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2. 答案请写在答题卡上。

听力部分(20 分)



B) 听5小段对话,每段对话后有一个问题,选出最佳答案。(读两遍) ( )6. A. They 're on the train. B. They 're in Beijing.

C. They 're on the plane.

( )7. A. Five. B. Thirty-five. C. Forty.

( )8. A. He would like to drink n either coffee nor water.

B. He would like to drink either coffee or tea.

C. He would like to drink water.

( )9. A. Australia. B. Japa n C. Chi na.

( )10. A .The desk. B. The bag. C. The library book.

C) 听对话或独白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题,选出最佳答案。

£ B




( 读两遍) 听第1 段材料,回答11~12 题。

( ) 11. When is Jack 's father birthday?

A. This Sunday.

B. This Thursday.

C. This Saturday. ( ) 12. What are they going to do for Jack 's father 's birthday?

A. They 're going to have a party.

B. They 're going to have a picnic.

C. They're going to have a big dinner. 听第2 段材料,回答13~15 题。

( ) 13. Who is answering the phone?

A. Mary Smith

B. Mr Menon.

C. Mrs Menon.

( ) 14. What 's the woman's telephone number?

A. 853-2736.

B. 852-1736.

C. 824-5736.

( ) 15. What should Mrs Menon do when she comes back?

A. Go to see Mary.

B. Phone Mary.

C. Take a message.

听第 3 段材料,回答16~20 题。

( ) 16.Why does Li Lei have to get up early every morning?.

A. Because he wants to catch the early bus.

B. Because he wants to be the first to get to school.

C. Because his home is far from school. ( ) 17.How does Li lei go to school every day?

A. He walks to school.

B. He runs to school.

C. He rides a bike to school.

( ) 18.Li Lei 's family spends much money _______ .

A. on his mother 's medicine

B. on his school things

C. on a new bike ( ) 19.Li Lei ran ___ in the boys '1,500 meters in his school.

A .fast B. faster C .fastest

( ) 20.What makes Li Lei become stronger and stronger?

A. Growing up.

B. Keeping running to school.

C. His father 's care.

笔试部分 (90 分)

二、单项选择 ( 15 分) ( ) 21. My son is a musical boy. He plays piano very well.

A. a

B. an

C. the

D. \

( ) 22. -My pencil is different from ________ -.

-But _____ is the same as mine.

A. Tom; yours

B. Tom; your

C. Tom's; your

D. Tom 's; yours

( ) 23.This pair of jeans looks nice ______ Sandy and she looks nice ____ blue.

A. in; on

B. on; in

C. for; on

D. to; in

( ) 24.I have ______ a raincoat ___ an umbrella. That 's why I have to wait until the rain stops.

A. both; and

B. either; or

C. neither; nor

D. not only; but also ( ) 25. Half of the class done most of the work. The left ___ rather difficult.

A. has; is

B. have; is

C. have; are

D. has; are
