新概念英语第二册第31课-Success story

新概念英语第二册第31课:Success storyLesson 31 Success story成功者的故事First listen and then answer the question.听录音,然后回答以下问题。
What was Frank's first job?Yesterday afternoon Frank Hawkins was telling me about his experiences as a young man.昨天下午弗兰克.霍金斯向我讲述了他年轻时的经历。
Before he retired, Frank was the head of a very large business company, but as a boy he used to work in a small shop.在退休前,弗兰克是一家非常大的商业公司的经理,但他小时候却在一家小铺里做工。
It was his job to repair bicycles and at that time he used to work fourteen hours a day.他那时的工作是修理自行车,并且通常是一天工作14个小时。
He saved money for years and in 1958 he bought a small workshop of his own.他靠多年积蓄,于1958年买下了自己的一个小铺子。
In his twenties Frank used to make spare parts for aeroplanes. At that time he had two helpers.20多岁的时候,弗兰克曾生产飞机零配件。
In a few years the small workshop had become a large factory whichemployed seven hundred and twenty-eight people.几年之后,小铺子已经发展成了一个雇有728人的大工厂。

新概念英语第二册课后答案Lesson11.b选b 最为正确。
因为 a.d. 都与课文内容不符合,也不合乎逻辑; c.的意思是“他们没有注意他”,而作者的意图并不是想让他们注意他,而是想让他们停止谈话。
所以选 b. 最能表达作者当时心里的感受。
2 .c其余 3 个答案都与原句意思不符合。
3 .b因为 a.to 不对,可以是Hewenttothetheatre;c.into 也不对,可以是Hewentintothetheatre;d.on 更不符合语法,表示在某一个地方用介词in 或at,in 表示在大的空间,如国家,城市等,at 则表示在小的地点或空间,如attheoffice,atthetheatre 等, 所以选 b. 是正确的。
4 .db.above( 在⋯⋯上方);c.aheadof( 在⋯⋯的前面,在⋯⋯之前) 不和behind 对应,也不强调位置的前后顺序。
a.before 和d.infrontof 都是和behind 对应的,都有“在⋯⋯前面”的意思。
但infrontof更具体的强调位置,而before 则包含更宽泛的意思,即时间上,空间,次序,登记,重要性方面的“在⋯⋯前面”5 .c因为用 a.Where,b.why,d.when 提问都不符合逻辑,都不是针对状态提问的,只有How提问,才能用Angry 回答。
6 .ab.they 只做主语;c.their 只能做定语; 虽然可以做宾语,但与前一句意思不符合。
7 .da.none 是代词,很少用在名词前面;b.any 只能用在否定句或疑问句中;c.notany 不符合语法,因为前面没有助动词did.8.ba.chair( 椅子) ,c.armchair( 手扶椅)d.class( 班级)这3个选择都和seat 的意思不符合。
Seat 是”座位,座席”的意思。
只有 b.place是seat 的同义词。

Company Limited 有限责任公司与股份有 限公司的总称 缩写:co.,ltd
I enjoyed his company . 有他为伴真man is known by the company he keeps. 近朱者赤,近墨者黑。
•granddaughter 外孙女,孙女 •grandmother 祖母,外祖母 •grandfather 祖父,外祖父 •grandpa 祖父,外祖父 •grandma 祖母,外祖母 •granny 老奶奶 •great-grandson 曾孙子 •great-grandfather 曾祖父
工作 job 可数名词,一般与职业、职位有关。或表
示某人的'份内事' work 作'工作'时是不可数名词,指具体的'劳
I'm looking for a new job. I'm looking for work as a driver.
4. He saved money for years and in 1958 he bought a small workshop of his own.
head n. 头;头部;头脑;负责人 the head of sth Jorn is the head of the family.一家之主
近义词:leader领导,队长 principal 首长,校长 headmaster 中小学校长 director 主任,主管,董事;导演
used to do…
get the sack • 失业:be out of work

新概念英语第二册课后习题答案详解-1-40(总45页)--本页仅作为文档封面,使用时请直接删除即可----内页可以根据需求调整合适字体及大小--新概念英语第二册课后习题答案详解Lesson 11. b选b最为正确。
所以选b. 最能表达作者当时心里的感受。
3.b因为a. to 不对,可以是He went to the theatre;c. into 也不对,可以是He went into the theatre;d. on更不符合语法,表示在某一个地方用介词in 或at, in 表示在大的空间,如国家,城市等,at 则表示在小的地点或空间,如atthe office, at the theatre 等, 所以选b.是正确的。
4.db. above(在……上方);c. ahead of (在……的前面,在……之前)不和behind 对应,也不强调位置的前后顺序。
a. before 和 d. infront of 都是和behind对应的,都有“在……前面”的意思。
但in front of 更具体的强调位置,而before则包含更宽泛的意思,即时间上,空间,次序,登记,重要性方面的“在……前面”5.c因为用 a. Where, b. why, d. when 提问都不符合逻辑,都不是针对状态提问的,只有How提问,才能用Angry回答。
6.ab. they 只做主语; c. their只能做定语;d. us 虽然可以做宾语,但与前一句意思不符合。
7.da. none是代词,很少用在名词前面;b. any 只能用在否定句或疑问句中;c. not any 不符合语法,因为前面没有助动词did.. chair(椅子), c. armchair(手扶椅) d. class(班级) 这3个选择都和seat的意思不符合。

新概念英语第二册课后答案Unit 1 - 15Unit 1 - A private conversation1.She is a shop assistant.2.Mary does not like coffee.3.They are going to a restaurant.4.No, they don’t. They can’t afford it.Unit 2 - The first lesson1.He teaches French.2.Peter, John and Michael.3.He is late because he doesn’t know the time.4.They are very young.Unit 3 - Not for jazz1.No, he doesn’t. He likes jazz.2.To relax after work.3.The man is not interested in jazz music.4.She is here to find a book about jazz.Unit 4 - A parking ticket1.She is going to a café.2.No, she can’t. She forgot to put money in the meter.3.She pleads innocence and says she didn’t park there.4.The policeman still gives her a parking ticket.Unit 5 - A questionnaire1. A sandwich.2.He can’t eat lunch at home.3.No, he doesn’t.4.It is yellow.Unit 6 - An unusual day1.The rain made his clothes wet.2.Yes, he did. He lent him some clothes.3.She is afraid that he will forget to bring back the raincoat.4.No, he isn’t. He can lend the raincoat to his friend.Unit 7 - Is that you, John?1.He d oesn’t think it is John’s voice.2.He has lost his wallet on the train.3.No, he didn’t. He found £20.4.He should return the money.Unit 8 - A coffee break1.No, she doesn’t drink coffee.2.She wants to buy some milk.3.No, he doesn’t. He is going to buy some lemon t ea.4.The tea costs £1.80.Unit 9 - A matter of seconds1.In a library.2.She asked the man to return the book to the library.3.No, she doesn’t have enough money to pay the fine.4.She gets a letter from the library.Unit 10 - When were you born?1.He was born on May 5th, 1965.2.His father was born in 1935.3.Yes, he does. He is a schoolteacher.4.He is very tired.Unit 11 - The best and the worst1.In Rome and Paris.2.Rome was the most interesting place he visited.3.The weather in India was the worst.4.He doesn’t know. He hasn’t been to Switzerland. Unit 12 - New Zealand1.It is a small country in the South Pacific.2.There are three main islands.3.The capital city is Wellington.4.The people there are friendly.Unit 13 - Work and play1.He is a teacher.2.Teacher to students.3.He can’t stay with his friends because he has to work.4.He can’t. He has work to do.Unit 14 - A museum for everyone1.Yes, it does.2.They can touch everything in the museum.3.Yes, they have. They enjoyed their visit very much.4.They don’t have to pay any money.Unit 15 - Paying the bill1.They had lunch at a restaurant.2.They pay first and then have lunch.3.They forget to bring any money.4.They invite the man to have some coffee.ConclusionThe above answers are provided for the exercises in the New Concept English Book 2. Go through the questions and compare your answers with the suggested responses to check for correctness. Practicing and reviewing these exercises will help enhance your understanding of the course material and improve your English language skills.。

新概念英语第二册课后习题答案详解Lesson 31written exercises答案ning: was telling ;was still smilingretired;saved;bought;had;employed;smiled when he remembered ;opened…came in…wa pen: used to work;used to work;used to makeorking…sat/was sitting…was looking…were passing…stopped…got…were/had been…used to …quarrelled…had never seen/saw…got/was getting…called…hurried2jobs 3job 4save案5行…he used to work fourteen hours a day. He saved money for years…可and saved his money 能概括他年轻时的所做所为,其他3个选择都不够完整。
据课文最后oor opened and his wife came in. She wanted him to repair their grand son’might occasionally repair a bicycle(但是他有时修理自行车)最符合课文的实际情况,其他ed to work in a small shop 的含义是“佛兰克过去曾在一家小铺里工作,现在已经不在any more(不再做了)最合乎题目意思。
仍然做),c. is now(现在),d. has never done anything else(从来没有做过别的)这3 )才与前一句中的a 意思相同。
own 最符合语法。

L e s s o n 1 : b c b d c a d b a c c c L e s s o n 2 : c d c c a b b a d c d b L e s s o n 3 : c a c a c b c c b a b b L e s s o n 4 : d b a b b a c b c a c c L e s s o n 5 : c a d b c d a b c b b d L e s s o n 6 : d a c d d a d a b a d a L e s s o n 7 : b c c d a c d a c b a b L e s s o n 8 : d b b a c c b b a d b b L e s s o n 9 : c b d a a b b d b b d c L e s s o n 1 0: addcb cacac caLesson 11: bbbab ccacc bdLesson 12: ccadd adacd aaLesson : 13 bdbca bbcaa adLesson 14: bcacd bcbcb bbLesson 15: dbcbc dadcc cbLesson 16: aadab adadd daLesson 17: dbbdc cbaac adLesson18 : Bdbdb cdcac cbLesson 19: Adccd bcbca ccLesson 20: Bcbbc bcacc daLesson 21 : cdcda cbbad ccLesson 22: dbddb dacda bbLesson 23: aaacc addbb adLesson 24: baaca acccb abLesson 25: cbbab cdbaa daLesson 26: adcbc ddabd bdLesson 27: dcddd baddc ccLesson 28: cdbbc dbdcd baLesson 29: bccbd babbb cbLesson 30: aadab cccda ddLesson 31: dbaca adabc acLesson 32: cccbb cadad bcLesson 33: dbdac bbccc acLesson 34: dabca dcbcb caLesson 35: adadd adaba ddLesson 36: addcd ccbad ccLesson 37: cbbbb dacdb baLesson 38: bcaac bddba ddLesson 39: dacdd abacc abLesson 40: ccbca acbbb bdLesson 41: aacdc bbada cbLesson 42: dddbb cddac daLesson 43: bbaad daccd acLesson 44: cbccc bdaba bdLesson 45: bdabb dcbcb dbLesson 46: acdda cbcad caLesson 47: dabad aaddc acLesson 48: cbcba cbbda bcLesson 49: dabab ccacc aaLesson 50: dbacc aadbb cdLesson 51: bcddd adcad dbLesson 52: bccab dcbac bdLesson 53: cdacc cdcda ccLesson 54: dbdbd badcb ddLesson 55: aabda acabd abLesson 56: cacca cabbc ccLesson 57: abbbb dcdcb daLesson 58: bdaac bdcad bdLesson 59: dbddd abada abLesson 60: bacbc babac adLesson 61: bacca dcabb ddLesson 62: addcd ccbda dbLesson 63: dbaab ddacd caLesson 64: ccccb bccab bbLesson 65: adbbc aadcc bdLesson 66: cbaad aabab baLesson 67: daddd dbbad ddLesson 68: bbcdb bbccc aaLesson 69: abcbb ddaab cdLesson 70: dbccd bcacd dcLesson 71: bdbbc cdbbc baLesson 72: acadb accdb adLesson 73: cadac dadaa dbLesson 74: baccd cacbc abLesson 75: cabdb abbdd ccLesson 76: dbdaa bbacb ddLesson 77: acabc dddaa baLesson 78: acbbc acbab caLesson 79: bdcca dbada acLesson 80: cbdad cadcc dbLesson 81: daadb bdcbd bdLesson 82: abadc cdaacbLesson 83: bacca bcbcd ab Lesson 84: ccabd cccda cd Lesson 85: ddbab abdbb dc Lesson 86: bcabb bdcab bc Lesson 87: cdcda ccada ad Lesson 88: cbbcc abbcc cb Lesson 89: aadad dadbd db Lesson 90: bccca bcbad dd Lesson 91: dbcbc dbbcb cb Lesson 92: bcdcb abbad ca Lesson 93: cdbac ccdcb db Lesson 94: abcba dacda bc Lesson 95: dabad cdcac dc Lesson 96: dccba dcdab cb。

新概念英语第二册课后习题答案详解Lesson 11. b选b最为正确。
所以选b. 最能表达作者当时心里的感受。
3.b因为a. to 不对,可以是He went to the theatre;c. into 也不对,可以是He went into the theatre;d. on更不符合语法,表示在某一个地方用介词in 或at, in 表示在大的空间,如国家,城市等,at 则表示在小的地点或空间,如atthe office, at the theatre 等, 所以选b.是正确的。
4.d b. above(在……上方);c. ahead of (在……的前面,在……之前)不和behind 对应,也不强调位置的前后顺序。
a. before 和d. infront of 都是和behind对应的,都有“在……前面”的意思。
但in front of 更具体的强调位置,而before则包含更宽泛的意思,即时间上,空间,次序,登记,重要性方面的“在……前面”5.c因为用 a. Where, b. why, d. when 提问都不符合逻辑,都不是针对状态提问的,只有How 提问,才能用Angry回答。
6.a b. they 只做主语; c. their只能做定语;d. us 虽然可以做宾语,但与前一句意思不符合。
7.d a. none是代词,很少用在名词前面;b. any 只能用在否定句或疑问句中;c. not any 不符合语法,因为前面没有助动词did.8.b a. chair(椅子), c. armchair(手扶椅) d. class(班级) 这3个选择都和seat的意思不符合。

on one’s own=by oneself=alone 单独,独自 Last night I was at home on my own.
In his twenties Frank used to make spare parts for aeroplanes. At that time he had two helpers.二
Frank smiled when he remembered his hard early years and the long road to success.
8. the long road to success 通往成功的漫长道路 the key __to__ the front door the answer __to__ the question
Seeing my uncle after 10 years is an unforgettable experience.
Grandpa has experienced many difficulties.
He is experienced in computers.形容词“有经验的”
2. retire v. 退休 He is getting old and he is going to retire.
3. used to do…
be used to do… 被用来做某事
be used to doing… 习惯(做)某事
He used to stay up late but now he is used to

新概念英语第二册课后题答案详解:Lesson311. d根据课文第4-5行…he used to work fourteen hours a day.He saved money for years…能够看出,只有d. worked hard and saved his money 能概括他年轻时的所做所为,其他3个选择都不够完整。
2. b根据课文最后两句…when the door opened and his wife came in. She wanted him to repair their grandson’s bicycle! 只有b. but he might occasionally repair a bicycle(但是他有时修理自行车)最符合课文的实际情况,其他3个选择都与事实不符。
3. a前一句Frank used to work in a small shop 的含义是“佛兰克过去曾在一家小铺里工作,现在已经不在那儿工作了。
”只有a. doesn't any more(不再做了)最合乎题目意思。
b. still does(仍然做),c. is now(现在),d. has never done anything else(从来没有做过别的)这3个选择都不对。
4. c只有c. each(每)才与前一句中的a 意思相同。
5. a只有选a. his own 最符合语法。
6. a本句应该用被动语态才合乎题目意思。
b. employed 和 d. employ (雇用)都是主动语态,故不应该选b.和d. ; c. are employed 是被动语态,但时态不对,因为句子中的时间状语是In his twenties(他二十几岁时),所以应该用过去式;只有a. were employed 是被动语态,过去式,最合乎语法,所以只能选a.7. d从回答中能够看出,只有选d. Whose is 最合乎语法。

多项选择题答案Lesson 1: bcbdc adbac cc Lesson 2: cdcca bbadc db Lesson 3: cacac bccba bb Lesson 4: dbabb acbca cc Lesson 5: cadbc dabcb bd Lesson 6: dacdd adaba da Lesson 7: bccda cdacb ab Lesson 8: dbbac cbbad bb Lesson 9: cbdaa bbdbb dc Lesson 10: addcb cacac ca Lesson 11: bbbab ccacc bd Lesson 12: ccadd adacd aa Lesson : 13 bdbca bbcaa ad Lesson 14: bcacd bcbcb bb Lesson 15: dbcbc dadcc cb Lesson 16: aadab adadd da Lesson 17: dbbdc cbaac ad Lesson18 : Bdbdb cdcac cb Lesson 19: Adccd bcbca cc Lesson 20: Bcbbc bcacc da Lesson 21 : cdcda cbbad cc Lesson 22: dbddb dacda bb Lesson 23: aaacc addbb ad Lesson 24: baaca acccb ab Lesson 25: cbbab cdbaa da Lesson 26: adcbc ddabd bd Lesson 27: dcddd baddc cc Lesson 28: cdbbc dbdcd ba Lesson 29: bccbd babbb cb Lesson 30: aadab cccda dd Lesson 31: dbaca adabc ac Lesson 32: cccbb cadad bc Lesson 33: dbdac bbccc ac Lesson 34: dabca dcbcb ca Lesson 35: adadd adaba dd Lesson 36: addcd ccbad cc Lesson 37: cbbbb dacdb ba Lesson 38: bcaac bddba dd Lesson 39: dacdd abacc ab Lesson 40: ccbca acbbb bd Lesson 41: aacdc bbada cb Lesson 42: dddbb cddac da Lesson 43: bbaad daccd acLesson 45: bdabb dcbcb db Lesson 46: acdda cbcad ca Lesson 47: dabad aaddc ac Lesson 48: cbcba cbbda bc Lesson 49: dabab ccacc aa Lesson 50: dbacc aadbb cd Lesson 51: bcddd adcad db Lesson 52: bccab dcbac bd Lesson 53: cdacc cdcda cc Lesson 54: dbdbd badcb dd Lesson 55: aabda acabd ab Lesson 56: cacca cabbc cc Lesson 57: abbbb dcdcb da Lesson 58: bdaac bdcad bd Lesson 59: dbddd abada ab Lesson 60: bacbc babac ad Lesson 61: bacca dcabb dd Lesson 62: addcd ccbda db Lesson 63: dbaab ddacd ca Lesson 64: ccccb bccab bb Lesson 65: adbbc aadcc bd Lesson 66: cbaad aabab ba Lesson 67: daddd dbbad dd Lesson 68: bbcdb bbccc aa Lesson 69: abcbb ddaab cd Lesson 70: dbccd bcacd dc Lesson 71: bdbbc cdbbc ba Lesson 72: acadb accdb ad Lesson 73: cadac dadaa db Lesson 74: baccd cacbc ab Lesson 75: cabdb abbdd cc Lesson 76: dbdaa bbacb dd Lesson 77: acabc dddaa ba Lesson 78: acbbc acbab ca Lesson 79: bdcca dbada ac Lesson 80: cbdad cadcc db Lesson 81: daadb bdcbd bd Lesson 82: abadc cdaac bd Lesson 83: bacca bcbcd ab Lesson 84: ccabd cccda cd Lesson 85: ddbab abdbb dc Lesson 86: bcabb bdcab bc Lesson 87: cdcda ccada adLesson 89: aadad dadbd db Lesson 90: bccca bcbad dd Lesson 91: dbcbc dbbcb cb Lesson 92: bcdcb abbad ca Lesson 93: cdbac ccdcb db Lesson 94: abcba dacda bc Lesson 95: dabad cdcac dc Leson 96:dccba dcdab cb。

新东方新概念英语第二册课后习题答案详解/html/2/xiangjie/list_81_2.html第13课、新东方新概念英语第二册课后习题答案详解Lesson 131. b根据课文第3-4行They will be coming…and most of the young people in town will…,只有b. mainly the young people 与课文内容相符合,而其他3个选择都不符合课文内容。
2. d根据文章第7-8行...the police will have a difficult time, they will be trying to keep order.只有d. to prevent trouble(防止麻烦)最符合文章的意思,它说明警察去那的目的,而其它3个选择都表示原因,不能准确表达文章的含义。
3. b需要选同前面句子中的most of (大多数)意思相近的词或短语。
a. A lot(许多)后面应该有of, 与most of 意思不同;c. Some(一些)不是most of 的同义词,语法上也讲不通;d. Many(许多)也不是most of 的同义词,且有语法错误;只有b. Nearly all(几乎所有的)同most of 的意思最接近,也最符合语法。
4. c只有 c. long will they be 最符合语法和题目意思。
a. long they will be 不是疑问句形式,不合乎语法规则;b. they will be 不合乎语法,也不合乎题目意思;d. long they be 不合乎语法。
5. a只有a.in才最接近前面句子中的 during 的含义,而其他3个选择都在意思上讲不通。
6. b只有b. as usual(通常)才能使这个句子意思完整,语法正确,而其他3个选择都不符合习惯用法和语法。
7. b这个句子的主语police(警察)是表示复数意义的名词,因此它后面的谓语动词应该是复数形式的。

Unit 1:Lesson 01 A Private ConversationLesson 02 Breakfast or LunchLesson 03 Please Send Me a CardLesson 04 An Exciting TripLesson 05 No Wrong NumbersLesson 06 Percy ButtonsLesson 07 Too LateLesson 08 The Best and WorstLesson 09 A Cold WeleLesson 10 Not for JazzLesson 11 One Return Deserves AnotherLesson 12 Goodbye and Good LuckLesson 13 The Greenwood BoysLesson 14 Do You Speak EnglishLesson 15 Good NewsLesson 16 A Polite RequestLesson 17 Always YoungLesson 18 It Often Does ThisLesson 19 Sold OutLesson 20 One Man in a BoatLesson 21 Mad or NotLesson 22 A Glass EnvelopLesson 23 A New HouseLesson 24 It Could Be WorseUnit 2:Lesson 25 Do the English Speak EnglishLesson 26 The Best Art CritistLesson 27 A Wet NightLesson 28 No ParkingLesson 29 TaxiLesson 30 Football or PoloLesson 31 Success StoryLesson 32 Shopping Made EasyLesson 33 Out of the DarknessLesson 34 Quick WorkLesson 35 Stop ThiefLesson 36 Across ChannelLesson 37 Olympic GamesLesson 38 Everything Except the WeatherLesson 39 Am I AlrightLesson 40 Food and TalkLesson 41 Do You Call That a HatLesson 42 Not Very MusicalLesson 43 Over the South PoleLesson 44 Through the ForestLesson 45 A Clear ConscienceLesson 46 Expensive and UnfortableLesson 47 A Thirsty GhostLesson 48 Did You Want to Tell Me Something Unit 3:Lesson 49 The End of the DreamLesson 50 Taken for a RideLesson 51 Reward for VirtueLesson 52 A Pretty CarpetLesson 53 Hot SnakeLesson 54 Stick FingersLesson 55 Not a Gold MineLesson 56 Faster Than SoundLesson 57 Can I Help You, MadamLesson 58 A Blessing in the SkyLesson 59 In or OutLesson 60 The FutureLesson 61 Trouble with the HarborLesson 62 After the FireLesson 63 She Was Not AmusedLesson 64 The Channel TunnelLesson 65 Jumbo versus the PoliceLesson 66 Sweetest HoneyLesson 67 V olcanosLesson 68 PersistentLesson 69 But not MurderLesson 70 Red, the DangerLesson 71 A Famous ClockLesson 72 A Car Called BluebirdUnit 4:Lesson 73 The Record HolderLesson 74 Out of the LimelightLesson 75 SOSLesson 76 April Fools DayLesson 77 A Successful OperationLesson 78 The Last OneLesson 79 By AirLesson 80 The Crystal PalaceLesson 81 EscapeLesson 82 Monster of FishLesson 83 Off the ElectionsLesson 84 On StrikeLesson 85 Never too Old to LearnLesson 86 Out of ControlLesson 87 A Perfect AlibiLesson 88 Trapt in the MineLesson 89 A Slip of the TongueLesson 90 Whats the SupperLesson 91 Three Men in a BasketLesson 92 Asking for TroubleLesson 93 A Noble GiftLesson 94 Future ChampionsLesson 95 A FantasyLesson 96 The Dead Return摘要写作参考答案(Key to Summary writing)Unit 1Lesson 1 A Private ConversationThe writer went to the theatre last week.He did't enjoy the play.A young man and a young woman were sitting behind him.They were talking loudly.The writer couldn't hear the actors.He turned round.He said he couldn't hear a word.The young man said,'This is a private conversation!'.(53 words)Lesson 2 Breakfast or LunchThe writer always gets up late on Sundays.He got up late last Sunday.His aunt telephoned then.She had just arrived by train.She was ing to see him.He said,'I am still having breakfast'.His aunt was surprised.It was one o'clock.(45 words)Lesson 3 Please Send Me a CardPostcards always spoil the writer's holidays.He spent his holiday in Italy last summer.He tought about postcards every day.He didn't send any cards to his friends.He bought thirty-seven cards on the last day.He staied at home all day.He didn't write any cards.(47 words)Lesson 4 An Exciting TripThe writer has just received a letter from his brother,Tim.Tim is an engineer.He has been in Australia for six months.He has already visited many places.He is in Alice Springs now.Tim has never been abroad before.He is enjoying his trip very much.(48 words)Lesson 5 No Wrong NumbersMr.Scott has opened his second garage in Pinhurst.His first garage is in Silbury.Silbure is five miles away from Pinhurst.Mr.Scott can't get a telephone for his new garage.He has just bought twelve pigeons.They carry messages from one garage to the other in three minutes.(48 words)Lesson 6 Percy ButtonsThe writer has just moved to a house in Bridge Street.A beggar knocked at her door yesterday.He sang songs.The writer gave him a meal and a glass of beer in return for this.The beggar's name isPercy Buttons.He calls at every house once a month.(50 words)Lesson 7 Too LateDetectives were waiting at the airport all morning.They were expecting a valuable parcel of diamonds from South Africa.Two men took the parcel of the plane.Two detectives opened it.The parcel was full of stones and sand.(39 words)Lesson 8 The Best and WorstJoe Sanders has the best garden in town.He wins 'The Nicest Garden petition'each year.Bill has a fine garden.Joe's is better.The writer's garden is terrible.He always win a little prize for the petition.(37 words)Lesson 9 A Cold WeleWe went to the Town Hall on New Year's Eve.There were a lot of people there.The Town Hall clock will strike twelve in twenty minutes.At five to twelve,it stopped.It refused to wele the New Year.The crowd began to laugh and sing.(46 words)Lesson 10 Not for JazzWe own an old clavichord.It was made in 1681.My grandfather bought the instrument many years ago.A visitor damaged it recently.She tried to play jazz on it.She broke two of the strings.My father's friend is repairing it now.(45 words)Lesson 11 One Return Deserves AnotherI was having dinner at a restaurant.I see Tony Steele after a while.He always borrows money from his friends.Tony sat at my table.I asked him to lend me twenty pounds.He gave me the money at once.He wanted me to pay for his dinner.(49 words)Lesson 12 Goodbye and Good LuckWe'll meet Captain Charles Alison at Portsmouth Harbour eary tomorrow moring.He will be in his small boat,Topsail.He will leave at eight o'clock.We'll say goodbye to him.He will take part in an importantrace across the Atlantic.(40 words)Lesson 13 The Greenwood BoysThe Greenwood Boys are singers.They will be ing here tomorrow.Most of the young people will be meeting them at the station.They will gave five peiformances.The police will be trying to keep order as usual.(38 words)Lesson 14 Do You Speak EnglishThe writer gave a lift to a young man in the south of France last year.They greated each other in French.The writer doesn't speak any French.They sat in silence.The young man said,'Do you speak English?' at the end of the journey.He was English himself.(49 words)Lesson 15 Good NewsMr.Harmsworth wanted see me.I felt nervous.I went into his office.He said business was verybad.The firm couldn't pay such large salaries.Twenty people had already left.He didn't ask me to leave.He offered me an extra thousand pounds a year!(47 words)Lesson 16 A Polite RequestTraffic police usually give you a ticket if you park your car in the wrong place.The writer found a polite note on his car in Sweden.The traffic policeman wanted him to pay attention to their street sighs.Everyone can't fail to obey a request like this.(48 words)Lesson 17 Always YoungMy aunt Jennifer is an actress.She is over thirty years old.She often appears on the stage as a young girl.Jennifer will act the part of a girl of seventeen in a new play soon.She never tells anyone how old she really is.(46 words)Lesson 18 It Often Does ThisThe writer had lunch at a village pub.She couldn't find her bag after her meal.She couldn't pay the bill.The landlord soon found it for her.His dog had taken it into the garden.(36 words)Lesson 19 Sold OutThe play was going to begin at any moment.I asked for two tickets.There were none left.Susan and I were disappointted.A man hurried to the ticket office just then.He returned two tickets.They were for next Wednesday's performance.I bought them.(45 words)Lesson 20 One Man in a BoatFishing is the writer's favourite sport.Some unlucky fisherman catch old boots and rubbish.The writer isn't not so lucky.He never catches anything.He isn't really interested in fishing.He is only interested in sitting in a boat and doing nothing at all.(44 words)Lesson 21 Mad or NotThe writer is slowly going mad.He lives near an airport.Passing planes can be heard night and day.Most of his neighbours have left their homes.He has been offered money to leave.He determined to stay here.Everyone says he must be mad.They are probably right.(49 words)Lesson 22 A Glass EnvelopJane crossed the Channel last year.She threw a bottle into the sea.It contains a piece of paper with her name and address on it.She received a letter from a girl in Holland ten months later.They write to each other regularly now.They send their letters by post.(50 words)Lesson 23 A New HouseMy sister will e to England next year.If she es,she will get a surprise.I have a new house in the country.I have invited my sister to star with me.It is a very modern house.It has get many large rooms and a lovely garden.(48 words)Lesson 24 It Could Be WorseI had just lost fifty pounds.I felt very upset.I told the manager about it.He couldn't doanything.He began plain about this wicked world.A girl came in with the money just then.She had found it outside my room.There is still some honesty in this world.(51 words)Unit 2Lesson 25 Do the English Speak EnglishI arrived at a railway station in London and asked a porter the way to my hotel,but he couldn’t understand me. He understood me at last but I couldn’t understand his answer. My teacher never spoke English like that. The porter said I shall learn English soon.. Each person speaks a different language in England. They understand each other but I don’t understand them.(67 words)Lesson 26 The Best Art CritistThe writer studies art and paints a lot of pictures. Many people don’t really understand mod ern art. Paintings don’t always have a meaning. They are something pretty patterns. Young children not only appreciate modern paintings better than others,but noticed more also. The writer’s young sister went into his room yesterday and examined his new picture. He had hung it upside down and she noticed this immediately.(67 words)Lesson 27 A Wet NightThe boys put up their tent in the middle of a flied and cooked over an open fire. They told stories and sang songs after their meal but it began to rain so they crept into their tent. The boys woke up in the middle of the night. The tent was full of water so they rushed outside. A stream had formed in the field and flowed right under their tent.(68 words)Lesson 28 No ParkingJasper White believes in ancient myths. Car owners always park their cars outside his gate so he has put up ‘No Parking’ signs but they haven’t paid any attention to them. He has put an ugly stone head over the gate. It is Medusa’s head. He wants her to turn cars and their owners to stone but she hasn’t done so yet.(62 words)Lesson 29 TaxiCaptain Ben Fawcett has bought a small Swiss aeroplane and uses it as a taxi. It is called a ‘Pilatus Porter’ . It can not only carry seven passengers, but can land anywhere also. Captain Fawce tt has taken passengers to many strange places. He refused to fly a businessman to Rockall. The journey was too dangerous.(56 words)Lesson 30 Football or poloThe writer sat by the river last Sunday. Some children were playing games nearby. One of the children kicked a ball hard and it went towards a passing boat. The man in the boat neither saw the ball nor heard people shouting. The ball hit the man and the children ran away. However, the man was not angry and he threw the ball back to the bank. (67 words)Lesson 31 Success story?Frank Hawkins was telling the writer about his experiences as a young man.Frank used to work in a small shop as a boy.He used to repair bicycles there.He bought his own shop in 1958 and hemade spare parts for aeroplanes in his twenties.He employed a lot of people in a few years.His wife came into the room after a while.She wanted him to repair their grandson's bicycle.(68 words)Lesson 32 Shopping made easyA detective watched a well-dressed woman in a large store one Monday.She bought a few small articles and she chose an expensive dress.The assistant wrapped it up for her and the woman took it with her.She did not pay for it,so the detective arrested her. The assistant was her daughter. She gave her mother a free dress once a week.(60 words)Lesson 33 Out of the darknessThe girl set out from the coast one afternoon and was caught in a storm.Her boat struck a rock,so she jumped into the sea.She swam eight miles that night.She reached the shore early next morning.She had seen a light high up on the cilffs and she cllimbed up.She found herself in hospital a day later.(55 words)Lesson 34 Quick workDan Robinson was worried.He had received a letter from the local police.Yesterday he went to the station.He is not worried any more.The police have found his bicycle.Dan was not only surprised but amused as well.His bicycle was stolen twenty years ago.He was fifteen then.(44 words)Lesson 35 Stop thief!Roy is finding his new job as a bus driver exciting.He saw two thieves in Catford Street recently.They were running out of a shop and Roy drove his bus straight at them,so they dropped the stolen money and got into a car.Roy drove his bus into the back of their car then and damaged it.Afte this he telephoned the police.Both men were arrested later. (64 words)Lesson 36 Across the ChannelDebbie Hart is going to swim across the English Channel tomorrow.She is eleven and she is a strong swimmer.Debbie has been trained by her father.He will follow her in a small boat.Debbie's mother will be waiting on the English coast.She swam the Channel herself when she was a girl.(49 words)Lesson 37 The Olympic GamesThe Olympic Games will be held in our country in four years' time,so the government will be putting up new buildings just outside the capital.Kurt Gunter has designed the buildings and workers will have pleted the new stadium by the end of next year.The Games will be held in this country for the first time and we are looking forward to them. (62 words)Lesson 38 Everything except the weatherThe writer's friend,Harrison,had spent many years in the Mediterranean,but he wanted to retire in England so he bought a house in the country.The summer that year was very bad and he plained about the weather.In the end Harrison not only sold the house but also left the country.(48 words)Lesson 39 Am I all right?lington refused to tell his patient,Mr.John Gilbert,whether his operation had been successful.The next day the patient telephoned lington and inquired about a certain patient,Mr.John Gilbert.The doctor answered a number of questions about the patient and then asked whether the caller was a relative.The caller then told him who he was.(50 words)Lesson 40 Food and talkThe writer sat beside Mrs. Rumbold at the dinner party.He tried to make versation, but she was busy eating.He talked about the new play at 'The Globe' and about the holidays.She answered his questions briefly.Then he asked her if she was enjoying her dinner and she answered that if he have eaten morn and talked less, they would both have a good dinner.(63 words)Lesson 41 Do You Call That a HatThe wirter's wife was trying on a hat and he didn't like it. He sat down and waited for her.Then they began arguing again.He had bought a terrible tie the day before but his wife didn’t like it. He said,‘A man can never have too many ties.' His wife used exactly the same argument and she bought the hat. It looked like a lighthouse.(67 words)Lesson 42 Not Very MusicalWe watched a snake charmer in a square in Old Delhi. He had a long pipe and two large baskets. He played a tune and the snake in one of the baskets rose to follow the movements of the pipe. Then the snake charmer played modern tunes but the snake continued to dance slowly. It didn't know the difference between Indian music and jazz.(64 words)Lesson 43 Over the South PoleIn 1929,the American explorer ,R.E.Byrd became the first man to fly over the South Pole. He took a lot of photographs during the flight but then ran into difficulties. His plane couldn't get over the mountains so he orded his men to throw out two heavy food sacks. The plane then flew over the mountains and continued without further trouble.(63 words)Lesson 44 Through the ForestTwo men tried to steal Mrs.Sterling's handbag. She was having a piic at the time. They took the bag after a struggle and ran through the trees. She ran after them and caught up with them. The men had sat down and were going through the contents of the bag. Mrs.Sterling ran straight at them so they dropped the bag and ran away.(66 words)Lesson 45 A Clear ConscienceThe local buther,Sam Benton,was taking his savings to the post office but he lost his wallet. Sam not only received half his money three months later,but received a note as well.The note said:‘A thief,yes,but only 50 per cent a thief!'The thief included a note every time he sent Sam more money. The last note said: ‘I am 100 per cent honest now!’(68 words)Lesson 46 Expensive and UnfortableThe plane from London arrived at Sydney airport and workers unloaded a number of wooden boxes. They contained clothing. One of the boxes was extremely heavy so a worker opened it. He found a man on top of a pile of woolen goods. The man was arrested. He had travelled in the box from London. He had to pay 3,500 pounds. An ordinary tickets costs 2,000 pounds.(65 words)Lesson 47 A Thirsty GhostMr. Ian Thompson bought a public house recently but it is haunted,so he is going to sale it. There was a strange noise in the bar one night and the room was in disorder next morning. Mr. Thompson found five empty whisky bottles. He doesn’t believe that some villagers broke into the bar and had a drink. Anybody in the village doesn’t want to the pub.(68 words)Lesson 48 Did You Want to Tell Me SomethingThe dentist in the st ory had pulled out one of the writer’s teeth and had told him to rest for a while. He asked several questions but the writer couldn’t answer them. His mouth was full of cotton wool. He suddenly discovered something wrong but he couldn’t say anything. The d entist eventually removed the cotton wool from his mouth and the writer told him he had pulled out the wrong tooth.(72 words)Unit 3:Lesson 49 The end of a dreamA young man in Teheran bought a real bed for the first time in his life.He slept on the roof of his house because the weather was hot.Three nights later,the bed was swept off the roof during a storm.The man was not only unhurt but still on his mattress.As the bed was in pieces,he carried his mattress indoors and after he had put it on the floor he went back to sleep. (72 words)Lesson 50 Taken for a rideThe writer wanted to go go Woodford Green but as he didn't know the way,the conductor promised to tell him where to get off.When they arrived at the bus terminus,the writer asked if they were at Woodford Green.The conductor then realized that he had forgotten to put him off.The writer stayed on the bus because it was going back. (59 words)Lesson 51 Reward for virtueHugh is so fat that he has gone on a diet.He has forbidden himself all the foods he likes but he has not lost weight.When the writer visited him yesterday,he hid a large parcel under his desk.The parcel contained chocolates and sweets.Hugh said that he had to reward himself occasionally because his diet was so strict. (56 words)Lesson 52 A pretty carpetThe writer has been trying to get his new room in order all morning.This has proved difficult because he owns over a thousand books which cover every inch of floor space at the moment.His sister helped him to carry one of his old bookcases up the stairs a short while ago.She got a surprise when she saw the room,but she thought that the books made a pretty carpet. (68 words)Lesson 53 Hot snakeNow that firemen have put out a big forest fire in California,they have been trying to discover its cause.There was no evidence that it was started by broken glass or a cigarette end.However a fireman has just solved the mystery.He noticed the remains os a snake which had been dropped by a bird on to some electric wires.In winding itself round the wires,the snake had sent sparks to the ground and this caused the fire.(75 words)Lesson 54 Sticky fingersAs soon as the writer returned home from the shops she began to make some meat pies.When the telephone rang soon afterwards,her fingers were very sticky.She spent ten minutes talking to Helen Bates on the telephone.After that she looked at the mess she had made.Her fingers,the telephone and the doorknobs were covered with pastry.Just then the postman rang the doorbell.He wanted her to sign for a registered letter.(68 words)Lesson 55 Not a gold mine‘The Revealer' is a new machine which is used for detecting buried gold. Using this machine, a research party recently tried to find gold in a cave near the seashore. Although they examined the cave thoroughly they only found a small gold coin which was practically worthless. However many people believe that the machine many reveal something of value soon. (60 words)Lesson 56 Faster than sound!A lot of old cars entered for the race, which is held once a year. A great many loud explosions could be heard when they set off and though many cars broke down during the race, a few managed to plete the course. The winning car went downhill so quickly that its driver had a lot of difficulty trying to stop it. (62 words)Lesson 57 Can I help you,madam?Though the woman in jeans hesitated for a moment, she entered an expensive shop and asked to see a dress that was in the window. On being told by an assistant that the dress was sold, the woman returned the following morning dressed in a fur coat. The assistant was eager to serve her this time. After making him bring her almost everything in the window, the woman finally bought the dress she had first asked for. (77 words)Lesson 58 A blessing in disguise?The number of visitors to the village of Frinley has increased because there is said to be a ‘cursed tree’ near the church. Since the villagers believe that if anyone picks a leaf he will die, they have asked the vicar to have the tree cut down. As the tree is a useful source of ine, the vicar has refused to have the tree cut down. Meanwhile, though tourists have been picking leaves, not one of them has e to harm. (81 words)Lesson 59 In or out?Our dog, Rex, used to sit outside the front gate and bark so that someone would open it. Ever since my husband trained him to open the gate himself, Rex has developed another bad habit. He barks when he is in the garden so that someone will let him out. After this he lets himself in and barks until someone opens the gate again. Now that my husband has removed the gate, Rex hasdisappeared. (75 words)Lesson 60 The futureThe writer visited a fortune-teller at a village fair who told him that a relation was ing to see him. She added that a woman he knew well would speak to him when he left the tent and he would follow her out of the fair. This came true because his wife spoke to him when he went outside. She told him they had to meet his sister at the station and she led him out of the fair. (79 words)Lesson 61 Trouble with the HubbleWhen the Hubble telescope was launched into space in April 1990, the pictures it sent us were very disappointing because the main mirror was faulty. Four astronauts will soon be making the necessary repairs, and eventually, pictures from the Hubble will tell us a great deal about the age and size of the universe. (54 words)Lesson 62 After the fireIt took the firemen nearly three weeks to get the forest fire under control. Now that all the great trees had been burnt, there was danger that heavy rain would cause serious floods which would destroy the surrounding villages. To prevent this, the forest authorities ordered grass-seed which was sprayed over the ground by planes for nearly a month. By the time that it began to rain, the grass had taken root in many places. (75 words)Lesson 63 She was not amusedWhen Jeremy Hampden, who is greatly admired for his great sense of humour, was invited to make a speech at a wedding reception, he immediately agreed to do so. Since the speech contained a lot of funny stories, it was a great success. When his six-year-old daughter, Jenny, wanted to go home after his speech, Jeremy was disappointed. She had not enjoyed it because she did not like to see so many people laughing at him. (76 words)Lesson 64 The Channel TunnelThe tunnel, which the French engineer, Aime Thome, planned to build under the English Channel in 1858, would be ventilated by tall chimneys built above sea level. An Englishman, William Lowe, suggested a better plan two years later. Passing trains would solve the problem of ventilation in his proposed double railway-tunnel because they would draw in fresh air behind them. Though work began forty-two years later, it was stopped because the British feared invasion. However, the tunnel was officially opened on March 7, 1994. (85 words)Lesson 65 Jumbo versus the policeAfter having decided to take some presents to a children’s hospital, the circus owner, Jimmy Gates, dressed up as Father Christmas and set off down the main street of the city riding an elephant called Jumbo. On being told that he was holding up the traffic, Jimmy agreed to go at once but Jumbo refused to move, so fifteen policemen had to push him off the main street. As he had a good record, however, Jumbo was not arrested. (79 words)Lesson 66 Sweet as honey!The Lancaster bomber was not too badly damaged when it crashed on a remote island in the South Pacific.Then the wreck remained undisturbed for twenty-six years until it was rediscovered in an aerial survey of the island.The French authorities had the plane packaged and moved in parts back to France,where a group of enthusiasts will be having it restored.They will have to have three of the engines rebuilt,but the fourth engine is still in perfect condition because a colony of bees had turned it into a hive and it was totally covered in beeswax.(94 words)Lesson 67 V olcanoesTazieff,the Polish scientist,went to Lake Kivu in the Congo in 1948 to observe a new volcano which he called Kituro.After taking photographs,he had to leave almost at once because a river of liquid rock threatened to surround him.He escaped just in time but he returned two days later when the volcano had bee quiet.This time he climbed into the mouth of Kituro in order to take photographs and measure temperatures.(70 words)Lesson 68 PersistentEven though Elizabeth tried to avoid meeting Nigel Dykes,she was not able to do so. As he always insisted on acpanying her,she had to think of a way of preventing him from following her around all morning.When she told him she was going to the dentist,he said he would e with her because there was always plenty to read in the waiting room.(63 words)Lesson 69 But not murder!Mr.Eames had driven successfully through heavy traffic during his third duiving test when the examiner instructed him to drive out of town.He told him to suppose that a child would suddenly cross the road in front of him.Mr. Eames would have to stop the car within five feet when the examiner tapped on the window.Though he tapped loudly,Mr.Eames did not react quickly enough and was told that he had just killed the child.(73 words)Lesson 70 Red for dangerA drunk suddenly wandered into the middle of the ring during a bullfight and shouted rude remarks and waved a red cap.Ignoring the matador,the bull charged at the drunk,but he stepped aside to let it pass.The crowd cheered and the drunk bowed.Just after this,three men dragged the drunk to safety while the bull looked on sympathetically before it once more turned its attention to the matador.(66 words)Lesson 71 A famous clockAfter the Houses of Parliament were burnt down in 1834,Sir Benjamin Hall was made responsible for the construction of a huge clock,which became known as Big Ben.It is very accurate despite its immense size,for offcials from the Greenwich Observatory have the clock checked twice a day. This clock,which has rarely gone wrong,can be heard on the B.B.C. when it is striking, because microphones are connected to the clock tower.(69 words)Lesson 72 A car called BluebirdSir Malcolm Campbell set up a land-speed record in 1935 duiving a car called Bluebird,which had been secially built for him.His average speed was incorrectly declared to be。

John is the head of the family. 一家之主 Frank is the head of the firm. 弗兰克是那家公司的总裁。
work…as… 作为……工作 He used to work as a teacher. as a boy = as he was a boy (as的意思是“当……的时候”) as a young man 当他年轻的时候
Before he retired, Frank was the head of a very
large business company, but as a boy he used to
work in a small shop.
在退休前,弗兰克是一家非常大的商业公司的经理, 但他小时候却在一家 小铺里做工。
company n. 1) 公司,商号
a limited (liability)company 有限责任公司 (Ltd.Co)
2) 陪同,交往,交际 eg. I enjoyed his company. 3) 伙伴,朋友,同伴 eg. A man is known by the company he keeps.
It was his job to repair bicycles and at that time he used to work fourteen hours a day.
4. it 做形式主语 It is easy for him to solve the problem. 不定式做真实主语 It’s difficult for Jenny to eat a pig. It is necessary that we learn English well. 主语从句

Unit 1:Lesson 01 A Private ConversationLesson 02 Breakfast or LunchLesson 03 Please Send Me a CardLesson 04 An Exciting TripLesson 05 No Wrong NumbersLesson 06 Percy ButtonsLesson 07 Too LateLesson 08 The Best and WorstLesson 09 A Cold WelcomeLesson 10 Not for JazzLesson 11 One Return Deserves AnotherLesson 12 Goodbye and Good LuckLesson 13 The Greenwood BoysLesson 14 Do You Speak EnglishLesson 15 Good NewsLesson 16 A Polite RequestLesson 17 Always YoungLesson 18 It Often Does ThisLesson 19 Sold OutLesson 20 One Man in a BoatLesson 21 Mad or NotLesson 22 A Glass EnvelopLesson 23 A New HouseLesson 24 It Could Be WorseUnit 2:Lesson 25 Do the English Speak EnglishLesson 26 The Best Art CritistLesson 27 A Wet NightLesson 28 No ParkingLesson 29 TaxiLesson 30 Football or PoloLesson 31 Success StoryLesson 32 Shopping Made EasyLesson 33 Out of the DarknessLesson 34 Quick WorkLesson 35 Stop ThiefLesson 36 Across ChannelLesson 37 Olympic GamesLesson 38 Everything Except the Weather Lesson 39 Am I AlrightLesson 40 Food and TalkLesson 41 Do You Call That a HatLesson 42 Not Very MusicalLesson 43 Over the South PoleLesson 44 Through the ForestLesson 45 A Clear ConscienceLesson 46 Expensive and UncomfortableLesson 47 A Thirsty GhostLesson 48 Did You Want to Tell Me Something Unit 3:Lesson 49 The End of the DreamLesson 50 Taken for a RideLesson 51 Reward for VirtueLesson 52 A Pretty CarpetLesson 53 Hot SnakeLesson 54 Stick FingersLesson 55 Not a Gold MineLesson 56 Faster Than SoundLesson 57 Can I Help You, MadamLesson 58 A Blessing in the SkyLesson 59 In or OutLesson 60 The FutureLesson 61 Trouble with the HarborLesson 62 After the FireLesson 63 She Was Not AmusedLesson 64 The Channel TunnelLesson 65 Jumbo versus the PoliceLesson 66 Sweetest HoneyLesson 67 VolcanosLesson 68 PersistentLesson 69 But not MurderLesson 70 Red, the DangerLesson 71 A Famous ClockLesson 72 A Car Called BluebirdUnit 4:Lesson 73 The Record HolderLesson 74 Out of the LimelightLesson 75 SOSLesson 76 April Fools DayLesson 77 A Successful OperationLesson 78 The Last OneLesson 79 By AirLesson 80 The Crystal PalaceLesson 81 EscapeLesson 82 Monster of FishLesson 83 Off the ElectionsLesson 84 On StrikeLesson 85 Never too Old to LearnLesson 86 Out of ControlLesson 87 A Perfect AlibiLesson 88 Trapt in the MineLesson 89 A Slip of the TongueLesson 90 Whats the SupperLesson 91 Three Men in a BasketLesson 92 Asking for TroubleLesson 93 A Noble GiftLesson 94 Future ChampionsLesson 95 A FantasyLesson 96 The Dead Return摘要写作参考答案(Key to Summary writing)Unit 1Lesson 1 A Private ConversationThe writer went to the theatre last week.He did't enjoy the play.A young man and a young woman were sitting behind him.They were talking loudly.The writer couldn't hear the actors.He turned round.He said he couldn't hear a word.The young man said,'This is a private conversation!'.(53 words)Lesson 2 Breakfast or LunchThe writer always gets up late on Sundays.He got up late last Sunday.His aunt telephoned then.She had just arrived by train.She was coming to see him.He said,'I am still having breakfast'.His aunt was surprised.It was one o'clock.(45 words)Lesson 3 Please Send Me a CardPostcards always spoil the writer's holidays.He spent his holiday in Italy last summer.He tought about postcards every day.He didn't send any cards to his friends.He bought thirty-seven cards on the last day.He staied at home all day.He didn't write any cards.(47 words)Lesson 4 An Exciting TripThe writer has just received a letter from his brother,Tim.Tim is an engineer.He has been in Australia for six months.He has already visited many places.He is in Alice Springs now.Tim has never been abroad before.He is enjoying his trip very much.(48 words)Lesson 5 No Wrong NumbersMr.Scott has opened his second garage in Pinhurst.His firstgarage is in Silbury.Silbure is five miles away from Pinhurst.Mr.Scott can't get a telephone for his new garage.He has just bought twelve pigeons.They carry messages from one garage to the other in three minutes.(48 words)Lesson 6 Percy ButtonsThe writer has just moved to a house in Bridge Street.A beggar knocked at her door yesterday.He sang songs.The writer gave him a meal and a glass of beer in return for this.The beggar's name is Percy Buttons.He calls at every house once a month.(50 words)Lesson 7 Too LateDetectives were waiting at the airport all morning.They were expecting a valuable parcel of diamonds from South Africa.Two men took the parcel of the plane.Two detectives opened it.The parcel was full of stones and sand.(39 words)Lesson 8 The Best and WorstJoe Sanders has the best garden in town.He wins 'The Nicest Garden Competition'each year.Bill has a fine garden.Joe's is better.The writer's garden is terrible.He always win a little prize for the competition.(37 words)Lesson 9 A Cold WelcomeWe went to the Town Hall on New Year's Eve.There were a lot of people there.The Town Hall clock will strike twelve in twenty minutes.At five to twelve,it stopped.It refused to welcome the New Year.The crowd began to laugh and sing.(46 words)Lesson 10 Not for JazzWe own an old clavichord.It was made in 1681.My grandfather bought the instrument many years ago.A visitor damaged it recently.She tried to play jazz on it.She broke two of the strings.My father's friend is repairing it now.(45 words)Lesson 11 One Return Deserves AnotherI was having dinner at a restaurant.I see Tony Steele aftera while.He always borrows money from his friends.Tony sat at my table.I asked him to lend me twenty pounds.He gave me the money at once.He wanted me to pay for his dinner.(49 words)Lesson 12 Goodbye and Good LuckWe'll meet Captain Charles Alison at Portsmouth Harbour eary tomorrow moring.He will be in his small boat,Topsail.He will leave at eight o'clock.We'll say goodbye to him.He will take part in an importantrace across the Atlantic.(40 words)Lesson 13 The Greenwood BoysThe Greenwood Boys are singers.They will be coming here tomorrow.Most of the young people will be meeting them at the station.They will gave five peiformances.The police will be trying to keep order as usual.(38 words)Lesson 14 Do You Speak EnglishThe writer gave a lift to a young man in the south of France last year.They greated each other in French.The writer doesn't speak any French.They sat in silence.The young man said,'Do you speak English?' at the end of the journey.He was English himself.(49 words)Lesson 15 Good NewsMr.Harmsworth wanted see me.I felt nervous.I went into his office.He said business was very bad.The firm couldn't pay such large salaries.Twenty people had already left.He didn't ask me to leave.He offered me an extra thousand pounds a year!(47 words)Lesson 16 A Polite RequestTraffic police usually give you a ticket if you park your car in the wrong place.The writer found a polite note on his car in Sweden.The traffic policeman wanted him to pay attention to their street sighs.Everyone can't fail to obey a request like this.(48 words)Lesson 17 Always YoungMy aunt Jennifer is an actress.She is over thirty years old.She often appears on the stage as a young girl.Jennifer will act the part of a girl of seventeen in a new play soon.She never tells anyone how old she really is.(46 words)Lesson 18 It Often Does ThisThe writer had lunch at a village pub.She couldn't find her bag after her meal.She couldn't pay the bill.The landlord soon found it for her.His dog had taken it into the garden.(36 words)Lesson 19 Sold OutThe play was going to begin at any moment.I asked for two tickets.There were none left.Susan and I were disappointted.A man hurried to the ticket office just then.He returned two tickets.They were for next Wednesday's performance.I boughtthem.(45 words)Lesson 20 One Man in a BoatFishing is the writer's favourite sport.Some unlucky fisherman catch old boots and rubbish.The writer isn't not so lucky.He never catches anything.He isn't really interested in fishing.He is only interested in sitting in a boat and doing nothing at all.(44 words)Lesson 21 Mad or NotThe writer is slowly going mad.He lives near an airport.Passing planes can be heard night and day.Most of his neighbours have left their homes.He has been offered money to leave.He determined to stay here.Everyone says he must be mad.They are probably right.(49 words)Lesson 22 A Glass EnvelopJane crossed the Channel last year.She threw a bottle into the sea.It contains a piece of paper with her name and address on it.She received a letter from a girl in Holland ten months later.They write to each other regularly now.They send their letters by post.(50 words)Lesson 23 A New HouseMy sister will come to England next year.If she comes,she will get a surprise.I have a new house in the country.I have invited my sister to star with me.It is a very modern house.It has get many large rooms and a lovely garden.(48 words)Lesson 24 It Could Be WorseI had just lost fifty pounds.I felt very upset.I told the manager about it.He couldn't do anything.He began complain about this wicked world.A girl came in with the money just then.She had found it outside my room.There is still some honesty in this world.(51 words)Unit 2Lesson 25 Do the English Speak EnglishI arrived at a railway station in London and asked a porter the way to my hotel,but he couldn’t understand me. He understood me at last but I couldn’t understand his answer. My teacher never spoke English like that. The porter said I shall learn English soon.. Each person speaks a different language inEngland. They understand each other but I don’t understand them.(67 words)Lesson 26 The Best Art CritistThe writer studies art and paints a lot of pictures. Many people don’t really understand modern art. Paintings don’t always have a meaning. They are something pretty patterns. Young children not only appreciate modern paintings better than others,but noticed more also. The writer’s young sister went into his room yesterday and examined his new picture. He had hung it upside down and she noticed this immediately.(67 words)Lesson 27 A Wet NightThe boys put up their tent in the middle of a flied and cooked over an open fire. They told stories and sang songs after their meal but it began to rain so they crept into their tent. The boys woke up in the middle of the night. The tent was full of water so they rushed outside. A stream had formed in the field and flowed right under their tent.(68 words)Lesson 28 No ParkingJasper White believes in ancient myths. Car owners always park their cars outside his gate so he has put up ‘No Parking’ signs but they haven’t paid any attention to them. He has put an ugly stone head over the gate. It is Medusa’s head. He wants her to turn cars and their owners to stone but she hasn’t done so yet.(62 words)Lesson 29 TaxiCaptain Ben Fawcett has bought a small Swiss aeroplane and uses it as a taxi. It is called a ‘Pilatus Porter’ . It can not only carry seven passengers, but can land anywhere also. Captain Fawcett has taken passengers to many strange places. He refused to fly a businessman to Rockall. The journey was too dangerous.(56 words)Lesson 30 Football or poloThe writer sat by the river last Sunday. Some children were playing games nearby. One of the children kicked a ball hard and it went towards a passing boat. The man in the boat neither saw the ball nor heard people shouting. The ball hit the man and the children ran away. However, the man was not angry and he threw the ball back to the bank. (67 words)Lesson 31 Success story?Frank Hawkins was telling the writer about his experiences as a young man.Frank used to work in a small shop as a boy.He used to repair bicycles there.He bought his own shop in 1958 and he made spare parts for aeroplanes in his twenties.He employed a lot of people in a few years.His wife came into the room after a while.She wanted him to repair their grandson's bicycle.(68 words)Lesson 32 Shopping made easyA detective watched a well-dressed woman in a large store one Monday.She bought a few small articles and she chose an expensive dress.The assistant wrapped it up for her and the woman took it with her.She did not pay for it,so the detective arrested her. The assistant was her daughter. She gave her mother a free dress once a week.(60 words)Lesson 33 Out of the darknessThe girl set out from the coast one afternoon and was caught in a storm.Her boat struck a rock,so she jumped into the sea.She swam eight miles that night.She reached the shore early next morning.She had seen a light high up on the cilffs and she cllimbed up.She found herself in hospital a day later.(55 words)Lesson 34 Quick workDan Robinson was worried.He had received a letter from the local police.Yesterday he went to the station.He is not worried any more.The police have found his bicycle.Dan was not only surprised but amused as well.His bicycle was stolen twenty years ago.He was fifteen then.(44 words)Lesson 35 Stop thief!Roy is finding his new job as a bus driver exciting.He saw two thieves in Catford Street recently.They were running out of a shop and Roy drove his bus straight at them,so they dropped the stolen money and got into a car.Roy drove his bus into the back of their car then and damaged it.Afte this he telephoned the police.Both men were arrested later. (64 words)Lesson 36 Across the ChannelDebbie Hart is going to swim across the English Channel tomorrow.She is eleven and she is a strong swimmer.Debbie hasbeen trained by her father.He will follow her in a small boat.Debbie's mother will be waiting on the English coast.She swam the Channel herself when she was a girl.(49 words)Lesson 37 The Olympic GamesThe Olympic Games will be held in our country in four years' time,so the government will be putting up new buildings just outside the capital.Kurt Gunter has designed the buildings and workers will have completed the new stadium by the end of next year.The Games will be held in this country for the first time and we are looking forward to them. (62 words)Lesson 38 Everything except the weatherThe writer's friend,Harrison,had spent many years in the Mediterranean,but he wanted to retire in England so he bought a house in the country.The summer that year was very bad and he complained about the weather.In the end Harrison not only sold the house but also left the country.(48 words)Lesson 39 Am I all right?lington refused to tell his patient,Mr.John Gilbert,whether his operation had been successful.The next day the patient telephoned lington and inquired about a certain patient,Mr.John Gilbert.The doctor answered a number of questions about the patient and then asked whether the caller was a relative.The caller then told him who he was.(50 words)Lesson 40 Food and talkThe writer sat beside Mrs. Rumbold at the dinner party.He tried to make comversation, but she was busy eating.He talked about the new play at 'The Globe' and about the holidays.She answered his questions briefly.Then he asked her if she was enjoying her dinner and she answered that if he have eaten morn and talked less, they would both have a good dinner.(63 words)Lesson 41 Do You Call That a HatThe wirter's wife was trying on a hat and he didn't like it. He sat down and waited for her.Then they began arguing again.He had bought a terrible tie the day before but his wife didn’t like it. He said,‘A man can never have too many ties.' His wife used exactly the same argument and she bought the hat. It looked like a lighthouse.(67 words)Lesson 42 Not Very MusicalWe watched a snake charmer in a square in Old Delhi. He had a long pipe and two large baskets. He played a tune and the snake in one of the baskets rose to follow the movements of the pipe. Then the snake charmer played modern tunes but the snake continued to dance slowly. It didn't know the difference between Indian music and jazz.(64 words)Lesson 43 Over the South PoleIn 1929,the American explorer ,R.E.Byrd became the first man to fly over the South Pole. He took a lot of photographs during the flight but then ran into difficulties. His plane couldn't get over the mountains so he orded his men to throw out two heavy food sacks. The plane then flew over the mountains and continued without further trouble.(63 words)Lesson 44 Through the ForestTwo men tried to steal Mrs.Sterling's handbag. She was having a picnic at the time. They took the bag after a struggle and ran through the trees. She ran after them and caught up with them. The men had sat down and were going through the contents of the bag. Mrs.Sterling ran straight at them so they dropped the bag and ran away.(66 words)Lesson 45 A Clear ConscienceThe local buther,Sam Benton,was taking his savings to the post office but he lost his wallet. Sam not only received half his money three months later,but received a note as well.The note said:‘A thief,yes,but only 50 per cent a thief!'The thief included a note every time he sent Sam more money. The last note said: ‘I am 100 per cent honest now!’(68 words)Lesson 46 Expensive and UncomfortableThe plane from London arrived at Sydney airport and workers unloaded a number of wooden boxes. They contained clothing. One of the boxes was extremely heavy so a worker opened it. He found a man on top of a pile of woolen goods. The man was arrested. He had travelled in the box from London. He had to pay 3,500 pounds. An ordinary tickets costs 2,000 pounds.(65 words)Lesson 47 A Thirsty GhostMr. Ian Thompson bought a public house recently but it is haunted,so he is going to sale it. There was a strange noise in the bar one night and the room was in disorder next morning. Mr.Thompson found five empty whisky bottles. He doesn’t believe that some villagers broke into the bar and had a drink. Anybody in the village doesn’t want to the pub.(68 words)Lesson 48 Did You Want to Tell Me SomethingThe dentist in the story had pulled out one of the writer’s teeth and had told him to rest for a while. He asked several questions but the writer couldn’t answer them. His mouth was full of cotton wool. He suddenly discovered something wrong but he couldn’t say anything. The dentist eventually removed the cotton wool from his mouth and the writer told him he had pulled out the wrong tooth.(72 words)Unit 3:Lesson 49 The end of a dreamA young man in Teheran bought a real bed for the first time in his life.He slept on the roof of his house because the weather was hot.Three nights later,the bed was swept off the roof during a storm.The man was not only unhurt but still on his mattress.As the bed was in pieces,he carried his mattress indoors and after he had put it on the floor he went back to sleep. (72 words)Lesson 50 Taken for a rideThe writer wanted to go go Woodford Green but as he didn't know the way,the conductor promised to tell him where to get off.When they arrived at the bus terminus,the writer asked if they were at Woodford Green.The conductor then realized that he had forgotten to put him off.The writer stayed on the bus because it was going back. (59 words)Lesson 51 Reward for virtueHugh is so fat that he has gone on a diet.He has forbidden himself all the foods he likes but he has not lost weight.When the writer visited him yesterday,he hid a large parcel under his desk.The parcel contained chocolates and sweets.Hugh said that he had to reward himself occasionally because his diet was so strict. (56 words)Lesson 52 A pretty carpetThe writer has been trying to get his new room in order all morning.This has proved difficult because he owns over a thousand books which cover every inch of floor space at the moment.His sister helped him to carry one of his old bookcases up the stairs a short while ago.She got a surprise when she saw the room,but she thought that the books made a pretty carpet.(68 words)Lesson 53 Hot snakeNow that firemen have put out a big forest fire in California,they have been trying to discover its cause.There was no evidence that it was started by broken glass or a cigarette end.However a fireman has just solved the mystery.He noticed the remains os a snake which had been dropped by a bird on to some electric wires.In winding itself round the wires,the snake had sent sparks to the ground and this caused the fire.(75 words)Lesson 54 Sticky fingersAs soon as the writer returned home from the shops she began to make some meat pies.When the telephone rang soon afterwards,her fingers were very sticky.She spent ten minutes talking to Helen Bates on the telephone.After that she looked at the mess she had made.Her fingers,the telephone and the doorknobs were covered with pastry.Just then the postman rang the doorbell.He wanted her to sign for a registered letter.(68 words)Lesson 55 Not a gold mine‘The Revealer' is a new machine which is used for detecting buried gold. Using this machine, a research party recently tried to find gold in a cave near the seashore. Although they examined the cave thoroughly they only found a small gold coin which was practically worthless. However many people believe that the machine many reveal something of value soon. (60 words)Lesson 56 Faster than sound!A lot of old cars entered for the race, which is held once a year.A great many loud explosions could be heard when they set off and though many cars broke down during the race, a few managed to complete the course. The winning car went downhill so quickly that its driver had a lot of difficulty trying to stop it. (62 words)Lesson 57 Can I help you,madam?Though the woman in jeans hesitated for a moment, she entered an expensive shop and asked to see a dress that was in the window. On being told by an assistant that the dress was sold, the woman returned the following morning dressed in a fur coat. The assistant was eager to serve her this time. After making him bring her almost everything in the window, the woman finally bought the dress she had first asked for. (77 words)Lesson 58 A blessing in disguise?The number of visitors to the village of Frinley has increased because there is said to be a ‘cursed tree’ near the church. Since the villagers believe that if anyone picks a leaf he will die, they have asked the vicar to have the tree cut down. As the tree is a useful source of income, the vicar has refused to have the tree cut down. Meanwhile, though tourists have been picking leaves, not one of them has come to harm. (81 words)Lesson 59 In or out?Our dog, Rex, used to sit outside the front gate and bark so that someone would open it. Ever since my husband trained him to open the gate himself, Rex has developed another bad habit. He barks when he is in the garden so that someone will let him out. After this he lets himself in and barks until someone opens the gate again. Now that my husband has removed the gate, Rex has disappeared. (75 words)Lesson 60 The futureThe writer visited a fortune-teller at a village fair who told him that a relation was coming to see him. She added that a woman he knew well would speak to him when he left the tent and he would follow her out of the fair. This came true because his wife spoke to him when he went outside. She told him they had to meet his sister at the station and she led him out of the fair. (79 words)Lesson 61 Trouble with the HubbleWhen the Hubble telescope was launched into space in April 1990, the pictures it sent us were very disappointing because the main mirror was faulty. Four astronauts will soon be making the necessary repairs, and eventually, pictures from the Hubble will tell us a great deal about the age and size of the universe. (54 words)Lesson 62 After the fireIt took the firemen nearly three weeks to get the forest fire under control. Now that all the great trees had been burnt, there was danger that heavy rain would cause serious floods which would destroy the surrounding villages. To prevent this, the forest authorities ordered grass-seed which was sprayed over the ground by planes for nearly a month. By the time that it began to rain, the grass had taken root in many places. (75 words)Lesson 63 She was not amusedWhen Jeremy Hampden, who is greatly admired for his great sense of humour, was invited to make a speech at a wedding reception, he immediately agreed to do so. Since the speech contained a lot of funny stories, it was a great success. When his six-year-old daughter, Jenny, wanted to go home after his speech, Jeremy was disappointed. She had not enjoyed it because she did not like to see so many people laughing at him. (76 words)Lesson 64 The Channel TunnelThe tunnel, which the French engineer, Aime Thome, planned to build under the English Channel in 1858, would be ventilated by tall chimneys built above sea level. An Englishman, William Lowe, suggested a better plan two years later. Passing trains would solve the problem of ventilation in his proposed double railway-tunnel because they would draw in fresh air behind them. Though work began forty-two years later, it was stopped because the British feared invasion. However, the tunnel was officially opened on March 7, 1994. (85 words)Lesson 65 Jumbo versus the policeAfter having decided to take some presents to a children’s hospital, the circus owner, Jimmy Gates, dressed up as Father Christmas and set off down the main street of the city riding an elephant called Jumbo. On being told that he was holding up the traffic, Jimmy agreed to go at once but Jumbo refused to move, so fifteen policemen had to push him off the main street. As he had a good record, however, Jumbo was not arrested. (79 words)Lesson 66 Sweet as honey!The Lancaster bomber was not too badly damaged when it crashed on a remote island in the South Pacific.Then the wreck remained undisturbed for twenty-six years until it was rediscovered in an aerial survey of the island.The French authorities had the plane packaged and moved in parts back to France,where a group of enthusiasts will be having it restored.They will have to have three of the engines rebuilt,but the fourth engine is still in perfect condition because a colony of bees had turned it into a hive and it was totally covered in beeswax.(94 words)Lesson 67 VolcanoesTazieff,the Polish scientist,went to Lake Kivu in the Congo in 1948 to observe a new volcano which he called Kituro.Aftertaking photographs,he had to leave almost at once because a river of liquid rock threatened to surround him.He escaped just in time but he returned two days later when the volcano had become quiet.This time he climbed into the mouth of Kituro in order to take photographs and measure temperatures.(70 words)Lesson 68 PersistentEven though Elizabeth tried to avoid meeting Nigel Dykes,she was not able to do so. As he always insisted on accompanying her,she had to think of a way of preventing him from following her around all morning.When she told him she was going to the dentist,he said he would come with her because there was always plenty to read in the waiting room.(63 words)Lesson 69 But not murder!Mr.Eames had driven successfully through heavy traffic during his third duiving test when the examiner instructed him to drive out of town.He told him to suppose that a child would suddenly cross the road in front of him.Mr. Eames would have to stop the car within five feet when the examiner tapped on the window.Though he tapped loudly,Mr.Eames did not react quickly enough and was told that he had just killed the child.(73 words)Lesson 70 Red for dangerA drunk suddenly wandered into the middle of the ring during a bullfight and shouted rude remarks and waved a red cap.Ignoring the matador,the bull charged at the drunk,but he stepped aside to let it pass.The crowd cheered and the drunk bowed.Just after this,three men dragged the drunk to safety while the bull looked on sympathetically before it once more turned its attention to the matador.(66 words)Lesson 71 A famous clockAfter the Houses of Parliament were burnt down in 1834,Sir Benjamin Hall was made responsible for the construction of a huge clock,which became known as Big Ben.It is very accurate despite its immense size,for offcials from the Greenwich Observatory have the clock checked twice a day. This clock,which has rarely gone wrong,can be heard on the B.B.C. when it is striking, because microphones are connected to the clock tower.(69 words)Lesson 72 A car called BluebirdSir Malcolm Campbell set up a land-speed record in 1935 duiving a car called Bluebird,which had been secially built for him.His average speed was incorrectly declared to be 299 miles per hour,but this mistake was corrected later.He had averaged 301 miles an hour.Years later,his son,Donald,also broke a record and his car was also called Bluebird.(55 words)。

I am use to exercising in the morning.
It was his job to repair bicycles and at that time he used to work fourteen hours a day.
Lesson 31
Success story
There are many famous successful people in the world , such as Bill Gates , Huo Ying dong , Li Jiacheng, Ma Yun , Yu Min hong and so on. Today I’ll tell you a success story about Frank Hawkins . Before he retired he was the boss of a very large business company. Do you want to know how he could succeed ? Let’s go !
Listen and Answer
1.When was Frank the head of a very large business company?
2.How did he earn a living as a boy? 3.What was his job? 4.How many hours a day did he use to work? 5.Did he save money for years? 6.What did he buy in 1958? 7.When did he make spare parts for aeroplanes? 8.What happened to his small workshop? 9.How many employers did he employ? 10.Why did he smile?

grandson n.孙子,外孙子 grand用以构成复合名词,表示家族关 系 granddaughter 外孙女,孙女 9randmother 祖母,外祖母 grandfather 祖父,外祖父 9randpa 祖父,外祖父 grandma 祖母,外祖母
granny 老奶奶 great-grandson 曾孙子 great-grandfather 曾祖父 Every potter praises his pot 王婆卖瓜卖弄自夸。 grandfather clock 落地式大摆钟。
Yesterday afternoon Frank Hawkins was telling me about his experiences as a young man.
as a young man/when he was a young man 时间状语,交代叙述时间为过去时
I am retired now so I have time to learn English.
retirement n.退休,退职
a graceful retirement 体面的退休 compulsory retirement 强迫退休
resign vi.辞职
I was tired of my boring job, so I resigned yesterday. employ 雇佣 employer 雇主 employee 雇员 hire 雇佣 recruit 招募,征募 解雇: dismiss fire 失业: be out of work lose one' s job hired,tired and fired 被雇佣了,累的半死又被解雇了。
experienced adj.有经验的

Lesson 31 Success Story成功者的故事What was Frank's first job?Yesterday afternoon Frank Hawkins was telling me about his experiences as a young man. Before he retired, Frank was the head of a very large business company, but as a boy he used to work in a small shop. It was his job to repair bicycles and at that time he used to work fourteen hours a day. He saved money for years and in 1958 he bought a small workshop of his own. In his twenties Frank used to make spare parts for aeroplanes. At that time he had two helpers. In a few years the small workshop had become a large factory which employed seven hundred and twenty-eight people. Frank smiled when he remembered his hard early years and the long road to success. He was still smiling when the door opened and his wife came in. She wanted him to repair their grandson's bicycle!参考译文昨天下午弗兰克.霍金斯向我讲述了他年轻时的经历。

标准试卷专业本科年级班姓名学号Directions:There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A>, B>, C> and D>. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence.1. He made a big decision. He ______.A .thought about it B. made up his mind C. changed his mind D. made a wish2. He didn’t write a single card. So he __________.A wrote only one B. Didn’t write even oneC.wrote just oneD. wrote all the cards except one3. On the last day he made a big decision. It was the ______ day of his holiday.A final Bend C. latest D bottom4. The waiter lent him a book. He _______ a book from the waiter.A lentB borrowedC tookD stole 5. Tim is in Australia. How long _______ there?A is he B has he been C has he D was he6. Mr. Scott can’t get a telephone. Telephones are hard to_______A. takeB. ReceiveC. obtainD. find7. He has sent requests for spare parts. He has _____ spare parts.A. askedB. asked forC. beggedD. pleased8. He has visited a great number of different places. He has not stayed in_______ place.A. the onlyB. a similarC. the sameD. alike9. He has just one to Alice Springs. He has never______ there before.A. wentB. beingC. beenD. was10. Mr. Tim can not get a telephone for his garage. _______he has just bought twelve pigeons.A. That’s soB. That’s whyC. BecauseD. For11. What’s the distance from Pinhurst to Silbury? How ____ is Pinhurst ____ Silbury?A.long ago... tillB. long... awayC. Away... tillD.far...from12. Urgent messages are important, so they must be sent ____ .A. quicklyB. slowlyC.by handD. largely13. Mr. Button’s telephone service is private. It is ____ .A. generalB. spareC. secretD. his own14. She gave____A. to him a mealB. a meal for himC. him to a mealD. a meal to him15. Everyone knows him. ____ know him.A. The allB. EachC. EveryD. All they16. You can have a meal ____ .A. only in the morningB. at any timeC. only at middayD.only in the evening17.All the housed in our ____ are the same age and size.A. streetB. wayC. roadD. route18. Joe’s garden is the best in the town. It’s the best _____ them all.A. in B of C. for D by19. _____, it is an important book.A. By the wayB. On the wayC. In the wayD. In a way20. What ‘s it _____ ? A clavichord.A. told B said C called D spoken21. The family have had he clavichord _____ many years.A. since B for C from D by22. ______I was looking for it, the inn-keeper came in.A. BecauseB. WhileC. ButD. Even if23. They are not allowed to watch TV _____ the week.A. on B .at C.during D. for24.____ does he call? Once a month.A. How seldomB.How longC. How soonD.How often25. The detective were _____ a valuable parcel of diamonds.A. expectingB. waitingC. expecting forD. expecting to26. Someone had filled the parcel with stones and sand. It was _____ stones and sand.A. full withB. full ofC. full byD. full in27. Two men took the box off the plane. They _____ .A. took off itB. it took offC. took offD. took it off28. The thieves wanted to _____ the diamonds.A. robB. stealC. take fromD. take to29. Joe wins every time. He always _____ Bill Frith.A. winsB. beatsC. gainsD. earns30.Mary’s garden is interesting. She is _____ in gardening.A. interestingB. interestC. interestinglyD. interestedPart IITranslation <20%>Directions: Translate the following phrases into Chinese or English.31. 到现在为止36.it’s none of your business.32.我不能忍受37.a few words33.多么糟糕的一天! 38. turn around34.脱下外套39.Dear me!35.许多〔修饰复数可数名词40. in the centre ofPart III Fill the blanks with prepositions<介词> <10%>41. He went ___America six months ago.42. He will go there _____ air.43. _____ Wednesday evening, we went to the Town Hall.44. _____ return for this, the bagger stood on his head and sang song.45. Please write an essay _____ English.Part IV Reading Comprehension <30%>Directions:There are 2 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A>, B> C> and D>. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Passage OneOne day a big rock〔岩石fell down from a mountain. The rock stopped in the middle of the road in a village. It was like a big ball. Some of the strongest men in the village tried to move the rock. But no matter how hard they tried, they couldn't move it away. They tried to push it; they tried to roll it and they tried to pull it with a rope, but nothing worked."Well" they agreed, "there's nothing we can do about it. We'll have to build another road. "At this time, a young boy of about 12 years old said, "Excuse me, sirs, but I think I can help you move the rock. ""You?" they shouted, "What are you talking about? All of us have just tried and we can't move it at all." The men all laughed at the boy.The next morning some people came into the street. One of them shouted, "The rock is gone!" More people ran out into the street to see for themselves. It was true, and no one could see it anywhere."It is impossible, where has it gone?" they said. The boy stood out, saying "I did it last night. I dug a deep hole next to the rock and the rock rolled down into the hole by itself. Then I covered it with earth. "46. Where was the big rock from? ________A. a streetB. a mountainC. a hillD. a tree47. Why did the people in the village want to move the rock away? Because________ .A. it was in the middle of the roadB. it was on the mountainC. they didn't like the rockD. they wanted to build a road48. What did the people decide to do when they were not able to move the rock away?They decided to________A. find someone stronger to help themB. ask a little boy of 12 to help themC. build another roadD. break the rock49. Why did the people laugh at the boy? They thought that_____.____A the boy was too weak to move the rock awayB the boy was so strong that he could move the rockC. the boy was very helpfulD. it was easy for him to move the rock50. The next morning the people in the village found the rock _________A. disappearedB. was still thereC. was back on the mountain againD. was rolling down from the mountainPassage TwoSome ants〔蚂蚁make their homes under a stone. If the weather is warm, you may see many ants under the stone. If the weather is cold, many ants will be in their house under the ground.Most of the ants are workers. They are very busy. They look for food and take care of the young ants. Each family of ants has a queen ant〔蚁后. The queen ant doesn't work. She is important because she lays eggs. Those eggs will become baby ants.There are many kinds of ants in America. One kind of these is very strong. People are afraid of it, and animals are afraid of it, too.These ants move in groups. They eat all the animals on their way. They can kill and eat elephants, and they can eat wooden houses. When the ants come near, people leave their homes. But people are sometimes glad after the ants pass through, because they will see no other insects or snakes.51. Where can you find ants on warm days? ________A. Under the ground.B. On the ground.C. Inside people's houses.D. Under a stone.52. Why is a queen ant more important than a worker ant? Because ___________A. a queen ant produces the youngB. a queen ant is stronger than all the other family membersC. a queen ant finds food for all the other family membersD. a queen ant does more work than all the other family members53. Where can you find many kinds of ants according to the passage? ________A. In America.B. In China.C. In Canada.D. In Britain.54. Why are people glad after the dangerous ants pass through? ________A. Because they are goneB. Because they are not dangerous any moreC. Because there are no other insects or snakesD. Because the ants can be eaten55. Which of the following is true? ________A. People are not afraid of any kind of ant.B. Big animals are not afraid of any kind of ant.C. An elephant can kill and eat a kind of very strong ant.D. One kind of ants moves in groups.Passage ThreeTom Green spent his 114th birthday the other day and some reporters visited him to find out the secret of a long life."The secret of a long life is happiness," Green said. "If you are happy, you will live a long time.""Are you married?" a reporter asked. "Yes," Green answered. "I married my third wife when I was 102. If you are happily married, you will live better. But for〔要不是my third wife, I would have died years ago.""What about smoking and drinking?" another reporter asked. "Yes, they are important," Green said. "Don’t smoke at all and you will feel well. Drink two glasses of wine a day and you will be healthy and happy. "56.Some reporters visited Green because________A. he did something peculiarB. he was a friend of themC. he had lived much longer than most peopleD. he had married three times57. Green thought that________ was the most important to life.A. his third wifeB. gladC. happinessD. smoking58. Green thought his third wife helped him to live________ years longer.A.12B.14C.16D.1859. The writer wants to tell us________A. drinking a great deal is good for our healthB. drinking within a limit is helpfulC. smoking and drinking are indispensable〔不可缺少的to good healthD. we should quit smoking or drinking.60. The best title for this passage is________A. Drinking and SmokingB. The Secret of a Long LifeC. Happiness in LifeD. Astonished ReportersPart V Writing <10%>Directions: For this part you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic The Use of Computers in Schools. Your composition should be no less than 120 words and based on the outline <given in Chinese> below:1. 学生越来越多地使用电脑的好处。
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新概念英语第二册31答案【篇一:新概念英语第二册答案】>每课的选择题:lesson 1: bcbdc adbac cclesson 2: cdcca bbadc dblesson 3: cacac bccba bblesson 4: dbabb acbca cclesson 5: cadbc dabcb bdlesson 6: dacdd adaba dalesson 7: bccda cdacb ablesson 8: dbbac cbbad bblesson 9: cbdaa bbdbb dclesson 10: addcb cacac calesson 11: bbbab ccacc bdlesson 12: ccadd adacd aalesson : 13 bdbca bbcaa adlesson 14: bcacd bcbcb bblesson 15: dbcbc dadcc cblesson 16: aadab adadd dalesson 17: dbbdc cbaac adlesson18 : bdbdb cdcac cblesson 19: adccd bcbca cclesson 20: bcbbc bcacc dalesson 21 : cdcda cbbad cclesson 22: dbddb dacda bblesson 23: aaacc addbb adlesson 24: baaca acccb ablesson 25: cbbab cdbaa dalesson 26: adcbc ddabd bdlesson 27: dcddd baddc cclesson 28: cdbbc dbdcd balesson 29: bccbd babbb cblesson 30: aadab cccda ddlesson 31: dbaca adabc aclesson 32: cccbb cadad bclesson 33: dbdac bbccc aclesson 34: dabca dcbcb calesson 35: adadd adaba ddlesson 37: cbbbb dacdb ba lesson 38: bcaac bddba dd lesson 39: dacdd abacc ab lesson 40: ccbca acbbb bd lesson 41: aacdc bbada cb lesson 42: dddbb cddac da lesson 43: bbaad daccd ac lesson 45: bdabb dcbcb db lesson 46: acdda cbcad ca lesson 47: dabad aaddc ac lesson 48: cbcba cbbda bc lesson 49: dabab ccacc aa lesson 50: dbacc aadbb cd lesson 51: bcddd adcad db lesson 52: bccab dcbac bd lesson 53: cdacc cdcda cc lesson 54: dbdbd badcb dd lesson 55: aabda acabd ab lesson 56: cacca cabbc cc lesson 57: abbbb dcdcb da lesson 58: bdaac bdcad bd lesson 59: dbddd abada ab lesson 60: bacbc babac ad lesson 61: bacca dcabb dd lesson 62: addcd ccbda db lesson 63: dbaab ddacd ca lesson 64: ccccb bccab bb lesson 65: adbbc aadcc bd lesson 66: cbaad aabab ba lesson 67: daddd dbbad dd lesson 68: bbcdb bbccc aa lesson 69: abcbb ddaab cd lesson 70: dbccd bcacd dc lesson 71: bdbbc cdbbc ba lesson 72: acadb accdb ad lesson 73: cadac dadaa db lesson 74: baccd cacbc ab lesson 75: cabdb abbdd cc lesson 76: dbdaa bbacb ddlesson 78: acbbc acbab calesson 79: bdcca dbada aclesson 80: cbdad cadcc dblesson 81: daadb bdcbd bdlesson 82: abadc cdaac bdlesson 83: bacca bcbcd ablesson 84: ccabd cccda cdlesson 85: ddbab abdbb dclesson 86: bcabb bdcab bclesson 87: cdcda ccada adlesson 88: cbbcc abbcc cblesson 89: aadad dadbd dblesson 90: bccca bcbad ddlesson 91: dbcbc dbbcb cblesson 92: bcdcb abbad calesson 93: cdbac ccdcb dblesson 94: abcba dacda bclesson 95: dabad cdcac dclesson 96: dccba dcdab cb这是课后习题的a private conversation私人谈话练习答案 key to written exercises1.关键句型练习答案a i (1) got (2) very angry (3) .i (1) could not hear (2) the actors (3) .i (1) turned round (2) .i (1) looked at (2) the man and the woman (3) angrily (4) . they (1) did not pay (2) any attention (3) .in the end (6), i (1) could not bear (2) it (3).i (1) turned round (2) again (6) .?i (1) cant hear (2) a word (3)! ?i (1) said (2) angrily (4) .?it (1) is (2) none of your business (3) , ?the young man (1) said (2) rudely (4) .?this (1) is (2) a private conversation (3)!?b 1 i enjoyed the film yesterday.2 i listened to the news carefully.3 the man played the piano well.4 the children played games quietly in their room yesterday.5 he opened the door quietly.6 he left immediately.7 he planted a tree in the corner of the garden.8 he read the letter quickly in his office before lunch.9 i borrowed a book from the library this morning.10 the cook spoilt the soup.11 we stay at home on sundays.12 there are a lot of people at the bus stop.13 the little boy ate greedily an apple in the kitchen this morning.14 she draws beautifully.15 i like music very much.16 they built a new school in our village last year.17 the match ended at four oclock.18 she received a letter from her brother last week.lesson 2breakfast or lunch?早餐还是午餐?练习答案 key to written exercises1.关键句型练习答案a 1 are playing…play…is kicking…is running2?what are you doing??my landlady asked.?im leaving, mrs. lynch, i answered.?why are you leaving??she asked…?…friends never come to visit me…i frequently go to bed…i rarely listen…i always feel cold…?b 1 she rarely answers my letters.2 we never work after six oclock.3 the shops always close on saturday afternoons.4 do you always go to work by car?5 our teacher frequently collects our exercise books.6 we sometimes spend our holidays abroad.7 i often buy cds.8 do you ever buy cds?2.难点练习答案1 what a wonderful garden(this is) !2 what a surprise( this is) !3 what a lot of trouble he is causing!4 what wonderful actors (they are) !5 what a hard-working woman (she is) !6 what a tall building (it is) !7 what a terrible film (it is) !8 what a clever boy you are!9 what a pretty girl (she is) !10 what a strange guy (he is) !lesson 3please send me a card请给我寄一张明信片练习答案 key to written exercises1.关键句型练习答案a went (1.1);visited (1.2) ;sat(1.2) ;taught(1.2);lent;read(1.3) ;did not understand;thought (1.4);passed (1.5) ;did not send(1.5) ;made; go up (1.6) ;bought (1.7) ;spent(1.7) ;did not write(1.8)c …roy died last year…left me…spent a lot of money…bought one or two…never went to the cinema…stayed at home…listened to music…often lent cds…they kept them…lost many cds…2.难点练习答案1 he paid some money to the shopkeeper.2 he handed the prize to me.3 the waiter brought the man a bottle of beer.4 he sold me all his books.5 the shop assistant found me some curtain material.6 he dida big favour for me.7 she showed her new hat to her husband.8 she promised the finder a reward.9 he gave some advice to his son.10 his uncle left some money to/ for him.11 he is teaching us english.12 i bought you this bunch of flowers.13 bring me that book please.14 he offered a cigarette to me.15 read the first paragraph to me.16 ive ordered you some soup.17 i owe a lot of money to him.18 pass your father the mustard.lesson 4an exciting trip激动人心的旅行练习答案 key to written exercises1.关键句型练习答案a 1 i have just had breakfast.2 he has been in prison for six months.3 the police have not caught the thief yet.4 you have (already) asked that question three times (already).5 have you ever been to switzerland?6 i have never been to switzerland.7 he is a wonderful runner. he has broken two records so far .8 i havent seen george lately .c 1 he has just left the house .2 he has just had breakfast .3 she has just written a letter .4 my sister has just turned on the radio .5 my mother has just made the bed .6 she has just bought a new hat.d 1 he hasnt washed the dishes yet .2 she hasnt made the beds yet .3 he hasnt combed his hair yet .4 she hasnt swept the carpet yet .5 we havent read ? macbeth?yet .e 1 have you seen the new play at ?the globe?yet ? 2 have you taken your holidays yet ?3 have you read this book yet ?4 have you done your homework yet ?【篇二:新概念2 lesson31课后练习_小测验题】class=txt>experience(s), repair, spare parts, success companybicycle workshop helper1. l4 或l5课短语)2.3. 4.5. (请使用现在完成进行时)6.7. (after... and...) 8.in...)9. (“对...感到惊讶” be surprised at...)10. scott退休之后开始全到世界旅游。