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beware of sb/sth 谨防,当心

accuse sb of sth 指控

approve of sb/ sth 赞成,认可

assure sb/oneself of sth 使……对……确信不疑boast of sth 自吹自擂

complain of sth 诉说……

consist of sth 由……组成,构成

convince sb of sth 使某人确信

cure sb of 治愈某人

despair of sb/sth 绝望,失去全部希望

dream of sth/ doing sth 梦见,梦想

hear of(/from) 听说

be/get rid of 摆脱……

smell of sth 有某种气味

suspect sb of sth/doing 怀疑某人有某罪

think of sb/ sth 想起,想到

warn sb of sth 警告某人某事

be tired of 对……厌倦

remind sb of sth 提醒,使……想起

rob sb of sth 抢劫


borrow sth from sb/sth 从……借

defend sb/sth from sb/sth 保护……免受伤害demand sth from sb 向……要求

differ from sb/sth 与……不同,有区别

dismiss sb from sth 解雇,开除

draw sth from sth 汲取,从……中获取emerge from sth 从……中出来,露出

escape fro sb/sth 逃脱,逃走

expect sth from sb 期盼,指望某人

excuse sb from sth 免除某人的责任

hear from sb 收到某人来信

hinder sb/sth from sth/doing 阻碍,妨碍某人做prevent sb/sth from doing sth 阻止某人做……prohibit sth/sb from doing 禁止……做某事protect sth/sb from sth 保护,保卫……receive sth from sb/sth 收到,接到

separate sb/sth from sb/sth 使……分离

suffer from sth 遭受……苦

withdraw sb/sth from sth 收回,取回


believe in sb/sth 信赖……

delight in sth/doing sth 以……为乐、取乐employ sb/oneself in sth/doing 使……忙于

be employed in sth/doing 忙于……

encourage sb in sth 在……方面鼓励某人engage sb in sth 使……参与、从事……

be engaged in 忙于……,从事于……

be experienced in 有……经验

fail in sth 在……中失败

include sb/sth in sth 使……成为整体的一部分be included in 包括,被纳入

indulge in sth 让自己尽情享受某事物

instruct sb in sth 教授某人,传授某人技巧interest sb /oneself in sth 使……关心、感兴趣be interested in sth 对……感兴趣

invest (sth) in sth 投资于……

involve sb/sth in sth/doing 使……陷入某事

be involved in 与……有关联,涉入

persist in sth/doing sth 坚持,执意

share in sth 分摊某事物,参与某事物


act on sth 对……起作用

base sth on sth 把……作为依据

be based on 以……为根据

call on sb 拜访

comment on sth 评论,发表意见concentrate… on…全神贯注,专心于……congratulate sb on sth 祝贺某人

count on sb/sth依靠,指望

rely on sb/sth 依靠,指望

depend on sb/sth 依靠,取决于……

decide on sth下决心

economize on sth 节俭,节约

embark on sth 从事……,开始……experiment on sb/sth 实验,尝试

insist on sth/doing 坚决主张、要求

lean on sth 依靠在……

live on sth 以……为食,继续生活

operate on sb 动手术

pride oneself on sth/doing 以……自豪,得意于…
