


• • • • • • • • • • • 在国外,最初的清雪机械是采用推土机或装载机,利用其推土板和装载 斗将积雪集中在一起,这后来发展成犁式除雪机。早在1943年日本就开 始把V型犁装在载重卡车上用于除雪,经过多年的发展成材 料制成的指向圆周不同方向排列的棒装在滚筒上作为清雪专用器械,但 只对没冻的积雪效果好,直到后来出现了连续快速的大型旋转式清雪机 后,清理积雪的工作才变得简单。旋转式除雪机一般具有切削、集中、 推移和抛投的功能,具有结构复杂、功能多的特点。俄罗斯和日本是生 产旋转式除雪机的主要国家,技术成熟。其产品性能居世界领先水平 。除雪机在国外已经发展了几十年,特别是在瑞典、芬兰等北欧国家已 经相当成熟。根据我国国情,国内应加强雪的力学性质研究,建立道路 气象系统,除雪机械应向小型化、高速度的方向发展,向多功能、机电 液一体化的方向发展,同时注意提高安全性和舒适性[5]。 简言之,与其它类型的除雪机械相比,抛雪式除雪机一般具有对积雪的 切削、集中、推移和抛投功能,其应用较广,是一种现代化、高效率的 除雪机械。国内有关这方面的研究很少,据了解目前国内没有厂家在生 产小型抛投式清雪机。所以对这种小型的清雪机的研究、设计和开发必 然有很大的现实意义。
• 1.通过研究目前国内外该种设备的发展情况 提出了一种小型清雪设备的工作原理。 • 2.针对现有清雪车的不足进行改进,完善了 2 其中的一些细节,使设计出的产品更新颖、美 观、适用。 • 3.通过对小型清雪车的进一步研究和完善, 为以后生产出适合中国情的小型清雪设备奠定 了基础
• 1参考文献查阅(综述)、外文资料翻译 寒假期间 • 2方案研究,编写方案论证报告三月份 • 3选取设计方案,进行设计计算四月份 • 4毕业实习、三维建模,绘制二维工程图 五月份 • 5写设计说明书,准备答辩六月份



No-tillage drillIt is a significative mission for the persons majoring in agriculture mechanics to spread conservation agriculture, especially in the region adopting the double cropping mode. The culture condition in these areas gives some special problem to drill. For example, it is pressing to plant wheat as the follow course of maize; At that time the stalks cover is so heavy and the stalks are so flexile that the block is serious; The bushy maize root makes the earth surface too rough to drill in the no-tillage procedure; And seed bareness is familiar when adopting machines with gravity-root-broken mechanisms, etc. Presently, most native or foreign no-tillage drill can not finish the work smoothly. Designing and manufacturing row-controlled no-tillage wheat drill have been recited in this article based on the analysis and studies of the intention and principles of the conservation tillage.Nowadays the core problem is anti-blocking in the research and design of no-tillage planters domestic and abroad. Although many agricultural machine experts have made some progress, the anti-blocking problem is not solved in grain. Based on it, through classifying and analyzing the anti-blocking equipment used by no-tillage planters and its principle, contrasting their respective strongpoint and shortcoming, in the light of the mulching stalk property and the contrast of two kinds of cutting methods, the radical theory and general framework project of the sliding cutting type anti-blocking equipment are worked out.A new-concept of no-till wheat planter, named 2BMD-12 no-till row-follow wheat planter, had been developed by China Agricultural University to solve an extremely important problem which is zero tillage planting of wheat in narrow row spacing (150-200mm) between rows of very high-levels full length, standing maize stubble in one pass in the double cropping situation of North China. A powered rotary strip-chopping unit was placed forward of each single row of planter tines to ensure that the above-ground section of the planter tine is kept free from residue blockage. Field performance test of the machine demonstrated that it could be a good choice to work effectively for much of the time under more diffcult residue conditions than that most other planters could tolerate especially when it follows well between the standing maize stubble rows.But there are still some problems existing for the rotary strip-chopping unit, planting unit and ground wheels etc. The thesis focused on improving the design of the machine to solve these problems.(1)The strip-chopping axis was redesigned to reduce vibration and power consumption by adjusting the arrangement of the knives and on the basis of analyzing the forces on the axis. The improved machine can adapt to maize row spacing from 500mm to 700mm.(2)More improvements were done on the planning unit focusing on the blockage and depth control issues. A new anti-blockage mechanism, which combines the powered chopping and disc opener, was designed and tested. Fertilizer was applied using the narrow tine opener with chopping unit in front of each tine; while a double disc opener, which is proved to have high residue handling capacity, was installed right behind each tine to seed into the fertilizer furrow. This new design reduced the blockage between planting units. Meanwhile seeding depth of eachrow can be controlled separately by the ground feeling mechanism on each double-disc opener.So do the mode analysis in the finite element analysis software ANSYS and make appropriate remedy for the main frame and the main shaft. Get a compact firm steady model in the software interface.The block can be eliminated when the knives of pulverizes run through the abutted furrow opener stems. The problem of rough seeding bed is avoided in the use of row controlled method. It is more appropriate to the definition of conservative tillage for disturbing less soil. Seeding and fertilization can be finished in the single course in the field with average cover degree of 4kg/㎡.and all maize standing. It can save time, increase soil fertility, lessen the working procedure to use the drill. Finally, it will reduce the agriculture input.免耕播种机在我国广大一年两熟地区大力推广保护性耕作是目前该地区农机工作者的重要任务之一,其意义深远。



附录U; Numericalstudy on particle ; headforastreetvacuumswee ; BofuWu*,JinlaiMen,JieChe ;SchoolofMechanicalEnglis ;ABSTRAC;T Thepurposeofthispaperist ; Keywords:Pickuphead;Part ;1.Introduction ; Cu附录UNumerical study on particle removal performance of pickuphead for a street vacuum sweeperBofu Wu *, Jinlai Men, Jie ChenSchool of Mechanical English Shanghai Jiao TongUniversity ,Shanghai,200240,ChinaABSTRACTThe purpose of this paper is to investigate the particle removal performance of pickup head for a street vacuum sweeper numerically. An integrated 3D numerical model was constructed based on particle suction process in computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software. The airflow through the pickup head was treated as a continuum, while particles were modeled as dispersed phase. The Reynolds stress model (RSM) and discrete particle model (DPM) were chosen in order to predict the air and particles flow accurately. The numerical simulation results show that thesweeper-traveling speed and the pressure drop across the pickup head have great effects on the particle removal performance. The removal efficiency of particles increases with the lower sweeper-traveling speed or the higher pressure drop, and small size particles have higher grade efficiency than that of large size particles under the same operating conditions. Moreover, the removal mass flow rate of particles increases with the higher sweeper-traveling speed. Therefore, a trade-off should be considered among high removal efficiency, low energy consumption, and high removal mass flowrate. Through thenumerical simulation, the effectiveness of street vacuum sweeper for removing particles from road surface is evaluated, and an optimal operating condition is obtained. Besides, more information is generated to better understand the particle suction process of the pickup head.Keywords: Pickup head; Particle removalperformance ;CFD ;Sweeper-traveling speed Pressure drop1.IntroductionCurrently, there is a widespread concern over the pollution of particle matter. Dust and silt are the major sources of particle matter pollution, the removal of which therefore attracts considerable attention [1]. Street sweeping is typically practiced toremove the accumulation of dust and silt from road surface to improve aesthetics, public healthy, and storm water quality, so it is considered as an effective pollutant control practice for many local authorities [2,3]. Pickup head is the key component of street vacuum sweeper, which is designed to pick up particles efficiently from road surface and send them to dust collection hopper smoothly. The particle removal performance of the pickup head is the most important index for a street vacuum sweeper.Many researches have been performed on estimating the particle removal performance of street sweeping. For example, a study by Chang et al. [4] evaluated the effectiveness of street sweeping and washing for controlling ambient total suspended particles by experiments, which indicated that the street sweeping and washing process was effective at removing dust and silt from urban roads. However, some researchers such as Vaze and Chiew [5] considered that the contribution of street sweeping to environmental quality was not very clear, and may have an adverse impact because streetsweepers did not pick up smaller size particles effectively. Kangand Stenstorm [6] studied the street sweeping effectiveness as a stormwater managementpractice by using statistical power analysis. They pointed out that the effect of street sweeping should not be underestimated because some previous researches were based on insufficient data. Therefore, new methods were needed to evaluate the street sweeping effectiveness.As the particle removal performance for street vacuum sweeper varies based on sweeping technology, operating conditions, sweeping frequency, street dirt loading and particle size distribution [7], it is necessary to develop a repeatable and reliable method to calculate the particle removal performance of pickup head for a street vacuum sweeper. In order to evaluate the particle removal performance of pickup head, engineers generally concentrate on two parameters, the sweeper-traveling speed and the pressure drop across the pickup head. Their influences on the particle removal efficiency and the particle removal mass flow rate directly relate to the performance of the street vacuum sweeper. Chen et al. [8] investigated the influence of sweeper structure and sweeper-traveling speed on the particle removal performance by experiments. They found that the wing plate of pickup head and the sweeper-traveling speed had great influence on the critical pickup velocity of particles. Meanwhile, they analyzed the relationship of the particle pickup velocities and the airflow rates.With the rapid development of the computer technology, the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) has been successfully adopted to study various industrial pneumatic conveying processes [9,10]. Although many works have studied the particle removal performance by experiments over the past decades, few works considered the particle removal performance of pickup head using CFD. Xu et al. [11] conducted a 3D numerical simulation on the flow field of pickup head and gas system for a highway mechanical sweeper. They analyzed the interactionbetween the pickup system and the filter system, and optimized the combined system based on numerical results. Zeng et al. [12] employed the CFD technology to simulate the flow field of pickup head. The study showed that the performance of street sweeping was improved significantly by changing the structure of pickup head, and the numerical simulation proved that the CFD was an effective tool to calculate the flow field characteristics of pickup head. However, these works did not account for the influence of particles on the flow field during the investigation, so the particle removal efficiency and the particle removal mass flow rate cannot be obtained. More importantly, influences of the sweeper-traveling speed and the pressure drop, which are the most important parameters, should not be neglected while modeling the performance of pickup head.Gas cyclone is the device that utilizes centrifugal force to separate particles from carrier gas, whereas pickup head for a street vacuum sweeper is the device that employs vacuum pressure to suck up particles from road surface. Therefore, the particle removal performance of pickup head will be also calculated by using the CFD approach, which has been validated by the successful investigation of the particle collection performance of gas cyclones [13,14].The aim of the present study is to investigate the particle removal performance of pickup head under various sweeper-traveling speeds and pressure drop using commercial CFD program Fluent 6.3. The numerical CFDmodel is verified by sweeping field experiments. Based on the numerical results, the balance among the particle removal efficiency, the pressure drop across the pickup head and the removal mass flow rate is considered, and an optimal operating condition is obtained.2.Sweeping field experimentsA street vacuum sweeper with an engine power of 57 kw was used in this work. It used an elaborately designed vacuumsystem for dusts pickup. Fig.1 showed that the street vacuum sweeper was pickingup sand particles from experimental road surface by using a pickup head. As street vacuum sweeper moves forward, the centrifugal fan mounted on the sweeper establishes a vacuum in the dust collection hopper. Particles lay at rest on the road surface initiate to roll, slide and bounce as certain airflow velocity is reached, and then they are vacuumed through the four narrow slots (front, rear, left and right) into the pickup head. After entering the pickup head, most particles are picked up by the airflow and then sent from outlet into the dust collection hopper through a vacuum hose, but some will escape from the rear narrow slot to the outside of the pickup head. The schematic diagram of the pickup head used in the sweeping field experiments is shown in Fig. 2, and its main dimensions are given in Table 1.Fig. 1. Picking up sand particles from road surface in the field experiments.Fig. 2. Schematic diagram of the pickup head.In the field experiments, the safety factor was vital important because it would be dangerous if measurements stopped traffic. Therefore, a road without traffic was chosen, as shown in Fig. 1.On the road surface, a 2.0 m x 1.8 m sampli ng surface was selected and painted white. Sands were spread uniformly on the sampling surface as test particles with the density of 2500 kg/m3, and the mass loading was set as 0.1 kg/m2. The sand particle size distributio n Yd by mass can be defi ned by using Rosin —Rammler distributionwhere dp is the particle diameter, d is the particle mean diameter and n is the spread parameter.Calculated from the sand data, the particle mean diameter andthe spread parameter are 81 口m and 5.95, respectively. The cumulative size distribution of sand particles is plotted in Fig.3.。



附录AWindshield WiperBackgroundWindshield wipers are used to clean the windshield of a car so that the driver has an unobstructed view of the road. A typical wipe angle for a passenger car is about 67 degrees. The blades are 12-30 in (30-76 cm) long with lengths increasing in 2-in (5-cm) increments.HistoryThe history of the windshield wiper began with the invention of the automobile. Most transportation vehicles did not have wipers. Horse-drawn carriages and trucks moved at slow speeds, and glass was not needed to protect the driver or passengers or to act as a windbreak.The first windshield wipers were brushes. Inventor J. H. Apjohn came up with a method of moving two brushes up and down on a vertical plate glass windshield in 1903. In the same year, Mary Anderson devised a swinging arm that swept rain off the windshield when the driver moved a lever located inside the car. Anderson patented her invention of the mechanical windshield wiper in 1905, and it became standard equipment by 1913. Electric motors were not used yet to power automobile essentials or accessories, and Anderson's device had a drawback. Without another power source, a driver had to use one hand to move the lever. The driver's other hand steered the car (with either a wheel or steering tiller) and worked the stick-mounted gear shift and brake grips standing on the floor of the car or outside the driver's side on the running board.Rubber strips replaced brushes as the cleaning tools on wipers in 1905. Unfortunately, the hazardous need for drivers to wipe windshields while driving was not eliminated until 1917. The solution was to use an electric motor to move a single wiper with a long rubber blade back and forth. Hawaiian dentist Dr. Ormand Wall invented the automatic wiper by placing an electric motor in the top center of the windshield so the wiper arced down over the hood of the car in a semi-circular or rainbow shape. Wipers were one of the first electrical devices in automobiles after the electric starter was developed in 1912. Most wipers on cars before 1930 were paired and hung down from the top of the windshield. They were moved to the base of the windshield as electrical systems became more complicated.Windshield washers were added to the wiper on/off levers, and these required spray nozzles in front of the windshield, a tank for washer fluid in the engine compartment, and electrical connections to coordinate these operations. In 1962, Bob Kearns invented the intermittent wiper with intervals and speeds that the driver could change. The advent of electronic systems with fuses and circuit breakers to operate, regulate, and coordinate electrical components expanded the possibilities for more diverse wipers. Wipers were added to headlights in the 1980s, requiring connections between the lighting and wiper systems. In the 1990s, microsensors were built into windshields to detect rain on the windshield, activate the wipers, and adjust speed and intermittent use for the amount of rain.Raw MaterialsThe manufacturer purchases all of the parts from companies that specialize in fabricating parts from aluminum and steel, rubber blades, plastic bushings for the linkages, and the motors. Windshield wipers and windshield wiper systems (with motors) are different assemblies; some manufacturers make both, and others produce wipers only.The connecting and drive links and the pivots that move the wipers are made of galvanized steel. Galvanization is the process of applying zinc coating to steel to protectit from corrosion. Drive arms for boats and vehicles used in the marine industry are made of stainless steel that resists damage from salt water. The wiper suspension and claws are also galvanized steel. The galvanizing zinc coating is easier to paint than uncoated steel. Steel is also the material in the small parts of wipers, such as washers, screws, nuts, springs, and brackets.The blade frame is made from aluminum. The blades are made of natural rubber or synthetic compounds. Some rubber blades are composites of soft rubber on the wiping edge (the squeegee surface) and firm rubber that supports the wiping edge in the rest of the blade.Other materials that comprise parts of windshield wipers are rubber for washers in the pivots and plastic bushings that line holes for connecting parts of the linkage. The wiper suspension is typically painted black. If the wiper manufacturer also builds wiper systems, motors are purchased from subcontractors. The motors are contained in steel housings and include permanent magnet motors wound with copper wire. Each housing has connections for the electrical wires that are part of the vehicle and wiring harnesses are furnished specific to operating the wipers. Each motor also contains one or more electronic circuits depending on the sophistication of the system that the motor controls.DesignWindshield wipers are designed and made to clear water from a windshield. Most cars have two wipers on the windshield, and they may have one on the rear window and one on each headlight. The wiper parts visible from outside the car are the rubber blade, the wiper arm holding the blade, a spring linkage, and parts of the wiper pivots. The wiper itself has up to six parts called pressure points or claws that are small arms under the wiper. The claws distribute pressure from the wiper along the back of the blade. This is described as a balance beam with a suspension system, where the wiper is the beam and the claws are the suspension components. The claws keep the blade flexed against the windshield to distribute even pressure to clean the glass all along the blade. Moreclaws usually distribute the pressure better and are suited to large or highly curved windshields.Although the rubber is the familiar part of the blade, the blade actually includes a metal strip called a blade frame with a slot along the length of the frame and replacement holes in the frame. The replacement holes provide access for replacing the rubber blade with a refill. The blade on its aluminum frame can also be changed as a unit.The standard two windshield wipers are usually operated as a single-motor, tandem scheme with one wiper on the driver's side and one positioned near the middle of the windshield that moves across the passenger's view. The wipers are secured to pivots. A wiper and pivot are mounted on brackets at both ends of a long rod called the connecting link, and, as the force from the motor pushes on the driver's end of the connecting link, it in turn moves the other wiper. The connecting link is attached to another long rod called the drive link near the wiper motor. A slender spring linkage ties the pivot to the drive link to return the wiper to its resting or park position, hug the wiper close to the windshield, and keep it attached to the car if the links are damaged.Between the motor and the drive link, a linkage system consisting of a cam (another short rod) and pivot, a gear output shaft, and a worm gear controls the force of the motor delivered to the drive arm. The worm gear slows the speed of the motor while multiplying its torque (force). The gear allows a small motor to produce enough force to move the blades across the glass. This description is based on using a single motor to drive both wipers. If one motor powers each wiper, more links are needed to move the two wipers together in a so-called unitized motor system.This multiplied force is required to accelerate the blades from being stopped at bothWindshield wiper systems.ends of their movement, to resist the friction of the rubber against the glass, to resist the friction of the rubber on dirt on the glass, and to oppose wind pressure on the windshield.Quality ControlDuring assembly, the workers observe the conditions of the parts during their work, but their only specific quality control activity is to check the operation of the motors by turning them on to make sure they start and by listening to the sounds they make as indications of performance.The last inspection is performed when the assemblies are complete and before the wipers and systems are packed. The manufacturing director or final quality control inspectors look at the general appearance of the assemblies, confirm that the wipers have been sized and angled correctly for their sweep, and check that the assemblies are in the park position. The director or inspectors also check to see that the correct accessories are ready to be packed with the assemblies.Byproducts/WasteSmall quantities of steel and aluminum scraps from trimmings or rejected or damaged parts are collected in bins and sold to salvage dealers who, in turn, sell them to metal manufacturers who melt the scrap down for recycling. Packaging from received parts is also collected and recycled.The FutureAs of 2002, windshield wipers and wiper systems are evolving because of changes in automobiles and other vehicles, technical improvements, and consumer demand. Wiper blades are as much as 30 in (76 cm) long, creating more resistance as they clean the windshield. Night-vision screens for windshields are in development, and these also increase resistance and change the dimensions needed for wipers. Blades are being improved with increasingly flexible rubber, so-called "boots" that fit around the blades to keep out ice and snow, and nonstick coatings on the squeegee edges of the blades to keep oil and wax from adhering and aging them.Motor systems are also being increased in voltage to power longer wipers and more accessories. Engineers are investigating fully automated systems that do not require any actions by drivers to start and stop wiper systems. Inventors expect the capabilities of the rain-detecting sensors available in the late 1990s to widen to prompt the wipers to clean dirty windshields with no rain, for example. Windshield wipers are among most reliable automotive devices—the design life of a wiper system is 1.5 million wipes.附录B雨刷背景雨刷是专门用来清洁车辆上的挡风玻璃,这样司机就可以清晰地看到前方的道路了。



中国地质大学长城学院本科毕业设计外文资料翻译系别:工程技术系专业:机械设计制造及其自动化姓名:杜娟学号: 052114322015年 3 月 27 日外文资料翻译译文超声波清洗超声波清洗技术是在工业领域中广泛应用的一种新方法,采用这种技术可以去除工件表面的磨削、研磨、抛光后残留的碎屑,清除工件表面残留的油污,甚至可以除去油漆层。

超声波清洗能够大范围的应用于工业零件,大的方面可以到波音 747 飞机的引擎维修,小的方面可以到手表的小零件制作,都有它的用武之地,就目前而言,它以广泛应用电子、精密机械、照明工程、光学、冶金、医疗仪器设备等诸多领域。




超声波清洗常用频率在 20 kHz到 50 kHz,常用清洗温度在50 ℃-80 ℃。

超声波清洗系统中,空化效应是由一系列超声波换能器将声波导入清洗槽内的清洗液中而产生,这个声波会传遍整个清洗槽, 并在液体中产生了波的压缩和扩张。




当这个现象发生时,也就产生了液体的喷射,会使温度高达 9032华氏度 (约为太阳的温度)。





LATHESANDGRINDINGLathes aremachine tools designed primarily to do turning, facing and boring. Very little turning is done on other types of machine tools, and none can do it with equal facility. Because lathe also can dodrillingand reaming, their versatility permits several operations to be done with a single setup of the workpiece. The accounts for the fact that lathes of various types are more widely used in manufacturing than any other machine tool.Lathes in various forms have existed for more than two thousand years. Modern lathes date form about 1797, when Henry Maudsley developed one with a leadscrew. It provided controlled, mechanical feed of the tool. This ingenious Englishman also developed a change-gear system that could connect the motion of the spindle and leadscrew and thus enable threads to be cut.Lathe Construction. The essential components of a lathe are the bed, headstock assembly, tailstock assembly, carriage assembly, quick-change gear box, and the leadscrew and feed rod.The bed is the backbone of a lathe. It usually is made of well-normalized or aged gray or nodular cast iron and provides a heavy, rigid frame on which all the other basic components are mounted. Two sets of parallel, longitudinal way, inner and outer, are contained on the bed, usually on the upper side. Some makers use an inverted V-shape for all four ways, whereas others utilize one1 / 14inverted V and one flat way in one or both sets. Because several other components are mounted and/or move on the ways they must be made with precision to accuracy of alignment. Similarly, proper precaution should be taken in operating a lathe to assure that the ways are not damaged. Any inaccuracy in them usually means that the accuracy of the entire lathe is destroyed. The ways on most modern lathes are surface hardened to offer greater resistance to wear and abrasion.The headstock is mounted in a fixed position on the inner ways at one end of the lathe bed. It provides a powered means of rotating the work at various speeds. It consists, essentially, of a hollow spindle, mounted in accurate bearings, and a set of transmission gear——similar to a truck transmission——through which the spindle can be rotated at a number of speeds. Most lathes provide from eight to eighteen speeds, usually in a geometric ratio, and modern lathes all the speeds can be obtained merely by from two to four levers. An increasing trend is to provide to continuously variable speed range through electrical or mechanical drives.Because the accuracy of a lathe is greatly dependent on the spindle, it is of heavy construction and mounted in heavy bearings, usually preloaded tapered roller or ball tapes. A longitudinal hole extends through the spindle so that long bar stock can be fed through it. The size of this hole is an important size dimension of a lathe because it determines the maximum size of bar stock that can2 / 14be machined when the material must be fed through the spindle.The inner end of the spindle protrudes from the gear box and contains a means for mounting various types of chucks, face plates, and dog plates on it. Whereas small lathes often employ a threaded section to which the chucks are screwed, most large lathes utilize either cam-lock or key-drive taper noses. These provide a large-diameter taper than assures the accurate alignment of the chuck, and a mechanism that permits the chuck or face plate to be locked or unlocked in position without the necessity of having to rotate these heavy attachments.Power is supplied to the spindle by means of an electric motor through a V-belt or silent-chain drive. Most modern lathes have motors of from 5 to 15 horsepower to provide adequate power for carbide and ceramic tools at their high cutting speeds.The tailstock assembly consists, essentially, of three parts. A lower casting fits on the inner ways of the bed and can slide longitudinally thereon, with a means for clamping the entire assembly in any desired location. An upper casting fits on the lower one and can be moved transversely upon it on type of keyed ways. This transverse motion permits aligning the tailstock and headstock spindles and provides a method of turning tapers. The third major component of the assembly is the tailstock quill. This is a hollow steel cylinder, usually about 2 to 3 inches in diameter, that can be moved several inches longitudinally in and out of the upper casting3 / 14by means of a handwheel and screw. The open end of the quill hole terminates in a Morse taper in which a lathe center, or various tools as drills, can be held. A graduated scale, several inches in length, usually is engraved on the outside of the quill to aid in controlling its motion in and out of the upper casting. A locking device permits clamping the quill in any desired position.The carriage assembly provides the means for mounting and moving cutting tools. The carriage is a relatively flat H-shaped casting that rests and moves on the outer set of ways on the bed. The transverse bar of the carriage contains ways on which the cross slide is mounted and can be moved by means of a feed screw that is controlled by a small handwheel and a graduated dial. Through the cross slide a means is provided for moving the lathe tool in the direction normal to the axis of rotation of the work.On most lathes the tool post actually is mounted on compound rest. This consists of a base, which is mounted on the cross slide so that it can be pivoted about a vertical axis, and an upper casting. The upper casting is mounted on ways on this base so that it can be moved back and forth and controlled by means of a short lead screw operated by a handwheel and a calibrated dial.Manual and powered motion for the carriage, and powered motion for the carriage, and powered motion for the cross slide, is provided by mechanisms within the apron, attached to the front of the carriage. Manual movement of the carriage along the bed is4 / 14effected by turning a handwheel on the front of the apron, which is geared to a pinion on the back side. This pinion engages a rack that is attached beneath the upper front edge of the bed in an inverted position.To impart powered movement to the carriage and cross slide, a rotating feed rod is provided. The feed rod, which contains a keyway throughout most of its length, passes through the two reversing bevel pinions and is keyed to them. Either pinion cam be brought into mesh with a mating bevel gear by means of the reversing lever on the front of the apron and thus provide“forward”or“reverse”power to the carriage. Suitable clutches connect either the rack pinion or the cross-slide screw to provide longitudinal motion of the carriage or transverse motion of cross slide.For cutting threads, a second means of longitudinal drive is provided by a lead screw. Whereas motion of the carriage when driven by the feed-rod mechanism takes place through a friction clutch in which slippage is possible, motion through the lead screw is by a direct, mechanical connection between the apron and the lead screw. This is achieved by a split nut. By means of a clamping lever on the front of the apron, the split nut can be closed around the lead screw. With the split nut closed, the carriage is moved along the lead screw by direct drive without possibility of slippage.Modern lathes have a quick-change gear box. The input end of5 / 14this gear box is driven from the lathe spindle by means of gearing. The output end of the gear box is connected to the feed rod and lead screw. Thus, through this gear train, leading from the spindle to the quick-change gear box, thence to the lead screw and feed rod, and then to the carriage, the cutting tool can be made to move a specific distance, either longitudinally or transversely, for each revolution of the spindle. A typical lathe provides, through the feed rod, forty-eight feeds ranging from 0.002 inch to 0.118 inch per revolution of the spindle, and, through the lead screw, leads for cutting forty-eight different threads from 1.5 to 92 per inch. On some older and some cheaper lathes, one or two gears in the gear train between the spindle and the change gear box must be changed in order to obtain a full range of threads and feeds.The common machining processes of drilling, turning, and milling generally produce a fairly large chip in comparison to those produced by the processes discussed in this section. Abrasive materials are the cutting tools in the machining processes called grinding. Grinding machines and grinding processes make up one of the most important areas in all machining.Grinding processes are chip-making metal cutting processes just like drilling, turning, and milling. However, grinding processes remove very small chips (called swarf) in very large numbers by the cutting action of many small individual abrasive grains. These abrasive grains are formed into a grinding wheel that is rotated6 / 14against the workpiece at high speed. Each sharp corner of a grain cuts a small bit of material from the workpiece. When the corners become dull, heat and pressure increase, fracturing grains in the grinding wheel. This ability of the grains to microfracture and expose new sharp edges is termed friability. Some abrasive grains are produced to be tough (not break down readily). These are used in harsh grinding situations, such as the rough grinding (snagging) of castings in a foundry. Other grains are produced to break down readily and are used in grinding wheels where cool grinding is essential. An example of such an application would be the grinding of hardened steels. The characteristics of the bonding material are carefully matched to the abrasive grain by the producers of abrasive products. As the bonding material that holds the grains breaks down, new sharp grains are exposed, replacing the worn ones. This also provides a method of sharpening grinding wheels. Abrasive materials are also coated on sheets of cloth or paper in the form of sandpaper or sanding belts and disks. They also appear as solid blocks such as sharpening or honing stones or deburring media such as pellets.In machining, grinding processes are most often used as finish machining processes. The reason for this is that very small amounts (less than 0.001 in.) of material can be removed from the workpiece. This is extremely useful in finish machining a part to close dimensional accuracies. Furthermore, grinding processes result in7 / 14very smooth surface finishes on the workpiece.The abrasive materials that are the cutting tools in the grinding process are much harder than the equivalent materials used in common drills, laths, and milling cutters. Therefore, these materials can be used to machine much harder materials than could ever be cut with high speed steel or even carbide. The grinding process can be applied to finish machine metals that have been hardened by heat treatment. For example, bearing races may be premachined to rough dimensions before heat treating. After hardening and tempering to exact specifications, they may be finish machined by grinding.A grinding machine is a machine which employs a grinding wheel for producing cylindrical, conical or plane surfaces accurately and economically. There is a great variety of grinding machines. The machines that are generally used are cutter grinder, surface grinder, centerless grinding, external grinder, internal grinder and tool grinder.8 / 14精品好资料——————学习推荐车床与磨削车床主要是为了进行车外圆、车端面和镗孔等项工作而设计的机床。



cartridge, and electric control system of walking system, etc, with high dust collection range, the net absorption rate, no secondary dust suction, and outlet no dust emissions, high working efficiency, etc. Is the preferred product for sanitation clean and material recycling. Suitable for the industrial and mining enterprises that produce dust, high concentration and high density of dust and dust; The rapid cleaning and cleaning of urban elevated, fast roads and tunnels; Cleaning and cleaning of main street, high grade highway and highway.The dry cleaning car is introducedDry cleaning the car is a new type of road sweeper, not without a brush spray, all air assignments, by aerodynamics, by experts identified the domestic leading technology, and with independent intellectual property rights, development, and developed by luoyang chi windmill industry co., LTD., the production of road jie brand series vacuum sweeper all airflow, brush, spray, without a dust, without secondary dust, road clean vacuuming the widespread use of car will greatly reduce the content of particulate matter in the air, thoroughly solved the problem of the dust pollution is serious, is a modernized new sanitation product environmental protection, energy saving, the environmental protection technical indexes of this product is higher than the national industry standard.Multi-function all-suction cleaning carMulti-functional total suction sweep road car is to use the patent technology development of new products, it has changed the past the traditional method for cleaning the car plate rolling brush brush sweep, but all adopt the airflow to finish the homework, using air movement mode to hoard dust and garbage collection, so the efficiency is very high. This product can reduce dust pollution effectively, improve air quality, reduce the amount of particulate matter in air, and improve people's living environment.Why do you need to use a sweeping carThe traditional answer: sweep the road to clean the floor, wash the floor to wash and dry all kinds of ground.The professional answer: the road car can not only solve the problem but also make more profit for the user.The sweeping car can solve the following problems:People live in a dusty environment with health problems;Environmental indicators required by state laws or local regulations;A problem caused by premature excess of the road due to dust or garbage;The product of the production workshop is contaminated by dust;The problem of dust pollution of fixed or moving machines in production workshops;The ability to bring greater profits (or savings) :The sweeping vacuuming system of sweeping cars is equivalent to about 6-40 times artificial;The level of 2, reduce dust pollution to the environment (to save time and money, reduce artificial cleaning of product appearance, cleaning and maintenance of mechanical equipment and periodic health work environment, etc.)Improve the efficiency of work and increase the motivation of the operator.A clean and tidy environment not only improves the image of the city, but also contributes to the construction of urban culture and the initiative of the citizens.The comparison between the mechanical and the manual1, work efficiency, the same homework area time is greatly shortened;The clean cost of the mechanical unit area is, to be sure, lower than the artificial cost. Clean effect, the machine can avoid the problem that the cleaner USES not average, the clean effect is not unified;4, safety performance, let clean workers in the safe environment (the traffic on the road is too much, and the safety of the self is not strong).Economic returns, for example, take a car for example, how much money it spent on the day it stopped using, the real price. In addition to the cost of investment, there are operational costs and labor costs.Sweep road car industry in China after decades of development, products from a single pure sweep type development to the present a variety of types, product performance and product quality rapidly improved, especially after the reform and opening up, by importing key purchased components to sweep road car product performance and reliability is greatly increased. But at present, the level of the road car in China is different from that of developed countries in other countries, especially in the reliability of the product. To improve the level of the sweep road car as soon as possible, reducing the gap with advanced countries sweep road car, meet the requirements of the sanitation department for road surface cleaning operation in our country, sweep road car production enterprise should choose an appropriate sweep road car research direction. With the development of the society, the progress, are no longer satisfied with the simple sense of vacuum sweeper, will from the perspectives of multifunctional, environmental protection, economy, to ask for more, call can satisfy the various needs of vacuuming car market. Is under such circumstances, the Chinese construction bureau of luoyang construction machinery factory and luoyang chi windmill industry co., LTD. Jointly developed with independent intellectual property rights of new multifunctional suction all sweep road car is now officially put on the market. The new model can be a complete surface cleaning, the road road teeth cleaning, the road road teeth cleaning and cleaning the sprinkling water on the ground after work and so on, is suitable for various climate and dry pavement cleaning operation, more suitable for square, roads, residential district, parking lot, wharf, airport, station, cement plants, power plants and other places clean dust removal.In order to avoid operation error, the control valve mainly distinguishes the main valve and the auxiliary valve. Then the two valve is, where is the main difference, the main valve driven by sweep road car chassis, vice valve power from the special function of the engine. The common engine of the road scavenging car has the north facing the wood, the jiangling, cummins. Main valve management chassis shell carriage tilt and carriages behind the back door of hydraulic pressure switch, the deputy valve management four brush to sweep road car (can be individually controlled one or all of the work) and suction cups.2, the engine's secondary engine is different from the engine, but the average speed is around 1500 to 18003, according to the needs of work, generally can choose whether to take water spray dustfunction, general configuration generally take after water spray, also need to pay attention to the clear water tank of water is enough, clear water tank volume, working time may have difference.4, the road sweepers electromagnetism multi-channel valve pressure adjustment is normally on the overflow valve, the user can adjust the pressure appropriately to change the speed of the sweeping brush.5, additional sweeper can choose according to the road vehicle whether brush to brush on the left and the right to work at the same time, such as sweeping the road corner is only open one side of the brush rotation work here in the corner6, the dustbin of the scavenging car may have small dust deposits, and manual processing is required to clean up the dustbin.7, the distance from the sweeping car to the ground should be adjusted according to the condition of the road.The scavenging tube may often have dirt and mud, and it will need to be cleaned up regularly for better results.9, control the electrical parts of the box in order to use a more stable need to replace a piece.10, the sanitation worker should regularly check whether the functional areas are normalIn order to avoid the effects of foreign bodies in hydraulic oil on the normal operation of the electromagnetic control valves, the sanitation workers should check the hydraulic oil regularly.12, it is normal to check the limit device of the clutch power push rod of the engine.13, the time interval should be five seconds when the floor is converted14, when a hydraulic part of a road sweeper is not working properly, check the oil circuit before checking the circuit.(1) the reason that the circuit is partially abnormal may be: insurance disconnection, line connection looseness, line break(2) there may be reasons for the abnormal flow of oil: the oil pump failure, the breakdown of the tubing, the leakage of oil from the oil circuit, and the failure of the solenoid valve. Cleaning workOpen the control box and point the control valve to the secondary valve position2 start vice machine3 the clutch control button points to the closed position, and the fan starts to work4 point the dust box control knob to the descending positionThe left sweep or right sweep control button points to the descending position6 turn the left sweep or right sweep the control knob to the positive position (left pan clockwise, right hand counterclockwise)The left spray, the right water spray, and the rear water control knob point to the open positionSet the pump control button to the open positionThe car moves at the right speed and begins to sweepCleaning the endThe car stopped runningControl the pump control button, left spray control button, right water control button, and rear water jet control knob point to close position3 will sweep the control button to the middle position4 move the dial to the position of the liter and then point to the middle positionPoint the dust box to the top and point to the middle positionPoint the clutch to the position of the point, and then point to the middle position7 control the control key point to the middle positionClose the secondary engineTurn off the power of the control boxWaste dischargedOpen the control box and point the control knob to the main valve position2 start the main engine of the vehicleStep 3 on the clutchTurn on the oil pump clutch switch.Release the clutch at the appropriate speed6 position the back door control knob on the control box to point to the open position, and then point to the middle position in 5 secondsThe control button is pointed at the Angle of the carriage, and the control key points to the middle position at any time8 garbage cleaningWhen the garbage is cleared, the control button is pointed to the lower position, and the control button points to the middle position after the carriage returnSet the back door to the center of the lock, and then point to the middle position 10 seconds laterClean up the garbageStep on the clutch13 attach the additional pump clutch control button (inward push)Release the clutch at the appropriate speedThe control valve of the control box points to the middle positionTurn off the control boxBest environment for the type of scavenging carWet sweeping road, highway, road surface areaNo brush dry sweep road, highway, north cold outdoor workThere is a brush dry sweeping car, which is not normal, and it is the same as wet .道路清扫车是集路面清扫、垃圾回收和运输为一体的新型高效清扫设备。



外文原文Introduction to Industrial RobotsIndustrial robets became a reality in the early 1960’s when Joseph Engelberger and George Devol teamed up to form a robotics company they called “Unimation”.Engelberger and Devol were not the first to dream of machines that could perform the unskilled, repetitive jobs in manufacturing. The first use of the word “robots” was by the Czechoslovakian philosopher and playwright Karel Capek in his play R.U.R.(Rossum’s Universal Robot). The word “robot” in Czech means “worker” or “slave.” The play was written in 1922.In Capek’s play , Rossum and his son discover the chemical formula for artificial protoplasm. Protoplasm forms the very basis of life.With their compound,Rossum and his son set out to make a robot.Rossum and his son spend 20 years forming the protoplasm into a robot. After 20 years the Rossums look at what they have created and say, “It’s absurd to spend twenty years making a man if we can’t make him quicker than nature, you might as w ell shut up shop.”The young Rossum goes back to work eliminating organs he considers unnecessary for the ideal worker. The young Rossum says, “A man is something that feels happy , plays piano ,likes going for a walk, and in fact wants to do a whole lot of things that are unnecessary … but a working machine must not play piano, must not feel happy, must not do a whole lot of other things. Everything that doesn’t contribute directly to the progress of work should be eliminated.”A half century later, engi neers began building Rossum’s robot, not out of artificial protoplasm, but of silicon, hydraulics, pneumatics, and electric motors. Robots that were dreamed of by Capek in 1922, that work but do not feel, that perform unhuman or subhuman, jobs in manufacturing plants, are available and are in operation around the world.The modern robot lacks feeling and emotions just as Rossum’s son thought it should. It can only respond to simple “yes/no” questions. The moderrn robot is normally bolted to the floor. It has one arm and one hand. It is deaf, blind, and dumb. In spite of all of these handicaps, the modern robot performs its assigned task hour after hour without boredom or complaint.A robot is not simply another automated machine. Automation began during the industrial revolution with machines that performed jobs that formerly had been done by human workers. Such a machine, however , can do only the specific job for which it was designed, whereas a robot can perform a variety of jobs.A robot must have an arm. The arm must be able to duplicate the movements of a human worker in loading and unloading other automated machines, spraying paint, welding, and performing hundreds of other jobs that cannot be easily done with conventional automated machines.DEFINITION OF A ROBOTThe Robot Industries Association(RIA) has published a definition for robots in an attempt to clarify which machines are simply automated machines and which machines are truly robots. The RIA definition is as follows:“A robot is a reprogrammabl e multifunctional manipulator designed to move material, parts, tools, or specialized devices through variable programmed motions for the performance of a variety of tasks.”This definition, which is more extensive than the one in the RIA glossary at the end of this book, is an excellent definition of a robot. We will look at this definition, one phrase at a time, so as to understand which machines are in fact robots and which machines are little more than specialized automation.First, a robot is a “reprogrammable multifunctional manipulator.” In this phrase RIA tells us that a robot can be taught (“reprogrammed”) to do more than one job by changing the informaion stored in its memory. A robot can be reprogrammed to load and unload machines, weld, and do ma ny other jobs (“multifunctional”). A robot is a“manipulator”. A manipulator is an arm( or hand ) that can pick up or move things. At this point we know that a robot is an arm that can be taught to do different jobs.The definition goes on to say that a ro bot is “designed to move material, parts, tools, or specialized devices.” Material includes wood,steel, plastic, cardboard… anything that is used in the manufacture of a product.A robot can also handle parts that have been manufactured. For example, a robot can load a piece of steel into an automatic lathe and unload a finished part out of the lathe.In addition to handling material and parts, a robot can be fitted with tools such as grinders, buffers, screwdrivers, and welding torches to perform useful work.Robots can also be fitted with specialized instruments or devices to do special jobs in a manufacturing plant. Robots can be fitted with television cameras for inspection of parts or products. They can be fitted with lasers to accurately mearure the size of parts being manufactured.The RIA definition closes with the phrase,”…through variable programmed motions for the performance of a variety of tasks.” This phrase emphasizes the fact that a robot can do many different jobs in a manufacturing plant. The variety of jobs that a robot can do is limited only by the creativity of the application engineer.JOBS FOR ROBOTSJobs performed by robots can be divided into two major categories:hazardous jobs and repetitive jobs.Hazardous JobsMany applications of robots are in jobs that are hazardous to humans. Such jobs may be considered hazardous because of toxic fumes, the weight of the material being handled, the temperature of the material being handled, the danger of working near rotating or press machinery, or environments containing high levels of radiation. Repetitive JobsIn addition to taking over hazardous jobs, robots are well suited to doingextremely repetitive jobs that must be done in manufacturing plants.many jobs in manufacturing plants require a person to act more like a machine than like a human. The job may be to pick a piece up from here and place it there. The same job is done hundreds of times each day. The job requires little or no judgment and little or no skill. This is not said as a criticism of the person who does the job , but is intended simply to point out that many of these jobs exist in industry and must be done to complete the manufacture of products. A robot can be placed at such a work station and can perform the job admirably without complaining or experiencing the fatigue and boredom normally associated with such a job.Although robots eliminate some jobs in industry, they normally eliminate jobs that humans should never have been asked to do. Machines should perform as machines doing machine jobs, and humans should be placed in jobs that require the use of their ability,creativity, and special skills.POTENTIAL FOR INCREASED PRODUCTIVITYIn addition to removing people from jobs they should not have been placed in, robots offer companies the opportunity of achieving increased productivity. When robots are placed in repetitive jobs they continue to operate at their programmed pace without fatigue. Robots do not take either scheduled or unscheduled breaks from the job. The increase in productivity can result in at least 25% more good parts being produced in an eight-hour shift. This increase in productivity increases the company's profits, which can be reinvested in additional plants and equipment. This increase in productivity results in more jobs in other departments in the plant. With more parts being produced, additional people are needed to deliver the raw materials to the plant, to complete the assembly of the finished products, to sell the finished products, and to deliver the products to their destinations.ROBOT SPEEDAlthough robots increase productivity in a manufacturing plant, they are notexceptionally fast. At present, robots normally operate at or near the speed of a human operator. Every major move of a robot normally takes approximately one second. For a robot to pick up a piece of steel from a conveyor and load it into a lathe may require ten different moves taking as much as ten seconds. A human operator can do the same job in the same amount of time . The increase in productivity is a result of the consistency of operation. As the human operator repeats the same job over and over during the workday, he or she begins to slow down. The robot continues to operate at its programmed speed and therefore completes more parts during the workday.Custom-built automated machines can be built to do the same jobs that robots do. An automated machine can do the same loading operation in less than half the time required by a robot or a human operator. The problem with designing a special machine is that such a machine can perform only the specific job for which it was built. If any change is made in the job, the machine must be completely rebuilt, or the machine must be scrapped and a new machine designed and built. A robot, on the other hand, could be reprogrammed and could start doing the new job the same day.Custom-built automated machines still have their place in industry. If a company knows that a job will not change for many years, the faster custom-built machine is still a good choice.Other jobs in factories cannot be done easily with custom-built machinery. For these applications a robot may be a good choice. An example of such an application is spray painting. One company made cabinets for the electronics industry. They made cabinets of many different sizes, all of which needed painting. It was determined that it was not economical for the company to build special spray painting machines for each of the different sizes of enclosures that were being built. Until robots were developed, the company had no choice but to spray the various enclosures by hand.Spray painting is a hazardous job , because the fumes from many paints are both toxic and explosive. A robot is now doing the job of spraying paint on the enclosures.A robot has been “taught” to spray all the different sizes of enclosures that the company builds. In addition, the robot can operate in the toxic environment of the spray booth without any concern for the long-term effect the fumes might have on aperson working in the booth.FLEXIBLE AUTOMATIONRobots have another advantage: they can be taught to do different jobs in the manufacturing plant. If a robot was originally purchased to load and unload a punch press and the job is no longer needed due to a change in product design, the robot can be moved to another job in the plant. For example, the robot could be moved to the end of the assembly operation and be used to unload the finished enclosures from a conveyor and load them onto a pallet for shipment.ACCURACY AND REPEATABILITYOne very important characteristic of any robot is the accuracy with which it can perform its task. When the robot is programmed to perform a specific task, it is led to specific points and programmed to remember the locations of those points. After programming has been completed, the robot is switched to “run” and the program is executed. Unfortunately, the robot will not go to the exact location of any programmed point. For example, the robot may miss the exact point by 0.025 in. If 0.025 in. is the greatest error by which the robot misses any point- during the first execution of the program, the robot is said to have an accuracy of 0.025 in.In addition to accuracy , we are also concerned with the robot’s repeatability. The repeatability of a robot is a measure of how closely it returns to its programmed points every time the program is executed. Say , for example, that the robot misses a programmed point by 0.025 in. the first time the program is executed and that, during the next execution of the program, the robot misses the point it reached during the previous cycle by 0.010 in. Although the robot is a total of 0.035 in. from the original programmed point, its accuracy is 0.025 in. and its repeatability is 0.010 in.THE MAJOR PARTS OF A ROBOTThe major parts of a robot are the manipulator, the power supply, and the controller.The manipulator is used to pick up material, parts, or special tools used in manufacturing. The power supply suppplies the power to move the manipulator. The controller controls the power supply so that the manipulator can be taught to perform its task.外文翻译工业机器人的介绍20世纪60年代当约瑟夫和乔治合作创立了名为Unimation的机器公司,工业机器人便成为了一个事实。



中国地质大学长城学院本科毕业论文外文资料翻译系别:工程技术系专业: 11级机制6班姓名:赵强学号:052116252015年 3 月 20 日外文资料翻译译文中国Vies将成为世界领先的清洁电动车《纽约时报》记者:布拉德什发布时间: 2009年4月1日天津通过了一项计划,旨在三年之内把中国变成一个主要生产混合及全电动清洁电动车生产商,并在之后使其成为世界领先的电动清洁电动车和公共清洁电动车生产国。


“中国完全有能力在这一领域成为先导”,通用清洁电动车公司在中国政府政策执行官David Tulauskas说。



日本是混合动力清洁电动车市场的领导者,现今运营电力和汽油,清洁电动车行业,如丰田Prius和本田Insight 。











清理积雪的英语作文英文回答:Snow removal is a crucial aspect of winter maintenance, ensuring the safety and accessibility of roads, sidewalks, and public areas. It involves a range of techniques and equipment to effectively clear snow and prevent its accumulation.Snow Plowing:Snow plowing is a primary method for removing large amounts of snow. Plows are mounted on heavy-duty vehicles and utilize blades to push snow to the side, creating clear paths for vehicles and pedestrians.Snow Blowing:Snow blowing is another effective method for removing snow. Blowers utilize rotating blades or augers to breakdown snow and discharge it through a chute. This method is ideal for removing snow from driveways, parking lots, and other smaller areas.Snow Shoveling and Hand Removal:For smaller areas, manual snow removal techniques are often employed. Shoveling involves using a snow shovel to scoop and lift snow, while hand removal involves using a broom or brush to sweep away loose snow.Chemical Deicing:Chemical deicing is a supplementary method for preventing snow and ice accumulation. Deicing agents, such as salt or calcium chloride, are applied to surfaces to lower the freezing point of water, preventing snow from sticking and forming ice.Snow Melting Systems:In some areas with heavy snowfall, snow melting systemsare installed. These systems utilize heated pipes or mats to melt snow and prevent its accumulation on surfaces such as sidewalks, driveways, and rooftops.Snow Removal Equipment:Snow removal equipment includes a variety of vehicles and tools designed specifically for this purpose. These include snow plows, snow blowers, snow shovels, ice scrapers, and chemical spreaders.Snow Removal Safety:Snow removal can be a physically demanding task, and it is important to prioritize safety. Wear appropriate clothing, avoid overexertion, and use caution when operating snow removal equipment.Environmental Considerations:Snow removal can have environmental implications. Chemical deicing agents can potentially harm vegetation andwater bodies. It is important to use these agents responsibly and consider alternative methods such as snow melting systems.中文回答:除雪。

机械 机器人 外文文献 英文文献 墙壁清理器 可实现角落清理的移动装置的方案

机械 机器人 外文文献 英文文献 墙壁清理器 可实现角落清理的移动装置的方案

WallWalker: Proposal of LocomotionMechanism Cleaning Evenat the CornerT. Miyake1 2 and H. Ishihara11 Kagawa Univ. Japan2 MIRAIKIKAI Inc., JapanAbstract. The purpose of this research is to develop the window cleaning robot forcleaning a single large windowpane such as a show window. It requires the followingdemands to apply the window cleaning robot for the practical use:1. Clean the corner of window because fouling is left there often.2. Sweep the windowpane continuously to prevent making striped patterns on awindowpane.The keys of mechanisms are the rotatability of the mobile part around the otherparts and the continuous locomotion in order to achieve the above points. The formerenables the robot to change the direction with keeping its position and attitude at thecorner of window. The latter is necessary for preventing leaving the striped patternon a windowpane. We designed the continuous motion using two-wheel locomotionwith adhering on the windowpane using a suction cup.The size of prototype is about 300mm × 300mm × 100mm and its weight isabout 2 kg without batteries. As the results of basic experiments of the prototype ona vertical smooth window glass, traveling velocity of going up direction was 0.08 m/s,one of going down direction was 0.14 m/s and horizontal direction was 0.11 m/s.In this paper the 1st chapter mentions background and objectives of this research,and also introduces the concept of WallWalker. The 2nd chapter discussesthe adhering and moving mechanism. The 3rd chapter illustrates its basic propertiesbased on the experiments. Finally, problems and future works are discussed in the4th chapter.1 IntroductionRecently, we have had many requests for the automatic cleaning of outsidesurface of buildings. Some customized window cleaning machines have alreadybeen installed into the practical use in the field of building maintenance.However, almost of them are mounted on the building from the beginning and they needs very expensive costs. Therefore, requirementsfor small, lightweight and portable window cleaning robot are also growing in the field of buildingmaintenance.As the results of surveying the requirements for the window cleaning robotby the field research with the cleaning companies, the following points arenecessary for providing the window cleaning robot for practical use:1. It should be small size and lightweight for carried by one person to everywhere.2. Clean the corner of window because fouling is left there often.3. Sweep the windowpane continuously to prevent making striped pattern ona windowpane.The locomotion mechanism must be chosen to satisfy these demands, especially later two subjects. Here locomotion mechanism means the combinationof adhering mechanism, traveling mechanism and a mechanism for changinga traveling direction.Various researches of locomotion mechanisms on wall climbing robots have been reported [1–5]. However they do not adapt to above three points completely.For example, climbing robot by legged-wall walking can not realizethe continuous movement, and also its turn-ability is low [6].We focused on the application of the window cleaning robot on a singlewindowpane. It is apparently necessary to cross over the window frame orjoint line to use it at any window, but the single windowpanes like as a showwindow also exist as an important application.According to such considerations, we adopted the two-wheel locomotion mechanism with adhering by a suction cup. This paper mainly deals with this mechanism and functions specialized in cleaning the corner of window.First requirement brought the following specifications for designing thewindow cleaning robot.– Weight: 5 kg, including the weight of battery and washing water,– Size: 300mm × 300mm × 100 mm.These are also defined by the results of surveying the demands from thecleaning companies.This paper proposes the small, light and portable window cleaning robot named WallWalker, which are designed to satisfy the market demands as mentioned above. Figure 1 is the rendering at a scene of practical use of WallWalker. The WallWalker is adhering on a windowpane and cleaning as moving on large windows.This paper discusses the effectiveness of proposed locomotion mechanism. The 2nd chapter discusses the locomotion mechanisms and illustrates the prototype for testing the proposed locomotion mechanism. The 3rd chapter illustrates its basic properties based on theexperiments.Fig. 1. Small-size window cleaning robot on a window2 Locomotion MechanismVarious researches of locomotion mechanisms on the window cleaning robots have been reported. However they do not meet our specifications defined based on the market demands above-mentioned. For example, climbing robot by legged-walk cannot realize the continuous movement, and also its turn-ability is low [6]. Climbing robot using crawler mechanism allows continuous movement, but the rotatability is as low as or lower than the leggedwalk [7]. Window cleaning robot by crawler mechanism had been developed (Size: 440×400×180mm Weight: 6.5 kg maximum speed 2 cm/sec) by Shraftet al. [8]. It must bring its own crawler up from the adhering surface and rotate it in order to change its traveling direction. This mechanism needs strong adhering force to hold the whole system on the vertical plane with lifting the mobile mechanism, and also it takes a long timeto finish the process of changing its front.Both of Legged-Walk and Crawler mechanism need the complicated structures, and therefore it is difficult to lighten and downsize it.According to such considerations, we adopted the two-wheel locomotion mechanism with adhering by suction cup. Figure 2 shows conceptual structure of WallWalker, which includes two driving wheels, a suction cup put in the center of robot, an air regulator, a small vacuum pump, some electronic circuits and some cleaning units. This chapter deals with the details of structures and the prototype designed for testing the proposed mechanism.2.1 Traveling MechanismWallWalker moves on windowpane by two wheels with holing the body on the surface using a suction cup. The most important point in the mechanism isFig. 2. Overview of small-size window cleaning robotthe friction coefficient of suction cup and tire against the adhering surface, e.g. high friction between the tire and the surface of window transmits the torque, and low friction between the suction cup and the surface of window. It achieves to move the robot with holding the body on the window. We selected PTFE (Polytetrafluoroethylene) for the materials of surface of a suction cup, and silicon rubber for the material of tires.2.2 Turning MechanismTurning mechanism is a key to clean even at the corner of window. Figure 3 shows the scenes that the robot changes its traveling direction at the corner. Figure 3(a) shows a usual turning way like as turning of motorcars. In this case, since the robot changes a direction as tracing an arc, it can not reach the end of corner of window. It needs the complicated process as follows to cleanthe corner by such robot: first, the robot goes into a corner, next it moves back the distance to turn, then it changes its direction as tracing an arc. In case that the robot can change its direction at the end of corner as shown in Fig. 3(b), the robot can clean a corner easily and rapidly. Round-shape robot is easily able to turn at the corner, but it unable to reach the end of corner. On the other hand, a quadrangular robot can clean to the end of corner, but never turn itself there.To get a function to change direction as shown in Fig. 3(b), we designed the mechanism that a mobile unit and a cleaning part are rotatably connected at the center shaft as shown in Fig. 2. Proposed mechanism consists of an adhering part, a cleaning part and a mobile part. The adhering part is constructed of a suction cup covered with PTFE and a vacuum pump. The(a)Conventional turning strategy(b)Novel turning strategy, which enables to clean a cornerFig. 3. Turning mechanism at a window Cornercleaning part is fixed to the adhering part. The mobile part uses two-wheel driving mechanism and is connected to the center shaft of the adhering part with suspension springs.2.3 Suspension MechanismIt is very important to press the tires on the adhering surface with the force enough to generate the friction to move itself. Because the suction cup deforms its own shape by the condition of vacuum such as a vacuum pressure, it is impossible to calculate the posture of robot against the adhering surface initially. That is, the force that the tire is pushed on the adhering plane mustbe adjustable to the adhering force.WallWalker is introduced suspension springs into as an adjusting mechanism. They are placed between the mobile part and the adhering part, and enable to touch the tires on the adhering plane with a suitable force for the generating the friction.2.4 Prototype of Locomotion MechanismFigure 4 shows the photograph of prototype developed to test the proposed turning mechanism. The size of prototype is about 300mm × 300mm × 100mm and its weight is about 2 kg without batteries. The chassis that is made of aluminum alloy is formed square, and its inner area is hollowed to rotate mobile part at changing traveling direction. This contains two DC motors, suspension mechanism, a vacuum pump (−23 kPa) a suction cup which diameter is 150 mm, an air regulator and some electronic circuits. This robot is currently controlled from outside via cables and electric energy is also supplied by a power strip.Fig. 4. Developed prototype3 Experimental ResultsAt first the basic properties on a vertical smooth window glass have been tested. As the experimental results, traveling speed of going up direction was 0.08 m/s, one of going down direction was 0.14 m/s and horizontal direction was 0.11m/s (Fig. 5). Also, the robot kept its body on the window stably and did not fall down during moving. These results proved its basic performancesatisfies the specifications defined based on the field surveying.Next, rotatability of prototype at the corner of window was confirmed by the experiment. Figure 6 shows sequential photographs when the prototype turns at the corner using turning mechanism proposed in this paper. As shown by these photographs, it was verified that the prototype can change its traveling direction at rights smoothly.(a)Prototype is climbing up a window (b) Back side of prototypeFig. 5. Mobility measuring of prototypeFig. 6. Test of rotatability of prototype at the corner of window4 ConclusionProposed WallWalker, which provides the continuous motion on the vertical indowpane and rotatability that the robot can change its traveling direction t the corner of window, was designed for cleaning the end of corner of window. In order to verify the basic properties about above abilities, the prototype was eveloped. Those results proved that the prototype fill the basic requirements entioned in 1st chapter.As the next development, the installations of control system and cleaning nit are planed. Sensors such as the posture sensor, e.g. gyro sensor, will be ounted and control scheme will be developed. Finally, the cleaning be tested with some cleaning units. AcknowledgementsThis research was supported by Foundation of Nankai-Ikueikai, Takamatsu, Japan. We greatly appreciate their support and encouragement.墙壁清理器:可实现角落清理的移动装置的方案T.Miyake,H.Ishihara 著许璠译摘要:本次研究的目的是为了开发一种能清洗窗口的机器人,用于清洗一个大玻璃窗,如清洗一个展览窗。

除雪机械 文献综述

除雪机械 文献综述



环卫工人清雪的作文英文回答:Snow removal is an essential part of maintaining safety and accessibility during winter months. City streets and sidewalks must be cleared to allow for safe passage of vehicles and pedestrians alike. While snow removal can be a daunting task, it is one that is essential to the well-being of a community.There are a variety of methods that can be used for snow removal, including manual labor, snow blowers, and plows. The most appropriate method will depend on the size of the area to be cleared, the amount of snow that has fallen, and the available resources.Manual labor is the most labor-intensive method of snow removal, but it can be effective for small areas or for removing snow from hard-to-reach places. Snow blowers are more efficient than manual labor, but they can be expensiveto purchase and operate. Plows are the most efficient method of snow removal, but they can only be used on large, open areas.Once the snow has been removed, it must be disposed ofin a safe and environmentally friendly manner. Snow can be dumped in designated areas, such as snow dumps or landfills. It can also be melted and released into storm drains or waterways.Snow removal is a necessary task that helps to ensure the safety and well-being of a community. By using the appropriate methods for snow removal and disposal, we can help to keep our streets and sidewalks clear and safeduring the winter months.中文回答:环卫工人清雪作文。



扫雪劳动心得体会英文翻译Experience and Reflection on Snow Sweeping LaborIn the winter of my sophomore year, our university was hit by a heavy snowstorm. The campus was blanketed in thick layers of snow, creating a picturesque winter wonderland. However, this beautiful scene also posed a great problem for us - how to clear the snow and ensure the safety of students and faculty. Therefore, a large-scale snow sweeping labor was organized, which turned out to be an incredibly meaningful and memorable experience for me.The snow sweeping labor lasted for five consecutive days. Every morning, we would gather at the designated assembly area, dressed in heavy winter clothing and armed with shovels and brooms. The responsibility of clearing snow from the campus pathways and alleys was assigned to each group, with each member working tirelessly until the snow was completely removed. The arduous labor and freezing temperatures tested our perseverance and resilience, but it also brought out the best in us.Throughout those five days, I encountered numerous challenges, both physically and mentally. The weight of the snow made every shovel load feel like a thousand pounds, and after just a short while, my entire body ached. Additionally, the bitter chill penetrated through every layer of clothing, making it difficult to feel my fingers and toes. These harsh conditions made it tempting to give up and seek warmth indoors, but the spirit of teamwork and the desire to contribute to the community kept me going.One of the most important lessons I learned from this experiencewas the power of unity. When facing the daunting task of clearing the vast amount of snow, it was impossible for any individual to do it alone. However, by working together with my fellow classmates, we were able to divide the labor and complete the work more efficiently. The sense of camaraderie that developed among us during this endeavor was truly remarkable, and it strengthened our bond as a class.Furthermore, this labor taught me the value of perseverance and determination. At times, progress seemed slow, and it felt like the snow was never-ending. However, by maintaining a positive mindset and pushing through the difficulties, we gradually made significant progress. This experience served as a reminder that in the face of challenges, giving up is never an option. When we are committed and persistent, we can overcome even the most difficult obstacles.In addition to the physical and mental challenges, this snow sweeping labor also provided me with a new perspective on gratitude. While engaging in this labor, I had the opportunity to interact with the school faculty and staff who were working tirelessly to ensure that the campus was safe for everyone. Their dedication and selflessness were truly inspiring, and it made me appreciate their efforts even more. It also made me reflect on the many unseen laborers who play a crucial role in keeping our society functioning smoothly. This experience instilled in me a deeper sense of gratitude and a desire to express appreciation towards those often overlooked individuals.In conclusion, the snow sweeping labor was a valuable experiencethat taught me important life lessons. From learning the power of unity to cultivating perseverance and gratitude, this endeavor had a profound impact on my personal growth. Looking back, I am grateful for the opportunity to participate in such meaningful work, and I will carry the lessons learned with me throughout my life.。



附录1 译文本文依托“多功能清雪车研发”项目,设计了以装载机为牵引主机的多功能清雪车,针对不同类型积雪清除方法及其属具结构特点,以除雪属具技术参数的分析、计算为基础,设计了不同除雪属具及属具组合形式以达到清除不同类型道路积雪、一机多用的目的,全文研究工作总结如下:(1)分析阐述雪的物理性能,包括:密度及分类、硬度、抗切强度及摩擦性质等。








借助MATLAB 的Simulink工具箱搭建系统框图,根据相关技术参数并参考相关文献确定模型基本参数,分析螺旋叶片外径D、螺旋轴直径d、螺旋螺距s等螺旋结构参数以及螺旋集雪器转速n、清雪车行进速度V等工艺参数对集雪功耗及清雪效率的影响。

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中国地质大学长城学院本科毕业论文外文资料翻译系别:工程技术系专业:机械设计制造及其自动化姓名:郝晓蒂学号: 052114292015年 4 月 3 日History Of The SnowblowerSo who did invent the snowblower or snowthrower? We need to begin by qualifying that question since there are a number of answers depending on your interest. Some notable firsts would be:●The first machine to clear snow by throwing or blowing it●The first fully mobile snow clearing machine?●The first domestic walk-behind snow blowerThe latter is the one people generally think of and have the most interest in. It is also the one that has the most elusive answer.Chapter 1So where did it all begin? Looking back in time we need to consider where would there be a need to remove snow while having a source of power available? The need and the enabling power were found on the railways of the U.S. snowbelt and in Canada. The earliest documented art belongs to a Toronto dentist known as J/W Elliot. His 1869 patent #390 design was never built.The story next takes us to Orangeville Ontario, Canada where we find Orange Jull, a gristmill operator and inventor. In 1884 he applied for a patent and was subsequently granted patent #18506. Jull did not have the means to build and commercialize his invention so he contracted the local Leslie brothers to build the machines.The Jull/Leslie machines were self powered but not self propelled. A locomotive was used to move the machine. The Jull design consisted of 2 large inline fans rotating in opposite directions. The lead fan chewed into and pulverized the snow while blowing it back into the discharge fan, which propelled it into the sky. Due to clogging problems it was simplified to a single fan. Further changes to effectively control the discharge were made including a movable deflector and pitching impeller blades. Production was moved to the Cook locomotive works in several locations. Additional machines were built under license. Finally 5 machines were "home built" by end users with the last one finished in 1971. In all 146 were built.Later work consisted of fortifying the design to deal with the hazards of the unknown. Tracks were often blocked with fallen trees and other debris that were concealed in the snow. Legend has it that in one case a herd of cattle were trapped and buried under the snow on the rail bed. As the rotary snowplow progressed forward beefsteaks were flying. They remained in production into the 1950s and a few are still in service today. Many survive as museum pieces with an occasional demonstration.Following his collaboration with the Leslie Brothers Orange Jull went on to create a next generation machine. This design utilized a screw auger to collect the snow. It was not as effective,especially in deep snow and only eleven were ever built. Sadly all have been scrapped.All of the available photos and drawings of these machines are on enthusiasts sites where they are best viewed.. A Google search using Jull snowblower as keywords will deliver hours of reading and nostalgia. On You-tube you may be able to find " The Return of Rotary #1 ". A search for "rotary snowplow" found this video.Chapter 2Our next installment finds Arthur Sicard, circa 1894, an 18 year old working on the family dairy farm in Saint-Leonard-de-Port-Maurice, Quebec. Snowstorms being frequent and dairy products being perishable motivated him to find a better snow removal means.Motivation found inspiration one day when he saw a new piece of farm machinery called the thresher. If this machine could gather grain perhaps he could use the design to gather and move snow. It wasn't long before he had built and tested his first prototype however it bogged down in snow. His notion was dismissed by those around him and he went on unsupported in his pursuit. He went on to make a life for himself in Montreal until finally in 1925, 31 years later he astonished the people of that city with his "Sicard Snow Remover Snowblower". The first sale was to the nearby town of Outremont, in 1927.The Sicard name has been synonymous with large snowblowers ever since. My hometown had a Sicard unit mounted to an old Michigan front end loader for several decades.Chapter 3The curious question then becomes when did the walk behind domestic snowblower emerge? The Toro website makes the claim that Toro introduced the first snowthrower, the Snowhound in 1951. Ariens entered snow moving the market in 1952 with an attachment for it's Yardster series. The Ariens Sno-Thro series was launched in 1960. Simplicty followed in 1962. The earliest confirmed Gilson dates back to 1966. Meanwhile dozens of others launched product lines.This of course is in the context of domestic walk-behind units. If you have an early machine I'd appreciate a picture and brief story. Of all of the archival material I have amassed nothing points to an earlier machine. The 1951 Toro was not the driveway behemoth than many of us use today as can be seen in the photo.In my Vintage Machine Showcase you can get a sense of the diversity found in the early machines and a search of patents will reveal even more radical designs.Machines of modern proportions began to emerge in the 1960's. The small-scale brands slowly disappeared and most were gone by the 1980s. The Gilson snow blower line launched in 1966. The full sized gear drives continued to evolve through the decade and with the introduction of the Unitrol machines in 1970 Gilson had 2 full size formats that evolved into the 1980s. The small Gilson single stage models were discontinued after the 1970 model year.Just as the small scale models were fading away the industry was turned on it's head with the introduction of "personal sized" 2 stroke machines. The models were easy to handle, store and pay for. They pack enough power to handle a significant storm if you are patient enough to let it eat the elephant one bite at a time. Gilson was an early player with some patent action and the Snow-Cannon was a hit.Horsepower grew over the years. Early machines were in the 3-4 horsepower range. In 1970 8HP was the big machine. By 1980 most brands included a 10 or even 11 HP machine. Today 13 HP models easy to find.The 21st century brought power accessories. Manufacturers are offering heated handles, motorized chute rotators and you can find machines that have onboard battery power to allow electric starting when away from household power. While engine powered lighting is nothing new it is becoming far more common.The other big story is consolidation. Where there used to be scores of suppliers there are now essentially 7. Promotional grade machines (I'm being kind here) are made by MTD, Murray and AYP. Quality machine are built by Simplicity, Ariens, Toro and Honda. Virtually any machine you can find on the market, regardless of the brand is from one of these sources. The exceptions as small players such as attachments for BCS tillers. The age of the mass merchandiser has forced everyone to slash cost in pursuit of market share. The quality brands often sell machines in several tiers with one targeted at the promotional grade competition.What do the coming decades hold for snowblower users? The market moves slowly. While nearly every homeowner owns a lawn mower the snowblower market is confined to the snowbelt region and many property owners choose not to own such a machine. That being said it is a small piece of the pie that has a hard time attracting R&D money. The basic concepts have been quite stable for along time. Ecology has been a big driver of engine refinements and this is likely to continue. Much of the recent work has been value engineering with most of the benefit going to the manufacturers. The brute strength built into the machines of yesteryear is gone forever. We can only hope that future machines will not be overburdened with fragile accessories. Other than that we will all have to wait and see what blows in the future.扫雪机的历史所以谁发明了扫雪机?我们需要开始的排位赛,因为有许多问题的答案取决于你的兴趣。
