
Reading regularlyhaslongbecome a common part of people’s life.Andreading preference hasalways aroused the greatest concern.What impresses us most is the fact that,according to the table, the percentage of book circulation in an American university library, which shows that the circulation of popular fictions, general nonfictions, science/technology/education books and art/ literature/poetry books accounts for 65.9%, 18.2%, 10.8%and 5.1% respectively.The reasonsfor the phenomenonare varied.

现象解释型英语作文范文四级The Phenomenon of Online Shopping CrazeIn recent years, the craze for online shopping has swept across the globe, transforming the retail landscape. This trend is particularly evident among the younger generation, who seem to prefer the convenience and accessibility of online stores over traditional brick-and-mortar shops. What lies behind this phenomenon?Firstly, the advent of smartphones and the popular of the internet have made online shopping more accessible than ever before. People can now browse and buy products from anywhere, at any time. This flexibility and convenience are major attractions for the modern consumer, who leads afast-paced life.Secondly, online shopping offers a wide range of choices. Unlike physical stores, which are limited by space and inventory, online platforms can display millions of products from various brands and sellers. This diversity appeals to consumers who want to compare prices, features, and reviews before making a purchase.Moreover, online shopping often comes with attractive deals and discounts. Websites like Amazon and Alibaba regularly offer promotional offers and coupons, enticing customers to make purchases. This price advantage is a significant driving force behind the online shopping craze.However, it's not just about the deals. Online shopping also caters to modern consumers' need for social validation. Platforms like Instagram and TikTok are filled with influencers showcasing their latest online purchases. This social media influence creates a desire among young people to fit in and be part of the trend.Lastly, the COVID-19 pandemic has further accelerated the trend. Lockdowns and social distancing measures have restricted people's movements, making online shopping the only viable option for many. As a result, even those who were previously reluctant to shop online have now embraced this new normal.In conclusion, the craze for online shopping is a complex phenomenon rooted in technology, convenience, choice, deals, social validation, and the pandemic. As these factors continue to evolve, so will the landscape of online retail, shaping the way we shop in the future.。

五篇雅思解释类大作文范文-给产品调整过渡期童鞋的补偿-郑仁强郑仁强的博客2013-01-21 20:47:51标签:雅思写作郑仁强雅思教育注意:这里提供的范文只是为了让各位同学更加直观地明白雅思解释类大作文的整体脉络结构,里面的模板最好不要完全照搬使用。
前言:必读!必读!雅思大作文解释类常考的题目分为三种,分别是RS, RE, RO, 后两种小类型在业内鲜有人提及,但其实07年以后都时常会考到。
第一篇RS(即原因+解决方案的题型)例题2008年9月13日Some people think that it is important to protect the environment, but they take no actions. Why? What can we do to protect the environment?第一段(开头)The issue ofenvironmental protection has been in limelight recently. Somepeople maintain that protecting the environment is of considerable significance, but they take no actions. In this article, I intend to explore its causes and offersome possible measures.第二段(分析原因)本段内容概要:人们嫌麻烦,损害某些行业的经济利益,人都自私推卸责任,人们的环保意识不强The primary source of this problem is that environmental protection may bring some inconvenience to individuals’ daily life. In addition to this, efforts toprotect the environment will probably damage the economic interests of some industries. Another contributing factor is thatthe selfishness deeply rooted inhuman nature is likely to urge individuals to shirk this responsibility toothers. Finally, citizens are not motivated to take actual actions for the sake of environmental protection.第三段(解决方案)本段内容概要:加大宣传以提高公民环保意识,制定相关法律来惩罚污染环境的行为政府应该给高污染企业提供补偿让他们关门In order to overcome this problem, I believe we must strengthen our efforts to publicize the importance of environmental protection and thus promote citizens’ motivation to take actions.It is also necessary for us to enact relevant laws to punish the behaviors of polluting the environment. Another positive step would be to provide those highly polluted industries with compensations for them to close down.第四段(结尾)In conclusion, I believe we must all recognize how serious this problem is.For the sake of human existence on this planet, it is suggested that joint efforts across the border should be made to rescue the only homeland on which we have survived for millions of years.第二篇RS(即原因+解决方案的题型)例题2010年1月23日The rich are becoming richer, and the poor are becoming poorer. Why? How can we solve this problem?第一段(开头)In our time and age, much debate has taken place about social equality. The disparity between the wealthy and the impoverished is being enlarged. In this article, I intend to explore its sources and provide some possible measures.郑仁强原创郑仁强原创第二段(分析原因)本段内容概要:社会资源分配不均,社会保障/福利系统不完善,家庭背景不同The primary cause of this problem is thatsocial resources are allocated unevenly among citizens. Furthermore, public welfare system fails to cover those disadvantaged groups in reality.Another contributing factor isthat individuals’ income is always determined by theircapabilities. Finally, people’s success is also directly related to one’s family background.第三段(解决方案)本段内容概要:富人应该帮助穷人摆脱贫困,向富人征更多的税,完善社会福利体系/给弱势群体更多的支持,大力推动慈善事业In order to address this problem, I believe we should foster the development of charity organizations and conduct more fund-raising activities. It is also necessary for us to levy higher taxes from the wealthy. Another positive step would be to provide disadvantaged groups with more support such as free education and medical care. Besides, the haves are encouraged to help the poor get rid of poverty.郑仁强原创郑仁强原创第四段(结尾)For the sake of social solidarity, it is vital that we take more measures to bridge the disparity between the rich and the poor. If this problem fails to be solved properly, a large number of crisis and dangers will emerge.郑仁强原创整理,转载请注明出处第三篇RE(即原因+影响的题型)例题2007年12月15日We can see more and more images about violence and disasters in TV. Why? What are the effects on individuals and society?第一段(开头)郑仁强原创郑仁强原创The issue of TV news programs has aroused wide concern in recenttimes.Viewers are exposed to an increasing number of violence and disaster images on TV news programs. In this essay, I intend to analyze its sources along with some effects on the individual and the society.第二段(分析原因)本段内容概要:吸引观众的眼球,灾难和暴力事件在增多,媒体科技的发展The chief cause of this issue is that these images are designed by the media to catch viewers’ attention. In addition to this, the incidences of disasters and violence are on the rise.Another contributing factor is that the development of media technology helps individuals to access what’s happening in the world.第三段(分析影响)郑仁强原创郑仁强原创本段内容概要:引发公众恐慌,误导青少年,犯罪率升高从而导致社会不稳定Firstly, nobody would disagree that violence and disaster images creates panic among the citizens. Besides,these images are likely to produce adverse effects on the physical and mental fitness of teenagers. It is also important for us to recognize that the conviction rate will increase and this may pose a threat to social stability.第四段(结尾)In reality, this problem is unlikely to be resolved in the short term. However, it is by no means insurmountable, and I am convinced that the government shouldenact relevant laws to put proper restrictions on the content of media coverage. 郑仁强原创郑仁强原创第四篇RO(即原因+观点的题型)例题2007年10月13日Some employers think academic qualifications are more important than life experiences and personal qualities. Why? Do you think this is a positive or negative development?第一段(开头)The discussion about academic qualificationhas triggered a new round of heated debate in recent years. Some employers assert that academic qualifications play a more important role in their selection of employees than life experiences and personal qualities. In this essay, I will analyze its sources and offer my own perspective on this development.第二段(分析原因)郑仁强原创郑仁强原创本段内容概要:学历越高能力越强,学历更容易评判,社会对学历的过度崇拜The primary source of this issue is that higher academic qualifications mean higher capability.Moreover, academic qualification serves as a more efficient way to identify talents for employers. Another contributing factor is that the society harbor excessive enthusiasm and trust towards academic qualifications.第三段(分析利弊)郑仁强原创郑仁强原创本段内容概要:助长应试教育的风气,人才流失,滋生社会不稳定郑仁强原创郑仁强原创From my point of view, this is a curse for both individuals and thesociety. Firstly, it is an undeniable fact that it may add fuel to the culture of exam-oriented education and neglect the cultivation of students in other important areas. In addition to this, brain loss is another problem we have to face. Besides, this is likely to cause resentment among citizens of lower academic qualifications and pose a threat to social stability.第四段(结尾)郑仁强原创郑仁强原创By way of conclusion, I believe that this issue is likely to become even more important in the future. It, therefore, demands our further consideration.郑仁强原创整理,转载请注明出处以上几篇范文在模板框架方面参考了“9分雅思写作”,特此声明。

2023年6月17日雅思大作文范文及解析再犯罪的原因和解决办法一、2023年6月20日雅思大作文题目Many criminals continue to commit crimes even after being punished for it. Why do you think this happen? How can we solve this problem?二、范文及解析IntroductionA mushrooming number of criminals, after being released from the jail, will revert to crime, exerting ceaseless baneful influence on the social harmony and stability. Behind such a ticklish problem, from my perspective, are two predominant factors and viable solutions are in desperate need to avert the bleak future.解析本场考试重复1月14日大作文考题,虽然是很多考生害怕的犯罪类话题,但本题以说明文的形式考出,要求分析犯罪分子被释放出之后继续犯罪的原因及解决方法,是一个复古旧题,整体难度并不大;mushrooming adj.迅速增长的;越来越多的;ceaseless adj.不断的;不停的;baneful adj.不好的;有害的;ticklish adj.难对付的;棘手的;Body 1The chief culprit for re-offending would be the difficulty for the criminals to settle down and reintegrate into the society. Indisputably, one of the root causesfor anti-social behaviors is poverty, by which I mean living odds force some people to embark on a path of delinquency to support themselves by engaging in illegal activities such as stealing, larceny and the like. After being freed from the prison, with a criminal record, never would it be easy for the law-breakers who lack livelihood skills to secure a job and become economically independent. Another contributing factor for such a worrying trend has much to do with the psychology condition of the criminals. Suffering from improper treatment, be it physical punishment or verbal aggression, many offenders, when set free from the prison, are inundated with resentment instead of visions of life, for which they, running after revenge, are apt to fall back into perpetrating crimes.解析:再次犯罪的原因有:(1)物质层面:犯过罪的人出来之后在稳定生活重新融入社会上存在明显困难;(2)精神层面:报复心理;culprit n.不好的事情的原因;罪魁祸首;reintegrate into v.重新融入;living odds n.生活窘境;verbal aggression n.语言攻击;embark on a path of delinquency v.走上犯罪的道路;larceny n.盗窃;be inundated with v.充斥着;resentment n. 愤恨;怨恨;revenge n.复仇;are apt to v.倾向于;易于;perpetrate v.犯罪;作恶;Body 2Prickly as the issue is, steps can be taken to address this . Primarily, the government should play a leading role by enacting tougher laws and carrying out more severe penalties such as heavier fines or longer sentences for offenders toaccomplish the purpose of deterrence. The authorities should also polish the effectiveness of imprisonment with the aim to help criminals achieve rehabilitation. To specify, job-related training targeted at those released offenders are staunchly suggested, which enables them to be furnished with some employment abilities, be they a plumber, a hairdresser or a driver. In this case, they can be, in large part, encouraged to live a normal life rather than violate the law for survival. Efforts from family members, friends and the society are also indispensable to cure the mental disorders. To elaborate, showing enough respect and helping those ex-prisoners to find a job are great tender solicitude. The general public and the whole society should be made to believe are formed man deserves a new leaf.解析:解决方法:(1)政府层面:颁布更严格的法律配备更严厉的处罚以达到更好的震慑作用;进一步改进监禁的教育方式从而达到帮助犯罪分子真正改过自新;(2)家庭和社会:更多地尊重,接纳,包容改过自新的罪犯;prickly adj.麻烦的;address v.解决;enact v.制定;颁布法令;rehabilitation n.改过自新;staunchly adv.强烈地;be furnished with v.具有;配备有;solicitude n.安慰;关怀reformed adj.改过自新的;ConclusionIn conclusion, the problem for ex-prisoners to resort to offence, notwithstanding its gravity, can be brought under control with both the government and the public shouldering joint responsibility.解析:总结前文:notwithstanding prep. 虽然;尽管;gravity n.严重性;三、范文2There are a variety of punishments for criminals, including imprisonment, fines, and community service. However, even after serving their sentences, a significant proportion of ex-prisoners continue to commit crimes. This essay will explore the reasons behind this and propose solutions.对罪犯有各种各样的惩罚,包括监禁、罚款和社区服务。

雅思考试大精选作文范文格式3篇篇一:雅思考试大精选作文范文格式【简介】:Somepeoplepreferplanningforthefuturewhileothersarguethatwesh ouldfocusonthepresent.WhatisyouropinionGivereasonsforyouranswerandincludeanyrelevantexamp Some people prefer planning for the future while others argue that we should focus on the present. What is your opinion Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your knowledge or experience.真习题大意:有人认为应该计划将来,也有人认为重点就是现在。
Example Writing:The present is where everything begins and there is no time like the present. Without being prisoners of the past, winners prefer working in the changing present toward the unpredictable future. The trouble with some people is that they are planning only for the unforeseeable time to nete and not facing the reality now.Paradoxically, the future is now. It is more realisticto regard life as an awareness of the present rather than a prediction beyond knowledge. Since the future is anybody's guess, "one today is worth two tomorrows," to quote Benjamin Franklin. Therefore, the way we live and the way we work ought to keep in step with the present leading to the future. The logic may be that we can only learn from the past, and on the other hand the future does not affect us now as much as does the present. It also makes sense that the way to plan tomorrow is to enjoy living and working as wisely and beautifully today as possible.Our argument for focusing on today may as well be based on the fact that the present does not sit still for a portrait, but is changing constantly. Change being the law of life, concentrating our mind on what is happening in the present is probably more true to life than dreaming of the future. It means that life for us today is always beneting and never being. Obviously, today has its own problems to be solved, so there is no need to be over troubled about the future. Accordingly, it is better not to foresee the future but beconcerned about taking care of the present. It is one thing to prefer planning for the future, but it is quite another to control the change that follows soon enough.Focusing on the present is more important than merely planning for the future because right now is one of the moments we are influencing our future. Practically, we should see the future in the present which carries more weight in real life. It stands to reason that the future actually begins now.篇二:雅思写作大精选作文范文格式智课网IELTS备考资料雅思写作大精选作文范文格式摘要:雅思写作大精选作文范文格式,小马过河又为大家带来福利啦,在备考雅思写作的时候是不是很想多看多读一些好的大精选作文范文格式呢,今天小编就为大家带来了雅思写作大精选作文范文格式,希望考鸭们都能下载学习哦。


雅思大作文万能模板介绍背景并推出问题也阐明观点:In the current age, is/are playing significant roles in our lives. But in the meantime,whether has sparked much debate. Some people believethat while many others arguethat .Personally,I am in favor of the former/later view.正面论证:It is obvious that the advantages of arevarious. To begin with,. For example, . Furthermore, To bemore specifically, . At last, . Inparticular, .反面论证:On the other hand, the disadvantages of shouldnot be ignored. First of all, . For instance .In addition, .According to .再次强调观点:In conclusion, form what has been discussed above, it isclear to reach that the positive /negative effects of outweighs its negative/positive effects. I therefore strongly suggestthat should . However, we should payattention to the bad influence it might bring.As the development of , seems to be anincreasingly widespread problem. There are several factors leading tothis issue. In this essay,some possible reasons and feasible solutionswill be discussed.It is obvious that the influences /the reasons of of this matter arevarious. To begin with,one of the most direct reasons /influence isthat . For example, . Furthermore, will be significant reason/influence. To be morespecifically, .On the other hand,the possible solution to this problem can be thefollowing points.First of all, . For instance .At the second place, Will be another significantreason/influence. Further speaking, .In conclusion,form what has been discussed above, I tend to believe thatto change this situation requires not only the government taking a series of immediate actions,but also every individual's support.。

Trade and travel would be a lot easier with a single, global currency that we all use.Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Would a single currency cause any problems?It is clear to me that the idea of a single global currency is an excellent ideal to work towards. There can be no doubt that trade and travel would be vastly easier. On the other hand I believe that it would cause problems today.The benefits of a single currency can be seen with the use in Europe of the Euro. Whenever you are travelling between countries using the Euro, the problems of currency changing and exchange rates are history. Similarly business between countries using the Euros is so much easier; no more worrying about exchange rate risk and pricing. Everyon e‛s money is the same. The same thing is true with the US dollar. Most countries do not use the US dollar but it is accepted in many places. There are many countries that you can travel to and just take US dollars to use.At present though a global currency would be impossible. Firstly most countries would not accept the idea. Secondly all countries are in different economic states. Some are economically very strong and some are in a state of collapse with inflation ruining the economy. Such countries could not be brought into a world currency as it would cause massive financial instability worldwide. So it is clear that a global currency would indeed cause some serious problems.So, in conclusion I see a global currency as a future ideal but it will not happen in my lifetime. It would make trade and travel much easier but the problems it would cause nowadays would be insurmountable.我很清楚,一个单一的全球货币的想法是一个理想的工作。

雅思大作文类型及范文In recent years, the issue of climate change has become a major concern for people all over the world. As a result, there has been a growing focus on the role that individuals can play in addressing this global problem. In this essay, I will discuss the various ways in which individuals can contribute to combating climate change, as well as the challenges and potential benefits associated with these efforts. One of the most significant ways in which individuals can make apositive impact on the environment is by reducing their carbon footprint. This can be achieved through simple actions such as using public transportation, carpooling, or cycling instead of driving, as well as by making an effort to reduce energy consumption in the home. By being mindful of their energy use and making small changes to their daily habits, individuals can significantly reduce their contribution to greenhouse gas emissions. Another important way in which individuals can contribute to combating climate change is by supporting and advocating for sustainable and environmentally-friendly practices. This caninclude supporting businesses and organizations that prioritize sustainability, as well as advocating for policy changes that promote renewable energy and conservation efforts. By using their consumer power and actively participating in advocacy efforts, individuals can help drive positive change in their communities and beyond. Furthermore, individuals can also play a role in addressing climate change by engaging in environmental conservation and restoration efforts. This can involve participating in local clean-up events, volunteering with environmental organizations, or even planting trees and other vegetation to help absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. By actively participating in these efforts,individuals can directly contribute to the preservation and restoration of natural ecosystems, which are essential for mitigating the impacts of climate change. Despite the numerous ways in which individuals can contribute to combating climate change, there are also significant challenges associated with these efforts. Oneof the main challenges is the lack of awareness and understanding about the impact of individual actions on the environment. Many people may not realize the extentto which their daily habits and consumption choices contribute to greenhouse gas emissions and environmental degradation. As a result, there is a need for greatereducation and awareness-raising efforts to empower individuals to make more sustainable choices. In addition to awareness, there are also economic and social barriers that can hinder individuals from taking meaningful action to combat climate change. For example, the cost of renewable energy technologies and sustainable products can be prohibitive for many people, particularly those in lower-income communities. Furthermore, social norms and cultural practices may also present barriers to adopting more sustainable lifestyles. Overcoming these challenges will require a concerted effort to make sustainable options more accessible and affordable, as well as to shift societal norms towards more environmentally-friendly behaviors. Despite these challenges, there are also significant benefits associated with individual efforts to combat climate change. By taking action to reduce their carbon footprint and support sustainable practices, individuals can not only contribute to global efforts to address climate change, but also experience personal benefits such as cost savings, improved health, and a sense of fulfillment from making a positive impact. Furthermore, by collectively taking action, individuals can help build momentumfor larger-scale change and inspire others to join in the effort to protect the planet for future generations. In conclusion, individuals have a crucial role to play in combating climate change. By reducing their carbon footprint, supporting sustainable practices, and engaging in conservation efforts, individuals can make a meaningful impact on the environment. However, there are also significant challenges that must be addressed in order to empower individuals to take action. By raising awareness, addressing economic and social barriers, and highlighting the personal and collective benefits of environmental stewardship, we can work towards a more sustainable and resilient future for our planet.。

Well, when it comes to learning a foreign language, there are some interesting viewpoints out there. Some folks think that the sole purpose of cracking open a language textbook is either to jet off on a holiday to afar flung land or to land a job overseas. But others are like, "Nah,there's more to it than that!" And I'm here to have a good old chat about both sides of this argument.二、一方观点:学习外语只为旅行或工作在国外。
On one hand, those who believe that traveling or working abroad are the only reasons for learning a foreign language do have a point. Let's take travel first. Picture this: you're strolling down the cobbled streets of Paris, and instead of fumbling around with a phrasebook or relying on hand gestures, you can smoothly ask for a "croissant" or directions to theEiffel Tower in perfect French. It just makes the whole travel experience so much more enjoyable and immersive.When it comes to work, in our globalized world, many companies are expanding overseas. If you want to be part of that international business crew, being able to communicate in the local language of the target market is like having a golden ticket. For example, if you're a marketing guru aiming to sell products in Germany, knowing German can help you understand the local consumers better, create more appealing ads, and build stronger relationships with clients. It seems that for these practical matters, learning a foreign language is just a means to an end.三、另一方观点:学习外语还有其他原因。

In the contemporary society, … sparked spirited debate.It is evidently reasonable for some to believe that …(On the one hand, in some areas, some people hold the idea that …) The first point with respect to this is that ….There is ample evidence suggesting that…,which means that…Furthermore, it is manifest that…Obviously,…Last but not least,…There is no doubt that,…By contrast, some others may claim that… (On the other hand, in ot her fields, others mountain that )Admittedly,….As far as I am concerned, this view may be based on the consideration that ….Nevertheless, I would say this does not sound very convincing since….It is generally arguable that…., which suggests that….To sum up, due to the above-mentioned reasons, we may safely reach the conclusion that ….. Additionally, I would suggest that it seems highly wise and imperative for …to ………, which I believe is soundly based on the above reasoning I have presented.As a matter of fact, this issue is a complex and controversial one. Different individuals can hold various opinions due to their distinct backgrounds.; therefore, there is no universal answer to this question. As far as I know, in some areas, some people believe that…, on the other hand, in other fields, others mountain that….It is manifest that the causes of … are multiple.In the first place, … For instance …In the second place, …Specifically …Thirdly …It seems that …On the basis of the above reasoning, the solutions to this problem should also be manifold. Firstly, … For example, …Then, … Indeed, …Above all, …Research has proved that …To sum up, several factors contribute to … I would assert that we should take measures including … , … and … to solve thi s worrisome situation.。

2024雅思大作文模板In recent years, the issue of environmental protection has become a hot topic, and many people believe that individuals should take more responsibility for protecting the environment. This essay will discuss the reasons why individuals should take more responsibility for environmental protection, the potential challenges in doing so, and the possible solutions to these challenges.First and foremost, it is important for individuals to take moreresponsibility for environmental protection because the actions of individuals collectively have a significant impact on the environment. For example, thechoices that individuals make in their daily lives, such as using reusable bags instead of plastic bags, or taking public transportation instead of driving, can have a positive impact on the environment. Therefore, it is crucial forindividuals to be aware of the environmental consequences of their actions andtake steps to minimize their negative impact on the environment.Furthermore, individuals should take more responsibility for environmental protection because it is their moral obligation to do so. As inhabitants of the planet, individuals have a duty to preserve the environment for future generations. By taking proactive measures to protect the environment, individuals can ensurethat the planet remains habitable for future generations and that they can enjoy the same natural resources and beauty that we do today.However, there are potential challenges in individuals taking moreresponsibility for environmental protection. One challenge is that manyindividuals may not be aware of the environmental impact of their actions. For example, some people may not realize that the products they use or the food they eat contribute to deforestation, pollution, or climate change. Another challengeis that individuals may lack the resources or knowledge to take meaningful action to protect the environment. For example, some individuals may not have access to affordable eco-friendly products or may not know how to properly dispose of hazardous waste.Despite these challenges, there are several possible solutions to encourage individuals to take more responsibility for environmental protection. One solution is to increase public awareness about the environmental impact of individual actions. This can be done through education campaigns, public service announcements, and school programs that teach individuals about the importance of environmental protection and how they can make a difference. Another solution is to make eco-friendly products and services more accessible and affordable to individuals. This can be achieved through government subsidies, incentives for businesses to produce eco-friendly products, and regulations that require businesses to adhere to environmentally friendly practices.In conclusion, individuals should take more responsibility for environmental protection because their actions have a significant impact on the environment, and it is their moral obligation to preserve the planet for future generations. While there are challenges in individuals taking more responsibility for environmental protection, there are also potential solutions to address these challenges. By increasing public awareness and making eco-friendly products more accessible, individuals can take meaningful action to protect the environment and ensure a sustainable future for the planet.。

雅思大作文(5篇模版)第一篇:雅思大作文雅思大作文模板三套例:黄色和红色字体部分为可替换部分,需要加that的地方已经注明,注意介词后面加名词性h.的词,例如动词+ing的动名词用法.请仔细研究.Should high school students choose subjects?There are lots of debates on whether or not to allow students to choose the course.If we take a deeper consideration, it is not difficult to make a judgment that to ensure the students have a comprehensive knowledge domain is the main objective of high school education, therefore I disagree with the idea(of / that)allowing students to any course that they want to study.As we all know, the main purpose of school education is to private a systematic education to all students.(这里需要给个理由或者例子)In order to allow students be educated in all aspects, the curriculum have to be researched and predefined by professional education institute.If we allow students to select courses, we cannot guarantee all necessary course to be covered in the regular class time.Moreover, people believe that high school education shall provide each student a fundamental knowledge base, which is essential to this issue.On the other hand, we may consider(that)introducing some optional courses to the high school curriculums so the students can choose some of the courses within the limitation of big syllabus.For example, for an art classes, the school can offer music and painting courses and each student can choose either one of their according to his or her personal interest.But this is not to say that the students should have the freedom to choose any course.In conclusion,(直接给出观点就好)high school education is a standardized processin which major courses shall bepredefined and we need to make sure students are educated in all necessary fields and build a foundation for the development after high school.In choosing a job, what factors should be taken into account and whose opinions should be listened to?In this competitive and updating society,(如果是用句子则需要that,如果是关键词,动词不定式或名词性词组就不需要)choosing an expedient and desirable job is getting increasingly complicated.It seems certain that nobody can get a job easily.I will analyze what factors should be taken into consideration and whose opinions should be listened to.Obviously, one should take into account various factors.Among them, the three following ones carry the most weight.In the first place, career expectation is worth mentioning.It means that one can expect a brighter future of one’s job.It is vital that the job he/she takes.Another equally important element is(如果不是whether开头就需要that)whether this job offers one satisfaction and stability.Working in a company, one is sure these things can one have the possibility to work for the company for a long time with efficiency and happiness.The third one I can think up is(同上)whether the job can give one an opportunity for one to put theory into practice.T o put it fromanother angle, one can combine their merits.In this way, things will be better.Before that, many options should be paid much attention to.In the first place, one should listen to one’s parent s’ and teachers’ precious advice for they are more experienced and objective.Secondly, friends’ opinions are also crucial for they are at the same age and more frank and st of all, some professional advisory departments are also willing to give one some suggestions on how to get alongwell with colleagues and how to choose a job rationally.Indeed, it is by no means an easy thing to possess a wonderful end.However, as a proverb goes, doing hard things is what makes us better.(给出自己的观点)When the above measures are taken, a satisfying job will be one’s reward.Some people think that tourism should follow the local customs and behaviors, while others think that host country should welcome culture differences.What is your opinion?There is no doubt that the international tourism is booming all over the world and communications between different countries are increasingly frequent.With this, that many people think that they can now visit other countries which is never ‘mission impossible.’ However, there is no consensus on the question(如果不是whether 则需要用that)whether tourists should follow the local customs and behaviors or the host country should welcome cultural difference.In my view, the latter(former)is more reasonable.Superficially, we are more alike than we are different.Therefore, it seems to be substantial that one visits a new country.For one thing, doing so means that one can adapt himself/herself to the country better.As a proverb says, respect a man and he will do better.Likewise, when one respects a country’s customs and act in accordance with them, he/she will be regarded as polite and friendly.(这里可以考虑加个例子或者理由)For another, following the visiting country’s customs can expand one’s horizon of knowledge.Nevertheless, more aspects taken into consideration lead me to believe that we are more different than we are alike.In the first place, a subtle explanation of culture is that cultural differences indeed mirror the cultural diversity.What is more, cultural differences are actually the exchange of different ideas.The key element is(如果不是接to 则需要that)to allow culture differences to spearhead.Finally, cultural differences also give a great push to the economic development.It is said that economic development will reach its peak when a harmonious environment is created.Above all, both views make sense.T aking all factors into account, the latter seems to be more reasonable.(给出观点句)Cultural differences can reflect the cultural diversity and they are the exchange of different ideas.Besides, they enhance the economic development. 第二篇:雅思大作文雅思大作文模板(1)--五大题型模板五大题型模板开头段:(opinion)The discussion about _____ is a very controversial one.Those who criticize(/oppose/object to/are against)_____ contend(/argue/hold)that _____, but people who advocate(/favor/are for)_____, on the other hand, maintain(/assert/ claim)that _____.From the personal perspective, I maintain(/hold/believe)that _____.(agree/disagree)When it refers to _____, the discussion of this issue among individuals and in society as a whole has come into vogue during the last decade.It is commonly accepted that _____;however, I disagree with the statement.I maintain(/hold/believe)that _____.(I partly approve this claim and there are several reasons and instance as follows supporting my view.)(advantages/disadvantages)Just a few years ago, the idea of _____ seemed far-reaching for most Chinese.Now, however, we are all aware that everything has two sides._____ is no exception in its development.With the advert and popularity of _____, its advantages and disadvantages have been a subject of discussion.(discuss both views)_____ now plays such an important role in so many people’s lives that it is essential for us to try to decide whether it is a blessing or acurse.People’s opinions are divergent on such a complex and controversial topic.Advocates maintain that _____.Opponents, on the other hand, contend(argue/insist)that _____.Obviously, both sides have over-simplified this issue.Actually, its value to people and society depends on how it is used.(problems&solutions)According to a(n)survey(/investigation/analysis/statistics/report)released(/co nducted/made)by _____, there is a growing(/increasing/declining)number of _____ who(/which)_____.T o be specific, ______.(What amazes us most is that _____.)Among countless factors which directly and indirectly influence _____, there are several conspicuous aspects as follows.正文段:(opinion)(agree/disagree)The main reason for my propensity to _____ is that _____.What is more, _____.Moving on to wider themes, I agree with the statement that _____ without reservations for the reason that _____.Naturally, _____.It can be given a concrete example that _____.Another equally essential factor why I advocate _____ involves the realm of _____.No one can deny that _____.Obviously, it is imperative that _____.Meanwhile, a recent survey(/a typical example)will make this point clear and acceptable;_____.However, we should concede that dispite the merits of _____ mentioned above, overextented _____ will be indeed counterproductive, even harmful.The harm it produces is, in my opinion, both palpable and profound.For individuals, it has a debasing impact on _____;for society, it may promote a negative tendency toward _____.(advantages/disadvantages)(discuss both views)On one hand,1._____ has brought a number of(/ a lot of)benefits to us(/people).2._____ benefits us in many respects.3.The benefits of _____ can be perceived in manyaspects.4.We get a lot of benefits from _____.5._____ has brought about many changes in people’s life.6._____ is a beneficial activity, in which we can obtain many advantages.First and foremost, _____.What is more, _____.In the end, _____.On the other hand,1.Just as a coin has tow sides, _____ also has some bad effects(/ill effects/side effects).2._____, on the other hand, have its disadvantages(/negative points/problems).3.However, _____ has also brought about(/given rise to/led to/resulted in/caused/created)a lot of problems.4.Good(/Superior/Wonderful)as A is, _____, it has its own disadvantages(/brings its own problems), too.For one thing, _____.For another, _____, Finally, _____.(problems&solutions) The reasons(/causes/factors)for _____ are complex(/varied/profound).Some attribute it to _____.Others put it down to _____.Still others owe it to _____.In my opinion, however, three(/some)factors shout louder than others(/weigh heavier than others/stand out from others).The most criticalreason lies in _____.Moreover, _____.Another important factor should not be ignored._____.Among a myriad of suggested solutions to _____(/measures against _____ /plans for _____ /moves toward _____ /ideas on _____), three have begun to stand(/stick)out.First of all, _____.An equally effective measure(/solution/recipe)is _____.Last but not least, _____.结论:(opinion)(agree/disagree)Weighing the pros and cons of _____, I strongly commit to the notion that _____, not only because _____, but also because _____.(advantages/disadvantages)To sum up,the key point is how to make good use of its positive aspects and avoid its negative points.While taking advantage of _____, we must try to find ways to reduce its disadvantages, namely, _____, to a minimum.(discuss both views)In any case, whether theultimate effect of _____ is beneficial or detrimental, one thing is certain that _____ in itself is neither good nor bad.It is the uses to which it is put that determine its value to society.(Weighing the two sides, both arguments seem to be reasonable, after all.)(problems&solutions)T opromote(/suppress/cultivate/popularize/curb/enhance/root up)the issue in question, the public attention(/more stress/more emphasis)should be placed(/put/focused)upon two proposals(/moves/measures/solutions): _____.第三篇:雅思大作文最新雅思大作文写作模板:Agree or disagreeIntroductionRecent years have witnessed ………(背景),which has aroused a heated debate of whether ……….(把要讨论的话题引入进来)Views on this issue vary from person to person.From my point of view, before airing my own opinion, I do think it’s necessary to analyze / explore this thorny issue from different angles / both sides of this thorny issue.Main bodyThose who ………(正面观点)tend to present the following reasons.To begin with, ……… In addition, ……….What’s more, ………………..(尽量用不同的论证方法)However, other people may examine / explore this issue from another angle.For one thing, ……...For another thing, …….Furthermore,……..ConclusionIn conclusion, although it’s very difficult / hard to draw / come to / reach / arrive at an absolute conclusion to this issue, I would not hesitate to assent to the former / latter viewpoint because I’m fully convinced that ……万能开头:As Descartes(笛卡尔)once said:“If you would be a real seeker after truth, it is necessary that at least once in your life you doubt, as far as possible, all things”然后后面再加上你自己的模板:"although the author's claim that...is not wholly insupportable, it would still be a mistake to draw the conclusion generally.In my observation...第四篇:雅思作文(50min,完全未经推敲的版本……正在写一个尝试用套句和更精确的单词的版本……)As we all know, the number of adolescent students who start to work before their graduation is expending in a few countries.Some opponents existed because people usually believe that the only duty of student is always study.However, the other people, including me myself, hold a contrast opinion.The first reason comes to my mind is that is that to some extent, working is not the enemy of academic, but can even help with studying sometimes.There is an old Chinese saying that ‘Practice is the best way of learning’.And I’m saying that ‘Work is the best way of practice.’ T ake Wang Han for example, he used to take a part-time job as a assistant in a TV show when still being an undergraduate majored in acting, which really helped him adapt to performance after he got his first hosting job.In a word, students are able to get good experience from jobs to their future career.The other advantage is that teen students in a financial challenged family can earn part of the fees by working, which would really release the stress of their parents.Just imagine the poor Chinese young students living in the mountains of south-western China.How can they afford the educational fees without the salary of their extra working in a factory or a farm? We should not deny that having a job is betterwhen the teenage student is in a economical trouble.Then again, I’m not encouraging the ‘children workers’ as it’s illegal in most of the countries, but I do agree that it is a good idea to find a job as a teenage student if you’re willing to practise the knowledge from books and make some money by yourself.I believe its benefits are more than the disadvantages.第五篇:雅思作文_经典Impulsive and easily influenced as young people are, they are constantly tricked by advertisement in all forms of media.(深刻的), adverse(不利的), catastrophic(灾难的), damaging(破坏性的), devastating(破坏性的), dire(可怕的), disastrous(灾难的), fatal(致命的), tragic(悲惨的), severe(严重的),can be seen in all major citiesthousands of Even if machine translation were able to eradicate all the language barriers between people, would there be no point in learning foreign languages? By no means.写作思路:1.观点:电脑不会妨碍人和人之间的交流小提示:科技类的文章,尽量选择正观点,讲述科技为人类做出的贡献为佳Communication and isolation must not be defined in a narrow sense.Alienation of people is not caused by how little they talk or meet each other but by lack of interest in our fellow creatures or the world at large.The Internet keeps us linked to each other all the time.Everything is at the touch of a fingertip.With more time spent on computers and less with each others, people start to fear the dehumanizing effect of this wonderful human contrivance.提出题目中以及提及到的观点特别提醒:切忌不要重复题目中出现的语句,要适当地paraphrase,用不同的文字,来表达同样的内容亮点: contrivance 发明物普通词汇:inventionThis inordinate concern is quitegroundless.简单地亮出自己的观点。

雅思阐述主题作文模板Title: IELTS Writing Task 2 Essay Template for Explaining a Theme。
Introduction:In the IELTS Writing Task 2, it is common for candidates to be asked to explain a theme or a topic. This can be in the form of an opinion essay, discussion essay, or problem-solution essay. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive template for writing an essay on explaining a theme, which can be applied to various essay topics.Paragraph 1: Introduction。
Start with a general statement about the theme or topic.Provide some background information and context to the theme.Clearly state the main theme or topic that will be discussed in the essay.End with a thesis statement that outlines the main points that will be discussed in the essay.Paragraph 2: Main Point 1。
Start with a topic sentence that introduces the first main point related to the theme.Provide evidence, examples, or statistics to support the main point.Explain how this point is relevant to the overall theme.End the paragraph by linking the main point back to the thesis statement.Paragraph 3: Main Point 2。
【最新2019】雅思解释类大作文模式化范文四篇(RS两篇 RE和R.LB各一篇)-实用word文档 (1页)

【最新2019】雅思解释类大作文模式化范文四篇(RS两篇 RE和R.LB各一篇)-实用word文档本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==雅思解释类大作文模式化范文四篇(RS两篇 RE和R.LB各一篇)雅思名师郑仁强老师为大家奉送了雅思解释类大作文模式化范文四篇,其中 RS 两篇, RE 和 R . LB 各一篇,供大家参考。
前言:必读!必读!雅思大作文解释类题目分为三种,分别是 RS , RE , R . LB , 后两种小类型在业内鲜有人提及,但其实07年以后都时常会考到。
但是,现实是当基础不太好的学生碰到解释类的题目,尤其是 RE , R . LB ,都是一头雾水,完全不知道该怎样安排文章结构,更不要说展开思路了,结局往往都是人间惨剧。

解释汇报式英文作文1. So, I just wanted to let you know that the project is going really well. We've made a lot of progress and I think we're on track to meet our deadline.2. Oh, by the way, I forgot to mention that we had a little hiccup last week. One of the team members got sick and we had to reshuffle some responsibilities. But don't worry, we've got it all under control now.3. I'm really excited about the direction we're going in. I think we're really onto something with this project and I can't wait to see the final result.4. Also, I wanted to bring up the budget for the project. I think we might need to allocate some more funds to certain aspects of it. I'll send you a detailed breakdown later today.5. On a different note, I just wanted to say that Ireally appreciate the support and guidance you've been giving us. It means a lot to have someone with your experience backing us up.6. And one last thing, I think we might need to schedule a meeting to discuss some potential changes to the project. I'll send out a doodle poll later today to find a time that works for everyone.7. Anyway, that's all I wanted to say for now. Thanks for taking the time to listen. Let me know if you have any questions or concerns.。

解释说明型四级作文范文How to Deal with Depression 如何应对抑郁症In recent years, with the increasingly fierce competition, more and more people are bearing great pressure from study, work and life. Under great pressure, many people begin to become sad, hopeless and finally suffer from depression.近年来,随着竞争的日趋激烈,越来越多的人正承受来自于学习、工作和生活的巨大压力。
Depression has brought great bad influence on one's study, work and life. In fact, depression affects not only one's mind but also his body. Those with severe depression even are unable to continue their work or carry out normal activities. The symptoms mainly include feelings of sadness, hopelessness, not wanting food and trouble sleeping. Besides, depression is linked to many other diseases, like heart disease. What's worse, depression is one ofthe main courses of people's suicide.抑郁症给一个人的学习、工作和生活带来了严重的不良影响。
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雅思大作文解释类题目分为三种,分别是RS, RE, R.LB, 后两种小类型在业内鲜有人提及,但其实07年以后都时常会考到。
第一篇RS(即原因+解决方案的题型)例题2008年9月13日第一段(开头)The issue of environmental protection has been in limelight recently. Some people maintain that protecting the environment is of considerable significance, but they take no actions. In this article, I intend to explore its causes and offer some possible measures。
第二段(分析原因)本段内容概要:人们嫌麻烦,损害某些行业的经济利益,人都自私推卸责任,人们的环保意识不强The primary source of this problem is that environmental protection may bring some inconvenience to individuals’ daily life. In addition to this, efforts to protect the environment will probably damage the economic interests of some industries.Another contributing factor is that the selfishness deeply rooted in human nature is likely to urge individuals to shirk this responsibility to others. Finally, citizens are not motivated to take actual actions for the sake of environmental protection。
政府应该给高污染企业提供补偿让他们关门In order to overcome this problem, I believe we must strengthen our efforts to publicize the importance of environmental protection and thus promote citizens’ motivation to take actions. It is also necessary for us to enact relevant laws to punish the behaviors of polluting the environment. Another positive step would be toprovide those highly polluted industries with compensations for them to close down。
第四段(结尾)In conclusion, I believe we must all recognize how serious this problem is。
For the sake of human existence on this planet, it is suggested that joint efforts across the border should be made to rescue the only homeland on which we have survived for millions of years。
第二篇RS(即原因+解决方案的题型)例题2010年1月23日第一段(开头)In our time and age, much debate has taken place about social equality. The disparity between the wealthy and the impoverished is being enlarged. In this article, I intend to explore its sources and provide some possible measures。
第二段(分析原因)本段内容概要:社会资源分配不均,社会保障/福利系统不完善,家庭背景不同The primary cause of this problem is that social resources are allocated unevenly among citizens. Furthermore, public welfare system fails to cover those disadvantaged groups in reality. Another contributing factor is that individuals’ income is always determined by their capabilities. Finally, people’s success is also directly related to one’s family background。
第三段(解决方案)本段内容概要:富人应该帮助穷人摆脱贫困,向富人征更多的税,完善社会福利体系/给弱势群体更多的支持,大力推动慈善事业In order to address this problem, I believe we should foster the development of charity organizations and conduct more fund-raising activities. It is also necessary for us tolevy higher taxes from the wealthy. Another positive step would be to provide disadvantaged groups with more support such as free education and medical care.Besides, the haves are encouraged to help the poor get rid of poverty。
第四段(结尾)For the sake of social solidarity, it is vital that we take more measures to bridge the disparity between the rich and the poor. If this problem fails to be solved properly, a large number of crisis and dangers will emerge。
第三篇RE(即原因+影响的题型)例题2007年12月15日第一段(开头)The issue of TV news programs has aroused wide concern in recent times. Viewers are exposed to an increasing number of violence and disaster images on TV news programs. In this essay, I intend to analyze its sources along with some effects on the individual and the society。
第二段(分析原因)本段内容概要:吸引观众的眼球,灾难和暴力事件在增多,媒体科技的发展The chief cause o f this issue is that these images are designed by the media to catch viewers’ attention. In addition to this, the incidences of disasters and violence are on the rise. Another contributing factor is that the development of media technology helps individual s to access what’s happening in the world。
第三段(分析影响)本段内容概要:引发公众恐慌,误导青少年,犯罪率升高从而导致社会不稳定Firstly, nobody would disagree that violence and disaster images creates panic among the citizens. Besides, these images are likely to produce adverse effects on the physical and mental fitness of teenagers. It is also important for us to recognize that the conviction rate will increase and this may pose a threat to social stability。