Unit 8周末作业

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班级:______________ 姓名:______________ 家长签名:______________


1. 【2016山东滨州】﹣Must I go to law school and be a lawyer like you,Dad?

﹣No,you _____, son.You’re free to make your own decision.





2. 【2016江苏南通】—We can see some wild animals in the forest,right?

—It's hard to say. There _________ be only a few left.

A.may B.must C.need D.should

3.【2017玉林】—Where is George?

—He ______ be here just now. His coffe is still warm.

A.can’t B.must C.need D.shouldn’t

4. 【2015玉林】—Is the man over there Mr. Miller?

—It ______ be him. He has gone to Shanghai on bussiness.

A.can’t B.must’t C.might D.must

5. 【2017四市】﹣Tony,________ you sing English songs?

﹣Yes, I can.





6. You _________ smoke here. It is too dangerous.

A.can’t B.mustn’t C.need’t D.shouldn’t

7.---May I turn on the light?

--- No, you _______.

A.can’t B.must C.may not D.shouldn’t

8. My watch says it’s only ten past two. It ______________________.

A.can have stopped B.could have stopped

C.must have stopped D.might have stopped

9. He ___________________________. We were talking about it this morning.

A.can’t have forgotten B.could have forgotten

C.must have forgotten D.mightn’t have forgotten

10. ---__________________will give you a lecture?

A.Do you think who B.Do you think whom

C.Who do you think D.Whom do yu think

11.I have only two tickets for TF Boy’s concert. ______ you ________ he can go with me.

A.Either;or B.Neither;nor C.Both;and D.Not only;buralso

12. —What ________ do you have to do besides _________ the room at home?

—I have to take out the rubbish.

A.else; cleaning B.else; clean C.other; cleaning D.other; clean

13. —I wonder ______________________.

—Yes, of couse.

A.where we can buy the parts B.how often you hear from your sister

C.if I may have a word with D.why he arrived late yesterday

14.I will call you as soon as you I arrived in Guilin.

A.get to B.reach to C.get D.go

15. Nowadays how to communicate ________ parents is a topic of public interest and concern.

A.with B.to C.about D.in


1. The piece of news gave us some _________ (value) information about the event.

2. Don’t make ______________ (noise). It’s too _________ (noise).

3.There must be a boy ___________(cry) in the room.

4. The rest of my friends ____________(sleep) on the top of the mountain now.

5. My mother wants to visit some places of interest, _____________(especial), the Great Wall.

6. Nothing can prevent us from ________________ (run after) pioneers.

7.It’s said that the stones can keep you ____________(health).

8. The thife is having too much fun ____________(creat) fear among villagers.

9. ____________(when) I try to listen to the tape, I feel sleepy.

10.The boy has ___________the result of the competition, but he will not ____________ it.(accpet,receive)


In 1974,famers digging a well in China made a surprising discovery: a life-sized staute(雕像) of a solider. Over the years, a great army made of terracotta(赤陶) has been 1.______________ (discover) in the area.

The stauts are from the tomb of 2._________ (China) first emperor. Experts are very 3._________(surprise) how real they are. Each solider is dressed 4._________ (diferent). Now a new study shows that the stautes may have been made to look 5.__________(exact) like the soilders who protect Emperpor Qin Shi Huang.

Emperpor Qin Shi Huang ordered more6.__________ 700,000 workers to built an underground palace for him . It’s 7.___________(believe) that the terracotta army was meant to guard the tomb and protect Qin, who thougtht the world continute to control the country in the afterlife(来世).

Did theworkers use actual soliders in Qin’s army as models for the stautes? To test this, 8._________(scientist) from China and Great Britain took digital photos of the statues’ ears. 9.________ ears?One reason is that in real life, everyone’s ears are unique. The scientists have compared the ears of 30 statues. They are found that , it’s possible that 10.__________ statues were modeled on real life soldiers.

