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The leaves are _re_d__a_n_d_y_e_l_lo_w_ in autumn. The ant likes _w_o_r_k_in_g__h_a_rd_, but the grasshopper likes_s_i_n_g_in_g_a_n_d__d_a_n_c_in_g_.
But the grasshopper is __co_l_d__ and _h_u_n_g_r_y_outside.
Thank you!
It’s cold outside. Please come in!
The ant is the grasshopper’s _f_ri_e_n_d__. It helps the grasshopper.
It’s/ They’re_______ in winter.
What would you do if (如果) you were the ant?
In winter, the ant likes _re_a_d_i_nቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱg_ at home. It is _w_a_r_m_ inside. But the grasshopper is _c_o_ld___ and _h_u_n_g_ry__outside.
I like _______ at home in winter. It’s _______ inside.
Look at the ______. It’s ______. I _________winter. It’s too ______ outside. Ah-choo!
Loookuatst tihdee________.
In spring and summer, the grass is green. I like …
In autumn, the leaves are red and yellow. I like …
In winter, the snow is white. I like … ( work, pick up leaves, read, sleep, sing ,dance, play, make a house… )
Thank you!
It’s cold outside. Please come in!
The ant is the grasshopper’s _fr_ie_n_d_. It helps the grasshopper.
I like w__o_rk_i_n_g_ in spring and summer. Hey yo, hey yo.
Hey yo, hey yo.
Hey, Grasshopper! Come and _w__o_rk__ with me!
No, no, no! Look at the _g_r_a_s_s_. It’s _g_r_e_e_n_a_n_d__s_o_f_t_. I like_s_le_e_p_i_n_g_ on the grass in spring. Wow… I really really like spring!
We learn from (从…学到 ) the story:
LISTENING: Listen to the story on kouyu100(在口语100上听P31故
READING: Read the story on kouyu 100.(在口语100上读P31故事) SPEAKING and ACTING: Try to act out the story on kouyu 100.(在口语100上尝
Wow,____ is nice.
• What can you see? • What colour is it? • How is it?
What do the ants like doing? The ants like _w__o_rk_i_n_g___.
work (工作) ---working
I like working. I like working. Working in spring. Working in spring.
I like working. I like working. Working in summer. Working in summer.
(硬的 / 努力地 )
The ant likes working hard.
Look at the __fo_o_d__. Yummy, yummy.
I like _w_o_r_ki_n_g_ hard in autumn. Hey yo, hey yo.
No, no, no! Look at the leaves. They’re _r_e_d__ and _y_e_llo_w__. I like s_in_g_i_n_g_ and d_a_n_c_i_n_g_ on the leaves. Hurrah! I really really like autumn!
Look at the________. It’s/ They’re_______ in autumn.
I like...
Look at the... I like...
Hey, Grasshgopper! ...
Look at the _______. Yummy, yummy. I like ________ hard in autumn. Hey yo, hey yo.
No, no, no! Look at the ________. They’re _____ and ______. I like ______ and _______
on the leaves. Hurrah!
I really really like ________!
Hey, Grasshopper! ______ and __________!
Hello! I’m a …grasshopper. I’m …green. I’m …big and cute. I like …playing. But I don’t like … working.
Look at the________. I like w__o_r_k_in_Ig_t’sh/aTrdheiny’srper_in_g_.____ in spring.
I like reading at home in winter. It’s warm inside.
Look at the snow. It’s white. I don’t like winter. It’s too cold outside. Ah-choo!
In winter, the ant likes _r_e_a_d_in_g_ at home. It is_w_a_r_m_ inside.
Hey, Grasshopper! Come and work with me!
No, no, no! Look at the _g_ra_s_s__. It’s _g_r_e_e_n_a_n_d__s_o_ft__. I like_s_le_e_p_i_n_g_ on the grass in spring. Wow…
I really really like spring and summer!
The grass is _g_re_e_n__a_n_d_s_o_f_tin spring and summer. The ant likes _w_o_r_k_in_g__h_a_rd__, but the grasshopper likes__sl_e_e_p_in_g__.
Look at the_________. IHleikyey_ow_,_oh_rek_yi_nIy_tgo_’s./hTahrdeyin’resu_m__m_e_r.___ in summer.
Hey, Grasshopper! Come and w__o_r_k with me!
No, no, no! Look at the _g_r_a_s_s_. It’s _g__re_e_n__a_n_d__s_o_ft_.
I like_s_le_e_p_i_n_g_ on the grass
in summer. Wow… I really really like _s_u_m__m_e_r_!
The grass is g_r_e_e_n__an__d_s_o_ft_in spring and summer. The ant likes _w_o_r_k_in_g__h_a_rd__, but the grasshopper likes_s_l_e_e_p_in_g__.
Hello! I’m an ant. I’m _b_r_o_w_n__.
I’m _s_m__a_ll_ but very _s_t_ro__n_g_. I like _w__o_rk_i_n_g__ hard.
grasshop per
Hop, hop, hopper, It's a grasshopper. It likes hopping, Hopping on the grass.
colour size
Hello! I’m a ... I’m … I have… I can… I like... …
abilities hobbies

•Hboiwgisanthde cgruatseshopper? What•dpoleasytihneggrasshopper like doing? What d•owesonr’tktihneggrasshopper like doing?
WRITING: Try to write a new story .(尝试写一写明年的故事)
Hey, Grasshopper! Come and work with me!
The leaves are _r_e_d_a_n_d__y_e_ll_o_w__ in autumn. The ant likes _w__o_rk_i_n_g_h_a_r_d__, but the grasshopper likes__si_n_g_in_g__a_n_d_d_a_n_c_i_n_g.
grass work hard sleep
snow cold outside
leaves work hard sing& dance
warm inside read at home
Image(想象): If(如果)you were the grasshopper, what would you do next year(明年)?
By: Winnie Wu From: Gaodong Primary School
A: It’s ___ (spring,summer...) What can you see?
B: I can see the ___(s). A: What colour is/are the___(s)? B: It’s/They're____.