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Unit 1Great scientists


1.They didn't draw a conclusion until carrying out lots of________(科学)experiments. 2.Have they________when the race will begin?

3.He________(暴露)the plan to the newspapers.

4.She was even less________(热情的)about going to Japan.

5.Be c________as the road is frozen.

6.She turned the h________and opened the door.

7.Who invented the first steam e________?

8.Who used peas to show how physical c________ are passed from parents to their children? 9.A________the result,and you can get a conclusion.

10.He a________ Queen Victoria as her personal physician.

11.He thanked his fans and c________by singing a popular song.

12.We should c________ ourselves to the motherland.

13.His friends were e________ and encouraged him to publish his ideas.

14.The Christian Church r________(反对)his theory.

15.Try to have p________attitudes.

16.He had his teeth e________for decay(蛀牙).

17.He c________his speech with some amusing remarks.

18.They were d________in the football match.

答案 1.scientific 2.announced 3.exposed 4.enthusiastic 5.cautious/careful 6.handle 7.engine8.characteristics9.Analyse11.concluded12.contribute13.enthusiastic 14.rejected15.positive16.examined17.concluded18.defeated

Unit 1

1. It was Thomas Newcomen not James Watt who invented steam e______.

2. He a______ the various factors and then made his decision.

3. Being e______ to sunlight for too much time will do harm to one’s skin.

4. The country has come under s______ criticism for its human rights record.

5. The c______ of this bridge took six months.

6. I’ll phone him i______ I hear any news.

7. He c______ generously to the Red Cross.

8. With common e______ all ages and classes rushed to the sea for health or pleasure.

9. She opened the door c______ so as not to wake the baby.

1—9: engine analyzsed exposed severe construction immediately contributes enthusiasm cautiously

Unit 2The United Kingdom

1.The situation suddenly became________(紧张).

2.We shall not let such a small matter________(分裂)us.

3.It is greatly to your________(赞扬)that you gave back the money you found.

4.He thinks only of his own________(便利).

5.One of the main________(吸引)of the job is the high salary.

6.The scenery was beautiful beyond________.

7.It was a________(令人毛骨悚然的)story of violence and murder.

8Her first________(高兴)was going to the Tower.

9.Soldiers still wore the four-hundred-year-old________ (制服) of the time of Queen Elizabeth I. 10.Please come at your ________(方便).

11.It contained ________(雕像)in memory of dead poets and writers, such as Shakespeare. 12.Watching football games is a great ________(吸引)for me.

13. The class ___________________of 56 members.

14. Our class is d_______________into two groups during the discussion.

15. What he said in the meeting p______________________all of us.

16. The bad ______________(影响)of the flood is that no people are deard to swim in that river.

17. The c_______________of transportation in this area brings hope to this mountain village.

18. The film"Hero"has much a________________for the youth.

19. We are_____________(感到激动) to hear a wonderful piece of news that the

20. There are plans to______________(建造) a new road bridge across the river to

ease the traffic problems in this area.

Unit 2The United Kingdom

答案:1.delight 2.uniform 3.convenience 4.statues 5.attractions 6.description7.thrilling 8.delight9.uniform10.convenience11.statues 12.attraction

13. consists 14. divided 15. puzzled 16. influence 17. convenience18. attraction 19. thrilled20. construct

Unit 2

11. This article can be d______ into four parts.

12. His explanation c______ the mystery.

13. It’s i______ to buy cigarettes in Britain if you’re under 16.

14. If it is c______ to you I’ll be with you next Tuesday.

15. I don't want to i______ you. You must decide for yourself.

16. Please a______ for a taxi to pick me up at six o’clock.

17. I’m sorry, sir, those shoes are not a______ in your size.

18. To their d______, their son was admitted into a famous university.

19. I only wear a tie on special o______.

20. They play for the t______ of it, not merely to win.

11—20: divided clarified illegal convenient influence arrange available delight occasions thrill Unit 3Life in the future

1.Who was the________(先前的)owner?

2.How can you________(容忍)all that noise while you're working?

3.The cruel and________(贪婪的)woman was punished by the two boys.

4.Which________(开关)do I press to turn the light on?

5.The doctor asked me to take two t________of this medicine each day.

6.On the train we walked from one c________to another for an empty seat.

7.We should throw the rubbish into the d________near the roadside.

8.He didn't notice the c________ coming near and was knocked down.

9.After the rain, the roads were covered in m________.
