

The issue of whether…is intriguing and controversial. Different people hold different opinions due to their respective angles. Some may contend that there is no better strategy than…whereas others strongly oppose this point of view. Actually, the final judgment should rely on a case-by-case analysis. As far as I am concerned, however, I agree with the author’s assertion insofar as in some circumstances….

On the one hand, the argument that can be presented to develop my opinion is that …. I can think no better illustration of the idea than an example of … under this circumstance, it is obvious that…

On the other hand, the further reason that must be taken into consideration is that.. an instance can give the details of this argument … so as far as I am concerned, … is a wise action.


Of course, it perhaps true that …. in some special conditions. However, this alone is obviously insufficient to support the claim that ….. Furthermore, these cases are so rare that they are not general and persuasive enough to strengthen the view that…When we carefully examined both the advantages and

disadvantages of x and y, the most salient conclusion is obvious.

In summary, due to the above-mentioned reasons, which sometimes correlate with each other to generate an integrate whole and thus become more convincing than any single one of them, we may safely arrive at the conclusion that…because…


人工智能 ——关于人工智能的议论文 月日,举世瞩目的“人机大战”尘埃落定,人工智能“阿尔法狗围棋”(AlphaGo)以4:1的比分战胜人类围棋顶尖高手李世石九段,为世人留下一个不愿接受又不得不接受的事实。 面对“阿尔法狗围棋”(AlphaGo),有人不服,如中国的超级围棋新星柯洁九段,就公开向“阿尔法狗围棋”(AlphaGo)叫板:“你赢不了我!”有人叹息:人类智慧最后的尊严在一只“小狗”面前丢失。有人甚至悲观地认为,机器统治人类的时代即将来临。 其实,所谓人类尊严、所谓机器人的统治时代,只是我们一些人的臆想,“阿尔法狗围棋”(AlphaGo)的胜利,说到底就是一次技术革命的胜利,是人类对自身的一次超越。 正如西安交通大学副校长、国家重点基础研究计划(973)“基于视认知的非结构化信息处理基础理论与关键技术”首席科学家徐宗本说的:“任何人工智能技术的成功一定是当代最新技术综合运用的成功,片面说成谁战胜谁是不公平的,也是无意义的,说人类智慧的最后壁垒被攻破,这都是无稽之谈。” “阿尔法狗围棋”(AlphaGo)的胜利,背后的最大价值在于,它激励人们持续不断地探索过去人工智能领域一直看似难以实现的人类智能级别。从这一点上看,人工智能的胜利也有非凡的意义,甚至可以说具有划时代的意义。 是的,翻开人类历史,哪一次技术革命不带来人类社会翻天覆地的变化?蒸汽机的发明、使用,使人类从农业手工业时代进入了工业社会;电动机的诞生,使人类从工业社会跨入了现代化。而以原子能、电子计算机、空间技术和生物工程的发明与应用为主要标志的信息技术革命,更让人类从此进入了自动化、信息化时代。每一次技术革命,伴随的都是生产力的发展


2020高考作文预测范文:人工智能升级“饭碗” 2018高考作文预测范文:人工智能升级“饭碗” 【题目预测】 阅读下面材料,根据要求写作。 在2017的全国高考中,有一位"高考机器人"参加了考试。这位 特殊的文科"考生"与全国学子同时参加了高考的数学、语文和文综 考试,其目标是考上一本。该款机器人包括三个独立的人工智能程序,其研究机构表示,机器人的目标是力争在2020年,考入北大、 清华两所中国顶级学府。此消息一出,舆论一片哗然:有人为机器人 叫好,认为将来肯定是机器人的世界;也有人认为机器人肯定不如人,毕竟它不是人,没有情感,不知变通;还有人认为机器人也有危险, 说不定哪天会威胁到人类…… 对此,你有什么看法?请根据你的思考和感悟,写一篇不少于 800字的文章,体现你的权衡、选择与思考。 要求:选好角度,确定立意;明确文体,自拟标题;不要套作,不 得抄袭。 【优秀作文】 人工智能,升级"饭碗" 互联网时代下的社会日新月异,人工智能时代终于来临。《人工智能时代的未来职业报告》显示,人类在五秒钟内需要思考和决策 的事情,就可能被人工智能取代。"熟能生巧"的传统工作,在未来 会被"精准工艺"代替。有人恐慌,有人兴奋,我的看法是冷静面对。 有人说:这不是抢我们饭碗吗?的确,技术升级,科技进步确实会减少劳动力投入,但哪个时代的进步不是减少劳动力呢?从瓦特蒸汽 机让几个人在火车头烧锅炉而减少了马车夫的工作量;电灯出现免去 家家户户砍柴熬油的麻烦。减少更多的劳动,使效率更高,这就是

进步。而觉得"丢了饭碗"的人可从繁重生产生活中解放双手,钻研 某些做机器做不到的事情。所以说"抢饭碗"是假,逼迫"升级饭碗" 才是真。那么,你还恐慌什么? 人工智能,并非万能。它们被人类创造出来,所以它们也有局限性。比如编写法律条文,制定发展计划,又或者它们无法进行创造 性教学思考,无法"因材施教",再或者新闻媒体的品牌打造和品质 的保障等等,最终还要靠传统新闻从业者的劳动实现。想要不被淘汰,就要学会做机器做不到的事情,不断更新已有知识。毕竟我们 是富有情感,富有创造力的人类。人工智能归根结底是为了我们服 务的,这一点应清醒与坚信。这样,你还怕什么? 人工智能真的代替人类吗?"五秒钟准则"是存在的。今日头条写 稿机器人"张小明在2016年里约奥运会期间'一战成名'"。里约奥运 会开赛一周,它通过对接奥组委的数据库信息,实时撰写新闻稿件,以及几乎同步与电视直播的速度发稿,六天共生成简讯和资讯两百 余篇。而腾讯写稿机器人,在半年时间里创作出三十万篇内容产品,超过六百万字。可见人类与人工智能是可相互合作,而并非零和关系,前提是要把握好一个度。 中国正在崛起,科技正在强大。第一次工业革命富了英国;第二 次工业革命强大了美国。而第三次工业革命呢?我们就是要在这次工 业革命中勇攀高峰,科技强国。目前,我国正在加快人工智能的步伐,国务院提出将"加快培养聚集人工智能高端人才。"我相信,第 三次工业革命,互联网+定会将我国带上一个新高度。中国有戏,荣 耀中国;我们有福,赶上好时代。与人工智能合作,将会是未来的发 展词条。这需要某些方面,你比它更智能。 在人工智能快速发展的今天,不要疑虑,不要恐慌,更不要抱怨。我们能做的是加紧培训自己的业务,提高能力,跟上时代步伐,"升 级饭碗"。


大作文模板 辩论式议论文 模版(一) Some people believe (argue, recognize, think) that 观点1. But other people take an opposite side. They firmly believe that 观点2. As for me, I agree to the former/latter idea. There are a dozen of reasons behind my belief. First of all, 论据1. More importantly, 论据2. Most important of all, 论据3. In summary, 总结观点. As a college student, I am supposed to 表决心. 或From above, we can predict that 预测. 模版(二) People hold different views about X. Some people are of the opinion that观点1, while others point out that 观点2. As far as I am concerned,the former/latter opinion holds more weight. For one thing,论据1. For another, 论据2. Last but not the least,论据3. To conclude,总结观点. As a college student, I am supposed to 表决心.或From above, we can predict that 预测. 模版(三) There is no consensus of opinions among people about X(争论的焦点). Some people are of the view that 观点1,while others take an opposite side, firmly believing that 观点2. As far as I am concerned, the former/latter notion is preferable in many senses. The reasons are obvious. First of all, 论据1. Furthermore, 论据2. Among all of the supporting evidences, one is the strongest. That is, 论据3. A natural conclusion from the above discussion is that总结观点. As a college student, I am supposed to 表决心. 或From above, we can predict that 预测. 【图表作文写作模板】 It is obvious in the graphic/table that the rate/number/amount of … has undergone dramatic changes. It has gone up/grown/fallen/dropped considerably in recent years (as … varies). At the point of …, … reaches its peak …(多少). What is the reason for this change? Mainly there are … (多少) reasons behind the situation reflected in the graphic/table. First of all, …(第一个原因). More importantly, …(第二个原因). Most important of all, …(第三个原因). From the above discussions, we have enough reason to predict what will happen in the near future. The trend described in the graphic/table will continue for quite a long time (if necessary measures are not taken括号里的使用于那些不太好的变化趋势). 〓话题作文万能开头段〓: The past few years have witnessed the emergenc e of a widespread social phenomenon. That is____ ____________(根据题目提示写)。 This issue, without the slightest(极不重要 的)question, has given rise to great concern in t he public。Needless(不需要 的)to say, this situation will continue for quite a while in the future. 〓图表作文万能开头段〓 What is shown in the diagram(或table等,题目中有这样的 词)above describe clearly that remarkable changes have taken place in _________ (填图表标 题).Based upon the statistics of the diagram, one may see that the number of ____________(按作文要求)has been on a steady rise(上升)或者decline(下降)。 In the year of 1998,the number merely 2500, but within no more than several years, it went up to move more than 35,000 in 2004.(具体年份和数字根据题目图表随便找一组对比的填) 〓图画作文万能开头段〓: Looking at this picture, I believe, people cannot k eep pondering(沉 思). It describes a simple but meaningful social ph enomenon. It is both profound(意义深 远)and thought provoking(激怒、刺 激),which is meant to emphasize the importance of the phenomenon. 〓万能原因段〓: How come such phenomenon occurs? First of all, it is the inevitable(必然 的)social trend with the rapid(迅速 的)development of Chinese economy。Furthermore (此 外), we must admit that the government is defici ent(不足 的)of the thoughtful consideration and the persp ective(远景)anticipation(预 感). Last but not the least, the fact cannot be ig nored that, in 8 the long run, to live and learn will get rooted(根深蒂固的)in everyone’s mind. 〓万能建议段〓: First of all, various departments in the governmen ts are required to adopt efficient measures to cau tiously consider such issue, so that it will be solv ed easily as well as harmoniously(和谐 的). In the second place, individuals(个 人)are demanded to establish brilliant(杰出 的)examples for others to effectively deal with i t as easily as possible. In the third place, various departments among the publicity(宣传)branches (分支机构)are compulsory(义务 的)to cooperate with government agencies to se riously face such issue as well as solute it succes sfully. 〓万能结尾段〓: There is no denying(否 定)the fact that people will have diverse(不同 的)views on the same issue, but my stand-point is clear and well founded in the foregoing(前述 的)discussions. Given what has been argued so far, I’m inclined(趋向 于)to view this tend as a blessing(好事)或者curse (坏 事).Therefore, I believe, the current trend should be encouraged rather than discouraged or even b anned(禁止)。(如果是坏现象,就写: Therefore, I believe, the current trend should be discouraged or even banned. 【写作常用名词及动词表达法辨认及掌握(背诵记忆)】 1、smoothly cooperate with……: 与……顺利合作 2spend precious time as well as energy in……: 花 费宝贵时间和精力做…… 3、skillfully handle: 熟练地处理 4、positively(或optimistically或bravely) face such social phenomenon 积极(或乐观或勇敢) 面对这个社会现象 5 in the fiercely competitive modern social在竞争 激励的现代社会中 6、 learn to distinguish the advantage as well as disa dvantage of……: 学会区分……的优点和缺点 7、positively offer excellent service for……: 为…… 积极地提供优质服务 8、offer(或set up或establish) brilliant examples for……: 为……树立杰出的榜样9、 lay solid foundation for……: 为……打下坚实的基础 10、bravely accept the challenge of……: 勇敢地接 受……的挑战 11adapt to social rapid development as soon as p ossible 尽快适应社会的快速发展 12、bring about serious(或profounding) influence on: 给-带来严重(或深远的)影响 13adopt effective measures to smoothly solve su ch tough problem: 采取有效措施来顺利解决这个棘手 难题 14have widespreading interpersonal relationship as well as rich social communication experience拥 有广泛的人际关系和丰富的社交经验 15deeply analyze and summarize the interior reas on behind it 深入地归纳和总结其内在原因 【作文之句型模板】 〓.表示原因〓 1)There are three reasons for this.2) The reasons for this are as follows.例: There are three reasons for the changes that hav e taken place in our life.Firstly,people’s living standard has been greatly improved.Secondly, most people are well paid,and they can afford what they need or like.Last but not least, more and more people prefer to enjoy modern life . 〓表示好处〓 1)It has the following advantages.2) It is of great benefit to us.例: Books are like friends.They can help us know th e world better, and they can open our minds and widen our horiz ons.Therefore, reading extensively is of great benefit to us. 3.表示坏处 1)It has the following disadvantages 2) It is harmful to us.例:However, everything divides into two.Television can also b e harmful to us.It can do harm to our health and make us lazy if we spend too much time watchin g television. 〓表示重要、必要、困难、方便、可能〓 1)It is important(necessary,difficult, convenient,possible)for sb.to do sth.2) It plays an important role in our life.例: Computers are now being used everywhere, whether in the government, in schools or in business.Soon,computers will be found in every home, too.We have good reason to say that computers are playing an increasingly important role in our li fe and we have stepped into the Computer Age. 〓表示措施〓 1)We should take some effective measures. 2)We should try our best to overcome(conquer) the difficulties.例: The housing problem that we are confronted with is becoming more and more serious.Therefore, we must take some effective measures to solve it . 〓表示变化〓 1) Some changes have taken place in the past five y ears. 2) The computer has brought about many changes in education.例: Some changes have taken place in people’ s diet in the past five years.The major reasons f or these changes are not far to seek.Nowadays, more and more people are switching from grain t o meat for protein, and from fruit and vegetable to milk for vitamins . 〓表示事实、现状〓 1)We cannot ignore the fact that... 2)However,that’s not the case 例: We cannot ignore the fact that industrialization bri ngs with it the problems of pollution.To solve th ese problems,we can start by educating the pub lic about the hazards of pollution.The governmen t on its part should also design stricter laws to pr omote a cleaner environment. 〓表示比较〓 1)Compared with A,B... 2)I prefer to read rather than watch TV.例: Compared with cars, bicycles have several advantages besides being af fordable.Firstly, they do not consume natural resources of petrole um.Secondly, they do not cause the pollution problem.Last but not least,they contribute to people’ s health by giving them due physical exercise. 〓表示数量〓 1)…has increased(decreased)from...to... 2) The population in this city has now increased (d ecreased)to 800,000.例: With the improvement of the living standard, the proportion of people’ s income spent on food has decreased while that spent on education has increased. 〓表示看法〓 1)People have(take,adopt,assume) different attitudes / opinions towards sth.2) Some people believe that...Others argue that... 例: People have different attitudes towards failure.So me believe that failure leads to success.Every failure they experience translates into a greater c hance of success at their renewed endeavor.How ever,others are easily discouraged by failures a nd put themselves into the category of losers.


高中生人工智能作文800字【三篇】 导读:本文高中生人工智能作文800字【三篇】,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 【篇一】 在二十一世纪的未来,宁波市室验小学的中心,有一座巨大的建筑物――大本钟。 这不是大本钟的模仿,而是一座高科技的智能教学楼。这座楼分成一个个小小的圆,那是一个个教室。现在,可以让你见识见识所谓的“高科技”啦。走上楼梯,来到四(五)班的教室门口,门口摆着好多双鞋,不用奇怪,教室是圆的,当然得穿特殊的鞋啦。在门框上,有一个指甲大小的洞,那是微形录像头,如果你晚到了便会自动发信息给老师,以防你不诚实,偷偷溜进来。教室的中央有一大个一大个的沙包,那是学生座椅,你随便怎么坐都可以,因为它有一个芯片,可以测你的心理,只要在听课就可以。如果没听课,它就会像一把扎满钉子的“活火山”,把你弄得痛苦不堪。教室里没有桌子,一人一个平板电脑,老师讲课的板书占一半,不用怕看不见,在为可以放大。另一半是录像机,把老师讲的课全程录像。 教室前面的讲台更牛,还有那个“大本钟”语。数老师(包括所有老师)要拖课,那把教室建成大本钟干吗?钟一响,学生倒安安稳稳的,老师在讲台上却被震得象在12级地震现场,五脏六腑都“蹦”了出来。如果学生很喜欢,只要在“课后评分”地方点一个好,老师

就会留下来。“墙”上的黑板也有芯片,老师不用找文件,心里一想,文件就会立刻打开。芯片还能识别人。同学如果在动,不到5秒,电脑就会自动关机,以防坏掉。黑板角落一个个白色的,上面画有图案的是教室按扭,一按,相应的教室布置,让同学们和老师不会为没有教室而烦恼。 教室后边的图书角也很神奇。想到什么书,什么书就会被推出一个角,不用我们一本本地找了。图书角的边上有一个生物角,透明的玻璃里一个“动物园”一样的地方。每天都会引来许多好奇的眼睛,里面除了凶猛的野兽,其它动物几乎都不缺。进入边上的“更衣室”,一套适合你的衣服就穿在了你身上,再走进“迷你动物园”,边上不是透明的了,而是一望无际的“动物天堂”。尽管知道这是幻觉,但学是很吸引人。走近那些动物,衣服起了作用,让人听懂了它们的语言,还能和它们交流呢! 不止这些呢,节日里,“天花板”上的灯会身出五彩的光芒,平时只会在摔倒时变软的“地板”现在一不小心踩着了哪块,“砰”地一下就会炸出五色的彩带,立刻又自动恢复,为节日增添不少乐趣。 噢,差点忘记了,教室是园的,真正的目的就是不让老师体罚学生。因为那把“沙包椅”已经起到这个作用了啦! 这样一个智能教室,一定会在21世纪被发明出来让我们用的。我们一定要去研发出这种高科技的智能教室。【篇二】 你听说过或者看到过智能垃圾桶吗?如果你们没看到,那就请跟我一起坐时光穿梭机到未来世界去参观吧!


高中作文:人工智能对人类生活的影响 什么是人工智能? 顾名思义,人工智能就是人造智能,其英文表示是“Artificial Intelligence”,简称AI。当然,这只是人工智能的字面解释或广义解释。目前的“人工智能”一词是指用计算机模拟或实现的智能,同时,人工智能又是一个学科名称。 一、人工智能对经济的影响 1.专家系统的效益 如果保护得当,软件能被长期地和完整地保存。如治疗方案和方法) 2.人工智能推动计算机技术发展 并行处理和专用集成片的开发。 1. 但人的下意识和潜意识往往" 随着人工智能原理日益广泛传播,人们可能应用人工智能概念来描述他们生活中的日常状态和求解各种问题的过程。人工智能能够扩大人们交流知识的概念集合,为我们提供一定状况下可供选择的概念,描述我们所见所闻的方法以及描述我们的信念的新方法。 2.改善文化生活 人工智能技术为人类文化生活打开了许多新的窗口。比如图像处理技术必将对图形艺术、广告和社会教育部门产生深远的影响。比如现有的智力游戏机将发展为具有更高智能的文化娱乐手段。

综上分析我们知道,人工智能技术对人类的社会进步、经济发展和文化提高都有巨大的影响。随着时间的推进和技术的进步,这种影响将越来越明显地表现出来。还有一些影响,可能是我们现在难以预测的。可以肯定,人工智能将对人类的物质文明和精神文明产生越来越大的影响。 三、人工智能对人类社会的的影响 1.劳务就业问题 由于人工智能能够代替人类进行各种脑力劳动,将会使一部分人不得不改变他们的工种,甚至造成失业。人工智能在科技和工程中的应用,会使一些人失去介入信息处理活动(如规划、诊断、理解和决策等)的机会,甚至不得不改变自己的工作方式。 2.社会结构变化 -机器" 3.思维方式与观念的变化 在书本报刊或杂志上,又如, 一旦专家系统的用户开始相信系统( 他们的主动思维能力和计算能力也会明显下降。过分地依赖计算机的建议而不加分析地 4. 胁。他们担心:有朝一日,智能机器的人工智能会超过人类的自然智能,使人类沦为智能机器和智能系统的奴隶。 对于人的观念(更具体地指人的精神)和机器的观念(更具体地指人工智能)之间的关系问题,哲学家、神学家和其它人们之间一直存在着争论。按照人工智能的观点,人类有可能用机器来规划自己的未来,甚至可以把这个规划问题想象为一类状态空间搜索。当社会上一部分人欢迎这种新观念时,另一部分人则发现这些新观念是惹人烦恼的和无法接受的,尤其是当这些观念与他们钟爱的信仰和观念背道而驰时。 5.技术失控的危险 任何新技术危险莫过于人类对它失去了控制,或者是它落入那些企图利用新技术反对人类的人手中。有人担心机器人和人工智能的其它制品威胁人类的安全。为此,的美国科幻作家阿西莫夫(I.Asimov)提出了“机器人三守则”:


高中关于人工智能的作文三篇 高中关于人工智能的作文篇一 “在风语镇上,每个孩子出生前,父母都会定制一个与他相像的机器人,陪他一同长大。但到十八岁时,机器人便会被收回。因为孩子们已经长大,他们要独自面临各种挑战。”她一本正经地将妈妈告诉她的转述给我。我听得入了迷。虽然我生活在风语镇,却 是第一次听到这个说法。 我去年已是十八岁了,但我与他们是不同的,我没有过自己的机器人,那种孩童心中微动的渴望与被孤立感萌生。我乘着悬浮机回家想知道答案,妈妈一笑置之。爸爸则从废乱的机器零件中探出头:“你还记得去年你感浸了外侵病毒么?唔……肯定是不记得了,你丧 失了此之前与小木,就是你的机器人的有关记忆。可能是那个病毒比较特殊。咦?那个机 动旋钮呢?真是的……” 我从他的自言自语式的回答汇总还是得到了一些信息,我不再追究,那些记忆真的离我很是遥远。 每天我最爱的事情,是坐在绿榕树下听他们讲自己的机器人。他们也乐于分享那段美好的时期,在他们中间,我是个头最矮小的,连绿榕树最低的枝桠也都不到,虽然作为这里的树,没有人敢去挑战他。 十月十日,父母会步行出去一整天,这是智能时代少有的事情。我按不下心中的好奇,偷偷跟出去。在这一天的尽头,掩藏着最忧伤的秘密。 我看到了父母停在一块墓碑前,周围荒凉凄落。这显然是未开发的区域。我清晰地看到墓碑上的遗照是我,那个每天出现在反光屏上的人。脑中突然一阵刺痛,犹如陨石与大气层摩擦而出现闪耀的光芒,我承受不住这么多的信息涌出,昏了过去。 我再次醒来,得知了一切,我只是个十五岁小女孩而已,一年前,中央区突降陨石层,这是侦测星都未发现的事。小木为了救我而变成一堆零件,而父母为了怕我伤心,而将与小木有关记忆都抹去,并改变了我的年龄。 我平静得连自己都很惊讶。人与机器人的相处已不是问题,作为人类的衍生品,通性不会改变。 文明作为一场五千年的狂奔,飞速的进步推动着更快的进步。无数的奇迹催生着更大的奇迹。但最终的力量掌握在时间手中,留下记忆比创造世界更为艰难。我相信爱才是世间之永恒,才是人与机器人和谐相处的最终端。


高一年级人工智能作文1000字 高一年级人工智能精选作文1000字篇一 人工智能开展到像人类一样思考,已是不可挽回的趋势,在我们有生之年必能实现。我们人类要想保持在地球上主宰的地位,最重要的是明确自己存在的价值,并怀有一颗充满爱的内心。 诚然,人工智能业已能够在某些领域超越人类,替代人类。阿尔法狗的棋技已经无人能敌。在阿尔法元的眼里,却不过如蝼蚁般孱弱。乖巧的上菜飞行器碰翻佳肴的概率比服务员还低;秒速过亿的分析机器人对投资风险的判断堪比数十年经验的交易员;甚至,在百年之后人工智能进化出感情中枢的前景,在科幻小说中不难看出端倪。 但是,看似强大的铁甲后隐藏着两个致命缺陷,也是人类独立于机器的最重要的两个杀手锏。一个叫做价值观,另一个叫做爱。 每个人都有价值观,这就像一盏明灯,是我们存在的意义。但机器没有。它们拥有的,只是所谓的“目的”,那是人类赋予它们的一切行动的原因与终点。而这种存在意义的畸形与缺失,导致的必然是毁灭。在江波的科幻巨著《银河之心》中,那“银河之心”即是人类创造的银河之成就,从恒星为“神经元”,以引力为“脑电波”,一个星云级的中枢。然而,自它诞生那一刻起,就被敌人灌输错误的价值观,为恶人所利用,最终毁于混战,命损一旦——至始至终,它都只是一个工具罢了。反观庄周,陶渊明,肉体的渺小,生活的贫乏又如何?他们是作为独立的个体活完一生的,他们的精神是永恒的。相

比于“银河之心”,他们无疑更加伟大,因为他们明白,他们为了什么而存在。 单单有价值观,尚不足以称作完整的人类;或者说,在最异想天开的电影里,机器也是可以被赋予正常的价值观的。但它们就算用一千年,一万年也绝对学不会的,是爱。 爱,可以是男女之间的情意。若是机器人的逻辑,它绝不能理解焦仲卿与刘兰芝为什么要自杀殉情的。它定会想,他们何不私奔远走他乡,或是屈于现实,甚至暗杀了父母呢?因为它不明白,他们追求的哪只是一生的相依,而是永恒的忠贞啊。 爱,更重要的是对天下宇宙的善意与同情。《三体》的大结局里,人类最后的独苗,程心,本可以在三体人赠送的小宇宙里安度一生的。但她接到了来自宇宙深处的呼吁,希望各小宇宙的拥有者们归还物质,以便大宇宙的“重启”。程心,决然放弃这小宇宙。对于大宇宙而言,不过是增多了千亿分之一的物质;但对于程心来说,是漂泊终生。任何机器人都是无心理解这样的行为的;但这即是程心对于全宇宙的爱。只有这样的爱才有可能促使如宇宙重启之大事。那些看似无所不能,只为自己所谓的“目的”而活的机甲,又怎么可能做到呢? 而当下,许多人却认不清自己体内最珍贵的爱与价值观,视之为一文不值,反倒用一生追求那些机器人几分钟即可掌握的能力,渴望以此获得金钱与名利。这样的人像机器一样思考,能力又不及真正的机器人,怎可能不被淘汰呢?因此,我们要明确存在的意义,点燃心中爱的火种,才能屹立于机甲之潮而不倒。


对立观点型: 基本通用版: There is no denying /(It goes without saying that)不可否认the fact that….has been a hotly/warmly debated topic/issue in China/nationwide/worldwide. 热烈讨论的话题People’s opinions differ/vary sharply on this issue.观点大相径庭Some hold the positive view. 正面观点They say that….They also claim that…..Without…., Others, however, hold the opposite view.持相反观点(对手:opponent/rival/competitor )They maintain that….They point out that…They also argue that… Personally/As far as I’m concerned, I believe that we should not go to extremes.(走极端/far outweigh远胜)Weighing the pros and cons正反of these arguments 权衡正反论据, I am inclined to agree with the former/latter point of view.权衡正反论据,我倾向于赞同后者观点On the one hand, we should…; on the other hand, we should… 高分模版: There has been much controversy over…in the past years (with each party owning convincing evidences.)…近年引起争议,双方论据相当。Those who are in favor of 赞成…claim that…On the other hand, there are many people who are of 持有,具有the opinion that…Personally, I believe that both sides have something right.双方均有一定道理Actually, …should be viewed/regarded as a double-edged sword 双刃剑, (优势:advantage/asset/edge)which presents us with both benefits(beneficial) and troubles.(good and evil 正邪) But we should not give up eating for fear of choking. 但是不能因噎废食The best policy, (as I see it),在我看来最佳政策是is to maximize their advantages优势最大化and minimize their unhealthy influence 将不利影响最小化, so that they can benefit us in a better way. 更好地为我们服务 解决问题型:负面话题 Nobody could have failed to notice the fact that没有人不会注意到…..have been a grave/severe/imperative严重的problem with which we are confronted 我们面临的严重问题…….Taking a look around 环顾四周, we can find examples too numerous to list:不甚枚举(home and abroad 分类法拓展思路)…… Something are bound to注定generate (产生,导致cause/lead to/bring about/give rise to)severe consequences 一定会导致严重后果if we keep turning a blind eye to them.视而不见,充耳不闻(turn a deaf ear to)First and foremost, …….. Besides, ……Last but not least,…… In view of the seriousness of the problem鉴于问题的严重性, effective measures must be taken before things get worse. 必须采取有效措施防止情况恶化First, it is essential that (laws and regulations) be worked out and enforced 法律法规被制定和执行to ban …..Secondly, the (general)public should enhance their awareness公众提高意识of……With proper (appropriate 恰当的) laws and an alert public, 有了法律和有觉悟的公众it will only be a matter of time for …..to become things of the past.指日可待(Time do not change, you change!)/ With these measures taken, it is reasonable (价格:steep: luxury/cheap 贱/ inexpensive/理智的reasonable:价廉物美high in quality and reasonable in price/rational 不用于价格) for us有理由相信to believe that the problem will be solved in the near future.不远的将来


The issue of whether…is intriguing and controversial. Different people hold different opinions due to their respective angles. Some may contend that there is no better strategy than…whereas others strongly oppose this point of view. Actually, the final judgment should rely on a case-by-case analysis. As far as I am concerned, however, I agree with the author’s assertion insofar as in some circumstances…. On the one hand, the argument that can be presented to develop my opinion is that …. I can think no better illustration of the idea than an example of … under this circumstance, it is obvious that… On the other hand, the further reason that must be taken into consideration is that.. an instance can give the details of this argument … so as far as I am concerned, … is a wise action. . Of course, it perhaps true that …. in some special conditions. However, this alone is obviously insufficient to support the claim that ….. Furthermore, these cases are so rare that they are not general and persuasive enough to strengthen the view that…When we carefully examined both the advantages and
