第九周授课提纲主题:PHP语言快速入门一、PHP的含义与实例知识点1.PHP:HyperText Preprocessor,超文本预处理二、PHP的嵌入方法知识点2.PHP是一种HTML内嵌式语言,有四种嵌入方法三、PHP的注释语句知识点3.PHP程序有三种注释语句四、与MySQL无关的PHP编程例1:站点计数器count.php程序见教材P121。
执行效果如下图4.1所示(P122):图4.1<?php$visits=file("memo_file.txt"); //读取文件内容到数组$number_of_last_visit=$visits[0]; //取出以前本网页访问次数$number_of_new_visit=++$number_of_last_visit; //次数加1$fp=fopen("memo_file.txt","w"); //打开文件$fw=fwrite($fp,$number_of_new_visit); //将新数据写入文件fclose($fp); //关闭文件$len_str=strlen($number_of_new_visit); //计算访问量数字位数for($i=0;$i<$len_str;$i++) //拆分数字以用图象显示{$numbers_exploded=substr($number_of_new_visit,$i,1);$output_str=$output_str."<img src=\"images/$numbers_exploded.gif\">"; }echo "你是本网站第".$output_str."个访问者。
《Python程序开发基础》课程教学大纲学分:4学分学时:64学时(其中:讲课学时20 上机学时:44)先修课程:无后续课程:Django开发Web网站适用专业:计算机相关专业、信息技术相关专业,或工科类专业开课部门:计算机系一、课程的性质与目标《Python程序开发基础》是面向计算机相关专业、信息技术相关专业或工科类专业的一门基础课,本课程涉及案例开发流程、Python语法、数据类型、流程控制、函数、面向对象、模块、文件操作等内容,通过本课程的学习,学生能够掌握Python开发的基础知识,具备独立开发Python简单项目的能力。
二、教学条件要求操作系统:Windows 7及以上版本Python环境:Python 3.10.1(64-bit)开发工具:VSCode三、课程的主要内容及基本要求项目1 初识Python项目2字符串与格式化处理项目3 流程控制项目4组合数据结构项目5、函数项目6 、面向对象编程项目7 文件和目录操作项目8、模块四、学时分配五、考核模式与成绩评定办法本课程为考试课程,期末考试采用百分制的闭卷考试模式。
PHP教学大纲《PHP基础》理论教学大纲开课院(部):工程学院撰写时间:2022年5月课程名称:PHP基础课程所属层面:①公共基础②学科基础③专业知识④工作技能课程性质:①必修②限选③任选课堂讲授学时:32实践学时:64总学时:96总学分:6周学时:6开课学期:第3学期一、课程目的与要求《PHP程序设计基础教程》是面向计算机相关专业的一门专业Web 开发课程,面向对象编程、HTTP、会话技术、文件编程等内容,通过本课程的学习,学生能够了解PHP语言的特点、面向对象程序设计思想,学会利用PHP 语言开发简单的Web项目。
是在有C语言操作基础上进一步学习开发语言,学生要先完成《SQL 数据库技术》、《C程序设计》等课程后再开设本课程。
本章内容:第一节PHP基础知识1、web技术2、PHP概述3、常用编辑工具第二节PHP开发环境搭建1、Apache的安装2、Apache的配置3、PHP的安装第三节编写Hello World程序复习思考题:熟悉PHP的开发环境,编写并运行Hello World程序。
PHP网站开发实例教程_教学大纲一、简介及概述1.1PHP的概念及优势介绍1.2网站开发的基本流程介绍1.3教学目标和学习方法介绍二、环境搭建2.1 服务器环境搭建(Apache、MySQL、PHP)2.2 安装PHP开发工具(如PHPStorm)2.3创建第一个PHP网页2.4文件目录结构介绍三、PHP语法基础3.1变量、数据类型及运算符3.2 条件控制语句(if、switch)3.3 循环语句(for、while)3.4函数的使用及自定义函数3.5数组的使用及常见数组函数3.6字符串的使用及常见字符串函数3.7表单处理及GET、POST方法3.8文件操作(读取、写入、上传)四、数据库基础4.1MySQL数据库介绍4.2数据库的增删改查4.3数据库连接及配置4.4数据库安全和防护五、网站开发实例5.1用户注册与登录功能的实现5.1.1用户注册界面的设计与开发5.1.2用户登录界面的设计与开发5.1.3用户注册与登录数据的验证与存储5.2商品展示与购买功能的实现5.2.1商品列表页面的设计与开发5.2.2商品详情页面的设计与开发5.2.3购物车功能的实现5.3订单管理功能的实现5.3.1订单列表页面的设计与开发5.3.2订单详情页面的设计与开发5.3.3订单状态的更新与管理六、网站性能优化和安全防护6.1使用缓存技术提高网站性能6.2数据库优化和索引的使用6.3防止网站安全漏洞的攻击6.4网站备份和恢复策略七、项目部署与上线7.1项目上线的基本流程介绍7.2服务器部署和域名绑定7.3远程数据库配置和导入7.4问题排查及项目发布和更新八、案例实践与总结8.1学员自主设计和开发一个完整的网站8.2总结和回顾学习过程中的知识点8.3学员项目展示和分享以上就是PHP网站开发实例教程的教学大纲,希望能够帮助学员快速掌握PHP网站开发的基本知识和实践能力。
《PHP》课程大纲课程编码:未知学分:总学时:240课堂教学学时:48实验(上机)学时:292适用专业:数字媒体技术、计算机应用先修课程:算法与数据结构一、课程的性质、目的与任务:1.性质本课程属于计算机软件开发专业的一门计算机编程语言基础课程,主要学习PHP程序设计语言的知识和应用,具体包括PHP概述、HTML基础、PHP语法基础、流程控制结构、PHP数组、PHP网站开发、MySQL数据库技术和PHP、MySQL数据库编程技术、面向对象技术、PHP安全与加密技术和B2C 电子商务网站开发等。
具体如下:(1)知识技能能正确进行使用基本PHP语法,能正确构建PHP动态交互网页掌握使用PHP网页对数据库进行调用与开发;使用SQL语句在PHP网页中对后台数据库进行操作;掌握使用PHP设计网站(2) 能力素质一是教学过程设计要注意让学生了解知识的来源、规律、特点等,这样有利于学生透过现象,了解本源,从而更好地掌握知识并培养相应的技能。
(3) 情感、态度价值观通过本课程的讲授,感受数据库在现代化管理中的重要性,激发学生对本课程的学习兴趣并增加学生学好PHP的信心。
课程考核的成绩构成= 平时作业(10%)+ 课堂参与(20%)+ 期末考核(70%),期末考试建议采用开卷形式,试题应包括基本概念、基本理论、综合应用等部分,题型可采用判断题、选择、简答、应用题等方式。
六、教材与参考资料1.教材张健,张良均.Python编程基础[M].北京:人民邮电出版社.2018.2.参考资料[1] 张良均.Python数据分析与挖掘实战[M].北京:机械工业出版社.2015.[2] 张良均.Python与数据挖掘实战[M].北京:机械工业出版社.2016.。
PHP100视频教程 PHP100视频教程
PHP函数和自定义函数 第五章 PHP函数和自定义函数
2、PHP如何自定义函数 使用 Function 来自定义一个函数:
格式 Function func_name($val){ …… }
常用PHP PHP运算类型 第三章 常用PHP运算类型
5、递增递减运算 只操作变量的一种运算
例: $a++ ++$a $a---$a 注:逻辑运算得到的值为布尔值
PHP控制语句的介绍 第四章 PHP控制语句的介绍
需要注意的是: (1)php中的变量是区分大小写的。例如: $color 与 $Color 是不同的。 (2)PHP是弱类型语言,不需要显式声明变量,这与C、java等不同。 变量声明可以与赋值同时进行。 比如:
第二章 PHP的基本语法 的基本语法
boolean(布尔型) 理解为真假型 ( 理解为
$_FILES['myFile']['name'] 客户端文件的原名称。 $_FILES['myFile']['type'] 文件的 MIME 类型,例如"image/gif"。 $_FILES['myFile']['size'] 已上传文件的大小,单位为字节。 $_FILES['myFile']['tmp_name']储存的临时文件名,一般是系统默认。 $_FILES['myFile']['error'] 该文件上传相关的错误代码。
如有你有帮助,请购买下载,谢谢!第一部分PHP基础详解进阶一、php基本介绍二、Wamp服务器搭建三、PHP运行管理四、BS和CS详细五、PHPStrom工具使用六、PHP语法详解第二部分MySQL一、MySQL基础二、MySQL各种查询操作三、MySQL增删改操作四、MySQL企业练习五、nnoDB和MyISAM的区别第三部分PHP操作数据库PHP完成MySQL的CRUDPHP使用MySQL的触发器PHP使用MySQL的函数PHP使用MySQL的存储过程PHP使用MySQL的事务第四部分类与对象一、成员属性二、对象在内存中存在形式三、函数传递对象方式四、成员方法五、构造方法如有你有帮助,请购买下载,谢谢!六、析构方法七、static关键字(静态变量)第五部分面向对象编程三大特性一、抽象类二、接口三、继承与实现比较final const第六部分错误和异常处理介绍一、die二、错误处理器错误级别三、错误触发器四、php错误日志五、php异常处理第七部分ydmMVC框架一、Model1模式二、分层模式三、MVC模式四、代码优化和封装第八部分PHP应用技术一、Cookie和Session二、用户登录原理三、Session入库原理四、图片验证码五、树状货品分类六、文件上传和下载七、PHP绘图技术如有你有帮助,请购买下载,谢谢!八、PHP操作文件和目录第九部分http协议深度剖析一、Http协议原理二、防盗链技术三、302 304码运用四、禁用缓存设置五、文件下载第十部分xml编程一、xml基本介绍xml元素xml属性二、cdata 实体字符处理指令三、dtd四、ide开发xml五、phpdom编程六、SimpleXML七、XML应用第十一部分javascript基础加强一、JS响应优化二、逻辑运算符的应用技巧三、Chrome浏览器的调试技巧四、Javascript浏览器的兼容性五、基本数据类型六、函数调用过程七、组使用技巧八、顺序查找和二分查找第十二部分javascript面向对象编程。
Python教学大纲一、课程简介Python 是一门流行的、通用的、解释型的编程语言,易于学习,功能强大,被广泛应用于数据分析、人工智能、网站开发、自动化脚本等领域。
本课程旨在让学员掌握Python 编程语言的基础知识,学会使用 Python 解决实际问题,培养编程思维和能力。
二、课程目标1. 掌握 Python 编程语言的基本语法和结构。
2. 学会使用 Python 进行数据类型、控制流程、函数、模块和包等基本编程 constructs。
3. 能够运用 Python 编写解决实际问题的程序。
4. 培养编程思维和能力,提高逻辑思考和问题解决能力。
三、课程内容3.1 课程概述本课程共分为 10 个单元,每个单元包含理论讲解、实践练习和课后作业。
3.2 课程单元单元一:Python 简介与安装- Python 语言的特点和优势- Python 解释器和环境搭建- Python 代码基本结构单元二:数据类型- 整数、浮点数和复数- 字符串- 列表、元组和集合- 字典单元三:控制流程- 条件语句- 循环语句- 异常处理单元四:函数与模块- 函数定义与调用- 全局变量与局部变量- 模块和包- 标准库的使用单元五:面向对象编程- 类与对象- 构造函数与析构函数- 继承与多态- 封装与抽象单元六:文件与输入输出- 文件打开与关闭- 文件读写操作- 输入输出单元七:正则表达式- 正则表达式的概念与语法- 正则表达式在字符串处理中的应用单元八:数据库操作- SQLite 数据库简介- Python 操作 SQLite 数据库单元九:网络编程- 套接字编程单元十:实战项目- 项目一:天气查询应用- 项目二:简易博客系统- 项目三:数据分析报告四、教学方法本课程采用在线授课形式,结合理论讲解、实例演示、实践练习和课后作业,帮助学员全面掌握 Python 编程知识。
1. 理论讲解:通过PPT、视频等形式讲解 Python 编程语言的基本语法、概念和编程 constructs。
PHP编程基础教学第一章:PHP的概述与安装PHP(Hypertext Preprocessor)是一种服务器端脚本语言,主要用于网站开发。
1.1 PHP的概述PHP是一种嵌入到HTML中的脚本语言,可以在服务器上执行,并生成动态的网页内容。
1.2 PHP的安装为了开始学习和使用PHP,我们需要在本地计算机上安装PHP解释器和Web服务器。
2.1 PHP的语法PHP的语法类似于C语言,每条语句都以分号结尾。
2.2 PHP的数据类型PHP支持多种数据类型,包括整数、浮点数、字符串、布尔型、数组和对象等。
3.1 PHP的条件语句PHP提供了多种条件语句,如if语句、switch语句和三元运算符等。
3.2 PHP的循环语句PHP提供了多种循环语句,如for循环、while循环和do-while循环等。
二、课程的主要内容及基本要求第1章 PHP开发入门(2学时)[知识点]➢PHP概述➢PHP开发环境搭建➢第一个PHP程序➢PHP程序开发流程[重点]➢PHP开发环境搭建➢第一个PHP程序➢PHP程序开发流程[难点]➢PHP开发环境搭建➢第一个PHP程序➢PHP程序开发流程[基本要求]➢了解PHP语言的优势➢掌握WampServer的安装和使用➢编写第一个PHP程序[实践与练习]完成相关习题。
第2章PHP编程基础(4学时)[知识点]➢PHP基本语法➢PHP变量➢PHP常量➢数据类型转换➢PHP运算符➢表达式与语句➢流程控制语句[重点]➢PHP变量➢数据类型转换➢PHP运算符➢表达式与语句➢流程控制语句[难点]➢PHP变量➢数据类型转换➢PHP运算符➢表达式与语句➢流程控制语句[基本要求]➢掌握PHP基本语法➢掌握变量与常量➢熟悉数据类型转换➢掌握运算符与表达式➢掌握流程控制语句 [实践与练习]完成相关习题。
1) What is PHP?PHP is a web language based on scripts that allow developers to dynamically create generated web pages.2) What do the initials of PHP stand for?PHP means PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor.3) Which programming language does PHP resemble?PHP syntax resembles Perl and C4) What does PEAR stand for?PEAR means "PHP Extension and Application Repository". It extends PHP and provides a higher level of programming for web developers.5) What is the actually used PHP version?Version 7.1 or 7.2 is the recommended version of PHP.6) How do you execute a PHP script from the command line?Just use the PHP command line interface (CLI) and specify the file name of the script to be executed as follows:php script.php7) How to run the interactive PHP shell from the command line interface?Just use the PHP CLI program with the option -a as follows:php -a8) What is the correct and the most two common way to start and finish a PHP block of code? The two most common ways to start and finish a PHP script are:<?php [ --- PHP code---- ] ?> and <? [--- PHP code ---] ?>9) How can we display the output directly to the browser?To be able to display the output directly to the browser, we have to use the special tags <?= and >.10) What is the main difference between PHP 4 and PHP 5?PHP 5 presents many additional OOP (Object Oriented Programming) features.11) Is multiple inheritance supported in PHP?PHP supports only single inheritance; it means that a class can be extended from only one single class using the keyword 'extended'.12) What is the meaning of a final class and a final method?'final' is introduced in PHP5. Final class means that this class cannot be extended and a final method cannot be overridden.13) How is the comparison of objects done in PHP?We use the operator '==' to test is two objects are instanced from the same class and have same attributes and equal values. We can test if two objects are referring to the same instance of the same class by the use of the identity operator '==='.14) How can PHP and HTML interact?It is possible to generate HTML through PHP scripts, and it is possible to pass pieces of information from HTML to PHP.15) What type of operation is needed when passing values through a form or an URL?If we would like to pass values through a form or an URL, then we need to encode and to decode them using htmlspecialchars() and urlencode().16) How can PHP and Javascript interact?PHP and Javascript cannot directly interact since PHP is a server side language and Javascript is a client-side language. However, we can exchange variables since PHP can generate Javascript code to be executed by the browser and it is possible to pass specific variables back to PHP via the URL.17) What is needed to be able to use image function?GD library is needed to execute image functions.18) What is the use of the function 'imagetypes()'?imagetypes() gives the image format and types supported by the current version of GD-PHP. 19) What are the functions to be used to get the image's properties (size, width, and height)? The functions are getimagesize() for size, imagesx() for width and imagesy() for height.20) How failures in execution are handled with include() and require() functions?If the function require() cannot access the file then it ends with a fatal error. However, the include() function gives a warning, and the PHP script continues to execute.21) What is the main difference between require() and require_once()?require(), and require_once() perform the same task except that the second function checks if the PHP script is already included or not before executing it.(same for include_once() and include())22) How can I display text with a PHP script?Two methods are possible:<!--?php echo "Method 1"; print "Method 2"; ?-->23) How can we display information of a variable and readable by a human with PHP?To be able to display a human-readable result we use print_r().24) How is it possible to set an infinite execution time for PHP script?The set_time_limit(0) added at the beginning of a script sets to infinite the time of execution to not have the PHP error 'maximum execution time exceeded.' It is also possible to specify this in the php.ini file.25) What does the PHP error 'Parse error in PHP - unexpected T_variable at line x' means? This is a PHP syntax error expressing that a mistake at the line x stops parsing and executing the program.26) What should we do to be able to export data into an Excel file?The most common and used way is to get data into a format supported by Excel. For example, it is possible to write a .csv file, to choose for example comma as a separator between fields and then to open the file with Excel.27) What is the function file_get_contents() useful for?file_get_contents() lets reading a file and storing it in a string variable.28) How can we connect to a MySQL database from a PHP script?To be able to connect to a MySQL database, we must use mysqli_connect() function as follows: <!--?php $database = mysqli_connect("HOST", "USER_NAME", "PASSWORD");mysqli_select_db($database,"DATABASE_NAME"); ?-->29) What is the function mysql_pconnect() useful for?mysql_pconnect() ensure a persistent connection to the database, it means that the connection does not close when the PHP script ends.This function is not supported in PHP 7.0 and above30) How be the result set of Mysql handled in PHP?The result set can be handled using mysqli_fetch_array, mysqli_fetch_assoc, mysqli_fetch_object or mysqli_fetch_row.31) How is it possible to know the number of rows returned in the result set?The function mysqli_num_rows() returns the number of rows in a result set.32) Which function gives us the number of affected entries by a query?mysqli_affected_rows() return the number of entries affected by an SQL query.33) What is the difference between mysqli_fetch_object() and mysqli_fetch_array()?The mysqli_fetch_object() function collects the first single matching record wheremysqli_fetch_array() collects all matching records from the table in an array.34) How can we access the data sent through the URL with the GET method?To access the data sent via the GET method, we use $_GET array like this:?var=value$variable = $_GET["var"]; this will now contain 'value'35) How can we access the data sent through the URL with the POST method?To access the data sent this way, you use the $_POST array.Imagine you have a form field called 'var' on the form when the user clicks submit to the post form, you can then access the value like this:$_POST["var"];36) How can we check the value of a given variable is a number?It is possible to use the dedicated function, is_numeric() to check whether it is a number or not.37) How can we check the value of a given variable is alphanumeric?It is possible to use the dedicated function, ctype_alnum to check whether it is an alphanumeric value or not.38) How do I check if a given variable is empty?If we want to check whether a variable has a value or not, it is possible to use the empty() function.39) What does the unlink() function mean?The unlink() function is dedicated for file system handling. It simply deletes the file given as entry.40) What does the unset() function mean?The unset() function is dedicated for variable management. It will make a variable undefined. 41) How do I escape data before storing it in the database?The addslashes function enables us to escape data before storage into the database.42) How is it possible to remove escape characters from a string?The stripslashes function enables us to remove the escape characters before apostrophes in a string.43) How can we automatically escape incoming data?We have to enable the Magic quotes entry in the configuration file of PHP.44) What does the function get_magic_quotes_gpc() means?The function get_magic_quotes_gpc() tells us whether the magic quotes is switched on or no. 45) Is it possible to remove the HTML tags from data?The strip_tags() function enables us to clean a string from the HTML tags.46) what is the static variable in function useful for?A static variable is defined within a function only the first time, and its value can be modified during function calls as follows:<!--?php function testFunction() { static $testVariable = 1; echo $testVariable; $testVariable++; } testFunction(); //1 testFunction(); //2 testFunction(); //3 ?-->47) How can we define a variable accessible in functions of a PHP script?This feature is possible using the global keyword.48) How is it possible to return a value from a function?A function returns a value using the instruction 'return $value;'.49) What is the most convenient hashing method to be used to hash passwords?It is preferable to use crypt() which natively supports several hashing algorithms or the function hash() which supports more variants than crypt() rather than using the common hashing algorithms such as md5, sha1 or sha256 because they are conceived to be fast. Hence, hashing passwords with these algorithms can create vulnerability.50) Which cryptographic extension provide generation and verification of digital signatures? The PHP-OpenSSL extension provides several cryptographic operations including generation and verification of digital signatures.51) How is a constant defined in a PHP script?The define() directive lets us defining a constant as follows:define ("ACONSTANT", 123);52) How can you pass a variable by reference?To be able to pass a variable by reference, we use an ampersand in front of it, as follows $var1 = &$var253) Will a comparison of an integer 12 and a string "13" work in PHP?"13" and 12 can be compared in PHP since it casts everything to the integer type.54) How is it possible to cast types in PHP?The name of the output type has to be specified in parentheses before the variable which is to be cast as follows:* (int), (integer) - cast to integer* (bool), (boolean) - cast to boolean* (float), (double), (real) - cast to float* (string) - cast to string* (array) - cast to array* (object) - cast to object55) When is a conditional statement ended with endif?When the original if was followed by: and then the code block without braces.56) How is the ternary conditional operator used in PHP?It is composed of three expressions: a condition, and two operands describing what instruction should be performed when the specified condition is true or false as follows:Expression_1?Expression_2 : Expression_3;57) What is the function func_num_args() used for?The function func_num_args() is used to give the number of parameters passed into a function.58) If the variable $var1 is set to 10 and the $var2 is set to the character var1, what's the value of $$var2?$$var2 contains the value 10.59) What does accessing a class via :: means?:: is used to access static methods that do not require object initialization.60) In PHP, objects are they passed by value or by reference?In PHP, objects passed by value.61) Are Parent constructors called implicitly inside a class constructor?No, a parent constructor have to be called explicitly as follows:parent::constructor($value)62) What's the difference between __sleep and __wakeup?__sleep returns the array of all the variables that need to be saved, while __wakeup retrieves them.63) What is faster?1- Combining two variables as follows:$variable1 = 'Hello ';$variable2 = 'World';$variable3 = $variable1.$variable2;Or2- $variable3 = "$variable1$variable2";$variable3 will contain "Hello World". The first code is faster than the second code especially for large large sets of data.64) what is the definition of a session?A session is a logical object enabling us to preserve temporary data across multiple PHP pages.65) How to initiate a session in PHP?The use of the function session_start() lets us activating a session.66) How can you propagate a session id?You can propagate a session id via cookies or URL parameters.67) What is the meaning of a Persistent Cookie?A persistent cookie is permanently stored in a cookie file on the browser's computer. By default, cookies are temporary and are erased if we close the browser.68) When do sessions end?Sessions automatically end when the PHP script finishes executing but can be manually ended using the session_write_close().69) What is the difference between session_unregister() and session_unset()?The session_unregister() function unregister a global variable from the current session and the session_unset() function frees all session variables.70) What does $GLOBALS mean?$GLOBALS is associative array including references to all variables which are currently defined in the global scope of the script.71) What does $_SERVER mean?$_SERVER is an array including information created by the web server such as paths, headers, and script locations.72) What does $_FILES means?$_FILES is an associative array composed of items sent to the current script via the HTTP POST method.73) What is the difference between $_FILES['userfile']['name'] and$_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name']?$_FILES['userfile']['name'] represents the original name of the file on the client machine,$_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name'] represents the temporary filename of the file stored on the server.74) How can we get the error when there is a problem to upload a file?$_FILES['userfile']['error'] contains the error code associated with the uploaded file.75) How can we change the maximum size of the files to be uploaded?We can change the maximum size of files to be uploaded by changing upload_max_filesize in php.ini.76) What does $_ENV mean?$_ENV is an associative array of variables sent to the current PHP script via the environment method.https:// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------77) What does $_COOKIE mean?$_COOKIE is an associative array of variables sent to the current PHP script using the HTTP Cookies.78) What does the scope of variables mean?The scope of a variable is the context within which it is defined. For the most part, all PHP variables only have a single scope. This single scope spans included and required files as well. 79) what the difference between the 'BITWISE AND' operator and the 'LOGICAL AND' operator? $a and $b: TRUE if both $a and $b are TRUE.$a & $b: Bits that are set in both $a and $b are set.80) What are the two main string operators?The first is the concatenation operator ('.'), which returns the concatenation of its right and left arguments. The second is ('.='), which appends the argument on the right to the argument on the left.81) What does the array operator '===' means?$a === $b TRUE if $a and $b have the same key/value pairs in the same order and of the same types.82) What is the differences between $a != $b and $a !== $b?!= means inequality (TRUE if $a is not equal to $b) and !== means non-identity (TRUE if $a is not identical to $b).83) How can we determine whether a PHP variable is an instantiated object of a certain class?To be able to verify whether a PHP variable is an instantiated object of a certain class we use instanceof.84) What is the goto statement useful for?The goto statement can be placed to enable jumping inside the PHP program. The target is pointed by a label followed by a colon, and the instruction is specified as a goto statement followed by the desired target label.85) what is the difference between Exception::getMessage and Exception:: getLine?Exception::getMessage lets us getting the Exception message and Exception::getLine lets us getting the line in which the exception occurred.https:// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------86) What does the expression Exception::__toString means?Exception::__toString gives the String representation of the exception.87) How is it possible to parse a configuration file?The function parse_ini_file() enables us to load in the ini file specified in filename and returns the settings in it in an associative array.88) How can we determine whether a variable is set?The boolean function isset determines if a variable is set and is not NULL.89) What is the difference between the functions strstr() and stristr()?The string function strstr(string allString, string occ) returns part of allString from the first occurrence of occ to the end of allString. This function is case-sensitive. stristr() is identical to strstr() except that it is case insensitive.90) what is the difference between for and foreach?for is expressed as follows:for (expr1; expr2; expr3)statementThe first expression is executed once at the beginning. In each iteration, expr2 is evaluated. If it is TRUE, the loop continues, and the statements inside for are executed. If it evaluates to FALSE, the execution of the loop ends. expr3 is tested at the end of each iteration.However, foreach provides an easy way to iterate over arrays, and it is only used with arrays and objects.91) Is it possible to submit a form with a dedicated button?It is possible to use the document.form.submit() function to submit the form. For example: <input type=button value="SUBMIT" onClick="document.form.submit()">92) What is the difference between ereg_replace() and eregi_replace()?The function eregi_replace() is identical to the function ereg_replace() except that it ignores case distinction when matching alphabetic characters.93) Is it possible to protect special characters in a query string?Yes, we use the urlencode() function to be able to protect special characters.https:// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------94) What are the three classes of errors that can occur in PHP?The three basic classes of errors are notices (non-critical), warnings (serious errors) and fatal errors (critical errors).95) What is the difference between characters \034 and \x34?\034 is octal 34 and \x34 is hex 34.96) How can we pass the variable through the navigation between the pages?It is possible to pass the variables between the PHP pages using sessions, cookies or hidden form fields.97) Is it possible to extend the execution time of a PHP script?The use of the set_time_limit(int seconds) enables us to extend the execution time of a PHP script. The default limit is 30 seconds.98) Is it possible to destroy a cookie?Yes, it is possible by setting the cookie with a past expiration time.99) What is the default session time in PHP?The default session time in php is until the closing of the browser100) Is it possible to use COM component in PHP?Yes, it's possible to integrate (Distributed) Component Object Model components ((D)COM) in PHP scripts which is provided as a framework.101) Explain whether it is possible to share a single instance of a Memcache between multiple PHP projects?Yes, it is possible to share a single instance of Memcache between multiple projects. Memcache is a memory store space, and you can run memcache on one or more servers. You can also configure your client to speak to a particular set of instances. So, you can run two different Memcache processes on the same host and yet they are completely independent. Unless, if you have partitioned your data, then it becomes necessary to know from which instance to get the data from or to put into.102) Explain how you can update Memcached when you make changes to PHP?https:// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------When PHP changes you can update Memcached by• Clearing the Cache proactively: Clearing the cache when an insert or update is made• Resetting the Cache: It is similar to the first method but rather than just deleting the keys and waiting for the next request for the data to refresh the cache, reset the values after the insert or update.Guru99 Provides FREE ONLINE TUTORIAL on Various courses likeJava MIS MongoDB BigData Cassandra Web Services SQLite JSP Informatica AccountingSAP Training Python Excel ASP Net HBaseProjectTest Management Business Analyst Ethical Hacking PMP ManagementLive Project SoapUI Photoshop Manual Testing Mobile Testing Data Warehouse R Tutorial Tableau DevOps AWSJenkins Agile Testing RPA JUnitSoftware EngineeringSelenium CCNA AngularJS NodeJS PLSQL。
1.Linux:基本命令、操作、启动、基本服务配置(包括rpm安装文件,各种服务配置等);会写简单的shell 脚本和awk/sed 脚本命令等。
2.Nginx:做到能够安装配置nginx+php,知道基本的nginx核心配置选项,知道 server/fastcgi_pass/access_log 等基础配置,目标是能够让nginx+php_fpm顺利工作。
3.MySQL:会自己搭建mysql,知道基本的mysql配置选项;知道innodb和myisam的区别,知道针对InnoDB 和MyISAM两个引擎的不同配置选项;知道基本的两个引擎的差异和选择上面的区别;能够纯手工编译搭建一个MySQL数据库并且配置好编码等正常稳定运行;核心主旨是能够搭建一个可运行的MySQL数据库。
4.PHP:基本语法数组、字符串、数据库、XML、Socket、GD/ImageMgk图片处理等等;熟悉各种跟MySQL 操作链接的api(mysql/mysqli/PDO),知道各种编码问题的解决;知道常规熟练使用的PHP框架(ThinkPHP、Zendframework、Yii、Yaf等);了解基本MVC的运行机制和为什么这么做,稍微知道不同的PHP框架之间的区别;能够快速学习一个MVC框架。
php教学大纲PHP教学大纲引言PHP(Hypertext Preprocessor)是一种广泛应用于Web开发的脚本语言。
一、PHP基础知识1.1 PHP简介- PHP的起源和发展历程- PHP的特点和优势1.2 PHP环境搭建- 安装PHP解释器和Web服务器- 配置PHP环境变量- 测试PHP环境是否正常1.3 PHP语法基础- PHP代码的书写规范- 注释和变量的使用- 常用数据类型和运算符- 控制流语句和循环结构二、PHP进阶技术2.1 PHP函数- 函数的定义和调用- 函数参数和返回值- 常用内置函数的使用2.2 PHP数组- 数组的创建和访问- 数组的遍历和操作- 关联数组和多维数组2.3 PHP面向对象编程- 类和对象的概念- 属性和方法的定义- 继承和多态的实现2.4 PHP文件操作- 文件读写的基本操作- 文件上传和下载- 目录操作和文件权限控制三、PHP数据库操作3.1 MySQL数据库介绍- 数据库的基本概念- MySQL数据库的安装和配置3.2 PHP连接数据库- 连接数据库的方法- 执行SQL语句和处理结果- 预防SQL注入攻击3.3 PHP操作数据库- 数据的增删改查操作- 数据库事务和锁机制- 数据库备份和恢复四、PHP框架和开发工具4.1 PHP框架介绍- 常见的PHP框架及其特点- MVC设计模式的理解和应用4.2 PHP开发工具- 编辑器和集成开发环境的选择- 调试工具和性能优化技巧4.3 PHP项目实战- 基于框架的Web应用开发- 项目部署和维护的注意事项- 代码版本控制和团队协作五、PHP安全与优化5.1 PHP安全性- 常见的Web安全威胁- 预防跨站脚本攻击和SQL注入- 用户身份验证和权限控制5.2 PHP性能优化- 代码优化和缓存机制- 数据库查询优化和索引设计- 服务器配置和负载均衡结语通过本教学大纲的学习,初学者可以系统地了解和掌握PHP编程的基础知识和进阶技术。
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学时:64学时(其中:讲课学时46 上机学时18)
操作系统:Windows 7
开发工具:PHP 7.1,MySQL 5.7,Apache2.4