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Dayton Griffin 20 June 2011

Offshore Project O&M, Health and Safety 海上风电运维,健康和安全

DNV / Royal Norwegian Consulate: Technical Workshop on Offshore Wind DNV / 挪威领事馆:海上风电技术研讨会

Security and facilities management

Appropriate navigation aids (lights and foghorn)

avoid collisions vessel at wind farm

and accommodation vessel

Navigation Risk Assessment Actual/structural/lighting/security

1: (2004 ships) 2: (856 ships)

3: (1324 ships)

Utilized in Prince William Sound analysis, LNG terminal siting,


Port-bound traffic, non-port bound traffic, Wind project specific construction and service vessels

Tracking/Managing Complex Tasks and Related Risks 跟踪和管理复杂的任务和相关的风险
Software tools exist that combine task/schedule elements with costs, performance, probability, consequences. 软件工具要将任务/日程安排因素和成本,性能,概率,结果结合在一起 Examples 举例:
- DNV - EasyRisk Manager DNV-EasyRisk Manager 软件 - Strategic Thought Group - Active Risk Manager 集团战略思考-积极的风险管理
Purpose 目的:
- Hundreds of ‘key’ risks and actions are involved when developing offshore wind projects 当开发海上风项目时可以避免数以百计的’关键’风险和行为 - A system to track and manage actions helps to focus resources on the most critical 一个系统用于跟踪和管理行为,可以帮助集中资源 - Since nothing goes as planned – updates to the database enables timely reassessment of overall project risk and re-prioritization 在没有实行项目之前,这些计划的更新的数据库可以确保及时的得到再评估和整体项目得到再优化
Enterprise level or Project level 企业级别或者项目级别 Enables tracking of assignments/actions at unit and/or individual levels 确保以单元/个人进行作业/行为跟踪
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Safeguarding life, property and the environment 捍卫生命与财产安全,保护环境

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