剑桥国际英语教程(入门级)11单元 PPT

This animal is green, it is very slow.
This animal is green. It is very long.
This animal is very tall. It is orange.
What is big?
- The elephant is big.
2.完成Unit11随课练; 3.每天坚持听读15分钟,家长签字; 4.下周半期考试,请在家认真复习; 5.“一级过级考试”报名开始了,5月底截止。 (165元,1张本人户口页复印件+2张彩色一寸照 片)
Thank you !
此课件下载可自行编辑修改,仅供参考! 感谢您的支持,我们努力做得更好!谢谢
Look and say.
The girl is very happy, but the boy is angry.
The shirt is new, but the shoes are old. The elephant is big and the mouse isittle
The sun is hot.
The ice cream is cold.
The man is old. The boy is young.
The giraffe is tall and the girl is short.
happy sad angry
Read and tick.
(Listen, read and match.
剑桥少儿英语预备级下Unit11 整个单元课件

Dad likes reading very much. Look ,he is taking an umbrella. Where is he going ?
He is going to the bookshop.
Hua hua
Hua hua likes eating and playing outside.
Where are you going?
We are going to Kunming. 我们打算去昆明
We are going to Shanghai. 我们打算去上海。
What about you ? 你们呢?
We are going toBeijing. 我们打算去北京。
How are you going there? 你们怎么过去那里呢?
展示上一张幻灯片,教师随机指定动物图片,参赛的两名学 生坐在椅子上,椅子前面有一张桌子,桌子上面摆在一个杯 子。两名学生一起读句子:This a +名词I keep in the house. 读句子时双手抱头,一直重复,等T说stop的时候,抢桌面上 的杯子,抢到的学生所在的小组加分。
Unit11 Period3
Be going to
use “Be going to” to talk about plan.(计划)
What are you going to do this Sunday ?
Lu wei ’s family
What are they going to do ?
34 / 35
We are going there by plane. by +交通工具

E. It guarantees to pay growers a fixed proportion for their coffee, which is above standard market rates.
(1)____B_______. For example, in Ethiopia alone, 15 million people depend on
of 50,000 coffees a year, or 200 coffees a day. Factor in these additional costs and we are probably talking about a break-even total of 400 coffees a day.
加热煮出来的浓咖啡) caffein(e) n. 咖啡因 addiction n. 嗜好,瘾 disparity n. 悬殊,差异 charities n. 慈善团体,善举 coffee shop chains 连锁咖啡店,连锁咖啡屋 gross domestics product (GDP) 国内生产总值 staple crop 主要作物 mark-up 涨价,标高售价
1) Is there a large disparity between rich and poor in your country? The top 20% of the population consumes 50% of overall national income, while the bottom 20% have to make do with a mere 4.7%.

• Aa在f, n, sk, ph, sp, ss, st, th 前读“阿”音。
• after • ask • grasp • class • fast • father·····
•I • you • he • she • it • we • they
我 你 他 她 它 我们 他们
• Nice to meet you!= Glad to meet you!
• Who is he? 他是谁? • He is Bill. 他是Bill。
• Who is she? 她是谁? • She is Pat. 她是Pat。
• Good morning! • 早上好! • Good afternoon! • 下午好! • Good evening! • 晚上好!
Meeting new friends 认识新朋友
• greet • glad • meet • new
• 问候 • 高兴地 • 认识 • 新的
• friend • nice • who • a.m. • p.m.
• 朋友 • 美好的 •谁 • 上午 • 下午
• wh在一起,大多数情况下 字母h不发音,white;
• ①Hello, Panda Pandy! • 你好,XXX潘迪! • ②Hi, glad to meet you! • 嗨,很高兴认识你!
• ①Hi, Monkey Munchy! • 嗨,小猴子蒙奇! • ②Glad to meet you! • 很高兴认识你!
• Hi!嗨! • Hi!Nice to meet you! • 嗨!很高兴认识你!
• 只有后面接O的时候,字母 w不发音,who。

剑桥国际英语⼊门级Unit111. Months and datesA. Listen. Practice the months and the dates.Months DatesJanuary 1st first 11th eleventh 21st twenty-firstFebruary 2nd second 12th twelfth 22nd twenty-secondMarch 3rd third 13th thirteenth 23rd twenty-thirdApril 4th fourth 14th fourteenth 24th twenty-fourthMay 5th fifth 15th fifteenth 25th twenty-fifthJune 6th sixth 16th sixteenth 26th twenty-sixthJuly 7th seventh 17th seventeenth 27th twenth-seventhAugust 8th eighth 18th eighteenth 28th twenty-eighthSeptember 9th ninth 19th nineteenth 29th twenty-ninthOctober 10th tenth 20th twentieth 30th thirtiethNovember 31st thirty-firstDecemberB. Class activityA: Anna , when's your birthday?B: July 21st. When's your birthday?2. Conversation Happy birthday !Listen and practiceAngie: Are you going to do anything exciting this weekend?Philip: Well, I'm going to celebrate my birthday.Angie: Fabulous! When is your birthday, exactly ?Philip: It's August ninth- Sunday.Angie: So what are your plans?Philip: Well, my friend Kayla is going to take me out for dinner.Angie: Nice! Is she going to order a cake ?Philip: Yeah, and the waiters are probbly going to sing "Happy Birthday"to me.It's so embarrassing.3. Grammer Focus:The future with be going toAre you going to do anything this weekend? Yes, I am. I'm going to celebrate my birthday.No, I'm not. I'm going to stay home.Is Kayla going to have a party for you ? Yes, she is . She's going to invite all my friends.No, she isn't. She's going to take me out for dinner.Are the waiters going to sing to you ? Yes,they are. They're going to sing "Happy birthday."No, they aren't. But they're going to give me a cake.A. What are these people going to do this weekend?Write sentences. Then compare with a partner.1. He's going to go dancing.2. She's going to read.B. Pair work: Is your partner going to do the things in part A this weekend? Ask and answerthe questions.A: Are you going to go dancing this weekend ?B: Yes, I am. I'm going to go to a new dance club downtown.A: Are you going to go with a friend?5. Proununciation Reduction of going toA. Listen and practice . Notice the reductin of going to doA: Are you going to have a party? A: Are you going to go to a restaurant ?B: No, I'm going to go out with a friend. B: Yes. We're going to go to Nick's Cafe.6. Listening: Evening plansA. It's 5:30 P.M. What are these people's evening plans? Write your guesses in the chart.B. Listen to the interviewer ak these people about their plans. What are they really going to do ? Complete the chart.Your guess: What they're really going to doMichelle is going to go to the gym. Michelle:________________Kevin: _________________ Kevin: ________________Robert: _______________ Robert: _________________Jane: _________________ Jane: ________________________Audio scriptInterviewer: Good evening. I'm A1 Rivers with KXQ News Radio. I'm talking with peoplewaiting for the bus tonight. I'm finding out how they're going to spendtheir evening. What's your name ?Michelle: It's Michelle.Interviewer: I bet you're going to go to the gym tonight.Michelle: No, not tonight. I'm going to meet a friend. We're going to run together in the park.Interviewer: And what's your name ?Kevin: Kevin.Interviewer: Are you going home now , Kevin ?Kevin: No, not right now. First, I'm going to go to the video-game arcade. Interviewer: Oh, so you're going to play video games.Kevin: Yeah, I am.Interviewer: Can I ask your name ?Robert: Yes. My name is Robert.Interviewer: Are you going to do anything interesting tonight ?Robert: Well, my friend Chris is going to have a party, but I'm going to work at home.I have all my work right here in my briefcase.Interviewer: So you can't go to the party. You're going to work tonight.Robert: That's right.Interviewer: And what's your name ?Jane: I'm Jame.Interviewer: Do you have any plans for this evening ?Jane: I just bought some new CDs, so I'm going to listen to music tonight. Interviewer: What kind of music is it ?Jane: Jazz. I always listen to Jazz.7. SnapshotListen and practice.Do you celebrate any of these holiday? How do you celebrate them ?What are some holidays in your country ?What's your favorite holiday ?8. Conversation : Have a good Valentine's DayListen and practiceMona: So, Tyler, are you going to do anything special for Valentine's Day?Tyler: Yeah, I'm going to take my girlfriend out for dinner.Mona: Oh, really? Where are you going to go ?Tyler: Laguna's . It's her favorite restaurant.Mona: Oh, she's going to like that!Tyler: How about you ? What are you going to do ?Mona: Well, I'm not goingto go to a restaurant, but I am going to go to a dance.Tyler: Sounds like fun. Well, have a good valentine's Day.Mona Thanks . You, too.9. Grammar Focus: Wh-questions with be going toWhat are you going to do for Valentine's Day ? How are you going to get there?I'm going to go to a dance. We're going to drive.I'm not going to go to a restaurant. We're not going to take a bus.Where are you going to go ? Who's going to be there?We're going to go to Laguna's. My friends are going to be there.We're not going to stay home. My sister isn't going to be there.A. Complete this conversation with the correct form of be going to. Then practice with a partner. A: What ____ you _______ (do) for Halloween ?B: I don't know. I ________(not do) anything special.A: Well, Pat and I _______(have) a party. Can you come ?B: Sure! Where ____ you _____(have) a party ?A: It ___________(be) at Pat's house.B: What time ___ the party ___________(start) ?A: At 6:00. And it ___________ (end) around midnight.B: Who ____ you ____________(invite) ?A: We ___________ (ask) all our good friends.B. Group work Ask your classmates about their plans. Use the time expressions in the box. A: What are you going to do tonight ?B: I'm going to go to a party.A: Oh, really? Who's going to be there ?B: Well, Lara and Rosa are going to come. But Jeff isn't going to be there...time expressionstonight next weektomorrow next monthtomorrow night next summer10 Word power Special occasionsA. Listen and practice. Then check the things you do for each special occasionB. Group work: What special occasions are going to elebrate this year ? When are they?How are you going to celebrate them ? Ask your classmates.A: What special occasions are you going to celebrate this year?B:I'm going to go to my sister's wedding.A:Really? When is she going to get married ?11. Holidays and festivalsA: Pair work: Choose any holiday or festival you like . Then ask and answer these questions.What is the holiday for festival?When is it ?What are you going to do ?Where are you going to go ?Who's going to be there ?When are you going to go ?How are you going to get there?A: What is the holiday or festival?B: It's Cinco de MayoA: When is it ?B: It's on May fifth.A: What are you going to do ?>B: I'm going to go to a parade...12. Reading What are you going to do on your birthday ?Scan the article. How old is each person going to be ?Elena Buenaventura Madrid" My twenty-first birthday is on Saturday, and I'm going to go out with some friends. To wish me a happy birthday, they're going to pull on my ear 21 times- once for each year. It's an old custom.Some people pull on the ear just once, but my friends are very traditional!"Yan-ching Shi Taipei"Tomorrow is my sisteenth birthday. It's a special birthday, so we're going to have a family ceremony. I'm probably going to get some money in "Lucky" envelopes from my relatives. My motheris going to cook noodles- noodles are for a long life."Mr. and Mrs. Aoki Kyoto"My husband is goig to be 60 tomorrow. In Japan, the sixtieth birthday is called kanreki-it's the beginning of a new life, so children often give something red as a present. What are our children going to give him ? A red hat and vest !"Philippe Joly Paris"I'm going to be 30 next week, so I'm going to invite three very good friends out to dinner. In France, when you have a birthday, you often invite people out. In some countries , I know it's the opposite-people take you out.A. Read the article. Then correct these sentences1. To celebrate her birthday, Elena is going to pull on her friends' ears.2. Yan-ching is going to cook some noodles on her birthday.3. On his birthday, Mr. Aoki is going to buy something red.4. Philippe's friends are going to take him out to dinner on his birthday.。
剑桥二级第十一单元ppt 完整版本

“Yes,I do.” “No,I don’t .”
hobby means 爱好
A: What’s your hobby?
B: I like to play the violin. A: Do you like to play the piano? B: No,I don’t .
What’s your hobby?
danceLeabharlann swimsingjump walk
fly sleep
study English
go shopping
fly a kite
read books
play computer games
play table tennis
play tennis
“What’s your hobby?” “I like to g…o …fis.hing.”
hobby 爱好
“What’s your hobby?”
“I like to draw a picture.”
hobby 爱好
“What’s your hobby?”
hobby 爱好
“I like to play the guitar.”
e.g. I like to read books. I like reading books.
注:like to do 和like doing,第一 个是喜欢做某事(暂时的,在特定的 环境下),第二个也是喜欢做 某事 (长久的,一直以来都很喜欢的)。
接力比赛 one by one
剑桥商务英语(初级)课件:BEC Unit11

New words & Expressions
high-heel shoes 高跟鞋 be clear of obstacles 没有障碍物 be kept clear 保持畅通 tie back one’s hair 把头发向后扎起来 protective mask 防护面具 white coat 白大褂 bend one’s knees [bend] 屈膝 workplace etiquette 工作场所行为规范
When 和while 的区别
When 通常指的是某一点时间 While 通常指的是动作发生的过程,
与during 相似。
பைடு நூலகம்
New words & Expressions
pregnant 怀孕的 Space Mission Stimulator 太空任务模拟器 heat exhaustion 中暑衰竭 dehydration 脱水 choke 窒息,哽住 aquarium 水族馆 dolphin 海豚 bruise 瘀伤
New words & Expressions
university campus 大学校园 suburban office park 郊区版公园区 Geneva [dʒi'ni:və] n 日内瓦(瑞士南部城市)
go running 去跑步 go skiing 去滑雪 go fishing 去钓鱼 go swimming 去游泳 go hiking 去远足 go camping 去露营 go skating 去滑冰
New words & Expressions
fire exit 安全出口,紧急出口 clearly marked 清楚地标明 clock in 用打卡机记录上班时间 fire drill [dril] 消防训练,火灾避难训练 delete [di'li:t] vt 删除 get the sack 被解雇,被解职

be going to句型的一般疑问句、特殊疑问句
Tom is going to celebrate his birthday. 一般疑问句把be动词提前 Is Tom going to celebrate his birthday? Yes,he is./ No, he isn't 特殊疑问句=特殊疑问词+一般疑问句
• B: Well, I’m going to celebrate my birthday.
• ['selibreit] 庆祝
• A: Fabulous! When is your birthday, exactly?
• [iɡ'zæktli]精确地,确切的
• B: It’s August ninth-Sunday.
• 一二三 特殊记,词尾字母t、d、d • 8减t,9去e,f来把ve替。 • 单词ty做结尾,ty变成tie • 若是遇见几十几,只变个位就可以。
two________ five________ nine_______ twelve________ sixty________
翻译句子: 1、 我打算明天和朋友去野炊。 I__ ___ ____ have a picnic with my friends 2、 下个星期一你打算去干嘛? 我想去打篮球。 What ________ ________ _________ _________ _________ next Monday? I _______ ______ _____ play basketball.
• 四月
• 五月

Describe their action
• Grandmother is ds with a spoon 其次是该单元的单词学习局部
A good-looking cook〞
Mickey is eating fish小猫咪吃鱼
Take a seat, I’ ll be down in a minute.
• Mickey is eating Eat noodles with a spoon fish小猫咪吃鱼
Making groups
• The person in a family家庭成员 • They are grandpa, grandma, father,
mother, sister, brother and I祖父祖母父亲母亲姐姐、
• Listen to the song. And fill in the puzzle.
• Niece is holding a doll Making group配对(参考书上)
Grandfather is watching tv 祖父看电视
They are grandpa, grandma, father, mother, sister, brother and I祖父祖母父亲母亲姐姐、妹妹,兄弟和我
• listen to the video. 听音频
• end the first dialogue and teach him to read. Tick the important sentence requested by authority.跟读和提出重点句型
新编剑桥商务英语初级11.1 (课堂PPT)

❖ 2. who does it affect?
❖ It affects office workers who work in IT or telephone call centers and air travelers.
❖ 3. why does it happen?
❖ It happens when you sit in one place for a long time.
❖ 4. what can you do to prevent it?
❖ To prevent DVT, you can walk around the office for a few minutes every hour, doing simple exercises to move your legs and feet, and or you can wear loose comfortable clothes and move around regularly during the flight, and drinking plenty of water and not alcohol is also important.
❖ Lead-in question: what departments can you find in a cement factory? For example:
❖ loading bay ❖ warehouse ❖ production area ❖ the laboratory ❖ the main offices ❖ Canteen ❖ …..

Read and tick.
〔Listen, read and match.
You go here to read.
You can fly this.
You can bounce this.
You can see these next to the
Thank you !
谢谢(xiè xie) 大家!
1.抄写单词:angry生气的;dark黑暗的;bright 明亮的;day白天(bái tiān);night夜晚;cool极好
的; back后面的;front前面的;library图书馆; ticket office售票处;4+1遍,下周听写;
2.完成Unit11随课练; 3.每天坚持听读15分钟,家长签字; 4.下周半期考试,请在家认真复习; 5.“一级过级考试〞报名开始了,5月底截止。〔165元, 1张本人户口页复印件+2张彩色一寸照片〕
Listen, point and read.
③ Sound practice.
Look and match the pictures.
❖ Look for anything opposite.
What is tall? The giraffe is tall.
剑桥国际英语教程(入门级)Unit 11资料

• Find the answers in the conversation on page 72. • 1.___ going to celebrate his birthday this weekend. • 2._____ going to take him out for dinner . • 3._____ going to order to a cake. • 4._____ going to sing “Happy birthday”. • 1.Philip is • 2.Kayla is • 3.Kayla is • 4.Kayla and the waiters are
Байду номын сангаас
• • • • • • • • • • • •
9. GRAMMMAR FOCUS Wh-questions with be going to The pattern for the first three Wh-questions: Wh-question + be + subject + going to +verb? The pattern for the fourth Wh-question: Wh-question +be +going to + verb? Positive: Subject + be +going to +verb. Negative: Subject +be +not +going to + verb 1.When is Halloween ? It’s on October 31st. 2.How do people celebrate it? In the evening ,children often wear costumes ,go around the neighborhood, and get candy from the neighbors .Sometimes teenagers and adults have parties.

Listen, point and read.
[aʊ] ③ Sound practice.
Look and match the pictures.
❖ Look for anything opposite.
What is tall? The giraffe is tall. What is short? The monkey is short.
Unit 11 A visit to the park of
ticket office
['tikit] ['ɒfis]
Think and say opposites you have learned.
I can see a big mouse and a small cat.
I can see a big tree and a small tree. I can see a big duck boat and a small duck.
I can see a tall building and a little cake house.
What is big?
- The elephant is big.
The sun is hot.
The ice cream is cold.
The man is old. The boy is young.
The giraffe is tall and the girl is short.
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• 一二三 特殊记,词尾字母t、d、d • 8减t,9去e,f来把ve替。 • 单词ty做结尾,ty变成tie • 若是遇见几十几,只变个位就可以。
• [ 'ɔ:də]命令;预定;订单
• B: Yeah, and the waiters are probably going to sing “Happy Birthday” to me. It’s so embarrassing.
• [im'bærəsiŋ]令人难为情的,令人尴尬的['prɔbəbli]大概,或许
• Look at the black clouds. It's going to rain. 看那些乌云,快要下雨了。(推测)
be going to句型的一般疑问句、特殊疑问句
Tom is going to celebrate his birthday. 一般疑问句把be动词提前 Is Tom going to celebrate his birthday? Yes,he is./ No, he isn't 特殊疑问句=特殊疑问词+一般疑问句
• A: Are you going to do anything exciting this weekend?
• B: Well, I’m going to celebrate my birthday.
• ['selibreit] 庆祝
• A: Fabulous! When is your birthday, exactly?
• [iɡ'zæktli]精确地,确切的
• B: It’s August ninth-Sunday.
• A: So what are your plans?
• B: Well, my friend Kayla is going to take me out for dinner.
• A: Nice! Is she going to order a cake?
• When is your birthday?
• My birthday is ---(
• date 日期
• What’s the date today?
• It’s (
• 基础词 one two three four • 序数词 first second third fourth • 关于序数词,以后全部是简写,注意尾数为
新年 情人节 独立日 万圣节 感恩节 情人节
教师节 国庆节
儿童节 植树节 建军节
• 特殊疑问句=特殊疑问词+一般疑问句 • What are you going to do? • Where are you going? • How are you going there? • Who is going to be there?
2、 下个星期一你打算去干嘛? 我想去打篮球。 What ________ ________ _________ _________ _________ next Monday?
two________ five________ nine_______ twelve________ sixty________
2月14日__________(Valentine' Day) 5月1日 __________(Labor Day) 9月10日___________(teachers' Day) 12月25_____________(Christmas Day) 1月21日____________
Unit 11 What are you going to?
1.学会用be going to do 表达一般将来时 2.学会月份以及基数词、序数词的表达 3.be going to 句型的一般疑问句、特殊疑问句。
• 一月 • 二月 • 三月 • 四月 • 五月 • 六月 • 七月 • 八月 • 九月 • 十月 • 十一月 • 十二月
be going to
• be going to 是一种固定结构,它后面要接动词原形, 用来表示按计划或安排要发生的动作,有时也可以表 示推测将要发生的动作,有“准备;打算”的意思。
• be going to 符合be动词的所有用法。
• We are going to have a class meeting this afternoon. 今天下午我们打算开班会。(安排)oing to do are going to have
are is going to be
going to have going to start
is going to end
going to invite
are going to ask
翻译句子: 1、 我打算明天和朋友去野炊。 I__ ___ ____ have a picnic with my friends
Listening and snapshot
New Year’s Day Valentine’s Day Independence Day Halloween Thanksgiving Day Christmas Teachers’ Day National Day Children‘s Day Tree-planting Day Army Day
January February March April May June July August September October November December
Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.
Let’s talk