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译题一:With the NBA’s last two MVPs facing each other on Christmas Day,The Race wonders where exactly that honor fits into the pantheon of accomplishments for Los Angeles Lakers star Kobe Bryant,particularly since he is playing at a level that regularly prompts the Staples Center faithful to chant in unison for him.Apparently,winning the award means more to the fans than it does to Bryant.采集者退散

看过几位网友的翻译,觉得总体上看不错,有的译文甚至相当精彩。比如第一段里,把facing each other翻译成“对决”,把The Race wonders翻译成“比赛的悬念”,在此类文章中都十分恰当。但有的理解太流于字面上的意思。比较典型的例子是把Pantheon of accomplishments翻译成“众神之厅”、“最高成就的众神庙”等,显然不妥。我们大家都知道,Pantheon特指“万神殿”——罗马圆形神庙,供奉所有的神。它和NBA显然没有任何联系。而Pantheon 还有一个意思,那就是“(集团、个人、运动、党派等推崇的)英雄人物”。紧随其后的accomplishments则是“成就,完成,技艺”的意思。如果我们的思路朝这个方向发展,这句话是否可以翻译成:“比


译题二:WeCU Technologies is building a mind-reading scanner that can tell if a given traveler is a potential danger-without the subject’s knowledge.WeCU Technologies (pronounced"we see you")is creating a system that would essentially turn the public spaces in airports into vast screening grounds:"The system...projects images onto airport screens,such as symbols associated with a certain terrorist group or some other image only a would-be terrorist would recognize,company CEO Ehud Givon said.



WeCU技术公司正在研制一种“心智扫描仪”,它能在不被旅客察觉的情况下,判断某个人是不是潜在的危险分子。WeCU(读作"we see you"意思是“我看见你”)技术公司正在创建的这种系统能将机场的公共场所变成巨大的扫描背景。公司首席执行官Ehud



译题三:It sucks being an adult.You have to do things like wake up before noon,go to the grocery store on your own, and try to hold down a steady job.Often times said job will require you to give a presentation to more than two people. And some jobs will even require you speak before a full auditorium of rapt listeners.Since you are likely not a member of the NSA,the sweats,shakes,and hives might step up during the speech to be a major hindrance.Fear not.We’ve done the research to make you a better public speaker,now all you have to do is apply the gold we have compiled.来源:考试大的美女编辑们
