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1.understand the principles of ALU and master methods of ALU design

2.understand the principles of ALU controller and master methods of ALU

controller design

3.understand the principles of register file and master methods of register file


so the task is

first, design a ALU with ALU controller

then, design a register file


2.1 ALU with ALU controller

We input the operand r, s; both are 32 bit integer, and aluc is the control code that defines the operation.

So we just make the code block, totally as ALU block, ALUC block, display block.

Figure 1 the input and output diagram

Figure 2 ALU operations

Figure 3 the truth table of operation cod e

Figure 4 principle of ALU

2.2 register file

The process is similar to the 2.1, when we get the principle of register file , it can be easily coding.

Figure 5 the input and output

Figure 6 The Circuit Integrating ALU


1.ALU and ALU Controller

Here is the code:

Top block:

module ALUC(input CCLK, input [1:0]BTN, input [3:0] SW, output LCDRS, LCDRW, LCDE, output [3:0] LCDDAT,output LED);

wire [3:0] lcdd;

wire rslcd, rwlcd, elcd;

wire o_zf;

wire [31:0] o_alu;

wire [2:0] i_aluc;

wire [1:0] alu_op;

wire [3:0] func;

reg [31:0] o_alu_old;

reg [255:0] strdata;

reg [31:0] i_r;

reg [31:0] i_s;

reg rst;

assign LCDDAT[3] = lcdd[3];

assign LCDDAT[2] = lcdd[2];

assign LCDDAT[1] = lcdd[1];

assign LCDDAT[0] = lcdd[0];

assign LCDRS = rslcd;

assign LCDRW = rwlcd;

assign LCDE = elcd;

assign LED = o_zf;

assign func[0] = SW[0];

assign func[1] = SW[1];

assign func[2] = SW[2];

assign func[3] = SW[3];

assign alu_op[0] = BTN[0];

assign alu_op[1] = BTN[1];

initial begin

strdata = "1111 2222 ";

i_r = 32'h1111;

i_s = 32'h2222;

rst = 0;

o_alu_old = 0;


display M0 (CCLK, rst, strdata, rslcd, rwlcd, elcd, lcdd); single_alu M1(i_r, i_s, i_aluc, o_zf, o_alu);

single_aluc M2(alu_op, func, i_aluc);

always @(posedge CCLK) begin

if (o_alu_old != o_alu) begin

strdata[127:120] = 8'h30 + o_alu[15:12];

strdata[119:112] = 8'h30 + o_alu[11:8];

strdata[111:104] = 8'h30 + o_alu[7:4];

strdata[103:96] = 8'h30 + o_alu[3:0];

o_alu_old = o_alu;



rst = 0;




module display(input CCLK, reset,input [255:0]strdata, output rslcd, rwlcd, elcd,

output [3:0] lcdd);

wire [7:0] lcddatin;

lcd M0 (CCLK, resetlcd, clearlcd, homelcd, datalcd, addrlcd,

lcdreset, lcdclear, lcdhome, lcddata, lcdaddr,

rslcd, rwlcd, elcd, lcdd, lcddatin, initlcd);

genlcd M1 (CCLK, reset, strdata, resetlcd, clearlcd, homelcd, datalcd,

addrlcd, initlcd, lcdreset, lcdclear, lcdhome,

lcddata, lcdaddr, lcddatin); endmodule

module genlcd(input CCLK, debpb0, input [255:0]strdata, output reg resetlcd,

output reg clearlcd, output reg homelcd,

output reg datalcd, output reg addrlcd,

output reg initlcd, input lcdreset, lcdclear,

input lcdhome, lcddata, lcdaddr,

output reg [7:0] lcddatin);
