thereliability of the parts being produced. Oursolutions include the ControlMaster range ofprocess controllers, plus the RVG200 paperlessrecorder with AMS2750 compliant inputs.Tyres and rubberOur multi-recipe profile controllers can help youachieve the precise pressure, temperature andtime control demanded during the curing of tyresand other rubber products.MarineMarine operators are subject to increasinglystrict emissions legislation governing theiremissions to air and sea. Our RVG200 paperlessdata recorders with GPS can be used to satisfyMARPOL regulations requiring the accuratecontrol and recording of bilge water dischargesfrom ships.PharmaceuticalsThe use of electronic devices in pharmaceuticalsproduction is strictly regulated to ensure thehighest levels of product quality and safety. OurSM500F and RVG200 paperless data recorders,together with our DataManager Pro data analysissoftware, can help you comply with theregulations, including the FDA’s 21CFR Part 11rules governing data security.Electrical power monitoringOur SM500F and RVG200 paperless datarecorders provide an ideal solution for localizedenergy consumption monitoring. Using collecteddata, you can find ways to reduce your energycosts and cut your carbon emissions.CMF310 controller guides and videosScan this QR code for application guidesand videos about the CMF310 field-mountcontroller and how it can be used acrossdifferent industrial applications.ControlMaster panel-mount controllersguides and videosScan this QR code to see how ourControlMaster panel-mount controllerscan help to solve a broad range ofapplication challenges.P B /R e c o r d e r s a n d C o n t r o l l e r s -E N R e v . B 06.2019—ABB LimitedMeasurement & Analytics Howard Road Eaton Socon St. NeotsCambridgeshire PE19 8EUTel: +44 (0)1480 475321ABB Inc.Measurement & Analytics 125 E. County Line Road Warminster PA 18974 USATel: +1 215 674 6000© Copyright 2019 ABB. All rights reserved.Specifications subject to change without notice.。









2.产品外形图:图1 测试台外形图3.主要技术参数主要技术参数列于表14.主要元件:4.1 多磁路变压器为得到稳定、可靠的大电流,我们选用国家定点专业厂家生产的多磁路变压器,以满足设备的各项测试要求。

4.1.1 多磁路变压器技术参数多磁路变压器的技术参数如表2所示表2:多磁路变压器的技术参数4.1.2 多磁路变压器工作原理为了得到稳定的正弦波输出电流,多磁路变压器TD(见图2)设四个单元磁路A、B、C、D, 总的二次输出电压为U2A, U2B, U2C, U2D之和。

U2 = U2A+ U2B+ U2C+ U2D图2 多磁路变压器工作原理图接在二次输出电流回路中有选相合闸开关ZK和被试断路器S,分流器FL。

将输出电压U2 调到所需值,再将试品断路器S合闸,当永磁真空同步开关ZK合闸后,试验回路出现电流.试验电流在分流器FL上产生的电压信号输入至微机并进行运算。

ABB-free@home 技术手册:运动检测器 MD-F-1.0.1说明书

ABB-free@home 技术手册:运动检测器 MD-F-1.0.1说明书

Technical Manual Movement detectorMD-F-1.0.1…ABB-free@home®Content1Notes on the instruction manual ________________________________________________________ 3 2Safety ____________________________________________________________________________ 42.1Used symbols ________________________________________________________________________ 42.2Intended use _________________________________________________________________________ 52.3Improper use _________________________________________________________________________ 52.4Target group / qualification of personnel ____________________________________________________ 52.5Safety instructions _____________________________________________________________________ 63Information on protection of the environment ______________________________________________ 7 4Product description __________________________________________________________________ 84.1Scope of supply _______________________________________________________________________ 84.2Type overview ________________________________________________________________________ 94.3Function overview _____________________________________________________________________ 94.4Device overview of movement detector _____________________________________________________ 95Technical data _____________________________________________________________________ 105.1Main overview _______________________________________________________________________ 105.2Dimensions _________________________________________________________________________ 105.3Circuit diagrams ______________________________________________________________________ 115.4Detection range ______________________________________________________________________ 116Mounting _________________________________________________________________________ 126.1Planning instructions __________________________________________________________________ 126.2Safety instructions for mounting _________________________________________________________ 126.3Mounting / Installation _________________________________________________________________ 137Commissioning ____________________________________________________________________ 147.1Allocation of devices and specifying channels ______________________________________________ 147.2Setting options per channel _____________________________________________________________ 187.3Linking _____________________________________________________________________________ 198Updating options ___________________________________________________________________ 21 9Operation _________________________________________________________________________ 22 10Maintenance ______________________________________________________________________ 2310.1Cleaning ___________________________________________________________________________ 23ABB-free@home®Notes on the instruction manual 1 Notes on the instruction manualPlease read this manual through carefully and adhere to the information containedtherein. This will assist you in preventing damage to persons and property and ensurereliable operation and long service life of the device.Please keep this manual in a safe place.If you pass the device on, also include this manual.Busch-Jaeger accepts no liability for failure to observe the instructions in this manual.If you require additional information or have questions about the device, please contactBusch-Jaeger or visit our Internet site at:/freeathome2 SafetyThe device has been constructed according to the latest valid regulations governingtechnology and is operationally reliable. It has been tested and left the factory in atechnically safe and reliable state.However, residual hazards remain. Read and adhere to the safety instructions to pre-vent such hazards.Busch-Jaeger accepts no liability for failure to observe the safety instructions.2.1 UsedsymbolsThe following symbols point to dangers involved in the use of the device and provide practical instructions.WarningThis symbol in connection with the signal word "Warning" indicatesa dangerous situation which could lead to immediate death or toserious injury.Attention - damage to propertyThis symbol indicates a possibly damaging situation for the product.Non-observance can lead to damage or destruction of the product.Note...This symbol indicates information or references to additional usefultopics. This is not a signal word for a dangerous situation.This symbol indicates information on the protection of the environ-ment.The following symbols are used in the manual to draw attention to special dangers: This symbol indicates a dangerous situation due to electric current.If such a sign is ignored, it can lead to serious injuries or evendeath.2.2 IntendeduseThis device is a movement detector for decentralized flush-mounted installation.The device is intended for the following:» operation according to the listed technical data,» installation in dry interior rooms and suitable flush-mounted boxes,» use with the connecting options available on the device.The intended use also includes adherence to all specifications in this mnaual.use2.3 ImproperEach use not listed in chapter 2.2 is deemed improper use and can lead to personal injury and damage to property.Busch-Jaeger is not liable for damages caused by use deemed contrary to the in-tended use of the device. The associated risk is borne exclusively by the us-er/operator.The device is not intended for the following:» unauthorized structural changes,» repairs,» use outdoors or in bathroom areas,» use with an additional bus coupler» as substitute for an alarm system.2.4 Target group / qualification of personnelInstallation, commissioning and maintenance of the device must only be carried out by trained and properly qualified electrical installers.The electrical installers must have read and understood the manual and follow theinstructions provided.The electrical installers must adhere to the valid national regulations in their country governing the installation, functional test, repair and maintenance of electrical prod-ucts.The electrical installers must be familiar with and correctly apply the "Five safetyregulations" (DIN VDE 0105, EN 50110):1. Disconnect from power;2. Secure against being re-connected;3. Ensure there is no voltage;4. Connect to earth and short-circuit;5. Cover or barricade adjacent live parts.instructions2.5 SafetyWarningElectric voltage! Risk of death and fire due to electrical voltage of230 V.Dangerous currents flow through the body when coming into director indirect contact with live components. This can result in electricshock, burns or even death.» Work on the 230 V supply system may only be performed byauthorised and qualified electricians.» Disconnect the mains power supply before installation /disassembly.» Never use the device with damaged connecting cables.» Do not open covers firmly bolted to the housing of the device.» Use the device only in a technically faultless state.» Do not make changes to or perform repairs on the device, on itscomponents or its accessories.» Keep the device away from water and wet surroundings.Attention - damage to propertyRisk of damaging the device due to external factors.Moisture and contamination can damage or destroy the device.» Protect the device against humidity, dirt and damage duringtransport, storage and operation.ABB-free@home®Information on protection of theenvironment 3 Information on protection of the environmentAll packaging materials and devices bear the markings and test seals for properdisposal.The products meet the legal requirements, in particular the laws governing elec-tronic and electrical devices and the REACH ordinance (EU Directive2002/96/EG WEEE and 2002/95/EG RoHS), (EU-REACH Directive and Law forthe Execution of the Directive (EG) No.1907/2006).The device contains valuable raw materials which can be recycled. Used electric and electronic devices must not be disposed of with domestic waste.» Always dispose of the packaging material and electric devicesand their components via the authorized collecting depots and disposal companies.4 Product descriptionFig. 1: Product overview[1] Flush-mounted insert (with integrated cover)[2] Cover frame (not included in scope of delivery)The movement detector sensor (with bus coupler) can be assigned to an availa-ble switch actuator. The devices respond to moving body heat and switch on thelights. They have not been pre-programmed. The devices do not serve as a sub-stitute for an alarm system.The sensor is integrated in a flush-mounted insert [1].The integrated bus coupler makes possible the connection to the free@home bus line.4.1Scope of supplyThe scope of supply only contains the flush-mounted insert [1], including the pre-mounted cover. It must still be completed with a suitable cover frame [2].Note ...Additional information about the cover frame ranges is available in the electronic catalogue ().4.2 TypeoverviewTable 1: Overview of types4.3 FunctionoverviewThe following table provides an overview of the possible functions and applica-tions of the device:Movement detectorSensor for movement- and brightness-dependent control of free@home functions Table 2: Function overview4.4 Device overview of movement detectorFig. 2: Device overview of movement detector[1] Type plate[2] Bus connection terminalABB-free@home®Technical data 5 Technicaldata5.1 MainoverviewParameters ValuePower Supply24 V DC (via bus line)Bus subscribers 1 (12mA)Connection Bus connection terminal: 0.4-0.8 mmLine type J-Y(St)Y, 2 x 2x 0.8 mmWire stripping 6-7 mmOpening angle 180 °Brightness limit value 1 – 500 luxMounting height 1.1 m to 1.3 mProtection IP20Ambient temperature -5 °C – +45 °CStorage T° -20 °C – +70 °CTable 3: Technical data5.2 DimensionsNote...All dimensions are specified in mm. All device types listed in thismanual have the same dimensions.Fig. 3: DimensionsABB-free@home ®Technical data5.3 Circuit diagramsFig. 4: Electrical connection5.4 Detection rangeFig. 5: Detection range[1] Mounting heights / Detection levels; [2] Detection range (0 °C – + 36 °C);[3] Horizontal reduction of the detection range by maskingca. 14˚ca. 5˚1,1 m -1,3 m6 Mountinginstructions6.1 PlanningNote...Planning and application instructions for the system are available in**********************************************/freeathome.6.2 Safety instructions for mountingWarning - Risk of death due to electrical voltageDangerous currents flow through the body when coming into di-rect or indirect contact with live components. This results in elec-tric shock, burns or even death.Work improperly carried out on electrical systems is a hazard toone's own life and that of the user. Also fires and serious damageto property can result.» Install the device only if you have the necessary electrical engi-neering knowledge and experience (see chapter 2.4).» Use suitable personal protective clothing.» Use suitable tools and measuring devices.» Check the supply network type (TN system, IT system,TT system) to secure the following power supply conditions(classic connection to ground, protective earthing, necessaryadditional measures, etc.).» Observe the correct polarity.6.3 MountingInstallation/» Turn the device into the correct installationposition.- The bus connection terminal [1] must be atthe bottom. Array» Connect the free@home bus line with thebus connection terminal [1].Observe the correct polarity!» Insert the device into the flush-mountedbox and screw it on.7 CommissioningCommissioning is always carried out via the Web-based surface of the SystemAccess Point.The System Access Point establishes the connection between the free@homeparticipants and the smartphone, tablet or PC. It is used to identify and programthe participants during commissioning.Devices which are physically connected to the free@home bus, log themselvesautomatically into the System Access Point. They transmit information about their type and supported functions (see Table 2, chapter 4.3).During initial commissioning all devices are given a generic name (e.g. move-ment detector1, etc.). The user must change this name to a name practical forthe system (Example: "Movement detector living room light" for a movementdetector that controls the living room light.The devices must be parameterised for the use of additional functions.Commissioning of the movement detectors is described in the following chapters.Here it is assumed that the basic commissioning steps of the overall system have already been carried out. General knowledge about the Web-based commission-ing software of the System Access Point is assumed.Note ...General information about commissioning and parameterization isavailable in the technical reference manual and the online Help of the"System Access Point".7.1 Allocation of devices and specifying channelsThe devices connected to the system must be identified, i.e. they are allocated toa room according to their function and are given a descriptive name.The allocation is made via the allocation function of the Web-based user interface of the System Access Point.7.1.1 AddingdeviceFig. 6: Adding device» In the "Add device" bar select the desired application and pull it via drag-and-drop onto the floor plan in the working area.Fig. 7: Allocation- A pop-up window opens automatically which lists all the devices suitable for the application selected.Identification via serial numberFig. 8 Identification via serial number» Compare the short 3-digit number of the identity label, which should be glued to the device plan, with the numbers in the list and in this way identify the de-vice you are searching for and, if necessary, also the channel.Assigning a nameFig. 9: Assigning a name» Enter a name that is easy to understand and under which the application is to be displayed later (e.g. "Movement detector living room"). » Press the tick at the bottom right to take over the entry.Note ...The settings of the device can be adjusted via the Web-based user interface of the System Access Point.These settings, however, can only be made in part with a fitter ac-cess (see online Help of the System Access Point). The parameter settings remain as described above.Movement detecRXUABB700000012ABB700000012RXU7.2 Setting options per channelGeneral settings and special parameter settings can be made for each channel.The settings are made via the allocation function of the Web-based user interface of the System Access Point.Device selectionFig. 10: Device selection» Select the device icon [1] in the floor plan of the working area view.-All setting options for the respective channel are displayed in the list view [2]. For rockers (sensors) the corresponding rocker must be selected.The following settings are available.7.2.1Settings for movement detectorSensor settings (movement detector settings)[1]Changing the name[2]Deleting the channel via 'X'[3]Switching of the actuator via the button [4]Switch-on behavior:Selection of the brightness conditions at which the device is to respond.1214327.3 LinkingThe movement detectors and actuators created via the allocation function can now be linked with each other.The linking in the list view is then made via the linking function of the Web-based user interface of the System Access Point.Connecting actuator and sensorFig. 11: Connecting actuator and sensor» To connect an actuator with a sensor, first click on the desired sensor [1] which is to operate the actuator and then on the actuator [2]. » Press the tick [3] at the bottom right to take over the entry.-A blue connecting line indicates the link between the two devices. The con-figuration is now transmitted automatically to the devices. The transmission can (depending on the number of affected devices) take a number of sec-onds. During the transmission a progress bar is displayed around the devic-es affected.123Connecting an actuator with an additional sensor12Fig. 12: Connecting actuator and sensor» To connect the actuator with an additional sensor, first click on the second desired sensor [1] which is to operate the actuator and then on the actuator[2].- An additional blue connecting line appears between the second sensor and the actuator.- After the transmission has been completed the sensor can be operated di-rectly locally.ABB-free@home®Updating optionsoptions8 UpdatingA Firmware update is carried out via the Web-based user interface of the SystemAccess Point.ABB-free@home®Operation Operation9The devices respond to moving body heat and switch on the connected actuators.Action by the user is therefore not necessary.ABB-free@home®Maintenance 10 MaintenanceThe unit is maintenance-free. In case of damage (e.g., during transport or stor-age), do not perform repairs. Once the device is opened, the warranty is void!Access to the device must be guaranteed for operation, testing, inspection,maintenance and repairs (according to DIN VDE 0100-520).10.1 CleaningDirty units can be cleaned with a dry cloth. If this is not sufficient, a cloth slightlymoistened with a soap solution can be used. Caustic cleaning agents or solventsmust not be used.ABB-free@home ®1473-1-8565 | 03.07.2014A member of the ABB GroupBusch-Jaeger Elektro GmbH PO Box58505 LüdenscheidFreisenbergstraße 2 58513 Lüdenscheid ***************.comCentral sales service: Tel.: +49 2351 956-1600 Fax: +49 2351 956-1700NoteWe reserve the right to at all times make technical changes as well as changes to the contents of this document without prior notice. The detailed specifications agreed upon apply for orders. ABB accepts no responsibility for possible errors or incompleteness in this document.We reserve all rights to this docu-ment and the topics and illustrations contained therein. The document and its contents, or extracts thereof, must not be reproduced, transmitted or reused by third parties without prior written consent by ABB.Copyright© 2014 Busch-Jaeger Elektro GmbH All rights reserved。

ABB 测量仪器与分析设备产品指南说明书

ABB 测量仪器与分析设备产品指南说明书

Performance ImprovementLifecycle ManagementRapid ResponsePredictive maintenance Condition monitoringPreventive maintenance Lifecycle assessment Spare Parts managementTechnical support Corrective maintenance Workshop RepairBase Agreement Terms & conditions Price agreements Contract management IB Lifecycle status Recommended spares—A B B M E A SU R EM ENT & A N A LY TI C S | PRO DUC T G U I DEABB Measurement Care support services Eight key factsCustomizable service modules from our Measurement Care program Measurement made easyIntroductionABB recently launched a highly flexible, modular and cost-effective range of services for measurement products and analyzers called Measurement Care. A highly customizable service agreement,Measurement Care consists primarily of threeservice modules – one to get your process back up quickly, one to manage instruments over their lifetimes, and lastly, one that aims at process improvements. These modules are called Rapid Response, Lifecycle Management and Performance Improvement. Under this umbrella of services, ABB will help identify and tailor the optimal support for a customer’s particular situation.Q & AWe sat down with Saverio Barbero Lodigiani, who heads up the Measurement Care program for ABB, to discuss the program’s benefits – see responses overleaf…—Measurement Care service agreementRepairsMaintenanceSpares partsMeasurementCare…Q & AWhat ABB products qualify for Measurement Care agreements?Included are products for measuring flow, pressure, temperature, level, thickness, flatness and tension, together with valve positioners and analyzers for liquids and gases.How does ABB handle support for Measurement Care?We’ve attempted to make it as easy and convenient for customers as possible. You have a single point of contact for contract management when needed – someone who knows you as well as your agreement terms, conditions and scope of supply.What are some service examples that fall within the Rapid Response module?Well, suppose lack of a field instrument or analyzer operation adversely affects your process to thepoint that you require quick action. ABB will agree to get a professional to your site within a mutually agreed time to get your process back to normal quickly. We’ll expedite the right part to facilitateswift repairs. In other situations, troubleshooting by a specialist via remote support or resident on-site ABB engineer can lead to even faster process recovery. In addition, we give priority to off-line repairs. This occurs when we request that youunplug the device from the process and ship it to an ABB repair facility. We will perform the repair and send the device back to you within an agreed time.What Measurement Care services are available on a regular basis?Our Lifecycle Module includes the inspection and condition monitoring of measurement products and analyzers at regular intervals. These services help to increase process uptime throughout aninstrument’s lifetime. We’ll recommend spare parts inventories for maintaining and / or replacing products when onsite or remote inspections indicate these actions are warranted.How about training?Flexible training options for your in-houseworkforce are also part of the Lifecycle Module. Our professional training services qualify yourengineers, maintenance and operations staff for running a safe and productive plant. Your personnel can receive training in our classrooms, at your plant, via webinar or online using our eLearning courses.Can ABB handle on-demand calibration of measurement products?Yes. In fact ABB pioneered onsite verification ofaccuracies in the field by our service engineers. This eliminates the need and expense of removing the unit from its installation and shipping to our laboratory. Otherwise ABB’s global calibrationlaboratories incorporate the latest technology and processes to calibrate all ABB measurementproducts as well as those from many other global manufacturers. Calibration results are traceable to international standards.How does Measurement Care services help to improve process performance?Our service experts have extensive application knowledge. They can evaluate plant conditions, identify opportunities for improvement and implement a cost-effective performanceenhancement program. They’ll also recommend an ongoing upgrade / replacement plan to secure peak performance of the installed base, keeping your plant competitive.Can ABB provide advanced services to protect measurement integrity and optimize process uptime when ABB service engineers are not on-site?Yes. We can remotely check the health andperformance of your measurement devices to an agreed timetable. Based on the results we’ll propose a plan to optimize reliability and / or recommend practices for predictive maintenance.For more informationFor more information on ABB Measurement Care services, please click the following link or copy / paste it into your browser:/products/measurement-products/service/service-agreements/measurement-careP G /S E A 100/2-E N R e v . A 01.2018—We reserve the right to make technical changes or modify the contents of this document without prior notice. With regard to purchase orders, the agreed particulars shall prevail. ABB does not accept any responsibility whatsoever for potential errors or possible lack of information in this document.We reserve all rights in this document and in the subject matter and illustrations contained therein. Any reproduction,disclosure to third parties or utilization of its contents – in whole or in parts – isforbidden without prior written consent of ABB. ©ABB 2018All rights reserved—To find your local ABB contact, visit:/contactsFor more information visit:/measurement3KXS110004R5301—Rapid response,lifecycle management and performanceimprovement services。












成都华振供水设备有限公司- 1 -))1 MΩ电阻与机壳连接用于模拟输入电位器的给定电压输出.10 V±2%))1 MΩ电阻与机壳连接频率。

0…20 mA ( 数字输入6,可编程。



显示对比度同时按住 MENU (菜单)键和 UP (向上)或DOWN (向下)可以改变显示对比- 5 -顶行液晶屏的顶行显示变频器的基本的状态信息。

• LOC (本地) - 表示变频器处于本地控制,即控制命令来自控制盘。

• REM (远程) - 表示变频器处于远程控制, 例如 I/O (X1) 或现场总线。

• - 显示变频器和电机的旋转状态:4、应用宏的选择 中崛供水设备应用宏选择,用于泵的循环软起控制中,在ABB 变频器设置中9902的值为15(SPFC 控制).注意! 参数2108 START INHIBIT (禁止起动)必须保持为默认设置0 (OFF)。

ABB RobotStudio 5.14.01 SP1 手册说明书

ABB RobotStudio 5.14.01 SP1 手册说明书

What’s New? RobotStudio5.14.01 SP1Revision: -The information in this manual is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by ABB. ABB assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this manual.Except as may be expressly stated anywhere in this manual, nothing herein shall be construed as any kind of guarantee or warranty by ABB for losses, damages to persons or property, fitness for a specific purpose or the like.In no event shall ABB be liable for incidental or consequential damages arising from use of this manual and products described herein.This manual and parts thereof must not be reproduced or copied without ABB's written permission, and contents thereof must not be imparted to a third party nor be used for any unauthorized purpose. Contravention will be prosecuted.Additional copies of this document may be obtained from ABB at its then current charge.© Copyright 2011 ABB All rights reserved.ABB ABRobotics ProductsSE-721 68 VästeråsSweden1 What’s New in 5.14.01 SP1?OverviewThis section provides information about the new features and problems corrected in thisrelease.1.1 Solved IssuesTwo different memory problems are resolved in this Service Pack:The first issue, adressing the problem that the size of the station is increased with everysave. This was primary a problem for stations with lots of graphical components(geometry) that would result in an increase of the station file size for each save.The second issue concerned libraries that was connected and then disconnected. Thiscould in some cases cause a memory exception.2 What’s New in 5.14.01?OverviewThis section provides information about the new features and problems corrected in this release.2.1 Online MonitorThe parameters for defining update rate, warning and error levels for joint limits and singularities has been added to the RobotStudio Options pages.2.2 AutoPathThe AutoPath feature can be used to create a path based on the edges of the surfaces of a part. The function only allows a path to be created along adjacent faces. The parameter that defines the maximum distance between two faces to be considered adjacent has been added to the RobotStudio Options page.2.3 Collada import and exportRobotStudio can now import files in the format Collada version 1.4.1 (.dae) using the function Import Geometry . Objects can be exported in the Collada format using the function Export Geometry . The static geometry of an entire station can be exported in the collada format by selecting the station node of the Layout browser and selecting Export Geometry.2.4 Measurement markupThe x,y,z values of a measurement are displayed in a markup together with the totaldistance.2.5 Access Level ALL no longer needed of input signalsSignals of a VC no longer need to be defined to have Access Level = ALL in the I/OConfiguration database to change its values from RobotStudio. It is sufficient to havethem defined with Access Level = DEFAULT.2.6 Preview image of Pack & Go filesA preview image of the station contained in a Pack&Go file will be displayed in thepreview pane of Windows Explorer in Windows 7.2.7 New robot models – IRB5300-12The IRB5300-12 (the so-called door opener) is available in RobotStudio 5.14.013 What’s New in 5.14?OverviewThis section provides information about the new features in RobotStudio Microsoft Office 2010 Fluent User InterfaceFluent UIThe RobotStudio 5.14 user interface is redesigned and now uses the Microsoft OfficeFluent user interface (UI). Introduced in the RobotStudio 5.11, the Fluent UI isdesigned to make it easier for people to find and use the full range of features thatRobotStudio provide, and to preserve an uncluttered workspace.The RibbonThe ribbon, part of the Fluent UI, was designed to optimize key RobotStudio scenariosto make them easier to use. The ribbon provides quicker access to all the commands inRobotStudio and allows for easier future additions and customizations. You can makeyour favorite commands available in the quick access toolbar, embedded in the title bar.To help maximize the space of the graphical viewer, the ribbon can be hidden.Backstage ViewThe Microsoft Office Backstage is part of the Fluent UI and a companion feature to theribbon. The Backstage view, which can be accessed from the File menu, helps you findfrequently used features for managing RobotStudio files. (The File tab replaces theRobotStudio Button and File menu that were used in earlier releases of RobotStudio.)3.2 Activation and LicensingVersion independent activation key: RobotStudio 5.xStarting with RobotStudio 5.14, the activation key that activates RobotStudio 5.14 willalso activate all future versions (both major and minor) of RobotStudio 5. This isindicated by the version of the installed license key in RobotStudio. The versiondisplayed in the license information dialog is now 5.x.3.3 GeneralDocument Manager ReferencesReferences to files and folders can be added to a station through the DocumentManager. Referenced folders can optionally be included in the Pack and Go file. Thereis also an option to completely embed a file in the station.New Robot ModelsSimulation models for the following new robots have been added to RobotStudio ∙IRB2600ID (15kg/1.85m)∙IRB2600ID (8kg/2.0m)∙IRB460∙IRB760Station name in title barThe name of the currently opened station has been added to the title bar.Improvements of CAD based path generation (AutoPath)The function ’Path from Curve’ for automatic creation of path based on a curve, hasbeen improved. It is not longer required to have a curve prepared as it can work on theedges of a piece of geometry. Of course, if a curve is available, it can be used for thepath generation as before. The user interface has been simplified and advanced optionsfor angle tuning, approach and depart targets removed. Also, a preview of the path isavailable to indicate what the result will be before the command is executed.Tuning of targets can be done through the new Reference Frame available in the SetPosition and Rotate tools. Approach and depart targets can be created using the regularcopy/paste functions in combination with the tuning feature. The function has beenrenamed to AutoPath to reflect the re-design.Online MonitorThe Online Monitor can be described as a virtual web camera that monitors theconnected robot and visualizes its movements. The graphical view that shows the robotmodel is updated with the true robot position every second. If the robot is in a singularposition or at a joint limit you will get an indication in the view. Only TCP robots willbe shown as external axes are not supported.Adjust RobtargetsThe Premium feature Adjust Robtargets allows programs that has been programmedwith the wrong TCP (tooldata) or work object (wobjdata) to be corrected. The jointangles of the robot will remain the same.Accelerated simulationAn option to run the simulation as fast as possible has been added to the SimulationAccuracy section of the RobotStudio options. With this option selected, RobotStudiowill fire the next time step as soon as the calculation for the previous one is completed.The predicted execution times for the Virtual Controllers will not be affected.Station Viewer Improvements: Acceleration and Seek BarThe simulation replay of the Station Viewer can now accelerated up to 200% of thenormal execution speed. It is also possible to reduce the time or even play thesimulation backwards. In addition, a seek bar has been added that shows simulationprogress and allows the simulation to be started at a particular point.Simulation Step / Pause / ResumeA simulation can now be stepped forward one tick at the time. First, start the simulation as usual by pressing the Play button. Then, you can pause the simulation by pressing the Pause button. When paused, the Play button will be renamed to Resume , and the Pause button will be renamed into Step . Now, the simulation can be stepped forward one time step (tick) at the time by pressing the Step button.Before starting the simulation the Play button is enabled. When the simulation is running, the Pause button is enabled. When paused, the Play , and Pause buttons are renamed, Resume and Step, respectively, see below.→ → ScreenRecorder support for Microsoft Windows Media formatSupport for Windows Media version 8 and 9 has been added to the Screen Recorder . In addition, movies can be recorded using the H.264 / MPEG-4 encoder that creates high-quality recordings with a high compression ratio. The AVI format is still availableand allows the selection of any available codec on the computer.NOTE!The Microsoft Windows Media and H.264 encoders are only available for Windows 7,not for Windows XP.Transparent texturesTo simply modeling and increase realism, support for transparent textures has beenadded to RobotStudio. The textures are applied using the Graphical Appearance tool.The feature supports textures in .PNG format.Target Reference FrameThe reference frame of a target has now been exposed in RobotStudio. Until now, it hasonly been available in ArcWelding PowerPac. The target reference frame allows atarget to be offset relative to the original position. This is useful if the targets have beencreated using a CAD-model and it is required to offset the target position to compensatefor the robot tool. The Reference Frame is available in the Set Position and RotatetoolsImproved performance for Configurations and AutoConfigThe different ways a robot arm can use to reach a certain target is controlled by theconfdata in RAPID and can be set using the Configurations tool in RobotStudio.The performance of the calculation of the available arm configurations are now donedirectly by the virtual controller, which gives a dramatic increase in performance. Theimproved performance can be seen when using RobotWare 5.14.Collision Detection performance improved.The Collision Detection computation has been improved to make use of multiple CPUcores, if available, and uses the SSE (Streaming SIMD Extensions) instruction set forbest performance.Nine decimals in generated RAPID codeThe number of decimals used for specifying the position and orientation data ofgenerated robtargets, tooldata, and wobjdata are now limited to nine. Thiswill increase readability of the generated RAPID code. Accuracy is not affected sincethe data is declared in RAPID as num (single precision) that uses the eight firstdecimals.MarkupsA markup is a text box displayed in the 3D graphics. It can be used to highlight areas ofinterest. Markups become part of the Station Viewer.AutoConfig optionsNew options related to AutoConfig∙Verify. Verifies existing configuration∙Reset. Marks current configuration as unverified to enable for optimization using AutoConfigSignal AnalyzerSignals to be analyzed are defined in the Signal Setup tool for viewing and analysis inthe Signal Analyzer.The tool allows robot performance tuning and signal debugging.The table below lists the signals that can be analyzed and their dependency onRobotWare..Signal name RW availabilityController Signals / <system name> / EventLog<domain> Any RW versionController Signals / <system name> / Mechanical Units / I/O System<all signals> Any RW versionController Signals / <system name> / Mechanical Units / ROB_x / JointJ1-J6 Any RW versionNear Limit Any RW versionController Signals / <system name> / Mechanical Units / ROB_x / TargetFine Point Any RW versionTarget Reached Any RW versionController Signals / <system name> / Mechanical Units / ROB_x / TCPMaximum Linear Acceleration in World1RW version ≥ 5.14Orientation Q1-Q4 Current Workobject RW version ≥ 5.14Orientation Speed in Current Workobject RW version ≥ 5.14Pos X, Y, Z in Current Workobject RW version ≥ 5.14Robot Configuration cf1, cf4, cf6, cfx RW version ≥ 5.14Speed in Current Workobject RW version ≥ 5.14Total Motor Power RW version ≥ 5.14Smart Components<all signals> <no RW needed>The Signals are visualized in the graph below.Using the Signal History tool, signal recordings can be exported to Excel, renamed, ordeleted.NOTE!The maximum number of signals that can be exported is limited to 26.1 The signal ’Maximum Linear Acceleration in World’ provides the maximum acceleration of the current move instruction.RAPID ProfilerThe new RAPID Profiler is a tool for measuring and analyzing procedure executiontimes of the robot program. It is a Premium feature that can be used to identify thecritical procedures that offer great potential for cycle time reduction. Special attention ispaid to Wait-instructions and MultiMove synchronization semaphores. Reducingwaiting times is the obvious way to reduce the program execution time.NOTE!∙The Spy function does not produce useful output for systems based on theRobotWare option CAP (Continuous Application Platform). This is the case for with ArcWelding. This affects the RAPID Profiler that analyses the loggenerated by the Spy function.∙For accurate results, the last move instruction of all procedures should be a fine point. Otherwise the estimated time for that procedure will be underestimated. External axis interpolationDefines optimal external axis value with respect to robot TCP3.4 Smart Component ImprovementsSmart Component: LogicExpressionA gate whose output is determined by a logic expression. Supports logic operatorsAND, OR, NOT and XOR. Advanced gates can be easily created using theLogicExpression gate. The overall complexity of a smart component is reduced sincethe gate logic can be handled by one base component.Example: output = input5 XOR (input1 AND input2) OR (NOT input3)Smart Component Viewer FilterThe objects of the SmartComponent viewer can now be filtered to reduce thecomplexity.∙signals∙properties∙only connected componentsProperty Detectable added to graphical objectsAllows graphical objects to be made invisible to SmartComponent sensors3.5 ScreenMaker ImprovementsLanguage SupportScreenMaker supports the same set of languages that RobotStudio supports. Thelanguages are applicable for the User Interface which includes the ribbon and dialogsand not for the controls and its properties .ScreenMaker TemplatesScreenMaker now includes the three templates Basic, Advanced and Extended, whichrepresent typical uses of ScreenaMaker.Launch Virtual Flexpendant after deployingThe new option to automatically launch the Virtual FlexPendant after the currentScreenMaker application have been deployed is available in the ScreenMakerproperties.Access of shared dataShared RAPID data can now be accessed using ScreenMakerConditional Trigger ControlA new control for configuring the execution of events based on condition. Thefollowing table describes the conditions and datatypes supportedCondition RAPID Signals Application VariablesAND bool NA boolOR bool NA boolXOR bool NA boolNOTEQUAL Any Type Any Type Any TypeEQUAL Any Type Any Type Any TypeGREATER num, dnum num, dnum num, dnum (0/1)LESSER num, dnum num, dnum num, dnum(0/1)ScreenMaker Doctor detects missing RAPID and Signal dataThe ScreenMaker Doctor now detects missing RAPID and Signal data that has beenbound in the ScreenMaker project but does not exist in the connected controller. TheScreenMaker project must be connected to the controller to detect RAPID and Signaldata. The ScreenMaker Doctor does not detect actions that are defined as part of events.For example: If an action has been defined to Read Rapid Data into ApplicationVariable.Increment / Decrement controlA new control for incrementing and decrementing a NUM/DNUM.。

ABB RobotStudio产品说明说明书

ABB RobotStudio产品说明说明书

Virtual Robot browsertargets can be modified. virtual robot.IO SimulatorRobotStudio Automatic generation of targets along a curveRobotStudioThe Program EditorWith RobotStudio, the Program editor Program-Maker is included. Some of the main features of ProgramMaker includes:•Ability to check for syntactic and semantic errors, as robot programs are created or edited • Program data is displayed in a familiar“spreadsheet” format that is Microsoft Excel compatible•TCP Adjust, FrameAdjust and Mirror wizard • Automatic declaration of referenced data • The Tree View allows the user to view and navigate robot program structure in a simple, logical manner • Syntax colorization• Multiple routines can be viewed and edited at the same timeSimulation AutoReachWith AutoReach you can optimise the locations of the work piece and the robot. If the positions are reachable or not are clearly indicated in the graphics area.Collision DetectionCollisions between any objects in the station can be detected and visualised during robot simulation.You can select between detecting collisions for the whole station, or for a selected list of objects.Events- and I/O-SimulationBy using the Event table in RobotStudio you can respond to signals set in your robot program (so called IO events). This can be used in simulation of search-sequences or simulation of material handling when parts are gripped/released. For advanced simulation you can also connect the IO events to Visual Basic macros. This enables simulation of a complete station including equipment.Simulation MonitoringYou can monitor the results of the robot motion in your simulation. Simulation data such as robot-joint values and speed can be logged and stored.Your can follow the movement of the robot TCP by using the trace function that draws a line in the graphics area where the TCP is moved.Visual Basic for ApplicationsMicrosoft’s ®Visual Basic for Applications (VBA 6.3) is distributed with RobotStudio. VBA is an object based programming environment designed to provide rich development capabilities.Implemented in RobotStudio, these capabilities shorten the development times of custom solutions for customers and applications. VBA has full Visual Basic language syntax, the new forms package, and support for ActiveX Controls.By using VBA customised macros and applications can easily be developed to suit the special needs for a particular customer or to automate repetitive daily tasks. Most functionality available in the RobotStudio user interface is also available from VBA. In addition user defined menus and dia-logues can be added.ProgramMaker, the Program EditorRobotStudioRobotStudio Plus+ PacThe Plus+ Pac for RobotStudio adds extra usefulfeatures to the base of RobotStudio. The features ofthe RobotStudio Plus+ Pac are the following:Kinematics ModelerThe kinematics modeler is an essential module forthose who need to create their own mechanismssuch as tools, external axes and other movingdevices in a station.New Station WizardCreate a new station fast and easy by using theNew Station Wizard. The user is guided troughthe necessary steps to include a robot, tool,external axes and other parts in station.Pack and GoThe Pack and Go module stores a station with all its libraries into one single folder. Ready to compress, e.g. by using WinZip.Path ConfigurationIn order to get an accurate robot motion along a path, the robot configuration must be stored in each target. The Path Configuration module defines automatically the robot configurations along a path in order to obtain a smooth motion.Quaternion ConverterConverts between quaternion angles (used in the RAPID programming) and Euler angles (used in RobotStudio).Show/Blank BrowserAdds a new browser to the browser window. From this browser you can easily display and hide objects in your station. This is especially useful for users who work with large stations with many objects.Texture SupportAllow you to add textures (i.e. bitmaps) on object surfaces in your station, all to make the visual model even more realistic.ArcWeld PowerPacArcWeld PowerPac is a dedicated programming tool for generating arc weld programs. ArcWeld and RobotStudio utilize the CAD geometry as the basis for all robotics programming.The programmer defines weld locations on the CAD geometry and creates robot positions in relation to the geometry. ArcWeld automatically generates the weld path based on the input, and creates approach and depart paths that will move the robot in and out of the weld location. The semi-automatic optimization tool defines arm configurations along the weld path, and avoids joint-limit and singularity errors. ArcWeld automatically checks for reachability and notifies the user if any reachability problems occur. The result is an arc weld program ready for download.Figure 9 Show and Blank BrowserRobotStudioBendWizard PowerPacBendWizard improves the interface for program-ming the robot and press brake operation.The cell is shown in the 3D format with all peripheral components defined and the operator can program the different phases of the operation which include:•Loading the sheet from the feeding system •Double-thickness control•Centering the Part•Bending sequence•Overturning and palletizingThe system automatically verifies every phase of the program cycle including reachability of robot targets, the robots working envelope, potential interference and collision problems:When a problem is detected the operator has several tools available to make the necessary modifications. Once it’s done the program is converted to the robots operating language and downloaded. A first part program check is recommended. All of BendWizard’s processed data can be converted into reports for documen-tation and used for setting up future production runs or successive batches.Software and hardware requirements •Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 with Service Pack 6 or higher and Internet Explorer 4.0 SP2 or higher •Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional with Service Pack 1 or higher•Microsoft Windows XP ProfessionalRecommended hardwareCPU:Pentium III or higherMemory:256 MB RAM or moreFree disc-space:50 MB on the system disk900+ MB on the installation diskGraphics card:A high performance graphics card with OpenGL supportExamples for stationary PCs: 3Dlabs Wildcat III 6110, NVIDIA Quadro4 900 XGL, ATI FireGL 8800Examples for laptops: NVIDIA GeForce4 Go (available e.g. in Toshiba Satellite 5005-S507), ATI Mobility Radeon 7500 (available e.g. in Dell Inspiron 8100), ATI Mobility FireGL 7800 (available e.g. in IBM A31p)Screen resolution:1280 x 1024 pixelsThree button mouse。

ABB 电动机产品说明书

ABB 电动机产品说明书

Dimensions: [mm]Scale - 1:17443641015074436410150744364101507443641015074436410150T e m p e r a t u r eT pT L74436410150Cautions and Warnings:The following conditions apply to all goods within the product series of WE-HCF of Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG:General:•This electronic component was designed and manufactured for use in general electronic equipment.•Würth Elektronik must be asked for written approval (following the PPAP procedure) before incorporating the components into any equipment in fields such as military, aerospace, aviation, nuclear control, submarine, transportation (automotive control, train control, ship control), transportation signal, disaster prevention, medical, public information network, etc. where higher safety and reliability are especially required and/or if there is the possibility of direct damage or human injury.•Electronic components that will be used in safety-critical or high-reliability applications, should be pre-evaluated by the customer. •The component was designed and manufactured to be used within the datasheet specified values. If the usage and operation conditions specified in the datasheet are not met, the wire insulation may be damaged or dissolved.•Do not drop or impact the components, as the core may flake apart.•Würth Elektronik products are qualified according to international standards, which are listed in each product reliability report. Würth Elektronik does not guarantee any customer qualified product characteristics beyond Würth Elektroniks’ specifications, for its validity and sustainability over time.•The customer is responsible for the functionality of their own products. All technical specifications for standard products also apply to customer specific products.Product specific:Soldering:•The solder profile must comply with the Würth Elektronik technical soldering specification. All other profiles will void the warranty. •All other soldering methods are at the customers’ own risk.Cleaning and Washing:•Washing agents used during the production to clean the customer application may damage or change the characteristics of the wire insulation, marking or plating. Washing agents may have a negative effect on the long-term functionality of the product. Potting:•If the product is potted in the costumer application, the potting material may shrink or expand during and after hardening. Shrinking could lead to an incomplete seal, allowing contaminants into the core. Expansion could damage the core or wire contacts. Werecommend a manual inspection after potting to avoid these effects. Storage Conditions:• A storage of Würth Elektronik products for longer than 12 months is not recommended. Within other effects, the terminals may suffer degradation, resulting in bad solderability. Therefore, all products shall be used within the period of 12 months based on the day of shipment.•Do not expose the components to direct sunlight.•The storage conditions in the original packaging are defined according to DIN EN 61760-2.Packaging:•The packaging specifications apply only to purchase orders comprising whole packaging units. If the ordered quantity exceeds or is lower than the specified packaging unit, packaging in accordance with the packaging specifications cannot be ensured. Handling:•Violation of the technical product specifications such as exceeding the nominal rated current will void the warranty•Applying currents with audio-frequency signals may result in audible noise due to the magnetostrictive material properties. •Due to heavy weight of the components, strong forces and high accelerations may have the effect to damage the electrical connection or to harm the circuit board and will void the warranty.These cautions and warnings comply with the state of the scientific and technical knowledge and are believed to be accurate and reliable.However, no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies or incompletenessWürth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KGEMC & Inductive SolutionsMax-Eyth-Str. 174638 WaldenburgGermanyCHECKED REVISION DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)GENERAL TOLERANCE PROJECTIONMETHODElGa004.0002023-04-26DIN ISO 2768-1mDESCRIPTIONWE-HCF SMT High CurrentInductor ORDER CODE74436410150SIZE/TYPE BUSINESS UNIT STATUS PAGEImportant NotesThe following conditions apply to all goods within the product range of Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG:1. General Customer ResponsibilitySome goods within the product range of Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG contain statements regarding general suitability for certain application areas. These statements about suitability are based on our knowledge and experience of typical requirements concerning the areas, serve as general guidance and cannot be estimated as binding statements about the suitability for a customer application. The responsibility for the applicability and use in a particular customer design is always solely within the authority of the customer. Due to this fact it is up to the customer to evaluate, where appropriate to investigate and decide whether the device with the specific product characteristics described in the product specification is valid and suitable for the respective customer application or not.2. Customer Responsibility related to Specific, in particular Safety-Relevant ApplicationsIt has to be clearly pointed out that the possibility of a malfunction of electronic components or failure before the end of the usual lifetime cannot be completely eliminated in the current state of the art, even if the products are operated within the range of the specifications.In certain customer applications requiring a very high level of safety and especially in customer applications in which the malfunction or failure of an electronic component could endanger human life or health it must be ensured by most advanced technological aid of suitable design of the customer application that no injury or damage is caused to third parties in the event of malfunction or failure of an electronic component. Therefore, customer is cautioned to verify that data sheets are current before placing orders. The current data sheets can be downloaded at .3. Best Care and AttentionAny product-specific notes, cautions and warnings must be strictly observed. Any disregard will result in the loss of warranty.4. Customer Support for Product SpecificationsSome products within the product range may contain substances which are subject to restrictions in certain jurisdictions in order to serve specific technical requirements. Necessary information is available on request. In this case the field sales engineer or the internal sales person in charge should be contacted who will be happy to support in this matter.5. Product R&DDue to constant product improvement product specifications may change from time to time. As a standard reporting procedure of the Product Change Notification (PCN) according to the JEDEC-Standard inform about minor and major changes. In case of further queries regarding the PCN, the field sales engineer or the internal sales person in charge should be contacted. The basic responsibility of the customer as per Section 1 and 2 remains unaffected.6. Product Life CycleDue to technical progress and economical evaluation we also reserve the right to discontinue production and delivery of products. As a standard reporting procedure of the Product Termination Notification (PTN) according to the JEDEC-Standard we will inform at an early stage about inevitable product discontinuance. According to this we cannot guarantee that all products within our product range will always be available. Therefore it needs to be verified with the field sales engineer or the internal sales person in charge about the current product availability expectancy before or when the product for application design-in disposal is considered. The approach named above does not apply in the case of individual agreements deviating from the foregoing for customer-specific products.7. Property RightsAll the rights for contractual products produced by Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG on the basis of ideas, development contracts as well as models or templates that are subject to copyright, patent or commercial protection supplied to the customer will remain with Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG. Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG does not warrant or represent that any license, either expressed or implied, is granted under any patent right, copyright, mask work right, or other intellectual property right relating to any combination, application, or process in which Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG components or services are used.8. General Terms and ConditionsUnless otherwise agreed in individual contracts, all orders are subject to the current version of the “General Terms and Conditions of Würth Elektronik eiSos Group”, last version available at .Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KGEMC & Inductive SolutionsMax-Eyth-Str. 174638 WaldenburgGermanyCHECKED REVISION DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)GENERAL TOLERANCE PROJECTIONMETHODElGa004.0002023-04-26DIN ISO 2768-1mDESCRIPTIONWE-HCF SMT High CurrentInductor ORDER CODE74436410150SIZE/TYPE BUSINESS UNIT STATUS PAGE。



Protect ITMultifunction Protection and Switchbay Control Unit REF542plusTable of Contents1General (42Functions (82.1Configuration (82.2Operation (102.2.1LCD display (102.2.2Status Indication ( status ( status (11 indication ( status (112.2.3LED Indication (112.2.4Bar displays (112.2.5Control push buttons (12 2.2.6Electronic key (122.3Measurement (122.3.1Values measured directly (12 2.3.2Calculated values (132.3.3Other values (132.4Protection (132.5Control (142.6Event recording (142.7Fault recording (152.8Real time clock (162.9Process interface (162.9.1Analog inputs (162.9.2Binary inputs and outputs (183Diagnosis and monitoring (194Analog output (205Communication (216Housing (237Mechanical design (267.1REF542plus standard case version: (267.2REF542plus wide case version: (267.3Analog inputs (268List of the protection functions (279Technical data (329.1Analog input channels (329.1.1Current and voltage transformer input values (329.1.2Current and voltage sensor input values (329.2Binary inputs and outputs (339.2.1BIO module with mechanical output relays (version 3 (33 9.2.2BIO module with static outputs (349.3Interfaces (349.3.1HMI Control Unit: (349.3.2Central Unit: (349.4Analog output board (optional (349.5Communication (optional (349.6Power supply (359.6.1Central Unit (359.6.2HMI Control Unit (359.7Environmental conditions (359.8Degree of protection by enclosure (369.8.1Central Unit (369.8.2RHMI Control Unit (3610Type test (3710.1Protection function (3710.2Electro magnetic compatibility (3810.2.1Emission test (3810.2.2Immunity tests - enclosure port (3910.2.3Immunity tests - power supply port (4010.2.4Immunity tests - communication ports (4110.2.5Immunity tests – binary input and output ports (42 10.3Insulation resistance (4210.4Mechanical robustness (4210.5Climatic conditions (4211Connection Diagram (4311.1Connector Plate (4311.2HMI Control Unit (4411.3REF542plus with mechanical binary I/O (4511.4REF542plus with solid state binary I/O (4811.5REF542plus with mechanical binary I/O (version 2 (5111.6Analog input board versions (521 GeneralThe REF542plus Multifunction Protection and Switchbay Control Unit is the further development of the former REF542 unit. Like its predecessor, it features the following functions:ProtectionMeasurementControlMonitoringAll functions mentioned above and power quality functions are integrated in a programmable environment. The exceptional flexibility and scalability of these newgeneration devices lead to a smart and clean solution where the traditional approach would be ineffective and expensive.The following figures show examples of the REF542plus installation in several switchboards.Figure 1: REF542plus installed in gas insulated switchboards (GISFigure 2: REF542plus installed in an air insulated switchboard (AISThe REF542plus is based on a real-time microprocessor system. The measurement and protection functions are executed by a D igital S ignal P rocessor (DSP, while a M icroC ontroller (MC is executing the control functions. Due to this task separation there is no impact between the start and the trip behavior of the implemented protection scheme, should the control scheme be modified. The C ommunication P rocessor (CP is needed for connection to a station automation system. A block diagram of theREF542plus isshown in figure 3.Figure 3: REF542plus Block diagramREF542plus, as shown in figure 3, consists of two parts, a Central Unit and a separate H uman M achine I nterface (HMI. The Central Unit contains the power supply, processor and analog and binary I nput and O utput (I/O modules, as well as optional modules for supplementary functions.The HMI Control Unit is a stand-alone unit with its own power supply. It can be installed on the L ow V oltage (LV compartment door or in a dedicated compartment close to the Central Unit. The HMI is normally used to set the protection parameters and to locally operate the switching devices in the switchbay. The HMI is connected to the Central Unit by a shielded, isolated twisted pair according to the RS485 interface. Figure 4 shows an installation of the Central Unit and the HMI Control Unit in the LV compartment of a switchboard for the switchbay.Figure 4: Mounting of the Central Unit in the LV compartment and the HMI on the doorThe HMI Control Unit, as shown in figure 5, features a back-illuminated L iquid C rystalD isplay (LCD, eight push buttons, several LEDs and an electronic key interface. The language of the display can be selected via the related configuration software tool, which is also used to define the protection and the control scheme.Figure 5: The HMI Control UnitThe left half of the LCD display is reserved for the Single Line diagram. The right half is used to display the appropriate menu or submenu as determined by the user. Two different electronic keys with different access rights are available. Each of the keys are programmed to permit either:protection functions parameterization of themode selection of the control functionsThree freely programmable LED bars have been provided on the front of the HMI Control Unit. Each LED bar consists of ten green and two red LEDs and is user configurable to display any required measurement value. The red LEDs are used to indicate values above the rated value.The functions of the REF542plus can be tailored to the system requirements via a user-specific configuration. The user-specific configuration is loaded during commissioning. For that purpose the configuration computer, normally a personal computer (notebook running Windows NT, is connected to the optical interface on the front side of the HMI Control Unit.The interface of the multifunctional unit REF542plus to the M edium V oltage (MV primary process is as follows:Analog inputs to measure current and voltage signals from instrument transformers or non conventional sensorsBinary inputs with optical couplers for the galvanic separation of the external signals to be processed;Binary outputs with conventional mechanical relays or static outputs for the control of switching devices;Optional four channel analog outputs 0 to 20mA or 4 to 20 mAOptional connection to ABB or third party station automation system.REF542plus is a certified product for compliance to the Industrial IT architecture concept of ABB.Industrial IT products can be effectively combined together into value-added systems and solutions in a “Plug&Produce” manner.Compliance according to “Level 0: Information” ensures that all relevant product documentation – including the operation manual, instructions for installation and maintenance, electrical and mechanical drawings, test reports and specific order information -is online available, in electronic format, for access via software products and systems based on the ABB Aspect Integrator Platform.In this way, significant benefits are enabled to the final user for much easier and effective installation, configuration, operation and maintenance of the product in the plant. Detailed information on Industrial IT is available at /industrial it2 FunctionsREF542plus Multifunction Protection and Switchbay Control Unit integrates all thesecondary functions in a single unit. This multifunctional unit also features a self-monitoring function. All functions are designed as freely configurable software modules.Therefore, a wide range of operation requirements in MV stations can be met without any problems. The versatility of the software makes it possible to use theREF542plus on every switchboard independent on the specific application required.2.1 ConfigurationEach application for protection and control can easily be configured by software function modules, which make arbitrary definition of the following features as part of the secondary system possible:LED's (meaning and colors for local indicationSingle Line diagram to show the status of switching devicesProtection schemesControl schemesInterlocking schemesAutomation sequencesAll functions in the switchbay can be specified in collaboration with ABB. The result of the configuration is saved and delivered together with the switchboard to the users. By using the "FU nctional block P rogramming La nguage” (FUPLA theREF542plus Multifunction Protection and Switchbay Control Unit offers engineers, especially those who are not software experts, the opportunity of easily updating the operation and handling of the switchbay.With REF542plus the user has the benefit of a secondary system that is fully integrated ina true programmable controller. This flexibility is very advantageous for defining controlfunctions for automation sequences, which can, for example, include the interlocking of the switching devices, blocking the release of specific protection functions, as well as starting switching sequences.REF542plus multifunctional unit provides a wide range of logical functions so that each required control schemes can be configured. The range of logical functions includes: AND logic gateNAND logic gateOR logic gateNOR logic gateXOR logic gateBistable and monostable flip flopCountersTimersPulse generatorsMemoriesSimilar to the free definition of the control scheme, each required protection scheme can be configured by the combination of the available protection function modules. Forexample, the following protection functions areavailable:Definite time overcurrent protectionInverse time overcurrent protectionDirectional overcurrent protectionUnder- or overvoltage protectionDistance protectionDifferential protection for transformer and motorThermal protection for cable, transformer and motorReverse power protectionSynchronism checkNote The specific software configuration of the required protection scheme can only be carried out in-house at ABB.The protection scheme parameters can be changed via the HMI Control Unit withoutusing a personal computer. Additional functions can be excuted with a personal computer running the configuration software and connected to the optical interface on the front of the HMI unit.These additional functions are:Parameterization of the protection scheme,Read-out of the current measurement values,Read-out of the status of the binary inputs and outputs,Read-out of the fault recorder andViewing of the FUPLA logic I/O states2.2 OperationA wide range of functions can be controlled and operated using the simple, user-friendlyinterface on the HMI Control Unit. This user-friendly interface is shown in the following figure.Figure 6: HMI as Control UnitThe HMI consists of the following features:2.2.1 LCD displayThe back-illuminated LCD display of the HMI provides a graphical display of the switching devices in the switchbay controlled by the REF542plus. The intensity and the duration of the illumination can be set as required. The Single Line diagram shows the current status of all the switching devices. The right half of the LCD display is for plain text, such asmeasurement values, main menu and submenus descriptions, protection signals and event recording.On the LCD display, the following can be shown:Up to eight switching device icons (when the binary I/O boards with mechanical relays are used, a maximum of seven switching devices can be controlledVarious icons for motors, transformers, sensors, transducersA maximum of 40 individual lines.2.2.2 Status IndicationFour system LEDs, describe in the following chapters, indicate the status of theREF542plus. Operational statusOn the HMI front panel, the operational status is called 'Ready' and is displayed by agreen LED. The unit is not operational when this LED is off, and this occurs for example during the downloading of the configuration for the operation of the switchbay or if a fault condition is detected in the Central Unit. Communication statusOn the HMI front panel, this communication status is called 'Network Communication'. If the REF542plus is to be connected to a station automation system, the appropriatecommunications board is required. In this case a green LED is used to indicate thecorrect operational status of this optional board. The LED color changes to red if acommunication failure has occurred. Alarm indicationSeveral arbitrary alarm conditions can be defined and configured by the user. If one of these conditions is fulfilled, the red LED will be on. Interlocking statusThe LED is green if no interlocking conditions have been violated. In case of a switching action, which violates the interlock conditions such as switching a disconnector in theclosed condition of the C ircuit B reaker (CB, the color will change temporarily to red.2.2.3 LED IndicationEight freely programmable, three color LED's are provided for local indication. Thenumber of LED display options can be quadrupled through the menu structure. As aresult, a total of 32 indication options are available for status indication regardingprotection, control, monitoring and supervision functions.2.2.4 Bar displaysThree freely programmable LED bars are provided for showing the measurement values.The LED bars are used to display arbitrary measurement values as required. Each bar consists of ten green and two red LEDs. The nominal values of each LED bar, whichcorresponds to the ten green LEDs are defined by the configuration software. If themeasurement values are higher than the rated values, the red LEDs will gets illuminated indicating an overload situation.2.2.5 Control push buttonsThe control push buttons are used for operation of the switching devices during localcontrol. A total of eight push buttons are available, four for commanding the primaryequipment and four for browsing the display. The emergency push button can beconfigured in the FUPLA to open the circuit breaker when pressed simultaneously with the normal open push button.2.2.6 Electronic keyTwo different electronic keys are provided. One key can only be used for the protection scheme parametrization. The other one is for control modes selection: local, remote or local/remote. By using these two keys a certain separation between protection and control operation can be achieved. If required a general key that permits access to both modes is provided. The sensor for recognizing which electronic key has been used is located on the front panel of the HMI Control Unit.2.3 MeasurementREF542plus can have a maximum of 8 analogue input channels for measuring current and voltage signals. These channels are organized into three groups.Group 1 and group 2 have to be homogeneous, that means they can measure 3 currents or 3 voltages. For example, measurement of 1 current and 2 voltages is not allowed.Group 3 can get any type of signals: 2 currents, 2 voltages, 1 current and 1 voltage, etc.Channel 8 in the current REF542plus release can be used for measurement purposes only (no protection. REF542plus analogue inputs are very flexible, as this flexibility is needed to support all the protection functions of the unit itself.Group1 and group 2 can be used for homogeneous current or voltage measurements both from instrument transformers and non conventional sensors. Group 3 can be used ina heterogeneous way, as well with instrument transformers as also with sensors. Channel7 in group3 can be used for earth fault current with current transformer type input; or forthe synchronism check function with voltage transformer type input.The most common configuration uses three current and three voltage inputs and oneearth fault current input. All values are shown on the display as primary values. Thevalues registered over an extended time period, for example energy, number of CBoperations, maximum and measurement values are permanently saved. Even after power interruptions this data is still available. Using this common configuration, the following measured values are displayed:2.3.1 Values measured directlyLine currents, three phasesPhase voltages, three phasesEarth current or residual voltageFrequencyFrom the above measured quantities the following values can be calculated:2.3.2 Calculated valuesLine voltages, three phasesEarth current or residual voltageAverage value/maximum value current, three-phase (determined over several minutesApparent, active and reactive powerPower factorActive and reactive energyMoreover, the following quantities for monitoring purposes can be provided:2.3.3 Other valuesOperating hoursSwitching cyclesTotal switched currentsMetering pulses from an external metering device (up to 102.4 ProtectionThe REF542plus offers a wide range of functions for protection. As mentioned before, a wide range of protection schemes for the protection of several system components can be configured. The available protection functions can be combined together to form the required protection scheme. Figure 7 shows an example of a configured protectionscheme.Figure 7: FUPLA protection scheme2.5 ControlThe REF542plus permits convenient local operation with full interlocking againstswitching errors. The switch position of the various switching devices in the switchbay can be shown on the LCD display of the HMI Control Unit. If local control mode is selected, switching actions can be input locally using the control push buttons on the HMI Control Unit. Switching to another control mode can only be achieved by using the correctelectronic key.In remote control mode, only switching actions from a remote control unit like a station automation system are feasible. A special control mode, Local and Remote, is provided for users who want to perform simultaneous Local and Remote switching.Interlocking between the switchbays connected to the same bus bar system can also be taken into account. This requires the availability of status information of the switching devices to and from other switchbays. The status information must be provided either bya conventional, hard wired ring bus system or by the more sophisticated ABB stationautomation system. Figure 8 shows an example of a configured control scheme of the CB.Figure 8: FUPLA control scheme2.6 Event recordingThe last 30 recorded events can be shown locally on the LCD display of the HMI unit. The events are mostly related to protection activities. As well as displaying the event name, additional information about the event, time, date and the RMS value of the short circuit current switched off by the CB are provided. Each event is stamped with the time and date. The time is taken from the internal clock on the REF542plus, which can besynchronized by the station automation system. In the next figure, a list of recordedevents is shown.Figure 9: Event list on the LCD of the HMI2.7 Fault recordingThe multifunctional unit REF542plus is equipped with a fault recorder module, which record and encode analog and binary data. The number of recorded data channelsdepends on the initial configuration. Up to seven signals of the analog channels and 32 binary signals can be recorded. The analog input signals are recorded with a sampling rate of 1.2 kHz for a period of at least 1-second and for a maximum of 5 seconds. The recording time is a combination of pre- and post fault time. The records are saved using a typical ring buffer process, i.e. the oldest fault record is always overwritten with a new one. The number of saved fault records depends on the record time. For example, a maximum of 5 fault records can be saved with a recording time of 1s.Fault records can be exported and converted by the configuration software. The transfer of fault records can be done also via the interbay. Figure 10 shows a record of a cross country fault in an earth fault compensated MV system starting with the earth fault.Figure 10: Record of a cross country fault in an MV system2.8 Real time clockREF542plus is equipped with an internal real time clock which is used to time stampevents. The internal clock is buffered by a special super capacitor. In case of DC power supply failure, the stored electrical energy in the capacitor ensures continued operation of the internal clock for at least another two hours. The date and time of the clock can be set via the HMI Control Unit.REF542plus internal clock can be kept synchronized with an external clock in different ways.When connected to a station automation system, REF542plus is synchronized viainterbay bus using the facilities of the used protocol. If better accuracy is required,REF542 plus can be synchronized using the dedicated IRIG-B optical input port and a GPS master clock.Figure 11: Synchronization of the internal clock by a GPS master clock2.9 Process interfaceAn interface to the primary process is needed to carry out the protection, measurement and control schemes. The process interface will be described in the following paragraphs: 2.9.1 Analog inputsThe REF542plus Multifunction Protection and Switchbay Control Unit is designed forconnection to non conventional current and voltage sensors as well as to instruments transformers. Thanks to their linear characteristic, modern current and voltage sensors provide greater accuracy and reliability in signal measurement. Compared to instrument transformers, the new sensors have the following advantages:High accuracyCompact dimensionsWide dynamic rangeEasy integration in the switchboardThe current sensor is based on the principle of the Rogowski coil and consists of a single air-cored coil. Due to the lack of an iron core, the saturation effects of conventional current transformers do not exist anymore. Current sensors are thus well suited for the deployment of distance protection and differential protection functions.The current sensor measures the current value using a voltage signal that is proportional to the derivative of the primary current being measured. The numerical integration of the signal is performed using the DSP in the REF542plus unit. The current sensors cover a range from 0.5 to 2.0 of the rated current. The 80 A current sensors are for example very suitable for applications between a current range of 40 A to 160 A.The voltage sensor is based on the principle of the resistive divider from which the signal is obtained and is of a type that cannot be saturated. Therefore, the voltage sensor is linear throughout the measuring range. The output signal is a voltage that is directly proportional to the primary voltage. The next figures shows the combined sensors. Thecurrent and voltage sensors are encapsulated into a single resin unit, and that is the reason why they are referred as combined or combi sensors.Figure 12: Combined sensorA capacitive divider is incorporated in the combined sensor to provide the power supply for voltage presence indicator lamps.The output signals of the current and voltage sensors are connected directly to the Central Unit of the REF542plus, they do not require adaptation transformers. By using either modern sensors or conventional measurement transformers, the accuracy class 1 can be fulfilled, on condition that the current and voltage measuring values are in the range of the corresponding rated values.2.9.2 Binary inputs and outputsThe primary switching devices are monitored either through the auxiliary contacts or through the related sensors, which provide the status information of all the switching compartments in the switchbay. Besides that, signals coming from auxiliary components are also monitored. Consequently, at this interface the following actions are achieved:Control and interlocking of the primary switching device in the switchbayControl the CBs, disconnectors, earthing switchesSupervision of the spring status, of the continuity of CB open coil, the status of theswitching device.Providing output pulse signals for external energy counting systems .Control of the disconnectors drive motorsProviding the information regarding internal failure (watchdog.The inputs of the binary signals are isolated by an opto-coupler. In most applications, binary outputs are implemented with mechanical relays. However, in high levelapplications, like a switchboard in which motors are directly driven, static power outputs are required. A maximum of 3 binary I/O boards can be installed.3 Diagnosis and monitoringThe REF542plus monitors continuosly the condition of the system, including the switching devices. Maintenance requirements can thus be adapted to the real system condition in order to reduce down times. The following table shows the parameters monitored by the REF542plus. All the parameters can also be transmitted to a central control system where they are analyzed and processed, so that the diagnostic systems can be provided with data for reliability calculation to predict the remaining service life and maintenance actions.Type Parameters monitoredSoftware Diagnostic of REF 542 plus unitElectrical Auxiliary voltage circuitsPower supply to motor operators of the switchingdeviceContinuity of windings of the CB opening coil Mechanical components State of CB operating mechanism springsNumber of mechanical operationsGas pressure respectively densityTime Count of hours the switching device board inoperation.Contact switching time (from closed to open usingevents4 Analog outputAn optional analog output module with four configurable outputs can be inserted in the Central Unit. The output signal of this module can be set in the range from 0 to 20 mA or 4 to 20 mA. Each of the four channels can be independently activated and parameterized by the configuration software. The following analog output quantities are selectable:All voltage quantities directly from the analog inputsAll current quantities directly from the analog inputsCalculated residual currentsCalculated residual voltagesCalculated apparent, active and reactive powerCalculated power factor5 CommunicationAn optional communications board is provided for communication with a station automation system. This can be an ABB station automation system or a third party system. When using the ABB station automation system, all of the information provided by the REF542plus can be completely accessed so that the following centralized remote functions can be implemented:Remote monitoringRemote controlRemote setting of protection parametersRemote measurementEvents recordingMonitoring of all switching deviceAnalyze of fault recorder dataThe following protocols for connection to ABB station automation system are available: SPA-busLON-bus according to ABB L on A pplication G uide (LAG 1.4 definitionsThe software library LIB542 is available to interface the REF542plus unit in the ABB MicroScada station automation.Figure 13: Connection of the RE542plus in an ABB station automation systemThe following protocols allow REF542 plus to be connected to any third party automation system:IEC 60870-5-103 standard including the extension for control functions according to VDEW (Vereinigung Deutscher Elektrizitätswerke = association of GermanutilitiesDual MODBUS RTU6 HousingThe REF542plus housing for the Central Unit is made from sheet aluminium. Its exterior is chromatized both to protect the housing against corrosion and to gain the。



图 4 DL 交流测功机特性曲线 图4表示DL系列交流电力测功机的功率吸收范围和扭矩吸收范围。凡被试动力机械的特
四川诚邦测控技术有限公司 网 址:
地 址 : 四 川 省 成 都 市 双 流 蛟 龙 工 业 港 双 巷 路 46 号 电子邮箱:cb@ 电话:028-85737373
我公司生产的 DL 系列交流电力测功机根据功率级别由两种型式组成:1)、功率≤55kW, 由一台悬浮起来的交流电机,拉压力传感器测力装置,转速传感器、安装底座及与动力机械连 接的法兰,可四象限运行的 ACS800 系列交流变频调速系统和交流电力测功机测控仪组成; 2)、功率>55 kW,由一台交流电机,NJ 型转矩转速传感器、底座及与动力机械连接的法兰, 可四象限运行的 ACS800 系列交流变频调速系统和交流电力测功机测控仪组成。它们的工作原 理都是将交流电机发出的交流电经 ACS 变频器逆变为直流电然后再逆变为交流电上网。ACS 交流变频调速系统通过调节电机的上网电流来控制原动机的转速和扭矩。如与我公司生产的 ET2000 系列测控系统配套使用时除了可以对各种旋转动力机械的转速、扭矩进行精确测量和 控制外,还可以测量并采集诸如温度、压力等其他信号。
直接转矩控制磁场定向所用的是定子磁链,它采用离散的电压状态和六边形磁 链轨迹或近似圆形磁链轨迹的概念。只要知道定子电阻就可以把它观测出来。直接转 矩控制强调的是转矩的直接控制与效果、把转矩直接作为被控量,既直接又简化。



基本操作及编程培训IRC5 机器人系统IRC5 Basic Operation and Programming Training上海ABB工程有限公司 ABB Engineering (Shanghai) Ltd. 教材编号:S5-100 2006年03月IRC5 Basic Operation And Programming Training 基本操作及编程培训 2IRC5 Basic Operation And Programming Training 基本操作及编程培训Content 目录1 Overview 介绍 ...................................................................................................................................5 2 Safety and environment protection 系统安全及环境保护 ............................................................6 3 General 系统概述..............................................................................................................................73.1 IRC5 System IRC5系统............................................................................................................................. 7 3.2 Consist of the system 系统组成................................................................................................................. 8 4 Start the controller 启动.................................................................................................................10 4.1 Buttons on the Control module 控制单元柜按键.................................................................................. 10 4.2 Buttons on the Drive module 驱动单元柜按钮...................................................................................... 12 4.3 Start the controller 启动........................................................................................................................... 13 5 Shut down the controller 关机 .......................................................................................................14 6 FlexPendant 示教器 ........................................................................................................................15 6.1 Buttons on the FlexPendant 示教器按键................................................................................................. 16 6.2 The ABB Menu ABB菜单..................................................................................................................... 18 6.3 Close Button 关闭键.............................................................................................................................. 19 6.4 Task Bar 任务栏 .................................................................................................................................... 19 6.5 Status Bar 状态栏 .................................................................................................................................... 20 6.6 The Quickset menu 快捷菜单.................................................................................................................. 20 6.7 Soft keyboard 软键盘 ............................................................................................................................. 21 6.8 Scrolling and Zooming 磙动与缩放...................................................................................................... 21 7 Jogging the robot using the Joystick 使用操纵摇杆移动机器人 ................................................23 8 Precise positioning 精确定点..........................................................................................................29 8.1 Incremental movement 步进运动 ............................................................................................................ 29 9 Load a program 加载程序.............................................................................................................31 9.1 Load an existing program 加载一个已存在的程序 ................................................................................ 31 9.2 Start and test a program in Manual mode手动测试程序......................................................................... 33 10 Stopping the program 停止程序 ....................................................................................................38 11 Running a program in Automatic mode自动运行程序 ...............................................................39 12 Rapid Programming Rapid编程....................................................................................................41 12.1 Consist of the program 程序的组成 ........................................................................................................ 41 12.2 Basic Movement Instructions 基本运动指令 .......................................................................................... 42 12.3 Input/Output Instructions 输入/输出指令 ............................................................................................... 45 12.4 Communication Instructions 通讯指令 ................................................................................................... 46 12.5 Program Fflow Control Instructions 程序流程指令................................................................................ 46 12.6 Other Common Instructions 其他常用指令 ............................................................................................ 47 13 Editing a program 编辑程序 ..........................................................................................................48 13.1 Modify positions (tune with motions) 修改位置点 ................................................................................. 48 13.2 Editing instruction arguments 编辑指令变量.......................................................................................... 49 13.3 Adding instructions 增加指令 ................................................................................................................. 52 13.4 Programming a delay 编辑延迟 .............................................................................................................. 543IRC5 Basic Operation And Programming Training 基本操作及编程培训14 I/O Signals 输入/输出信号..............................................................................................................57 14.1 Programming an I/O instruction 编辑一条输入/输出指令..................................................................... 5715 Event log 事件纪录..........................................................................................................................60 15.1 What is a log? 什么是纪录?.................................................................................................................. 60 15.2 What is an event? 什么是事件? ............................................................................................................ 60 15.3 What is an event message? 什么是事件信息? ...................................................................................... 60 15.4 What is an information message? 什么是通知信息?............................................................................ 61 15.5 What is a warning? 什么是警告? .......................................................................................................... 61 15.6 What is an error? 什么是错误? ............................................................................................................. 61 15.7 What is "acknowledge"? 什么是确认 ?................................................................................................. 61 15.8 Open and close the event log 打开关闭事件纪录................................................................................... 61 15.9 View a message 查看信息....................................................................................................................... 6216 Emergency stop 紧急停止 ..............................................................................................................64 17 Operational modes 运行模式 .........................................................................................................6517.1 What is the manual mode? 什么是手动模式? ...................................................................................... 65 17.2 Manual mode 100% (Option, testing mode)手动全速(选项,测试模式)......................................... 65 17.3 Automatic mode (production mode) 自动模式(生产模式)................................................................ 66 18 Maintenance 机器人保养检查表 ...................................................................................................69 18.1 Manipulator 机器人本体 ......................................................................................................................... 69 18.2 Controller 机器人控制柜 ........................................................................................................................ 69 18.3 Other 其它................................................................................................................................................ 69™ 在没有声明的情况下,文件中的信息会发生变化。

ABB KPM KC7 微波一致性测量仪测试与行业特定仪器说明书

ABB KPM KC7 微波一致性测量仪测试与行业特定仪器说明书

—PU LP A N D PA PERKPM KC7 Microwave Consistency Transmitter Testing and industry-specific instrumentsABB’s KPM KC7 provides precise total consistency measurement of mixed pulps using the well-tested microwave true-phase technology. With a wide-range of options available, the flow-through model boasts the largest availablediameter while the insertion-style’s antennas have been designed to avoid microwave reflections in pipe and generate a self-cleaning effect. Mills get the most representative, accurate, reliable measurement unaffected by process variables or obstructions.Accurate consistency measurementWith a microwave signal utilizing phase vector modulation that contains a microwave-wide band sweep, KPM KC7 provides high accuracymeasurement unaffected by variations in pulp species, fiber length, freeness and in process conditions, unlike optical and shear force technologies.With single point calibration, KPM KC7 measures fibers and fillers for total consistency, making it ideal to measure mixed pulps.Remote display unitRemote electronics offers large display for easy operation and set-up. Intuitive, menu-driven interface features simple set-up, calibration and troubleshooting functions.—01KPM KC7 MicrowaveConsistency Transmitter – flow through sensorTwo versions for wide range of installation options The inline, dual-plate design is uniquely equipped with an optional retractable temperature sensor for hard processes. The flow-through model fits pipes up to 16”, the largest size on the market for the most representative results.No maintenanceKPM KC7 does not need preventive maintenance; it has no moving parts at all. The flow-through models do not have measurement parts inside the pipe to be hit by foreign particles.Enhanced diagnosticsTo further enhance the diagnostics features of the KPM KC7, all sensors will be equipped with an integrated pressure sensor, available as aspare part.SpecificationsSensor type Microwave consistency transmitterOutput signal 3 x analog outputs 4–20 mA + HART™Foundation Fieldbus and Profibus PA with optional converter Binary inputs 24 VDC, process stop, grade change (2) and sampler input Binary output 12–48 VDC max 10 mA, dry contact Serial communication USB PC-Interface, HART™ Measurement range in 0–16% Cs Repeatability 0.01%Resolution 0.001% for sizes 50–400 mm (3–16”) and insertion type (ITL)Installation Wafer type between flanges for all flow-type models Insertion type, Sandvik coupling NS110 mm Length100 mm (4”) for all FT models Pressure measurement range 0...10 bar (0...145 psi) ref Pressure sensor accuracy max 0,25% FS; 0.025 bar Overpressure withstand 40 bar (580 psi) ref Process temperature 0–100 °C (32–212 °F)Process pressure Pressure class PN25, recommendation >1,5 Bar (>22 psi), no air Process pH2.5–11.5 pHAmbient temperature Sensor -20–60° C (-4–140° F), display unit -10–60° C (-14–140° F),Flow velocity No effect, Insertion type max flow 5 m/s (16.4 ft/s)Materials Sensor: SS 316L; window: ceramic, display: polycarbonateApprovals EMC, CE, PED (Directive 2014/68/EU, Article 13,1,(b) substances and mixtures Enclosure class Sensor IP66 (Nema 4X), display unit IP65 (Nema 4X)Power supply86–264 VAC, 47–63Hz; 20 VA3B L W K C 7i n t d e n 100Conductivity limits50 mm (2”)80 mm (3”)100 mm (4”)150 mm (6”)200 mm (8”)250 mm (10”)300 mm (12”)350 mm (14”)400 mm (16”)Insertiontype25 mS/cm25 mS/cm20 mS/cm20 mS/cm15 mS/cm15 mS/cm15 mS/cm10 mS/cm10 mS/cm 25 mS/cm—ABB OY, KPMKettukalliontie 9 E FIN-87100 Kajaani FINLANDTel: Tel: +358 10 22 11E-mail:*************.com—The information provided in this data sheet contains descriptions or characterizations of performance which may change as a result of further development of the products. Availability and technical specifications are subject to change without notice.Copyright© 2022 ABB. All rights reserved./pulpandpaperFeatures• Inline (dual or single plate) or flow-through (for pipes up to 16”) options• Pressure sensor enables easy diagnostics • Optional retractable temperature sensor• Compatible with third-party couplings enables smooth replacements• Absolute compensation parameters verified with every installationBenefits• Provides accurate, reliable measurement of total consistency, unaffected by process variables • High uptime and no preventive maintenance requirements• Low total cost of ownership• Reduces number of measurement sensors needed—02KPM KC7 MicrowaveConsistency Transmitter – insertion style sensor—02。


开关量/模拟量 控制切换
输入端口 BE1 BE2 BE3 BE4
ONTRAC带有最多8个开 关量输出端口(光电隔 离),每个输出端口均 可被定义为如右图所示 的不同功能,并可选择 触点的“常开”或“常 闭”状态。
基型产品: 带有开关量控制功能和4个开关量输出端口 385功能板:增加4个开关量输出端口和1个模拟量阀位输出端口 386功能板:Profibus-DP总线通讯板 387功能板:增加模拟量阀位输入输出端口和3个开关量输出端口
MME / MOE 智能电动执行机构
接线方式 直接接线(默认) 分体式接线 接插式接线
电缆护线接头螺纹规格(适应电缆直径) 2个 M32×1.5(φ13~φ18mm) 2个 M32×1.5(φ13~φ18mm) 2个 M32×1.5(φ13~φ18mm) 1个 M32×1.5(φ13~φ18mm) 2个 M16×1.5(φ4.5~φ8mm)
● 设定转速: 20%~100%可调,步距5%
● 基本误差: 1)多转式电动执行机构(行程≥2圈) 2)角行程电动执行机构 3)直行程电动执行机构(行程≥25mm)
≤±1% ≤±1% ≤±1%
● 控制死区: 1%(0.5~10%可调)
● 中途限位: 1)开限位设置范围为 2)关限位设置范围为
有特殊要求的改造项目 ● 电气部分充分的抗干扰和防冲击设计,使产品运行极为稳定,并有效杜绝了“电网污染”问题 ● 超高的定位精度,即使在全行程(多回转)2圈的情况下,也能够达到1%的定位精度 ● 广泛的监视与自诊断功能,帮助用户迅速准确地判断执行机构甚至阀门的运行状态 ● 完善的安全防护功能,可有效杜绝现场误操作或在系统紧急故障时将危害降低至最小 ● 简洁高效的人机交互界面和非侵入式设计,使现场安装调试变得异常简单 ● 可靠的电路设计和简单的机械结构造就了超长的使用寿命



鹿泉市九里山水泥(集团)公司扩建工程(2500t/d)计算机控制系统操作说明书天津水泥工业设计研究院天津益尔信控制工程有限公司二OOO年十一月目录1 概述 (3)2 系统功能 (3)3 系统硬件配置 (4)3.1 过程控制站 (4)3.2 操作员工作站 (6)3.3 通讯网络 (7)3.4 工程师工作站 (7)4 软件组成 (7)5 操作说明及画面介绍 (8)5.1 总貌图画面 (8)5.2 硬件运行状态画面 (9)5.3 流程图画面 (9)5.4 报警信息画面 (11)5.5 趋势画面 (12)5.6 设备选择画面 (13)5.7 组操作画面 (13)5.8 单机操作画面 (15)5.9 复位操作 (16)5.10 紧停 (16)5.11 阀门、调速操作 (17)5.12 PID调节回路操作 (17)1概述鹿泉市九里山水泥(集团)公司扩建工程(2500t/d)计算机控制系统系采用ABB公司的Freelance2000计算机控制系统。






ABB ACA Permi在线纸湿度测量仪说明书

ABB ACA Permi在线纸湿度测量仪说明书

—PU LP A N D PA PERACA Permi™Online porosity analyzerOnline air permeabilitymeasurements can act as anearly warning system to processvariability as well as the effectsof process and raw materialchanges. ACA Permi™ providesonline porosity measurementsto uncover real-time fluctuationsso mills can stabilize the processand maximize roll quality.OverviewOnline porosity measurement is an excellent over -all indicator of web structure and end-productp erformance. When the porosity of the moving web is s table and at the desired level, end product performance is maximized.ABB has partnered with ACA to provide our custom-ers with market-leading, proven technology for on-line porosity measurement. Using a continuous air flow method, the ACA Permi provides measurement 50-100 times faster than any other system on the market. With real-time measurement data on each reel produced, mills get a sophisticated analysis of permeability variations to optimize raw materials, energy usage and quality.Payback in weeksCustomers have reported up to 50 percent faster grade change times when controlling the reel quality with ACA Permi. Because grade change time equates to a loss of production, ACA Permi helps minimize downtime and maximize ROI. Features• Continuous air flow method (vacuum or blown air)• Dust removal ring (optional)• Application specific measuring heads, with special coatings and advanced options for challenginga pplications• Multiple calibration features, such as linear and non-linear curves• Dedicated user-friendly software forc onfigurations and trends• Automatic self-cleaning cycle• Applicable for a very large range of paper grades Benefits:• Fast results for optimum loop control options• Quicker grade changes due to minimal calibration requirements• Improved runnability and production• Low cost of ownership• Better product quality• Reduced energy and raw material use—Measuring unit (left) and control unit (right)9A K K 107991A 7987—The information provided in this data sheet contains descriptions or characterizations of performance that may change as a result of further development of the products. Availability and technical specifications are subject to change without notice. Copyright© 2021 ABB and ACA Systems OY.All rights reserved./pulpandpaper —ABB AB/L&W P.O. Box 4SE-16493 Kista, Sweden Tel: +46 8 477 90 00—ABB Ltd.Finnabair Industrial Park Dundalk, Co. Louth, Ireland Tel: +353 42 9385100Reliable dataA unique and tailored measurement head design helps with special applications like markings, avoid-ing extreme wear and more. Controlled vacuum l evels help avoid air leakage between paper and measuring head, enabling insensitivity to machine and paper variations for accurate results. Stable air flow leads to very high correlation to any lab stan-dard (Gurley, Bendtsen, etc.). Users get reel-to-reel and trend data to easily identify conformance. User-friendliness The sensor has a wide measurement range with one single calibration; no need to change parameters or physical parts for various grades.Within the ACA ProcessView software, users get r eal-time results and trends, available via web-based interface. Operators can easily adjust mea-surement time, pressure, etc.Automatic cleaning cycle and smart construction make for easy installation and maintenance. Integration with ABB’s Quality Control System The porosity measurement can also be integrated as an input to the ABB QCS800xA system. This allows for the control of a wide range of process variables, including refining energy, chemical addition and f urnish mix. As a result, customers can reduce mate-rial and energy costs while maintaining critical qual-ity parameters. It can also be used within ABB’s vir-tual measurement applications and other advanced control techniques.Technical specifications – ACA Permi online porosity Inclusive Permi control cabinetPermi measuring sensorDedicated measuring headMeasurementMeasurement types Available as:Permi LP (vacuum) orPermi Hp (Air Blow method)Measurement principleContinuous air flow Measurement frequency2msMeasuring ranges 0,02–12.000 l/m²/sGurley 0,02–6.000 sec.Bendtsen 1–50.000 ml/minCoresta 1–40.000 Cuother methods on requestSoftwareUser program ACA ProcessViewCustomizable user interface Data storage Local database (long-term data storage)Data logging for troubleshooting Calibration Linear and advanced non-linear curvesOutputAnalog 2x 4–20 mA (output selectable)Inputs Web breakReel turn upOPC OPC DASpecial featuresAutomatic self-cleaning Dust removal ring (optional)ApplicationsCoated base paper, uncoated printing paper, sack paper, kraft paper, cigarette paper, décor paper, filter paper, other specialty papers, packaging board andmoreInstallation requirementsPower 100–120VAC or 200–240VAC 50/60Hzor 24 VDCAir pressure 6–10 barAir consumption 200 l/minInstrument air Clean and dry airOperating temperature Measuring unit 110 °C max (230 °F)Control unit 50 °C max (122 °F)DimensionsMeasuring unit 630 x 200 x 200 mm (24.8 x 7.9 x 7.9 in)Control cabinet 600 x 400 x 200 mm (23.6 x 15.7 x 7.9 in)Net weightMeasuring unit 13 kg (29 lb)Control cabinet 20 kg (44 lb)。

ABB Stressometer Flatness Control System用户指南说明书

ABB Stressometer Flatness Control System用户指南说明书

—Stressometer flatness control system delivers significantly improved performance for stainless-steel manufacturerOutokumpu Nyby, Sweden2—Accurate flatness control enables maximum product qualityThe global steel industry is one of the most energy hungry industrial sectors and a significant producer of CO 2 emissions, making it imperative to ensure that production processes are running at their optimum.It is vitally important that production errors during the manufacturing process areminimized as far as possible to avoid costly wastage and reworking of spoiled products. In steel rolling applications, ensuring accurate measurement of metal flatness during the rolling process can make a major contribution to eliminating wasted product.An ABB measurement solution has helped a major metals producer to ensure consistent product quality through accurate control of metal flatness throughout the steel rolling process.Basic data Industry: MetalsCustomer:Stainless steel manufacturer Region:Northern Europe3Steel producer Outokumpu is one of the world’s largest producers of stainless-steel products including sheet metal and metal strips, wire rods and bars, slabs and ingots. Its products are used worldwide in a wide variety of applications, ranging from construction through to aerospace and automotive.As the stage at which hard metals are shaped into steel sheets, cold and hot rolling processes are a key stage in the metals productionprocess. The need to ensure the highest levels of quality requires close control throughout the rolling process.“It is vitally important for operators to be able to rely on the accuracy of flatness control systems in ensuring that metal is rolled to the correctspecifications in terms of thickness and width,” explains Jan Onsten, Account Manager at ABB. “With rolling mill strip speeds typically up to 1000-2000 meters per minute, mistakes arising from incorrect control can happen very quickly, potentially resulting in large quantities of rejected material that can have a significant impact on yield.”Upgrade solves production issuesThe decision to upgrade was prompted by issues with the plant’s old flatness control system. Installed since the mid-1990s, the old system’s rubber coated measurement rolls on the 20-high mill required frequent maintenance due to high levels of wear. To bring them back into service involved removing, recoating and then grinding them. Before being refitted, they also had to be calibrated, incurring further cost and disruption from lost production. The age of the systemmeant that obtaining spare parts was becoming increasingly difficult and more expensive. Limitations with the system also meant that it was unable to provide 100 percent control throughout the rolling process, resulting in inconsistent flatness and strip breaks.As a long-standing ABB customer, Outokumpu made the decision in November 2020 to replace the system with ABB’s Stressometer solution. Featuring ABB’s patented Extended SingularValue Decomposition system (ESVD), the solution has delivered greatly improved flatness control. By optimizing the speed and selection ofactuators, ESVD enables fully automatic flatness control with none of the errors and limitations that can affect the performance of traditional control systems.When Outokumpu had to replace an obsolete competitor supplied flatness control system at its Nyby plant in Sweden, ABB was able to provide both the products and expertise needed.Used in the manufacture of rolled stainless steel strips of varying grades, flatness controlsystems play a major role in product quality by ensuring that the strips meet the required flatness across their complete production mix.The mill produces a mix of stainless-steel strips measuring 1000 to 1550mm wide and 0.35 to 6.0mm thick.—“It is vitally important foroperators to be able to rely on the accuracy of flatness control systems in ensuring that metal is rolled to the correct specifications.”—What is ESVD?ESVD is a flatness control system that is able to use all of a mill’s actuators in all situations and for all products; simultaneously and efficiently. Different actuator position combinations result in the same flatness effect in cluster mills. No manual control should be needed.The challenge is to select the optimum actuator combination with minimum actuator movement. The ABB patented ESVD method has solved this longstanding problem, enabling the actuators to work optimally together as an integrated unit.The system features an array of sensors that constantly measure the flatness four times perrevolution.4A major challenge in the upgrade projectinvolved updating the communications between the machine and the flatness control system. With information about the design of theoriginal system being largely unavailable, ABB engineers went to site at the specification stage to record the behavior of the communications system. Using this information, they were able to gain an understanding of how the system worked which then enabled them to develop a solution.“Knowing what’s happening at all stages of the rolling process is key to achieving the right quality and minimizing errors,” explains JanOnsten. “It was therefore essential to know how the communications system worked so that we could ensure that the upgraded solution could enable the constant flow of signals andcommunication with other systems needed to optimize performance.”“Ideally, this information would be readilyavailable, but in this case, the age of the original system and the lack of available documentation meant we had to choose a different approach. Fortunately, our engineers had the expertise and experience to tackle the challenge.”Despite the challenges in upgrading thesystem, ABB was able to complete the project within three days, with some of thepreparatory work already done in advance. “By testing and analyzing our solution inadvance we were able to substantially reduce the time needed to carry out the project on site,” explains Jan Onsten. “This enabled us to meet Outokumpu’s tight window for the work to be carried out and ensured that any disruption to production was kept to a minimum.”Since the solution was installed, reliability has been greatly improved, with downtimeconsiderably reduced and no need to remove the measuring rolls for service or refurbishment.“We are very pleased with both overall the solution provided by ABB and the approach it took throughout the upgrade project,” says Project Manager, John Lindberg, forOutokumpu. “The engineering team kept us updated at all stages and provided goodguidance and support, responding quickly and providing efficient fault tracing and analysis.”—A tough challenge5ABB solutionThe following solutions were supplied for this project:• S tressometer flatness control system (20-high mill with ESVD)• ABB technical support—ABB solutions used at the plant—01 Stressometer with ABB flatness control system—01C S /S t r e s s o m e t e r f l a t n e s s c o n t r o l s y s t e m d e l i v e r s s i g n i f i c a n t l y i m p r o v e d p e r f o r m a n c e -E N 12/22© Copyright 2022 ABB. All rights reserved.Specifications subject to change without notice.—ABB Measurement & AnalyticsFor your local/regional ABB service center, visit: /contactsFor more product information, visit:/forcemeasurement/stressometer。

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每台低压断路器出厂前都必须进行脱扣特性测试, 按照国家标准及IEC标准, 在进行脱扣动作调整时, 应该通以非周期分量为零的标准正弦波电流。

我公司经过多年努力, 精心开发的BT8―10型低压断路器脱扣特性测试台, 不但有效地解决了这一问题, 而且测试精度高, 性能完善, 有利于提高工作效率。

本产品应用了多项先进技术, 如: 采用永磁真空同步开关进行选相合、分闸操作, 使实际输出的电流波形完全为正弦波, 且永磁真空同步开关具有超过10万次的操作寿命, 能够进行特频繁的操作; 应用微机进行精密计量, 我公司特为这一测试台开发了一系列专用软件, 因此能获得试验电流波形图及试验电流最大值、有效值、限流值、动作时间值等准确数据。

测试台界面清晰、设置合理, 各项参数均能满足低压断路器的脱扣特性测试要求, 特别是对于有限流功能的断路器, 完美地解决了由限流引起的电流测量精度问题。

本产品设计合理, 使用方便, 功能强大, 外形美观。

可供各专业试验站、低压断路器的生产制造和研制单位, 作为产品质量检测和出厂检验之用。

图1 测试台外形图
表1: 主要技术参数
4.1 多磁路变压器
为得到稳定、可靠的大电流, 我们选用国家定点专业厂家生产的多磁路变压器, 以满足设备的各项测试要求。

4.1.1 多磁路变压器技术参数
表2: 多磁路变压器的技术参数
4.1.2 多磁路变压器工作原理
为了得到稳定的正弦波输出电流,多磁路变压器TD( 见图2)设四个单元磁路A、B、 C、 D, 总的二次输出电压为U2A, U2B, U2C, U2D之和。

U2 = U2A+ U2B+ U2C+ U2D
图2 多磁路变压器工作原理图
接在二次输出电流回路中有选相合闸开关ZK和被试断路器S, 分流器FL。

将输出电压U2 调到所需值, 再将试品断路器S合闸, 当永磁真空同步开关ZK合闸后, 试验回路出现电流.试验电流在分流器FL上产生的电压信号输入至微机并进行运算。

由于瞬动特性试验电流值( I) 很大, 永磁真空同步开关ZK合闸后, 被试断路器S立即分闸。

但作为设备的后备保护, 要求ZK合闸后, 经一定设定时间, ZK自动分闸, 详见第7条第3款。


4.2 FLP1-10型低感分流器
为了测量试验回路的电流大小.需要在二次回路中串联低感分流器FL, 从FL上检测到精确的电压信号, 输入至微机进行采样计算。

短时工作电流: 10 kA
信号电阻: 304.5 µΩ
输出信号电压: 3 V
4.3 调压器:
为得到连续可调、稳定的电压, 由两台TEDGC-5kVA 02~50V单相调压器同轴组装串联而成, 要求:
输入电压 380V AC单相
输出电压 0至430V AC单相
输出电流 23A
4.4 永磁真空同步开关:
采用BTM ─ D10型永磁真空同步开关( 以下简称同步开关) , 该开关应用最新先进技术, 采用单稳态永磁机构, 传动简单可靠, 永磁机构控制单元采用全电子化智能化控制。


控制单元根据断口电压信号的采样, 经过逻辑计算后发出分、合闸指令。

经过高性能的电子元器件的选用、严格的工艺和调试控制、合理的测量电路及运算电路设计来减小控制信号的离散性, 使得选相合闸时间精度≤±200 µs , 其主要技术如下:
4.4.1 同步开关电参数
a)额定工作电压: 380 V AC;
b)额定电流: 1250 A;
c)额定短时耐受电流: 25 kA( 1s) ;
d)额定短路关合电流: 63kA( 峰值) 。

4.4.2、同步开关机械参数: 图3 永磁真空同步开关外形图
a)开距: 4±0.1 mm;
b)超行程: 2±0.5 mm
c)合闸速度 0.2±0.1 m/s;
d)分闸速度 0.3±0.1 m/s
e)合闸弹跳: 0 ms
图4 一次原理图
图5 二次原理图
6. 开机及参数设置
6.1 开机
测试台操作台面分下图所示三个区: 测试区屏幕显示区控制面板。
