
Lesson 9 Agile ManufacturingIntroductionBusinesses are restructuring and re-engineering themselves in response to the challenges and demands of the 21st century. The 21st century business will have to overcome the challenges of customers seeking high-quality, low-cost products, and be responsive to customers’ specific unique and rapidly changing needs. Agile enterprises represent a global industrial competition mode for 21st century manufacturing. “Agility” addresses new ways of running companies to meet these challenges. In a changing competitive environment, there is a need to develop organizations and facilities that are significantly more flexible and responsive than existing ones.Agility requires the capability to survive and prosper in a competitive environment of continuous and unpredictable change by reacting quickly and effectively to changing markets, driven by customer-designed products and services. The key enablers of agile manufacturing include: (i) virtual enterprise formation tools/ metrics; (ii) physically distributed manufacturing architecture and teams; (iii) rapid partnership formation tools/metrics; (iv) concurrent engineering; (v) integrated product/ production/business information system; (vi) rapid prototyping; (vii) electronic commerce.Agile manufacturing is a vision of manufacturing that is a natural development from the original concept of ‘lean manufacturing.’ In lean manufacturing, the emphasis is on the elimination of waste. The requirement for organizations and facilities to become more flexible and responsive to customers led to the concept of ‘agile’ manufacturing as a differentiation from the ‘lean’ organization. This requirement for manufacturing to be able to respond to unique demands moves the balance back to the situation prior to the introduction of lean production, where manufacturing had to respond to whatever pressures were imposed upon it, with the risks to cost, speed andquality. Agility should be based on not only responsiveness and flexibility, but also the cost and quality of goods and services that the customers are prepared to accept. It is, however, essential to link agile capabilities in manufacturing with product needs in the marketplace. Agility as a concept increases the emphasis on speed of response to new market opportunities. Thus, it is more relevant to a One-of-a-Kind Product (OKP) than it is to commodity products that compete primarily on price.Agile manufacturing - definitionsIn this section, we explore a variety of definitions and a range of concepts with the objective of developing a new and feasible concept of AM. The reason for analyzing the present conceptions and definitions of AM is to identify the gap between practice and theory in order to enhance the confidence of practitioners. Manufacturing processes based on agile manufacturing are characterized by customer integrated processes for designing, manufacturing, marketing, and support for all products and services; decision-making at functional knowledge points; stable unit costs; flexible manufacturing; easy access to integrated data; and modular production facilities. The focus is on the integration of critical functional areas with the help of advanced design and manufacturing technologies, and alignment between strategies.The analyses of various definitions and concepts of AM show that all these definitions are polarized in a similar direction. Most definitions and concepts seem to highlight flexibility and responsiveness as well as virtual enterprises and information technologies. However, the question is whether one can achieve agility with minimum investment in technologies and processes. Hence, there is a need to redefine the definition of agility within this context. Figure 9.1 presents the new model for explaining the agile manufacturing paradigm. The model takes into account the characteristics of the market, infrastructure, technologies and strategies. Its purpose is to highlight the new dimension of the definition of the agile manufacturing paradigm. The justifications for the need to redefine the agility are listed below.• In some cases, flexibility and cost are not complementary. Yet, there is a need to consider the cost aspects of agility. Agility without cost effectivenessis not a real competitive strategy. Therefore, there is a need to consider cost in defining agility.• The implications of technologies in achieving agility are paramount compared with partnership formation that is based on core competencies in a virtual enterprise. For certain businesses one needs to identify a set of technologies that are more important to the selected market segments, and to product and service requirements. Yet, the implications of integrating complementary core competencies are highly significant. A lack of focus on utilizing core competencies would not improve productivity and quality.• The nature of a given market certainly defines the characteristics of agile organizations. No organizations can satisfy unlimited product/service requirements of different markets. The characteristics of markets may vary from industry to industry and from country to country.• The implications of e-commerce have not been properly addressed in the development of agile manufacturing systems. Direct input from customers, the reduction in response time and the cost of identifying market requirements using Concurrent Engineering principles would certainly reduce the gap between marketing and production.• Human resources play a significant role in the development of agile manufacturing systems. However, the issue of an agile workforce has not been well addressed. It is still not clear how the agility of the workforce and its characteristics can be defined with reference to changing market requirements and value-adding systems.• Logistics play an important role, especially in physically distributed virtual enterprises. Therefore, due attention should be paid to the effective management of logistics and, in tum, to supporting agility in manufacturing.Figure 9.l Agile manufacturing paradigmBased on some of these observations, agility in manufacturing may be defined as: The capability of an organization, by proactively establishing virtual manufacturing with an efficient product development system, to (i) meet the changing market requirements, (ii) maximize customer service level and (iii) minimize the cost of goods, with an objective of being competitive in a global market and for an increased chance of long-term survival and profit potential. This must be supported by flexible people, processes andtechnologies.第九课敏捷制造介绍企业重组和再造自己以应对21世纪的挑战和要求。

UNIT ONEIndust rialEngine ering Educat ion for the 21st Centur y21世纪的工业工程教育The 21st centur y is just a few yearsaway. Strate gic planne rs all over the world a re usingthe year 2000 as the pointfuture busine ss activi ties.Are we all ready f or that time? As the indust rialworldprepar es to meet the techno logic al chall e n gesof the 21st centur y, thereis a need to focuson the people who will take it there. People will be the most import ant of the “man-machin e-materi al” system s compet ing in the next centur y. IEs should play a crucia l role in prepar ing organ i z atio ns for the 21st centur y throug h theirrolesas change initia torsand facil i t ator s. Improv ement s are needed in IE underg radua te educat ion if that role is to be succes sfull y carrie d out.21世纪来临在即,全世界的战略家们把2000年作为商业活动的焦点。

Professional Words and Expressions1. a code of ethics 道德规范2.absolute accuracy 绝对精度3.abstract n. 摘要4.accountant n. 会计(员),会计师5.action learning 行动学习6.adherence n. 忠诚7.afterwards adv. 之后,以后,后来8.AGV(Automated Guided Vehicles) 自动导航小车9.aligning results 校正结果10.alternation ranking method 交替排序法11.AM(Agile Manufacturing)敏捷制造12.analyst n. 分析者;善于分析者;分解者13.anatomical adj. 解剖的,解剖学14.annual bonus 年终分红15.anthropometric adj. 人体测量的16.anthropometry n. 人体测量学17.appeal n. 申诉,请求,呼吁,上诉,要求18.application forms 工作申请表19.appraisal interview 评价面试20.appreciation n. 正确评价21.aptitudes n. 资质22.arbitration n. 仲裁23.architecture n. 结构,构造24.arena n. 舞台,竞技场25.assembly line 装配线26.assessment n. (为征税对财产所作的)估价,评估27.assurance 确信,断言,保证28.attract vt. 动手处理(某事);攻击,抨击29.attainment n. 到达30.attendance incentive plan 参与式激励计划31.audit n. 审计,稽核,查账32.auditor n. 审计员,核数师33.authority n. 职权34.awkward adj. 难使用的,笨拙的35.backdates vt. 回溯36.batch production 批量生产37.be prone to 倾向于……38.behavior modeling 行为模拟39.behaviorally anchored rating scale(bars)行为锚定等级评价法40.below contributor 贡献较小的人员41.benchmark job 基准职位42.benchmarking n. 【计】基准43.benefits n. 福利44.bias n. 个人偏见45.biomechanical n. 【生】生物力学46.Boolean logic 布尔逻辑47.boycott 联合抵制48.broach vt. 拉削49.budget analyst 预算分析师50.bumping/layoff procedures 工作替换/临时解雇程序51.burnout n. 耗竭52.bushing n. 衬套53.business management 企业管理54.CAE(Computer-Aided Endgineering)计算机辅助工程55.candidate-order error 候选人次序错误56.canons of ethics 道德标准57.capital accumulation program 资本积累方案58.CAPP(Computer-Aided Process Planning)计算机辅助工艺规划59.career anchors 职业锚60.career anchors 职业周期61.career group 事业组62.career group desciption 事业组描述63.career planning and development 职业规划与职业发展64.case study method 案例研究方法65.cell production 单元生产66.cellular layout 单元式布局67.central tendency 居中趋势68.checksheet n. 检测工作表,记录表,调查表69.chuck n. 卡盘70.CIM(Computer Integrated Manufacturing)计算机集成制造71.citations n. 传讯72.Civil Rights Act 民权法73.classification(or grading)method 归类(或分级)法74.clause n. 从句C(Computerized Numerical Control)计算机数字控制76.code design代码设计77.cognitive adj. 认知的,认识的,有感知的78.coil feeder卷料进料装置79.collective bargaining集体谈判80.colloquia n. 座谈会(colloquium的复数)mitment n. 委托事项,承担义务monality n. 共性parable worth可比价值parable factor报酬因素promise n. 妥协,折衷v. 妥协,折衷,危机……的安全puterized forecast计算机化预测87.confidence n. 置信度88.confidentiality n. 机密性89.connotation n. 内涵90.content validity 内容效度91.continuous timing method 连续计时法92.contributor 贡献者,捐助者,投稿者93.controversy n. 论战94.CONWIP control 定量的制品控制95.core responsibility 核心职责,核心责任96.corkscrew n. 螺丝锥97.criterion n. (判断的)标准,准据,规范98.criterion validity 效标效度99.critical incident method 关键事件法100.current flow 电流101.curriculum n. 课程(pl. curricula)102.C-V ARWIP control 循环变量在制品控制103.cybernetics n. 控制论104.dashboard n. 汽车等的仪表板105.Data Structure Diagram(DSD)数据结构图106.Davis-Bacon Act(DBA)戴维斯-培根法案107.day-to-day-collective bargaining 日常集体谈判108.deadlock n. 停顿109.decline stage 下降阶段110.deferred profit-sharing plan 延期利润分享计划111.defined benefit 固定福利112.defined contribution 固定缴款113.degradation n. 退化114.demographics n. 人口统计学115.department of labor job analysis 劳工部工作分析法116.diligently and persistently 坚持不懈地117.discipline n. 纪律;学科118.disengage v. 脱离,释放119.dismissal n. 解雇;开除120.dispersion n. [数]离差,差量,平均值,离中趋势121.dissipate v. 驱散122.distract v. 转移123.distraction n. 娱乐,分心,分心的事物124.doctoral dissertation 博士论文125.domain n. 领域,范围126.downsizing n. 精简、127.drill press 钻床128.dumping n. 倾销129.early retirement window 提前退休窗口130.economic batch quantity 经济批量131.economic strike 经济罢工132.Edgar Schein 艾德加·施恩133.E-manufacturing 网络化制造134.empathy n. 移情作用135.employee compensation 职员报酬136.employee orientation 雇员上岗引导137.Employee Retirement Income Security Act(ERISA)雇员退休收入保障法案138.employee services benefits 雇员服务福利139.Employee Stock Ownership Plan(ESOP)雇员持股计划140.empowerment n. 授权141.encyclopedia n. 百科全书142.Enterprise Resource Planning(ERP)企业资源计划143.Entity Ralationship Model(E-R Model)实体关系模型144.Equal Pay Act 公平工资法145.equitable adj. 公平的;公正的146.ergonomics adj. 人类工程学,生物工程学,工效学147.ergonomist n. 工作学者,生物工程学者148.essence n. 本质,实质149.establishment stage 确立阶段150.exemplary adj. 可仿效的,可做模范的151.exit interviews 离职面谈152.expectancy chart 期望图表153.experience economy 体验经济154.experimentation n. 实验155.exploration stage 探索阶段156.extraordinary contributor 特别贡献者,杰出贡献者157.extrapolate v. 推断158.facing tool 端面车刀159.fact-finder 调查160.factory layout 工厂布局161.fair days work 公平日工作162.fair labor standards act 公平劳动标准法案163.FEA(Finite Element Analysis)有限元分析164.feedback n. 反馈165.fin n. 鳍,鱼翅;鳍状物166.finished goods 成品167.flex place 弹性工作地点168.flexible benefits programs 弹性福利计划169.flextime 弹性工作时间170.flow diagram 线路图171.flow process chart 流程程序图172.FMS(Flexible Manufacturing Systems)柔性制造系统173.forced distribution method 强制分步法174.foreign element 外来单元175.fortification n. 防御工事,要塞,筑城术176.foundry n. 铸造,翻砂,铸工厂,玻璃厂,铸造厂177.four-day workweek 每周4天工作制178.frustration n179.frustration n. 挫败,挫折,受挫180.functional job analysis 功能性工作分析法181.gain sharing 收益分享182.gang process analysis 联合操作分析183.gang process chart 联合程序图184.general economic conditions 一般经济状况185.GNP(Gross National Product)国民生产总值186.golden offerings 高龄给付187.good faith bargaining 真诚的谈判188.grade n. 等级189.grade description 等级说明书190.graphic rating scale 图尺度评价法191.grapple with 设法解决192.grid training 方格训练193.grievance n. 抱怨194.grievance n. 不满;不平;冤情;抱怨;牢骚195.grievance procedure 抱怨程序196.grip vt. 紧握,紧夹n. 掌握,控制,把手v. 抓住197.group life insurance 团体人寿保险198.group pension plan 团体退休金计划199.growth strage 成长阶段200.GT(Group Technology)成组技术201.guarantee corporation 担保公司202.guaranteed fair treatment 有保证的公平对待203.guaranteed piecework plan 有保障的计件工资制204.halo effect 晕轮效应205.hand in hand 合作206.hand over 交出,移交207.handbook n. 手册208.Health Maintenance Organization(HMO)健康维持组织209.heterogeneity n. 异种,异质,不同成分,多种多样210.Hierarchy Plus Input,Process,and Output(HPIPO)层次的输入,处理输出图211.histograms n. 柱状图,直方图212.homeostasis n. 动态平衡213.hybrid layout 混合式布局214.hypothenuse n. 斜边215.idlesse n. 空闲216.illegal bargaining 非法谈判项目217.impasse n. 僵持218.implied authority 隐含职权219.in terms of 就……而论;在……方面220.incentive plan 激励计划221.index n. 索引222.Individual Retirement Account(ITA)个人退休账户223.industrial economy 工业经济224.industrial engineering 工业工程225.industrial robot 工业机器人226.industrialization n. 工业化,产业化227.infrastructure n. 基本设施,基础设施228.infrastructure n. 下部构造,基础下部组织229.in-house development center 企业内部开发中心230.insubordination n. 不服从231.insurance benefits 保险福利232.intangibility n. 无形,不能把握,不可解233.integrated equipment 集成设备,综合设备234.intensity n. 强烈,剧烈,强度,亮度235.internship n. 实习医师236.intervention n. 干涉237.interview n. 谈话;面谈238.intuitive adj. 直觉的239.inventory 详细目录,存货,财产清册,总量240.iterative a. 交互的241.Jackson Design Methodology(JDM)杰克森设计方法242.jamming 干扰,认为干扰243.JIT(Just-In Time) 准时工作制244.job analysis 工作分析245.job description 工作描述246.job evaluation 职位评价247.Job Instruction Training(JIT)工作指导培训248.job posting 工作公告249.job rotation 工作轮换250.job sharing 工作分组251.Job specifications 工作说明书252.John Holland 约翰·霍兰德253.Joint Application Development(JAD)联合应用开发254.junior board 初级董事会255.Kanban 看板256.keyway n. 键槽257.keyword n. 关键词258.kit n. 成套工具(或物件等);工具箱bor dissension 劳动纠纷the n. 车床wnmower n. 剪草机yoff n. 临时解雇,下岗263.lead time 提前期,生产周期264.leader attach training 领导者匹配训练265.Lean Manufacturing 精益生产266.level Indicator 级别指示267.lever n. 控制杆268.life cycle 寿命周期269.lifetime employment without guarantees 无担保终身雇用270.line manager 一线管理者271.literature search/retrieval 文献检索272.litigation n. 诉讼,起诉273.local market conditions 地方劳动力市场274.lockout n. 停工275.long hand 长针276.LP(Lean Production)精益生产277.machine cell 机器单元278.maintenance stage 维持阶段279.management assessment center 管理评价中心280.Management By Objectives(MBO)目标管理法281.management game 管理竞赛282.management grid 管理方格训练283.Management Information System(MIS)管理信息系统284.management process 管理过程285.mandatory bargaining 强制谈判项目286.manholes n.(锅炉,下水道供人出入检修用的)人孔,检修孔287.manipulation n. 处理操作,操纵288.man-machine chart 人机程序图289.Manufacturing Resource Planning(MRPII)制造资源计划290.manufacturing systems 制造系统291.mass service 批量服务292.Material Requirements Planning(MRP)物料需求计划293.matrix n. 矩阵294.mediation n. 调解295.merit pay 绩效工资296.merit raise 绩效加薪297.mess up 搞乱298.method study 方法研究299.Method Time Measurement 时间测定方法300.micrometer n. 千分尺301.mid career crisis sub-stage 中期职业危机阶段lennium n. 太平盛世,一千年ling machine 铣床304.Modular Arrangement of Predetermined Motion Time Standard 预定动作时间标准模值排序法305.monotony n. 单音,单调,千篇一律306.more than over 更普遍地307.motion analysis 动作分析308.musculoskeletal adj. 【解】肌(与)骨骼的309.musket n. 步枪310.need improvement 需求改进311.nondirective interview 非定向面试312.nonmanufacturing 非制造类(企业)313.notation n. 符号314.Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)面向对象编程315.occupational family 职业族316.occupational market conditions 职业市场状况317.occupational orientation 职业倾向318.Occupational Safety and Health Act 职业安全与健康法案319.Occupational Safety and Health Administration(OSHA)职业安全与健康管理局320.occupational skills 职业技能321.OMT(Object Modeling Technique)对象造型技术322.one after the other 一个接一个323.On-the-Job Training(OJT)在职培训324.open-door 敲开门户325.operation analysis 操作分析326.operation planning 作业计划327.operation process chart 工艺程序图328.operations research 运筹学329.operations scheduling 作业调度330.opinion survey 意见调查331.optimization n. 最佳化,优化anization Development(OD)组织发展anizational objective 组织目标anization‘s preferred goals 组织的优先目标335.orientation n. 方向,方位,定位336.out of line 不一致,不协调337.outpace v. 超过338.outplacement counseling 向外安置顾问339.paired comparison method 配对比较法340.panel interview 小组面试341.part family 产品族342.participant diary/logs 现场工人日记/日志343.participation 分享,参与344.parts feeder 送料器,定向料斗345.patent n. 专利346.pay band 工资段347.pay grade 工资等级348.pension benefits 退休金福利349.pension plans 退休金积计划350.people-first values 以人为本的价值观351.percentile n. 百分点,百分位352.performance analysis 工作绩效分析353.performance appraisal 绩效评价,绩效评估354.performance appraisal interview 工作绩效评价面谈355.performance development plan 绩效发展计划356.performance evaluation 绩效评价,绩效评估357.performance gap 绩效差距358.performance management 绩效管理359.perishability n. 易腐烂性,易朽性360.personalization n. 人性化361.personnel(or human resource)management 人事(或人力资源)管理362.personnel n. 人员,职员363.personnel replacement charts 人事调配图364.pertinent adj. 恰当的,贴切的;中肯的有关的,相关的365.phase n. 阶段,时期【(+in/of)】366.physiological adj. 生理学的367.Physiology n. 生理学368.piecework n. 计件369.Plant Closing Law 工厂关闭法370.plating n. 电镀371.plug gauge 塞规372.plywood n. 夹板373.policies n.政策374.Position Analysis Questionnaire(PAQ)职位分析问卷375.position identification information 职位识别信息376.position replacement cards 职位调配卡377.post-it 产品名称——极事贴378.predetermined time system 预定时间系统(标准)379.predicative adj. 谓语的;表语的380.preferred adj. 首选的381.prefix n. 字首,前缀382.Pregnancy Discrimination Act 怀孕歧视法案383.prerequisite adj. 首先具备的384.prevailing adj. 主要的385.preventive maintenance 定期检修386.probationary period 试用期387.proceeding n. 会议录388.process analysis 程序分析389.process layout 工艺式布局390.product layout 品式布局391.production line 生产线,流水线392.production planning 生产计划393.production process 生产流程394.production scheduling 生产调度395.production sequence 生产顺序396.professionalism n. 专业化397.profit-sharing plan 利润分享计划398.programmed learning 程序化学习399.proponent n. 建议者,支持者400.prototype n. 原型401.PSL(Problem Statement Language)问题描述语言402.PSRO(Professional Standards Reviews Organization)(美国)职业标准审查组织403.Psychology n. 心理学,心理状态404.pushchair n. 折叠式婴儿车405.pythagorean theorem 勾股定理406.qualifications inventories 资格数据库407.quality circle 质量圈408.quest for 追求,探索409.ramp n. 斜坡,坡道410.ranking method 排序法411.Rapid Application Development(RAD)快速应用开发412.rate ranges 工资率系列413.rate vt. 评比,评估414.rating earned 获得的等级415.ratio analysis 比率分析416.rationalizing n. 合理化417.readout n. 读数418.reality shock 现实冲击419.recall n.(计算机)信息检索(能力)420.rectangle n. 矩形,长方形421.recur v. 再发生,复发422.regression n. 衰退423.relative accuracy 相对精度424.reliability n. 可靠性,信度425.render v. 给予426.replenishment 补充,补给427.requirements forecasting 需求预测428.reserve n. 储藏量429.resolution n. 分辨率430.responsiveness n. 响应性,易起反应431.retirement benefits 退休福利432.retirement counseling 退休前咨询433.retirement n. 退休434.rigor n. 严密,精确435.rings of defense 保护圈436.role n. 角色,任务437.role playing 角色扮演438.Rough Cut Capacity Planning(RC-CP)粗能力计划439.routing n. 工艺路线440.salary reference title 工资证明书名称441.salary surveys 薪资调查442.sales order processing 销售订单处理443.savings plan 储蓄计划444.Scallion plan 斯坎伦计划445.scatter plot 散点分析446.science journal 科学杂志447.science-technology literature search 科技文献检索448.scientific management 科学管理449.scientific papers writing 科技论文写作450.seamless adj. 无缝合线的,无伤痕的451.self directed teams 自我指导工作小组452.self-actualization 自我实现453.Semantic Data Model(SDM)语义数据模型454.sense of worth 价值观455.sensitivity training 敏感性训练456.serialized interview 系列化面试457.service customization 定制服务458.service industry 服务行业459.service management 服务管理460.service quality 服务质量461.service systems 服务系统462.severance pay 离职金463.sick leave 病假464.simultaneity 同时发生,同时465.situational interview 情境面试466.skip-level interview 越级谈话467.small hand 短针468.snapback method 归零法469.snapback n. 归零470.social security 社会保障471.speak up!讲出来!472.special assignment 特殊任务473.special awards 特殊特殊奖励474.special management development techniques 特殊的管理开发技术475.spiral n. 螺旋(形);螺线;蜷线476.stabilization sub-stage 稳定阶段477.staff(service)function 职员(服务)功能478.standard hour plan 标准工时工资479.stature n. 身高,身材;(精神、道德等的)高度480.stock option 股票期权481.stopwatch n. 计秒表,秒表482.straight piecework 直接计件制483.strategic plan 战略计划484.stress interview 压力面试485.strictness /leniency 偏紧/偏松486.strikes n. 罢工487.structured interview 结构化面试488.subject n. 主题489.substandard performance 不达标绩效,标准以下的绩效490.succession planning 接班计划491.supplement pay benefits补充报酬福利492.supplemental unemployment benefits 补充事业福利493.survey feedback 调查反馈494.survey item 调查项目495.sympathy strike 同情罢工496.synchrony n. 同步性497.system I 组织体系I498.tache n. 环节499.tangible adj. 明确的,可见的,切实的500.task analysis 任务分析501.team building 团队建设502.team or group 班组503.termination at will 随意终止504.termination n. 解雇,终止505.the instant observation method 瞬间观察法506.Theory X X理论507.Theory Y Y理论508.thermostat n. 自动调温器509.thigh n. 大腿,股510.third-party involvement 第三方介入511.threbligs n. 动素512.time study board 时间研究板513.time study form 时间研究表514.time study 时间研究515.TQM(Total Quality Management)全面质量管理516.training n. 培训517.Transactional Analysis(TA)人际关系心理分析518.trend analysis 趋势分析519.trial sub-stage 尝试阶段520.two-hand chart 操作者程序图521.unanimity n. 全体一致522.unclear performance standards 绩效评价标准不清523.underway adj. 进行中524.unemployment insurance 失业保险525.unfair labor practice strike 不正当劳工活动罢工526.unsafe acts 不安全行为527.unsafe conditions 不安全环境528.unsightly adj. 难看的529.upset vt. 扰乱530.upstream(downstream)n. 上(下)游流水线531.validity n. 效度,有效性,合法性,正确性532.value-based hiring 以价值观为基础的雇佣533.variable compensation 可变报酬534.VCR(Video Cassette Recorder)录像机535.versus prep. 对(指控诉,比赛等中),与……相对536.vestibule or simulated training 新雇员培训或模拟537.vesting n. 特别保护权538.videotape n. 录像带539.visualize vt. 想象,设想540.voluntary bargaining 自愿谈判项目541.voluntary pay out自愿减少工资方案542.voluntary time off 自愿减少时间543.Vroom-Yetton leadership trainman 维罗姆——耶顿领导能力训练544.wage carve 工资曲线545.weighting results 加权结果546.wildcard n. 通配符547.WIP-Work-In-Progress 在制品548.work description 工作描述549.work factors 工作因素法550.work in process 在制品551.work location code 工作场所代码552.work measurement 作业测定553.work sampling technique 工作抽样技术554.work sampling 工作抽样555.work sharing 临时性工作分担556.work involvement 雇员参与计划557.workers benefits 雇员福利558.workforce n. 劳动力,工人总数,职工总数559.workhead n. 工作台,机台560.workholder n. 工件夹具561.working up 逐步建设562.workpiece n, 工件,加工件563.wrench n. 扳手564.year-end learning accomplishments 年终学习成绩。

工业工程专业英语词汇industrial engineering:工业工程accredited:认可的、授权的accrue:增值acoustics:声学acquisition:并购address:处理、针对、重点提出affiliate:隶属于aggregation:总体、集合体Agile Manufacturing (AM):敏捷制造aircraft:飞机,航空器align:适应alliance:联盟ample:足够的、充裕的anatomical:解剖的ancillary:辅助的、附属的anthropometry:人体测量学appropriation: 占用artificial material:人工材料ASME: American Society of Mechanical Engineers:美国机械工程师协会assembly line:装配线assess:评估assiduity:勤奋、刻苦audit:审计automatic pallet changer:自动托盘转换装置automation:自动化ballistic:自然带弧形的bar code:条形码batch production:批量生产bench:工作台bill:清单bin:箱子biomechanical:生物力学的blade:刀片、叶片brand new:全新的budget-oriented:面向预算的capacity:生产能力capital turnover:资金周转capital:资金carbon-filament:钨丝causal method:因果法cause and effect diagram:因果图cellular layout:单元式布局certification:认证change over :换模checksheet:检查表chronological:严密逻辑的chuck:卡盘circulate:循环、流通civil engineering:土木工程clamp:夹住closed loop:闭环CNC machine tools:计算机数控机床cockpit:飞机座舱、驾驶员座舱cognitive:认知的coil feeder:卷料进料器Communication Techniques in Logisticscompetitiveness:竞争力component:零件、组件、部件comprehensive interest:综合利益Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems (CIMS):计算机集成制造系统computerized numerical controlconsecutive: 连续的continous improvement:持续改进continuous improvement:持续改进conveyor:输送机convoluted:复杂的、回旋的、弯曲的coordination:协调corkscrew: 螺丝刀cost-effective:有成本效益的、划算的crank:曲柄critical examination technique:关键检测技术crossbar:十字杠culminate:达到顶点curricula: 课程(or curriculum)customer satisfaction:顾客满意cutback:缩减cylindrical:圆柱的prismatic:棱柱的dam:水坝decision-making:决策defective:有瑕疵的,有缺陷的definable:可定义的demonstrate:示范、说明dependent demand: 相关需求discipline:学科discrete:离散的dispersion:分散性distribution:配送、分销division:部门、分配、分开drill press:钻床drop delivery:堕送装置due date:交货期dye:染料earning:收益、利润E-business:电子商务economic and knowledge-based era:知识经济时代economic batch quantity:经济批量economic globalization:经济全球化ECRS(eliminate combine rearrange simplify):取消、合并、重排、简化EDM: electron discharge machining:放电加工effectiveness:效果efficiency:效率ejector:斜槽、导轨electrical engineering:电气工程electricity: 电、电学、电流、电气electronic data interchange:电子数据交换E-Manufacturing:网络化制造engulf:吞没EOS:电子订货系统electronic ordering system ergonomically:工效学地ergonomics:工效学exaggerated:过大的、许多的explosion:爆炸法eyestrain:视觉疲劳,眼睛疲劳fabrication:制造facility:设备、设施factory layout:工厂布局family:簇fatigue:疲劳fatigue:疲劳feat:合适的feed grinding machine: 进给式磨床feedback:反馈feedback:反馈file:锉刀final product:最终产品fish bone diagram:鱼骨图fitness for use:适用性fixed position layout:定位布局fixture:固定设备、夹具flapped operation:节拍式加工flexible manufacturing system:柔性制造系统flow diagram:线路图flow process chart:流程程序图fluctuate: 波动forcible:强制的、有说服力的forearm:前臂upper arm:大臂trunk:躯干torso forecast:预测forge:锻造forge:锻造formulate:阐述、制定fortification:防御工事forward-looking:有远见的foundry:铸造friction: 摩擦frustration:挫折fuel:燃料fully automated:全自动化gang process chart:联合程序图garment industry:制衣业gauge:计量器general packet radio servicegeographic information systemsgeometry:几何形状GIS:地理信息系统GPRS:通用分组无线业务GPS:全球定位系统global positioning systemgravity feed:重力自流进料group technology:成组技术hand in hand :合作hardware:硬件harmonious society:和谐社会haul: 拖、拉health-care delivery: 卫生保健服务high-tech:高科技hindrance:妨碍histogram:直方图hoist:起重机human factor:人因human-centered design:以人为中心设计hybrid layout:混合式布局hypotenuse:斜边(hypothesis:假设)identical:相同的idleness:空闲IE engineers:工业工程师(IEs)IE graduates:工业工程毕业生(IEs)impede:妨碍,阻止implicitly:隐含地incentive:鼓励inclined plane:斜面inclusive design:全方位设计inconsistency:不一致independent demand: 独立需求independent variable:自变量inevitable:不可避免的inspection:检测Institute of Industrial Engineers:工业工程师学会(IIE)instructor:讲师、教练instrument:仪器、器械intangible:无形的integrated equipment:集成设备interchangeability:互换性interface:界面、接口intermediary:中间人intermittent:间歇的internal combustion engine:内燃机International Accreditation Forum:国际认证论坛International Organization for Standardization:国际标准化组织(ISO)inventory control:库存控制Inventory:库存inventory:清单、库存invoicing:开发票item:物料项目jig:夹具job shop production:车间任务型生产judgment method:判断方法jumbled:混合的、混乱的knuckle:指关节wrist:腕关节elbow:肘关节lag:落后,延迟lathe:车床layout:布局lead time:提前期Lean Production (LP):精益生产literature:文献loading:装载locomotive:火车头logistics:物流long and short-term memory:长短时记忆lot for lot:批对批lot size:批量low-volume, high-variety production:多品种、小批量生产lubricant:润滑剂luggage:行李machine cell:机器单元machine tool:机床magnetism:磁学maintainability:可维护性maintaining:维护malfunction:故障manipulate:处理,使用,操纵man-machine process chart:人机程序图manufacturing industry:制造业manufacturing resources planning:制造资源计划market share:市场占有率master production scheduling:主生产计划material handling :物料搬运material requirements planning:物料需求计划mechanical engineering:机械工程mechanized:机械化的mental demand:脑力需求metal-working job shop :金工车间method study:方法研究methodology:方法metrics:度量military:军事的milling machine:铣床mission:使命、任务、目标MIT: 麻省理工学院Massachusetts Institute of Technology molecular:分子的momentum:动量monetary:货币的、金融的morale:士气、纪律motion analysis:动作分析motion economy principles:动作经济原则motivation:激励multi-disciplinary:多学科性质的muscle:肌肉muscle:肌肉musculoskeletal disorder:肌骨失调navigation:导航netting:净需求计算normative:标准的notch: V型凹槽、切口nutrition:营养observe value:观察值offset:偏置法operation analysis:作业分析operation management:运作管理operation process chart: 工艺程序图opportunity:缺陷机会order fulfillment: 订单执行order lots:订单批量、订货量orient:定向otiose:无效的、多余的outlets:品牌直销购物中心overengineer:高于工程要求的package:包装pallet:托盘parameter:参数pareto chart:排列图part period cover:零件周期批量participation:参与partition:分割parts feeder:送料器physical science :自然科学(natural science )physiology:生理学pivot:轴、支点、中心点plot:以图的形式表示Pmts: predetermined motion time system:预定动作时间系统portable powered tool:便携式电动工具portray:描绘POS:销售时点系统point of sale systempositioning device:定位装置positioning:定位potentiality:潜能practitioner:开业者pre-assessment:预评估precondition :前提prediction:预言preliminary:预备的、初级的pre-positioned:预放在工作位置上proceed:行进、继续进行process analysis:程序分析process layout:工艺布局procurement:采购product layout:产品布局product life cycle: 产品生命周期production line:生产线production planning:生产计划production process:生产过程production scheduling:生产调度production system:生产系统productive:有生产价值的、多产的productivity :生产率profitability:收益率psychology:心理学pull production:拉动式生产Pythagorean theorem:勾股定理qualitative method:定性方法quality of conformance:符合性质量quality of design:设计质量quantitative method:定量方法rapid changeover:快速换模raw material:原材料rectangular:矩形的cube:立方体registrar:注册人员reliability:可靠性repetition:重复、复制品repetitive strain injury:重复性劳损replenishment:补充、补给reproach:责备、谴责reputation:声誉requirement:需求reservation:预定resharpen:重磨retailer:零售商revenue:收入、税收RFID:无线射频技术radio frequency identification rough cut capacity:粗能力计划saturation:饱和scatter diagram:散布图scheduling:调度、排程scheme:计划、设计screwdriver:螺丝刀seasonal patterns:季节模式semi-automatic(automated):半自动化seminar:研讨班sensory:感觉的service system:服务系统setup time:生产准备时间Shakespeare industry :莎士比亚产业sheet:薄板状的shroud:罩、遮蔽物simple lever:单杠杆simultaneously:同时地six sigma methodology: 六西格玛法socialize joint distribution:社会化共同配送specialization: 专业化specialty:专业specification:规范specs:规范、规格stamp:冲压standard data:标准资料standard deviation:标准偏差standardization: 标准化static electricity:静电学statistic:统计的statistical:统计学的steam engine:蒸汽机stock:库存store :仓库strategic planning:战略规划Stratford-on-Avon, as we all know, has only one industry-William Shakespeare-but there are two distinctly separate and increasingly hostile branches.subassembly:组件、部件substandard:低于标准的suite:软件包supply chain:供应链symmetrical:对称、匀称synchronous:同步的synthesize:综合tangible:有形的team spirit:团队精神Technical Committee(TC)176:品质保证技术委员会template:模板template:模型thermal process:热处理thermal:热量的,热的third-party logistics:第三方物流threbligs:动素time study:时间研究time-series analysis:时间序列分析tolerance:容许偏差tote bin:搬运箱trade-off: 权衡transaction:业务、交易transformation:转换transmission:传送transportation:运输trivial:琐碎的tune:调整turbine:涡轮机、汽轮机two-hand process chart:双手程序图underengineer:低于工程要求的unloading:卸载unpredictable:不可预测的user-centered:用户为中心的variable:变量vessel:管道vibration:振动vicinity:邻近visionary:远景warehouse:仓库warehouse:仓库、仓储weld:焊接wholesaler:批发商work measurement:作业测定work piece:工件work related upper limb disorder:工作引起的上肢功能障碍work sampling:工作抽样work unit:工件workhead:工作台、机台workholder:工件夹具work-in-process:在制品workshop:车间、研讨会workstation:工作站。

《工业工程专业英语》课程教学大纲课程编号:0803701057课程名称:工业工程专业英语英文名称:Professional English for Industrial Engineering课程类型:专业任选课总学时:32 讲课学时:32 实验学时:0学分:2适用对象:工业工程专业先修课程:大学英语一、课程性质、目的和任务专业英语是工业工程专业的一门专业课,通过对本课程的学习,进一步巩固和提高英语水平,特别是提高阅读科技英语及本专业英语资料的能力。
三、教学内容及要求1.Introduction to Industrial Engineering了解工业工程的角色,工业工程毕业生的需求,学习本书的目的,掌握工业工程的定义。
2.Work Study工作研究和作业测量是工业工程领域最传统的研究内容。
3.Manufacturing Systems了解制造系统的含义,制造系统的各个组成部分,掌握几种典型的制造系统及成组技术、柔性制造系统、敏捷制造等先进制造系统各自应用范围及特点。
了解CAD,CAM,CAPP 等辅助制造系统在各种制造系统中的应用。
4.Production Planning and Control掌握生产计划的主要内容,体会生产计划在生产系统中的重要性,掌握生产预测、生产计划的制定、生产计划控制的各种原理及方法。
5.Logistics Engineering掌握物流工程中的基本术语。

Unit 1 Quality Standards and Quality Control
7. Statistic Quality Control 8. Definition of Six Sigma Methodology 9. Key Elements of Six Sigma Methodology 10. Six Sigma in Business 11. Six Sigma in Engineering 12. Quality Control Tools
Unit 1 Quality Standards and Quality Control
1. Definitions of Quality 2. Quality in Manufacturing 3. Quality in Service 4. ISO 9000 Series Standards 5. Rules of Certification to QMS 6. Steps of Certification to QMS
six sigma methodology: 6δ法
Chapter 8 Quality Management
Unit 1 Quality Standards and Quality Control
Unit 2 Quality Management and Quality Cost

工业工程专业英语课后练习题含答案1. What is Industrial Engineering?Industrial engineering is a field which seeks to optimize the use of resources (including people, machines, materials, and money) in the design and implementation of manufacturing and production systems. It is concerned with managing and improving the overall efficiency, productivity, and qualityof these systems, as well as ensuring the health and safetyof workers.2. What are the key areas that industrial engineers focus on?Industrial engineers focus on a number of areas, including: •Manufacturing and production systems design and improvement•Supply chn management•Quality control and process improvement•Ergonomics and workplace design•Project management•Safety and risk management3. What are some common industrial engineering tools and techniques?Some common industrial engineering tools and techniques include:•Lean manufacturing and Six Sigma methodologies for process improvement•Computer-ded design and manufacturing (CAD/CAM) for product and system design•Statistical analysis and modeling for data analysis and decision making•Simulation modeling for system analysis and optimization•Work measurement and time motion studies for process analysis and improvement•Human factors engineering for design of workspaces and equipment4. What are the benefits of industrial engineering?The benefits of industrial engineering include:•Increased productivity and efficiency ofmanufacturing and production systems•Reduced waste and costs in manufacturing and production processes•Improved quality control and product quality•Safer and more ergonomic workspaces for employees•Improved supply chn management and logistics•More effective project management and resource allocation5. What are the education and career requirements for industrial engineering?To become an industrial engineer, one typically needs a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in industrial engineering or a related field. Some common coursework includes statistics, operations research, supply chn management, and manufacturing systems design. Industrial engineers can work in a variety of industries, including manufacturing, healthcare, transportation, and government. They may work in roles such as process engineer, business analyst, quality engineer, or project manager.Answers to Practice Questions:1.What is the goal of industrial engineering?The goal of industrial engineering is to optimize the use of resources in the design and implementation of manufacturing and production systems in order to improve efficiency, productivity, and quality.2.What are some key areas that industrial engineersfocus on?Industrial engineers focus on areas such as manufacturing and production systems design and improvement, supply chn management, quality control and process improvement, ergonomics and workplace design, project management, andsafety and risk management.3.What are some common tools and techniques used byindustrial engineers?Common industrial engineering tools and techniques include lean manufacturing and Six Sigma methodologies, computer-ded design and manufacturing, statistical analysis and modeling, simulation modeling, work measurement and time motion studies, and human factors engineering.4.What are some benefits of industrial engineering?Benefits of industrial engineering include increased productivity and efficiency, reduced waste and costs,improved quality control and product quality, safer and more ergonomic workspaces, improved supply chn management and logistics, and more effective project management and resource allocation.5.What education and career requirements are therefor industrial engineering?To become an industrial engineer, one typically needs a degree in industrial engineering or a related field, and may work in roles such as process engineer, business analyst, quality engineer, or project manager.。
工业工程专业英语Chapter 7 Ergonomics

1. Definition of Ergonomics
Ergonomics is the scientific discipline concerned with the understanding of interactions among humans and other elements of a system, and the profession that applies theory, principles, data and methods to design in order to optimize human being activities and overall system performance.
2. Aim of Ergonomics
The aim of ergonomics is to ensure that humans and technology work in complete harmony, with the equipment and tasks aligned to human characteristics.
对人因学发展的历史进行简要介绍的基础上对基本的人因系统模 型进行阐述,并对未来的发展趋势予以介绍。 通过本章学习,对人因学的相关术语和知识有一个全面的了解。 本章共一次作业(作业9)
ergonomics:工效学 human factor:人因 instrument:仪器、器械 muscle:肌肉 fatigue:疲劳 inevitable:不可避免的 align:适应 cognitive:认知的 physiology:生理学 psychology:心理学 multi-disciplinary:多学科性质的 anthropometry:人体测量学 cockpit:飞机座舱、驾驶员座舱 feat:技艺、合适的 nutrition:营养 thermal:热量的 vibration:振动 high-tech:高科技 anatomical:解剖的 biomechanical:生物力学的 musculoskeletal disorder:肌骨失调 inclusive design:全方位设计 acoustics:声学 navigation:导航 frustration:挫败 practitioner:开业者 sensory:感觉的 long and short-term memory:长短时记忆 interface:界面、接口 human-centered design:以人为中心设计 substandard:低于标准的 repetitive strain injury:重复性劳损 work related upper limb disorder:工作引起 的上肢功能障碍 percentile:百分位

工业工程专业英语第二版课后题答案1、This message is _______. We are all _______ at it. [单选题] *A. surprising; surprisingB. surprised; surprisedC. surprising; surprised(正确答案)D. surprised; surprising2、_____ yuan a month _____ not enough for a family of three to live on today. [单选题] *A. Five hundred; is(正确答案)B. Five hundreds; areC. Five hundred; areD.Five hundreds; is3、39.__________ he was very tired, he didn’t stop working. [单选题] * A.Although (正确答案)B.WhenC.AfterD.Because4、You can buy some pieces of bread from "_______". [单选题] *A. Bakery(正确答案)B. Travel AgencyC. LaundryD. Ticket Office5、She’s _______ with her present _______ job. [单选题] *A. boring; boringB. bored; boredC. boring; boredD. bored; boring(正确答案)6、It is important for us _______ English well. [单选题] *A. learnB. learningC. to learn(正确答案)D. learned7、19._______ will the film Country Road last? [单选题] * A.How farB.How oftenC.How soonD.How long(正确答案)8、You are getting too old for football.You had better _____tennis instead. [单选题] *A.take up(正确答案)B.take inC.take forD.take over9、———Must I return the book you lent me to you now? ——No, you( ). You can keep it for another few days. [单选题] *A.can’tB. shouldn'tC. mustn'tD. don, t have to(正确答案)10、He kept walking up and down, which was a sure()that he was very worried. [单选题] *A. sign(正确答案)B. characterC. natureD. end11、A brown bear escaped from the zoo, which was a()to everyone in the town. [单选题] *A. HarmB. violenceC. hurtD. threat(正确答案)12、I didn't hear _____ because there was too much noise where I was sitting. [单选题] *A. what did he sayB. what he had said(正确答案)C. what he was sayingD. what to say13、I could ______ control my feelings and cried loudly when I heard the bad news. [单选题] *A. hardly(正确答案)B. ?reallyC. clearlyD. nearly14、—Can you play the violin at the art festival?—No, I ______. But I am good at playing thedrums.()[单选题] *A. canB. can’t(正确答案)C. doD. don’t15、The children are playing wildly and making a lot of?_______. [单选题] *A. cryB. voicesC. noises(正确答案)D. music16、Can you _______ this form? [单选题] *A. fillB. fill in(正确答案)C. fill toD. fill with17、When we take a trip,we usually have to _______ a hotel. [单选题] *A. takeB. stayC. book(正确答案)D. bring18、It usually takes him about 15 minutes _______ his bike to school. [单选题] *A. ridesB. ridingC. rideD. to ride(正确答案)19、They went out in spite of rain. [单选题] *A. 因为B. 但是C. 尽管(正确答案)D. 如果20、Which animal do you like _______, a cat, a dog or a bird? [单选题] *A. very muchB. best(正确答案)C. betterD. well21、—It’s too noisy outside. I can’t fall asleep.—I can’t, either. We have to ______ new ways to solve the problem.()[单选题] *A. come up with(正确答案)B. get on withC. make up withD. catch up with22、--Mom, I will not eat fast food this year. Believe me.--If you make a _______, you must keep it. [单选题] *A. jokeB. noiseC. mistakeD. promise(正确答案)23、On Mother’s Day, Cathy made a beautiful card as a ______ for her mother. [单选题] *A. taskB. secretC. gift(正确答案)D. work24、You can distinguish the twins very easily, _____Tom is quite while Jack is active. [单选题] *A. soB. butC. for(正确答案)D. and25、Wang Dong usually gets up at 6:00 _______ he can catch the early school bus. [单选题] *A. as ifB. so that(正确答案)C. untilD. after26、His mother’s _______ was a great blow to him. [单选题] *A. diedB. deadC. death(正确答案)D. die27、There are still some wild tigers alive. [单选题] *A. 聪明的B. 凶恶的C. 野生的(正确答案)D. 珍贵的28、Sometimes only()10 out of 500 or more candidates succeed in passing all the tests. [单选题] *A. as many asB. as few as(正确答案)C. as much asD. as little as29、The twins _______ us something about their country. [单选题] *A. told(正确答案)B. saidC. talkedD. spoke30、The students in that university are not fewer than()in our university. [单选题] *A. the oneB. thatC. themD. those(正确答案)。

各专业英汉对照表机械与汽车工程学院College of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering 1.热能与动力工程Thermal Energy and Power Engineering2.工业工程Industrial Engineering3.车辆工程Vehicle Engineering4.机械设计制造及其自动化Mechanical design, Manufacture and its Automation电气与信息工程学院College of Electrical and Information Engineering1.测控技术与仪表Technology and Instrument of Detecting and Control2.电子信息工程Electric and Information Engineering3. 电气工程及其自动化Electrical Engineering and its Automation4. 自动化Automation计算机与通信学院School of Computer and Communication1.计算机科学与技术Computer Science and Technology2.通信工程Communication Engineering3.信息安全Information Security化学化工学院School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering1.化学Chemistry2.应用化学Applied Chemistry3.化工工程与工艺Chemical Engineering and Technology4.生物技术Biotechnology应用物理系Department of Applied Physics1.应用物理Applied Physics2.电子科学与技术Electronic Science and Technology材料科学与工程学院College of Material Science and Engineering1.材料成型及控制工程Material Molding and Control Engineering2.材料科学与工程Material Science and Engineering外国语学院College of Foreign Languages1.日语Japanese2. 英语English土木工程学院College of Civil Engineering1.给水排水工程Water Supply and Drainage Engineering2.工程管理Engineering Management3.建筑环境与设备工程Building Environment and Equipment4.土木工程Civil Engineering建筑学院College of Architecture1.建筑学Architecture2.城市规划Urban Planning3.艺术设计Art Design (环境艺术方向Specialty of Environmental Art)环境科学与工程学院College of Environmental Science and Engineering 1.环境工程Environmental Engineering2.环境科学Environmental Science设计艺术学院School of Design (College of Art Design)1.工业设计Industrial Design2.艺术设计(工业造型)Art Design (Industrial Modeling)3.艺术设计(视觉传达设计)Art Design (Visual Communication Design)工商管理学院College of Business Administration1.电子商务Electronic Commerce2.工商管理Business Administration3.市场营销Marketing工程力学系Department of Engineering Mechanics1.工程力学Engineering Mechanics广播影视艺术学院College of Broadcasting, Film & Television Arts 1.播音与主持艺术Broadcasting and Hosting Arts2.广播电视编导Television Writing and Directing3. 表演Acting新闻与传播学院College of Journalism and Communication1.新闻学Journalism2. 广告学Advertising政治与公共管理学院College of Political Science and Public Administration 1.政治学与行政学Political science and Public Administration2.行政管理Public Administration中国语言文学学院College of Chinese Language and Literature1.汉语语言文学Chinese Language and Literature统计学College of Statistics1. 统计学Statistics法学院College of Law1. 法学Law经济与贸易学院College of Economics and Trade1.国际经济与贸易International Economics and Trade2.经济学Economics体育学院College of Physical Education1. 社会体育Social Sports软件学院College of Software1.软件工程Software Engineering数学与计量经济学院College of Mathematics and Econometrics1.数学与应用数学Mathematics and Applied Mathematics2.信息与计算机科学Information and computational Science会计学院College of Accounting1.财务管理Financial management2.财政学Public Finance3.会计学Accounting4.信息管理与信息系统Information Management and Information System金融学院College of Finance1.金融学Finance2.保险Insurance。

工业工程专业英语复习资料(修正版)一、句子翻译:1. A production system or service includes inputs, transformation, and outputs. Through transformation, the added values are increased and system efficiency and effectiveness are improved.2. Industrial engineering emerged as a profession as result of the industrial revolution and the accompanying need for technically trained people who could plan, organize, and direct the operations of large complex systems.3. Taylor's original contribution, constituting the beginning of industrial engineering, was his three-phase method of improving efficiency: Analyze and improve the method of performing work, reduce of times required, and set standards for what the times should be.4. Some operations research problems involve a large number of equations -some linear programming solutions, for example-but the complexities of representation in any one of the many equations may, and often do, make the entire set of equations unsolvable.5. The machine to an industrial engineer is a black box that has a production rate, yield rate, required operator skills, process capabilities, and other production system attributes.6. The industrial engineering responsibility involves the integration of workers, machines, materials, information, capital, and managerial know-how into a producing system that will produce the right product, at the right cost, at the right time.7. Process analysis is one of the main contents of method study, by which researchers can completely observe and record the whole production processes and carry out integrated analysis form a macroscopic viewpoint.8. With today's increasing competition from foreign producers, there has been an increasing effort to establish standards based on facts rather than judgment.9. Accurately establish time standards make it possible to produce more within a given plant, thus increasing the efficiency of the equipment and the operating personnel. Poorly established standards, although better than no standards at all, lead to high cots, labor dissension, and possibly even the failure of enterprise10. A process is any activity or a group of activities that takes one or more inputs, transforms and adds value to them, and provides one or more outputs for its customers.11. Production Planning is the process of converting corporate strategy along with market and financial policy into details for the efficient utilization of the production system.12. A simplified view of the strategic planning process is shown by the following process: Mission and objectives 一Environmental scanning —Strategy formulation 一Strategy implementation-^Evaluation and control.13. The main advantage of the process layout is its comparatively lower machine cost and wider flexibility of work that can be done. Its main disadvantage is time lost traveling to different areas in the building to assemble the various pieces.14. The Council of Logistics Management defined the logistics in 1992 as the process of planning, implementing an controlling the efficient, flow and storage of goods, services, and related information from point of origin to point of consumption the purpose of conforming to customer requirements.15. The theory of logistics engineering is the study of analyzing, designing, optimizing and controlling the logistics system as a whole. It utilizes the methods of the industrial engineering and systems engineering. The study of logistics is of great importance in the production practice.16. Ergonomics is scientific discipline concerned with the understanding of interactions among humans and other elements of a system, and the profession that applies theory, principles, date and methods to design in order to optimize human being activities and overall system performance.17. Ergonomics has a wide application to everyday domestic situations, but there areeven more significant implications for efficiency, productivity safety and health in work settings.18. Engineering Psychology is defined as the application of psychological principles, knowledge, and research to improve the ability of humans to operate more effectively in a technological society.19. Accurately established time standards make it possible to produce more within a given plant, thus increasing the efficiency of the equipment and the operating personnel. Poorly established standards, although better than no standards at all, lead to high costs, labor dissension, and possibly even the failure of the enterprise.1.assembly line 装配线2.batch production 批量生产3.cell production 单元生产4.CIM (Computer Integrated Manufacturing)计算机集成制造5.economic batch quantity 经济孔匕量6.FMS (Flexible Manufacturing Systems)柔性制造系统7.gang process analysis 联合操作分析8.Manufacturing Resource Planning (MRP 11)制造资源计划9.Material Requirements Planning (MRP)物料需求计划10.operation analysis 操作分析11.process analysis 程序分析12.process layout 工艺式布局13.product layout 品式布局14.production 1 ine生产线、流水线15.production planning 生产计划16.TQM (Total Quality Management)全面质量管理17.work in process 在制品18.work measurement 作业测定19.work sampling technique 工作抽样技术。

UNIT ONEIndustrial Engineering Education for the 21st Century21世纪的工业工程教育The 21st century is just a few years away. Strategic planners all over the world are using the year 2000 as the point future business activities. Are we all ready for that time? As the industrial world prepares to meet the technological challenges of the 21st century, there is a need to focus on the people who will take it there. People will be the most important of the “man-machine-material” systems competing in the next century. IEs should play a crucial role in preparing organizations for the 21st century through their roles as change initiators and facilitators. Improvements are needed in IE undergraduate education if that role is to be successfully carried out.21世纪来临在即,全世界的战略家们把2000年作为商业活动的焦点。

好东西总要大家分享,此份资料是我和几个同事一起整理的,里面包括 IE 专业英语,还有工厂的术语。
当然错误难免,希望大家指出并分享! IE 專業詞匯BS Brain Storming 腦力激蕩 Facilities Design and Planning 设施规划与设计 Material Flow System Analysis 物流系统分析 Production Planning and Control 生产计划与控制 Human Engineering 人机工程(工效学) Cost Control 成本控制 Value Engineering 价值工程 Work Assessment 工作评价与考核Engineering Economics Analysis 工程经济分析 Machine Interference 機器干擾 Single Minute Exchange of Dies (SMED) 六十秒即时換模 Fool-Proof 防止錯誤法 (防錯法) Man 人 Machine 机 Material 料 Method 法 Environment 環境 Temperature(temp)溫度 Humidity 濕度 leaning curve 學習曲線 Time measurement 時間測量 Methods of time measurement 標准時間測量(MTM) Shop floor observation 現場觀測 Line Balancing 線平衡 Value 有價值 NO VALUE 無價值 Incidental work(necessary)必要 Waste 浪費 Takt Time 生產節拍Transport Empty 伸手 Grasp 握取 Move 移物 Disassemble 折卸 Use 應用Assemble 裝配 Release Load 放手 Inspect 檢查 Search 尋找 Select 選擇Play 計划Pre-Position 預定位Position 定位Hold 持住Rest 休息Unavoidable Delay 遲延Avoidable Delay 故延E: Elimination 剔除C :Combination 合併R: Re-arrangement 重排S :Simplification 簡化PRA-Probabilistic Risk 風險率評估 Risk Priority Number (RPN) 風險關鍵指數 What 完成了什么 where 何處做 When 何時做 who 由誰做 Why 為何這樣做how 何時做delay 等待operation 操作inspection 檢查transportation 搬運storage 儲存Color management 顏色管理Quality Control Circle 品管圈 (QCC) Activity-Base Management 作業制成本管理(ABM) In-Process Quality Control 製程品質管制 (IPQC) Incoming Quality Control 進料品質管制(IQC) International Organization for Standardization 國際標準組織 (ISO) Predetermined Motion Time Standard 簡稱PTS 預定動作時間標準法Methods-time-measurement 方法時間衡量Work factor system 工作因素法 (WF)Modolar arrangement of pre-determind time standard MOD 法 Leveling 平準化= westing 西屋法 objective rating 客觀評比 synthetic leveling 合成評比 Work Sampling 工作抽樣 Motion time analysis 動作時間分析 Business Process Reengineering (BPR)企業流程再造 Enterprise Resource Planning ERP 企業資源規劃 Economic Order Quantity (EOQ)基本經濟訂購量 Flexible Manufacture System 彈性製造系統 (FMS) Finish or Final Quality Control 成品品質管制(FQC) In-Process Quality Control 製程品質管制(IPQC) Incoming Quality Control 進料品質管制 (IQC) Just In Time 即時管理 (JIT) Manufacturing Execution System 製造執行系統 (MES) Master Production Scheduling 主生產排程(MPS) Master Production Planning 主生產計划Material Requirement Planning 物料需求規劃 (MRP) Manufacturing Resource Planning 製造資源計劃 (MRPII) Operation Scheduling 作業計划 Flow shop 流水車間Optimized Production Technology 最佳生產技術Supply Chain Management 供應鏈管理(SCM) Statistic Process Control 統計製程管制(SPC) Total Production Management 全面生產管理(TPM) Total Quality Management 全面品質管理 (TQM) Zero Defect Quality Control 零缺陷質量管理: PDCA Cycle PDCA 循環: continue Improvement 持續改善: Project 項目Project Manager 項目經理 Project Management 項目管理 Project Plan 項目計划 Process Improvement 現場改善 WORK IN PROCESS 半成品 President 董事長 Visual management 目視管理 bottleneck 瓶頸Layout 布置圖quality engineering 品質工程人員(QE) first article inspection 新品首件檢查(FAI) first article assurance 首件確認(FAA) capability index 能力指數(CP) Quality Improvement Team 品質改善小組(QIT) Classification 整理(sorting, organization)-seiri Regulation 整頓(arrangement, tidiness)-seiton Cleanliness 清掃(sweeping, purity)-seiso Conservation 清洁(cleaning, cleanliness)-seiktsu Culture 教養(discipline)-shitsuke Save 節約 Safety 安全 Make-to-stock 備貨型生產(MTS) Make-to-order 訂貨型生產(MTO) Assemble-to-order 按訂單裝配(ATO) Flexible manufacturing system 柔性制造系統 Group technology 成組技術(GT) Concurrent engineering 并行工程(CE) Time compression technology 時間壓縮技術(TCT) Business process reengineering 業務過程重組 (BPR) Agile manufacturing 敏捷制造(AM) Leap production 精細生產 (LP) Intelligent manufacturing 智能制造(IM) Computer-aided-manufacturing 計算机輔助制造(CAM) Computer-aided-design 計算机輔助設計(CAD) Computer-aided-engineering 計算机輔助工程(CAE) Computer-aided-process planning 計算机輔助工藝編制 ( CAPP) overall cost leadership 成本优先differentiation 獨具一格Market focus 集中一點cost efficiency 成本效率quality 質量Dependability 可靠性Flexibility 柔性 product date management 產品數据管理(PDM) Facility location 設施選址 Fixed position layout 固定式布置process layout 工藝過程布置 layout based on group technology 成組制造單元布置 Job design 工作設計 work measurement 工作測量 Time study 時間研究 Basic motion study 基本動作世界研究法(BMS) Modolar arrangement of predetermind time standard 模特法 Human factor engineering 人因工程business plan 經營計划Fixed capacity 固定能力Adjustable capacity 可?#123;整能力production rate 生產率Inventory 庫存Job-shop production 單間小批生產 Bill of materials (BOM)物料清單文件 Lead time 提前期 modular bill of materials 模塊物料清單 Maximum part-period gain 最大周期收益(MPG) distribution requirements planning 分配需求計划scheduling 編制作業計划 sequencing 排序 Dispatching 派工 controlling 控制 expediting 趕工 supply chain 供應鏈 Purchasing Management 采購管理Quick Response 快速用戶反應JIT Purchasing 准時采購physical distribution 物流 Materials handling 物料搬運 project 項目 critical path method 關鍵路線法 optimistic time 最樂觀時間 Most likely time 最可能時間 pessimistic time 最悲觀時間 Mean time between failure 平均故障期 (MTBF) Mean time to repair 平均維修期(MTTR) plan 計划do 執行 check 檢查 action 處理 level production 生產平準化 optimized production technology 最优生產技術(OPT) Overall Equipment Effectiveness 整体设备效能 Operation Research 運籌學 Service Sector 服務業 Operation Management 運作管理Operation System 運作系統World ClassManufacturing 世界級制造Time-based Competition 基于時間的競爭Operation Flexibility 運作戰略 Product Development 產品開發 Dependent Demand 獨立需求 Economic Order Lot 經濟訂貨批量: Safety Stock 安全庫存Shortage Costs 缺貨成本 ABC Classing Method A BC 分類法 Reorder Point 訂貨點 Holding Costs 存儲成本 Productivity Improvement Team 生產力提升小組(PIT) Productivity Improvement Center 生產力提升中心(PIC) 工厂常用詞匯 Assembly& Loading Clips 組合上耳夾 Break PAD 折 PAD Break PIN 折腳Paste Base 沾 BASE approved by: 核準 Apr.(April) 四月assembly(ass’y)組合 Aug.(August) 八月 Base 底座 bifilar 雙線並繞 Bobbin(BBN)繞線管bottom 底部 Brush Epoxy On Core 鐵芯刷膠Brush Epoxy On Loop 線圈刷膠 checked by: 審核 Choke 電感 clip 耳夾close winding 密繞component 元件condition 條件condition 條件copper 銅箔立式core 鐵芯Curing 烘烤current 電流CUT WIRE 裁線Dec.(December) 十二月defective product box 不良品箱deficient manufacturing procedure 制程不良 description: 說明 Design Failure Mode and Effect Analysis DFMEA 設計 Desk Top dip 浸入 Direction 方向 ECN Engineering Change Notice 工程變更通知 Electronic Magnetic In EMI 抗電磁干擾 Enameled copper wire 漆包線 Engineering Change Request 工程變更要求epoxy 膠equipment/instrument 設備Failure Mode and Effect Analysis FMEA 失效模式與效應分析Feb.(February) 二月fixture 治具flow chart 流程表單flux 助焊劑FN: Factory Notice 工厂通知FN: Immediated change 立即變更 Function test 測試 gap 間隙,縫隙 HI-POT 安規測試 IE﹕Industrial Engineering 工業工程impregnation 浸泡inductance 電感ink 油墨inspection(INSP)檢查Insulating Tape 絕緣膠布 issued date: 發行日期 item 發料 Jan.(January) 一月 Joint Quality Engineering (JQE) Jul.(July) 七月 Jun.(June) 六月Kapton Tape 高溫膠布 layer 層 line 線 Magnetic Components 磁性元件magnetic 磁性的Mar.(March) 三月Margin Tape 安膠marking 印章materials 物料May 五月ME: Mechanical Engineering 機械工程measurement 測試 mechanical dimension 外觀尺寸 MFG: manufacturing 製造Mini-Tower Model: 機種 Not Deviate Measure 量平整度 Nov.(November) 十一月 O/I Operation Instruction 作業指導書 Oct.(October) 十月 OEM:委託代工 (Original Equipment Manufacture) oven 烤箱 P/n: part number 品名P/R Pilot-Run 試作驗證 pad 墊片 PE Production/Process Engineering 制造工程/制程工程 pin adjustment 對腳PIN BENDING& WIRE TRIMMING 折彎鋼片pin 腳plastic 塑料,塑膠poor processing 制程不良 Pre-soldering 預焊 primary(pri)初級 process 流程production capacity 生產力臥式 production control (PC)生管 purchasing 採購QCC:品管圈(Quality Control Circle) QE:品質工程(Quality Engineering) remark: 備注 Reported by: 草擬 Revision(REV﹒): 版本sample 樣品schematic 結構圖second(sec)次級Sept.(September) 九月solder bar 錫棒solder iron 烙鐵solder wire 錫絲soldering 焊錫solvent 稀釋劑space winding 疏繞Specification (Spec)生產規格stand-off 凸點 station 站別 step 步序 straighten 弄直,使變直 tape 膠帶 TE: Test Engineering 測試工程 terminal 腳,端子 Time (時間) timer 定時器 top 頂部,上層 transformer 變壓器 trifler 三線並繞tube 套管 turn ratio 圈數比 turn 圈數 twist 絞線 Unloading The Clips 下耳夾 UPH unit per hour 單小時產量 UPPH unit per person hour 人均單小時產量vacuum 抽真空varnish dipping 泡凡立水varnish 凡立水warehouse 倉庫 winding direction 繞線方向 winding 繞線 wire trimming 理線。


高校各专业英汉对照表机械与汽车工程学院College of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering 1.热能与动力工程Thermal Energy and Power Engineering2.工业工程Industrial Engineering3.车辆工程V ehicle Engineering4.机械设计制造及其自动化Mechanical design, Manufacture and its Automation电气与信息工程学院College of Electrical and Information Engineering1.测控技术与仪表Technology and Instrument of Detecting and Control2.电子信息工程Electric and Information Engineering3. 电气工程及其自动化Electrical Engineering and its Automation4. 自动化Automation计算机与通信学院School of Computer and Communication1.计算机科学与技术Computer Science and Technology2.通信工程Communication Engineering3.信息安全Information Security化学化工学院School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering1.化学Chemistry2.应用化学Applied Chemistry3.化工工程与工艺Chemical Engineering and Technology4.生物技术Biotechnology应用物理系Department of Applied Physics1.应用物理Applied Physics2.电子科学与技术Electronic Science and Technology材料科学与工程学院College of Material Science and Engineering1.材料成型及控制工程Material Molding and Control Engineering2.材料科学与工程Material Science and Engineering外国语学院College of Foreign Languages1.日语Japanese2. 英语English土木工程学院College of Civil Engineering1.给水排水工程Water Supply and Drainage Engineering2.工程管理Engineering Management3.建筑环境与设备工程Building Environment and Equipment4.土木工程Civil Engineering建筑学院College of Architecture1.建筑学Architecture2.城市规划Urban Planning3.艺术设计Art Design (环境艺术方向Specialty of Environmental Art)环境科学与工程学院College of Environmental Science and Engineering 1.环境工程Environmental Engineering2.环境科学Environmental Science设计艺术学院School of Design (College of Art Design)1.工业设计Industrial Design2.艺术设计(工业造型)Art Design (Industrial Modeling)3.艺术设计(视觉传达设计)Art Design (Visual Communication Design)工商管理学院College of Business Administration1.电子商务Electronic Commerce2.工商管理Business Administration3.市场营销Marketing工程力学系Department of Engineering Mechanics1.工程力学Engineering Mechanics广播影视艺术学院College of Broadcasting, Film & T elevision Arts 1.播音与主持艺术Broadcasting and Hosting Arts2.广播电视编导Television Writing and Directing3. 表演Acting新闻与传播学院College of Journalism and Communication1.新闻学Journalism2. 广告学Advertising政治与公共管理学院College of Political Science and Public Administration 1.政治学与行政学Political science and Public Administration2.行政管理Public Administration中国语言文学学院College of Chinese Language and Literature1.汉语语言文学Chinese Language and Literature统计学College of Statistics1. 统计学Statistics法学院College of Law1. 法学Law经济与贸易学院College of Economics and T rade1.国际经济与贸易International Economics and Trade2.经济学Economics体育学院College of Physical Education1. 社会体育Social Sports软件学院College of Software1.软件工程Software Engineering数学与计量经济学院College of Mathematics and Econometrics1.数学与应用数学Mathematics and Applied Mathematics2.信息与计算机科学Information and computational Science会计学院College of Accounting1.财务管理Financial management2.财政学Public Finance3.会计学Accounting4.信息管理与信息系统Information Management and Information System金融学院College of Finance1.金融学Finance2.保险Insurance。

CHARTER 2Industrial engineers are great at solving problems.工业工程师非常善于解决问题。
New technologies have improved accuracy and speed and generally have increased the IE’s ability to cover a more diverse set of interests.新技术已经提高了精确度和速度并逐渐提高了工业工程师们解决更多样问题的能力。
The problems associated with renaming IE departments to describe their particular function may have more to do with appearance than with the actual job being performed.将工业工程部重新命名,以明确描述其具体职能,期间所所出现的问题与其说与实际完成的工作有关,倒不如说与问题的表象有关。
Most IEs eventually must sell their ideas and plans to management, which often requires above-average communication skills. For many IE graduates, this is a tough challenge.许多工业工程师都必须要推销自己的想法和计划给管理部门,这常常需要较好的交流技巧.可这对于工业工程的毕业生来说是个很大的挑战.With all of these challenges facing the IE profession, there may be some who doubt the IEs’future. But if the individual IE will assume the role as a change implementer --- not a change follower --- broad opportunities are on the horizon.工业工程行业所面临的这些挑战会使一些人担心工业工程师的前途。
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二Real IE Value工业工程的真正价值1、On the other hand,today’s IE has at his or her disposal more technology and tools than the IE of 30 years ago could have ever imagined.另一方面,现在的工业工程师可以使用许多30年前的同行想都不可能想到的技术和工具。
2、If a person loses sight of the total job and starts looking at the individual pieces,it comes out a little hairy.如果一个人不能对整项工作做全面把握而只是将注意力放在个别的方面,则结果将不会令人满意。
3、Problems associated with renaming IE departments to describe their particular function may have more to do with appearance than with the actual job being performed.将工业工程部重新命名以明确描述其具体职能,其间所出现的问题与其说与实际完成的工作有关倒不如说与问题的表象有关。
4、In fact,even though ABET accredits many IE and IET programs in the United States,there remains much variance and flexibility among each of the programs. 【ABET是工程与技术鉴定委员会(the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology)的简写。
6、But if the individual IE will assume the role as a change implementor—not a change follower—broad opportunities are on the horizon.然而,如果每个工业工程师都承担起变化的实施者而不是变化的追随者的角色,则广泛的机会就会出现。
7、If we’ve got a problem,it’s of our own doing and our own unwillingness to take the lead in a lot of these major improvement activities.如果我们遇到了问题,这些问题也是由于我们自己的所作所为和不愿意在一些重大的改进活动中承担领导角色所造成的。
三、Operetions Research运筹学Operations research,as defined by the Operations Research Society of America,“is concerned with scientifically deciding how to best desigh and operate man-machine systems,usually under conditions requiring the allocation of scarce resources.”美国运筹学学会将运筹学定义为:在需要对紧缺资源进行分配的前提下决定如何最好地设计和运作人—机系统的决策科学。
四、Work-measured Labor Standards 基于作业测量的劳动标准4.1 Perhaps the only thing wrong with these tools is their lack of a buzz word or catchy acronym.也许这些工具的唯一缺点是它们没有一个能够反映其内涵的响亮的词组或引入的字母的缩写。
4.2 Human workers come in at least a billion models with varying physical,mental,and emotional specifications and work under varying environmental conditions.由于身体、精神和感情等方面以及工作环境的不断变化,工人至少可以被分为十亿种不同的类型。
4.3 Standard times are standard times only because all parties involved agree they are standard times.标注时间之所以是标准的仅仅是因为相关的所有部门都承认其是标准时间。
4.4 Like any standards system, a computerized standards system won’t help-and can be counterproductive-if it is not kept up-to-date.同其他的任何标准系统一样,如果不能做到与时俱进,计算机化的标准系统将起不到相应的作用并且可能会降低生产率。
五、Ergonomics 人因学5.1 Accident proneness implies that there are certain individuals with enduring personality characteristics,who incur a majority of accidents.事故倾向性指具有某类特性的个体导致主要事故的发生。
5.2 The transformation from a rural,agrarian to an urban,,industrialized lige has come at a cost,and workers are ‘paying’in terms of a tremendous increase in industrial and in terms of worker stress.从以田园为主的农业经济向以城市化为主的工业经济的转变付出了一定的代价,这些代价是工人显著增加的工业伤害和工作压力的形式付出的。
5.3 Technology transfer from the Western word is important,but must be concerned not only with the adaptation and use of machines but also with the entire infrastructure of training local users to develop independent capabilities so that they can act freely on the global market.尽管从西方引进技术很重要,但技术转让的过程不仅要考虑如何使本土使用者适应和使用机器,而且还要考虑如何建设能够培训这些本土使用者的独立能力以便使其能够在全球化的市场中运用自如的整个基础设施。
5.4 Ergonomics is rather a design methodology that is used to arrive at safety,productivity and satisfaction.应该说工效学是一种用来实现系统安全性、生产率和操纵者满意度的设计方法。
六、Next Generation Factory Layouts 21世纪的工厂布局6.1While grouping resources based on function provides some economies of scale and simplicity in allocating workloads,it makes the layout susceptipble to manufacturing inefficiencies when there are changes in product mix or routings.尽管根据能够实现的功能将资源分组能够获得一定的规模效应并能简化工作量的分配,但当产品的组合或工艺路劲发生变化时很容易造成功能布局的制造效率低下。
6.2Layout design procedures,whether for functional or cellular layouts,have been largely based on a deterministic paradigm.无论是功能式布局还是单元式布局,其设计过程大体上都是基于确定性假设的。
6.3 In fact,the relationship between layout flexibility and layout performance is poorly understood and analytical models for its evaluation are lacking.实际上,人们对于布局灵活性与布局绩效之间的关系的理解很有限而且缺乏用来评价这些关系的分析模型。
6.4 Facility planner had to choose layouts that make material handing efficient not only in each individual plant but throughout the complex. The challenge for facility planners is then to develop a layout and a material-handling system to permit high efficiency at the core and flexibility and reconfigurability at the periphery.设施规划者必须选择那些不仅在每个工厂内部而且在整个综合企业中就物料搬运来说都是有效的布局。